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FIGURE 8.9 The three modes of crack surface displacement. (a) Mode I, opening or
tensile mode; (b) mode II, sliding mode; and (c) mode III, tearing mode.
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Modes of Crack Displacement
y y
y x
z z
Mode I is opening or tensile mode where
the crack surfaces move directly apart. (I) (II) (III)
FIGURE 8.9 The three modes of crack surface displacement. (a) Mode I, opening or
tensile mode; (b) mode II, sliding mode; and (c) mode III, tearing mode.
f x ( ) cos 1 sin sin
• K is the …....……………. factor 2 2 2
and defines the stress around a crack or 3
f y ( ) cos 1 sin sin
2 2 2
flaw (similar to but NOT the same as
the stress concentration factor Kt ) f xy ( ) sin cos cos
2 2 2
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Fracture Toughness
• when the plate is thin, plane stress exists, i.e. z=0
• when the plate is thick, z=(x+ y) and a state of plane strain exists, z= 0
• stress intensity factor is related to the applied stress and crack length by:
K Y a
Y is a function of the crack and
specimen size and geometry
(dimensionless parameter)
Fracture Toughness
Fracture Toughness, Kc is a critical value of stress intensity
factor, K, at which brittle fracture will occur.
K c Y a / W c a
• Y is a function of a and W
(component width) a) Y(a/W) = 1 (infinite plate)
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Effect of Specimen Geometry
W a
Y (a / W ) tan
a W
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Plane Strain Fracture Toughness, KIc
• Kc is a function of specimen
thickness, B
• When Kc in mode I becomes
…………… of B, then we have
plane strain fracture toughness, KIc:
K Ic Y a
pronounced as “kay-…....-see”
minimum value …… for design
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K Ic
Y a
1 K Ic
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Stress intensity factor, K, describes the stress intensity felt by that material
under a particular loading condition, so if load varies, or specimen shape
varies etc., then K will vary
- in a similar way that the stress on a component can vary
When the stress intensity in a brittle material reaches a particular value, KIc
then something happens - i.e. ………. fracture occurs
- in a similar way to yield strength being the stress when a material starts
plastically deforming
Tests are used to measure KIc using Mode I crack opening and calculating
the Y scale parameter.
KIc is a fundamental material property that is affected by:
- temperature (KIc …. as T)
- strain rate (KIc ….. as SR)
- strengthening (usually KIc …… as y)
- microstructure ( KIc ….. as grain size )
Dr. M. Medraj Mech. Mat. Eng. Dept. – Masdar Institute MSE 521 Lecture 10/13
K Ic Y a
This is the allowable
Material Property: so flaw size or smallest
can select material with flaw that can be detected
appropriate value of KIc This could be design
stress (including safety
factor) or applied stress
Dr. M. Medraj Mech. Mat. Eng. Dept. – Masdar Institute MSE 521 Lecture 10/14
Design using Fracture Mechanics
K Ic
Y a
Or if the stress level is fixed and material has been chosen (KIc is
fixed) then the maximum allowable flaw size in the material is
given by:
ac Ic
Dr. M. Medraj Mech. Mat. Eng. Dept. – Masdar Institute MSE 521 Lecture 10/15
one method is for wall to …….. before failure so plastic deformation can
be observed before formation of crack of critical size and fast fracture
occurs. Requires observation/inspection to notice yielding etc.
second method is design for …………………... Ensure that critical crack
size for fast fracture is greater than wall thickness. (i.e. ac = t, allowing for
safety). So crack can grow through thickness of wall without fast fracture
(bursting) and vessel will leak allowing detection of leak by pressure drop
and presence of fluid.
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Example 1: Pressure Vessels
Method 1: requires circumferential wall stress less than yield strength.
K Ic Y a
and using a safety factor, N, then :
K Ic Y ac
and then solving for ac :
N2 K Ic
ac 2
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K Ic Y t
2 K Ic2
Y 2r y
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Example 2: Hydraulic Actuator
A 7049- T73 Al forging is the material of choice for an 8 cm-internal diameter,
hydraulic actuator cylindrical housing that has a wall thickness of 1 cm. After
manufacturing, each cylinder is subjected to a safety check, involving a single
fluid over-pressurization that generates a hoop stress not higher than 50% ys.
The component design calls for an operating internal fluid pressure,
corresponding to a hoop stress no higher than 25% ys. Prior to over-
pressurization, a 2mm-deep semicircular surface flaw that was oriented normal
to the hoop stress direction was discovered in one cylinder. Given that ys =
460 MPa and KIc = 23 MPa.m1/2,
a) Would the cylinder have survived the over-pressurization test?
b) Would the cylinder experience a leak-before-break condition?
c) Also, what were the fluid pressure levels associated with the
overpressurization cycle and design stress?
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Example 2: Hydraulic Actuator
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Next Time
Impact Test and Fatigue
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