Analytic Rubrics For Role Playing: Total
Analytic Rubrics For Role Playing: Total
Analytic Rubrics For Role Playing: Total
MASTERY Actors are Actors seem pretty Actors are Actors do not
completely prepared but might somewhat seem at all
prepared and have have needed a prepared, but it is prepared to
obviously more rehearsals clear that present.
rehearsed. rehearsal was
RELEVANCE TO There is an There is sufficient There is a great Topic is not clear
THE THEME abundance of information that deal of information
material clearly relates to the topic, information that included does not
related to the topic. Most points are is not clearly or support topic in
All points are accurate and clearly lacking any way.
accurate and made. connection to the
clearly made. theme.
STAGE PRESENCE Kinesics generates Kinesics sometimes Kinesics used to Very little use of
strong interest and generates strong try to generate kinesics. Did not
enthusiasm about interest and enthusiasm but generate much
the topic in others. enthusiasm about seems somewhat interest in the
the topic in others. fake. topic being
ACTING/DIALOGUE Actors use Actors often use Actors try to use Actors tell the
consistent voices voices and voices and story but do not
and movements to movements to movements to use voices and
make the make the make the movements to
characters more characters more characters more make the
believable and the believable and the believable and the storytelling more
story more easily story more easily story more easily interesting or
understood. understood. understood. clear.
PROPS AND Production uses Production uses 1-2 Production uses Production uses
COSTUME several materials material/s that 1-2 material/s no material or the
that show make/s during the materials chosen
considerable presentation presentation detract from the
work/creativity and better. which are presentation.
enhance somewhat
presentation. effective.