Short Column Design
Short Column Design
Short Column Design
The factors 0.85and 0.8are considering the effect of confinement of column ties
and strength reduction due to failure mode. Nevertheless, column loads are never
purely axial. There is always bending along with axial load.
Failure occurs when concrete strain reaches Interaction diagram for Pn and Mn
0.003 and steel strain reaches 0.005 at the same
Design aid:
ACI design handbook can be purchase from ACI book store. The title is "SP-17:
Design Handbook: Beams, One-Way Slabs, Brackets, Footings, Pile Caps, Columns,
Two-Way Slabs, and Seismic Design in accordance with the Strength Design Method
of 318-95"
Design procedure:
Design example:
Example: A 12"x12" interior reinforced concreter short column is supporting a factored axial
load of 350 kips and a factored moment of 35 kip-ft.
Desogn data: