Religion Notes
Religion Notes
Religion Notes
a. Founders: Abraham (2000 B.C.) and/or Moses (1391 – 1271 B.C.)
b. Sacred Texts: Torah, Poetry, Prophets, Talmud, Mishnah
c. Doctrines: Ten Commandments, 618 Rules
d. God: Yahweh/ Jehovah
e. Sects: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform Liberal
f. Issues: Antisemitism, Zionism, Holocaust
Recite the Ten Commandments as stated in the Old Testament (Exodus 20)
Explain: The core teaching of Judaism is the covenant of one God with a chosen people vs. other people with many gods
Identify a story from the old testament that demonstrates the Jewish belief in one God (ex. Story of Samson)
a. Founders: Prophet Muhammad (570-632 A.D.)
b. Sacred Texts: Qu’ran, Hadith
c. Doctrines: Five Pillars of Islam (Shahahad – declaring there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger, Salat –
ritual prayer five times a day, Sawn – fasting during Ramadan, Zakat – alms giving to the poor, and Hajj – pilgrimage to Mecca
at least once in a lifetime)
d. God: Allah
e. Practitioners: Sunnim Shi’ite, Sufi
f. Issues: Gender Inequality, Militant Islam, Migration
a. Founders: Aryans (1500 BC)
b. Sacred Texts: Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad - Gita
c. Doctrines: Dharma-duty, Kama-pleasure, Artha-wealth, Moksha-liberation, Brahman, Atman, the Identification of
Brahman and Atman, the Four Yogas (Yoga of Knowledge, Yoga of Work, Yoga of Devotion or Love, and Yoga of
Psychological Exercises)
d. God: 33 million gods and goddesses
e. Practitioners: Sunnim Shi’ite, Sufi
f. Issues: Gender Inequality, Caste system, Poverty
Identify the names of the major Hindu deities as well as their corresponding functions or powers
Explain: The core teaching of Hinduism is the attainment of liberation in the identification of Atman and Brahman through Four
a. Founders: Siddhartha Gautama (563 – 483 B.C.)
b. Sacred Texts: Tripitaka
c. Doctrines: Four Noble Truths, Eight Fold Path, Law of Dependent Origination and The Impermanence
d. God: non-theistic
e. Issues: Territory conflict in Mainland Southeast Asia
a. Founders: Siddhartha Gautama (563 – 483 B.C.)
b. Sacred Texts: Sutras
c. Doctrines: Four Noble Truths, Eight-fold Path, The Six Perfections to become a Bodhisattva (generosity, morality,
patience, perseverance, meditation, and insight)
1 d. God: non-theistic
e. Issues: Tibet invasion, Engaged activism
f. Universality and growth of sects: Development of Buddhism to Zen (Chan) Buddhism as the fruit of its
encounter with Taoism.
State the three levels of perfection of Mahayana Buddhism (moral discipline, cultivation of virtue, and altruistic conduct)
Give examples of acts of generosity of Mahayana Buddhists
Explain: The core teaching of Mahayana Buddhism is to seek complete enlightenment for the benefit of all living beings
through insight and compassion.
a. Founders: Confucius (551 – 479 B.C.)
b. Sacred Texts: Confucian Classics
c. Doctrines: Mandate of Heaven, Ti’en, Human nature as originally good (Mencius) or evil (Hsun Tze), Rectification of
Names, The Moral Way consisting of five cardinal virtues, Filial Piety, and Ancestor Worship
d. God: Heaven
e. Issues: Gender inequality, Authoritarianism
Describe the five basic relationships (king to subject, father to son, husband to wife, elder brother to younger brother and
friend to friend)
Give examples of acts showing filial piety in the family, community and society
Explain: The core teaching of Confucianism is to be a “gentleman” by virtues of love, righteousness, wisdom, propriety and
loyalty in order to promote harmony in society.
a. Founders: Lao Tzu (604 B.C.)
b. Sacred Texts: Tao Te Ching, Book of Chuang Tze
c. Doctrines: Wu-wei, Law of Reversion, Following nature
d. God: Tao as the Origin of all Beings, unnameable and eternal
e. Issues: Inaction, Superstitious practices, Environmentalism
State the “Tao is the origin of all beings whose essence in nothing”
Give examples of acts showing love and respect of nature and the environment.
Explain: the core teaching of Taoism is becoming one with “Tao.”
f. Founders: Prehistoric Animists of Japan
g. Sacred Texts: Kojiki and Nihongi
h. Doctrines: belief in kami, divinity of emperors
i. God: kami (animist and nature spirits)
j. Issues: Shrine visits of Japanese prime ministers