Bsci Audit Checklist

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Bsci Audit Checklist

Some common documents for bsci audit checklist. Original copy of all licenses like Factory, Trade,
Fire, Boiler etc. (Renewal & Valid). We sale all types of Audit Garments Compliance ERP. We are
also re seller of several top-lever RMG software companies. Please contact to buy software. Email:
[email protected], Cell# +880 1792525354

Time card for all workers ( last one year), Wages, Overtime sheet for all workers ( last one year),
Personal files for all workers. Needle control register & broken needle register age certificate for all
workers. Employment Control. Leave register, Age certificate for all workers. Accident & first aid
register, Fire fighting & First aid register, Maternity benefit registers, Welfare & Grievance register,
Production report (last one year), Factory profile, Emergency evacuation Plan / Floor layout plan,
Certificate of Competency for Boiler operator. Please visit official page of BSCI Audit Checklist

Compliance Check list

Read All Compliance Article in Bangla
A. HR documents Checklist

01. New workers personal file.

02. Salary Sheet.
03. Pay Slip.
04. Resign File.
05. Maternity File.
06. Earn Leave Register.
07. Leave Entry & Register.
08. ID Card Return Issue Register
09. ID card Return Register
10. Service Book Open & Issue Register.
11. Short Leave issue Register.
12. Appointment Letter Issue Register
13. Proximity card, Software, Grade, Deduction, OT Rate, Calculation of wages ( basic
Rent, Medical Allowance ) , in time, short leave, attendance Bonus.
14. Leave Graph
15. Absent Graph
16. Sample File.
17. Increment Posting
18. Performance Appraisal of workers and NMS.
19. Disciplinary Procedure.
20. Workers List for group Insurance.

B. License & Certificate

01. Trade License.

02. Fire License.
03. Export License.
04. Import License.
05. BGMEA Member Certificate
06. BKMEA Member Certificate
07. BTMA Membership Certificate
08. Chamber of commerce and Industry certificate.
09. Export Promotion Bureau certificate ( EPB)
10. Factory License
11. Bond License.
12. Boiler License.
13. Boiler Operators Operating Certificate / Competency Certificate.
14. Group Insurance.
15. Drinking Water Test Report.
16. Incorporation Certificate.
17. VAT Clearance Certificate.
18. Income Tax Clearance Certificate.
19. Environment release order / environment certificate
20. Waste water test Report ( ETP)
21. Approval of site plan building ( if extend floor / building)/ Building Approval plan.
22. Generator Operators Operating Certificate / Generator Installing permission / Waiver
certificate / Permission for the generator (S) from Bangladesh Energy Regulatory
Commission ( Original Copy)
23. Certificate from the ministry of power, Electricity & mineral Resources for the Electric
Sub-Station. (Original Copy).
24. Factory Insurance.

C. Health & Safety

01. PPE ( Musk, Scissor, Cutter, knife,Vomor, Eye Safety Glass, Hand Gloves, Metal hand
Gloves, Goggles, Ear Muff.
02. Apron.
03. Broken Needle & Broken Needle Register.
04. Exhaust Fan ( Ventilation)
05. Needle Guard
06. Toilet & Toilet Check List ( Soap, Towel)
07. Neat & Cleanliness
08. Paddle Rubber Mat.
09. Rubber Mat ( Iron man)
10. DB Board-(Ebonite Sheet, Rubber Mat)
11. Pure Drinking Water
12. Spot Removing Room ( Exhaust Fan, PPE, MSDS-833/ Action Instruction
13. Machine Hazard.
14. Workers Work Station blocks.
15. Garments, fabric, Finished Carton, accessories in the floor.
16. General Safety Instruction.
17. First Aid Box.
18. Loose cable.
19. Steam Line.
20. Electrical wiring covers of iron.
21. Work Station Marking/sign Attach.
22. Safety Height Limit.
23. Production Floor Temperature.
24. Emergency Exit.
25. User Identification in tag Gun.
26. Spittoon.
27. Floor & Wall Painting.
28. Pest control Register.
29. Pulley Guard Needle Guard
30. Smoke Detector.
31. Housekeeping.
32. Idle machine Area Segregate.
33. DB board-Danger sign, Rubber mat.

D. Fire Safety Related documents.

01. Fire Drill register

02. Fire Fighting Equipment Register.
03. Fire Fighting Training Register.
04. Fire Fighter Certificate holder.
05. Fire Extinguisher Check.
06. Water Hose Pipe Checck.
07. Fire Fighting Equipment Check (Fire bucket. Water jar, fire Biter, Fire Hook, Stretcher,
Respiratory Musk, roof, Lock Cutter , Hammer Heat Proof Gloves)
08. Aisles & Arrow Marking
09. Fire Extinguisher Marking
10. Fire Evacuation Plan.
11. Exit List Box ( with all room where work minimum 10 persons)
12. All fire Safety Related sign ( poly & Neon Sign)

E. Doctors rooms

01. Maternity Follow up file.

02. Sickness Analysis.
03. Medical Consulation Graph.
04. Treatment Register
05. Medical Issue Register.
06. Medicine Stock Register
07. Accident / injury Register
08. First Aid Training register
09. Maintain first aid kits.

F. Child Care Room.

01. Day care register

02. Food Providing Register.
03. Toys.
04. Neat & Cleanliness.
05. Caretaker.
06. Day care Mainta8in register.
07. fire Equipment ( Decathlon)

G. Canteen.

01. Price List of food.

02. Not Keep Open food/ non BSTI Approved food.
03. Canteen policy Attach.
04. Canteen committee.

H. Welfare & Counselor Register.

01. New worker awareness Register.

02. Workers participation committee notice Register.
03. Workers participation Committee Register.
04. Grievance Disposal committee Register.
05. Grievance Daily Disposal Register.
06. Environment Health & safety Committee Register.
07. HIV aids Awareness Register.
08. Environment emergency Awareness Register.
09. Compliance box record register.
10. PPE Training Register.
11. Maternity benefit Awareness Register.
12. Compliance Awareness Register.
13. COC Training Register for Stuff, employee, new workers.
14. Training for Waste handling Register
15. Machine Hazards Register.
16. Injury Record and Analysis Register.
17. Water Tank Cleaning.
18. Chemical Handling / use Training Register.
19. Occupational Health & Safety.
20. Brand Protection Training Register.

I Wastage room

01. Segregation of Wastage Room.

02. Wastage Disposal policy & Documents.
03. Wastage disposal Agreement with Local Authority.
I. Floor House Keeping.
J. Child Labor.
K. Environment.
L. PA system.
M. Notice Board.
N. Buyer code of conduct hangs in Notice board.
O. Company Policy.
P. Development of new buyer.
Q. Corporate Compliance affairs ( Meeting. Internal audit, buyer predit meeting, monthly
meeting etc.)
R. All Buyer code of Conduct ( Bangla English) hang in factory premises.
S. Other Issues.
01. Buyers audit Report & Cap Follow up.
02. Generator log book.
03. Boiler Log Book.
04. ETP Register.
05. PH Test Value Report Register.
06. Machine Maintenance Log Book.
07. Machine Maintenance Check Report.
08. Company Organ gram.
09. Toilet Check list.
10. Pest control register.
11. Agreement with Local Hospital/Medical.
12. Secondary Containment for Fuel & Chemical.
13. ABC Register (GAP)

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