Engineering Fracture Mechanics: Alberto Sapora, Pietro Cornetti, Alberto Carpinteri

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Engineering Fracture Mechanics 97 (2013) 216–226

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A Finite Fracture Mechanics approach to V-notched elements subjected

to mixed-mode loading
Alberto Sapora ⇑, Pietro Cornetti, Alberto Carpinteri
Department of Structural, Building and Geotechnical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The coupled Finite Fracture Mechanics (FFM) criterion is applied to investigate the mixed
Received 28 February 2012 mode fracture initiation in V-notched brittle elements. The analysis involves the determi-
Received in revised form 9 November 2012 nation of the crack propagation angle and of the critical value of the generalized stress
Accepted 12 November 2012
intensity factor (SIF), which are supposed to be the governing failure parameters within
brittle structural behavior. The criterion is validated by comparing its predictions with
experimental data available in the literature and with results by other approaches based
on a critical distance.
Brittle V-notched elements
Mixed mode loading
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Finite Fracture Mechanics

1. Introduction

Different criteria have been proposed to deal with fracture initiation of V-notched elements under mode I loading con-
ditions, by evaluating either the stress [1–4] or energy-related quantities [5–8] over a distance D from the notch tip and
by comparing them with a function of either the tensile strength ru or the fracture toughness KIc. Accordingly, the length
D results a material constant.
On the other hand, all the above criteria present some drawbacks [9] and, in order to overcome them, two coupled stress
and energy approaches have been proposed: Leguillon’s criterion [10] and FFM [9,11]. They are based on the same discrete
energy balance, but while the former also considers a point-wise stress condition, the latter involves in addition the satis-
faction of an average stress requirement. Accordingly, the internal length D becomes a structural parameter, thus able to take
into account the interaction between the finite crack advance and the geometry of interest. The accuracy of the failure load
predictions related to notched structures has shown the great potentiality of the coupled criteria, both for what concerns
sharp V-notches [7,12] and blunted V-notches [13–16]. Indeed, FFM was generally found to provide the best results [12,15].
The investigation of fracture initiation in V-notched brittle elements loaded under mixed mode (mode I + mode II) is more
complex. It involves the determination of both the failure load and the crack propagation angle. Close estimations on the
former are usually obtained by different criteria [17–19], so that a best approach cannot be univocally defined just on this
basis [20,21]. On the other hand, significant differences of predictions are generally observed for the latter. In [20] it has been
shown that the maximum circumferential stress criterion [2] and the average stress criterion [18] furnish good results, while
the strain energy density criterion [17] reveals to be less accurate. The generalization of this approach proposed in [21,22] is
not able to estimate the critical angle. Eventually, Yosibash–Leguillon criterion, which represents the extension of Leguillon’s
criterion to mixed mode, was found to provide accurate results, although they were obtained with an accuracy of five
degrees [21].

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Sapora), [email protected] (P. Cornetti), [email protected] (A. Carpinteri).

0013-7944/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Sapora et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 97 (2013) 216–226 217


c length of a crack stemming from the notch tip

E Young’s modulus
Fc critical failure load
G crack driving force
Gc fracture energy
KI mode I stress intensity factor
KII mode II stress intensity factor
KIc fracture toughness
K I mode I generalized stress intensity factor
K II mode II generalized stress intensity factor
K Ic generalized fracture toughness
K If critical value of the mode I generalized stress intensity factor in mixed-mode fracture

m dimensionless mode mixity
h crack propagation angle
hc critical crack propagation angle
kI mode I Williams’ eingenvalues
kII mode II Williams’ eingenvalues
q notch root radius
q dimensionless root radius
ru tensile strength
x notch amplitude
D finite crack advance
Dc critical finite crack advance

In the present paper, the above problem is addressed by means of FFM as it provides promising results for the case of
mode I loading conditions. The expressions for the critical crack advance and the generalized fracture toughness, both
depending on the propagation angle, are firstly derived. The study involves the characterization of the stress field and of
the crack driving force in proximity of the notch tip: while the former is known analytically [23], discrete values for the latter
are presented in the literature [19,24]. Finite Fracture Mechanics is then applied to a large variety of experimental results
[19,21,22,25], in order to investigate a wide range of mode mixity ratios [26]. Predictions by the average stress criterion
[18] and Yosibash–Leguillon approach [19] are also considered, for the sake of completeness.

2. Coupled FFM criterion

According to the coupled FFM criterion [9,11], fracture is supposed not to propagate continuously, but by finite crack
extensions, whose value is determined by the contemporaneous fulfilment of a stress requirement (Section 2.1) and an en-
ergy balance (Section 2.2). By coupling these two conditions at incipient failure, the crack propagation angle and the general-
ized fracture toughness can be derived (Section 2.3).
Notice that the dependence of the quantities on the notch amplitude x (Fig. 1) will be omitted in the following sections,
for the sake of simplicity.

2.1. Stress requirement

By referring to the polar coordinate system (r, h) at the V-notch root presented in Fig. 1, the stress fields rhh(r, h) and
srh(r, h), in the proximity of the notch tip, can be expressed as:
rhh ðr; hÞ ¼ f I ðhÞ
1kI hh
þ II
fhh ðhÞ; ð1Þ
ð2prÞ ð2prÞ1kII
srh ðr; hÞ ¼ f I ðhÞ
1kI rh
þ frhII ðhÞ; ð2Þ
ð2prÞ ð2prÞ1kII
where K I ; K II are the generalized SIFs [27] and (kI, kII) are the Williams’ eigenvalues, for mode I (symmetrical) and mode II
(anti-symmetrical) loading conditions, respectively. The functions fhh and frh are provided in the Appendix [23].
The FFM stress condition requires that the average stress rhh(r, h) upon the crack advance D is higher than material tensile
strength ru:
218 A. Sapora et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 97 (2013) 216–226


τ rθ
c σ θθ

Fig. 1. V-notch with Cartesian and Polar coordinate systems and crack of length c emanating from the notch tip.

rhh ðr; hÞdr P ru D: ð3Þ

Substituting Eq. (1) into Eq. (3) and integrating, yields:

f ðhÞ þ 1kII f IIhh ðhÞ P ru ;
1kI hh
f I ðhÞ ¼ fhh ðhÞ f II ðhÞ ¼ fhh ðhÞ
hh 1kI
; hh : ð5Þ
kI ð2pÞ kII ð2pÞ1kII

2.2. Energy balance

The FFM energy balance ensures that the energy available for a crack increment D (obtained by integrating the crack driv-
ing force G(c, h) over D) is higher than the energy necessary to create the new fracture surface GcD:
Gðc; hÞdc P Gc D: ð6Þ

By means of the well-known Irwin’s relationship, the crack driving force under plane strain conditions can be expressed

K 2I ðc; hÞ K 2II ðc; hÞ

Gðc; hÞ ¼ þ ð7Þ
E0 E0
where (KI, KII) are the mode I and mode II SIFs, respectively, and E0 = E/(1  m2), E being the Young’s modulus and m the Pois-
son’s ratio of the material. The SIFs for a short crack of length c stemming from the notch tip at an angle h (Fig. 1) can be
obtained, starting from the approximate analytical weight functions g presented in [24], by a suitable application of the prin-
ciple of effects superposition. In fact, provided that c  d, d being the notch depth, through Eqs. (1) and (2), KI reads:
Z c
K I ðc; hÞ ¼ pffiffiffi g Ir ðr=c; hÞ  rhh ðr; hÞ þ g Is ðr=c; hÞ  srh ðr; hÞ dr
0 c
Z 1" I I
# Z 1" I #
g r ðt; hÞfhh ðhÞ þ g Is ðt; hÞfrhI ðhÞ II
g r ðt; hÞfhh ðhÞ þ g Is ðt; hÞfrhII ðhÞ
¼ K I ckI 1=2 dt þ K  kII 1=2
II c dt
0 ð2ptÞ1kI 0 ð2ptÞ1kII
¼ K I ckI 1=2 b11 ðhÞ þ K II ckII 1=2 b12 ðhÞ; ð8Þ
while KII writes:
A. Sapora et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 97 (2013) 216–226 219

Z c
K II ðc; hÞ ¼ pffiffiffi g IIr ðr=c; hÞ  rhh ðr; hÞ þ g IIs ðr=c; hÞ  srh ðr; hÞ dr
0 c
Z 1 " II I
# Z 1 " II #
 kI 1=2 g r ðt; hÞfhh ðhÞ þ g IIs ðt; hÞfrhI ðhÞ  kII 1=2 g r ðt; hÞfhhII ðhÞ þ g IIs ðt; hÞfrhII ðhÞ
¼ KI c dt þ K II c dt
0 ð2ptÞ1kI 0 ð2ptÞ1kII
¼ K I ckI 1=2 b21 ðhÞ þ K II ckII 1=2 b22 ðhÞ: ð9Þ
Approximated expressions for the weight function components g in Eqs. (8) and (9) were derived in [24] by a best fit pro-
cedure based on numerical results in the range 18° 6 h 6 90° with a step h = 9°, for 18° 6 x 6 144°. The maximum relative
error for the SIFs in Eqs. (8) and (9) was estimated in [24] to be lower than 2%, typical errors being less than 1%. Indeed, the
same deviation has been observed by comparing the b11-values with those presented in [28,29].
Upon substitution of Eqs. (8) and (9) into Eq. (7) and of the resulting expression into Eq. (6) with Gc ¼ K 2Ic =E0 , the energy
balance can be finally rewritten in the following form:
 2  2
K I b 11 ðhÞD2kI 1 þ K  K  b
 kI þkII 1 22 ðhÞD2kII 1 P K 2 ;
þ K II b
I II 12 ðhÞD Ic ð10Þ
2 2
11 ¼ b11 þ b21 ;
b ð11Þ
 b11 b12 þ b21 b22
b12 ¼ 2 ; ð12Þ
kI þ kII
2 2
22 ¼ b12 þ b22 :
b ð13Þ
11 ; b
The functions b 12 and b
22 , for different notch amplitudes over the range 30° 6 h 6 90° with a step h = 5°, are also tab-
ulated in [19], where they are named H11, H12 + H21 and H22, respectively. The values have been obtained by means of an
asymptotic matching approach: close estimations with those provided by the weight function components g [24] are ob-
served (Fig. 2 refers to the case x = 45°). Notice that the results shown in [19] must be re-scaled according to the different
definition of the generalized SIFs (Eqs. (1) and (2)) and must be divided by (1  0.362), m = 0.36 being the Poisson’s ratio used
in the finite element analysis carried out by the Authors.

2.3. FFM implementation

Before implementing the coupled FFM criterion, let us rewrite Eqs. (4) and (10) in the form:
K I I 
f hh ðhÞ þ mðDÞf IIhh ðhÞ P ru ; ð14Þ
  2 2k 1  2 
KI D I b  ðhÞ þ mðDÞb 2 ðhÞ P K 2 ;
2 ðhÞ þ m2 ðDÞb ð15Þ
11 12 22 Ic

where the following dimensionless parameter m has been introduced:






0.4 β11

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
θ (deg)

ij for x = 45°: predictions obtained by using the weight function components g presented in [24] (continuous line) and numerical values
Fig. 2. Functions b
reported in [19] (circles).
220 A. Sapora et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 97 (2013) 216–226


mðDÞ ¼ D : ð16Þ
Notice that K I is the only quantity in Eqs. (14) and (15) depending on the applied load, m being independent of it (Eq.
(16)). Within brittle structural behavior, it can thus be supposed that failure takes place when the mode I generalized SIF
reaches the critical value K If . At incipient failure, Eqs. (14) and (15) can be grouped into a system of two equations in two
unknowns: the critical crack advancement Dc and the failure load Fc, implicitly embedded in the function K If .
Simple analytical manipulations lead to the following two expressions for Dc and K If :
I 2  2
f hh ðhc Þ þ mðDc Þf hhII ðhc Þ K Ic
Dc ¼  2 2 ðhc Þ þ m2 ðDc Þb 2 ðhc Þ ru ; ð17Þ
b11 ðhc Þ þ mðDc Þb 12 22
I 12kI
f hh ðhc Þ þ mðDc Þf IIhh ðhc Þ 2ð1k Þ
K Ic I
K If ¼   1k
: ð18Þ
2 ðhc Þ þ mðDc Þb
2 ðhc Þ þ m2 ðDc Þb
2 ðhc Þ

For a fixed material and a fixed notch amplitude x, the subsequent procedure is adopted to get the solutions of the coupled
Eqs. (17) and (18):

1. Eq. (17) is firstly solved for different hc-values, 20° 6 hc 6 90° with a step hc = 1°. A different crack advance Dc corresponds
to each hc. Notice that Eq. (17) represents an implicit equation in the variable Dc, since m depends on it (Eq. (16)). In order
to overcome this drawback, the fzero command of MATLABÒ software is utilized: the algorithm uses a combination of
bisection, secant and inverse quadratic interpolation methods;
2. each couple (Dc,hc) obtained at the previous step is then substituted into Eq. (18). The effective critical crack advance Dc
and the effective crack propagation angle hc are those which minimize the K If function. Its value can then be exploited to
get the critical failure load F c / K If .

Notice that in the case of pure mode I loading conditions (m = 0 and hc = 90°), K If becomes the generalized fracture tough-
ness K Ic . In such a case, Eqs. (17) and (18) revert to the expressions presented in [11].

3. Comparison with experimental data

Finite Fracture Mechanics predictions according to Eqs. (17) and (18) are now compared with experimental results avail-
able in the literature. Four data sets are considered, rising from:

 Three-point bending tests on V-notched PMMA samples [19] (Fig. 3a, Section 3.1).
 Four-point bending tests on V-notched MACOR samples [21] (Fig. 3b, Section 3.2).
 Three-point bending tests on V-notched samples made of PMMA at 60 °C [22] (Fig. 3a and c, Section 3.3).
 Arcan tests on double V-notched PMMA samples [25] (Fig. 3d, Section 3.4).

The material properties used in the present analysis are reported in Table 1, while details on the sample geometry can be
found tabulated in the quoted references. The eigenvalues kI and kII are plotted in Fig. 4 as functions of the considered notch
amplitudes x.
In the next Sections, predictions by two other theoretical failure criteria will be taken into account, for the sake of com-
pleteness. The former is the generalization of Leguillon’s criterion [10] to mixed mode by Yosibash and co-workers [19]: it is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 3. V-notched samples under different loading conditions.

A. Sapora et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 97 (2013) 216–226 221

Table 1
Material properties and dimensionless root radius related to the considered experimental data. Correction factors A refer to mode I loading conditions and
depend both on x and q .

Material properties PMMA [19] MACOR [21] PMMA at 60 °C [22] PMMA [25]
KIc (MPa m) 1.12 1.15 1.70 1.20
ru (MPa) 111.8 103.0 128.4 102.8
Root radius q  0.299 0.241 0.114–0.382 <0.073
Correction factors A 1.11 1.09 1.04–1.13 <1.03





λI, λ II




0.55 λ

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
ω (deg)

Fig. 4. William’s eigenvalues kI and kII, for different notch amplitudes, 0° 6 x 6 90°.

similar to FFM, but, differently from Eq. (4), it is based on a point-wise stress condition. This leads to the same coupled Eqs.
(17) and (18), with a different definition of the functions f Ihh and f IIhh (Eq. (5)), namely:
~f I ¼ fhh ðhÞ ; ~f II ¼ fhh ðhÞ : ð19Þ
hh hh
ð2pÞ1kI ð2pÞ1kII
The latter is the average stress criterion proposed in [18]. It is based on the condition (14) with Dc = 2/p  (KIc/ru)2, and
the corresponding critical value of the generalized SIF writes:
2ð1k Þ
ð2=pÞ1kI K I

K If ¼ I II

 Ic2k 1 : ð20Þ
f hh ðhc Þ þ mðDc Þf hh ðhc Þ ru I
Observe that, in this case, the critical crack advance Dc results a material constant: its value was estimated in [1,3] in or-
der to fulfil the extreme situations of crack-free bodies and elements with sufficiently large cracks, see also [11]. On the other
hand, Dc is expected to vary with the mode-mixity K II =K I for what concerns the coupled criteria (Eqs. (16) and (17)). Thus,

wanting to render dimensionless the ratio K II =K I ½LkI kII , the best choice reveals to be:

 2ðkII kI Þ
m : ð21Þ
K I ru
It’s important also to outline that all the failure criteria introduced so far refer to a sharp V-notch, i.e. to a notch with a null
root radius q. On the contrary, since a radius q – 0 was measured in all the tested specimens, this may influence the theoret-
ical predictions. Each data set will be discussed in detail in the incoming analysis, observing that the effect of q decreases as:

 the notch amplitude x increases;

 the dimensionless radius q  ¼ q=ðK Ic =ru Þ2 decreases, i.e. a smaller radius and/or a less brittle material are considered [15];
 the mixity ratio K II =K I increases [30].

Table 1 shows the values q  related to the tested samples and the correction factors A to improve the FFM failure load pre-
dictions by taking into account the effect of the radius, if elements were subjected to mode I loading conditions [15]. In the
present analysis, dealing with mixed mode, the effective correction factors A are expected to be lower than those presented
in Table 1, generally justifying the sharpness assumption of the theoretical analysis.
222 A. Sapora et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 97 (2013) 216–226

Eventually, notice that the presence of q may affect significantly the theoretical predictions on the critical failure load but
not those on the propagation angle [30].

3.1. Tests on V-notched PMMA samples

Three point bending tests on V-notched PMMA specimens, with x = 45°, were carried out in [19]. Mixed mode conditions
were obtained by varying both the position of the loading point and of the supports (Fig. 3a). The average experimental re-
sults and the theoretical predictions obtained through Eqs. (17)–(20) are shown in Table 2. The estimations by FFM on the
crack initiation angle hc are in a very good agreement with experimental data, while those on Fc result underestimated of
more than 20%. This is partially imputable to the presence of a root radius in the tested samples (q = 30 lm, Table 1).
Although more accurate, FFM predictions considering q would always underestimate Fc since correction factors A lower than
 ¼ 0:325 to 1.17 for m
1.11 would apply (Table 1). On the other hand, factors A ranging from 1.1 for m  ¼ 0:039 were estimated
in [30] by applying Yosibash–Leguillon criterion.
Notice that theoretical predictions by different criteria are very close with each other (Table 2), significant deviations
being observed only for higher mixity ratios. The predictions by FFM are always the lowest ones, both for what concerns
hc and Fc.
Eventually, let us focus our attention on the critical crack advance Dc: as m increases, Dc decreases according to FFM,
while it increases according to Yosibash–Leguillon criterion. For the average stress criterion, as observed before, Dc results
to be a constant, always higher than FFM values.

3.2. Tests on V-notched MACOR samples

Four point-bending MACOR notched specimens, with x = 45°, were tested in [21]. Mixed mode loading conditions were
obtained by varying both the position of the loading points and of the supports (Fig. 3b).
Experimental data and theoretical predictions are reported in Table 3. With the exception of the extreme cases, m  ¼ 0:186
and 1.777, FFM predictions (Eqs. (17) and (18)) on the crack propagation angle show a gap comprised between 8° and 10°.
On the other hand, FFM estimations on the critical failure load are satisfactory, the maximum percentage error being
nearly 12% for m  ¼ 1:777. The effect of the notch root radius (q = 30 lm, Table 1) is less significant than in the previous tests
(Section 3.1), mainly because higher mixity ratios are considered [30].
Slightly better results on hc are provided by the two other criteria, while the maximum percentage error on Fc is higher:
21% for what concerns Yosibash–Leguillon criterion and nearly 14% for what concerns the average stress approach. These
values refer, in both cases, to m ¼ 0:944.
It can be seen from Table 3 that the trend on the crack advance is the same as that described in Section 3.1: Dc-values are
a little higher than those presented in Table 2, due to the less brittle material considered.

3.3. Tests on V-notched PMMA at 60 °C samples

Three point bending notched specimens made of PMMA, with different notch amplitudes (x = 30°, 60° and 90°), were
tested at 60 °C in [22]. Both vertical and tilted notches were considered (Fig. 3a and c): the related mixity ratios are shown
in Table 4. Notice that, in the present analysis, only the data presented in [22] and referring to the loading position (for ver-
tical notches) and to the support position (for tilted notches) equal to 9 mm have been taken into account. Indeed, the com-
parison with results related to the other loading/support position leads to conclusions similar to those presented below.
Experimental data and theoretical predictions according to the failure criteria (Eqs. (17)–(20)) are reported in Table 5. The
best predictions on hc are provided by FFM, although the initiation angles always result overestimated, especially for tilted
notches, where deviations greater than 10° are present. On the other hand, dealing with Fc, good results are observed. The
maximum deviations refer to the vertical V-notched samples with x = 60°. This may be due to the measured root radius
(q = 67 lm in Table 4, corresponding to q  ¼ 0:382 in Table 1), which results to be the highest one, as the related experimen-
tal failure load (Table 5). The influence of q is less significant for tilted notches (also because they refer to higher mixity ra-
tios): in this case, Yosibash–Leguillon criterion shows to be the most accurate.

Table 2
Averaged experimental results on PMMA specimens [19], predictions according to FFM, to Yosibash–Leguillon criterion [19] and to the average stress criterion

Experimental values [19] FFM Yosibash–Leguillon criterion [19] Average stress criterion [18]

m hc (°) Fc (N) hc (°) Fc (N) Dc (lm) hc (°) Fc (N) Dc (lm) hc (°) Fc (N) Dc (lm)
0.039 85 226 85 176 61.9 86 178 15.8 86 179 63.9
0.082 79 301 79 222 61.8 81 224 15.9 81 226 63.9
0.114 72 408 75 314 61.7 79 319 16.0 78 320 63.9
0.176 68 613 69 484 61.3 72 494 16.3 72 493 63.9
0.325 60 998 59 759 60.6 61 793 17.2 61 777 63.9
A. Sapora et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 97 (2013) 216–226 223

Table 3
Averaged experimental results on MACOR specimens [21], predictions according to FFM, to Yosibash–Leguillon criterion [19] and to the average stress criterion

Experimental values [21] FFM Yosibash–Leguillon criterion [19] Average stress criterion [18]

m hc (°) Fc (kN) hc (°) Fc (kN) Dc (lm) hc(°) Fc (kN) Dc (lm) hc(°) Fc (kN) Dc (lm)
0.186 70 2.20 68 2.10 76.1 71 2.15 20.3 71 2.14 79.4
0.709 52 2.56 44 2.79 73.2 46 3.03 23.9 47 2.88 79.4
0.944 47 3.14 39 3.45 72.1 41 3.79 24.9 43 3.57 79.4
1.200 47 4.55 37 4.12 71.6 37 4.57 25.6 40 4.28 79.4
1.777 34 5.67 33 5.01 70.3 34 5.61 26.6 36 5.23 79.4

Table 4
Mixity ratios and averaged root radius related to experimental tests on V-notched PMMA at 60 °C samples [22]: (v) vertical notches, (t) tilted notches.

x (°) 30 (v) 60 (v) 90 (v) 30 (t) 60 (t) 90 (t)

m 0.160 0.100 0.072 1.031 0.679 0.388
q (lm) 43 67 20 27 43 22

Table 5
Averaged experimental results on PMMA at 60 °C specimens [22], with both vertical (v) and tilted (t) notches, predictions according to FFM, to Yosibash–
Leguillon criterion [19] and to the average stress criterion [18].

Experimental values [22] FFM Yosibash–Leguillon criterion [19] Average stress criterion [18]
x (°) hc (°) Fc (N) hc (°) Fc (N) Dc (lm) hc (°) Fc (N) Dc (lm) hc (°) Fc (N) Dc (lm)
30 (v) 65 896 71 820 108 73 828 27.7 73 834 112
60 (v) 69 1039 77 861 107 80 882 28.7 79 877 112
90 (v) 72 959 80 965 106 83 1024 31.9 82 988 112
30 (t) 24 2228 36 2088 102 37 2235 31.5 40 2172 112
60 (t) 40 3265 46 2881 102 48 3204 36.8 49 2972 112
90 (t) 42 4497 57 4135 101 60 4675 39.3 60 4246 112

3.4. Tests on double V-notched PMMA samples

Double V-notched PMMA specimens, with different notch opening angles x = 20°, 40°, 60° and 80°, were tested in [25]
(Fig. 3d). For each angle, different mixity ratios were obtained by varying the arcan sample inclination. For all the cases, the
root radius was very small (q < 10 lmm), and its effect is not supposed to influence significantly the related results (Table 1).
Experimental results and FFM predictions (Eqs. (17) and (18)) are displayed in Figs. 5 and 6, where the crack propagation
angle hc and the critical failure load Fc, respectively, are plotted vs. the mixity ratio K II =K I . A general good agreement is found

100 100
ω =20° ω =40°
80 80
θc (deg)

θc (deg)

60 60

40 40

20 20
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
* −0.0616 * * −0.135
K II /K* (mm ) K II /K I (mm )

100 100
ω =60° ω =80°
80 80
θc (deg)

θc (deg)

60 60

40 40

20 20
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5
K* /K* (mm−0.219) *
K /K (mm
* −0.313

Fig. 5. Critical propagation angle hc vs. mixity ratio K II =K I , for different notch amplitudes x: FFM predictions (continuous line) and experimental data on
PMMA specimens [25](circles).
224 A. Sapora et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 97 (2013) 216–226

3.5 3.5

3 3

Fc (kN)

Fc (kN)
2.5 2.5

2 2
ω =20° ω =40°
1.5 1.5
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
* −0.0616
K II /K* (mm )
K II /K*I (mm

4 6

Fc (kN)

Fc (kN)
ω =60° ω =80°
1 2
0 1 2 0 0.5 1 1.5
* * −0.219 * * −0.313
K II/K I (mm ) K II/K I (mm )

Fig. 6. Critical failure load Fc vs. mixity ratio K II =K I , for different notch amplitudes x: FFM predictions (continuous line) and experimental data on PMMA
specimens [25] (circles).

for what concerns hc (Fig. 5), although real values are overestimated for x = 80°, the mean deviation being nearly 9° (Table 6).
The predictions on Fc match well the experimental data (typical errors being comprised in the range 0–18%), except for
x = 20°, where the critical failure load results too much underestimated (Fig. 6). It should be mentioned, however, that
the same occurs also for the other criteria (Table 6): this discrepacy may be due to an error related to the performed testing
procedure. Indeed, for x = 20° the best results are provided by the average stress criterion, for x = 40° predictions by
Yosibash–Leguillon criterion are the most accurate, while FFM reveals to be superior for x = 60° and 80°.
Once again, Table 6 shows how the crack advance Dc becomes a structural parameter for the coupled criteria, depending
on the mixity ratio as well as on the material properties.

Table 6
Averaged experimental results on PMMA samples [25] and predictions according to FFM, to Yosibash–Leguillon criterion [19] and to the average stress criterion

Experimental values [25] FFM Yosibash–Leguillon criterion [19] Average stress criterion [18]
hc (°) Fc (N) hc (°) Fc (N) Dc (lm) hc (°) Fc (N) Dc (lm) hc (°) Fc (N) Dc (lm)
 x ¼ 20 Þ

0.169 75 2120 70 1909 83.7 72 1922 21.3 72 1943 86.7
0.365 59 2450 55 1891 82.5 56 1930 21.9 58 1936 86.7
0.631 48 2620 43 1913 80.7 44 1981 22.4 47 1975 86.7
1.094 37 2780 34 2008 78.5 35 2106 22.8 38 2096 86.7
2.357 30 3010 28 2210 75.6 28 2347 22.9 30 2341 86.7
 x ¼ 40 Þ

0.127 75 2010 74 1950 83.7 77 1974 21.7 76 1983 86.7
0.275 65 2150 62 2015 82.7 64 2078 22.7 64 2058 86.7
0.476 52 2560 50 2152 81.4 53 2274 24.1 54 2210 86.7
0.824 48 2660 41 2401 79.6 42 2601 25.8 44 2485 86.7
1.776 33 3190 32 2833 76.8 33 3142 27.7 36 2963 86.7
 x ¼ 60 Þ

0.085 78 1910 79 2031 83.6 81 2075 22.2 81 2067 86.7
0.182 68 2010 68 2177 82.7 72 2258 23.0 72 2222 86.7
0.316 60 2610 59 2460 81.7 63 2616 24.5 62 2521 86.7
0.547 49 2970 49 2966 80.2 52 3257 27.3 53 3053 86.7
1.179 41 3280 40 3882 78.2 40 4414 31.9 42 4022 86.7
 x ¼ 80 Þ

0.052 75 2530 82 2199 83.1 85 2291 22.2 84 2243 86.7
0.111 65 2480 75 2408 82.4 79 2531 23.0 78 2461 86.7
0.194 55 3070 68 2836 81.7 72 3031 24.5 71 2906 86.7
0.336 50 3560 59 3663 80.6 62 4035 27.3 62 3764 86.7
0.724 40 4830 48 5414 78.8 48 6220 31.9 50 5576 86.7
A. Sapora et al. / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 97 (2013) 216–226 225

Eventually, observe that, for each notch amplitude x, the failure loads related to low mixity ratios are very close. On the
other hand, FFM provides a minimum for K II =K I very small, but not null (Fig. 6), i.e. as if the minimum failure load would
occur not in pure mode I, but with a small mode II contribution. On the basis of the results obtained in [31], further studies
are in progress.

4. Conclusions

The coupled FFM criterion has been applied to brittle V-notched elements subjected to mixed-mode loading conditions. A
good agreement with the experimental data available in the literature has generally been found. The influence of the notch
root radius, which affects some results, has been discussed.
By comparing FFM results with those provided by other criteria, it can be noticed that its predictions always result the
lowest ones (i.e. the most conservative), both for what concerns the critical failure load Fc and the crack propagation angle
hc (i.e. FFM provides the highest deflections from the notch bisector). Indeed, the different theoretical estimations on Fc are
very close, significant differences being observed only for higher mixity ratios. It is difficult to determine which criterion pre-
dicts better the failure initiation, changing the situation for each experimental test. For what concerns the propagation angle,
FFM predictions result the most accurate in many cases.


The financial supports of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) to the Project PRIN 2008
‘Advanced applications of Fracture Mechanics for the study of integrity and durability of materials and structures’ and to
the Project FIRB 2010 Future in Research ‘Structural mechanical models for renewable energy applications’ are gratefully

Appendix A. Stress field functions

fhhI ðhÞ ¼ fcos½ð1 þ kI Þðp  x=2Þ cos½ð1  kI Þðh  p=2Þ  cos½ð1  kI Þðp  x=2Þ cos½ð1 þ kI Þðh  p=2Þg; ðA:1Þ

1 1  kI
frhI ðhÞ ¼ cos½ð1 þ kI Þðp  x=2Þ sin½ð1  kI Þðh  p=2Þ  cos½ð1  k I Þðp  x=2Þ sin½ð1 þ kI Þðh  p=2Þ ;
C I 1 þ kI
C I ¼ cos½ð1 þ kI Þðp  x=2Þ  cos½ð1  kI Þðp  x=2Þ: ðA:3Þ

fhhII ðhÞ ¼ fð1 þ kII Þ sin½ð1  k II Þðp  x=2Þ sin½ð1 þ kII Þðh  p=2Þ þ ð1 þ kII Þ sin½ð1 þ k II Þðp  x=2Þ sin½ð1
 kII Þðh  p=2Þg; ðA:4Þ

frhII ðhÞ ¼ fð1 þ kII Þ sin½ð1  kII Þðp  x=2Þ cos½ð1 þ kII Þðh  p=2Þ  ð1  kII Þ sin½ð1 þ kII Þðp  x=2Þ cos½ð1  kII Þ
 ðh  p=2Þg; ðA:5Þ

C II ¼ ð1 þ kII Þ sin½ð1  kII Þðp  x=2Þ  ð1  kII Þ sin½ð1 þ kII Þðp  x=2Þ: ðA:6Þ


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