DESIGN REPORT (5-Storied Steel Structure Building)

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Stoffatex Fashion Ltd.

2019 5-Storied Steel

Structure Building.

WASO Engineers & Consultants

(BD) Ltd.

Stoffatex Fashion
Ltd.5-Storied Steel
Structure Building.

Prepared by
Md. Ahasan Habib
B.Sc Engg.(CIVIL)

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Executive Summary
Proper assessment of structural integrity of existing building is an extremely comprehensive,
Tedious and complex task, especially because of prevailing planning, design, construction,
supervision, renovation, maintenance and monitoring practice in Bangladesh and because of
absence of any definitive guideline/specification in this context steering the process

However, after the heartbreaking, event of building (Rana Plaza) collapse, one of the most
tragic episodic disaster, on April 24 of 2013, at Saver, Dhaka, people associated with the
garments buildings have become much aware of the structural condition of their buildings. The
concerned authorities, stakeholders and personnel feel tremendous pressure.

In response to the crisis of the present vulnerable circumstance within our very invaluable
Garments sector and Stylish Garments Ltd. (Pre-Fabricated Steel Building)’s realization and
initiative, WASO Engineers & Consultants (BD) Ltd. (as Assigned/awarded by Stylish
Garments Ltd.) Reckoned this very task to carry on in an utmost Primacy manner.

The primary objective of this service lay within the proper evaluation/assessment of the
Structure of Stylish Garments Ltd. (Pre-Fabricated Steel Building)’s existing RMG factory
building as per as built and as used condition.

To fulfill this objective WASO Engineers & Consultants (BD) Ltd. commenced executing a
comprehensive Condition survey. All possible ways have been utilized to collect as much
available information regarding design, construction, expansion, renovation and maintenance
(although significantly Insufficient) relevant to the building. Several on-site visits have been
accomplished for this purpose. Building’s construction and relevant histories have been
recorded in conjunction to meetings with associated personnel. WASO vigilant team has been
actively involved in identifying photographing, mapping, recording/logging all exposed
distress conditions or any other unusual conditions in minute detail.

A significant quantity of nondestructive and semi destructive tests are being conducted to
acquire, properly interpret and generate representative (as-built) material geometric and
strength properties as part of the assessment process.

Unfortunately, in doing so, WASO Engineers & Consultants (BD) Ltd. is being faced with
tremendous/enormous hindrance, because of so many inexplicable reasons to mention herein
with at this stage of the process. The utmost challenge in this process lay, partly, within proper
extraction/interpretation of representative strength of material of superstructure and,
significantly, within deciphering the exactness of as built foundation system. A time extension
became crucial in this regard and has been incorporated in overcoming the circumstance.
Using all possible acquired data (in connection to measured and generated as-built geometric
condition, measured and interpreted in-situ strength properties and as-observed as-used

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occupancy-pattern) as up to date, regarding the factory building, analyses is performed for the

A detailed survey was conducted to draw the as built structural, Architectural & Load
Drawings. Data collected by material testing, oral discussion. Following observed, identified,
measured and rationally interpreted material type, properties and strength parameters are used
for the analyses:

 Columns up to Pedestal RCC & the rest of the column are steel I shaped

 Mezzanine floors are supported by Sub beam& Beam

 Floor Slabs are RCC slab

 Steel yield strength (fy) 50 ksi for steel members.

 Concrete strength is equivalent to 2500 psi

The building is analyzed with three major types of loading condition for steel structure:

1. Combination Case 1: 1.2 DL + 1.6Lf + 0.5Lr

2. Combination Case 2: 1.2 DL + 1.3Wx + 0.5Lf + 0.5Lr
3. Combination Case 3: 1.2 DL - 1.3Wx + 0.5Lf + 0.5Lr
4. Combination Case 4: 1.2 DL + 1.3Wy + 0.5Lf + 0.5Lr
5. Combination Case 5: 1.2 DL - 1.3Wy + 0.5Lf + 0.5Lr
6. Combination Case 6: 1.2 DL + 1.5Ex + 0.5Lf
7. Combination Case 7: 1.2 DL - 1.5Ex + 0.5Lf
8. Combination Case 8: 1.2 DL + 1.5Ey + 0.5Lf
9. Combination Case 9: 1.2 DL - 1.5Ey + 0.5Lf

The building is analyzed with two major types of loading condition for RCC structure:

1. Combination Case 1: 1.2 DL + 1.6LL

2. Combination Case 2: 1.05 DL + 1.25LL + 1.0Wx
3. Combination Case 3: 1.05 DL + 1.25LL - 1.0Wx
4. Combination Case 4: 1.05 DL + 1.25LL + 1.0Wz
5. Combination Case 5: 1.05 DL + 1.25LL - 1.0Wz

Building Standard for assessment of structural integrity of existing RMG buildings in

Bangladesh developed by ACCORD& ALLIANCE.

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The following summarized observations/conclusions/findings and key concerns appear to be
noticeable regarding the structural condition of the existing Stoffatex Fashion Ltd.

(5-Storied Steel Structure Building).

 The columns have been found partly inadequate axial biaxial capacity & Partly

 The Beams have been found partly inadequate axial capacity & Partly adequate

 The Joist have been found partly inadequate axial capacity & Partly adequate

 Foundation have adequate capacity

General information:
2. Address: 580/1, South Salna, Epsha, Gazipur Sadar, Gazipur.

3. Type of Buildings Story: (5-Storied Steel Structure Building).

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The main purpose of this structural condition assessment is to observe and note down the
items of distress or design deficiency and their locations, supported by sketches and

This report is an outcome of the structural condition assessment process as undertaken, and
is primarily based on the preliminary visual inspection as carried out and preliminary
review of available information regarding the design, construction, supervision, operation,
repair, maintenance and any alteration or expansion of the existing building.

While there is no existing comprehensive guideline for assessment of structural

safety/condition of existing building in the context of the country’s current civil/structural
engineering practice (design, construction, supervision, maintenance, repair and alteration),
this assessment process is premeditated in a manner keeping into utmost consideration of
life threatening issues.

It is conducted in a way to aid in identifying and quantifying the scope/extent of further

comprehensive detailed assessment, if needed. It may also aid in evaluating the action plan
of any immediate remedial measure. Consultant’s vigilant observation, intuition,
experience, judgment, rationale has been incorporated.

Utmost effort has been utilized in this respect to become as much objective possible in
observing, visualizing, analyzing, interpreting, evaluating and assessing, instead of being
subjective. A checklist based field data sheet, as being prepared by WASO Engineers &
Consultants (BD) Ltd. personnel from their previous experience in this field, is fully
utilized in order to optimize the outcome of the field inspection phase in this regard.


Available documents regarding the existing building are found to be inadequate and
Inconsistent. The following documents regarding the existing factory building was
made available to us:

An architectural drawing of the building

An as built drawing sheet showing structural details

A geotechnical investigation report.

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PART - 3

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Basic Loads:
1) Dead Load on Floor = Self Weight+3.60 kN/m2 for Slab & Floor Finished+5” B/W at
2) Live Load on 1st & 2nd Floor = 6.0 kN/m2
3) Live Load on 3rd Floor = 4.0 kN/m2
4) Dead Load on Flat Floor = Self Weight+3.60 kN/m2 for Slab & Floor Finished
5) Dead Load on Shed Floor = Self Weight
6) Live Load on Flat Roof = 3.0 kN/m2
7) Live Load on Shed Roof = 1.0 kN/m2
Wind Load:
Building height=17.8m, Building Length=58m, Building Width=24m, Bay spacing=7.25 m
Building Location = Gazipur, Wind Speed = 215 km/hr, Exposure Type = A
Design Wind Load for Fully Enclosed Building:
Main wind resisting system
Design Wind Pressure, p = CGCP qz (As per Eqn. 2.4.2-BNBC-2006)
qz = Sustained Wind Pressure (As per Sec.
qz = CcCiCzVb2
Cc= Velocity to Pressure coefficient = 47.2X10-6
Cz = Combined height & exposure coefficient (As per Table 6.2.10-BNBC-2006)
Ci = Structure Importance coefficient (As per Table 6.2.9-BNBC-2006)
Vb = Basic wind Speed (As per Sec 2.4.5-BNBC-2006)
Vb = 215 km/hr (As per Table 6.2.8-BNBC-2006)
CG = Gust coefficient (As per Sec.
Cp = Pressure coefficient (As per Sec.

Condition Pressure (KN/m2)

Wind Ward Wall (Flat Roof) 2.4
Wind Ward Wall (Shed Roof) 1.64
Wind Ward Roof 1.705
Wind Leeward Roof 1.465
Wind Leeward Wall 1.175
Side Wall (Shed Roof) 1.64
Side Wall (Flat Roof) 2.125

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Building height = 17.8 m
Building Length = 58 m, Building Width = 24 m, Bay spacing = 7.25 m
Building Location = Gazipur
Seismic Zone = 2
Design Base Shear, V = ZICW/R (As per Eqn. 2.5.1-BNBC-2006)
Z= Seismic Zone Coefficient=0.15 (As per Table 6.2.22-BNBC-2006)
I = Structure Importance Coefficient (As per Table 6.2.23-BNBC-2006)
R = Response modification coefficient = 6 (As per Table 6.2.24-BNBC-2006)
W = Total Seismic Dead Load (As per Sec.
C = Numerical coefficient
C = 1.25S/T2/3
S = Site Coefficient = 1.5 (As per Table. 6.2.25-BNBC-2006)
T = Fundamental period of vibration in seconds. (As per Sec.
T = Ct (hn) 3/4

Load combinations As per BNBC -2006 (LRFD):

I. 1.4Dead Load
II. 1.2Dead Load + 1.6 Live Load floor + 0.50 Live Load roof
III. 1.2Dead Load + 0.50 Live Load floor + 1.6 Live Load roof
IV. 1.2Dead Load + 0.5 Live Load roof + 0.80 Wind Load
V. 1.2Dead Load + 0.5 Live Load floor + 1.3 Wind Load
VI. 1.2Dead Load + 0.5 Live Load floor + 1.5 Seismic Load

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Materials Test Report:

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Stress Ratio for Structural Steel Members

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The following tables shows the stress ratio of as built building and after adding bracing
considering steel yield strength fy= 50 ksi.

Stress Ratio of Steel Structure Model

Fig.: Stress Ratio of Total Structure

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Fig.: Stress Ratio of Ground Floor

Fig.: Stress Ratio of First Floor

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Fig.: Stress Ratio of Second Floor

Fig.: Stress Ratio of Third Floor

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Fig.: Stress Ratio of Roof Shed

Footing Area Check:

Footing Bearing Capacity of soil Required Area Provided Area
ID Load(Kip) (ksf) (sft) (sft) Remark
F1 210.656 4.1 51.38 72.25 OK
F2 294.722 4.1 71.88 121 OK
F3 595.924 4.1 145.35 225 OK

Punching check for Footing:

f’c= 2500 psi
Max load
Col. Col. Punching
on Effective Capacity
Type of Footing Dim. a Dim. b f'c (psi) Capacity Remarks
Footing depth (in) Ratio
(in) (in) (kips)
F-1 210.656 24 24 7.17 2500 326.60 0.64 ADEQUATE
F-2 294.722 18 24 7.17 2500 411.80 0.72 ADEQUATE
F-3 595.94 20 22 7.17 2500 631.80 0.94 ADEQUATE

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RCC Column Adequacy Check:
f’c= 2500 psi and fy= 60 ksi

Factored Minimum Maximum Gross Area Ultimate

Column Axial Dimension Dimension of Load Capacity
Steel Remarks
ID Force of Column of Column Concrete Capacity Ratio
Area (in2)
(Kip) (inch) (inch) (in2) (Kip)
C-1 210.656 24 24 576 4.96 785.75 0.27 Adequate
C-2 294.722 18 24 432 4.34 785.75 0.38 Adequate
C-3 595.924 20 22 440 4.34 785.75 0.76 Adequate

Grade Beam Adequacy Check:

f’c= 2500 psi and fy= 60 ksi
LENGTH – 7250mm. FY - 414 MPA. FC - 17. MPA, SIZE - 300. X 450. MMS


(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) STARTING END
1 54 5 – 12mm 0 7250 YES YES
2 394 4 – 16mm 0 3770 YES NO
3 396 6 – 12mm 3365 7250 NO YES

LENGTH – 8000mm. FY - 414 MPA. FC - 17. MPA, SIZE - 300. X 500. MMS

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) STARTING END
1 56 3 - 16mm 0 8000 YES YES
2 442 3– 20mm 0 4269 YES NO
3 442 3– 20mm 3365 8000 NO YES

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RCC & Steel Column Capacity:
The axial, bi axial & shear capacity of all column has found partially adequate. Retrofit measure
have proposed for the failed members.

Beam & Sub-beam capacity:

Beam & Sub-beam have found partially adequate. Retrofit measure have proposed for the
failed members

Rafter Capacity:
Rafters have found partially adequate. Retrofit measure have proposed for the failed members.

Foundation Check:
All Foundation have adequate capacity.

Grade Beam adequacy:

Grade beam capacity has found adequate.

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-Alliance (for Bangladesh Workers Safety) & ACCORD-BANGLADESH Protocol

- Bangladesh National Code (BNBC)
-American Concrete Institute (ACI)
-Indian Standard (IS)
-Uniform Building Code
-Structural Concrete by Nadim Hossain
-Foundation Engineering by Joseph E Bowels
-Tall Building Design by Scheullar
- ISO4628 part3
- Structural Designer’s Hand Book by Roger L.Brockkenbrough & Fedrick S.Merritt
-Treasurer of R.C.C Designs by Shushil Kumar
-Nutech Construction Chemicals Company Ltd
-CORUS…...A corrosion protection guide
-British Standard (BS)
- Method of determining floor thickness satisfying floor vibration criteria
M. J. LEE1, K. H. LEE2, and S. W. HAN3
-Wikipedia of ceiling plaster crack repair
- National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA)

- Plaster Ceiling Repair by Joffre Easley

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