Delaunay Triangulations: Discrete and Computational Geometry WS 2015/16
Delaunay Triangulations: Discrete and Computational Geometry WS 2015/16
Delaunay Triangulations: Discrete and Computational Geometry WS 2015/16
Delaunay Triangulations
Discrete and Computational Geometry
WS 2015/16
How many Delaunay triangulations can a point set have?
• Definition of the Delaunay graph
• Necessary and sufficient conditions for unique Delaunay
triangulations, examples with many Delaunay triang.
How fast can we compute a Delaunay triangulation?
• Incrementally constructing Delaunay triangulations
• Divide and conquer algorithm: sketch
Birgit Vogtenhuber 05.11.2015 Delaunay Triangulations 5
Institute of Software Technology
Birgit Vogtenhuber 05.11.2015 Delaunay Triangulations 5
Institute of Software Technology
Birgit Vogtenhuber 05.11.2015 Delaunay Triangulations 5
Institute of Software Technology
Birgit Vogtenhuber 05.11.2015 Delaunay Triangulations 5
Institute of Software Technology
Birgit Vogtenhuber 05.11.2015 Delaunay Triangulations 5
Institute of Software Technology
Birgit Vogtenhuber 05.11.2015 Delaunay Triangulations 5
Institute of Software Technology
Birgit Vogtenhuber 05.11.2015 Delaunay Triangulations 5
Institute of Software Technology
History Graph
For locating s in DT (R), we maintain a history graph:
• Its vertices are all triangles that have ever been created
during the incremental construction of DT (R).
• It contains a directed edge from ∆ to ∆0 whenever ∆
has been destroyed during the insertion of ∆0 .
Incremental Construction
How much in total?
Incrementally constucting a Delaunay triangulation DT (S):
• We add an initial triangle of extra points
History graph: first vertex Θ(1)
• for each point of S we ...
1. Find the triangle ∆ of DT (R) that contains s.
History graph: find unique path to leaf. per step Θ(1)
2. Connect s to all vertices of ∆ to obtain a
triangulation T (R ∪ {s}) from DT (R). Θ(1)
History graph: add 3 vertices + edges, dout (∆) = 3.
3. Make Lawson flips to transform T (R ∪ {s}) to a
Delaunay triangulation DT (R ∪ {s}). per flip Θ(1)
History graph: add 2 vertices + 4 edges per flip,
dout = 2 for every destroyed triangle.
• We remove the initial triangle and all incident edges. O(n)
Birgit Vogtenhuber 05.11.2015 Delaunay Triangulations 7
Institute of Software Technology
Delaunay triangulations can be computed efficiently
• Incremental construction in expected time O(n log n)
• Divide and conquer with determinsitic time O(n log n)
• More constructions later this course.