S D S - HMI: Oftware Esign Pecification
S D S - HMI: Oftware Esign Pecification
S D S - HMI: Oftware Esign Pecification
Version : 1.00
Luis Callegari
Revision Date Completed by Comments
V1.00 15-May-2017 L Callegari Initial version
2 Software General Requirements ...................................................................................... 4
3 Hardware General Requirements .................................................................................... 4
4 Terminology....................................................................................................................... 4
5 Navigation Hierarchy ....................................................................................................... 5
6 Colour Styles ..................................................................................................................... 6
7 Naming Conventions ........................................................................................................ 6
7.1 Project Application ................................................................................................... 6
7.2 Screen Displays ........................................................................................................ 7
7.3 Parameter Files ........................................................................................................ 7
8 Security .............................................................................................................................. 8
8.1 Security - Levels of Access ....................................................................................... 8
9 Application Template ....................................................................................................... 9
10 Global Object Library................................................................................................... 9
10.1 Header....................................................................................................................... 9
10.2 Footer ...................................................................................................................... 11
10.3 User Controls and Navigation ............................................................................... 12
10.3.1 Control Bar ..................................................................................................... 12
10.3.2 Pushbuttons .................................................................................................... 14
10.3.3 Numeric Inputs .............................................................................................. 14
10.3.4 String Inputs .................................................................................................. 15
11 Standard Screens ....................................................................................................... 16
11.1 Navigation Screen .................................................................................................. 16
11.2 Alarms Summary ................................................................................................... 17
11.3 Alarm History ......................................................................................................... 17
11.4 Setup ....................................................................................................................... 18
11.5 FTTM / Transaction Diagnostics ........................................................................... 18
11.6 FTTM Transaction Log .......................................................................................... 19
11.7 FTTM Transaction Data ........................................................................................ 20
11.8 Shift Performance Monitoring ............................................................................... 21
11.9 Hourly Performance Monitoring ........................................................................... 22
................................................................................................................................................. 23
12 Table of Figures .......................................................................................................... 23
13 References ................................................................................................................... 25
The purpose of this section is to describe the standards for the implementation of HMI
applications. These standards shall provide consistency of look and feel across
applications which shall help reduce the learning curve associated with the
implementation of new systems.
The HMI shall at all times present a consistent and intuitive interface to the operator.
Plain English shall be employed wherever possible.
The standard HMI for CooperVision is the Allen Bradley range of PanelView Plus
systems. This may only be changed with the prior consent of CooperVision.
For each main module of a machine there should be a main HMI for overall control and
monitoring of the module. This should be a minimum 15” screen. Additional terminals
may be required as appropriate to the machine layout for ease of operation these should
be 7” screens.
The latest version of the hardware generally available to CooperVision should be used.
The use of plain English shall be adhered to throughout the application, ensuring that all
Operator prompts and messages are displayed in a clear and concise manner.
The use of computer jargon shall be avoided. CVI specific jargon shall be agreed with the
User before development commences and where used shall be pertinent to the process it
The layout of the front-end system shall be built around the principle of a hierarchical
tree. The Screen at the top of the tree shall provide an overview of the machine (the
‘unit’) encompassing a large amount of machinery but showing very little detail.
The screens at the middle of the tree, which may be more than one level, will provide
detail of individual machine areas, such as stations (the ‘equipment modules’). These
screens should be used to show the state of the equipment module for diagnostic purposes
as well as to navigate to the bottom of the tree.
Screens at the bottom of the tree shall show the plant down to individual Pumps and
Valves, and shall therefore represent the greatest level of detail (the ‘control modules’).
Screens at this level should be defined as popup windows unless the amount of detail and
information required is large enough to encompass more than 50% of the screen.
Equipment Equipment
Module Module
In cases where the machine is complex or large enough to be comprised of multiple units,
an additional level may be added at the top of the hierarchal tree to provide an overview
of the whole process.
Unit Unit
All screen backgrounds should be light grey as specified in the table below to
maintain uniformity across the whole application. Where colour is used to distinguish
display elements, low saturation shades should be used to avoid distracting from the
essential information on the display. Large areas of highly saturated colour should be
avoided as they can contribute to operator visual fatigue and lack of ability to focus on an
This section will describe the naming convention to be used throughout the application.
The application name shall follow the Unit naming convention as specified in the
Software Design Specification for PLCs.
This is the ‘filename’ for the physical application that controls the process cell which
could include, but not be limited to, PLC, DCS, HMI or SCADA applications.
XX is the abbreviated Area descriptor (e.g. FU for Frequent Use, HV for High Volume)
YY is an abbreviated Unit descriptor (e.g. FC for Fill & Close, VO for Vertical Oven)
The abbreviated area and unit descriptors will be provided by CooperVision Controls
Department. These will contain at least two characters. An optional line number and
description can be added to the process cell name if required.
This convention is to be followed when software is tested for Site Acceptance Test.
CooperVision will issue the required name on request prior to SAT.
The naming convention for screen displays follows the following structure:
Where XXXXX is the unique identifier of the screen based on the Equipment Module
number, as shown below.
Displays below 0000 to 00010 are to be used by CooperVision as part of the standard HMI
screens in the template application, while displays above 99900 are to be used as the
standardised diagnostics screens and parameterised control modules screens.
XXXX is the screen identifier which will use the parameter file.
Navigation around the application shall not require an Operator to be logged in. Certain
operations will also not require an operator to log in. However, for higher level access to
the control parameters of the system, a higher level log in may be required.
The security configuration of the application shall be done through the use of the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) functionality for Active Directory built into
the Allen Bradley PanelView Plus terminals. The template application provided includes
the predefined user groups and an ‘Admin’ account to be used by the vendor for
The range of functionality available to the user shall be dependent upon his or her user
level. The following is a list of the different levels of user together with a guide to the type
of access each user level shall provide and MUST be followed in the application, no extra
users or different user names SHOULD be used:
Access Level Description Codes
(A –P)
Default User that the system will log out to, it is a standard A
Rockwell function within the HMI. General Line
operation and some diagnostic capability, this is the
default logon level.
Passwords have been intentionally omitted from the above table and can be issued on
On log out or on boot up of the HMI the Default user MUST be logged in.
ME Runtime 4.00 and later security MUST be used, and ME Runtime 3.20 and earlier
security MUST not be used.
Two standard application templates will be provided to the vendor prior to configuration
of the HMI application, a PanelView Plus 1500 application and a PanelView Plus 700
application. These will be used as the basis for the vendor’s application.
All objects provided in the application must be used ‘as is’ unless agreed by CooperVision.
Please note that the example screens given here may change as the standard projects are
developed further.
As part of the application template, a library of global objects will be provided to the
vendor in order to maintain consistent functionality, look and feel across different
systems in CVI production facilities. These global objects shall not be modified by the
vendor unless previously agreed.
10.1 Header
The header is contained within the CV_Common global object and must be located at
the top left of any replace type screen. This object contains machine-wide controls and
indications along with security management for the application.
This global object can be easily configured by using the following parameters
when deploying it on every screen:
The tables below describe the way the buttons in the header behave relative to
the associated tag value.
Start Available 0
Starting 1
Running 2
One+ stations
stopped (flashing)
Faulted 4
Stop Available 0
Stopping (Flashing) 1
Stopped 2
Guard Unlock
Guards Unlocked –
Reset Required
Guards Locked –
Station Running
10.2 Footer
The footer is contained within the CV_Common global object and must be located at
the bottom left of any replace type screen. This object contains the reset button and
essential navigation options commonly used on all CVI machines.
1. Reset button
2. Alarms
3. Setup
4. Transactions / FTTM
5. Performance Monitoring
6. Previous page
7. Main Overview
8. Navigation
Several user control elements have been provided as part of the global object
library in the template application, these facilitate the design of new applications while
maintaining a consistent functionality, look, and feel across diverse systems.
The control bar is intended for use in applications where safety zones or certain
equipment modules can be faulted, stopped or started without affecting the operation of
the rest of the machine. Said bar provides an indication of the status of each equipment
module or unit and control to start/stop and unlock the guards of each area.
The tables below describe the way the buttons in the panel behave relative to the
associated tag value.
Start Available 0
Starting 1
Running 2
One+ stations
stopped (flashing)
Faulted 4
Stop Available 0
Stopping (Flashing) 1
Stopped 2
Guard Unlock
Guards Unlocked –
Reset Required
Guards Locked –
Station Running
10.3.2 Pushbuttons
Pushbuttons shall be used to provide control in the same way that they are used
to facilitate navigation. The main application of Pushbuttons shall be where the operator
is required to issue commands to the system, such as Start/Stop or Open/Close. The
global object for these is located in the CV_Common display. This
Numeric inputs shall be used to edit settings and parameters. The global object
for these is located in CV_Common screen. One of the parameters is the access level
required by the user, this will control whether the numeric input editable or view only.
String inputs shall be used to edit settings and parameters. The global object for
these is located in CV_Common screen. One of the parameters is the access level required
by the user, this will control whether the numeric input editable or view only.
The navigation screen is accessible from the ‘Navigation’ button at the right hand
side of the footer. This screen provides the user with easy access to all ‘Unit’ and
‘Equipment Module’ level screens contained within the application. Several versions of
the screen are provided for projects of different size, these are to be manually modified by
the vendor to suit the specific application requirements.
The alarms summary page will display all active alarms in the machine, including
The alarm history page will display all current and previous alarms, including warnings.
11.4 Setup
The setup page will provide easy access to several of the standard diagnostic
functions and screens for the machine, along with mode settings for the machine
The Transaction Diagnostics page will enable the user to quickly view the
transaction status, along with access to the logs, data and manual retry and abort
functions. This screen is comprised of global objects that provide the FTTM (FactoryTalk
Transaction Manager) diagnostic information.
The main global object is the diagnostic bar for each transaction, this one is located
within the CV_Engineering display. This object has the following parameters:
These three displays are to be used as templates for displaying the data sent and received
for each transaction. These are to be customised by the vendor for every transaction in
the module by using the supplied global object for each data point.
The provided global object can be used with real, integer and string data types by
modifying its parameters.
This display makes use of the 0007_ShiftStats parameter file included in the template
and the standard Coopervision PMS data structure to display the performance
information statistics on a shift by shift basis.
The only setup required by the vendor for the use of this screen is adjusting the
parameter file.
This display makes use of the included 0008_HourlyStats parameter file and the
standard Coopervision PMS data structure to display the performance information
statistics on an hourly basis.
The only setup required by the vendor for the use of this screen is adjusting the
parameter file.
Figure 1 – Navigation Hierarchy ............................................................................................ 5
Figure 2 – Navigation Hierarchy for Complex Systems ........................................................ 5
Figure 3 – Screen Display Naming Convention ..................................................................... 7
Figure 4 – Parameter File Naming Convention ..................................................................... 7
Figure 5 – Global Object Library – Header .......................................................................... 10
Figure 6 – Global Object Library – Header Parameters ..................................................... 10
Figure 7 – Global Object Library – Footer ........................................................................... 11
Figure 8 – Global Object Library – Footer Parameters ....................................................... 12