Economic Dispatch
Economic Dispatch
Economic Dispatch
Abstract: Economic load dispatch is the process of allocating the required load demand
between the available generators in power system while satisfying all units and system equality
and inequality constraints. Economic Load Dispatch solutions are found by solving the
conventional methods such as lambda iteration, Gradient search method, Linear Programming
and Dynamic Programming while at the same minimizing fuel costs, but convergence is too
slow, so in order to get fast convergence and accurate results we are using artificial neural
network. Artificial neural network is well-known in the area of power systems. It is a very
powerful solution algorithm because of its rapid convergence near the solution. This property is
especially useful for power system applications because an initial guess near the solution is
easily attained. In this paper a three generator system is considered and by using lambda
iteration method Economic Load Dispatch is determined and 150 patterns for different loads
will be derived from same method to train neural network. As it is too slow method, we
proposed a soft computing based approach i.e. Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) for
determining the optimal flow. This method provides fast and accurate results when compared
with the conventional method.
Keywords: Load Dispatch, Economic Load Dispatch, Lambda Iteration, Back Propagation
Training Algorithm, Neural Network and Artificial Neural Network.
1. Introduction
The optimal system operation, in general, involved the consideration of economy of
operation, system security, emission at certain fossil-fuel plants, optimal releases of water at
hydro generation, etc. All these consideration may make for conflicting requirement and
usually a compromise has to be made for optimal system operation [1]. The main aim in the
economic dispatch [2] problem is to minimize the total cost of generation real power
(production cost) [3] at various stations while satisfying the load and the losses in transmission
line. The major component of generation operating cost is the fuel input/hour. The fuel cost is
meaningful in case of thermal and nuclear stations, but for hydro station where the energy
storage is ‘apparently free’. The operating cost as such is not meaningful.
Since an engineer is always concerned with the cost of products and services, the
efficient optimum economic operation [4] and planning of electric power generation
system have always occupied an important position in the electric power industry. With
large interconnection of the electric networks, the energy crisis in the world and continuous
rise in prices, it is very essential to reduce the running charges of the electric energy. A
saving in the operation of the system of a small percent represents a significant reduction in
operating cost as well as in the quantities of fuel consumed. The classic problem is the
economic load dispatch of generating systems to achieve minimum operating cost.
This problem area has taken a subtle twist as the public has become increasingly
concerned with environmental matters, so that economic dispatch now includes the dispatch
of systems to minimize pollutants and conserve various forms of fuel, as well as achieve
minimum cost. In addition there is a need to expand the limited economic optimization
problem to incorporate constraints on system operation to ensure the security of the system,
nd st
Received: November 12 , 2015. Accepted: June 21 , 2016
DOI: 10.15676/ijeei.2016.8.2.8 347
M.Suman, et al.
thereb y preventing the collapse of the system due to unforeseen conditions. However closely
associated with this economic dispatch problem is the problem of the proper commitment of
any array of units out of a total array of units to serve the expected load demands in an
‘optimal’ manner. For the purpose of optimum economic operation of this large scale
system, modern system theory and optimization techniques are being applied with the
expectation of considerable cost savings.
A. Cost Function
The total cost incurred to generate electrical energy is the sum of the cost of individual
generator[8][9]. Cost function is given by
i 1
C (P )
i gi
B. System Constraints
Broadly speaking there are two types of constraints
i) Equality constraints ii) Inequality constraints
Solution of Economic Load Dispatch problem in Power System
i) Equality Constraints
From observation we can conclude that cost function is not affected by the reactive
power demand. So the full attention is given to the real power balance in the system.
Power balance requires that the controlled generation variables PGi abbey the constraints
PD Pgi (2)
i 1
L Gi
7. Compute P P P P (7)
i 1
M.Suman, et al.
The Total algorithm will be the combination of the following four groups (A,B,C &D)
B. Feed Forward
Step4: Each hidden unit receives the input signal xi and transmits the signals to all units in the
layer above i.e. hidden units
Step5: Each hidden unit sums its weihted input signals
Z Voj
( X xV )
i 1
i ij
Solution of Economic Load Dispatch problem in Power System
Wjk(new)=Wjk(old)+ ΔWjk, (17)
Wok(new)=Wok(old)+ ΔWok
Each hidden unit updates its bias and weights.The weight correction term is given by
ΔVij=alpha x δj x Xi (18)
5. Test system
The three generating units considered are having different characteristic. Their cost
function characteristics are given by following equations
F1 0.00156 x Pg21 7.92 x Pg1 561
F 2 0.00194 x Pg22 7.85 x Pg 2 310
F 3 0.00482 x Pg23 7.97 x Pg 3 78
According to the constraints considered in this work among inequality constraints only
active power constraints are considered. Their o p erati n g limit o f maximum a n d minimum
powers are also different. The unit operating ranges are
100 MW Pg1 600 MW
100 MW Pg 2 400 MW
50 MW Pg 2 200 MW
The t r a n s m i s s i o n line losses can be calculated by knowing the loss coefficient. The
Bmn loss coefficient matrix is given by
0.7 0.05 0.075
Bmn 0.05 0.15 0.01
0.075 0.10 0.450
6. Result
Lambda iteration method is converged in 15 iterations and error is minimized below 0.001.
The error versus iterations graph is as shown in figure 1
0 5 10 15
Figure 1. Error versus iteration response in Lambda iteration method.
Economic Dispatch using Lambda Iteration method is as given in the conclusion Table.
M.Suman, et al.
Using Lambda Iteration method for different input load demands different out puts were
determined as a training set to the neural network. Neararly 150 training patterns were
developed. But Neural Network accepts values between 0 and 1only, so all these patterns has
to be normalised between 0and 1.
The architecture of the proposed Back Propagation Neural Network has been shown in fig.2.
Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer
The network considered is having 1 input neurons and 4 hidden layer neurons and 4 output
layer neurons. 1 bias neuron is also connected to the output layer. The inputs to the neural
network is active power demand and Outputs of the neural network are Economic Load
Dispatch of the three generators and loses.
Neural Network is converged in 21430 iterations and the error versus iterations graph is as
shown in fig.3 , eight iterations are picked randomly out of total iterations.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 3. Error versus iteration response of BPNN
The finalized weights after complete training with 150 patterns are as follows
weihts between output and hidden layer
[-3.75094 -6.35845 3.44324 -6.3468
-3.79352 -5.1391 5.78377 -5.17903
-3.80224 -5.13058 5.78339 -5.17952
-3.77419 -5.2295 5.68096 -5.26371 ]
Solution of Economic Load Dispatch problem in Power System
Table 1. Comparison
In the above comparison table for different load demands using Lambda iteration and Back
Propagation Neural network Economic Load Dispatch [12] and losses are determined. Input Lambda iteration method Artificial neural network
1 528 210.13 242.37 81.13 0.419 210.14 242.46 81.16 5.65 0.0142
2 534 212.57 245.05 82.15 0.456 212.32 244.76 82.04 5.76 0.0264
3 537 213.78 246.39 82.66 0.342 213.69 246.28 82.62 5.83 0.008
4 540 215.00 247.73 83.17 0.372 215.08 247.82 83.21 5.91 0.0175
Comparison is made in view of accuracy and time of execution. Load Demand in the above
Table is randomly selected. For to calculate the Economic Load Dispatch different
conventional methods such as Lambda iteration, Gradient Search methods, Linear Programming
and Dynamic Programming and also evolutionary programming methods such as Genetic
Algorithm, Particle swarm Optimization[13][14][15], Ant Colony and Bees optimization
algorithm will be used. But Artificial Neural Network is a soft computing technique which can
give accurate and fast results when compared to above methods.
7. Conclusion
Economic load dispatch problem here solved for two cases. One with transmission losses
and other without transmission losses in three units generating station. This problem is solved
by Lambda-Iteration method in the MATLAB environment. After solving economic load
dispatch problem the total operating cost of power generation is low. This low operating cost is
achieved by proper scheduling of each unit using lambda-iteration method. Optimal Dispatch
of Power Generation for the given load patterns by using conventional method i.e. NEWTON
method are determined. As this is too slow, we proposed a soft computing based approach i.e.
Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) for determining the load dispatching. This method
provided fast and accurate results when compared with the conventional method. By using this
soft computing method we can also reduce the execution time, which plays a vital role in load
sharing. In
future this project can be extended by using Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN).
8. References
[1]. Panta, S., Premrudeepreechacharn, S.” Economic dispatch for power generation using
artificial neural network”, Power Electronics, 2007. ICPE '07. 7th Internatonal
Conference on 22-26 Oct. 2007, pp. 558 – 562.
[2]. Rajesh Namdev, Mahendra Singh Bhadoria, Deshdeepak Shrivastava, “Application of
Artificial Neural Network in Electrical based power industry”. IJAREEIE, Vol. 2, Issue
10, October 2013, pp. 4704-4711.
[3]. Sarat Kumar Mishra,Sudhansu Kumar Mishra, “A Comparative Study of Solution of
Economic Load Dispatch Problem in Power Systems in the Environmental Perspective”
International Conference on Computer, Communication and Convergence (ICCC 2015),
Volume 48, Pages 96-100,2015.
M.Suman, et al.
Solution of Economic Load Dispatch problem in Power System