Chapter-Ii Powers & Duties of Officers and Workmen
Chapter-Ii Powers & Duties of Officers and Workmen
Chapter-Ii Powers & Duties of Officers and Workmen
The powers & duties of the officers and workmen of the Company are
derived mainly from job descriptions, manuals, terms and conditions of
appointment and Delegation of Authorities enunciated by the Company.
The workmen of the Company are appointed for carrying out the business
operations of the Company, which are in line with the objectives specified
in the Memorandum of Association of the Company.
As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 certain matters require
the approval of the shareholders of the Company in General Meeting.
The Board of Directors is accountable to the shareholders of the
Company, which is the ultimate authority of a Company. Bharat Sanchar
Nigam Limited being a Public Sector Enterprise (PSE), the Board of
Directors of the Company is also accountable to Government of India.
1.0 Introduction
2.1 ED (CA) and ED (NB) shall report to CMD and be reviewed Secretary
(Telecom). ED (CN) and ED(F) shall report to concerned Director and
be reviewed by CMD.
2.2 PGMs/GMs in CFA, CM, EB, and Corporate Affairs will report to their
concerned Director / ED and be reviewed by the CMD.
2.5 PGM/GM (Finance) of each business unit (BU) shall report to the
concerned BU Director or ED and be reviewed by CMD.
2.6 DGMs shall report to their GMs and be reviewed by the concerned
3.1 CGMs shall report to one of the Board level Director as indicated below
and reviewed by CMD.
3.2 The officers forming first line of reporting to the CGM * shall report in
to the Circle Head and reviewed by the Director/ED at Corporate office
concerned with that function.
3.3 The officers forming second line of reporting * shall report to their
respective administrative head and reviewed by the CGM.
3.4 The head for Regulation in Circle shall report to GM (NWP)-CM and the
head for CSC shall report to GM(S&M)-CFA. Both shall be reviewed by
the CGM.
* First line of reporting indicates the officers, who are directly reporting to the
Circle head and second line of reporting indicates the officers reporting to the
first line. For example PGM/GMs/PGM (Finance) IFA / CE (Civil)/CE
(Electrical)/Chief Architect etc. constitute first line of reporting. Level of officers
at first level and second level of reporting may vary in different Circles.
4.2 At the SSA office, the first line of reporting **, except in the case of
IFA, shall report to the SSA Head and reviewed by the Circle CGM.
4.3 IFAs in SSAs will report to the concerned SSA Head and be reviewed
by Circle IFA. In cases where SSA is headed by PGM and Circle IFA is
a GM-level officer, reviewing will be done by the Circle CGM and not
by Circle IFA.
** First line of reporting indicates the officers, who are directly reporting to the
SSA head and second line of reporting indicates the officers reporting to the first
line. Level of officers at first level and second level of reporting may vary in
different Circles
5.0 Cases where officers in Circle Offices & SSAs hold more than one
In such cases, the concerned business role will be considered as the main
role and the reporting/reviewing authority will be accordingly decided.
1) SSA Heads of TDM and TDE level will report to GM (NOW-CFA) in the
Circle and be reviewed by CGM.
2) Wherever Circle IFA is of same or lower functional level than the SSA
Head, reviewing authority for the IFA of the SSA will be CGM.
The Company has well defined procedures and guidelines in the form of
delegation of powers, laid down policies and guidelines, manuals with a
view to ensure compliance of provisions of various statutes, rules and
regulations and the guidelines of Department of Public Enterprises,
Central Vigilance Commission and other concerned organizations.
Code of Conduct for the members of the Board and Senior Management
Personnel, Decision of the Board of Directors/ Management committee of
the Board and Committees of the Board and Shareholders in the
meetings as contained in the minute’s book. Presidential directives issued
from time to time, if any.
Various category of documents that are held by the company or under its
control are given below:
Annual Report
Annual returns
The members of the public, who are dealing with the Company in its
business transaction have any complaints/ grievances, they can approach
through e-mail / fax or through the concerned officers for redressal as
hosted in the web-site
Government Company the power to appoint or remove a Director vest
with the President of India. The present composition of the Board
comprises six whole time Directors (including the CMD), 2 Government
Nominee Directors and 4 non official part time Directors. Thus the Board
has the optimum mix of 50% whole time and 50% part time Directors.
The composition is in line with the Corporate Governance norms for the
unlisted CPSEs, laid down by the Department of Public Enterprises. The
profiles of BSNL’s present Directors are posted on Corporate website of
BSNL i.e.
4. Finance Committee.
The meeting of the Board of Directors and Committees of the Board are
not accessible for Public. Accordingly the agenda papers and the minutes
of the meetings of the Board of Directors and its committees are not
open for public.
For details of various other units, such as Circles etc., Heads of the
respective unit maintain the same for their officers and staff.
Staff Strength having IDA Pre-revised pay scales:
Staff Strength having CDA pre-revised pay scales :
The directly recruited employees of Company are being extended the
Contributory Provident Fund (CPF) benefits through the Regional
Employees Provident Fund Organization (REPFO). The employees of
erstwhile DTS/DTO, who were earlier on, deemed deputation and now
absorbed in the Company, are continuing as Member of the GPF scheme of
the Central Government. Their superannuation benefits are governed by the
Rule 37-A of the CCS Pension Rules.
BSNL has entered into an agreement with Life Insurance Corporation of
India, whereby, all its absorbed/directly recruited employees have been
covered under a Group Saving Linked Life Insurance Scheme. The Group
Insurance Policy includes a life insurance component, which provides cover
against natural death and a double accident benefit in case of accidental
death where the claimant will get twice the sum insured. The scheme has
become operational with effect from 1st August 2005.
(Rs. in Crores)
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited does not have any direct subsidy
schemes/programs for public. However, BSNL is offering concessional
tariff for rural subscribers with lower rental and higher free calls as
compared to urban areas. The details of comparative tariff of services are
available in our website
( Amount in Crores)
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited does not grant any concession, permits
or authorization, except for appointing franchises and agents for sale of
its services like PCO holders, franchises for BSNL services etc.
ii) No registration charges.
Homes for the aged, infirm, 25% rebate in rentals for not exceeding
spastics, handicapped, deaf- two telephone connections.
dumb-mute persons,
orphanages and voluntary
organisations working for
tribal welfare and other like
institutions or organisations
recognised by Government.