A IAI: Vectors
A IAI: Vectors
A IAI: Vectors
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Scalar Quantities
A physical quantity which can be described completely by its magnitude only and does not require a direction is
known as a scalar quantity. .
It obeys the ordinary rules of algebra.
Ex: Distance, mass, time, speed, density, volume, temperature, electric current etc.
Vector Quantities
A physical quantity which requires magnitude and a particular direction, when it is expressed.
• Equal Vectors
Vectors which have equal magnitude and same direction are called equal
• Anti-parallel Vectors :
Those vectors which have opposite direction are called anti-parallel vector. Angle
between two anti-parallel vectors is always 180°
- "'
+-- +-- (8 =
(ii) --+ --+ (8 =
0°) +-- --+ (8 (iv 0°)
iE = 180°) ) --+ +-- (8 =
• Coplanar Vectors
\,I Vectors located in the same plane are called coplanar vectors. Note:-
~ Two vectors are always coplanar.
:5 • Concurrent vectors
~ Those vectors which pass through a common point are called concurrent vectors
~ In figure ii, band c are concurrent vectors.
~ ·2 Null or Zero Vector
i!: A vector having zero magnitude is called null vector.
gN Note: Sum of two vectors is always a vector so, (A) + (-A) = 6 6 is a
E zero vector or null vector.
·3 Unit Vector
A vector having unit magnitude is called unit vector. It is used to specify direction. A unit vector is represented
by A (Read as A cap or A hat or A caret).
Base Vectors
In an XYZ co-ordinate frame there are three unit vectors i , j and k
, these are used to indicate X, Y and Z directions respectively. These
three unit vectors are mutually perpendicular to each other.
• ·5Co-initialAxial
These vectors
vectors are those
are used vectors motion
in rotational which have the same
to define initialeffects.
rotational point. In ~
figure ii, band
Direction c are
of these co-initial
vectors vectors.
is always along the axis of rotation in a.ccordance a
with right hand screw rule or right hand thumb rule.
• Collinear
Ex.: Vectors:angular displacement (d8), Angular velocity
The vectors lying in the same line are known as collinear vectors.
18 •
Angle between collinear vectors is either 0° or 180°.
Angular momentum (J), Angular acceleration (li) and Torque en • 17