Aggression Questionnaire

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The Male Adolescents’ Level of Aggression questionnaire is a 60 item self-report that seek to measure the highness and
lowness of level of aggressiveness that an individual male teen possess. The test is composed of 4 subcategory; physical
aggression, verbal aggression, hostility, and anger.



Aggression is defined as the “sequence of behaviour, the goal-response to which there’s an inflicted harm may it
be physically, verbally, and direct or indirect toward a person from a person” (Dollard et al., 1939 p 9).

T Score is a standardized measurement of a score. In the T score, the average score is 50, and the standard
deviation is 10, and the score shows how many standard deviations your result is from the mean. A T score is a z- score
that has been transformed to eliminate negative values. The mean and standard deviation of z scores is zero to one,
respectively; the mean and standard deviation of T-scores.

Rating Scale
5- Completely Like Me
4- Very much Like Me
3- Somewhat Like Me
2- A Little Like Me
1- Not at all like me

Physical Aggression. It is a measure of the tendency to use physical force when resorting to or expressing anger towards
1. I sometimes hit the person close to me when I’m angry.
2. I used to hit back those who hit me.
3. When I’m angry or frustrated at someone I sometimes hit or smack them.
4. Whenever I feel wronged especially when I don’t do something wrong I resort to hitting someone.

Verbal Aggression Scale Item Response. It measures the tendency to be verbally argumentative or verbally violent.
1. I can’t help saying not too good things to my friends whenever I’m angry.
2. I always tell my friends when I don’t like what they are saying.
3. I sometimes argue when I disagree.
4. I often find myself in an argument with someone.
5. I unconsciously say threatening things to my friends.

Anger Scale Item Response. It measures anger related arousal and sense of control over the situation.
1. When I’m angry, I feel so hot like I’m about to burst.
2. My friends say that I blushed or turn red whenever I’m angry.
3. I show to my friends that I’m angry through the way I talk and movements and gestures.

Hostility Scale Item Response. It is a measure of feelings, resentment, suspicion, and alienation- feelings that affect both
physical and psychological.
1. I tend to walk out of situations, when I’m angry.
2. When I look at people I judge them negatively.
3. I sometimes view situations that are happening to in a negative way.
4. When good things happen to me, I thought bad things will come.
5. I doubt people whom I don’t know, whenever they talk to me.
6. I feel like some of my friend talk not so nice things behind my back
7. Whenever I’m jealous that is all that I think of.
8. Sometimes I feel like life is so hard to deal with.
9. I always wonder when there’s a very nice person.

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