Beckhoff Main Catalog 2016 PDF

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Main Catalog | 2016

IPC Industrial PC | Embedded PC

I/O EtherCAT | EtherCAT Terminal | EtherCAT Box | EtherCAT Plug-in Modules | Bus Terminal | Fieldbus Box | Infrastructure Components

Motion Drive Technology

Automation TwinCAT | TwinSAFE

Beckhoff New Automation Technology
Addresses, System Overview, Product Index

28 Industrial PC, Control Panel
PC Control for all applications

184 Embedded PC
Modular DIN rail IPCs and Industrial Motherboards

262 Fieldbus Components

I/Os for all common fieldbus systems

284 EtherCAT
The real-time Ethernet fieldbus

314 EtherCAT Terminal

Ultra high-speed communication

450 EtherCAT Box

High performance for harsh environments

526 EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

Bus Terminals for circuit boards

542 Bus Terminal

The modular fieldbus system for automation

696 Fieldbus Box

The compact IP 67 modules

766 Infrastructure Components

PC Fieldbus Cards, Switches, Media Converters

790 Drive Technology

The drive system for highly dynamic positioning tasks

892 TwinCAT
PLC and Motion Control on the PC

966 TwinSAFE
Open and scalable safety technology

988 Support, Service, Training

Worldwide presence and comprehensive services

New Automation Technology


© AREVA Wind/Jan Oelker

Beckhoff implements open automation systems based on PC Control technology. The product
range covers Industrial PCs, I/O and Fieldbus Components, Drive Technology and automation soft-
ware. Products that can be used as separate components or integrated into a complete and seam-
less control system are available for all industries. The Beckhoff “New Automation Technology”
philosophy represents universal and open control and automation solutions that are used world-
wide in a wide variety of different applications, ranging from CNC-controlled machine tools to
intelligent building automation.

Million €
510 Worldwide presence
on all continents
430 The central divisions of Beckhoff, such as development, pro-
duction, administration, distribution, marketing, support and
service are located at the Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG
360 headquarters in Verl, Germany. Rapidly growing presence in the
340 international market is taking place through subsidiaries and
branch offices. Through worldwide co-operation with partners,
290 Beckhoff is represented in more than 75 countries.
Beckhoff Automation
– Headquarters Verl, Germany
90 – Sales 2014: 510 million €
70 – Staff worldwide: 2,900
– Sales Offices Germany: 14
– Subsidiaries/Branch Offices worldwide: 34
0 – Distributors worldwide: in more than 75 countries
18 91 1981

19 91 1991

10 02 2001

0102 2010
1102 2011
2102 2012
3102 2013
4102 2014
9002 2009
0891 1980

2891 1982
3891 1983
4891 1984
5891 1985
6891 1986
7891 1987
8891 1988
9891 1989
0991 1990

2991 1992
3991 1993
4991 1994
5991 1995
6991 1996
7991 1997
8991 1998
9991 1999
0002 2000

2002 2002
3002 2003
4002 2004
5002 2005
6002 2006
7002 2007
8002 2008

development (as of 11/2015)

PC-based control technology


Since the foundation of the company in 1980, continuous development of innovative

products and solutions using PC-based control technology has been the basis for the
continued success of Beckhoff. Many automation technology standards that are taken
for granted today were conceptualised by Beckhoff at an early stage and successfully
introduced to the market.

The Beckhoff PC Control philosophy and the invention of the Lightbus system, the Bus
Terminals and TwinCAT automation software represent milestones in automation technol-
ogy and have become accepted as high-performance alternatives to traditional control
technology. EtherCAT, the real-time Ethernet solution, makes forward-looking, high-per-
formance technology available for a new generation of leading edge control concepts.

1982 P1000 – single-board motion controller 2005 TwinSAFE – the compact safety solution
1986 PC Control – first PC-based machine 2005 AX5000 – EtherCAT Servo Drives
controller 2007 Industrial Motherboards – made in Germany
1988 S1000 – software PLC/NC on PC (DOS) 2008 XFC – eXtreme Fast Control Technology
1989 Lightbus – high-speed fieldbus utilising 2009 HD Bus Terminals – 16-channel terminals
optical fibre in 12 mm
1990 All-in-one PC motherboard 2010 TwinCAT 3 – eXtended Automation
1995 Bus Terminal – fieldbus technology Technology
in terminal block format 2011 AM8000 – Synchronous Servomotors
1996 TwinCAT – real-time software package with One Cable Technology
under Windows with PLC and Motion 2012 2nd generation of Control Panels –
Control functions Panel PCs and Control Panels with
1998 Control Panel – remote IPC Control Panels multi-touch technology
1999 Fieldbus Box – the I/O system in IP 67 2012 XTS – eXtended Transport System
2002 CX1000 – modular Embedded PCs for 2014 Many-core control – Industrial server
DIN rail mounting maximises industrial computing power
2003 EtherCAT – real-time Ethernet fieldbus 2014 AX8000 – Multi-axis servo system
system 2014 EtherCAT plug-in modules –
Bus Terminals for circuit boards

IPC, I/O, Motion and Automation


The IPC Company The I/O Company

Beckhoff supplies the right Industrial PC for every application. Beckhoff has the right technology for every signal and every field-
High-quality components based on open standards and the rug- bus. Beckhoff supplies a complete range of Fieldbus Components
ged construction of the device housings mean that the Industrial for all common I/Os and fieldbus systems. With the Bus Terminals
PCs are ideally equipped for all control requirements. Embedded in protection class IP 20, and the Fieldbus Box modules in IP 67,
PCs make modular IPC technology available in miniature format a complete range is available for all important signal types and
for DIN rail mounting. In addition to their application in automa- fieldbus systems. In addition to conventional bus systems, Beckhoff
tion, Beckhoff Industrial PCs are also ideally suited to other kinds offers a complete EtherCAT I/O range for the high-speed Ethernet
of tasks – wherever reliable and robust PC technology is required. fieldbus based on EtherCAT Terminals and the EtherCAT Box.

The Motion Company The Automation Company

In combination with the Motion Control solutions offered by Beckhoff offers comprehensive system solutions in different
the TwinCAT automation software, Beckhoff Drive Technology performance classes for all areas of automation. Beckhoff control
represents an advanced and complete drive system. PC-based technology is scalable – from high-performance Industrial PCs to
control technology from Beckhoff is ideally suited for single and mini PLCs – and can be adapted precisely to the respective appli-
multiple axis positioning tasks with highly dynamic requirements. cation. TwinCAT automation software integrates real-time control
The AX5000 and AX8000 Servo Drive series with high-perfor- with PLC, NC and CNC functions in a single package. All Beckhoff
mance EtherCAT communication offer maximum performance controllers are programmed using TwinCAT in accordance with
and dynamics. Servomotors with One Cable Technology, which the globally-recognised IEC 61131-3 programming standard.
combines power and feedback system in a standard motor cable, With TwinCAT 3, C/C++ and MATLAB®/Simulink® are available
reduce material and commissioning costs. The drive system XTS as programming languages in addition to IEC 61131-3.
(eXtended Transport System) replaces classic mechanical systems
by innovative mechatronics. It enables individual product transport
applications with a continuous flow of material.

Beckhoff worldwide

Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG
Huelshorstweg 20
33415 Verl
Phone: + 49 5246 963-0
Fax: + 49 5246 963-198
[email protected]


Headquarters distributor
Subsidiary distributor

Beckhoff worldwide
Headquarters Austria
Sales Office Seinäjoki
Beckhoff Automation Oy
Beckhoff Automation Sp. z o.o.
Sales Office Gothenburg
Beckhoff Automation AB
Beckhoff Automation GmbH 60320 Seinäjoki Żabieniec, ul. Ruczajowa 15 43363 Sävedalen
Beckhoff Automation Hauptstraße 4 Phone: + 358 (0) 20 / 7 42 38 50 05-500 Piaseczno Phone: + 46 (0) 40 / 6 80 81 60
GmbH & Co. KG 6706 Bürs Phone: + 48 22 / 7 50 47 00 [email protected]
Huelshorstweg 20 Phone: + 43 5552 68813-0 [email protected]
33415 Verl [email protected] Sales Office Tampere Sales Office Stockholm
Germany Beckhoff Automation Oy Beckhoff Automation AB
Phone: + 49 5246 963-0 33100 Tampere Portugal 16250 Vällingby
[email protected] Sales Office Phone: + 358 (0) 20 / 7 42 38 70 Bresimar Automação, S.A. Phone: + 46 (0) 40 / 6 80 81 60 Oberösterreich Quinta do Simão – [email protected]
Beckhoff Automation GmbH EN109 – Esgueira
4232 Hagenberg France Apartado 3080 Switzerland
Europe Phone: + 43 7236 20925-0
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation Sarl
3801-101 Aveiro
Phone: + 351 234 / 30 33 20
Beckhoff Automation AG
Germany Immeuble “Le Montréal” [email protected] Rheinweg 7
Office Balingen Sales Office ZA de Courtaboeuf 8200 Schaffhausen
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Niederösterreich 19 bis, avenue du Québec Phone: + 41 52 / 6 33 40 40
Karlstraße 19 Beckhoff Automation GmbH 91140 Villebon-sur-Yvette Cedex Romania [email protected]
72336 Balingen 2542 Kottingbrunn Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 29 83 70 Kreatron Automation S.R.L.
Phone: + 49 7433 26024-0 Phone: + 43 2252 251723 [email protected] Str. Octavian Fodor nr. 113, ap. 13
[email protected] [email protected] 400434, Cluj-Napoca Office Zurich
jud. Cluj Beckhoff Automation AG
Office Berlin Sales Office Salzburg Sales Office East Phone: + 40 364 40 16 12 8052 Zurich
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Beckhoff Automation GmbH Beckhoff Automation Sarl offi[email protected] Phone: + 41 52 / 633 40 40
Fasanenstraße 81 5081 Anif 55100 Bras-sur-Meuse [email protected]
10623 Berlin Phone: + 43 6246 74360-0 Phone: + 33 (0) 3 84 27 46 04
Phone: + 49 30 887116-0 [email protected] [email protected] Russia Office Lyssach
[email protected] Headquarters Beckhoff Automation AG
Sales Office Tirol Sales Office South-East Beckhoff Automation OOO Application/Software Development
Sales Office Crailsheim Beckhoff Automation GmbH Beckhoff Automation Sarl Staraya Basmannaya 14/2, Str. 2 3421 Lyssach
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG 6020 Innsbruck 74370 Metz-Tessy 105064 Moscow Phone: + 41 34 / 447 44 80
Hallerstraße 185 Phone: + 43 512 236043 Phone: + 33 (0) 4 50 63 50 00 Phone: + 7 495 / 7 77 83 66 [email protected]
74564 Crailsheim [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Phone: + 49 7951 29767-0 Office Yverdon
[email protected] Belgium, Luxembourg Sales Office West Beckhoff Automation AG
Headquarters Beckhoff Automation Sarl Office Ekaterinburg 1442 Montagny-près-Yverdon
Sales Office Deggendorf Beckhoff Automation bvba 44700 Orvault Beckhoff Automation OOO Phone: + 41 24 / 447 27 - 00
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Klaverbladstraat 11.2/2 Phone: + 33 (0) 6 33 97 42 75 620049 Ekaterinburg [email protected]
Lateinschulgasse 24-26 3560 Lummen [email protected] Phone: + 7 343 / 3 79 98 73
94469 Deggendorf Belgium [email protected] Office Losone
Phone: + 49 991 3831216-0 Phone: + 32 (0) 13 / 25 22 00 Greece, Cyprus Beckhoff Automation AG
[email protected] [email protected] Industrial Automation Systems Office Novosibirsk 6616 Losone L. J. Skourgialos Beckhoff Automation OOO Phone: + 41 91 / 792 24 40
Office Frankfurt 241 EL. Venizelou 630054 Novosibirsk [email protected]
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Sales Office Kortrijk 176 73 Kallithea /Athens Phone: + 7 383 / 355 99 51
Torhaus Westhafen Beckhoff Automation bvba Greece [email protected] Turkey
Speicherstraße 59 8500 Kortrijk Phone: + 30 / 21 09 51 02 60 Headquarters
60327 Frankfurt am Main Phone: + 32 (0) 56 / 20 20 37 [email protected] Office Samara Beckhoff Otomasyon Ltd. Şti.
Phone: + 49 69 680988-0 [email protected] Beckhoff Automation OOO Gardenya-3 Plaza No: 18-19-20
[email protected] Hungary 443010 Samara 34758 Ataşehir Istanbul
Bulgaria Beckhoff Automation Kft. Phone: + 7 846 / 2 69 80 67 Phone: + 90 216 / 580 9830
Office Hanover Kastiva GmbH Gubacsi út 6. [email protected] [email protected]
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG 68-72 Ami Bue Str., 4. Floor 1097 Budapest
Podbielskistraße 342 1612 Sofia Phone: + 36 1 501 9940 Office St. Petersburg
30655 Hanover Phone: + 3 59 (2) 9 50 44 31 [email protected] Beckhoff Automation OOO Office Ankara
Phone: + 49 511 875758-0 offi[email protected] 199178 St. Petersburg Beckhoff Otomasyon Ltd. Şti.
[email protected] Phone: + 7 812 / 332 62 05 06378 Yenimahalle, Ankara
Italy [email protected] Phone: + 90 312 / 394 03 46
Office Lübeck Croatia Headquarters [email protected]
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Krovel d.o.o. Beckhoff Automation S.r.l. Office Vladimir
Wahmstraße 56 Barutanski jarak 114 Via Luciano Manara, 2 Beckhoff Automation OOO Office Bursa
23552 Lübeck 10000 Zagreb 20812 Limbiate (MB) 600000 Vladimir Beckhoff Otomasyon Ltd. Şti.
Phone: + 49 451203988-0 Phone: + 3 85 / 1 230 5788 Phone: + 39 02 / 9 94 53 11 Phone: + 7 4922 / 46 41 80 16110 Nilüfer Bursa
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Phone: + 90 224 / 501 00 17 [email protected]
Sales Office Marktheidenfeld Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Czech Republic, Office Bologna and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Office İzmir
Dillberg 12 Slovac Republic Beckhoff Automation S.r.l. Kosovo, Montenegro Beckhoff Otomasyon Ltd. Şti.
97828 Marktheidenfeld Beckhoff Česká republika s.r.o. 40033 Casalecchio di Reno (BO) Beckhoff Avtomatizacija d.o.o. 35530 Bayraklı, İzmir
Phone: + 49 9391 91270-0 Sochorova 23 Phone: + 39 05 1 / 19 93 92 00 Zbiljska cesta 4 Phone: + 90 232 / 486 0350
61600 Brno [email protected] 1215 Medvode [email protected]
Office Munich Czech Republic Slovenia
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Phone: + 420 511 189 250 Office Padua Phone: + 3 86 / 13 61 30 80 UK, Ireland
Oppelner Straße 5 [email protected] Beckhoff Automation S.r.l. [email protected] Headquarters
82194 Gröbenzell/Munich 35127 Padua (PD) Beckhoff Automation Ltd.
Phone: + 49 8142 41059-0 Phone: + 39 0 49 / 8 70 48 38 The Boathouse
[email protected] Denmark, Iceland [email protected] Spain Station Road
Headquarters Headquarters Henley on Thames
Office Nuremberg Beckhoff Automation ApS Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus Beckhoff Automation S.A. Oxon RG9 1AZ
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Birkemose allé 25 UAB “Santavilte” Edificio Testa Sant Cugat Great Britain
Ostendstraße 196 6000 Kolding Europos pr. 121 Avda. Alcalde Barnils, 64-68 Phone: + 44 14 91 / 41 05 39
90482 Nuremberg Denmark LT-46339 Kaunas 08174 Sant Cugat (Barcelona) [email protected]
Phone: + 49 911 54056-0 Phone: + 45 43 / 20 15 70 Lithuania Phone: + 34 93 / 5 84 49 97
[email protected] [email protected] Phone: + 3 70 37 21 13 60 [email protected] [email protected] Sales Office Glasgow
Sales Office Pforzheim Beckhoff Automation Ltd.
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Sales Office Hobro Sales Office Zamudio Paisley PA1 1JS
Strietweg 72 Beckhoff Automation ApS Malta Beckhoff Automation S.A. Phone: + 44 141 847 1411
75181 Pforzheim 9500 Hobro JMartans Automation 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia) [email protected]
Phone: + 49 7231 41765-0 Phone: + 45 43 / 20 15 70 Ivy, Flat 1, Phone: + 34 94 / 4 31 40 75
[email protected] Salvu Barbara Street, [email protected]
Sales Office Ravensburg
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Sales Office Solrød
Mosta, MST 2433
Phone: + 3 56 21 42 06 55 Sales Office Madrid
Beckhoff Automation ApS [email protected] Beckhoff Automation S.A.
Eisenbahnstraße 44
88212 Ravensburg 2680 Solrød 28290 Las Rozas (Madrid) America
Phone: + 49 751 569369-0 Phone: + 45 43 / 20 15 70 Phone: + 34 91 / 6 36 43 57
[email protected] [email protected] Netherlands [email protected] USA
Industrial Automation Link Headquarters
Office Rhein/Ruhr Finland, Estonia Küppersweg 71 Sweden and Training Center
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Headquarters 2031 EB Haarlem Headquarters Beckhoff Automation LLC
Eurotec-Ring 7 Beckhoff Automation Oy Phone: + 31 23 / 5 18 51 40 Beckhoff Automation AB 13130 Dakota Avenue
47445 Moers P.O. Box 23 [email protected] Stenåldersgatan 2A Savage, MN 55378
Phone: + 49 2841 90816-6 Hakakalliontie 2 21376 Malmö Phone: + 1 952 / 890 0000
[email protected] 05460 Hyvinkää Phone: + 46 (0) 40 / 6 80 81 60 [email protected]
Finland Norway [email protected]
Phone: + 358 (0) 20 / 7 42 38 00 Beckhoff Automation AS Stensarmen 16 3112 Tønsberg
Phone: + 47 33 50 46 90
[email protected]

Southeast Region Beckhoff Automation LLC Chile Office Chengdu Office Kunming Saudi Arabia
Headquarters and Phoenix, AZ ELECDRIVE Proyectos Beckhoff Automation Beckhoff Automation Beckhoff Automation Contact
Training Center Phone: + 1 602 / 354 0506 Industriales S.A. (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. P.O.Box 93228
Charlotte, NC [email protected] Avenida Americo Vespucio 2680, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, Kunming, Yunnan Province 11673 Riyadh
Phone: + 1 704 / 910 4367 Oficina 33, Conchalí, Santiago 610016 Phone: + 86 871 / 63 55 06 36 Phone: + 966 11 486 8419
[email protected] Beckhoff Automation LLC Phone: + 562 / 262 264 72 Phone: + 86 28 / 86 20 25 81 [email protected] [email protected]
Denver, CO [email protected] [email protected]
East Region Sales Phone: + 1 303 / 429 0758 India
Beckhoff Automation LLC [email protected] Office Wuhan Headquarters Singapore, Philippines,
Boston, MA Colombia Beckhoff Automation Beckhoff Automation Pvt. Ltd. Vietnam
Phone: + 1 508 / 776 7167 West Region Sales SENTRONIC S.A.S. (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Suite 4, Level 6, Muttha Towers Beckhoff Automation Pte. Ltd.
[email protected] and Training Center Calle 112 70-B-18 Wuhan, Hubei Province Don Bosco Marg 3 International Business Park
Beckhoff Automation LLC Bogotá Phone: + 86 27 / 87 71 19 92 Pune – 411 006 #05-07/08 Nordic European
Beckhoff Automation LLC Mill Creek, WA Phone: + 57 1 533 4323 [email protected] Phone: + 91 20 40 00 48 00 Centre
Rochester, NY Phone: + 1 425 / 451 4444 [email protected] [email protected] Singapore 609927
Phone: + 1 585 / 545 5696 [email protected] Office Shenyang Phone: + 65 6697 6220
[email protected] Beckhoff Automation [email protected]
Silicon Valley Ecuador (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Sales Office Ahmedabad
Beckhoff Automation LLC Technical Center TCS INDUSTRIAL Shenyang, Liaoning Province Beckhoff Automation Pvt. Ltd.
Hanover, PA Beckhoff Automation LLC Colón y Reina Victoria Ed. Bco. Phone: + 86 24 / 22 78 88 96 Ahmedabad – 380015 South Korea
Phone: + 1 717 / 634 5536 San Jose, CA Guayaquil Of. 1002A [email protected] Phone: + 91 79 40 08 48 00 Tri-TEK Corp.
[email protected] Phone: + 1 877 / 894 6228 Quito, Pichincha [email protected] 12F DaeRyung Technotown III
[email protected] Phone: + 593 / 2 50 80 28 Office Qingdao 115 Gasan Digital2Ro
Beckhoff Automation LLC [email protected] Beckhoff Automation Sales Office Bangalore Gumcheon-gu
Detroit, MI Canada (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Beckhoff Automation Pvt. Ltd. Seoul 153-772
Phone: + 1 248 / 828 5310 Headquarters Qingdao, Shandong Province Bangalore – 560004 Phone: + 82 2 / 2107-32 42
[email protected] Sales, Training Center and Peru Phone: + 86 532 / 55 66 38 57 Phone: + 91 80 40 82 48 00 [email protected]
Application Development Techpro SAC [email protected] [email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC Beckhoff Automation Canada Ltd. Jr. Contralmirante Montero
Sandusky, OH 2900 Argentia Road, Suite 7 (Alberto del Campo) N°414 Office Hefei Sales Office Chennai Taiwan
Phone: + 1 419 / 357 5112 Mississauga, ON L5N 7X9 Dpto. 401 Magdalena del Mar Beckhoff Automation Beckhoff Automation Pvt. Ltd. JI-DIEN Co., Ltd.
[email protected] Phone: + 1 289 / 627 1900 Lima (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Chennai – 600042 9F., No. 22, Sec. 1,
[email protected] Phone: (+ 51) 9 89 43 58 54 Hefei, Anhui Province [email protected] Zhongshan Rd.
Beckhoff Automation LLC [email protected] Phone: + 86 551 / 65 54 35 13 Xingzhuang City
Raleigh, NC Canada Sales [email protected] Sales Office Coimbatore Taipei County 242
Phone: + 1 952 / 428 7350 Beckhoff Automation Canada Ltd. Beckhoff Automation Pvt. Ltd. Phone: + 886 (2) 8522 3237
[email protected] Toronto, ON Uruguay Office Hangzhou Coimbatore – 641 009 [email protected]
Phone: +1 905 / 466 4371 Comando Ltda. Beckhoff Automation [email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC [email protected] Dr. J. de Salterain 1142 (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Nashville, TN Montevideo 11200 Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province Sales Office Delhi Thailand
Phone: + 1 931 / 510 3629 Beckhoff Automation Canada Ltd. Phone: + 598 2400-7923 Phone: + 86 571 / 87 65 27 86 Beckhoff Automation Pvt. Ltd. TDS Technology
[email protected] London, ON [email protected] [email protected] Uttar Pradesh – 201301 (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Phone: + 1 519 / 494 7262 [email protected] 50/962 Moo 2
Beckhoff Automation LLC [email protected] Office Ningbo Bengyeetos Thanyaburi
Atlanta, GA Beckhoff Automation Sales Office Mumbai Pratumthanee
Phone: + 1 770 / 403 8868
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation Canada Ltd.
Laval, QC
Africa (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Ningbo, Zhejiang Province
Beckhoff Automation Pvt. Ltd.
Thane – 400 601
12130 Bangkok
Phone: + 66 (0) 2569 5511
Phone: + 1 514 / 922 3282 Egypt Phone: + 86 574 / 87 20 33 35 [email protected] [email protected]
Central Region Sales [email protected] Beckhoff Automation Contact [email protected]
and Chicago Area Office 11/6 Said Zakaria Street
Beckhoff Automation LLC Mexico Office Shenzhen Representative Office T & R Electronic
Al Sefarat District, Nasr City
Woodridge, IL Mexico Sales, Training and EG- 11471 Cairo Beckhoff Automation Beckhoff Automation Pte. Ltd. (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Phone: + 1 630 / 631 8467 Application Development Phone: + 2 (0) 10 09 15 62 61 (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Alamanda Tower, 25th Floor 120/62 Moo 8 Bang Sare
[email protected] Integra Automation, SA de CV [email protected] Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Jl. T. B. Simatupang, Kav. 23-24 Sattahip
Av. Industrias 1482 Phone: + 86 755 / 23 60 32 32 Jakarta 12430 Chonburi 20250
Central Region Sales and 78399 Fracc. Esmeralda [email protected] Phone: + 62 (21) 2965 7847 Phone: + 66 (0) 3873 7487
Training Center San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. [email protected] [email protected]
South Africa
Beckhoff Automation LLC Phone: + 52 444 / 822 2615 Office Nanjing
Fond du Lac, WI [email protected]
Beckhoff Automation (Pty) Ltd
Beckhoff Automation
Phone: + 1 920 / 251 2777 (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Israel United Arab Emirates,
6 Ateljee Street
[email protected] Randpark Ridge Nanjing, Jiangsu Province Beckhoff Automation Ltd. Oman, Qatar, Bahrain,
Randburg Phone: + 86 25 / 85 86 22 71 Beit Golan Kuwait
Central Region Sales
Beckhoff Automation LLC
South Gauteng
[email protected] Golan St. (corner of Tavor St.)
Airport City
Beckhoff Automation FZE
C# 608, Dubai Silicon Oasis
Savage, MN Office Wuxi Lod 70151 P.O. Box No. 341007
Phone: + 1 952 / 890 0000 America Phone: + 27 (0) 11 795 2898
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation Phone: 972 3 7 76 44 45 Dubai
[email protected] (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. [email protected] United Arab Emirates
Wuxi, Jiangsu Province Phone: + 971 4 5015480
Beckhoff Automation LLC eFALCOM Phone: + 86 510 / 85 81 93 06 [email protected]
Alcorta 2411 Sales Office Cape Town
Milwaukee, WI Beckhoff Automation (Pty) Ltd [email protected] Japan
Phone: + 1 414 / 640 2112 CPA B1744HFM Beckhoff Automation K.K.
Moreno / Buenos Aires Cape Town
[email protected] Phone: + 27 (0) 861 2325 4633 Office Xi’an Nisseki Yokohama Building

Beckhoff Automation LLC

Phone: + 54 237 / 463 1151
[email protected] [email protected]
Beckhoff Automation
(Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
18th Floor
1-1-8 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku
Rogers, AR Xi’an, Shanxi Province Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken
Sales Office Durban Australia
Phone: + 1 952 / 212 3343 Beckhoff Automation (Pty) Ltd Phone: + 86 29 / 88 49 99 08 231-0062 Headquarters
[email protected] Brazil [email protected] Phone: + 81 45 650 1612
Durban Beckhoff Automation Pty. Ltd.
Headquarters [email protected]
Beckhoff Automação Phone: + 27 (0) 861 2325 4633 23 Edward Street
Beckhoff Automation LLC [email protected] Office Suzhou Oakleigh, Victoria, 3166
Austin, TX Industrial Ltda. Beckhoff Automation
Rua Caminho do Pilar, 1362 Phone: + 61 (3) 99 12 54 30
Phone: + 1 512 / 250 9809 (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Lebanon, Jordan, Syria [email protected]
[email protected] Vila Gilda, Santo André – SP Suzhou, Jiangsu Province Industrial Technologies (itec) S.A.L.
CEP: 09190-000
Phone: + 55 (11) 41 26-3232
Asia Phone: + 86 512 / 62 85 22 07 Afrah Plaza Center,
Beckhoff Automation LLC [email protected] Blvd Fouad Chehab
[email protected] China Sales Office Sydney
Houston, TX Sin El Fil, Beirut Beckhoff Automation Pty. Ltd.
Phone: + 1 832 / 610 4034 Headquarters Office Changsha Lebanon
Beckhoff Automation North Ryde, NSW, 2113
[email protected] Beckhoff Automation Phone: + 961 (1) 49 11 61 Phone: + 61 (2) 80 69-23 33
Sales Office Campinas (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. [email protected]
Beckhoff Automação 5th Floor, [email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC Changsha, Hunan Province
Dallas, TX Industrial Ltda. No. 163 JiangChang San Road Phone: + 86 731 / 89 60 89 50 New Zealand
Phone: + 1 972 / 533 2585 Campinas – SP Shanghai Shibei Industrial Zone [email protected] Malaysia Beckhoff Automation Limited
[email protected] Phone: + 55 (11) 41 26-3232 Shanghai, 200436 Headquarters
[email protected] Unit C2, 59 Apollo Drive
Phone: + 86 21 / 66 31 26 66 Office Chongqing Beckhoff Automation Sdn. Bhd.
Albany, Auckland 0632
West Region Sales [email protected] Beckhoff Automation (889044-H)
Sales Office Joinville Phone: + 64 (9) 281 2736
Beckhoff Automation LLC (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Unit 2.1, 2nd Floor, Surian Tower
Beckhoff Automação [email protected]
San Diego, CA Chongqing No.1 Jalan PJU 7/3
Phone: + 1 760 / 504 9780 Industrial Ltda. Office Beijing Phone: + 86 23 / 67 39 81 75 Mutiara Damansara
[email protected] Joinville 89221-006 – SC Beckhoff Automation [email protected] 47810 Petaling Jaya
Phone: + 55 (47) 3439 - 0908 (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Phone: + 60 (3) 7731 8388
Beckhoff Automation LLC [email protected] Beijing, 100044 Office Zhengzhou [email protected]
Los Angeles, CA Phone: + 86 10 / 58 30 12 36 Beckhoff Automation
Phone: + 1 310 / 925 0006 Sales Office [email protected] (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
[email protected] Novo Hamburgo Zhengzhou, Henan Province Sales Office Penang
Beckhoff Automaçao Office Guangzhou Phone: + 86 371 / 61 73 25 82 Beckhoff Automation Sdn. Bhd.
Beckhoff Automation LLC Industrial Ltda. Beckhoff Automation [email protected] (889044-H)
San Francisco Bay Area, CA Novo Hamburgo – RS (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Bayan Baru, 11950, Penang
Phone: + 1 408 / 479 0185 Phone: + 55 (51) 3035 - 6233 Guangzhou, Guangdong Phone: + 60 (4) 6460 388
[email protected] [email protected] Province, 510623 [email protected]
Phone: + 86 20 / 38 01 03 00
[email protected]

The Beckhoff Main Catalog

KL2751, KL2761 Digital output

The Beckhoff Main Catalog contains basic information

for all product groups. Further information, such as more Digital output | Universal dimmers up to 230 V AC
detailed technical data/drawings and other documenta- To dim light efficiently means electronically
regulating the current flow through the light-
1-channel universal
dimmer terminal,

tion, is available on the Beckhoff website. The information ing medium using the phase control principle.
The ratio of the switch-on time to the switch-
230 V AC

off time determines the output light quantity

is complemented by multimedia files or Application Notes. via the flow of current. Depending on the
load connected (ohmic, capacitive, induc-
Technical data KL2751 | KS2751 KL2761 | KS2761

Connection technology 4-wire

Direct links are provided on the respective catalog pages: tive) either the switch-on time (leading edge
phase control | load type: L) or the switch-off
time (trailing edge phase control | load type: Load type ohmic, inductive or capacitive (not mixed),
C, R) must be regulated. The load type of an lamp load, automatic load detection
electronic ballast depends on the transformer Max. output current 1.35 A 2.7 A
used and must be taken into account.
The KL2751 and KL2761 universal dim- Number of outputs 1
mer terminals automatically recognise the
connected load and select the corresponding
control principle. The short-circuit resistance
prevents damage to the fuse, so that no addi-
tional maintenance work is necessary when
exchanging the lamp.
1 5

If high-energy, high-frequency interfer-

ence pulses are likely to occur in the 230 V AC 2 6
230 V AC
mains power supply, they can be eliminated
by an upstream KL9380 feed and filter ter-
minal. N 3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8

Nominal voltage 230 V AC
Current consumption only load
power contacts
Leading edge phase control Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 65 mA
Short circuit current 10…20 A 20…40 A
u Mains voltage 230 V AC (50 Hz)
Rated output 300 VA (W) 600 VA (W)
i Rated current max. 1.35 A max. 2.7 A
t Control type phase control
Resolution 1%
Voltage u
Leakage current < 1 mA (OFF state)
Current i
Special features dimmers with fieldbus functionality
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Trailing edge phase control Approvals CE
Weight approx. 60 g
u Further information
Product web page i
Special terminals
Distinguishing features
without power contacts
600 W, 50 Hz
t (without power contacts)
Voltage u
KL9380 mains filter terminal for dimmers see
Current i
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


C6915 | Control cabinet Industrial PC with Intel® Atom™

Additional information C6915 C6915-0000, -0010

Housing fanless industrial PC for space-saving control cabinet installation
mounting sheet at the rear wall
all connectors on the front
status LEDs
lithium battery accessible behind the front flap
1 slot for one Compact Flash card behind the front flap
passive cooling without fan
5 cm (2“) free space on top and bottom of the PC necessary for air circulation
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 1.25 kg (2.8 lbs)
compact dimensions (W x H x D) 48 x 164 x 119 mm (1.9“ x 6.5“ x 4.7“) without mounting plate

Features C6915-0010
Processor Intel® Atom™
Motherboard 3½-inch
Slots –

In addition to detailed technical data, the product Free slots

Max. card length
Graphic adapter

integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board

web pages contain PDF files, additional documentation, Hard disks/flash

Power supply
Further information
2½-inch HDD or SDD or 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast
24 V DC
recommended for new projects
for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

videos, Application Notes, technical drawings, etc. We reserve the right to make technical changes.

The online manual

The Beckhoff Information System
contains information about the Beckhoff
products and technical information,
manuals, TwinCAT example codes,
a knowledge base and much more.

TwinCAT automation software can be

downloaded as a full version and or as
a runtime version. The trial period for
the runtime version is seven days.

Print media online

The Beckhoff catalogs and flyers are available
for download on the Internet. Printed copies
are available on request. Please use our online
order form to specify your requirements.

System overview

892 TwinCAT

TwinCAT Base TwinCAT I/O TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT C/C++ TwinCAT Safety TwinCAT Measurement

28 Industrial PC

Panel PC Panel PC Panel PC Panel PC Panel PC Panel PC Panel PC Panel PC Panel PC Panel PC
CP22xx CP26xx CP27xx CP32xx CP37xx CP62xx CP65xx CP66xx, CP72xx CP77xx

184 Embedded PC

Embedded PC Embedded PC Embedded PC Embedded PC Embedded PC

CX1010 CX5010, CX5020 CX5120, CX5130, CX2020, CX2030, CX2040 CX80xx

766 Infrastructure
PCI Ethernet FC90xx PCI PROFIBUS FC310x

542 Bus Terminal

Bus Coupler BK1120 (K-bus interface), Bus Coupler BK3xx0, Bus Terminal Controller
Bus Terminals KL/KSxxxx Bus Terminals KL/KSxxxx BC/BX31x0 (IEC 61131-3)

314 EtherCAT
EtherCAT EtherCAT
Coupler EK1xxx, EtherCAT plug-in Bus Coupler EK3100,
526 EtherCAT EtherCAT Terminals EL/ESxxxx modules EJxxxx EtherCAT Terminals EL/ESxxxx
Plug-in Modules

696 Fieldbus Box

450 EtherCAT Box

Coupler Box Extension EtherCAT Box Compact Box Coupler Box Extension PLC Box IL230x-C31x
IL230x-B110 Box IExxxx EPxxxx, EQxxxx, ERxxxx IPxxxx-B31x IL230x-B31x Box IExxxx (IEC 61131-3)

790 Drive

Multi-axis servo system Servo Drives AX5xxx Synchronous Servomotors Synchronous Servomotors
AX8xxx AM8xxx AM3xxx

Detailed system and fieldbus information from page 272


TwinCAT Control TwinCAT Motion TwinCAT PTP TwinCAT NC I TwinCAT CNC TwinCAT Robotics TwinCAT Connectivity


Extended Extended Extended Extended

Panel PC 19-inch slide-in PC Control Control Built-in Control Control Built-in Control Built-in Control Control Panel Control Panel
C36xx C5xxx cabinet PC cabinet PC Industrial cabinet PC cabinet Panel CP29xx Panel CP69xx CP39xx CP79xx
C61xx C62xx PC C65xx C66xx PC C69xx

Embedded PC Embedded PC Industrial Motherboards

CX9000, CX9010 CX9020 CBxxxx

PCI CANopen FC510x PCI DeviceNet FC520x CU20xx PCI Ethernet FC90xx

Bus Coupler BK5xx0, Bus Terminal Controller Bus Coupler BK9xx0, Bus Terminal
Bus Terminals KL/KSxxxx BC/BX5xx0 (IEC 61131-3) Controller BC/BX9xx0 (IEC 61131-3)


Bus Coupler EK9000,

EtherCAT Terminals EL/ESxxxx


Compact Box Compact Box Coupler Box Extension Coupler Box IL230x-B90x,
IPxxxx-B5x0 IPxxxx-B5x8 IL230x-B5xx Box IExxxx PLC Box IL230x-C900
(IEC 61131-3) DMX

Stainless steel servomotors Linear Servomotors Compact Drive Technology XTS | eXtended Transport System
AM88xx ALxxxx

Product Index
Product Index

A B BK9103
BK9500 579
AG1000 871 BC3100 582 Built-in Control Panel 168
AG2210 836 BC3150 582 Built-in Panel PC 46
AG2250 865 BC5150 583 Bus Coupler E-bus 338
AG2300 833 BC5250 584 Bus Coupler K-bus 564
AG2800 842 BC7300 585 Bus Terminal Controller 580
AL2000 851 BC8050 585 Bus Terminals 542
AL20xx 850 BC8150 586 BX3100 583
AL21xx 851 BC9000 587 BX5100 583
AL2200 854 BC9020 587 BX5200 584
AL2250 854 BC9050 587 BX8000 586
AL2400 852 BC9100 588 BX9000 589
AL24xx 852 BC9120 588 BZ1xxx 447
AL25xx 852 BC9191 589 BZ30x0 447
AL2800 853 BC9191-0100 589 BZ3200 448
AL28xx 853 BG15xx 449 BZ5100 448
AL29xx 853 BK1120 337,
AM30uv-wxyz-000a 845 566
AM31uv-wxyz-000a 863 BK1150 337,
AM80uv-wxyz 825 566
AM81uv-wxyz 863 BK1250 337,
AM85uv-wxyz 831 566
AS10xx 868 BK2020 567
AT2000-xx00 891 BK3010 568 C3620 98
AT20xx-0xxx 886 BK3100 568 C3640 99
AT9000-xxxx 890 BK3110 568 C5102 104
AT9001-0550 887 BK3120 569 C5210 105
AT9011-0050 887 BK3150 569 C6140 108
AT9011-0070 887 BK3520 569 C6150 109
AT9012-0050 887 BK4000 570 C6240 112
AT9050-xxxx 890 BK4020 570 C6250 113
AT9100-xxxx 890 BK5110 570 C6515 116
AX2090-BW50-xxxx 807 BK5120 571 C6525 118
AX2090-BW80-xxxx 813 BK5150 571 C6640 122
AX2090-MD50 807 BK5151 571 C6650 123
AX2090-ND50 807 BK5200 572 C6670 125
AX2090-NF50 806 BK5210 572 C6915 128
AX5000 798 BK5220 573 C6920 130
AX5021 807 BK5250 573 C6925 129
AX51xx 800 BK7000 574 C6930 132
AX52xx 801 BK7150 574 C9900-E21x 183
AX57xx 802 BK7300 575 C9900-E249 145
AX58xx 802 BK7350 575 C9900-E270 135
AX8000 808 BK7500 576 C9900-E271 136
AX81xx 811 BK7520 576 C9900-E276 137
AX8206 811 BK8000 576 C9900-E277 139
AX86xx 810 BK8100 577 C9900-E78x 180
AX8810 812 BK9000 577 C9900-Exxx 174
BK9050 577 C9900-G00x, -G01x 160
BK9053 578 C9900-G02x, -G03x 161
BK9055 579 C9900-H35x 142
BK9100 577 C9900-H37x 142
Product Index

C9900-L100 413 CP772x 94 CX1030-N041 237

C9900-M3x0 182 CP773x 94 CX1030-N060 237
C9900-M400 182 CP77xx 94 CX1100-0001 239
C9900-M406 159 CP7901-140x 170 CX1100-0002 239
C9900-T90x 183 CP7902-140x 170 CX1100-0003 239
C9900-U330 144 CP7903-140x 170 CX1100-0004 239
C9900-U332 144 CP790x 170 CX1100-0012 239
CANopen Bus Coupler K-bus 570 CP791x 170 CX1100-0013 239
CANopen Fieldbus Box 712 CP792x 170 CX1100-0014 239
CANopen PC cards 774 CP793x 170 CX1100-09x0 243
CANopen PCIe cards 775 CP794x 170 CX1500-B200 242
CB1056 257 CP79xx 170 CX1500-B310 242
CB1061 258 CP7xxx 170 CX1500-B510 242
CB3056 259 CU1128 785 CX1500-B520 242
CB3060 260 CU1521 786 CX1500-M200 241
CB3063 261 CU1561 786 CX1500-M310 241
CC-Link Bus Coupler K-bus 574 CU2005 782 CX1500-M510 241
ControlNet Bus Coupler K-bus 574 CU2008 782 CX1500-M520 241
Control Panel 148 CU2016 782 CX1500-M750 241
CP22xx 48 CU2208 783 CX2020 246
CP26xx 52 CU2508 784 CX2030 246
CP27xx 56 CU2608 787 CX2040 246
CP29xx 154 CU8006 139 CX2100-0xxx 248
CP32xx 60 CU8800 135 CX2500-00xx 249
CP37xx 64 CU8801 136 CX2500-B310 253
CP39xx 156 CU8802 137 CX2500-B510 253
CP620x 70 CU8803 137 CX2500-M310 252
CP621x 70 CU8810 140 CX2500-M510 252
CP622x 70 CU8815 140 CX2550-0010 250
CP623x 70 CU8850 135 CX2550-0020 250
CP624x 70 CU8851 136 CX2550-0x79 251
CP62xx 70 CU8870 141 CX5010 224
CP650x 76 CU8871 141 CX5020 224
CP651x 76 CU8880 142 CX5120 228
CP652x 76 CX1010 218 CX5130 228
CP653x 76 CX1010-N010 220 CX5140 228
CP654x 76 CX1010-N020 220 CX8000 198
CP65xx 76 CX1010-N030 220 CX8010 202
CP66xx 80 CX1010-N031 220 CX8030 202
CP6606 83 CX1010-N040 220 CX8031 202
CP67xx 86 CX1010-N041 220 CX8050 203
CP690x 168 CX1010-N060 220 CX8051 203
CP691x 168 CX1020 232 CX8080 203
CP692x 168 CX1020-N010 236 CX8090 204
CP693x 168 CX1020-N020 236 CX8091 204
CP694x 168 CX1020-N030 236 CX8093 205
CP69xx 168 CX1020-N031 236 CX8095 205
CP6xxx 168 CX1020-N040 236 CX8097 205
CP720x 90 CX1020-N041 236 CX9000 208
CP721x 90 CX1020-N060 236 CX900x-0x0x 209
CP722x 90 CX1030 234 CX900x-1x0x 209
CP723x 90 CX1030-N010 237 CX9010 210
CP724x 90 CX1030-N020 237 CX901x-0x0x 211
CP72xx 90 CX1030-N030 237 CX901x-1x0x 211
CP770x 94 CX1030-N031 237 CX9020 214
CP771x 94 CX1030-N040 237 CX90x0-A001 212
Product Index

CX90x0-N010 212 EK1521 335 EL1908 981,

CX90x0-N030 212 EK1521-0010 335 351
CX90x0-N031 212 EK1541 334 EL2002 | ES2002 352
CX90x0-N070 212 EK1561 335 EL2004 | ES2004 352
EK1814 333 EL2008 | ES2008 353
EK1818 333 EL2022 | ES2022 354
EK1828 333 EL2024 | ES2024 354
EK1828-0010 333 EL2032 | ES2032 355
EK1914 978, EL2034 | ES2034 355
332 EL2042 | ES2042 355

D EK1960
EL2084 | ES2084
EL2088 | ES2088
EK9000 338 EL2124 | ES2124 359
DeviceNet Bus Coupler 572 EK9300 339 EL2202 | ES2202 356
K-bus EK9500 339 EL2212 | ES2212 356
DeviceNet Fieldbus Box 713 EK9700 339 EL2252 | ES2252 357
DeviceNet PC cards 776 EL1002 | ES1002 344 EL2258 357
DIN rail PC 184 EL1004 | ES1004 343 EL2262 | ES2262 357
Drive Technology 790 EL1004-0020 343 EL2502 | ES2502 364
EL1008 | ES1008 342 EL2521 | ES2521 363
EL1012 | ES1012 344 EL2521-0024 | ES2521-0024 363
EL1014 | ES1014 343 EL2521-0025 363
EL1018 | ES1018 342 EL2521-0124 363
EL1024 | ES1024 344 EL2522 363
EL1034 | ES1034 344 EL2535 | ES2535 365

E EL1084 | ES1084
EL1088 | ES1088
EL1094 | ES1094 348 EL2545 | ES2545 365
EJ1008 536 EL1098 | ES1098 348 EL2595 365
EJ1100 535 EL1104 | ES1104 345 EL2602 | ES2602 366
EJ1809 536 EL1114 | ES1114 345 EL2612 | ES2612 367
EJ1859 536 EL1124 | ES1124 349 EL2622 | ES2622 367
EJ1889 536 EL1134 | ES1134 349 EL2624 | ES2624 367
EJ2008 537 EL1144 | ES1144 349 EL2652 | ES2652 367
EJ2502 537 EL1202 | ES1202 346 EL2712 | ES2712 368
EJ2809 537 EL1252 | ES1252 346 EL2722 | ES2722 368
EJ2889 537 EL1258 347 EL2732 | ES2732 368
EJ3004 538 EL1259 347 EL2784 360
EJ3108 538 EL1262 | ES1262 347 EL2788 361
EJ3202 538 EL1382 | ES1382 345 EL2794 361
EJ3214 538 EL1502 | ES1502 350 EL2798 361
EJ4002 539 EL1512 | ES1512 350 EL2808 353
EJ4134 539 EL1702 | ES1702 349 EL2809 353
EJ7047 540 EL1712 | ES1712 349 EL2819 354
EJ7211-0010 540 EL1722 | ES1722 349 EL2828 355
EJ7342 540 EL1804 345 EL2872 353
EJ9001 541 EL1808 343 EL2889 358
EJ9576 541 EL1809 343 EL2901 982,
EK1100 332 EL1814 345 369
EK1101 332 EL1819 343 EL2902 982,
EK1101-0080 332 EL1859 343 369
EK1110 336 EL1862 345 EL2904 983,
EK1122 336 EL1872 345 369
EK1122-0080 336 EL1889 348 EL2964 983
EK1501 334 EL1904 980, EL3001 | ES3001 370
EK1501-0010 334 351 EL3002 | ES3002 371
Product Index

EL3004 | ES3004 371 EL3602 | ES3602 373 EL6688 417

EL3008 | ES3008 371 EL3612 | ES3612 379 EL6692 418
EL3011 | ES3011 377 EL3632 390 EL6695 418
EL3012 | ES3012 377 EL3681 | ES3681 396 EL6720 426
EL3014 | ES3014 377 EL3692 391 EL6731 423
EL3021 | ES3021 381 EL3702 | ES3702 373 EL6731-0010 423
EL3022 | ES3022 381 EL3742 | ES3742 379 EL6740-0010 426
EL3024 | ES3024 381 EL3773 395 EL6751 424
EL3041 | ES3041 376 EL4001 | ES4001 402 EL6751-0010 424
EL3042 | ES3042 376 EL4002 | ES4002 402 EL6752 425
EL3044 | ES3044 376 EL4004 | ES4004 402 EL6752-0010 425
EL3048 | ES3048 376 EL4008 | ES4008 402 EL6851 427
EL3051 | ES3051 380 EL4011 | ES4011 404 EL6851-0010 427
EL3052 | ES3052 380 EL4012 | ES4012 404 EL6900 979,
EL3054 | ES3054 380 EL4014 | ES4014 404 428
EL3058 | ES3058 380 EL4018 | ES4018 404 EL6910 979,
EL3061 | ES3061 374 EL4021 | ES4021 406 428
EL3062 | ES3062 374 EL4022 | ES4022 406 EL6930 979,
EL3064 | ES3064 374 EL4024 | ES4024 406 428
EL3068 | ES3068 374 EL4028 | ES4028 406 EL7031 | ES7031 431
EL3101 | ES3101 372 EL4031 | ES4031 400 EL7037 431
EL3102 | ES3102 372 EL4032 | ES4032 400 EL7041 | ES7041 431
EL3104 | ES3104 372 EL4034 | ES4034 401 EL7047 431
EL3111 | ES3111 379 EL4038 | ES4038 401 EL7201 433
EL3112 | ES3112 379 EL4102 | ES4102 403 EL7201-0010 433
EL3114 | ES3114 379 EL4104 | ES4104 403 EL7211 433
EL3121 | ES3121 383 EL4112 | ES4112 405 EL7211-0010 433
EL3122 | ES3122 383 EL4114 | ES4114 405 EL7332 | ES7332 435
EL3124 | ES3124 383 EL4122 | ES4122 407 EL7342 | ES7342 435
EL3141 | ES3141 378 EL4124 | ES4124 407 EL9011 438
EL3142 | ES3142 378 EL4132 | ES4132 401 EL9070 437
EL3144 | ES3144 378 EL4134 | ES4134 401 EL9080 437
EL3151 | ES3151 382 EL4712 | ES4712 405 EL9100 | ES9100 436
EL3152 | ES3152 382 EL4732 | ES4732 401 EL9110 | ES9110 436
EL3154 | ES3154 382 EL5001 | ES5001 408 EL9150 | ES9150 436
EL3161 | ES3161 375 EL5002 | ES5002 408 EL9160 | ES9160 436
EL3162 | ES3162 375 EL5021 | ES5021 411 EL9180 | ES9180 438
EL3164 | ES3164 375 EL5032 409 EL9181 439
EL3201 | ES3201 386 EL5101 | ES5101 410 EL9182 439
EL3202 | ES3202 387 EL5151 | ES5151 411 EL9183 439
EL3204 | ES3204 385 EL5151-0021 411 EL9184 439
EL3204-0200 385 EL5152 | ES5152 411 EL9185 | ES9185 438
EL3208 385 EL6001 | ES6001 412 EL9186 | ES9186 438
EL3214 385 EL6002 412 EL9187 | ES9187 439
EL3255 397 EL6021 | ES6021 412 EL9188 439
EL3311 388 EL6022 412 EL9189 439
EL3312 388 EL6070 413 EL9190 | ES9190 437
EL3314 389 EL6080 414 EL9195 | ES9195 437
EL3318 389 EL6090 415 EL9200 437
EL3351 | ES3351 392 EL6201 | ES6201 419 EL9210 437
EL3356 | ES3356 393 EL6224 420 EL9250 437
EL3356-0010 393 EL6601 416 EL9260 437
EL3403 | ES3403 394 EL6614 416 EL9290 437
EL3413 395 EL6631 421 EL9400 | ES9400 440
EL3413-0001 395 EL6632 421 EL9410 | ES9410 440
EL3433 395 EL6652 422 EL9505 | ES9505 441
Product Index

EL9508 | ES9508 441 EP5151-0002 493 ER3204 487

EL9510 | ES9510 441 EP6001 494 ER3314 488
EL9512 | ES9512 441 EP6002 494 ER4174 491
EL9515 | ES9515 441 EP6224 495 ER4374 491
EL9520 | ES9520 440 EP7041-0002 496 ER5101 492
EL9540 | ES9540 442 EP7041-1002 496 ER5151-0002 493
EL9550 | ES9550 442 EP7041-2002 497 ER6001 494
EL9560 | ES9560 441 EP7041-3002 497 ER6002 494
EL9576 | ES9576 443 EP7041-3102 497 ER7041 496
EL9820 308 EP7342 498 ER7041-1002 496
ELxxxx 314 EP8309 499 ER7041-2002 497
EM2042 353 EP9128 788 ER7041-3002 497
EM3701 398 EP9214 501 ER7342 498
EM3702 398 EP9224 501 ER8309 499
EM7004 429 EP9300 502 ERI1008 748
Embedded PC 184 EP9521-0020 789 ERI1809 749
Encoder option cards 802 EP9522-0020 789 ERI2008 750
EP1008 466 EPI1008 748 ERI2338 752
EP1008-0022 467 EPI1809 749 ERI2339 753
EP1018 466 EPI2008 750 ERI2809 751
EP1098 467 EPI2338 752 ERI3174 754
EP1111 500 EPI2339 753 ERI4374 755
EP1122 500 EPI2809 751 ESxxxx 314
EP1258 471 EPI3174 754 ET1100 305
EP1518 468 EPI4374 755 ET1200 305
EP1809 470 EQ1008 506 ET1810 306
EP1816 469 EQ1809 506 ET1811 306
EP1816-3008 469 EQ2008 507 ET1812 306
EP1819 470 EQ2339 508 ET1815 307
EP1908 981 EQ2809 507 ET1816 307
EP2008-0022 477 EQ3174 510 ET2000 310
EP2028 474 EQ3204 511 ET9000 312
EP2028-0032 475 EQ3314 511 ET9200 312
EP2038 476 ER1008 466 ET9300 313
EP2308 480 ER1008-0022 467 ET9400 313
EP2316 481 ER1018 466 ET9402 311
EP2316-0003 482 ER1098 467 ET Bus Terminals 542
EP2318 480 ER1258 471 EtherCAT 284
EP2328 483 ER1518 468 EtherCAT Box 450
EP2338 482 ER1809 470 EtherCAT Bus Coupler K-bus 337
EP2339 484 ER1819 470 EtherCAT cable 514
EP2349 485 ER2008 473 EtherCAT Coupler E-bus 330
EP2624 479 ER2008-0022 477 EtherCAT Drives 798
EP2809 477 ER2028 474 EtherCAT Fieldbus Box 709
EP2816 478 ER2028-1032 475 EtherCAT Fieldbus Module 762
EP2817 479 ER2038 476 EtherCAT patch cable 446
EP3162 486 ER2308 480 EtherCAT Plug-in Modules 526
EP3174 487 ER2318 480 EtherCAT RJ45 cable 446
EP3184 487 ER2328 483 EtherCAT system overview 272
EP3356 489 ER2338 482 EtherCAT Terminals 314
EP3744 490 ER2339 484 Ethernet Bus Coupler 338
EP3744-1041 490 ER2349 485 E-bus
EP4174 491 ER2624 479 Ethernet Bus Coupler 577
EP4374 491 ER2809 477 K-bus
EP5101 492 ER3174 487 Ethernet Fieldbus Box 716
EP5101-1002 493 ER3184 487 Ethernet PC cards 778
Product Index

Ethernet Switches
EtherNet/IP Bus Coupler
G IL230x-B520
E-bus IL230x-B730 714
EtherNet/IP Bus Coupler 579 Guide rails 890 IL230x-B800 715
K-bus IL230x-B810 715
IL230x-B900 716
IL230x-B901 716
IL230x-B903 717
IL230x-B905 717
IL230x-C310 711

H IL230x-C318 711

F IL230x-C810
HD Bus Terminals 592 Infrastructure 766
FB1111-014x 309 HD EtherCAT Terminals 342 Interbus Bus Coupler K-bus 570
FC1100 781 Interbus Fieldbus Box 711
FC1121 781 IP100x-Bxxx 728
FC2001 771 IP101x-Bxxx 728
FC2002 771 IP1502-Bxxx 729
FC3101 772 IP200x-Bxxx 730
FC3102 772 IP202x-Bxxx 731
I IP204x-Bxxx
FC3151 772 IP3102-Bxxx 738
FC5101 774 IE100x 728 IP3112-Bxxx 739
FC5102 774 IE101x 728 IP3202-Bxxx 739
FC5121 775 IE1502 729 IP3312-Bxxx 739
FC5122 775 IE200x 730 IP4112-Bxxx 740
FC5151 774 IE202x 731 IP4132-Bxxx 740
FC5201 776 IE204x 732 IP5009-Bxxx 742
FC5202 776 IE230x 735 IP5109-Bxxx 743
FC5251 776 IE231x 735 IP5209-Bxxx 743
FC7501 777 IE232x 736 IP5209-Bxxx-1000 743
FC7502 777 IE233x 736 IP6002-Bxxx 744
FC7551 777 IE2403 735 IP6012-Bxxx 745
FC9001-0010 778 IE240x 737 IP6022-Bxxx 745
FC9002 779 IE2512 733 IPxxxx-B200 709
FC9004 779 IE2808 733 IPxxxx-B310 710
FC9011 778 IE3102 738 IPxxxx-B318 710
FC9022 779 IE3112 739 IPxxxx-B400 711
FC9024 779 IE3202 739 IPxxxx-B510 712
FC9051 780 IE3312 739 IPxxxx-B518 712
FC9062 143 IE4112 740 IPxxxx-B520 713
FC9151 780 IE4132 740 IPxxxx-B528 713
Fieldbus Box 696 IE5009 742 IPxxxx-B730 714
Fieldbus Module 762 IE5109 743 IPxxxx-B800 714
Fieldbus system overviews 273 IE6002 744 IPxxxx-B810 715
FM3312-B110 762 IE6012 745
FM3312-B310 764 IE6022 745
FM3332-B110 762 IL230x-B110 709
FM3332-B310 764 IL230x-B200 709
IL230x-B310 710
IL230x-B318 710
IL230x-B400 711
IL230x-B510 712
IL230x-B518 712
Product Index

K KL2134 | KS2134
KL2184 | KS2184
KL3051 | KS3051
KL3052 | KS3052
KL2212 | KS2212 609 KL3054 | KS3054 636
K7xxx | KT7xxx 182 KL2284 | KS2284 627 KL3061 | KS3061 632
Keyboard 182 KL2404 | KS2404 607 KL3062 | KS3062 632
KL1002 | KS1002 595 KL2408 | KS2408 606 KL3064 | KS3064 632
KL1012 | KS1012 595 KL2424 | KS2424 607 KL3102 | KS3102 631
KL1032 | KS1032 598 KL2442 608 KL3112 | KS3112 635
KL1052 | KS1052 597 KL2488 | KS2488 612 KL3122 | KS3122 637
KL1104 | KS1104 594 KL2502 | KS2502 622 KL3132 | KS3132 631
KL1114 | KS1114 594 KL2512 | KS2512 622 KL3142 | KS3142 635
KL1124 | KS1124 598 KL2521 | KS2521 621 KL3152 | KS3152 637
KL1154 | KS1154 597 KL2521-0024 | KS2521-0024 621 KL3162 | KS3162 633
KL1164 | KS1164 597 KL2531 | KS2531 625 KL3172 | KS3172 633
KL1184 | KS1184 596 KL2532 | KS2532 627 KL3182 | KS3182 633
KL1194 | KS1194 596 KL2535 | KS2535 622 KL3201 | KS3201 639
KL1212 | KS1212 594 KL2541 | KS2541 625 KL3202 | KS3202 639
KL1232 | KS1232 602 KL2545 | KS2545 622 KL3204 | KS3204 638
KL1302 | KS1302 595 KL2552 | KS2552 627 KL3204-0030 638
KL1304 | KS1304 594 KL2602 | KS2602 615 KL3208-0010 639
KL1312 | KS1312 595 KL2612 | KS2612 614 KL3214 638
KL1314 | KS1314 594 KL2622 | KS2622 615 KL3222 | KS3222 639
KL1352 | KS1352 603 KL2631 | KS2631 615 KL3228 | KS3228 639
KL1362 | KS1362 603 KL2641 614 KL3311 640
KL1382 | KS1382 603 KL2652 | KS2652 615 KL3312 641
KL1402 | KS1402 595 KL2692 | KS2692 620 KL3314 641
KL1404 | KS1404 593 KL2701 | KS2701 618 KL3351 | KS3351 642
KL1408 | KS1408 592 KL2702 | KS2702 619 KL3356 | KS3356 642
KL1412 | KS1412 595 KL2702-0002 619 KL3361 | KS3361 643
KL1414 | KS1414 593 KL2702-0020 619 KL3362 | KS3362 643
KL1418 | KS1418 592 KL2712 | KS2712 618 KL3403 | KS3403 644
KL1434 | KS1434 593 KL2722 | KS2722 618 KL3404 | KS3404 631
KL1488 | KS1488 596 KL2732 | KS2732 618 KL3408 | KS3408 631
KL1498 | KS1498 596 KL2751 | KS2751 623 KL3444 | KS3444 634
KL1501 | KS1501 604 KL2761 | KS2761 623 KL3448 | KS3448 635
KL1512 | KS1512 604 KL2784 | KS2784 613 KL3454 | KS3454 636
KL1702 | KS1702 599 KL2791 | KS2791 628 KL3458 | KS3458 637
KL1712 | KS1712 599 KL2794 | KS2794 613 KL3464 | KS3464 632
KL1712-0060 | KS1712-0060 599 KL2798 613 KL3468 | KS3468 633
KL1722 | KS1722 599 KL2808 607 KL3681 | KS3681 645
KL1804 594 KL2809 606 KL4001 | KS4001 650
KL1808 593 KL2819 607 KL4002 | KS4002 650
KL1809 593 KL2828 607 KL4004 | KS4004 650
KL1814 594 KL2872 609 KL4011 | KS4011 652
KL1819 593 KL2889 612 KL4012 | KS4012 652
KL1859 593 KL2904 985, KL4021 | KS4021 654
KL1862 595 629 KL4022 | KS4022 654
KL1872 595 KL3001 | KS3001 630 KL4031 | KS4031 648
KL1889 596 KL3002 | KS3002 630 KL4032 | KS4032 648
KL1904 985, KL3011 | KS3011 634 KL4034 | KS4034 649
605 KL3012 | KS3012 634 KL4112 | KS4112 653
KL2012 | KS2012 609 KL3021 | KS3021 636 KL4132 | KS4132 649
KL2022 | KS2022 609 KL3022 | KS3022 636 KL4404 | KS4404 651
KL2032 | KS2032 608 KL3041 | KS3041 635 KL4408 | KS4408 651
KL2114 | KS2114 608 KL3042 | KS3042 635 KL4414 | KS4414 653
KL2124 | KS2124 611 KL3044 | KS3044 634 KL4418 | KS4418 653
Product Index

KL4424 | KS4424
KL4428 | KS4428
KL9186 | KS9186
KL9187 | KS9187
KL4434 | KS4434 649 KL9188 677
KL4438 | KS4438 649 KL9189 677 LC3100 569
KL4494 | KS4494 649 KL9190 | KS9190 675 LC5100 571
KL5001 | KS5001 656 KL9195 | KS9195 673 LC5200 573
KL5051 | KS5051 656 KL9200 675 Lightbus 276
KL5101 | KS5101 658 KL9210 675 Lightbus Bus Coupler K-bus 567
KL5111 | KS5111 659 KL9250 675 Lightbus Fieldbus Box 709
KL5121 | KS5121 657 KL9260 675 Lightbus PC cards 771
KL5151 | KS5151 659 KL9290 675
KL5152 | KS5152 659 KL9300 | KS9300 679
KL6001 | KS6001 660 KL9301 | KS9301 679
KL6011 | KS6011 661 KL9302 | KS9302 679
KL6021 | KS6021 661 KL9309 678
KL6023 665 KL9380 623
KL6031 | KS6031
KL6041 | KS6041
KL9400 | KS9400
KL9505 | KS9505
KL6051 | KS6051 661 KL9508 | KS9508 681
KL6201 | KS6201 662 KL9510 | KS9510 681 M-Bus master terminal 667
KL6211 | KS6211 662 KL9512 | KS9512 681 Media converters 786
KL6224 666 KL9515 | KS9515 681 MES system 854
KL6301 666 KL9520 | KS9520 682 Mini PLC 580
KL6401 667 KL9528 | KS9528 682 Modbus Bus Coupler K-bus 575
KL6581 664 KL9540 | KS9540 683 Modbus Fieldbus Box 714
KL6583 664 KL9540-0010 683 Motor cable 804
KL6583-0100 664 KL9550 | KS9550 683 Motor module 886
KL6771 | KS6771 667 KL9560 | KS9560 681 Mover 887
KL6781 667 KL9570 | KS9570 684 MP-Bus master terminal 667
KL6811 | KS6811 668 KM1002 600 Multi-touch built-in 154
KL6831 668 KM1004 600 Control Panel
KL6841 668 KM1008 600 Multi-touch built-in 48
KL6904 984, KM1012 600 Panel PC
669 KM1014 600 Multi-touch Control Panel 156
KL8001 672 KM1018 600 Multi-touch Panel PC 62
KL8500 670 KM1644 601
KL8519 670 KM2002 610
KL8524 671 KM2004 610
KL8528 671 KM2008 610
KL8548 671 KM2042 609
KL9010 678 KM2604 616
KL9060 678 KM2652 617
KL9070 673 KM2774 619 OCT 818
KL9080 673 KM3701 646
KL9100 | KS9100 674 KM3702 647
KL9110 | KS9110 674 KM3712 647
KL9150 | KS9150 674 KM4602 651
KL9160 | KS9160 675 KM6551 663
KL9180 | KS9180 676 KS2000 693
KL9181 677 KS2000-Z2-USB 692
KL9182 677 KS2000-Z3-USB 761
KL9183 677
KL9184 677
KL9185 | KS9185 676
Product Index

P T TF5020 | TC3 NC PTP Axes

Pack unlimited

TF5050 | TC3 NC Camming 926

Panel PCs 46 TC1000 | TC3 ADS 918 TF5055 | TC3 NC Flying Saw 926
PC Fieldbus Cards 771 TC1100 | TC3 I/O 918 TF5060 | TC3 NC FIFO Axes 927
PCIe Fieldbus Cards 773 TC1200 | TC3 PLC 919 TF5065 | TC3 Motion Control 927
Power cable, 7/8“ 518 TC1210 | TC3 PLC/C++ 919 XFC
Power cable, M8 517 TC1220 | TC3 PLC/C++/ 919 TF5100 | TC3 NC I 927
PROFIBUS Bus Coupler 338 MATLAB®/Simulink® TF5110 | TC3 Kinematic 928
E-bus TC1250 | TC3 PLC/NC 920 Transformation L1
PROFIBUS Bus Coupler 568 PTP 10 TF5111 | TC3 Kinematic 928
K-bus TC1260 | TC3 PLC/NC 920 Transformation L2
PROFIBUS Fieldbus Box 710 PTP 10/NC I TF5112 | TC3 Kinematic 928
PROFIBUS Fieldbus Module 764 TC1270 | TC3 PLC/NC 921 Transformation L3
PROFIBUS PC cards 772 PTP 10/NC I/CNC TF5113 | TC3 Kinematic 928
PROFIBUS PCIe cards 773 TC1300 | TC3 C++ 921 Transformation L4
PROFINET Bus Coupler 578 TC1320 | TC3 C++/ 921 TF5120 | TC3 Robotics 929
K-bus MATLAB®/Simulink® mxAutomation
PROFINET RT Bus Coupler 339 TC9910-B110 449 TF5200 | TC3 CNC 929
E-bus TC9910-B111 449 TF5210 | TC3 CNC E 929
TC9910-B112 449 TF5220 | TC3 CNC 930
TE1000 | TC3 Engineering 916 Axes Pack
TE1110 | TC3 Simulation 916 TF5230 | TC3 CNC 930
Manager Channel Pack
TE1111 | TC3 EtherCAT 916 TF5240 | TC3 CNC 930
Simulation Transformation

R TE1120 | TC3 XCAD Interface

TE1140 | TC3 Management
TF5250 | TC3 CNC HSC Pack
TF5260 | TC3 CNC Spline
Server Interpolation
RFID reader 183 TE1300 | TC3 Scope View 917 TF5270 | TC3 CNC Virtual 931
RS232 Bus Coupler K-bus 577 Professional NCK Basis
RS232 Fieldbus Box 715 TE1400 | TC3 Target for 917 TF5271 | TC3 CNC Virtual 931
RS485 Bus Coupler K-bus 576 MATLAB®/Simulink® NCK Options
RS485 Fieldbus Box 714 TE1410 | TC3 Interface for 917 TF5850 | TC3 XTS Extension 888
MATLAB®/Simulink® TF6000 | TC3 ADS 932
TE1500 | TC3 Valve Diagram 917 Communication
Editor TF6100 | TC3 OPC UA 932
TE1510 | TC3 Cam Design 917 TF6120 | TC3 OPC DA 932
Tool TF6220 | TC3 EtherCAT 932
TF1800 | TC3 PLC HMI 922 Redundancy 250

S TF1810 | TC3 PLC HMI Web

TF1910 | TC3 UML
TF6221 | TC3 EtherCAT
Redundancy 250+

TF3300 | TC3 Scope Server 923 TF6225 | TC3 EtherCAT 933

Safety 966 TF3600 | TC3 Condition 923 External Sync
Safety over EtherCAT 313 Monitoring Level 1 TF6250 | TC3 Modbus TCP 933
Sensor cable 518 TF3601 | TC3 Condition 923 TF6255 | TC3 Modbus RTU 933
SERCOS III Bus Coupler 339 Monitoring Level 2 TF6270 | TC3 PROFINET RT 933
E-bus TF3900 | TC3 Solar Position 923 Device
SERCOS Bus Coupler 576 Algorithm TF6271 | TC3 PROFINET RT 933
K-bus TF4100 | TC3 Controller 924 Controller
SERCOS PC cards 777 Toolbox TF6280 | TC3 EtherNet/IP 934
Servo Drives 796 TF4110 | TC3 Temperature 924 Slave
Servo terminal 433 Controller TF6281 | TC3 EtherNet/IP 934
Slotbox 145 TF5000 | TC3 NC PTP 10 Axes 925 Master
Small controllers 580 TF5010 | TC3 NC PTP Axes 925 TF6300 | TC3 FTP Client 934
Switches 782 Pack 25 TF6310 | TC3 TCP/IP 934
Product Index

TF6311 | TC3 TCP/UDP 935 TS5050 | TwinCAT NC 955 TS6420-0030 | TwinCAT 950
Realtime Camming Database Server CE
TF6340 | TC3 Serial 935 TS5055 | TwinCAT NC 954 TS6421 | TwinCAT XML 948
Communication Flying Saw Data Server
TF6350 | TC3 SMS/SMTP 935 TS5060 | TwinCAT NC 954 TS6421-0030 | TwinCAT XML 949
TF6360 | TC3 Virtual 935 FIFO Axes Data Server CE
Serial COM TS5065 | TwinCAT PLC 953 TS6506-0030 | TwinCAT PLC 958
TF6420 | TC3 Database Server 935 Motion Control XFC IEC 60870-5-104 Master CE
TF6421 | TC3 XML Server 935 TS5066 | TwinCAT PLC 954 TS6507 | TwinCAT PLC 958
TF6500 | TC3 IEC 60870-5-10x 936 Remote Synchronisation IEC 60870-5-101, -104 Slave
TF6510 | TC3 IEC 61850/ 936 TS511x | TwinCAT Kinematic 956 TS6507-0030 | TwinCAT PLC 958
IEC 61400-25 Transformation IEC 60870-5-104 Slave CE
TF6600 | TC3 RFID Reader 936 TS5800 | TwinCAT Digital 955 TS6509 | TwinCAT PLC 959
Communication Cam Server IEC 61400-25 Server
TF6610 | TC3 S5/S7 936 TS5810 | TwinCAT PLC 953 TS650x | TwinCAT PLC 958
Communication Hydraulic Positioning IEC 60870-5-101, -102,
TF8000 | TC3 BA Connectivity 937 TS6100 | TwinCAT OPC 960 -103, -104 Master
Library UA Server TS6511 | TwinCAT PLC 959
TF8040 | TC3 Building 937 TS6100-0030 | TwinCAT OPC 960 IEC 61850 Server
Automation UA Server CE TS6600 | TwinCAT PLC RFID 963
TF8310 | TC3 Wind Framework 937 TS6120 | TwinCAT OPC Server 960 Reader Communication
TR1xxx 995 TS622x | TwinCAT EtherCAT 951 TS6610 | TwinCAT PLC S5/S7 963
TR2xxx 996 Redundancy Communication
TR3xxx 998 TS6250 | TwinCAT Modbus 958 TS8000 | TwinCAT PLC HVAC 964
TR5xxx 996 TCP Server TS8010 | TwinCAT PLC Building 964
TR8100 1002 TS6250-0030 | TwinCAT 958 Automation Basic
TR8110 1002 Modbus TCP Server CE TS8020 | TwinCAT BACnet/IP 964
TR8200 1002 TS6255 | TwinCAT PLC 957 TS8035 | TwinCAT FIAS Server 965
Training 994 Modbus RTU TS8036 | TwinCAT 965
TS1010 | TwinCAT 948 TS6270 | TwinCAT 962 Crestron Server
Eventlogger PROFINET RT Device TS8037 | TwinCAT 965
TS1110 | TwinCAT Simulation 949 TS6271 | TwinCAT 962 Bang & Olufsen Server
Manager PROFINET RT Controller TS8040 | TwinCAT Building 965
TS1120 | TwinCAT ECAD 948 TS6280 | TwinCAT 962 Automation
Import EtherNet/IP Slave TS8100 | TwinCAT Building 965
TS1140 | TwinCAT 951 TS6300 | TwinCAT FTP Client 963 Automation Framework
Management Server TS6310 | TwinCAT TCP/IP 961 TwinCAT 2 938
TS1150 | TwinCAT Backup 949 Server TwinCAT 3 898
TS1500 | TwinCAT Valve 956 TS6310-0030 | TwinCAT 961 TwinSAFE 966
Diagram Editor TCP/IP Server CE TwinSAFE drive options cards 802
TS1510 | TwinCAT Cam 955 TS6340 | TwinCAT PLC Serial 957 TwinSAFE SC 324
Design Tool Communication TX1000 | TwinCAT CP 947
TS1600 | TwinCAT Engineering 948 TS6341 | TwinCAT PLC Serial 957 TX1100 | TwinCAT I/O 947
Interface Server Communication 3964R/RK512 TX1200 | TwinCAT PLC 944
TS1800 | TwinCAT PLC HMI 950 TS6350 | TwinCAT 961 TX1250 | TwinCAT NC PTP 945
TS1800-0030 | TwinCAT PLC 950 SMS/SMTP Server TX1260 | TwinCAT NC I 945
HMI CE TS6350-0030 | TwinCAT 961 TX1270 | TwinCAT CNC 946
TS1810 | TwinCAT PLC 950 SMS/SMTP Server CE
HMI Web TS6360 | TwinCAT Virtual 963
TS3300 | TwinCAT Scope 2 951 Serial COM Driver
TS3900 | TwinCAT Solar 951 TS6370 | TwinCAT DriveCOM 959
Position Algorithm OPC Server
TS4100 | TwinCAT PLC 952 TS6371 | TwinCAT DriveTop 959
Controller Toolbox Server
TS4110 | TwinCAT PLC 952 TS6420 | TwinCAT Database 949
Temperature Controller Server
Product Index

U ZK1090-6xxx-xxxx
ZK1090-xxxx 689
USB Bus Coupler K-bus 579 ZK1091-1001-00xx 447
ZK2000-xxxx-xxxx 519
ZK2020-3xxx-xxxx 517
ZK203x-xxxx-xxxx 518
ZK4500-802x-xxxx 804
ZK47x4-04xx-2xxx 864
ZK4800-802x-xxxx 813

X ZK8500-8282-70x0
ZS102x-0010 760
XAT 898 ZS1031-xxxx 757
XTS 872 ZS1052-xxxx 758
ZS2001-000x 447
ZS2010 447
ZS5x00-xxxx 524
ZS6100-0900 694
ZS6100-1800 695
ZS6200-0400 694

Z ZS6201-0410

Z1000 688
Z1003 688
Z1010 688
Z1020 688
Z10xx 688
Z11xx 688
ZB260x 691
ZB3100 688
ZB3101 688
ZB3200 689
ZB4100 688
ZB4101 688
ZB4200 689
ZB5100 690
ZB5200 690
ZB8500 448
ZB8510 448
ZB8511 448
ZB8520 448
ZB8530 448
ZB85xx 448
ZB8700 449
ZB8800 524
ZB8801 524
ZB903x 514
ZB904x 518
ZB905x 517
ZK1020-0101-1000 760
ZK1020-xxxx 760
ZK1031-xxxx 756
ZK1052-xxxx 758
ZK1090-3xxx-xxxx 514
Industrial PC
Industrial PC 29

PC Control for all applications

Industrial PC


46 Panel PCs

100 Control cabinet Industrial PCs

148 Control Panels

Industrial PC
Industrial PC 31

The right Industrial PC for every application

32 Product overview 84 CP67xx | Built-in Panel PC 126 C69xx | Control cabinet IPC
39 System description – 3½-inch motherboard – compact aluminium housing
42 TwinCAT 3 performance classes – Intel® Celeron® ULV or – 3½-inch motherboard
Atom™ – Intel® Atom™, Celeron®
88 CP72xx | Panel PC IP 65 or Core™
46 Panel PCs – 3½-inch motherboard 134 Industrial PC accessories
(Industrial PCs with display) – Intel® Celeron® or Core™
92 CP77xx | Panel PC IP 65
48 Multi-touch Panel PCs – CP motherboard 148 Control Panels
– Intel® Celeron® ULV
48 CP22xx | Built-in Panel PC 96 C36xx | Built-in Panel PC 150 Multi-touch Control Panels
– 3½-inch motherboard – ATX motherboard
– Intel® Celeron® or Core™ – Intel® Celeron® or Core™ 154 CP29xx | Built-in Control Panel
52 CP26xx | Built-in Panel PC with DVI/USB Extended
– 3½-inch motherboard or CP-Link 4 interface
– ARM processor 100 Control cabinet The PC operating terminal for
56 CP27xx | Built-in Panel PC Industrial PCs installation in the control cabinet
– 3½-inch motherboard door
– Intel® Celeron® ULV or 102 C5xxx | 19-inch slide-in IPC 156 CP39xx | Control Panel
Atom™ – for 19-inch rack installations with DVI/USB Extended
62 CP32xx | Panel PC IP 65 – ATX or 3½-inch motherboard or CP-Link 4 interface
– 3½-inch motherboard – Intel® Celeron® or Core™ The PC operating terminal
– Intel® Celeron® or Core™ 106 C61xx | Control cabinet IPC for mounting arm installation
66 CP37xx | Panel PC IP 65 – ATX motherboard 158 Accessories
– 3½-inch motherboard – Intel® Celeron® or Core™
– Intel® Atom™ 110 C62xx | Control cabinet IPC
– drawer housing 162 Single-touch Control Panels
70 Single-touch Panel PCs – ATX motherboard
– Intel® Celeron® or Core™ 166 CP69xx | Built-in Control
70 CP62xx | “Economy” 114 C65xx | Control cabinet IPC Panel with DVI/USB Extended
built-in Panel PC – 3½-inch motherboard interface
– 3½-inch motherboard – fanless The PC operating terminal
– Intel® Celeron® ULV – Intel® Celeron® or Core™ for installation in the
or Core™ 120 C6640/C6650 | Control control cabinet door
74 CP65xx | Built-in Panel PC cabinet IPC 166 CP79xx | Control Panel
– ATX motherboard – ATX motherboard with DVI/USB Extended
– Intel® Celeron® or Core™ – Intel® Celeron® or Core™ interface
78 CP66xx | Built-in Panel PC 124 C6670 | Industrial server The PC operating terminal
– 3½-inch motherboard – SSI EEB motherboard for mounting arm installation
– ARM processor – Intel® Xeon® 172 Accessories
Industrial PC

Product overview multi-touch Panel PCs

and multi-touch Control Panels

CP2x07 CP2x11 CP2x12 CP2x15 CP2x16 CP2x18 CP2x19 CP2x21 CP2x24

Multi-touch Panel PCs and multi-touch Control Panels

Display 7-inch 11.6-inch 12-inch 15-inch
Resolution 800 x 480 1366 x 768 800 x 600 1024 x 768
Format 16:9.6 16:9 4:3 4:3
Multi-touch multi-finger CP2211 50 CP2212 50 CP2215 50
built-in Panel PCs touch screen
– up to Core™
Dual-touch dual-finger CP2607 54 CP2611 54 CP2612 54 CP2615 54
built-in Panel PCs touch screen
– ARM Cortex™-A8

Multi-touch multi-finger CP2711 58 CP2712 58 CP2715 58

built-in Panel PCs touch screen,
CP27xx-0000/-0010 only horizontal
– up to Atom™

Multi-touch multi-finger CP3212 62 CP3215 62

Panel PCs touch screen,
CP32xx-0000/-0010 only horizontal
– up to Core™
Multi-touch multi-finger CP3712 66 CP3715 66
Panel PCs touch screen,
CP37xx-0010 only horizontal
– up to Atom™
Multi-touch built-in DVI/USB Extended CP2907-0000 154 CP2911-0000 154 CP2912-0000 154 CP2915-0000 154
Control Panels interface
– DVI/USB CP-Link 4 CP2907-0010 154 CP2911-0010 154 CP2912-0010 154 CP2915-0010 154
Extended interface
or CP-Link 4
Multi-touch DVI/USB Extended CP3907-0000 156 CP3911-0000 156 CP3912-0000 156 CP3915-0000 156
Control Panels interface
– DVI/USB CP-Link 4 CP3907-0010 156 CP3911-0010 156 CP3912-0010 156 CP3915-0010 156
Extended interface
or CP-Link 4
For further information on CP-Link 4 see page 137 , for further information on DVI/USB Extended see page 166

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC

CP3x07 CP3x11 CP3x12 CP3x15 CP3x16 CP3x18 CP3x19 CP3x21 CP3x24

15.6-inch 18.5-inch 19-inch 21.5-inch 24-inch

1366 x 768 1366 x 768 1280 x 1024 1920 x 1080 1920 x 1080
16:9 16:9 5:4 16:9 16:9
CP2216 50 CP2218 50 CP2219 50 CP2221 50 CP2224 50

CP2616 54 CP2618 54 CP2619 54 CP2621 54 CP2624 54

CP2716 58 CP2718 58 CP2719 58 CP2721 58 CP2724 58

CP3216 62 CP3218 62 CP3219 62 CP3221 62 CP3224 62

CP3716 66 CP3718 66 CP3719 66 CP3721 66 CP3724 66

CP2916-0000 154 CP2918-0000 154 CP2919-0000 154 CP2921-0000 154 CP2924-0000 154

CP2916-0010 154 CP2918-0010 154 CP2919-0010 154 CP2921-0010 154 CP2924-0010 154

CP3916-0000 156 CP3918-0000 156 CP3919-0000 156 CP3921-0000 156 CP3924-0000 156

CP3916-0010 156 CP3918-0010 156 CP3919-0010 156 CP3921-0010 156 CP3924-0010 156

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC

Product overview
single-touch Panel PCs
CP6x07 CP6x19 CP6x11 CP6x02 CP6x33

CP62xx CP65xx CP66xx CP67xx

Built-in Panel PCs, front side IP 65

Display 5.7-inch 6.5-inch 7-inch 12-inch 15-inch 19-inch
Resolution 640 x 480 640 x 480 800 x 480 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024
Format 4:3 4:3 5:3 4:3 4:3 5:4
Panel PCs CP62xx without keys CP6201 70 CP6202 70 CP6203 70
– 3½-inch function keys CP6211 70 CP6212 70 CP6213 70
motherboard numerical CP6221 70 CP6222 70 CP6223 70
– up to Core™ alphanumerical CP6231 70 CP6232 70 CP6233 70
i3/i5/i7 CP6242 70

Panel PCs CP65xx without keys CP6501 76 CP6502 76 CP6503 76

– ATX motherboard function keys CP6511 76 CP6512 76 CP6513 76
– up to Core™ numerical CP6521 76 CP6522 76 CP6523 76
i3/i5/i7 alphanumerical CP6531 76 CP6532 76 CP6533 76
– 7 slots free CP6542 76

Panel PCs CP66xx without keys CP6607 80 CP6609 80 CP6606 83 CP6601 80 CP6602 80 CP6603 80
– 3½-inch function keys CP6619 80 CP6611 80 CP6612 80 CP6613 80
motherboard numerical CP6629 80 CP6621 80 CP6622 80 CP6623 80
– ARM Cortex™-A8 alphanumerical CP6631 80 CP6632 80 CP6633 80

Panel PCs CP67xx without keys CP6707 86 CP6701 86 CP6702 86 CP6703 86

– 3½-inch function keys CP6711 86 CP6712 86 CP6713 86
motherboard numerical CP6721 86 CP6722 86 CP6723 86
– Celeron™ ULV or alphanumerical CP6731 86 CP6732 86 CP6733 86
Atom™ processor CP6742 86

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC

CP72xx CP77xx C3620 C3640

Panel PCs, all sides IP 65

Display 12-inch 15-inch 19-inch
Resolution 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024
Format 4:3 4:3 5:4
Panel PCs CP72xx without keys CP7201 90 CP7202 90 CP7203 90
– 3½-inch function keys CP7211 90 CP7212 90 CP7213 90
motherboard numerical CP7221 90 CP7222 90 CP7223 90
– up to Core™ alphanumerical CP7231 90 CP7232 90 CP7233 90
i3/i5/i7 CP7242 90

Panel PCs CP77xx without keys CP7701 94 CP7702 94 CP7703 94

– CP motherboard function keys CP7711 94 CP7712 94 CP7713 94
– Celeron® ULV numerical CP7721 94 CP7722 94 CP7723 94
alphanumerical CP7731 94 CP7732 94 CP7733 94

Built-in Panel PCs, front side IP 65

Display 12-inch 15-inch 19-inch
Resolution 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024
Format 4:3 4:3 5:4
Panel PCs C36xx without keys C3620 98 C3640 99
– ATX motherboard
– up to Core™
– 7 slots free

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC

Product overview control cabinet Industrial PCs


C6515 C6515 C6525 C6525 C6525

basic configuration with PCIe module slots basic configuration with PCIe module slots with plug-in card slots

Control cabinet Industrial PCs

Motherboard 3½-inch motherboard

Processor Intel® Atom™ Intel® Celeron® ULV Intel® Celeron®, 1.6 GHz
Intel® Core™ i3/i5/i7
2nd/3rd generation
19-inch slide-in 7 slots,
Industrial PC 4 rack units
series C5xxx 1 Mini PCI slot, C5210-0010 105
1 rack unit
Control cabinet PC 7 slots
series C61xx,
connectors on top
Control cabinet PC 7 slots
series C62xx,
connectors on front
Control cabinet PC 1 Mini PCI slot C6515-0040 116
series C65xx
1 Mini PCI slot, RAID C6525-0040 118

Control cabinet PC 7 slots

series C6640/C6650 7 slots,
2 removable frames
Control cabinet 6 slots,
industrial server 2 removable frames
Control cabinet PC fanless C6915-0010 128
series C69xx, 2 PCIe module slots C6925-0030 129 C6925-0020 129
connectors on front 1 Mini PCI slot, C6920-0040 130
optional plug-in card slots
1 Mini PCI slot, C6930-0040 132
2 PCIe module slots,
optional plug-in card slots

Processor Intel® IXP420, 266 MHz

Intel® IXP420, 533 MHz Intel® Atom™, 1.1 GHz
ARM, 400 MHz Cortex™-A8, 1 GHz Pentium® MMX, 500 MHz Intel® Atom™, 1.6 GHz
Embedded PCs CX8000 200 CX9000 208 CX1010 218 CX5010 224
CX9010 210 CX5020 224
CX9020 214

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Industrial PC

C6915 C6925 C6920 C6920 C6930 C6930 C6240 C6250

with plug-in with plug-in
card slots card slots

C5102 C5210 C6140 C6150 C6640 C6650 C6670

Industrial server
ATX motherboard SSI EEB motherboard

Intel® Celeron®, 2.2 GHz Intel® Celeron®, 1.6 GHz Intel® Pentium®, 2.3 GHz Dual Intel® Xeon®
® ® ®
Intel Core™ i3/i5/i7 Intel Core™ i3/i5/i7 Intel Core™ i3/i5/i7
4th generation 2nd/3rd generation 4th generation
C5102-0050 104 C5102-0060 104

C5210-0020 105

C6140-0050 108 C6140-0060 108

C6150-0050 109 C6150-0060 109

C6240-0050 112 C6240-0060 112

C6250-0060 113 C6250-0070 113

C6515-0050 116

C6525-0050 118

C6640-0030 122 C6640-0040 122

C6650-0030 123 C6650-0040 123

C6670-0000 125

C6920-0050 130

C6930-0050 132

Intel® Atom™, 1.46 GHz, 1 core Intel® Celeron®, 1.4 GHz, 1 core
Intel® Celeron® M ULV, 1 GHz Intel® Atom™, 1.75 GHz, 2 cores Intel® Core™ i7, 1.5 GHz, 2 cores
Intel® Pentium® M, 1.8 GHz Intel® Atom™, 1.91 GHz, 4 cores Intel® Core™ i7, 2.1 GHz, 4 cores
CX1020 232 CX5120 228 CX2020 246
CX1030 234 CX5130 228 CX2030 246
CX5140 228 CX2040 246

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Industrial PC

Product overview
single-touch Control Panels

CP6907 CP6919 CP6911 CP6922 CP6933

CP7909 CP7911 CP7922 CP7933 CP790x-14xx

Single-touch built-in Control Panels, front side IP 65

Display 5.7-inch 6.5-inch 12-inch 15-inch 19-inch
Resolution 640 x 480 640 x 480 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024
Format 4:3 4:3 4:3 4:3 5:4
DVI/USB Extended without keys CP6907 168 CP6909 168 CP6901 168 CP6902 168 CP6903 168
interface function keys CP6919 168 CP6911 168 CP6912 168 CP6913 168
numerical CP6929 168 CP6921 168 CP6922 168 CP6923 168
alphanumerical CP6931 168 CP6932 168 CP6933 168
CP6942 168

Single-touch Control Panels, all sides IP 65

Display 5.7-inch 6.5-inch 12-inch 15-inch 19-inch
Resolution 640 x 480 640 x 480 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024
Format 4:3 4:3 4:3 4:3 5:4
DVI/USB Extended without keys CP7909 170 CP7901 170 CP7902 170 CP7903 170
interface function keys CP7919 170 CP7911 170 CP7912 170 CP7913 170
numerical CP7929 170 CP7921 170 CP7922 170 CP7923 170
alphanumerical CP7931 170 CP7932 170 CP7933 170
CP7942 170

Single-touch Control Panels in stainless steel housing, all sides IP 65

Display 5.7-inch 6.5-inch 12-inch 15-inch 19-inch
Resolution 640 x 480 640 x 480 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024
Format 4:3 4:3 4:3 4:3 5:4
DVI/USB Extended without keys CP7901-14xx 170 CP7902-14xx 170 CP7903-14xx 170

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Industrial PC

The right Industrial PC for every application

Robust industrial design PCs with – PCs with low power consumption – Individual housing construction
highest performance components with Intel® Mobile processors allows optimum adaptation to
– open standards following controller requirements.
Beckhoff Industrial PCs satisfy industry’s the norm ATX – integration of electromechanical
demands: – components carefully tested to buttons, switches, scanners,
– the right Industrial PC for every ensure appropriateness for industrial handwheels and other components
controller applications in the Control Panel
– highest performance PCs with – appealing industrial design – designed for machine-oriented use
Intel® Celeron® up to Intel® Core™ i7 housings – long-term availability of components
processors – easy access to PC components

Device overview Industrial PC

ATX motherboard 3½-inch motherboard 3½-inch motherboard 3½-inch motherboard Control Panel
Intel® Core™ Intel® Core™ Intel® Atom™/ ARM Cortex™-A8
Celeron® ULV
Panel PC/ CP65xx single-touch CP22xx multi-touch CP27xx multi-touch CP26xx multi-touch CP29xx multi-touch
Control Panel C36xx single-touch CP32xx multi-touch CP37xx multi-touch CP66xx single-touch CP39xx multi-touch
CP62xx single-touch CP67xx single-touch CP69xx single-touch
CP72xx single-touch CP77xx single-touch CP79xx single-touch

19-inch slide-in C5102 C5210

Industrial PC
Control cabinet/ C6140/C6150 C6515/C6525 C6915
Compact C6240/C6250 C6920/C6930 C6925
Industrial PC C6640/C6650
Industrial server C6670*
* with SSI EEB motherboard

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Industrial PC


Requirements for PC-based control technology

Balance between latest PC technology sors for the development and design of Elegant Control Panels and Panel PCs
and long-term availability of control Industrial PCs: they integrate the latest The IPC is complemented by an industrial
components developments offered by the technology display unit. The Beckhoff Control Panels
The personal computer has experienced an market and are used successfully worldwide. and Panel PCs are the visual front end for
unprecedented success story and has become Fine scaling is provided for through processor machines or plants. Spatial separation of
a firmly established part of everyday life, incrementing from Intel® Atom™ up to display/control unit and control computer
including industrial environments. Together Intel® Core™ i7. Due to the low processor offers maximum flexibility. Appealing design,
with associated software, PCs in different power dissipation, Intel® Atom™ processors robustness and suitability for industrial
shapes and forms are at the core of a wide enable extremely small, fanless controllers applications were important criteria in the
range of diverse automation tasks such as and are to be found in the lower price range. development of the Control Panel series,
control of machines, processes or logistics In addition to long-standing experience, which comes with display sizes between
systems, networking of system components, another factor driving the development of 5.7“ and 24“.
data acquisition, or image processing. For our comprehensive IPC product portfolio is All displays can be fully tailored to
classic control tasks, PC-based control tech- customer-orientation. More than ten Indus- customer requirements: options include
nology offers excellent scalability and flexibil- trial PC series with a wide range of basic PC visual adaptation to the corporate design
ity and is therefore increasingly used in place types form the basis of our product range. or application of a customer logo a wide
of hardware PLCs. The optimally tailored control computer can range of special mechanical keys, emer-
Beckhoff is one of the pioneers of PC- be found for every application from the large gency stop switches, card scanners or RFID
based automation: the first PC control system choice of devices and options. readers.
was delivered as early as 1986. Beckhoff The PC housing varies in size between The Control Panel housing is made from
Industrial PCs are characterised by a wealth paperback format and ATX PC, depending high-quality solid aluminium and is suitable
of technology know-how accumulated on the device type. In addition to long-term for protection class IP 65, as usually required
over recent years. In combination with the availability of the built-in processors and in industrial environments. Thorough develop-
TwinCAT automation software, they offer motherboards, Beckhoff also offers full com- ment and integration of electronic modules,
a high-performance control system for PLC, missioning of all integrated components, displays, touch screens and front membranes
NC and CNC functionalities. including software and different drives. ensure high availability and reliability during
An important feature of the Beckhoff Customised solutions can also be realised operation. All Beckhoff Control Panels can
product philosophy is the use of advanced, for optimum adaptation to the respective optionally be operated as:
high-performance components and proces- task.

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Industrial PC

– stand-alone device (Panel PC with are produced by Beckhoff’s own development

Windows 7 or Embedded Standard and manufacturing facilities. International
and Ethernet panel with Windows CE) standards and experience in the applica-
– DVI/USB Extended Control Panel for tion of PC systems under difficult industrial
direct or indirect operation at the PC conditions provide the basis for Beckhoff
(distance up to 50 m) system integration. Only a few LC displays,
– CP-Link 3 (Panel PCs connected plug-in cards or hard disks are suited to use
to the host PC via Ethernet), in tough industrial environments. Experience
see page 146 and detailed testing are therefore required
for checking whether the components meet
Careful selection of components the stringent requirements in terms of tem-
A great deal of attention and care is put perature resistance, resistance to vibration,
into the development and choice of the IPC and electromagnetic compatibility. Prior to
components used, their compatibility, their delivery, all Industrial PCs are subjected to
long-term availability, mechanical loading comprehensive quality control procedures
capacity and industrial suitability. In develop- in order to verify that they are fit for the
ing electronic modules, Beckhoff fulfils the purpose. Beckhoff Industrial PCs satisfy the
high requirements for Industrial PC compo- Machine Guidelines and carry the CE mark:
nents that are necessary in order to ensure all PC components are checked for electro-
permanent reliable operation. magnetic compatibility (EMC) and comply
Beckhoff is the developer and manufac- with the relevant standards.
turer of the motherboards in the Industrial
PCs. The BIOS for the motherboards even
has its own development department. In
addition to that, 24 V DC power supplies
with integrated UPS, Ethernet adapters and
Ethernet switches, Fieldbus Cards, DVI display
interfaces, DVI/USB extensions and USB hubs

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Industrial PC


TwinCAT 3 | eXtended Automation Technology

Beckhoff created a global standard for auto- system into a real-time control with multi-
mation with the launch of PC-based control ple PLC, NC, CNC and/or robotics runtime
technology in 1986. On the software side, systems. TwinCAT 3 is the systematic further
the TwinCAT (The Windows Control and Auto- development of TwinCAT 2, with which the
mation Technology) automation suite forms world of automation technology is being
the core of the control system. The TwinCAT redefined.
software system turns almost any PC-based

TwinCAT 3 highlights

– only one software for programming and configuration

– Visual Studio® integration
– more freedom in selecting programming languages
– support for the object-oriented extension of IEC 61131-3
– use of C/C++ as the programming language for real-time applications
– link to MATLAB®/Simulink®
– open interfaces for expandability and adaptation to the tools landscape
– flexible runtime environment
– active support of multi-core and 64-bit systems
– migration of TwinCAT 2 projects
– automatic code generation and project implementation with the TwinCAT Automation Interface

For further information on TwinCAT 3 see page 898


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Industrial PC

Overview of the TwinCAT 3 performance classes

TwinCAT 3 – Platforms
Very high
Very high
Example of a TwinCAT 3 performance P82
Very high
performance class: P70 performance
C6920 | Control cabinet Industrial PC High
with Intel® Core™ i3, 2 cores, processor performance Intel® Xeon®,
TwinCAT 3 performance class: (TC3: 60), P60 12 cores
corresponds to the TwinCAT 3 platform Mid
P60 Mid performance performance
Very high
P40 Celeron® Intel® Intel® Xeon®,
Performance 1.9 GHz Core™2 Duo 24 cores
Core™ i3 Core™ i5 P90…P94
P30 Third-party
Economy plus P84 devices
ULV/1.6 GHz/ Intel®
Very high depending on
2.2 GHz Core™ i7
performance the number of
P20 Pentium®
Economy Intel® Atom™ 2.3 GHz
Intel® Xeon®,
ARM 36 cores
ARM, 400 MHz AMD LX800

The controllers shown in the platform categorisation are only example configurations.

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Industrial PC


The right Industrial PC

for every application

Panel PCs Control cabinet Industrial PCs

A Beckhoff Panel PC consisting of a Control Panel and an Industrial Beckhoff Industrial PCs for control cabinet installation can be
PC is suitable for control cabinet installation (CP2xxx, CP6xxx) or scaled in size (paperback format up to ATX PC) and performance
mounting arm installation (CP3xxx, CP7xxx). High-performance com- class (Intel® Atom™ to Core™ i7), depending on the application.
ponents make machine-level operation, control and monitoring one of The Industrial PC technology represents a balance between the latest
the strengths of the Beckhoff Panel PCs, whose elegant housings are PC technology and long-term component availability. In addition,
designed for easy accessibility of all components and optimal space the different product lines are characterised by adaptation to the
utilisation. Different display sizes between 5.7-inch and 24-inch and special circumstances in industrial applications.
various add-on PCs with processors ranging from Intel® Atom™ to
Core™ i7 can be combined to form tailored high-performance plat-
forms for machine construction and plant engineering applications.

See page 46 See page 100

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Industrial PC

Control Panels Accessories

The Beckhoff Control Panels used as human-machine interfaces in Beckhoff accessories complement the Industrial PCs while complying
conjunction with the high-performance Industrial PCs round off a with industrial standards: CP-Link 3 desktop transfer software, DVI
system through their elegant design and the latest PC technology. splitters, USB extensions and hubs, USB CFast slot, USB Compact Flash
The display sizes between 5.7-inch and 24-inch meet almost any slot, USB Ethernet controllers, battery packs, USB sticks, PCIe modules,
industrial application requirements and are suitable for mounting arm plug-in cards.
installation (CP3xxx and CP7xxx) or wall installation (CP2xxx and
CP6xxx). A wide range of different push-button extensions in conjunc- Industrial PC accessories see page 134
tion with custom housing designs enable the Control Panel as the
visual front end of a system or machine to be tailored to match the Extensions for Control Panels and Panel PCs: push-button extensions
corporate identity. (with electromechanical buttons, switches and indicator lamps), auxil-
iary keyboards, keyboard shelves, touch screen pens, RFID readers
See page 148
Multi-touch Control Panel accessories see page 158
Single-touch Control Panel accessories see page 172

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Industrial PC


Panel PCs

CP65xx | ATX built-in Panel PC, CP22xx | Multi-touch built-in Panel PC, CP62xx | Built-in Panel PC,
high performance class high performance class high performance class
– display sizes: 12-, 15- or 19-inch – display sizes: 11.6-, 12-, 15-, 15.6-, – display sizes: 12-, 15- or 19-inch
– Intel® Celeron® or Core™ 18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch – Intel® Celeron® or Core™
– Intel® Celeron® or Core™

See page 74 See page 48 See page 68

C36xx | ATX built-in Panel PC, CP32xx | Multi-touch Panel PC with CP72xx | Panel PC with mounting arm,
high performance class mounting arm, high performance class high performance class
– display sizes: 12- or 15-inch – display sizes: 12-, 15-, 15.6-, – display sizes: 12-, 15-
– Intel® Celeron® or Core™ 18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch or 19-inch
– Intel® Celeron® or Core™ – Intel® Celeron® or Core™
– protection IP 65 – protection IP 65

See page 96 See page 60 See page 88

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Industrial PC

CP27xx | Multi-touch built-in Panel PC, CP67xx | Built-in Panel PC, CP26xx | Built-in Panel PC,
mid performance class mid performance class ARM performance class
– display sizes: 11.6-, 12-, 15-, 15.6-, – display sizes: 5.7-, 12-, 15- – display sizes: 7-, 11.6-, 12-, 15-,
18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch or 19-inch 15.6-, 18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch
– Intel® Celeron® ULV or Atom™ – Intel® Celeron® ULV or Atom™ – ARM Cortex™-A8

See page 56 See page 84 See page 52

CP37xx | Multi-touch Panel PC with CP77xx | Panel PC with mounting arm, CP66xx | Built-in Panel PC,
mounting arm, mid performance class mid performance class ARM performance class
– display sizes: 12-, 15-, 15.6-, – display sizes: 12-, 15- – display sizes: 5.7-, 6.5-, 12-,
18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch or 19-inch 15- or 19-inch
– Intel® Atom™ – Intel® Celeron® ULV – ARM Cortex™-A8
– protection IP 65 – protection IP 65

See page 64 See page 92 See page 78

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Industrial PC


CP22xx | Multi-touch built-in Panel PC

The CP22xx built-in Panel PC series is charac- landscape or portrait orientation (horizontal/ CP22xx Panel PCs are equipped with Intel®
terised by a modern operating concept with vertical). With their highly integrated 3½-inch Celeron® or Intel® Core™ i3, i5 or i7 proces-
multi-touch display as well as an advanced, motherboards, the CP22xx built-in Industrial sors and have one or two hard disks, SSDs
elegant device design. It is designed for PCs represent a high-performance platform or CFast cards or combinations thereof. With
installation in the front of a control cabinet. for machine construction and plant engineer- the on-board RAID controller, two same hard
The CP22xx combine reliable Beckhoff ing applications that can be used in conjunc- disks, SSDs or CFast cards can be mirrored.
Control Panel design with state-of-the-art tion with TwinCAT automation software CP22xx are supplied with a 24 V power
Industrial PC technology. The right display under Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 supply unit, optionally also with an inte-
size is available for every application – in Ultimate or Windows Embedded Standard 7. grated uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

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Industrial PC
Display sizes

11.6-inch 12-inch 15-inch 15.6-inch 18.5-inch 19-inch 21.5-inch 24-inch

A battery pack can be connected externally slot enables different fieldbus cards or a
and installed on a DIN rail close to the PC. third, independent Ethernet interface to be
Data media, the fan and the lithium bat- used. NOVRAM for fail-safe data storage can
tery of the system clock are accessible from also be plugged into the Mini PCI slot.
the rear under the fan cover. Two free slots for PCIe modules can
Due to its two independent Ethernet be optionally integrated in the PC housing,
interfaces the CP22xx is ideally suited as offering the possibility to extend the PC,
a compact central processing unit for an e.g. with additional Ethernet interfaces.
EtherCAT control system. A free Mini PCI

Lithium battery accessible 3½-inch motherboard with

from the top Intel® Core™ processor

Hard disk, SSD or CFast card Optionally 2 PCIe

accessible from the top module slots

DVI connection Power supply 24 V DC,

with UPS

18.5-inch On-board dual

TFT display Ethernet adapter

2 USB 2.0 ports

interface RS232 2 USB 3.0 ports

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Industrial PC


Rear view of CP22xx-0000

for 12-inch, 15-inch and all
portrait orientations

CP22xx | Panel PC with Intel® Core™ i processor

The high-performance multi-touch built-in Panel PC

CP2211 CP2212 CP2215 CP2216 CP2218 CP2219 CP2221 CP2224

Ordering information Multi-finger touch screen

11.6-inch display 1366 x 768 CP2211-0010
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP2212-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP2215-00xx
15.6-inch display 1366 x 768 CP2216-00xx
18.5-inch display 1366 x 768 CP2218-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP2219-00xx
21.5-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP2221-00xx
24-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP2224-00xx

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Industrial PC

Rear view of CP22xx-0000

for all landscape orientations
from 15.6-inch

CP22xx CP22xx-0000, -0010

Housing aluminium housing with glass front
all connectors at the bottom of the rear side
PC to be opened from the back side
all components easily accessible
1 slot for one 2½-inch hard disk or SSD and 1 slot for one CFast card, accessible from outside
2 connector brackets to lead out interfaces of the motherboard at the connection section
fan cartridge at the PC top side, accessible from outside
pull-out clamping levers for fast installation without loose parts
protection class front side IP 65, rear side IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C

Features CP22xx-0000 CP22xx-0010

Display 12-, 15-, 15.6-, 18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch display 11.6-, 12-, 15-, 15.6-, 18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch display
Processor Celeron®, Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation Celeron®, Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard 3½-inch 3½-inch
Slots 1 Mini PCI slot, optionally 2 PCIe modules 1 Mini PCI slot, optionally 2 PCIe modules
Free slots 1 Mini PCI slot, optionally 2 PCIe modules 1 Mini PCI slot, optionally 2 PCIe modules
Max. card length Mini PCI Mini PCI
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…16 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1 or 2 x 2½-inch HDD, SDD or CFast 1 or 2 x 2½-inch HDD, SDD or CFast
RAID 1 2 x 2½-inch HDD, SSD or CFast 2 x 2½-inch HDD, SSD or CFast
Power supply 24 V DC 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC


CP26xx | Dual-touch built-in Panel PC

The CP26xx built-in Panel PC series is charac- Control Panel design with state-of-the-art the CP26xx built-in Industrial PCs represent a
terised by a modern operating concept with Industrial PC technology. The right display high-performance platform for machine con-
dual-touch display as well as an advanced, size from 7 to 24 inches is available for struction and plant engineering applications
elegant device design. It is designed for every application – in landscape or portrait that can be used in conjunction with TwinCAT
installation in the front of a control cabinet. orientation (horizontal/vertical). With their automation software under Windows Embed-
The CP26xx combine reliable Beckhoff highly integrated 3½-inch motherboards, ded Compact 7.

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Industrial PC
Display sizes

7-inch 11.6-inch 12-inch 15-inch 15.6-inch 18.5-inch 19-inch 21.5-inch 24-inch

CP26xx Panel PCs are equipped with an ARM The microSD card and the lithium battery for an EtherCAT control system. NOVRAM
Cortex™-A8 processor. They are equipped with of the system clock are accessible from the for fail-safe data storage is integrated on
a microSD card and have no rotating parts. rear in the connector bracket. the motherboard.
CP26xx are supplied with a 24 V power Due to its independent Ethernet and
supply unit, optionally also with a capacitive EtherCAT interfaces the CP26xx is ideally
uninterruptible power supply (second UPS). suited as a compact central processing unit

3½-inch motherboard 1 x Ethernet and

with ARM processor 1 x EtherCAT on-board

Power supply 24 V DC,

optionally with second UPS

MicroSD card

2 USB 2.0 ports

19-inch TFT display

Lithium battery accessible

Serial interface RS232 from the rear side

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Industrial PC


CP26xx | Panel PC with ARM Cortex™-A8

The compact dual-touch built-in Panel PC

CP2607 CP2611 CP2612 CP2615 CP2616 CP2618 CP2619 CP2621 CP2624

Ordering information Dual-finger touch screen

7-inch display 800 x 480 CP2607
11.6-inch display 1366 x 768 CP2611
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP2612
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP2615
15.6-inch display 1366 x 768 CP2616
18.5-inch display 1366 x 768 CP2618
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP2619
21.5-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP2621
24-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP2624

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Industrial PC

CP26xx CP26xx-0000
Housing aluminium housing with glass front
all connectors at the bottom of the rear side
PC to be opened from the back side, all components easily accessible
1 slot for a microSD flash card, accessible from outside
protection class front side IP 65, rear side IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C

Features CP26xx-0000
Display 7-, 11.6-, 12-, 15-, 15.6-, 18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch display
Processor ARM Cortex™-A8, 1 GHz
Motherboard 3½-inch
Slots –
Memory 1 GB DDR3RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor
Ethernet 1 x Ethernet and 1 x EtherCAT on-board
Hard disks/flash microSD flash card
Power supply 24 V DC
Recommendation recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC


CP27xx | Fanless multi-touch built-in

Panel PC

The CP27xx built-in Panel PC series is charac- size is available for every application. With Ultimate, Windows Embedded Standard 7
terised by a modern operating concept with their highly integrated 3½-inch mother- or Windows Embedded Compact 7.
multi-touch display as well as an advanced, boards, the CP27xx built-in Industrial PCs CP27xx Panel PCs are equipped with
elegant device design. It is designed for represent a high-performance platform for Intel® Celeron® ULV 1.4 GHz or with Intel®
installation in the front of a control cabinet. machine construction and plant engineering Atom™ with up to four cores and have one
The CP27xx combine reliable Beckhoff applications that can be used in conjunc- or two CFast cards. With the on-board RAID
Control Panel design with state-of-the-art tion with TwinCAT automation software controller, two same CFast cards can be
Industrial PC technology. The right display under Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 mirrored in the CP27xx-0000.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC
Display sizes

11.6-inch 12-inch 15-inch 15.6-inch 18.5-inch 19-inch 21.5-inch 24-inch

CP27xx are supplied with a 24 V power Due to its two independent Ethernet inter-
supply unit, optionally also with an inte- faces the CP27xx is ideally suited as a com-
grated uninterruptible power supply (UPS). pact central processing unit for an EtherCAT
A battery pack can be connected exter- control system. A third independent Ethernet
nally and installed on a DIN rail close to interface is available as an option.
the PC. An optional PCIe module slot offers the
Data media and the lithium battery of possibility to extend the PC, e.g. with addi-
the system clock are accessible from the rear. tional Ethernet interfaces.

Lithium battery accessible 3½-inch motherboard with

from the top Intel® Celeron® ULV

CFast card accessible Optionally 1 PCIe module slot

from the top or serial interface

DVI Power supply 24 V DC,

connection optionally with UPS

On-board dual
Ethernet adapter

12-inch TFT display 4 USB 2.0 ports

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Industrial PC


CP27xx | Fanless multi-touch built-in Panel PC

CP2711 CP2712 CP2715 CP2716 CP2718 CP2719 CP2721 CP2724

Ordering information Multi-finger touch screen

11.6-inch display 1366 x 768 CP2711
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP2712
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP2715
15.6-inch display 1366 x 768 CP2716
18.5-inch display 1366 x 768 CP2718
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP2719
21.5-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP2721
24-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP2724

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Industrial PC

CP27xx CP27xx-0000, -0010

Housing aluminium housing with glass front
all connectors at the bottom of the rear side
PC to be opened from the back side
all components easily accessible
2 slot for for CFast cards, accessible from outside
1 connector bracket to lead out interfaces of the motherboard at the connection section
pull-out clamping levers for fast installation without loose parts
protection class front side IP 65, rear side IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C

Features CP27xx-0000 CP27xx-0010

Display 11.6-, 12-, 15-, 15.6-, 18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch display 11.6-, 12-, 15-, 15.6-, 18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch display
Processor Intel® Celeron® ULV Intel® Atom™
Motherboard 3½-inch 3½-inch
Slots optionally 1 PCIe module optionally 1 PCIe module
Memory 2…8 GB DDR3 RAM 2…8 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1 or 2 x CFast 1 or 2 x CFast
RAID 1 2 x CFast –
Power supply 24 V DC 24 V DC
Recommendation recommended for new projects recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC


CP32xx | Multi-touch Panel PC

With the CP32xx series, a high-end Panel PC A choice of seven different multi-touch TFT The Panel PC features an integrated rotat-
with multi-touch can be used directly in the displays in sizes between 12-inch and 24-inch able and tiltable mounting arm adapter for a
field. The devices in a slender aluminium and 4:3, widescreen, landscape or portrait 48 mm diameter mounting arm tube. There is
housing feature complete IP 65 protection formats are available. Cooling is achieved a choice of attaching the mounting arm from
and are designed for mounting arm installa- by means of cooling fins on the outer wall above or below. The connecting cables are
tion. The Panel PCs offer maximum comput- as well as fans inside the closed housing. laid through the mounting arm. The Industrial
ing power with processors of the latest gen- The operating temperature range is 0 to PC connections (up to six) with IP 65 connec-
eration, such as Intel® Celeron® or Core™ i3, 45 °C. tors are positioned in the large wiring space
i5,, or i7. and are easily accessible. The wiring area

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC
Display sizes

12-inch 15-inch 15.6-inch 18.5-inch 19-inch 21.5-inch 24-inch

can be opened easily without dismounting A battery pack can be connected externally clock are accessible from the rear under
the device from the mounting arm, offering and installed on a DIN rail in the control the cover.
fast access to the IP 65 connectors for power cabinet. There is a Mini PCI slot in the CP32xx.
supply, Ethernet and optional fieldbus, USB The CP32xx Panel PCs are equipped with The Beckhoff Mini PCI Ethernet or fieldbus
or RS232. Prefabricated cables in various one or two hard disks, SSDs or CFast cards cards can be factory-fitted. NOVRAM up to
lengths are available for all connections.The or combinations thereof. With the on-board 512 kB is also available in the form of an
C32xx series Panel PCs are supplied with a RAID controller, two same hard disks, SSDs optional Mini PCI plug-in card for fail-safe
24 V power supply unit, optionally with inte- or CFast cards can be mirrored. The data data storage.
grated uninterruptible power supply (UPS). media and the lithium battery of the system

Hard disk or SSD

easily accessible
TFT display
3½-inch motherboard

CFast card easily accessible Mini PCI slot for

fieldbus cards

Lithium battery easily accessible

Power supply 24 V DC,

On-board dual Ethernet adapter optionally with UPS

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Industrial PC


CP32xx | Multi-touch Panel PC

The high-performance multi-touch Panel PC

CP3212 CP3215 CP3216 CP3218 CP3219 CP3221 CP3224

Ordering information Multi-finger touch screen

12-inch display 800 x 600 CP3212
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP3215
15.6-inch display 1366 x 768 CP3216
18.5-inch display 1366 x 768 CP3218
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP3219
21.5-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP3221
24-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP3224

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Industrial PC

CP32xx CP32xx-0000, -0010

Housing Industrial PC with Control Panel for mounting arm installation
rotatable and tiltable mounting arm adapter for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from top
wiring area for up to 6 IP 65 connectors
1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk or SDD and 1 slot for CFast
lithium battery of the system clock changeable from outside
passive cooling through heat sink structure, internal fans for equal heat distribution to all the walls of the housing
20 cm free space required around the PC for air circulation
protection class IP 65
operating temperature 0…45 °C

Features CP32xx-0000 CP32xx-0010

Display 12-, 15-, 15.6-, 18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch display 12-, 15-, 15.6-, 18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch display
Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard 3½-inch 3½-inch
Slots 1 Mini PCI slot 1 Mini PCI slot
Free slots 1 Mini PCI slot 1 Mini PCI slot
Max. card length Mini PCI Mini PCI
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…16 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board, one of these is led out in the wiring area 2 on-board, one of these is led out in the wiring area
Hard disks/flash 1 or 2 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD, 1 x 2½-inch HDD 1 or 2 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD, 1 x 2½-inch HDD
or SSD and 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast or SSD and 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast
RAID 1 2 x 2½-inch HDD, SSD or CFast 2 x 2½-inch HDD, SSD or CFast
Power supply 24 V DC 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


CP37xx | Multi-touch Panel PC

With the CP37xx series, a Panel PC with multi- A choice of seven different multi-touch TFT The Panel PC features an integrated rotat-
touch can be used directly in the field. The displays in sizes between 12-inch and 24-inch able and tiltable mounting arm adapter
devices in a slender aluminium housing feature in 4:3, 5:4 or widescreen formats are avail- for a 48 mm diameter mounting arm tube.
complete IP 65 protection and are designed for able. Cooling is achieved by means of cooling There is a choice of attaching the mounting
mounting arm installation. The Panel PCs offer fins on the outer wall as well as fans inside arm from above or below. The connecting
high computing power with Intel® Atom™ the closed housing. The operating tempera- cables are laid through the mounting arm.
processors with up to four cores. ture range is 0 to 45 °C. The Industrial PC connections (up to four)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC
Display sizes

12-inch 15-inch 15.6-inch 18.5-inch 19-inch 21.5-inch 24-inch

with IP 65 connectors are positioned in the lengths are available for all connections. The CP37xx Panel PCs are equipped with
large wiring space and are easily accessible. The C37xx series Panel PCs are supplied one or two CFast cards. The data media and
The wiring area can be opened easily without with a 24 V power supply unit, optionally the lithium battery of the system clock are
dismounting the device from the mounting with integrated uninterruptible power sup- accessible from the rear under the cover.
arm, offering fast access to the IP 65 connec- ply (UPS). A battery pack can be connected
tors for power supply, Ethernet and optional externally and installed on a DIN rail in
USB or RS232. Prefabricated cables in various the control cabinet.

Lithium battery easily accessible

CFast card easily accessible

On-board dual Ethernet adapter 3½-inch motherboard

Power supply 24 V DC,

optionally with UPS

TFT display

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Industrial PC


CP37xx | Multi-touch Panel PC

Intel® Atom™ with up to four cores

CP3712 CP3715 CP3716 CP3718 CP3719 CP3721 CP3724

Ordering information Multi-finger touch screen

12-inch display 800 x 600 CP3712
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP3715
15.6-inch display 1366 x 768 CP3716
18.5-inch display 1366 x 768 CP3718
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP3719
21.5-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP3721
24-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP3724

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Industrial PC

CP37xx CP37xx-0010
Housing Industrial PC with Control Panel for mounting arm installation
rotatable and tiltable mounting arm adapter for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from top
wiring area for up to 4 IP 65 connectors
2 slots for CFast cards
CFast cards and lithium battery of the system clock, changeable from outside
passive cooling through heat sink; internal fan for equal heat distribution to all the walls of the housing
20 cm free space required around the PC for air circulation
protection class IP 65
operating temperature 0…45 °C

Features CP37xx-0010
Display 12-, 15-, 15.6-, 18.5-, 19-, 21.5- or 24-inch display
Processor Intel® Atom™
Motherboard 3½-inch
Slots optionally 1 PCIe module
Memory 2…8 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board, one of these is led out in the wiring area
Hard disks/flash 1 or 2 x CFast
Power supply 24 V DC
Recommendation recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


CP62xx | “Economy” built-in Panel PC

The CP62xx built-in Panel PC-series is platform for machine construction and plant and a 2½-inch hard disk or SSD. Units con-
designed for installation in the front of a engineering applications that can be used taining the more powerful Intel® Core™ i3/
control cabinet. The CP62xx series combines in conjunction with TwinCAT automation i5/i7 processors feature a fan cartridge with
the Beckhoff Control Panel design with state- software under Windows 7 Professional, speed-controlled fans supported by dual ball
of-the-art Industrial PC technology. The right Windows 7 Ultimate or Windows Embedded bearings. In front of the fan cartridge a 2 cm
display size and keyboard are available for Standard 7. space is required for ventilation. In each
every application. With their highly integrated The CP62xx Panel PCs are available with configuration the Panel PCs of this series are
3½-inch motherboards, the CP62xx built-in a choice of Intel® processors. The CP62xx approved for ambient temperatures between
Industrial PCs represent a high-performance Panel PCs can be equipped with a CFast card 0 and 55 °C.

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Industrial PC
Front laminates

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard With PLC keys on the sides

The CP62xx are supplied with a 24 V power EtherCAT control system. A free Mini PCI slot
supply unit, optionally also with an inte- enables different fieldbus cards or a third,
grated uninterruptible power supply (UPS). independent Ethernet interface to be used.
A battery pack can be connected externally NOVRAM for fail-safe data storage can also
and installed on a DIN rail close to the PC. be plugged into the Mini PCI slot.
Due to its two independent Ethernet The CP62xx can optionally be extended
interfaces the CP62xx is ideally suited as with PCIe module or plug-in card slots.
a compact central processing unit for an

3½-inch motherboard

connection Power supply 24 V DC,
optionally with UPS
Hard disk or SSD
On-board dual
Ethernet adapter

CFast card

4 USB 2.0 ports

TFT display

Serial interface RS232

Mini PCI slot for fieldbus cards

Lithium battery accessible from the rear side

Optionally 2 PCI or PCIe plug-in card slots

optionally 2 PCIe module slots

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Industrial PC


CP62xx | “Economy” built-in Panel PC

The slimline built-in Industrial PC with 3½-inch motherboard

Ordering information without touch screen with single-touch screen with touch pad
Display only
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6201-0000-00xx CP6201-0001-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6202-0000-00xx CP6202-0001-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6203-0000-00xx CP6203-0001-00xx
Display only, USB A socket in the front
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6201-0020-00xx CP6201-0021-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6202-0020-00xx CP6202-0021-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6203-0020-00xx CP6203-0021-00xx
With function keys
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6211-0000-00xx CP6211-0001-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6212-0000-00xx CP6212-0001-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6213-0000-00xx CP6213-0001-00xx
Numeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6221-0000-00xx CP6221-0001-00xx CP6221-0002-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6222-0000-00xx CP6222-0001-00xx CP6222-0002-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6223-0000-00xx CP6223-0001-00xx CP6223-0002-00xx
Alphanumeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6231-0000-00xx CP6231-0001-00xx CP6231-0002-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6232-0000-00xx CP6232-0001-00xx CP6232-0002-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6233-0000-00xx CP6233-0001-00xx CP6233-0002-00xx
Alphanumeric keyboard with PLC keys on the sides
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6242-0000-00xx CP6242-0001-00xx

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Industrial PC

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard
with PLC keys on the sides

CP62xx CP62xx-xxxx-0050, -0060

Housing aluminium front with steel sheet rear cover
drives easily accessible
all connectors at the bottom of the rear side
1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk and 1 slot for a CFast card accessible from the rear side
fan cartridge at the rear side, accessible from outside
lithium battery of the system clock accessible from the rear side
pull-out clamping levers for fast installation without loose parts
protection class front side IP 65, rear side IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C

Features CP62xx-xxxx-0050 CP62xx-xxxx-0060

Display 12-, 15- or 19-inch TFT display 12-, 15- or 19-inch TFT display
Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard 3½-inch 3½-inch
Slots 1 Mini PCI, optionally 2 PCIe modules 1 Mini PCI, optionally 2 PCIe modules
or 2 plug-in card slots or 2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots
Free slots 1 Mini PCI and optionally 2 PCIe modules 1 Mini PCI and optionally 2 PCIe modules
or 2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots or 2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots
Max. card length Mini PCI, optionally 2 PCIe modules Mini PCI, optionally 2 PCIe modules
or 2 x 190 mm plug-in cards or 2 x 190 mm plug-in cards
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…16 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 2½-inch HDD or SDD and/or 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast 2½-inch HDD or SDD and/or 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast
RAID 1 2 x CFast 2 x CFast
Power supply 24 V DC 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC


CP62xx with PCIe module slots C9900-B500

Extension for PCIe modules

The Panel PCs CP62xx can be expanded by the FC9062 dual gigabit Ethernet module, or
two additional PCIe module slots. The rear they can serve to lead out motherboard inter-
cover is constructed 30 mm deeper for PCIe faces, such as COM ports, USB or sound.
modules (see above). The module slots can
accept Beckhoff PCIe modules, for example,

PCIe module FC9062, dual gigabit Ethernet

Ordering information Options for CP62xx-xxxx-0050, -0060

C9900-B500 2 PCIe module slots integrated inside CP62xx, to plug-in Beckhoff PCIe modules or to lead out interfaces
of the motherboard ex factory. The depth of the back cover is increased by 30 mm (1.2“).

Ordering information Options for CP62xx with 2 module slots C9900-B500

FC9062 gigabit Ethernet PCIe module for PCs with Beckhoff PCIe module slots, 2-channel, PCI Express x1 bus
C9900-E232 sound line input and sound line output of the motherboard led out at the connection section of a CP62xx
C9900-E233 1 serial port RS232 of the motherboard led out at the connection section of a CP62xx
C9900-E234 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out at the connection section of a CP62xx

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Industrial PC

CP62xx with plug-in card slots

C9900-B504, -B508 or -B512

Extension for PCI and PCIe plug-in cards

The Panel PCs CP62xx can be expanded by plane that provides a choice of two PCI slots,
two slots for standard PC plug-in cards. They two PCI Express slots or one PCI and one PCI
can accept conventional PC plug-in cards Express slot. Card holders ensure the secure
up to 190 mm in length. The 66 mm deeper fixation of large cards.
hood at the rear (see above) covers a back-

Ordering information Options for CP62xx-xxxx-0050, -0060

C9900-B504 2 PCIe plug-in card slots on the passive backplane integrated inside CP62xx, to plug-in PCIe x1 cards
up to 190 mm length. The depth of the back cover is increased by 66 mm (2.6“).
C9900-B508 2 PCI plug-in card slots on the passive backplane integrated inside CP62xx, to plug-in PCI cards
up to 190 mm length. The depth of the back cover is increased by 66 mm (2.6“).
C9900-B512 1 PCI and 1 PCIe plug-in card slot on a passive backplane integrated inside CP62xx, to plug-in one PCI
and one PCIe x1 card up to 190 mm (6.3“) length. The depth of the back cover is increased by 66 mm (2.6“).

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Industrial PC


CP65xx | Built-in Panel PC

The Panel PC series CP65xx is designed for The CP65xx built-in Industrial PCs represent The 7-slot ATX Panel PCs CP65xx can be
installation in the front of a control cabinet. a powerful platform for machine construction equipped with 12-, 15- or 19-inch TFT display,
A built-in Control Panel with DVI and and plant engineering applications, for exam- as a monitor without keys or with different
USB interface is the front of the Panel PC. ple with the TwinCAT automation software types of keyboards. A touch screen or touch
The correct display size and keyboard under Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 pad is optionally available. A large number of
are thus available for every application. Ultimate or Windows Embedded Standard 7. push-button extensions are also available.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC
Front laminates

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard With PLC keys on the sides

The CP65xx are equipped with Intel® Celeron® supply is used in the PC. The Control Panel is
or Core™ i3/i5/i7 processors on an ATX connected to the PC via DVI and USB. The PC
motherboard and have three PCI and four deals with the power supply for the Control
PCI Express slots. A CD/DVD-ROM or multi Panel. The cables are installed in the PC hous-
DVD drive can be installed. A 100 to 240 AC ing.
full range power supply or a 24 V DC power

On-board dual
TFT display Ethernet adapter

4 USB 2.0 ports

Serial interface
7 slots free
Power supply
ATX motherboard 100–240 V full range
or 24 V DC, optionally
with 24 V DC UPS
Fan with speed
monitoring and double
ball bearing, easily

Hard disk
or SSD DVD drive slot

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Industrial PC


CP65xx | Built-in Panel PC

The universal built-in Industrial PC with ATX motherboard

Ordering information without touch screen with single-touch screen with touch pad
Display only
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6501-0000-00xx CP6501-0001-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6502-0000-00xx CP6502-0001-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6503-0000-00xx CP6503-0001-00xx
Display only, USB A socket in the front
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6501-0020-00xx CP6501-0021-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6502-0020-00xx CP6502-0021-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6503-0020-00xx CP6503-0021-00xx
With function keys
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6511-0000-00xx CP6511-0001-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6512-0000-00xx CP6512-0001-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6513-0000-00xx CP6513-0001-00xx
Numeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6521-0000-00xx CP6521-0001-00xx CP6521-0002-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6522-0000-00xx CP6522-0001-00xx CP6522-0002-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6523-0000-00xx CP6523-0001-00xx CP6523-0002-00xx
Alphanumeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6531-0000-00xx CP6531-0001-00xx CP6531-0002-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6532-0000-00xx CP6532-0001-00xx CP6532-0002-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6533-0000-00xx CP6533-0001-00xx CP6533-0002-00xx
Alphanumeric keyboard with PLC keys on the sides
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6542-0000-00xx CP6542-0001-00xx

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Industrial PC

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard
with PLC keys on the sides

CP65xx CP65xx-xxxx-0070, -0080

Housing 7-slot ATX housing
all slots for plug-in cards with a length of up to 190 mm
drives and plug-in cards easily accessible
all connectors on the top
detailed PC configuration information on the housing
card holders, actuated without tools
status LEDs and protected reset key
pull-out clamping levers for fast installation without loose parts
protection class front side IP 65, rear side IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C

Features CP65xx-xxxx-0070 CP65xx-xxxx-0080

Display 12-, 15- or 19-inch TFT display 12-, 15- or 19-inch TFT display
Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard ATX ATX
Slots 7 7
Free slots 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16
Max. card length 7 x 190 mm 7 x 190 mm
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…32 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD 1 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD
Possible disk drives CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD
Power supply 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


CP66xx | Built-in Panel PC

The built-in Panel PCs of the CP66xx CP66xx Panel PCs are equipped with an CP66xx are supplied with a 24 V power
series have a wide range of uses including ARM Cortex™-A8 processor. They are supply unit, optionally also with a capacitive
remote desktop display or CP-Link 3 client. equipped with a microSD card and have uninterruptible power supply (second UPS).
They are available in five display sizes: no rotating parts.
5.7, 6.5, 12, 15 or 19 inches.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC
Front laminates

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard

The microSD card and the lithium battery of plant engineering applications in conjunction suited as a compact central processing unit
the system clock are accessible from the rear with TwinCAT automation software under for an EtherCAT control system. NOVRAM
in the connector bracket. Windows Embedded Compact 7. for fail-safe data storage is integrated on
These devices are ideally suited as small Due to its independent Ethernet and the motherboard.
controllers for machine construction and EtherCAT interfaces the CP66xx is ideally

3½-inch motherboard 1 x Ethernet and

with ARM processor 1 x EtherCAT on-board

Optionally with Power supply 24 V DC

second UPS

2 USB 2.0 ports

TFT display

Lithium battery accessible

from the rear side Serial interface RS232

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Industrial PC


CP66xx | Panel PC with ARM Cortex™-A8

The “Economy” built-in Panel PC

Ordering information without touch screen with single-touch screen with touch pad
Display only
5.7-inch display 640 x 480 CP6607-0000-0020 CP6607-0001-0020
6.5-inch display 640 x 480 CP6609-0000-0020 CP6609-0001-0020
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6601-0000-0020 CP6601-0001-0020
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6602-0000-0020 CP6602-0001-0020
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6603-0000-0020 CP6603-0001-0020
Display only, USB A socket in the front
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6601-0020-0020 CP6601-0021-0020
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6602-0020-0020 CP6602-0021-0020
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6603-0020-0020 CP6603-0021-0020
With function keys
6.5-inch display 640 x 480 CP6619-0000-0020 CP6619-0001-0020
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6611-0000-0020 CP6611-0001-0020
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6612-0000-0020 CP6612-0001-0020
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6613-0000-0020 CP6613-0001-0020
Numeric keyboard
6.5-inch display 640 x 480 CP6629-0000-0020 CP6629-0001-0020
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6621-0000-0020 CP6621-0001-0020 CP6621-0002-0020
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6622-0000-0020 CP6622-0001-0020 CP6622-0002-0020
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6623-0000-0020 CP6623-0001-0020 CP6623-0002-0020
Alphanumeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6631-0000-0020 CP6631-0001-0020 CP6631-0002-0020
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6632-0000-0020 CP6632-0001-0020 CP6632-0002-0020
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6633-0000-0020 CP6633-0001-0020 CP6633-0002-0020

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Industrial PC

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard

CP66xx CP66xx-xxxx-0020
Housing aluminium front with steel sheet rear cover
all connectors at the bottom of the rear side
1 slot for microSD flash card, accessible from the rear side
lithium battery of the system clock, accessible from the rear side
pull-out clamping levers for fast installation without loose parts
protection class front side IP 65, rear side IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C

Features CP66xx-xxxx-0020
Display 5.7-, 6.5-, 12-, 15- or 19-inch TFT display
Processor ARM Cortex™-A8, 1 GHz
Motherboard 3½-inch
Slots –
Free slots –
Max. card length –
Memory 1 GB DDR3RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor
Ethernet 1 x Ethernet and 1 x EtherCAT on-board
Hard disks/flash microSD flash card
Power supply 24 V DC
Recommendation recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


CP6606 | 7-inch “Economy”

built-in Panel PC

With its highly integrated 3½-inch mother- The CP6606 is conceived for installation The CP6606 is supplied with a 24 V power
board, the CP6606 built-in Panel PC is in the front of a control cabinet and has a supply unit. The microSD card and the lithium
ideally suited for use in machine construc- 7-inch touch screen display. Equipped with battery of the system clock are accessible
tion and plant engineering, for example a fanless ARM Cortex™-A8 processor and from the rear in the connector bracket.
with the TwinCAT automation software a MicroSD card the CP6606 contains no
under Windows Embedded Compact 7 or as rotary components.
a CP-Link 3 client or Ethernet Control Panel.

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Industrial PC

CP6606 | Panel PC with ARM Cortex™-A8

Ordering information with single-touch screen

7-inch display 800 x 480 CP6606-0001-0020

CP6606 CP6606-0001-0020
Housing aluminium front with steel sheet rear cover
all connectors at the bottom of the rear side
1 slot for microSD flash card, accessible from the rear side
lithium battery of the system clock, accessible from the rear side
pull-out clamping levers for fast installation without loose parts
protection class front side IP 54, rear side IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C

Features CP6606-0001-0020
Display 7-inch TFT display
Processor ARM Cortex™-A8, 1 GHz
Motherboard 3½-inch
Slots –
Free slots –
Max. card length –
Memory 1 GB DDR3RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor
Ethernet 1 x Ethernet and 1 x EtherCAT on-board
Hard disks/flash microSD flash card
Power supply 24 V DC
Recommendation recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


CP67xx | “Economy” built-in Panel PC

The CP67xx built-in Panel PC series is With their highly integrated 3½-inch moth- Standard 7 or Windows Embedded Com-
designed for installation in the front of a con- erboard the CP67xx built-in Industrial PCs pact 7. The PC can be equipped with a 5.7-,
trol cabinet or control housing. The CP67xx represent a high-performance platform for 12-, 15- or 19-inch LC display, or as a moni-
series combines the Beckhoff Control Panel machine construction and plant engineering tor without keys or with different types of
design with state-of-the-art Industrial PC applications running the TwinCAT automa- keyboard. Optionally, a touch screen or touch
technology. The right display size and key- tion software under Windows 7 Professional, pad is available. In addition, a large number
board are available for every application. Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows Embedded of push-button extensions are available.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC
Front laminates

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard With PLC keys on the sides

A CP67xx Panel PC is equipped with an The CP67xx Panel PCs are supplied with a a compact central processing unit for an
Intel® Celeron® ULV 1.4 GHz or with Intel® CFast card and a 2½-inch hard disk or SSD. EtherCAT control system.
Atom™ with up to four cores and a CFast The CP67xx have a 24 V power supply unit. The CP67xx can be optionally extended
card. It contains no rotating parts. In each The data media and the lithium battery for with PCIe module or plug-in card slots
configuration the fanless Panel PCs of this the system clock are accessible from the rear. (see from page 72 ).
series are approved for ambient temperatures Due to its two independent Ethernet
between 0 and 55 °C. interfaces, the CP67xx is ideally suited as

DVI 3½-inch motherboard


Power supply 24 V DC,

Hard disk or SSD optionally with UPS

On-board dual
Ethernet adapter

CFast card

4 USB 2.0 ports

TFT display

Lithium battery accessible from the rear side

Optionally 2 PCI or PCIe plug-in card slots,

optionally 2 PCIe module slots

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Industrial PC


CP67xx | “Economy” built-in Panel PC

The slimline built-in Industrial PC with 3½-inch motherboard

Ordering information without touch screen with single-touch screen with touch pad
Display only
5.7-inch display 640 x 480 CP6707-0000-0050 CP6707-0001-0050
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6701-0000-00xx CP6701-0001-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6702-0000-00xx CP6702-0001-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6703-0000-00xx CP6703-0001-00xx
Display only, USB A socket in the front
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6701-0020-00xx CP6701-0021-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6702-0020-00xx CP6702-0021-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6703-0020-00xx CP6703-0021-00xx
With function keys
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6711-0000-00xx CP6711-0001-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6712-0000-00xx CP6712-0001-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6713-0000-00xx CP6713-0001-00xx
Numeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6721-0000-00xx CP6721-0001-00xx CP6721-0002-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6722-0000-00xx CP6722-0001-00xx CP6722-0002-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6723-0000-00xx CP6723-0001-00xx CP6723-0002-00xx
Alphanumeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6731-0000-00xx CP6731-0001-00xx CP6731-0002-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6732-0000-00xx CP6732-0001-00xx CP6732-0002-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6733-0000-00xx CP6733-0001-00xx CP6733-0002-00xx
Alphanumeric keyboard with PLC keys on the sides
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6742-0000-00xx CP6742-0001-00xx

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Industrial PC

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard
with PLC keys on the sides

CP67xx CP67xx-xxxx-0040, -0050

Housing aluminium front with steel sheet rear cover
drives easily accessible
all connectors at the bottom of the rear side
1 slot for one CFast card accessible from the rear side
lithium battery of the system clock accessible from the rear side
pull-out clamping levers for fast installation without loose parts
protection class front side IP 65, rear side IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C

Features CP67xx-xxxx-0040 CP67xx-xxxx-0050

Display 12-, 15- or 19-inch TFT display 5.7-, 12-, 15- or 19-inch TFT display
Processor Intel® Celeron® ULV Intel® Atom™
Motherboard 3½-inch 3½-inch
Slots optionally 2 PCIe modules or 2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots optionally 2 PCIe modules or 2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots
Free slots optionally 2 PCIe modules or 2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots optionally 2 PCIe modules or 2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots
Max. card length optionally 2 PCIe modules or 2 x 190 mm plug-in cards optionally 2 PCIe modules or 2 x 190 mm plug-in cards
Memory 2…8 GB DDR3 RAM 2…8 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1 or 2 x 2½-inch HDD, SDD or CFast 1 or 2 x 2½-inch HDD, SDD or CFast
RAID 1 2 x 2½-inch HDD, SSD or CFast –
Power supply 24 V DC 24 V DC
Recommendation recommended for new projects recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


CP72xx | “Economy” Panel PC

with mounting arm

The CP72xx “Economy” Panel PC series is The PC can be equipped with a 12-, 15- or The housing is designed for installation on a
designed for mounting arm installation. 19-inch LC display as a monitor without keys mounting arm. There is a choice of attaching
Control Panels form the front of the IP 65 or with different types of keyboards. Option- the mounting arm from above or below. The
Panel PC. The right display size and keyboard ally, a touch screen or touch pad is available. Panel PC features an integrated rotatable
are thus available for every application. In addition, a large number of push-button mounting arm adapter for a 48 mm diameter
The CP72xx Industrial PCs represent a pow- extensions are available. mounting arm tube. Optionally, a rotatable
erful platform for use in machine and plant Cooling is achieved via cooling ribs and tiltable mounting arm adapter can be
construction, for example using the TwinCAT between the Control Panel and the add-on PC. integrated in the Panel PC. The connecting
automation software under Windows 7 Pro- A fan inside the closed housing ensures that cables are laid through the mounting arm.
fessional, Windows 7 Ultimate or Windows the heat is distributed evenly. The PC can be The compact aluminium housing of the
Embedded Standard 7. operated at up to 45 °C ambient temperature. CP72xx Panel PCs is equipped with a 3½-inch

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC
Front laminates

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard With PLC keys on the sides

Beckhoff Motherboard for Intel® Core™ i3/ Due to its two independent Ethernet inter- for the system clock, are accessible from the
i5/i7 processors of the latest generation. faces the CP72xx is ideally suited as a com- rear side underneath a cover. Two hard disks,
The Industrial PC connections (up to six) pact central processing unit for an EtherCAT two SSDs or two CFast cards can be mirrored
with IP 65 connectors are positioned in the control system. using the on-board SATA RAID 1 controller.
large wiring space and are easily accessible. The C72xx series Panel PCs are supplied There is a Mini PCI slot in the CP72xx.
The wiring area can be opened easily without with a 24 V power supply unit, optionally The Beckhoff Mini PCI Ethernet or fieldbus
dismounting the device from the mounting with integrated uninterruptible power sup- cards can be factory-fitted. NOVRAM up to
arm, offering fast access to the IP 65 connec- ply (UPS). A battery pack can be connected 512 kB is also available in the form of an
tors for power supply, Ethernet and optional externally and installed on a DIN rail in the optional Mini PCI plug-in card for fail-safe
fieldbus, USB or RS232. Prefabricated cables control cabinet. data storage.
in various lengths are available for all con- One or two CFast cards or up to two hard
nections. disks or SSDs, as well as the lithium battery

TFT display

Hard disk or SSD

CFast card easily accessible easily accessible

3½-inch motherboard
Lithium battery easily accessible

Mini PCI slot for

fieldbus cards
On-board Ethernet adapter
Power supply 24 V DC,
optionally with UPS

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Industrial PC


CP72xx | “Economy” Panel PC

The Industrial PC with mounting arm and 3½-inch motherboard

Ordering information without touch screen with single-touch screen with touch pad
Display only
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7201-0000-00xx CP7201-0001-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7202-0000-00xx CP7202-0001-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7203-0000-00xx CP7203-0001-00xx
Display only, USB A socket in the front
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7201-0020-00xx CP7201-0021-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7202-0020-00xx CP7202-0021-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7203-0020-00xx CP7203-0021-00xx
With function keys
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7211-0000-00xx CP7211-0001-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7212-0000-00xx CP7212-0001-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7213-0000-00xx CP7213-0001-00xx
Numeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7221-0000-00xx CP7221-0001-00xx CP7221-0002-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7222-0000-00xx CP7222-0001-00xx CP7222-0002-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7223-0000-00xx CP7223-0001-00xx CP7223-0002-00xx
Alphanumeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7231-0000-00xx CP7231-0001-00xx CP7231-0002-00xx
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7232-0000-00xx CP7232-0001-00xx CP7232-0002-00xx
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7233-0000-00xx CP7233-0001-00xx CP7233-0002-00xx
Alphanumeric keyboard with PLC keys on the sides
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7242-0000-00xx CP7242-0001-00xx

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Industrial PC

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard
with PLC keys on the sides

CP72xx CP72xx-xxxx-0040, -0050

Housing Industrial PC with Control Panel for mounting arm installation
rotatable mounting arm adapter for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from top
wiring area for up to 6 IP 65 connectors
1 slot for one 2½-inch hard disk or SSD and 1 slot for one CFast card
lithium battery of the system clock, changeable from outside
passive cooling through heat sink structure between Control Panel and add-on PC,
internal fan for equal heat distribution to all the walls of the housing
20 cm free space required around the PC for air circulation
protection class IP 65
operating temperature 0…45 °C

Features CP72xx-xxxx-0040 CP72xx-xxxx-0050

Display 12-, 15- or 19-inch TFT display 12-, 15- or 19-inch TFT display
Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard 3½-inch 3½-inch
Slots 1 Mini PCI slot 1 Mini PCI slot
Free slots 1 Mini PCI slot 1 Mini PCI slot
Max. card length Mini PCI Mini PCI
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…16 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board, one of these is led out in the wiring area 2 on-board, one of these is led out in the wiring area
Hard disks/flash 1 or 2 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD, 1 x 2½-inch HDD 1 or 2 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD, 1 x 2½-inch HDD
or SSD and 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast or SSD and 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast
RAID 1 2 x 2½-inch HDD or 2 x CFast 2 x 2½-inch HDD or 2 x CFast
Power supply 24 V DC 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


CP77xx | “Economy” Panel PC

The CP77xx Panel PC series is designed for The PC can be equipped with a 12-, 15- or The PC can be operated at up to 45 °C
mounting arm installation. Control Panels 19-inch LC display, as a monitor without keys ambient temperature.
form the front of the IP 65 Panel PC. The right or with different types of keyboard. Option- The housing is optionally designed
display size and keyboard are thus available ally, a touch screen or touch pad is available. for direct wall mounting or for mounting
for every application. The CP77xx Industrial In addition, a large number of push-button arm installation. The mounting arm can be
PCs represent a powerful platform for use in extensions are available. attached from above or below. If a mounting
machine and plant construction, for example Cooling is achieved directly via the rear arm is used, the connection cables are fed
using the TwinCAT automation software. panel of the Control Panel. No fan is required. through the mounting arm adapter attached

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC
Front laminates

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard

centrally at the rear. Prefabricated cables in suited as a compact central processing unit
various lengths are available for the Ethernet for an EtherCAT control system.
connections. The CP77xx series Panel PCs are supplied
The compact aluminium housing of the with a 24 V power supply unit. The CFast card
Panel PCs CP77xx is equipped with a Beckhoff and the lithium battery for the system clock
motherboard for Intel® Celeron® ULV. are located under a cover and accessible
Due to its two independent gigabit from the rear.
Ethernet interfaces, the CP77xx are ideally

TFT display

Serial interface RS232 On-board dual

Ethernet adapter
Power supply 24 V DC
Lithium battery accessible
from the rear side
CFast card easily accessible
from the rear side
CP motherboard

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Industrial PC


CP77xx | “Economy” Panel PC

The compact Industrial PC with mounting arm

Ordering information without touch screen with single-touch screen with touch pad
Display only
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7701-0000-0040 CP7701-0001-0040
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7702-0000-0040 CP7702-0001-0040
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7703-0000-0040 CP7703-0001-0040
Display only, USB A socket in the front
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7701-0020-0040 CP7701-0021-0040
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7702-0020-0040 CP7702-0021-0040
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7703-0020-0040 CP7703-0021-0040
With function keys
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7711-0000-0040 CP7711-0001-0040
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7712-0000-0040 CP7712-0001-0040
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7713-0000-0040 CP7713-0001-0040
Numeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7721-0000-0040 CP7721-0001-0040 CP7721-0002-0040
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7722-0000-0040 CP7722-0001-0040 CP7722-0002-0040
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7723-0000-0040 CP7723-0001-0040 CP7723-0002-0040
Alphanumeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7731-0000-0040 CP7731-0001-0040 CP7731-0002-0040
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7732-0000-0040 CP7732-0001-0040 CP7732-0002-0040
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7733-0000-0040 CP7733-0001-0040 CP7733-0002-0040

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Industrial PC

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard

CP77xx CP77xx-xxxx-0040
Housing TFT display in three sizes
aluminium housing, protection class IP 65
front laminate in four variants
special keys identified by slide-in labels
for mounting 4 M6 x 18 mm threaded holes in the backplane
operating temperature 0…45 °C

Features CP77xx-xxxx-0040
Display 12-, 15- or 19-inch TFT display
Processor Intel® Celeron® ULV 1.4 GHz
Motherboard CP format
Memory 2 GB DDR3 RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash CFast card
Power supply 24 V DC
Recommendation available
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC


C36xx | Panel PC series

The Panel PC series C36xx, fitted with Intel® All components can be reached quickly and opened. Card holders for the plug-in cards
Celeron® or Core™ i3/i5/i7 processors of the easily. generate insensitivity to shocks and vibra-
latest generation on an ATX motherboard, A CD/DVD-ROM for commissioning and tions. The card holders can be fixed and
offers controllers of the highest performance software updates or a multi DVD drive for removed without tools.
class with 12- or 15-inch TFT display, as a data backup are optionally accessible from The type plate on the rear provides
display/computer unit optionally with touch the rear side. The drives can be removed detailed information regarding the PC’s con-
screen. The housing is opened from the rear. without tools once the housing has been figuration. Data on the function and type is

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Industrial PC

C3620 C3640

listed for the fitted plug-in cards. Data about any PC components that will appear in the requirements, for example with an individual
drives indicates not just the manufacturer next few years. logo on the front or a completely different
and type, but also provides information about design of the front laminate.
type of connection and jumpers. Customer-specific design
The construction of the housing of the For the Industrial PC series represented
C36xx series accords with the ATX standard, here, customer-specific designs are available
thus ensuring long-term compatibility with that will be created according to individual

TFT ATX On-board Serial interface

display motherboard Ethernet RS232

4 USB 2.0 ports

7 slots free

Power supply
100–240 V full range
or 24 V DC, optionally
with 24 V DC UPS

Hard disk or SSD

DVD Fan with speed monitoring and double

drive slot ball bearing, easily exchangeable

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Industrial PC


C3620 | Panel PC

C3620 C3620-0050, -0060

Housing built-in housing, 388 x 324 mm
7-slot processor core for ATX motherboard
PC to be opened from the back side
all components easily accessible
7 slots for up to 220 mm long plug-in cards
card holders, actuated without tools
protection class front side IP 65, rear side IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 11.5 kg (25.4 lbs)
dimensions (W x H x D) 388 x 324 x 201 mm (15.3“ x 12.8“ x 7.9“), depth behind front 193 mm (7.6“)

Features C3620-0050 C3620-0060

Display 12-inch TFT display, resolution 800 x 600 12-inch TFT display, resolution 800 x 600
Touch screen single-touch as an option single-touch as an option
Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard ATX ATX
Slots 7 7
Free slots 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16
Max. card length 7 x 220 mm 7 x 220 mm
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…32 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD 1 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD
RAID 1 – –
Possible disk drives slimline CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD slimline CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD
Power supply 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC

C3640 | Panel PC

C3640 C3640-0050, -0060

Housing built-in housing, 470 x 348 mm
7-slot processor core for ATX motherboard
PC to be opened from the back side
all components easily accessible
7 slots for up to 235 mm long plug-in cards
card holders, actuated without tools
protection class front side IP 65, rear side IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 14.1 kg (31.1 lbs)
dimensions (W x H x D) 470 x 348 x 199 mm (18.5“ x 13.7“ x 7.8“), depth behind front 191 mm (7.5“)

Features C3640-0050 C3640-0060

Display 15-inch TFT display, resolution 1024 x 768 15-inch TFT display, resolution 1024 x 768
Touch screen single-touch as an option single-touch as an option
Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard ATX ATX
Slots 7 7
Free slots 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16
Max. card length 7 x 235 mm 7 x 235 mm
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…32 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1–2 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD 1–2 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD
RAID 1 2 x 3½-inch HDD 2 x 3½-inch HDD
Possible disk drives slimline CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD slimline CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD
Power supply 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


Control cabinet Industrial PCs

C6670 | Control cabinet industrial server C61xx | ATX control cabinet Industrial PC,
– Intel® Xeon® high performance class
– Intel® Celeron® or Core™

See page 124 See page 106

C5102 | ATX-19-inch slide-in Industrial PC, C62xx | ATX control cabinet Industrial PC,
high performance class high performance class
– Intel® Celeron® or Core™ – Intel® Celeron® or Core™

See page 102 See page 110

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Industrial PC

C6640/C6650 | ATX control cabinet C65xx | Built-in Industrial PC, C6920/C6930 | Compact Industrial PC,
Industrial PC, high performance class high performance class high performance class
– Intel® Celeron® or Core™ – Intel® Celeron® or Core™ – Intel® Celeron® or Core™
– protection class: outside IP 67,
See page 120 inside IP 20 See page 130

See page 114

C5210 | 19-inch slide-in Industrial PC, C6915/C6925 | Compact Industrial PC,

high performance class mid performance class
– Intel® Celeron® or Core™ – Intel® Celeron® ULV or Atom™

See page 105 See page 128

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Industrial PC


C5xxx | Industrial PC series

for 19-inch rack installation

The 19-inch rack mount C5102 Industrial PC, The type plate provides detailed information The C5210 19-inch slide-in Industrial PC
equipped with Intel® Celeron® or Core™ regarding the PC’s configuration. Carefully measures only one height unit. This IPC has
i3/i5/i7 of the latest generation on an ATX designed ventilation creates a slight excess an Intel® Celeron® or Core™ i3/i5/i7 proces-
motherboard, offers maximum performance pressure inside the housing, effectively pre- sor of the latest generation on a 3½-inch
class controls. The 19-inch slide-in housing venting the entry of dust. A stable card holder motherboard with on-board RAID control-
measures only four rack units, yet has plenty generates insensitivity to shocks and vibra- ler and two 3½-inch hard drive removable
of internal space for expansions of any form. tions. A C5102 Industrial PC and a Control frames.
A CD/DVD-ROM or multi DVD drive can be Panel as its operating unit create an ideal The combination of industrially-capable
fitted behind the lockable front door. combination. performance and functionality with an

Power supply 100–240 V

full range or 24 V DC,
optionally with 24 V DC UPS

On-board Serial interface RS232

Ethernet adapter
4 USB 2.0 ports

7 free slots

ATX motherboard DVD drive slot

Optional removable
Fan with double ball bearing, frame for hard disks
easily exchangeable
Hard disk or SSD

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Industrial PC

C5102 C5210

extremely flat design makes the C5210 par- two Gigabit Ethernet ports, a DVI and a COM ROM or multi DVD drive can be optionally
ticularly well-suited for space-saving applica- port as well as four USB ports. Further COM installed behind the front flap. The follow-
tions. The low installation height is made or USB ports as well as a sound inteface and ing operating systems are offered for the
possible with the Beckhoff 3½-inch mother- a second DVI connection can be led out as an 19-inch Industrial PC: Windows 7 Profes-
boards. The motherboard is equipped with option. The C5210 can be extended with two sional, Windows 7 Ultimate or Windows
a multitude of on-board interfaces, such as PCIe modules and a Mini PCI card. A DVD- Embedded Standard 7.

DVD drive slot

19-inch housing,
1 rack unit ATX power switch

Optional: pull-out
rails on the side
Second remov-
3½-inch hard disk able frame for a
in removable frame RAID 1 system

2 USB ports

Reset button Lockable front flap

Status LEDs

Power supply
4 USB 2.0 ports 100–240 V AC or 24 V DC

Serial interface RS232 PCIe module slots

DVI-I interface Optional: Mini PCI fieldbus interface

2 Ethernet ports

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Industrial PC


C5102 | 19-inch slide-in Industrial PC

C5102 C5102-0050, -0060

Housing 7-slot slide-in housing ATX for 19-inch racks, 4 rack units
all slots for full-length plug-in cards
lockable front flap
card holders
protection class IP 60 when operating
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 17.0 kg (37.5 lbs)
dimensions (W x H x D) 483 x 177 x 500 mm (19“ x 7“ x 19.5“)

Features C5102-0050 C5102-0060

Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard ATX ATX
Slots 7 7
Free slots 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16
Max. card length 7 x fullsize 7 x fullsize
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…32 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1–3 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD 1–3 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD
RAID 1 2 x 3½-inch HDD 2 x 3½-inch HDD
Possible disk drives CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD
Power supply 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC

C5210 | 19-inch slide-in Industrial PC

C5210 C5210-0010, -0020

Housing slide-in housing for 19-inch racks, 1 rack unit
all drives accessible from the front
2 removable frames for hard disks
1 DVD drive slot, 2 USB sockets, reset key and ATX key behind a lockable front flap
status LEDs
all connectors at the rear side
2 PCIe module slots to plug-in Beckhoff PCIe modules or to lead out interfaces of the motherboard ex factory
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 482.7 x 44 x 493.8 mm (19” x 1.7” x 19.44”)
depth behind the front 471.3 mm (18.56”)

Features C5210-0010 C5210-0020

Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard 3½-inch 3½-inch
Slots 1 Mini PCI and 2 PCIe modules 1 Mini PCI and 2 PCIe modules
Free slots 1 Mini PCI and 2 PCIe modules 1 Mini PCI and 2 PCIe modules
Max. card length Mini PCI/PCIe module Mini PCI/PCIe module
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…16 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1–2 x 3½-inch HDD 1–2 x 3½-inch HDD
RAID 1 2 x 3½-inch HDD 2 x 3½-inch HDD
Possible disk drives CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD
Power supply 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


C61xx | Industrial PC series

for control cabinet installation

The C61xx control cabinet PC is equipped The construction of the housing for the C61xx All the PC’s connections face upwards, so
with maximum performance class com- series ensures long-term compatibility with that the connecting cable can be taken
ponents with Intel® Celeron® or Core™ any new PC components that appear over the directly to the wiring channel. The side walls
i3/i5/i7 of the latest generation on an ATX next few years. If, in a few years, the Indus- are completely passive and allow the Indus-
motherboard. The PCs in the C61xx series trial PC needs to be upgraded, you swap the trial PC to be fitted immediately next to other
are constructed according to a uniform plan, motherboard, the processor, the memory control cabinet devices.
optimised for the exploitation of available or the hard disk, but the housing remains The housing permits fast access to the
space and easy accessibility of all compo- unchanged and is compatible with the tech- fitted components. After removing the front
nents. nology of the future. cover, plug-in cards and drives are freely

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Industrial PC

C6140 C6150

accessible. Hard disks are held by spring- still has the full function of a PC and can shocks and vibrations. The card holders can
loaded ball catches and can be removed be operated with a standard monitor and a be fixed and removed without tools.
in a single action. Three screws must be standard keyboard. A type plate is located on the front cover
undone, after which the PC’s inner chassis, The C61xx series PCs are supplied with a behind an inspection window, giving detailed
to which all the components are attached, 100 to 240 V AC full range or 24 V DC power information about the configuration of the
can be removed from the outer housing. supply unit. An industrial latching socket strip PC. The construction of the housing has been
The inner chassis can be placed on a table is used for the power supply. A CD/DVD-ROM designed to allow individual adaptation,
in any orientation for maintenance pur- or multi DVD drive can be fitted. Card holders and many features can be adjusted for your
poses. When removed, the inner chassis for the plug-in cards generate insensitivity to application.

4 USB 2.0 ports Serial interface RS232

On-board Ethernet adapter

Power supply 100–240 V
full range or 24 V DC,
All connections
optionally with 24 V DC UPS
on the top

7 free slots

ATX motherboard
Fan with speed
monitoring and double
ball bearing, easily Passive side wall: fitting possible
exchangeable immediately next to other devices

Hard disk or SSD

DVD drive slot

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Industrial PC


C6140 | Control cabinet Industrial PC

C6140 C6140-0050, -0060

Housing 7-slot ATX Industrial PC for control cabinet installation
3 PCI slots for plug-in cards with a length of up to 270 mm and 3 PCI Express x1 slots for plug-in cards
with a length of up to 240 mm
drives and plug-in cards easily accessible
all connectors on the top
detailed PC configuration information on the front
status LEDs and protected reset key
card holders, actuated without tools
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 14 kg (30.9 lbs)
dimensions (W x H x D) 383 x 362 x 265 mm (14.9“ x 14.1“ x 10.5“)

Features C6140-0050 C6140-0060

Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard ATX ATX
Slots 7 7
Free slots 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16
Max. card length 3 x 270 mm and 4 x 240 mm 3 x 270 mm and 4 x 240 mm
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…32 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1–3 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD 1–3 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD
RAID 1 2 x 3½-inch HDD 2 x 3½-inch HDD
Possible disk drives CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD
Power supply 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Industrial PC

C6150 | Control cabinet Industrial PC

C6150 C6150-0050, -0060

Housing 7-slot ATX Industrial PC for control cabinet installation
all slots for full-length plug-in cards
drives and plug-in cards easily accessible
all connectors on the top
detailed PC configuration information on the front
status LEDs and protected reset key
card holders, actuated without tools
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 15 kg (33.1 lbs)
dimensions (W x H x D) 383 x 423 x 265 mm (14.9“ x 16.7“ x 10.5“)

Features C6150-0050 C6150-0060

Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard ATX ATX
Slots 7 7
Free slots 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16
Max. card length 7 x fullsize 7 x fullsize
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…32 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1–3 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD 1–3 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD
RAID 1 2 x 3½-inch HDD 2 x 3½-inch HDD
Possible disk drives CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD
Power supply 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


C62xx | Industrial PC series

for control cabinet installation

The control cabinet PC series C62xx is The construction of the housing for the All the PC’s connections face to the front.
equipped with maximum performance class C62xx series ensures long-term compatibility The inner chassis can be drawn out forward
components: with Intel® Celeron® or Core™ with any new PC components that appear on telescopic rails, thus offering free access
i3/i5/i7 of the latest generation on an ATX over the next few years. If, in a few years, to all the fitted components.
motherboard. The PCs in the C62xx series the Industrial PC needs to be upgraded, you The C62xx series PCs are offered with a
are constructed according to a uniform plan, swap the motherboard, the processor, the 100 to 240 V AC full range or 24 V DC power
optimised for the exploitation of available memory or the hard disk, but the housing supply unit. An industrial latching socket strip
space and easy accessibility of all compo- remains unchanged, and is compatible with is used for the power supply.
nents. the technology of the future.

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Industrial PC

C6240 C6250

Card holders for the plug-in cards generate

insensitivity to shocks and vibrations. The
card holders can be fixed and removed with-
out tools. Data describing the function and
type for the fitted plug-in cards is listed on
the front.

DVD drive slot

Power supply 100–240 V

full range or 24 V DC, Fan with speed monitoring
optionally with 24 V DC UPS and double ball bearing,
easily exchangeable
Passive side wall:
fitting possible immediately Hard disk or SSD
next to other devices

ATX industrial motherboard

7 free slots

Inner chassis can be

Fan with speed monitoring pulled forward
and double ball bearing,
easily exchangeable All connections on the front

Serial interface RS232 On-board Ethernet adapter

4 USB 2.0 ports

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Industrial PC


C6240 | Control cabinet Industrial PC

C6240 C6240-0050, -0060

Housing 7-slot ATX Industrial PC for control cabinet installation
mounting sheet for horizontal PC installation
all slots for plug-in cards with a length of up to 190 mm
drives and plug-in cards easily accessible
all connectors on the front
detailed PC configuration information on the front
status LEDs and protected reset key
card holders, actuated without tools
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 12.3 kg (27.2 lbs)
dimensions (W x H x D) 430 x 170 x 274 mm (16.9“ x 6.7“ x 10.8“)

Features C6240-0050 C6240-0060

Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard ATX ATX
Slots 7 7
Free slots 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16
Max. card length 7 x 190 mm 7 x 190 mm
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…32 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1 x 3½-inch HDD or 2 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD 1 x 3½-inch HDD or 2 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD
RAID 1 2 x 2½-inch HDD 2 x 2½-inch HDD
Possible disk drives CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD
Power supply 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Industrial PC

C6250 | Control cabinet Industrial PC

C6250 C6250-0060, -0070

Housing 7-slot ATX Industrial PC for control cabinet installation
mounting sheet for horizontal installation
2 PCI slots and 2 PCI Express slots for up to 220 mm long plug-in cards and 1 PCI slot and 2 PCI Express slots
for up to 190 mm long plug-in cards
drives and plug-in cards easily accessible
all connectors on the front
detailed PC configuration information on the front
status LEDs and protected reset key
card holders, actuated without tools
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 19.8 kg (43.7 lbs)
dimensions (W x H x D) 680 x 184 x 270 mm (26.8“ x 7.2“ x 10.7“)

Features C6250-0060 C6250-0070

Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard ATX ATX
Slots 7 7
Free slots 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16
Max. card length 7 x 190 mm 7 x 190 mm
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…32 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1–3 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD 1–3 x 3½-inch HDD or 2½-inch SSD
RAID 1 2 x 3½-inch HDD 2 x 3½-inch HDD
Possible disk drives CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD
Power supply 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


C65xx | Industrial PC series

for control cabinet installation

The C65xx Industrial PC series is designed This enables high thermal stability and at The compact housing is equipped with a
to be installed in control cabinet walls or the same time fanless operation. Industrial 3½-inch motherboard for Intel® Celeron®
in the rear panel of a control housing or PCs of type C65xx can thus be constructed or Core™ i3/i5/i7 of the latest generation.
console housing. The heat sink of the IPC is completely without rotating parts. Installa- All of the PC’s connectors are located on the
thereby fed to the outside through a suitable tion in a control housing in combination with top side of the housing. The C65xx series PCs
cut-out in the panel or wall of the control a Beckhoff Control Panel results in a fanless are supplied with an integrated power supply
cabinet. Power dissipation from the processor Panel PC that can be operated at ambient unit with 24 V DC input voltage, optionally
and chipset takes place directly to ambient. temperatures up to 45 °C. with integrated uninterruptible power sup-
Integrated seals provide for an IP 65 closure. ply (UPS). A battery pack can be connected

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Industrial PC

C6515 C6515 C6525 C6525 C6525

basic configuration with PCIe module slots basic configuration with PCIe module slots with plug-in card slots

externally and installed on a DIN rail close formance control platforms in machine processing units for an EtherCAT control
to the PC. The PC has a free Mini PCI slot that construction and plant engineering system.
can be used for NOVRAM modules for fail- applications, particularly in conjunction The on-board SATA RAID 1 controller can
safe storage of process data. The C6525 also with TwinCAT automation software under mirror two hard disks, two SSDs or two CFast
enables the use of Mini PCI fieldbus cards or Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 cards. If one of the RAID disks fails, the sys-
a further Ethernet card. Ultimate or Windows Embedded Standard 7. tem continues to run. The faulty data medium
Industrial PCs from this series and Due to their two independent Ethernet can be replaced and mirrored during opera-
Beckhoff Control Panels as control units interfaces the C6515 and C6525 Industrial tion.
make an ideal combination for high-per- PCs are ideally suited as compact central

DVI connection
Lithium battery easily accessible
24 V DC power supply,
optionally with UPS Serial interface RS232

On-board dual
Ethernet adapter

4 USB 2.0 ports For C6525 hard disks or SSDs

CFast card
Mini PCI slot for
fieldbus cards

3½-inch motherboard For C6525 optionally 2 PCI or

PCIe plug-in card slots

or 2 PCIe module slots

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Industrial PC


C6515 | Fanless built-in Industrial PC

C6515 C6515-0040, -0050

Housing built-in Industrial PC with external cooling to be mounted in the back panel of a control housing
or in the wall of a control cabinet
2 slots for CFast
CFast and lithium battery of the system clock easily exchangeable
passive cooling through heat sink structure outside
20 cm free space required around the heat sink of the PC for air circulation
protection class outside IP 65, inside IP 20
operating temperature outside 0…45 °C, inside 0…55 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 240 x 230 x 81 mm (9.5“ x 9.1“ x 3.2“)

Features C6515-0040 C6515-0050

Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard 3½-inch 3½-inch
Slots 1 Mini PCI, optionally 2 PCIe modules 1 Mini PCI, optionally 2 PCIe modules
Free slots 1 Mini PCI for NOVRAM and optionally 2 PCIe modules 1 Mini PCI for NOVRAM and optionally 2 PCIe modules
Max. card length Mini PCI, optionally 2 PCIe modules Mini PCI, optionally 2 PCIe modules
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…16 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1 or 2 x CFast 1 or 2 x CFast
RAID 1 2 x CFast 2 x CFast
Power supply 24 V DC 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC

C6515 with PCIe module slots

Extension for PCIe modules

The built-in PCs C6515 can be expanded by Module slots that are not occupied by a
two additional PCIe module slots. The inner PCIe module can be used to lead out the
enclosure cover is constructed 26 mm deeper fieldbus connection of a Mini PCI card from
for PCIe modules (see above). The module the PC. An Ethernet or fieldbus interface for
slots can accept Beckhoff PCIe modules, for PROFIBUS, CANopen, DeviceNet or SERCOS
example, the FC9062 dual gigabit Ethernet can be inserted into the Mini PCI slot on the
module, or they can serve to lead out moth- C6515, even though the basic configuration
erboard interfaces, such as COM ports, USB of this PC only allows NOVRAM Mini PCI
or sound. The module slots also enable the cards.
use of fieldbus cards in the Mini PCI slot.

PCIe module FC9062, dual gigabit Ethernet

Ordering information Options for C6515

C9900-B502 2 PCIe module slots integrated inside C6515, to plug-in Beckhoff PCIe modules or to lead out interfaces
of the motherboard ex factory. The depth of the inner enclosure cover is increased by 26 mm (1“).

Ordering information Options for C6515 with 2 module slots C9900-B502

FC9062 gigabit Ethernet PCIe module for PCs with Beckhoff PCIe module slots, 2-channel, PCI Express x1 bus
C9900-E159 serial port COM2, RS232, electrically isolated, overload protection, D-sub 9-pin connector
C9900-E188 serial port COM2, RS485, electrically isolated, overload protection, D-sub 9-pin connector
C9900-E189 serial port COM2, RS422, electrically isolated, overload protection, D-sub 9-pin connector
C9900-E232 sound line input and sound line output of the motherboard led out at the connection section of a C6515
C9900-E233 1 serial port RS232 of the motherboard led out at the connection section of a C6515
C9900-E234 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out at the connection section of a C6515
C9900-E237 additional DVI-D plug led out on a module bracket

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Industrial PC


C6525 | Fanless built-in Industrial PC

C6525 C6525-0040, -0050

Housing built-in Industrial PC with external cooling to be mounted in the back panel of a control housing
or in the wall of a control cabinet
1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk or SSD and 1 slot for CFast
hard disk, SSD, CFast and lithium battery of the system clock easily exchangeable
passive cooling through heat sink structure outside
20 cm free space required around the heat sink of the PC for air circulation
protection class outside IP 65, inside IP 20
operating temperature outside 0…45 °C, inside 0…55 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 330 x 275 x 82 mm (13“ x 10.8“ x 3.2“)

Features C6525-0040 C6525-0050

Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard 3½-inch 3½-inch
Slots 1 Mini PCI, optionally 2 PCIe modules or 1 Mini PCI, optionally 2 PCIe modules or
2 plug-in card slots 2 plug-in card slots
Free slots 1 Mini PCI and optionally 2 PCIe modules or 1 Mini PCI and optionally 2 PCIe modules or
2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots 2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots
Max. card length Mini PCI, optionally 2 PCIe modules or Mini PCI, optionally 2 PCIe modules or
2 x 190 mm plug-in cards 2 x 190 mm plug-in cards
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…16 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 2½-inch HDD or SDD and/or CFast or 2½-inch HDD or SDD and/or CFast or
2 x CFast or 2 x 2½-inch HDD or SDD 2 x CFast or 2 x 2½-inch HDD or SDD
RAID 1 2 x 2½-inch HDD or 2 x CFast 2 x 2½-inch HDD or 2 x CFast
Power supply 24 V DC 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC

C6525 with PCIe module slots C6525 with plug-in card slots

Extension for PCIe modules

The built-in PCs C6525 can be expanded by two additional PCIe module slots The inner enclosure cover is constructed 27 mm deeper for PCIe
modules (see above). The module slots can accept Beckhoff PCIe modules, for example, the FC9062 dual gigabit Ethernet module, or they can
serve to lead out motherboard interfaces, such as COM ports, USB or sound.

Ordering information Options for C6525

C9900-B503 2 PCIe module slots integrated inside C6525, to plug-in Beckhoff PCIe modules or to lead out interfaces
of the motherboard ex factory. The depth of the inner enclosure cover is increased by 27 mm (1.1“).

Ordering information Options for C6525 with 2 module slots C9900-B503

FC9062 gigabit Ethernet PCIe module for PCs with Beckhoff PCIe module slots, 2-channel, PCI Express x1 bus
C9900-E232 sound line input and sound line output of the motherboard led out at the connection section of a C6525
C9900-E233 1 serial port RS232 of the motherboard led out at the connection section of a C6525
C9900-E234 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out at the connection section of a C6525
C9900-E237 additional DVI-D plug led out on a module bracket

Extension for PCI and PCIe plug-in cards

The built-in PCs C6525 can be expanded by two slots for standard PC plug-in cards. They can accept conventional PC plug-in cards up to 190 mm
in length. The 58 mm deeper hood at the rear (see above) covers a backplane that provides a choice of two PCI slots, two PCI Express slots or
one PCI and one PCI Express slot. Card holders ensure the secure fixation of large cards.

Ordering information Options for C6525

C9900-B505 2 PCIe plug-in card slots on the passive backplane integrated inside C6525, to plug-in PCIe x1 cards
up to 190 mm (6.3“) length. The depth of the inner enclosure cover is increased by 58 mm (2.3“).
C9900-B509 2 PCI plug-in card slots on the passive backplane integrated inside C6525, to plug-in PCI cards
up to 190 mm (6.3“) length, the depth of the inner enclosure cover is increased by 58 mm (2.3“).
C9900-B513 1 PCI and 1 PCIe plug-in card slot on a passive backplane integrated inside C6525, to plug-in one PCI
and one PCIe x1 card up to 190 mm (6.3“) length. The depth of the back cover is increased by 58 mm (2.3“).

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Industrial PC


C6640/C6650 | Industrial PC series

for control cabinet installation

The C6640/C6650 control cabinet PC series adapters are already available on-board, The C6640/C6650 series is designed for opti-
includes two devices, both of which are without taking up a slot. mum space utilisation and easy accessibility
equipped with top-performance components All PC connections face upwards, so of all components. The C6640 is the most
with Intel® Celeron® or Core™ i3/i5/i7 of the that the connecting cable can be taken compact PC with ATX motherboard but nev-
latest generation on an ATX motherboard. directly to the wiring channel. The side ertheless offers convenient access to drives,
Three free PCI and four PCI Express slots walls are completely passive, and allow memory and plug-in cards.
are available for plug-in cards with a length the Industrial PC to be fitted immediately The C6650 features hard drive removable
of up to 210 mm. Graphics and Ethernet next to other control cabinet devices. frames which, together with the on-board

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Industrial PC

C6640 C6650

RAID controller, form a RAID 1 system with while the same housing can be used for series PCs are supplied with 100 to 240 V AC
two mirrored hard disks. This ensures high years to come. full range or 24 V DC power supply unit.
data security. Hard disks which failed can The device can be equipped with a A type plate is located on the top of the
easily be exchanged during operation. CD/DVD ROM or multi DVD drive. A choice front cover, giving detailed information about
The housing design of the C6640/C6650 of a CFast socket or a 2½-inch SSD slot the PC configuration.
series ensures long-term compatibility with is offered for flash disks. Card holders for The housing design offers plenty of scope
new PC components. The motherboard, pro- the plug-in cards generate insensitivity to for adjustment to the respective application.
cessor, memory or hard disk are upgradable, impacts and vibrations. The C6640/C6650

On-board Ethernet adapter Serial interface RS232

Power supply 100–240 V

4 USB 2.0 ports full range or 24 V DC,
optionally with 24 V DC UPS
All connections
on the top

ATX motherboard Passive side wall:

fitting possible immediately
7 free slots next to other devices

Optional SSD or
Fan with speed CFast card
monitoring and
double ball bearing,
DVD drive slot
easily exchangeable

Hard disks in removable frames

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Industrial PC


C6640 | Control cabinet Industrial PC

C6640 C6640-0030, -0040

Housing 7-slot ATX Industrial PC for control cabinet installation
all slots for up to 210 mm long plug-in cards
drives and plug-in cards easily accessible
2 brackets to led out serial interfaces
all connectors on the top
detailed PC configuration information on the front
card holders, actuated without tools
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 11 kg (24.3 lbs)
dimensions (W x H x D) 371 x 336 x 198 mm (14.6“ x 13.2“ x 7.8“)

Features C6640-0030 C6640-0040

Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard ATX ATX
Slots 7 7
Free slots 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16
Max. card length 7 x 210 mm 7 x 210 mm
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…32 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1 x 3½-inch and 1 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD or CFast 1 x 3½-inch and 1 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD or CFast
RAID 1 – –
Possible disk drives CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD
Power supply 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Industrial PC

C6650 | Control cabinet Industrial PC

C6650 C6650-0030, -0040

Housing 7-slot ATX Industrial PC for control cabinet installation
all slots for up to 210 mm long plug-in cards
2 removable frames for hard disks
drives and plug-in cards easily accessible
3 brackets to led out serial interfaces
all connectors on the top
detailed PC configuration information on the front
card holders, actuated without tools
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 12 kg (26.5 lbs)
dimensions (W x H x D) 410 x 360 x 201 mm (16.1“ x 14.2“ x 7.9“)

Features C6650-0030 C6650-0040

Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard ATX ATX
Slots 7 7
Free slots 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16 3 PCI, 2 PCIe x1, 1 PCIe x4 and 1 PCIe x16
Max. card length 7 x 210 mm 7 x 210 mm
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…32 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1–2 x 3½-inch and 1 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD or CFast 1–2 x 3½-inch and 1 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD or CFast
RAID 1 2 x 3½-inch HDD 2 x 3½-inch HDD
Possible disk drives CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD
Power supply 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC 100…240 V AC or 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


C6670 | Industrial server

for control cabinet installation

The C6670 industrial server is designed for extremely high performance, up to 2048 GB system with two mirrored hard disks or
installation in control cabinets. The C6670 DDR4 RAM, one PCIe Gen2 x4, one PCIe SSDs. This ensures high data security. Hard
and a Beckhoff Control Panel with DVI and Gen3 x8 and three PCIe Gen3 x16 plug-in disks or SSDs which failed can easily be
USB connection make an ideal combination, card slots are also available for several exchanged during operation.
representing a powerful platform for machine camera interface cards for video evaluation. The device can be equipped with a CD/
construction and plant engineering applica- All connections of the industrial server DVD ROM or multi DVD drive. Card holders
tions with the TwinCAT automation software. face upwards, so that the connecting cables for the plug-in cards generate insensitivity to
In combination with TwinCAT 3, two can be taken directly to the wiring channel. impacts and vibrations. The C6670 offers con-
Intel® Xeon® processors, each with 6, 12 or The side walls are completely passive, and venient access to drives, memory and plug-in
18 cores on one motherboard with two allow the industrial server to be fitted imme- cards. The industrial server is supplied with a
Gigabit Ethernet controllers and a powerful diately next to other control cabinet devices. 100 to 240 V AC full range power supply unit.
graphics card produce a machine or plant The C6670 features two hard drive A type plate is located on the top of the
controller that offers computing power removable frames which, together with the front cover, giving detailed information about
for completely new ideas. Apart from the on-board RAID controller, form a RAID 1 the server configuration.

All connections on the top Power supply 100 –240 V AC

full range

5 free slots: 1 PCIe x4, 1 PCIe x8,

3 PCIe x16
On-board dual Ethernet adapter

Graphic card with

2 DVI connectors
2 Intel® Xeon® processors

SSI EEB motherboard

Passive side wall: fitting possible

immediately next to other devices Optional DVD drive

Removable frames with

hard disks or SSDs

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Industrial PC

C6670 | Control cabinet industrial server

C6670 C6670-0000
Housing 6-slot SSI EEB industrial server for control cabinet installation
all slots for full-size plug-in cards
2 removable frames for hard disks
drives and plug-in cards easily accessible
all connectors on the top
detailed PC configuration information on the front
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…45 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 410 x 480 x 201 mm (16.1“ x 18.9“ x 7.9“)

Features C6670-0000
Processor 2 x Intel® Xeon® with 6, 12 or 18 cores per processor
Motherboard SSI EEB
Slots 6
Free slots 1 PCIe x4 Gen2.x, 1 PCIe x8 Gen3 and 3 PCIe x16 Gen3
Max. card length 6 x fullsize
Memory 64…2048 GB DDR4 RAM EEC
Graphic adapter graphic card, 1 DVI-I and 1 DVI-D connector, occupies a PCIe x16 slot
Ethernet 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1–2 x 3½-inch HDD or 1–2 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD
RAID 1 2 x 3½-inch HDD or 2 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD
Possible disk drives CD/DVD-ROM or multi-DVD
Power supply 100…240 V AC
Recommendation recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


C69xx | Industrial PC series

for control cabinet installation

The C69xx Industrial PC series is designed for The C69xx series PCs are supplied with a Cooling of the C6915 with Intel® Atom™ with
installation in control cabinets. The compact 24 V DC power supply unit, optionally with up to four cores and the C6925 with Intel®
aluminium housing of the C69xx Industrial integrated uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Celeron® ULV or Intel® Atom™ with up to four
PCs is equipped with a 3½-inch motherboard. A battery pack can be connected externally cores requires no fan. The basic configuration
All PC connections are on one side of the and installed on a DIN rail close to the PC. of the C6915 and C6925 features a flash disk,
housing. The PC can optionally be equipped Cooling fins behind the right-hand side thus creating PCs without moving parts. A hard
with mounting plates on two sides and panel enable fanless operation of the PC at disk or a second flash card can be integrated
fastened with screws in the control cabinet. temperatures up to 55 °C. The four types of in all of the PCs from this series as an option.
Installation is possible at the rear panel or on Industrial PCs in the C69xx series differ in The C6920 with Intel® Celeron® or
the right-hand side panel (see figure). their processors and data storage devices. Core™ i3/i5/i7 of the latest generation has

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Industrial PC

C6915 C6925 C6920 C6920 C6930 C6930

basic configuration with plug-in card slots basic configuration with plug-in card slots

an easily exchangeable fan cartridge on the The C6920, C6925 and C6930 feature a platform for machine construction and
underside of the housing. The C6930 Indus- free Mini PCI slot. The Beckhoff Mini PCI plant engineering applications, particularly
trial PC is also offered with Intel® Celeron® or fieldbus cards for PROFIBUS (FC3151), in conjunction with the TwinCAT automation
Core™ i3/i5/i7 of the latest generation. It has CANopen (FC5151), DeviceNet (FC5251), software under Windows 7 Professional,
a SATA RAID controller for mirroring two hard SERCOS (FC7551), or a further Ethernet Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows Embedded
disks, SSDs or CFast cards. In the basic con- card (FC9151) can be used. Standard 7 or Windows Embedded Com-
figuration, one of the two hard disk slots is Industrial PCs of this series and a pact 7. Due to its two independent Ethernet
equipped with a 2½ inch drive. A second hard Beckhoff Control Panel with DVI and USB interfaces, the C69xx is ideally suited as a
disk is offered as an option. In addition, a connection make an ideal combination compact central processing unit for an
CFast slot is accessible behind the front cover. and offer a high-performance control EtherCAT control system.

24 V DC power supply,
optionally with UPS
Lithium battery
easily accessible C6930: 2 PCIe module slots

On-board dual
Ethernet adapter
CFast card
Optionally 2 PCI or PCIe
2nd RS232 serial interface with
plug-in card slots
output via PCIe module slot

4 USB 2.0 ports

3½-inch motherboard

Hard disk or SSD DVI-I connection

Mini PCI slot for

Serial interface RS232 fieldbus cards

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Industrial PC


C6915 | Control cabinet Industrial PC with Intel® Atom™

C6915 C6915-0010
Housing fanless industrial PC for space-saving control cabinet installation
mounting sheet at the rear wall
all connectors on the front
status LEDs
lithium battery accessible behind the front flap
1 slot for one Compact Flash card behind the front flap
passive cooling without fan
5 cm (2“) free space on top and bottom of the PC necessary for air circulation
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 1.25 kg (2.8 lbs)
compact dimensions (W x H x D) 48 x 164 x 119 mm (1.9“ x 6.5“ x 4.7“) without mounting plate

Features C6915-0010
Processor Intel® Atom™
Motherboard 3½-inch
Slots –
Free slots –
Max. card length –
Memory 2…8 GB DDR3 RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 2½-inch HDD or SDD or 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast
Power supply 24 V DC
Recommendation recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC

C6925 | Fanless control cabinet Industrial PC

C6925 C6925-0020, -0030

Housing fanless Industrial PC for space-saving control cabinet installation
mounting sheet at the rear wall
all connectors on the front
status LEDs
lithium battery accessible behind the front flap
1 slot for one CFast flash card behind the front flap
2 PCIe module slots to plug-in Beckhoff PCIe modules or to lead out interfaces of the motherboard ex factory
passive cooling without fan with a heat sink
5 cm (2“) free space on top and bottom of the PC necessary for air circulation
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 1.75 kg (3.9 lbs)
compact dimensions (W x H x D) 65 x 208 x 119 mm (2.6“ x 8.2“ x 4.7“) without mounting plate

Features C6925-0020 C6925-0030

Processor Intel® Celeron® ULV Intel® Atom™
Motherboard 3½-inch 3½-inch
Slots 2 PCIe modules 2 PCIe modules
Free slots 2 PCIe 2 PCIe
Max. card length PCIe module PCIe module
Memory 2…8 GB DDR3 RAM 2…8 GB DDR3 RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 2½-inch HDD or SDD and/or 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast 2½-inch HDD or SDD and/or 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast
RAID 1 2 x CFast –
Power supply 24 V DC 24 V DC
Recommendation recommended for new projects recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC


C6920 | Control cabinet Industrial PC

C6920 C6920-0040, -0050

Housing Industrial PC for space-saving control cabinet installation
mounting sheet at the rear wall
all connectors on the front
status LEDs
lithium battery accessible behind the front flap
1 slot for one 2½-inch hard disk or SSD behind the front flap
1 slot for one CFast card behind the front flap
fan cartridge with speed control and double ball bearing fans, accessible from the front
5 cm (2“) free space above and under the PC required for air circulation
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 1.9 kg (4.2 lbs)
compact dimensions (W x H x D) 65 x 231 x 119 mm (2.6“ x 9.1“ x 4.7“) without mounting plate

Features C6920-0040 C6920-0050

Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard 3½-inch 3½-inch
Slots 1 Mini PCI, optionally 2 plug-in card slots 1 Mini PCI, optionally 2 plug-in card slots
Free slots 1 Mini PCI and optionally 2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots 1 Mini PCI and optionally 2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots
Max. card length Mini PCI, optionally 2 x 190 mm plug-in cards Mini PCI, optionally 2 x 190 mm plug-in cards
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…16 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 2½-inch HDD or SDD and/or 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast 2½-inch HDD or SDD and/or 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast
RAID 1 2 x CFast 2 x CFast
Power supply 24 V DC 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC

C6920 with plug-in card slots

Extension for PCI and PCIe plug-in cards

The control cabinet PCs C6920 can be connectors are located on the top side of the
expanded by two slots for standard PC PC. The plug-in card slots are arranged on
plug-in cards. They can accept conventional the right side of the PC. An aluminium cover
PC plug-in cards up to 190 mm in length. on the front of the slot expansion enables
The 70 mm wider PC (see above) housing easy installation of the plug-in cards without
includes a backplane that provides a choice having to open the housing of the computer
of two PCI slots, two PCI Express slots or one core. The slots are powered internally by the
PCI and one PCI Express slot. The plug-in card PC power supply.

Ordering information Options for C6920-0040, -0050

C9900-B506 2 PCIe plug-in card slots on the passive backplane integrated inside C6920, to plug-in PCIe x1 cards up to 190 mm (6.3“)
length. The connectors of the plug-in cards are located at the top side of the PC on the right. The width of the PC housing
is increased by 70 mm (2.76“), the depth is increased by 18 mm (0.7“).
C9900-B510 2 PCI plug-in card slots on the passive backplane integrated inside C6920, to plug-in PCI cards up to 190 mm (6.3“)
length. The connectors of the plug-in cards are located at the top side of the PC on the right. The width of the PC housing
is increased by 70 mm (2.76“), the depth is increased by 18 mm (0.7“).
C9900-B514 1 PCI and 1 PCIe plug-in card slot on a passive backplane integrated inside C6920, to plug-in one PCI and one PCIe x1
card up to 190 mm (6.3“) length. The connectors of the plug-in cards are located at the top side of the PC on the right.
The width of the PC enclosure is increased by 70 mm (2.76“), the depth is increased by 18 mm (0.7“).

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Industrial PC


C6930 | Control cabinet Industrial PC

C6930 C6930-0040, -0050
Housing Industrial PC for space-saving control cabinet installation
mounting sheet at the rear wall
all connectors on the front
status LEDs
lithium battery accessible behind the front flap
2 slots for 2½-inch hard disks or SSDs behind the front flap
1 slot for one CFast flash card behind the front flap
2 PCIe module slots to plug-in Beckhoff PCIe modules or to lead out interfaces of the motherboard ex factory
fan cartridge with speed control and double ball bearing fans, accessible from the front
5 cm (2“) free space above and under the PC required for air circulation
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight of the basic configuration 2.1 kg (4.6 lbs)
compact dimensions (W x H x D) 89 x 231 x 119 mm (3.5“ x 9.1“ x 4.7“) without mounting plate

Features C6930-0040 C6930-0050

Processor up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 2nd/3rd generation up to Core™ i3/i5/i7 4th generation
Motherboard 3½-inch 3½-inch
Slots 1 Mini PCI and 2 PCIe modules, 1 Mini PCI and 2 PCIe modules,
optionally 2 plug-in card slots optionally 2 plug-in card slots
Free slots 1 Mini PCI and 2 PCIe modules, 1 Mini PCI and 2 PCIe modules,
optionally 2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots optionally 2 PCI/PCIe plug-in card slots
Max. card length Mini PCI and 2 PCIe modules, Mini PCI and 2 PCIe modules,
optionally 2 x 190 mm plug-in cards optionally 2 x 190 mm plug-in cards
Memory 2…16 GB DDR3 RAM 2…16 GB DDR3L RAM
Graphic adapter integrated in the processor integrated in the processor
Ethernet 2 on-board 2 on-board
Hard disks/flash 1 or 2 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD and/or 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast 1 or 2 x 2½-inch HDD or SSD and/or 1 x CFast or 2 x CFast
RAID 1 2 x 2½-inch HDD or 2 x CFast 2 x 2½-inch HDD or 2 x CFast
Power supply 24 V DC 24 V DC
Recommendation available recommended for new projects
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Industrial PC

C6930 with plug-in card slots

Extension for PCI and PCIe plug-in cards

The control cabinet PCs C6930 can be of two PCI slots, two PCI Express slots or one easy installation of the plug-in cards without
expanded by two slots for standard PC PCI and one PCI Express slot. The plug-in card having to open the housing of the computer
plug-in cards. They can accept conventional connectors are located on the top side of the core. The slots are powered internally by the
PC plug-in cards up to 190 mm in length. PC. The plug-in card slots are arranged on PC power supply.
The 70 mm wider PC housing (see above) the right side of the PC. An aluminium cover
includes a backplane that provides a choice on the front of the slot expansion enables

Ordering information Options for C6930-0040 and -0050

FC9062 gigabit Ethernet PCIe module for PCs with Beckhoff PCIe module slots, 2-channel, PCI Express x1 bus
C9900-B507 2 PCIe plug-in card slots on the passive backplane integrated inside C6930, to plug-in PCIe x1 cards up to 190 mm (6.3“)
length. The connectors of the plug-in cards are located at the top side of the PC on the right. The width of the PC housing
is increased by 70 mm (2.76“), the depth is increased by 18 mm (0.7“).
C9900-B511 2 PCI plug-in card slots on the passive backplane integrated inside C6930, to plug-in PCI cards up to 190 mm (6.3“)
length. The connectors of the plug-in cards are located at the top side of the PC on the right. The width of the PC housing
is increased by 70 mm (2.76“), the depth is increased by 18 mm (0.7“).
C9900-B515 1 PCI and 1 PCIe plug-in card slot on a passive backplane integrated inside C6930, to plug-in one PCI and one PCIe x1
card up to 190 mm (6.3“) length. The connectors of the plug-in cards are located at the top side of the PC on the right.
The width of the PC housing is increased by 70 mm (2.76“), the depth is increased by 18 mm (0.7“).

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Industrial PC


Industrial PC accessories

CU8006 | 4-port CU8800 | USB Extender 1.1 Tx, CU8870 | USB Compact Flash slot,
USB 3.0 hub CU8801 | USB Extender 2.0 Tx CU8871 | USB CFast slot

CU8850 | USB Extender 1.1 Rx, CU8880 | Ethernet controller

CU8851 | USB Extender 2.0 Rx with USB input

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USB Extended

Industrial PC

CU8800, CU8850, C9900-E270 | USB Extended, the USB 1.1 extension

The USB specification allows a distance of receiver or the CP69xx or CP79xx Control
5 m between the PC and the USB devices. Panels, which convert the signal back to USB.
A further 5 m of cable can be added by using The USB Extender boxes are designed for
a USB hub. In the construction of machines DIN rail mounting. The CU8800 transmitter
and plants, larger distances must be bridged is supplied with power by the PC via USB.
without having to insert a USB hub every The CU8850 receiver has an integrated
5 m. The CU8800 USB Extender sends the 24 V DC power supply unit. Data rates of
USB signal via a CAT 5 cable that can be up up to 12 Mbit/s can be transmitted.
to 50 m long to the CU8850 USB Extended

Technical data CU8800 | USB Extender Tx CU8850 | USB Extender Rx

USB Extended transmitter box USB Extended receiver box
1 USB input with USB B socket to be connected 1 USB Extended input with RJ45 socket for up
to the PC in maximum 1 m distance to 50 m CAT 5 cable
1 USB Extended output with RJ45 socket for up 1 USB output with USB A socket to be connected
to 50 m CAT 5 cable to an USB device in maximum 5 m distance
– quick error analysing with diagnostic LEDs
plastic housing for DIN rail installation plastic housing for DIN rail installation
USB transfer rate up to 12 Mbit/s for USB 1.1, downwards compatible to USB 1.0
protection class IP 20 protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C operating temperature 0…55 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 98 x 77 mm (1.3” x 3.9” x 3”) dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 98 x 77 mm (1.3” x 3.9” x 3”)
power supply via USB 24 V DC power supply

Technical data C9900-E270 | USB Extender Tx PCIe module

USB Extended transmitter module
1 USB Extended output with RJ45 socket for up to 50 m CAT 5 cable for connecting a Control Panel with
DVI/USB Extended interface CP69xx or CP79xx
for ex factory mounting in PCs with Beckhoff PCIe module slot
USB transfer rate up to 12 Mbit/s according to USB 1.1

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

USB Extended 2.0
Industrial PC


CU8801, CU8851, C9900-E271 | USB Extended 2.0, the USB 2.0 extension
The CP29xx-0000 multi-touch built-in panels and a DVI cable transfer the data to the
and the CP39xx-0000 multi-touch panels for Control Panel. The 24 V supply voltage is
mounting arm installation can be operated directly connected at the Control Panel.
up to 50 m away from the PC. The CU8801 The CU8851 USB Extended receiver box
USB Extended 2.0 transmitter box is connect- is used for applications without Control Panel
ed to the PC via USB, or the C9900-E271 PCIe together with CU8801 or the C9900-E271
module for USB Extended 2.0 is installed in PCIe module for USB Extended 2.0, in order
the PC. A CAT 5 cable for USB Extended 2.0 to extend USB 2.0 to 50 m.

Technical data CU8801 | USB Extender 2.0 Tx CU8851 | USB Extender 2.0 Rx
USB Extended 2.0 transmitter box USB Extended 2.0 receiver box
1 USB input with USB B socket to be connected to 1 USB Extended 2.0 input with RJ45 socket
the PC in maximum 1 m distance for up to 50 m CAT 5 cable
1 USB Extended 2.0 output with RJ45 socket 1 USB output with USB A socket to be connected to
for up to 50 m CAT 5 cable an USB device in maximum 5 m distance
– quick error analysing with diagnostic LEDs
plastic housing for DIN rail installation plastic housing for DIN rail installation
USB transfer rate up to 480 Mbit/s for USB 2.0 USB transfer rate up to 480 Mbit/s for USB 2.0
protection class IP 20 protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C operating temperature 0…55 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 98 x 77 mm (1.3“ x 3.9“ x 3“) dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 98 x 77 mm (1.3“ x 3.9“ x 3“)
power supply via USB 24 V DC power supply

Technical data C9900-E271 | USB Extender 2.0 Tx PCIe module

USB Extended 2.0 transmitter module
1 USB Extended 2.0 output with RJ45 socket for up to 50 m CAT 5 cable for connecting a Control Panel with
DVI/USB Extended 2.0 interface CP29xx-0000 or CP39xx-0000
for ex factory mounting in PCs with Beckhoff PCIe module slot
USB transfer rate up to 480 Mbit/s according to USB 2.0

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CP-Link 4

Industrial PC

CU8802, CU8803, C9900-E276 | CP-Link 4 transmitter modules

With CP-Link 4 operating panels CP-Link 4 – The Two Cable CP-Link 4 – The One Cable
can be located up to 100 m Display Link Display Link
away from the Industrial PC. The CP29xx-0010 multi- The power supply for the Control
The single-cable solution can be touch built-in panels and the Panel can also be provided via
used to transfer video signals, CP39xx-0010 multi-touch panels CP-Link 4 – The One Cable Dis-
USB 2.0 and the power supply for mounting arm installation can play Link. The CU8803 CP-Link 4
in a Cat.6A cable, thus reducing be operated up to 100 m away transmitter box is used instead
cable and installation costs. from the PC. CP-Link 4 – The Two of the CU8802 or the PCIe mod-
A further benefit is the use of Cable Display Link – transfers DVI ule. The Control Panel remains
purely passive displays. The CP- and USB together via a Cat.6A unchanged. The CU8803 trans-
Link 4 technology is supported cable. The CU8802 CP-Link 4 mitter box provides power to
by the new Beckhoff multi-touch transmitter box is connected to the Control Panel via the Cat.6A
panel series CP29xx-0010 (built- the PC via DVI and USB, or else cable, which also transfers DVI
in version) and CP39xx-0010 the C9900-E276 PCIe module for and USB. The power supply socket
(mounting arm version). CP-Link 4 is installed in the PC. of the panel is not used.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CP-Link 4
Industrial PC


Technical data CU8802 | Transmitter box for CP-Link 4 – CU8803 | Transmitter box for CP-Link 4 –
The Two Cable Display Link The One Cable Display Link
CP-Link 4 Extender Tx for connecting a Control Panel with CP-Link 4 Extender Tx for connecting a Control Panel with
CP-Link 4 interface CP29xx-0010 or CP39xx-0010 CP-Link 4 interface CP29xx-0010 or CP39xx-0010
1 USB input with USB B socket to be connected to the PC 1 USB input with USB B socket to be connected to the PC
in maximum 1 m distance in maximum 1 m distance
1 DVI input with DVI-D socket to be connected to the PC 1 DVI input with DVI-D socket to be connected to the PC
in maximum 1 m distance in maximum 1 m distance
1 CP-Link 4 output with RJ45 socket for up to 100 m 1 CP-Link 4 output with RJ45 socket for up to 100 m
Cat.6A cable for connecting a Control Panel with CP-Link 4 Cat.6A cable for connecting a Control Panel with CP-Link 4
interface CP29xx-0010 or CP39xx-0010 interface CP29xx-0010 or CP39xx-0010
power supply for the Control Panel with connection power supply of the Control Panel with CU8803 via the
of 24 V at the Control Panel Cat.6A cable
metal housing for DIN rail installation metal housing for DIN rail installation
CP-Link 4 transfers USB 2.0 with 100 Mbit/s and DVI. CP-Link 4 transfers USB 2.0 with 100 Mbit/s and DVI.
24 V input for power supply of the CU8802 transmitter box 24 V input for power supply of the CU8803 transmitter box
and the Control Panel
protection class IP 20 protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C operating temperature 0…55 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 45 x 100 x 80 mm dimensions (W x H x D) 84 x 100 x 80 mm
(1.8” x 3.9” x 3.1”) (3” x 3.9” x 3.1”)
1 m USB connecting cable 1 m USB connecting cable
1 m DVI connecting cable 1 m DVI connecting cable

Technical data C9900-E276 | PCIe module for CP-Link 4 – The Two Cable Display Link
CP-Link 4 Extender Tx PCIe module
CP-Link 4 transmitter module for ex factory installation in PCs with Beckhoff PCIe module slots
1 CP-Link 4 output with RJ45 socket for up to 100 m Cat.6A cable for connecting a Control Panel with CP-Link 4
interface CP29xx-0010 or CP39xx-0010
CP-Link 4 transfers USB 2.0 with 100 Mbit/s and DVI.
power supply for the Control Panel with connection of 24 V at the Control Panel

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CU8006, C9900-E277

Industrial PC
CU8006 | 4-port USB 3.0 hub
The CU8006 DIN rail-mount USB hub has four ports and supports the USB 3.0 data transfer
rate of up to 5 Gbit/s, but is also compatible with slower USB standards. USB 3.0 devices can
be connected at a distance of up to 3 m. Connection to USB 2.0 devices is possible with 5-m
cables. An 1-m USB cable is provided for connecting the USB hub with the PC. 3-m USB 3.0
cables are permitted between PC and CU8006.

Technical data CU8006 | 4-port USB 3.0 hub

1 USB 3.0 input with USB B socket
4 USB 3.0 outputs with USB A socket
delivers up to 1 A supply current at each USB port
USB transfer rate up to 5 Gbit/s, compatible to all USB standards
plastic housing for DIN rail installation
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 98 x 77 mm (1.3” x 3.9” x 3”)
24 V DC power supply
1 m USB connecting cable

C9900-E277 | USB 3.0 PCIe module

The C9900-E277 PCIe module for USB 3.0 has two ports and supports the USB 3.0 data transfer
rate of up to 5 Gbit/s, but is also compatible with slower USB standards. PCIe modules can
be used in 3½-inch motherboard Beckhoff PCs with a PCIe module slot. The C9900-E277 USB
module can also be plugged in later. USB 3.0 devices can be connected at a distance of up to
3 m. Connection to USB 2.0 devices is possible with 5-m cables.

Technical data C9900-E277 | USB 3.0 PCIe module

2-port USB 3.0 interfaces
delivers up to 1 A supply current at each USB port
USB transfer rate up to 5 Gbit/s for USB 3.0
compatible to all USB standards

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CU8810, CU8815
Industrial PC

CU8810 | DVI splitter with USB extender

for CP69xx and CP79xx
A common application in machine and plant construction is the simultaneous display of a
PC screen on several monitors. Up to four CP69xx or CP79xx DVI/USB Control Panels can be
connected to a PC via the CU8810 DVI splitter. Thanks to DVI/USB extension technology, the
Control Panels can each be connected at distances of 50 m from the DVI splitter. PCs with
two DVI outputs, which are configured as extended desktops, generate two different screen
contents. Both DVI outputs can be fed into the DVI splitter. Using DIP switches, the four DVI
outputs can each be assigned to one of the two DVI inputs, so that the Control Panels show
either the left or the right half of the desktop, as selected.

Technical data CU8810 | DVI splitter for CP69xx and CP79xx

metal housing for DIN rail installation
compact industrial design
2 DVI-D inputs
4 DVI-D outputs
assignment of the 4 DVI outputs to the 2 inputs freely configurable via DIP switches
DVI inputs and outputs with full DVI data range up to 1.65 Gbit/s
unused DVI input and outputs can be switched off to save energy
1 USB input with USB B socket
4-port USB hub with 4 USB Extended outputs as RJ45 connectors
USB transfer rate up to 12 Mbit/s for USB 1.1, downwards compatible to USB 1.0
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 146.5 x 100 x 38 mm (5.8” x 4” x 1.5”)
24 V DC power supply

CU8815 | DVI splitter

A common application in machine and plant construction is the simultaneous display of a PC
screen on several monitors. Up to four CP29xx, CP39xx, CP68xx, CP69xx, CP79xx or CP79xx
DVI/USB Control Panels can be connected to a PC via the CU8815 DVI splitter. PCs with two DVI
outputs, which are configured as extended desktops, generate two different screen contents.
Both DVI outputs can be fed into the DVI splitter. Using DIP switches, the four DVI outputs can
each be assigned to one of the two DVI inputs, so that the Control Panels show either the left
or the right half of the desktop, as selected.

Technical data CU8815 | DVI splitter without USB extender

metal housing for DIN rail installation
compact industrial design
2 DVI-D inputs
4 DVI-D outputs
assignment of the 4 DVI outputs to the 2 inputs freely configurable via DIP switches
DVI inputs and outputs with full DVI data range up to 1.65 Gbit/s
unused DVI input and outputs can be switched off to save energy
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 146.5 x 100 x 38 mm (5.8“ x 4“ x 1.5“)
24 V DC power supply

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CU8870, CU8871

Industrial PC
CU8870 | USB Compact Flash slot
The CU8870 offers a Compact Flash socket with USB connector. The Compact Flash cards are
hot-plug capable in the CU8870 and can hence be plugged and unplugged like removable
data storage devices for exchanging data with other PCs during operation. Together with the
CU8800 and the CU8850, this CF socket can be mounted on a DIN rail at a distance of up to
50 m from the PC.

Technical data CU8870 | USB Compact Flash slot

Compact Flash slot for CF cards type I and II
front LED indicators for PWR (power), LOCK (read only) and CF access
1 USB 2.0 input with USB B socket
USB transfer rate up to 480 Mbit/s, compatible to all USB standards
plastic housing for DIN rail installation
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 98 x 77 mm (1.3“ x 3.9“ x 3“)
power supply via USB

CU8871 | USB CFast slot

The CU8871 offers a CFast socket with USB connector in a compact housing for DIN rail
mounting. CFast cards are used in the industrial environment as data memory for process and
control data. The CFast cards are hot-plug capable in the CU8871 and can hence be plugged
and unplugged like removable data storage devices for exchanging data with other PCs during
operation. The USB 3.0 connection offers the highest data transfer rate possible with a CFast
card, but the CFast adapter can also be connected to PCs with a USB 2.0 interface. Power is
also supplied via USB. Status LEDs indicate whether the CU8871 is connected, signal data
accesses and provide information as to whether a CFast card is inserted.

Technical data CU8871 | USB CFast slot

CFast slot
front LED indicators for PWR (power), LOCK (only read permission) and CFast (access)
1 USB 3.0 input with USB B socket
compatible to all USB standards
plastic housing for DIN rail installation
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 98 x 77 mm (1.3“ x 3.9“ x 3“)
power supply via USB
1 m USB connecting cable

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CU8880, C9900-H3xx
Industrial PC

CU8880 | Ethernet controller with USB input

With the CU8880 USB-to-LAN adapter, Industrial PCs can be extended with an additional
industrially-suited and independent Ethernet interface. The CU8880 is used for necessary
IT communication. It is not suitable for EtherCAT or real-time Ethernet communication.
However, the on-board Ethernet interfaces of the respective Industrial PCs are available
for this. Drivers for the USB-to-LAN adapter are available for Windows XP, Windows 7 as
well as Windows Embedded Standard.

Technical data CU8880 | Ethernet controller with USB input

Ethernet controller box
1 USB 2.0 input with USB B socket
1 Ethernet interface with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connector RJ45
not suitable for real-time Ethernet or EtherCAT
plastic housing for DIN rail installation
protection class IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C
dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 98 x 77 mm (1.3” x 3.9” x 3”)
power supply via USB

C9900-H3xx | USB sticks

USB sticks are used for data exchange between PCs or for data backup. For data backup oper-
ating system and application programs of a PC are saved as an image on a USB stick once the
PC has been configured. In the event of a data loss on the PC the data can be restored from
the USB stick.
As a data backup device the USB stick must be able to store the data reliably and for
many years. In contrast to USB sticks with MLC or TLC flash memory, the high-quality SLC flash
memory in the Beckhoff USB stick ensures long-term data integrity.

Ordering information USB sticks

C9900-H356 4 GB USB stick, USB 3.0
C9900-H359 8 GB USB stick, USB 3.0
C9900-H376 16 GB USB stick, USB 3.0

Ordering information USB sticks with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST)

C9900-H357 4 GB USB stick, USB 3.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for backup and update of Windows CE
or Windows Embedded Standard for x86 compatible PCs BST requires USB 2.0 or higher.
C9900-H360 8 GB USB stick, USB 3.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for backup and update of Windows CE
or Windows Embedded Standard for x86 compatible PCs BST requires USB 2.0 or higher.

Ordering information USB sticks with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) and Acronis® Backup & Recovery
C9900-H371 4 GB USB stick, USB 3.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for backup and update of Windows CE or Windows
Embedded Standard for x86 compatible PCs, incl. Acronis Backup & Recovery, BST requires USB 2.0 or higher
C9900-H372 8 GB USB stick, USB 3.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for backup and update of Windows x86 compatible PCs,
incl. Acronis Backup & Recovery, BST requires USB 2.0 or higher
C9900-H377 16 GB USB stick, USB 3.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for backup and update of Windows for x86 compatible PCs,
incl. Acronis Backup & Recovery, BST requires USB 2.0 or higher

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Industrial PC

FC9062 | PCIe module

The compact PC expansion card The 3½-inch motherboard offers four PCI face for PROFIBUS, CANopen, DeviceNet or
with industrial form factor Express lanes to be distributed to the PCIe SERCOS. If only one of the two module slots
Beckhoff PCIe modules are highly integrated module slots or standard plug-in card slots. is equipped with a PCIe module, the second
PCI Express plug-in cards and follow the The result are PCs with module slots and/ slot is available for feeding motherboard
trend towards ever smaller PCs. The function or slots for plug-in cards. A PCIe module is interfaces such as COM ports, USB or sound
of PC plug-in cards is integrated in a compact connected to the motherboard via one PCI out of the PC. The connection for a Mini PCI
format that is suitable for harsh industrial Express lane with a data transfer rate of card can also be fed out through the module
environments. 5 Gigabit. A module can therefore provide slots, even if the basic configuration of the
Compared with PCI or PCIe plug-in cards, two Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, for example. PC, e.g. the C6515, does not allow for Mini
which require a special card holder in the The FC9062 module complements the Panel PCI fieldbus cards.
Industrial PC, the Beckhoff PCIe module is a PCs CP22xx and CP62xx as well as the
industrially compatible plug-in card that is control cabinet PCs C5210, C6515, C6525
firmly screwed to the inside of the PC via the and C6930 with two Gigabit Ethernet ports.
plug connector bracket. The PCIe modules If two modules are used, these PCs have a
can be retrofitted on site without special PC total of six Ethernet interfaces, while the
knowledge. The PC housing does not have to Mini PCI slot continues to be available for
be opened. a seventh Ethernet port or a fieldbus inter-

Ordering information PCI Express module

FC9062 gigabit Ethernet PC module for PCs with Beckhoff PCIe module slots, 2-channel, PCI Express x1 bus

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


C9900-U33x | Battery pack

All Industrial PCs can be equipped with a Rated at 3.4 Ah, the maintenance-free
24 V power supply unit and an integrated C9900-U330 24 V battery pack offers a
UPS. The UPS supplies the PC with power if very high nominal capacity in a compact
the mains power fails. This allows data to be package. With its rated capacity of 1.3 Ah,
saved on the hard disk or Flash, after which the very compact 24 V C9900-U332 battery
the PC can be shut down properly. A battery pack is designed for PCs with Intel® Atom™
pack, which serves as the energy storage processor.
device, is mounted on a DIN rail outside
the PC.

Technical data C9900-U330 C9900-U332

battery pack for PCs with 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS
metal housing for mounting on norm rail TS35x15 2.3 metal housing for mounting on norm rail TS35x15 2.3
24 V nominal voltage 24 V nominal voltage
3.4 Ah nominal capacity (20 h discharge) 1.3 Ah nominal capacity (20 h discharge)
two 12 V batteries in series connection two 12 V batteries in series connection
VRLA AGM Technology = valve regulated lead acid batteries with glass fiber mat inside the separator
(VRLA = valve regulated lead acid, AGM = absorbed glass mat technology)
maintenance-free maintenance-free
9 A fuse by PTC element 9 A fuse by PTC element
operating temperature 0…50 °C operating temperature 0…50 °C
weight 3.3 kg (7.3 lbs) weight 2.1 kg (4.63 lbs)
dimensions (W x H x D) dimensions (W x H x D)
157 x 70 x 175 mm (6.2“ x 2.8“ x 6.9“) 68.7 x 106.6 x 143.8 mm (4.2” x 2.8” x 5.66”)

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Industrial PC
Power supply 145

PCI or PCIe card

Connection cable slots depending
up to 7 m to the PC on the slotbox

C9900-E2xx | Slotbox for extending Industrial PCs

with two plug-in card slots
The slotbox makes PCI Express and PCI slots Both PCI and PCI Express card slots are
available outside the IPC as well. The PCI available by using different versions of the
Express bus is fed via a plug connector and slotbox. The slotbox is made of sturdy alu-
cable to a slotbox located up to 7 m (23-ft) minium and ideal for use in industrial envi-
away. Users can use the installation space ronments.
in the control cabinet flexibly and locate
further plug-in cards locally.
PCIe module C9900-E239 for installation in
the PC

C9900-E2xx C9900-E249 C9900-E250 C9900-E251

Technical data fanless aluminium housing for control cabinet installation
2 slots for up to 190 mm long plug-in cards
all connectors on the top all connectors on the top all connectors on the top
PCIe x1 input for connection with an Industrial PC with PCIe module C9900-E236 or -E239
7 m max. distance between Industrial PC and slotbox
1 PCI and 1 PCIe x1 slot 2 PCIe x1 slots 2 PCI slots
IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
operating temperature 0…55 °C operating temperature 0…55 °C operating temperature 0…55 °C
weight without plug-in cards 1.7 kg weight without plug-in cards 1.7 kg weight without plug-in cards 1.7 kg
dimensions (W x H x D) 94 x 222 x 132 mm (3.7” x 8.7” x 5.2”) without mounting plate
24 V DC power supply 24 V DC power supply 24 V DC power supply

C9900-E23x PCIe modules

C9900-E236 PCIe modules with external PCIe x1 connector for CP22xx, CP62xx, C5210 or C65xx with PCIe module slot
C9900-E239 PCIe modules with external PCIe x1 connector for C6930

C9900-K50x Connection cables for the slotbox

C9900-K501 connecting cable PCIe x1 external, 1 m
C9900-K502 connecting cable PCIe x1 external, 3 m
C9900-K503 connecting cable PCIe x1 external, 5 m
C9900-K504 connecting cable PCIe x1 external, 7 m

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CP-Link 3
Industrial PC

Panel PC Panel PC 1 Panel

P PC 2 Panel PC x Panel PC 1 PPanel PC 2


USB 1.1/2.0 USB 1.1/2.00 USB 1.1/2.0 USB 1.1/2.0 USB 1.1/2.00 USB 1.1/2.0
Ethernet TCP/IP UDP/IP (TCP/IP) Ethernet TCP/IP

Hoost PC Host
ost PC Host
ost PC

Single Desktop Multi Desktop Extended Desktop

CP-Link 3 | Ethernet- and IP protocol-based desktop transfer software

CP-Link 3 transfers the desktop of a PC via device on to the operating system of the data. Apart from the operating system
Ethernet to several Panel PCs and the opera- host PC and transparently transmits the and CP-Link 3, no other software license
tor mouse and keyboard entries to the host ensuing communication. For the operating is required for the clients. Even for PCs
PC. The screen contents are captured by a system, the USB device behaves as though with more than one graphics card only
virtual graphic adapter in the host PC and it was directly connected to the PC. Virtual one license per application software is
sent using Ethernet to one or more Panel PCs USB transfers the standards USB 1.1 and necessary. For host PCs of other vendors
with Windows operating systems (CE, XP, USB 2.0. As communication takes place using an upgrade license is required.
Windows 7 or Windows Embedded Standard). 100 Mbit/s Ethernet, the USB 2.0 transmis- The CP-Link 3 software is available
Networking can be done using cost-effective sion performance (480 Mbit/s) is restricted. in three versions:
standard Ethernet cables (CAT 5) which are Additional input/output devices on the – Single Desktop
suitable for drag chains. Panel PCs, such as rotary switches, buttons, – Multi Desktop
Since the data and image transfer are etc., are read in by the host PC using an addi- – Extended Desktop
based on TCP/IP, the operating and display tional communication channel. Printers and License upgrades are available for
functions can be extended using the Internet. webcams, which are connected to a Panel third-party host PCs.
Panel PCs can be integrated using the Inter- PC by means of USB, can be used from the
net via VPN (Virtual Private Network). A VPN host PC.
service must be available for the Internet The scope of delivery for CP-Link 3
security functions. includes host and client software. The host
Keyboard entries, touch screen and PC may have Windows XP, Windows 7 or
special key functions are transferred from Windows Embedded Standard installed.
the client to the host PC via Virtual USB. USB Panel PCs with Windows CE, Windows XP,
devices connected to a Panel PC appear in Windows 7 or Windows Embedded Stan-
the host PC like locally plugged-in devices dard are used as clients. As the application
and can be used in the normal way. software (PLC/NC, HMI, etc.), once started,
Virtual USB emulates a USB root hub in runs on the host PC, any necessary software
the host PC. If a USB device is plugged into licenses are only payable once for the host
a Panel PC, then the virtual hub logs the PC. The client Panel PCs only receive image

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CP-Link 3

Industrial PC
Single Desktop Ordering CP-Link 3 Single Desktop
Ethernet and IP protocol-based desktop transfer software CP-Link 3 147
A Panel PC is connected with a host PC
via Ethernet and shows the image of the transfers the desktop of a PC via Ethernet to one Panel PC
host PC. Communication takes place using transmission of mouse and keyboard inputs of the client user to the host PC
TCP/IP. connection by Ethernet or Internet, TCP/IP
Keyboard entries, touch screen and 1 virtual graphic adapter
special key functions are transferred from Virtual USB
the client to the host PC via Virtual USB. USB devices connected at the client are found by the host PC like a local USB device.
USB devices connected to a Panel PC 1 client controllable
appear in the host PC just like locally The client shows the screen of the host PC.
connected devices. host software for PCs with Windows XP, Windows 7 or
Windows Embedded Standard
client software for Beckhoff Panel PCs with Windows CE, Windows XP,
Windows 7 or Windows Embedded Standard

Multi Desktop Ordering CP-Link 3 Multi Desktop

Several Panel PCs are connected with a PC Ethernet and IP protocol-based desktop transfer software CP-Link 3
via Ethernet and display the image of the transfers the desktop of a PC via Ethernet to Panel PCs
host PC. All connected client Panel PCs show transmission of mouse and keyboard inputs of client users to the host PC
the same image. connection by Ethernet or Internet, TCP/IP or UDP/IP (Multicast)
Communication takes place using TCP/IP 1 virtual graphic adapter
(up to 10 Panel PCs) or via UDP Multicast Virtual USB
(up to 255 Panel PCs). The benefit of Multi- USB devices connected at a client are found by the host PC like a local USB device.
cast lies in the fact that messages can be Up to 255 clients are controllable in UDP/IP mode, up to 10 clients in TCP/IP mode.
transferred to several Panel PCs simultane- All clients show the same picture, the screen of the host PC.
ously without the transmitter bandwidth The input devices can be locked at any client by TwinCAT-PLC or via application
multiplying by the number of receivers. programming interface (API)
host software for PCs with Windows XP, Windows 7 or
Windows Embedded Standard
client software for Beckhoff Panel PCs with Windows CE, Windows XP,
Windows 7 or Windows Embedded Standard

Extended Desktop Ordering CP-Link 3 Extended Desktop

One or several virtual graphic adapters are Ethernet and IP protocol-based desktop transfer software CP-Link 3
used to extend the host PC desktop. The pro- transfers up to 9 screens of the extended desktop of a PC via Ethernet to Panel PCs
gram windows of the application software transmission of mouse and keyboard inputs of client users to the host PC
can be moved to additional monitors covered connection via Ethernet or Internet, TCP/IP or UDP/IP (Multicast)
by the extended desktop. Applications may Up to 9 virtual graphic adapters extend the desktop of the host PC.
be started on a specific monitor. The desk- Virtual USB
top can be extended to up to 9 monitors. USB devices connected at a client are found by the host PC like a local USB device.
CP-Link 3 can transfer the data via Ethernet Up to 255 clients are controllable in UDP/IP mode, up to 10 clients in TCP/IP mode.
to several client Panel PCs. Each client shows 1 of maximally 9 screens of the extended desktop of the host PC.
The mouse and keyboard entries of indi- The input devices can be locked at any client by TwinCAT PLC or via application
vidual clients can be locked via TwinCAT PLC programming interface (API).
or a software interface (API), in order to pre- Applications are allocable to one of the additional screens of the extended
vent interference between several users. desktop.
host software for PCs with Windows XP, Windows 7 or
Windows Embedded Standard
client software for Beckhoff Panel PCs with Windows CE, Windows XP,
Windows 7 or Windows Embedded Standard

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Industrial PC


Control Panels

Multi-touch Control Panels

– built-in (CP29xx) or mounting arm
devices (CP39xx)
– multi-finger touch screen
– 7-, 11.6-, 12-, 15-, 15.6-, 18.5-, 19-,
21.5- and 24-inch displays
– vertical or horizontal orientation
– DVI/USB Extended interface
– CP-Link4 – The One Cable Display Link

See page 150

Single-touch Control Panels

– built-in (CP69xx) or mounting arm
devices (CP79xx)
– without touch screen, with single-finger
touch screen or touch pad
– 5.7-, 6.5-, 12-, 15- and 19-inch displays
– DVI/USB Extended interface

See page 162

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Industrial PC

Multi-touch Control Panels | Display sizes

Built-in Control Panels, front side IP 65

CP2907 CP2911 CP2912 CP2915 CP2916 CP2918 CP2919 CP2921 CP2924

Control Panels, IP 65 on all sides

CP3907 CP3911 CP3912 CP3915 CP3916 CP3918 CP3919 CP3921 CP3924

Single-touch Control Panels | Display sizes

Built-in Control Panels, front side IP 65

CP6907 CP6919 CP6911 CP6922 CP6933

Control Panels, IP 65 on all sides

CP7909 CP7911 CP7922 CP7933 CP790x-14xx

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Industrial PC


Multi-touch Control Panels

CP29xx and CP39xx

With Windows 7 the multi-finger touch The multi-touch Control Panels are conceived CP39xx-0000 with DVI/USB Extended inter-
screen is becoming popular at PCs. Industrial both for control cabinet installation and for face can be operated up to 50 m away from
applications are using the projected capaci- the mounting arm installation. The CP29xx the Industrial PC. With CP-Link 4 – The One
tive multi-touch technology. An anti-reflective built-in Panel series is implemented with Cable Display Link – and CP29xx-0010 and
glass plate forms the display front. The opera- IP 65 protection at the front and IP 20 at the CP39xx-0010 Control Panels the distance
tion with hand gloves is possible. Five fingers rear. The CP39xx Control Panels for mount- between Industrial PC and operating panel
are detected separately even if the distance ing arm installation feature all-round IP 65 can be increased to 100 m.
between the fingers is only 1 cm. protection. The panels CP29xx-0000 and

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Industrial PC

Beckhoff offers the following display sizes: – 24-inch, full HD resolution With the option C9900-M575 all of the
Wide screen (16:9) 1920 x 1080 displays are also available in portrait format.
– 7-inch, resolution 800 x 480 Further display sizes Customer-specific adaptations for a
– 11.6-inch, resolution 1366 x 768 – 12-inch, resolution 800 x 600 (4:3) push-button extension individualise the
– 15.6-inch, resolution 1366 x 768 – 15-inch, resolution 1024 x 768 (4:3) multi-touch Control Panel series.
– 18.5-inch, resolution 1366 x 768 – 19-inch, resolution 1280 x 1024 (5:4)
– 21.5-inch, full HD resolution
1920 x 1080

Continous glass surface –

Modern, elegant device highest resistance to
design environmental influences

Display formats 4:3, 5:4

or wide-screen 16:9
Multi-touch for
5-finger touch
LED backlight

Narrow housing edges

Vertical or horizontal
variants High protection class IP 65

Push-button extension with

emergency stop, also in
Use of aluminium for customer-specific design
extremely robust design

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Industrial PC

CP-Link 4 | The One Cable Display Link


With CP-Link 4 operating panels can be CP-Link 4 – The Two Cable Display Link CP-Link 4 – The One Cable Display Link
located up to 100 m away from the Industrial The CP29xx-0010 multi-touch built-in The power supply for the Control Panel can
PC. The single-cable solution can be used to panels and the CP39xx-0010 multi-touch also be provided via CP-Link 4 – The One
transfer video signals, USB 2.0 and the power panels for mounting arm installation can be Cable Display Link. The CU8803 CP-Link 4
supply in a Cat.6A cable, thus reducing cable operated up to 100 m away from the PC. transmitter box is used instead of the
and installation costs. A further benefit is the CP-Link 4 – The Two Cable Display Link – CU8802 or the PCIe module. The Control
use of purely passive displays. The CP-Link 4 transfers DVI and USB together via a Cat.6A Panel remains unchanged. The CU8803
technology is supported by the new Beckhoff cable. The CU8802 CP-Link 4 transmitter transmitter box provides power to the
multi-touch panel series CP29xx-0010 (built- box is connected to the PC via DVI and Control Panel via the Cat.6A cable, which
in version) and CP39xx-0010 (mounting arm USB, or else the C9900-E276 PCIe module also transfers DVI and USB. The power
version). for CP-Link 4 is installed in the PC. supply socket of the panel is not used.

CP-Link 4 – The Two Cable

24 V
Display Link: via C9900-E276 UPS OUT 24 V
PCIe module integrated in
Cat.6 A, 100 m
the PC

IPC with PCIe module slot CP29xx-0010 or CP39xx-0010

CP-Link 4 – The Two Cable

24 V
Display Link: via CU8802 UPS OUT 24 V
transmitter box

Cat.6 A, 100 m

IPC CU8802 CP29xx-0010

CP29 0010 or CP39xx-0010
CP39 0010

CP-Link 4 – The One Cable

24 V
Display Link: DVI, USB and 24 V UPS OUT 24 V
via CU8803 transmitter box

Cat.6 A, 100 m
24 V
IPC CU8803 CP29xx-0010
CP29 0010 or CP39xx-0010
CP39 0010

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Industrial PC
Customised Beckhoff multi-touch Control Panels

Multi-touch Control Panel in Multi-touch Control Panel Multi-touch Control Panel with
portrait orientation with cus- with RFID reader RGB illuminated ring keys
tomised push-button extension

Multi-touch Control Panel with Multi-touch Control Panel with 21.5-inch multi-touch Control Panel
emergency stop, electromechani- emergency stop, start/stop keys and for machine tools
cal keys and graycode switch membrane keys with slide-in labels

18.5-inch multi-touch Control Panel with 15-inch multi-touch Control Panel

emergency stop and 3 buttons, connection with RFID reader, emergency stop
alternatively via USB or directly wired and 3 RGB illuminated ring keys

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Industrial PC


CP29xx | Multi-touch built-in Control Panel

CP2907 CP2911 CP2912 CP2915 CP2916 CP2918 CP2919 CP2921 CP2924

Ordering information Multi-finger touch screen with DVI/USB Extended Multi-finger touch screen with CP-Link 4
7-inch display 800 x 480 CP2907-0000 CP2907-0010
11.6-inch display 1366 x 768 CP2911-0000 CP2911-0010
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP2912-0000 CP2912-0010
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP2915-0000 CP2915-0010
15.6-inch display 1366 x 768 CP2916-0000 CP2916-0010
18.5-inch display 1366 x 768 CP2918-0000 CP2918-0010
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP2919-0000 CP2919-0010
21.5-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP2921-0000 CP2921-0010
24-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP2924-0000 CP2924-0010

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Industrial PC

CP29xx CP29xx-0000 CP29xx-0010

Features TFT display in nine sizes TFT display in nine sizes
– 7-inch display 800 x 480 – 7-inch display 800 x 480
– 11.6-inch display 1366 x 768 – 11.6-inch display 1366 x 768
– 12-inch display 800 x 600 – 12-inch display 800 x 600
– 15-inch display 1024 x 768 – 15-inch display 1024 x 768
– 15.6-inch display 1366 x 768 – 15.6-inch display 1366 x 768
– 18.5-inch display 1366 x 768 – 18.5-inch display 1366 x 768
– 19-inch display 1280 x 1024 – 19-inch display 1280 x 1024
– 21.5-inch display 1920 x 1080 – 21.5-inch display 1920 x 1080
– 24-inch display 1920 x 1080 – 24-inch display 1920 x 1080
aluminium housing with glass front, aluminium housing with glass front,
front side IP 65, rear side IP 20 front side IP 65, rear side IP 20
multi-finger touch screen multi-finger touch screen
– multi-finger touch screen driver for Windows 7 – multi-finger touch screen driver for Windows 7
– single-finger touch screen driver for Windows XP – single-finger touch screen driver for Windows XP
and Windows CE 6 and Windows CE 6
integrated DVI/USB extension technology integrated CP-Link 4 connection technology
– DVI-E and USB-E 2.0 enable remote panel operation – CP-Link 4 enables remote panel operation at a distance
at a distance of up to 50 m from the PC. of up to 100 m from the PC via a Cat.6A cable with
– USB-E 2.0 transmits USB 2.0 with 480 Mbit/s. integrated or separate 24 V DC power supply depending
– DVI-E input is compatible to the standard DVI output on the transmitter module.
of a PC. – CP-Link 4 transmits USB 2.0 with 100 Mbit/s and DVI.
USB 3.0 input for the direct connection to a standard USB connection via an RJ45 connector for CP-Link 4 in the
output of a PC with distances of up to 3 m backplane
2-port USB 3.0 socket inside the Control Panel backplane, additional pin contact strip, for optional 24 V power supply
for USB-E 2.0 limited to USB 2.0
all connectors at the lower rear side 2-port USB 2.0 socket inside the Control Panel backplane
24 V power supply all connectors at the lower rear side
operating temperature 0…55 °C operating temperature 0…50 °C
pull-out clamping levers for fast installation pull-out clamping levers for fast installation
without loose parts without loose parts
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC


CP39xx | Multi-touch Control Panel

CP3907 CP3911 CP3912 CP3915 CP3916 CP3918 CP3919 CP3921 CP3924

Ordering information Multi-finger touch screen with DVI/USB Extended Multi-finger touch screen with CP-Link 4
7-inch display 800 x 480 CP3907-0000 CP3907-0010
11.6-inch display 1366 x 768 CP3911-0000 CP3911-0010
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP3912-0000 CP3912-0010
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP3915-0000 CP3915-0010
15.6-inch display 1366 x 768 CP3916-0000 CP3916-0010
18.5-inch display 1366 x 768 CP3918-0000 CP3918-0010
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP3919-0000 CP3919-0010
21.5-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP3921-0000 CP3921-0010
24-inch display 1920 x 1080 CP3924-0000 CP3924-0010

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Industrial PC

Mounting arm adapter C9900- Connection block of the basic config-

M751 with USB socket C9900-E274 uration with optional USB socket

CP39xx CP39xx-0000 CP39xx-0010

Features TFT display in nine sizes TFT display in nine sizes
– 7-inch display 800 x 480 – 7-inch display 800 x 480
– 11.6-inch display 1366 x 768 – 11.6-inch display 1366 x 768
– 12-inch display 800 x 600 – 12-inch display 800 x 600
– 15-inch display 1024 x 768 – 15-inch display 1024 x 768
– 15.6-inch display 1366 x 768 – 15.6-inch display 1366 x 768
– 18.5-inch display 1366 x 768 – 18.5-inch display 1366 x 768
– 19-inch display 1280 x 1024 – 19-inch display 1280 x 1024
– 21.5-inch display 1920 x 1080 – 21.5-inch display 1920 x 1080
– 24-inch display 1920 x 1080 – 24-inch display 1920 x 1080
aluminium housing with glass front, protection class IP 65 aluminium housing with glass front, protection class IP 65
multi-finger touch screen multi-finger touch screen
– multi-finger touch screen driver for Windows 7 – multi-finger touch screen driver for Windows 7
– single-finger touch screen driver for Windows XP – single-finger touch screen driver for Windows XP
and Windows CE 6 and Windows CE 6
integrated DVI/USB extension technology integrated CP-Link 4 connection technology
– DVI-E and USB-E 2.0 enable remote panel operation – CP-Link 4 enables remote panel operation at a distance
at a distance of up to 50 m from the PC. of up to 100 m from the PC via a Cat.6A cable with
– USB-E 2.0 transmits USB 2.0 with 480 Mbit/s. integrated or separate 24 V DC power supply depending
– DVI-E input is compatible to the standard DVI output on the transmitter module.
of a PC. – CP-Link 4 transmits USB 2.0 with 100 Mbit/s and DVI.
connection via 3 round connectors (IP 65) for DVI, connection via M12 round connector (IP 65) for
USB-E 2.0 and 24 V power supply unit in the backplane CP-Link 4 in the backplane
24 V power supply additional M12 round connector for optional 24 V
power supply
operating temperature 0…55 °C operating temperature 0…50 °C
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC


Accessories for CP2xxx and CP3xxx

multi-touch Control Panels and Panel PCs

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Industrial PC

C9900-M406 | Keyboard shelf

Keyboard shelf for CP3xxx multi-touch Control Panels and Panel PCs
The keyboard shelf at a Beckhoff Panel PC or Control Panel permits
a standard PC keyboard to be placed in front of the Control Panel,
allowing convenient operation during commissioning or software
updates. During normal production, the machine operator can rest
tools and other items here while using the multi-finger touch screen.
A USB socket is integrated at the back of the keyboard shelf for
connecting the keyboard. Any keyboard USB cable excess can be
wrapped around a bracket at the underside of the keyboard shelf.
The shelf is made of coated aluminium, and its design matches
that of the Control Panel. The keyboard shelf has a width of 468 mm.

Ordering information Keyboard shelf for CP3xxx

C9900-M406 Toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP3xxx, with integrated USB socket IP 65
at the back side, can only be ordered in combination with the Control Panel or Panel PC.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Push-button extension
Industrial PC


CP2912 with C9900-G002 and CP2924 with C9900-G007

C9900-G00x, -G01x | Push-button extension for built-in

multi-touch panels

C9900-G00x, -G01x Push-button extension for built-in multi-touch panels

Features push-button extension for CP2xxx
push-button extension below
push-button keys with signal lamp, type RAFI RAFIX 22FS+, round, 30 mm
1 emergency stop key, type RAFI RAFIX 22FS+
labels for push-button caps for individual marking of each push-button
All push-buttons are transmitted via USB with one normally-open contact.
Additionally, all push-buttons are directly wireable with a second normally-open contact via a terminal row.
All signal lamps are transmitted via USB only.
Selector switches and keylock switches as well as other elements from the series RAFIX 22FS+ are integrateable.
Further information

Ordering information Push-button extension for built-in multi-touch panels

C9900-G001 push-button extension for CP2x11 11.6“ landscape: 4 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G002 push-button extension for CP2x12 12“ landscape: 4 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G003 push-button extension for CP2x15 15“ landscape: 7 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G004 push-button extension for CP2x16 15.6“ landscape: 8 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G005 push-button extension for CP2x18 18.5“ landscape: 10 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G006 push-button extension for CP2x19 19“ landscape: 9 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G008 push-button extension for CP2x21 21.5“ landscape: 12 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G007 push-button extension for CP2x24 24“ landscape: 13 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G012 push-button extension for CP2x12 12“ portrait: 3 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G013 push-button extension for CP2x15 15“ portrait: 4 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G014 push-button extension for CP2x16 15.6“ portrait: 4 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G015 push-button extension for CP2x16 15.6“ portrait: 3 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G016 push-button extension for CP2x19 19“ portrait: 7 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G018 push-button extension for CP2x21 21.5“ portrait: 6 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G017 push-button extension for CP2x24 24“ portrait: 6 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Push-button extension

Industrial PC

CP3919 with C9900-G026 and CP3921 with C9900-G028

C9900-G02x, -G03x | Push-button extension for multi-touch panels

with mounting arm

C9900-G02x, -G03x Push-button extension for multi-touch panels with mounting arm
Features push-button extension for CP3xxx
push-button extension below
push-button keys with signal lamp, type RAFI RAFIX 22FS+, round, 30 mm
1 emergency stop key, type RAFI RAFIX 22FS+
labels for push-button caps for individual marking of each push-button
All push-buttons are transmitted via USB with one normally-open contact.
Additionally, all push-buttons are directly wireable with a second normally-open contact via a terminal row.
All signal lamps are transmitted via USB only.
aluminium cable channel to the mounting arm adapter on the backside
Selector switches and keylock switches as well as other elements from the series RAFIX 22FS+ are integrateable.
Further information

Ordering information Push-button extension for multi-touch panels with mounting arm
C9900-G021 push-button extension for CP3x11 11.6“ landscape: 4 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G022 push-button extension for CP3x12 12“ landscape: 4 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G023 push-button extension for CP3x15 15“ landscape: 7 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G024 push-button extension for CP3x16 15.6“ landscape: 8 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G025 push-button extension for CP3x18 18.5“ landscape: 10 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G026 push-button extension for CP3x19 19“ landscape: 9 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G028 push-button extension for CP3x21 21.5“ landscape: 12 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G027 push-button extension for CP3x24 24“ landscape: 13 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G032 push-button extension for CP3x12 12“ portrait: 3 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G033 push-button extension for CP3x15 15“ portrait: 4 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G034 push-button extension for CP3x16 15.6“ portrait: 4 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G035 push-button extension for CP3x18 18.5“ portrait: 4 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G036 push-button extension for CP3x19 19“ portrait: 7 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G038 push-button extension for CP3x21 21.5“ portrait: 6 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key
C9900-G037 push-button extension for CP3x24 24“ portrait: 6 push-button keys and 1 emergency stop key

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


Single-touch Control Panels

CP6xxx and CP7xxx

What frame does an image need? Light emitting diodes are integrated into nents such as all kinds of switches, barcode
The carefully planned use of design elements the keys, while slide-in labels mean that scanners, graycode switches and handwheels.
gives the Control Panel its reserved and exchangeable key identification can match External housings can be attached to either
elegant appearance. the needs of the plant. side of the Control Panel. The signal leads may
The open design possibilities of a be laid separately or can be operated via USB.
membrane keyboard are fully exploited The emergency stop at
here. The robust keyboard ensures that the the Control Panel Assembly
IP 65 protection class is retained as if new, Push-button extensions in the design of The back plate of the Control Panel series
even after long use in a tough industrial the Control Panel make it thicker, but permit CP7xxx offers a free surface for a variety of
environment. the application-specific arrangement of assembly methods, for example a mounting
electromechanical keys and other compo- arm system.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC

Mounting arm Additional keyboard in IP 65 Touch pad USB socket in IP 65

Control Panel for installation in models up to full alphanumeric keyboards be combined with an individually designed
the control cabinet door with 10 PLC special keys and 10 LEDs. membrane keyboard. This puts customisation
The built-in Control Panels CP6xxx are de- The same range of push-button extensions on a wide footing at Beckhoff. Hardly one
signed for control cabinet installation. Only with electromechanical keys as for the Control Panel is like another.
4 mm of the front are visible in front of the CP7xxx series is available. The Bus Terminal interface integrated
control cabinet wall. Installation via pull-out The Control Panels are connected to into the Control Panel permits the connection
clamping levers makes the process very sim- the PC with a DVI/USB Extended interface of standard Beckhoff Bus Terminals to realise
ple without loose parts. for distances up to 50 m. handwheels, graycode switches, buttons,
The built-in Control Panels CP69xx are switches, indicator lamps or other components
available with 5.7-, 6.5-, 12-, 15-inch or The Control Panel toolkit without any additional wiring. Such elements
19-inch TFT display, with touch screen or A housing that can be dimensioned precisely can be integrated into the Control Panel and
touch pad, as a monitor without keyboard in line with the needs of the particular appli- connected to the PC via USB.
or with different membrane keyboard cation according to the customer’s wishes can

Aluminium housing
in IP 65
extension with
emergency stop
Single-touch screen
or glass plate

Interchangeable logo

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Industrial PC

Customised Beckhoff
CP6xxx/CP7xxx Control Panels
– cost-effective implementation of company logos in
form of a slide-in label for standard Control Panels
– complete revision of the colour scheme of the front
membrane based on the corporate design of the
– customised keyboard extensions according to
customer specifications
– realisation of customer-specific bracket adapter
plates for integrating different bracket systems
– realisation of complex operating terminals with
fieldbus connections (PROFIBUS, Lightbus, CANopen,
Ethernet, …)
– modification of the mechanical/electrical connection
of the devices according to the local situation
– development and realisation of the design jointly
with the customer

Stainless steel Panel PC Customer-specific front laminate Individual housing construction

Individual housing adaptation Modified membrane keypad colour scheme Individual housing construction
and keypad matrix for flush-mounted installation

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC

Individual housing design, colour scheme and key shape/layout Individual housing construction
according to customer requirements

Multifunctional terminal Push-button extension with hand wheel Panel PC for injection molding applications

Control solution for Extension with additional display, Integration of a barcode scanner
blow molding machines incremental encoders and switch elements and signal transducer

Extension with joystick, graycode switch Keyboard with larger number and Front membrane design with modified colour
and incremental encoder higher density of membrane keys scheme and different size membrane keys

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC


CP69xx, CP79xx | “Economy” Control

Panels with DVI/USB Extended interface

The digital visual interface (DVI), defined as or a motherboard with DVI output and the The CP69xx built-in Control Panels are con-
successor to analog VGA connections, digit- USB port available with every motherboard, nected via standard USB and DVI connectors
ally transfers the PC image to the display. no additional card is required in the PC. and feature an industrial pin contact strip
The universal serial bus (USB) enables con- CP79xx Control Panels are designed for for the 24 V power supply. A 2-port USB
nection of input devices and drives to the mounting arm installation. They offer all- socket in the rear panel enables connection
PC. DVI/USB Extended enables CP69xx and round IP 65 protection. To this end they are of keyboard, mouse, USB stick or CD/DVD
CP79xx “Economy“ Control Panels to be equipped via industrial IP 65 round connec- drive. The integrated USB 1.1 hub enables
operated at a distance of up to 50 metres tors for DVI or USB Extended and the 24 V a transfer rate of 12 Mbit/s.
from the PC. Apart from a graphics card power supply.

DVI interface USB interface

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC
CP69xx CP79xx



50 m
IPC + Control Panel

CP69xx | “Economy” CP79xx | “Economy” DVI/USB Extended

built-in Control Panel Control Panel

DVI/USB Extended signal, it can be fully restored. The display Panel enables connection of two external USB
The DVI/USB Extended technology integrated shows a perfect image without interference. devices such as keyboard, mouse, USB stick
in each CP69xx and CP79xx “Economy“ The PC requires a conventional DVI output. or CD/DVD drive. However, no further USB
DVI/USB panel enables remote panel opera- An on-board graphics controller such as hub can be connected to the Control Panel.
tion at a distance of up to 50 m from the PC Intel® Extreme Graphic or a graphics card The PC must have a USB 1.1 or USB 2.0
via standard cables. The graphics signal is can be used. interface. The CU8800 USB-to-USB Extended
transferred directly via DVI cable over a maxi- For USB the specification requires instal- converter box requires no auxiliary power
mum distance of 50 m, while the USB signal lation of a hub every 5 m. In order to realise supply. It has a USB input and an RJ45 USB
is transferred to a Cat.5 cable at the PC in a distance of 50 m without hubs, with USB Extended output. The box together with all
order to extend the 5 m limit of the USB Extended the USB signal is converted so that required cables is offered as a set for distances
specification to a distance of up to 50 m. it can be transferred via 50 m Cat.5 cables of 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 m between the PC and
A 50 m DVI cable has 10 times the with RJ45 connectors commonly used for the Control Panel. For distances up to 5 m the
length allowed by the DVI specification. Ethernet wiring. In the Control Panel the PC and the Control Panels CP69xx can be con-
Such a cable length leads to strong distor- signal is converted back to USB. Through the nected directly via a USB cable. The Control
tion of the graphics signal on arrival at the 12 Mbit/s transfer rate a USB 1.1 interface Panels CP79xx are connected via the adapter
Control Panel. The CP69xx “Economy” Con- is available in the Control Panel. In addition CU8800, even at short distance.
trol Panel features a signal processor that to touch screen, membrane keyboard and
restores the DVI signal. Since it is a digital push-button extension, a hub in the Control

USB Extended input for distances 2 USB ports for the connection of
up to 50 m to the PC keyboard, mouse or storage media

DVI Extended Power supply

input for distances 24 V DC
up to 50 m to
the PC

5.7-, 6.5-, 12-, 15- USB input for distances

or 19-inch TFT display up to 5 m to the PC

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Industrial PC


CP69xx | “Economy” built-in Control Panel

with DVI/USB Extended interface

Ordering information without touch screen with single-touch screen with touch pad
Display only
5.7-inch display 640 x 480 CP6907-0000-0000 CP6907-0001-0000
6.5-inch display 640 x 480 CP6909-0000-0000 CP6909-0001-0000
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6901-0000-0000 CP6901-0001-0000
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6902-0000-0000 CP6902-0001-0000
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6903-0000-0000 CP6903-0001-0000
Display only, USB A socket in the front
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6901-0020-0000 CP6901-0021-0000
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6902-0020-0000 CP6902-0021-0000
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6903-0020-0000 CP6903-0021-0000
With function keys
6.5-inch display 640 x 480 CP6919-0000-0000 CP6919-0001-0000
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6911-0000-0000 CP6911-0001-0000
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6912-0000-0000 CP6912-0001-0000
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6913-0000-0000 CP6913-0001-0000
Numeric keyboard
6.5-inch display 640 x 480 CP6929-0000-0000 CP6929-0001-0000
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6921-0000-0000 CP6921-0001-0000 CP6921-0002-0000
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6922-0000-0000 CP6922-0001-0000 CP6922-0002-0000
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6923-0000-0000 CP6923-0001-0000 CP6923-0002-0000
Alphanumeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP6931-0000-0000 CP6931-0001-0000 CP6931-0002-0000
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6932-0000-0000 CP6932-0001-0000 CP6932-0002-0000
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP6933-0000-0000 CP6933-0001-0000 CP6933-0002-0000
Alphanumeric keyboard with PLC keys on the sides
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP6942-0000-0000 CP6942-0001-0000

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Industrial PC

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard
with PLC keys on the sides

CP69xx “Economy” built-in Control Panel

Features TFT display in five sizes
– 5.7-inch display 640 x 480
– 6.5-inch display 640 x 480
– 12-inch display 800 x 600
– 15-inch display 1024 x 768
– 19-inch display 1280 x 1024
aluminium front with sheet-steel rear cover, front side IP 65, rear side IP 20
front laminate in five variants
– only display
– function keys and 10 PLC special keys with LED
– numeric keyboard and 10 PLC special keys with LED
– alphanumeric PC keyboard in US layout and 10 PLC special keys with LED
– alphanumeric PC keyboard in US layout and 16 PLC special keys with LED on the sides
integrated DVI/USB extension technology
– DVI-E and USB-E enable remote panel operation at a distance of up to 50 m from the PC.
– DVI-E input is compatible to the standard DVI output of a PC.
USB input for the direct connection to a standard USB output of a PC with distances of up to 5 m
all connectors at the lower rear side
24 V power supply
operating temperature 0…55 °C
pull-out clamping levers for fast installation without loose parts
Options touch screen pen with wall holder
push-button extension with electromechanical switches and keys
connecting kits for up to 50 m distance to the PC
wall mounting frame for building installation
Stainless steel options stainless steel front (1.4301) with bevelled edges at top and bottom and touch screen for CP690x
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC


CP79xx | “Economy” Control Panel

with DVI/USB Extended interface

Ordering information without touch screen with single-touch screen with touch pad
Display only
6.5-inch display 640 x 480 CP7909-0000-0000 CP7909-0001-0000
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7901-0000-0000 CP7901-0001-0000
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7902-0000-0000 CP7902-0001-0000
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7903-0000-0000 CP7903-0001-0000
Display only, USB A socket in the front
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7901-0020-0000 CP7901-0021-0000
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7902-0020-0000 CP7902-0021-0000
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7903-0020-0000 CP7903-0021-0000
With function keys
6.5-inch display 640 x 480 CP7919-0000-0000 CP7919-0001-0000
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7911-0000-0000 CP7911-0001-0000
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7912-0000-0000 CP7912-0001-0000
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7913-0000-0000 CP7913-0001-0000
Numeric keyboard
6.5-inch display 640 x 480 CP7929-0000-0000 CP7929-0001-0000
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7921-0000-0000 CP7921-0001-0000 CP7921-0002-0000
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7922-0000-0000 CP7922-0001-0000 CP7922-0002-0000
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7923-0000-0000 CP7923-0001-0000 CP7923-0002-0000
Alphanumeric keyboard
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7931-0000-0000 CP7931-0001-0000 CP7931-0002-0000
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7932-0000-0000 CP7932-0001-0000 CP7932-0002-0000
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7933-0000-0000 CP7933-0001-0000 CP7933-0002-0000
Alphanumeric keyboard with PLC keys on the sides
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7942-0000-0000 CP7942-0001-0000
Stainless steel housing with single-touch screen with single-touch screen,
push-buttons and USB socket
12-inch display 800 x 600 CP7901-1400-0000 CP7901-1401-0000
15-inch display 1024 x 768 CP7902-1400-0000 CP7902-1401-0000
19-inch display 1280 x 1024 CP7903-1400-0000 CP7903-1401-0000

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Industrial PC

Stainless steel finish

Without keys Function keys Numeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard Alphanumeric keyboard
with PLC keys on the sides

CP79xx “Economy” Control Panel

Features TFT display in four sizes
– 6.5-inch display 640 x 480
– 12-inch display 800 x 600
– 15-inch display 1024 x 768
– 19-inch display 1280 x 1024
aluminium housing, protection class IP 65
front laminate in five variants
– only display
– function keys and 10 PLC special keys with LED
– numeric keyboard and 10 PLC special keys with LED
– alphanumeric PC keyboard in US layout and 10 PLC special keys with LED
– alphanumeric PC keyboard in US layout and 16 PLC special keys with LED on the sides
special keys identified by slide-in labels
integrated DVI/USB extension technology
– DVI-E and USB-E enable remote panel operation at a distance of up to 50 m from the PC.
– DVI-E input is compatible to the standard DVI output of a PC.
connection via 3 round connectors (IP 65) for DVI, USB-E and 24 V power supply unit in the backplane
operating temperature 0…55 °C
for mounting 4 M6 x 18 mm threaded holes in the backplane
Options 2-port IP 65 USB interface in the backplane
touch screen pen with holder for aluminium Control Panels
additional keyboard IP 65 or toolboard for keyboard and tools
push-button extension with electromechanical switches and keys
connection set up to 50 m length
adapter plate for mounting arm installation
Stainless steel options stainless steel housing with flush-mounted touch screen for CP7901, CP7902 and CP7903
Further information for further options, technical drawings, documentations, etc. see

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Industrial PC

Accessories for CP6xxx and CP7xxx


single-touch Control Panels and Panel PCs

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC

Keyboard shelf Touch screen pen Additional keyboard RFID reader

Electromechanical buttons
on the Control Panel or Panel PC
Control Panels and Panel PCs with push- above or below. The Rittal mounting arm
button extension enable the application- system is available as an additional option.
specific arrangement of electromechanical The CP6508.020 or CP6501.170 Rittal
buttons, switches, signal lamps, additional adapters can be mounted at the back of the
membrane keys and a hand wheel directly Control Panel. The cables are routed through
on the operating unit. It enables precise the mounting arm, through a cable gland in
adaptation of the Control Panel to the the mounting arm adapter and from there
machine control requirements. In many concealed through a channel at the rear of
cases, a machine operator control panel is the Control Panel to the push-button exten-
no longer required, since all functions are sion. A circular plug-in connector instead of
integrated in the Control Panel. The Control a screwed cable gland is available on request.
Panel housing is increased in size on one The housings of the CP7xxx range have
side. Depending on the required functions protection class IP 65 on all sides. The wiring
and the electromechanical components, space can be opened without removing the
the flat rear panel is enlarged or extended Control Panel from the mounting arm.
with a trough-shaped rear panel for the The buttons, switches and indicator
button area. lamps are connected to the control system
For the CP77xx and CP79xx units the via USB. A second contact on the buttons Open wiring space
Rolec Tara Plus mounting arm system, arti- and switches can at the same time be wired
cle numbers 149.025.012, 149.025.013, directly via a terminal row. Besides the push-
149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or button extensions shown on the following
149.035.015, can be mounted centrally at pages, numerous other variants are conceiv-
the rear of the Control Panel. The mounting able, which can be individually designed in
arm can optionally be connected from accordance with requirements.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Push-button extension
Industrial PC


CP6233-0001-0010 with C9900-E595

Push-button extensions for CP6xxx

C9900-Exxx Push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Panel PCs, built-in Panel PCs, “Economy” built-in Control Panels
Features push-button extension on the right side
push-button keys with signal lamp, type Siemens Signum square, 30 x 30 mm
1 emergency stop key Siemens Signum
Labels for push-button caps allow individual marking.
All push-buttons are transmitted via USB with one normally-open contact.
Additionally, all push-buttons are directly wireable with a second normally-open contact via a terminal row.
All signal lamps are transmitted via USB only.
Selector switches and keylock switches as well as other elements from the Signum series are integrateable on request.
Options A circular plug-in connector is available on request (instead of a screwed cable gland).

Ordering information Push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx

C9900-E505 push-button extension for CP6221 with 12“ display and numeric keyboard, 12 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E515 push-button extension for CP6231 with 12“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E545 push-button extension for CP6202 with 15“ display and without keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E555 push-button extension for CP6212 with 15“ display and function keys, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E565 push-button extension for CP6222 with 15“ display and numeric keyboard, 14 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E575 push-button extension for CP6232 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 18 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E525 push-button extension for CP6203 with 19“ display and without keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E535 push-button extension for CP6213 with 19“ display and function keys, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E594 push-button extension for CP6223 with 19“ display and numeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E595 push-button extension for CP6233 with 19“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Push-button extension

Industrial PC

CP6232-0002-0035 with C9900-E575

Ordering information Push-button extension for built-in Panel PC CP65xx

C9900-E705 push-button extension for CP6521 with 12“ display and numeric keyboard, 12 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E715 push-button extension for CP6531 with 12“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E745 push-button extension for CP6502 with 15“ display and without keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E755 push-button extension for CP6512 with 15“ display and function keys, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E765 push-button extension for CP6522 with 15“ display and numeric keyboard, 14 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E775 push-button extension for CP6532 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 18 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E725 push-button extension for CP6503 with 19“ display and without keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E735 push-button extension for CP6513 with 19“ display and function keys, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E796 push-button extension for CP6523 with 19“ display and numeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E797 push-button extension for CP6533 with 19“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp

Ordering information Push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP66xx

C9900-E406 push-button extension for CP6621 with 12“ display and numeric keyboard, 12 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E416 push-button extension for CP6631 with 12“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E446 push-button extension for CP6602 with 15“ display and without keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E456 push-button extension for CP6612 with 15“ display and function keys, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E466 push-button extension for CP6622 with 15“ display and numeric keyboard, 14 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E476 push-button extension for CP6632 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 18 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E426 push-button extension for CP6603 with 19“ display and without keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E436 push-button extension for CP6613 with 19“ display and function keys, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E496 push-button extension for CP6623 with 19“ display and numeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E497 push-button extension for CP6633 with 19“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Push-button extension
Industrial PC


CP6922-0001-0000 with C9900-E965

Ordering information Push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP67xx-00xx-0040

C9900-E505 push-button extension for CP6721-00xx-0040 with 12“ display and numeric keyboard,
12 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E515 push-button extension for CP6731-00xx-0040 with 12“ display and alphanumeric keyboard,
16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E545 push-button extension for CP6702-00xx-0040 with 15“ display and without keyboard,
16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E555 push-button extension for CP6712-00xx-0040 with 15“ display and function keys,
16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E565 push-button extension for CP6722-00xx-0040 with 15“ display and numeric keyboard,
14 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E575 push-button extension for CP6732-00xx-0040 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard,
18 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E525 push-button extension for CP6703-00xx-0040 with 19“ display and without keyboard,
20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E535 push-button extension for CP6713-00xx-0040 with 19“ display and function keys,
20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E594 push-button extension for CP6723-00xx-0040 with 19“ display and numeric keyboard,
20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E595 push-button extension for CP6733-00xx-0040 with 19“ display and alphanumeric keyboard,
20 push-button keys with signal lamp

Ordering information Push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx
C9900-E905 push-button extension for CP6921 with 12“ display and numeric keyboard, 12 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E915 push-button extension for CP6931 with 12“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E945 push-button extension for CP6902 with 15“ display and without keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E955 push-button extension for CP6912 with 15“ display and function keys, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E965 push-button extension for CP6922 with 15“ display and numeric keyboard, 14 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E975 push-button extension for CP6932 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 18 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E925 push-button extension for CP6903 with 19“ display and without keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E935 push-button extension for CP6913 with 19“ display and function keys, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E996 push-button extension for CP6923 with 19“ display and numeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E997 push-button extension for CP6933 with 19“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Push-button extension

Industrial PC

with C9900-E547 and
C9900-M161 Open wiring space

Push-button extensions for CP72xx

C9900-E5xx Push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC

Features push-button extension on the right side
push-button keys with signal lamp, type Siemens Signum square, 30 x 30 mm
1 emergency stop key Siemens Signum
Labels for push-button caps allow individual marking.
All push-buttons are transmitted via USB with one normally-open contact.
Additionally, all push-buttons are directly wireable with a second normally-open contact via a terminal row.
All signal lamps are transmitted via USB only.
circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection section
Selector switches for keylock switches as well as other elements from the Signum series are integrateable on request.

Ordering information Push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx

C9900-E507 push-button extension for CP7221 with 12“ display and numeric keyboard, 12 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E517 push-button extension for CP7231 with 12“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E547 push-button extension for CP7202 with 15“ display and without keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E557 push-button extension for CP7212 with 15“ display and function keys, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E567 push-button extension for CP7222 with 15“ display and numeric keyboard, 14 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E577 push-button extension for CP7232 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 18 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E527 push-button extension for CP7203 with 19“ display and without keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E537 push-button extension for CP7213 with 19“ display and function keys, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E597 push-button extension for CP7223 with 19“ display and numeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E599 push-button extension for CP7233 with 19“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Push-button extension
Industrial PC


CP7932-0001-0000 with C9900-E771

Push-button extensions for CP7xxx without mounting arm connection

C9900-E7xx, -E8xx Push-button extension for Panel PC and Control Panel
Features push-button extension on the right side
push-button keys with signal lamp, type Siemens Signum square, 30 x 30 mm
1 emergency stop key Siemens Signum
Labels for push-button caps allow individual marking.
All push-buttons are transmitted via USB with one normally-open contact.
Additionally, all push-buttons are directly wireable with a second normally-open contact via a terminal row.
All signal lamps are transmitted via USB only.
without mounting arm connection
without cable bushing
Selector switches and keylock switches as well as other elements from the Signum series are integrateable on request.
Options screwed cable gland for feeding a signal line into a push-button extension, mounting arm adapter plates
Ordering information Push-button extension for Panel PC CP77xx
C9900-E801 push-button extension for CP7721 with 12“ display and numeric keyboard, 12 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E811 push-button extension for CP7731 with 12“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E841 push-button extension for CP7702 with 15“ display and without keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E851 push-button extension for CP7712 with 15“ display and function keys, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E861 push-button extension for CP7722 with 15“ display and numeric keyboard, 14 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E871 push-button extension for CP7732 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 18 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E823 push-button extension for CP7703 with 19“ display and without keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E831 push-button extension for CP7713 with 19“ display and function keys, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E892 push-button extension for CP7723 with 19“ display and numeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E893 push-button extension for CP7733 with 19“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
Ordering information Push-button extension for Control Panel CP79xx
C9900-E701 push-button extension for CP7921 with 12“ display and numeric keyboard, 12 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E711 push-button extension for CP7931 with 12“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E741 push-button extension for CP7902 with 15“ display and without keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E751 push-button extension for CP7912 with 15“ display and function keys, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E761 push-button extension for CP7922 with 15“ display and numeric keyboard, 14 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E771 push-button extension for CP7932 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 18 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E723 push-button extension for CP7903 with 19“ display and without keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E731 push-button extension for CP7913 with 19“ display and function keys, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E792 push-button extension for CP7923 with 19“ display and numeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E793 push-button extension for CP7933 with 19“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Push-button extension

Industrial PC

CP7721-0001-0030 with C9900-E808 Open wiring space

Push-button extensions for CP7xxx with mounting arm adapter plate

C9900-E7xx, -E8xx Push-button extension for Panel PC and Control Panel
Features push-button extension on the right side
push-button keys with signal lamp, type Siemens Signum square, 30 x 30 mm
1 emergency stop key Siemens Signum
Labels for push-button caps allow individual marking.
All push-buttons are transmitted via USB with one normally-open contact.
Additionally, all push-buttons are directly wireable with a second normally-open contact via a terminal row.
All signal lamps are transmitted via USB only.
mounting arm adapter plate at Control Panel backplane for top or bottom installation of mounting arm system Rolec
Selector switches for keylock switches as well as other elements from the Signum series are integrateable on request.
Circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland is integrateable on request.
Options mounting arm adapter plate for mounting arm systems Rittal instead of Rolec
Ordering information Push-button extension for Panel PC CP77xx
C9900-E808 push-button extension for CP7721 with 12“ display and numeric keyboard, 12 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E818 push-button extension for CP7731 with 12“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E848 push-button extension for CP7702 with 15“ display and without keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E858 push-button extension for CP7712 with 15“ display and function keys, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E868 push-button extension for CP7722 with 15“ display and numeric keyboard, 14 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E878 push-button extension for CP7732 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 18 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E828 push-button extension for CP7703 with 19“ display and without keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E838 push-button extension for CP7713 with 19“ display and function keys, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E898 push-button extension for CP7723 with 19“ display and numeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E899 push-button extension for CP7733 with 19“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
Ordering information Push-button extension for Control Panel CP79xx
C9900-E708 push-button extension for CP7921 with 12“ display and numeric keyboard, 12 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E718 push-button extension for CP7931 with 12“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E748 push-button extension for CP7902 with 15“ display and without keyboard, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E758 push-button extension for CP7912 with 15“ display and function keys, 16 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E768 push-button extension for CP7922 with 15“ display and numeric keyboard, 14 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E778 push-button extension for CP7932 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 18 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E728 push-button extension for CP7903 with 19“ display and without keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E738 push-button extension for CP7913 with 19“ display and function keys, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E798 push-button extension for CP7923 with 19“ display and numeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp
C9900-E799 push-button extension for CP7933 with 19“ display and alphanumeric keyboard, 20 push-button keys with signal lamp

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Push-button extension
Industrial PC


CP6942-0001-0000 with C9900-E781

PLC push-button extensions for tool machines

C9900-E78x PLC push-button extension for tool machines at “Economy” built-in Panel PC, built-in Panel PC,
built-in Control Panel, Panel PC and Control Panel
Features push-button extension below
16 push-button keys with signal lamp, type Siemens Signum square, 30 x 30 mm
1 emergency stop key Siemens Signum
inscription of the keys via slide-in labels
All push-buttons are transmitted via USB with one normally-open contact.
Additionally, all push-buttons are directly wireable with a second normally-open contact via a terminal row.
All signal lamps are transmitted via USB only.
1 graycode switch with 23 positions, controlled via USB
2-port USB A interface in the front with screw cap IP 65
Additional features CP7942 mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel backplane for mounting arm installation from top or bottom
for mounting arm system Rolec
Options Circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland is integrateable on request.
Additional options CP7942 mounting arm adapter plate for mounting arm system Rittal instead of Rolec
mounting arm adapter plate for mounting arm system Rose instead of Rolec,
with 2-port USB interface on the side with screw cap IP 65

Ordering information PLC push-button extension for CP6242, CP6542, CP6742-00xx-0040, CP6942, CP7242 and CP7942
C9900-E781 push-button extension for CP6242 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard
C9900-E780 push-button extension for CP6542 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard
C9900-E781 push-button extension for CP6742-00xx-0040 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard
C9900-E781 push-button extension for CP6942 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard
C9900-E784 push-button extension for CP7242 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard
C9900-E783 push-button extension for CP7942 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Push-button extension

Industrial PC

CP7942-0001-0000 with C9900-E789 and C9900-E181

CNC push-button extensions for tool machines

C9900-E7xx CNC push-button extension for tool machines at “Economy” built-in Panel PC, built-in Panel PC,
built-in Control Panel, Panel PC and Control Panel
Features push-button extension below
2 push-button keys with signal lamp, type Siemens Signum round, directly wireable
1 emergency stop key Siemens Signum
1 key switch, type Siemens Signum round, directly wireable
45 membrane keys with an LED in each key, controlled via USB
inscription of the keys via slide-in labels
1 graycode switch with 17 positions, controlled via USB
1 graycode switch with 23 positions, controlled via USB
circular plug-in connector
Additional features CP7942 mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel backplane for mounting arm installation from top or bottom
for mounting arm system Rolec
Options CP7242 connection IP 65 for control unit Euchner at the bottom of the CNC push-button extension
Options CP7942 connection IP 65 for control unit Euchner at the bottom of the CNC push-button extension
mounting arm adapter plate for mounting arm system Rittal instead of Rolec
mounting arm adapter plate for mounting arm system Rose instead of Rolec,
with 2-port USB interface on the side with screw cap IP 65

Ordering information CNC push-button extension for CP6242, CP6542, CP6742-00xx-0040, CP6942, CP7242 and CP7942
C9900-E787 push-button extension for CP6242 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard
C9900-E786 push-button extension for CP6542 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard
C9900-E787 push-button extension for CP6742-00xx-0040 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard
C9900-E787 push-button extension for CP6942 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard
C9900-E791 push-button extension for CP7242 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard
C9900-E789 push-button extension for CP7942 with 15“ display and alphanumeric keyboard

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC

K7xxx, KT7xxx | Additional keyboard for CP7xxx Control Panels

and Panel PCs
The indestructible PC keyboard
The K7xxx and KT7xxx PC keyboards add a keyboard to the Control Panel which allows
the comfortable entry of large amounts of data with a keyboard designed for industrial use.
The Control Panel keyboards K7xxx and KT7xxx are even more robust than a membrane
keyboard and yet feel almost like a standard keyboard. They offer the optimum in operating
comfort in tough industrial environments.
An aluminium keyboard housing in Control Panel design combines the keyboard and the
Control Panel to form a homogeneous unit. The width of the housing is adapted to the Control
Panel for which the keyboard is intended.
A touch pad can be integrated into the keyboard housing. Here, large, easily accessible
keys meeting protection class IP 67 serve as mouse keys. The keyboards K7xxx and KT7xxx
are mounted in a holder on the Control Panel which is available in a version located at a fixed
angle of 100° and a version which can be adjusted between 90° and 180°. The Control Panel
is modified to have additional open sections in the side contour which allow the cabling to be
stored in an invisible way.

Ordering information
K7100-0000 additional keyboard to be mounted to a Control Panel CP79xx or to a Panel PC CP72xx and CP77xx
KT7100-0000 additional keyboard with touch pad to be mounted to a Control Panel CP79xx or to a Panel PC CP72xx and CP77xx
C9900-M300 mounting adapter with fixed 100° angle for mounting a keyboard K7xxx or KT7xxx to a Control Panel
C9900-M310 mounting adapter with adjustable 90° to 180° angle for mounting a keyboard K7xxx or KT7xxx to a Control Panel

C9900-M400 | Keyboard shelf for CP7xxx Control Panels and Panel PCs
The keyboard shelf at a Beckhoff Control Panel permits a standard PC keyboard to be
placed in front of the Control Panel, allowing convenient operation during commissioning
or software updates. During normal production, the machine operator can rest tools and
other items here while using the Control Panel.
The shelf is constructed from anodised aluminium. Its design matches that of the
Control Panel. A ribbed rubber mat is glued to the surface of the shelf. The keyboard shelf
is made as wide as the Control Panel. In the case of small Control Panels, the shelf is wider
than the Control Panel housing, so that a keyboard can be rested on it. The Control Panel is
given additional holes on the lower side, so the shelf should be ordered at the same time
as the Control Panel.

Ordering information
C9900-M400 toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel CP7xxx or Panel PCs CP7xxx
C9900-M401 drill holes at the bottom of a Control Panel or Panel PC CP7xxx for assembly of a keyboard shelf
(supply without shelf)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Industrial PC
C9900-T90x | Touch screen pen for CP6xxx, CP7xxx and C3xxx
Control Panels and Panel PCs 183

The Beckhoff touch screen pen enables touch screen technology to be used in harsh areas of
application and offers higher operating precision than fingers or other pointing media. Shavings
and dirt are no longer an obstacle: even wearing gloves the operator can make precise entries,
since the robust, spherical tip of the pen enables easy and smooth operation while at the same
time improving visibility of the display. Direct operation (without pen) is still possible, although
the plastic tip of the pen protects the surface of the touch screen. The user of the Beckhoff
touch screen pen receives an extremely precise input medium with an ergonomically formed,
non-slip aluminium shaft, in a design which conforms to that of the Control Panel, and with
the right balance of weight, form and friction. The pen is also suitable for built-in Panel PCs
with touch screen.

Ordering information
C9900-T900 touch screen pen with holder for Control Panel and Panel PCs CP7xxx
C9900-T902 touch screen pen with wall holder for built-in Control Panel and Panel PCs CP6xxx and C3xxx

C9900-E21x | RFID reader in the CP7xxx Control Panel front

The CP720x and CP770x Panel PCs and the CP790x Control Panels with 15- or 19-inch display
without membrane keyboard are available with RFID reader in the front panel. The card reader
enables user identification at the device. The RFID module reads Legic transponders at a dis-
tance of up to 30 mm. The data are transferred to the PC via USB. The RFID reader is integrated
in the Control Panel or the Panel PC behind the front laminate. The print on the front laminate
indicates the position of the RFID reader below the display on the right-hand side. IP 65 pro-
tection class is maintained and enables operation in harsh industrial environments. The RFID
option has no influence on the dimensions of the Control Panel.

C9900-E21x RFID reader

Legic transponder type
transponder frequency 13.56 MHz
integrated in the Control Panel behind the front laminate
up to 30 mm reading distance
internally connected via USB interface
protection class IP 65

Ordering information
C9900-E213 RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7202 or CP7702 or of a Control Panel CP7902,
integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally by USB
C9900-E214 RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7203 or CP7703 or of a Control Panel CP7903,
integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally by USB

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC
Embedded PC

Embedded PC
Modular DIN rail IPCs and Industrial Motherboards
Embedded PC


190 Embedded PCs

254 Industrial Motherboards

Embedded PC

Embedded PC
Embedded Automation

190 Embedded PCs 222 Embedded PC series 242 Fieldbus slaves

CX5010, CX5020 (x86) 242 Lightbus CX1500-B200
192 Product overview 242 PROFIBUS CX1500-B310
196 System description 242 CANopen CX1500-B510
242 DeviceNet CX1500-B520
226 Embedded PC series
CX5100 (x86)
198 Embedded PC series
CX80xx (ARM) 243 UPS
202 EtherCAT CX8010 243 UPS modules CX1100-09x0
202 PROFIBUS CX803x 230 Embedded PC series
203 CANopen CX805x CX1020, CX1030 (x86)
203 RS232/RS485 CX8080 232 Basic CPU module CX1020
204 Ethernet CX8090 234 Basic CPU module CX1030 244 Embedded PC series
204 BACnet/IP and OPC UA CX8091 236 System interfaces CX20x0 (x86)
205 PROFINET CX8093 CX1020-N0xx 246 Basic CPU modules CX20x0
205 EtherNet/IP CX8095 237 System interfaces 248 Power supply units and
205 SERCOS III CX8097 CX1030-N0xx UPS modules CX2100-0xxx
249 System interfaces CX25x0-00xx

206 Embedded PC series 238 Power supply units

CX90x0 (ARM) and I/O interfaces 254 Industrial Motherboards
208 Basic CPU module CX9000 239 Power supply units CX1100-
210 Basic CPU module CX9010 000x for CX1010/CX1020 254 System description
212 System interfaces 240 Power supply units CX1100- 256 Product overview
CX9000-A001/ N0xx, 001x for CX1030
CX9010-A001/ N0xx
214 Basic CPU module CX9020
257 ATX Industrial Motherboards
241 Fieldbus masters CB10xx
241 Lightbus CX1500-M200 259 3½-inch Industrial Motherboards
216 Embedded PC series 241 PROFIBUS CX1500-M310 CB30xx
CX1010 (x86) 241 CANopen CX1500-M510
218 Basic CPU module CX1010 241 DeviceNet CX1500-M520
220 System interfaces 241 SERCOS interface CX1500-M750
Embedded PCs and motherboards
Embedded PC

for industrial control tasks


Embedded PCs
The compact DIN rail PCs from the CX series unite with the various and can be plugged together as a modular control system according
I/O modules to form a space-saving industrial controller in the to the respective task. This way, different applications can be realised
control cabinet. Every user can find a suitable Embedded device on the same hardware, for example a PLC and Motion Control system
in the Beckhoff range of Embedded products: tailored to budget, with DVI/USB interface, Windows Embedded CE or Windows Embed-
performance class and the complexity of the control task. ded Standard or a multimedia system (building automation) with
Apart from the CPU, the individual devices from the CX series audio interface.
differ in the available system interfaces and power supply versions
See page 190

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC

Industrial Motherboards
Thanks to proprietary BIOS and motherboard development, new High-quality electronic components, selected according to guaranteed
technologies in the PC market can be implemented quickly for the availability, not only make the “Made in Germany” motherboards
customer in all performance classes of Industrial and Embedded PCs. robust and reliable, they also ensure their availability for at least
Motherboards in typical form factors (ATX and 3½-inch board) are five years. As far as the technical innovations permit, the design of
developed and manufactured in-house, so that it is also possible to the motherboards is compatible across generations and facilitates
react to customer-specific requirements. the upgrading of individual devices.

See page 254

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PCs
Embedded PC


CX9020 | Ethernet controller

– ARM Cortex™-A8 with 1 GHz
– 1 GB DDR3 RAM internal
– 256 MB microSD (expandable)
– Windows Embedded Compact 7

See page 213

CX5000 | Embedded PC series with Intel® Atom™ processor

– fanless and very compact
– 1.1 or 1.6 GHz
– 512 MB internal RAM
– Compact Flash card
– Windows Embedded CE 6, Windows Embedded Standard 2009

See page 222

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC

CX8000 | Embedded PC CX9000 | Ethernet controller CX1010 | Basic CX CX1020, CX1030 |

with fieldbus interface – Intel® IXP420 CPU – Pentium® MMX-compatible High-performance CX
– ARM9 CPU with 400 MHz with 266/533 MHz with CPU, 500 MHz – Intel® Celeron® M ULV CPU
– 64 MB internal RAM XScale® technology – 256 MB internal DDR RAM with 1 GHz/Intel® Pentium® M
– microSD card – 128 MB internal RAM – Compact Flash card CPU with 1.8 GHz
– programmable fieldbus slave – 16/32 MB internal flash – Windows Embedded CE 6, – 256 MB internal DDR RAM
– Windows Embedded CE 6 – Windows CE 5 Windows Embedded (expandable)
Standard 2009 – Compact Flash card
– Windows Embedded CE 6,
See page 198 See page 206 See page 216 Windows Embedded
Standard 2009

See page 230

CX5100 | Embedded PC series with

Intel® Atom™ processor
– fanless and very compact
– CPU: Intel® Atom™ 1.46, 1 core/
Intel® Atom™ 1.75, 2 cores/
Intel® Atom™ 1.91, 4 cores
– 2 GB DDR3 RAM/4 GB DDR3 RAM internally
– slot for CFast and MicroSD card
– Windows Embedded Standard 7 P

See page 226

CX2020, CX2030, CX2040 | Multi-core CX

– CPU: Intel® Celeron® 1.4 GHz, 1 core/
Intel® Core™ i7 1.5 GHz, 2 cores/
Intel® Core™ i7 2.1 GHz, 4 cores
– 8 GB CFast flash card (expandable)
– Windows Embedded Standard 7 P or
Windows Embedded Compact 7

See page 244

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Product overview Embedded PC
Embedded PC


CX80xx CX90xx CX9020

Embedded PC

Basic CPU CX80xx CX9000, CX9010 CX9020

200 208 214
Processor 32 bit, 400 MHz, ARM9 Intel® IXP420 with XScale® technology, ARM Cortex™-A8, 1 GHz
266/533 MHz clock frequency, ARM9

Flash memory 512 MB microSD 32 MB Flash (internal, not expandable) 256 MB microSD (optionally expandable),
2 x microSD card slot
Internal 64 MB RAM (internal, not expandable) 128 MB RAM (internal, not expandable) 1 GB DDR3 RAM
main memory
Interfaces 1 x Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s, 1 x USB 2 x RJ45 (Ethernet, internal switch), 2 x RJ45 (Ethernet, internal switch),
device (behind the front flap) 10/100 Mbit/s 10/100 Mbit/s, DVI-D, 4 x USB 2.0,
1 x optional interface
I/O interface direct connection for K-bus or E-bus, direct connection for K-bus or E-bus direct connection for K-bus or E-bus,
automatic recognition automatic recognition
System optionally integrated or
modularly expandable optionally integrated
interfaces via EtherCAT Terminals
DVI/USB – CX90x0-N010 212 in the basic CPU 214
RS232 CX8080 203 CX9000-N030 212 CX9020-N030 214
CX9010-N030 212
RS422/ RS485 CX8080 203 CX9000-N031 212 CX9020-N031 214
CX9010-N031 212
Audio – – CX9020-N020 214
Ethernet in the basic CPU 200 – in the basic CPU 214
4-port USB hub – CX90x0-N070 212 in the basic CPU 214
Memory medium – CX90x0-A001 212 2nd microSD slot in the basic CPU 214
Fieldbus optionally integrated or optionally integrated or
via EtherCAT Terminals
interfaces via EtherCAT Terminals via EtherCAT Terminals
EtherCAT CX8010 slave 202 – CX9020-B110 slave 214
Lightbus EL6720 master 426 EL6720 master 426 EL6720 master 426

PROFIBUS CX8030 master 202 EL6731 master 423 CX9020-M310 master 214
CX8031 slave 202 EL6731-0010 slave 423 CX9020-B310 slave 214
CANopen CX8050 master 203 EL6751 master 424 CX9020-M510 master 214
CX8051 slave 203 EL6751-0010 slave 424 CX9020-B510 slave 214
DeviceNet EL6752 master 425 EL6752 master 425 EL6752 master 425
EL6752-0010 slave 425 EL6752-0010 slave 425 EL6752-0010 slave 425
PROFINET RT CX8093 device 205 – CX9020-M930 controller 214
CX9020-B930 device 214
EtherNet/IP CX8095 slave 205 – CX9020-B950 slave 214
SERCOS CX8097 Sercos III slave 205 – –

UPS 1-second UPS – 1-second UPS (optional)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC

CX1010 CX50xx CX51xx

CX1010 CX5010, CX5020 CX5120, CX5130, CX5140

218 224 228
Intel® Pentium® MMX-compatible, Intel® Atom™, CX5120: Intel® Atom™ E3815, 1.46 GHz, 1 core
500 MHz clock frequency 1.1/1.6 GHz clock frequency CX5130: Intel® Atom™ E3827, 1.75 GHz, 2 cores
CX5140: Intel® Atom™ E3845, 1.91 GHz, 4 cores
128 MB Compact Flash card 128 MB Compact Flash card slot for CFast and MicroSD card,
(optionally expandable) (optionally expandable) cards not included
256 MB DDR RAM CX5010: 512 MB RAM (internal, not expandable) CX5120: 2 GB DDR3 RAM (not expandable)
(internal, not expandable) CX5020: 512 MB RAM (optional expandable to 1 GB) CX5130/40: 4 GB DDR3 RAM (not expandable)
1 x RJ45 (Ethernet), 2 x RJ45, 10/100/1,000 Mbit/s, DVI, 2 x RJ45, 10/100/1000 Mbit/s, DVI-I,
10/100 Mbit/s 4 x USB 2.0, 1 x optional interface 4 x USB 2.0, 1 x optional interface

via power supply module direct connection for K-bus or E-bus, direct connection for K-bus or E-bus,
(K-bus, K-bus/IP-Link, E-bus) automatic recognition automatic recognition

modularly expandable optionally integrated optionally integrated

CX1010-N010 220 in the basic CPU 224 in the basic CPU 228
CX1010-N030 (COM 1/2) 220 CX50x0-N030 224 CX51x0-N030 228
CX1010-N040 (COM 3/4) 220
CX1010-N031 (COM 1/2) 220 CX50x0-N031 224 CX51x0-N031 228
CX1010-N041 (COM 3/4) 220
CX1010-N020 220 CX50x0-N020 224 CX51x0-N020 228
CX1010-N060 220 in the basic CPU 224 in the basic CPU 228
– in the basic CPU 224 in the basic CPU 228
– in the basic CPU 224 in the basic CPU 228
optionally integrated or optionally integrated or
modularly expandable
via EtherCAT Terminals via EtherCAT Terminals
– CX50x0-B110 slave 224 CX51x0-B110 slave 228
CX1500-M200 master 241 EL6720 master 426 EL6720 master 426
CX1500-B200 slave 242
CX1500-M310 master 241 CX50x0-M310 master 224 CX51x0-M310 master 228
CX1500-B310 slave 242 CX50x0-B310 slave 224 CX51x0-B310 slave 228
CX1500-M510 master 241 CX50x0-M510 master 224 CX51x0-M510 master 228
CX1500-B510 slave 242 CX50x0-B510 slave 224 CX51x0-B510 slave 228
CX1500-M520 master 241 EL6752 master 425 EL6752 master 425
CX1500-B520 slave 242 EL6752-0010 slave 425 EL6752-0010 slave 425
– CX50x0-M930 controller 224 CX51x0-M930 controller 228
CX50x0-B930 device 224 CX51x0-B930 device 228
– CX50x0-B950 slave 224 CX51x0-B950 slave 228
CX1500-M750 Sercos II master 241 – –

CX1100-0910, -0900 1-second UPS 1-second UPS


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC

CX1020 CX1030

Embedded PC

Basic CPU CX1020 CX1030

232 234
Processor Intel® Celeron® M ULV, Intel® Pentium® M,
1 GHz clock frequency 1.8 GHz clock frequency
Flash memory 128 MB Compact Flash card 128 MB Compact Flash card
(optionally expandable) (optionally expandable)
Internal 256 MB DDR RAM 256 MB DDR RAM
main memory (expandable to 512 MB, 1 GB) (expandable to 512 MB, 1 GB)
Interfaces 2 x RJ45 (Ethernet, internal switch) 2 x RJ45 (Ethernet, internal switch),
10/100 Mbit/s
I/O interface via power supply module via power supply module
(K-bus, K-bus/IP-Link, E-bus) (K-bus, K-bus/IP-Link, E-bus)
modularly expandable modularly expandable
DVI/USB CX1020-N010 236 CX1030-N010 237

RS232 CX1020-N030 (COM 1/2) 236 CX1030-N030 (COM 1/2) 237

CX1020-N040 (COM 3/4) 236 CX1030-N040 (COM 3/4) 237
RS422/ RS485 CX1020-N031 (COM 1/2) 236 CX1030-N031 (COM 1/2) 237
CX1020-N041 (COM 3/4) 236 CX1030-N041 (COM 3/4) 237
Audio CX1020-N020 236 CX1030-N020 237
Ethernet CX1020-N060 236 CX1030-N060 237
4-port USB hub – –
Memory – –
USB extension – –

modularly expandable modularly expandable
EtherCAT – –
Lightbus CX1500-M200 master 241 CX1500-M200 master 241
CX1500-B200 slave 242 CX1500-B200 slave 242
PROFIBUS CX1500-M310 master 241 CX1500-M310 master 241
CX1500-B310 slave 242 CX1500-B310 slave 242
CANopen CX1500-M510 master 241 CX1500-M510 master 241
CX1500-B510 slave 242 CX1500-B510 slave 242
DeviceNet CX1500-M520 master 241 CX1500-M520 master 241
CX1500-B520 slave 242 CX1500-B520 slave 242

EtherNet/IP – –
SERCOS CX1500-M750 Sercos II master 241 CX1500-M750 Sercos II master 241

UPS CX1100-0920 CX1100-0930

243 243

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC
CX2020 CX2030 CX2040

CX2020 CX2030 CX2040

246 246 246
Intel® Celeron® 1.4 GHz, 1 core Intel® Core™ i7 1.5 GHz, 2 cores Intel® Core™ i7 2.1 GHz, 4 cores

8 GB CFast flash card (optionally extendable) 8 GB CFast flash card (optionally extendable) 8 GB CFast flash card (optionally extendable)


2 x RJ45 (10/100/1,000 Mbit/s), DVI-I, 2 x RJ45 (10/100/1,000 Mbit/s), DVI-I, 2 x RJ45 (10/100/1,000 Mbit/s), DVI-I,
4 x USB 2.0, 1 x optional interface 4 x USB 2.0, 1 x optional interface 4 x USB 2.0, 1 x optional interface
via power supply module via power supply module via power supply module
(K-bus or E-bus, automatic recognition) (K-bus or E-bus, automatic recognition) (K-bus or E-bus, automatic recognition)

modularly expandable modularly expandable modularly expandable

in the basic CPU, 246 in the basic CPU, 246 in the basic CPU, 246
2nd DVI port as option CX2020-N010 2nd DVI port as option CX2030-N010 2nd DVI port as option CX2040-N010
CX2020-N030 or CX2500-0030 246 CX2030-N030 or CX2500-0030 246 CX2040-N030 or CX2500-0030 246

CX2020-N031 or CX2500-0031 246 CX2030-N031 or CX2500-0031 246 CX2040-N031 or CX2500-0031 246

CX2500-0020 249 CX2500-0020 249 CX2500-0020 249

in the basic CPU or CX2500-0060 246 in the basic CPU or CX2500-0060 246 in the basic CPU or CX2500-0060 246
in the basic CPU or CX2500-0070 246 in the basic CPU or CX2500-0070 246 in the basic CPU or CX2500-0070 246
in the basic CPU or CX2550-0010/ 246 in the basic CPU or CX2550-0010/ 246 in the basic CPU or CX2550-0010/ 246
CX2550-0020 CX2550-0020 CX2550-0020
CX2550-0179 (USB 1.1) or 251 CX2550-0179 (USB 1.1) or 251 CX2550-0179 (USB 1.1) or 251
CX2550-0279 (USB 2.0) CX2550-0279 (USB 2.0) CX2550-0279 (USB 2.0)
optionally integrated or optionally integrated or optionally integrated or
via EtherCAT Terminals via EtherCAT Terminals via EtherCAT Terminals
CX2020-B110 slave 246 CX2030-B110 slave 246 CX2040-B110 slave 246
EL6720 master 426 EL6720 master 426 EL6720 master 426

CX2020-M310 or CX2500-M310 master 246 CX2030-M310 or CX2500-M310 master 246 CX2040-M310 or CX2500-M310 master 246
CX2020-B310 or CX2500-B310 slave 246 CX2030-B310 or CX2500-B310 slave 246 CX2040-B310 or CX2500-B310 slave 246
CX2020-M510 or CX2500-M510 master 246 CX2030-M510 or CX2500-M510 master 246 CX2040-M510 or CX2500-M510 master 246
CX2020-B510 or CX2500-B510 slave 246 CX2030-B510 or CX2500-B510 slave 246 CX2040-B510 or CX2500-B510 slave 246
EL6752 master 425 EL6752 master 425 EL6752 master 425
EL6752-0010 slave 425 EL6752-0010 slave 425 EL6752-0010 slave 425
CX2020-M930 controller 246 CX2030-M930 controller 246 CX2040-M510 controller 246
CX2020-B930 device 246 CX2030-B930 device 246 CX2040-B510 device 246
CX2020-B950 slave 246 CX2030-B950 slave 246 CX2040-B950 slave 246
– – –

CX2100-0904, CX2100-0914 CX2100-0904, CX2100-0914 CX2100-0904, CX2100-0914

248 248 248

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Beckhoff Embedded PC
Modular DIN rail Industrial PCs Devices with ARM CPU: optional fieldbus master or slave interface
Embedded PC

With the Embedded PCs of the CX series, CX9020: Ethernet controller with ARM in the multi-option interface.
Beckhoff has combined PC technology and Cortex™-A8 CPU, 1 GHz The multi-option interface, a common
modular I/O level on a DIN rail unit in the CX9010: Ethernet controller with Intel® feature of all second-generation CX devices
196 control cabinet. The CX device series com- IXP420 XScale® technology, 533 MHz (CX9020, CX5010, CX5020, CX5120, CX5130,
bines the worlds of Industrial PC and hard- CX9000: Ethernet controller with Intel® CX5140, CX2020, CX2030 and CX2040), is
ware PLC and is suitable for all performance IXP420 XScale® technology, 266 MHz an interface that can be configured ex fac-
control tasks. The modular system of the CX CX8000: basic CX with ARM9 CPU, tory with various signal types. These devices
series can be configured to match the task in 400 MHz, and integrated fieldbus interface are also characterised by a further important
hand: by adding or omitting units and inter- Apart from various CPUs, the individual feature: the automatic K-bus/E-bus detection
faces, only those components that the system CX types also have different system interfac- enables the use of both types of I/O terminals
actually requires are installed on the DIN rail es and power supply units. Via the associated without additional expenditure.
in the control cabinet or terminal box. Instal- I/O interfaces the Embedded PCs support EtherCAT integration offers a wide range
lation space and costs are reduced. Beckhoff Bus Terminals and also EtherCAT of expansion capability. Further master/slave
The CX family covers the whole range of Terminals as I/O system. fieldbus connections or communication inter-
Beckhoff control technology in terms of both A suitable CX controller is selected on faces and all other signal types accessible
price and performance. This product range is the basis of the expected complexity and via EtherCAT can be directly connected as
designed for tasks requiring the characteris- scope of the automation program. Decisive EtherCAT Terminals.
tics and computing capacity of Industrial PCs, here is not just the clock frequency of the
but whose budget does not stretch to full- CPU, but a combination of many criteria. The software
blown Industrial PCs. The main criteria apart from the clock fre- In combination with the TwinCAT 2 or
quency are the CPU architecture, the cache TwinCAT 3 automation software, the
Scalable performance classes sizes, the type and size of the RAM, graphic CX Embedded PC becomes a powerful
The CX family includes several basic CPU controller etc. Changing from one CX CPU IEC 61131-3 PLC. Additionally, Motion
modules with different processors for opti- to another with a higher performance is, Control tasks can also be executed. Depend-
mum adaptation to the respective control however, still possible even at a very late ing on the required cycle time, it may be
task. The following list gives an overview, stage in the course of the project and can used to control several servo axes. With the
sorted by CPU type and, within the group, usually take place without any program CX1010, CX5000, CX5100, CX1020, CX1030
in descending order of computing perform- modification. and CX2000 even special functions such
ance: as “flying saw”, “electronic gearbox” or
The components “cam plate” can be realised. The CX thus
Devices with x86 CPU: The individual system components of the becomes a controller that covers PLC, Motion
CX2040: multi-core CX with Intel® CX series come as modules in standard Control and visualisation tasks with a single
Core™ i7 CPU, 2.1 GHz, 4 cores widths of 19 mm or 22 mm, that can be hardware. Under Windows Embedded CE,
CX2030: multi-core CX with Intel® connected in series. The basic unit for the thanks to the real-time capability of the oper-
Core™ i7 CPU, 1.5 GHz, 2 cores CX2000 and CX10x0 series consists of a ating system, user tasks written in high-level
CX2020: high-performance CX with CPU module and a separate power sup- languages can be processed in real-time in
Intel® Celeron® CPU, 1.4 GHz ply module. The CX8000, CX9000, CX9010, parallel with TwinCAT.
CX1030: high-performance CX with CX9020, CX5000 and CX5100 devices inte-
Intel® Pentium® M CPU, 1.8 GHz grate CPU and power supply in a single unit. Wide range of applications
CX1020: high-performance CX with Depending on the CX type, the controllers Due to the design and the features of an
Intel® Celeron® M ULV CPU, 1 GHz can be expanded through further system industrial PC control, the Embedded PCs
CX5140: multi-core CX with Intel® interfaces. The range of optional modules is can be used in a wide range of applications.
Atom™ CPU, 1.91 GHz, 4 cores complemented by fieldbus connections for Existing applications include mechanical
CX5130: multi-core CX with Intel® PROFIBUS, CANopen, DeviceNet, SERCOS engineering (automatic sawing machines,
Atom™ CPU, 1.75 GHz, 2 cores interface and Lightbus, both as master or automatic assembly machines, paper cut-
CX5120: compact CX with Intel® slave versions. ting machines, screwdriver control, packing
Atom™ CPU, 1.46 GHz In contrast to the other CX device machines, sheet metal processing, handling
CX5020: compact CX with Intel® families, the CX8000, CX9020, CX5100 and equipment), process technology (water treat-
Atom™ CPU, 1.6 GHz CX5000 series have a fixed, non-expandable ment, power generation, consumption log-
CX5010: compact CX with Intel® number of system interfaces. The devices ging), building services (room control, access
Atom™ CPU, 1.1 GHz from the CX8000 series are mainly used as control) and many more.
CX1010: basic CX with Pentium® programmable fieldbus slaves, while both
MMX-compatible CPU, 500 MHz the CX9020 and CX5000/CX5100 offer an

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC

Embedded PC
CX9000, CX9010

Embedded PC

Embedded PC

Embedded PC
CX5010, CX5020

Embedded PC

Embedded PC
CX1020, CX1030

Embedded PC
CX2020, CX2030, CX2040

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CX8000 | Embedded PCs
Embedded PC

198 with fieldbus interface

Battery, microSD card,

DIP switch and USB connection
behind the front flap

Ethernet port

bus interface

Address selector

K-bus or E-bus
(automatic recognition)

For further information on the

individual fieldbuses see page 262

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC

CX8000 is a device family of programmable system. As for all other Beckhoff devices, and the quantity of data to be stored. The
controllers with 32-bit ARM CPU, which can TwinCAT 2 software is used for system CX8000 device family features an integrated,
be used for processing of PLC programs configuration and the programming of capacitive 1-second UPS, which in the event
or as intelligent slave devices for higher- the PLC functionality. The CX8000 target of a failure of the supply voltage provides
level fieldbus systems. Unlike with the non- device features a pre-installed TwinCAT 2 sufficient energy for saving persistent data.
programmable Bus Couplers of the EK series PLC runtime environment. All software Important data are thus retained without bat-
(EtherCAT Coupler), which only act as gate- required for operating the device, including tery backup in the event of a loss of power.
way between the associated fieldbus system the operating system, the TwinCAT files and With a high-performance but never-
and the connected EtherCAT terminals, the user files and data, is stored on the microSD theless energy-saving 32-bit ARM processor,
CX8000 is programmable and able to run its flash card. This simplifies exchange in the EtherCAT as I/O bus and TwinCAT 2 PLC
own control program. The CX8000 devices case of service. Commercial card readers can with extensive PLC libraries, the Embedded
can therefore be used as local controllers. be used to access the card data. The size of Controllers from the CX8000 series represent
Bus Terminals (K-bus) or EtherCAT Terminals the microSD flash card (e.g. 256 MB) can very compact, high-performance and versatile
(E-bus) can alternatively be connected; the be chosen depending on the application controllers with slave fieldbus connection.
CX8000 automatically recognises the type
of I/O system connected during the start-up
phase. The use of EtherCAT gives rise to fur-
ther options, such as the realisation of differ-
ent topologies, the integration of further bus
systems such as CANopen, PROFIBUS and
PROFINET and – with the EtherCAT Box mod- PROFIBUS
ules – connection to the IP 67 world.
Like all CX products, the CX8000 devices
are programmed and commissioned via the
Ethernet interface, which can also be used for
connection of the control system with a regu-
Embedded PC CX8031 for PROFIBUS, Coupler EK1100,
lar network. Some of the Embedded PCs have EtherCAT Terminals ELxxxx EtherCAT Terminals ELxxxx
further Ethernet interfaces with switch func-
tions, so that a linear “daisy chain” topology
can be constructed inexpensively without
additional hardware. The other connections
on the lower plug level are fieldbus-specific.
Thanks to their low power consumption,
the devices are fanless. Microsoft Windows
Embedded CE 6 is used as the operating EtherCAT Box modules EPxxxx

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Power LEDs
Ethernet port
E-bus or K-bus
(automatic recognition)
Embedded PC

Coupler supply

Front flap
200 bus interface

Input for
power contacts
Address selector

Power contacts

CX80xx | Basic CPU module

The devices from this series represent a Under the cover at the upper housing level or online faultfinding via a network connec-
further development of the well-known and there is an exchangeable coin cell for date tion with the CX8000. All system software
proven 16-bit controllers from the Bus Termi- and time, a set of DIP switches for setting is located on the industrially-compatible
nal Controller series – through to the more function modes, a slot for microSD flash microSD card. Hardware and software can
powerful 32-bit ARM processors. memory cards and a USB B connection. thus be exchanged simply and quickly in the
The CX8000 device series was developed Thanks to their low power consumption, case of service. In addition, the microSD card
for two different usage scenarios: the devices are fanless. can be used in any commercial card reader.
– as a local, independent PLC that can be The very compact, small design facilitates The installation and execution of proprietary
integrated into data networks thanks to installation in confined control cabinets, but Windows Embedded CE 6 applications (e.g.
its existing Ethernet interface; it can nevertheless serve a large number of parts tracking, data acquisition, Web operat-
– as a local PLC that features a slave I/O points over EtherCAT or K-bus. ing interfaces) is also possible. Access to the
interface to a fieldbus system in addition Although there is no monitor connection, microSD card is also possible via the USB
to the Ethernet connection. Taking the the Windows Embedded CE 6 operating sys- connection: if the CX8000 is connected to
CX8010 as an example, there are two tem and its “virtual” display can be accessed another PC, then the microSD card becomes
EtherCAT slave connections (IN and OUT) via the network. This is not absolutely neces- visible on this PC as a mass storage device.
on the left-hand side; on the right-hand sary for the programming of the automation
side it acts again as an independent function: any PC or laptop equipped with The order numbers and the equipment of the
EtherCAT master or K-bus master for TwinCAT 2 can be used for PLC programming CX8000 devices are derived as follows:
the locally connected terminals.
As with the BC Bus Terminal Controller
series, it is also ensured in the case of the
CX8000 that the control and the local pro-
gram continue to be executed in the case
of interruption or loss of the higher-level CX80xx 10 = EtherCAT slave
fieldbus system. 30 = PROFIBUS master
The compact, fanless housing makes 31 = PROFIBUS slave
highly space-saving structures possible for 50 = CANopen master
the control of machines or for use in building 51 = CANopen slave
automation. 80 = RS232/RS485
90 = Ethernet
91 = BACnet/IP and OPC UA
93 = PROFINET RT device
95 = EtherNet/IP slave
97 = Sercos III slave

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Embedded PC

Technical data CX80xx

Processor 32 bit, 400 MHz
Flash memory 512 MB microSD (optionally 1 GB, 2 GB or 4 GB)
Internal main memory 64 MB RAM (internal, not expandable)
Programming TwinCAT 2 PLC
Programming languages IEC 61131-3
Web visualisation yes
Online change yes
Up/down load code yes/yes
Interfaces 1 x USB device (behind the front flap), 1 x RJ45 Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s (ADS or TCP/IP),
2 x RJ45 (switched) 10/100 Mbit/s (PROFINET)
I/O connection E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus (Bus Terminals), automatic recognition
Clock internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery behind the front flap, exchangeable)
UPS 1-second UPS (for 1 MB of persistent data)
Operating system Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6
Web-based management yes
Current supply E-bus/K-bus 2A
Max. power loss 3W
Dimensions (W x H x D) 64 mm x 100 mm x 73 mm
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CX8010, CX803x

CX80xx | Embedded PCs with fieldbus interface

Embedded PC

202 Embedded PC Embedded PC Embedded PC


Technical data CX8010 CX8030 CX8031

Protocol EtherCAT (slave) PROFIBUS-DP (master) PROFIBUS-DP (slave)

Max. number of 512 byte input and 512 byte output only limited by memory 240 byte input and 240 byte output +
bytes fieldbus 3 virtual slaves
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud up to 12 Mbaud (automatic detection) up to 12 Mbaud (automatic detection)

Bus interface EtherCAT IN and OUT (2 x RJ45) 1 x D-sub 9-pin socket with shielding 1 x D-sub 9-pin socket with shielding

The DIP switch enables the fixed The CX8030 is a PROFIBUS master The PROFIBUS address is set via two
addressing of a hot plug group. device. Optionally it can be operated rotary selection switches. The CX8031
Automatic addressing in the EtherCAT as a PROFIBUS slave device. offers automatic baud rate detection.
network is also possible. The CX8031 offers three virtual slaves,
so that the amount of data can be

I/O connection E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus
(Bus Terminals), automatic recognition (Bus Terminals), automatic recognition (Bus Terminals), automatic recognition
Type/number of K-bus 2 kByte IN/OUT, K-bus 2 kByte IN/OUT, K-bus 2 kByte IN/OUT,
peripheral signals E-bus only limited by memory E-bus only limited by memory E-bus only limited by memory
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CX805x, CX8080

Embedded PC
Embedded PC Embedded PC Embedded PC 203
for CANopen for CANopen for RS232/RS485

CX8050 CX8051 CX8080

CANopen (master) CANopen (slave) serial communication

only limited by memory 16 Tx/Rx PDOs + 3 virtual slaves 512 byte input and 512 byte output

up to 1 Mbaud (automatic detection) up to 1 Mbaud (automatic detection) 300 baud…115 kbaud

D-sub connector, 9-pin according to CANopen D-sub connector, 9-pin according to CANopen D-sub socket, 9-pin,
specification, galvanically decoupled specification, galvanically decoupled 1 x RS232, 1 x RS485

The CX8050 controller is equipped with a The CANopen address is set via two rotary The CX8080 has two serial interfaces: one with
CANopen master interface. Apart from offering selection switches. The CX8051 offers automatic RS232 and one with RS485 physics. Both serial
the CANopen master functionality, it can optional- baud rate detection. interfaces are on the D-sub socket. The interface
ly be used to support CAN layer 2 communication. is not bound to a particular protocol and can be
expanded with the appropriate TwinCAT supple-
ments for the different serial communication

E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus
(Bus Terminals), automatic recognition (Bus Terminals), automatic recognition (Bus Terminals), automatic recognition
K-bus 2 kByte IN/OUT, K-bus 2 kByte IN/OUT, K-bus 2 kByte IN/OUT,
E-bus only limited by memory E-bus only limited by memory E-bus only limited by memory

EtherCAT Terminals see page 340 , EtherCAT Box modules see page 466 , Bus Terminals see page 590

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CX8090, CX8091

CX80xx | Embedded PCs with fieldbus interface

Embedded PC

204 Embedded PC Embedded PC
for different for BACnet/IP and OPC UA
Ethernet protocols

Technical data CX8090 CX8091

Protocol real-time Ethernet, ADS TCP, Modbus TCP, TCP/IP, BACnet/IP or OPC UA
UDP/IP, EAP (EtherCAT Automation Protocol)
Max. number of protocol dependency
bytes fieldbus
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud

Bus interface 2 x RJ45 (switched) 2 x RJ45 (switched)

It supports protocols such as realtime Ethernet, It supports the BACnet/IP and

ADS UDP/TCP, Modbus TCP client/server or open OPC UA protocols.
TCP/IP-UDP/IP communication.

I/O connection E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus
(Bus Terminals), automatic recognition (Bus Terminals), automatic recognition
Type/number of K-bus 2 kByte IN/OUT, K-bus 2 kByte IN/OUT,
peripheral signals E-bus only limited by memory E-bus only limited by memory
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Embedded PC
Embedded PC Embedded PC Embedded PC 205
for PROFINET RT for EtherNet/IP for SERCOS III

CX8093 CX8095 CX8097

PROFINET RT device EtherNet/IP (slave) SERCOS III I/O profile

1,024 byte input and 1,024 byte output + 1 virtual slave

100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud

2 x RJ45 (switched) 2 x RJ45 (switched) 2 x RJ45 (switched)

The PROFINET interface is designed as a 2-port The EtherNet/IP interface is designed as a 2-port The CX8097 is a controller with a Sercos III slave
switch for realisation of daisy-chain cabling. switch for realisation of daisy-chain cabling. interface. The Sercos III interface can be freely
configured and the process image of the Sercos
interface can be individually adjusted.

E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus
(Bus Terminals), automatic recognition (Bus Terminals), automatic recognition (Bus Terminals), automatic recognition
K-bus 2 kByte IN/OUT, K-bus 2 kByte IN/OUT, K-bus 2 kByte IN/OUT,
E-bus only limited by memory E-bus only limited by memory E-bus only limited by memory

EtherCAT Terminals see page 340 , EtherCAT Box modules see page 466 , Bus Terminals see page 590

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CX9000, CX9010 | Embedded PCs
Embedded PC


Ethernet connection
(port 1)

System interface
DVI/USB connection

Battery compartment

Labelling area

Ethernet connection K-bus or

(port 2) E-bus interface

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC
Application example
“Headless” PLC system
– PLC system without control panel
– Windows CE 5 and TwinCAT 2 PLC 207

CPU – CPU CX9010-1001

The CX9000 and CX9010 Embedded PCs The CX9000/CX9010 controllers are available decoupled – COM1 and COM2. Mass storage
offer a compact and high-performance yet in two versions: with K-bus for direct connec- devices, in the form of a Compact Flash card,
cost-effective PLC and Motion Control system tion of Bus Terminals, and as an E-bus version can be used with the aid of the CX9000-A001
for DIN rail installation. Within the Beckhoff for direct connection of EtherCAT Terminals. module.
control world they are positioned between In the basic configuration, two RJ45 sockets As with all Beckhoff controllers, program-
the BX Bus Terminal Controller series and that are internally connected to an integrated ming as an automation device takes place
the CX1010 Embedded PC. switch are available as interfaces. This simpli- using TwinCAT 2; the runtime environment
The main feature of these units is fies wiring of several CX9000/CX9010 within for PLC (CX9000/CX9010) and Motion Con-
the energy-saving Intel®-IXP420 CPU with a line topology. No separate switch hardware trol (CX9010) is located on the device itself.
XScale®technology and the Microsoft is required. The two externally accessible One of the two Ethernet interfaces is used as
Windows CE 5 operating system. Ethernet ports are independent of the programming interface.
Two controllers with different processors EtherCAT interface, which is served by a Microsoft Windows CE 5 enables the
are available: second MAC (Media Access Controller) creation of fully graphic user programs,
CX9010: Intel® IXP420, 533 MHz provided by the CPU. which are able to satisfy high expectations
CX9000: Intel® IXP420, 266 MHz Further interfaces may be added ex thanks to the graphics chip integrated in the
The CX9000 family requires no external works as required. If a screen display is CX9000/CX9010. The result is a compact
storage media – the device boots the oper- desired, this is realised by a CX90x0-N010 – Ethernet controller that enables short I/O
ating system from the internal flash. The a combined DVI/VGA + 2 x USB 2.0 module. cycle times in conjunction with EtherCAT Ter-
CX9000/CX9010 Embedded PCs are passively The combination of DVI and USB enables all minals and offers high-performance software
cooled and therefore do without rotating types of Beckhoff Control Panels with DVI/ with Windows CE and TwinCAT 2.
components. As usual for the CX series, the USB interface to be used. Touch functional-
device features a modular mechanical design. ity is connected via USB. As further optional
In its basic configuration, the compact device interfaces, two RS232 modules or two RS422/
only measures 58 x 100 x 91 mm. RS485 modules can be configured as – opto-

EtherCAT EtherCAT


The CX9000 and the CX9010 enable configuration of an IT line topology with subordinate EtherCAT devices.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Power LEDs Power LEDs

Ethernet E-bus interface
connection (EtherCAT K-bus interface
Embedded PC

(port 1) Terminals) (Bus Terminals)

Power supply Power supply

208 compartment

(port 2)


CX900x-0x0x CX900x-1x0x

CX9000 | Basic CPU module

The CX9000 is a compact, DIN rail-mountable ration. These interfaces are connected to an to Beckhoff Control Panels or standard
Ethernet controller with Intel® IXP420 with internal switch and offer a simple option for monitors with DVI or VGA input via the
XScale® technology and 266 MHz clock creating a line topology without the need DVI and USB interfaces. Devices such as
frequency. The connection for the Beckhoff for additional Ethernet switches. printer, scanner, mouse, keyboard, mass
I/O systems is directly integrated in the CPU A memory medium in Compact Flash storage, etc. can be connected via the
module. The CX9000 is available in two basic format I and II is available as an optional USB 2.0 interfaces. The module CX9000-N030
versions: one version for Bus Terminals with module. The operating system is Microsoft offers two serial RS232 interfaces with a
K-bus, the other one for EtherCAT Terminals Windows CE 5. The TwinCAT 2 automation maximum transfer speed of 115 kbaud.
with E-bus. The CX9000 comprises the CPU, software transforms a CX9000 system into These two interfaces can be implemented
the internal flash memory with two con- a powerful PLC and Motion Control system as RS422/RS485, in which case they are
figuration options, the main memory (RAM) that can be operated with or without visu- identified as CX9000-N031.
(available in two different sizes), and NOVRAM alisation. Further system interfaces can be
as non-volatile memory. Two Ethernet RJ45 connected to the CPU module ex factory. The order identifier of the basic CPU module
interfaces are also part of the basic configu- The CX9000-N010 option can be connected is derived as follows:

CX900x-xx0x 0 = without TwinCAT

1 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime

0 = without DVI/USB
1 = with DVI/USB

0 = E-bus interface for EtherCAT Terminals

1 = K-bus interface for Bus Terminals

Internal memory extension

0 = 16 MB flash/64 MB RAM
1 = 32 MB flash/128 MB RAM

Since not all combinations make sense, the table “Ordering information” contains
a breakdown of the permissible combinations.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Embedded PC

Technical data CX900x-0x0x CX900x-1x0x

Processor 266 MHz Intel® IXP420 with XScale® technology
Flash memory 16 MB flash (internal, optionally 32 MB)
Internal main memory 64 MB RAM (internal, optionally 128 MB)
Interfaces 2 x RJ45 (Ethernet, internal switch), 10/100 Mbit/s
Diagnostics LED 1 x power, 2 x LAN, 1 x L/A, 1 x flash access 1 x power, 2 x LAN, 1 x K-bus, 1 x flash access
Clock internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery exchangeable)
Operating system Microsoft Windows CE 5
Control software TwinCAT 2 CE PLC runtime
I/O connection E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) K-bus (Bus Terminals)
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
NOVRAM 128 kbytes
I/O-DPRAM – 4 kbytes
Current supply E-bus/K-bus 2A
Max. power loss 6 W (including the system interfaces CX9000-xxxx)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 59 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx. 250 g (without heat sink), approx. 375 g (with heat sink for variants with DVI/USB interface)
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

Ordering information 16 MB flash 32 MB flash E-bus K-bus DVI/USB no TwinCAT TwinCAT 2

64 MB RAM 128 MB RAM PLC runtime
CX9000-0000 x – x – – x –
CX9000-0001 x – x – – – x
CX9001-0000 – x x – – x –
CX9001-0001 – x x – – – x
CX9001-0100 – x x – x x –
CX9001-0101 – x x – x – x
CX9000-1000 x – – x – x –
CX9000-1001 x – – x – – x
CX9001-1000 – x – x – x –
CX9001-1001 – x – x – – x
CX9001-1100 – x – x x x –
CX9001-1101 – x – x x – x

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Power LEDs Power LEDs

Ethernet E-bus interface
connection (EtherCAT K-bus interface
Embedded PC

(port 1) Terminals) (Bus Terminals)

Power supply Power supply

210 compartment

(port 2)


CX9010-0x0x CX9010-1x0x

CX9010 | Basic CPU module

The CX9010 is a compact, DIN rail-mountable a simple option for creating a line topology monitors with DVI or VGA input via the DVI
Ethernet controller with Intel® IXP420 with without the need for additional Ethernet or USB interfaces. Devices such as printer,
XScale® technology and 533 MHz clock switches. scanner, mouse, keyboard, mass storage, etc.
frequency. The connection for the Beckhoff A memory medium in Compact Flash can be connected via the USB 2.0 interfaces.
I/O systems is directly integrated in the CPU format I and II is available as an optional The module CX9010-N030 offers two serial
module. The CX9010 is available in two basic module. The operating system is Microsoft RS232 interfaces with a maximum transfer
versions: one version for Bus Terminals with Windows CE 5. The TwinCAT 2 automation speed of 115 kbaud. These two interfaces can
K-bus, the other one for EtherCAT Terminals software transforms a CX9010 system into be implemented as RS422/RS485, in which
with E-bus. The CX9010 comprises the CPU, a powerful PLC and Motion Control system case they are identified as CX9010-N031.
the internal flash memory, the main memory that can be operated with or without visu-
(RAM) and NOVRAM as non-volatile memory. alisation. Further system interfaces can be The order identifier of the basic CPU module
Two Ethernet RJ45 interfaces are also part connected to the CPU module ex factory. is derived as follows:
of the basic configuration. These interfaces The CX9010-N010 option can be connected
are connected to an internal switch and offer to Beckhoff Control Panels or standard

CX9010-xx0x 0 = without TwinCAT

1 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime
2 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC/NC runtime

0 = without DVI/USB
1 = with DVI/USB

0 = E-bus interface for EtherCAT Terminals

1 = K-bus interface for Bus Terminals

Since not all combinations make sense, the table “Ordering information” contains
a breakdown of the permissible combinations.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Embedded PC

Technical data CX9010-0x0x CX9010-1x0x

Processor Intel® IXP420 with XScale® technology, clock frequency 533 MHz
Flash memory 32 MB Flash (internal, not expandable)
Internal main memory 128 MB RAM (internal, not expandable)
Interfaces 2 x RJ45 (Ethernet, internal switch), 10/100 Mbit/s
Diagnostics LED 1 x power, 2 x LAN, 1 x L/A, 1 x flash access 1 x power, 2 x LAN, 1 x K-bus, 1 x flash access
Clock internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery exchangeable)
Operating system Microsoft Windows CE 5
Control software TwinCAT 2 CE PLC runtime or TwinCAT 2 CE NC PTP runtime
I/O connection E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) K-bus (Bus Terminals)
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
NOVRAM 128 kbytes
I/O-DPRAM – 4 kbytes
Current supply E-bus/K-bus 2A
Max. power loss 6.5 W (including the system interfaces CX9010-xxxx)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 59 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx. 250 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+50 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

Ordering information E-bus K-bus DVI/USB no TwinCAT TwinCAT 2 TwinCAT 2

PLC runtime NC runtime
CX9010-0000 x – – x – –
CX9010-0001 x – – – x –
CX9010-0002 x – – – x x
CX9010-0100 x – x x – –
CX9010-0101 x – x – x –
CX9010-0102 x – x – x x
CX9010-1000 – x – x – –
CX9010-1001 – x – – x –
CX9010-1002 – x – – x x
CX9010-1100 – x x x – –
CX9010-1101 – x x – x –
CX9010-1102 – x x – x x

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC


Compact Flash DVI/USB RS232 RS422/RS485 4-port USB hub

module interface interface interface

CX9000/CX9010-A001/N0xx | System interfaces

A number of optional interface modules are available for the CX9000/CX9010 Embedded PCs that can be connected to the basic module
ex factory. The system interfaces cannot be retrofitted or expanded in the field. They are supplied ex factory in the specified configuration
and cannot be separated from the CPU module. The power supply of the system interface modules is ensured via the internal bus.
The CX90x0-N010 option connects Beckhoff Control Panels or standard monitors with DVI or VGA input via the DVI or USB interfaces.
Devices such as printer, scanner, mouse, keyboard, etc. can be connected via the USB 2.0 interfaces. The CX90x0-N030 module offers two
additional serial RS232 interfaces with a maximum transmission speed of 115 kbaud. Alternatively, the two serial interfaces are also available
as RS422/RS485 signal types (CX90x0-N031). The CX90x0-N070 4-port USB hub extends the number of available USB 2.0 ports, whereby each
port can handle a load of max. 500 mA (however, not all four at the same time). In this way, a total of six USB interfaces per CX are available
to the user.
If additional mass storage is required, the CX90x0-A001 extension module provides a Compact Flash interface for type I or II CF cards.
Unlike other system interfaces, this module can be upgraded in the field. Cards may only be inserted or removed when the system is switched off.

Technical data CX9000-A001 CX9000-N010 CX9000-N030 CX9000-N031 CX9000-N070

CX9010-A001 CX9010-N010 CX9010-N030 CX9010-N031 CX9010-N070
Interfaces Compact Flash 1 x DVI + 2 x USB 2.0 1 x COM1 + 1 x COM1 + 4 x USB 2.0
module (max. 500 mA 1 x COM2, 1 x COM2,
per port) RS232 RS422/RS485
Type of connection Compact Flash slot DVI-I 29-pin socket + 2 x D-sub plug, 2 x D-sub socket, 4 x USB ports
for type I + II cards 2 USB ports type A 9-pin 9-pin type A
Properties Compact Flash DVI-I interface max. baud rate max. baud rate max. baud rate
mass storage also carries out 115 kbaud, cannot be 115 kbaud, cannot be 480 Mbit/s, max.
VGA signals used simultaneously used simultaneously output current per port
(DVI-A) with N031 with N030 500 mA, max. total
current 500 mA
Power supply via system bus (through power supply unit in the CX9000/CX9010)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 19 mm x 100 mm x 51 mm
Weight approx. 80 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CX9020 | Embedded PCs

Embedded PC

2 internally switched 4 USB

Ethernet ports 2.0 interfaces

DVI-D interface

Multi optional

K-bus or
Metal housing E-bus interface

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


+60 °C

-25 °C

Status LEDs
Embedded PC

Ethernet and E-bus/K-bus interface

USB connection

Battery compartment
(behind the flap)

DVI connection 2 x microSD

Multi optional interface

(e.g. RS232, PROFIBUS,

CX9020 | Basic CPU module

The CX9020 is a compact, DIN rail-mountable faces, four USB-2.0 interfaces and a DVI-D +60 °C The extended operating temperature
Ethernet control system with 1 GHz ARM interface. The RJ45 interfaces are connected -25 °C
range between -25 and +60 °C
Cortex™-A8 CPU. The connection for the to an internal switch and offer a simple enables application in climatically
Beckhoff I/O systems is directly integrated option for creating a line topology without demanding situations.
into the CPU module. The unit offers auto- the need for additional Ethernet switches.
matic bus system identification (K-bus or The operating system is Microsoft Windows The order identifier of the basic CPU module
E-bus) and independently switches in the Embedded Compact 7. TwinCAT 2 automation is derived as follows:
corresponding mode. The CX9020 comprises software transforms a CX9020 system into
the CPU with two microSD card slots, the a powerful PLC and Motion Control system
internal RAM and 128 kB NOVRAM as non- that can be operated with or without visu-
volatile memory. The basic configuration also alisation. Optionally, the unit can be ordered
includes two switched Ethernet RJ45 inter- with a fieldbus, serial or audio interface.

CX9020-011T Optional interfaces:

0 = operating system only/ CX9020-N020 = audio interface

optional TwinCAT 3 CX9020-N030 = RS232, D-sub plug
1 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime CX9020-N031 = RS422/RS485, D-sub socket
2 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC/NC runtime CX9020-B110 = EtherCAT slave, EtherCAT IN and OUT (2 x RJ45)
CX9020-M310 = PROFIBUS master, D-sub socket, 9-pin
CX9020-B310 = PROFIBUS slave, D-sub socket, 9-pin
CX9020-M510 = CANopen master, D-sub plug, 9-pin
CX9020-B510 = CANopen slave, D-sub plug, 9-pin
CX9020-M930 = PROFINET RT, controller
CX9020-B930 = PROFINET RT, device, Ethernet (2 x RJ45 switch)
CX9020-B950 = EtherNet/IP slave, Ethernet (2 x RJ45 switch)

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Embedded PC

Technical data CX9020

Processor ARM Cortex™-A8, 1 GHz (TC3: 30)
Flash memory 512 MB microSD (optionally expandable), 2 x microSD card slot
Internal main memory 1 GB DDR3 RAM
Persistent memory 128 KB NOVRAM integrated
Interfaces 2 x RJ45 (Ethernet, internal switch), 10/100 Mbit/s, DVI-D, 4 x USB 2.0, 1 x optional interface
Diagnostics LED 1 x power, 1 x TC status, 2 x flash access, 2 x bus status
Clock internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery exchangeable)
Operating system Microsoft Windows Embedded Compact 7, English
Control software TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime or TwinCAT 2 NC PTP runtime | TwinCAT 3, see price list TwinCAT 3
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current supply E-bus/K-bus 2A
Max. power loss 5 W (including the system interfaces)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 84 mm x 99 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx. 590 g
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL, GL
TC3 performance class economy plus (30); for further information on TwinCAT 3 see page 898
Further information

Ordering information optional TwinCAT 3 TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime TwinCAT 2 NC PTP runtime
CX9020-0110 x – –
CX9020-0111 – x –
CX9020-0112 – – x

CX9020-U900 internal, capacitive 1-second UPS to ensure secure backup of persistent application data on the microSD card

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CX1010 | Embedded PCs
Embedded PC


Ethernet connection Compact Flash insert



Labelling area

Power supply
Ejector module

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Micro- DVI/USB Application example multimedia system Components

Embedded PC
phone with audio connection – CPU CX1010-0120
– multimedia system (DVI/USB, audio interface)
(e.g. building automation) – power supply CX1100-0001
supply – audio interface 217
– Windows Embedded Standard 2009
(no TwinCAT)


The basic CX1010 module is the basic device – TwinCAT 2 software (pre-installed): PLC, Motion Control and visualisation
of the CX family. With a 500 MHz Pentium® without a TwinCAT 2 system, with In combination with TwinCAT 2 automation
MMX-compatible processor it offers aver- TwinCAT 2 CE PLC or with TwinCAT 2 software, the CX1010 Embedded PC becomes
age CPU performance. Depending on the CE NC PTP, or with the associated full a powerful IEC 61131-3 PLC with up to
application the CX1010 can also be operated version of the individual TwinCAT 2 four user tasks. Additionally, Motion Control
in “headless” mode, i.e. without display and levels for PLC and NC PTP tasks can also be executed. Depending on
keyboard. If local visualisation is required, the required cycle time, several servo axes
this can be implemented via a DVI (digital Power supply unit with integrated can be controlled. Even special functions such
video interface), to which all Beckhoff Con- I/O interface as “flying saw”, “electronic gearbox” and
trol Panels and all commercially available For the 24 V DC power supply unit there cam plate can be realised. Under Windows
monitors with DVI input or VGA input can is a choice of four different versions: Embedded CE 6, thanks to the real-time
be connected. The touch screen signal is read – CX1100-0001: without I/O interface capability of the operating system, user tasks
via one of the two available USB interfaces. – CX1100-0002: with terminal bus written in high-level languages can be pro-
interface for Beckhoff Bus Terminals cessed in real-time in parallel with TwinCAT 2.
The components – CX1100-0003: with terminal bus
The individual system components are interface for Beckhoff Bus Terminals Remote programming via Ethernet
modules with a width of 19 mm (single) and IP-Link interface for Beckhoff The CX1010 units are programmed via a
or 38 mm (double) that can be arranged in Fieldbus Box modules laptop or a desktop PC that is connected
series. The basic unit consists of a (CX1010) – CX1100-0004: with terminal bus inter- with the CX1010 via Ethernet (network or
CPU module and a power supply module face for Beckhoff EtherCAT Terminals crossover cable). The programs are developed
(CX1100-000x). All power supply variants have an illumi- on the lap top with a standard TwinCAT 2
The CPU module is available in several nated, low-glare LC-display with FSTN tech- software license and then loaded into the
variants, e.g.: nology and two rows with 16 characters each target device.
– System interfaces: as an option, a DVI for displaying status messages. The applica-
and two USB interfaces can be added to tion programs can also use the display for Operating systems
the existing Ethernet interface. Further displaying application-specific texts. 8 kB of As with all x86-based CX devices, both
system interfaces for serial communica- non-volatile memory for remanent data are Windows Embedded Standard 2009 and
tion (2 x RS232 or 2 x RS422/485) or also included. Windows Embedded CE 6 are available as the
audio signals can be ordered separately. The range of optional modules is operating system. The latter has the advan-
– Operating system: There is a choice of complemented by fieldbus connections tages of faster boot up and lower license
no operating system, Microsoft Windows for PROFIBUS, CANopen, DeviceNet, costs. The Beckhoff OPC server for connec-
Embedded CE 6 or Microsoft Windows SERCOS interface and Lightbus, both tion to SCADA packages is available for both
Embedded Standard 2009. as master or slave versions. operating systems variants. The same applies
to the CX1010: easy visualisation and at the
same time real-time control on one system.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Status LEDs
Embedded PC

Ethernet connection

PC/104 interface

218 Battery compartment

Compact Flash insert

Labelling area

CX1010 | Basic CPU module

The CX1010 CPU module is the basic module operating system can be Windows Embedded supply. The CPU module requires a CX1100
of the CX system. It comprises the CPU and CE 6 or Windows Embedded Standard 2009. type power supply module.
the internal flash memory in two implemen- The basic configuration of the CX1010
tation levels and offers the option to operate includes a 128 MB Compact Flash card. The The order identifier of the basic CPU module
an additional memory medium in Compact TwinCAT 2 automation software transforms is derived as follows:
Flash format II. An Ethernet interface is also a CX1010 system into a powerful PLC and
part of the basic configuration. All other CX Motion Control system that can be operated
family components can be connected via the with or without visualisation. Further system
PC/104 interface that is available on both interfaces or fieldbus connections can be
sides. The CPU module can be equipped with added to the basic CPU module. The passive
different hardware and software options: the cooling module is included in the scope of

CX1010-0xxx 0 = without TwinCAT

1 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime
2 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC/NC runtime

0 = without operating system

1 = operating system Windows Embedded CE 6
2 = operating system Windows Embedded Standard 2009

0 = CPU with Ethernet

1 = CPU with Ethernet + 2 x USB + DVI

Since not all combinations make sense, the table “Ordering information” contains
Embedded PC interfaces for CX1010 a breakdown of the permissible combinations.
see page 238

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Embedded PC

Technical data CX1010-0xxx

Processor compatible with Pentium® MMX, clock frequency 500 MHz
Flash memory 128 MB Compact Flash card (optionally extendable)
Internal main memory 256 MB DDR RAM (not expandable)
Interfaces 1 x RJ45 (Ethernet), 10/100 Mbit/s
Diagnostics LED 1 x power, 1 x LAN speed, 1 x LAN activity, TC status, 1 x flash access
Expansion slot 1 x Compact Flash type II insert with ejector
Clock internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery exchangeable)
Operating system Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6 or Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009
Control software TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime or TwinCAT 2 NC PTP runtime
System bus 16 bit ISA (PC/104)
Power supply via system bus (through CX1100-xxxx power supply modules)
Max. power loss 8 W (including the system interfaces CX1010-N0xx)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 58 mm x 120 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx. 355 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+50 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

Ordering information DVI/USB Windows Embedded Windows Embedded TwinCAT 2 TwinCAT 2

CE 6 Standard 2009 PLC runtime NC runtime
CX1010-0000 – – – – –
CX1010-0010 – x – – –
CX1010-0011 – x – x –
CX1010-0012 – x – x x
CX1010-0020 – – x* – –
CX1010-0021 – – x* x –
CX1010-0022 – – x* x x
CX1010-0100 x – – – –
CX1010-0110 x x – – –
CX1010-0111 x x – x –
CX1010-0112 x x – x x
CX1010-0120 x – x* – –
CX1010-0121 x – x* x –
CX1010-0122 x – x* x x
*CX1010 systems with Microsoft Embedded Standard 2009 require Compact Flash with a capacity of at least 2 GB (must be ordered separately).

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC


DVI/USB Audio RS232 RS422/RS485 Ethernet

interface interface interface interface interface

CX1010-N0xx | System interfaces

A number of optional interface modules are available for the basic CX1010 CPU module that can be installed ex factory. The CX1010-N010
option connects Beckhoff Control Panels or standard monitors with DVI or VGA input via the DVI or USB interfaces. Devices such as printer,
scanner, mouse, keyboard, mass storage, etc. can be connected via the USB 2.0 interfaces. Multimedia capability is realised via the CX1010-N020
audio interface. The modules CX1010-N030 and CX1010-N040 offer a total of four serial RS232 interfaces with a maximum transfer speed of
115 kbaud. These four interfaces can be implemented in pairs as RS422/RS485, in which case they are identified as CX1010-N031 and CX1010-
N041 respectively. The system interfaces cannot be retrofitted or expanded in the field. They are supplied ex factory in the specified configuration
and cannot be separated from the CPU module. The internal PC/104 bus runs through the system interfaces, so that further CX components can
be connected. The power supply of the system interface modules is ensured via the internal PC/104 bus.

Technical data CX1010-N010 CX1010-N020 CX1010-N030 CX1010-N031 CX1010-N060

CX1010-N040 CX1010-N041
Interfaces 1 x DVI + 2 x USB 2.0 Line IN, Line Mic IN, 1 x COM1+2, RS232, 1 x COM1+2, RS422/ 1 x Ethernet,
(max. 500 mA Line OUT 1 x COM3+4, RS232 RS485, 1 x COM3+4, 10/100 Mbit/s
per port) RS422/RS485
Type of connection DVI-I 29-pin socket + 3.5 mm socket 2 x D-sub plug, 9-pin 2 x D-sub socket, 9-pin 1 x RJ45
2 USB ports type A for jack plug
Properties DVI-I interface built-in PC beeper, max. baud rate max. baud rate max. baud rate
also carries out VGA Line OUT output, 115 kbaud, cannot be 115 kbaud, cannot be 100 Mbit/s, max.
signals (DVI-A) max. 200 mW, used simultaneously used simultaneously 20 m cable length
suitable for ear- with N031/N041 with N030/N040 CAT5, cannot be used
phones simultaneously with
Power supply via system bus (through CX1100-xxxx power supply modules)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 19 mm x 100 mm x 51 mm
Weight approx. 80 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC
CX5000 | Embedded PC series
Embedded PC

222 with Intel® Atom™ processor

Ethernet and
USB connection

Optional interface
(e.g. CANopen, EtherCAT,

Battery compartment
and Compact Flash K-bus or
DVI connection insert behind the flap E-bus interface

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC

CX5020 with optional CX5020 with D-sub plug, CX5020 with audio interface
PROFINET interfaces 9-pin

The CX5000 series devices are DIN rail- Two independent Gigabit Ethernet ports behind a panel, is used as boot and storage
mountable, fanless Embedded PCs with and four USB 2.0 interfaces are available. medium. The CF card serves as a substitute
direct connection for Beckhoff Bus Terminals A Beckhoff Control Panel or a commercially for a hard disk; i.e. the operating system as
or EtherCAT Terminals. available DVI monitor can be connected well as TwinCAT and user projects are stored
The housing concept of this series is to the DVI-D interface. Unlike the other CX on it. This way, in the case of service, hard-
optimised for sturdiness and compactness; device families, the CX5000 series has no ware can be exchanged quickly or a software
the individual housing parts are made of option for expansion using attachable expan- update can be performed on site by simply
metal (magnesium). Apart from the electri- sion modules to the left. There is, however, exchanging the CF card. The builtin capaci-
cal advantages of better screening and ESD a factory-fitted option slot in the basic hous- tive 1-second UPS ensures secure backup of
protection, the user also benefits from the ing. For example, a serial port (RS232/RS422/ persistent application data on the CF card.
weight-saving magnesium construction. RS485) or a fieldbus connection with master The date and time are buffered via a replace-
The I/O level can be implemented both or slave function can be added here as an able battery.
with Bus Terminals and with EtherCAT Termi- optional interface as required. Particularly TwinCAT automation software transforms
nals. The connection of EtherCAT gives rise worth mentioning is the function as an a CX5000 system into a powerful PLC and
to many different extension options. Further EtherCAT slave, as a result of which the Motion Control system that can be operated
master/slave fieldbus connections (PROFIBUS, CX5000 becomes a programmable local with or without visualisation.
CANopen, DeviceNet) or communication controller within an EtherCAT network.
interfaces (RS232, RS422/RS485) and all The operating system can be Windows
other signal types accessible via EtherCAT Embedded CE 6 or Windows Embedded
can be directly connected as EtherCAT Ter- Standard 2009. An exchangeable, industrially-
minals. compatible CF card, which can be accessed

Application example: PLC and Motion Control

system with DVI/USB interface
– PLC and Motion Control software
– Control Panel connection via DVI/USB
– Windows Embedded CE 6 and TwinCAT NC

– CPU CX5020-0112
– display CP39xx
Control Panel CPU Servo terminal with OCT – drive: EL7211-0010 servo terminal and
(One Cable Technology) AM8131-wF1z motor

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CX5010, CX5020

+60 °C

-25 °C

Ethernet and
Status LEDs
USB connection
Embedded PC

E-bus/K-bus interface

224 Battery compartment

(behind the flap)

DVI connection
Compact Flash insert
(behind the flap)
Optional interface
(e.g. RS232, PROFIBUS,

CX5000 | Embedded PC series with Intel® Atom™ processor

The CX5010 and CX5020 are Embedded PCs the Z530 features hyperthreading technol- +60 °C The extended operating temperature
from the CX5000 series based on Intel® ogy, i.e. it has two virtual CPU cores for more -25 °C
range between -25 and +60 °C
Atom™ processors and differ only by the effective execution of software. enables application in climatically
CPU version. The CX5010 has a 1.1 GHz Depending on the installed TwinCAT demanding situations.
Intel® Atom™ Z510 processor, while the runtime environment, the CX5010/CX5020
CX5020 has a 1.6 GHz Intel® Atom™ Z530 can be used for the implementation of PLC The order identifier of the CX5000 devices is
processor. Apart from the clock speed, the or PLC/Motion Control projects (with or derived as follows:
two processors also differ by the fact that without visualisation).

CX50x0-x1xx 0 = operating system only/optional TwinCAT 3 Optional interfaces:

1 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime
2 = with TwinCAT 2 NC PTP runtime CX50x0-N020 =
audio interface
CX50x0-N030 =
RS232, D-sub plug
0 = no operating system CX50x0-N031 =
RS422/RS485, D-sub socket
1 = operating system Windows Embedded CE 6 CX50x0-M310 =
PROFIBUS master, D-sub socket, 9-pin
2 = operating system Windows Embedded CX50x0-B310 =
PROFIBUS slave, D-sub socket, 9-pin
Standard 2009 CX50x0-M510 =
CANopen master, D-sub plug, 9-pin
CX50x0-B510 =
CANopen slave, D-sub plug, 9-pin
0 = E-bus interface for EtherCAT Terminals
CX50x0-M930 =
PROFINET RT, controller
1 = K-bus interface for Bus Terminals
CX50x0-B930 =
PROFINET RT, device,
1 = Intel® Atom™ processor 1.1 GHz Ethernet (2 x RJ45 switch)
2 = Intel® Atom™ processor 1.6 GHz CX50x0-B950 = EtherNet/IP slave,
Ethernet (2 x RJ45 switch)
Since not all combinations make sense, the table “Ordering information” CX50x0-B110 = EtherCAT slave, EtherCAT IN and OUT
contains a breakdown of the permissible combinations. (2 x RJ45)

CX1900-0204 1 GB DDR2 RAM for CX5020, instead of 512 MB DDR2 RAM; pre-assembled ex factory
CX1800-0400 Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 E instead of Windows Embedded Standard
CX1800-0401 Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 P instead of Windows Embedded Standard

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CX5010, CX5020

Technical data CX5010-x1xx CX5020-x1xx

Processor processor Intel® Atom™ Z510, 1.1 GHz clock frequency processor Intel® Atom™ Z530, 1.6 GHz clock frequency
(TC3: 40) (TC3: 40)

Embedded PC
Flash memory 128 MB Compact Flash card (optionally extendable)
Internal main memory 512 MB RAM (internal, not expandable) 512 MB RAM (optionally 1 GB installed ex factory)
Persistent memory integrated 1-second UPS (1 MB on Compact Flash card)
Interfaces 2 x RJ45, 10/100/1000 Mbit/s, DVI-D, 4 x USB 2.0, 1 x optional interface 225
Diagnostics LED 1 x power, 1 x TC status, 1 x flash access, 2 x bus status
Clock internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery exchangeable)
Operating system Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6 or Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009
Control software TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime or TwinCAT 2 NC PTP runtime | TwinCAT 3, see price list TwinCAT 3
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current supply E-bus/K-bus 2A
Max. power loss 12 W (including the system interfaces) 12.5 W (including the system interfaces)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 100 mm x 106 mm x 92 mm
Weight approx. 575 g
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL
TC3 performance class performance (40); for further information on TwinCAT 3 see page 898
Further information

Ordering information E-bus K-bus no Windows Windows optional TwinCAT 2 TwinCAT 2

operating Embedded Embedded TwinCAT 3 PLC NC PTP
system CE 6 Standard runtime runtime
CX5010-0100 x – x – – – – –
CX5010-0110 x – – x – x – –
CX5010-0111 x – – x – – x –
CX5010-0112 x – – x – – x x
CX5010-0120 x – – – x* x – –
CX5010-0121 x – – – x* – x –
CX5010-0122 x – – – x* – x x
CX5010-1100 – x x – – – – –
CX5010-1110 – x – x – x – –
CX5010-1111 – x – x – – x –
CX5010-1112 – x – x – – x x
CX5010-1120 – x – – x* x – –
CX5010-1121 – x – – x* – x –
CX5010-1122 – x – – x* – x x
CX5020-0100 x – x – – – – –
CX5020-0110 x – – x – x – –
CX5020-0111 x – – x – – x –
CX5020-0112 x – – x – – x x
CX5020-0120 x – – – x* x – –
CX5020-0121 x – – – x* – x –
CX5020-0122 x – – – x* – x x
CX5020-1100 – x x – – – – –
CX5020-1110 – x – x – x – –
CX5020-1111 – x – x – – x –
CX5020-1112 – x – x – – x x
CX5020-1120 – x – – x* x – –
CX5020-1121 – x – – x* – x –
CX5020-1122 – x – – x* – x x
*CX50x0 systems with Microsoft Embedded Standard 2009 require Compact Flash with a capacity of at least 2 GB (must be ordered separately).

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CX5100 | Embedded PCs
Embedded PC


2 Ethernet 4 USB
ports 2.0 interfaces


Multi optional

K-bus or
Metal housing E-bus interface

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC

CX5120 CX5130 CX5140

The DIN-rail-mountable, fanless Embedded e.g. with a serial port (RS232/RS422/RS485) the card on site. The built-in capacitive 1-sec-
PCs from the CX5100 series are equipped or a fieldbus connection for master or slave ond UPS ensures secure backup of persistent
with Intel® Atom™ multi-core processors. function. If the EtherCAT Slave option is application data on the CFast card. Date and
The series encompasses three devices that selected, the CX5100 becomes a program- time are buffered via a replaceable battery.
differ from each other by processor type, mable, decentralised controller within an The new CX5100 Embedded PCs are
RAM size and housing size. The new CX5100 EtherCAT network. positioned in terms of both price and per-
PCs supplement the existing devices of the At I/O level either Bus Terminals or formance below the CX2000 series with
CX5000 series which are equipped with pro- EtherCAT Terminals can be used. Like all multi-core-i CPU. If the machine and plant
cessors of the first Intel® Atom™ generation. Embedded PCs of the second generation, programmer uses the CX5100 in combina-
In direct comparison the new processors are the CX5100 automatically recognises the I/O tion with the TwinCAT 3 automation suite, he
considerably more efficient: the out-of-order type that is plugged-in. With EtherCAT many now benefits from the availability of genuine
architecture and the modern 22-nm techno- different extension options are available: multi-core processors and the optimised
logy enable higher clock rates combined with further master/slave fieldbus connections allocation of different program sections to
reduced power losses. (PROFIBUS, CANopen, DeviceNet, etc.) and individual cores, even with Intel® Atom™-
– CX5120: Intel® Atom™ CPU, communication interfaces (RS232, RS422/ based devices.
1.46 GHz, 1 core RS485) as well as all other signal types
– CX5130: Intel® Atom™ CPU, supported by EtherCAT can be directly con-
1.75 GHz, 2 cores nected as EtherCAT Terminals.
– CX5140: Intel® Atom™ CPU, The extended operating temperature
1.91 GHz, 4 cores range between -25 and +60 °C enables
The CX5100 has a fixed number of system application in climatically demanding envi-
interfaces, which in the basic version is ronments.
identical to previous CX5000 devices. Two The operating system is Windows Embed-
independent Gigabit Ethernet ports and four ded Standard 7 P, optionally in a 32-bit or
USB 2.0 interfaces are available. To the DVI-I 64-bit version. The boot and storage medium
interface either a Beckhoff Control Panel or is an interchangeable, industrially compat-
a commercially available DVI or VGA moni- ible CFast card with a slot that is accessible
tor can be connected. Like the CX5000 the behind a cover. The CFast card serves as a
CX5100 series has a compact design; a mod- substitute for a hard disk; i.e. the operating
ular device with extension modules like in system as well as TwinCAT and user projects
the CX2000 series is not available. The option are stored on it. Fast hardware exchange is
interface of the CX5100 can be factory-fitted thus possible if service is required; a software
with various interfaces depending on needs: update can be performed simply by replacing

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


+60 °C

-25 °C

Status LEDs
Ethernet and
USB connection
Embedded PC

E-bus/K-bus interface

228 Battery compartment

(behind the flap)

DVI connection
CFast slot
(behind the flap)
Optional interface
(e.g. RS232, PROFIBUS,

CX5100 | Embedded PC series with Intel® Atom™ processor

CX5120, CX5130 and CX5140 are Embedded connection options and gateway functions is +60 °C The extended operating temperature
PCs from the CX5100 series based on the created by the multi-option interface, which -25 °C
range from -25 to +60 °C enables the
Intel® Atom™ multi-core processors. They can be pre-equipped ex factory, as well as use of the CX5100 Embedded PCs in
differ from one another in housing width and the I/O level, which can optionally consist of climatically demanding environments.
CPU type. What is new is that the available either E-Bus or K-Bus Terminals.
Atom™ CPUs now also introduce genuine All devices in the series are character- Like the CX5000, the CX5100 series has
multi-core technology, extending up to quad- ised by low power consumption and fanless a compact design; a modular device with
core, into the compact Embedded PC segment. design. extension modules like in the CX2000 series
Since the new devices are an extension of Depending on the installed TwinCAT is not available.
the existing CX5000 series, they are equipped runtime environment, the CX5100 can be used
with identical hardware interfaces. Two for implementing PLC or PLC/Motion Control The order number for CX5100 units can be
independent Gigabit-capable Ethernet inter- projects with or without visualisation. The derived as follows:
faces as well as four USB 2.0 and one DVI-I execution of Motion Control applications with
interface are available. A multitude of further interpolating axis movements is also possible.

CX51x0-01xx 0 = operating system only/optional TwinCAT 3 Optional interfaces:

1 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime
2 = with TwinCAT 2 NC PTP runtime CX51x0-N020 =
audio interface
CX51x0-N030 =
RS232, D-sub plug
3 = with TwinCAT 2 NC I runtime
CX51x0-N031 =
RS422/RS485, D-sub socket
0 = no operating system CX51x0-M310 =
PROFIBUS master, D-sub socket, 9-pin
2 = operating system Windows Embedded CX51x0-B310 =
PROFIBUS slave, D-sub socket, 9-pin
Standard 7 P 32 bit CX51x0-M510 =
CANopen master, D-sub plug, 9-pin
3 = operating system Windows Embedded CX51x0-B510 =
CANopen slave, D-sub plug, 9-pin
Standard 7 P 64 bit CX51x0-M930 =
PROFINET RT, controller
CX51x0-B930 =
PROFINET RT, device,
2 = Intel® Atom™ processor 1.46 GHz, 1 core Ethernet (2 x RJ45 switch)
3 = Intel® Atom™ processor 1.75 GHz, 2 cores CX51x0-B950 = EtherNet/IP slave,
4 = Intel® Atom™ processor 1.91 GHz, 4 cores Ethernet (2 x RJ45 switch)
CX51x0-B110 = EtherCAT slave, EtherCAT IN and OUT
Since not all combinations make sense, the table “Ordering information” (2 x RJ45)
contains a breakdown of the permissible combinations.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Embedded PC
Technical data CX5120 CX5130 CX5140
Processor processor Intel® Atom™ E3815, processor Intel® Atom™ E3827, processor Intel® Atom™ E3845,
1.46 GHz, 1 core (TC3: 40) 1.75 GHz, 2 cores (TC3: 40) 1.91 GHz, 4 cores (TC3: 50)
Flash memory slot for CFast card (card not included), slot for microSD card 229
Internal main memory 2 GB DDR3 RAM (not expandable) 4 GB DDR3 RAM (not expandable) 4 GB DDR3 RAM (not expandable)
Persistent memory integrated 1-second UPS (1 MB on CFast card)
Interfaces 2 x RJ45, 10/100/1000 Mbit/s, DVI-I, 4 x USB 2.0, 1 x optional interface
Diagnostics LED 1 x power, 1 x TC status, 1 x flash access, 2 x bus status
Clock internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery exchangeable)
Operating system Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 P
Control software TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime or TwinCAT 2 NC PTP runtime | TwinCAT 3, see price list TwinCAT 3
I/O connection E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus (Bus Terminals), automatic recognition
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current supply E-bus/K-bus 2A
Max. power loss 9 W (including the system interfaces) 11 W (including the system interfaces) 12 W (including the system interfaces)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 124 mm x 100 mm x 92 mm 142 mm x 100 mm x 92 mm 142 mm x 100 mm x 92 mm
Weight approx. 860 g approx. 960 g approx. 960 g
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
TC3 performance class performance (40); for further performance (40); for further performance plus (50); for further
information on TwinCAT 3 information on TwinCAT 3 information on TwinCAT 3
see page 898 see page 898 see page 898
Further information

Ordering information no operating Windows Embedded Standard 7 P optional TwinCAT 2 runtime

system 32 bit 64 bit TwinCAT 3 PLC NC PTP NC I
CX5120-0100 x – – – – – –
CX5120-0120 – x – x – – –
CX5120-0121 – x – – x – –
CX5120-0122 – x – – – x –
CX5120-0123 – x – – – – x
CX5120-0130 – – x x – – –

Ordering information no operating Windows Embedded Standard 7 P optional TwinCAT 2 runtime

system 32 bit 64 bit TwinCAT 3 PLC NC PTP NC I
CX5130-0100 x – – – – – –
CX5130-0120 – x – x – – –
CX5130-0121 – x – – x – –
CX5130-0122 – x – – – x –
CX5130-0123 – x – – – – x
CX5130-0130 – – x x – – –

Ordering information no operating Windows Embedded Standard 7 P optional TwinCAT 2 runtime

system 32 bit 64 bit TwinCAT 3 PLC NC PTP NC I
CX5140-0100 x – – – – – –
CX5140-0120 – x – x – – –
CX5140-0121 – x – – x – –
CX5140-0122 – x – – – x –
CX5140-0123 – x – – – – x
CX5140-0130 – – x x – – –

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CX1020, CX1030 | Embedded PCs
Embedded PC


Ethernet con- Battery Compact Flash insert

nection (port 1) compartment

System interface
DVI/USB connection

Ethernet con- Power supply

nection (port 2) Ejector module

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC

CX1020 CX1030

The CX1020 and CX1030 Embedded PCs The components EtherCAT as a fast I/O system
extend the CX product family by versions The individual system components are The CX1020 and CX1030 Embedded PCs
with high CPU performance and enable modules with a width of 19 mm (single) were developed with a view towards opti-
the direct connection of Bus Terminals and or 38 mm (double) that can be arranged mised interaction with EtherCAT. The use
EtherCAT Terminals. The CX1020 is equipped in series. The basic unit consists of a CPU of EtherCAT gives rise to several options for
with a 1 GHz Intel® Celeron® M CPU. It is module CX1020/CX1030 and a power connecting classic fieldbus systems to the
an energy-saving device that operates with supply module (CX1100-00xx). CX1020/CX1030: either as a CX1500 module
ultra-low core voltage and features low The range of modules is complement- directly at the CPU or as an EtherCAT device
thermal power dissipation of only 7 W TDP ed by fieldbus connections for PROFIBUS, in terminal form. The PROFIBUS master is
(thermal design power). This means that a CANopen, DeviceNet, SERCOS interface and available either as a CX1500-M310 or as a
fan can be dispensed with even in the small Lightbus, both as master or slave versions. EL6731 EtherCAT Terminal.
form factor of the CX1020 Embedded PCs.
Since Compact Flash is used as the boot and Power supply unit with integrated PLC, Motion Control, interpolation
storage medium, the controller contains no I/O interface and visualisation
rotating media. For the 24 V DC power supply unit there is As a DIN rail IPC and in conjunction with
The CX1030 is equipped with a 1.8 GHz a choice of three or four different versions: TwinCAT 2 software from Beckhoff, the
Intel® Pentium® M processor. Apart from – CX1100-0001: without I/O interface, CX1020/CX1030 offers the same functionality
the CPU and the fan cartridge required with CX1020 only as large Industrial PCs. In terms of PLC, up
this level of CPU performance, neither the – CX1100-00x2: with terminal bus to four virtual IEC 61131-3 CPUs can be pro-
hardware nor the software of the CX1030 interface for Beckhoff Bus Terminals grammed with up to four tasks each.
differs from that of the CX1020. The high- – CX1100-00x3: with terminal bus inter- Moreover, all TwinCAT 2 functionalities
quality fan is supported by dual ball bear- face for Beckhoff Bus Terminals and are available for Motion Control applications.
ings and mounted in a tray so that it can be IP-Link interface for Beckhoff Fieldbus In theory, up to 256 axes can be controlled.
replaced in the field without tools or wiring, Box modules In addition to simple point-to-point move-
if required. The fan speed is monitored and – CX1100-00x4: with terminal bus inter- ments, more complex multi-axis functions
can be queried via software. The combina- face for Beckhoff EtherCAT Terminals such as “electronic gearbox”, “cam plates”
tion of CX1030, EtherCAT and TwinCAT 2 All power supply variants have an illumi- and “flying saw” can be implemented.
enables very fast control processes in the nated, low-glare LC-display with FSTN tech- Due to the higher-performance CPU in the
sub-millisecond range (eXtreme Fast Control nology and two rows with 16 characters each CX1020 and the CX1030, interpolating 3-D
Technology). for displaying status messages. The applica- path movements can also be implemented
The basic CPU modules come with two tion programs can also use the display for and DIN 66025 programs executed.
RJ45 sockets, behind which there is an inte- displaying application-specific texts. 8 kB of In addition to real-time execution of
grated 3-port switch in order to enable the non-volatile memory for remanent data are control tasks, the TwinCAT 2 real-time kernel
construction of a line topology without addi- also included. ensures that enough time remains for the
tional switches. user interface (HMI), to communicate with
the real-time components via software inter-
faces such as ADS or OPC.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Status LEDs
Embedded PC

Ethernet connection (port 1)

PC/104 interface

232 Battery compartment

Compact Flash insert

Ethernet connection (port 2)

Labelling area

CX1020 | Basic CPU module

The basic CX1020 CPU module has a 1 GHz module is included in the scope of supply. The The Embedded PC CX1020 is also available
Intel® CPU. The controller does not require a operating system can be Windows Embedded as the ordering option CX1900-0320 with
fan or other rotating components. In addition CE 6 or Windows Embedded Standard 2009. zero second level cache. Instead of the 1 GHz
to the CPU and the chipset, the CX1020 mod- The TwinCAT 2 automation software transforms processor with 512 kB second level cache
ule also contains the main memory, which a CX1020 system into a powerful PLC and (L2), a less expensive variant of the processor
is available in different sizes. The controller Motion Control system that can be operated without a second level cache (L2 = 0 kB) is
boots from the Compact Flash. with or without visualisation. In contrast to the used. Since the CX1900-0320 has the same
The basic configuration of the CX1020 CX1010, the CX1020 can also be used for inter- 855GME chipset as the CX1020, none of
includes a 128 MB Compact Flash card and polating axis movements with TwinCAT 2 NC I. the basic characteristics of the CX1020 are
two Ethernet RJ45 interfaces. These interfaces Further system interfaces or fieldbus con- changed, apart from the slightly lower CPU
are connected to an internal switch and offer nections can be added to the basic CPU mod- power.
a simple option for creating a line topology ule. The CPU module requires a CX1100 type
without the need for additional Ethernet power supply module. All CX1500 fieldbus The order identifier of the basic CPU module
switches. All other CX family components can modules and all CX1100 power supplies from is derived as follows:
be connected via the PC/104 interface that is the CX series can be used in combination
available on both sides. The passive cooling with the CX1020.

CX1020-0xxx 0 = without TwinCAT

1 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime
2 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC/NC runtime
3 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC/NC I runtime

0 = without operating system

1 = operating system Windows Embedded CE 6
2 = operating system Windows Embedded Standard 2009

0 = CPU with 2 Ethernet ports

1 = CPU with 2 Ethernet ports + 2 x USB + DVI

Since not all combinations make sense, the table “Ordering information” contains
Embedded PC interfaces for CX10x0 a breakdown of the permissible combinations.
see page 238

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Embedded PC
Technical data CX1020-0xxx 233
Processor Intel® Celeron® M ULV, 1 GHz clock frequency
Flash memory 128 MB Compact Flash card (optionally extendable)
Internal main memory 256 MB DDR RAM (expandable to 512 MB, 1 GB)
Interfaces 2 x RJ45 (Ethernet, internal switch)
Diagnostics LED 1 x power, 2 x LAN link/activity, TC status, 1 x flash access
Expansion slot 1 x Compact Flash type I+II insert with eject mechanism
Clock internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery exchangeable)
Operating system Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6 or Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009
Control software TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime, NC PTP runtime, NC I runtime
System bus 16 bit ISA (PC/104)
Power supply via system bus (through CX1100-xxxx power supply modules)
Max. power loss 11 W (including CX1020-N0xx system interfaces)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 96 mm x 112 mm x 99 mm
Weight approx. 550 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+50 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

Ordering information DVI/USB no Windows Windows no TwinCAT TwinCAT 2 TwinCAT 2 TwinCAT 2

operating Embedded Embedded PLC NC NC I
system CE 6 Standard runtime runtime runtime
CX1020-0000 – x – – x – – –
CX1020-0010 – – x – x – – –
CX1020-0011 – – x – – x – –
CX1020-0012 – – x – – x x –
CX1020-0013 – – x – – x x x
CX1020-0100 x x – – x – – –
CX1020-0110 x – x – x – – –
CX1020-0111 x – x – – x – –
CX1020-0112 x – x – – x x –
CX1020-0113 x – x – – x x x
CX1020-0020 – – – x* x – – –
CX1020-0021 – – – x* – x – –
CX1020-0022 – – – x* – x x –
CX1020-0023 – – – x* – x x x
CX1020-0120 x – – x* x – – –
CX1020-0121 x – – x* – x – –
CX1020-0122 x – – x* – x x –
CX1020-0123 x – – x* – x x x

CX1900-0320 option for basic CPU module: Intel® Celeron® M processor 1 GHz, zero second level cache
CX1900-0120 “Active cooling”: factory conversion of the CX1020 CPU module for active cooling in order to enable flexible installation
positions (see documentation). Active cooling takes place via a fan cartridge. This option requires the use of a power
supply unit type CX1100-001x.
*CX1020 systems with Microsoft Embedded Standard require Compact Flash with a capacity of at least 2 GB (must be ordered separately).

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Status LEDs
Embedded PC

Ethernet connection (port 1)

PC/104 interface

234 Battery compartment

Compact Flash insert

Ethernet connection (port 2)

Labelling area


CX1030 | Basic CPU module

The CX1030 basic CPU module offers two Ethernet RJ45 interfaces. These are tion. In contrast to the CX1010, the CX1030
Pentium® M power on the DIN rail. The connected to an internal switch and offer a can also be used for interpolating axis move-
CX1030 has a 1.8 GHz Intel® Pentium® M simple option for creating a line topology ments with TwinCAT 2 NC I.
CPU. The CPU is cooled via the cooling without the need for additional Ethernet Further system interfaces or fieldbus
module and an easily exchangeable fan Switches. All other CX family components can connections can be added to the basic CPU
cartridge located on the underside of the be connected via the PC/104 interface that is module. The CPU module requires a CX1100-
housing. The fan speed can be read via soft- available on both sides. The passive cooling 001x type power supply module. All CX1500
ware and can therefore be monitored. module is included in the scope of supply. fieldbus modules and all CX1100-001x power
In addition to the CPU and the chip- The operating system can be Windows supply units from the CX series can be used
set, the CX1030 module also contains the Embedded CE 6 or Windows Embedded in combination with the CX1030.
RAM, which is available in different sizes. Standard 2009. The TwinCAT 2 automation
The controller boots from the Compact software transforms a CX1030 system into The order identifier of the basic CPU module
Flash. The basic configuration of the CX1030 a powerful PLC and Motion Control system is derived as follows:
includes a 128 MB Compact Flash card and that can be used with or without visualisa-

CX1030-0xxx 0 = without TwinCAT

1 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime
2 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC/NC runtime
3 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC/NC I runtime

0 = without operating system

1 = operating system Windows Embedded CE 6
2 = operating system Windows Embedded Standard 2009

0 = CPU with 2 Ethernet ports

1 = CPU with 2 Ethernet ports + 2 x USB + DVI

Since not all combinations make sense, the table “Ordering information” contains
Embedded PC interfaces for CX10x0 a breakdown of the permissible combinations.
see page 238

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Embedded PC

Technical data CX1030-0xxx

Processor Intel® Pentium® M, 1.8 GHz clock frequency
Flash memory 128 MB Compact Flash card (optionally extendable)
Internal main memory 256 MB DDR RAM (expandable to 512 MB, 1 GB)
Interfaces 2 x RJ45 (Ethernet, internal switch), 10/100 Mbit/s
Cooling cooling module + fan cartridge featuring speed control with double ball bearing fans, easily replaceable
Diagnostics LED 1 x power, 2 x LAN link/activity, TC status, 1 x flash access
Expansion slot 1 x Compact Flash type I+II insert with eject mechanism
Clock internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery exchangeable)
Operating system Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6 or Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009
Control software TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime, NC PTP runtime, NC I runtime
System bus 16 bit ISA (PC/104)
Power supply via system bus (through CX1100-0012 [K-bus], CX1100-0013 [K-bus, IP-Link], CX1100-014 [E-bus] power supply module)
Max. power loss 32 W (including CX1030-N0xx system interfaces)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 96 mm x 112 mm x 99 mm
Weight approx. 580 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+50 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

Ordering information DVI/USB no Windows Windows no TwinCAT TwinCAT 2 TwinCAT 2 TwinCAT 2

operating Embedded Embedded PLC NC NC I
system CE 6 Standard runtime runtime runtime
CX1030-0000 – x – – x – – –
CX1030-0010 – – x – x – – –
CX1030-0011 – – x – – x – –
CX1030-0012 – – x – – x x –
CX1030-0013 – – x – – x x x
CX1030-0100 x x – – x – – –
CX1030-0110 x – x – x – – –
CX1030-0111 x – x – – x – –
CX1030-0112 x – x – – x x –
CX1030-0113 x – x – – x x x
CX1030-0020 – – – x* x – – –
CX1030-0021 – – – x* – x – –
CX1030-0022 – – – x* – x x –
CX1030-0023 – – – x* – x x x
CX1030-0120 x – – x* x – – –
CX1030-0121 x – – x* – x – –
CX1030-0122 x – – x* – x x –
CX1030-0123 x – – x* – x x x
*CX1030 systems with Microsoft Embedded Standard 2009 require Compact Flash with a capacity of at least 2 GB (must be ordered separately).

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Embedded PC


DVI/USB Audio RS232 RS422/RS485 Ethernet

interface interface interface interface interface

CX1020-N0xx | System interfaces

A number of optional interface modules are available for the basic CX1020 CPU module that can be installed ex factory. The CX1020-N010
option connects Beckhoff Control Panels or standard monitors with DVI or VGA input via the DVI or USB interfaces. Devices such as printer,
scanner, mouse, keyboard, mass storage, etc. can be connected via the USB 2.0 interfaces. Multimedia capability is realised via the CX1020-N020
audio interface. The modules CX1020-N030 and CX1020-N040 offer a total of four serial RS232 interfaces with a maximum transfer speed of
115 kbaud. These four interfaces can be implemented in pairs as RS422/RS485, in which case they are identified as CX1020-N031 and CX1020-
N041 respectively. The system interfaces cannot be retrofitted or expanded in the field. They are supplied ex factory in the specified configuration
and cannot be separated from the CPU module. The internal PC/104 bus runs through the system interfaces, so that further CX components can
be connected. The power supply of the system interface modules is ensured via the internal PC/104 bus.

Technical data CX1020-N010 CX1020-N020 CX1020-N030 CX1020-N031 CX1020-N060

CX1020-N040 CX1020-N041
Interfaces 1 x DVI + 2 x USB 2.0 Line IN, Line Mic IN, 1 x COM1+2, RS232, 1 x COM1+2, RS422/ 1 x Ethernet,
(max. 500 mA per Line OUT 1 x COM3+4, RS232 RS485, 1 x COM3+4, 10/100 Mbit/s
port) RS422/RS485
Type of connection DVI-I 29-pin socket + 3.5 mm socket 2 x D-sub plug, 9-pin 2 x D-sub socket, 9-pin 1 x RJ45
2 USB ports type A for jack plug
Properties DVI-I interface built-in PC beeper, max. baud rate max. baud rate max. baud rate
also carries out Line OUT output, 115 kbaud, cannot be 115 kbaud, cannot be 100 Mbit/s, max.
VGA signals (DVI-A) max. 200 mW, used simultaneously used simultaneously 20 m cable length
suitable for ear- with N031/N041 with N030/N040 CAT5, cannot be used
phones simultaneously with
Power supply via system bus (through CX1100-xxxx power supply modules)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 19 mm x 100 mm x 51 mm
Weight approx. 80 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

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Embedded PC

DVI/USB Audio RS232 RS422/RS485 Ethernet

interface interface interface interface interface

CX1030-N0xx | System interfaces

A number of optional interface modules are available for the basic CX1030 CPU module that can be installed ex factory. The CX1030-N010
option connects Beckhoff Control Panels or standard monitors with DVI or VGA input via the DVI or USB interfaces. Devices such as printer,
scanner, mouse, keyboard, mass storage, etc. can be connected via the USB 2.0 interfaces. Multimedia capability is realised via the CX1030-N020
audio interface. The modules CX1030-N030 and CX1030-N040 offer a total of four serial RS232 interfaces with a maximum transfer speed of
115 kbaud. These four interfaces can be implemented in pairs as RS422/RS485, in which case they are identified as CX1030-N031 and CX1030-
N041 respectively. The system interfaces cannot be retrofitted or expanded in the field. They are supplied ex factory in the specified configuration
and cannot be separated from the CPU module. The internal PC/104 bus runs through the system interfaces, so that further CX components can
be connected. The power supply of the system interface modules is ensured via the internal PC/104 bus.

Technical data CX1030-N010 CX1030-N020 CX1030-N030 CX1030-N031 CX1030-N060

CX1030-N040 CX1030-N041
Interfaces 1 x DVI + 2 x USB 2.0 Line IN, Line Mic IN, 1 x COM1+2, RS232, 1 x COM1+2, RS422/ 1 x Ethernet,
(max. 500 mA Line OUT 1 x COM3+4, RS232 RS485, 1 x COM3+4, 10/100 Mbit/s
per port) RS422/RS485
Type of connection DVI-I 29-pin socket + 3.5 mm socket 2 x D-sub plug, 9-pin 2 x D-sub plug, 9-pin 1 x RJ45
2 USB ports type A for jack plug
Properties DVI-I interface built-in PC beeper, max. baud rate max. baud rate max. baud rate
also carries out Line OUT output, 115 kbaud, cannot be 115 kbaud, cannot be 100 Mbit/s, max.
VGA signals (DVI-A) max. 200 mW, used simultaneously used simultaneously 20 m cable length
suitable for ear- with N031/N041 with N030/N040 CAT5, cannot be used
phones simultaneously with
Power supply via system bus (through CX1100-xxxx power supply modules)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 19 mm x 100 mm x 51 mm
Weight approx. 80 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

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CX1100-, CX1500-xxxx |
Embedded PC

238 Embedded PC interfaces for CX10xx

IP-Link Power LEDs


Power supply

K-bus interface
(Bus Terminals)

Status Status
LCD display LCD display

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Power LEDs

K-bus interface

Embedded PC
(Bus Terminals)
Power supply

Power supply 239


Power supply Power supply Power supply

with K-bus interface with E-bus interface with K-bus/IP-Link interface

CX1100-000x | Power supply units and I/O interfaces

for CX1010/CX1020
Four power supplies are optionally available for CX1010/CX1020 systems; all other system components are powered via the internal PC/104
bus. Each CX1100-000x power supply module contains an integrated NOVRAM for the non-volatile storage of process data and a LC display
(two lines of 16 characters). The CX1100-0002 version is suitable for the direct connection of Beckhoff Bus Terminals (KLxxxx); the Extension Box
modules (IExxxx) from the Fieldbus Box range can be connected to the CX1100-0003 in addition to the Bus Terminals. The CX1100-0004 power
supply unit is available for the connection of EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx). All power supply units for the CX1100-000x system can be exchanged
in the field.

Technical data CX1100-0002 CX1100-0004 CX1100-0001 CX1100-0003

Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
E-bus connection – yes (adapter terminal) – –
K-bus connection yes (adapter terminal) – – yes (adapter terminal)
IP-Link connection – – – yes
Current supply K-bus up to max. 1.75 A 2A – 1.75 A
Type of connection spring-loaded technique spring-loaded technique 1 x open style connector, spring-loaded technique
(adapter terminal) (adapter terminal) 5-pin (adapter terminal)
NOVRAM 8 kbytes
Display FSTN display 2 lines x 16 characters of text, illuminated
I/O-DPRAM 4 kbytes – – 4 kbytes
Diagnostics LED 1 x PWR, 1 x I/O Run, 1 x PWR, 1 x L/A, 1 x Run 1 x PWR 1 x PWR, 1 x I/O Run,
1 x I/O Err 1 x I/O Err
Max. power consumption 3.5 W 3.5 W 2.5 W 4W
Dimensions (W x H x D) 40 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm 40 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm 45 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm 58 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx. 250 g approx. 250 g approx. 180 g approx. 350 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information
EtherCAT Terminals see page 340 , Bus Terminals see page 590 , Fieldbus Box modules see page 726

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Power LEDs

K-bus interface
Embedded PC

(Bus Terminals)
Power supply



Power supply Power supply Power supply

with K-bus interface with E-bus interface with K-bus/IP-Link interface

CX1100-001x | Power supply units and I/O interfaces

for CX1030
Three power supplies are optionally available for CX1030 systems; all other system components are powered via the internal PC/104 bus.
Each CX1100-001x power supply module contains an integrated NOVRAM for the non-volatile storage of process data and an LC display
(two lines of 16 characters). The CX1100-0012 version is suitable for the direct connection of Beckhoff Bus Terminals (KLxxxx); the Extension
Box modules (IExxxx) from the Fieldbus Box range can be connected to the CX1100-0013 in addition to the Bus Terminals. The CX1100-0014
power supply unit is available for EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx). The power supply units of the CX system can be changed in the field.
The CX1100-001x power supply units are electronically identical to the CX1100-000x series, but have an internal heat sink and additional
ventilation slits. The CX1100-001x series is suitable for non-standard assembly directions, even when using a CX1020 or a CX1010 (see docu-

Technical data CX1100-0012 CX1100-0014 CX1100-0013

Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
E-bus connection – yes (adapter terminal) –
K-bus connection yes (adapter terminal) – yes (adapter terminal)
IP-Link connection – – yes
Current supply K-bus up to max. 1.75 A
Type of connection spring-loaded technique (adapter terminal)
NOVRAM 8 kbytes
Display FSTN display 2 lines x 16 characters of text, illuminated
I/O-DPRAM 4 kbytes – 4 kbytes
Diagnostics LED 1 x PWR, 1 x I/O Run, 1 x I/O Err 1 x PWR, 1 x L/A, 1 x Run 1 x PWR, 1 x I/O Run, 1 x I/O Err
Dimensions (W x H x D) 42 mm x 109 mm x 92 mm 42 mm x 109 mm x 92 mm 58 mm x 109 mm x 92 mm
Weight approx. 240 g approx. 235 g approx. 325 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information
EtherCAT Terminals see page 340 , Bus Terminals see page 590 , Fieldbus Box modules see page 726

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Status LEDs

Fieldbus connection

Embedded PC
PC/104 interface
Lightbus master CANopen master 241

Address selector

Labelling area

PROFIBUS master DeviceNet master SERCOS interface master

CX1500-Mxx0 | Master fieldbus connections for CX10x0

The use of CX1010, CX1020 or CX1030 systems with fieldbus master modules enables the segment-like construction of control structures in ex-
tensive plants and machines using all Beckhoff fieldbus components (Bus Couplers, Bus Terminal Controllers, Drive Technology, etc.). The parallel
operation of several identical or different masters is possible, e.g. two PROFIBUS masters or a PROFIBUS master and a SERCOS interface master
simultaneously in a system. In the case of mixed operation of master and slave connections, CX systems act as intelligent gateways between dif-
ferent fieldbuses: data are received, processed and fed into other fieldbuses. Compared with the Beckhoff PC Fieldbus Cards, the performance
data of the fieldbus master modules are almost identical; CX variants are single-channel, however. Master or slave connections network several
CX systems with one another strictly deterministically via the fieldbus level. CX fieldbus modules can be retrofitted/exchanged by adding them to
existing CX systems. The fieldbus connections are powered via the PC/104 bus. The scanning and recognising of the modules, the parameterisa-
tion, the configuration of the connected I/O components and the online diagnosis of the process/fieldbus status take place in the TwinCAT System

Technical data CX1500-M200 CX1500-M310 CX1500-M510 CX1500-M520 CX1500-M750

Fieldbus Lightbus PROFIBUS DP, DP-V1, CANopen DeviceNet SERCOS interface
DP-V2 (MC)
Data transfer rates 2.5 Mbaud, 32 bits 9.6 kbaud… 10, 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500 kbaud 2, 4, 8, 16 Mbaud
of process data in 12 Mbaud 125, 250, 500, 800,
25 µs 1,000 kbaud
Bus interface 2 x fibre optic 1 x D-sub socket, open style connector, open style connector, F-SMA standard,
9-pin 5-pin 5-pin IEC 872-2
Bus device max. 254 nodes max. 125 slaves with max. 127 slaves max. 63 slaves max. 254 slaves
with a max. of up to 244 bytes input,
65,280 I/O points output, parameter,
configuration or diag-
nostic data per slave
Interface to the CPU ISA plug and play, 2 kbyte DPRAM
Max. power loss 2W 1.8 W 1.8 W 1.8 W 1.3 W
Dimensions (W x H x D) 38 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx. 190 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

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Status LEDs

Fieldbus connection
Embedded PC

PC/104 interface
242 Lightbus slave

Address selector

Labelling area

PROFIBUS slave CANopen slave DeviceNet slave

CX1500-Bxx0 | Slave fieldbus connections for CX10x0

Fieldbus slave modules enable the use of a CX1010, CX1020 or CX1030 system as a subordinate local controller for the construction of complex
or modular systems. External process data are received from the master and processed, or data from its own process peripherals are returned
to the master controller directly or processed. The interface between the respective bus system and the CX CPU module is the DPRAM, which is
addressed by the CPU module via the internal ISA bus. The parallel operation of several identical or different slave connections is possible, e.g.
two PROFIBUS slaves or a PROFIBUS slave and a SERCOS interface slave simultaneously in a system. In the case of mixed operation of master
and slave connections, CX systems act as intelligent gateways between different fieldbuses: data are received, processed and fed into other field-
buses. The CX fieldbus modules are single-channel. Master or slave connections network several CX systems with one another strictly determin-
istically via the fieldbus level. CX fieldbus modules can be retrofitted/exchanged by adding them to existing CX systems. The fieldbus connections
are powered via the PC/104 bus. The integration of the fieldbus connections in TwinCAT 2 automation software is simple, as usual. The scanning
and recognising of the modules, the parameterisation, the configuration of the connected I/O components and the online diagnosis of the pro-
cess/fieldbus status take place in the TwinCAT 2 System Manager.

Technical data CX1500-B200 CX1500-B310 CX1500-B510 CX1500-B520

Fieldbus Lightbus PROFIBUS DP, DP-V1, CANopen DeviceNet
DP-V2 (MC)
Data transfer rates 2.5 Mbaud, 32 bits of 9.6 kbaud…12 Mbaud 10, 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 125, 250, 500 kbaud
process data in 25 µs 500, 800, 1,000 kbaud
Bus interface 2 x fibre optic 1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin open style connector, open style connector,
5-pin 5-pin
Bus device max. 255 slaves max. 125 slaves max. 127 slaves max. 63 slaves
Max. number of bytes max. 512 byte input/ max. 244 byte input/ max. 1,536 byte input/ max. 255 byte input/
512 byte output 244 byte output 1,536 byte output 255 byte output
Max. power loss 1.8 W
Dimensions (W x H x D) 38 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx. 190 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

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0 V DC (UPS output voltage)

24 V DC (UPS output voltage)
Power fail (digital output)

Embedded PC
0 V DC (input power supply)
24 V DC (input power supply)

UPS CX1100-0910 243

Switch for
retention time setting

UPS CX1100-0900 UPS CX1100-0920, CX1100-0930

CX1100-09x0 | UPS modules for CX10x0

The CX1100-09x0 UPS module (uninterruptible power supply) for CX1010, CX1020 or CX1030 CPUs and the connected CX components ensures
that important data are stored safely by the user software if the external voltage fails. As opposed to battery operated methods, the use of the
latest capacitor technologies enables absolute freedom from maintenance and fast charging. By storing the data, for example on a Compact
Flash card, in NOVRAM or via the network in a database, the machine or the process can be placed in a defined condition during the retention
time of the UPS and the operating system can be shut down. The retention time can be set via a rotary switch or via software. UPS settings are
made and its status messages are output via a DPRAM interface. The functionality of the UPS is therefore independent of the operating system
to be used. No driver software is required. The TwinCAT System Manager recognises the UPS module automatically, and the signals are available
to the PLC programmer. The module is installed by simply adding it to a CX system in addition to wiring a 24 V DC supply line, and it can also be
retrofitted on site. The 24 V DC output voltage of the UPS is protected against short circuit and overload. When dimensioning the UPS, the power
consumption of the CX device being powered must be considered. For the supply, a regulated 24 V DC power supply unit with an output current
of at least 4 A is required. The CX1100-0920 UPS is recommended for UPS use with a CX1020 and the CX1100-0930 UPS for use with a CX1030.

Technical data CX1100-0900 CX1100-0910 CX1100-0920 CX1100-0930

Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Storage technology capacitive
Charge 20 As 20 As 40 As 40 As
Retention time adjustable, load-dependent
Max. output current 550 mA (24 V DC) 1.1 A (24 V DC) 1.1 A (24 V DC) 2.0 A (24 V DC)
Charging current max. 4 A
Diagnostics LED 24 V DC input, 24 V DC output, Charge
Interface to the CPU 16 bit ISA (PC/104 standard)
Max. power loss 2W
Dimensions (W x H x D) 57 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm 76 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm 95 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm 95 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx. 346 g approx. 465 g approx. 617 g approx. 650 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

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CX2000 | Embedded PCs
Embedded PC


Metal 2 independent Power supply with inte-

housing GBit Ethernet grated I/O interface, which
ports can alternatively drive
either K-bus or E-bus
Dual GBit
4 USB 2.0

PCI Express (PCIe) CFast SSD Fanless

Multi optional interface DVI-I interface Single- or multi-core Intel® CPU

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Embedded PC

CX2020 CX2030 CX2040

The CX2020, CX2030 and CX2040 Embedded – CX2100-0004: E-bus/K-bus power supply PLC, Motion Control, interpolation
PCs extend the CX product family with ver- unit with automatic switchover and visualisation
sions with very high CPU power (optionally – CX2100-0014: E-bus/K-bus power supply As IPC on a DIN rail the CX2000 in conjunc-
with multi-core) and enable direct connection unit with automatic switchover and pas- tion with TwinCAT offers the functionality
of Bus Terminals or EtherCAT Terminals. sive ventilation of large Industrial PCs. Multi-core CPUs in
The CX2000 in conjunction with EtherCAT – CX2100-0904: E-bus/K-bus power supply conjunction with TwinCAT 3 enable PLC
and TwinCAT enables very fast control pro- unit with automatic switchover and inte- projects to be distributed to several cores,
cesses in the microsecond range (eXtreme grated capacitive UPS resulting in significant performance gains.
Fast Control Technology). – CX2100-0914: E-bus/K-bus power sup- Moreover, all TwinCAT functionalities are
The basic CPU modules have a CFast ply unit with automatic switchover and available for Motion Control applications:
memory card, two independent Gbit Ethernet integrated electronic charging unit for in theory, up to 256 axes can be controlled.
interfaces, four USB 2.0 interfaces and a DVI-I external battery packs in order to main- In addition to simple point-to-point move-
interface as standard. In addition there are tain UPS functionality ments, more complex multi-axis functions
fieldbus or serial connection options. Please All power supply units feature an illumi- (electronic gearbox, cam plates, flying saw
note that these have to be specified with nated anti-glare LC display with two rows etc.) can be implemented. Due to the high-
the order, i.e. retrospective installation is not of 16 characters each for displaying status performance CPUs in the CX2000, interpolat-
possible. Other components from the CX2000 messages. ing 3-D path movements can also be imple-
family can be connected via the multi-pin ter- The application programs can also use mented and DIN 66025 programs executed.
minals on either side. The multi-pin terminal the display for displaying application-specific In addition to handling real-time control
on the left-hand side enables the connection texts. tasks the TwinCAT real-time kernel leaves
of up to four further optional modules. enough time for the user interface (HMI).
EtherCAT as a fast I/O system The high performance of the graphics kernel
The components The CX2020, CX2030 and CX2040 Embed- integrated in the CPU enables demanding
The individual system component are 22 mm ded PCs were developed with a view to- visualisations with advanced user interfaces
wide or a multiple thereof. The basic unit con- wards optimised interaction with EtherCAT. to be realised.
sists of the CX20x0 CPU module and a power EtherCAT offers a wide range of application
supply module (CX2100-0xxx). options. The separate Gbit Ethernet interfaces +60 °C The extended operating temperature
-25 °C
enable EtherCAT to be used with cable redun- range between -25…+60 °C enables
Power supply unit with integrated dancy by using one of the Ethernet interfaces application in climatically demanding
I/O interface and optional UPS as redundancy port. In addition, devices with situations.
The 24 V DC power supply unit is available EtherCAT slave interface can be operated
in four different versions: such that several intelligent controllers can
be synchronised via an EtherCAT network.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


+60 °C

-25 °C

Status LEDs

Ethernet and
Embedded PC

USB connection

246 Battery
DVI connection the flap)

Multi optional interface
(e.g. RS232, PROFIBUS,

CX2020, CX2030, CX2040 | Basic CPU module

The CX2020 has a 1.4 GHz Intel® Celeron® The CPU has a 128 kB NOVRAM persistent of the CPU. Two further CFast memory card
CPU, the CX2030 has a 1.5 GHz Intel® Core™ data memory for situations where no UPS modules (CX2550 0010) can be connected
i7 dual-core CPU and the CX2040 has a is used. between the power supply unit and the CPU,
2.1 GHz Intel® Core™ i7 quad-core CPU. The operating system is Microsoft so that a total of up to three CFast cards
In the CX2020 and CX2030 the controller Windows Embedded Compact 7 or Windows can be used. RAID can be used in situations
is fanless and has no rotating components. Embedded Standard 7 P. where more than one CFast card is used.
Due to its high power, the CX2040 has a fan Up to four modules can be connected to
with ball bearings and speed monitoring. the basic CPU module. The connection order The order identifier of the basic CPU module
In addition to the CPU and chipset the basic is irrelevant. Internally the modules are con- is derived as follows:
modules also contain the main memory. nected via PCI Express and can be connected
For the CX2020 and CX2030 the size is 2 GB. subsequently to the CPU “in the field”.
4 GB is possible as option. The CX2040 has The power supply for the CPU module
4 GB of RAM as standard. The controller comes from a CX2100 power supply module,
boots from the CFast flash memory card. which is connected on the right-hand side

CX20x0-01xT Optional interfaces:

0 = operating system only/optional TwinCAT 3
1 = with TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime CX20x0-N010 = second DVI connection, DVI-D port
2 = with TwinCAT 2 NC PTP runtime CX20x0-N030 = RS232, D-sub plug
3 = with TwinCAT 2 NC I runtime CX20x0-N031 = RS422/RS485, D-sub socket
CX20x0-B110 = EtherCAT slave, EtherCAT IN and OUT (2 x RJ45)
0 = no operating system CX20x0-M310 = PROFIBUS master, D-sub socket, 9-pin
1 = operating system Microsoft Windows CX20x0-B310 = PROFIBUS slave, D-sub socket, 9-pin
Embedded Compact 7 CX20x0-M510 = CANopen master, D-sub plug, 9-pin
2 = operating system Microsoft Windows CX20x0-B510 = CANopen slave, D-sub plug, 9-pin
Embedded Standard 7 P 32 bit CX20x0-M930 = PROFINET RT, controller
3 = operating system Microsoft Windows CX20x0-B930 = PROFINET RT, device, Ethernet (2 x RJ45 switch)
Embedded Standard 7 P 64 bit CX20x0-B950 = EtherNet/IP slave, Ethernet (2 x RJ45 switch)

2 = Intel® Celeron® processor 1.4 GHz, 1 core

3 = Intel® Core™ processor 1.5 GHz, 2 cores
4 = Intel® Core™ processor 2.1 GHz, 4 cores

Since not all combinations make sense, the table “Ordering information” contains a breakdown of the permissible combinations.

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Embedded PC

Technical data CX2020 CX2030 CX2040

Processor Intel® Celeron® 827E 1.4 GHz, Intel® Core™ i7 2610UE 1.5 GHz, Intel® Core™ i7 2715QE 2.1 GHz,
1 core (TC3: 50) 2 cores (TC3: 60) 4 cores (TC3: 70)
Flash memory 4 or 8 GB CFast flash card (optionally extendable)
Internal main memory 2 GB DDR3 RAM 2 GB DDR3 RAM 4 GB DDR3 RAM
Persistent memory 128 KB NOVRAM integrated
Interfaces 2 x RJ45, 10/100/1000 Mbit/s, DVI-I, 4 x USB 2.0, 1 x optional interface
Diagnostics LED 1 x power, 1 x TC status, 1 x flash access, 2 x bus status
Clock internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery exchangeable)
Operating system Microsoft Windows Embedded Compact 7 or Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 P
Control software TwinCAT 2 PLC runtime, NC PTP runtime, NC I runtime | TwinCAT 3, see price list TwinCAT 3
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Max. power loss 15 W (including the system interfaces) 20 W (including the system interfaces) 42 W (including the system interfaces)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 144 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx. 1160 g approx. 1165 g approx. 1230 g
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
TC3 performance class performance plus (50); for mid performance (60); for high performance (70); for
further information on TwinCAT 3 further information on TwinCAT 3 further information on TwinCAT 3
see page 898 see page 898 see page 898
Further information

Ordering information no Windows Windows Windows optional TwinCAT 2 TwinCAT 2 TwinCAT 2

operating Embedded Embedded Embedded TwinCAT 3 PLC NC PTP NC I
system Compact 7 Standard 7 Standard 7 runtime runtime runtime
P 32 bit P 64 bit
CX20x0-0100 x – – – – – – –
CX20x0-0110 – x – – x – – –
CX20x0-0111 – x – – – x – –
CX20x0-0112 – x – – – – x –
CX20x0-0113 – x – – – – – x
CX20x0-0120 – – x – x – – –
CX20x0-0121 – – x – – x – –
CX20x0-0122 – – x – – – x –
CX20x0-0123 – – x – – – – x
CX20x0-0130 – – – x x – – –

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+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
Embedded PC

Power supply unit with integrated capac-

itive UPS and E-bus/K-bus interface

+60 °C

-25 °C

Power supply unit with Power supply unit with E-bus/K-bus Power supply unit with integrated Smart
E-bus/K-bus interface interface and passive ventilation Battery charger and E-bus/K-bus interface

CX2100-0xxx | Power supply units and UPS modules

for CX2000
Each of the four CX2100 power supply modules has an LC display with 2 x 16 characters. It is controlled via TwinCAT. All power supply modules
feature automatic K-bus/E-bus detection and therefore support both I/O systems. The standard power supply CX2100-0004 provides a maximum
output of 45 W. The more powerful CX2100-0014 power supply unit offers a maximum output of 90 W. It has to be used for CX2040 quad-core
CPU systems. Thanks to its wider housing front the CX2100-0014 also allows passive ventilation through the front and is thus also suitable for
horizontal mounting positions. Optionally it can be equipped with active ventilation (fan option) to provide the normally fanless CX2020/CX2030
with a better heat dissipation for operation in different ambient conditions. The CX2100-0904 module also features integrated capacitive
UPS. In the event of a power failure this enables the system to save data on the storage medium and then shut down in an orderly manner.
The CX2100-0914 module can be used to charge external battery packs in order to provide backup power for the system and external compo-
nents such as Control Panels. All power supply units from the CX2000 series are in principle passively cooled and fanless.

Technical data CX2100-0004 CX2100-0014 CX2100-0904 CX2100-0914

Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Max. output 45 W 90 W 45 W 90 W
I/O connection E-bus (EtherCAT Terminals) or K-bus (Bus Terminals), automatic recognition
Current supply E-bus/K-bus 2A
UPS – – capacitively integrated external Smart Battery
Charge – – 75 As dependent on battery
Type of connection spring-loaded technique (adapter terminal)
Display FSTN display 2 lines x 16 characters of text, illuminated
Diagnostics LED 1 x PWR, 1 x I/O Run, 1 x I/O Err
Max. power consumption 3.5 W
Dimensions (W x H x D) 39 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm 64 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm 117 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm 73 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx. 375 g approx. 550 g approx. 1030 g approx. 800 g
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C -25…+50 °C/-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL CE CE
Further information
CX2900-0192 battery pack for CX2100-0914
EtherCAT Terminals see page 340 , Bus Terminals see page 590

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+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

Embedded PC

Audio RS232 RS422/RS485 Dual GBit Ethernet USB

interface interface interface interface interface

CX2500-00xx | System modules for CX2000

The system modules for the CX2000 family are connected to the CPU on the left-hand side via a multi-pin connector. Internally they are connect-
ed via PCI Express. Up to four modules can be connected in any order. The CX2500-0020 audio module has jack plug (5 x 3.5 mm) and cinch plug
for digital signals (SPDIF). Up to 7.1 multi-channel audio can be used. Serial interfaces can be added with the modules CX2500-0030 (RS232) and
CX2500-0031 (RS422/RS485). The CX2500-0060 module provides two further independent Gbit Ethernet interfaces. The CX2500-0070 module
can be used to add up to four further USB 3.0 interfaces.

Technical data CX2500-0020 CX2500-0030 CX2500-0031 CX2500-0060 CX2500-0070

Interfaces Line IN, Line OUT, RS232 RS422/RS485 2 x Ethernet, 4 x USB 3.0
Mic IN, 7.1, SPDIF 10/100/1000 Mbit/s (max. 2 A total
Type of connection 3.5 mm socket 2 x D-sub plug, 2 x D-sub plug, 2 x RJ45 4 x USB 3.0,
for jack plug, 9-pin 9-pin type A
RCA socket
Power supply via system bus (through CX2100-0xxx power supply modules)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 24 mm x 99 mm x 54.5 mm
Weight approx. 180 g approx. 205 g approx. 203 g approx. 195 g approx. 195 g
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

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+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
Embedded PC


CFast slot 2½-inch HDD/SSD

CX2550-00x0 | Extension modules for CX2000

The extension modules for the CX2000 family are connected to the CPU on the right-hand side via a multi-pin connector. Up to two CX2550-0010
CFast or CX2550-0020 HDD/SSD modules can be connected, so that a total of up to three storage media are available. The storage media can be
mounted at the front without tools (CX2550-0010) or by means of a plug-in frame (CX2550-0020), enabling fast and uncomplicated exchange of
the storage medium.
The CX2550-0020 module can accept 2½-inch storage media with a thickness of up to 9.5 mm. The internal SATA 6G port offers sufficient
bandwidth even for the latest SSD storage media. The storage medium is protected by the attachable cap, which latches to the housing of the

Technical data CX2550-0010 CX2550-0020

Interfaces SATA
Type of connection CFast slot 2½-inch slot
Diagnostics LED 1 x RDY, 1 x HDD –
Power supply via system bus (through CX2100-0xxx power supply modules)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 24 mm x 99 mm x 91 mm 24 mm x 99 mm x 125 mm
Weight approx. 280 g (without medium) approx. 290 g (without medium)
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

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+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

Diagnostic and
power LEDs

Embedded PC

RJ45 connection

USB Extended 1.1 interface USB Extended 2.0 interface

CX2550-0x79 | System modules USB extension for CX2000

The CX2550-0x79 system modules are attachments for the CX2000 Embedded PC series. They transmit USB signals via a CAT 5e cable over dis-
tances of up to max. 50 m. The CX2550-0179 system module transmits USB signals according to the USB 1.1 standard (full speed, max. 12 Mbit/s)
while the CX2550-0279 system module transmits USB signals according to the USB 2.0 standard (high speed, max. 480 Mbit/s). Both modules
can be attached at the right-hand side of a CX20x0-CPU and are placed between the power supply unit and the CPU. The internal connection is
made via a USB port of the CX20x0-CPU; this way, no PCI Express resources are required or used. No additional drivers are required for operation
since signal transformation and forwarding of the USB signals take place at the electrical level and are completely transparent for the operating
system. Each module has four diagnostic LEDs, which indicate the status of the transmission standard in addition to the power. For better visibil-
ity the LEDs of the RJ45 sockets are redundantly implemented on the lower diagnostic LEDs.
The CX2550-0179 and CX2550-0279 modules supplement the CX2000 series by the function of the CU8800 and CU8801 USB extension for
Industrial PCs and enable the direct connection of Beckhoff Control Panels with USB Extended interface. The CX2550-0179 system module is suit-
able for the connection of the Beckhoff CP69xx and CP79xx Control Panel series with USB Extended 1.1 connection. The CX2550-0279 system
module is suitable for the connection of the Beckhoff CP29xx and CP39xx Control Panel series with USB Extended 2.0 connection.

Technical data CX2550-0179 CX2550-0279

Interfaces 1 x USB Extended 1.1 1 x USB Extended 2.0
Type of connection RJ45 socket
Properties transmission of USB 1.1 up to max. 50 m via CAT5e cable transmission of USB 2.0 up to max. 50 m via CAT5e cable
Diagnostics LED 1 x power, 1 x speed, 1 x +15 V, 1 x suspend 1 x power, 1 x host, 1 x activity, 1 x link
Power supply via system bus (through CX2100-0xxx power supply modules)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 24 mm x 99 mm x 54.5 mm
Weight approx. 190 g
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

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+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

Status LEDs
Embedded PC

Address selector


PCIe interface

Fieldbus connection

PROFIBUS master CANopen master

CX2500-Mxxx | Master fieldbus modules for CX2000

The CX2500-Mxxx fieldbus master modules are left-sided attachments for the CX2000 Embedded PC series. The use of CX2000 systems with
fieldbus master modules enables the segment-like construction of control structures in extensive plants and machines using further fieldbus
components (Bus Couplers, Bus Terminal Controllers, Drive Technology, etc.). The CX2500-M310 fieldbus master module assumes the function
of a PROFIBUS master, while the CX2500-M510 is a CANopen master. Each of these modules occupies a PCI Express lane, so that a total of
four modules can be connected in any desired combination to the left side of a CX2000 group. Compared with the Beckhoff PCIe Fieldbus Cards,
the technical data of the fieldbus master modules are almost identical, but with single channels. The parallel operation of several identical or
different masters is possible, e.g. two PROFIBUS masters or a PROFIBUS master and a CANopen master. In the case of mixed operation of master
and slave connections, CX systems act as intelligent gateways between different fieldbuses: data are received, processed and fed into other
fieldbuses. Master or slave connections network several CX systems with one another strictly deterministically via the fieldbus level. CX fieldbus
modules can be retrofitted/exchanged by adding them to existing CX systems. The scanning and recognising of the modules, the parameterisation,
the configuration of the connected I/O components and the online diagnosis of the process/fieldbus status take place in the TwinCAT System

Technical data CX2500-M310 CX2500-M510

Fieldbus PROFIBUS DP, DP-V1; DP-V2 (MC) in preparation CANopen
Data transfer rates 9.6 kbaud…12 Mbaud 10, 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500, 800, 1,000 kbaud
Bus interface 1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin
Bus device max. 125 slaves with up to 244 bytes input, output, max. 127 slaves
parameter, configuration or diagnostic data per slave
Interface to the CPU PCI Express
Max. power loss 2.8 W
Properties PROFIBUS – different DP cycle times are possible for CANopen – supported PD communication types: event
each slave. The error management for each user is freely driven, time-controlled, synchronous, polling; emergency
configurable. message handling, guarding and heartbeat, boot-up accord-
ing to DS302, Online Bus Load Monitor and Bus Trace,
the error management for each user is freely configurable.
Dimensions (W x H x D) 24 mm x 99 mm x 54.5 mm
Weight approx. 180 g
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

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+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

Status LEDs

Embedded PC
Address selector


PCIe interface

Fieldbus connection

PROFIBUS slave CANopen slave

CX2500-Bxxx | Slave fieldbus modules for CX2000

The CX2500-Bxxx fieldbus slave modules are left-sided attachments for the CX2000 Embedded PC series. The use of CX2000 systems with
fieldbus slave modules enables the use of a CX system as a subordinate local controller for the construction of complex or modular systems.
External process data are received from the master and processed, or data from its own process peripherals are returned to the master controller
directly or processed.
The CX2500-B310 fieldbus slave module assumes the function of a PROFIBUS slave, while the CX2500-B510 is a CANopen slave. Each of
these modules occupies a PCI Express lane, so that a total of four of these modules can be connected in any desired combination to the left side
of a CX2000 group. The fieldbus slave modules are single-channel modules. The CX2500-B310 fieldbus slave module for PROFIBUS can present
itself to the master as a multiple (max. quadruple) “virtual” slave station, resulting in a four-fold increase in the quantity of exchanged process
The parallel operation of several identical or different slaves is possible, e.g. two PROFIBUS slaves or a PROFIBUS slave and a CANopen slave.
In the case of mixed operation of master and slave connections, CX systems act as intelligent gateways between different fieldbuses: data are
received, processed and fed into other fieldbuses.
Master or slave connections network several CX systems with one another strictly deterministically via the fieldbus level. CX fieldbus modules
can be retrofitted/exchanged by adding them to existing CX systems. The scanning and recognising of the modules, the parameterisation, the con-
figuration of the connected I/O components and the online diagnosis of the process/fieldbus status take place in the TwinCAT System Manager.

Technical data CX2500-B310 CX2500-B510

Fieldbus PROFIBUS DP, DP-V1 CANopen
Data transfer rates 9.6 kbaud…12 Mbaud 10, 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500, 800, 1,000 kbaud
Bus interface 1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin
Bus device max. 125 slaves max. 127 slaves
Interface to the CPU PCI Express
Max. number of bytes max. 244 byte input/244 byte output
Max. power loss 2.8 W
Dimensions (W x H x D) 24 mm x 99 mm x 54.5 mm
Weight approx. 180 g
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

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CBxxxx | Industrial Motherboards
Embedded PC


Motherboards with Intel® x86 and ARM architecture

Simple cooling adaptation | Operating system support | Beckhoff Auxiliary on-board interfaces |
The layout of the boards is supports all Microsoft operating systems On-board touch screen control-
optimised for simple and like Windows NT, 2000, XP, XP Embedded, ler, I2C, SMB, and GPIO reduce
efficient cooling. Windows 7 and Windows CE. the overall bill of material for
a device.

EtherCAT-compatible | The Ethernet

ports of the boards are well suited
to run EtherCAT featuring extreme
fast control performance.

Beckhoff is Microsoft Embedded Gold Partner

and recognized for excellence as a proven indus-
try leader with exceptional expertise in building
and enabling Windows embedded solutions.

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Embedded PC

Motherboard series ATX Motherboard series 3½-inch

Motherboards with Intel® x86 Standard form factors components are used. All boards must pass
and ARM architecture ATX and 3½-inch are the supported standard a visual, electrical and functional inspection.
Beckhoff has expanded the “Industrial form factors. The 3½-inch form factor is char- The manufacturing date and serial number
Motherboards” line of business into an acterised by its compact dimensions and sim- are clearly marked on the boards.
independent product segment, with in-house ple cooling adaptation. No specially adapted
board development, design and production. cables are required for fast commissioning. Customer-specific adaptation and
In addition, the own motherboard and BIOS In general, Beckhoff provides all form factors integration services
development initiatives enable Beckhoff to with one chipset: the chipset Intel® QM87, Board and BIOS can be adapted to meet the
respond more quickly to new technologies for example, is available on all of the above needs of a customized device. Furthermore,
in the PC market and to customer-specific mentioned board shapes. This allows the Beckhoff is experienced in designing and pro-
requirements. construction of a family with architecture- ducing complete embedded units, including
identical devices. the housing, display, various other electrical
Flexible PC BIOS software and mechanical interfaces, operating systems
Full BIOS source code access for Phoenix Long-term availability and application software.
and AMI BIOS makes it possible to adapt to Boards are made available for a minimum of
special board functions or introduce specific five years, based on the general market avail- Beckhoff Motherboards –
customer requirements. BIOS functionality ability of the components. All components are Hightech from Westphalia, Germany
very much depends on the field of usage selected according to the longevity of supply. The complete engineering and design
for a motherboard: commercial applications CPUs and chipsets, for example, are selected cycle as well as manufacturing of the boards
typically require a balance between power only if they are part of the embedded product takes place in Westphalia, Germany, at two
dissipation and program load, the industrial line of the manufacturer. locations: in Münster and at the Beckhoff
usage often requires full CPU availability at headquarters in Verl. This local geographi-
any time. For example, settings for speed Manufacturing quality cal context ensures short turnaround cycles
stepping and thermal monitoring need to be Since Beckhoff is using many of the mother- between engineering, production and quality
adapted in the BIOS to reflect the different board products in their own PCs, quality is control. It also ensures that reaction time on
usage modes. the number one goal. The focus is robustness customer feedback is the shortest possible.
and reliability; only high quality electronic

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Product overview Industrial Motherboards
Embedded PC


ATX 3½-inch

CB1056 CB1061 CB3056 CB3060 CB3063

257 258 259 260 261
CPU type
CPU Intel® Celeron®/ Intel® Intel® Celeron®/ Intel® Intel® Atom™ E38xx
Core™ i3/ Core™ i3/ Core™ i3/ Core™ i3/
Core™ i5/ Core™ i5/ Core™ i5/ Core™ i5/
Core™ i7 Core™ i7 Core™ i7 Core™ i7

Performance 1.1…2.5 GHz depending on 1.1…2.5 GHz depending on 1.46…1.91 GHz

selected CPU selected CPU

Chipset Intel® QM67 Intel® Q87 Intel® QM67 Intel® QM87 Intel® Atom™ E38xx

Type 2 x SODIMM204– 4 x SODIMM204– 2 x SODIMM204– 2 x SODIMM204– SODIMM204–
1.5 V/DDR3 1.35 V/DDR3L 1.5 V/DDR3 1.35 V/DDR3L 1.35 V/DDR3L

Speed max. DDR3 1066 DDR3L 1600 DDR3 1600 DDR3L 1600 DDR3L 1333

ISA/PCI –/3 x PCI32 slot –/3 x PCI32 slot –/Mini PCI –/Mini PCI –

PCIe 2x/1x/1x 2 x PCIe x1(2.0) + 4 x 1 or 1 x 4 4 x PCIe x1(2.0) or 1 x PCIe x1

x1/x4/x16 (PCIe V 2.0) 1 x PCIe x16(3.0) 1 x PCIe x4(2.0)

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CB1056 ATX

Embedded PC
Front side

Back side

CB1056 | ATX Industrial Motherboard

CPU Intel® Celeron®/Core™ i3/ Controller and codec Intel® QM67/Realtek ALC889 (HDA)
CPU type, chipset

Core™ i5/Core™ i7 Support for 2.0/5.1/7.1 yes/yes/yes

Socket PGA988 Analog input Line/CD/Mic1/Mic2/PCBeep
2nd level cache max. 6 MB Analog output Line/Mono out yes/–
FSB – Digital input/output yes/yes
Performance 1.1…2.5 GHz
Chipset Intel® QM67 LAN1 controller Intel® QM67/82579L Phy

LAN1 10/100/1000
Type 2 x SODIMM204–1.5 V/DDR3 LAN1 boot option RPL/PXE/WOL

Max. memory/speed 8,192 MB/DDR3 1600 LAN2 controller Intel® 82574L

On-board flash – LAN2 10/100/1000
LAN2 boot option RPL/PXE/WOL
ATA primary/secondary –

ATA RAID – Controller CPU integrated


PIO – Video BIOS Intel® Extreme

DMA – Memory 512 MB DVMT
SATA 2 x 6 G, 4 x 3 G CRT/CRT resolution yes/2048 x 1536
SATA RAID 0/1/5/10 DVI 2 x DVI, 1 x DisplayPort
1.5 Gbs/3.0 Gbs yes/yes/yes LCD TTL –
USB channels 14 LCD resolution 1920 x 1200 (DVI)
USB 1.0/2.0/host
Specials/options – Manufacturer/BIOS chip AMI Aptio/2 x FWH (SPI-Flash)

COM1/2 (TTL)/RS232 Power management APM/ACPI yes/yes

COM3/4 (TTL)/RS232 SpeedStep®/ATM yes/(yes)
LPT1 – Selectable fixed frequency yes
LPT2 – Power states S0/S3/S4/S5
PS/2 keyboard/mouse yes/yes
Floppy interface FCC/LPT – ISA/PCI –/3 x PCI32 slot

Touch controller ELO resistive – AGP 3.3 V/1.5 V –

TPM/Watchdog –/yes PCIe x1/x4/x16 2x/1x/1x (PCIe V 2.0)
Supply voltage ATX
Format ATX

Dimensions (W x H x D) 305 mm x 41 mm x 220 mm

Further information

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ATX CB1061
Embedded PC

Front side

Back side

CB1061 | ATX Industrial Motherboard

CPU Intel® Core™ i3/Core™ i5/ Controller and codec Intel® Q87/Realtek ALC889 (HDA)
CPU type, chipset


Core™ i7 Support for 2.0/5.1/7.1 yes/yes/–

Chipset Intel® Q87 Analog input Line/CD/Mic1/Mic2/PCBeep
Super IO1 SMSC SCH3114 Analog output Line/Mono out yes/–
Super IO2 – Digital input/output yes/yes
Hardware monitoring Super IO1
LAN1 controller Intel® Q87/i218 Phy

Type 4 x SODIMM204–1.35 V/DDR3L LAN1 10/100/1000


Max. memory/speed 32 GB/DDR3L 1600 LAN1 boot option PXE/WOL

On-board flash – LAN2 controller Intel® i210
LAN2 10/100/1000
SATA 6 x SATA 6 G LAN2 boot option –

SATA RAID 0/1/5/10

Boot HD/FDD/CD-ROM/FD/ZIP Controller CPU integrated

USB channels 14 Video BIOS Intel® Extreme

USB 1.0/2.0/4 x USB 3.0 Memory 512 MB DVMT
COM1/2 RS232/RS232 CRT/CRT resolution yes/1920 x 1200
COM3/4 RS232/RS232 DVI 2 x DVI, 1 x DisplayPort
PS/2 keyboard/mouse yes/yes LCD TTL –
Touch controller ELO resistive – LCD LVDS –
TPM/Watchdog yes/yes LCD resolution 1920 x 1200 (DVI, HDMI)
Supply voltage ATX 24
Manufacturer/BIOS chip AMI Aptio/128 Mbit SPI-Flash

Power management APM/ACPI yes/yes

SpeedStep®/ATM yes/yes
Selectable fixed frequency yes
Power states S0/S1/(S3)/S4/S5

ISA/PCI –/3 x PCI32 slot


AGP 3.3 V/1.5 V –

PCIe x1/x4/x16 2 x PCIe x1(2.0) + 1 x PCIe x16(3.0)

Format ATX

Dimensions (W x H x D) 305 mm x 41 mm x 220 mm

Further information

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CB3056 3½-inch

Embedded PC
Front side

Back side

CB3056 | 3½-inch Industrial Motherboard

CPU Intel® Celeron®/Core™ i3/ Controller and codec Intel® QM67/Realtek ALC889 (HDA)
CPU type, chipset


Core™ i5/Core™ i7 Support for 2.0/5.1/7.1 yes/yes/–

Socket PGA988 Analog input Line/Mic1/Mic2/PCBeep
2nd level cache max. 6 MB Analog output Line/Mono out yes/–
FSB – Digital input/output yes/yes
Performance 1.1…2.5 GHz
Chipset Intel® QM67 LAN1 controller Intel® QM67/82579L Phy

LAN1 10/100/1000
Type 2 x SODIMM204–1.5 V/DDR3 LAN1 boot option RPL/PXE/WOL

Max. memory/speed 8,192 MB/DDR3 1600 LAN2 controller Intel® 82574L

On-board flash – LAN2 10/100/1000
LAN2 boot option RPL/PXE/WOL
ATA primary/secondary –

ATA RAID – Controller CPU integrated


PIO – Video BIOS Intel® Extreme

DMA – Memory 512 MB DVMT
SATA 4 CRT/CRT resolution yes/2048 x 1536
SATA RAID 0/1/5/10 DVI 2x
1.5 Gbs/3.0 Gbs yes/yes/yes LCD TTL –
USB channels 10 LCD resolution –
USB 1.0/2.0/Host
Specials/options – Manufacturer/BIOS chip AMI Aptio/SPI-Flash

COM1/2 RS232/RS232 Power management APM/ACPI yes/yes

COM3/4 RS232/RS232 SpeedStep®/ATM yes/–
LPT1 – Selectable fixed frequency yes
LPT2 – Power states S0/S1/(S3)/S4/S5
PS/2 keyboard/mouse (yes)/(yes)
Floppy interface FCC/LPT – ISA/PCI –/Mini PCI

Touch controller ELO resistive – AGP 3.3 V/1.5 V –

TPM/Watchdog –/yes PCIe x1/x4/x16 4 x 1 or 1 x 4
Supply voltage 5 V and 5 V standby (12 V for fans)
Format 3½-inch

Dimensions (W x H x D) 147 mm x 20 mm x 102 mm

Further information

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3½-inch CB3060
Embedded PC

Front side

Back side

CB3060 | 3½-inch Industrial Motherboard

CPU Intel® Core™ i3/Core™ i5/ Controller and codec Intel® QM87/Realtek ALC889 (HDA)
CPU type, chipset


Core™ i7 Support for 2.0/5.1/7.1 yes/yes/–

Chipset Intel® QM87 Analog input Line/Mic1/Mic2/PCBeep
Super IO1 SMSC SCH3114 Analog output Line/Mono out yes/–
Super IO2 – Digital input/output yes/yes
Hardware monitoring Super IO1
LAN1 controller Intel® Q87/i218 Phy

Type 2 x SODIMM204–1.35 V/DDR3L LAN1 10/100/1000


Max. memory/speed 16 GB/DDR3L 1600 LAN1 boot option PXE/WOL

On-board flash – LAN2 controller Intel® i210
LAN2 10/100/1000
SATA 2 x SATA 3G/2 x SATA 6G LAN2 boot option –

SATA RAID 0/1/5/10

Boot HD/FDD/CD-ROM/FD/ZIP Controller CPU integrated

USB channels 11 Video BIOS Intel® Extreme

USB 1.0/2.0/3 x USB 3.0 Memory 512 MB DVMT
COM1/2 RS232/RS232 CRT/CRT resolution yes/1920 x 1200
COM3/4 RS232/RS232 DVI 2 x DVI/HDMI
PS/2 keyboard/mouse yes/yes (replaces COM3) LCD TTL –
Touch controller ELO resistive – LCD LVDS –
TPM/Watchdog –/yes LCD resolution 1920 x 1200 (DVI, HDMI)
Supply voltage 5 V and 5 V standby (12 V for fans)
Manufacturer/BIOS chip AMI Aptio/128 Mbit SPI-Flash

Power management APM/ACPI yes/yes

SpeedStep®/ATM yes/yes
Selectable fixed frequency yes
Power states S0/S1/(S3)/S4/S5



AGP 3.3 V/1.5 V –

PCIe x1/x4 4 x PCIe x1(2.0) or 1 x PCIe x4(2.0)

Format 3½-inch

Dimensions (W x H x D) 147 mm x 20 mm x 102 mm

Further information

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CB3063 3½-inch

Embedded PC
Front side

Back side

CB3063 | 3½-inch Industrial Motherboard

CPU Intel® Atom™ E38xx Controller and codec –
CPU type, chipset


Chipset Intel® Atom™ E38xx Support for 2.0/5.1/7.1 –

Super IO1 SMSC SCH3114 Analog input –
Super IO2 – Analog output Line/Mono out –
Hardware monitoring Super IO1 Digital input/output –

Type SODIMM204–1.35 V/DDR3L LAN1 controller Intel® i210



Max. memory/speed 8 GB/DDR3L 1333 LAN1 10/100/1000

On-board flash – LAN1 boot option PXE/WOL
LAN2/3 controller Intel® i210
SATA 2 x SATA 3G LAN2/3 10/100/1000

SATA RAID – LAN2/3 boot option WOL

USB channels 9 Controller CPU integrated

USB 8 x USB 2.0, 1 x USB 3.0 Video BIOS Intel® Extreme

COM1/2 RS232/– Memory 512 MB DVMT
COM3/4 – DVI-I: DVI resolution 1920 x 1080
PS/2 keyboard/mouse yes/yes (replaces COM3) DVI-I: CRT resolution 2560 x 1600
Touch controller ELO resistive – DVI internal: resolution 1920 x 1080
TPM/Watchdog –/yes DP internal: resolution 2560 x 1600
Supply voltage 24 V
Manufacturer/BIOS chip AMI Aptio/128 Mbit SPI-Flash

Power management APM/ACPI yes/yes

SpeedStep®/ATM yes/yes
Selectable fixed frequency yes
Power states S0/S1/(S3)/S4/S5


AGP 3.3 V/1.5 V –

PCIe x1/x4/x16 1 x PCIe x1

Format 3½-inch

Dimensions (W x H x D) 147 mm x 20 mm x 102 mm

Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus Components
Fieldbus Components
I/Os for all common fieldbus systems

Fieldbus Components
Fieldbus Components


766 Infrastructure Components

314 EtherCAT Terminal

450 EtherCAT Box

542 Bus Terminal

Fieldbus Components
I/Os for all common fieldbus systems

Fieldbus Components

266 The fieldbus toolkit 450 EtherCAT Box 696 Fieldbus Box
268 Fieldbus overview
270 Signal overview 454 Product overview 700 Product overview
466 Digital input/output 708 Fieldbus systems
System overviews 480 Digital combi 718 Coupler Box signal types
272 EtherCAT, PROFIBUS 486 Analog input/output 718 PLC Box signal types
274 CANopen, DeviceNet 492 Position measurement 724 Compact Box signal types
276 Lightbus, PROFINET 494 Communication 726 Extension Box signal types
278 EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP 496 Motion 746 IO-Link box
280 SERCOS, Modbus, RS485, RS232 500 System 756 Accessories
282 EnOcean, IO-Link, BACnet/IP, 504 EQ series 762 Fieldbus Modules
subsystems 464 ER series
512 Accessories

766 Infrastructure Components

284 EtherCAT
526 EtherCAT Plug-in Modules 771 PCI Cards
290 System description 782 Components in IP 20
298 eXtreme Fast Control (XFC) 530 Product overview 787 Components in IP 67
304 EtherCAT Development Products 535 EtherCAT Couplers
536 Digital input/output
538 Analog input/output
540 Motion 693 Software
314 EtherCAT Terminal 541 System
693 KS2000
318 Product overview Configuration software
330 EtherCAT Couplers 944 TwinCAT PLC
342 Digital input/output 542 Bus Terminal Software PLC and IEC 61131-3
370 Analog input/output programming system
408 Position measurement 548 Product overview 947 TwinCAT I/O
412 Communication 564 Bus Couplers Configuration tool and driver
429 Motion 580 Bus Terminal Controllers
436 System terminals 592 Digital input/output
444 Accessories 630 Analog input/output 966 TwinSAFE
656 Position measurement
660 Communication 970 TwinSAFE system
670 Manual operation 978 TwinSAFE EtherCAT Coupler
674 System terminals 979 TwinSAFE EtherCAT Terminals
600 Terminal modules 981 TwinSAFE EtherCAT Box
688 Accessories 984 TwinSAFE Bus Terminals
Fieldbus Components


The fieldbus toolkit

Beckhoff provides an extensive range PROFINET ControlNet
of fieldbus components for all common PROFINET is the open Industrial Ethernet ControlNet is an open, standardised fieldbus
I/O and fieldbus systems. The wide choice standard of the PNO (PROFIBUS users system. The protocol allows both cyclic and
of I/O components means that the bus organisation). Internationally established acyclic data to be exchanged over the bus
system best suited to the particular appli- IT standards such as TCP/IP are used for without affecting each other.
cation can be chosen: communication.
EtherCAT EtherNet/IP CC-Link (Control & Communication Link)
EtherCAT (Ethernet Control Automation Ethernet/IP is the Industrial Ethernet is an open bus system for communication
Technology) is the Ethernet solution for standard of the ODVA (Open DeviceNet between the control and fieldbus level.
industrial automation, characterised by Vendor Association). Ethernet/IP is based It is predominately used in Asia.
outstanding performance and particularly on Ethernet TCP/IP and UDP/IP.
simple handling. USB
CANopen USB has grown into a standard interface
Ethernet The effective utilisation of the bus band- for PC technology. Thanks to its high trans-
The advantages of Ethernet, such as high width allows CANopen to achieve a short mission rate, flexible topology through inte-
data transmission rates, easy methods of system reaction time at comparatively low grated hubs and the Beckhoff USB Bus Cou-
integration into existing networks, and a data rates. The typical advantages of CAN, pler, this system can be used as a substitute
wide range of services and interfaces are also such as high data security and multi-master for a fieldbus when distances are small.
found in the Beckhoff Ethernet products. capability are retained.
Modbus RTU
Lightbus DeviceNet Modbus RTU is an open, serial communica-
This well proven fibre optics bus system from DeviceNet is a sensor/actuator bus system tions protocol based on the master/slave
Beckhoff is characterised by particularly good that originated in the USA, but which mean- architecture. Since it is extremely easy to
immunity to EMI, easy installation and a very while is increasingly being used in Europe implement on all kinds of serial interfaces,
fast, cyclic and deterministic data flow. and Asia. DeviceNet is CAN-based (Controller it has gained wide acceptance.
Area Network).
PROFIBUS is widely used as a fast bus SERCOS interface Due to its open standards Modbus TCP is
for decentralised peripheral components SERCOS was originally developed as common for the use of Ethernet in the fields
(PROFIBUS DP). In addition to PROFIBUS DP a fast fibre optic bus system for drives. of automation. Modbus TCP has a so called
and FMS, Beckhoff also supports the standard Thanks to the Beckhoff SERCOS Bus “Well known port (Port 502)”, which makes
for drive communication, PROFIBUS MC. Coupler, the advantages such as high it routable via the Internet.
data rate and short cycle times can now
be provided for the I/O peripherals too.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Fieldbus Components


RS232/RS485 LON M-Bus

The “classic” serial interfaces, RS232 and LON (Local Operating Network) is a multi- The M-Bus (Metering Bus) is used as a
RS485, continue in wide use. The Beckhoff network-capable communication system for standardised system for reading energy and
RS485/RS232 I/O modules use a simple, distributed applications. It is predominately consumption meters or other end devices in
published serial communication protocol used for automation applications in commer- buildings and properties with a large number
that is easy to implement. cial buildings. of end users (see EN 13757).

AS-Interface EnOcean PTP/IEEE 1588

AS-Interface connects sensors and EnOcean enables the battery-free The Precision Time Protocol (PTP) secures
actuators with the higher control level transmission of switching signals and the synchronicity of the time settings of
via a simple and low-priced wiring measured values and is mainly used several devices in a network and is defined
method. AS-Interface is internationally in building automation. in IEEE 1588 as the protocol standard for
standardised through EN 50295 and the synchronisation of distributed clocks
IEC 62026-2. DMX in networks.
As bus system for professional lighting
IO-Link equipment DMX (Digital Multiplexing) con- BACnet/IP
IO-Link serves to connect sensors and trols dynamic lighting in stage- and event- BACnet (Building Automation Control Net-
actuators to the control level by means of business as well as lighting of exclusive work) is a standardised, manufacturer-inde-
an inexpensive point-to-point connection. displays of light and color in high-profile pendent communication protocol for building
As an open interface, IO-Link can be inte- buildings. automation, based on Ethernet. Areas of
grated in all common fieldbus systems. application include HVAC, lighting control,
MP-Bus safety and fire alarm technology.
DALI As simple sensor/actuator bus for HVAC
In building automation DALI is a systems the MP-Bus (Multi Point Bus) serves
standard for digital control of electronic to control flaps and volumetric flow rate
ballasts for lighting. controllers alongside valves and window
ventilation systems.
The local two-wire bus system EIB/KNX for SMI
the connection of sensors and actuators has Standard Motor Interface (SMI) is a standard
its main area of use in building automation, interface for the control of electronic drives
since it is well suited for implementation in for sun blinds and roller shutters e.g. via bus
various functionalities. topologies used in building automation.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Product overview fieldbus systems
Fieldbus Components

Fieldbus EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT Bus Terminal Fieldbus Box

Terminal Box Plug-in
314 450 Modules 526 542
Couplers/ Modules Bus Cou- PLC Compact Coupler
Gateways plers/Master (IEC 61131-3) Box Box
EK1xxx 332 EPxxxx 462 EJxxxx 536 BK1120 566 IL230x-B110 709
EL6695 bridge terminal 418 EQxxxx 504 BK1150 566
ERxxxx 464 BK1250 566
EL6720 master terminal 426 BK20x0 567 IPxxxx-B200 709 IL230x-B200 709
EK3100 338 BK3xx0 568 BC31x0 582 IPxxxx-B31x 710 IL230x-B31x 710
EL6731 master/slave terminal 423 LC3100 569 BX3100 583
EL6740 426 BK40x0 570 IPxxxx-B400 711 IL230x-B400 711
slave terminal

EL6751 master/slave terminal 424 BK51xx 570 BC5150 583 IPxxxx-B51x 712 IL230x-B51x 712
LC5100 571 BX5100 583
EL6752 master/slave terminal 425 BK52x0 572 BC5250 584 IPxxxx-B52x 713 IL230x-B52x 713
LC5200 573 BX5200 584
BK7000 574
BK7150 574
BK73x0 575 BC7300 585 IPxxxx-B730 714 IL230x-B730 714
EK9700 339 BK75x0 576
RS485 EL6021, EL6022 412 EP600x 494 BK8000 576 BC8050 585 IPxxxx-B800 714 IL230x-B800 715
BX8000 586
RS232 EL6001, EL6002 412 EP600x 494 BK8100 577 BC8150 586 IPxxxx-B810 715 IL230x-B810 715
EK9000 338 BK9xx0 577 BC9xxx 587 IL230x-B90x 716
EL6601, EL6614 416 BX9000 589
switch port

EK9300 339 EP9300 502 BK9xx3 578 IL230x-B903 717

EL6631 421
RT controller/device terminal

EL6632 421
IRT controller terminal

EK9500 339 BK9xx5 579 IL230x-B905 717

EL6652 master/slave terminal 422
BK9500 579

AS-Interface EL6201 419 KL62x1 662

IO-Link EL6224 420 EP6224 495 KL6224 666
EIB/KNX KL6301 666
LON KL6401 667
MP-Bus KL6771 667
M-Bus KL6781 667
DALI / DSI KL6811 668
IEEE 1588 EL6688 417
DMX EL6851 427
EnOcean KL658x 664
SMI KL68x1 668

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus Components
Fieldbus Infrastructure Embedded Drive Accessories
Modules Components PC Technology
696 762 766 184 790
PLC Box IO-Link box Modules Interfaces Master/Slave Servo Drives Connectors /
(IEC 61131-3) Cables

FM33xx-B110 762 FC90xx, FC11xx 778 CXxxxx 192 AX5xxx 770 ZS1090-00xx 516
CUxxxx 782 AX8xxx 808 ZK1090-9191 446
EP9xxx 788 ZK1090-xxxx 514
FC200x 771 CX1500-M/B200 241 Z1xxx 688
IL230x-C31x 711 FM33xx-B310 764 FC31xx 772 CXxxxx 192 ZB3xxx 688
CX2500-M/B310 252 ZK/ZS1031 688
ZB4200 689

FC51xx 774 CXxxxx 192 ZB51xx 690

CX2500-M/B510 252 ZK/ZS1052 688
FC52xx 776 CX1500-M/B520 241 ZB52xx 690
ZK/ZS1052 688

CXxxxx 192 ZK/ZS1031 688

FC75xx 777 CXxxxx 192
CXxxxx 192 ZK/ZS1031 688

IL230x-C810 715 CXxxxx 192 ZK/ZS1031 688

IL230x-C900 716 FC90xx 778 CXxxxx 192 ZS1090-00xx 516
CU2xxx, CU2508 782 ZB90x0 690
Ethernet Switch ZK1090-xxxx 514
CU2508 784 CXxxxx 192 ZS1090-00xx 516
ZB90x0 690

ZK1090-xxxx 514

CU2508 784 CXxxxx 192 ZS1090-00xx 516

EPIxxxx, ERIxxxx 748

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Product overview signal types
Signal EtherCAT EtherCAT Box EtherCAT Plug-in
Terminal 314 450 Modules 526
Industrial Stainless steel Zinc die-cast
Fieldbus Components

housing housing housing

Digital input
5 V DC/12 V DC EL1xxx 349
24 V DC EL1xxx 342 EP1xxx 466 EQ1xxx 506 ER1xxx 466 EJ1xxx 536
48 V DC EL1134 349
270 60 V DC
120 V AC/DC EL1712 349
230 V AC EL17x2 349
Safety EL19xx 351 EP19xx 472
Thermistor EL1382 345
Counter EL15x2 350 EP1518 468 ER1518 468
Digital output
5 V DC/12 V DC EL2x24 359
24 V DC EL2xxx 352 EP2xxx 473 EQ2xxx 507 ER2xxx 473 EJ2xxx 537
30 V AC/DC EL27xx 360
125 V AC/DC EP2624 479 ER2624 479
230 V AC EL2xxx 366
400 V AC
Safety EL29xx 369
PWM EL25xx 364
Digital combi
24 V DC EL1859 343 EP23xx 480 EQ23xx 508 ER23xx 480 EJ1859 536
EL1259 347
Analog input
0…2 V, ±2 V
0…10 V EL3x6x 374 EP31xx 486 EQ3174 510 ER31x4 486
±10 V EL3x0x 370 EP31xx 487 EQ3174 510 ER31x4 487 EJ3x0x 538
0…20 mA EL3xxx 376 EP31xx 487 EQ3174 510 ER31x4 487
4…20 mA EL3xxx 380 EP31xx 487 EQ3174 510 ER31x4 487
Resistance thermometer EL32xx 385 EP32xx 487 EQ3204 511 ER3204 487
Thermocouple/mV EL331x 388 EP3314 488 EQ3314 511 ER3314 488
Resistor bridge EL335x 392 EP3356 489
Potentiometer EL3255 397
Power measurement EL3xxx 391
Condition Monitoring EL3632 390
Pressure measurement EM37xx 398 EP3744 490
Analog output
0…10 V EL4x0x 402 EP4x74 491 ER4x74 491 EJ4002 539
±10 V EL4x3x 400 EP4x74 491 ER4x74 491 EJ4134 539
0…20 mA EL4x1x 404 EP4x74 491 ER4x74 491
4…20 mA EL4x2x 406 EP4x74 491 ER4x74 491
Special functions
SSI sensor interface EL500x 408
EnDAT 2.2 interface EL5032 409
Incremental encoder interface EL51xx 410 EP51x1 492 ER51x1 492
RS232, RS485 EL60xx 412 EP600x 494 ER600x 494
Motion Control EL7xxx 431 EP7xxx 496 ER7x4x 496 EJ7xxx 540
Manual operating modules
Multi-functional EP8309 499 ER8309 499

The standard EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx)/Bus Terminals (KLxxxx) can be optionally ordered with pluggable wiring level as ESxxxx or KSxxxx respectively.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Bus Terminal Fieldbus Box Fieldbus
542 696 Modules 762
Bus Terminal Terminal Compact Box, Extension IO-Link box IO-Link box Modules

Fieldbus Components
Modules Coupler/PLC Box Box (industrial housing) (zinc die-cast housing)

KL1124 598
KL1xxx 594 KM1xxx 600 IP10xx-Bxxx 728 IE10xx 728 EPI1xxx 748 ERI1xxx 748
KL1032 598
KL1712 599 271

KL1712 599
KL17x2 599
KL1904 605
KL1352 603
KL1382 603
KL15xx 604 IP1502-Bxxx 729 IE1502 729

KL2124 611
KL2xxx 608 KM20xx 609 IP20xx-Bxxx 730 IE2xxx 730 EPI2xxx 750 ERI2xxx 750
KL27xx 613
KL2612 614
KL2xxx 614 KM2xxx 616
KL2631 615
KL2904 629
KL25xx 622 IP2512-Bxxx 733 IE2512 733

KL1859 593 IP/IL23xx-Bxxx 720 IE23xx 734 EPI23xx 752 ERI23xx 752
IL230x-Cxxx 722

KL31x2 633
KL3x6x 632 IP3102-Bxxx 738 IE3102 738 EPI3174 754 ERI3174 754
KL3xxx 630 IP3102-Bxxx 738 IE3102 738 EPI3174 754 ERI3174 754
KL3xxx 634 IP3112-Bxxx 739 IE3112 739 EPI3174 754 ERI3174 754
KL3xxx 636 IP3112-Bxxx 739 IE3112 739 EPI3174 754 ERI3174 754
KL32xx 639 IP3202-Bxxx 739 IE3202 739
KL331x 640 IP3312-Bxxx 739 IE3312 739 FM33xx 762
KL335x 642

KL3xxx 643

KM37xx 646

KL4x0x 650 KM4602 651 IP4132-Bxxx 740 IE4132 740 EPI4374 755 ERI4374 755
KL4xxx 648 IP4132-Bxxx 740 IE4132 740 EPI4374 755 ERI4374 755
KL4x1x 652 IP4112-Bxxx 740 IE4112 740 EPI4374 755 ERI4374 755
KL402x 654 IP4112-Bxxx 740 IE4112 740 EPI4374 755 ERI4374 755

KL50x1 656 IP5009-Bxxx 742 IE5009 742

KL51xx 658 IP5109-Bxxx 743 IE5109 743

KL60x1 660 IP60x2-Bxxx 744 IE60x2 744
KL6011 661 IP6012-Bxxx 745 IE6012 745
KL2xxx 625
KL85xx 671

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System overview EtherCAT
IPC Automation

– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager
Fieldbus Components

– TwinCAT as EtherCAT master

Industrial PC/
Embedded PC
272 EtherCAT master: EtherCAT master:
IPC Embedded PC

PCI slave card PCIe slave card

FC1100 FC1121

Bus Terminals

EtherCAT slave
slave: EtherCAT slave: EtherCAT slave: EtherCAT slave:
Bus Coupler BK1120, Embedded PC CX8010, Embedded PC CX9020-B110, Embedded PC CX50xx-B110,
Bus Terminals Bus Terminals Bus Terminals Bus Terminals

314 EtherCAT slave: slave
EtherCAT slave: EtherCAT slave: EtherCAT slave:
Coupler EK1100, 2-port junction Embedded PC CX8010, Embedded PC CX9020-B110, Embedded PC CX50xx-B110,
EK1122, EtherCAT Terminals EtherCAT Terminals EtherCAT Terminals EtherCAT Terminals

Plug-in Modules
EtherCAT plug-in modules

Fieldbus Box

IP-Link Et
EtherCAT slave:
Fieldbus Module

EtherCAT slave:
Coupler Box IL230x-B110
with Extension Box IExxxx

EtherCAT Box

EtherCAT slave:
EtherCAT Box EPxxxx


Multi-axis servo system EtherCAT Servo Drives EtherCAT slave:

AX8000 AX5000 Compact Drive Technology up to 5 A

For further information see the EtherCAT chapter on page 284 or

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System overview PROFIBUS
IPC Automation

– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager

Fieldbus Components
– TwinCAT as PROFIBUS master

Industrial PC/ EtherCAT

Embedded PC

PROFIBUS master: PROFIBUS master: PROFIBUS master: PROFIBUS master:

IPC IPC Embedded PC CX20xx Embedded PC
with master connection CX50xx-M310,
CX2500-M310 CX9020-M310

PCI Card Mini PCI Card PROFIBUS master:

FC310x FC3151 EtherCAT Terminal EL6731

Bus Terminals


Bus Coupler BK3xx0, Bus Terminal Controller Embedded PC CX8031, Embedded PC CX20xx
Bus Terminals BC/BX31x0 (IEC 61131-3), Bus Terminals with slave connection
Bus Terminals CX2500-B310, Bus Terminals

314 PROFIBUS slave: PROFIBUS slave: PROFIBUS slave: PROFIBUS slave: PROFIBUS slave:
Bus Coupler EK3100, EtherCAT Terminal Embedded PC CX8031, Embedded PC CX20xx Embedded PC
EtherCAT Terminals EL6731-0010 EtherCAT Terminals with slave connection CX50xx-B310,
CX2500-B310, CX9020-B310,
EtherCAT Terminals EtherCAT Terminals
Fieldbus Box

IP-Link IP-Link
Fieldbus Module


Compact Box IPxxxx-B31x Coupler Box IL230x-B31x PLC Box IL230x-C31x
with Extension Box IExxxx (IEC 61131-3)

EtherCAT Box

EtherCAT Box EPxxxx



Multi-axis servo system EtherCAT Servo Drives EtherCAT slave:

AX8000 AX5000 Compact Drive Technology
up to 5 A

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System overview CANopen
IPC Automation

– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager
Fieldbus Components

– TwinCAT as CANopen master

Industrial PC/ EtherCAT

Embedded PC
CANopen master: CANopen master: CANopen master: CANopen master:
IPC IPC Embedded PC CX20xx Embedded PC
with master connection CX50xx-M510,
CX2500-M510 CX9020-M510

PCI Card Mini PCI Card CANopen master:

FC510x FC5151 EtherCAT Terminal EL6751

Bus Terminals

CANopen slave: CANopen slave: CANopen slave: CANopen slave:

Bus Coupler BK51xx, Bus Terminal Controller Embedded PC CX8051, Embedded PC CX20xx with
Bus Terminals BC/BX51x0 (IEC 61131-3), Bus Terminals slave connection CX2500-B510,
Bus Terminals Bus Terminals

314 CANopen slave: CANopen slave: CANopen slave: CANopen slave:
EtherCAT Terminal Embedded PC CX8051, Embedded PC CX20xx Embedded PC
EL6751-0010 EtherCAT Terminal with slave connection CX50xx-B510,
CX2500-B510, CX9020-B510,
EtherCAT Terminals EtherCAT Terminals
Fieldbus Box


CANopen slave: CANopen slave:

Compact Box IPxxxx-B51x Coupler Box IL230x-B51x
with Extension Box IExxxx
EtherCAT Box

EtherCAT Box EPxxxx



Multi-axis servo system EtherCAT Servo Drives EtherCAT slave:

AX8000 AX5000 Compact Drive Technology
up to 5 A

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System overview DeviceNet
IPC Automation

– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager

Fieldbus Components
– TwinCAT as DeviceNet master

Industrial PC/ EtherCAT

Embedded PC
DeviceNet master: DeviceNet master: DeviceNet master:
IPC IPC Embedded PC with master
connection CX1500-M520

PCI Card Mini PCI Card DeviceNet master:

FC520x FC5251 EtherCAT Terminal EL6752

Bus Terminals

DeviceNet slave: DeviceNet slave: DeviceNet slave:

Bus Coupler BK52x0, Bus Terminal Controller Embedded PC with slave
Bus Terminals BC/BX52x0 (IEC 61131-3), connection CX1500-B520,
Bus Terminals Bus Terminals

314 DeviceNet slave: DeviceNet slave:
EtherCAT Terminal Embedded PC with slave
EL6752-0010 connection CX1500-B520,
EtherCAT Terminals

Fieldbus Box


DeviceNet slave: DeviceNet slave:

Compact Box IPxxxx-B52x Coupler Box IL230x-B52x
with Extension Box IExxxx
EtherCAT Box

EtherCAT Box EPxxxx



Multi-axis servo system EtherCAT Servo Drives EtherCAT slave:

AX8000 AX5000 Compact Drive Technology
up to 5 A

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System overview Lightbus
IPC Automation

– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager
Fieldbus Components

– TwinCAT as Lightbus master

Industrial PC/
Embedded PC
276 EtherCAT
Lightbus master: IPC Lightbus master:
IPC Embedded PC with master
connection CX1500-M200

PCI Card Lightbus master:

FC200x EtherCAT Terminal EL6720

Bus Terminals

Lightbus slave: Lightbus slave:
Bus Coupler BK20xx, Embedded PC with slave
Bus Terminals connection CX1500-B200,
Bus Terminals

314 Lightbus slave:
Embedded PC with slave
connection CX1500-B200,
EtherCAT Terminals
Fieldbus Box


Li htb slave:
Lightbus Lightbus
Li htbb slave:
Compact Box IPxxxx-B200 Coupler Box IL230x-B200
with Extension Box IExxxx

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System overview PROFINET
IPC Automation

892 TwinCAT
– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager
– TwinCAT as PROFINET controller with “TwinCAT PROFINET RT Controller”

Fieldbus Components
– TwinCAT as PROFINET device with “TwinCAT PROFINET RT Device”

Industrial PC/ EtherCAT

Embedded PC
PROFINET controller: PROFINET controller: PROFINET controller: PROFINET controller:
IPC IPC Embedded PC Embedded PC
CX20xx-M930 CX50xx-M930,

PCI Card Mini PCI Card PROFINET controller: PROFINET IRT controller:
FC900x FC905x EtherCAT Terminal EL6631 EtherCAT Terminal EL6632

Bus Terminals

PROFINET device: PROFINET device: PROFINET device:

Bus Coupler BK9xx3, Embedded PC CX8093, Embedded PC CX20xx-B930,
Bus Terminals Bus Terminals Bus Terminals

314 PROFINET device: PROFINET device: PROFINET device: PROFINET device: PROFINET device:
Bus Coupler EK9300, EtherCAT Terminal Embedded PC CX8093, Embedded PC CX20xx-B930, Embedded PC
EtherCAT Terminals EL6631-0010 EtherCAT Terminals EtherCAT Terminals CX50xx-B930,
EtherCAT Terminals
Fieldbus Box
696 EtherCAT


PROFINET device:
Coupler Box IL230x-B903
with Extension Box IExxxx
EtherCAT Box

EtherCAT Box EPxxxx



Multi-axis servo system EtherCAT Servo Drives EtherCAT slave:

AX8000 AX5000 Compact Drive Technology
up to 5 A

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System overview EtherNet/IP
IPC Automation

– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager
Fieldbus Components

– TwinCAT as EtherNet/IP master/slave with “TwinCAT EtherNet/IP Master/Slave”

Industrial PC/
Embedded PC
EtherNet/IP master
master/slave: Eth
EtherNet/IP master/slave: EtherNet/IP master/slave:
IPC IPC Embedded PC

PCI Card Mi i PCI

Mini PC Card EtherNet/IP master:
FC900x FC9x51 EtherCAT Terminal EL6652

EtherNet/IP slave: EtherNet/IP slave:

Embedded PC Embedded PC CX50xx-
CX20xx-B950 B950, CX9020-B950

Bus Terminals
EtherNet/IP slave:
sla EtherNet/IP slave:
Bus Coupler BK91x5, Embedded PC CX8095,
Bus Terminals Bus Terminals

314 EtherNet/IP slave: EtherNet/IP slave: EtherNet/IP slave:
Bus Coupler EK9500, EtherCAT Terminal Embedded PC CX8095,
EtherCAT Terminals EL6652-0010 EtherCAT Terminals

Fieldbus Box


EtherNet/IP slave:
Coupler Box IL230x-B905
with Extension Box IExxxx

EtherCAT Box

rCAT Boxx EPxxxx


Multi-axis servo system EtherCAT Servo Drives EtherCAT slave:

AX8000 AX5000 Compact Drive Technology
up to 5 A

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System overview Ethernet TCP/IP
IPC Automation

892 TwinCAT
– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager
– TwinCAT as TCP/IP client/server with “TwinCAT TCP/IP Server”
– TwinCAT as FTP client mit “TwinCAT FTP Client”

Fieldbus Components
– TwinCAT as OPC UA client/server with “TwinCAT OPC UA”

Industrial PC/
Embedded PC
Ethernet TCP/IP: Ethernet TCP/IP: Ethernet TCP/IP:
IPC IPC Embedded PC

PCI Card Mini PCI Card

FC90xx FC9x51


Ethernet switch

Bus Terminals
Ethernet TCP/IP: Ethernet TCP/IP: Ethernet TCP/IP: Ethernet TCP/IP:
Bus Coupler BK9xx0, Bus Terminal Controller Embedded PC CX8090, Embedded PC
Bus Terminals BC9xxx (IEC 61131-3), Bus Terminals CX5000, CX9020,
Bus Terminals Bus Terminals

314 Ethernet TCP/IP: Ethernet TCP/IP: Ethernet TCP/IP: Ethernet TCP/IP:
Bus Coupler EK9000, EtherCAT Terminals Embedded PC CX8090, Embedded PC
EtherCAT Terminals EL6601 and EL6614 EtherCAT Terminals CX5000, CX9020,
EtherCAT Terminals
Fieldbus Box

IP-Link IP-Link

Ethernet TCP/IP: Ethernet TCP/IP:

EtherCAT Box Coupler Box IL230x-B90x PLC Box IL230x-C900
with Extension Box IExxxx (IEC 61131-3)

EtherCAT Box EPxxxx



Multi-axis servo system EtherCAT Servo Drives EtherCAT slave:

AX8000 AX5000 Compact Drive Technology
up to 5 A

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System overview SERCOS interface
IPC Automation

– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager
Fieldbus Components

– TwinCAT as SERCOS master

Industrial PC/
Embedded PC
SERCOS II master: SERCOS II master: SERCOS II master: SERCOS III slave
IPC IPC Embedded PC with master Embedded PC CX8097
connection CX1500-M750

PCI Card FC750x Mini PCI Card FC7551


Bus Terminals
SERCOS II slave:
Bus Coupler BK75x0, Bus Terminals

314 SERCOS III slave:
Bus Coupler EK9700, EtherCAT Terminals

System overview Modbus

IPC Automation

– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager
– TwinCAT as Modbus RTU device with “TwinCAT Modbus RTU”
– TwinCAT as Modbus TCP server with “TwinCAT Modbus TCP Server”

Industrial PC/
Embedded PC
Modbus master:
Modbus master: Embedded PC CX8090
IPC with Modbus TCP protocol implementation

Bus Terminals

Modbus slave: Modbus slave: Modbus slave:

Bus Coupler BK73x0, Bus Terminal Controller Bus Terminal Controller
Bus Terminals BC7300 (IEC 61131-3), BC8050/BC8150 (IEC 61131-3)
Bus Terminals with Modbus RTU protocol implementation,
Bus Terminals

Fieldbus Box


Modbus slave: Modbus slave:

Compact Box IPxxxx-B730 Coupler Box IL230x-B730 with Extension Box IExxxx

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System overview RS485
IPC Automation

– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager
– TwinCAT as RS485 master with “TwinCAT Serial Communication Lib”

Fieldbus Components
– TwinCAT for creating virtual PC interfaces with “TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM Driver”

Industrial PC/
Embedded PC
28 RS485 master: RS485:
IPC with RS485 interface Embedded PC

Bus Terminals
RS485 interfaces: RS485 slave: RS485 slave: Bus Terminal Controller RS485 slave:
Bus Terminals KL6021, KL6041 Bus Coupler BK8000, BC/BX8000 (IEC 61131-3), Embedded PC CX20xx-N031,
Bus Terminals Bus Terminals Bus Terminals

314 RS485 interfaces: RS485 slave: RS485 slave:
EtherCAT Terminals EL6021, EL6022 Embedded PC CX50xx-N031, Embedded PC CX20xx-N031,
Embedded PC CX9020-N031, EtherCAT Terminals
EtherCAT Terminals
Fieldbus Box
EtherCAT Box
RS485 slave: RS485 slave: EtherCAT Box
450 Compact Box IPxxxx-B800 Coupler Box IL230x-B800 with Extension Box IExxxx EP600x

System overview RS232

IPC Automation

– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager
– TwinCAT as RS232 master with “TwinCAT Serial Communication Lib”
– TwinCAT for creating virtual PC interfaces with “TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM Driver”

Industrial PC/
Embedded PC
28 RS232 master: RS232:
IPC with RS232 interface Embedded PC

Bus Terminals
RS232 interfaces: RS232 slave: RS232 slave: RS232 slave:
Bus Terminals KL6001, KL6031 Bus Coupler BK8100, Bus Terminals Bus Terminal Controller BC/BX81x0 Embedded PC CX20xx-N030,
(IEC 61131-3), Bus Terminals Bus Terminals
314 RS232 interfaces: RS232 slave: RS232 slave:
EtherCAT Terminals EL6001, EL6002 Embedded PC CX50xx-N030, Embedded PC CX20xx-N030,
Embedded PC CX9020-N030, EtherCAT Terminals
EtherCAT Terminals
Fieldbus Box

EtherCAT Box IP-Link IP-Link

RS232 slave: RS232 slave: RS232 slave: EtherCAT Box
Compact Box IPxxxx-B810 Coupler Box IL230x-B810 PLC Box IL230x-C810 (IEC 61131-3) EP600x
with Extension Box IExxxx with Extension Box IExxxx

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System overview EnOcean
I/O Automation

– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager
Fieldbus Components

– TwinCAT as EnOcean device with “TwinCAT PLC Serial Communication EnOcean”

Bus Terminals
Bidirectional communication: Unidirectional communication:
282 EnOcean master terminal KL6581 serial Bus Terminal KL6021-0023
and wireless adapter KL6583 and wireless adapter KL6023

System overview IO-Link

I/O Automation


– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager

Bus Terminals
IO-Link master:
Bus Terminal

314 IO-Link master:
EtherCAT Terminal

Fieldbus Box

nk slave:
IO-Link IO-Link slave:
IO-Link box modules IO-Link box modules
EPIxxxx ERIxxxx

EtherCAT Box

IO-Link master:
EtherCAT Box

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System overview BACnet/IP
IPC Automation

– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager

Fieldbus Components
– TwinCAT as BACnet/IP server and client with “TwinCAT BACnet/IP”

Industrial PC/
Embedded PC
BACnet server/client:
BACnet/IP Certified to BACnet/IP serve
server/client: BACnet/IP server/cli
IPC ISO 16484-5:2012 Embedded PC CX8091 Embedded PC CX5010

BACnet/IP server/client: BACnet/IP server/clie

server/client: BACnet/IP server/cli
built-in Panel PC Embedded PC CX9020 Embedded PC CX5020

System overview subsystem: AS-Interface, EIB/KNX, LON,

MP-Bus, M-Bus, DALI/DSI, SMI, IEEE 1588, DMX
I/O Automation


– configuration with TwinCAT System Manager

Bus Terminals

AS-Interface EIB/KNX LON MP-Bus M-Bus
master terminals Bus Terminal Bus Terminal master terminal master terminal
KL6201, KL6211 KL6301 KL6401 KL6771 KL6781

master terminal Bus Terminals
KL6811 KL6831, KL6841

IEEE 1588
AS-Interface IEEE 1588 external DMX master terminal
master terminal synchronisation EL6851,
EL6201 interface EL6688 DMX slave terminal
(master/slave) EL6851-0010

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The real-time Ethernet fieldbus



290 EtherCAT technology

298 XFC technology

304 EtherCAT Development Products

Ethernet for Control Automation Technology


288 Product overview 290 EtherCAT technology

296 System overview

298 XFC technology

304 EtherCAT Development


EtherCAT components
28 Industrial PC
184 Embedded PC
314 EtherCAT Terminal
450 EtherCAT Box
526 EtherCAT Plug-in Modules
766 Infrastructure Components
790 EtherCAT Servo Drives
892 TwinCAT
966 TwinSAFE
Product overview EtherCAT components

EtherCAT components

PC-based Control EtherCAT Terminal EtherCAT Box EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

Industrial CPxxxx 46 Couplers EK1xxx 330 Digital I/O EP1xxx, 466 Couplers EJ1100 535
PCs Panel PCs EtherCAT Coupler E-bus EQ1xxx, ER1xxx* EtherCAT Coupler E-bus

(EtherCAT masters) digital input

BK1xxx 337 EP2xxx, 473

Cxxxx 100 EtherCAT Coupler EQ2xxx, ER2xxx*
control cabinet PCs K-bus digital output Digital I/O EJ1xxx 536
(EtherCAT masters) EP23xx, 480 digital input

EKxxxx 338 EQ23xx, ER23xx*

Bus Coupler digital combi EJ2xxx 537
for EtherCAT Terminals digital output

Embedded CXxxxx 184 Analog I/O EP3xxx, 486

PCs Embedded PCs Digital I/O EL1xxx | ES1xxx 342 EQ3xxx, ER3xxx*
(EtherCAT masters) digital input analog input

EP4xxx, 491 Analog I/O EJ3xxx 538

EL2xxx | ES2xxx 352 ER4xxx* analog input

Software TwinCAT 892 digital output analog output

PLC/Motion EtherCAT masters and EJ4xxx 539

Control development environment Analog I/O EL3xxx | ES3xxx 370 Special EP5xxx, 492 analog output

analog input functions ER5xxx*

position measurement

EL4xxx | ES4xxx 400 EP6xxx, 494

Safety TwinSAFE 966 analog output ER6xxx* Special EJ7xxx 540
open and scalable communication functions motion

control technology Special EL5xxx | ES5xxx 408 EP7xxx, 496

functions position measurement ER7xxx*

EL6xxx | ES6xxx 412 EP8xxx, 499

Redun- TwinCAT 951 communication ER8xxx* System EJ9xxx 541
dancy EtherCAT multi-functional I/O box modules system modules

Redundancy EL7xxx | ES7xxx 429

extension of the EtherCAT motion System EP1111 500
master with cable EtherCAT Box with ID switch

redundancy capability System EL9xxx | ES9xxx 436 EP1122 500

terminals system terminals 2-port EtherCAT junction

EP9214, 501
4/4-channel power distribu-

tion for EtherCAT Box modules

*EPxxxx: industrial housing in IP 67, EQxxxx: stainless steel housing in IP 69K, ERxxxx: zinc die-cast housing in IP 67

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Fieldbus Box Infrastructure Components Drive Technology

Fieldbus Box IL230x-B110 709 PCI Ethernet FC9001, FC9011 778 Servo Drives AX51xx 800
IP 67 Coupler Box 1-channel PCI Ethernet card EtherCAT Servo Drives

with EtherCAT interface FC9002 779 up to 170 A, 1-channel

2-channel PCI Ethernet card AX52xx 801

IExxxx 726 FC9004 779 EtherCAT Servo Drives

Extension Box modules 4-channel PCI Ethernet card up to 2 x 6 A, 2-channel

for IP-Link FC9051, FC9151 780 AX8000 810

1-channel Mini PCI Ethernet card multi-axis servo system

FC9022 779 for OCT motors

2-channel Gbit PCI Ethernet card EL7201 433

FC9024 779 servomotor terminal, 50 V DC, 4 A

Fieldbus FM33xx-B110 762 4-channel Gbit PCI Ethernet card

Modules Thermocouple Fieldbus Modules Servomotors AM80xx 819

with EtherCAT interface PCI EtherCAT FC1100 781 Synchronous Servomotors

PCI EtherCAT slave card with One Cable Technology (OCT)

FC1121 781 AM85xx 827

PCI Express EtherCAT slave card Synchronous Servomotors with

increased rotor moment of inertia

Junctions CU2508 784 and One Cable Technology (OCT)

real-time Ethernet port multiplier AM88xx 839

CU1128 785 stainless steel Synchronous

EtherCAT junction Servomotors with One Cable

EP9128 788 Technology (OCT)

EtherCAT junction, AM3xxx 844

8-channel EtherCAT M8, IP 67 Synchronous Servomotors

ALxxxx 848
Media CU1521-0000 786 Linear Servomotors

converters EtherCAT media converter

fibre optic (multimode) Compact AM81xx 863

CU1521-0010 786 Drive Synchronous Servomotors

EtherCAT media converter Technology with One Cable Technology (OCT)

fibre optic (singlemode) for the EL7201 servo terminal

CU1561 786
EtherCAT media converter Transport XTS 872
plastic optical fibre system eXtended Transport System

EP952x 789
EtherCAT media converter

fibre optic (IP 67)

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EtherCAT – Ultra high-speed for automation

Highlights Protocol

– Ethernet up to the terminal – complete continuity – optimised protocol directly within the Ethernet frame
– Ethernet process interface scalable from 1 bit to 64 kbyte – fully hardware-implemented
– first true Ethernet solution for the field level – for routing and socket interface: UDP datagram
– exact timing and adapted to synchronisation – processing while passing
– distributed clocks for accurate synchronisation

– timestamp data types for resolution in the nanosecond range

Performance – oversampling data types for high-resolution measurements
– 256 digital I/Os in 12 µs
– 1,000 digital I/Os in 30 µs Diagnostics
– 200 analog I/Os (16 bit) in 50 µs,
corresponding to 20 kHz sampling rate – breaking point detection
– 100 servo axes every 100 µs – continuous “quality of line” measurement enables
– 12,000 digital I/Os in 350 µs accurate localisation of transmission faults
– Topology View

– line, tree or star topology
– up to 65,535 devices within one network – switch port terminal for standard Ethernet devices
– network size: almost unlimited (> 500 km) – fieldbus terminals for fieldbus devices
– operation with or without switches – decentralised serial interfaces
– cost-effective cabling: Industrial Ethernet patch cable (CAT 5) – communication gateways
– physical layer: – gateway to other EtherCAT systems
– Ethernet 100BASE-TX via twisted pair,
up to 100 m between 2 slaves
– Ethernet 100BASE-FX via fibre optic cable, Openness
up to 20 km between 2 slaves
– hot connect of bus segments – fully Ethernet-compatible
– operation with switches and routers possible
– mixed operation with other protocols also possible
Address space – internet technologies (Web server, FTP, etc.)
– compatible with the existing Bus Terminal range
– network-wide process image: 4 Gbyte – protocol is published completely
– device process image: 1 bit to 64 kbyte – EtherCAT is IEC, ISO and SEMI standard.
– address allocation: freely configurable
– device address selection: automatically via software
EtherCAT Technology Group

Cost benefits – international pool of companies

– includes users and manufactures
– no more network tuning: lower engineering costs – supports technology development
– hard real-time with software master: no plug-in cards required – ensures interoperability
– no active infrastructure components (switches, etc.) required – integration and development of device profiles
– Ethernet cable and connector costs lower than
for traditional fieldbuses
– EtherCAT down to the I/O terminal: no complex Bus Couplers
– low interface costs due to highly integrated EtherCAT Slave

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Protocol processing completely in hardware | Protocol ASICs flexibly configurable. Process interface from 1 bit to 64 kbyte.

Ethernet for Control Automation Technology

Real-time Ethernet: Ultra high-speed accurately to the connected Ethernet node, From an Ethernet point of view, an EtherCAT
right up to the terminal bandwidth utilisation is very poor, particularly bus segment is simply a single large Ethernet
Outstanding performance, flexible topol- for typical automation devices, since even device that receives and sends Ethernet
ogy and simple configuration characterise for very small data quantities a complete frames. However, the “device“ does not con-
EtherCAT (Ethernet for Control Automation Ethernet frame has to be sent. Moreover, tain a single Ethernet controller with down-
Technology), the real-time Ethernet technol- the times required for the redirection to the stream microprocessor, but a large number of
ogy from Beckhoff. EtherCAT sets standards outputs or drive controllers and for reading EtherCAT slaves. Like for any other Ethernet
where conventional fieldbus systems reach the input data strongly depend on the imple- device, direct communication may be estab-
their limits: 1,000 distributed I/Os in 30 µs, mentation. A sub-bus is usually also required, lished without a switch, thereby creating
almost unlimited network size, and optimum particularly in modular I/O systems, which, like a pure EtherCAT system.
vertical integration thanks to Ethernet and the Beckhoff K-bus, may be synchronised and
Internet technologies. With EtherCAT, the fast, but nevertheless always adds small delays Ethernet down to the terminal
costly Ethernet star topology can be replaced to the communication that cannot be avoided. The Ethernet protocol remains intact right
with a simple line or tree structure – no With EtherCAT technology, Beckhoff down to the individual devices, i.e. down
expensive infrastructure components are overcomes these system limitations of other to the individual terminals; no sub-bus is
required. All types of Ethernet devices can Ethernet solutions: the process no longer required. Only the physical layer is converted
be integrated via a switch port. involves consecutive steps for receiving and in the coupler from 100BASE-TX or -FX to
Where other real-time Ethernet interpreting telegrams and copying the pro- E-bus, in order to meet the requirements of
approaches require special master hard- cess data. In each device (down to the individ- the electronic terminal block. The E-bus sig-
ware or scanner cards, EtherCAT manages ual terminals) the EtherCAT Slave Controller nal type (LVDS) within the terminal block is
with very cost-effective standard Ethernet reads the data relevant for the device while nothing proprietary, it is also used for 10 Gbit
interface cards in the master. the frame passes through it. Similarly, input Ethernet. At the end of the terminal block,
data is inserted into the data stream on the the physical bus characteristics are converted
Principle of operation fly. While the frames (delayed by only a few back to the 100BASE-TX standard.
There are many different approaches bit times) are already passed on, the slave The on-board Ethernet MAC is sufficient
that try to provide real-time capability for recognises relevant commands and executes as hardware in the master device. DMA
Ethernet: for example, the CSMA/CD access them accordingly. The process is hardware- (direct memory access) is used for data trans-
procedure is disabled via higher level pro- implemented in the slave controller and is, fer to the main memory. That means that the
tocol layers and replaced by time slicing therefore, independent of the protocol stack network data access burden is lifted from the
or polling. Other propositions use special software runtimes or the processor power. CPU. The same principle is also used in the
switches that distribute Ethernet telegrams The last EtherCAT slave in the segment Beckhoff multiport cards, which bundle up to
in a precisely controlled timely manner. returns the fully processed frame, so that four Ethernet channels on one PCI slot.
While these solutions are able to transport the first slave device forwards it to the
data packets more or less quickly and master as a kind of response telegram.

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EtherCAT Slave Controller (ESC) | EtherCAT is not only faster outside the I/O device, but also inside. Digital I/Os are directly operated by
the EtherCAT Slave Controller, without delays through local firmware and independent of the installed µC performance.

Protocol Performance
The EtherCAT protocol is optimised for pro- EtherCAT reaches new dimensions in network
cess data and is either transported directly performance. The update time for the data
in the Ethernet frame or packed into UDP/IP from 1,000 distributed inputs/outputs is only
datagrams. The UDP version is used in situ- 30 µs – including terminal cycle time. Up to
ations where EtherCAT segments in other 1,486 byte of process data can be exchanged
subnets are addressed via routers. Ethernet with a single Ethernet frame – this is equiva-
frames may contain several EtherCAT tele- lent to almost 12,000 digital inputs and out- From the master

grams, with each telegram serving a par- puts. The transfer of this data quantity only To the master

ticular memory area of the logical process takes 300 µs.

image with an addressable size of up to The communication with 100 servo
4 GB. The data sequence is independent of axes takes place every 100 µs. With this FMMU: telegram processing completely in hardware
the physical order of the EtherCAT Terminals cycle time, all axes are provided with set
in the network; addressing can be in any values and control data and report their
order. Broadcast, Multicast and communica- actual position and status. The distributed
tion between slaves are possible. clocks technique enables the axes to be
The protocol can also handle parameter synchronised with a jitter of significantly
communication, which typically is acyclical. less than 1 microsecond.
The structure and meaning of the parameters The extremely high performance of the
is specified via CANopen device profiles, EtherCAT technology enables control con- The benefits of this network performance
which are available for a wide range of cepts that could not be realised with classic also become apparent in smaller controllers
device classes and applications. EtherCAT fieldbus systems. Very fast control loops can with comparatively moderate computing
also supports the SERCOS servo profile thus also be closed via the bus. Functions capacity. The EtherCAT cycle is so fast that
according to IEC 61800-7-204. that previously required dedicated local it can be executed between two control
In addition to data exchange according hardware support can now be mapped in cycles. The controller thus always has the
to the master/slave principle, EtherCAT is also software. The tremendous bandwidth enables latest input data available; the outputs are
very suitable for communication between status information to be transferred with addressed with minimum delay. The response
controllers (master/master). Freely address- each data item. With EtherCAT, a communi- behaviour of the controller is improved sig-
able network variables for process data and cation technology is available that matches nificantly without increasing the computing
a variety of services for parameterisation, the superior computing capacity of modern capacity itself.
diagnosis, programming and remote control Industrial PCs. The bus system is no longer The EtherCAT technology principle is
cover a wide range of requirements. The data the “bottleneck” of the control concept. scalable and not bound to the baud rate of
interfaces for master/slave and master/master Distributed I/Os are recorded faster than 100 Mbaud – extension to Gbit Ethernet is
communication are identical. is possible with most local I/O interfaces. possible.

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Freedom in the choice of topology | Maximum flexibility for wiring: with or without switch, line or tree topologies can be freely selected
and combined. Address assignment is automatic; no IP address setting is required.

EtherCAT instead of PCI Wiring flexibility is further maximised Ethernet, also physical) ring structure, the
With increasing miniaturisation of the PC through the choice of different cables. reference clock can determine the runtime
components, the physical size of Industrial Flexible and inexpensive shielded Industrial offset to the individual local clocks simply
PCs is increasingly determined by the number Ethernet fieldbus cables transfer the signals and accurately – and vice versa. The distrib-
of required slots. The bandwidth of Fast in Ethernet mode (100BASE-TX) up to a uted clocks are adjusted based on this value,
Ethernet, together with the data width of cable length of 100 m between two devices. which means that a very precise network-
the EtherCAT communication hardware The complete bandwidth of the Ethernet wide timebase with a jitter of significantly
(EtherCAT Slave Controller) enables the trans- network – such as different optical fibres less then 1 microsecond is available.
fer of PC interfaces to intelligent interface and copper cables – can be used in combi- However, high-resolution distributed
terminals at the EtherCAT system. Apart from nation with switches or media converters. clocks are not only used for synchronisation,
the decentralised I/Os, axes and control units, For each cable distance, the signal variant but can also provide accurate information
complex systems such as fieldbus masters, can be selected individually. Since up to about the local timing of the data acquisition.
fast serial interfaces, gateways and other 65,535 devices can be connected, the size Thanks to extended data types, very precise
communication interfaces can be addressed of the network is almost unlimited. time stamps can be assigned to measured
via a single Ethernet port in the PC. Even values.
further Ethernet devices without restriction Distributed clocks
on protocol variants can be connected via Accurate synchronisation is particularly Hot Connect
decentralised switch port terminals. The cen- important in cases where spatially distrib- Many applications require a change in I/O
tral IPC becomes smaller and therefore more uted processes require simultaneous actions. configuration during operation. Examples
cost-effective, one Ethernet interface is suf- This may be the case, for example, in appli- are machining centres with changing, sensor-
ficient for the complete communication with cations where several servo axes carry out equipped tool systems or transfer systems
the periphery. coordinated movements simultaneously. with intelligent, flexible workpiece carriers,
The most powerful approach for synchro- or printing machines in which individual print-
Topology nisation is the accurate alignment of distrib- ing units are switched off. The protocol struc-
Line, tree or star: EtherCAT supports almost uted clocks. In contrast to fully synchronous ture of the EtherCAT system takes account of
any topology. The bus or line structure known communication, where synchronisation qual- these requirements: the Hot Connect function
from the fieldbuses thus also becomes ity suffers immediately in the event of a com- enables parts of the network to be linked and
available for Ethernet. Particularly useful for munication fault, distributed aligned clocks decoupled or reconfigured “on the fly“, offer-
system wiring is the combination of lines and have a high degree of tolerance vis-à-vis ing flexible response capability for changing
branches or stubs. The required interfaces possible fault-related delays within the com- configurations.
exist on the couplers; no additional switches munication system. With EtherCAT, the data
are required. Naturally, the classic Ethernet exchange is fully based on a pure hardware High availability
star topology with junction terminals can also machine. Since the communication utilises Increasing demands in terms of system
be used. a logical (and thanks to full-duplex Fast availability are catered for with optional

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t S




Distributed clocks | Local absolute system synchronisation for CPU, I/O and drive units

cable redundancy that enables devices to be Diagnostics EtherCAT components

changed without having to shut down the The diagnostic capability of a network is a On the hardware side, EtherCAT technology
network. EtherCAT also supports redundant crucial factor for availability and commission- is located in EtherCAT Terminals, for example.
masters with hot standby functionality. Since ing times – and therefore overall costs. Only The I/O system in protection class IP 20 is
the EtherCAT Slave Controllers immediately faults that are detected quickly and accu- based on the housing of the tried and tested
return the frame automatically if an interrup- rately and located unambiguously can be rec- Beckhoff Bus Terminal system. In contrast to
tion is encountered, failure of a device does tified quickly. Therefore, special attention was Bus Terminals, where the fieldbus protocol
not lead to the complete network being shut paid to comprehensive diagnostic features data is converted within the Bus Coupler to
down. Dragchain applications, for example, during the development of EtherCAT. the internal, fieldbus-independent terminal
can thus be specifically configured as stubs During commissioning, the actual con- bus, the EtherCAT protocol remains fully intact
in order to be prepared for cable break. figuration of the I/O terminals should be down to the individual terminal. In addition
checked for consistency with the specified to EtherCAT Terminals with E-bus connection,
Safety over EtherCAT configuration. The topology should also the proven standard Bus Terminals with K-bus
In the interest of achieving safe data match the configuration. Due to the built-in connection can also be connected via the
communication with EtherCAT, the Safety topology recognition down to the individual BK1120 EtherCAT Bus Coupler. This ensures
over EtherCAT protocol has been created. terminals, the verification can not only take compatibility and continuity with the preva-
The protocol meets the requirements of place during system start-up, automatic lent system. Existing and future investments
IEC 61508 up to Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 reading in of the network is also possible are protected.
and IEC 61784-3, as approved by the German (configuration upload). EtherCAT is fully integrated into the
Technical Inspection Agency (TÜV). Bit faults during the transfer are reli- Beckhoff control architecture. The EtherCAT
EtherCAT is used as a single-channel ably detected through evaluation of the Box modules feature an integrated EtherCAT
communication system. The transport medium CRC checksum in each device. Apart from interface and can be connected directly to
is regarded as a “black channel” and is breaking point detection and localisation, an EtherCAT network without an additional
not included in the safety considerations. the protocol, transfer physics and topology Coupler Box. The EPxxxx series with industrial
Thus, the protocol can also be transmitted by of the EtherCAT system enable individual housing and protection class IP 67 is suit-
other communication systems, backplanes, quality monitoring of each individual trans- able for application directly at the machine
WLAN, etc. The transfer cycle can be as short mission segment. The automatic evaluation in harsh industrial environments. The EQxxxx
as required without affecting residual error of the associated error counters enables series with stainless steel housing and
probability. The cyclic exchange of safe data precise localisation of critical network protection class IP 69K is suitable for appli-
between a Safety over EtherCAT master and sections. Gradual or changing sources cations with high hygienic standards, such
a Safety over EtherCAT slave is referred to as of error such as EMC influences, defective as in the food, chemical or pharmaceutical
a connection that is monitored via a watch- connectors or cable damage are detected industries.
dog timer. A master can establish and moni- and located. The Beckhoff Industrial PCs, the Embed-
tor several connections to different slaves. ded PCs of the CX series, the Control Panels

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Ethernet HDR HDR 1 Data 1 HDR 2 Data 2 HDR n Data n CRC

Logical process image: up to 4 Gbytes

Sub-telegram 1 Sub-telegram 2 Sub-telegram n


Protocol structure | The process image allocation is freely configurable. Data are copied directly in the I/O terminal to the desired location
within the process image: no additional mapping is required. There is a very large address space of 4 Gbytes.

with control functionality, and the Ethernet cost-effectively integrated in all kinds
PCI cards already offer inherent EtherCAT of automation devices, while ensuring
capability. The Beckhoff Servo Drives are interoperability of these implementations.
also available with EtherCAT interface. The EtherCAT Technology Group is the offi-
cial IEC partner organisation for fieldbus
Openness standardisation. Membership is open to
The EtherCAT technology is not only fully all companies.
Ethernet-compatible, but also characterised
by particular openness “by design“: the For further information see
protocol tolerates other Ethernet-based
services and protocols on the same physical
network – usually only with minimum loss
of performance. Any Ethernet device can be
connected within the EtherCAT segment via
a switch port terminal without influencing
the cycle time. Devices with fieldbus interface
are integrated via EtherCAT fieldbus master
terminals. The UDP protocol variant can
be implemented on each socket interface.
EtherCAT is a fully open protocol. It is recog-
nised and available as an official IEC specifi-
cation (IEC 61158, type 12).

EtherCAT Technology Group

The EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) is
an association of automation users and
manufacturers with a mission to support
the development of EtherCAT technology.
The group represents a variety of industry
sectors and application areas. This ensures
that the EtherCAT technology functions
and interfaces are ideally prepared for the
widest range of applications. The organisa-
tion ensures that EtherCAT can be easily and

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EtherCAT system overview

Flexible topology

Ethernet TCP/IP


Automation suite,
EtherCAT master

296 Industrial Ethernet cable

Bus/ (100BASE-TX)
100 m

Fibre optic

E-bus K-bus
50 m (POF)
2,000 m (multimode) BK1250
20,000 m (singlemode)



Fieldbus integration

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EtherCAT bridge






Cable redundancy


Safety TwinSAFE Logic Safety inputs/outputs

Safety Drives with

TwinSAFE option cards

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XFC | Higher production efficiency with
extremely fast control technology


The I/O response time includes all hardware process-

ing times (IPC, EtherCAT and I/O system), ranging from
physical input event to output response. With an I/O
response time of < 100 µs, PLC programmers have
access to performance that in the past was only avail-
able in servo controllers with digital signal processors.

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TwinCAT Industrial PC Fast I/O Drive Technology

EtherCAT | Even faster with XFC a reduction in cycle times down to 1–2 ms, TwinCAT – The extreme fast
With XFC technology (eXtreme Fast Control) i.e. by about a factor of 10. Many special con- real-time control software
Beckhoff presents an ultra fast control solu- trol loops could thus be moved to the central – real-time under Microsoft Windows
tion: XFC is based on optimised control and machine controller, resulting in cost savings down to 12.5 µs cycle time
communication architectures comprising an and greater flexibility in the application of – standard IEC 61131-3 programming
advanced Industrial PC, ultra-fast I/O termi- intelligent algorithms. in XFC real-time tasks
nals with extended real-time characteristics, XFC offers a further reduction of re- – Standard features of Windows and
the EtherCAT high-speed Ethernet system, sponse times by a factor of 10, and enables TwinCAT are XFC-compliant.
and the TwinCAT automation software. With cycle times of 100 µs and below, without
XFC it is possible to achieve I/O response having to give up central intelligence and EtherCAT – The extreme fast
times < 100 µs. This technology opens up associated high-performance algorithms. control communication technology
new process optimisation opportunities for XFC also includes additional technologies – 1,000 distributed digital I/Os in 30 µs
the user that were not possible in the past that not only improve cycle times, but also – EtherCAT down to the individual
due to technical limitations. temporal accuracy and resolution. I/O terminals, no sub bus required
XFC represents a control technology Users benefit from options for enhancing – optimised use of standard Ethernet
that enables very fast and highly determin- the quality of their machines and reducing Controllers, e.g. Intel® PC chipset
istic responses. It includes all hardware and response times. Measuring tasks such as pre- architecture in the EtherCAT master
software components involved in control ventive maintenance measures, monitoring of – advanced real-time feature based on
applications: optimised input and output idle times or documentation of parts quality distributed clocks
components that can detect signals with can simply be integrated in the machine con- – synchronisation
high accuracy or initiate tasks; EtherCAT trol without additional, costly special devices. – time stamping
as very fast communication network; high- In a practical automation solution, – oversampling
performance Industrial PCs; and TwinCAT, not everything has to be extremely fast and
the automation software that links all accurate – many tasks can still be handled EtherCAT Terminals – The extreme
system components. with “normal” solutions. XFC technology is fast I/O technology
Not long ago, control cycle times around therefore fully compatible with existing solu- – full range I/O line for all signal types
10 to 20 ms were normal. The communica- tions and can be used simultaneously with – high-speed digital and analog I/Os
tions interface was free-running, with cor- the same hardware and software. – Time stamping and oversampling
responding inaccuracy of the determinism features allow extreme high timing
associated with responses to process signals. resolution (down to 10 ns).
The increased availability of high-perfor-
mance Industrial PC controllers enabled IPC – The extreme fast control CPU
– Industrial PC based on high-perfor-
mance real-time motherboards
– compact form factors optimised for
control applications

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XFC technologies
Distributed clocks Timestamp/multi-timestamp
In a normal, discrete control loop, actual value acquisition occurs at Process data is usually transferred in its respective data format
a certain time (input component), the result is transferred to the con- (e.g. one bit for a digital value or one word for an analog value).
trol system (communication component), the response is calculated The temporal relevance of the process record is therefore inherent
(control component), the result is communicated to the set value out- in the communication cycle during which the record is transferred.
put module (output component) and issued to the process (controlled However, this also means that the temporal resolution and accuracy
system). is limited to the communication cycle.
The crucial factors for the control process are: minimum response Timestamped data types contain a timestamp in addition to
time, deterministic actual value acquisition (i.e. exact temporal calcu- their user data. This timestamp – naturally expressed in the ubiquitous

lation must be possible), and corresponding deterministic set value system time – enables provision of temporal information with signifi-
output. At what point in time the communication and calculation cantly higher precision for the process record. Timestamps can be used
300 occurs in the meantime is irrelevant, as long as the results are avail- for inputs (e.g. to identify the time of an event occurred) and outputs
able in the output unit in time for the next output, i.e. temporal preci- (e.g. timing of a response). This way it is possible to determine, for
sion is required in the I/O components, but not in the communication example, the precise point in time when an output is to be switched.
or the calculation unit. The switching task is executed independently of the bus cycle.
The distributed EtherCAT clocks therefore represent a basic While timestamp terminals can execute one switching task or
XFC technology and are a general component of EtherCAT commu- switching event per bus cycle, multi-timestamp terminals can execute
nication. All EtherCAT devices have their own local clocks, which are up to 32 switching tasks or switching events per cycle.
automatically and continuously synchronised with all other clocks via
the EtherCAT communication. Different communication runtimes are
compensated, so that the maximum deviation between all clocks is
generally less than 100 nanoseconds. The current time of the distrib-
uted clocks is therefore also referred to as system time, because it is
always available across the whole system. Signal technology for terminals with
timestamping (64 bit time resolution)
– extremely precise time measurement for digital
single shot events per cycle: resolution 1 ns,
internal sampling 10 ns, accuracy with distributed clocks
<< 1 µs (+ input delay)
Distributed clocks – exact time measurement of rising or falling edges
– distributed absolute system synchronisation of distributed digital inputs
for CPU, I/O and drive devices – exact timing of distributed output signals,
– internal sampling 10 ns independent of control cycle
– distributed clock precision << 1 µs – absolute distributed clocks time with 64 bit resolution,
easy time handling over > 580 years

Signal technology for terminals with

multi-timestamping (32 bit time resolution)
– precise time measurement of up to 32 events
per cycle: resolution 1 ns, internal sampling 10…40 µs
dependent on the configuration
– exact time measurement of rising or falling edges
of distributed digital inputs
– exact timing of distributed output signals,
independent of control cycle
– distributed clocks time with 32 bit resolution,
sufficient for actions in a ±4-second time frame

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Oversampling Fast I/O
Process data is usually transferred exactly once per communication Very fast physical responses require suitably short control cycle times
cycle. Conversely, the temporal resolution of a process record directly in the associated control system. A response can only take place once
depends on the communication cycle time. Higher temporal resolution the control system has detected and processed an event.
is only possible through a reduction in cycle time – with associated The traditional approach for achieving cycle times in the 100 µs
practical limits. range relies on special separate controllers with their own, directly
Oversampling data types enable multiple sampling of a process controlled I/Os. This approach has clear disadvantages, because the
record within a communication cycle and subsequent (inputs) or prior separate controller has only very limited information about the overall
(outputs) transfer of all data contained in an array. The oversampling system and therefore cannot make higher-level decisions. Reparam-

factor describes the number of samples within a communication cycle eterisation options (e.g. for new workpieces) are also limited. Another
and is therefore a multiple of one. Sampling rates of 200 kHz can eas- significant disadvantage is the fixed I/O configuration, which generally
ily be achieved, even with moderate communication cycle times. cannot be expanded. 301
Triggering of the sampling within the I/O components is controlled
by the local clock (or the global system time), which enables associ-
ated temporal relationships between distributed signals across the
whole network.

Extreme fast I/O response time

– from 85 µs
– Deterministic synchronised input and output signal
conversion leads to low process timing jitter.
Signal oversampling – Process timing jitter is independent of communication
– multiple signal conversion within one control cycle and CPU jitter.
– hard time synchronisation through distributed clocks
– for digital input/output signals Extreme short control cycle time
– for analog input/output signals – 100 µs (min. 12.5 µs)
– support of analog I/O EtherCAT Terminals – new performance class for PLC application:
– up to 100 kHz signal conversion control loops with 100 µs
– down to 10 µs time resolution
– support of digital I/O EtherCAT Terminals
– up to 1 MHz
– up to 1 µs time resolution Central control
– application
– fast signal monitoring
– fast function generator output
– signal sampling independent of cycle time
– fast loop control

Subordinate special control (limited process image)

Central control

Fast central control (complete process image)

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XFC components
Implementation of the XFC technologies control system is relieved of time-consuming levels. It uses distributed clocks. Different
described above requires full support for all copying and mapping tasks and can fully time levels enable coexistence of XFC and
hardware and software components involved utilise the available computing power for the normal control tasks in the same system,
in the control system, including fast, deter- control algorithms. without the XFC requirements becoming a
ministic communication and I/O and control The distributed EtherCAT clocks that “bottleneck”.
hardware. A significant part of XFC are the form the temporal backbone of the XFC tech- An option specially designed for XFC
software components responsible for fast nologies are available in all communication enables inputs to be read during independ-
processing of the control algorithms and devices without significant additional effort. ent communication calls and outputs to be
optimised configuration of the overall system. The crucial point of XFC is the option of sent directly after the calculation. Due to the
Beckhoff offers a special XFC product integrating all I/O components directly in the speed offered by EtherCAT the inputs are
range based primarily on four categories: EtherCAT communication, so that no subor- read and processed “just” before the start

EtherCAT as fieldbus, EtherCAT Terminals as dinate communication systems (sub bus) are of the control tasks, followed by immediate
I/O system, IPCs as hardware platform, and required. In many XFC terminals the AD or distribution of the outputs with a second
302 TwinCAT as higher-level software. All com- DA converter is connected directly to the fieldbus cycle. The resulting response times
ponents are based on open standards, which EtherCAT chip, so that delays are avoided. are faster than the fieldbus cycle time in
means that any engineer or programmer can some cases.
develop very fast control solutions with high Control component – Special TwinCAT extensions facilitate
performance based on standard components High-performance Industrial PCs handling of the XFC data types (timestamp
(i.e. without special hardware). Central control technology can be particularly and oversampling). PLC blocks enable simple
advantageous if it can run faster and more analysis and calculation of the time stamps.
I/O component with XFC technology powerful control algorithms than would be The TwinCAT scope can display the data
Standard EtherCAT Terminals already offer the case with many distributed small control- picked up via oversampling according to the
full support for XFC technology. Synchro- lers. allocated oversampling factor and enables
nisation of the I/O conversion with the Fast multi-core processors are ideal for precise data analyses.
communication or – more precisely – with running the operator interface of the machine
the distributed clocks is already standard in in parallel with the control tasks. Large caches
EtherCAT and is therefore supported by the available with modern CPUs are ideal for
corresponding terminals. XFC technology, because fast algorithms run
XFC terminals offer additional special in the cache and can therefore be processed
features that make them particularly suitable even faster.
for fast or high-precision applications: An important factor for short XFC cycle
– digital EtherCAT Terminals with very times is the fact that the CPU is not burdened
short TON/TOFF times, or analog terminals with complex process data copying tasks
with particularly short conversion times needed by traditional fieldbuses with their
– EtherCAT Terminals and EtherCAT Box DPRAM-based central boards. EtherCAT
modules with timestamp/multi-time- process data communication can be handled
stamping latching at the exact system entirely by the integrated Ethernet controller
time at which digital or analog events (NIC with bus master DMA).
occur. Output of digital or analog values
can occur at exactly predefined times. Software component –
– Terminals with oversampling enable TwinCAT automation suite
actual value acquisition or set value out- TwinCAT as high-performance automation
put with significantly higher resolution suite fully supports the XFC technologies
than the communication cycle time. while retaining all the familiar features.
The real-time implementation of TwinCAT
Communication component – supports different tasks with different cycle
EtherCAT fully utilised times. Modern Industrial PCs can achieve
With high communication speed and usable cycle times of 100 µs or less without prob-
data rates EtherCAT offers the basic pre- lem. Several (different) fieldbuses can be
requisites for XFC. However, speed is not mixed. The associated allocations and com-
everything. The option of using the bus to munication cycles are optimised according
exchange several independent process images to the fieldbus capabilities. The EtherCAT
arranged according to the control applica- implementation in TwinCAT makes full use
tion enables parallel application of XFC and of the communication system and enables
standard control technology. The central application of several independent time

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industrial PC

The TwinCAT automation suite
supports XFC technology with
real-time implementation and
extensions for the XFC functions
TwinCAT oversampling, timestamp and
distributed clocks.
Industrial PC
High-performance Industrial
PCs offer plenty of computing

power for short XFC cycle times.


Timestamp input/output modules
can be used to realise responses
with equidistant time intervals.

EtherCAT Terminals

Oversampling offers refined
temporal resolution of a EtherCAT Box
signal through multiple signal

Fast I/O
Fast I/O make delays in
the hardware negligible.

EtherCAT offers the basis for
XFC with an extremely fast
communication technology.

Drive Technology
The flexible drive
interface with short
cycle times enables
highly dynamic, strictly
synchronous control
processes covering
EtherCAT multiple axes.
Servo Drives

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EtherCAT | Development Products


SPI PIC sample


selector switch Digital I/O interface

16 bit µC

Debug interfaces

EtherCAT piggyback controller board

EtherCAT evaluation kit

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ET1100, ET1200


ET1100, ET1200 | EtherCAT ASICs

The ET1100 and ET1200 EtherCAT synchronisation (<< 1 µs) of to four EtherCAT ports. The 8 kB offers up to three EtherCAT
ASICs offer a cost-effective and the EtherCAT slaves. The supply internal memory (DPRAM) for ports, one of which can be used
compact solution for realising voltage is 3.3 V or 5 V; the core access to process and parameter as MII for connecting a standard
EtherCAT slaves. They process voltage of 2.5 V is generated by data is optionally addressed via PHY. The other ports are used for
the EtherCAT protocol in the the integrated in-phase regula- parallel or serial data bus. Alter- LVDS, which makes the ET1200
hardware and therefore ensure tor or can be supplied directly. natively, the ASICs can also be the right choice for modular
high-performance and real-time The ET1100 is suitable as a uni- used without controller. In this devices using LVDS as internal
capability, independent of any versal solution for all types of case up to 32 digital signals can bus physics.
downstream slave microcontrol- EtherCAT devices; the ET1200 be connected directly.
lers and associated software. is optimised for modular devices The ET1200 ASIC is the
Through their three process data using E-bus/LVDS (Low Voltage “small” variant of the ET1100;
interfaces – digital I/O, SPI and Differential Signalling) as inter- with its QFN48 housing measur-
8/16 bit µC (not for ET1200) nal interface. Due to their com- ing only 7 x 7 mm, the chip is
– the EtherCAT ASICs enable pact design and small number even more compact. The device
realisation of simple digital mod- of external components, both offers 16 digital I/O interfaces
ules without microcontrollers ASICs only require minimum and distributed clock hardware
and development of intelligent space on the board. for high-precision synchronisa-
devices with own processor. The ET1100 ASIC housing tion. The 1 kB internal DPRAM is
Both ASICs feature distributed (BGA128) only measures 10 x addressed via a fast (20 Mbit/s)
clocks that enable high-precision 10 mm. The chip can support up serial interface. The “small ASIC”

Technical data ET1100 ET1200

Number of EtherCAT ports 4 (max. 4 x MII) 3 (max. 1 x MII)
FMMUs 8 3
SYNC manager 8 4
DPRAM 8 kbyte 1 kbyte
Distributed clocks yes (64 bit) yes (64 bit)
Process data interfaces 32 bit digital I/O 16 bit digital I/O
8/16 bit µC –
Housing BGA128, 10 x 10 mm QFN48, 7 x 7 mm
Further information

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ET1810, ET1811, ET1812 | EtherCAT IP core for Altera® FPGAs

The EtherCAT IP core enables the EtherCAT ASICs (ET1100,
the EtherCAT communication ET1200).
function and application-specific The ET1811 quantity-based
functions to be implemented on license for Altera® FPGAs offers
an FPGA (Field Programmable manufacturers of small lots and
Gate Array – i.e. a device con- development service providers
taining programmable logical the possibility of entering the
components). The EtherCAT func- world of EtherCAT development
tionality is freely configurable. with low initial investment. For
The IP core can be combined the development of an EtherCAT
with own FPGA designs, and it device, the ET1811 one-time

can be integrated in System-on- kick-off charge is required, plus

Chips (SoCs) with soft core pro- the ET1811-1000 royalty for
306 cessors or hard processor systems 1,000 devices. The royalties for
via the Avalon® or AMBA® AXI™ 1,000 devices must be paid in
interfaces. The physical interfaces advance each time.
and internal functions, such For development service pro-
as the number of FMMUs and viders only the ET1811 one-time
SYNC managers, the size of the kick-off charge will be required;
DPRAM, etc., are adjustable. the ET1811-0030 system integra-
The process data interface (PDI) tor OEM license will be required
and the distributed clocks are for each customer implementa-
also configurable. The func- tion. The end customer will
tions are compatible with the be required to pay the royalty
EtherCAT specification and license (ET1811-1000).

Configurable features ET1810, ET1811, ET1812

PHY interface 1…3 ports MII, 1…3 ports RGMII or 1…2 ports RMII
FMMUs 0…8
SYNC manager 0…8
Distributed clocks 0…2 SYNC outputs, 0…2 latch inputs (32/64 bit)
Process data interfaces 32 bit digital I/O, SPI, 8/16 bit asynchronous µC interface, Avalon interface, AMBA AXI3 interface, 64 bit general purpose I/O
Further information

Ordering information
Node-locked buy out license
ET1810 Node-locked license for using the EtherCAT IP core on one workstation.
The license includes 1 year of maintenance and updates.
ET1810-0010 Extension of the node-locked Altera license (ET1810) for one additional workstation
ET1810-0020 One-year maintenance extension for node-locked license (ET1810)
Node-locked quantity-based license
ET1811 One-time kick-off charge for the node-locked quantity-based license for using the freely configurable
EtherCAT IP cores on one workstation
ET1811-1000 Royalty for 1,000 devices, ET1811 required
ET1811-0020 One-year maintenance extension, ET1811 required
ET1811-0030 System integrator OEM license
Floating buy out license
ET1812 Floating buy out license for Altera FPGAs
ET1812-0010 Extension of the floating license (ET1812) for one additional workstation
ET1812-0020 One-year maintenance extension for floating license (ET1812)
Evaluation license (Open Core Plus IP)
Full-featured, time-limited version available.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

ET1815, ET1816

ET1815, ET1816 | EtherCAT IP core for Xilinx® FPGAs

The EtherCAT IP core enables and the EtherCAT ASICs (ET1100,
the EtherCAT communication ET1200).
function and application-specific The ET1816 quantity-based
functions to be implemented on license offers manufacturers of
an FPGA (Field Programmable small lots and development ser-
Gate Array – i.e. a device con- vice providers the possibility of
taining programmable logical entering the world of EtherCAT
components). The EtherCAT development with low initial
functionality is freely config- investment. For the develop-
urable. The IP core can be com- ment of an EtherCAT device,
bined with own FPGA designs, the ET1816 one-time kick-off

and it can be integrated in charge is required, plus ET1816-
System-on-Chips (SoCs) with 1000 royalty for 1,000 devices.
soft core processors or hard The royalties for 1,000 devices 307
processing systems via the must be paid in advance each
AMBA® AXI™ interfaces. The time.
physical interfaces and internal Development service
functions, such as the number providers only require ET1816
of FMMUs and SYNC manag- one-time kick-off charge; the
ers, the size of the DPRAM, etc., ET1811-0030 system integrator
are adjustable. The process data OEM license is required for
interface (PDI) and the distrib- each customer implementation.
uted clocks are also configurable. The end customer requires the
The functions are compatible royalty license (ET1816-1000).
with the EtherCAT specification

Configurable features ET1815, ET1816

PHY interface 1…3 ports MII, 1…3 ports RGMII or 1…2 ports RMII
FMMUs 0…8
SYNC manager 0…8
Distributed clocks 0…2 SYNC outputs, 0…2 latch inputs (32/64 bit)
Process data interfaces 32 bit digital I/O, SPI, 8/16 bit asynchronous µC interface, AMBA AXI4/AXI4 LITE interface, 64 bit general purpose I/O
Further information

Ordering information
Node-locked buy out license
ET1815 Node-locked license for using the EtherCAT IP core on one workstation.
The license includes 1 year of maintenance and updates.
ET1815-0010 Extension of the node-locked Xilinx license (ET1815) for one additional workstation
ET1815-0020 One-year maintenance extension for node-locked license (ET1815)
Node-locked quantity-based license
ET1816 One-time kick-off charge for the node-locked quantity-based license for using the freely configurable
EtherCAT IP cores on one workstation; target hardware: selected Xilinx devices
ET1816-1000 Royalty for 1,000 devices, ET1816 required
ET1816-0020 One-year maintenance extension, ET1816 required
ET1811-0030 System integrator OEM license
Evaluation license
Full-featured, time-limited version available.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.



EL9820 | EtherCAT evaluation kit

The evaluation kit serves as process data interfaces (PDIs) interface for the controller is also
platform for the development of are connected to pin strips and provided. The EL9820 can there-
EtherCAT slaves. The piggyback can be selected via PDI selector fore also be used as platform for
controller board supplied with switch. The SPI interface can the ET9300 EtherCAT Slave Stack
the kit realises the complete optionally be connected with a Code provided with the evalua-
EtherCAT connection with the PIC microcontroller included with tion kits.
ASIC ET1100. All digital I/O, SPI the kit or directly to the pin strip.
and asynchronous µController A programming and debugging

Technical data EL9820

Evaluation kit base board
EtherCAT Slave Controller ASIC ET1100
EtherCAT piggyback FB1111-0142 with ASIC ET1100
controller board
Software EtherCAT Slave Stack Code ET9300
Accessories cables, documentation
Workshop optionally available as TR8100
Further information

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FB1111 | EtherCAT piggyback controller boards

The FB1111 EtherCAT piggy- have the same form factor and
back controller board offers can be used with the EtherCAT
complete EtherCAT connection evaluation kit. They can be inte-
based on the ET1100 EtherCAT grated as EtherCAT interfaces
ASIC. All variants of the FB1111 in devices.

Ordering information
FB1111-0140 EtherCAT piggyback controller board with ET1100 and µC interface; can be integrated as EtherCAT interface in devices.
FB1111-0141 EtherCAT piggyback controller board with ET1100 and SPI interface; can be integrated as EtherCAT interface in devices.
FB1111-0142 EtherCAT piggyback controller board with ET1100 and digital I/O interface; can be integrated as EtherCAT interface in
devices; included in the EL9820 evaluation kit.

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ET2000 | Industrial Ethernet multi-channel probe

The ET2000 multi-channel probe machines or in the laboratory. to the low cycle delay of 1 µs the
from Beckhoff is a versatile piece The four channels enable record- influence on the system is very
of hardware for analysing any ing and analysis of separate net- small.
Industrial Ethernet solution. With works or different points within The device can be connected
eight ports this device enables the same network. All frames in to any Gbit Ethernet interfaces
unlimited synchronised recording transit – in both directions – are on the PC side. A plug-in for the
of up to four independent chan- furnished with a high-precision free Wireshark network monitor
nels at a speed of 100 Mbit/s. time stamp in the probe hard- enables this network monitor to
All real-time Ethernet standards ware and copied to the Gbit be used for analysing recordings
such as EtherCAT, PROFINET, etc. uplink port. The high time stamp and high-precision time stamps.
and conventional office Ethernet resolution of 1 ns enables very
networks are supported. precise timing analysis of the
Through its compact and connected network segments.
rugged design the ET2000 is ideal The ET2000 probe is transparent
both for the local application at for the connected buses. Thanks

Technical data ET2000

Number of ports/channels 8/4
Uplink port 1 Gbit/s
Delay approx. 1 µs
Resolution timestamp 1 ns (channel 0/1)
Software interface WinPcap
Data transfer rates probe ports: 100 Mbit/s, uplink port: 1 Gbit/s
Hardware diagnosis link/activity LED per channel, 1 power LED
Power supply 24 (18…30) V DC, 500 mA, 3-pole terminal (+, -, PE)
Dimensions (W x H x D) approx. 100 mm x 150 mm x 40 mm
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Further information

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Safety over EtherCAT


Safety over EtherCAT

In the interest of realising safe tions. Thus, the protocol can also
data communication for EtherCAT, be transmitted by other com-
the Safety over EtherCAT proto- munication systems, backplanes,
col has been disclosed. The pro- WLAN. The cyclic exchange of
tocol meets the requirements of safe data between a Safety over
IEC 61508 up to Safety Integrity EtherCAT master and a Safety
Level (SIL) 3 and of IEC 61784-3, over EtherCAT slave is referred
as approved by the TÜV. to as a connection that is moni-
EtherCAT is used as a single- tored via a watchdog timer.
channel communication system. The license for implementa-
The transport medium is regard- tion of the Safety over EtherCAT
ed as a “black channel” and not master and slave technology in
included in the safety considera- a device is free of charge.

ET9402 | Safety over EtherCAT Conformance Test Tool

The FSoE Conformance Test Tool the device for the official, inde- the ET9400 is a prerequisite ogy Group (ETG), every manufac-
(FSoE CTT) enables in-house pendent FSoE Conformance Test for the FSoE CTT. turer of EtherCAT devices with
testing of Safety over EtherCAT in an ETG accredited EtherCAT The test includes a com- Safety over EtherCAT is obliged
(FSoE) slave devices with Test Center. plete test set for testing the to prove the compatibility of the
EtherCAT interface. The utilisa- The tool is based on the conformance of FSoE slave Safety over EtherCAT implemen-
tion of the ET9402 tool during EtherCAT Conformance Test Tool devices. The test set is approved tation by means of the current
the development of Safety over (ET9400) with extensions regard- by TÜV. According to the Safety version of the FSoE tests and the
EtherCAT devices helps to ensure ing to Safety over EtherCAT func- over EtherCAT Conformance Test required FSoE Conformance Test
the conformity and to prepare tionality. A valid subscription of Policy of the EtherCAT Technol- Tools.

Ordering information
ET9402 Safety over EtherCAT Conformance Test Tool
– includes a complete test set for testing the conformance of FSoE slave devices
– The test set is approved by TÜV.
– A valid subscription of the ET9400 is a prerequisite for the FSoE CTT.

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ET9000, ET9200

ET9000, ET9200, ET9300 | EtherCAT development software

ET9000 | EtherCAT configurator
master developers who want Properties – Safety configuration,
to use it or integrate and dis- – online features EL69xx Safety PLC
tribute it with their software – scanning of (Safety over EtherCAT)
package. EtherCAT networks – including embedded
The Windows software – diagnostics graphical user interface
for configuring an EtherCAT – free-run online mode – EXE file, executable
network includes a configura- for commissioning under Windows XP, Vista
tor for: – topology representation and Windows 7 (32 bit)

Through clear definition of the – reading XML device – Automation software inter- The EtherCAT configurator is not
interfaces in the EtherCAT speci- descriptions (ESI) face starts the configurator required if the TwinCAT software
312 fication an EtherCAT master can – generating XML as COM server. from Beckhoff is used.
be developed without having configuration descrip- – COM interface
to develop a configurator at the tions (ENI) – XML interface for param-
same time. The EtherCAT con- eter exchange between
figurator is aimed at EtherCAT client and server

Ordering information
ET9000 license for using the EtherCAT configurator

ET9200 | EtherCAT Master Sample Code

Features – CoE (CAN Application The software is sent as source
– boot-up and configuration protocol over EtherCAT) code and can be adapted to
– sending and receiving – SoE (Servodrive Profile the hardware environment
of “raw” EtherCAT frames over EtherCAT) (Ethernet controller) and inte-
to/from a network adap- – EoE (Ethernet over grated in a real-time environ-
ter EtherCAT) ment.
– management of EtherCAT – FoE (File Access over
slave states EtherCAT)
The EtherCAT Master Sample – reading of XML configura- – AoE (ADS over
Code is a user mode Windows tion descriptions EtherCAT)
application that demonstrates – sending of the initialisation – integrated virtual switch
implementation of the EtherCAT commands that are defined functionality
master. The TR8200 workshop for the different state chang- – cyclical process data
for EtherCAT master developers es to the slave device communication
is based on the ET9200. – mailbox communication – distributed clocks state

Ordering information
ET9200 license for using the EtherCAT Master Sample Code

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

ET9300, ET9400

ET9300 | EtherCAT Slave Stack Code

The EtherCAT Slave Stack Code EtherCAT slave device implemen- – EoE (Ethernet – various synchronisations
(SSC) is a code written in ANSI C. tation. Particular attention was over EtherCAT) (e.g. DC), including Sync
Its modular and simple structure paid to the conformity with the – FoE (File Transfer Watchdog
enables fast entry into slave protocol specification. over EtherCAT) – example implementation
development. The slave stack code tool – preparation for SoE of the CiA402 drive profile
A large number of EtherCAT provided offers the possibility (Servo drive profile according to ETG.6010
slaves can be realised with the to generate a slave stack code, over EtherCAT) specification
SSC, from the I/Os to the drives. device description files (ESI) and – preparation for boot
The stack can be easily adapted individual source code documen- loader support
to different platforms since it tation to suit the developer’s
provides a defined hardware own needs. Analog & digital I/O

access layer and also supports Sample application
different controller architec- Functionality
tures. (excerpt) 313
The SSC, which has been – ESM (EtherCAT State Process State (DC)
Mailbox data machine Sync
available since 2004 and has Machine)
been continously maintained – mailbox protocols:
and enhanced in collaboration – CoE (CAN application Process data interface: serial/parallel
Platform: little-endian/big-endian/8, 16, 32 bit
with the EtherCAT Technology protocol over EtherCAT)
Group, is considered to a certain – AoE (ADS over EtherCAT Slave Controller
extent to be the reference for an EtherCAT)

Ordering information
ET9300 license for using the EtherCAT Slave Stack Code
(free download from Beckhoff website via Member Area of the EtherCAT Technology Group web page)

ET9400 | EtherCAT Conformance Test Tool

accredited EtherCAT Test Center own routines. Test results and – consistency check of
(ETC) of the EtherCAT Technol- remarks are shown in a logger CoE object directory,
ogy Group. window and can in turn be SII and ESI
The ET9400 tool requires a saved as XML files. The tool also – plausibility of device
standard PC with Windows OS; tests the electronic description of description information
special hardware is not required. the EtherCAT device (EtherCAT from SII and ESI
The EtherCAT frames for stimula- slave information, ESI) and – test of EtherCAT State
tion of the device under test are includes an editor for this file Machine (ESM)
The Conformance Test Tool sent via the standard Ethernet format, in order to be able to – mailbox communication
(CTT) enables in-house testing port. The tool processes the process the ESI file temporar- using SoE and CoE
of EtherCAT slave devices. Use standard test cases supplied ily for test purposes. EEPROM – object dictionary
of the ET9400 tool during the (XML files) sequentially. In this (Slave Information Interface, SII) consistency check
development of an EtherCAT way, extensions of the test cases data can also be read, edited according to CiA 402
device assists in ensuring con- are possible without modifying and written. Besides the items profile
formity and in preparing the the EtherCAT conformance test described above, the following – extendable by FSoE
device for the official, independ- tool itself. The official test cases items are also tested, among protocol tests
ent conformance test in an can be supplemented by their others: (ET9402 needed)

Ordering information
ET9400 1-year license for using the EtherCAT Conformance Test Tool

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Terminal
EtherCAT Terminal
Ultra high-speed communication

EtherCAT Terminal
EtherCAT Terminal


340 EtherCAT Terminals

EtherCAT Terminal
Ethernet for Control Automation Technology

EtherCAT Terminal
318 Product overview 330 EtherCAT Couplers 408 EtherCAT Terminals
322 System description special functions
328 Technical data 332 EtherCAT Couplers E-bus 317
332 EtherCAT Couplers E-bus 408 Position measurement
with integrated digital I/Os EL5xxx, ES5xxx
337 EtherCAT Couplers K-bus 412 Communication
338 Bus Couplers (for ELxxxx) EL6xxx, ES6xxx
336 Extension systems and 429 Motion terminals
junctions EL7xxx, ES7xxx

340 EtherCAT Terminals 436 System terminals

digital I/O
436 System terminals
342 Digital input EL9xxx, ES9xxx
EL1xxx, ES1xxx
352 Digital output
EL2xxx, ES2xxx
444 Accessories

446 Cables and connectors

370 EtherCAT Terminals 447 Marking material
analog I/O 448 Shielding connection system
449 Demokit
370 Analog input
EL3xxx, ES3xxx
400 Analog output
EL4xxx, ES4xxx 966 TwinSAFE
Product overview EtherCAT Terminals

EtherCAT Couplers

EtherCAT EK1100 332 EK1101 332 EK1101-0080 332

Couplers E-bus ID switch ID switch, Fast Hot Connect

EK1501 334 EK1501-0010 334 EK1541 334

ID switch, multimode fibre optic ID switch, singlemode fibre optic ID switch, POF

EtherCAT EK1814 333 EK1818 333 EK1828 333 EK1828-0010 333

Couplers E-bus 4 inputs + 4 outputs 8 inputs + 4 outputs 4 inputs + 8 outputs 8 outputs
EtherCAT Terminal

with integrated EK1914 332 EK1960 TwinSAFE 976

digital I/Os 4 inputs + 4 outputs, Compact Controller, 20 safe digital

2 safe inputs + 2 safe outputs inputs, 10 safe digital outputs

EtherCAT BK1120 337 BK1150 337 BK1250 337

Couplers K-bus “Compact” between E-bus and K-bus terminals
Bus Couplers EK3100 338 EK9000 338 EK9300 339 EK9500 339 EK9700 339
(for ELxxxx) PROFIBUS Ethernet PROFINET RT EtherNet/IP Sercos III

Extension EK1110 336 EK1122 336 EK1122-0080 336 EK1521 335

system and extension end terminal 2-port junction 2-port junction, Fast Hot Connect multimode fibre optic junction

junctions EK1521-0010 335 EK1561 335

singlemode fibre optic junction POF junction

Embedded PCs with E-bus interface see page 198 , Infrastructure Components see page 766

EtherCAT Terminal | Digital input: EL1xxx/ES1xxx

Signal 2-channel 4-channel 8-channel 16-channel
5/12/24 V DC EL1382 345 EL1124 349 EL1144 349
24 V DC, thermistor 5 V DC 12 V DC

24 V DC EL1002 type 3 344 EL1004 type 3 343 EL1004-0020 > 2,500 V 343 EL1008 type 3 342 EL1809 type 3 343
(filter 3.0 ms) EL1104 345 EL1804 345 EL1808 343 EL1862 345
with sensor supply, type 3 8 x 24 V, 4 x 0 V, type 3 8 x 24 V DC, type 3 flat-ribbon cable, type 3

EL1084 348 EL1024 344 EL1859 type 3, 343 EL1862-0010 348

negative switching type 2 8 inputs, 8 outputs, IMAX = 0.5 A flat-ribbon cable, negative switching

EL1088 negative switching 348 EL1889 negative switching 348

24 V DC EL1012 344 EL1014 343 EL1034 344 EL1018 342 EL1819 343
(filter 10 µs) type 3 type 3 potential-free inputs, type 1 type 3 type 3

EL1114 345 EL1814 345 EL1872 345

with sensor supply, type 3 8 x 24 V, 4 x 0 V, type 3 flat-ribbon cable, type 3

EL1094 negative switching 348 EL1098 negative switching 348

24 V DC (XFC, EL1202 fast input, type 3 346 EL1258 multi-timestamping 347
TON/TOFF 1 µs) EL1252 timestamp, type 3 346 EL1259 8 multi- 347
EL1262 oversampl., type 3 347 timestamping inputs and outputs

24 V DC EL1904 351 EL1908 351

(safe inputs) TwinSAFE, 4 safe inputs TwinSAFE, 8 safe inputs

48 V DC EL1134 filter 10 µs, type 1 349

120 V AC/DC EL1712 power contacts 349
230 V AC EL1702 power contacts 349
EL1722 no power contacts 349
Counter EL1502 350
100 kHz, 32 bit, type 1

EL1512 350
1 kHz, 16 bit, type 1

The standard EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx) can be optionally ordered as ESxxxx with pluggable wiring level.
EN 61131-2 specification
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
EtherCAT Terminal | Digital output: EL2xxx/ES2xxx, EM2xxx
Signal 2-channel 4-channel 8-channel 16-channel
5 V DC EL2124 359
IMAX = ±20 mA

12 V DC EL2024-0010 359
IMAX = 2.0 A

24 V DC EL2042 355
2 x 4 A/1 x 8 A

EtherCAT Terminal
24 V DC EL2002 352 EL2004 352 EL2008 353 EM2042 D-sub connection 353
(IMAX = 0.5 A) EL2872 flat-ribbon cable 353
EL2808 8 x 0 V 353 EL2809 353
EL2819 with diagnostics 354
EL2084 358 EL2088 358 EL2889 358
negative switching negative switching negative switching

EL1859 354 EL2872-0010 358

8 inputs, 8 outputs, flat-ribbon cable,

filter 3.0 ms, type 3 negative switching

24 V DC EL2022 354 EL2024 354 EL2828 355

(IMAX = 2.0 A) EL2032 355 EL2034 355
with diagnostic with diagnostic

24 V DC (XFC, EL2202 356 EL2212 356 EL1259 357

TON/TOFF 1 µs) push-pull outputs overexcitation, 8 multi-timestamping

multi-timestamping inputs and outputs

EL2252 357 EL2262 357 EL2258 357

timestamp oversampling multi-timestamping

24 V DC EL2901 369 EL2902 369 EL2904 369

(safe outputs) TwinSAFE, 1 safe output TwinSAFE, 2 safe outputs TwinSAFE, 4 safe outputs

30 V AC/DC EL2784 360 EL2788 361

EL2794 361 EL2798 361
potential-free potential-free

Relay (up to EL2602 366 EL2622 367 EL2624 367

230 V AC) IMAX = 5.0 A, make contact, IMAX = 5.0 A, make contact, IMAX = 2.0 A, make contact,

power contacts no power contacts no power contacts

EL2612 367 EL2652 367

IMAX = 2.0 A, change-over, IMAX = 1.0 A, change-over,

no power contacts no power contacts

Triac EL2712 368 EL2722 368

(12…230 V AC) 0.5 A, power contacts 1.0 A, mutually locked outputs

EL2732 368
0.5 A, no power contacts

PWM EL2502 364

24 V DC, 1.0 A

Frequency EL2521 363 EL2522 363

output 1-channel AB, 0…500 kHz 2-channel AB, 1-channel ABC,

0…4 MHz

Current control EL2595 1-channel, 365 EL2535 365

LED constant current terminal 24 V DC, 50 mA, 1 A or 2 A

EL2545 365
50 V DC, 3.5 A

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Terminal | Analog input: EL3xxx/ES3xxx
Signal 1-channel 2-channel 4-channel 5-/8-channel
±75 mV, 24 bit EL3602-0010 373

±200 mV EL3602-0002 373

0…10 V EL3061 374 EL3161 375 EL3062 374 EL3162 375 EL3064 374 EL3164 375 EL3068 374
12 bit 16 bit 12 bit 16 bit 12 bit 16 bit 12 bit

0…30 V, 12 bit EL3062-0030 374

±10 V EL3001 370 EL3002 371 EL3004 371 EL3008 371

single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 12 bit

EL3101 372 EL3102 372 EL3602 373 EL3702 373 EL3104 372
differential input, differential input, differential input, differential input, differential input,

16 bit 16 bit 24 bit 16 bit, oversampling 16 bit

0…20 mA EL3041 376 EL3141 378 EL3042 376 EL3142 378 EL3742 379 EL3044 376 EL3144 378 EL3048 376
single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 16 bit single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 16 bit differential input, single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 16 bit single-ended, 12 bit
EtherCAT Terminal

16 bit, oversampling

EL3011 377 EL3111 379 EL3012 377 EL3112 379 EL3612 379 EL3014 377 EL3114 379
differential inp., 12 bit differential inp., 16 bit differential inp., 12 bit differential inp., 16 bit differential inp., 24 bit differential inp., 12 bit differential inp., 16 bit

4…20 mA EL3051 380 EL3151 382 EL3052 380 EL3152 382 EL3054 380 EL3154 382 EL3058 380
single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 16 bit single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 16 bit single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 16 bit single-ended, 12 bit
EL3021 381 EL3121 383 EL3022 381 EL3122 383 EL3024 381 EL3124 383
differential inp., 12 bit differential inp., 16 bit differential inp., 12 bit differential inp., 16 bit differential inp., 12 bit differential inp., 16 bit

EL3124-0090 383

TwinSAFE SC, 16 bit

±10 mA EL3142-0010 378

single-ended, 16 bit

Thermo- EL3311 388 EL3312 388 EL3314 389 EL3314-0090 389 EL3318 389
couple/mV 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit TwinSAFE SC, 16 bit 16 bit

Resistance ther- EL3201 386 EL3202 387 EL3204 385 EL3214 385 EL3208 385
mometer (RTD) 16 bit 16 bit 2-wire, 16 bit 3-wire, 16 bit 16 bit

EL3204-0200 385 EL3214-0090 385

16 bit, parameterisable TwinSAFE SC, 16 bit

Resistor EL3351 392 EL3356 393

bridge self-calibration

3-phase power EL3403 394 EL3413 395 EL3433 395

measurement 500 V AC, 1 A 690 V AC, 5 A 500 V AC, 10 A

Measurement EL3681 396 EL3632 390 EL3692 391 EL3773 395 EL3255 397
technology/ digital multimeter IEPE terminal, resistance measure- power monitoring potentiometer mea-

Condition terminal, 18 bit acceleration sensors ment, 10 mΩ…10 MΩ surement, 5-channel

Pressure EM3701 398 EM3702 398
measuring differential pressure measuring, relative pressure

-100…+100 hPa measuring, 7,500 hPa

EtherCAT Terminal | Analog output: EL4xxx/ES4xxx

Signal 1-channel 2-channel 4-channel 8-channel
0…10 V EL4001 12 bit 402 EL4002 12 bit 402 EL4004 12 bit 402 EL4008 12 bit 402
EL4102 16 bit 403 EL4104 16 bit 403
±10 V EL4031 12 bit 400 EL4032 12 bit 400 EL4034 12 bit 401 EL4038 12 bit 401
EL4132 16 bit 401 EL4134 16 bit 401
EL4732 16 bit, oversampling 401
0…20 mA EL4011 12 bit 404 EL4012 12 bit 404 EL4014 12 bit 404 EL4018 12 bit 404
EL4112 16 bit 405 EL4114 16 bit 405
EL4712 16 bit, oversampling 405
4…20 mA EL4021 12 bit 406 EL4022 12 bit 406 EL4024 12 bit 406 EL4028 12 bit 406
EL4122 16 bit 407 EL4124 16 bit 407
±10 mA EL4112-0010 16 bit 405

The standard EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx) can be optionally ordered as ESxxxx with pluggable wiring level.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Terminal | Special functions: EL/ES5xxx, EL/ES6xxx, EL/ES7xxx, EM7xxx
Signal 1-channel 2-channel 4-channel
Position EL5001 408 EL5021 411 EL5021-0090 SinCos 411 EL5002 408
measurement SSI encoder interface SinCos encoder interface, 1 VPP encoder interface, TwinSAFE SC SSI encoder interface

EL5001-0011 408 EL5101 410 EL5101-0090 410 EL5032 409

SSI monitor terminal differential inputs, RS485, incremental encoder interface, EnDat 2.2 interface

incremental encoder interface TwinSAFE SC

EL5151 24 V DC, 411 EL5152 24 V DC, 411

incremental encoder interface incremental encoder interface

Communication EL6001 412 EL6021 412 EL6080 414 EL6002 412 EL6224 420
RS232, 115.2 kbaud RS422/RS485, 115.2 kbaud memory terminal 128 kbyte RS232, 115.2 kbaud, D-sub IO-Link master

EL6090 415 EL6070 413 EL6688 417 EL6022 412 EL6224-0090 420
display terminal license key terminal IEEE 1588 master/slave RS422/RS485, 115.2 kbaud, D-sub IO-Link master, TwinSAFE SC

EL6601 switch port 416 EL6692 EtherCAT bridge 418 EL6614 switch port 416

EtherCAT Terminal
EL6695 418
EtherCAT bridge, high performance

Communication EL6201 AS-Interface 419 EL6631 PROFINET RT 421 EL6632 PROFINET IRT 421 EL6652 EtherNet/IP 422
(master EL6720 Lightbus 426 EL6731 PROFIBUS 423 EL6751 CANopen 424
terminal) EL6752 DeviceNet 425 EL6851 DMX 427
Communication EL6631 PROFINET RT 421 EL6731 PROFIBUS 423 EL6740 Interbus 426 EL6652 EtherNet/IP 422
(slave terminal EL6751 CANopen 424 EL6752 DeviceNet 425 EL6851 DMX 427
Safety EL6900 428 EL6910 428 EL6930 TwinSAFE/ 428
TwinSAFE Logic TwinSAFE Logic PROFIsafe logic and gateway

Motion EL7031 431 EL7037 431 EL7047 431 EL7342 435 EM7004 429
stepper motor terminal, stepper motor terminal, stepper motor terminal, DC motor output stage, 4 incremental encoders,

IMAX = 1.5 A, 24 V DC IMAX = 1.5 A, 24 V DC, incremental IMAX = 5.0 A, 50 V DC, incremental 50 V DC, 3.5 A, 32 digital I/O 24 V DC,

encoder, vector control encoder, vector control incremental encoder 4 analog outputs ±10 V

EL7041 431 EL7201-0010 433 EL7211-0010 433 EL7332 435

stepper motor terminal, IMAX = 5.0 A, servomotor terminal, servomotor terminal, DC motor output stage,

50 V DC, incremental encoder 50 V DC, 2.8 ARMS, OCT 50 V DC, 4.5 ARMS, OCT 24 V DC, 1.0 A

EL7201 servomotor 433 EL7211 servomotor 433

terminal, 50 V DC, 2.8 ARMS terminal, 50 V DC, 4.5 ARMS

EtherCAT Terminal | System terminals: EL9xxx/ES9xxx

Signal System Signal Potential supply Power supply and accessories
System EL9011 bus end cap 438 24 V DC EL9100 436 EL9410 440 EL9505 441
EL9070 shield terminal 437 input 24 V DC, output 5 V DC/2 A input 24 V DC, output 5 V DC, 0.5 A

EL9080 isolation terminal 437 EL9110 436 EL9508 441 EL9510 441
EL9195 shield terminal 437 diagnostic input 24 V DC, output 8 V DC, 0.5 A input 24 V DC, output 10 V DC, 0.5 A

Potential EL9180 438 EL9200 437 EL9512 441 EL9515 441

distribution 2 clamping units per power contact with fuse input 24 V DC, output 12 V DC, 0.5 A input 24 V DC, output 15 V DC, 0.5 A

terminal EL9181 439 EL9210 437 EL9540 442 EL9550 surge filter 442
2 x 8 terminal points diagnostic, with fuse surge filter terminal for field supply terminal for system/field supply

EL9182 439 EL9520 440 EL9560 441

8 x 2 terminal points AS-Interface potential supply input 24 V DC, output 24 V DC,

EL9183 439 with filter 0.1 A with electrical isolation

1 x 16 terminal points 120… EL9150 with LED 436

EL9184 439 230 V AC EL9160 diagnostic 436
8 x 24 V DC, 8 x 0 V DC EL9190 437
EL9185 4 clamping units 438 EL9250 with fuse, with LED 437
at 2 power contacts EL9260 diagnostic, with fuse 437

EL9186 8 x 24 V DC 438 EL9290 with fuse 437

EL9187 8 x 0 V DC 439 µF EL9576 443
EL9188 16 x 24 V DC 439 brake chopper terminal,

EL9189 16 x 0 V DC 439 up to 72 V DC, 155 µF

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT right up to the terminal: Any Ethernet devices
the EtherCAT protocol is maintained right can be integrated locally
up to each device; no sub bus is required. via switch terminals.

The ES type EtherCAT Compact TwinSAFE Logic

Embedded PC Terminals feature a plug- for up to 128 safety-
with E-bus interface gable connection level. relevant bus devices
EtherCAT Terminal

Beckhoff EtherCAT Terminals
In analogy to the Beckhoff Bus Terminals, Like the Beckhoff Bus Terminals, the outer of the fieldbus master saves PCI slots in the
the EtherCAT Terminal system is a modular contour of the EtherCAT Terminals perfectly PC. Any Ethernet devices can be integrated
I/O system consisting of electronic terminal adapts to the dimensions of terminal boxes. locally via switch port terminals.
blocks. In contrast to Bus Terminals, where A clearly arranged connection panel with The fine granularity of the EtherCAT
the fieldbus signal is implemented within LEDs for status display and push-in contact Terminals enables bit-precise composition
the Bus Coupler on the internal, fieldbus- labels ensures clarity in the field. of the required I/O channels. The digital
independent terminal bus, the EtherCAT EtherCAT Terminals are designed as 2-, 4-,
protocol remains fully intact down to the Free mix of signals 8- or 16-channel terminals. In the 16-channel
individual terminal. In addition to EtherCAT Suitable EtherCAT Terminals are available variant, digital input and output signals are
Terminals with E-bus connection, the stan- for all common digital and analog signal arranged in an ultra-compact way within a
dard Bus Terminals with K-bus connection types encountered in the world of automa- standard terminal housing across a width of
can also be connected via the BK1120 or tion. Fieldbus devices, e.g. for PROFIBUS, only 12 mm. The standard analog signals of
BK1150 EtherCAT Bus Coupler. This ensures PROFINET, CANopen, DeviceNet, Interbus, ± 10 V, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA and 4 to 20 mA
compatibility and continuity with the exist- IO-Link or Lightbus, are integrated via local are all available as 1-, 2-, 4- and 8-channel
ing system. Existing and future investments fieldbus master/slave terminals. Removal variants within a standard housing.
are protected.

The robust housing, secure contacts and
the solidly built electronics are prominent
features of Beckhoff components. An I/O
station consists of an EtherCAT Coupler
and almost any number of terminals. Since
up to 65,535 devices can be connected,
the size of the network is almost unlimited.
The electronic terminal blocks are
attached to the EtherCAT Coupler. The con-
tacts are made as the terminal clicks into
place, without any other manipulation.
This means that each electronic terminal Ethernet down to the terminal | Full duplex Ethernet in the ring, one telegram for
block can be individually exchanged. It can many devices, connection directly at the standard Ethernet port.
be placed on a standard DIN rail.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Screwless connection EtherCAT extension: Integrated safety: The High-Density terminals
using the proven spring- 100 m distance between TwinSAFE I/O terminals for with 16 connection points
loaded technique with individual I/O stations the connection of safety offer high packing density
vertical cable feed possible sensors and actuators on 12 mm.

Since up to
65,535 de-
vices can be
the size of
the network
is almost

Terminal block design Cost-effective cabling: The standard EL type terminals Fieldbus devices are integrated
W x H x D (mm): Industrial Ethernet cable include electronics and connection via decentralised fieldbus master/
12 x 100 x 68 (min. CAT 5, shielded) level in a single enclosure. slave terminals.

EtherCAT Terminal

Flexible connection system way as the Bus Couplers from the BKxxxx
The EtherCAT Terminal system offers differ- series via the corresponding fieldbus system
ent connection options for optimum adapta- configuration tools and the associated con-
tion to the respective application. The ELxxxx figuration files, such as GSD, ESD or GSDML.
EtherCAT Terminals include electronics The TwinCAT-programmable variant is the
and connection level in a single enclosure. CX8000 Embedded PC series.
The ESxxxx type EtherCAT Terminals feature EtherCAT Terminal with standard
a pluggable connection level. The ES series EtherCAT Coupler with wiring
Bus Terminals enable the complete wiring integrated I/Os
to be removed as a plug connector from the Beckhoff is consistently continuing the path
top of the housing for servicing. towards miniaturisation of designs and cost
optimisation: tailored to applications with
Bus Coupler for the EtherCAT a small number of I/O points and cramped
Terminal system space conditions, the EK18xx and EK19xx
The Bus Couplers from the EKxxxx series EtherCAT Couplers with integrated digital
connect conventional fieldbus systems to I/Os offer users a precisely dimensioned com- HD EtherCAT Terminal (High
EtherCAT. The ultra-fast, powerful I/O system pact solution. Density) with 16 terminal points
with its large choice of terminals is now The EK18xx series includes combinations
available for other fieldbus and Industrial of digital inputs and outputs. Further digital,
Ethernet systems. EtherCAT makes a very analog and Motion EtherCAT Terminals can
flexible topology configuration possible. be attached to the EK18xx Couplers, taking
Thanks to the Ethernet physics, long distanc- into account the E-bus current consumption.
es can also be bridged without the bus speed The EK19xx series includes combinations
being affected. When changing to the field of safe digital inputs and outputs. In conjunc-
level – without a control cabinet – the IP 67 tion with TwinSAFE – the safety solution EtherCAT Terminal with
EtherCAT Box modules (EPxxxx) can also be from Beckhoff – users have an ultra-compact, pluggable wiring
connected to the EKxxxx. The EKxxxx Bus space-saving solution available for direct
Couplers are fieldbus slaves and contain an connection of safety-relevant sensors and
EtherCAT master for the EtherCAT Terminals. actuators.
The EKxxxx is integrated in exactly the same

EtherCAT topology and system description see page 284

TwinSAFE see page 966

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Terminal

TwinSAFE SC (TwinSAFE Single Channel)
With the aid of the TwinSAFE SC technology at least one of the data sources must be a EP3174-0092 | TwinSAFE SC EtherCAT Box,
it is possible to make use of standard signals TwinSAFE SC component. The remainder of IP 67, 4-channel analog input ±10 V or
for safety tasks in any network or fieldbus. the data can originate from other standard 0/4…20 mA, see page 487
To do this, EtherCAT Terminals from the areas Bus Terminals, drive controllers or measuring
of analog input, postition measurement or transducers. In this way, it is possible to use EL6910 | TwinSAFE Logic see page 979
communication (4…20 mA, incremental all the process data existing in the system
encoder, IO-Link, etc.) are extended by the for the safety technology. The TwinSAFE SC EK1960 | TwinSAFE Compact Controller
TwinSAFE SC function. The data from these technology thus opens up completely new see page 977
extended EtherCAT Terminals is fed to the possibilities in the Beckhoff system world and
TwinSAFE Logic, where they undergo safety- offers a simple, efficient and inexpensive pos-
related multi-channel processing. sibility to fully integrate the safety tasks into
In the Safety Logic the data originating the existing infrastructure.
from different sources is analysed, checked With the aid of the TwinSAFE SC technol-
for plausibility and submitted to a “voting”. ogy it is typically possible to achieve a safety
This is done by certified function blocks level equivalent to PL d/Cat. 3 in accordance
such as Scale, Compare/Voting (1oo2, 2oo3, with EN ISO 13849-1 or SIL 2 in accordance
3oo5), Limit, etc. For safety reasons, however, with EN 62061.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinSAFE SC EL6910

EL3124 00
EL3124-0090 Analog signal

EtherCAT Terminal
Safe analog value processing
EEP3174-0092 Analog signal
with TwinSAFE SC 325

TwinSAFE SC EL6910

EL3214-0090 PT100

Safe temperature monitoring

EL3314-0090 Thermocouple
with TwinSAFE SC

Ordering information
Analog input
EL3124-0090 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, differential input, 16 bit, TwinSAFE SC 383
EL3214-0090 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel input terminal PT100 (RTD) for 3-wire connection, TwinSAFE SC 385
EL3314-0090 EtherCAT Terminal, 4-channel thermocouple input terminal with open-circuit recognition, TwinSAFE SC 389
EP3174-0092 EtherCAT Box, 4-channel analog input ±10 V or 0/4…20 mA, differential input, 16 bit, TwinSAFE SC 487
Position measurement
EL5021-0090 EtherCAT Terminal, 1-channel SinCos encoder interface, 1 VPP, TwinSAFE SC 411
EL5101-0090 EtherCAT Terminal, incremental encoder interface, TwinSAFE SC 410
EL6224-0090 EtherCAT Terminal, IO-Link terminal, TwinSAFE SC 420

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System overview EtherCAT I/O

Free mix of signals: EtherCAT Terminals

more than 200 different in 1-, 2-, 4-, 8- and
EtherCAT Terminals enable 16-channel modularity
connection of all common
sensors and actuators.

EK EtherCAT Coupler series

Motion terminals HD EtherCAT Terminals
for stepper, servo (high-density) with
or DC motors or 16 connection points
hydraulic valves offer high packing density
on 12 mm.
EtherCAT Terminal


EtherCAT Coupler with

integrated digital I/Os

100 m With the aid of the TwinSAFE SC

Industrial technology it is possible to make
Ethernet cable use of standard signals for safety
(100BASE-TX) tasks in any network or fieldbus.

Bus Coupler (e.g. PROFIBUS)

for EtherCAT Terminals

Embedded PC series CX,

further Embedded PCs see page 184

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinSAFE: safety I/Os and Optional fieldbus
compact Safety PLC for up integration via
to 128 safetyrelevant bus decentralised field-
devices bus master/slave

Ultra-fast I/O termi-

nals for I/O response
times < 100 µs for
fast I/O, oversampling
and timestamp

EtherCAT Terminal

2,000/20,000 m 50 m Plastic
fibre optic Optical Fibre
(100BASE-FX) (100BASE-FX

High-speed measurement,
high-precision measure-
ment, Condition Monitoring,
energy monitoring

EtherCAT plug-in
modules: very compact
EtherCAT I/O system in
IP 20 for plug-in into
a circuit board (signal
distribution board)
see page 526

IP 67 EtherCAT Box, IP 67
further EtherCAT Box IP 69K EtherCAT Box EtherCAT Box
modules see page 450 (stainless steel) (die-cast zinc)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Coupler housing

Technical data – EtherCAT Coupler housing

The EtherCAT Coupler electronics can be mounted in a variety of housings. A housing has three power contacts, which, if the application requires,
automatically implement a continued connection, carrying the potential of the power circuit to the next EtherCAT Terminal. The supply voltage
that is connected to the coupler spring-loaded terminals is 24 V DC. If a different voltage is required for the power contacts, the appropriate
power feed terminal must be inserted after the coupler.
100 mm

100 mm

100 mm

100 mm
43 mm
94 mm
EtherCAT Terminal

15 mm


47 mm 42 mm 42 mm 62 mm
49 mm 44 mm 44 mm 64 mm

EK1501, BK1120 EK1100, EK1101 EK18xx, EK1914 EK3100, EK9xxx

Mechanical data EK1501, BK1120 EK11xx, EK18xx, EK1914 EK3100, EK9xxx

Design form compact terminal housing with signal LED
Material polycarbonate
Dimensions (W x H x D) 49 mm x 100 mm x 68 mm 44 mm x 100 mm x 68 mm 64 mm x 100 mm x 80 mm
Installation on 35 mm DIN rail, conforming to EN 60715 with lock
Side by side mounting double slot and key connection
by means of
Marking standard terminal block marking and plain language slides (8 mm x 47 mm)
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6: 1 g (extended range: 5 g)
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27: 15 g, 11 ms (extended range: 25 g, 6 ms); 1000 shocks per direction, 3 axes
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4

Connection EK1501, BK1120, EK11xx, EK18xx, EK1914, EK3100, EK9xxx

Wiring spring-loaded technique
Connection cross-section 0.08…2.5 mm², AWG 28-14, stranded wire, solid wire
Stripping length 8…9 mm
Fieldbus connection depending on fieldbus
Power contacts 3 spring contacts
Current load IMAX: 10 A (125 A short-circuit)
Nominal voltage 24 V DC

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Terminal housing

Technical data – EtherCAT Terminal housing

The EtherCAT Terminals have different housings. They are available with up to three power contacts and can have a variety of voltages.
Care should be taken to ensure that a change in voltage always starts with a power feed terminal.
46 mm
100 mm

46 mm
100 mm

46 mm
100 mm
46 mm
100 mm

46 mm
100 mm

EtherCAT Terminal
18 mm

18 mm

18 mm
18 mm

18 mm

12 mm 24 mm 24 mm 12 mm 12 mm

ELxxxx, ESxxxx, ELxxxx, ESxxxx EL66xx, EL67xx, HD housing EL1862, ELx872

BK1250 EK1122, EK1521

Mechanical data ELxxxx, BK1250 EL66xx, EL67xx, ESxxxx HD housing EL1862, ELx872
EK1122, EK1521
Design form compact terminal compact terminal terminal housing HD (High Density) compact terminal
housing with signal housing with signal with pluggable housing with signal housing with signal
LED LED wiring level LED LED
Material polycarbonate
Dimensions (W x H x D) 12/24 mm x 100 mm x 24 mm x 100 mm x 12/24 mm x 100 mm x 12 mm x 100 mm x 12 mm x 100 mm x
68 mm 52 mm 71 mm 68 mm 68 mm
Installation on 35 mm DIN rail, conforming to EN 60715 with lock
Side by side mounting double slot and key connection
by means of
Marking standard terminal – standard terminal – standard terminal
block marking block marking block marking
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6: 1 g (extended range: 5 g)
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27: 15 g, 11 ms (extended range: 25 g, 6 ms); 1000 shocks per direction, 3 axes
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4

Connection ELxxxx, BK1250 EL66xx, EL67xx, ESxxxx HD housing EL1862, ELx872

EK1122, EK1521
Wiring spring-loaded specific push-in spring-loaded direct plug-in flat-ribbon cable
technique connection technique technique connection
Connection cross-section s, st*: 0.08…2.5 mm², – s, st*: 0.08…1.5 mm², s*: 0.08…1.5 mm²; common flat-ribbon
AWG 28-14, f: 0.14…1.5 mm² st: 0.25…1.5 mm²; cables, AWG 28,
f: 0.14…1.5 mm² f: 0.14…0.75 mm² spacing 1.27 mm
Stripping length 8…9 mm – 9…10 mm 8…9 mm –
Fieldbus connection depending on fieldbus
Power contacts 3 spring contacts
Current load IMAX: 10 A (125 A short-circuit)
Nominal voltage 24 V DC
*s: solid wire; st: stranded wire; f: ferrule

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EKxxxx | EtherCAT Couplers
EtherCAT Terminal

Power LEDs

Coupler supply

Link/Act In

Fieldbus connection E-bus

Link/Act Out

Fieldbus connection
Power contacts

Input for
power contacts

+60 °C Extended operating/

-25 °C storage temperature

Extended mechanical

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

E-bus EtherCAT Couplers K-bus EtherCAT Couplers EtherCAT Couplers with E-bus Bus Couplers
An I/O station consists of an EtherCAT Couplers with K-bus con- optical fibre connection The Bus Couplers for EtherCAT
EtherCAT Coupler and almost any nection can also be used to connect For linking devices over large Terminals are used to connect

EtherCAT Terminal
number of terminals. The EtherCAT Beckhoff Bus Terminals. This way, distances with plastic optical fibre conventional fieldbus systems
protocol is maintained right down compatibility and consistency with (up to 50 m), multimode glass fibre with EtherCAT.
into the individual terminal. existing system are guaranteed. (up to 2 km) or singlemode glass
fibre (up to 20 km).

The EtherCAT Couplers are the link between electrical physical layer without changing (coupler and terminals) has to be defined
the EtherCAT protocol at the fieldbus level the data structure: EtherCAT means integrated as a Hot Connect group.
and E-bus-based EL/ES/EM terminals. Differ- communication down to the last terminal. Couplers from the EK3xxx or EK9xxx
ent versions are available, depending on: The EtherCAT Couplers of the EK1xxx series series are available for integrating the
– which physical layer is used “on the left”, are currently available with copper-based EtherCAT Terminals in a fieldbus other than
i.e. on the fieldbus side, RJ45 connectors or optical fibre connectors. EtherCAT. They feature a microcontroller
– whether the coupler supports The number of downstream terminals is that deals with the data management and
Hot Connect functionality, almost unlimited and is subject to only the data transfer between the different bus
– and whether it has a dedicated, two conditions. In an EtherCAT network a systems: EtherCAT on the right-hand terminal
local PLC/small controller. maximum of 65,535 slaves are permitted. side and the fieldbus protocol on the left.
In a conventional fieldbus the coupler can If necessary, the E-bus current has to be For applications with a small number
be the most complex and most expensive supplemented with an EL9410 E-bus power of I/O points and cramped space conditions,
element, since it has to translate between supply unit. the EK18xx and EK19xx EtherCAT Couplers
the fieldbus protocol level and the terminal Some couplers support Hot Connect with integrated digital I/Os offer users a
bus I/O level, which can be complex and functionality. They have three hexadecimal precisely dimensioned compact solution.
time-consuming. This often results in delays ID switches on the side, which enable ID The EK18xx series includes combinations of
and inconsistent access to parameters and settings between 0 and 4,095. The EtherCAT digital inputs and outputs. The EK19xx series
diagnostic data in the individual downstream master detects a terminal station at this ID includes combinations of safe digital inputs
devices. if it is connected to an EK1122 or EK1521 and outputs. In conjunction with TwinSAFE,
In EtherCAT systems the coupler is one junction terminal at any point in the network users have an ultra-compact, space-saving
of the simplest devices. It has almost no dedi- during operation. In the TwinCAT System solution available for direct connection of
cated intelligence, but merely transforms the Manager the corresponding terminal station safety-relevant sensors and actuators.

Technical data EKxxxx

Electrical isolation 500 V
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C (extended temperature range: -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C)
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6: 1 g (extended range: 5 g)
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27: 15 g, 11 ms (extended range: 25 g, 6 ms); 1000 shocks per direction, 3 axes
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 20/see documentation

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT EK110x, EK1914

EtherCAT Couplers E-bus

EtherCAT Coupler EtherCAT Coupler EtherCAT Coupler
with ID switch, Hot Connect with 4 inputs and 4 outputs
as well as 2 safe inputs and
2 safe outputs

Technical data EK1100 EK1101 EK1914

Task within coupling of EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx) coupling of EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx) coupling of EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx)
EtherCAT system to 100BASE-TX EtherCAT networks to 100BASE-TX EtherCAT networks, to 100BASE-TX EtherCAT networks
with identity verification
No. of EtherCAT Terminals up to 65,534
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud
EtherCAT Terminal

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

332 Sys 24 V Sys 0 V

1 9

2 10

3 11
Pwr 24 V

4 12

5 13
Pwr 0 V

6 14

7 15

8 16

The EK110x EtherCAT Couplers connect 100BASE-TX EtherCAT with the EtherCAT The EK1914 has four digital inputs
Terminals and convert the passing telegrams from Ethernet 100BASE-TX to E-bus signal and four digital outputs as well as
representation. The coupler is connected to the network via the upper RJ45 Ethernet two fail-safe inputs and two fail-safe
interface; further EtherCAT devices can be connected in the same strand via the lower outputs. The safe outputs switch
RJ45 socket. The couplers do not need to be parameterised and are treated as EtherCAT 24 V DC actuators with up to 0.5 A
slaves without process data. The EK1101 has three hexadecimal ID switches, with which current per channel. The EK1914 meets
an ID can be assigned to the coupler station. This group can be located at any position the requirements of DIN EN ISO 13849-
within the EtherCAT network. Variable topologies can therefore be easily implemented. 1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e).
Bus interface 2 x RJ45 2 x RJ45 2 x RJ45
Type/number of max. 4.2 GB addressable I/O points max. 4.2 GB addressable I/O points max. 4.2 GB addressable I/O points
peripheral signals
Data transfer medium Ethernet/EtherCAT cable Ethernet/EtherCAT cable Ethernet/EtherCAT cable
(min. CAT 5), shielded (min. CAT 5), shielded (min. CAT 5), shielded
Current consumpt. from US 70 mA + (∑ E-bus current/4) 70 mA + (∑ E-bus current/4) 72 mA + (∑ E-bus current/4)
Current consumpt. from UP load load load
Distance between stations max. 100 m (100BASE-TX) max. 100 m (100BASE-TX) max. 100 m (100BASE-TX)
Delay approx. 1 µs approx. 1 µs approx. 1 µs
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) (PELV)
Current supply E-bus 2000 mA 2000 mA max. 500 mA
Weight approx. 105 g approx. 105 g approx. 123 g
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, TÜV SÜD
Further information
or see page 978
Special couplers EK1101-0080
Distinguishing features Fast Hot Connect, CE
Cordsets and connectors see page 444

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EK18xx EtherCAT

EtherCAT Coupler EtherCAT Coupler EtherCAT Coupler EtherCAT Coupler

with 4 digital inputs with 8 digital inputs with 4 digital inputs with 8 digital outputs
and 4 digital outputs and 4 digital outputs and 8 digital outputs

EK1814 EK1818 EK1828 EK1828-0010

coupling of EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx) to 100BASE-TX EtherCAT networks

100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud

EtherCAT Terminal
+60 °C

-25 °C

Sys 24 V Sys 24 V Sys 24 V Sys 24 V Sys 24 V Sys 24 V Sys 24 V Sys 24 V 333

1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9

2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10

3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11
Pwr 24 V Pwr 24 V Pwr 24 V Pwr 24 V

4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12

5 13 5 13 5 13 5 13
Pwr 0 V Pwr 0 V Pwr 0 V Pwr 0 V

6 14 6 14 6 14 6 14

7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15

8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16

The EtherCAT Couplers from the EK18xx series combine the functionalities of the EK1100 EtherCAT Coupler with standard digital I/Os
in one housing. This results in a compact design that is especially suitable for applications with a low number of I/Os. Like the EK1100,
the EK18xx coupler can be extended by all EL/ES terminals. The digital I/Os are implemented with a 1-wire technique. The wiring can
be implemented without tools using a direct plug-in technique with solid wire conductors or ferrules.
– EK1814: 4 digital inputs (3.0 ms), 4 digital outputs (0.5 A)
– EK1818: 8 digital inputs (3.0 ms), 4 digital outputs (0.5 A)
– EK1828: 4 digital inputs (3.0 ms), 8 digital outputs (0.5 A)
– EK1828-0010: 8 digital outputs (0.5 A)
2 x RJ45 2 x RJ45 2 x RJ45 2 x RJ45
max. 4.2 GB addressable I/O points max. 4.2 GB addressable I/O points max. 4.2 GB addressable I/O points max. 4.2 GB addressable I/O points

Ethernet/EtherCAT cable Ethernet/EtherCAT cable Ethernet/EtherCAT cable Ethernet/EtherCAT cable

(min. CAT 5), shielded (min. CAT 5), shielded (min. CAT 5), shielded (min. CAT 5), shielded
100 mA + (∑ E-bus current/4) 100 mA + (∑ E-bus current/4) 100 mA + (∑ E-bus current/4) 100 mA + (∑ E-bus current/4)
40 mA + load 40 mA + load 40 mA + load 40 mA + load
max. 100 m (100BASE-TX) max. 100 m (100BASE-TX) max. 100 m (100BASE-TX) max. 100 m (100BASE-TX)
approx. 1 µs approx. 1 µs approx. 1 µs approx. 1 µs
24 V (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
1000 mA 1000 mA 1000 mA 1000 mA
approx. 95 g approx. 95 g approx. 95 g approx. 95 g
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT EK1501, EK1541

EtherCAT Couplers with fibre optic connection

EtherCAT Coupler EtherCAT Coupler EtherCAT Coupler
with ID switch, with ID switch, with ID switch,
multimode fibre optic connection, singlemode fibre optic connection, plastic optical fibre
Hot Connect Hot Connect

Technical data EK1501 EK1501-0010 EK1541

Task within coupling of EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx) to 100BASE-FX EtherCAT networks, coupling of EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx)
EtherCAT system with identity verification to 100BASE-FX EtherCAT POF networks,
with identity verification
Number of up to 65,534
EtherCAT Terminals
EtherCAT Terminal

Data transfer medium multimode glass fibre 50/125 µm (MM) singlemode glass fibre 9/125 µm (SM) plastic optical fibre (POF)
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C


The EK1501, EK1501-0010 and EK1541 EtherCAT Couplers connect fibre optic-based EtherCAT with the EtherCAT Terminals
by converting the telegrams on the fly from Ethernet 100BASE FX or FX POF to the E-bus signal representation. The EK1501
and EK1501-0010 EtherCAT Couplers are equipped with SC sockets, while the EK1541 is equipped with a POF plug.
The couplers are connected to the network via the upper interface. The lower socket is used for the optional connection
of further EtherCAT devices in the same strand. Distances of up to 2 km can be bridged with multimode fibre optics (EK1501)
and up to 20 km with single-mode fibre optics (EK1501-0010). Distances of up to 50 m can be bridged using the Plastic
Optical Fibre (EK1541); the POF is simple to assemble in the field.
The couplers do not need to be parameterised and are treated as EtherCAT slaves without process data. They have
three hexadecimal ID switches, with which an ID can be assigned to the coupler station. This group can be located at any
position within the EtherCAT network.

Bus interface 2 x SC Duplex 2 x SC Duplex 2 x ZS1090-0008 POF plug

Type/number of max. 4.2 GB addressable I/O points max. 4.2 GB addressable I/O points max. 4.2 GB addressable I/O points
peripheral signals
Current consumption typ. 70 mA typ. 70 mA typ. 70 mA
24 V DC
Distance between stations max. 2,000 m (100BASE-FX) max. 20,000 m (100BASE-FX) max. 50 m (100BASE-FX)
Delay approx. 1 µs approx. 1 µs approx. 1 µs
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current supply E-bus 2000 mA 2000 mA 2000 mA
Weight approx. 190 g approx. 190 g approx. 190 g
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 444

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EK1521, EK1561 EtherCAT

EtherCAT junctions with fibre optic connection

1-port EtherCAT 1-port EtherCAT 1-port EtherCAT
multimode fibre optic junction, singlemode fibre optic junction, plastic optical fibre junction
Hot Connect Hot Connect

Technical data EK1521 EK1521-0010 EK1561

Task within coupling of EtherCAT junctions coupling of EtherCAT junctions coupling of EtherCAT junctions
EtherCAT system via multimode glass fibre via singlemode glass fibre via POF
Data transfer medium multimode glass fibre 50/125 µm (MM) singlemode glass fibre 9/125 µm (SM) plastic optical fibre (POF)

Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud

EtherCAT Terminal
+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C


In conjunction with an EK1100 EtherCAT Coupler, the EK1521(-0010) 1-port In connection with an EK1100 EtherCAT
EtherCAT fibre optic junction enables conversion from 100BASE-TX to 100BASE-FX coupler, the EK1561 single-port POF
physics (glass fibre). Distances of up to 2 km can be bridged with the EK1521 branch makes it possible to convert
and the EK1501 EtherCAT Coupler for multimode fibre optics. EK1521-0010 and from 100BASE-TX physics to 100BASE-
EK1501-0010 for singlemode fibre optics permit distances up to 20 km. Even cable FX physics (POF – Plastic Optical Fibre).
redundant systems with fibre optic can be realised using the 1-port EtherCAT fibre Distances of up to 50 m between
optic junction. two couplers can be bridged using
the EK1561 and the EK1541 EtherCAT
Coupler for POF. Unlike the glass fibre,
the POF fibre is easily wireable in the
field. The Run LED indicates the status
of the EK1561.

Bus interface 1 x SC Duplex 1 x SC Duplex 1 x ZS1090-0008 POF plug

Type/number of – – –
peripheral signals
Current consumption – – –
24 V DC
Distance between stations max. 2,000 m (100BASE-FX) max. 20,000 m (100BASE-FX) max. 50 m (100BASE-FX)
Delay approx. 1 µs approx. 1 µs approx. 1 µs
Power supply from E-bus from E-bus from E-bus
Current consumption E-bus typ. 350 mA typ. 350 mA typ. 200 mA
Weight approx. 65 g approx. 65 g approx. 65 g
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 444

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT EK1122, EK1110

EtherCAT junctions and extensions

2-port EtherCAT junction EtherCAT extension

Technical data EK1122 EK1110

Task within coupling of EtherCAT junctions conversion of the E-bus signals to 100BASE-TX Ethernet
EtherCAT system for extension of the EtherCAT network
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud

+60 °C +60 °C
EtherCAT Terminal

-25 °C -25 °C


The 2-port EtherCAT junction enables configuration of Like the E-bus end cap, the EK1110 EtherCAT extension
EtherCAT star topologies. A modular EtherCAT star can be is connected to the end of the EtherCAT Terminal block.
realised by using several EK1122 units in a station. Individual The terminal offers the option of connecting an Ethernet
devices or complete EtherCAT strands can be connected at cable with RJ45 connector, thereby extending the EtherCAT
the junction ports. The EtherCAT junctions are connected via strand electrically isolated by up to 100 m. In the EK1110
RJ45 sockets with direct display of link and activity status. terminal, the E-bus signals are converted on the fly to
100BASE-TX Ethernet signal representation. Power supply
to the EK1110 electronics is via the E-bus. No parameterisa-
tion or configuration tasks are required.

Bus interface 2 x RJ45 1 x RJ45

Data transfer medium Ethernet/EtherCAT cable (min. CAT 5), shielded Ethernet/EtherCAT cable (min. CAT 5), shielded
Distance between stations 100 m (100BASE-TX) 100 m (100BASE-TX)
Delay approx. 1 µs approx. 1 µs
Power supply from E-bus from E-bus
Current consumption E-bus typ. 220 mA typ. 130 mA
Weight approx. 65 g approx. 50 g
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Further information
Special couplers EK1122-0080
Distinguishing features Fast Hot Connect, CE
Cordsets and connectors see page 444

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BK11xx, BK1250 EtherCAT

EtherCAT Couplers K-bus

EtherCAT “Economy plus” Bus Coupler EtherCAT “Compact” Bus Coupler EtherCAT “Compact” coupler
for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals between E-bus and K-bus terminals
(255 with K-bus extension) (255 with K-bus extension)

Technical data BK1120 BK1150 BK1250

Number of 64 (255 with K-bus extension)

Bus Terminals
Max. number of 1,024 byte input and 1,024 byte output
bytes fieldbus
Current supply K-bus 1,750 mA 2,000 mA 500 mA

EtherCAT Terminal
+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C


The BK1120 Bus Coupler connects The BK1150 Bus Coupler connects The BK1250 is a “Bus Coupler in
EtherCAT, the real-time Ethernet EtherCAT to the modular extendable terminal housing” for mixed applica-
system, with the modular, extend- Bus Terminals (K-bus). A unit consists tion of EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx)
able electronic terminal blocks. of a Bus Coupler, any number of and standard Bus Terminals (KLxxxx)
A unit consists of a Bus Coupler, terminals from 1 to 64 (with K-bus in a bus station. It enables implemen-
any number (between 1 and 64) extension: 255) and a bus end terminal. tation of compact and cost-effective
of terminals (255 with K-bus exten- The “Compact” Bus Coupler offers control solutions. The wide range of
sion) and one end terminal. a cost-optimised alternative to the Bus Terminals can thus be optimally
BK1120 EtherCAT Bus Coupler. combined with the communication
speed and large bandwidth of EtherCAT
Terminals. Up to 64 Bus Terminals (with
K-bus extension up to 255) can be con-
nected to a BK1250. The Bus Coupler
recognises the connected Bus Terminals
and automatically allocates them into
the EtherCAT process image.

Bus interface 2 x RJ45 2 x RJ45 via E-bus contacts

Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud E-bus
Distance between stations 100 m (100BASE-TX) 100 m (100BASE-TX) –
Weight approx. 150 g approx. 110 g approx. 55 g
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 444 , Bus Terminals see page 542

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Bus Couplers EK3100, EK9000

Bus Couplers for EtherCAT Terminals

PROFIBUS Bus Coupler Ethernet Bus Coupler

Technical data EK3100 EK9000

Task within coupling of standard digital and analog coupling of standard digital and analog
EtherCAT system EtherCAT Terminals and EtherCAT Box EtherCAT Terminals and EtherCAT Box
modules to PROFIBUS networks modules to Ethernet networks
Number of depending on the process data size
EtherCAT Terminal

EtherCAT Terminals
Data transfer rates up to 12 Mbaud (automatic detection) 10/100 Mbaud


The EK3100 Bus Coupler converts the telegrams from The EK9000 Bus Coupler converts the telegrams from
PROFIBUS to the E-bus signal representation. The coupler Ethernet to the E-bus signal representation. The coupler
supports the PROFIBUS profile and fits seamlessly into supports the Modbus TCP protocol and fits seamlessly
PROFIBUS networks. into Ethernet networks.

Protocol PROFIBUS DP Modbus TCP, Modbus UDP

Bus interface 1 x D-sub 9-pin socket with shielding 2 x RJ45 (switched)
Type/number of depending on the process data size depending on the process data size
peripheral signals
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, Ex CE, Ex
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 444 see page 444
PC Fieldbus Cards FC310x 772 FC90xx 778

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EK9xxx Bus Couplers

PROFINET RT Bus Coupler EtherNet/IP Bus Coupler SERCOS III Bus Coupler

EK9300 EK9500 EK9700

coupling of standard digital and analog coupling of standard digital and analog coupling of standard digital and analog
EtherCAT Terminals and EtherCAT Box EtherCAT Terminals and EtherCAT Box EtherCAT Terminals and EtherCAT Box
modules to PROFINET RT networks modules to EtherNet/IP networks modules to SERCOS III networks

EtherCAT Terminal
10/100 Mbaud 10/100 Mbaud 10/100 Mbaud


The EK9300 Bus Coupler converts the telegrams The EK9500 Bus Coupler converts the telegrams The EK9700 Bus Coupler converts the telegrams
from PROFINET RT to the E-bus signal representa- from EtherNet/IP to the E-bus signal representa- from SERCOS III to the E-bus signal representation.
tion. The coupler supports the PROFINET RT profile tion. The coupler supports the EtherNet/IP The coupler supports the SERCOS III profile and
and fits seamlessly into PROFINET RT networks. profile and fits seamlessly into EtherNet/IP fits seamlessly into SERCOS III networks.


2 x RJ45 (switched) 2 x RJ45 (switched) 2 x RJ45 (switched)
depending on the process data size depending on the process data size depending on the process data size

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, Ex CE, Ex CE, Ex

see page 444 see page 444 see page 444

FC90xx 778 FC90xx 778 FC750x 777

Embedded PC CX8000 see page 198

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT | I/O modules with
100 Mbit communication
EtherCAT Terminal

The EtherCAT Terminals have a galvanic Beckhoff EtherCAT HD Terminals

isolation between the field level and the feature function-dependant
communication level (E-bus). A terminal colour-coded LED frames: yellow
is equipped with 1…n input or output for digital inputs, red for digital
channels. The channels within a terminal outputs, green for analog inputs,
are usually not electrically isolated from blue for analog outputs.
each other.

Different field level connec-

tion techniques can be used for
EtherCAT Terminals:
– standard terminal point:
0.08…2.5 mm² spring-loaded
– HD EtherCAT Terminal:
The power contacts on the left hand side 0.08…0.75 mm² (with
(if available) supply the terminals with ferrule); 0.08…1.5 mm²
field voltage. Depending on the terminals (single-wire); spring-loaded
24 V DC, 230 V AC or other voltages are technique; direct plug-in
transferred. The supply power required is technique
listed in the technical data. The maximum – D-sub, 9-pin, common for
load of the power contacts is 10 A. serial communication or
fieldbus master terminals
– ribbon: especially used in
Asia for digital input/output
– plug-in wiring level:
ES terminals

eXtreme Fast Control

Some 2-channel EtherCAT Termi-
nals have a PE power contact,
which can be used for PE distri-
+60 °C Extended operating/ bution by connecting it together
-25 °C storage temperature with similar terminals. The EMC
spring contact on the underside
Extended mechanical of the terminal only serves to
load remove interference and
may not be used as a protective
Terminals with earth .
calibration certificate
Technical data see page 329

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

2-channel terminals 4-channel terminals 8-channel terminals 16-channel terminals
The 2-channel terminals Along with four channels The 8-channel terminals have The HD (High Density) housing
provide additional power the 4-channel terminals have one channel per connection point allows 16 channels to be accom-

EtherCAT Terminal
(+24 V DC), ground (0 V DC) another four connection points due to a high packing density. modated on a unit that is only
and in many cases also PE for available. These can provide The power contact of the terminal 12 mm wide. The power contact
each channel. Connection is 24 V DC or ground. Connec- will be used as the common refer- of the terminal will be used as
carried out with 3- or 4-wire tion is carried out with 2-wire ence potential. Connection is car- the common reference potential.
connection. connection. ried out with 1-wire connection. Connection is carried out with 341
1-wire connection.

The EtherCAT Terminals offer the possibility way around. For both types of logic various The EL7xxx EtherCAT Terminals offer compact
to directly connect many different signals. supply voltages are available. 1-, 2-, 3- and drive solutions for stepper, DC and servo-
No signal converter or additional evalua- 4-wire connections allow the use of EtherCAT motors.
tion device is needed. The direct connection Terminals in almost all applications without The EL9xxx system terminals round off
reduces the costs and simplifies the control further wiring work. the application of EtherCAT Terminals with
technology. Each EtherCAT Terminal separates The EL3xxx and EL4xxx EtherCAT Termi- filters, power feed and power supply units.
the internal electronics from the connection nals process analogue signals with 0…10 V, The XFC terminals are particularly suit-
level and thus simplifies the creation of volt- ±10 V, 0…20 mA or 4…20 mA. Also many able for fast, precise sensor detection or
age groups with different voltages. In addi- other industry-standard voltage and current actuator control in the ns range in conjunc-
tion, interfering voltages on the signal con- signals are supported and pre-processed. tion with TwinCAT as real-time environment
nector lose their adverse effects. In the EL5xxx and EL6xxx EtherCAT and PC-based high-performance control
The EL1xxx and EL2xxx EtherCAT Termi- Terminals other complex signals, such as technology.
nals are designed for the processing of digital encoders, position values and digital inter-
or binary signals. Unless otherwise noted, faces, are supported. Some EtherCAT Termi-
the High level corresponds to the supply volt- nals act as fieldbus masters for subordinate
age, the Low level corresponds to ground. bus systems. turning the station into a uni-
For negative switching logic it is the other versal gateway between different systems.

Technical data ELxxxx | ESxxxx

Electrical isolation 500 V (E-bus/field potential), unless stated otherwise
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C (extended temperature range: -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C)
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6: 1 g (extended range: 5 g)
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27: 15 g, 11 ms (extended range: 25 g, 6 ms); 1000 shocks per direction, 3 axes
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 20/variable conforms to EN 60529 (see documentation)
Pluggable wiring for all ESxxxx terminals

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EL1008, EL1018

Digital input | 24 V DC, positive switching

The digital inputs of a 24 V supply shows the typical current/voltage 8-channel digital
are among the most used signals. curves of the EtherCAT Terminal input terminal, 1-wire,
The EN 61131-2 standard describes inputs and the allowable range of 24 V DC, type 1/3
the input characteristic and distin- conformity in accordance with the
guishes three types. Type 1 has a standard.
small input current with low power The input circuits differ in their Technical data EL1008 | EL1018 |
dissipation. This input is optimised filtering functions. The filtering has ES1008 ES1018
for mechanical switches and actively- the task of suppressing electromag- Connection technology 1-wire
switched electronic outputs. Type 2 netic interference. However, this does
has a significantly larger input have the drawback of signal deceler- Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3
current and is optimised for 2-wire ation. The filter time of 3 ms is com-
sensors with a high quiescent current paratively slow, but it can suppress Input filter typ. 3.0 ms typ. 10 µs
EtherCAT Terminal

consumption. In switched-on state the bouncing of a mechanical switch Number of inputs 8

the current consumption of this input and delivers a stable signal for sim- +60 °C
is high. The related power dissipation ple PLC applications. Filter times of -25 °C

is generally not acceptable. Type 3 is 10 µs are suitable for applications

342 a combination between type 1, with with shortest possible reaction times
low current in switched-on state, and and should be used for mechanical
1 5

a satisfactorily high quiescent current switches only in a restricted manner.

for the majority of modern 2-wire XFC terminals with a filter time 2 6

sensors. The type 3 input can be of << 1 µs are available for partic-
used in almost all applications as a ularly fast signals and exact edge
replacement for type 1. The diagram identification. 3 7

4 8

The EL1008 and EL1018

digital input terminals
acquire the binary
Type 1 Type 2 control signals from
VIN /V VIN /V the process level and
30 30 transmit them, in an
25 25 electrically isolated
20 ON 20 ON form, to the higher-
15 15 level automation unit.
10 10
5 5
0 OFF 0 OFF Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
−3 I IN /mA −3 I IN /mA
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 18 30 Current consumption typ. 2 mA + load
Signal voltage “0”: -3…5 V DC Signal voltage “0” -3…5 V DC power contacts
Signal voltage “1”: 15…30 V DC Signal voltage “1”: 11…30 V DC Current consumption E-bus typ. 90 mA
Distributed clocks –
Type 3 Special features standard input terminals
for fast (filter 10 µs)
30 or bouncing signals
25 (filter 3 ms)
20 ON
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
10 Approvals CE, UL, Ex
5 Weight approx. 55 g
0 OFF Further information
−3 I IN /mA
0 5 10 15 EL1008
Signal voltage “0”: -3…5 V DC Characteristics of the 3 input types Special terminals
Signal voltage “1”: 11…30 V DC according to EN 61131-2 (24 V DC) Distinguishing features

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL10xx, EL18xx Digital input

16-channel digital 8-channel digital input + 8-channel digital 4-channel digital

input terminal, 1-wire, 8-channel digital output, input terminal, 2-wire, input terminal, 2-wire,
24 V DC, type 1/3 1-wire, 24 V DC, type 1/3 24 V DC, type 1/3 24 V DC, type 1/3

EL1809 EL1819 EL1859 EL1808 EL1004 | EL1014 |

ES1004 ES1014

typ. 3.0 ms typ. 10 µs typ. 3.0 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 10 µs

EtherCAT Terminal
16 8 inputs + 8 outputs 8 4

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

1 5
1 9 1 9 1 9

2 10 2 10 2 10

3 11 3 11 3 11 2 6

4 12 4 12 4 12

5 13 5 13 5 13 3 7

6 14 6 14 6 14

7 15 7 15 7 15
4 8

8 16 8 16 8 16

With 16 input channels and only The digital EL1859 EtherCAT Termi- The EL1808 digital input terminal With its 3 ms input filter the
12 mm width the EL1809 and nal combines eight digital inputs and acquires the binary control signals EL1004 is suitable for identifying
EL1819 digital input terminals are eight digital outputs in one device. from the process level and transmits slow edges or bouncing signals,
suitable for space-saving control them, in an electrically isolated for which multiple detection is
cabinet installation. Reference form, to the higher-level automation undesirable. The EL1014 is suit-
ground for all terminal points is device. With its 3 ms input filter it is able for identifying fast signal
the 0 V power contact. Single wires suitable for identifying slow edges or edges in the µs range. There is
can be connected directly without bouncing signals, for which multiple no electrical isolation between
tools. A screwdriver is required for detection is undesirable. the channels.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

typ. 4 mA + load typ. 15 mA + load typ. 2 mA + load typ. 2 mA + load

typ. 100 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 100 mA typ. 90 mA

– – – –
standard input terminal with high combi EtherCAT Terminal, 8 x output direct plug-in technique, standard input terminals
number of channels for slow or 24 V DC, max. output current 0.5 A, 2-wire connection for 2-wire connection
fast 24 V DC edges, direct plug-in load type: ohmic, inductive, lamp
technique load, reverse voltage protection
-25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 65 g approx. 65 g approx. 60 g approx. 50 g

isolation voltage > 2,500 V, CE

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EL10xx

Digital input | 24 V DC, positive switching

2-channel digital 4-channel digital 4-channel digital
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
4-wire, 24 V DC, 2-wire, 24 V DC, 2-wire, 24 V DC,
type 1/3 type 2 type 1

Technical data EL1002 | EL1012 | EL1024 | EL1034 |

ES1002 ES1012 ES1024 ES1034
Connection technology 4-wire 2-wire

Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 2 EN 61131-2, type 1

Input filter typ. 3.0 ms typ. 10 µs typ. 3.0 ms typ. 10 µs
Number of inputs 2 4 4
EtherCAT Terminal

+60 °C

-25 °C

Type 2
344 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

Type 2
4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL1002 and EL1012 digital input The EL1024 enables the connection The EL1034 enables electrically
terminals acquire the binary control of up to four type 2 24 V sensors with isolated and potential-free connection
signals from the process level and high quiescent current consumption. of four digital 24 V signals. A filter time
transmit them, in an electrically isolated 2-wire connection is possible through of 10 µs enables sampling of fast signal
form, to the higher-level automation the four 24 V connection points. The edges.
unit. input filter is 3 ms, e.g. for bouncing

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption typ. 2 mA + load typ. 30 mA + load –
power contacts
Current consumption E-bus typ. 90 mA typ. 90 mA typ. 90 mA
Distributed clocks – – –
Special features 4-wire connection type 2 4 electrically isolated fast inputs,
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
Further information
Special terminals
Distinguishing features

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL1xxx Digital input

4-channel digital 4-channel digital 16-channel digital 2-channel digital

input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
2-/3-wire, 24 V DC, 3-wire, 24 V DC, flat-ribbon cable connection, 24 V DC, thermistor
type 1/3 type 1/3 24 V DC, type 1/3

EL1104 | EL1114 | EL1804 EL1814 EL1862 EL1872 EL1382 | ES1382

ES1104 ES1114
2-/3-wire 3-wire flat-ribbon cable 2-wire

EN 61131-2, type 1/3 thermistor PTC

typ. 3.0 ms typ. 10 µs typ. 3.0 ms typ. 10 µs typ. 3.0 ms typ. 10 µs 30 ms
4 4 16 2

EtherCAT Terminal
+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5
1 9

+5 V
2 10

2 6 3 11 2 6

4 12 υ

3 7 5 13 3 7

6 14 +
7 15 + –
4 8 1 2 4 8

8 16
PTC Equivalent circuit
sensor PTC sensor

With 2- or 3-wire connections the The EL1804 and EL1814 digital input A 20-pin plug connector with The digital EL1382 input terminal
EL1104/EL1114 enables reading of terminals acquire the binary control 2.54 mm contact spacing enables analyses the input signal of thermis-
up to four digital signals. The EL1114 signals from the process level and the secure connection of plug con- tor sensors with the aid of a current
with a 10 µs filter time is a good transmit them, in an electrically nectors using insulation displace- loop and a voltage of less than 5 V.
choice for fast signal changes with isolated form, to the higher-level ment contact, as is usual for ribbon It is a monitoring device for the ther-
short cycle times. Reference ground automation device. The EtherCAT cables and special round cables. mal machine protection of PTC sen-
for all terminal points is the 0 V Terminals each contain four chan- The required 24 V DC voltage supply sors, suitable for the direct monitoring
power contact. nels, consisting of a signal input, must be input by the ribbon cable of motors, bearings and equipment.
24 V DC and 0 V. The power contacts or the terminal points. In the process image, the state of the
are looped through. sensor is indicated by one bit each.
A further bit reports short circuits or
line interruptions.
– sensor voltage: ≤ 5 V
– diagnostics: open-circuit: > 8 kΩ
short-circuit: < 25 Ω

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V (-15 %/+20 %)

typ. 2 mA + load typ. 2 mA + load 4 mA from the 24 V supply –
(no power contacts)
typ. 90 mA typ. 90 mA typ. 100 mA typ. 120 mA
– – – –
4 inputs for 2- and 3-wire connection – also available as negative switching monitoring device for thermal
machine protection
-25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE
approx. 55 g approx. 60 g approx. 50 g approx. 55 g
negative switching, see page 348

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EL1202, EL1252

XFC digital input | 24 V DC, positive, fast inputs

XFC – eXtreme Fast Control – 2-channel digital 2-channel digital
comprises a fast controller, fast input terminal, 24 V DC, input terminal, 24 V DC,
real-time capable communication 4-wire, fast input 4-wire, timestamping
and fast, high-precision input/out-
put modules. Based on synchro-
nisation through the distributed Technical data EL1202 | ES1202 EL1252 | ES1252
clocks principle, input modules
read their inputs at exactly Connection technology 4-wire
defined times. Outputs can be
controlled with nanosecond preci- Specification similar to EN 61131-2, type 3, “0”: -3…5 V DC, “1”: 11…30 V DC,
sion, irrespective of restrictions typ. 3 mA input current
through the bus cycle time or Input filter typ. < 1 µs typ. < 1 µs
EtherCAT Terminal

communication jitter. Number of inputs 2 2

The DC devices trigger the
reading of inputs or the activation
+60 °C
of outputs through their local -25 °C

346 clocks. This way, a uniform, appli-

cation-wide timebase is formed in
1 5 1 5

the modules, which makes paral-

lel hardware wiring unnecessary. 2 6 2 6

Responses with equidistant time

intervals are possible largely inde-
pendent of the bus cycle time. 3 7 3 7

EtherCAT components
with DC support, such as shaft 4 8 4 8

encoders, drives or I/O modules,

enable synchronised, time-based
operation for exact control of The very fast input circuit enables The EL1252 allocates a 64-bit
sampling of short input pulses, even timestamp (1 ns triggering) to each
the mechanical components.
with very short EtherCAT cycle times. edge change as a process data.
All EL12xx terminals feature a
fast input circuit, which enables
the signal information from the
field to be transferred to the com-
munication level without delay.

For further information on XFC

see page 298 Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consum. pow. cont. typ. 6 mA + load typ. 6 mA + load
Current consumption E-bus typ. 110 mA typ. 110 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes
Internal sampling/ 10 ns (+ input delay) 10 ns (+ input delay)
Distributed clock precision << 1 µs << 1 µs
Oversampling/multi- – –
timestamping factor
Special features DC can be activated, see documentation timestamping, latch last edge
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g
Further information
Special terminals EL1252-0050
Distinguishing features 5 V inputs

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL125x, EL1262 Digital input

8-channel digital 8-channel digital input + 2-channel digital

input terminal, 24 V DC, 8-channel digital output, 24 V DC, input terminal, 24 V DC,
2-wire, multi-timestamping 1-wire, multi-timestamping 4-wire, oversampling

EL1258 EL1259 EL1262 | ES1262

2-wire 1-wire 4-wire

typ. < 1 µs typ. < 1 µs typ. < 1 µs

EtherCAT Terminal
8 8 inputs + 8 outputs 2

1 5
1 9 1 9

2 10 2 10

3 11 3 11 2 6

4 12 4 12

5 13 5 13 3 7

6 14 6 14

7 15 7 15
4 8

8 16 8 16

The ELx258 EtherCAT HD terminals with timestamp technology offer optimised sensor/actuator control The EL1262 oversamples both channels with up to
with high channel density and compact design. In contrast to the ELx252 series with a timestamp inter- 1 Msample/s and transfers the state of the inputs
val of 1 ns, the EL1258, EL1259 and EL2258 operate with a 10…40 µs interval. They can sample inputs as a bit datastream collectively to the controller.
or issue outputs at these intervals, synchronised through the distributed clocks. The 16-channel digital This way, even the fastest signals can be acquired.
EL1259 EtherCAT Terminal combines the functions of the EL1258 – eight timestamp inputs – with those
of the EL2258 – eight timestamp outputs.
Multi-timestamping enables up to 10 events per channel to be sampled or output in each EtherCAT
cycle. The outputs feature auto-activation, i.e. they can be re-activated in each cycle. The EL1259, as
a combination of DC-controlled inputs and outputs within a terminal, is particularly suitable for local
switching tasks.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

typ. 6 mA + load typ. 6 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
typ. 110 mA typ. 90 mA typ. 70 mA
yes yes yes
< 10…40 µs, corresponds to 100…25 k < 10…40 µs, corresponds to 100…25 k 10 ns (+ input delay)
detectable edges/s, dependent on configuration detectable edges/s, dependent on configuration
<< 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs
n = integer multiple of the cycle time, 1…10 n = integer multiple of the cycle time, 1…10 n = integer multiple of the cycle time, 1…1,000,
see documentation
multi-timestamping multi-timestamping, auto activation oversampling
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 60 g
5 V inputs

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EL10xx, EL18xx

Digital input | 24 V DC, negative switching

8-channel digital 16-channel digital 4-channel digital 16-channel digital
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
1-wire, 24 V DC, 1-wire, 24 V DC, 2-wire, 24 V DC, flat-ribbon, 24 V DC,
negative switching negative switching negative switching negative switching

Technical data EL1088 | EL1098 | EL1889 EL1084 | EL1094 | EL1862-0010

ES1088 ES1098 ES1084 ES1094
Connection technology 1-wire 2-wire flat-ribbon cable

Specification negative switching “0”: 18…30 V DC, “1”: 0…7 V DC, typ. 3 mA input current

Input filter typ. 3.0 ms typ. 10 µs typ. 3.0 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 10 µs typ. 3.0 ms
EtherCAT Terminal

Number of inputs 8 16 4 16

+60 °C

-25 °C


1 5 1 5
1 9

2 10

2 6 3 11 2 6

4 12

3 7 5 13 3 7

6 14

7 15 + –
4 8 4 8 1 2

8 16

The EL terminals of the EL108x and EL109x series and the EL1889 and EL1862-0010 interpret input signals with negative
logic: 0 V signal level means logic “1”. The rated voltage level is read as logic “0”. Versions with 10 µs input filter are
available for sampling fast input edges. The slow 3 ms filter enables logging of bouncing contacts or slowly rising signal edges.
The 4-channel versions enable 2-wire connection. In the ribbon version the 0 V and 24 V rails are available for 3-wire connec-
tion. In all cases, a power supply with 24 V DC rated voltage is required for operation.
In the EL1862-0010 a 20-pole pin contact strip with a 2.54 mm contact spacing with locking enables safe connection of
plug connectors with insulation displacement.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption typ. 25 mA typ. 35 mA typ. 20 mA typ. 35 mA
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 90 mA typ. 110 mA typ. 90 mA typ. 100 mA
Distributed clocks – – – –
Special features – – 2-wire connection –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 55 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL11xx, EL17xx Digital input

Digital input | 5 V…230 V

4-channel 4-channel 4-channel dig- 2-channel digital 2-channel digital 2-channel digital
digital input digital input ital input termi- input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
terminal, 2-/3- terminal, 2-/3- nal, 2-/3-wire, 4-wire, type 1, 4-wire, type 1, 2-wire, type 1,
wire, 5 V DC wire, 12 V DC type 1, 48 V DC 120 V AC/DC 120/230 V AC 120/230 V AC

Technical data EL1124 | EL1144 | EL1134 | EL1712 | EL1702 | EL1722 |

ES1124 ES1144 ES1134 ES1712 ES1702 ES1722
Connection technology 2-/3-wire 4-wire 2-wire

Specification “0”: < 0.8 V DC, “0”: < 2.4 V DC, EN 61131-2, “0”: < 40 V, “0”: < 40 V,
“1”: > 2.4 V DC, “1”: > 8.5 V DC, type 1 “1”: 80…140 V, “1”: 79…260 V,
typ. 50 µA input current input current “1”: input current “1”: > 3 mA, typ. 6 mA

EtherCAT Terminal
“1”: typ. 3 mA > 3 mA, typ. 6 mA
Input filter typ. 0.05 µs typ. 10 µs typ. 10 µs typ. 10 ms typ. 10 ms typ. 10 ms
Number of inputs 4 4 4 2 2 2


1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6
+5 V +120 V +120/
+12 V AC/DC 230 V AC
+48 V

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The digital EL11x4 input terminals are suitable The EL17x2 digital input terminals are suitable for recording logic
for reading logical signals based on direct current: signals ≥ 120 V. The EL1712 is suitable for both DC and AC voltages
EL1124 (5 V DC), EL1144 (12 V DC) and EL1134 and can therefore be used in the voltage range 120 V AC/DC. Using
(48 V DC). The EL9505 power supply terminals (5 V DC, the EL1702 and EL1722, logic signals can be recorded on a 120 or
for EL1124) and EL9512 (12 V DC, for EL1144) are 230 V AC basis. The EL1722 is suitable for the construction of indi-
available for feeding in the supply voltage at the vidual potential groups, since it has no power contacts.
power contacts. The EL9190 potential supply terminal
in conjunction with an external 48 V DC power supply
unit can be used for supplying the EL1134.

Nominal voltage 5 V DC 12 V DC 48 V DC 120 V AC/DC 120/230 V AC 120/230 V AC

Current consumption typ. 14 mA + typ. 14 mA + typ. 10 mA + – – –
power contacts load load load
Current consumption E-bus typ. 90 mA typ. 90 mA typ. 90 mA typ. 110 mA typ. 110 mA typ. 110 mA
Distributed clocks – – – – – –
Electrical isolation 500 V (E-bus/ 500 V (E-bus/ 500 V (E-bus/ 500 V (E-bus/ 500 V (E-bus/ 500 V (E-bus/
field potential) field potential) field potential) mains voltage); mains voltage); mains voltage);
3,750 V AC, 1 min. 3,750 V AC, 1 min. 3,750 V AC, 1 min.
Special features fast CMOS – – also suitable – no power
input for 120 V DC contacts
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE CE CE
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
Further information www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff.
com/EL1124 com/EL1144 com/EL1134 EL1712 EL1702 EL1722

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EL1502, EL1512

Digital input | 24 V DC, counter

Pulses often need to be captured in technical 2-channel digital 2-channel digital
control applications. This can be done with input terminal, 24 V DC, input terminal, 24 V DC,
fast inputs such as EL1202 and a central 100 kHz, counter 1 kHz, counter
pulse counter. If the pulse length is the order
of magnitude of the control cycle time or less,
the controller cannot record these signals Technical data EL1502 | ES1502 EL1512 | ES1512
correctly any more. Pre-processing counter
terminals can then be used to count the Connection technology 1 x up/down counter, 2 up counters
number and direction of the pulses, which 2 x up or down counter
enables the controller to determine reli- Specification EN 61131-2, type 1,
able values. The counter is adapted to the “0”: < 5 V DC,
individual requirements, such as up/down “1”: > 15 V DC, typ. 5 mA
EtherCAT Terminal

counter or Gate/Latch-controlled, by fieldbus +60 °C +60 °C

parameterisation. With a counting depth of -25 °C -25 °C

32 bit any overflow can be controlled reliably,

even at high frequencies.
350 As a multi-functional EtherCAT Terminal Clock
1 5 1 5

the EL1502 supports the following operating Gate

modes: 2 6 2 6

– 1 x 32 bit up/down counter (the counting

direction is specified via the input)
– 1 x 32 bit gated counter (the counter is 3 7 3 7

enabled via the input)

– 2 x 32 bit up or down counter 4 8 4 8

(no direction detection)

The EtherCAT Terminal can switch its outputs
depending on the counter values. The EL1502 The EL1502 supports numer- The EL1512 is suitable
ous functions for demanding for slow, simple and
device supports the distributed clocks func-
counting tasks such as dis- unidirectional counting
tion. This enables the counter value to be tributed clocks, fast counting tasks with two channels.
read at highly constant intervals. frequency and switchable
The EL1512 was developed for price- outputs.
sensitive applications and has limitations in
terms of speed and functionality.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption typ. 14 mA + load typ. 14 mA + load
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks yes –
Electrical isolation 500 V (E-bus/field potential) 500 V (E-bus/field potential)
Counting frequency max. 100 kHz max. 1 kHz
Max. output current 24 V/0.5 A (short-circuit- –
proof) per channel
Counter depth 32 bit 32 bit
Special features set counters, switch outputs 10 µs input filter
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 55 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL1908, EL1904 Digital input

Digital input | 24 V DC, TwinSAFE

8-channel digital 4-channel digital
input terminal, input terminal,
TwinSAFE, 24 V DC TwinSAFE, 24 V DC

Technical data EL1908 EL1904

Connection technology 1-/2-wire

Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e) and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)

Number of inputs 8 4

EtherCAT Terminal
1 5
1 9

2 10

3 11 2 6

4 12

5 13 3 7

6 14

7 15
4 8

8 16

The EL1908 Safety EtherCAT Terminal The EL1904 Safety EtherCAT Terminal
has eight fail-safe inputs. has four fail-safe inputs.

Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption see documentation see documentation
power contacts
Current consumption E-bus approx. 200 mA approx. 200 mA
Response time typ. 4 ms (read input/write to E-bus) typ. 4 ms (read input/write to E-bus)
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable) ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
Permitted degree 2 2
of contamination
Climate class EN 60721-3-3 3K3 3K3
Installation position horizontal horizontal
Special features 8 safe inputs 4 safe inputs
Operating/storage 0…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C -25…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4 conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27 conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
Approvals in preparation (CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD) CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
Protection class IP 20 IP 20
Further information

For TwinSAFE products and further information on the TwinSAFE technology see page 966

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EL2002, EL2004

Digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

Many actuators are driven or controlled 2-channel digital 4-channel digital
with 24 V DC. The EtherCAT Terminals of the output terminal, output terminal,
“positive switching” category switch all output 4-wire, 24 V DC, 2-wire, 24 V DC,
channels to 24 V DC, so all connected actuators 0.5 A 0.5 A
are hard-wired to ground (0 V). The output of
an EtherCAT Terminal can be considered as a Technical data EL2002 EL2004
functional 24 V DC relay contact. The output
circuit offers further functions such as short- Connection technology 4-wire 2-wire
circuit-current limitation, short-circuit switch-
off and the rapid depletion of inductive energy Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load
from the coil.
The most common output circuit deliv- Max. output current 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof)
EtherCAT Terminal

ers a maximum continuous current of 0.5 A. per channel per channel

Special output terminals are available for higher Switching times typ. TON: 60 µs, typ. TON: 60 µs,
currents. Any type of load (ohmic, capacitive, typ. TOFF: 300 µs typ. TOFF: 300 µs
inductive) can be connected to an output ter- Number of outputs 2 4

352 minal. As lamp and capacitive loads are critical +60 °C +60 °C
due to their high starting currents, they are -25 °C -25 °C

limited by the output circuits of the EtherCAT

Terminals. This ensures that the upstream
circuit-breaker is not triggered. Inductive loads
1 5 1 5

are problematic at switch-off, as high induction

voltages develop if the current is interrupted 2 6 2 6

too fast. An integrated freewheeling diode pre-

vents this voltage peak. However, the current is
reduced so slowly that it leads to faults in many 3 7 3 7

technical control applications. For example,

a valve remains open for many milliseconds. 4 8 4 8

The EtherCAT Terminals represent a compromise

between prevention of overvoltage and rapid
switch-off. They suppress the induction voltage The digital EL2004 EtherCAT
Terminal is suitable for the
to about 24 V DC and realise switch-off times
connection of four 2-wire
which approximately correspond to the switch- actuators.
on time of the coil.
In the case of short-circuit, the output circuit
limits the current and prevents the activation
of the upstream circuit-breaker. The EtherCAT
Terminal maintains this current until important
self-heating and finally switches off. After the
circuit has cooled, it switches back on. The out- Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
put signal is driven in time until the output of Current consumption typ. 15 mA + load typ. 15 mA + load
the controller is switched off or the short-circuit power contacts
is rectified. The clock frequency depends on the Current consumption typ. 100 mA typ. 100 mA
ambient temperature and the load of the other E-bus
terminal channels. The overload protection of Distributed clocks – –
the output is also realised by thermal switch-off. Breaking energy < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel
Reverse voltage protection yes yes
Short circuit current – typ. < 2 A
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL2008, EL28xx Digital output

8-channel digital 8-channel digital 16-channel digital 16-channel digital 16-channel digital
output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
1-wire, 24 V DC, 2-wire, 24 V DC, 1-wire, 24 V DC, flat-ribbon cable D-sub, 24 V DC
0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A connection, 24 V DC

EL2008 EL2808 EL2809 EL2872 EM2042

1-wire 2-wire 1-wire flat-ribbon cable D-sub

0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof)

EtherCAT Terminal
per channel per channel per channel per channel per channel
typ. TON: 60 µs, typ. TON: 60 µs, typ. TON: 60 µs, typ. TON: 60 µs, typ. TON: 60 µs,
typ. TOFF: 300 µs typ. TOFF: 300 µs typ. TOFF: 300 µs typ. TOFF: 300 µs typ. TOFF: 300 µs
8 8 16 16 16

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C 353

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

1 5
1 9 1 9

2 10 2 10

2 6 3 11 3 11

4 12 4 12

3 7 5 13 5 13

6 14 6 14

7 15 7 15 + –
4 8 1 2

8 16 8 16

8-channel standard output The EL2808 High Density 16-channel standard output Plug X2 is included in
terminal for 1-wire con- EtherCAT Terminal contains terminal for 1-wire con- the scope of supply.
nection; output signalling eight outputs for the con- nection; output signalling
through LED nection of 2-wire actuators through LED
and thus allows a very high
packing density.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
typ. 15 mA + load typ. 15 mA + load typ. 35 mA + load typ. 25 mA + load X2: typ. 25 mA + load
(no power contacts)
typ. 110 mA typ. 110 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 115 mA

– – – – –
< 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel
yes yes yes yes yes
typ. < 2 A typ. < 2 A typ. < 2 A typ. < 2 A typ. < 2 A
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL CE
approx. 55 g approx. 65 g approx. 70 g approx. 55 g approx. 90 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EL1859, EL2xxx

Digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

8-channel digital input + 16-channel digital 2-channel digital 4-channel digital
8-channel digital output, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
1-wire, 24 V DC, 0.5 A 1-wire, 24 V DC, 4-wire, 24 V DC, 2-wire, 24 V DC,
0.5 A, with diagnostics 2 A (+ diagnostics) 2A

Technical data EL1859 EL2819 EL2022 | ES2022 EL2024 | ES2024

Connection technology 1-wire 4-wire 2-wire

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 2.0 A (short-circuit-proof) 2.0 A (short-circuit-proof)
EtherCAT Terminal

per channel per channel per channel per channel

Switching times typ. TON: 60 µs, typ. TON: 50 µs, typ. TON: 40 µs, typ. TON: 40 µs,
typ. TOFF: 300 µs typ. TOFF: 100 µs typ. TOFF: 200 µs typ. TOFF: 200 µs
Number of outputs 8 outputs + 8 inputs 16 2 4

354 +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5
1 9 1 9

2 10 2 10

3 11 3 11 2 6 2 6

4 12 4 12

5 13 5 13 3 7 3 7

6 14 6 14

7 15 7 15
4 8 4 8

8 16 8 16

Combi EtherCAT Terminal with 16-channel output terminal Direct 2-wire connection
8 digital inputs and outputs in with diagnostics of 4 actuators
HD direct plug-in technique and
1-wire connection

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consum. pow. cont. typ. 15 mA + load typ. 50 mA + load typ. 9 mA + load typ. 13 mA + load
Current consumption E-bus typ. 110 mA typ. 90 mA typ. 100 mA typ. 120 mA
Distributed clocks – – – –
Breaking energy < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel < 1.7 J/channel < 1.7 J/channel
Reverse voltage protection yes yes yes yes
Short circuit current typ. < 2 A < typ. 1 A typ. < 70 A typ. < 70 A
Special features combi EtherCAT Terminal, diagnostics via process data – –
8 x input 24 V DC and LED: overtemperature,
– input filter: 3 ms PowerFail, short circuit
– type: 1/3 (per channel)
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 65 g approx. 70 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g
Further information
Special terminals EL2024-0010
Distinguishing features nominal volt. 12 V DC 359

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL2828, EL20xx Digital output

8-channel digital 2-channel digital 4-channel digital 2-channel digital

output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
2-wire, 24 V DC, 4-wire, 24 V DC, 2-wire, 24 V DC, 3-wire, 24 V DC,
2A 2 A (+ diagnostics) 2 A, with diagnostics 2 x 4 A/1 x 8 A

EL2828 EL2032 | ES2032 EL2034 | ES2034 EL2042 | ES2042

4-wire 2-wire 3-wire

2 A ( ∑ 10 A) 2.0 A (short-circuit-proof) 2.0 A (short-circuit-proof) 4.0 A (short-circuit-proof) per

EtherCAT Terminal
per channel per channel, with diagnostics channel, 8 A for parallel connection
typ. TON: 60 µs, typ. TON: 40 µs, typ. TON: 40 µs, typ. TON: 40 µs,
typ. TOFF: 250 µs typ. TOFF: 200 µs typ. TOFF: 200 µs typ. TOFF: 200 µs
8 2 4 2

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C 355

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C


1 5 1 5 1 5
1 9

2 10

3 11 2 6 2 6 2 6

4 12

5 13 3 7 3 7 3 7

6 14

7 15
4 8 4 8 4 8

8 16

The EL2828 High Density EtherCAT The EL2032 has diagnostics for Direct 2-wire connection of The EL2042 can supply up to
Terminal contains eight outputs for short circuit and open circuit. 4 actuators with diagnostics 8 A output current if the outputs
the connection of 2-wire actuators over EtherCAT are connected in parallel.
and thus allows a very high packing

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

typ. 15 mA + load typ. 13 mA + load typ. 14 mA + load typ. 15 mA + load
typ. 110 mA typ. 100 mA typ. 120 mA typ. 120 mA
– – – –
< 1.2 J/channel < 1.7 J/channel < 1.7 J/channel < 1.7 J/channel
yes yes yes yes
< 40 A typ. typ. < 70 A typ. < 70 A typ. < 70 A
– especially suitable for loads diagnostics: short circuit –
with high input current and open circuit

-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C

approx. 70 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EL2202, EL2212

XFC digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

XFC – eXtreme Fast Control – comprises a 2-channel digital 2-channel digital
fast controller, fast real-time capable com- output terminal, 4-wire, output terminal, 4-wire,
munication and fast, high-precision input/ 24 V DC, TON/TOFF 1 µs, 24…72 V DC, with multi-
output modules. Based on synchronisation push-pull outputs, tri-state timestamping, overexcitation
through the distributed clocks principle, input
modules read their inputs at exactly defined Technical data EL2202 | ES2202 EL2212 | ES2212
times. Outputs can be controlled with nano-
second precision, irrespective of restrictions Connection technology 4-wire
through the bus cycle time or communication Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load inductive > 1 mH
jitter. Further information on XFC see pages Max. output current 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof in peak current: max. 10 A per
298 and 346 push operation) per channel channel, holding current:
EtherCAT components with DC sup- 0.2…2.5 A per channel
EtherCAT Terminal

port, such as shaft encoders, drives or I/O Switching times typ. TON: < 1 µs, without distributed clocks:
modules, enable synchronised, time-based typ. TOFF: < 1 µs TON/TOFF typ. 20 µs, with distrib-
operation for exact control of the mechanical uted clocks: TON/TOFF typ. < 1 µs
components. All EL12xx terminals feature a via internal compensation
fast input circuit, which enables the signal Number of outputs 2 2
information from the field to be transferred
to the communication level without delay.
The EL22xx XFC output terminals connect
their outputs correspondingly fast and with
distributed clock accuracy.
1 5 1 5

With overexcitation, the EL2212 supports

the particularly fast switching of inductive 2 6 2 6

loads, such as valves. A supply of 24…72 V

is connected to the power contacts and
passed through to the load when switched 3 7 3 7

on. After an adjustable waiting period

the terminal begins to control the current 4 8 4 8

channel-wise in order to protect the load.

The switching event is precisely position-
able by the timestamping functionality. Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24…72 V DC (-15 %/+0 %)
The switch-off process is also accelerated Current consum. pow. cont. typ. 30 mA + load load-dependent
considerably by the pole reversal of the Current consumption E-bus typ. 130 mA typ. 120 mA
voltage. Distributed clocks – (EL2202-0100 yes) yes
The ELx258 and EL1259 EtherCAT HD Output stage push-pull, high-ohmic full bridge (push-pull)
terminals with multi-timestamping technol- Internal sampling/ – 10 ns
ogy offer optimised sensor/actuator control execution
with high channel density and compact
design. In contrast to the ELx252 series with Distributed clock precision << 1 µs << 1 µs
a timestamp per PLC cycle and a time resolu- Oversampling/multi- – –
tion of 1 ns, the EL1258, EL1259 and EL2258 timestamping factor
operate with up to 10 timestamps per PLC Breaking energy < 150 mJ/channel load-dependent
cycle and thus a 10…40 µs time interval. Reverse voltage protection yes –
They can sample inputs or issue outputs at Short circuit current typ. < 1.5 A 12 A typ.
these intervals, synchronised through the Special features can be converted to DC version Multi-timestamping, current-
distributed clocks. EL2202-0100, outputs connect- controlled outputs can be con-
able in high-resistance mode nected in high-resistance mode.
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, Ex CE
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 50 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL1259, EL22xx Digital output

2-channel digital 8-channel digital input + 8-channel digital 2-channel digital

output terminal, 4-wire, 8-channel digital output, 1-wire, output terminal, 2-wire, output terminal, 4-wire,
with timestamping, 24 V DC, multi-timestamping with multi-timestamping with oversampling,
push-pull outputs, tri-state push-pull outputs

EL2252 | ES2252 EL1259 EL2258 EL2262 | ES2262

1-wire 2-wire 4-wire

ohmic, inductive, lamp load
0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof in push
per channel per channel per channel operation) per channel

EtherCAT Terminal
typ. TON: < 1 µs, typ. TON: < 1 µs, typ. TON: < 1 µs, typ. TON: < 1 µs,
typ. TOFF: < 1 µs typ. TOFF: < 1 µs typ. TOFF: < 1 µs typ. TOFF: < 1 µs

2 8 outputs + 8 inputs 8 2

1 5 1 5
1 9 1 9

2 10 2 10

2 6 3 11 3 11 2 6

4 12 4 12

3 7 5 13 5 13 3 7

6 14 6 14

7 15 7 15
4 8 4 8

8 16 8 16

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

typ. 30 mA + load typ. 6 mA + load typ. 30 mA + load typ. 35 mA + load
typ. 130 mA typ. 90 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 70 mA
yes yes yes yes
push-pull push push push-pull
10 ns < 10…40 µs, corresponds to < 10…40 µs, corresponds to 10 ns
100…25 k detectable edges/s, 100…25 k detectable edges/s,
dependent on configuration dependent on configuration
<< 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs
– n = integer multiple of n = integer multiple of n = integer multiple of
the cycle time, 1…10 the cycle time, 1…10 the cycle time, 1…1,000
< 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel
yes yes yes yes
typ. < 1.5 A < typ. 1 A < typ. 1 A typ. < 1.5 A
Timestamping, outputs can be multi-timestamping, multi-timestamping, up to 1,000 x oversampling
connected in high-resistance mode, auto activation auto activation, further information
short-circuit-proof. see page 347
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
approx. 60 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 60 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EL208x, EL28xx

Digital output | 24 V DC, negative switching

8-channel digital 16-channel digital 4-channel digital 16-channel digital
output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
1-wire, 24 V DC, 1-wire, 24 V DC, 2-wire, 24 V DC, flat-ribbon cable connection,
0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 24 V DC, 0.5 A

Technical data EL2088 | ES2088 EL2889 EL2084 | ES2084 EL2872-0010

Connection technology 1-wire 2-wire flat-ribbon cable

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof)
EtherCAT Terminal

per channel per channel per channel per channel

Switching times TON: 50 µs, TON: 50 µs, TON: 50 µs, TON: 50 µs,
TOFF: 200 µs TOFF: 200 µs TOFF: 200 µs TOFF: 200 µs
Number of outputs 8 16 4 16

358 +60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5
1 9

2 10

2 6 3 11 2 6

4 12

3 7 5 13 3 7

6 14

7 15 + –
4 8 4 8 1 2

8 16

The negative switching The negative switching The negative switching A 20-pin plug connector with
EL2088 digital output EL2889 digital output EL2084 digital output 2.54 mm contact spacing
terminal is suitable for terminal offers terminal terminal offers four outputs enables the secure connec-
the connection of eight points for 16 actuators and additionally provides tion of plug connectors using
actuators using 1-wire using 1-wire connection 24 V DC for each channel. insulation displacement
connection technology. technology and thus a contact, as is usual for rib-
very high packing density. bon cables and special round
cables. The required 24 V DC
voltage supply must be input
by the ribbon cable or the
terminal points 1 and 2.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption typ. 30 mA + load typ. 30 mA + load typ. 30 mA + load typ. 30 mA + load
power contacts
Current consumption E-bus typ. 110 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 100 mA typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks – – – –
Breaking energy < 100 mJ/channel < 100 mJ/channel < 100 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel
Reverse voltage protection yes yes yes yes
Short circuit current typ. < 7 A typ. < 7 A typ. < 7 A typ. < 7 A
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL
Weight approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 55 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL2124, EL2024-0010 Digital output

Digital output | 5/12 V DC, positive switching

4-channel digital 4-channel digital
output terminal, output terminal,
2-/3-wire, 5 V DC, 2-wire, 12 V DC,
20 mA 2A

Technical data EL2124 | ES2124 EL2024-0010

Connection technology 2-/3-wire 2-wire

Load type ohmic, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current ±20 mA (short-circuit-proof) per channel, 2.0 A (short-circuit-proof) per channel

EtherCAT Terminal
type CMOS output/push-pull
Switching times typ. TON: < 1 µs, typ. TON: 40 µs,
typ. TOFF: < 1 µs typ. TOFF: 200 µs
Number of outputs 4 4


1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6
+5 V +12 V

3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8

The EL2124 is suitable for particularly fast switching of 5 V The 12 V EL2024-0010 version is particularly suitable
signals in push-pull mode. A 5 V supply is required via the for automotive and building applications.
power contacts, e.g. via a EL9505 power supply terminal.

Nominal voltage 5 V DC 12 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption typ. 12 mA + load typ. 13 mA + load
power contacts
Current consumption E-bus typ. 130 mA typ. 120 mA
Distributed clocks – –
Peak current – –
Isolation voltage no data no data
On-resistance no data no data
Breaking energy – < 1.7 J/channel
Reverse voltage protection – yes
Short circuit current typ. < 50 A typ. < 70 A
Special features fast 5 V output for automotive applications
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE
Weight approx. 70 g approx. 55 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EL2784

Digital output | 30 V AC/DC, positive switching

The EL2784, EL2788, EL2794 and EL2798 4-channel digital
digital output terminals each provide output terminal,
four (EL27x4) or eight (EL27x8) switches, 2-wire, 30 V AC/DC,
which can be used like a relay contact for 2A
AC/DC voltages. The EL2784 and EL2788
use power contacts as a common potential. Technical data EL2784
In the KL2794 and KL2798, the power
contacts are passed directly to the circuit Connection technology 2-wire
without connection.
The electronic switch in the EtherCAT Load type AC/DC loads
Terminal is implemented by efficient MOSFET
transistors with a low switch-on resistance. Max. output current 2A
EtherCAT Terminal

The electronics are virtually wear-free.

The switch itself is not short-circuit-proof, Switching times TON: typ. 1.8 ms,
but can conduct a high current with its high TOFF: typ. 30 ms
pulse current capability long enough, until Number of outputs 4 x make contacts

360 the circuit-breaker switches off. It behaves

like a robust relay contact.
Inductive loads can be switched directly,
without further safety measures. The circuit
switches relatively slowly and prevents high
peak voltages. No break sparks are created
1 5

in the terminal and thus no electromagnetic

interference pulse. 2 6

3 7

4 8

4 electronic switches on the power contact

Nominal voltage 0…30 V AC/DC (only ohmic load: 0…48 V DC)

Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 140 mA
Distributed clocks –
Peak current 5 A (100 ms), < 50 A (10 ms)
Isolation voltage –
On-resistance typ. 0.03 Ω
Breaking energy no data
Reverse voltage protection –
Short circuit current not short-circuit-proof, see peak current
Special features substitute for relay contacts
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE
Weight approx. 70 g
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL2788, EL279x Digital output

4-channel digital 8-channel digital 8-channel digital

output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
2-wire, 30 V AC/DC, 2-wire, 30 V AC/DC, 2-wire, 30 V AC/DC,
2 A, potential-free 2A 2 A, potential-free

EL2794 EL2788 EL2798

2A 2A 2A

EtherCAT Terminal
TON: typ. 1.8 ms, TON: typ. 1.8 ms, TON: typ. 1.8 ms,
TOFF: typ. 30 ms TOFF: typ. 30 ms TOFF: typ. 30 ms
4 x make contacts 8 x make contacts 8 x make contacts


1 5
1 9 1 9

2 10 2 10

2 6 3 11 3 11

4 12 4 12

3 7 5 13 5 13

6 14 6 14

7 15 7 15
4 8

8 16 8 16

4 potential-free electronic switches 8 electronic switches on the power contact 8 potential-free electronic switches

0…30 V AC/DC (only ohmic load: 0…48 V DC) 0…30 V AC/DC (only ohmic load: 0…48 V DC) 0…30 V AC/DC (only ohmic load: 0…48 V DC)
– – –

typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA

– – –
5 A (100 ms), < 50 A (10 ms) 5 A (100 ms), < 50 A (10 ms) 5 A (100 ms), < 50 A (10 ms)
< 200 V – < 200 V

typ. 0.03 Ω typ. 0.03 Ω typ. 0.03 Ω

no data no data no data
– – –
not short-circuit-proof, see peak current not short-circuit-proof, see peak current not short-circuit-proof, see peak current
substitute for relay contacts, potential-free substitute for relay contacts substitute for relay contacts; potential-free
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EL2521, EL2522

Digital output | 24 V DC, pulse train/frequency output

The output terminals of the series EL252x- compatible differential outputs of the The EL2522 is the two-channel version of
xxxx issue a configurable pulse sequence EL2521-0000 are supplied (electrically the EL2521-0000 with the same functionality.
via their outputs. The operating mode is isolated) from the E-bus. In contrast, in the In addition, in single-channel mode it offers
individually configurable for each channel. EL2521-0024 and EL2521-0025 the two the option to control three output channels
These operating modes are available: output channels are designed as potential- in an ABC encoder simulation.
– frequency modulation on the individual free FET switches and have to be supplied
channels (A- and B-channel) externally. Moreover, in the EL2521-0025
– pulse direction setting the outputs switch to negative potential.
– incremental encoders Another available version is the EL2521-0124
Pulse rate and frequency are specified by with a 24 V latch input and an automatically
the controller via a 16-bit value. Distributed switching 24 V output (Capture/Compare).
clock synchronisation enables the output to In this way, the EtherCAT Terminal can auto-
EtherCAT Terminal

be synchronised with other EtherCAT slaves. matically switch the output at a specifiable
The EL2521-xxxx is a single-channel step number, for example for controlling an
output terminal with two differential outputs external device at a required position, inde-
and two digital inputs that are transferred pendent of the bus cycle. The 100 mA switch
362 into the process image. The two RS422- output is short-circuit-proof.

Operation mode Clockwise Reverse

Frequency A

Pulse/ A

Incremental A


*only for EL2522

Frequency pulse patterns

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL2521, EL2522 Digital output

1-channel pulse train 1-channel pulse train Incremental encoder

output terminal, 2 x RS422 output terminal, 2 x 24 V DC simulation terminal
(pulse train)

Technical data EL2521 | ES2521 EL2521-0024 EL2522

Connection technology pulse train (frequency output)

Load type ohmic, min. 220 Ω ohmic, inductive ohmic, min. 220 Ω

Max. output current RS422 specification, 50 mA 5…24 V DC, 1 A RS422 specification, 50 mA

EtherCAT Terminal
Number of outputs 1 channel (2 differential outputs A, B) 1 channel (2 outputs A, B) 2 channel A/B, 1 channel A/B/C
(4 differential outputs)

2 ch. 1 ch.

Ch. 1
1 5 1 5 A A
1 9

2 10

2 6 2 6 3 11

4 12 Ch. 2
3 7 T, Z 3 7 T, Z 5 13

6 14

7 15
4 8 4 8

8 16

Current consum. pow. cont. – load typ. 50 mA (load-dependent)

Current consumption E-bus typ. 280 mA (load-dependent) typ. 280 mA (load-dependent) typ. 120 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes yes
Input specification 24 V DC 24 V DC –
Output specification RS422, differential 5…24 V DC RS422, differential, 50 mA,
min. 220 Ω load
Base frequency 0…500 kHz, 50 kHz default 0…500 kHz, 50 kHz default 0…4 MHz, 50 kHz default
Resolution max. 15 bit (16 bit + sign) max. 15 bit (16 bit + sign) 16 bit (incl. sign, scaled via
the set frequency range)
Step size 10 mHz 10 mHz min. 10 ns (internal)
Short circuit current short-circuit-proof – short-circuit-proof
Special features different modes, ramp function, different modes, ramp function, operating modes as with EL2521,
travel distance control travel distance control ABC incremental encoder simulation
including interfacing with TwinCAT NC
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, Ex CE
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
Further information
Special terminals EL2521-0025 EL2521-0124
Distinguishing features pulse train output, 24 V version, 24 V version with Capture/Compare
negative switching input/output

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EL2502

Digital output | PWM up to 24/50 V DC, current control

EtherCAT Terminals with PWM output are 2-channel pulse width
used to control variable actuators such as output terminal, 24 V DC,
valves, solenoid coils, lamps, heating ele- 0.5 A
ments and rotary magnets. To this end, the
base frequency can be set via the process
data (EL2502) or through parameterisation. Technical data EL2502 | ES2502
The EL25xx PWM terminals deal with deter-
mining switching times, thus taking a load Connection technology PWM output, push-pull outputs
off the central controller.
The EL2502 modulates its 24 V outputs Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load
independently in terms of frequency and
pulse width based on the process data speci- Max. output current 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) per channel
EtherCAT Terminal

fication. The output stage is protected against

overload and short circuit. Number of outputs 2
In contrast to the EL2502, which is an
uncontrolled actuator and operates based
364 on a specified duty factor, the EL2535 and
EL2545 measure the actual current at an
inductive load and regulate it through the
duty factor based on the actual rated current
1 5

specification. They also monitor overload and

short circuit. Moreover, stored characteristic 2 6

valve curves can be retrieved. The PWM

frequency can be set separately for the
two channels. Two digital 24 V inputs can 3 7

be read via the process data. The EL2545 has

a larger output stage and a 24 V incremental 4 8

encoder unit. It can be used as a single- or

two-encoder unit with up to 400,000 incre-
ments/second. In addition, a latch function
and a reset function are available via the
two digital inputs.
The EL2595 also enables connection of Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
non-inductive loads and is particularly suit- Current consumption typ. 30 mA + load
able for precisely timed pulse operation of power contacts
LEDs, e.g. for camera lighting. In addition, Current consumption typ. 150 mA
the EL2595 enables continuous lighting with E-bus
real-time diagnostics. Internally the EL2595 Distributed clocks –
features a PWM stage, which is smoothed PWM clock frequency 20 Hz…20 kHz, 250 Hz default
and filtered towards the output. This means Duty factor 0…100 % (TON > 750 ns, TOFF > 500 ns)
that in practice almost a DC output voltage Resolution 10 bit
is available. Reverse voltage protection yes
Short circuit current typ. < 1.5 A
Special features separate frequency can be set for each channel

Operating temperature 0…+55 °C

Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 50 g
Further information
Special terminals
Distinguishing features

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL25xx Digital output

2-channel pulse width 2-channel pulse width 1-channel LED constant

current terminal, 24 V DC, current terminal, 50 V DC, current terminal, 2-wire,
1 A, current-controlled 3.5 A, current-controlled, adjustable
with incremental encoder

EL2535 | ES2535 EL2545 | ES2545 EL2595


ohmic, inductive > 1 mH inductive ohmic

1A 3.5 A (short-circuit-proof, thermal overload-proof) 700 mA steady load (short-circuit-proof)

EtherCAT Terminal
per channel
2 2 1



1 5 1 5 1’ 5’
1 9

A1 A2 A1 A2
2 10

2 6 2 6 2’ 6’ 3 11

B1 B2 B1 B2
4 12

3 7 3 7 3’ 7’ 5 13

6 14

7 15
4 8 4 8 4’ 8’

8 16

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 8…50 V DC 2…48 V DC (controlled automatically)

typ. 30 mA + load typ. 50 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load

typ. 110 mA typ. 180 mA typ. 130 mA

– yes yes
25 kHz default 25 kHz default –
0…100 % (current-controlled) 0…100 % (current-controlled) typ. TON: < 1 µs, typ. TOFF: < 1 µs
10 bit 12 bit –
yes yes –
typ. < 2 A typ. < 5 A –
2 digital 24 V inputs with encoder 5…24 V, 5 mA, single-ended, optional automatic operation in case of
max. 100 kHz (400,000 increments/s) communication interruption, extensive real-time
diagnostics, external trigger input
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 55 g
EL2535-0050 EL2535-0002
output 50 mA typ. 2 A

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EL2602

Digital output | Relay outputs up to 230 V AC

The EtherCAT Terminals switch a to corresponding electromag- 2-channel relay
relay as a function of a bit in the netic radiation. Capacitive loads output terminal,
process image. The relays com- create a short-circuit for a brief 230 V AC/30 V DC
pletely isolate the current flow period of time. This can – partic-
by a mechanical contact; there ularly with alternating voltages –
is no residual current through lead to such high switch-on cur- Technical data EL2602 | ES2602
the open contact. The EtherCAT rents at switch-on under peak
Terminals are not equipped with value that the bouncing contact Connection technology relay output
a protective circuit, so as not is burned shut. A capacitive load
to allow for residual current by can also be electronic devices, Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load
parallel switched components. which are typically equipped
The relay contacts differ in their with a rectifier in the input and Number of outputs 2 x make contacts
EtherCAT Terminal

contact material. Signal contacts a relatively large smoothing for power contact
also switch small voltages and capacitor. Electronic ballast is
currents; large current here leads especially critical for fluorescent
to a change in the contact char- lamps. The maximum switch-on
366 acteristics. Power contacts can currents of the devices are gen-
also switch large loads. However, erally specified in the technical
1 5

an oxide layer on the power data.

contacts prevents safe contact The relay is switched off 2 6

for small voltages below 1 V DC. through opening of a mechanical

The contacts of the small-signal contact. An arc burns for a short
relays in the EL2612 and EL2614 moment and warms the con- 3 7

are specially coated, so that they tact. For an inductive load (coil)
can switch small loads reliably. a large part of the magnetic 4 8

Should this coating become energy stored in the coil is addi-

damaged through overload tionally released as heat at the
caused by high switching cur- contact. This load on the contact
rents, only larger loads can be determines the service life of the
handled thereafter. relay and is called the electrical Nominal voltage 230 V AC/30 V DC
Switching on is accompanied service life. The mechanical serv-
by a bouncing: the electrical con- ice life is defined as the number Current consumption –
nection is initially switched on of switching operations without power contacts
and off briefly, until the contact current flow through the contact. Current consumption E-bus typ. 170 mA
is securely in its closed location. Distributed clocks –
With an inductive load (coil) this Ohmic switching current 5 A AC/DC
behaviour leads to a spark and Inductive switching 2 A AC/DC
Switching current max. –

Operat. cycles mech. (min.) 2 x 107

Operat. cycles electr. (min.) 1 x 105 (5 A/30 V DC)
Switching frequency max. –
Lamp test, 4 x 58 W
electronic ballast
Minimum permitted load 10 mA at 5 V DC

Special features 1-wire connection possible

Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL
Weight approx. 50 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL26xx Digital output

2-channel relay 2-channel relay 2-channel relay 4-channel relay

output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
230 V AC/30 V DC 230 V AC, 300 V DC 125 V AC/30 V DC 125 V AC/30 V DC

EL2622 | ES2622 EL2652 | ES2652 EL2612 | ES2612 EL2624 | ES2624


2 x make contacts 2 x change-over 2 x change-over 4 x make contacts

EtherCAT Terminal
1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

230 V AC/30 V DC 230 V AC (max. switching voltage 125 V AC/30 V DC 125 V AC/30 V DC
250 V AC/300 V DC)
– – (no power contacts) – –

typ. 170 mA 180 mA typ. 150 mA typ. 200 mA

– – – –
5 A AC/DC – 0.5 A AC/2 A DC 0.5 A AC/2 A DC
2 A AC/DC – no data no data

– 1 A AC/1 A DC at 40 V DC; 0.15 A at – –

300 V DC (UL: max. 230 V AC, 1 A)
2 x 107 5 x 106 (180 switching cycles/minute) 1 x 108 1 x 108
5 6 5
1 x 10 (5 A/30 V DC) 1 x 10 (1 A/250 V AC ohmic load) 2 x 10 (1 A/30 V DC) 2 x 105 (1 A/30 V DC)
– 6/min. (at rated load) – –
4 x 58 W – – –

10 mA at 5 V DC 100 mA (12 V DC) 10 µA at 10 mV DC with 10 µA at 10 mV DC with

intact contact coating intact contact coating
– reverse switching realisable signal relay –
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
approx. 50 g approx. 55 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EL27xx

Digital output | Triac outputs up to 230 V AC

In applications with particularly 2-channel triac 2-channel triac
frequent switching operations output terminal, output terminal,
the service life of a mechanical up to 230 V AC up to 230 V AC,
relay is potentially very short. no power contacts
An electronic switch in the form
of triacs and Mosfet transistors Technical data EL2712 | EL2722 | EL2732 |
is an almost wear-free replace- ES2712 ES2722 ES2732
ment. Connection technology triac output, 2-wire
A triac is a robust switch
and will only be used as a zero Load type ohmic, inductive
crossing switch in the EtherCAT
Terminals. Switch-on only occurs Max. output current 0.5 A 1 A (0.5 A if both 0.5 A
EtherCAT Terminal

in zero crossing voltage and outputs are on)

switch-off only in zero cross- Switching times in zero crossing, in zero crossing,
ing current. Inductive loads are 0.1…10 ms 0.1…10 ms
therefore switched off without Number of outputs 2 x make contacts 2 x make contacts, 2 x make contacts
overvoltage. The disadvantage mutually locked (without power contacts),
of a Triac is a relatively high volt- mutually locked
age drop in switched-on state,
which leads to a higher power
dissipation compared to a relay
contact. An essential protective
circuit leads to a leakage current
1 5 1 5

in switched-off state. The out-

put is not safely isolated from 2 6 2 6

the mains. Triacs need a mini-

mum load so that they remain
switched-on, and a minimum 3 7 3 7

voltage for error-free zero cross-

ing detection. 4 8 4 8

When fusing EtherCAT

Terminals from the triac family it
should be noted that electronic
switches cannot withstand high Nominal voltage 12…230 V AC 12…230 V AC
short-circuit currents. The fuses Current consum. pow. cont. – –
which are used should at least Current consumption E-bus typ. 120 mA typ. 120 mA
be fast-acting (characteristic: F) Distributed clocks – –
with low rated/reference current. Frequency range 47…63 Hz 47…63 Hz
Surge voltage protection > 275 V > 275 V
Peak current 40 A (16 ms), 1.5 A (30 s) 40 A (16 ms), 1.5 A (30 s)
Leakage current typ. 0.8 mA, typ. 0.8 mA,
max. 1.5 mA (OFF state) max. 1.5 mA (OFF state)
Switch-off time T/2 T/2
Maximum residual 1.5 V (60 mA…1 A), 1.5 V (60 mA…1 A),
voltage 150 Ω (< 60 mA) 150 Ω (< 60 mA)
Special features suitable for conventional suitable for conventional
blind motors blind motors
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g
Further information
EL2712 EL2722 EL2732

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL290x Digital output

Digital output | 24 V DC, TwinSAFE

4-channel digital 2-channel digital Potential power supply terminal,
output terminal, output terminal, TwinSAFE, 24 V DC, 10 A
TwinSAFE, 24 V DC TwinSAFE, 24 V DC

Technical data EL2904 EL2902 EL2901

Connection technology 1-/2-wire 1-wire 1-/2-wire and/or via power contacts

Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e) and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)

Max. output current 0.5 A (per channel), min. 20 mA 2.3 A (per channel) 10 A

EtherCAT Terminal
(with active current measurement)
Number of outputs 4 2 1


1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL2904 Safety EtherCAT The EL2902 Safety EtherCAT The EL2901 Safety EtherCAT
Terminal has four outputs. Terminal has two outputs. Terminal switches the power
contacts on two channels.

Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consum. pow. cont. load-dependent load-dependent load-dependent
Current consumption E-bus approx. 221 mA approx. 221 mA approx. 221 mA
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable) ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable) ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
Permitted degree 2 2 2
of contamination
Climate class 3K3 3K3 3K3
EN 60721-3-3
Installation position horizontal horizontal horizontal
Special features 4 safe outputs 2 safe outputs safe power supply
Operating/storage -25…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C 0…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C 0…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4 conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4 conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27 conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27 conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD in preparation (CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD) in preparation (CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD)
Weight approx. 90 g approx. 90 g approx. 90 g
Protection class IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
Further information

For TwinSAFE products and further information on the TwinSAFE technology see page 966

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL3001

Analog input | -10…+10 V, 12 bit, single-ended

The EL3xxx EtherCAT Terminals read analog 1-channel analog
signal voltages in the common standard sig- input terminal,
nal range of -10…+10 V, 0…10 V, 0…20 mA -10…+10 V, 12 bit,
and 4…20 mA. Within the EtherCAT Terminal single-ended
the field side is electrically isolated from the
E-bus and enables interconnection to form Technical data EL3001 | ES3001
potential groups as required. The 1-chan-
nel terminals are available for applications Signal voltage -10…+10 V
in which each signal must be completely
electrically isolated. An additional electrically Resolution 12 bit (16 bit presentation, incl. sign)
isolated 24 V DC supply can be created by
the application of the EL9560 power supply Technology single-ended
EtherCAT Terminal

terminal (24 V DC/24 V DC).

The analog input EtherCAT Terminals Conversion time 0.625 ms default setting, configurable
differ in their different resolutions of the ana-
log/digital conversion, conversion speed and Number of inputs 1 (single-ended)

370 accuracy. For 1- and 2-channel terminals 1-, +60 °C

2-, 3- and 4-wire connections are available -25 °C

for the sensors. 4-channel EtherCAT Terminals

can only be used with 1- and 2-wire connec-
1 5

The input circuit of the EtherCAT Termi-

nals differs between single-ended and dif- 2 6

ferential inputs. A single-ended input expects

a signal with a fixed reference to ground.
In practice, single-ended is easily to be wired 3 7

using single-wire connection. The differential

input measures the difference between both 4 8

inputs +I and -I. A superposition within the

common-mode area (common-mode voltage)
has no effect on the measuring result. For The EL3001 analog input terminal is characterised
by its fine granularity and electrical isolation.
measurement two conductors should always
be connected; in the case of single-wire con-
nection input -I can be connected to ground.
The product range is rounded off by fur-
ther special input voltages and covers a wide
field of application for the processing of ana- Dielectric strength max. 30 V
log signals. By the expansion of power supply Current consumption –
terminals well-stabilised auxiliary voltages power contacts
from 5 to 15 V can be generated. Current consumption E-bus typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks –
Internal resistance > 130 kΩ
Input filter limit frequency 1 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)
Special features standard and compact process image, switchable
measuring data representation, activatable FIR/IIR
filters, limit value monitoring, overload display in
the process data
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 70 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL300x Analog input

2-channel analog 4-channel analog 8-channel analog

input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
-10…+10 V, 12 bit, -10…+10 V, 12 bit, -10…+10 V, 12 bit,
single-ended single-ended single-ended

EL3002 | ES3002 EL3004 | ES3004 EL3008 | ES3008

single-ended single-ended single-ended

EtherCAT Terminal
0.625 ms default setting, configurable 0.625 ms default setting, configurable 1.25 ms default setting, configurable

2 (single-ended) 4 (single-ended) 8 (single-ended)

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C 371

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL3002 analog input terminal combines The four single-ended inputs of the EL3004 With eight input channels, the EL3008 is particu-
two analog inputs with a common internal have a common reference ground that is fed larly suitable for space-saving installation in the
ground potential in one housing. out. A 2-wire connection is thus possible. control cabinet. The common reference ground is
the 0 V power contact. A 0 V distribution terminal,
e.g. EL9187 or EL9189, must be added for a 2-wire

max. 30 V max. 30 V max. 30 V

– – –

typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA

– – –
> 130 kΩ > 130 kΩ > 130 kΩ
1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz
< ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)
standard and compact process image, switchable standard and compact process image, switchable standard and compact process image, switchable
measuring data representation, activatable FIR/IIR measuring data representation, activatable FIR/IIR measuring data representation, activatable FIR/IIR
filters, limit value monitoring, overload display in filters, limit value monitoring, overload display in filters, limit value monitoring, overload display in
the process data the process data the process data
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL310x

Analog input | -10…+10 V, 16 bit, differential input

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
-10…+10 V, 16 bit, -10…+10 V, 16 bit, -10…+10 V, 16 bit,
differential input differential input differential input

Technical data EL3101 | ES3101 EL3102 | ES3102 EL3104 | ES3104

Signal voltage -10…+10 V

Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)

Technology differential input differential input differential input
Conversion time ~ 40 µs ~ 60 µs (fast mode ~ 40 µs) ~ 100 µs
EtherCAT Terminal

Number of inputs 1 (differential) 2 (differential) 4 (differential)

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL310x analog input terminals measure input voltages from -10 to +10 V with 16-bit resolution. The significantly faster
conversion time and support for distributed clocks enable use in time-critical applications and set them apart from the EL30xx
series. The differential inputs of the EL3102/EL3104 have the same reference ground.

Common-mode 35 V max. 35 V max. 35 V max.

voltage UCM
Current consumption – – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 130 mA typ. 170 mA typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes yes
Oversampling factor – – –
Distributed clock precision << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs
Input signal bandwidth – – –
Internal resistance > 200 kΩ > 200 kΩ > 200 kΩ
Input filter limit frequency 5 kHz 5 kHz 5 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)
Special features standard and compact process image, standard and compact process image, standard and compact process image,
switchable measuring data represen- switchable measuring data represen- switchable measuring data represen-
tation, activatable FIR/IIR filters, limit tation, activatable FIR/IIR filters, limit tation, activatable FIR/IIR filters, limit
value monitoring value monitoring value monitoring
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 65 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL3702, EL3602 Analog input

Analog input | Oversampling, precision measurement

2-channel analog input 2-channel analog input 2-channel analog 2-channel analog
terminal, -10…+10 V, terminal, -10…+10 V, input terminal, input term., -75…
16 bit, oversampling, 24 bit, differential input ±200 mV, differen- +75 mV, 24 bit,
differential input tial input, 24 bit differential input

Technical data EL3702 | ES3702 EL3602 | ES3602 EL3602-0002 EL3602-0010

Signal voltage -10…+10 V -10…+10 V, -5…+5 V, -2.5…+2.5 V, -200…+200 mV -75…+75 mV

-1.25…+1.25 V (parameterisable)
Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign) 24 bit (incl. sign)
Technology differential input, oversampling differential input
Conversion time ~ 10 µs per sample 20 ms default setting, 1…400 ms configurable

EtherCAT Terminal
Number of inputs 2 (differential) 2 (differential)

+60 °C

-25 °C
+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5
±10 V
±5 V ±200 mV ±75 mV
±2.5 V
±1.25 V
2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The ±10 V signals are sampled with The EL3602 terminal is a precise measuring device with 24-bit resolution and a
an adjustable integral multiple (over- common ground potential for both differential inputs. Shielded connecting cables,
sampling factor: n) of the bus cycle secure shield and earth connections and a controlled ambient temperature are
time (n microcycles for each bus cycle). necessary in order to obtain precise results. The EL9195 shield terminal is to be
For each microcycle a process data placed adjacently if necessary.
block is generated and transferred
collectively during the next bus cycle.

Common-mode voltage UCM 35 V max. 35 V max.

Current consum. pow. cont. – –
Current consumption E-bus typ. 200 mA typ. 190 mA
Distributed clocks yes –
Oversampling factor n = 1…100 select. (max. 100 ksamples/s) –
Distributed clock precision << 1 µs –
Input signal bandwidth 0…30 kHz recommended –
Internal resistance > 200 kΩ > 200 kΩ
Input filter limit frequency 30 kHz 3 kHz 3 kHz 10 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.3 % up to 10 Hz < ±0.01 % at 25 °C, < ±0.05 % at 25 °C,
(relative to full scale value) 50 Hz filter (relative to full scale value) 50 Hz filter (relative to full scale value)
Special features oversampling various filter times, limit value monitoring, high precision
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
Further information
Special terminals EL3602-0020
Distinguishing features with calibration certificate

Further information on XFC see page 298 For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL306x

Analog input | 0…10 V/30 V, 12 bit, single-ended

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog 8-channel analog 2-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
0…10 V, 12 bit, 0…10 V, 12 bit, 0…10 V, 12 bit, 0…10 V, 12 bit, 0…30 V, 12 bit,
single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended

Technical data EL3061 | ES3061 EL3062 | ES3062 EL3064 | ES3064 EL3068 | ES3068 EL3062-0030

Signal voltage 0…10 V 0…30 V

Resolution 12 bit (16 bit presentation, incl. sign)

Technology single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended

EtherCAT Terminal

Conversion time 0.625 ms default 0.625 ms default 0.625 ms default 1.25 ms default 0.625 ms default
setting, configurable setting, configurable setting, configurable setting, configurable setting, configurable
Number of inputs 1 (single-ended) 2 (single-ended) 4 (single-ended) 8 (single-ended) 2 (single-ended)

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

Dielectric strength max. 30 V max. 30 V max. 30 V max. 30 V max. 30 V

Current consumption – – – – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks – – – – –
Internal resistance > 130 kΩ > 130 kΩ > 130 kΩ > 130 kΩ > 130 kΩ
Input filter limit frequency 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative
to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value)
Special features activatable FIR/IIR activatable FIR/IIR activatable FIR/IIR activatable FIR/IIR activatable FIR/IIR
filters, limit value filters, limit value filters, limit value filters, limit value filters, limit value
monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
Further information
EL3061 EL3062 EL3064 EL3068 EL3062

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL316x Analog input

Analog input | 0…10 V, 16 bit, single-ended

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
0…10 V, 16 bit, 0…10 V, 16 bit, 0…10 V, 16 bit,
single-ended single-ended single-ended

Technical data EL3161 | ES3161 EL3162 | ES3162 EL3164 | ES3164

Signal voltage 0…10 V

Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)

Technology single-ended single-ended single-ended

EtherCAT Terminal
Conversion time ~ 35 µs ~ 50 µs ~ 100 µs

Number of inputs 1 (single-ended) 2 (single-ended) 4 (single-ended)


1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL316x analog input terminals measure input voltages from 0 to 10 V with 16-bit resolution. The significantly faster
conversion time and support for distributed clocks enable use in time-critical applications and set them apart from the EL30xx
series. The inputs have a common reference potential and display overrange and limit evaluation via the process data.

Dielectric strength max. 30 V max. 30 V max. 30 V

Current consumption – – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes yes
Internal resistance > 200 kΩ > 200 kΩ > 200 kΩ
Input filter limit frequency 5 kHz 5 kHz 5 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)
Special features standard and compact process image, standard and compact process image, standard and compact process image,
activatable FIR/IIR filters, limit value activatable FIR/IIR filters, limit value activatable FIR/IIR filters, limit value
monitoring monitoring monitoring
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 65 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL304x

Analog input | 0…20 mA, 12 bit, single-ended

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog 8-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
0…20 mA, 12 bit, 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 0…20 mA, 12 bit,
single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended

Technical data EL3041 | ES3041 EL3042 | ES3042 EL3044 | ES3044 EL3048 | ES3048

Signal voltage 0…20 mA

Resolution 12 bit (16 bit presentation, incl. sign)

Technology single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended

EtherCAT Terminal

Conversion time 0.625 ms default setting, 0.625 ms default setting, 0.625 ms default setting, 1.25 ms default setting,
configurable configurable configurable configurable
Number of inputs 1 (single-ended) 2 (single-ended) 4 (single-ended) 8 (single-ended)

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL304x analog input terminals have a common reference potential. This reference potential is connected to the
0 V power contact in the EL3041, EL3042 and EL3048. Overcurrent is displayed not only in the process image, but also
by an error LED for each channel.

Dielectric strength max. 30 V max. 30 V max. 30 V max. 30 V

Current consumption – – – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks – – – –
Internal resistance 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage
Input filter limit frequency 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative
to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value)
Special features standard and compact pro- standard and compact pro- standard and compact pro- standard and compact pro-
cess image, activatable FIR/IIR cess image, activatable FIR/IIR cess image, activatable FIR/IIR cess image, activatable FIR/IIR
filters, limit value monitoring filters, limit value monitoring filters, limit value monitoring filters, limit value monitoring
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL301x Analog input

Analog input | 0…20 mA, 12 bit, differential input

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
0…20 mA, 12 bit, 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 0…20 mA, 12 bit,
differential input differential input differential input

Technical data EL3011 | ES3011 EL3012 | ES3012 EL3014 | ES3014

Signal voltage 0…20 mA

Resolution 12 bit (16 bit presentation, incl. sign)

Technology differential input differential input differential input

EtherCAT Terminal
Conversion time 0.625 ms default setting, 0.625 ms default setting, 0.625 ms default setting,
configurable configurable configurable
Number of inputs 1 (differential) 2 (differential) 4 (differential)

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

The differential inputs of the EL301x series measure the current between input and output as a floating current
measurement. Overcurrent is displayed not only in the process image, but also by an error LED for each channel.

Common-mode 10 V max. 10 V max. 10 V max.

voltage UCM
Current consumption – – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks – – –
Internal resistance 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage
Input filter limit frequency 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)
Special features activatable FIR/IIR filters, activatable FIR/IIR filters, activatable FIR/IIR filters,
limit value monitoring limit value monitoring limit value monitoring
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL314x

Analog input | 0…20 mA, 16 bit, single-ended

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
0…20 mA, 16 bit, 0…20 mA, 16 bit, -10…+10 mA, 16 bit, 0…20 mA, 16 bit,
single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended

Technical data EL3141 | ES3141 EL3142 | ES3142 EL3142-0010 EL3144 | ES3144

Signal voltage 0…20 mA -10…+10 mA 0…20 mA

Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)
Technology single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended

Conversion time ~ 40 µs ~ 60 µs (fast mode ~ 40 µs) ~ 60 µs (fast mode ~ 40 µs) ~ 40 µs

EtherCAT Terminal

Number of inputs 1 (single-ended) 2 (single-ended) 2 (single-ended) 4 (single-ended)

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL314x analog input terminals measure input currents from 0 to 20 mA. The significantly faster conversion time and
support for distributed clocks enable use in time-critical applications and set them apart from the EL30xx series. Overcurrent
is displayed not only in the process image, but also by an error LED for each channel.

Dielectric strength max. 30 V max. 30 V max. 30 V max. 30 V

Current consum. pow. cont. – – – –

Current consumption E-bus typ. 130 mA typ. 170 mA typ. 170 mA typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes yes yes
Oversampling factor – – – –
Distributed clock precision << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs
Input signal bandwidth see input filter see input filter see input filter see input filter
Internal resistance 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage
Input filter limit frequency 5 kHz 5 kHz 5 kHz 5 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative
to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value)

Special features standard and compact process image, switchable measuring data representation in the EL3142-0010,
activatable FIR/IIR filters, limit value monitoring
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
Further information
Special terminals
Distinguishing features

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL3xxx Analog input

Analog input | 0…20 mA, 16/24 bit, differential input

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog 2-channel analog input 2-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, terminal, 0…20 mA, input terminal,
0…20 mA, 16 bit, 0…20 mA, 16 bit, 0…20 mA, 16 bit, 16 bit, differential input, 0…20 mA, 24 bit,
differential input differential input differential input oversampling differential input

EL3111 | ES3111 EL3112 | ES3112 EL3114 | ES3114 EL3742 | ES3742 EL3612 | ES3612

24 bit (incl. sign)

differential input differential input differential input differential input, differential input
~ 40 µs ~ 50 µs (fast mode ~ 35 µs) ~ 100 µs min. 10 µs 1…400 ms configurable

EtherCAT Terminal
1 (differential) 2 (differential) 4 (differential) 2 (differential) 2 (differential)

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL311x analog input terminals measure input currents from 0 to 20 mA. The signific- The EL3742 is an over- The EL3612 terminal is a
antly faster conversion time and support for distributed clocks enable use in time-critical sampling terminal like the precise measuring device
applications and set them apart from the EL30xx series. Overcurrent is displayed not only EL3702, see description with 24-bit resolution.
in the process image, but also by an error LED for each channel. on page 373

max. 10 V common-mode max. 10 V common-mode max. 10 V common-mode max. 35 V common-mode max. 10 V common-mode
voltage voltage voltage voltage voltage
– – – – –
typ. 130 mA typ. 170 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 200 mA typ. 190 mA
yes yes yes yes –
– – – n = 1…100 selectable –
<< 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs –
see input filter see input filter see input filter 0…30 kHz recommended see input filter
85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage
5 kHz 5 kHz 5 kHz 30 kHz 3 kHz
< ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.01 % at 25 °C
to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) (relative to full scale value,
up to 10 Hz input signal 50 Hz filter)
standard and compact process image, activatable FIR/IIR filters, limit value monitoring oversampling various filter times, limit
evaluation, high precision
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
with calibration certificate

Further information on XFC see page 298 For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL305x

Analog input | 4…20 mA, 12 bit, single-ended

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog 8-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4…20 mA, 12 bit,
single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended

Technical data EL3051 | ES3051 EL3052 | ES3052 EL3054 | ES3054 EL3058 | ES3058

Signal voltage 4…20 mA

Resolution 12 bit (16 bit presentation, incl. sign)

Technology single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended

EtherCAT Terminal

Conversion time 0.625 ms default setting, 0.625 ms default setting, 0.625 ms default setting, 1.25 ms default setting,
configurable configurable configurable configurable
Number of inputs 1 (single-ended) 2 (single-ended) 4 (single-ended) 8 (single-ended)

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

In the EL305x series (4 to 20 mA), overcurrent and undercurrent are displayed not only in the process image,
but also by an error LED for each channel. The EL3054 is particularly suitable for the connection of 2-wire sensors.

Dielectric strength max. 30 V max. 30 V max. 30 V max. 30 V

Current consumption – – – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks – – – –
Internal resistance 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage
Input filter limit frequency 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative
to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value)
Special features standard and compact pro- standard and compact pro- standard and compact pro- standard and compact pro-
cess image, activatable FIR/IIR cess image, activatable FIR/IIR cess image, activatable FIR/IIR cess image, activatable FIR/IIR
filters, limit value monitoring filters, limit value monitoring filters, limit value monitoring filters, limit value monitoring
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL302x Analog input

Analog input | 4…20 mA, 12 bit, differential input

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4…20 mA, 12 bit,
differential input differential input differential input

Technical data EL3021 | ES3021 EL3022 | ES3022 EL3024 | ES3024

Signal voltage 4…20 mA

Resolution 12 bit (16 bit presentation, incl. sign)

Technology differential input differential input differential input

EtherCAT Terminal
Conversion time 0.625 ms default setting, 0.625 ms default setting, 0.625 ms default setting,
configurable configurable configurable
Number of inputs 1 (differential) 2 (differential) 4 (differential)

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

In the EL302x series (4 to 20 mA), overcurrent and undercurrent are displayed not only in the process image,
but also by an error LED for each channel.

Common-mode 10 V max. 10 V max. 10 V max.

voltage UCM
Current consumption – – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks – – –
Internal resistance 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage
Input filter limit frequency 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)
Special features standard and compact process standard and compact process standard and compact process
image, activatable FIR/IIR filters, image, activatable FIR/IIR filters, image, activatable FIR/IIR filters,
limit value monitoring limit value monitoring limit value monitoring
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 60 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL315x

Analog input | 4…20 mA, 16 bit, single-ended

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
4…20 mA, 16 bit, 4…20 mA, 16 bit, 4…20 mA, 16 bit,
single-ended single-ended single-ended

Technical data EL3151 | ES3151 EL3152 | ES3152 EL3154 | ES3154

Signal voltage 4…20 mA

Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)

Technology single-ended single-ended single-ended

EtherCAT Terminal

Conversion time ~ 40 µs ~ 60 µs (fast mode ~ 40 µs) ~ 100 µs

Number of inputs 1 (single-ended) 2 (single-ended) 4 (single-ended)

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL315x analog input terminals measure input currents from 4 to 20 mA. The significantly faster conversion time
and support for distributed clocks enable use in time-critical applications and set them apart from the EL30xx series.
Overcurrent and undercurrent are displayed not only in the process image, but also by an error LED for each channel.

Dielectric strength max. 30 V max. 30 V max. 30 V

Current consumption – – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 130 mA typ. 170 mA typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes yes
Internal resistance 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage
Input filter limit frequency 5 kHz 5 kHz 5 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)
Special features standard and compact process image, standard and compact process image, standard and compact process image,
activatable FIR/IIR filters, activatable FIR/IIR filters, activatable FIR/IIR filters,
limit value monitoring limit value monitoring limit value monitoring
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL312x Analog input

Analog input | 4…20 mA, 16 bit, differential input

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
4…20 mA, 16 bit, 4…20 mA, 16 bit, 4…20 mA, 16 bit,
differential input differential input differential input

Technical data EL3121 | ES3121 EL3122 | ES3122 EL3124 | ES3124

Signal voltage 4…20 mA

Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)

Technology differential input differential input differential input

EtherCAT Terminal
Conversion time ~ 40 µs ~ 50 µs (fast mode ~ 35 µs) ~ 100 µs
Number of inputs 1 (differential) 2 (differential) 4 (differential)

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C 383

1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL312x analog input terminals measure input currents from 4 to 20 mA. The significantly faster conversion time
and support for distributed clocks enable use in time-critical applications and set them apart from the EL30xx series.
Overcurrent and undercurrent are displayed not only in the process image, but also by an error LED for each channel.

Common-mode 10 V max. 10 V max. 10 V max.

voltage UCM
Current consumption – – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 130 mA typ. 170 mA typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes yes
Internal resistance 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage
Input filter limit frequency 5 kHz 5 kHz 5 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)
Special features standard and compact process image, standard and compact process image, standard and compact process image,
activatable FIR/IIR filters, activatable FIR/IIR filters, activatable FIR/IIR filters,
limit value monitoring limit value monitoring limit value monitoring
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 60 g
Further information
Special terminals EL3124-0090
Distinguishing features TwinSAFE SC 324

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL320x, EL3214

Analog input | Resistance thermometer (RTD, PT100, PT1000)

EL32xx analog input terminals enable the temperature conversion can be switched off, the resistance values can be converted
direct connection of resistance sensors. and upper or lower limit values can be set for (linearisation) in the terminal either based
Depending on the terminal type, sensors in a temperature. on preset characteristics, conversion
2-, 3- or 4-wire technology can be connected. To achieve maximum measurement formulas with specific material parameters
Apart from resistance measurement, tem- accuracy, the 4-wire system should be used (e.g. according to IEC 60751, Steinhart-Hart
peratures can also be directly output; various (in conjunction with highly precise sensors, equation, B-parameter equation), or accord-
sensor characteristics are supported (PT100, e.g. PT100). ing to freely programmable conversion tables.
PT1000, Ni100, Ni1000 and KTY types, Apart from 4-wire connection, the Due to this flexibility the EL3204-0200 is
among others). EL320x-0010 variants offer higher accuracy especially suitable for applications where
For temperature measurement, the con- with a resolution of 0.01 °C/digit. customer-specific sensors are used.
version of the resistance into a temperature The calibration result for the EL3201-
value and its linearisation are performed by a 0020 and EL3202-0020 terminals is con-
EtherCAT Terminal

microprocessor within the terminal, depend- firmed by a calibration certificate. Like the
ing on the preset characteristics. EL320x-0010 series, these terminals operate
in the 4-wire system and therefore also offer
The following measurement scaling is used: a higher accuracy.
384 − for temperature: 1/10 °C For 2-wire measurements, PT sensors/
(1 digit = 0.1 °C) Ni1000 sensors are recommended. Whereas
− in the measuring range 10 to 1,047 Ω: the EL3204 was designed for the connection
1/64 Ω (approx. 15 mΩ) of four sensors in 2-wire technology, using
− in the measuring range 10 to 4,095 Ω: the EL3208 as many as eight sensors in
1/16 Ω (approx. 62 mΩ) 2-wire technology can be connected. In addi-
tion, the EL3214 and the EL3202 offer the
In addition, a broken wire is reported to possibility to connect four or two sensors in
the controller and indicated by an error LED. 3-wire technology respectively. Terminals with
With resistance sensors, different 4 or 3-wire connection can also be operated
characteristic curves are implemented over in 2-wire mode by setting an external bridge.
their entire measuring range in order to The analog EL3204-0200 input terminal
enable temperature measurements between enables direct connection of four resistance
-200 and +850 °C. The terminals are fully sensors for up to 240 kΩ, so that the usable
configurable via fieldbus communication. measuring range is significantly larger com-
This way, for example, various sensor charac- pared with the EL3204. As a result, NTC sen-
teristics, the required connection technology sors can also be used in addition to PT100 to
and different filters can be selected; automatic 1000 and Ni100 to 1000 sensors. In addition,

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL320x, EL3214 Analog input

4-channel analog 4-channel analog 4-channel universal 8-channel analog

input terminal, input terminal, input terminal for RTD input terminal,
PT100 (RTD), PT100 (RTD), 3-wire, up to 240 kΩ, NTC 20 k, PT100 (RTD),
16 bit 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit

Technical data EL3204 | ES3204 EL3214 EL3204-0200 EL3208

Sensor types PT100, PT200, PT500, PT100, PT200, PT500, Ni/PT, any RTD in the range PT100, PT200, PT500,
PT1000, Ni100, Ni120, PT1000, Ni100, Ni120, of 100 Ω…240 kΩ, calcula- PT1000, Ni100, Ni120,
Ni1000 resistance measure- Ni1000 resistance measure- tion possible on the basis of Ni1000 resistance measure-
ment (e.g. potentiometer, ment (e.g. potentiometer, a table or material constant, ment (e.g. potentiometer,
10 Ω…1.2/4 kΩ), KTY sensors 10 Ω…1.2/4 kΩ), KTY sensors resistance measurement 10 Ω…1.2/4 kΩ), KTY sensors

EtherCAT Terminal
Technology 2-wire 2-/3-wire 2-wire
Resolution 0.1 °C per digit 0.1 °C per digit 0.1 °C per digit 0.1 °C per digit
Conversion time approx. 85 ms default setting, approx. 170 ms default approx. 24 ms default setting, approx. 170 ms default setting,
2…800 ms configurable setting 4…500 ms configurable 3…1600 ms configurable
Number of inputs 4 4 4 8
+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

+R +R1 -R1 +R +R1 υ -R1

1 5 υ 1 5
1 9 1 9

+R2 υ -R2
2 10 RL1 2 10
υ +R2 -R2 υ +R3
-R -R υ -R3
2 6 3 11 υ 2 6 3 11

+R4 υ -R4
4 12 RL2 4 12

+R3 -R3 +R5 υ -R5

3 7
+R 5 13 υ 3 7
+R 5 13

+R6 υ -R6
6 14 RL3 6 14

υ +R4 υ -R4 υ +R7 υ -R7

-R 7 15 -R 7 15
4 8 4 8
+R8 υ -R8
8 16 RL4 8 16

Temperature range -200…+850 °C (PT sensors); -200…+850 °C (PT sensors); dependent on the sensor (e.g. -200…+850 °C (PT sensors);
-60…+250 °C (Ni sensors) -60…+250 °C (Ni sensors) PT sensors -200…+850 °C, -60…+250 °C (Ni sensors)
Ni sensors -60…+250 °C)
Current consum. pow. cont. – – – –
Current consumption E-bus typ. 190 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 150 mA typ. 140 mA
Distributed clocks – – – –
Measuring current < 0.5 mA (load-dependent) < 0.5 mA (load-dependent) < 0.03 mA typ. < 0.5 mA (load-dependent)
Input filter limit frequency typ. 1 kHz typ. 1 kHz – typ. 1 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.5 °C for PT sensors < ±0.5 °C for PT sensors, < ±0.3 % relative to full scale < ±0.5 °C for PT sensors
4x3-wire connection value (6 kΩ, 65 kΩ, 240 kΩ)
Special features integrated digital filter, integrated digital filter, temperature calculation on integrated digital filter,
limit value monitoring limit value monitoring, the basis of Steinhart-Hart, limit value monitoring
variable connection B parameters, IEC 60751,
technology free table, predefined sensors
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE CE, UL, Ex CE
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
Further information
Special terminals EL3214-0090
Distinguishing features TwinSAFE SC 324

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL3201

Analog input | Resistance thermometer (RTD, PT100, PT1000)

1-channel analog 1-channel analog 1-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
PT100 (RTD), 16 bit PT100 (RTD), 16 bit, PT100 (RTD), 16 bit, high-precision,
high-precision with calibration certificate

Technical data EL3201 | ES3201 EL3201-0010 EL3201-0020

Sensor types PT100, PT200, PT500, PT1000, Ni100, Ni120, Ni1000 resistance measurement
(e.g. potentiometer, 10 Ω…1.2/4 kΩ), KTY sensors (types see documentation)
Technology 2-, 3-, 4-wire 4-wire

Resolution 0.1 °C per digit 0.01 °C per digit 0.01 °C per digit
EtherCAT Terminal

Conversion time approx. 24 ms default setting, approx. 24 ms default setting, approx. 24 ms default setting,
4…500 ms configurable 4…500 ms configurable 4…500 ms configurable
Number of inputs 1 1 1

386 +60 °C

-25 °C

+R +R +R
1 5 1 5 1 5


2 6 2 6 2 6

-R -R -R
3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8
-RL 4 8
-RL 4 8

Temperature range -200…+850 °C (PT sensors); -200…+320 °C (PT sensors) -200…+320 °C (PT sensors)
-60…+250 °C (Ni sensors)
Current consumption – – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 190 mA typ. 190 mA typ. 190 mA
Distributed clocks – – –
Measuring current < 0.5 mA (load-dependent) < 0.5 mA (load-dependent) < 0.5 mA (load-dependent)
Input filter limit frequency typ. 1 kHz typ. 1 kHz typ. 1 kHz
Measuring error < ±0.5 °C for PT sensors < ±0.1 °C at 40 °C ambient tempera- < ±0.1 °C at 40 °C ambient tempera-
ture, 4-wire connection, PT100 sensors ture, 4-wire connection, PT100 sensors
(measuring range: -200…+320 °C) and (measuring range: -200…+320 °C) and
50 Hz filter 50 Hz filter
Special features integrated digital filter, limit value moni- integrated digital filter, limit value moni- integrated digital filter, limit value moni-
toring, variable connection technology toring, variable connection technology toring, variable connection technology,
with calibration certificate
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL3202 Analog input

2-channel analog 2-channel analog 2-channel analog

input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
PT100 (RTD), 16 bit PT100 (RTD), 16 bit, PT100 (RTD), 16 bit, high-precision,
high-precision with calibration certificate

EL3202 | ES3202 EL3202-0010 EL3202-0020

2-, 3-wire (default setting: 3-wire) 4-wire

0.1 °C per digit 0.01 °C per digit 0.01 °C per digit

EtherCAT Terminal
approx. 85 ms default setting, approx. 85 ms default setting, approx. 85 ms default setting,
2…800 ms configurable 2…800 ms configurable 2…800 ms configurable
2 2 2

+60 °C 387
-25 °C

+R +R +R +R
1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

υ υ

-R -R -R -R
3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8
-RL 4 8

-200…+850 °C (PT sensors); -200…+320 °C (PT sensors) -200…+320 °C (PT sensors)

-60…+250 °C (Ni sensors)
– – –

typ. 190 mA typ. 190 mA typ. 190 mA

– – –
< 0.5 mA (load-dependent) < 0.5 mA (load-dependent) < 0.5 mA (load-dependent)
typ. 1 kHz typ. 1 kHz typ. 1 kHz
< ±0.5 °C for PT sensors < ±0.1 °C at 40 °C ambient tempera- < ±0.1 °C at 40 °C ambient tempera-
ture, 4-wire connection, PT100 sensors ture, 4-wire connection, PT100 sensors
(measuring range: -200…+320 °C) and (measuring range: -200…+320 °C) and
50 Hz filter 50 Hz filter
integrated digital filter, limit value moni- integrated digital filter, limit value moni- integrated digital filter, limit value moni-
toring, variable connection technology toring, variable connection technology toring, variable connection technology,
with calibration certificate
-25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL3311, EL3312

Analog input | Thermocouple/mV measurement

Thermocouples can be classi- 1-channel analog 2-channel analog
fied as active transducers. input terminal, input terminal,
They exploit the thermo-electric thermocouple with thermocouple with
effect (Seebeck, Peltier, Thom- open-circuit recognition open-circuit recognition
son). Where two electrical
conductors of different materi- Technical data EL3311 EL3312
als (e.g. iron and constantan)
make contact, a contact voltage Thermocouple types J, K, L, B, E, N, R, S, T, U (default setting type K),
occurs, which is clearly a func- sensor types mV measurement
tion of temperature and thus Technology 2-wire
is called thermovoltage. The Resolution 0.1 °C per digit 0.1 °C per digit
material change associated with
EtherCAT Terminal

thermocouples will always result Conversion time approx. 750 ms up to 20 ms, depend- approx. 1.2 s up to 20 ms, depend-
in at least two such material ing on configuration and filter setting, ing on configuration and filter setting,
combinations. One is placed at default: approx. 75 ms default: approx. 125 ms
the measurement location, the Number of inputs 1 2

388 other is the so-called comparison +60 °C +60 °C

point, which is normally located -25 °C -25 °C

in the measurement device.

In order to compensate for the
reference point effect, the tem- +TC -TC +TC -TC
1 5 1 5

perature at the reference point

must be known. For the EL331x 2 6 2 6

this is the connection point of

the thermocouple to the termi-
nal contacts, which is why the 3 7 3 7

terminal contact temperature

is specially measured here. 4 8 4 8

Thermocouples represent
cost-effective and easy to install
sensors for temperature mea-
surement with reduced need for
Depending on the type of
thermocouple temperatures from Temperature range in the range defined in each case in the range defined in each case
-200 to +2,300 °C can be mea- for the sensor (default setting: type K; for the sensor (default setting: type K;
sured. The linearisation and cold -200…+1,370 °C); voltage measure- -200…+1,370 °C); voltage measure-
junction compensation is carried ment: ±30 mV…±75 mV ment: ±30 mV…±75 mV
out by a characteristic curve on Current consum. pow. cont. – –
a microprocessor. The directions Current consumption E-bus 200 mA 200 mA
in the documentation, concern- Distributed clocks – –
ing earthing and thermocouples Input filter limit frequency typ. 1 kHz; dependent on sensor length, typ. 1 kHz; dependent on sensor length,
which are not potential-free, conversion time, sensor type conversion time, sensor type
must be observed. An error LED Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)
indicates any broken wire.
Special features open-circuit recognition open-circuit recognition
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
Further information
Special terminals
Distinguishing features

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL3314, EL3318 Analog input

4-channel analog 4-channel analog 8-channel analog

input terminal, input terminal, high-precision, input terminal,
thermocouple with thermocouple with thermocouple with
open-circuit recognition open-circuit recognition open-circuit recognition

EL3314 EL3314-0010 EL3318

0.1 °C per digit 24 bit, presentation adjustable: 0.1 °C per digit

0.1/0.01/0.001 °C per digit or 10 nV per digit

EtherCAT Terminal
approx. 2.5 s up to 20 ms, depending on approx. 2.5 s up to 20 ms, depending on approx. 5 s up to 40 ms, depending on
configuration and filter setting, default: configuration and filter setting, default: configuration and filter setting, default:
approx. 250 ms approx. 250 ms approx. 500 ms
4 4 8

+60 °C +60 °C 389

-25 °C -25 °C


1 5 1 5 +TC -TC
1 9

2 10


2 6 2 6 3 11

4 12


3 7 3 7 5 13

6 14

+TC -TC +TC -TC 7 15
4 8 4 8
8 16

The internal high-precision measurement of the The 16-pin HD housing enables the connection
temperature of the cold junction in the terminal of up to eight thermocouples on a terminal width
allows exact temperature measurement in cali- of 12 mm. Errors are displayed for each channel
brated mode even with thermocouples. by LED and process data.

in the range defined in each case for the in the range defined in each case for the in the range defined in each case for the
sensor (default setting: type K; -200…+1,370 °C); sensor (default setting: type K; -200…+1,370 °C); sensor (default setting: type K; -200…+1,370 °C);
voltage measurement: ±30 mV…±75 mV voltage measurement: ±78 mV in 10 nV resolution voltage measurement: ±30 mV…±75 mV

– – –
typ. 200 mA typ. 200 mA typ. 210 mA
– – –
typ. 1 kHz; dependent on sensor length, typ. 1 kHz; dependent on sensor length, typ. 1 kHz; dependent on sensor length,
conversion time, sensor type conversion time, sensor type conversion time, sensor type
< ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) voltage measurement < ±25 µV, < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)
e.g. type K: < ±1.8 °C, others see documentation
open-circuit recognition open-circuit recognition open-circuit recognition
-25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, Ex
approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 70 g
EL3314-0090 EL3314-0020
TwinSAFE SC 324 with calibration certificate

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL3632

XFC analog input | Oscillation measurement

The EL3632 EtherCAT Terminal is a 2-channel 2-channel analog
oversampling input terminal, which is able to input terminal for
sample up to 50 ksamples per channel and Condition Monitoring
second. As a minimum every 20 µs an analog (IEPE), 16 bit
input value is sampled and stored in a
buffer for retrieval by the EtherCAT master. Technical data EL3632
The master cyclically retrieves not only a
single measured value, but a package con- Signal voltage IEPE constant current supply and
sisting of n measurement readings that were recording of modulated AC voltage
sampled at equidistant intervals. System-wide Technology Condition Monitoring (IEPE),
distributed clock synchronisation enables the oversampling recording
measurement readings to be related to other Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)
EtherCAT Terminal

system components. This is used for correla-

tion with axis positions, for example. Conversion time 20 µs (max. 50 ksamples/s)
Many manufacturers offer suitable sen-
sors, usually under their brand names or the Number of inputs 2

390 standardised IEPE interface name.

Up to two IEPE sensors can be connected
to the EL3632 in 2-wire mode. IEPE sensors
are dynamic vibration sensors that are sup-
plied with a constant current and respond to
mechanical deflection with a variable resis-
1 5

tance. The constant current source integrated Acceleration

in the EL3632 continues to stabilise the 2 6

constant current rapidly, so that the change

in resistance results in a change in voltage
on the feed line, which is measured by the 3 7

EL3632. The constant current can be set

separately between 4 and 10 mA for each 4 8

channel, depending on the sensor and the

cable length. It is generated from the 24 V
voltage available at the power contacts.
An electrically isolated measurement con- Measuring range default ±5 V up to 25 kHz, ±250 mV up to 10 Hz
figuration can be achieved using the EL9560 Sensor voltage max. power contact voltage less 1 V
power supply terminal. Supply current IEXCITE typ. 2/4/8 mA (separately configurable for both channels)
Except for filtering no preprocessing of Current consumption 24 V, typ. 20 mA + load
the vibration amplitude values takes place in power contacts
the EL3632. This is handled by the retrieving Current consumption typ. 220 mA
controller. E-bus
Please note that such dynamic sensors Distributed clocks yes
can only be used for vibrations up to a lower Input filter limit frequency analog parameterisable 5th order low-pass filter up to 25 kHz,
limit frequency, but not for static position typically 0.05 Hz high-pass filter
without dynamic movement. Measuring error < ±0.5 % (DC; relative to full scale value)
A TwinCAT library with mathematical Special features automatic anti-aliasing function, wire breakage detection
functions is available for evaluating the Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
signals on the controller. This enables all ben- Approvals CE, UL, Ex
efits of the PC platform, such as performance Weight approx. 60 g
and flexibility, to be fully utilised. Further information
Special terminals EL3632-0020
Distinguishing features with calibration certificate

Further information on XFC see page 298

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL3692 Analog input

Analog input | Resistance measurement

The EL3692 2-channel resistance measure- 2-channel analog
ment terminal is designed for slow sam- resistance measurement terminal,
pling of ohmic resistors over a wide range 10 mΩ…10 MΩ, 24 bit,
from 10 mΩ to 10 MΩ. The circuitry of the high-precision
EtherCAT Terminal enables measurement in
2- or 4-wire versions. Due to the electrical Technical data EL3692
isolation of 1.5 kV between the field side
and the E-bus, in single-channel mode mea- Measuring range 10 mΩ, 1 Ω, 10 Ω, 100 Ω, 1 kΩ, 10 kΩ,
surements can be carried out at live points 100 kΩ, 1 MΩ, 10 MΩ
(within the permissible range). Contact resis- Technology 2- or 4-wire, resistance measurement
tance values of contacts can be sampled both
in closed and open state. The measurement is Resolution 24 bit

EtherCAT Terminal
parameterisable for continuous measurement
(single-channel) or alternate measurement in Conversion time typ. 10…400 ms, dependent on measuring
pulsed mode. range and settings
Number of inputs 2


1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8

Measuring error < ±0.5 % (relative to the respective

full scale value with 4-wire connection)
Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 220 mA
Distributed clocks –
Internal resistance > 100 MΩ
Electrical isolation 1,500 V (E-bus/signal voltage)
Input filter limit frequency 100 Hz
Special features automatic range selection,
pulse and continuous measurement
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL
Weight approx. 55 g
Further information
Special terminals EL3692-0020
Distinguishing features with calibration certificate

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL3351

Analog input | Measurement technology, strain gauge

The analog input terminals with up to ±12 V DC can also be 1-channel analog input terminal,
EL3351, EL3356 and EL3356- connected. Any number of sen- resistor bridge analysis, 16 bit
0010 are suitable for connection sors can be connected in parallel
of full resistor bridges such to the EL3356 and EL3356-0010,
as strain gauges, for example. therefore an external supply is
Like 2-channel analog input required in any case. The EL9512 Technical data EL3351 | ES3351
terminals, they measure the two power supply terminal is suitable
voltages UREF (power supply of for the direct supply of 12 V DC Resolution 16 bit, 32 bit presentation
the bridge) and UD (bridge volt- via the power contacts. Technology resistor bridge, strain gauge
age or variable sensor voltage Depending on the type Number of inputs 2, for 1 resistor bridge in
depending on the detuning of of sensor and the required full bridge technology
the bridge). The respective mea- accuracy/sensitivity, resistance Conversion time 2.5…800 ms, configurable,
EtherCAT Terminal

suring range is adapted to the bridges are designed as quarter, max. 400 samples/s
levels: The bridge is usually oper- half or full bridges. If the EL335x
ated with a high supply voltage, is to be operated with a quarter
UREF ±12 V DC; the measurable or half-bridge, external supple-
392 bridge voltage UD, conversely, mentary bridge resistors must
lies in the mV range. be provided.
1 5

Thanks to the high measur-

ing resolution of UD with 16 bits Sensors with measuring bridges 2 6

(EL3351 and EL3356) or 24 bits are used, for example, for:

(EL3356-0010), the detuning of − Weighing tasks such as slow
the bridge can be evaluated with silo measurement or fast bag 3 7

high accuracy. The simultaneous filling by load cells, where

measurement of UREF and UD strain gauges are glued onto 4 8

eliminates long-term and tem- an elastic mechanical carrier,

perature drift; in the EL3356 and e.g. double-cantilever beam
EL3356-0010 the integrated self- spring elements, and addi- The EL3351 analog input
terminal is suitable for slow
calibration additionally increases tionally covered to protect
measuring tasks.
the measuring accuracy. Beyond against environmental influ-
that the EL335x has adaptive ences.
filter functions, by means of − vibration measurement for Power supply UV 5 V, max. 20 mA
which it is possible to map the moving components Current consum. pow. cont. –
static condition of the sensor − deformation measurement Current consumption E-bus typ. 170 mA
with high accuracy, or a dynamic under static load and defor- Distributed clocks –
load with the minimum delay. mation warning Measuring range UD max. -20…+20 mV
The EL3351 supplies the − pressure measurement Measuring range UREF max. -12…+12 V
bridge internally with ±5 V DC through sensor deformation Internal resistance > 200 kΩ (UREF), > 1 MΩ (UD)
from the E-bus supply; alterna- measurement Input filter limit frequency 50 Hz default setting,
tively an external bridge supply parameterisable
Measuring error < ±0.1 % (relative to
full scale value, 50 Hz filter)

+UV Supported nominal calculated in PLC,

sensitivity freely selectable
Special features integrated ±5 V DC bridge supply
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
+UD Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g
-UREF Further information
Special terminals
Full bridge Distinguishing features

Further information on XFC see page 298

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL3356 Analog input

1-channel precise load cell analysis 1-channel precise load cell analysis
(resistor bridge), 16 bit (resistor bridge), 24 bit

EL3356 | ES3356 EL3356-0010

24 bit, 32 bit presentation

2, for 1 resistor bridge in 2, for 1 resistor bridge

full bridge technology in full bridge technology
10…250 ms, configurable, 0.1…250 ms, configurable,

EtherCAT Terminal
max. 100 samples/s max. 10,000 samples/s

1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8

The EL3356 analog input terminal is suitable for high-precision The EL3356-0010 analog input terminal with measuring cycles of 100 µs
measurements with high demands on the prefiltering of the measured and a resolution of 24 bits can be used for fast and precise monitoring
values in the terminal. of torque or vibration sensors.

up to 12 V from power contacts, dependent on sensor up to 12 V from power contacts, dependent on sensor
depends on strain gauge supply, min. 1 mA depends on strain gauge supply, min. 1 mA
typ. 210 mA typ. 210 mA
– yes
max. -25…+25 mV rated voltage max. -25…+25 mV rated voltage
max. -12…+12 V rated voltage max. -12…+12 V rated voltage
> 200 kΩ (UREF), > 1 MΩ (UD) > 200 kΩ (UREF), > 1 MΩ (UD)
10 kHz low pass (-3 dB) 10 kHz low pass (-3 dB)

< ±0,01 % for the calculated load value in relation to the final load value < ±0,01 % for the calculated load value in relation to the final load value
with a 12 V feed and 24 mV bridge voltage (hence nominal strain gauge with a 12 V feed and 24 mV bridge voltage (hence nominal strain gauge
characteristic value of 2 mV/V), self-calibration active, 50 Hz filter active characteristic value of 2 mV/V), self-calibration active, 50 Hz filter active
all, resolution of parameter: 0.01 µV/V all, resolution of parameter: 0.01 µV/V
recommended: 0.5…4 mV/V recommended: 0.5…4 mV/V
self-calibration, quadruple averager, dynamic filters self-calibration, quadruple averager, dynamic filters, fast data sampling
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
with calibration certificate

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL3403

Analog input | Power measurement

The EL34x3 and EL3773 EtherCAT power 3-phase power measurement
measurement terminals enable analysis of terminal, 500 V AC
the energy consumption of the connected
plant or building segment or, quite specifi-
cally, the key energy data of individual con-
sumers directly via the fieldbus. Technical data EL3403 | ES3403
The EL34x3 terminals are suitable for
measurements in 50/60 Hz power networks; Technology 3-phase power measurement for alternating voltages
the three phases plus neutral can be wired
directly to the terminal for voltage measure- Measuring voltage max. 500 V AC 3~ (ULX-N: max. 288 V AC)
ment. For current measurement the three
phases L1, L2 and L3 are fed in via simple Resolution 1 µA, 0.1 mV, 10 mW
EtherCAT Terminal

current transformers. The measured current Conversion time mains-synchronous

and voltage values are output as RMS values. Number of inputs 3 x current, 3 x voltage
From the RMS values for voltage (U) and cur- +60 °C
rent (I), the EL34x3 calculates the effective -25 °C

394 power (P), the energy consumption (W) and

the power factor (cos φ) for each phase.
From these values the terminals calculate
1 5 L1
the apparent power (S) and the phase shift
angle (φ). Simple net analyses up to the 2 6
21st harmonic component as well as measure-
ments of the neutral conductor current can
additionally be performed using the EL3413 3 7

and EL3433.
With up to 690 V AC the voltage inputs 4 8

of the EL3413 are optimised for direct moni-

toring of high-performance generators, as
used in the wind power industry, for example. Measured values current (I1, I2, I3), voltage, effective power, reactive power,
The current inputs are electrically isolated apparent power, energy, cos φ, frequency
from one another.
The EL3773 is designed to detect the Current consum. pow. cont. –
state of a 3-phase AC voltage system. For Current consumption E-bus typ. 120 mA
each phase voltages up to 288 Veff and cur- Distributed clocks –
rents up to 1 Aeff are sampled as instantane- Oversampling factor –
ous values with a resolution of 16 bit. Measuring current max. 1 A (AC),
The EL3773 further enables the measure- via measuring transformers x A/1 A
ment of direct current voltage up to 410 V DC Electrical isolation 1,500 V
and direct current up to 1.5 A DC. Based on Measurement 45…65 Hz
the EtherCAT oversampling principle, the frequency range
measured values are measured simultaneous- Measuring error 0.5 % relative to full scale value (U/I),
ly with a temporal resolution of up to 100 µs 1 % calculated value
and passed on to the controller. The control- Special features true RMS value calculation,
ler has sufficient computing power for true single-phase operation also possible
RMS or performance calculation and complex Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
custom algorithms based on the measured Approvals CE, UL
voltages and currents. The EL3773 supports Weight approx. 75 g
distributed clocks and can therefore measure Further information
synchronous with other EtherCAT devices, but Special terminals EL3403-0010 EL3403-0xxx
can also operate without distributed clocks. Distinguishing features 500 V AC, 5 A further special terminals see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL34xx, EL3773 Analog input

3-phase power measurement 3-phase power measurement Power monitoring oversampling

terminal, 690 V AC terminal 500 V AC, 10 A terminal, 500 V AC

EL3413 EL3433 EL3773

3-phase power monitoring for

alternating/direct voltages
max. 690 V AC 3~ (ULX-N: max. 400 V AC) max. 500 V AC 3~ (ULX-N: max. 288 V AC) max. 500 V AC 3~ (ULX-N: max. 288 V AC),
max. 410 V DC
1 µA, 0.1 mV, 10 mW 1 µA, 0.1 mV, 10 mW 16 bit (incl. sign)

EtherCAT Terminal
mains-synchronous mains-synchronous min. 100 µs, all channels simultaneously
4 x current, 3 x voltage 4 x current, 3 x voltage 3 x current, 3 x voltage

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C


L1 UL1 U L1
1 5 1’ 5’ 1 5 1’ 5’ 1 5

1.3 M

L2 UL2 V L2
2 6 2’ 6’
M 2 6 2’ 6’ 2 6

1.3 M

L3 UL3 W L3
3 7 3’ 7’ 3 7 3’ 7’ 3 7

1.3 M

4 8 4’ 8’ 4 8 4’ 8’ 4 8

current (I1, I2, I3, In), voltage, effective power, current (I1, I2, I3, In), voltage, effective power, current (I1, I2, I3), voltage as instantaneous values
reactive power, apparent power, energy, cos φ, reactive power, apparent power, energy, cos φ, (oversampling)
frequency, harmonic frequency, harmonic
– – –
typ. 160 mA typ. 120 mA typ. 215 mA
– – yes
– – n = 1…100 selectable
adjustable, 100 mA, 1 A (default), 5 A; max. 10 A (AC) max. 1 A (AC)/1.5 A (DC),
potential-free via measuring transformers x A AC/1 A AC
4,500 V 4,500 V 2,500 V
45…65 Hz 45…65 Hz 0…5 kHz

0.5 % relative to full scale value (U/I), 0.5 % relative to full scale value (U/I), 0.5 % relative to full scale value
1 % calculated value 1 % calculated value
galvanically isolated current inputs, harmonic direct current measurement, harmonic analysis, oversampling, AC/DC measurement, single-phase
analysis, single-phase operation also possible single-phase operation also possible operation also possible, adjustable hardware filters
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
approx. 100 g approx. 100 g approx. 75 g
EL3413-0001 EL3413-0xxx
max. 600 V AC, further special terminals
UL approval see

Further information on XFC see page 298

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EL3681

Analog input | Measurement technology, multimeter terminal

The EL3681 EtherCAT Terminal enables Digital multimeter
measurement of currents and voltages in a terminal, 18 bit
wide input range. The measuring ranges are
switched automatically, as usual in advanced
digital multimeters. There are two current
paths available for current measurement: for Technical data EL3681 | ES3681
small currents protected with 1 A and a high-
current path for up to 10 A. The current and Signal voltage max. 300 V AC/DC, 10 A
the high-resistance voltage measurement
can be used for DC and AC. The alternating Resolution 18 bit + sign in each measurement range
parameters are issued as true RMS values,
the direct parameters with arithmetic averag- Conversion time 0.5 s (1 s during measuring range switching) preset,
EtherCAT Terminal

ing. The measured data are read via EtherCAT min. 65 ms

and processed further in the controller. At Number of inputs 1 voltage or 1 current (10 A/1 A)
the same time, the EL3681 enables the mea-
suring type and range to be set via the bus. +60 °C

396 Excellent interference immunity is -25 °C

achieved through the fully electrically isolat-

ed design of the electronic measuring system
and the dual slope conversion system. High
1 5

precision and simple, high-impedance mea-

12.5 M
surement from 300 mV to 300 V allow the 2 6

EtherCAT Terminals to be used like a modern


digital multimeter.
For voltages greater than 25 V AC 3 7

(42 V peak) or 60 V DC the fuse opening

must be covered by an additional terminal 4 8

or the EL9011 end terminal.

In measuring applications in particular,
the voltage to be expected is often not yet
known during the planning phase. Automatic
adjustment of the measurement range simpli-
fies use and reduces stock levels. Measuring voltage 300 mV, 3 V, 30 V, 300 V
Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumption 150 mA
Distributed clocks –
Measuring current 100 mA, 1 A and 10 A via high-current path
Internal resistance 3 mΩ/0.2 Ω/12.5 MΩ
Electrical isolation 1,500 V (E-bus/field potential)
Measuring error 0.01 % DC voltage measurement at 25 °C
Special features automatic or manual range selection,
1.25 A fuse installed + spare fuse, filter deactivatable
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE
Weight approx. 70 g
Further information
Special terminals EL3681-0020
Distinguishing features with calibration certificate
Accessories ZB8000-0001
Spare fuse 10 pieces, 1.25 A

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL3255 Analog input

Analog input | Potentiometer measurement

The EL3255 EtherCAT Terminal enables direct 5-channel input,
connection of up to five resistive voltage potentiometer measurement
dividers. It is possible to connect potentio- with sensor supply,
meters, e.g. for manual operation of a 10 V
system, or path or pressure sensors, whose
value can be determined through resistance Technical data EL3255
The EL3255 generates the 10 V supply Sensor types potentiometer 300 Ω…50 kΩ
voltage for the sensors internally and mea-
sures this voltage as well as the voltages fed Technology ratiometric potentiometer evaluation with own supply,
back by the five sensors. Since all voltages 3-wire connection
are subject to the same influences, the poten- Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)

EtherCAT Terminal
tiometer analysis is based on determination
of the individual voltage components. Number of inputs 5

+60 °C

-25 °C 397

1 9

2 10

3 11

4 12

5 13

6 14

7 15

8 16

Conversion time typ. 300…700 µs, dependent on settings, default setting:

approx. 500 µs (5 channels, filter deactivated)
Current consumption dependent on the potentiometers,
power contacts max. 70 mA
Current consumption typ. 80 mA
Distributed clocks yes
Feed voltage typ. 10 V ±10 %
Internal resistance >> 100 kΩ to wiper connection
Measuring error < ±0.5 % (relative to full scale value)
Special features open-circuit recognition, supply monitoring, activatable
filters, simultaneous measurement of the channels
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, Ex
Weight approx. 70 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EM3701, EM3702

Analog input | Pressure measuring

The EtherCAT Terminal system is extended 1-channel 2-channel
with pressure measuring terminals for record- differential pressure relative pressure
ing differential and relative pressures. In a measuring terminal measuring terminal
similar way to electrical signal acquisition, -100…+100 hPa 7,500 hPa
an EtherCAT Terminal with 24 mm width is
used for pressure measurement. The compact Technical data EM3701 EM3702
design and simple connection system sup-
ports space-saving and quick installation. Technology differential pressure relative pressure
Additional measuring instruments are unnec- measurement measurement
The pressure measuring terminals of the
EM37xx series are divided into two groups:
EtherCAT Terminal

differential pressure measurement (measure-

ment between two terminals) and relative
pressure measurement (measurement relative
to the environment). The EtherCAT Terminals
398 can be used for measuring the pressure or as
a substitute for a pressure switch. The pres-
sure value in the controller makes it possible
to store the switching threshold as a param-
eter for a logic link. Manual setting at the
pressure switch in the application is therefore
no longer required.
While the EM3701 measures the pressure The EM3701 pressure The EM3702 pressure
measuring terminal enables measuring terminal enables
difference between two hose connections
direct measurement of pres- direct measurement of
in the range between -100 and +100 hPa sure differences between two pressure values at
and provides the result as a 16-bit value, the two hose connections. the hose connections.
EM3702 enables direct measurement of the The pressure difference The pressure is determined
pressure value relative to the environment. is available as a 16 bit as a pressure difference to
value and can be measured the ambiance of the EM3702
The status LEDs indicate proper function or
between any points up and is available as a 16 bit
errors such as over-range. The pressure meas- to an ambient pressure value. The status LEDs
urement terminals are not suitable for the of 10 bar. The status LEDs indicate proper function or
measurement of aggressive gases. indicate proper function or errors such as over-range.
errors such as over-range.

Measuring error 3 % (relative to 3 % (relative to

full scale value) full scale value)
Measuring range -100…+100 hPa 0…7,500 hPa
(-100…+100 mbar) (7.5 bar)
Current consumption – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Max. overload 500 hPa (500 mbar) 10,000 hPa (10 bar)
Medium non-aggressive gases non-aggressive gases
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE
Weight approx. 95 g approx. 95 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Terminal
Analog output EL4031, EL4032

Analog output | -10…+10 V, 12 bit/16 bit

The output from the EL4xxx 1-channel analog 2-channel analog
EtherCAT Terminals is an ana- output terminal, output terminal,
log voltage or current param- -10…+10 V, 12 bit -10…+10 V, 12 bit
eter, depending on the con-
troller specification: Terminals
with 1 to 8 output channels Technical data EL4031 | ES4031 EL4032 | ES4032
on a 12 mm wide terminal
are available for the ranges Signal voltage -10…+10 V
-10…+10 V, 0…10 V, Resolution 12 bit
0…20 mA and 4…20 mA. Connection technology 2-wire, single-ended 2-wire, single-ended
All terminals feature a watch- Conversion time ~ 100 µs ~ 150 µs
dog which, in the event of a Number of outputs 1 2
EtherCAT Terminal

communication failure, issues +60 °C +60 °C

a stored value (default: 0) or -25 °C -25 °C

even moves to it via a ramp.

All EL4xxx units feature distrib-
400 uted clocks, which means that,
1 5 1 5

if activated, they issue their

output values reproducibly and 2 6 2 6

synchronous with the other

distributed clock devices in the
system. The fewer channels a 3 7 3 7

terminal has, the faster it can

update its channels. The EL47xx 4 8 4 8

is even able to generate new

output values every 10 µs and
can therefore output up to The EL4031 and EL4032 EtherCAT Terminals are analog output terminals
with average conversion times and 12-bit resolution. Both use the 0 V
100,000 samples per second.
power contact as common reference potential and are designed for 2-wire
The EL4732 and EL4712 connection. User scaling can be set in the terminal.
oversampling terminals are
particularly suitable for high-
precision responses in DC
systems, e.g. in conjunction
with input terminals (EL37xx,
EL31xx) or servo controllers. Load > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof)
Current consumption E-bus typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes
Distributed clock precision << 1 µs << 1 µs
Oversampling factor – –
Output rate – –
Current consum. pow. cont. typ. 25 mA typ. 25 mA
Output error < 0.1 % (relative to end value) < 0.1 % (relative to end value)
Special features Optional watchdog: user- Optional watchdog: user-
specific output value with specific output value with
ramp; user synchronisation ramp; user synchronisation
can be activated. can be activated.
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g
Further information
Special terminals
Distinguishing features

Further information on XFC see page 298

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL4xxx Analog output

4-channel analog 8-channel analog 2-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog
output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
-10…+10 V, 12 bit -10…+10 V, 12 bit -10…+10 V, 16 bit, -10…+10 V, 16 bit -10…+10 V, 16 bit

EL4034 | ES4034 EL4038 | ES4038 EL4732 | ES4732 EL4132 | ES4132 EL4134 | ES4134

16 bit (incl. sign)

2-wire, single-ended 1-wire, single-ended 2-wire, single-ended 2-wire, single-ended 2-wire, single-ended
~ 250 µs ~ 400 µs ~ 10 µs ~ 40 µs ~ 290 µs
4 8 2 2 4

EtherCAT Terminal
+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL4034 and EL4038 EtherCAT Terminals are analog The EL4732 EtherCAT The EL4132 and EL4134 EtherCAT Terminals are analog
output terminals with average conversion times and 12-bit Terminal can output up output terminals with short conversion times and 16-bit
resolution. The EL4034 is designed for 2-wire connection. to 100 sequential output resolution and are suitable for fast control tasks. Both
The channels have a common reference ground. The EL4038 values (which have previ- terminals are designed for 2-wire connection. The channels
uses the 0 V power contact as reference potential and is ously been supplied as a have a common reference ground. The EL4134 uses the 0 V
designed for single-wire connection. User scaling can be package) per EtherCAT cycle. power contact as reference potential. User scaling can be
set in the terminal. The oversampling factor set in the terminal.
must be an integer multiple
of the cycle time.

> 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof)
typ. 140 mA typ. 100 mA typ. 180 mA typ. 210 mA typ. 265 mA
yes yes yes yes yes
<< 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs
– – n = 1…100 selectable – –
– – max. 100 ksamples/s – –
typ. 25 mA typ. 25 mA – – –
< 0.1 % (relative to end value) < 0.1 % (relative to end value) < 0.1 % (relative to end value) < 0.1 % (relative to end value) < 0.1 % (relative to end value)
Optional watchdog: user- Optional watchdog: user- oversampling Watchdog parameterisable; Watchdog parameterisable;
specific output value with specific output value with user synchronisation can be user synchronisation can be
ramp; user synchronisation ramp; user synchronisation activated. activated.
can be activated. can be activated.
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 85 g approx. 85 g approx. 50 g approx. 55 g approx. 65 g
with calibration certificate

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog output EL400x

Analog output | 0…10 V, 12 bit

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog 8-channel analog
output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
0…10 V, 12 bit 0…10 V, 12 bit 0…10 V, 12 bit 0…10 V, 12 bit

Technical data EL4001 | ES4001 EL4002 | ES4002 EL4004 | ES4004 EL4008 | ES4008

Signal voltage 0…10 V

Resolution 12 bit

Connection technology 2-wire, single-ended 2-wire, single-ended 2-wire, single-ended 1-wire, single-ended
EtherCAT Terminal

Conversion time ~ 100 µs ~ 150 µs ~ 250 µs ~ 400 µs

Number of outputs 1 2 4 8

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL4001, EL4002, EL4004 and EL4008 EtherCAT Terminals are analog output terminals with average conversion times
and 12-bit resolution. The channels use the 0 V power contact as common reference potential. The EL4008 is designed for
single-wire connection. The other terminals are designed for 2-wire connection. User scaling can be set in the terminal.

Load > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof)

Current consumption typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 100 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes yes yes
Distributed clock precision << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs
Current consumption typ. 25 mA typ. 25 mA typ. 25 mA typ. 25 mA
power contacts
Output error < 0.1 % (relative < 0.1 % (relative < 0.1 % (relative < 0.1 % (relative
to end value) to end value) to end value) to end value)
Special features Optional watchdog: user- Optional watchdog: user- Optional watchdog: user- Optional watchdog: user-
specific output value with specific output value with specific output value with specific output value with
ramp; user synchronisation ramp; user synchronisation ramp; user synchronisation ramp; user synchronisation
can be activated. can be activated. can be activated. can be activated.
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 85 g approx. 85 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL4102, EL4104 Analog output

Analog output | 0…10 V, 16 bit

2-channel analog 4-channel analog
output terminal, output terminal,
0…10 V, 16 bit 0…10 V, 16 bit

Technical data EL4102 | ES4102 EL4104 | ES4104

Signal voltage 0…10 V

Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)

Connection technology 2-wire, single-ended 2-wire, single-ended

EtherCAT Terminal
Conversion time ~ 40 µs ~ 290 µs

Number of outputs 2 4

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8

The EL4102 and EL4104 EtherCAT Terminals are analog output terminals with short conversion times and 16-bit
resolution and are suitable for fast control tasks. Both terminals are designed for 2-wire connection. The channels
have a common reference ground. User scaling can be set in the terminal.

Load > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof)

Current consumption typ. 210 mA typ. 190 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes
Distributed clock precision << 1 µs << 1 µs
Current consumption – –
power contacts
Output error < 0.1 % (relative to end value) < 0.1 % (relative to end value)
Special features Watchdog parameterisable; Watchdog parameterisable;
user synchronisation can be activated. user synchronisation can be activated.
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 65 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog output EL401x

Analog output | 0…20 mA, 12 bit

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog 8-channel analog
output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
0…20 mA, 12 bit 0…20 mA, 12 bit 0…20 mA, 12 bit 0…20 mA, 12 bit

Technical data EL4011 | ES4011 EL4012 | ES4012 EL4014 | ES4014 EL4018 | ES4018

Signal voltage 0…20 mA

Resolution 12 bit

Connection technology 3-wire, single-ended 3-wire, single-ended 2-wire, single-ended 1-wire, single-ended
EtherCAT Terminal

Conversion time ~ 100 µs ~ 150 µs ~ 250 µs ~ 400 µs

Number of outputs 1 2 4 8

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C


1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The EtherCAT Terminals of the EL401x series are analog output terminals with average conversion times and 12-bit
resolution. The channels use the 0 V power contact as common reference potential. Apart from the 8-channel version
EL4018, the terminals of the EL401x series are designed for 2-wire connection. User scaling can be set in the terminal.

Load < 500 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 500 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 350 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 150 Ω
Current consumption E-bus typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 100 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes yes yes
Distributed clock precision << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs
Oversampling factor – – – –
Output rate – – – –
Current consumption typ. 25 mA typ. 25 mA typ. 25 mA typ. 60 mA
power contacts
Output error < 0.1 % (relative < 0.1 % (relative < 0.1 % (relative < 0.1 % (relative
to end value) to end value) to end value) to end value)
Special features Optional watchdog: user- Optional watchdog: user- Optional watchdog: user- Optional watchdog: user-
specific output value with specific output value with specific output value with specific output value with
ramp; user synchronisation ramp; user synchronisation ramp; user synchronisation ramp; user synchronisation
can be activated. can be activated. can be activated. can be activated.
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 65 g approx. 65 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL411x, EL4712 Analog output

Analog output | 0…20 mA/-10…+10 mA, 16 bit

2-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog 2-channel analog
output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
0…20 mA, 16 bit, 0…20 mA, 16 bit 0…20 mA, 16 bit -10…+10 mA, 16 bit

Technical data EL4712 | ES4712 EL4112 | ES4112 EL4114 | ES4114 EL4112-0010

Signal voltage 0…20 mA -10…+10 mA

Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)
Connection technology 3-wire, single-ended 3-wire, single-ended 2-wire, single-ended 3-wire, single-ended
Conversion time ~ 10 µs ~ 40 µs ~ 290 µs ~ 40 µs
Number of outputs 2 2 4 2

EtherCAT Terminal
1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL4712 EtherCAT The EtherCAT Terminals of the EL411x series are analog output terminals with short con-
Terminal can output up to version times and 16-bit resolution and are suitable for fast control tasks. The terminals
100 sequential output values are designed for 2-wire connection. The channels use the 0 V power contact as common
(which have previously been reference potential. User scaling can be set in the terminal.
supplied as a package) per
EtherCAT cycle. The over-
sampling factor must be
an integer multiple of the
cycle time.

Load < 500 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 500 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 350 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 500 Ω (short-circuit-proof)
Current consumption E-bus typ. 100 mA typ. 160 mA typ. 160 mA typ. 160 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes yes yes
Distributed clock precision << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs
Oversampling factor n = integer multiple of the – – –
cycle time, 1…100 selectable
Output rate max. 100 ksamples/s – – –
Current consum. pow. cont. typ. 15 mA typ. 15 mA typ. 15 mA typ. 15 mA
Output error < 0.1 % (relative to end value) < 0.1 % (relative to end value) < 0.1 % (relative to end value) < 0.1 % (relative to end value)
Special features oversampling Watchdog parameterisable; Watchdog parameterisable; Watchdog parameterisable;
user synchronisation can be user synchronisation can be user synchronisation can be
activated. activated. activated.
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 65 g approx. 60 g approx. 65 g approx. 65 g
Further information
Special terminals EL4114-0020
Distinguishing features with calibration certificate

Further information on XFC see page 298 For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog output EL402x

Analog output | 4…20 mA, 12 bit

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog 8-channel analog
output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
4…20 mA, 12 bit 4…20 mA, 12 bit 4…20 mA, 12 bit 4…20 mA, 12 bit

Technical data EL4021 | ES4021 EL4022 | ES4022 EL4024 | ES4024 EL4028 | ES4028

Signal voltage 4…20 mA

Resolution 12 bit

Connection technology 3-wire, single-ended 3-wire, single-ended 2-wire, single-ended 1-wire, single-ended
EtherCAT Terminal

Conversion time ~ 100 µs ~ 150 µs ~ 250 µs ~ 400 µs

Number of outputs 1 2 4 8

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The EtherCAT Terminals of the EL402x series are analog output terminals with average conversion times and 12-bit
resolution. The channels use the 0 V power contact as common reference potential. Apart from the 8-channel version
EL4028, the terminals of the EL402x series are designed for 2-wire connection. User scaling can be set in the terminal.

Load < 500 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 500 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 350 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 150 Ω
Current consumption typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 100 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes yes yes
Distributed clock precision << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs << 1 µs
Current consumption typ. 25 mA typ. 25 mA typ. 25 mA typ. 60 mA
power contacts
Output error < 0.1 % (relative < 0.1 % (relative < 0.1 % (relative < 0.1 % (relative
to end value) to end value) to end value) to end value)
Special features Optional watchdog: user- Optional watchdog: user- Optional watchdog: user- Optional watchdog: user-
specific output value with specific output value with specific output value with specific output value with
ramp; user synchronisation ramp; user synchronisation ramp; user synchronisation ramp; user synchronisation
can be activated. can be activated. can be activated. can be activated.
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL4122, EL4124 Analog output

Analog output | 4…20 mA, 16 bit

2-channel analog 4-channel analog
output terminal, output terminal,
4…20 mA, 16 bit 4…20 mA, 16 bit

Technical data EL4122 | ES4122 EL4124 | ES4124

Signal voltage 4…20 mA

Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)

Connection technology 3-wire, single-ended 2-wire, single-ended

EtherCAT Terminal
Conversion time ~ 40 µs ~ 290 µs

Number of outputs 2 4


1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8

The EL4122 and EL4124 EtherCAT Terminals are analog output terminals with short conversion times and 16-bit
resolution and are suitable for fast control tasks. The terminals are designed for 2-wire connection. The channels
have a common reference ground. The EL4122 uses the 0 V power contact as reference potential. User scaling can
be set in the terminal.

Load < 500 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 350 Ω (short-circuit-proof)

Current consumption typ. 160 mA typ. 190 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes
Distributed clock precision << 1 µs << 1 µs
Current consumption typ. 15 mA typ. 15 mA
power contacts
Output error < 0.1 % (relative to end value) < 0.1 % (relative to end value)
Special features Watchdog parameterisable; Watchdog parameterisable;
user synchronisation can be activated. user synchronisation can be activated.
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 65 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Position measurement EL5001, EL5002

Position measurement | SSI encoder interfaces

The EL5001 SSI interface EtherCAT SSI encoder interface SSI encoder interface
Terminal enables the direct con-
nection of an SSI encoder; two SSI
encoders can be connected to the
2-channel EL5002 version.
SSI communication is normal for Technical data EL5001 | ES5001 EL5002 | ES5002
the connection of position encoders
and needs two differential wire pairs Technology SSI encoder interface
as the clock and data line. Via the
clock line, the master specifies the Number of channels 1 2
speed with which the SSI slave on
the data line returns its position, +60 °C +60 °C
EtherCAT Terminal

e.g. with 24-bit length. -25 °C -25 °C

The interface circuit of the

EL500x generates a pulse for reading
Data Data
the encoder, and makes the incoming
1 5 1 5

408 data stream available to the control-

ler as a data word in the process 2 6 2 6
image. Various operating modes,
transmission frequencies and bit Data

widths can be permanently stored 3 7 3 7

in a control register.
The EL5001 and EL5002 feature 4 8
4 8

the distributed clocks function. Cyclic

reading of the SSI encoder can thus
be started with high precision, ena-
bling detailed dynamic analysis of
the axis in the control system. If the
distributed clocks function is deac-
tivated, the EL500x clocks the data
synchronously with the EtherCAT Encoder supply 24 V DC via power contacts external e.g. EL91xx
cycle from the position encoder. Current consumption typ. 20 mA typ. 20 mA
If the transmitted position data power contacts
are also to be read by a second con- Current consumption typ. 120 mA typ. 130 mA
troller while an SSI master-slave con- E-bus
nection already exists, the EL5001- Distributed clocks yes yes
0011 can be used as an SSI monitor, Signal output (pulse) difference signal (RS422) difference signal (RS422)
which passively and jointly reads the Signal input (data) difference signal (RS422) difference signal (RS422)
SSI data on the data lines. Encoder connection binary input: D+, D-, binary input: D+, D-,
binary output: Cl+, Cl- binary output: Cl+, Cl-
Data transfer rates variable up to 1 MHz, variable up to 1 MHz,
250 kHz default 250 kHz default
Special features adjustable baud rate, adjustable baud rate,
coding and data length coding and data length
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g
Further information
Special terminals EL5001-0011
Distinguishing features SSI monitor terminal,
no clock output
(simply listening)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL5032 Position measurement

Position measurement | EnDat 2.2 interface

The EL5032 EnDat 2.2 EtherCAT Terminal is 2-channel EnDat 2.2 interface
used for direct connection of two encoders
with EnDat 2.2 interface. The EL5032 enables
reading of position values, diagnosis encoder
data, internal and external temperature
values and the electronic identification plate. Technical data EL5032
With the electronic identification plate all
measuring device-specific information is Technology EnDat 2.2 interface
directly available. In addition, user-defined
data can be stored in the encoder. This ena- Number of channels 2
bles cost-effective and quicker commission-
ing. The position value is output with up to

EtherCAT Terminal
48 bits, depending on the resolution of the
connected measuring device. In addition to
the position value, further information such 5V

as status information, addresses and data

1 9 D+ D–
can be transferred. A list of additional infor- GND
2 10 C+ C–
mation supported by the encoder is stored in
3 11

the parameters. The EL5032 features distrib- 5V

uted clocks, which means that the position 4 12

5 13 D+ D–
value can be read in exact synchrony with GND

the system. If the distributed clock function is 6 14 C+ C–

deactivated, the EL5032 cycles synchronous 7 15

8 16
with the EtherCAT cycle.

Nominal voltage 24 V at power contact, built in encoder supply, max. 0.5 A

Encoder supply optionally 5 V DC or 9 V DC
Current consumption typ. 150 mA
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 120 mA
Commands reading position values including additional information
available for selection via MRS code (Memory Range Select),
reading and writing parameters, reset functions
Distributed clocks yes
Encoder connection D+, D-, C+, C-
Resolution max. 48 bit for position
Special features saving the zero offset shift, electronic type plate, diagnostics,
warning, including cable length compensation up to 100 m,
reading the encoder temperature values
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE
Weight approx. 50 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Position measurement EL5101

Position measurement | Incremental/SinCos encoder interfaces

As opposed to absolute value encoders, incre- 1-channel incremental
mental encoders do not provide a direct posi- encoder interface,
tion, but rather two changing/pulsed signals differential input (RS485)
that are phase-shifted by 90°, which can be
used to calculate back to a position. To this
end, digital position encoders subdivide a Technical data EL5101 | ES5101
360° rotation of the encoder axis into individ-
ual steps (increments). For position encoders Technology incremental encoder interface RS485
with analog sin/cos interface it is subdivided
into periods, with a period corresponding Number of channels 1
to a full revolution of the sine/cosine signal. +60 °C
A full revolution of the encoder axis is indi- -25 °C
EtherCAT Terminal

cated by a special marker/zero pulse. The

number of increments determines both the
resolution of an encoder and the accuracy
1 5 1’ 5’

of the position.
410 The EL51xx terminals support micro- 2 6 2’ 6’

increment mode: By interpolating the signal

voltages, the resolution is increased 256-fold
and can be used for refining the positioning. 3 7 3’ 7’

Using the EL5021, an n-times more pre-

cise position determination is achieved within 4 8 4’ 8’

one period through interpolation of the two

90° phase-shifted sine signals. Depending on
the setting (8 to 13 bit), a micro-resolution The EL5101 is an interface for the direct connection of
incremental encoders with differential (RS485) or single-
of the period of 256 to 8,192 times can be
ended inputs. It supplies 5 V for the encoder supply.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC at power contact

Current consum. pow. cont. typ. 100 mA + load
Current consumption E-bus typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks yes
Input signal difference signal (RS485), single-ended possible
Encoder connection A, A (inv), B, B (inv), C,C (inv), differential inputs (RS485);
status input 5 V DC; gate/latch input 24 V DC
The quadruple evaluation of the signals A Encoder operating voltage 5 V DC/max. 0.5 A
and B (quadrature encoder) produces a fine Input frequency max. 4 million increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation)
positional resolution and enables detection Resolution 1/256 bit microincrements
of the direction. Counter 1 x 16/32 bit switchable
Special features wire breakage detection, latch and gate function,
period duration and frequency measurement,
microincrements, time-stamping of edges, filters
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 100 g
Further information
Special terminals EL5101-0010 EL5101-0090
Distinguishing features 20 million increments/s TwinSAFE SC 324

SinCos signal depending on the encoder (with 4-fold evaluation),

position no single-ended operation

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL515x, EL5021 Position measurement

1-channel incremental 2-channel incremental 1-channel SinCos

encoder interface, encoder interface, encoder interface,
single-ended, 24 V DC single-ended, 24 V DC 1 VPP

EL5151 | ES5151 EL5152 | ES5152 EL5021 | ES5021

incremental encoder interface 24 V DC, EN 61131-2, type 1, SinCos encoder interface for differential 1 VPP signal
“0”: < 5 V DC, ”1”: > 15 V DC, typ. 5 mA
2 1

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

EtherCAT Terminal
1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 411

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL5151 and EL5152 are interfaces with 24 V inputs for the direct connection of incremental The EL5021 is an interface for the direct connection of
encoders. For each channel a 32-bit counter with quadrature decoder can be read and set. a measuring sensor with sinusoidal voltage output 1 VPP.
In addition, the EL5151 offers a 32-bit latch for the zero pulse. Alternatively, both terminals can The measuring signal is provided as a 32 bit value.
be used as forward/backward counters. Due to their support of distributed clocks, the EL515x The maximum resolution of the counter value is 24 bit,
terminals can detect the axis positions together with other slaves synchronously and with high the maximum resolution of the signal period is 13 bit.
temporal accuracy. The reference mark is stored in a 32 bit value.

24 V DC at power contact 24 V DC at power contact

typ. 100 mA + load typ. 50 mA + load
typ. 130 mA typ. 120 mA
yes yes
24 V DC 1 VPP
A, B, C, gate/latch input 24 V DC, 24 V/0 V A1, B1, A2, B2, 24 V/0 V A, A (inv), B, B (inv), C,C (inv)

24 V DC 5 V DC/max. 0.5 A
max. 400,000 increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation) 250 kHz @ 10 bit (sampling frequency 70 MHz)
1/256 bit microincrements max. 13 bit, 8,192 steps per period
1 x 16/32 bit switchable 2 x 32 bit max. 24 bit
gate or latch function, microincrements, microincrements, period duration and latch, reset, amplitude and frequency error recognition,
time stamping of edges, period duration and frequency measurement, up/down counters frequency-dependent period resolution, frequency
frequency measurement, up/down counters counter max. 24 bit
-25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, Ex
approx. 50 g approx. 55 g
EL5151-0021 EL5021-0090
with parameterisable 24 V DC output TwinSAFE SC 324
and workpiece measurement

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication EL600x, EL602x

Communication | Serial interfaces RS232/RS485

The EL60xx serial interfaces enable the 1 x serial interface 2 x serial interface
connection of devices with RS232 or RS232/RS422/RS485 RS232/RS422/RS485
RS422/RS485 interfaces to the control level.
The devices connected to the EtherCAT
Terminal communicate via the EtherCAT
network with the automation device. Technical data EL6001 | EL6021 | EL6002 EL6022
The active communication channel works ES6001 ES6021
independently of the cycle of the higher-level Data transfer rates 2,400…115,200 baud; 300…115,200 baud;
EtherCAT system in full duplex mode at default: 9,600 baud, default: 9,600 baud,
up to 115.2 kbaud. This way, any desired 8 data bits, no parity and 8 data bits, no parity and
number of serial interfaces can be used in one stop bit one stop bit
the application without having to consider Interfaces 1 x RS232 1 x RS422/ 2 x RS232 2 x RS422/
EtherCAT Terminal

structural restrictions in the control device. RS485 RS485

The serial interface can be positioned close Technology terminal contact D-sub, 9-pin
to the place of use, this way reducing the
necessary cable lengths. +60 °C +60 °C

412 The RS232 interface allows for high -25 °C -25 °C

immunity to interference through electrically

isolated signals. In the EL6021 this is addi-
tionally supported by differential signal trans-
1 5

mission according to RS422. The EL6022 can

make 2 x 5 V/20 mA from the E-bus supply 2 6

available for powering external devices.

The EL60xx can be used as a normal
Windows COM interface in conjunction with 3 7

the TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM Driver

(see page 963 ). 4 8

Data buffer 864 bytes receive buffer, 864 bytes receive buffer,
128 bytes transmit buffer 128 bytes transmit buffer
Current consumption – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 120 mA typ. 170 mA typ. 170 mA typ. 270 mA
Distributed clocks – –
Cable length max. 15 m approx. max. 15 m approx.
1,000 m 1,000 m
twisted pair twisted pair
Line impedance – 120 Ω – 120 Ω
Special features – 2 x 5 V/20 mA for external
supply (EL6022)
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL6070 Communication

Communication | License key terminal for TwinCAT 3.1

TwinCAT 3.1 enables management of License key terminal
TwinCAT licenses via the EL6070 EtherCAT for TwinCAT 3.1
Terminal. The EL6070 is used as a hardware
license key in the modular EtherCAT I/O sys-
tem. Via an interface, the terminal can also be
used for secure data encryption. Data transfer Technical data EL6070
takes place via EtherCAT.
For even more convenient handling of Technology EtherCAT license key terminal
the TwinCAT 3.1 licensing, from hardware
version 02 the EL6070 license key terminal is +60 °C
equipped with a local data memory. The data -25 °C

memory is used for storing the TwinCAT 3.1

EtherCAT Terminal
license files. It is not freely accessible and is
managed by TwinCAT 3.1.
1 5

The functionally equivalent C9900-L100

license key USB stick also features this data 2 6

memory. 413

3 7

4 8

Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE
C9900-L100 | License key USB stick Weight approx. 50 g
for TwinCAT 3.1 Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication EL6080

Communication | EtherCAT memory terminal 128 kbyte

The EL6080 EtherCAT memory terminal has EtherCAT memory terminal
128 KB of non-volatile memory (NOVRAM). 128 kbyte, NOVRAM
The terminal can be used to store and read
out parameters and recipes. Part of the
memory can also be used for the cyclic stor-
age of machine data such as operating hour Technical data EL6080
meters or production numbers. The EtherCAT
Terminal is used, for example, for storing Technology EtherCAT memory terminal
module-related data in the machine module
in modular machine concepts with a central Memory 128 kbyte NOVRAM
Data is only stored in the RAM in the live +60 °C
EtherCAT Terminal

terminal and is therefore not stored perma- -25 °C

nently. However, this allows unlimited access

for reading and writing. In the event of a
power failure, an internal buffer supplies the
1 5

414 NOVRAM block until the entire contents of

the RAM have been stored in a non-volatile 2 6

The EL6080 supports memory access
with cyclic process data or via acyclic SDO/ 3 7

CoE. The access time depends in both cases

on the size of the data. For cyclic access, the 4 8

user must create a set of process data with

an arbitrary structure, which is then written
to or read from the terminal in its entirety.
This process takes several task cycles, de-
pending upon the size of the data and the
cycle time, and is controlled by a handshake.

Number of write/read arbitrary

Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 130 mA
Distributed clocks –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 50 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL6090 Communication

Communication | Display terminal – operating hours counter

The display terminal has an illuminated, Display terminal with
low-reflection LC display with two lines of navigation switch and
16 characters. It can be used, for example, operating hours counter
for displaying status messages or diagnostic
information. A non-resettable operating
hours counter is integrated and can be dis- Technical data EL6090
played and also read out via the controller.
Via the user program dynamic and static Technology EtherCAT display terminal
application-specific texts can be displayed,
e.g. “Production counter: (count value)”. Switch inputs navigation switch: up, down, left, right, enter
If the output text is longer than 16 charac-
ters, the terminal automatically switches to

EtherCAT Terminal
scrolling text mode. Two special characters
can be defined via a 5 x 8 pixel matrix.
The statuses of the navigation switch
– up, down, left, right and enter – are trans-
mitted to the controller as binary variables 415
and can be used, for example, to control the

Display LC display, 2 x 16 characters (> 16 characters =

scrolling text mode), switchable backlight
Special characters 2 characters (5 x 8 pixel matrix)
Operating hours counter 32 bit overflow after 136 years (no reset possible),
secure data storage > 100 years (@15 minutes writing
interval), accuracy: ±50 ppm
Time measuring 4 x 32 bit second counter (reset possible)
Counter 4 x 32 bit counter (reset possible)
Storage interval manual/automatic every 15 minutes
Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 80 mA
Distributed clocks –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE
Weight approx. 70 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication EL6601, EL6614

Communication | Ethernet switch port terminals

The EL6601 and EL6614 Ethernet switch- Ethernet switch port Ethernet switch port
port terminals serve the local connection of terminal, 1 port terminal, 4 ports,
arbitrary Ethernet devices to the EtherCAT internal switch
system. The EtherCAT system relays the
Ethernet communication of the connected
devices fully transparent and collision-free. Technical data EL6601 EL6614
The EL6614 Ethernet switchport terminal
has an integrated 5-port switch. It manages Ethernet interface 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
the data from the EtherCAT system and the Ethernet with 1 x RJ45 Ethernet with 4 x RJ45
four RJ 45 ports. In full-duplex mode, the Data transfer rates 10/100 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation, half or full
terminal enables the collision-free commu- duplex at 10 and 100 Mbit/s possible, automatic settings
nication of the connected devices with one Cable length up to 100 m twisted pair up to 100 m twisted pair
EtherCAT Terminal

The EL6601 and EL6614 are suitable +60 °C +60 °C
for transmitting and receiving “normal” -25 °C -25 °C

non-real-time-critical Ethernet frames, e.g.

416 with TCP/IP contents. The throughput speci-
fied in the documentation must be observed.
TwinCAT, as a “virtual switch”, manages
these frames at the IPC Ethernet port, which
is configured as an EtherCAT device.
In addition, the EL6601 and EL6614
can appear as a publisher/subscriber like a
real-time Ethernet device and can be con-
figured as such in TwinCAT. Real-time data
are preferred by the terminal and processed
synchronously with the EtherCAT cycle.
In this way, several hundred bytes of pro-
cess data can be transmitted and received
cyclically, up to < 1 ms.

Protocol all Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)- all Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)-

based protocols, store and based protocols, store and
forward switching mode forward switching mode
Current consumption – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 310 mA typ. 450 mA
Distributed clocks – –
Special features support of RT Ethernet, support of RT Ethernet,
publisher/subscriber, publisher/subscriber,
DHCP/BootP address DHCP/BootP address
allovation (1 device) allovation (1 device)
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 75 g approx. 95 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL6688 Communication

Communication | IEEE 1588 external synchronisation

The Precision Time Protocol can be used in IEEE 1588 external
order to generate an identical time base synchronisation interface
within an application, i.e. over several net-
works. PTP is a protocol that secures the
synchronicity of the time settings of several
devices in a network and which is defined in Technical data EL6688
IEEE 1588 standard as the protocol standard
for the synchronisation of distributed clocks Ethernet interface 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet with 1 x RJ45
in networks. As opposed to the NTP (Network
Time Protocol), the emphasis in PTP is on Data transfer rates 10/100 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation, half or full
higher accuracy. The applicational synchro- duplex at 10 and 100 Mbit/s possible, automatic settings
nisation can be implemented using TwinCAT Cable length up to 100 m twisted pair

EtherCAT Terminal
and the EL6688 IEEE 1588 External Synchro-
nisation Interface.
If the PTP Ethernet frames are routed by
switches in a larger network, then PTP-com-
patible switches should to be used in order 417
to attain the highest possible synchronisation
accuracy. These enter the self-caused data
delays into the correction values provided in
the PTP data. In this way, the accuracy of the
synchronisation of the master to the slave is
not affected negatively by the transmission
The EL6688 is the simplest way to syn-
chronise an EtherCAT system with appropri-
ate interface devices to the global world time The EL6688 EtherCAT Terminal is a device in the IEEE 1588
synchronisation system that supports the Ethernet-based
via GPS or radio transmitters such as DFC77.
precision time protocols PTPv1 (IEEE 1588-2002) and
If more than two EtherCAT systems are to be PTPv2 (IEEE 1588-2008). On the one hand, the EL6688 is
synchronised with one another, the EtherCAT an IEEE 1588 clock (master or slave), which is synchronised
Terminal is likewise the means of choice. within the scope of the protocol accuracy. On the other hand,
it is synchronised by the EtherCAT master as an EtherCAT
Terminal in the distributed clocks system, or it provides the
reference clock for the EtherCAT system. To do this, it only
needs to be selected as the “reference clock” in the TwinCAT
System Manager. This way, a consistent timebase can be
created across applications for any number of spatially
separated TwinCAT EtherCAT systems and machine sections,
e.g. for applications with axes or measurement technology.
The compact EtherCAT Terminal enables flexible deployment
depending on the application requirements.

Protocol PTPv1 (IEEE 1588-2002), PTPv2 (IEEE 1588-2008)

IEEE 1588 Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumption E-bus typ. 310 mA
Distributed clocks yes
Cable length up to 100 m twisted pair
Special features usable in TwinCAT as a reference clock
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Applicational synchronicity in the network Approvals CE, UL, Ex
thanks to distributed clocks according to Weight approx. 75 g
IEEE 1588 Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication EL6692, EL6695

Communication | EtherCAT bridge terminals

The slaves within an EtherCAT system are EtherCAT bridge EtherCAT bridge
synchronised by the distributed clocks system. terminal terminal
In each slave capable of doing so, a local clock
triggers the reading in of inputs and the output
of outputs synchronously with all other slaves.
A slave represents the reference clock, accord- Technical data EL6692 EL6695
ing to which the EtherCAT master/TwinCAT
synchronises all other slaves. For event logging Technology primary side: E-bus (terminal strand),
and axis synchronisation, the synchronous secondary side: 2 x 100 Mbit/s Ethernet, RJ45, In/Out
operation of several EtherCAT systems is use- Function EtherCAT distributed clock synchronisation,
ful. The EL669x, which serves as a crossover data exchange
point between two EtherCAT systems, can be +60 °C
EtherCAT Terminal

used for interconnection: it is an EtherCAT -25 °C

Terminal on the so-called primary side and an

EtherCAT slave with an RJ45 connection on the
so-called secondary side. The direction of the
418 time synchronisation is selectable. TwinCAT can
use this terminal as the reference clock in the
synchronised system; this way, the entire lower-
level system is operated synchronously with
the primary system. With the same cycle times,
both real-time tasks then work synchronously
in TwinCAT.
The power supply for the secondary side
(RJ45) of the EL6695 is via an external connec-
tion, the primary side is supplied via the E-bus. The EL6692 and EL6695 are EtherCAT bridge terminals
with different performance levels for the synchronous and
The bridge terminal can also be used for inte-
asynchronous data transmission between two EtherCAT
grating a subordinate PC system as an EtherCAT systems. The EL6695 differs from the EL6692 in a flexible
slave. CoE configuration, the possibility for device emulation and
significantly higher data throughput rates. Apart from that, a
reconfigurable partial transmission of the PDO can be offered
through selective PDO mapping. Especially with modular or
Ethernet changing machine concepts this is a helpful function.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (secondary side) 24 V DC (secondary side)

Current consumption – –
PC EtherCAT power contacts
Current consumption E-bus: 120 mA, E-bus: typ. 400 mA,
E-bus external: 60 mA/24 V typ. external: 80 mA/24 V typ.
Distributed clocks yes yes
Power supply primary: via the E-bus, primary: via the E-bus,
IPC EL669x
secondary: via connector secondary: via connector, 24 V
Cyclic process data max. 480 byte max. 1400 byte
per direction
Special features usable in TwinCAT as a usable in TwinCAT as a
IPC EL669x
reference clock, supports reference clock, synchronous
ADS over EtherCAT (AoE) data exchange, flexible PDO
mapping, supports AoE, EoE,
FoE, VoE
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, Ex CE
Weight approx. 85 g approx. 85 g
Example topologies EL669x Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL6201 Communication

Communication | AS-Interface master terminal

The AS-Interface (AS-i = Actuator Sensor AS-Interface master terminal
interface) is a fieldbus communication
method for actuators and sensors. The master
cyclically transmits telegrams to the indi-
vidual slaves via a 2-core yellow ribbon cable,
which serves at the same time for the 24 V Technical data EL6201 | ES6201
power supply. Up to 62 slaves with a total of
496 inputs and 496 outputs are supported, Technology AS-Interface master terminal (M3)
depending on the protocol.
Specification version AS-Interface V 2.0, V 2.11, V 3.0 (Rev. 4)
AS-Interface potential feed terminal
EL9520 see page 440 AS-Interface slaves 31 for V 2.0, 62 for V 2.1

EtherCAT Terminal
Number of channels 1 (AS-Interface channel)


1 5
Set Set
Configuration Configuration
Mode Mode

2 6

3 7

4 8
Set Protected Set Protected
Mode Mode

The EL6201 AS-Interface master terminal enables the direct

connection of AS-Interface slaves. The AS-Interface compli-
ant interface supports digital and analog slaves, versions
3.0 (master profile M3). The connected devices are supplied
via the EL9520 AS-Interface potential feed terminal with
integrated filter.

Cycle time max. 5 ms (at 31 or 62 slaves)

Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumption 120 mA (E-Bus), typ. 40 mA/max. 60 mA (AS-Interface)
Distributed clocks –
AS-Interface diagnostics power failure, slave failure, parameterisation error
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE
Weight approx. 55 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication EL6224

Communication | IO-Link terminal

The EL6224 IO-Link terminal enables con- 4-channel input/output,
nection of up to four IO-Link devices, e.g. IO-Link master terminal
actuators, sensors or combinations of both.
A point-to-point connection is used between
the terminal and the device. The terminal
is parameterised via the EtherCAT master. Technical data EL6224
IO-Link is designed as an intelligent link
between the fieldbus level and the sensor, Technology IO-Link input/output
allowing parameterisation information to be
exchanged bidirectionally via the IO-Link con- Specification version IO-Link V1.1
nection. The parameterisation of the IO-Link
devices with service data can be done from Data transfer rates 4.8 kbaud, 38.4 kbaud and 230.4 kbaud
EtherCAT Terminal

TwinCAT via ADS.

In the standard setting, the EL6224 func- Number of channels 4 IO-Link interfaces
tions as a 4-channel input terminal, 24 V DC,
which communicates with connected IO-Link
420 devices, parameterises them and, if necessary,
changes their operating mode.
Integration into the HD housing with
16 connection points enables each IO-Link IO
1 9
device to be operated in 3-wire connection
2 10
3 11

Additional 24 V and 0 V connection

points can be realised via the EL918x poten- 4 12
5 13
tial distributor terminal.
6 14
7 15

8 16

Supply current for devices 500 mA per device

Current consumption typ. 20 mA + load
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 120 mA
Distributed clocks –
Cable length max. 20 m
Special features each channel parameterisable in TwinCAT
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g
Further information
Special terminals EL6624-0090
Distinguishing features TwinSAFE SC 324

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL6631, EL6632 Communication

Communication | PROFINET controller/device

The EL6631 PROFINET RT controller (master) PROFINET RT controller/ PROFINET IRT controller
terminal supports the complete real-time device terminal
function (RT) as well as extensive diagnos-
tic possibilities. All services according to
conformance class B are supported. Up to
15 PROFINET RT devices can be projected Technical data EL6631 EL6632
on the EL6631.
The EL6631-0010 PROFINET RT device Technology PROFINET RT PROFINET IRT
(slave) terminal enables the simple exchange
of data between EtherCAT and the PROFINET Ethernet interface 100BASE-TX Ethernet with 2 x RJ45
RT controllers. Within the EtherCAT strand it
represents a slave that can consist of up to Number of channels 2 (switched) 2 (switched)

EtherCAT Terminal
65,535 devices. The EL6631-0010 contains
a 3-port switch; two of these ports are fed
externally to RJ45 sockets. This allows the
construction of the I/O stations as a line
topology, thus reducing wiring. The maximum 421
distance between two devices is 100 m.
Protocols such as LLDP or SNMP can be
used for network diagnostics.
The EL6632 PROFINET IRT Controller Ter-
minal supports the complete RT (real-time) or
IRT (isochronous real-time) function as well
as providing extensive diagnostic options.
All services in accordance with Conform-
ance Class C are supported. Depending on
the cycle time, up to five PROFINET IRT or up
to 15 PROFINET RT devices can be operated
at the EL6632 in a line topology. The maxi-
mum distance between two devices is 100 m.
Protocols such as LLDP or SNMP can be used
for network diagnostics.

Protocol RT RT or IRT
Current consumption – –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 400 mA typ. 400 mA
Distributed clocks – –
Cable length up to 100 m twisted pair up to 100 m twisted pair
Special features LLDP, SNMP, Conformance Class C,
Conformance Class B, max. 5 IRT devices,
max. 15 RT devices, max. 15 RT devices,
min. 1 ms RT cycle min. 500 µs IRT cycle,
min. 1 ms RT cycle
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
(see documentation) (see documentation)
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE
Weight approx. 75 g approx. 75 g
Further information
Special terminals EL6631-0010
Distinguishing features PROFINET RT device

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication EL6652

Communication | EtherNet/IP master/slave terminal

The EL6652 EtherNet/IP master terminal and EtherNet/IP master/slave terminal
the EL6652-0010 EtherNet/IP slave terminal
have a switched 2-port Ethernet connection
and can thus be operated in a line with fur-
ther Ethernet/IP nodes. The process data are
configured by an EtherCAT master, allowing Technical data EL6652 EL6652-0010
different process data and different sizes.
The EL6652 and EL6652-0010 support Technology EtherNet/IP master terminal EtherNet/IP slave terminal
both multicast and unicast connections. With
the EL6652, up to 16 simple EtherNet/IP slave Ethernet interface 100BASE-TX Ethernet with 2 x RJ45
devices can be connected via one generic
node. The EL6652-0010 is optionally available Number of channels 2 (switched)
EtherCAT Terminal

for connecting EtherCAT with an EtherNet/IP



Protocol EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP slave

Number of possible max. 16 slave nodes –
slave devices
Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 400 mA
Distributed clocks –
Cable length up to 100 m twisted pair
Special features multicast/unicast connection
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C (see documentation)
Approvals CE
Weight approx. 75 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL6731 Communication

Communication | PROFIBUS master/slave terminal

The EL6731 PROFIBUS master terminal cor- PROFIBUS master/slave terminal
responds to the FC3101 PROFIBUS PCI card.
Connection via EtherCAT allows PCI slots in
the PC to be dispensed with; instead, any
desired number of PROFIBUS master termi-
nals (EL6731) or slave terminals (EL6731- Technical data EL6731 EL6731-0010
0010) can be used in the field. This reduces
cabling and facilitates the connection of Technology PROFIBUS master terminal PROFIBUS slave terminal
existing fieldbus installations to the high-
performance EtherCAT fieldbus. Data transfer rates 9.6 kbaud…12 Mbaud
The terminal can handle the PROFIBUS
protocol with all features and enables the Interfaces 1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin, galvanically decoupled

EtherCAT Terminal
integration of arbitrary PROFIBUS devices
in the EtherCAT Terminal network. The ter- Number of channels 1
minal has a PROFIBUS chip with the latest
PROFIBUS technology – including a high- +60 °C
precision isochronous mode for axis control -25 °C 423
and advanced diagnostic options.
The EL6731 allows the operation of
PROFIBUS slaves with different polling rates
and is distinguished by the following charac-
– Cycle times from 200 µs are possible.
– master and slave monitor up to 12 Mbit/s
– powerful parameter and diagnostics
– The error management for each bus user
is freely configurable.
– It is possible to read the bus configu-
ration and automatically assign the
“GSD” files.

Fieldbus PROFIBUS DP (standard), PROFIBUS DP-V1 (Cl. 1+2: acyclic

services, alarms), DP-V2, PROFIBUS MC (equidistant)
Cycle time differing DP cycle times per slave are possible using
the CDL concept
Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 350 mA
Distributed clocks yes –
Bus device max. 125 slaves with up to 244 bytes input, output,
parameter, configuration or diagnostic data per slave
Special features status LEDs, total max. 7 kbyte input and output data
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 70 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication EL6751

Communication | CANopen master/slave terminal

The EL6751 CANopen master terminal CANopen master/slave terminal
corresponds to the FC5101 CANopen PCI
card. Connection via EtherCAT allows PCI
slots in the PC to be dispensed with; instead,
any desired number of CANopen master or
slave terminals can be used in the field. Technical data EL6751 EL6751-0010
The EL6751 enables the integration of
arbitrary CANopen devices in the EtherCAT Technology CANopen master terminal CANopen slave terminal
Terminal network. It is alternatively available
as a master (EL6751) or slave (EL6751-0010). Data transfer rates 10, 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500, 800, 1,000 kbaud
In addition, general CAN messages can be
sent or received – without having to bother Interfaces D-sub connector, 9-pin according to CANopen specification,
EtherCAT Terminal

with CAN frames in the applications pro- galvanically decoupled

gram. The terminal has a powerful protocol Number of channels 1
implementation with many features:
– support for all CANopen PDO com- +60 °C

424 munication modes: event-controlled, -25 °C

time-controlled (event timer),

synchronous, polling
– synchronisation with the task cycle
of the PC controller
– SYNC cycle with quartz precision
for drive synchronisation,
zero cumulative jitter
– parameter communication (SDO)
at start-up and when running
– emergency message handling,
guarding and heartbeat
– powerful parameter and diagnostics
– online bus load display

Fieldbus CANopen
Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 300 mA
Distributed clocks –
Bus device max. 127 slaves –
Special features status LEDs, status LEDs,
CANopen network master, CANopen slave
CANopen Manager,
supports RAW-CAN
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 70 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL6752 Communication

Communication | DeviceNet master/slave terminal

The EL6752 DeviceNet master terminal cor- DeviceNet master/slave terminal
responds to the FC5201 DeviceNet PCI card.
Connection via EtherCAT allows PCI slots
in the PC to be dispensed with; instead,
any desired number of DeviceNet master
or slave terminals can be used in the field. Technical data EL6752 EL6752-0010
The EL6752 allows the integration of arbi-
trary DeviceNet devices in the EtherCAT Ter- Technology DeviceNet DeviceNet
minal network. It is alternatively available as master terminal slave terminal
a master (EL6752) or slave (EL6752-0010). Data transfer rates 125, 250, 500 kbaud
The DeviceNet terminal has a powerful
protocol implementation with many features: Interfaces open style connector, 5-pin, according to DeviceNet

EtherCAT Terminal
– support of all DeviceNet I/O modes: specification, galvanically decoupled (Connector is supplied.)
polling, change of state, cyclic, strobed Number of channels 1
– Unconnected Message Manager (UCMM)
– offline connection set, Device Heartbeat +60 °C
Messages, Device Shutdown Messages -25 °C 425
– Auto Device Replacement (ADR)
– powerful parameter and diagnostics
– The error management for each bus user
is freely configurable.

Fieldbus DeviceNet
Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 260 mA
Distributed clocks –
Bus device max. 63 slaves
Special features DeviceNet scanner
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 70 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication EL6720, EL6740

Communication | Lightbus master/Interbus slave terminal

Lightbus Lightbus Interbus
The EL6720 Lightbus master terminal enables master terminal slave terminal
the connection to Lightbus devices just as
the Beckhoff FC2001 Lightbus PCI card.
Due to the connection via EtherCAT, no PCI
slots are required in the PC. The terminal Technical data EL6720 EL6740-0010
controls the Lightbus protocol with all its
features. Within an EtherCAT Terminal net- Technology Lightbus master terminal Interbus slave terminal
work, the EL6720 enables the integration
of any Lightbus slaves. The terminal has a Data transfer rates 2.5 Mbaud 500 kbits, 2 Mbits (default)
powerful protocol implementation with
many features: Interfaces 2 x fibre optic standard 2 x D-sub plug, 9-pin,
EtherCAT Terminal

– Cycle times up to 100 µs are possible. connector Z1000 (plastic plug and socket with
– Process data communication can either fibre), Z1010 (HCS fibre) screening and vibration lock
be free running or synchronised. Number of channels 1 1
– powerful parameter and diagnostics
426 interfaces (ADS)

Lightbus accessories see page 688

Interbus is a ring system, i.e. all devices are
actively integrated into a closed transmission
path. Each device regenerates the incom-
ing signal and passes it on. In the Interbus
system, both the data line and the return
line are fed through all devices inside one
cable. This results in the physical appearance
of a line or tree structure. The master-slave
system allows the connection of a maximum
of 512 devices, which form the structure of
a spatially distributed shift register. Each
device, with its registers of different lengths,
is part of the shift register ring. The master
pushes data through the ring serially. Due to Fieldbus Lightbus Interbus, max. 400 m between
the point-to-point connection method, termi- 2 stations at 500 kbit/s
nation resistors do not have to be installed. Type of connection fibre optic standard only remote bus
The EL6740-0010 Interbus slave terminal connector
enables data exchange between EtherCAT Current consumption – –
and Interbus. For both bus systems the ter- power contacts
minal “mirrors” up to 32 word input and Current consumption typ. 240 mA typ. 450 mA
32 word output to the respective other sys- E-bus
tem. The outputs are written to the inputs Distributed clocks – –
of the other bus with minimum delay. The Bus device max. 254 nodes with a –
terminal can use the Interbus protocol up to max. of 65,280 I/O points
a baud rate of 2 Mbits. Due to the connec- per fieldbus connection
tion via EtherCAT, no PCI slots are required Special features 3 priority-controlled logical status LEDs
in the PC. communication channels
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 70 g approx. 80 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL6851 Communication

Communication | DMX master/slave terminal

DMX is the standard protocol of 512 bytes in just one control DMX master/slave terminal
for controlling professional stage cycle using EtherCAT. This way,
and effect lighting equipment, random devices, such as scan-
which is used, for example, for ners, moving heads or spotlights
the dynamic lighting of show- can be controlled (see illustration
rooms and salesrooms as well below). Technical data EL6851 EL6851-0010
as for exclusive displays of light The EL6851-0010 DMX
and colour in high-profile build- slave terminal acts as a link to Technology DMX DMX
ings, such as hotels and event the DMX world and enables pro- master terminal slave terminal
centres. For static DMX light fessional stage and effect light- Data transfer rates 250 kbit, one start bit, two stop bits
sources (e.g. spotlights), colour ing to be implemented in con-
mixing and brightness values are junction with standard hardware. Interfaces RS485, termination resistor can be

EtherCAT Terminal
transmitted, while moving DMX It takes on the information from switched, half duplex
light sources (e.g. moving heads the DMX master for the assigned Number of channels 1
and scanners) receive additional automation equipment. This way,
spatial coordinates. The high theatre and show stages can
data transfer rate of EtherCAT be constructed with standard 427
permits higher update rates of hardware at reduced cost, but
light settings, resulting in more with full flexibility. The data from
harmonious changes of light the DMX telegram are output DMX devices DMX devices

1 5 1 5 1 5

and colour as perceived by the on simple digital outputs, step-


human eye. per motors or dimmer terminals. 2 6 2 6

The EL6851 DMX master Furthermore, it is possible to

terminal allows the direct con- transmit the DMX data to a
nection of up to 32 DMX devices DALI network and in this way to 3 7

and supports the transmission indirectly operate DALI ballasts

of the full DMX protocol width with DMX. 4 8

The EL6851 EtherCAT Terminal is a DMX

master terminal and enables connection
of up to 32 devices without repeater.
The DMX master terminal can send up to
512 bytes of data. At 250 kbit/s a maxi-
mum data rate of 44 kHz is thus possible.
CX5000 EL6851
DMX master Data length max. 512 bytes
Protocol DMX512
Current consumption –
power contacts
Channel Current consumption E-bus typ. 130 mA
1 MH1 Pan Distributed clocks –
. Bus device max. 32 without –
3 – Tilt
4 – our
Colour repeater
. Line impedance 120 Ω
7 – Speeded
8 – Iris Special features supports RDM start address
. Tilt protocol, library and data length
10 FW2 Red (13 %)
11 – en (25 %)
Green Pan available; electri- can be set
12 – Blue (38 %) cally isolated
. EK1100
64 – – Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
. EL6851-0010 Approvals CE, UL, Ex
256 – – DMX slave
Weight approx. 55 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication EL69xx

Communication | TwinSAFE, PROFIsafe

TwinSAFE Logic TwinSAFE Logic TwinSAFE/PROFIsafe
logic and gateway terminal

Technical data EL6900 EL6910 EL6930

Technology TwinSAFE Logic TwinSAFE/PROFIsafe logic

and gateway terminal
Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e) and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)
Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT,
EtherCAT Terminal


The TwinSAFE Logic can The TwinSAFE Logic can The EL6930 logic terminal can
establish 128 connections establish 128 connections establish 127 connections to other
to other TwinSAFE devices. to other TwinSAFE devices. TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
devices and one PROFIsafe slave
connection to a PROFIsafe master.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consum. pow. cont. – – –
Current consumption E-bus approx. 188 mA approx. 188 mA approx. 188 mA
Cycle time 500 µs…~25 ms 500 µs…~10 ms 500 µs…~25 ms
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable) ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable) ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
Permitted degree 2 2 2
of contamination
Climate class EN 60721-3-3 3K3 3K3 3K3
Installation position horizontal horizontal horizontal
Special features backup restore backup restore 1 PROFIsafe slave connection
Operating/storage -25…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C -25…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C -25…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/ conforms to EN 61000-6-2/ conforms to EN 61000-6-2/
EN 61000-6-4 EN 61000-6-4 EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/ conforms to EN 60068-2-6/ conforms to EN 60068-2-6/
EN 60068-2-27 EN 60068-2-27 EN 60068-2-27
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD in preparation (CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD) CE, TÜV SÜD
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
Further information

For TwinSAFE products and further information on the TwinSAFE technology see page 966

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EM7004 Motion

Motion | 4-axis interface

The EM7004 interface module is 4-axis interface
designed for direct connection of
servo drives with ±10 V DC interface
and incremental encoder output for
position feedback and represents a
cost-effective solution for drives in Technical data EM7004
the lower and medium speed range.
The individual servo interfaces are Technology 4-axis interface
electrically isolated from each other.
The analog I/Os and the incremental Number of channels 4 encoder inputs, 4 analog outputs,
encoder connections have a common 16 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs
reference potential. Further digital Cycle time min. 1 ms

EtherCAT Terminal
inputs and outputs turn the compact
module into a complete – and sole –
link between the control and applica-
tion level. Internal preprocessing of
the signals enables users to modify 429
outputs with short reaction times,
depending on the position.

The EM7004 module is available with different connectors:

EM7004-0000 without connectors
EM7004-0002 4 x ZS2001-0002 (1-wire, LED),
4 x ZS2001-0005 (1-wire, LED)
EM7004-0004 4 x ZS2001-0005 (1-wire),
4 x ZS2001-0004 (3-wire, LED)
Plug X8 is included in the scope of supply.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 280 mA
Distributed clocks –
Digital inputs 16 x 24 V DC
Digital outputs 16 (8 x 0.5 A, 8 x 1.5 A), 24 V DC
Analog outputs 4 x ±10 V (2 mA)
Encoder inputs 4 x (A, /A, B, /B, gate, latch, ground); A B – isolated RS485 inputs
(RS422); 4 x 16 bit quadrature encoder; < 400 kHz
Special features outputs switchable in relation to counter states,
user scaling parameterisable, watchdog parameterisable
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE
Weight approx. 260 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Motion EL70xx

Motion | Stepper motor terminals

Stepper motors are often used in positioning tion even with standard technology. Together oriented control. The advantages of this
drives. They allow, by the combination of sin- with a stepper motor, the stepper motor ter- operating mode are:
gle steps, a positioning process without feed- minals represent an inexpensive small servo – low power consumption
back of the rotor positions. This “open control axis. The EL7037 and EL704x also include an (almost entirely load-dependent)
chain” mode of operation and the longevity incremental encoder interface to read posi- – high efficiency
of a stepper motor are particularly interesting tion data. – consistent dynamics compared
for price-sensitive fields of application. The stepper motor terminals can be with standard mode
In contrast with a DC motor the control controlled like a servo drive by a speed inter- – Step losses are inherently eliminated.
of a stepper motor is carried out by the dif- face from a Motion Control software such as The EL703x stepper motor terminal is
ferent energisation of the individual motor TwinCAT for example. In applications with a designed exclusively for 24 V supply voltage.
windings following a defined pattern of less complex and less powerful CPU the con- The motor current can reach up to 1.5 A.
pulses. The electromagnetic field of the stator trol is also possible via a position interface The EL704x covers a supply voltage range
EtherCAT Terminal

is switched intermittently so that the shaft (travel distance control). The stepper motor from 8 V DC to 50 V DC and also needs
turns through the step angle α. The motor terminals move the motor themselves to a a 24 V supply from the power contacts.
follows the impulse pattern of the control desired position. Ramp steepness and maxi- The motor current can be set from 1 to 5 A.
unit, until the coupled momentum exceeds its mum speed can be entered as parameters. The EL7041-1000 special version is compat-
430 holding momentum or the impulse demand Irregular operation at certain speed ible to the KL2541.
is too dynamic, which leads to standstill of ranges with standard technology, particularly The peak current may briefly significantly
the motor. The EL703x and EL704x EtherCAT without coupled load, indicates that the exceed the rated current and in this way
stepper motor terminals, which are suitable stepper motor is being run at its resonance makes the whole drive system very dynamic.
for highly dynamic movement, solve this frequency. Under certain circumstances the In such dynamic applications, negative accel-
problem also in areas of higher speeds of motor may even stop. Resonances in the eration causes the feedback of energy, which
rotation. lower frequency range essentially result from leads to voltage peaks at the power supply
The EL703x and EL704x stepper motor the mechanical motor parameters. Apart unit. An EL9576 brake chopper terminal pro-
terminals are designed for direct connection from their impact on smooth running, such tects from the effects of overvoltage, in that
of medium capacity stepper motors. A high resonances can lead to significant loss of it absorbs some of the energy. For voltage
frequency clocked PWM output stage regu- torque, or even loss of step of the motor, values exceeding the capacity of the terminal,
lates the currents through the motor coils. and are therefore particularly undesirable. an external resistor has to be connected to
The stepper motor terminals are synchro- The EL7041-1000 special version with field- eliminate surplus energy.
nised with the motor by parameterising. oriented control is particularly well suited
Unipolar as well as bipolar stepper motors for such low-mass and therefore resonance- AS10xx | Stepper motors see page 868
can be driven. Additional inputs support critical applications.
functions like homing and final position In combination with the AS10xx series EL9576 | Brake chopper terminal
monitoring. 64-fold micro stepping ensures stepper motors, the EL7037 and EL7047 see page 443
particularly quiet and precise motor opera- EtherCAT Terminals optionally support field-

A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2

B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2


Connection of a unipolar stepper motor Connection of a bipolar AS10xx Connection of a bipolar AS10xx
stepper motor, serial stepper motor, parallel

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL70xx Motion

Stepper motor terminal Stepper motor terminal Stepper motor terminal Stepper motor terminal
24 V DC, 1.5 A 24 V DC, 1.5 A, 50 V DC, 5 A, 50 V DC, 5 A,
with incremental encoder, with incremental encoder with incremental encoder,
vector control vector control

Technical data EL7031 | ES7031 EL7037 EL7041 | ES7041 EL7047

Technology direct motor connection

Load type uni- or bipolar stepper motors

Max. output current 1.5 A (overload- and short-circuit-proof) 5 A (overload- and short-circuit-proof)
Number of channels 1 stepper motor, 1 stepper motor, encoder 1 stepper motor, encoder input, 2 digital inputs

EtherCAT Terminal
2 digital inputs input, 2 digital inputs

1 5 A 1 5 1’ 5’
B1 1 9 B
2 10 Latch
2 6 3 11 2 6 2’ 6’

4 12
A1 A2 A2
5 13
3 7 B2 3 7 3’ 7’

6 14

7 15
4 8 4 8 4’ 8’
Input 1
8 16 Input 2

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 8…50 V DC

Current consumption typ. 30 mA + motor current typ. 50 mA typ. 50 mA
power contacts
Current consumption E-bus typ. 120 mA typ. 100 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 100 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes
Maximum step frequency 1,000, 2,000, 4,000 or 8,000 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000 1,000, 2,000, 4,000 or 8,000 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000
full steps/s (configurable) or 16,000 full steps/s full steps/s (configurable) or 16,000 full steps/s
(configurable) (configurable)
Step pattern 64-fold micro stepping 64-fold micro stepping
Current controller approx. 25 kHz approx. 30 kHz approx. 30 kHz
Control resolution approx. 5,000 positions in typ. applications (per revolution) approx. 5,000 positions in typ. applications (per revolution)
Encoder signal – 5…24 V DC, 5 mA, 5…24 V DC, 5 mA, single-ended
Pulse frequency – max. 400,000 increments/s max. 400,000 increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation)
(with 4-fold evaluation)
Special features travel distance control travel distance control, travel distance control, travel distance control,
encoder input, vector control encoder input encoder input, vector control
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 90 g
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE
Further information
Special terminals EL7041-1000
Distinguishing features for resonance-critical

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Motion EL7201, EL7211

Motion | Servomotor terminals

Servomotors demonstrate their advantages control technology, based on field-oriented the intermediate circuit in braking mode.
in highly dynamic and precise positioning current and PI speed control, supports highly For highly dynamic applications and for sup-
applications: dynamic and frequently changing positioning plying several servomotors from one power
– very high positioning accuracy in appli- tasks. The monitoring of important load cri- supply unit, the additional use of the EL9576
cations where maximum precision is teria such as overvoltage and undervoltage, brake chopper terminal is recommended. It
required through integrated position overcurrent, terminal temperature and motor protects from the effects of overvoltage, in
feedback load, which are derived from the calculation that it absorbs some of the energy. If the volt-
– high efficiency and high acceleration of an I²T model, guarantees the user maxi- age exceeds the capacity of the terminal, it
capacity mum operational reliability. gets rid of the excess energy via an external
– Servomotors are overload-proof and While the EL72x1 supports a resolver as resistance.
therefore have far greater dynamics than feedback system, the EL72x1-0010 offers the The EL72x1 and EL72x1-0010 are tested
stepper motors, for example. user the option to use an absolute feedback and pre-configured for the synchronous servo
EtherCAT Terminal

– The high torque is load-independent up system. With the One Cable Technology (OCT) motors from the AM31xx and AM81xx series.
to the upper speed ranges. the encoder cable is omitted by transmitting In conjunction with the AM31xx and AM81xx
– The use of servomotors reduces mainte- the encoder signal digitally via the existing they enable very dynamic, precise and com-
nance to a minimum. motor cable. The EL7211 and EL2711-00010 pact applications.
432 These advantages increase the performance are characterised by their increased perfor-
and efficiency of an application: the high mance of 4.5 ARMS. AM81xx | Servomotors with OCT
dynamics with fast start-stop changes and Since the EL72x1 and the EL72x1-0010 see page 862
the precise positioning capability thanks to servomotor terminals are completely inte-
the integrated positional feedback enable the grated into the EtherCAT Terminal network, AM31xx | Servomotors
coordination of several servomotors with one it is not necessary to wire up the control- see page 862
another for the synchronisation of several ler; the space requirement is significantly
axes. reduced. The E-bus connection provides the EL9576 | Brake chopper terminal
The EL72x1 and EL72x1-0010 servomotor user with all well-known EtherCAT features: see page 443
terminals are a fully functional servo drive in in particular short cycle times, low jitter and
a standard HD (High Density) terminal hous- simple diagnostics. EtherCAT offers precisely ZB85xx | Shielding connection system
ing with a width of 12 mm or 24 mm for the the performance that imposes no limits on see page 448
direct driving of servomotors. They offer ter- the dynamics of a servomotor. Modern power
minal points for a servomotor as well as for a semiconductors guarantee minimum power
motor brake and a feedback system. The fast losses and also enable energy recovery in

EL7201 | Servomotor terminal: EL7201-0010 | Servomotor terminal with OCT:

Motor cables and further cables Reduced commissioning costs due to ommis-
see page 864 sion of the encoder cable

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL7201, EL7211 Motion

Servomotor terminal Servomotor terminal Servomotor terminal Servomotor terminal

50 V DC, 2.8 ARMS 50 V DC, 4.5 ARMS with OCT, with OCT,
50 V DC, 2.8 ARMS 50 V DC, 4.5 ARMS

Technical data EL7201 EL7211 EL7201-0010 EL7211-0010

Connection method direct motor connection

Load type permanent-magnet synchronous motors

Number of channels 1 servomotor, resolver, motor brake 1 servomotor, absolute feedback, motor brake, 2 digital inputs

EtherCAT Terminal
Excitation + Feedback + 433
1 9 Excitation – 1 9 Feedback –
Sin + Dig. Input 1
2 10 Sin – 2 10 Dig. Input 2
Resolver Feedback
Cos +
3 11 Cos – 3 11

4 12 V 4 12 V
5 13 5 13
3~ 3~

Brake + Brake +
6 14 Brake – 6 14 Brake –
UN + UN +
7 15 UN – 7 15 UN –

8 16 8 16

Nominal voltage 8…50 V DC 8…50 V DC

Current consumption typ. 50 mA + holding current motor brake typ. 50 mA + holding current motor brake
power contacts
Current consumption E-bus typ. 120 mA 120 mA
Current controller double PWM clock frequency double PWM clock frequency
Output current IN 2.8 A (rms) 4.5 A (rms) 2.8 A (rms) 4.5 A (rms)
Peak current IN 5.7 A (rms) for 1 s 9.0 A (rms) for 1 s 5.7 A (rms) for 1 s 9.0 A (rms) for 1 s
Frequency range 0…599 Hz 0…599 Hz
PWM clock frequency 16 kHz 16 kHz
Rated speed 16 kHz 16 kHz
controller frequency
Output voltage 24 V DC (+6 %/-10 %) 24 V DC (+6 %/-10 %)
motor brake
Output current max. 0.5 A max. 0.5 A
motor brake
Special features compact (only 12 mm wide), compact and compact (only 12 mm wide), compact and system-inte-
system-integrated system-integrated system-integrated, absolute grated, absolute feedback,
feedback, One Cable Technol- One Cable Technology (OCT),
ogy (OCT), plug-and-play plug-and-play
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 95 g approx. 60 g approx. 95 g
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE
Further information
EL7201-0010 EL7211-0010

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Motion EL7332, EL7342

Motion | 2-channel DC motor output stages

DC motors can replace the servomotors in The control of a DC motor is simple to imple- eration causes the feedback of energy, which
many applications if they are operated with ment in comparison with other motors, since leads to voltage peaks at the power supply
an intelligent controller. A DC motor can be the speed of rotation is proportional to the unit. The EL9576 brake chopper terminal
integrated very simply into the control system voltage. It can be adjusted directly via the protects from the effects of overvoltage, in
using the EL7332 and EL7342 EtherCAT Ter- process data with the EL7332 and EL7342 that it absorbs some of the energy. If the volt-
minals. All parameters are adjustable via the EtherCAT Terminals. The integrated compen- age exceeds the capacity of the terminal, it
fieldbus. The small, compact design and DIN sation of the internal resistance keeps the gets rid of the excess energy via an external
rail mounting make the EtherCAT DC motor motor at the desired speed for load changes. resistance.
output stages suitable for a wide range of Thus a simple drive task can be solved using
applications. The output stages are protected a simple controller. EL9576 | Brake chopper terminal
against overload and short circuit and offer The EL7332 EtherCAT Terminal enables see page 443
an integrated feedback system for incremen- direct operation of two DC motors. It is elec-
EtherCAT Terminal

tal encoders on a case-by-case basis. Two DC trically isolated from the E-bus. The speed
motors can be controlled by one terminal. is preset by a 16 bit value from the automa-
Two areas of application are particularly tion unit. The EtherCAT Terminal contains
well supported by the output stages: two channels whose signal state is indicated
434 – Simple controller for low demands on by LEDs. The LEDs enable quick local diag-
the cycle time at inexpensive processor nosis.
power: by the use of the integrated travel For demanding positioning tasks a closed
distance control, the EL73x2 EtherCAT speed control loop with a feedback system
Terminal can perform positioning travels is needed. Apart from the operation of two
independently without the use of NC. DC motors, the EL7342 EtherCAT Terminal
Nothing further is required apart from enables the connection of an incremental
a DC motor and a terminal. encoder. The control loop can be closed either
– High-end positioning by means of inte- by the EtherCAT Terminal itself or by higher-
gration in TwinCAT NC: in conjunction level controller (see illustration).
with the EtherCAT DC motor output stage, The peak current may briefly significantly
the DC motor is used with TwinCAT for exceed the rated current and in this way
the application without further changes – makes the whole drive system very dynamic.
analogous to a servo-axis. In such dynamic applications, negative accel-

Control of a DC motor with travel distance control Control of a DC motor with encoder feedback

PLC Set value TwinCAT NC Set value

control position M speed M
n n

Actual value
Position control E speed E
in the terminal
EL7342 EL7342

Realisation possibilities for position control loops

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL7332, EL7342 Motion

2-channel DC motor output stage 2-channel DC motor output stage

24 V DC, 1.5 A 50 V DC, 3.5 A

Technical data EL7332 | ES7332 EL7342 | ES7342

Technology direct motor connection

Load type DC brush motors, inductive

Max. output current 2x1A 2 x 3.5 A

EtherCAT Terminal
Number of channels 2 DC motors, 2 digital inputs 2 DC motors, 2 digital inputs, encoder input



1 5 1 5 1’ 5’

A1 A2
2 6 2 6 2’ 6’

B1 B2

3 7 3 7 3’ 7’

4 8 4 8 4’ 8’

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 8…50 V DC

Current consumption typ. 40 mA + motor current typ. 70 mA
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes
PWM clock frequency 32 kHz with 180° phase shift each 32 kHz with 180° phase shift each
Duty factor 0…100 % (voltage-controlled) 0…100 % (voltage-controlled)
Control resolution max. 10 bits current, 16 bits speed max. 10 bits current, 16 bits speed
Encoder signal – 5…24 V, 5 mA, single-ended
Pulse frequency – max. 400,000 increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation)
Current consumption – typ. 20 mA
sensor supply
Special features travel distance control travel distance control, encoder input
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 90 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System terminals EL91xx

System terminals | Function terminals

The power feed terminals make Potential Potential Potential Potential
it possible to set up various poten- supply terminal, supply terminal, supply terminal, supply terminal,
tial groups with any desired volt- 24 V DC 24 V DC, 120…230 V AC 120…230 V AC,
ages (EL9190) or with the standard with diagnostics with diagnostics
voltages of 24 V DC or 230 V AC
(120 V AC). They are available with
or without fine-wire fuse. In order
to monitor the supply voltage, the Technical data EL9100 | EL9110 | EL9150 | EL9160 |
terminals with diagnostics function ES9100 ES9110 ES9150 ES9160
report the status of the power feed Technology potential potential potential potential
terminal to the EtherCAT Coupler supply terminal supply terminal supply terminal supply terminal
through two input bits. It is thus with diagnostics with diagnostics
EtherCAT Terminal

possible for the controller to check

the distributed peripheral voltage Diagnostics in the – yes – yes
over the fieldbus. The operating process image
point performance conforms to the +60 °C +60 °C

436 input terminals EL1002 (24 V) and -25 °C -25 °C

EL1702 (230 V).

The EL9180, EL9185 and
EL9195 EtherCAT Terminals allow
1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

the supply voltage to be accessed

a number of times via spring force 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

terminals. They make it unnecessary

to use additional terminal blocks
on the terminal strip. 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

The EL9195 or EL9070

EtherCAT Terminal can be used 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

for the connection of screens.

It connects the spring force
contacts directly to the DIN rail
and can optimally ground incom- Nominal voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC 120 V AC/ 120 V AC/
ing electromagnetic radiation. 230 V AC 230 V AC
The two power contacts are Integrated fine-wire fuse – – – –
looped through by the EL9195, Current load ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A
allowing two wires to be con- Power LED green green green green
nected to each. Defect LED – – – –
The EL9080 is used to identify PE contact yes yes yes yes
potential groups (e.g. 230 V AC/ Shield connection – – – –
24 V DC). It is inserted between Current consumption E-bus – typ. 90 mA – typ. 90 mA
two potential groups, and indicates Connection to DIN rail – – – –
the separation through an orange Electrical isolation yes yes yes yes
coloured cover. Special features – – – –

Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C

Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL CE, UL
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
Further information www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff.
com/EL9100 com/EL9110 com/EL9150 com/EL9160

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL9xxx System terminals

Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Shield Shield Separation

supply supply supply supply supply supply terminal terminal terminal
terminal, terminal, terminal, terminal, terminal, terminal,
any voltage up 24 V DC, 24 V DC, 120…230 V AC, 120…230 V AC, arbitrary,
to 230 V AC with fuse with diagnos- with fuse with diagnos- with fuse
tics and fuse tics and fuse

EL9190 | EL9200 EL9210 EL9250 EL9260 EL9290 EL9070 EL9195 | EL9080

ES9190 ES9195
potential potential potential sup- potential potential sup- potential shield terminal separation
supply supply ply terminal supply ply terminal supply terminal
terminal terminal with diagnos- terminal with diagnos- terminal

EtherCAT Terminal
with fuse tics and fuse with fuse tics and fuse with fuse
– yes – yes –

+60 °C

-25 °C 437

1 5 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 3 7 3 7

4 8 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 4 8 4 8

arbitrary up to 24 V DC 24 V DC 120 V AC/ 120 V AC/ arbitrary up to arbitrary up to arbitrary up to separation

230 V AC/DC 230 V AC 230 V AC 230 V AC/DC 230 V AC 230 V AC/DC terminal
– …6.3 A …6.3 A …6.3 A …6.3 A …6.3 A – – –
≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A
– green green green green – – – –
– red red red red – – – –
yes yes yes yes yes yes – – –
– – – – – – 8x 2x –
– – typ. 90 mA – typ. 90 mA – – – –
– – – – – – yes yes –
yes yes yes yes yes yes – – yes
– – – – – – dissipation dissipation placeholder
of EMC inter- of EMC inter- terminal with
ference via ference E-bus trans-
large copper mission
surfaces on
the DIN rail
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff.
com/EL9190 com/EL9200 com/EL9210 com/EL9250 com/EL9260 com/EL9290 com/EL9070 com/EL9195 com/EL9080

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System terminals EL9011, EL918x

System terminals | Function terminals

The EL918x potential distribution End cap Potential distribu- Potential distribu- Potential
terminals enable – depending tion terminal, tion terminal, distribution
upon the type – the distribution 2 terminal points 4 terminal points at terminal,
of ground or supply potentials per power contact 2 power contacts 8 x 24 V
to external devices. Wiring work
and separate potential distrib- Technical data EL9011 EL9180 | EL9185 | EL9186 |
utors are saved. Eight ground ES9180 ES9185 ES9186
points are required for the ground Technology end cap potential distribution terminal
connection of 8-channel output
terminals in 2-wire operating Diagnostics in the –
mode, e.g. EL2008, for which the process image
EL9187 can be used. The EL9184 +60 °C +60 °C +60 °C
EtherCAT Terminal

and EL9188 HD EtherCAT Termi- -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

nals (High Density) even make

16 connection points available
in a compact housing. +24 V +24 V
1 5 1 5 1 5

438 Each assembly must be

terminated at the right hand end 2 6 2 6
+24 V
2 6
+24 V

with an EL9011 bus end cap.

+24 V +24 V
3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8
+24 V 4 8
+24 V

Nominal voltage end cap arbitrary up to arbitrary up to ≤ 60 V

230 V AC/DC 230 V AC/DC
Integrated fine-wire fuse – – – –
Current load ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A

Power LED – – – –
Defect LED – – – –
PE contact – yes – –
Shield connection – – – –
Current consumption E-bus – – – –
Electrical connection – – – –
to DIN rail
Electrical isolation yes – – –

Special features cover for the – – –

E-bus contacts
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 10 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
Further information www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff. www.beckhoff.
com/EL9011 com/EL9180 com/EL9185 com/EL9186

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL918x System terminals

Potential Potential distribu- Potential distribu- Potential distribu- Potential Potential Potential
distribution tion terminal, tion terminal, tion terminal, distribution distribution distribution
terminal, 2 x 8 terminal 8 x 2 terminal 1 x 16 terminal terminal, terminal, terminal,
8x0V points points points 8 x 24 V, 8 x 0 V 16 x 24 V 16 x 0 V

EL9187 | EL9181 EL9182 EL9183 EL9184 EL9188 EL9189


+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

EtherCAT Terminal
-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

0V 1 5
0V +24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V
1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9

2 10 2 10 2 10
+24 V
2 10
0V +24 V
2 10
+24 V 0V
2 10
0V 439
0V 0V +24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V
2 6 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11

+24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V

4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12

+24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V

0V 0V 5 13 5 13 5 13 5 13 5 13 5 13
3 7

+24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V

6 14 6 14 6 14 6 14 6 14 6 14

+24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V

0V 0V 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15
4 8
+24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V
8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16

≤ 60 V ≤ 60 V AC/DC ≤ 60 V AC/DC ≤ 60 V AC/DC ≤ 60 V ≤ 60 V ≤ 60 V

– – – – – – –
≤ 10 A max. 10 A max. 10 A max. 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A
(per terminal point) (per terminal point) (per terminal point)
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –

– 500 V (E-bus/ 500 V (E-bus/ 500 V (E-bus/ – – –

field potential) field potential) field potential)
– 2 x 8-way bridge 8 x 2-way bridge 16-way bridge direct plug-in direct plug-in direct plug-in
technique technique technique
-25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE CE CE CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 50 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
EL9187 EL9181 EL9182 EL9183 EL9184 EL9188 EL9189

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System terminals EL94xx, EL9520

System terminals | Power supply terminals

The EL94xx and EL95xx terminal Power supply Power supply AS-Interface potential
series are designed for the modi- terminal for terminal for feed terminal, with filter
fied feeding of the operating refreshing refreshing the E-bus,
voltage into the terminal strand. the E-bus with diagnostics
The EL9400 ane EL9410 power
supply terminals enable the Technical data EL9400 | ES9400 EL9410 | ES9410 EL9520 | ES9520
refreshment of the E-bus, via
which data exchange takes place Technology power supply terminal AS-Interface potential feed
between the EtherCAT Coupler terminal
and the EtherCAT Terminals. Diagnostics in the – yes –
Each EtherCAT Terminal requires process image
a certain amount of current from
EtherCAT Terminal

the E-bus (see technical data:

“Current consumption E-bus”).
This current is fed into the E-bus
by the relevant EtherCAT Cou-
1 5 1 5 1 5

440 pler‘s power supply unit. When

configuring a large number of 2 6 2 6 2 6

EtherCAT Terminals, the 5 V

power supply to the E-bus can
be increased by 2 A via the 3 7 3 7 3 7

EL9400/EL9410. As opposed
to the EL9400, the EL9410 has 4 8 4 8 4 8

a diagnostic function which is

displayed by LED and on the
process image. The EL9520 potential feed
terminal uncouples the input
The EL95xx power supply
and output signal through an
terminals produce different integrated filter and enables the
output voltages from the input supply of AS-Interface networks
voltage (24 V DC) that can from standard power supply units
be accessed at the terminals. or another AS-Interface network.
The following EtherCAT Termi-
nals are also supplied with this
voltage via the power contacts. Input voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC up to 35 V
The power LEDs indicate the Output voltage 5 V for E-bus supply 5 V for E-bus supply up to 35 V
operating states of the terminals; Input current approx. 70 mA + approx. 70 mA + load-dependent
short-circuits or overloads are (E-bus/4) (E-bus/4)
indicated by the overcurrent Max. output current 2A 2A 2A
LEDs. There is no electrical iso- Short-circuit-proof – yes –
lation of the input and output Current consumption E-bus – – –
voltage. Electrical isolation – – –

Insulation voltage – – –
Special features for new projects: standard EL supply no electrical isolation
please use EL9410

Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C

Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE
Weight approx. 65 g approx. 65 g approx. 90 g
Further information
EL9400 EL9410 EL9520

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL95xx System terminals

Power supply terminal, Power supply terminal, Power supply terminal, Power supply terminal, Power supply terminal, Power supply terminal,
5 V DC, 8 V DC, 10 V DC, 12 V DC, 15 V DC, 24 V DC,
with diagnostics with diagnostics with diagnostics with diagnostics with diagnostics electrical isolation

EL9505 | ES9505 EL9508 | ES9508 EL9510 | ES9510 EL9512 | ES9512 EL9515 | ES9515 EL9560 | ES9560

power supply terminal


EtherCAT Terminal
1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The EL9505 generates The EL9508 generates The EL9510 generates The EL9512 generates The EL9515 generates 24 V generation from
5 V from the fed-in 8 V from the fed-in 10 V from the fed-in 12 V from the fed-in 15 V from the fed-in the 24 V fed-in with
24 V without electrical 24 V without electrical 24 V without electrical 24 V without electrical 24 V without electrical electrical isolation,
isolation. isolation. isolation. isolation. isolation. potential-free

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
5 V DC ±1 % 8 V DC ±1 % 10 V DC ±1 % 12 V DC ±1 % 15 V DC ±1 % 24 V DC (-15 %/+5 %)
load-dependent load-dependent load-dependent load-dependent load-dependent load-dependent

0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.1 A

yes yes yes yes yes yes
90 mA 90 mA 90 mA 90 mA 90 mA 90 mA
– – – – – 1,500 V AC constant
load field side/E-bus
– – – – – 500 V AC permanent
load (field side)
diagnostics diagnostics diagnostics diagnostics diagnostics automatic restart
overcurrent, overcurrent, overcurrent, overcurrent, overcurrent, after short-circuit,
output voltage output voltage output voltage output voltage output voltage diagnostics UIN/UOUT
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, Ex CE, Ex CE, Ex CE, Ex CE, Ex CE
approx. 65 g approx. 65 g approx. 65 g approx. 65 g approx. 65 g approx. 65 g
EL9505 EL9508 EL9510 EL9512 EL9515 EL9560

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System terminals EL9540, EL9550

System terminals | Surge filter system and field supply

The EL9540 system terminal contains Surge filter field supply Surge filter system
an overvoltage filter for the 24 V field and field supply
supply, the EL9550 for the 24 V field
and system supply. The filter protects
the EtherCAT Terminals from line-bound
surge voltages that can occur due to Technical data EL9540 | ES9540 EL9550 | ES9550
high-energy disturbances such as switch-
ing overvoltages at inductive consumers Technology surge filter field supply surge filter system
or lightning strikes at the supply lines. and field supply
The EtherCAT Terminals EL9540 or Diagnostics –
EL9550 protect the terminal station from
damage in particularly harsh environ- +60 °C +60 °C
EtherCAT Terminal

ments. The ship classification organisa- -25 °C -25 °C

tions require the use in shipbuilding

applications and in the onshore/offshore
1 5 1 5

442 U U

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8

Nominal voltage 24 V (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V (-15 %/+20 %)

Surge filter field supply yes yes
Surge filter system supply – yes
Rated current field supply ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A
Rated current – ≤ 0.5 A
system supply
PE connection yes –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL9576 System terminals

System terminals | Brake chopper terminal

The EL9576 EtherCAT Terminal contains Brake chopper terminal,
high-performance capacitors for stabilis- 72 V, 155 µF
ing supply voltages. It can be used in
connection with the drive terminals of
the EL7xxx series, e.g. the EL70x1 stepper
motor terminals, the EL73x2 DC motor Technical data EL9576 | ES9576
terminals or the EL72x1 servomotor
terminals. Technology brake chopper
Low internal resistance and high
pulsed current capability enable good Diagnostics temperature on board, over-/undervoltage
buffering in parallel with a power supply
unit. Return currents are stored, particu-

EtherCAT Terminal
larly in the context of drive applications,
thereby preventing overvoltages. If the
fed back energy exceeds the capacity
of the capacitors, the EL9576 switches
1 5

the load voltage through to the terminal 443

points 1 and 5. The energy is dissipated 2 6

by the connection of an external ballast

The EL9576 is characterised in par- 3 7

ticular by adjustable threshold values and

various diagnostic possibilities. 4 8

EL7xxx | Motion terminals

see page 431 The EL9576 buffers the connected voltage via its integrated
capacitors and connects the external brake resistor if the
preset threshold of the internal voltage is exceeded.

Nominal voltage arbitrary up to 72 V

Capacity 155 µF
Ripple current (max.) 10 A
Internal resistance < 5 mΩ
Chopper voltage adjustable
Recommended ballast 10 Ω, typ. 100 W (dependent on application)
Overvoltage control range typ. 1 V, parametrisable by CoE data
Ballast resistor clock rate load-dependent, max. 1 ms, 2-point control
Electrical isolation 1,500 V (E-bus/field potential)
Special features adjustabel threshold
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE
Weight approx. 90 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Accessories EtherCAT Terminal

1 2 3

4 4 5 5
EtherCAT Terminal

8 9
15 10
444 11
19 20 21
16 23


21 22
27 17

Cordsets and connectors

1 ZS1090-0003 | EtherCAT/Ethernet RJ45 plug, 446 5 ZS1031-3000 | 9-pin D-sub connector 688
IP 20, 4-pin, field assembly for PROFIBUS (12 Mbaud) with integrated
2 ZB9010 | Industrial Ethernet/EtherCAT cable 446 termination resistor
for fixed installation, category CAT 5e, 4-wires 6 Z1000 | Standard connector for 1000 µm 688
3 ZK1090-9191-xxxx | Industrial Ethernet/EtherCAT 446 plastic fibre
patch cable 7 ZS1090-0008 | Connector set for direct 447
4 ZS1052-3000 | 5-pin open style connector 688 connector assembly for POF cables
for CANopen/DeviceNet with integrated 8 ZB5200 | DeviceNet cable 690
termination resistor
9 ZB5100 | CAN cable 690

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

15 ZS1090-0005 | EtherCAT/Ethernet RJ45 plug, 689
IP 20, 8-pin, for field assembly
28 16 ZB9020 | Industrial Ethernet/EtherCAT cable, 690
drag-chain suitable
17 ZK1090-6191-0xxx | EtherCAT cable, M12 plug, 515
straight, d-coded, 4-pin – RJ45 plug, straight

Shielding connection system

18 ZB8520 | Mounting rail holder for 448

6 1 7

EtherCAT Terminal
shield busbar
19 ZB8510 | Shield busbar 10 x 3 mm 448

20 ZB8500 | Clamp strap for shield connection 448

with knurled screw 445
12 21 ZB8530 | U-clamp terminal up to 4 mm²
2 13
for PE connection to the rail
22 ZB8511 | Shield busbar clamp 448

Motor cables

23 ZK4000-6700-2xxx | Motor cable, shielded, 870

for AS1000 stepper motors
24 ZK4000-5100-2xxx | Encoder cable for 870
AS1000 stepper motors
25 ZK4724-0410 | Resolver cable for AM8100 and 864
AM3100 servomotors
26 ZK4704-0411 | Motor cable for AM8100 and 864
AM3100 servomotors
31 27 ZK4704-0421 | Motor cable for AM8100 864
servomotors with OCT


28 BZ1xxx, BZ200x | Marking material, 447

contact labels
29 BZ3200 | Insertable label cover, transparent, 448
30 BZ5100 | Push-in strips for labels 448

10 ZB4200 | Interbus remote bus cable 689 31 BG155x | Bus system housing with mounting 449
rails and holes
11 ZB3200 | PROFIBUS cable 689

12 Z1100 | Plastic fibre optic 688

13 Z1190 | Fibre-optic duplex cable for 447

direct connector assembly Note: The pictured products give examples of the wide range
14 ZK1091-1001-xxxx | Fibre-optic multimode 447 of EtherCAT Terminal accessories. For further variants and con-
cable, SC duplex plug nection possibilities please see the respective catalog pages.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Cables and connectors for field assembly

EtherCAT cable (copper based)
Pre-assembled cable

The pre-assembled Industrial Ethernet/EtherCAT cables with RJ45 plug enable fast, easy wiring inside the control cabinet and are suitable for
short distances on the machine. The robust, industrial quality PUR cables distinguish themselves from office cables by both their mechanical and
their EMC characteristics. Further lengths and variants on request.

Technical data ZK1090-9191-xxxx A

Cross-section 4 x 2 x AWG26/7…4 x 2 x 0.128 mm²
Cable sheath material PUR
Colour green (RAL 6018)
EtherCAT Terminal

Line configuration SF/UTP (shielded)

Diameter sheath: typ. 5.9 mm ±0.2 mm
Bending radius > 5 x diameter
Category/class CAT 5, class D
Operating/installation -40…+75 °C/-10…+60 °C
Insertion cycles min. 750

Ordering information for pre-assembled EtherCAT/Ethernet patch cables depending on cable lengths
ZK1090-9191-0001 0.17 m ZK1090-9191-0030 3.0 m ZK1090-9191-0200 20.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0002 0.26 m ZK1090-9191-0050 5.0 m ZK1090-9191-0250 25.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0005 0.5 m ZK1090-9191-0055 5.5 m ZK1090-9191-0300 30.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0010 1.0 m ZK1090-9191-0060 6.0 m ZK1090-9191-0350 35.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0012 1.25 m ZK1090-9191-0070 7.0 m ZK1090-9191-0400 40.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0015 1.5 m ZK1090-9191-0080 8.0 m ZK1090-9191-0450 45.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0017 1.75 m ZK1090-9191-0090 9.0 m ZK1090-9191-0500 50.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0020 2.0 m ZK1090-9191-0100 10.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0025 2.5 m ZK1090-9191-0150 15.0 m

Cables sold by the metre and connectors

Ordering information Industrial Ethernet/EtherCAT cable
ZB9010 Industrial Ethernet/EtherCAT cable, fixed installation, CAT 5e, 4 wires, SF/UTP
ZB9020 Industrial Ethernet/EtherCAT cable, drag-chain suitable, CAT 5e, 4 wires, SF/UTP
ZB903x Industrial Ethernet/EtherCAT cable, for M8 wiring, SF/UTP, AWG 26, see page 514

Ordering information Pict.

ZS1090-0003 RJ45 plug EtherCAT/Ethernet, IP 20, 4-pin, field assembly, AWG22-24, PU = 10 B
ZS1090-0005 RJ45 plug EtherCAT/Ethernet, IP 20, 8-pin, supports Gbit, field assembly, AWG22-26, PU = 10 C


We reserve the right to make technical changes.


EtherCAT cable (fibre optic)

Pre-assembled cable
Ordering information for fibre-optic cables for EK1501, EK1521, CU1521, CU1521-0010 (multimode 50/125 µm)
ZK1091-1001-0001 fibre-optic duplex cable, SC connector, 1 m ZK1091-1001-0010 fibre-optic duplex cable, SC connector, 10 m
ZK1091-1001-0005 fibre-optic duplex cable, SC connector, 5 m
Further lengths and variants on request

Cables sold by the metre and connectors

Ordering information POF fibre-optic for EK1561 and CU1561
Z1190 POF fibre-optic duplex cable 980/1000 µm for direct connector assembly, sold by metre, PUR, 2-wire, for POF,
drag-chain suitable, red

EtherCAT Terminal
ZS1090-0008 connector set for direct connector assembly for POF cables, contains 10 connectors and 1 polishing set including
sanding gauge and polishing paper


Connectors (spare parts)

Ordering information for terminals with plug-in wiring level
ZS2010 10 connectors for KS and ES series, spare part (KS/ES terminals are supplied with connector.)

Ordering information for connectors for KM or EM modules, spare part (KM and EM terminals are supplied with connector.)
ZS2001-0001 1-pin, without LED ZS2001-0004 3-pin, with LED
ZS2001-0002 1-pin, with LED ZS2001-0005 1-pin, without LED, labelling (1…10)

Marking material and coding pins

Standard contact signs

The EtherCAT Terminals can be individually labelled with standard contact signs. The marking material is not included in the delivery.
Further versions O

Ordering information for contact labels, unprinted (100 pcs) D

BZ2000 white BZ2006 blue
BZ2002 yellow BZ2007 orange
BZ2005 red BZ2008 light green

Ordering information for contact labels, printed (100 pcs) D

BZ1100 0 V, blue BZ1107 +, white
BZ1102 –, blue BZ1108 PE, light green
BZ1104 24 V, red BZ1300 ten of each: 0…7, 20 unprinted, white
BZ1106 +, red BZ1400 two of each: 00 01…48 49, white

Ordering information for equipment identification labels 12 x 7 mm for Bus Terminals with removable identification section (180 pcs)
BZ3000 unprinted BZ3010 printed according to customer
specification (in Excel file)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Slide-in label covers

The slide-in label covers BZ3200 enable clear labelling of the individual channels or text-based functional description of the EtherCAT Terminals.
The labels are inserted in the designated slots. For connecting the individual channels the label cover can be tilted upwards.

Ordering information E
BZ3200 insertable label cover, transparent, pluggable, 11.5 mm x 104.5 mm, packing unit = 50
BZ5100 push-in strips for labels, A4 sheet, 160 pieces, pre-punched, packing unit = 10

Coding pins

The coding pins and sockets for KS/ES terminals with pluggable wiring level enable coding between terminal and plug in order to prevent
incorrect plug insertion.
EtherCAT Terminal

Ordering information F
ZS2010-0010 The set contains 100 sockets and 100 pins.


Housing and assembly

Shielding connection system

The shielding connection system enables the shielding to be located very close to the terminals of the shielded line, so that interference is
reduced to a minimum. A shield busbar for attachment to a mounting rail or a bracket for separate mounting in the control cabinet are available.

Ordering information Shield busbar with mounting rail holder Pict.

ZB8500 clamp strap for shield connection with knurled screw, width 11 mm, shield diameter max. 8 mm,
packing unit = 10 G
ZB8510 shield busbar 10 x 3 mm, 1000 mm galvanised Cu, packing unit = 1 H
ZB8520 mounting rail holder for shield busbar (10 x 3 mm), packing unit = 2 I
ZB8530 U-clamp terminal up to 4 mm² for PE connection to the rail (10 x 3 mm), packing unit = 20

Ordering information Shield busbar clamps Pict.

ZB8500 clamp strap for shield connection with knurled screw, width 11 mm, shield diameter max. 8 mm,
packing unit = 10 G
ZB8511 shield busbar clamp 10 x 3 mm for 5 Bus Terminals/EtherCAT Terminals 12 mm, packing unit = 10 J
ZB8530 U-clamp terminal up to 4 mm² for PE connection to the rail (10 x 3 mm), packing unit = 20

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Bus system housing

The BG1558 and BG1559 housings are especially suitable for the construction of compact I/O stations with a higher protection class (IP 65).
The housings are supplied with mounting rails. If desired, the housings can be supplied fully fitted with EtherCAT Terminals, flanges and PG
threaded fittings. Further sizes are available on request.

Ordering information Pict.

BG1558 bus system housing 400 mm x 200 mm x 120 mm (W x H x D) with mounting rails and holes K
BG1559 bus system housing 600 mm x 200 mm x 120 mm (W x H x D) with mounting rails and holes

Assembly aids
Ordering information
ZB8700 slot screwdriver

EtherCAT Terminal
assembly tool for pressing the spring force clamps on the coupler and the terminals

EtherCAT demokit
The TC9910-B11x EtherCAT the Beckhoff EtherCAT master. The demokit consists of: – documentation describing
demokit offers a quick intro- EtherCAT slaves of any type – EK1100 EtherCAT Coupler the EK1100
duction into EtherCAT commu- can be tested with this field- – 2 digital input terminals – a 25 cm section of 35 mm
nication. It includes EtherCAT proven EtherCAT master. It 24 V DC mounting rail for fitting
Terminals and a Coupler for also includes a comprehensive – 2 digital output terminals the terminal system
testing simple I/O functions. help collection that facilitates 24 V DC – TwinCAT 2 PLC license
The enclosed CD contains a familiarisation with Beckhoff – Beckhoff product folder (only TC9910-B110)
step-by-step guide and a full ADS communication and – Beckhoff TwinCAT CD – EL9011 end cap
version of TwinCAT 2 as pro- programming according to – “TwinCAT Quickstart“ – Ethernet cable
gramming environment for IEC 61131-3. documentation

Ordering information L
TC9910-B110 EtherCAT demokit, with TwinCAT 2 PLC license
TC9910-B111 EtherCAT demokit, without TwinCAT 2 PLC license
TC9910-B112 EtherCAT demokit, without TwinCAT 2 PLC license (1 instead of 2 digital input terminals)



We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Box
EtherCAT Box
High performance for harsh environments

EtherCAT Box
462 EtherCAT Box (industrial housing)
EtherCAT Box


464 EtherCAT Box (zinc die-cast housing)

504 EtherCAT Box (stainless steel housing)

EtherCAT Box
EtherCAT extends its reach into the IP 67 world

454 Product overview 462 EtherCAT Box 512 Accessories

458 System description (industrial housing)
460 Technical data 512 Product overview
Digital input EP1xxx Cables

EtherCAT Box
466 514
473 Digital output EP2xxx 522 Connectors
480 Digital combi EP23xx 524 Further accessories
486 Analog input EP3xxx
491 Analog output EP4xxx
492 Position measurement EP5xxx
494 Communication EP6xxx 788 Infrastructure Components
496 Motion EP7xxx
499 Special functions EP8xxx 788 Junction
500 System EPxxxx 789 Media converter

504 EtherCAT Box

(stainless steel housing)

506 Digital input EQ1xxx

507 Digital output EQ2xxx
508 Digital combi EQ23xx
510 Analog input EQ3xxx

464 EtherCAT Box

(zinc die-cast housing)

466 Digital input ER1xxx

473 Digital output ER2xxx
480 Digital combi ER23xx
486 Analog input ER3xxx
491 Analog output ER4xxx
492 Position measurement ER5xxx
494 Communication ER6xxx
496 Motion ER7xxx
499 Special functions ER8xxx
Product overview EtherCAT Box

EtherCAT Box | Digital I/O

Input 8 x M8 16 x M8 4 x M12 8 x M12 Other
24 V DC 8-channel EP1008-0001 466 EP1008-0002 467 EP1008-0022 467
filter 3.0 ms EQ1008-0002 506
ER1008-0001 466 ER1008-0002 467 ER1008-0022 467
8-channel EP1018-0001 466 EP1018-0002 467
filter 10 µs ER1018-0001 466 ER1018-0002 467
8-channel EP1098-0001 467
filter 10 µs, negative switching ER1098-0001 467
8-channel EP1258-0001 471 EP1258-0002 471
2-channel timestamp ER1258-0001 471 ER1258-0002 471
EtherCAT Box

8-channel EP1518-0002 468

multi-function input ER1518-0002 468
8-channel EP1908-0002 472
454 TwinSAFE, 8 safe inputs

16-channel EP1809-0021 470 EP1809-0022 470

filter 3.0 ms EQ1809-0022 506
ER1809-0021 470 ER1809-0022 470
16-channel EP1819-0021 470 EP1819-0022 470
filter 10 µs ER1819-0021 470 ER1819-0022 470
16-channel EP1816-0008 469
filter 10 µs, D-sub socket, 25-pin

16-channel EP1816-3008 469

filter 10 µs, D-sub socket,

25-pin, acceleration sensor

Output 8 x M8 16 x M8 4 x M12 8 x M12 Other

24 V DC 8-channel EP2008-0001 473 EP2008-0002 473 EP2008-0022 477
IMAX = 0.5 A EQ2008-0002 507
ER2008-0001 473 ER2008-0002 473 ER2008-0022 477
8-channel EP2028-0001 474 EP2028-0002 474
IMAX = 2 A, ∑ 4 A ER2028-0001 474 ER2028-0002 474
8-channel EP2028-0032 475
IMAX = 2.8 A, ∑ 16 A ER2028-1032 475
8-channel EP2038-0001 476 EP2038-0002 476
IMAX = 2 A, ∑ 4 A, with diagnostics ER2038-0001 476 ER2038-0002 476
16-channel EP2809-0021 477 EP2809-0022 477
IMAX = 0.5 A, ∑ 4 A EQ2809-0022 507
ER2809-0021 477 ER2809-0022 477
16-channel EP2816-0008 478
IMAX = 0.5 A, ∑ 4 A, D-sub socket, 25-pin

16-channel EP2816-0010 479

IMAX = 0.5 A, ∑ 4 A, 2 x D-sub socket, 9-pin

16-channel IMAX = 0.5 A, ∑ 4 A, M16, 19-pin EP2816-0004 478

24-channel EP2817-0008 479
IMAX = 0.1 A, D-sub socket, 25-pin

25 V AC/ 4-channel EP2624-0002 479

30 V DC relay output ER2624-0002 479

EPxxxx: industrial housing in IP 67, EQxxxx: stainless steel housing in IP 69K, ERxxxx: zinc die-cast housing in IP 67

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Box | Digital I/O
Combi 8 x M8 16 x M8 4 x M12 8 x M12 Other
24 V DC 8-channel EP2308-0001 480 EP2308-0002 481
4 input + 4 output, ER2308-0001 480 ER2308-0002 481
filter 3.0 ms, IMAX = 0.5 A

8-channel EP2318-0001 480 EP2318-0002 481

4 input + 4 output, ER2318-0001 480 ER2318-0002 481
filter 10 µs, IMAX = 0.5 A

8-channel EP2328-0001 483 EP2328-0002 483

EtherCAT Box
4 input + 4 output, ER2328-0001 483 ER2328-0002 483
filter 3.0 ms, IMAX = 2 A

8-channel EP2338-0001 482 EP2338-0002 483
8 input/output, ER2338-0001 482 ER2338-0002 483
filter 10 µs, IMAX = 0.5 A

8-channel EP2338-1001 482 EP2338-1002 483

8 input/output, ER2338-1001 482 ER2338-1002 483
filter 3.0 ms, IMAX = 0.5 A

16-channel EP2339-0021 484 EP2339-0022 484

16 input/output, EQ2339-0022 508
filter 3.0 ms, IMAX = 0.5 A, ∑ 4 A ER2339-0021 484 ER2339-0022 484

16-channel EP2349-0021 485 EP2349-0022 485

16 input/output, ER2349-0021 485 ER2349-0022 485
filter 10 µs, IMAX = 0.5 A, ∑ 4 A

16-channel EP2316-0008 481

8 input + 8 output, filter 10 µs,

IMAX = 0.5 A, D-sub socket, 25-pin

16-channel EP2316-0003 482

8 input + 8 output, filter 10 µs,

IMAX = 0.5 A, IP 20 plug

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Box | Analog I/O
Input M8 M12
±10 V, 2-channel EP3162-0002 486
0/4…20 mA parameterisable, with galvanic isolation, single-ended, 16 bit

4-channel EP3174-0002 487

parameterisable, differential input, 16 bit EQ3174-0002 510
ER3174-0002 487

4-channel EP3174-0092 487

parameterisable, differential input, 16 bit, TwinSAFE SC
EtherCAT Box

4-channel EP3184-0002 487

parameterisable, single-ended, 16 bit ER3184-0002 487

Resistance 4-channel EP3204-0002 487

thermometer resistance thermometer (RTD), PT100, PT200, PT500, PT1000, Ni100, Ni120, Ni1000, 16 bit EQ3204-0002 511
ER3204-0002 487

Thermo- 4-channel EP3314-0002 488

couple/mV thermocouple, type J, K, L, B, E, N, R, S, T, U, 16 bit EQ3314-0002 511
ER3314-0002 488

Resistor 1-channel EP3356-0022 489

bridge resistor bridge, 24 bit, self-calibration

Pressure 4-channel EP3744-0041 490

measuring differential/absolute pressure measurement, 6 digital inputs, 2 digital outputs,

4 pressure inputs -1…1 bar (differential pressure to fifth connection)

4-channel EP3744-1041 490

differential/absolute pressure measurement, 6 digital inputs, 2 digital outputs,

4 pressure inputs 0…7 bar (differential pressure to fifth connection)

Output M8 M12
±10 V, 4-channel EP4174-0002 491
0/4…20 mA parameterisable, 16 bit ER4174-0002 491

4-channel EP4374-0002 491

2 input + 2 output, parameterisable, 16 bit ER4374-0002 491

EPxxxx: industrial housing in IP 67, EQxxxx: stainless steel housing in IP 69K, ERxxxx: zinc die-cast housing in IP 67

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Box | Special functions
Function M8 M12 Other
Position Incremental encoder interface EP5101-0002 492 EP5101-0011 D-sub 493
measurement 32 or 16 bit, binary, RS485 ER5101-0002 492
Incremental encoder interface EP5101-1002 493
32 or 16 bit, binary, 24 V sensor supply ER5101-1002 493
Incremental encoder interface EP5151-0002 493
32 or 16 bit, binary, 24 V ER5151-0002 493
Communi- Serial interface EP6001-0002 494
cation 1-channel, RS232, RS422/RS485, 5 V DC/1 A ER6001-0002 494
Serial interface EP6002-0002 494

EtherCAT Box
2-channel, RS232, RS422/RS485 ER6002-0002 494
IO-Link master Class A EP6224-2022 495
IO-Link master Class B EP6224-3022 495
Motion Stepper motor module EP7041-1002 496 457
50 V DC, 1.5 A, incremental encoder, ER7041-1002 496
2 digital inputs, 1 digital output

Stepper motor module EP7041-0002 496

50 V DC, 5 A, incremental encoder, ER7041-0002 496
2 digital inputs, 1 digital output EP7041-2002 497
ER7041-2002 497
EP7041-3002 497
ER7041-3002 497
EP7041-3102 497
DC motor output stage EP7342-0002 498
2-channel, 50 V DC, 3.5 A ER7342-0002 498
Special Multi-functional I/O box EP8309-1022 499
functions 8 digital inputs/outputs, 2 x tacho input, ER8309-1022 499
2 x 0/4…20 mA input, 1 x 0/4…20 mA output,

1 x 1.2 A PWMi output

System EtherCAT Box EP1111-0000 500

3 decimal ID switches

EtherCAT junction EP1122-0001 500


Power distribution EP9214-0023 501

4/4-channel 7/8” plug, 7/8” socket

Power distribution EP9224-0023 501

with current measurement/data logging 7/8” plug, 7/8” socket


PROFINET RT EtherCAT Box EP9300-0022 502

EtherCAT Box interface with PROFINET RT

Infrastructure EtherCAT junction EP9128-0021 788

Components 8 ports

EtherCAT media converter fibre optic EP9521-0020 789


EtherCAT media converter fibre optic EP9522-0020 789


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

The EtherCAT Box
High performance, compact and Economical
waterproof design Combined I/O modules and fine signal
granularity lead to low system costs –
Robust you only have to buy what you really need.
Robust construction allows fieldbus modules Due to the doubling of the number of chan-
to be fitted directly to machines. Control cabi- nels per EtherCAT Box, the 16-channel series
nets and terminal boxes are now no longer also saves time and costs with both the
required. EtherCAT cabling and the power cabling.

Sealed Complete
The modules in industrial housing meet the The wide variety of signal types allows the
protection class IP 65, IP 66 and IP 67, are connection of almost any kind of sensor or
fully casted and thus ideally prepared for use actuator. The communication modules enable
in wet, dirty and dusty working environments. decentralised connection of, e.g., label print-
For use in extreme, corrosive industrial envi- ers, identification systems or special equip-
ronments, modules in stainless steel housing ment. Stepper Motor Box modules are also
in IP 69K protection are available. For harsh available.
industrial and process environments the
modules with zinc die-cast housing offer Fitting
EtherCAT Box

enhanced load capacity and protection e.g. Sensors and actuators are connected
against weld spatter. through screw type connectors (M8 or M12).
The screw type connectors offer the advan-
Small tage of high resistance to being pulled out.
The modules are extremely small and are
thus suitable for use in applications where Compatible
there is very little space available. The low The EtherCAT Box devices behave very much
weight of the EtherCAT Box modules makes like the Beckhoff EtherCAT Terminals – this
them useful in applications where the I/O means that the ideal distributed peripheral
interface is in motion (e.g. on a robot arm). device can be used, whatever the particular
Ultra high-speed
The EtherCAT Box modules have a direct For extreme climatic zones
EtherCAT port. Virtually all sensors and actua- +60 °C The majority of the EtherCAT Box
tors can be connected to the control system -25 °C
modules are approved for the
directly via the 100BASE-TX. XFC boxes are extended temperature range
available for additional requirements, e.g. of -25…+60 °C (storage temperature
timestamp inputs. -40…+85 °C).

Quickly wired The EtherCAT Box modules have an inte-

The wiring of EtherCAT and of signals is grated direct EtherCAT interface and can
significantly simplified through the use of be connected directly to an EtherCAT net-
pre-assembled cables. Wiring errors are work. Conventional fieldbuses such as
minimised and the system setup is finished PROFIBUS or CANopen are connected via
quickly. Coupler Box modules (see chapter Fieldbus
Box, page 696 ).
In addition to the pre-assembled cables, EtherCAT topology and system description
field wireable connectors and cables are see page 284
also available for maximum flexibility.
Infrastructure Components in IP 67
see page 788

For further information on EtherCAT see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Box

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EPxxxx, ERxxxx

Technical data
EtherCAT Box (industrial and zinc die-cast housing)

EtherCAT Box

460 119 119 143

126 126 150

23 53 53
26.5 30 60 60

Technical data 8 x M8, 4 x M12 16 x M8, 8 x M12 7/8“ infeed

Dimensions (W x H x D) 30 mm x 126 mm x 26.5 mm 60 mm x 126 mm x 26.5 mm 60 mm x 150 mm x 26.5 mm
Weight depending on device (typ. 165 g) depending on device (typ. 250 g) depending on device (typ. 440 g)
Material PA6 (polyamide) for EPxxxx or zinc die-cast for ERxxxx
Installation 2 fixing holes 3 mm diameter for M3 2 fixing holes 3 mm diameter for M3; 2 fixing holes 3 mm diameter for M3;
2 fixing holes 4.5 mm diameter for M4 2 fixing holes 4.5 mm diameter for M4
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C (extended temperature range: -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C)
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6: 1 g (extended range: 5 g)
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27: 15 g, 11 ms (extended range: 35 g, 11 ms); 1000 shocks per direction, 3 axes
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 65/66/67 (conforms to EN 60529)/variable
Power infeed/feed through IMAX = 4 A IMAX = 4 A IMAX = 16 A

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Technical data
EtherCAT Box (stainless steel housing)

EtherCAT Box

160 160

43 39 72

Technical data 4 x M12 8 x M12

Dimensions (W x H x D) 39 mm x 160 mm x 43 mm 72 mm x 160 mm x 43 mm
Weight depending on device (typ. 340 g) depending on device (typ. 480 g)
Material stainless steel
Installation 2 fixing lugs for M5
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 69K (according to EN 60529)/variable
Power infeed/feed through IMAX = 4 A

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EPxxxx | EtherCAT Box
(industrial housing)

EtherCAT output
EtherCAT Box

Signal status

EtherCAT input

462 Robust housing

for industrial
Signal status display

Connection of sensors/
Standard labels actuators via connector:
– M8, screw type
– M12, screw type

Ultra compact
Watertight and dust-proof, dimensions (H x W x D)
due to protection class 126 x 30 x 26.5 mm
IP 65 / 66 / 67 (fully potted)

Power supply
status display:
box supply and
auxiliary voltage
Power supply input
– box supply Power supply down-
– auxiliary voltage stream connection

eXtreme Fast Control


+60 °C Extended operating/

-25 °C storage temperature
Mounting holes

Extended mechanical

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

I/O connections

8 x M8, 4 x M12 16 x M8, 8 x M12 Connector M8, Connector M12,

(126 x 30 x 26.5 mm) (126 x 60 x 26.5 mm) screw type, 3-pin screw type, 5-pin

The robust design of the (3.0 ms or 10 µs), digital outputs

EtherCAT Box modules enables with 0.5 and 2 A output current,
them to be used directly at the combination modules with freely
machine. Control cabinets and selectable inputs or outputs,
terminal boxes are now no analog inputs and outputs with

EtherCAT Box
longer required. The modules are 16-bit resolution, thermocouple
fully sealed and therefore ideally and RTD inputs, and stepper
prepared for wet, dirty or dusty motor modules. XFC (eXtreme
conditions. Pre-assembled cables Fast Control) modules, including
significantly simplify EtherCAT inputs with timestamp, are also
and signal wiring. Commission- available. The availability of XFC
ing is optimised. In addition to EtherCAT Box modules enables a EPxxxx-00yz 1 = connector M8,
pre-assembled EtherCAT, power wide range of new applications screw type, 3-pin
and sensor cables, field-config- that were not possible in the 2 = connector M12,
urable connectors and cables are past with an IP 67 module. screw type, 5-pin
available for maximum flexibility. In addition, various EtherCAT 3 = special connectors
Depending on the application, Box modules are available for 4 = connector M16,
the sensors and actuators are system tasks, e.g. media convert- screw type, 19-pin
connected via M8 or M12 screw- ers, EtherCAT hubs or power 8 = D-sub, 25-pin
type connectors or D-sub plugs. distribution. 10 = 2 x D-sub, 9-pin
The EtherCAT modules cover
the typical range of require- 0 = width: 30 mm
ments for IP 67 I/O signals: dig- 2 = width: 60 mm
ital inputs with different filters 3 = 7/8” infeed
4 = pressure inputs

Signals see page 466

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

ERxxxx | EtherCAT Box
(zinc die-cast housing)

Signal status EtherCAT output

EtherCAT Box

EtherCAT input

464 Metal housing

for industrial
Signal status display application

Connection of sensors/
Standard labels actuators via connector:
– M8, screw type
– M12, screw type

Ultra compact
Watertight and dust-proof, dimensions (H x W x D)
due to protection class 126 x 30 x 26.5 mm
IP 65 / 66 / 67 (fully potted)
Power supply
status display:
box supply and
auxiliary voltage

Power supply input

– box supply Power supply down-
– auxiliary voltage stream connection

eXtreme Fast Control


+60 °C Extended operating/

-25 °C storage temperature
Mounting holes

Extended mechanical

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

I/O connections

8 x M8, 4 x M12 16 x M8, 8 x M12 Connector M8, Connector M12,

(126 x 30 x 26.5 mm) (126 x 60 x 26.5 mm) screw type, 3-pin screw type, 5-pin

The EtherCAT Box system is freely configurable digital inputs

complemented by the ERxxxx or outputs. In addition, analog
modules with zinc die-cast hous- input modules for current/volt-
ing. The housing shape of the age measurement are available.
ER series modules is identical to Temperature measurement mod-

EtherCAT Box
the plastic housings of the EP ules, serial interfaces, encoder
series. The zinc die-cast housing inputs and motion modules
makes the IP 67 modules par- complement the product range.
ticularly robust, so that they are The modules are available in
ready for use in harsh industrial a slim 30 mm or the broader
and process environments. With 60 mm format with different
the fully sealed design and metal channel options, covering a
surfaces the ER series is ideal for wide I/O range. Signals can be
applications requiring enhanced connected via M8 or M12 con-
load capacity and protection nectors.
against weld spatter, for exam- The modules of the ER series
ple. The ER series is the optimum have an EtherCAT interface.
complement to the plastic and Power supply and transmission ERxxxx-00yz 1 = connector M8,
stainless steel housing versions. takes place via M8 connectors or screw type, 3-pin
All modules are compatible. sockets. For high-current outputs, 2 = connector M12,
The EtherCAT Box modules modules with 7/8“ power supply screw type, 5-pin
with zinc die-cast housing cover and M12 EtherCAT sockets are
the typical I/O signals: digital available. 0 = width: 30 mm
inputs with various filters, digital 2 = width: 60 mm
outputs with 0.5 A output cur- 3 = 7/8” infeed
rent, and combi modules with
Signals see page 466

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EP10xx, ER10xx

Digital input | 24 V DC
The digital inputs on a 24 V supply are 8-channel digital input,
among the most frequently used signals. 24 V DC, M8, type 1/3,
The EN 61131-2 standard describes the input positive switching
characteristic and differentiates between
three types. Type 1 has a low input current
with low power loss. This input is opti- Industrial housing EP1008-0001 EP1018-0001
mised for mechanical switches and actively Zinc die-cast housing ER1008-0001 ER1018-0001
switched electronic outputs. Type 2 has a Connection technology M8, screw type
significantly higher input current and is opti-
mised for 2-wire sensors with high quiescent Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3
current consumption. When switched on,
however, the current consumption of this Input filter 3.0 ms 10 µs
input is high and the associated power loss Number of inputs 8
is generally inacceptable. Type 3 is a mixture
+60 °C
of type 1 with low current when switched
-25 °C
on and a sufficiently high quiescent current
for most modern 2-wire sensors. The type 3
input can be used in nearly all applications
EtherCAT Box

4 1

3 4 3
in place of type 1. The diagram shows the
typical current/voltage curves of the inputs of
3-wire 2-wire
the modules and the permissible range of the
standard conformity.
The input circuits differ in their filter func-
tion. The task of the filtering is to suppress
electromagnetic interference. It is opposed
by the disadvantage of signal delay. The filter
time of 3 ms is comparatively slow, but it
can suppress the bouncing of a mechanical The EP1008/ER1008 and EP1018/ER1018 EtherCAT Box
modules with digital inputs acquire the binary control signals
switch and supplies a stable signal for simple
from the process level and transmit them, in an electrically
PLC applications. Filter times of 10 µs are isolated form, to the controller. The signals are connected via
suitable for applications with the shortest M8 screw type connectors.
possible reaction times and can only be used The sensors are supplied from the box supply voltage US.
for mechanical switches to a limited extent. The auxiliary voltage UP is not used in the input module, but
may be connected in order to be relayed downstream.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Counting frequency EtherCAT
Protocol EtherCAT
Bus interface 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type
Distributed clocks –
Sensor supply from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total,
Current consumption from 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Electrical isolation 500 V
Special features –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals EP10x8: CE, UL, Ex; ER10x8: CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP10xx, ER10xx Digital input

8-channel digital input, 8-channel digital input, 8-channel digital input,

24 V DC, M8, type 1/3, 24 V DC, M12, type 1/3, 24 V DC, M12, type 1/3,
negative switching positive switching positive switching

EP1098-0001 EP1008-0002 EP1018-0002 EP1008-0022

ER1098-0001 ER1008-0002 ER1018-0002 ER1008-0022
M8, screw type M12, screw type M12, screw type

negative switching “0”: 11…30 V DC, EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 1/3
“1”: 0…7 V DC, typ. 2.5 mA input current
10 µs 3.0 ms 10 µs 3.0 ms
8 8 8

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

EtherCAT Box
4 1
3 4 3
2 3
1 2 3
1 4
A 5
1 4
3-wire 2-wire A 5
A 467
3-wire 2-wire
3-wire 2-wire

The EP1098-0001/ER1098-0001 EtherCAT Box The EP1008/ER1008 and EP1018/ER1018 EtherCAT The EP1008-0022/ER1008-0022 EtherCAT Box
with digital inputs acquires the binary control Box modules with digital inputs acquire the binary with digital inputs acquires the binary control
signals from the process level and transmits them, control signals from the process level and transmit signals from the process level and transmits them,
in an electrically isolated form, to the control- them, in an electrically isolated form, to the con- in an electrically isolated form, to the controller.
ler. The state of the signals is indicated by light troller. The signals are connected via M12 screw The state of the signals is indicated by light emit-
emitting diodes. The signals are connected via M8 type connectors. ting diodes. The signals are connected via M12
screw type connectors. The sensors are supplied from the box supply screw type connectors.
The sensors are supplied from the box supply voltage US. The auxiliary voltage UP is not used in The sensors are supplied from the box supply
voltage US. The auxiliary voltage UP is not used in the input module, but may be connected in order voltage US. The auxiliary voltage UP is not used in
the input module, but may be connected in order to be relayed downstream. the input module, but may be connected in order
to be relayed downstream. to be relayed downstream.

24 V (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

– EtherCAT EtherCAT
EtherCAT EtherCAT EtherCAT
2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type
– – –
from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total, from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total, from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total,
short-circuit-proof short-circuit-proof short-circuit-proof
120 mA 120 mA 120 mA

control voltage/fieldbus: yes 500 V 500 V

negative switching – 1 input per M12 plug
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL EP10x8: CE, UL, Ex; ER10x8: CE, UL CE, UL

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EP1518, ER1518

Digital input | 24 V DC
Pulses often need to be captured in technical 2-channel up/down counter
control applications. This can be done with 24 V DC, 1 kHz, 32 bit,
fast inputs such as the EP1018 and a cen- adjustable input filters
tral pulse counter. If the pulse length is the 0…100 ms, M12
order of magnitude of the control cycle time
or less, the controller cannot record these Industrial housing EP1518-0002
signals correctly any more. Pre-processing Zinc die-cast housing ER1518-0002
counter modules can then be used to count Connection technology M12, screw type
the number and direction of the pulses,
which enables the controller to determine Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3
reliable values. The counter is adapted to the Input filter adjustable 0…100 ms
individual requirements, such as up/down Number of inputs 8, 2 of which can be used as 32 bit up/down counters
counter or Gate/Latch-controlled, by fieldbus
+60 °C
parameterisation. With a counting depth of
-25 °C
32 bit any overflow can be controlled reliably,
even at high frequencies.
The multi-functional EP1518/ER1518 B

EtherCAT Box supports the following operat-

EtherCAT Box

2 3

ing modes: A

– 1 x 32 bit up/down counter (the counting A

direction is specified via the input) 3-wire 2-wire

– 1 x 32 bit gated counter
(the counter is enabled via the input)
– 2 x 32 bit forward counter
(no direction detection)

The EP1518/ER1518 EtherCAT Box with digital inputs

acquires binary control signals from the process level and
transmits them, in an electrically isolated form, to the con-
troller. The signal state is displayed by light emitting diodes.
The signals are connected via M12 screw type connectors.
The input filters can be set between 0 and 100 ms via
EtherCAT. Inputs 0 and 4 can be used as 32-bit up/down
counters. The sensors are supplied via the control voltage
US in two groups of four sensors each. Any short circuits on
the sensor side are detected and reported to the controller.
The load voltage UP is not used in the input module, but may
optionally be connected in order to be relayed downstream.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Counting frequency max. 1 kHz
Protocol EtherCAT
Bus interface 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type
Distributed clocks yes
Sensor supply from control voltage, max. 0.5 A per 4 sensors,
Current consumption from 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Electrical isolation 500 V
Special features adjustable filters
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals EP1518: CE, UL, Ex; ER1518: CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP1816 Digital input

Digital input | 24 V DC, positive switching, D-sub

16-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 16-channel digital input, 24 V DC,
D-sub, type 1/3, positive switching D-sub, type 1/3, positive switching,
2 x 3-axis accelerometers

Industrial housing EP1816-0008 EP1816-3008

Connection technology D-sub socket, 25-pin D-sub socket, 25-pin

Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 1/3

Input filter 10 µs 10 µs
Number of inputs 16 16

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

EtherCAT Box
1 14 1 14
see docu-
13 25 13 25

The EP1816 EtherCAT Box with digital inputs acquires the The EP1816-3008 EtherCAT Box with 16 digital inputs
binary control signals from the process level and transmits acquires the binary control signals from the process level.
them, in an electrically isolated form, to the controller. The The state of the signals is indicated by light emitting diodes.
signals are connected via 25-pin D-sub socket. The sensors The signals are connected via 25-pin D-sub socket.
are supplied from the box supply voltage US. The auxiliary The EtherCAT Box has 2 internal 3-axis accelerometers
voltage UP is not used in the input module, but may be con- with 16 bit and a selectable resolution of ±2 g, ±4 g, ±8 g
nected in order to be relayed downstream. and ±16 g. Possible applications include the recording of
vibrations and shocks/oscillations, and furthermore inclina-
tion measurements.
The sensors are supplied from the box supply voltage
US. Undervoltage detection (US and UP) is integrated and is
signalled to the controller.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Protocol EtherCAT EtherCAT
Bus interface 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type
Distributed clocks yes yes
Sensor supply from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
Current consumption from 120 mA 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Electrical isolation 500 V 500 V
Special features compact design integrated accelerometers
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EP18xx, ER18xx

Digital input | 24 V DC, positive switching

16-channel digital input, 16-channel digital input,
24 V DC, M8, type 1/3 24 V DC, M12, type 1/3

Industrial housing EP1809-0021 EP1819-0021 EP1809-0022 EP1819-0022

Zinc die-cast housing ER1809-0021 ER1819-0021 ER1809-0022 ER1819-0022
Connection technology M8, screw type M12, screw type

Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 1/3

Input filter 3.0 ms 10 µs 3.0 ms 10 µs

Number of inputs 16 16

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
EtherCAT Box

2 3
3 4 4 1 B
1 3 1 4
A 5

470 A
3-wire 2-wire
3-wire 2-wire

The EP1809/ER1809 and EP1819/ER1819 EtherCAT Box The EP1809/ER1809 and EP1819/ER1819 EtherCAT Box
modules with digital inputs acquire the binary control signals modules with digital inputs acquire the binary control signals
from the process level and transmit them, in an electrically from the process level and transmit them, in an electrically
isolated form, to the controller. The signals are connected via isolated form, to the controller. The signals are connected via
M8 screw type connectors. M12 screw type connectors.
The sensors are supplied from the box supply voltage US. The sensors are supplied from the box supply voltage US.
The auxiliary voltage UP is not used in the input module, but The auxiliary voltage UP is not used in the input module, but
may be connected in order to be relayed downstream. may be connected in order to be relayed downstream.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Protocol EtherCAT EtherCAT
Bus interface 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type
Distributed clocks – –
Sensor supply from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
Current consumption from 130 mA 130 mA
US (without sensor current)
Electrical isolation 500 V 500 V
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP1258, ER1258 Digital input

XFC digital input | 24 V DC, positive, fast inputs

8-channel digital input 8-channel digital input
with 2-channel timestamp, with 2-channel timestamp,
24 V DC, M8, type 1/3 24 V DC, M12, type 1/3

Industrial housing EP1258-0001 EP1258-0002

Zinc die-cast housing ER1258-0001 ER1258-0002
Connection technology M8, screw type M12, screw type

Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 1/3

Input filter 10 µs 10 µs
Number of inputs 8 (2 with timestamp) 8 (2 with timestamp)

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
with with
time stamp time stamp

EtherCAT Box
4 1
3 4 3
2 3
1 4
A 5
without 3-wire 2-wire without
time stamp time stamp A
3-wire 2-wire

The EP1258/ER1258 EtherCAT Box with digital inputs acquires the fast binary control signals from the process level and
transmits them, in an electrically isolated form, to the controller. The signals are furnished with a timestamp that identifies the
time of the last edge change with a resolution of 1 ns. This technology enables signals to be traced exactly over time and syn-
chronised with the distributed clocks across the system. With this technology, machine-wide parallel hardware wiring of digital
inputs or encoder signals for synchronisation purposes is often no longer required. In this way, the EP1258 enables responses
with equidistant time intervals, largely independent of the bus cycle time.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Protocol EtherCAT EtherCAT
Bus interface 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type
Resolution time stamp 1 ns (channel 0/1) 1 ns (channel 0/1)
Precision of time stamp 10 ns (+ input delay) (channel 0/1) 10 ns (+ input delay) (channel 0/1)
Distributed clocks yes yes
Distributed clock precision < 100 ns (channel 0/1) < 100 ns (channel 0/1)
Sensor supply from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
Current consumption from 120 mA 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Electrical isolation 500 V 500 V
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals EP1258: CE, UL, Ex; ER1258: CE, UL EP1258: CE, UL, Ex; ER1258: CE, UL
Further information

Further information on XFC see page 298

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EP1908

Digital input | TwinSAFE

The EP1908 Safety Module is a digital 8-channel digital input module,
input module for sensors with potential- TwinSAFE, 24 V DC
free 24 V DC contacts and has eight fail-
safe inputs. It conforms to the require-
ments of IEC 61508:2010 SIL 3 and
DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e. Industrial housing EP1908-0002

For further information on TwinSAFE and Connection technology M12, screw type
the TwinSAFE products see page 966
Safety standard IEC 61508:2010 SIL 3 and DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e

Number of inputs 8

+60 °C

-25 °C

Ch 1
EtherCAT Box

Ch 2 2 3

1 4


The EP1908 TwinSAFE EtherCAT Box

has eight fail-safe inputs.

Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption 80 mA/40 mA
from US/UP
Response time typ. 4 ms (read input/write to bus)
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
Installation position variable
Special features 8 safe inputs
Operating/storage -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
Approvals CE, UL, TÜV SÜD
Weight approx. 165 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP2008, ER2008 Digital output

Digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

Many actuators are operated 8-channel digital output, 8-channel digital output,
or actuated with 24 V DC. 24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A
The EtherCAT Box modules in
the category “positive switch-
ing” switch all output channels
to 24 V DC. Beyond that, the out- Industrial housing EP2008-0001 EP2008-0002
put circuit offers functions such Zinc die-cast housing ER2008-0001 ER2008-0002
as short circuit current limitation, Connection technology M8, screw type M12, screw type
short circuit power-off and the
dissipation of inductive energy Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
from the coil.
The most common output Max. output current 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof)
circuit supplies a max. con- per channel per channel
tinuous current of 0.5 A. Special Number of outputs 8 8
EtherCAT Box modules are avail-
+60 °C +60 °C
able for higher currents. Any type
-25 °C -25 °C
of load (resistive, capacitive or
inductive) can be connected to

EtherCAT Box
an output module. 4 1
3 4 3
2 3
1 4
A 5
3-wire 2-wire 473

3-wire 2-wire

The EP2008/ER2008 EtherCAT Box The EP2008/ER2008 EtherCAT Box

with digital outputs connects binary with digital outputs connects binary
control signals from the controller on control signals from the controller on
to the actuators at the process level. to the actuators at the process level.
The eight outputs handle load currents The eight outputs handle load currents
of up to 0.5 A. The signals are con- of up to 0.5 A. The signals are con-
nected via M8 screw type connectors. nected via M12 screw type connectors.
The outputs are short-circuit-proof and The outputs are short-circuit-proof and
protected against inverse connection. protected against inverse connection.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption from 120 mA 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Distributed clocks – –
Short circuit current typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
Electrical isolation 500 V 500 V
Special features – –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals EP2008: CE, UL, Ex; ER2008: CE, UL EP2008: CE, UL, Ex; ER2008: CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EP2028, ER2028

Digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

8-channel digital output, 8-channel digital output,
24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A)

Industrial housing EP2028-0001 EP2028-0002

Zinc die-cast housing ER2028-0001 ER2028-0002
Connection technology M8, screw type M12, screw type

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current 2 A per channel, individually short-circuit safe, 2 A per channel, individually short-circuit safe,
total current max. 4 A total current max. 4 A
Number of outputs 8 8

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
EtherCAT Box

4 1
474 3 4 3
2 3
1 4
A 5
3-wire 2-wire

3-wire 2-wire

The EP2028/ER2028 EtherCAT Box with digital outputs The EP2028/ER2028 EtherCAT Box with digital outputs
connects binary control signals from the controller on to connects binary control signals from the controller on to
the actuators at the process level. The eight outputs handle the actuators at the process level. The eight outputs handle
load currents of up to 2 A each, although the total current is load currents of up to 2 A each, although the total current is
limited to 4 A. The signals are connected via M8 screw type limited to 4 A. The signals are connected via M12 screw type
connectors. The outputs are short-circuit-proof and protected connectors. The outputs are short-circuit-proof and protected
against inverse connection. against inverse connection.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption from 120 mA 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Distributed clocks – –
Short circuit current max. 7 A max. 7 A
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
Electrical isolation 500 V 500 V
Special features load current up to 2 A load current up to 2 A
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals EP2028: CE, UL, Ex; ER2028: CE, UL EP2028: CE, UL, Ex; ER2028: CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP2028, ER2028 Digital output

8-channel digital output, 8-channel digital output,

24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 2.8 A (∑ 16 A) 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 2.8 A (∑ 16 A)

M12, screw type M12, screw type

ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load

2.8 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof, 2.8 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof,
total current max. 16 A total current max. 16 A
8 8

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

EtherCAT Box
2 3 2 3

1 4 1 4
5 5

3-wire 2-wire 3-wire 2-wire

1 5 5 1 1 | GNDP 1 5 5 1 1 | GNDP
2 | GNDS 2 | GNDS
2 4 4 2 3 | FE 2 4 4 2 3 | FE
3 3 4 | +24 V DC US 3 3 4 | +24 V DC US
5 | +24 V DC UP 5 | +24 V DC UP

The EP2028-0032 EtherCAT Box with digital outputs connects the binary The ER2028-1032 EtherCAT Box with digital outputs connects the binary
control signals from the controller on to the actuators at the process level. control signals from the controller on to the actuators at the process level.
The eight outputs handle load currents of up to 2.8 A each, although the The eight outputs handle load currents of up to 2.8 A each, although the
total current is limited to 16 A. The signals are connected via M12 screw type total current is limited to 16 A. The signals are connected via M12 screw type
connectors. All outputs are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse connectors. All outputs are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse
connection. connection.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

130 mA 130 mA

– –
max. 14 A max. 14 A
typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
500 V 500 V
1 output per M12 plug, 16 A total current 1 output per M12 plug, 16 A total current
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL in preparation CE, UL in preparation

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EP2038, ER2038

Digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

8-channel digital output, 8-channel digital output,
24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A), 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A),
with diagnostics with diagnostics

Industrial housing EP2038-0001 EP2038-0002

Zinc die-cast housing ER2038-0001 ER2038-0002
Connection technology M8, screw type M12, screw type

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current 2 A per channel, individually short-circuit safe, 2 A per channel, individually short-circuit safe,
total current max. 4 A total current max. 4 A
Number of outputs 8 8

+60 °C

-25 °C
+60 °C

-25 °C
EtherCAT Box

4 1
3 4 3
2 3
1 4
A 5
476 3-wire 2-wire

3-wire 2-wire

The EP2038/ER2038 EtherCAT Box with digital outputs The EP2038/ER2038 EtherCAT Box with digital outputs
connects binary control signals from the controller on to connects binary control signals from the controller on to
the actuators at the process level. The eight outputs handle the actuators at the process level. The eight outputs handle
load currents of up to 2 A each, although the total current is load currents of up to 2 A each, although the total current is
limited to 4 A. The EP2038 offers output diagnostics in the limited to 4 A. The EP2038 offers output diagnostics in the
form of short circuit and open circuit detection per channel. form of short circuit and open circuit detection per channel.
The signals are connected via M8 screw type connectors. The signals are connected via M12 screw type connectors.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption from 120 mA 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Distributed clocks – –
Short circuit current max. 7 A max. 7 A
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
Electrical isolation 500 V 500 V
Special features load current up to 2 A load current up to 2 A
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP2xxx, ER2xxx Digital output

8-channel digital output, 16-channel digital output, 16-channel digital output,

24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A)

EP2008-0022 EP2809-0021 EP2809-0022

ER2008-0022 ER2809-0021 ER2809-0022
M12, screw type M8, screw type M12, screw type

ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load

0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof, 0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof, 0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof,
total current max. 4 A total current max. 4 A total current max. 4 A
8 16 16

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

EtherCAT Box
2 3 2 3
3 4 4 1 B

1 4 1 3 1 4
A 5 A 5 477
A 3-wire 2-wire A

3-wire 2-wire 3-wire 2-wire

The EP2008-0022/ER2008-0022 EtherCAT Box The EP2809/ER2809 EtherCAT Box with digital The EP2809/ER2809 EtherCAT Box with digital
with digital outputs connects the binary control outputs connects the binary control signals from outputs connects the binary control signals from
signals from the controller on to the actuators at the controller on to the actuators at the process the controller on to the actuators at the process
the process level. The eight outputs handle load level. The 16 outputs handle load currents of up to level. The 16 outputs handle load currents of up to
currents of up to 0.5 A each, although the total 0.5 A each, although the total current is limited to 0.5 A each, although the total current is limited to
current is limited to 4 A. This makes these modules 4 A. The signals are connected via M8 screw type 4 A. The signals are connected via M12 screw type
particularly suitable for applications in which not connectors. All outputs are short-circuit-proof and connectors. All outputs are short-circuit-proof and
all of the outputs are active at the same time, or in protected against inverse connection. protected against inverse connection.
which not all of the actuators draw 0.5 A current.
The signals are connected via M12 screw type
connectors. All outputs are short-circuit-proof and
protected against inverse connection.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

130 mA 130 mA 130 mA

– – –
max. 1.5 A max. 1.5 A max. 1.5 A
typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
500 V 500 V 500 V
1 output per M12 plug – –
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EP2816

Digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

16-channel digital output, 16-channel digital output,
24 V DC, M16, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, D-sub, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A)

Industrial housing EP2816-0004 EP2816-0008

Zinc die-cast housing
Connection technology M16, 19-pin D-sub socket, 25-pin

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
Max. output current 0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof, 0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof,
total current max. 4 A total current max. 4 A
Number of outputs 16 16

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
EtherCAT Box

1 14

13 25

The EP2816-0004 EtherCAT Box with digital outputs connects The EP2816-0008 EtherCAT Box with digital outputs connects
the binary control signals from the controller on to the actua- the binary control signals from the controller on to the actua-
tors at the process level. The 16 outputs handle load currents tors at the process level. The 16 outputs handle load currents
of up to 0.5 A each, although the total current is limited to of up to 0.5 A each, although the total current is limited to
4 A. An output short-circuit is recognised and passed on to 4 A. An output short-circuit is recognised and passed on to
the controller. The signal connection is realised by a 19-pin the controller. The signal connection is realised by a 25-pin
M16 socket. All outputs are short-circuit-proof, protected D-sub socket. All outputs are short-circuit-proof, protected
against inverse connection and can be diagnosed. against inverse connection and can be diagnosed.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption from 120 mA 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Distributed clocks yes yes
Short circuit current max. 1.5 A max. 1.5 A
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
Ohmic switching current – –
Operat. cycles mech. (min.) – –
Operat. cycles electr. (min.) – –
Minimum permitted load – –
Electrical isolation 500 V 500 V
Special features ideal for multi-pin connector valve terminals ideal for multi-pin connector valve terminals
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP2xxx, ER2624 Digital output

16-channel digital output, 24-channel digital output, 4-channel relay output,

24 V DC, 2 x D-sub, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, D-sub, IMAX = 0.1 A 25 V AC/30 V DC, M12

EP2816-0010 EP2817-0008 EP2624-0002

2 x D-sub socket, 9-pin D-sub socket, 25-pin M12, screw type

ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof, 0.1 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof potential-free switch
total current max. 4 A
16 24 4 x make contacts

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

EtherCAT Box
1 6

1 14 2 3

5 9
1 4

13 25

The EP2816-0010 EtherCAT Box with digital The EP2817-0008 EtherCAT Box with digital The EP2624/ER2624 EtherCAT Box has four relays
outputs connects the binary control signals from outputs connects the binary control signals from each of which has a single contact. The relay con-
the controller on to the actuators at the process the controller on to the actuators at the process tact is suitable for use at up to 25 V AC or 30 V DC.
level. The 16 outputs handle load currents of up level. The 24 outputs handle load currents of up The EP2624/ER2624 has potential-free contacts.
to 0.5 A each, although the total current is limited to 0.1 A each. An output short-circuit is recognised The power supply is looped through.
to 4 A. An output short-circuit is recognised and and passed on to the controller. The signal con-
passed on to the controller. The signal connection nection is realised by a 25-pin D-sub socket. All
is realised by two 9-pin D-sub sockets. All outputs outputs are short-circuit-proof, protected against
are short-circuit-proof, protected against inverse inverse connection and can be diagnosed.
connection and can be diagnosed.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

120 mA 120 mA 120 mA

yes yes –
max. 1.5 A max. 1.0 A –
typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
– – 0.5 A AC/2 A DC
– – 1 x 108
– – 2 x 105 (1 A/30 V DC)
– – 10 µA at 10 mV DC
500 V 500 V 500 V
ideal for multi-pin connector valve terminals undervoltage detection for US and UP < 18 V potential-free switching
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL CE, UL EP2624: CE, UL, Ex; ER2624: CE, UL

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital combi EP23xx, ER23xx

Digital combi | 24 V DC, positive switching

The digital combination modules combine 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output,
inputs and outputs in one module. The input 24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A
circuits differ in their filter function. The task
of the filtering is to suppress electromagnetic
interference. It is opposed by the disadvan-
tage of signal delay. The filter time of 3 ms Industrial housing EP2308-0001 EP2318-0001
is comparatively slow, but it can suppress Zinc die-cast housing ER2308-0001 ER2318-0001
the bouncing of a mechanical switch and Connection technology M8, screw type
supplies a stable signal for simple PLC appli-
cations. Filter times of 10 µs are suitable for Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3
applications with the shortest possible reac-
tion times and can only be used to a limited Input filter 3.0 ms 10 µs
extent for mechanical switches. Number of channels 4 inputs + 4 outputs
The output channels supply a max.
+60 °C
continuous current of 0.5 A. Special output
-25 °C
modules are available for higher currents.
Any type of load (resistive, capacitive or
inductive) can be connected to an output
EtherCAT Box

4 1
4 3
module. Since lamp loads and capacitive 3

loads are critical due to their high starting
3-wire 2-wire
currents, they are limited by the output
circuits of the modules. This ensures that Outputs

the upstream circuit breaker does not trip.

Inductive loads cause problems when
switching off, since high induction voltages
develop if the current is interrupted too
quickly. An integrated freewheeling diode
prevents this voltage peak. However, the The EP2308/ER2308 and EP2318/ER2318 EtherCAT Box mod-
ules combine four digital inputs and four digital outputs in
current reduces so slowly that malfunctions
one device. The outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A,
occur in many control applications. A valve are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity.
remains open for several milliseconds. The The signals are connected via screw type M8 connectors.
modules represent a compromise between
the avoidance of overvoltage and switch-
off. They suppress the induction voltage to
approx. 24 V DC and achieve switch-off
times that roughly correspond to the switch-
on time of the coil.
In the event of a short circuit, the module Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
switches the corresponding output off and Max. output current 0.5 A per channel, individually short-circuit-proof
cyclically attempts to switch it on again. Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load
This continues until either the short circuit is Sensor supply from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total,
eliminated or the controller resets the output. short-circuit-proof
The clock frequency depends on the ambient Short circuit current typ. 1.5 A
temperature and the loads on the other chan- Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA + load
nels. The specification for the total current Current consumption from 120 mA
must be observed. US (without sensor current)
Electrical isolation 500 V
Special features –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals EP23x8: CE, UL, Ex; ER23x8: CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP23xx, ER23xx Digital combi

4 x digital input + 4 x digital output, 8 x digital input + 8 x digital output,

24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, D-sub, IMAX = 0.5 A

EP2308-0002 EP2318-0002 EP2316-0008

ER2308-0002 ER2318-0002
M12, screw type D-sub socket, 25-pin

EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 1/3

3.0 ms 10 µs 10 µs
4 inputs + 4 outputs 8 inputs + 8 outputs

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

EtherCAT Box
B 2 3 1 14

1 4
A A 5

Outputs 3-wire 2-wire 13 25

The EP2308/ER2308 and EP2318/ER2318 EtherCAT Box modules combine The EP2316 EtherCAT Box combines eight digital inputs and eight digital
four digital inputs and four digital outputs in one device. The outputs handle outputs in one device. The outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A,
load currents of up to 0.5 A, are short-circuit-proof and protected against are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity. The signals
inverse polarity. The signals are connected via screw type M12 connectors. are connected via a 25-pin D-sub socket.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

0.5 A per channel, individually short-circuit-proof 0.5 A per channel, individually short-circuit-proof
ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total, from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total,
short-circuit-proof short-circuit-proof
typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
120 mA 120 mA

500 V 500 V
– ideal for high number of channels
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
EP23x8: CE, UL, Ex; ER23x8: CE, UL CE, UL

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital combi EP23xx, ER2338

Digital combi | 24 V DC, positive switching

8 x digital input + 8 x digital output, 8-channel digital input or output,
24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A, IP 20 connector 24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A

Industrial housing EP2316-0003 EP2338-0001 EP2338-1001

Zinc die-cast housing ER2338-0001 ER2338-1001
Connection technology connector with spring-loaded system M8, screw type
Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 1/3
Input filter 10 µs 10 µs 3.0 ms
Number of channels 8 inputs + 8 outputs 8 digital inputs or outputs

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

4 1

3 4 3

EtherCAT Box

+24 V
1-wire 2-wire 3-wire 3-wire 2-wire

1-wire 2-wire

The EP2316-0003 EtherCAT Box combines eight digital inputs The EP2338/ER2338 EtherCAT Box has eight digital channels,
and eight digital outputs in one device. The outputs handle each of which can optionally be operated as an input or as an
load currents of up to 0.5 A, are short-circuit-proof and output. A configuration for using a channel as input or output
protected against inverse polarity. For the signal connection is not necessary; the input circuit is internally connected to
connectors with a spring-loaded system are used, optionally the output driver, so that a set output is displayed automati-
available with 1 or 3 pins. The module is supplied without cally in the input process image.
connectors. The outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A, are
short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity.
Accessories: The signals are connected via M8 screw type connectors.
– ZS2001-0001: connector, 1-pin, without LED
– ZS2001-0002: connector, 1-pin, with LED
– ZS2001-0004: connector, 3-pin, with LED

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Max. output current 0.5 A per channel, individually short-circuit-proof 0.5 A per channel, individually short-circuit-proof

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
Sensor supply from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total, from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total,
short-circuit-proof short-circuit-proof
Short circuit current typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
Current consumption from 120 mA 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Electrical isolation 500 V 500 V
Special features IP 20, ideal for e.g. operating desks –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE EP2338: CE, UL, Ex; ER2338: CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP23xx, ER23xx Digital combi

8-channel digital input or output, 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output, 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output,
24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A)

EP2338-0002 EP2338-1002 EP2328-0001 EP2328-0002

ER2338-0002 ER2338-1002 ER2328-0001 ER2328-0002
M12, screw type M8, screw type M12, screw type
EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 1/3
10 µs 3.0 ms 3.0 ms 3.0 ms
8 digital inputs or outputs 4 inputs + 4 outputs 4 inputs + 4 outputs

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

4 1
Inputs Inputs
B 2 3 3 4 3 B 2 3

EtherCAT Box
1 4 1 4
A A 5 A A 5
3-wire 2-wire

3-wire 2-wire Outputs Outputs 3-wire 2-wire


The EP2338/ER2338 EtherCAT Box has eight The EP2328/ER2328 EtherCAT Box combines The EP2328/ER2328 EtherCAT Box combines
digital channels, each of which can optionally be four digital inputs and four digital outputs in one four digital inputs and four digital outputs in one
operated as an input or as an output. A configura- device. The outputs handle load currents of up to device. The outputs handle load currents of up to
tion for using a channel as input or output is not to 2 A each, although the total current is limited to to 2 A each, although the total current is limited
necessary; the input circuit is internally connected 4 A. The signals are connected via screw type M8 to 4 A. The signals are connected via screw type
to the output driver, so that a set output is dis- connectors. The sensors are powered by the box M12 connectors. The sensors are powered by the
played automatically in the input process image. supply US. box supply US.
The outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A,
are short-circuit-proof and protected against
inverse polarity. The signals are connected via
M12 screw type connectors.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

0.5 A per channel, individually short-circuit-proof 2 A per channel, individually short-circuit safe, 2 A per channel, individually short-circuit safe,
total current max. 4 A total current max. 4 A
ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total, from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total, from control voltage, max. 0.5 A total,
short-circuit-proof short-circuit-proof short-circuit-proof
typ. 1.5 A typ. 4 A typ. 4 A
typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA typ. 20 mA
120 mA 120 mA + load 120 mA + load

500 V 500 V 500 V

– – –
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
EP2338: CE, UL, Ex; ER2338: CE, UL EP2328: CE, UL, Ex; ER2328: CE, UL EP2328: CE, UL, Ex; ER2328: CE, UL

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital combi EP2339, ER2339

Digital combi | 24 V DC, positive switching

16-channel digital input or output, 16-channel digital input or output,
24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A)

Industrial housing EP2339-0021 EP2339-0022

Zinc die-cast housing ER2339-0021 ER2339-0022
Connection technology M8, screw type M12, screw type

Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 1/3

Input filter 3.0 ms 3.0 ms

Number of channels 16 digital inputs or outputs 16 digital inputs or outputs

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
EtherCAT Box

B 2 3
3 4 4 1 B

1 3 1 4
A A 5

484 3-wire 2-wire

3-wire 2-wire

The EP2339/ER2339 EtherCAT Box has 16 digital channels, The EP2339/ER2339 EtherCAT Box has 16 digital channels,
each of which can optionally be operated as an input or as an each of which can optionally be operated as an input or as an
output. A configuration for using a channel as input or output output. A configuration for using a channel as input or output
is not necessary; the input circuit is internally connected to is not necessary; the input circuit is internally connected to
the output driver, so that a set output is displayed automati- the output driver, so that a set output is displayed automati-
cally in the input process image. cally in the input process image.
The outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A (the total The outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A (the total
current is limited to 4 A). They are short-circuit-proof and current is limited to 4 A). They are short-circuit-proof and
protected against inverse polarity. The signals are connected protected against inverse polarity. The signals are connected
via M8 screw type connectors. via M12 screw type connectors.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Max. output current 0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof, 0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof,
total current max. 4 A total current max. 4 A
Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
Sensor supply from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
Short circuit current typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
Current consumption from 120 mA 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Electrical isolation 500 V 500 V
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP2349, ER2349 Digital combi

16-channel digital input or output, 16-channel digital input or output,

24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A)

EP2349-0021 EP2349-0022
ER2349-0021 ER2349-0022
M8, screw type M12, screw type

EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 1/3

10 µs 10 µs
16 digital inputs or outputs 16 digital inputs or outputs

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

EtherCAT Box
B 2 3
3 4 4 1 B

1 3 1 4
A A 5

3-wire 2-wire 485

3-wire 2-wire

The EP2349/ER2349 EtherCAT Box has 16 digital channels, each of which can The EP2349/ER2349 EtherCAT Box has 16 digital channels, each of which can
optionally be operated as an input or as an output. A configuration for using optionally be operated as an input or as an output. A configuration for using
a channel as input or output is not necessary; the input circuit is internally a channel as input or output is not necessary; the input circuit is internally
connected to the output driver, so that a set output is displayed automatically connected to the output driver, so that a set output is displayed automatically
in the input process image. in the input process image.
The outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A (the total current is lim- The outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A (the total current is lim-
ited to 4 A). They are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity. ited to 4 A). They are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity.
The signals are connected via M8 screw type connectors. The signals are connected via M12 screw type connectors.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof, 0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof,
total current max. 4 A total current max. 4 A
ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
130 mA 130 mA

500 V 500 V
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EP3162

Analog input | -10…+10 V, 0/4…20 mA, RTD

The EP3162, EP3174/ER3174 and EP3184/ 2-channel analog input,
ER3184 EtherCAT Box modules evaluate -10/0…+10 V or 0/4…20 mA,
analog standard signals within the range parameterisable, 16 bit,
of -10/0 V to +10 V or 0/4 mA to 20 mA with galvanic isolation
with 16-bit resolution. The signal form is
separately configurable for each channel. Industrial housing EP3162-0002
The EP3174/ER3174 and EP3184/ER3184 Zinc die-cast housing
each have four galvanically connected analog Connection technology M12, screw type
inputs. The EP3162 has two analog inputs
with galvanic isolation. The EP3174/ER3174 Signal type -10/0…+10 V | 0/4…20 mA
evaluates the difference between the two Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)
input signals Input+ and Input-. These must Conversion time ~ 100 µs
be referred to the ground potential of the Number of inputs 2 (single-ended)
load voltage UP. The DC component does not
+60 °C
affect the measurement, as long as it is in the
-25 °C
common mode range. The measurement in
the EP3184/ER3184 is single-ended and the
negative reference potential is fixed to the
EtherCAT Box

ground potential of the supply voltage UP. mA

2 3

In the EP3162 the supply for each channel 1


is galvanically isolated.
The EP3204/ER3204 analog input module
is intended for the direct connection of resis-
tance thermometers. The resistance is mea-
sured with a low measuring current, linearised
and represented in 0.1 °C. The EtherCAT Box
supports 2-, 3- and 4-wire measurement on
all four channels. The measurements serve to The EP3162 has two analog inputs which can be individu-
ally parameterised, so that they process signals either in the
eliminate or deduct the parasitic resistance
-10…+10 V or the 0/4…20 mA range. The voltage or input
of the sensor cable. All inputs are separately current is digitised with a resolution of 16 bit, and is transmit-
configurable for a wide range of sensors, for ted (electrically isolated) to the higher-level automation device.
the three measurement procedures and for The two input channels are single-ended inputs with galvanic
the direct measurement of resistance. isolation. The input filter and therefore the conversion times
are configurable in a wide range.

EP3174-0092 with TwinSAFE SC

With the aid of the TwinSAFE SC technology
it is possible to make use of standard signals Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)
for safety tasks in any network or fieldbus. Distributed clocks yes
To do this, EtherCAT I/Os from the areas of Sensor types –
analog input, postition measurement or com-
munication (4…20 mA, incremental encoder, Measuring range –
IO-Link, etc.) are extended by the TwinSAFE Internal resistance > 200 kΩ | 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage
SC function. The data from these extended Sensor supply from load supply voltage UP, DC, any value up to 30 V
EtherCAT I/Os is fed to the TwinSAFE Logic, Current consumption from 120 mA
where they undergo safety-related multi- US (without sensor current)
channel processing. Special features galvanic isolation of the channels
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

Special modules
Distinguishing features

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP3xxx, ER3xxx Analog input

4-channel analog input, 4-channel analog input,

-10/0…+10 V or 0/4…20 mA, PT100 (RTD), parameterisable,
parameterisable, 16 bit 16 bit

EP3174-0002 EP3184-0002 EP3204-0002

ER3174-0002 ER3184-0002 ER3204-0002
M12, screw type M12, screw type

-10/0…+10 V | 0/4…20 mA PT100

16 bit (incl. sign) 0.1 °C per digit
~ 100 µs 800 ms up to 2 ms, see documentation, default: approx. 85 ms
4 (differential) 4 (single-ended) 4

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

EtherCAT Box
2 3 2 3 2 3
mA/V mA
1 4 1 4 υ υ υ 1 4
5 5 5

EP3174 EP3184

The EP3174/ER3174 and EP3184/ER3184 have four analog inputs which The EP3204/ER3204 with analog inputs allows resistance sensors to be
can be individually parameterised, so that they process signals either in the connected directly. Linearisation over the full temperature range is realised
-10…+10 V or the 0/4…20 mA range. The voltage or input current is digitised with the aid of a microprocessor. The temperature range can be selected
with a resolution of 16 bits, and is transmitted (electrically isolated) to the freely. The module can also be used for simple resistance measurement.
higher-level automation device. The four input channels have a common, Standard settings: resolution 0.1°C in the temperature range of PT100
internal ground potential. The input filter/conversion times are configurable sensors, 2-wire.
in a wide range.

< ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.5 °C for PT sensors (further types see documentation)
yes –
– PT100, PT200, PT500, PT1000, Ni100, Ni120, Ni1000
resistance measurement (e.g. potentiometer, 10 Ω…1.2/4 kΩ)
– -200…+850 °C (PT sensors); -60…+250 °C (Ni sensors)
> 200 kΩ | 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage –
from load supply voltage UP, DC, any value up to 30 V –
120 mA 120 mA

current or voltage parameterisable (0/4…20 mA, -10/0…10 V) open-circuit recognition

-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
EP31x4: CE, UL, Ex; ER31x4: CE, UL EP3204: CE, UL, Ex; ER3204: CE, UL
TwinSAFE SC 324

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EP3314, ER3314

Analog input | Thermocouple

The EP3314/ER3314 EtherCAT Box enables 4-channel analog input,
the measurement of temperature using thermocouple/mV,
thermocouples. The measured thermovoltage parameterisable, 16 bit
is linearised in accordance with the charac-
teristic of the respective type and transferred
to the controller as a temperature value in Industrial housing EP3314-0002
1/10 °C or 1/100 °C. The inputs are sepa- Zinc die-cast housing ER3314-0002
rately configurable for a wide range of dif- Connection technology M12, screw type
ferent sensor types. Parasitic thermovoltages
arise at the interface of the measuring cable Signal type thermocouple
and the module, significantly falsifying the
measurement. This error is eliminated by the Resolution 0.1 °C per digit
ZS2000-3712 compensation connector. Conversion time 2.5 s up to 20 ms, see documentation,
default: approx. 250 ms
Number of inputs 4

+60 °C

-25 °C
EtherCAT Box

2 3

488 1 4

The EP3314/ER3314 with analog inputs permits four thermo-

couples to be connected directly. The module’s circuit can
operate thermocouple sensors using the 2-wire technique.
Linearisation over the full temperature range is realised with
the aid of a microprocessor. The temperature range can be
selected freely. Compensation for the cold junction is made
through a temperature measurement in the connecting plugs.
The EP3314/ER3314 can also be used for mV measurement.

Measuring error < ±0.3 % for type K (relative to full scale value),
further types see documentation
Distributed clocks –
Sensor types types J, K, L, B, E, N, R, S, T, U (default setting type K),
mV measurement
Measuring range depending on sensor type;
preset value is type K, -100…+1,370 °C
Current consumption from 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Special features open-circuit recognition
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals EP3314: CE, UL, Ex; ER3314: CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP3356 Analog input

XFC analog input | Load cell analysis

The EP3356 EtherCAT Box enables direct 1-channel precise load cell analysis
connection of a resistor bridge or load cell (resistor bridge), 24 bit
in a 4-wire connection technology. The ratio
between the bridge voltage UD and the sup-
ply voltage UREF is determined simultaneously
in the input circuit and the final load value is Industrial housing EP3356-0022
calculated as a process value on the basis of
the settings in the EP3356. With automatic Connection technology M12, screw type
self-calibration (can be deactivated), dynamic
filters and distributed clock support, the Signal type resistor bridge, strain gauge
EP3356 with measuring cycles of 100 µs
can be used for fast and precise monitoring Resolution 24 bit, 32 bit presentation
of torque or vibration sensors.
All four M12 sockets are connected, Conversion time 0.1…250 ms, configurable, max. 10,000 samples/s
so that parallel operation of several strain
gauges is possible. Number of inputs 2, for 1 resistor bridge in full bridge technology

For further information on XFC

EtherCAT Box
see page 298
+60 °C

-25 °C


2 3

1 4

Measuring error < ±0,01 % for the calculated load value in relation to the
final load value with a 12 V feed and 24 mV bridge voltage
(hence nominal strain gauge characteristic value of 2 mV/V),
self-calibration active, 50 Hz filter active
Distributed clocks yes
Sensor types –
Measuring range UD: max. -25…+25 mV rated voltage
UREF: max. -12…+12 V rated voltage
Internal resistance > 200 kΩ (UREF), > 1 MΩ (UD)
Sensor supply 10 V (supplied by the EP3356)
Current consumption from 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Special features self-calibration, quadruple averager, dynamic filters,
fast data sampling, parallel connection
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EP3744

Analog input | Pressure measuring

The EP3744 EtherCAT Box, Pressure measuring box, Pressure measuring box,
equipped with six digital inputs, 6 digital inputs 24 V DC, 6 digital inputs 24 V DC,
two digital outputs and four 2 digital outputs 24 V DC, 0.5 A, 2 digital outputs 24 V DC, 0.5 A,
pressure inputs, acquires these 4 pressure inputs 0…1 bar/-1…1 bar 4 pressure inputs 0…7 bar/-7…7 bar
signals and transmits them
– electrically isolated – to the Industrial housing EP3744-0041 EP3744-1041
controller. The signal status is
indicated by LEDs; the digital Connection technology digital signals: 4-pin M8; digital signals: 4-pin M8;
signals are connected via 4-pin pressure measurement: 6 mm fitting pressure measurement: 6 mm fitting
M8 plug connectors. Signal type air pressure air pressure
The pressure is measured
as the differential pressure Conversion time ~ 3.5 ms ~ 3.5 ms
to the fifth connection by an
integrated 6 mm fitting. The Number of inputs 6 dig. and 4 pressure inputs, 6 dig. and 4 pressure inputs,
pressure values are available as 2 dig. outputs 2 dig. outputs
16-bit values. Measurement can
+60 °C +60 °C
be made between -1…1 bar
-25 °C -25 °C
(EP3744-0041) or -7…7 bar
EtherCAT Box

(EP3744-1041), with the value

4 4
being output in relation to the 3

fifth connection, e.g. for vacuum 1 1

measurement in relation to the
ambient pressure at suction 4 4
3 3
grippers. 1

In absolute-pressure mode
it is possible to measure pres-
sures between 0…1 bar
(EP3744-0041) or 0…7 bar

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Sensor types – –
Measuring range 0…1 bar (0…15 psi)/ 0…7 bar (0…100 psi)/
-1…1 bar (-15…15 psi) -7…7 bar (-100…100 psi)
Sensor supply from load supply voltage, from load supply voltage,
max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
Current consumption from 120 mA 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Special features direct pressure measuring direct pressure measuring
at the machine at the machine
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP4xxx, ER4xxx Analog output

Analog output | -10…+10 V, 0/4…20 mA

4-channel analog output, 2-channel analog input +
-10/0…+10 V or 0/4…20 mA, 2-channel analog output,
parameterisable, 16 bit -10/0…+10 V or 0/4…20 mA,
parameterisable, 16 bit

Industrial housing EP4174-0002 EP4374-0002

Zinc die-cast housing ER4174-0002 ER4374-0002
Connection technology M12, screw type M12, screw type

Signal type -10/0…+10 V | 0/4…20 mA -10/0…+10 V | 0/4…20 mA

Resolution 16 bit 16 bit

Conversion time ~ 40 µs input: ~ 100 µs, output: ~ 40 µs
Number of outputs 4 2
Number of inputs – 2

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

EtherCAT Box
2 3 2 3
1 4 1 4
5 5

2 3

1 4

The EP4174/ER4174 EtherCAT Box has four analog outputs The EP4374/ER4374 EtherCAT Box combines two analog
which can be individually parameterised, so that they gener- inputs and two analog outputs which can be individually
ate signals either in the -10…+10 V or the 0/4…20 mA parameterised, so that they process/generate signals either
range. The voltage or output current is supplied to the pro- in the -10…+10 V or the 0/4…20 mA range. The resolution
cess level with a resolution of 15 bit (default), and is electri- for the current and voltage signals is 16 bit (signed).
cally isolated. The output scaling can be changed if required. The voltage or output current is supplied to the process
Ground potential for the four output channels is common level with a resolution of 15 bit (default), and is electrically
with the 24 V DC supply. The analog actuators are supplied isolated. Ground potential for the two output channels is
from the load voltage (freely selectable up to 30 V DC). common with the 24 V DC supply.
The applied load voltage is available for actuator supply
of further EtherCAT Box modules.

Measuring accuracy < 0.1 % (relative to full scale value) input: < 0.3 %, output: < 0.1 %
(each relative to full scale value)
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Distributed clocks yes yes
Load > 5 kΩ | < 500 Ω output: > 5 kΩ | < 500 Ω
Current consumption 120 mA 120 mA
from US
Special features current or voltage parameterisable per channel combi module, current or voltage parameterisable
per channel
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals EP4174: CE, UL, Ex; ER4174: CE, UL EP4374: CE, UL, Ex; ER4374: CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Position measurement EP5101, ER5101

Position measurement | Incremental encoder interfaces

The EP51x1/ER51x1 EtherCAT Box is an Incremental encoder interface,
interface for the direct connection of incre- M12, 8-pin
mental encoders with differential inputs
(RS485) (EP5101/ER5101) or 24 V DC inputs
(EP5151/ER5151). A 32/16 bit counter with a
quadrature decoder and a 32/16 bit latch for Industrial housing EP5101-0002
the zero pulse can be read, set or enabled. Zinc die-cast housing ER5101-0002
Incremental encoders with alarm outputs can Connection technology M12, 8-pin
be connected at the EP5101/ER5101’s status
input. Interval measurement with a resolu- Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
tion of up to 100 ns is possible for EP5101/
ER5101 and EP5151/ER5151. The gate input Number of channels 1
allows the counter to be halted. The counter
state is taken over with a rising edge at the
latch input (EP5101-0011). The EP5101-1002/
ER5101-1002 offers a 24 V DC sensor supply.
Due to the optional interpolating micro- 1 | GND
2 | VCC
increment function, the EP5101 can supply
EtherCAT Box

4 | /A
even more precise axis positions for dynamic 5|B
6 | /B
axes. In addition, it supports the synchronous 8 | /C

reading of the encoder value together with

other input data in the EtherCAT system
via high-precision EtherCAT distributed
clocks (DC).
The encoder is connected via an 8-pin
M12 socket (EP5101-0002, EP5151-0002) or
via a 15-pin D-sub socket (EP5101-0011). In
the M12 version not all signals are available.

Encoder operating voltage 5 V DC

Counter 32 or 16 bit, binary
Limit frequency 4 million increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation)
Quadrature decoder 4-fold evaluation
Zero-pulse latch 16/32 bit
Commands read, set, enable
Distributed clocks yes
Sensor supply +5 V DC, 150 mA (VCC)
Current consumption from typ. 130 mA + load
US (without sensor current)
Electrical isolation 500 V
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C (-25…+60 °C in preparation)
Approvals EP5101: CE, UL, Ex; ER5101: CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP51xx, ER51xx Position measurement

Incremental encoder interface, Incremental encoder interface, Incremental encoder interface,

D-sub socket, 15-pin M12, 8-pin, 24 V DC sensor supply M12, 8-pin

EP5101-0011 EP5101-1002 EP5151-0002

ER5101-1002 ER5151-0002
D-sub socket, 15-pin M12, 8-pin M12, 8-pin

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

1 1 1

1|A 1 | GND 1 | GND

2 | GND 2 | VCC 2 | Enc_Supply

EtherCAT Box
3|B 3|A 3|A
4 | VCC 4 | /A 4 | /Error
5 | n.c. 5|B 5|B
6 | n.c. 6 | /B 6 | Latch
7 | /C 7|C 7|C
8 | Latch 8 | /C 8 | Gate
9 | /A
10 | GND
11 | /B
12 | VCC
13 | /ERR
14 | C
15 | Gate

5 V DC 5 V DC 24 V DC
32 or 16 bit, binary 32 or 16 bit, binary 32 or 16 bit, binary
4 million increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation) 4 million increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation) 4 million increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation)
4-fold evaluation 4-fold evaluation 4-fold evaluation
16/32 bit 16/32 bit 16/32 bit
read, set, enable read, set, enable read, set, enable
yes yes yes
+5 V DC, 150 mA (VCC) 24 V DC, 500 mA (VCC) 24 V DC/0.5 A, short-circuit-proof
typ. 130 mA + load typ. 130 mA + load typ. 130 mA + load

500 V 500 V 500 V

0…+55 °C (-25…+60 °C in preparation) 0…+55 °C (-25…+60 °C in preparation) 0…+55 °C (-25…+60 °C in preparation)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication EP600x, ER600x

Communication | Serial interfaces RS232, RS422/RS485

1-channel serial interface, 2-channel serial interface,
RS232, RS422/RS485 RS232, RS422/RS485

Industrial housing EP6001-0002 EP6002-0002

Zinc die-cast housing ER6001-0002 ER6002-0002
Connection technology M12, screw type M12, screw type
Data transfer rates 300…115,200 baud; 300…115,200 baud;
9,600 baud (8 bits, no parity, 1stop bit) is preset 9,600 baud (8 bits, no parity, 1stop bit) is preset
Number of digital 2, 24 V DC, 10 µs/0.5 A –
Data transfer channels 1 2

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

Channel 1, 1 | VCC Channel 1, RS485
2 3 2 3
RS232 2 | Tx RS485/422 1 | TxD-
3 | GND 2 | TxD+
EtherCAT Box

1 4 4 | Rx 1 4 3 | RxD-
5 5 | Shield 5 4 | RxD+
Channel 1, Channel 1, 5 | Shield
2 3 RS485/RS422TX 2 3
RS485/RS422Tx RS232
1 | Tx- RS232
1 4 2 | Tx+ 1 4 1 | +5 V DC
5 3 | GND 5 2 | TxD
Channel 1, 4 | VCC Channel 2, 3 | GND
2 3
RS422Rx 5 | Shield RS485/422 4 | RxD
5 | Shield
494 1 4
1 | Rx-
Channel 1, 5 Channel 2,
2 | Rx+
DIO 2 3 3 | GND RS232
4 | VCC
5 | Shield
1 4
1 | +24 V DC US
2 | In-/Output B
3 | GND
4 | In-/Output A
5 | reserved

The EP6001/ER6001 and EP6002/ER6002 serial interface modules allow the connection of devices with an RS232 or RS422/
RS485 interface. The devices connected to the EP600x/ER600x communicate with the automation device via the coupler and
the network. The modules transmit the data in a fully transparent manner to the higher-level automation device. The active
serial communication channel functions independently of the higher-level bus system in full duplex mode at up to 115,200 baud,
while a 864 byte receive buffer and a 128 byte send buffer are available. This way, any desired number of serial interfaces can
be used in the application without having to consider structural restrictions in the control device. The serial interface can be
positioned close to the place of use, this way reducing the necessary cable lenghts.
The 1-channel version EP6001/ER6001 has an increased end device power supply of up to 1 A, the connector assignment
depends on the selected interface.The two integrated digital inputs/outputs allow the connection of additional sensors/actua-
tors in order, for example, to trigger the reading process of the barcode reader or, depending on the result, to initiate an action.
In the EP6002/ER6002 the connector assignment depends on the interface. For each channel, RS232 or RS422/RS485 can be
In conjunction with the TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM Driver (see page 963 ), the EP6001/ER6001 and EP6002/ER6002
can be used as normal Windows COM interfaces.
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Distributed clocks – –
Bit distortion <3% <3%
Cable length RS232: max. 15 m; RS422/RS485: approx. 1,000 m RS232: max. 15 m; RS422/RS485: approx. 1,000 m
Data buffer 864 bytes receive buffer, 128 bytes transmit buffer 864 bytes receive buffer, 128 bytes transmit buffer
Sensor supply + 5 V DC, 1 A +5 V DC, 20 mA each
Current consumption from typ. 130 mA + load typ. 130 mA + load
US (without sensor current)
Special features easy integration of serial end devices easy integration of serial end devices
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL EP6002: CE, UL, Ex; ER6002: CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP6224 Communication

Communication | IO-Link masters

An IO-Link system consists of 4-channel input/output, 4-channel input/output,
IO-Link devices such as sensors, IO-Link master module, IO-Link master module,
actuators or combinations of both. Class A Class B
They are connected using the clas-
sic 3-wire technique. The EP6224
performs the IO-Link master func- Industrial housing EP6224-2022 EP6224-3022
tion and is equipped with four
ports. Only one IO-Link device can Connection technology M12, screw type M12, screw type
ever be connected to each port.
IO-Link thus represents a point-to- Data transfer rates 4.8 kbaud, 38.4 kbaud and 4.8 kbaud, 38.4 kbaud and
point communication method and 230.4 kbaud 230.4 kbaud
not a fieldbus. IO-Link interfaces 4 4

EtherCAT Box
2 3 EP6224-2022 EP6224-3022
1 | 24 V DC 1 | 24 V DC US 495
2 | n. c. 2 | 24 V DC UP
1 4 3 | GND 3 | GNDS
4 | C/Qx 4 | C/Qx
5 | n. c. 5 | GNDP

The EP6224 IO-Link module enables connection of up to four IO-Link

devices, e.g. actuators, sensors or combinations of both. A point-to-point
connection is used between the terminal and the device. The terminal is
parameterised via the EtherCAT master. IO-Link is designed as an intelligent
link between the fieldbus level and the sensor, wherein parameterisation
information can be exchanged bidirectionally via the IO-Link connection.
The parameterisation of the IO-Link devices with service data can be done
from TwinCAT via ADS.
In the standard setting, the EP6224 functions as a 4-channel input
terminal, 24 V DC, which communicates with connected IO-Link devices,
parameterises them and, if necessary, changes their operating mode.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Distributed clocks – –
Specification version IO-Link V1.1, Class A IO-Link V1.1, Class B
Cable length max. 20 m max. 20 m
Sensor supply 24 V DC, 1.4 A, for all 4 ports, 24 V DC, 1.4 A, for all 4 ports,
port Class A port Class B (4 A)
Current consumption from typ. 130 mA + load typ. 130 mA + load
US (without sensor current)
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
(-25…+60 °C in preparation) (-25…+60 °C in preparation)
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Motion EP7041, ER7041

Motion | Stepper motor modules

Stepper motor module, 50 V DC, Stepper motor module, 50 V DC,
5 A, with incremental encoder, 1.5 A, with incremental encoder,
2 digital inputs, 1 digital output 2 digital inputs, 1 digital output

Industrial housing EP7041-0002 EP7041-1002

Zinc die-cast housing ER7041-0002 ER7041-1002
Connection method screw type M12 screw type M12
Load type uni- or bipolar stepper motors uni- or bipolar stepper motors
Number of outputs 1 stepper motor, 1 digital 24 V DC output 1 stepper motor, 1 digital 24 V DC output
Number of inputs 2 digital inputs, encoder system (24 V DC encoder) 2 digital inputs, encoder system (24 V DC encoder)

+60 °C +60 °C
1 | Tx+ 1 | Tx+
M 2 | Rx+ -25 °C M 2 | Rx+ -25 °C
3 | Rx- 3 | Rx-
4 | Tx- 4 | Tx-
Stepper 2 3
1 | A1 Stepper 2 3
1 | A1
motor 2 | A2 motor 2 | A2
3 | B1 3 | B1
1 4 4 | B2 1 4 4 | B2
5 5 | n. c. 5 5 | n. c.
Motor Motor
EtherCAT Box

2 3 1, 2 | V motor 2 3 1, 2 | V motor
supply 3, 4 | GND motor supply 3, 4 | GND motor
5 | n. c. 5 | n. c.
1 4 1 4
5 1 | +24 V DC US 5 1 | +24 V DC US
Digital 2 | Input B Digital 2 | Input B
inputs 2 3 3 | GND inputs 2 3 3 | GND
4 | Input A 4 | Input A
1 4 5 | Output 1 4 5 | Output
5 1 | GND 5 1 | GND
2 3 2 3
496 Encoder 2 | V Enc Encoder 2 | V Enc
3 | A Enc 3 | A Enc
1 4 4 | B Enc 1 4 4 | B Enc
5 5 | C Enc 5 5 | C Enc
1 | +24 V DC US 1 | +24 V DC US
2 | +24 V DC UP 2 | +24 V DC UP
3 | GNDS 3 | GNDS
4 | GNDP 4 | GNDP

The EP7041-0002/ER7041-0002 and EP7041-1002/ER7041-1002 EtherCAT Box modules are intended for the direct connec-
tion of different stepper motors. The PWM output stages for two motor coils with compact design are located in the module
together with two inputs for limit switches and cover a wide voltage and current range. The EP7041/ER7041 can be adjusted to
the motor and the application by changing just a few parameters. 64-fold micro-stepping ensures particularly quiet and precise
motor operation. Connection of an incremental encoder enables a simple servo axis to be realised. Two digital inputs and a
digital 0.5 A output enable connection of end switches and a motor brake.

Nominal voltage 8…50 V DC 8…50 V DC

Distributed clocks yes yes
Protocol EtherCAT EtherCAT
Output current 2 x 3.5 A, 2 x 5 A peak current 2 x 1 A, 2 x 1.5 A peak current
(overload- and short-circuit-proof) (overload- and short-circuit-proof)
Maximum step frequency 1,000, 2,000, 4,000 or 8,000 full steps/s (configurable) 1,000, 2,000, 4,000 or 8,000 full steps/s (configurable)
Step pattern 64-fold micro stepping 64-fold micro stepping
Current controller frequ. approx. 30 kHz approx. 30 kHz
Resolution approx. 5,000 positions (per revolution, approx. 5,000 positions (per revolution)
depending on motor and encoder type)
Encoder signal 5…24 V DC, 5 mA, single-ended 5…24 V DC, 5 mA, single-ended
Pulse frequency max. 400,000 increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation) max. 400,000 increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation)
Current consumption 120 mA 120 mA
from US
Special features travel distance control, encoder input travel distance control, encoder input

Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C

Approvals EP7041: CE, Ex; ER7041: CE EP7041: CE, Ex; ER7041: CE
Further information

Compact Drive Technology see page 858

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP7041, ER7041 Motion

Stepper motor module, 50 V DC, Stepper motor module, 50 V DC,

5 A, with incremental encoder, 5 A, with incremental encoder,
2 digital inputs, 1 digital output, 2 digital inputs, 1 digital output,
motor connection via plug motor connection via plug, for high-speed applications

EP7041-2002 EP7041-3002 EP7041-3102

ER7041-2002 ER7041-3002
screw type M12 screw type M12
uni- or bipolar stepper motors uni- or bipolar stepper motors
1 stepper motor, 1 digital 24 V DC output 1 stepper motor, 1 digital 24 V DC output
2 digital inputs, encoder system (24 V DC encoder) 2 digital inputs, encoder system 2 digital inputs, encoder system
(24 V DC encoder) (5 V DC encoder)

+60 °C +60 °C
1 | Tx+ 1 | Tx+
M 2 | Rx+ -25 °C M 2 | Rx+ -25 °C
3 | Rx- 3 | Rx-
4 | Tx- 4 | Tx-
Stepper 1 | A1 Stepper 1 | A1
2 3 2 | A2 2 3 2 | A2
motor motor
3 | B1 3 | B1
1 4 4 | B2 1 4 4 | B2
5 5 | n. c. 5 5 | n. c.
Motor Motor

EtherCAT Box
1 4 1, 2 | V motor 1 4 1, 2 | V motor
supply 3, 4 | GND motor supply 3, 4 | GND motor
2 3 2 3
1 | +24 V DC US 1 | +24 V DC US
Digital 2 | Input B Digital 2 | Input B
inputs 2 3 3 | GND inputs 2 3 3 | GND
4 | Input A 4 | Input A
1 4 5 | Output 1 4 5 | Output
5 1 | GND 5 1 | GND
2 3 2 3
Encoder 2 | V Enc
3 | A Enc
Encoder 2 | V Enc
3 | A Enc
4 | B Enc 4 | B Enc
1 4 1 4
5 5 | C Enc 5 5 | C Enc
1 | +24 V DC US 1 | +24 V DC US
2 | +24 V DC UP 2 | +24 V DC UP
3 | GNDS 3 | GNDS
4 | GNDP 4 | GNDP

The EP7041-2002/ER7041-2002, EP7041-3002/ER7041-3002 and EP7041-3102 EtherCAT Box modules are intended for the direct connection of different
stepper motors. The PWM output stages for two motor coils with compact design are located in the module together with two inputs for limit switches and
cover a wide voltage and current range. The EP7041/ER7041 can be adjusted to the motor and the application by changing just a few parameters. 64-fold
micro-stepping ensures particularly quiet and precise motor operation. Connection of an incremental encoder enables a simple servo axis to be realised.
Two digital inputs and a digital 0.5 A output enable connection of end switches and a motor brake. The external motor is fed via an integrated plug.

8…50 V DC 8…50 V DC
yes yes
EtherCAT EtherCAT
2 x 3.5 A, 2 x 5 A peak current 2 x 3.5 A, 2 x 5 A peak current
(overload- and short-circuit-proof) (overload- and short-circuit-proof)
1,000, 2,000, 4,000 or 8,000 full steps/s (configurable) 1,000, 2,000, 4,000 or 8,000 full steps/s (configurable)
64-fold micro stepping 256-fold micro stepping
approx. 30 kHz dynamic
approx. 5,000 positions (per revolution, approx. 5,000 positions (per revolution,
depending on motor and encoder type) depending on motor and encoder type)
5…24 V DC, 5 mA, single-ended 5…24 V DC, 5 mA, single-ended 5 V DC, integrated 5 V DC supply
max. 400,000 increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation) max. 400,000 increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation)
120 mA 120 mA

travel distance control, encoder input, motor supply via plug for high-speed applications, travel distance control, encoder input,
load indication, motor supply via plug
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
EP7041: CE, Ex; ER7041: CE EP7041: CE, Ex; ER7041: CE

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Motion EP7342, ER7342

Motion | DC motor output stage

DC motors can replace the considerably more 2-channel DC motor output stage,
expensive servomotors in many applica- 50 V DC, 3.5 A
tions if they are operated with an intelligent
controller. A DC motor can be integrated
very simply into the control system using the
EP7342/ER7342 EtherCAT Box. All param- Industrial housing EP7342-0002
eters are adjustable via the fieldbus. The Zinc die-cast housing ER7342-0002
small, compact design and the possibility to Connection method screw type M12
fit the modules directly to machines makes
the EtherCAT DC motor output stage suitable Load type DC brush motors, inductive
for a wide range of applications. The output
stage is protected against overload and short Number of outputs 2
circuit and offers an integrated feedback sys-
+60 °C
tem for incremental encoders. Two DC motors 1 | Tx+
M -25 °C
2 | Rx+
can be controlled by one module. 3 | Rx-
4 | Tx-
DC 2 3 1 | A1
motor 2 | A2
3 | B1
1 4 4 | B2
5 5 | n. c.
EtherCAT Box

2 3 1, 2 | V motor
3, 4 | GND motor
5 | n. c.
1 4
5 1 | GND
2 3 2 | V Enc
Encoder 3 | A Enc
4 | B Enc
1 4 5 | C Enc
2 3 1 | GND
498 Encoder 2 | V Enc
3 | A Enc
1 4 4 | B Enc
5 5 | C Enc
1 | +24 V DC US
2 | +24 V DC UP
3 | GNDS
4 | GNDP

The EP7342/ER7342 EtherCAT Box enables direct operation

of two DC motors. The speed or position is specified by the
automation device via a 16 bit value. By connection of an
incremental encoder, a simple servo axis can be realised.
The output stage is protected against overload and short-

Nominal voltage 8…50 V DC

Distributed clocks yes
Protocol EtherCAT
Output current max. 2 x 3.5 A (short-circuit-proof, common thermal
overload warning for both output stages) per channel
PWM clock frequency 32 kHz with 180° phase shift each
Duty factor 0…100 % (voltage-controlled)
Resolution max. 10 bits current, 16 bits speed
Current consumption from 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Special features travel distance control, encoder input
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals EP7342: CE, Ex; ER7342: CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP8309, ER8309 Special functions

Special functions | Multi-functional I/O box

The EP8309-1022/ER8309-1022 EtherCAT Multi-functional I/O box, 8 digital inputs/outputs,
Box has various digital and analog inputs 2 digital tacho inputs, 2 analog inputs, 1 analog output,
and outputs: eight digital inputs/outputs, 1 PWMi output
two digital tacho inputs, two analog inputs,
one analog output and a 1.2 A PWMi output.
The current signals have 12-bit resolution. Industrial housing EP8309-1022
The tacho outputs supply a speed-dependent Zinc die-cast housing ER8309-1022
velocity or frequency value via digital 24 V Signal connection M12, screw type
sensors. Proportional valves, for example,
can be actuated directly using the PWMi
+60 °C
output, while intelligent valves are switched
-25 °C
by the analog output. With its combination
of inputs and outputs, the EP8309-1022/
ER8309-1022 offers a compact solution for
the most diverse units that can be controlled Connector
see docu-
over EtherCAT. mentation

EtherCAT Box

Number of digital 8, 24 V DC, 3 ms/0.5 A (6…13)

Number of special inputs 2 tacho inputs (4/5)
Number of analog inputs 2, single-ended, 12 bit, 0/4…20 mA (0/2)
Number of analog outputs 1, single-ended, 12 bit, 0/4…20 mA (15)
Number of PWMi outputs 1 x 1.2 A, max. 30 kHz (14)
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Measuring error input: < 0.3 %, output: < 0.1 %
(each relative to full scale value)
Limit frequency 2.5 kHz
Sensor supply from control voltage US
Actuator supply from the auxiliary voltage UP
Special features multi-functional I/O box for universal use
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System EP1111, EP1122

System | EtherCAT Box with ID switch, EtherCAT junction

EtherCAT Box with ID switch 2-port EtherCAT junction,
Hot Connect

Industrial housing EP1111-0000 EP1122-0001

Task within EtherCAT identification of any EtherCAT group coupling of EtherCAT junctions
system in the EtherCAT network
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud

Protocol EtherCAT EtherCAT

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
EtherCAT Box

4 2

3 1

Hot Connect group 4 2

3 1

The EP1111 has three decimal ID switches, with which The 2-port EtherCAT junction enables configuration of
a group of EtherCAT components can be assigned an ID. EtherCAT star topologies. A modular EtherCAT star can be
This group can be present in any position in the EtherCAT realised by using several EP1122 units in a station. Individual
network, as a result of which variable topologies and devices or complete EtherCAT strands can be connected at
Hot Connect groups can be realised in a simple manner. the junction ports. The EtherCAT junctions are connected via
The EtherCAT connection is established via shielded M8 shielded M8 screw connectors with direct display of link and
screw connectors with direct display of link and activity activity status. Through TwinCAT and other suitable EtherCAT
status. masters the EP1122 also supports coupling and uncoupling
of EtherCAT strands during operation (Hot Connect).

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Distributed clocks – –
Bus interface 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type
Number of EtherCAT ports – 2
Number of 4,096 –
configurable IDs
Data transfer medium EtherCAT cable EtherCAT cable
Distance between stations 100 m (100BASE-TX) 100 m (100BASE-TX)
Current consumption typ. 120 mA typ. 220 mA
Sensor supply – –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL, Ex
Further information

EP9128-0021 EtherCAT junction in IP 67 with Hot Connect see page 788

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP9214, EP9224 System

System | Power distribution for EtherCAT Box modules

The EP9214-0023 and EP9224-0023 4/4-channel power 4/4-channel power
EtherCAT Box modules enable connection distribution for EtherCAT distribution for EtherCAT
of four EtherCAT Box power supply Box modules Box modules with current
branches. In each 24 V branch the current measurement/data logging
consumption for the control voltage US
and the peripheral voltage UP is monitored, Industrial housing EP9214-0023 EP9224-0023
limited, and, if necessary, switched off.
The power distribution is supplied via a Number of outputs 4 x M8, 4-pin (per US/UP) 4 x M8, 4-pin (per US/UP)
7/8” connector with up to 16 A (per voltage
supply US/UP). Several modules can be config- Connection method M8, 4-pin M8, 4-pin
ured in a cascade arrangement. In the event
of a short-circuit in one of the four (eight) Max. output current per M8: 4 A per US and UP per M8: 4 A per US and UP
outputs, the affected output is switched off.
The supply for the other branches remains Load type EtherCAT Box modules EtherCAT Box modules
active. The switch-off and control is done in
such a way that the input voltage does not
+60 °C
fall below 21 V. During startup consumers
-25 °C
with large capacities can be added without

EtherCAT Box
The master can read diagnostic messages
from the individual channels via the EtherCAT
interface. Independent switching of individual 1 1 1 | GNDP
2 | GNDS
2 2
consumer branches is also possible via the 5 5 3 | FE
4 | +24 V DC US
3 3 5 | +24 V DC UP
4 4
EtherCAT master.
With the EP9224-0023 the input volt- 2
1 | US
2 | UP
age and current values of all outputs can be 4 1
3 | GNDS
4 | GNDP
evaluated via the process data. A continuous 4
1 | Monitoring
3 | Monitoring
data log of the relevant data can be retrieved 1 3 4 | Reset

when an error occurs in order to localise the

cause of the error.

Protocol EtherCAT EtherCAT

Infeed plug 7/8“, plug 7/8“,
max. 16 A per US/UP max. 16 A per US/UP
Power feed through socket 7/8“, socket 7/8“,
max. 16 A per US/UP max. 16 A per US/UP
Signalling contact potential-free make contact, potential-free make contact,
M8 M8
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Distributed clocks – –
Bus interface 2 x M8 socket, shielded, 2 x M8 socket, shielded,
screw type screw type
Electrical isolation 500 V 500 V
Data logging – recording of relevant data
in case of failure
Special features energy-efficient switching on input voltages/currents,
and off of EtherCAT devices output currents via process
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL in preparation CE, UL in preparation
Further information

Accessories see page 518

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System EP9300

System | PROFINET RT EtherCAT Box

The EP9300-0022 EtherCAT Box connects PROFINET RT EtherCAT Box
PROFINET RT networks to the EtherCAT Box
modules (EPxxxx, EQxxxx and ERxxxx) and
converts the telegrams from PROFINET RT to
EtherCAT. One station consists of an EP9300-
0022 and any number of EtherCAT Box mod- Industrial housing EP9300-0022
ules. The box is connected to PROFINET RT
via a d-coded M12 socket. In EtherCAT, the Task within EtherCAT coupling of standard digital and analog EtherCAT Box
PROFINET RT box has at its disposal a lower- system modules to PROFINET RT networks
level, powerful and ultra-fast I/O system with Number of EtherCAT Box depending on the process data size
a large selection of EtherCAT Box modules. modules
The EP9300-0022 supports the PROFINET RT Protocol PROFINET RT
profile and fits seamlessly into PROFINET RT
networks. Data transfer rates 10/100 Mbaud

4 2 1 | Tx+
2 | Rx+
EtherCAT Box

3 | Rx-
3 1
4 | Tx-


1 2 1 | Tx+
2 | Rx+
3 | Rx-
4 3 4 | Tx-
SHLD | Shield

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Bus interface 2 x M12 socket, d-coded (switched)
EtherCAT Type/number of depending on the process data size
peripheral signals
Configuration automatic
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Electrical isolation 500 V
Special features potted, shock- and vibration-resistant
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C (-25…+60 °C in preparation)
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Box
EQxxxx | EtherCAT Box
(stainless steel housing)
EtherCAT Box

Signal status EtherCAT output

EtherCAT input Stainless steel

504 housing for use in
extreme, harsh or
corrosive industrial
Signal status display
Ultra compact
Connection of dimensions (H x W x D)
sensors/actuators via 160 x 39 x 43 mm
M12 screw type connectors

Power supply
status display:
box supply and
Power supply input auxiliary voltage
– box supply
– auxiliary voltage

Power supply

Watertight and dust-proof,

due to protection class
IP 69K (fully potted)

Fixing lugs for

screws M5
+60 °C Extended operating/
-25 °C storage temperature

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

4 x M12 8 x M12

The Beckhoff EtherCAT Box are available. Temperature mea-

system is complemented by surement modules for resistance
modules in stainless steel design. sensors or thermocouples com-
The modules of the EQxxxx plement the product range.
series feature “Hygienic Design” The signals are connected via

EtherCAT Box
throughout. They can be used M12 connectors.
in extreme, harsh and corrosive The modules of the EQxxxx
industrial environments and are series have an EtherCAT inter-
therefore ideal for applications face. The power supply and
in the food, chemical or pharma- transfer takes place via M8 con-
ceutical industries, which require nectors or sockets.
protection class IP 69K.
The stainless steel EtherCAT
Box modules cover the typical
range of requirements of I/O sig-
nals: digital inputs with a filter
of 3.0 ms, digital outputs with
0.5 A output current, and combi
modules with freely selectable EQxxxx-00yz
digital inputs or outputs. In addi- 2 = connector M12,
tion, analog input modules for screw type, 5-pin
current/voltage measurement
0 = width: 39 mm
2 = width: 72 mm

Signals see page 506

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EQ1008, EQ1809

Digital input | 24 V DC, positive switching

8-channel digital input, 16-channel digital input,
24 V DC, M12, type 1/3 24 V DC, M12, type 1/3

Technical data EQ1008-0002 EQ1809-0022

Connection technology M12, screw type M12, screw type

Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 1/3

Input filter 3.0 ms 3.0 ms

Number of inputs 8 16

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
EtherCAT Box

2 3 B
2 3
1 4 B
A 5
1 4
A 5
3-wire 2-wire
3-wire 2-wire

The EQ1008 EtherCAT Box with digital inputs acquires the The EQ1809 EtherCAT Box with digital inputs acquires the
binary control signals from the process level and transmits binary control signals from the process level and transmits
them, in an electrically isolated form, to the controller. them, in an electrically isolated form, to the controller.
The signals are connected via M12 screw type connectors. The signals are connected via M12 screw type connectors.
The sensors are supplied from the box supply voltage US. The sensors are supplied from the box supply voltage US.
The auxiliary voltage UP is not used in the input module, but The auxiliary voltage UP is not used in the input module, but
may be connected in order to be relayed downstream. may be connected in order to be relayed downstream.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Protocol EtherCAT EtherCAT
Bus interface 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type 2 x M8 socket, shielded, screw type
Distributed clocks – –
Sensor supply from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
Current consumption from 130 mA 130 mA
US (without sensor current)
Electrical isolation 500 V 500 V
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EQ2008, EQ2809 Digital output

Digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

8-channel digital output, 16-channel digital output,
24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A

Technical data EQ2008-0002 EQ2809-0022

Connection technology M12, screw type M12, screw type

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current 0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof, 0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof,
total current max. 4 A total current max. 4 A
Number of outputs 8 16

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

EtherCAT Box
2 3
2 3
1 4 B
A 5
1 4
A 5

3-wire 2-wire
3-wire 2-wire

The EQ2008 EtherCAT Box with digital outputs connects The EQ2809 EtherCAT Box with digital outputs connects the
binary control signals from the controller on to the actuators binary control signals from the controller on to the actuators
at the process level. The eight outputs handle load currents at the process level. The 16 outputs handle load currents of
of up to 0.5 A. The signals are connected via M12 screw type up to 0.5 A each, although the total current is limited to 4 A.
connectors. The outputs are short-circuit-proof and protected This makes these modules particularly suitable for applica-
against inverse connection. tions in which not all of the outputs are active at the same
time, or in which not all of the actuators draw 0.5 A current.
The signal state is indicated by means of light emitting
diodes. The signals are connected via M12 screw type con-
nectors. The outputs are short-circuit-proof and protected
against inverse connection.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption from 120 mA 130 mA
US (without sensor current)
Distributed clocks – –
Short circuit current typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
Electrical isolation 500 V 500 V
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital combi EQ2339

Digital combi | 24 V DC, positive switching

16-channel digital input or output,
24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A

Technical data EQ2339-0022

Connection technology M12, screw type

Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3

Input filter 3.0 ms

Number of channels 16 digital inputs or outputs

+60 °C

-25 °C
EtherCAT Box

B 2 3

1 4
A A 5

3-wire 2-wire

The EQ2339 EtherCAT Box has 16 digital inputs or outputs in one device. A filter constant of 3.0 ms is available for the inputs.
The outputs are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity. They handle load currents of up to 0.5 A each,
although the total current is limited to 4 A. The signals are connected via M12 screw type connectors. The sensors are powered
by the load voltage UP.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Max. output current 0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof, total current max. 4 A
Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load
Sensor supply from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
Distributed clocks –
Short circuit current typ. 1.5 A
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA + load
Current consumption from 130 mA
US (without sensor current)
Electrical isolation 500 V
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Box
Analog input EQ3174

Analog input | -10…+10 V, 0/4…20 mA, temperature

The EQ3174 EtherCAT Box evaluates analog 4-channel analog input,
standard signals within the range of -10/0 V -10/0…+10 V or 0/4…20 mA,
to +10 V or 0/4 mA to 20 mA with 16-bit parameterisable, differential input,
resolution. The signal form is separately 16 bit
configurable for each channel. The EQ3174
evaluates the difference between the two Technical data EQ3174-0002
input signals Input+ and Input-. These must
be referred to the ground potential of the Connection technology M12, screw type
load voltage UP. The DC component does not
affect the measurement, as long as it is in Signal type -10/0…+10 V | 0/4…20 mA
the common mode range.
The EQ3204 analog input module is Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)
intended for the direct connection of resistance Conversion time ~ 100 µs
thermometers. The resistance is measured Number of inputs 4
with a low measuring current, linearised and
+60 °C
represented in 0.1 °C. The EtherCAT Box sup-
-25 °C
ports 2-, 3- and 4-wire measurement on all
four channels. The measurements serve to
EtherCAT Box

eliminate or deduct the parasitic resistance

of the sensor cable. All inputs are separately 2 3
configurable for a wide range of sensors, 1 4
510 5
for the three measurement procedures and
for the direct measurement of resistance.
The EQ3314 EtherCAT Box enables the
measurement of temperature using thermo-
couples. The measured thermovoltage is lin-
earised in accordance with the characteristic
of the respective type and transferred to the
controller as a temperature value in 1/10 °C
or 1/100 °C. The inputs are separately con-
figurable for a wide range of different sensor The EQ3174 EtherCAT Box has four analog inputs which
can be individually parameterised, so that they process
types. Parasitic thermovoltages arise at the
signals either in the -10…+10 V or the 0/4…20 mA range.
interface of the measuring cable and the The voltage or input current is digitised with a resolution
module, significantly falsifying the measure- of 16 bit, and is transmitted (electrically isolated) to the
ment. This error is eliminated by a compensa- higher-level automation device. The four input channels have
tion connector. differential inputs and have a common, internal ground
potential. The input filter and therefore the conversion times
are configurable in a wide range.

Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)

Distributed clocks yes

Sensor types –

Measuring range –
Internal resistance > 200 kΩ | 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage
Sensor supply from load supply voltage UP, DC, any value up to 30 V
Current consumption from 120 mA
US (without sensor current)
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EQ3204, EQ3314 Analog input

4-channel analog input, 4-channel analog input,

PT100 (RTD), parameterisable, thermocouple/mV, parameterisable,
16 bit 16 bit

EQ3204-0002 EQ3314-0002

M12, screw type M12, screw type

PT100 thermocouple

0.1 °C per digit 0.1 °C per digit

800 ms up to 2 ms, see documentation, default: approx. 85 ms 2.5 s up to 20 ms, see documentation, default: approx. 250 ms
4 4

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

EtherCAT Box
2 3 2 3

p p p 1 4 1 4
5 5

The EQ3204 EtherCAT Box with analog inputs allows resistance sensors to The EQ3314 EtherCAT Box with analog inputs permits four thermocouples
be connected directly. The module’s circuitry can operate the sensors using to be connected directly. The module’s circuit can operate thermocouple
2-, 3- or 4-wire connection techniques. Linearisation over the full temperature sensors using the 2-wire technique. Linearisation over the full temperature
range is realised with the aid of a microprocessor. The temperature range can range is realised with the aid of a microprocessor. The temperature range
be selected freely. The module can also be used for simple resistance measure- can be selected freely. Compensation for the cold junction is made through a
ment. The module’s standard settings are: resolution 0.1°C in the temperature temperature measurement in the connecting plugs. This means that standard
range of PT100 sensors in 2-wire connection. extension leads can be connected. The EQ3314 can also be used for mV

< ±0.5 °C for PT sensors < ±0.3 % for type K (relative to full scale value),
(further types see documentation) further types see documentation
– –
PT100, PT200, PT500, PT1000, Ni100, Ni120, Ni1000 resistance measurement types J, K, L, B, E, N, R, S, T, U (default setting type K), mV measurement
(e.g. potentiometer, 10 Ω…1.2/4 kΩ)
-200…+850 °C (PT sensors); -60…+250 °C (Ni sensors) depending on sensor type; preset value is type K, -100…+1,370 °C
– –
– –
120 mA 120 mA

-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Accessories EtherCAT Box

3 5

Control 11

19 20
EtherCAT Box

512 1

8 13

23 22

IP 20 IP 67

IP 20 | EtherCAT

1 ZK1090-9191-0xxx | RJ45 Industrial Ethernet/ 446 4 ZK1090-3161-xxxx | M8 plug, straight, 514

EtherCAT patch cable 4-pin – M12 plug, straight, 4-pin
2 ZS1090-0003 | Ethernet/EtherCAT RJ45 connector, 516 5 ZK1090-3131-xxxx | M8 plug, straight, 514
4-pin, IP 20, for field assembly 4-pin – M8 plug, straight, 4-pin, Highflex
6 ZK1090-3100-xxxx | M8 plug, straight, 514
4-pin – open end
IP 67 | EtherCAT 7 ZK1090-3191-xxxx | RJ45 plug, straight, 514
4-pin – M8 plug, straight, 4-pin
3 ZK1090-6292-0000 | M12 flange, straight, 515 8 ZB9010 | Industrial Ethernet/EtherCAT cable, 690
d-coded, 4-pin – RJ45 plug, straight fixed installation, CAT 5e, 4 wires, SF/UTP

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IP 67 | Sensor

11 ZK2000-2100-xxxx | M8 plug, straight, 519

10 3-pin – open end
12 ZK2000-6100-xxxx | M12 plug, straight, 520
4-pin – open end
12 13 ZK2000-2122-xxxx | M8 plug, straight, 519
3-pin – M8 socket, straigth, 3-pin
15 14 ZK2000-2162-xxxx | M8 plug, straight, 519
3-pin – M12 socket, straight, 4-pin
15 ZK2000-6162-xxxx | M12 plug, straight, 520
4-pin – M12 socket, straight, 4-pin
16 ZK2000-6500-xxxx | M12 plug, 4-pin – 521
2 x open end
17 ZK2000-6522-xxxx | M12 plug, 4-pin – 521
2 x M8 socket, straight, 3-pin
18 ZS2000-2630 | M12 plug, angled,

EtherCAT Box
for field assembly


16 IP 67 | Power

18 24 19 ZK2020-3200-xxxx | M8 socket, straight, 517

4-pin – open end
17 20 ZK2020-3132-xxxx | M8 plug, straight, 517
4-pin – M8 socket, straight, 4-pin
21 ZS2000-2331 | M8 plug, angled, 522
for field assembly
22 ZK2030-1xxx-xxxx | 7/8“-socket, angled, 518


23 ZS5300-0011 | mounting plate for 15 Extension Box 524

8 ZB9020 | Industrial Ethernet/EtherCAT cable, 514 or EtherCAT Box modules, stainless steel, 500 mm
drag-chain suitable, CAT 5e, 4 wires, SF/UTP 24 ZS5000-0020 | covering stopper M12, 524
9 ZS1090-1006 | M8 plug, with shield, 516 IP 67 (50 pieces)
for field assembly
10 ZB9030 | EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PVC, with shield 514
ZB9032 | EtherCAT/Ethernet cable, PUR, drag-chain 514
suitable, Highflex Note: The pictured products give examples of the
wide range of EtherCAT Box accessories. For further
variants and connection possibilities please see the respective catalog pages.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Pre-assembled cables
Accessories for fieldbus components include a wide range of cable assemblies. For clarity, the order numbers are listed without cable length
information in the following tables. For detailed ordering information referencing the cable length please see the web pages or the price list.

For technical data sheets see

M8 | EtherCAT cable
For highly flexible applications
Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9032 PUR, HIGHFLEX, 4-wire, S/UTP, AWG26, drag-chain suitable, green
EtherCAT Box

Ordering information AWG26 cable, pre-assembled with M8 plug (4-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK1090-3100-0xxx open end A
ZK1090-3131-0xxx M8 plug (4-pin/straight) B
514 ZK1090-3132-0xxx M8 socket (4-pin/straight) C
ZK1090-3134-0xxx M8 socket (4-pin/angled) D
ZK1090-3161-0xxx M12 plug (4-pin/straight), d-coded E
ZK1090-3163-0xxx M12 plug (4-pin/angled), d-coded F
ZK1090-3166-0xxx M12 socket flange (4-pin/straight), d-coded G
ZK1090-3191-0xxx RJ45 plug (straight) H

Ordering information AWG26 cable, pre-assembled with M8 socket (4-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK1090-3200-0xxx open end I
ZK1090-3232-0xxx M8 socket (4-pin/straight) J
ZK1090-3291-0xxx RJ45 plug (straight) K

Ordering information AWG26 cable, pre-assembled with M8 plug (4-pin/angled) to Pict.

ZK1090-3333-0xxx M8 plug (4-pin/angled) L

For flexible applications

Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9020 PUR, FLEX, 4-wire, SF/UTP, AWG22, CAT 5e, drag-chain suitable, green

Ordering information AWG22 cable, pre-assembled with M8 plug (4-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK1090-3100-1xxx open end A
ZK1090-3131-1xxx M8 plug (4-pin/straight) B
ZK1090-3132-1xxx M8 socket (4-pin/straight) C
ZK1090-3161-1xxx M12 plug (4-pin/straight), d-coded E
ZK1090-3191-1xxx RJ45 plug (straight) H

For fixed installation

Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9030 PVC, STANDARD, 4-wire, SF/UTP, AWG26, green

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M8 plug (4-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK1090-3100-3xxx open end A
ZK1090-3131-3xxx M8 plug (4-pin/straight) B
ZK1090-3132-3xxx M8 socket (4-pin/straight) C
ZK1090-3191-3xxx RJ45 plug (straight) H



EtherCAT Box


M12 | Ethernet/EtherCAT cable

For highly flexible applications
Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9032 PUR, HIGHFLEX, 4-wire, S/UTP, AWG26, drag-chain suitable, green

Ordering information Cable, d-coded and pre-assembled with M12 plug (4-pin/straight) to Pict.
ZK1090-6100-4xxx open end M
ZK1090-6161-4xxx M12 plug (4-pin/straight), d-coded N
ZK1090-6191-4xxx RJ45 plug (straight) O

Ordering information Cable, d-coded and pre-assembled with M12 socket flange (4-pin/straight) to Pict.
ZK1090-6600-4xxx open end P
ZK1090-6292-4xxx RJ45 plug (straight) Q

For flexible applications

Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9020 PUR, FLEX, 4-wire, SF/UTP, AWG22, CAT 5e, drag-chain suitable, green

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Ordering information Cable, d-coded and pre-assembled with M12 plug (4-pin/straight) to Pict.
ZK1090-6100-0xxx open end M
ZK1090-6161-0xxx M12 plug (4-pin/straight), d-coded N
ZK1090-6166-0xxx M12 socket flange (4-pin/straight), d-coded R
ZK1090-6191-0xxx RJ45 plug (straight) O

Ordering information Cable, d-coded and pre-assembled with M12 socket flange (4-pin/straight) to Pict.
ZK1090-6600-0xxx open end P
ZK1090-6292-0xxx RJ45 plug (straight) Q

Ordering information Cable, d-coded and pre-assembled with M12 plug (4-pin/angled) to Pict.
ZK1090-6300-0xxx open end S
ZK1090-6363-0xxx M12 plug (4-pin/angled), d-coded

For fixed installation

Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9010 PVC, STANDARD, 4-wire, SF/UTP, AWG22, CAT 5e, green

Ordering information Cable, d-coded and pre-assembled with M12 plug (4-pin/straight) to Pict.
EtherCAT Box

ZK1090-6191-3xxx RJ45 plug (straight) O

516 M N O P


Ethernet/EtherCAT connectors
Ordering information RJ45 Ethernet/EtherCAT connectors IP 20 and IP 65/67 Pict.
ZS1090-0002 RJ45 plug, IP 65/67, 8-pin, AWG24-26 T
ZS1090-0003 RJ45 plug EtherCAT/Ethernet, IP 20, 4-pin, field assembly, AWG22-24, PU = 10
ZS1090-0005 RJ45 plug EtherCAT/Ethernet, IP 20, 8-pin, supports Gbit, field assembly, AWG22-26, PU = 10

Ordering information M8 Ethernet/EtherCAT connectors IP 65/67

ZS1090-1006 M8 plug (4-pin/straight), EtherCAT/Ethernet, metal version, IP 65/67, OD ≤ 6.5 mm
ZS1090-1007 M8 socket (4-pin/straight), EtherCAT/Ethernet, metal version, IP 65/67, OD ≤ 6.5 mm

Ordering information M12 Ethernet/EtherCAT connectors IP 65/67 Pict.

ZS1090-0004 M12 plug, d-coded, IP 65/67, AWG18-24 U
ZS1090-0010 M12 socket, d-coded, IP 65/67, AWG18-24
ZK1090-6292-0000 adapter M12 socket to RJ45 socket (straight) V

We reserve the right to make technical changes.



Illustrations similar

M8 | Power cable
For flexible applications
Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9050 PUR, FLEX, 4-wire, 4 x 0.34 mm², drag-chain suitable, black

EtherCAT Box
Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M8 socket (4-pin/straight) to Pict.
ZK2020-3132-0xxx M8 plug (4-pin/straight) W
ZK2020-3200-0xxx open end, 4-wire a 517

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M8 socket (4-pin/angled) to Pict.

ZK2020-3332-0xxx M8 plug (4-pin/straight) X
ZK2020-3334-0xxx M8 plug (4-pin/angled) Y
ZK2020-3400-0xxx open end, 4-wire Z

For fixed installation

Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9051 PVC, STANDARD, 4-wire, 4 x 0.34 mm², grey

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M8 socket (4-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK2020-3132-3xxx M8 plug (4-pin/straight) W
ZK2020-3200-3xxx open end, 4-wire a


We reserve the right to make technical changes.


7/8” | Power cable

For flexible applications 1.5 mm²
Ordering information Material specification
ZB9050-0007 TPE-U (PUR), FLEX, 5-wire, 5 x 1.5 mm², 5Li 9Y11Y, drag-chain suitable, black

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with 7/8“ socket (5-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK2030-1200-0xxx open end b
ZK2030-1112-0xxx 7/8” plug (5-pin/straight) c

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with 7/8“ socket (5-pin/angled) to Pict.

ZK2030-1400-0xxx open end d
ZK2030-1314-0xxx 7/8” plug (5-pin/angled) e
ZK2030-1114-0xxx 7/8” plug (5-pin/straight) f

For flexible applications 2.5 mm²

Ordering information Material specification
ZK2031-xxxx-0xxx TPE-U (PUR), FLEX, 5-wire, 5 x 2.5 mm², 5Li 9Y11Y, drag-chain suitable, black
EtherCAT Box

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with 7/8“ socket (5-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK2031-1200-0xxx open end b
Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with 7/8“ socket (5-pin/angled) to Pict.
ZK2031-1400-0xxx open end d

b c d e

M8 | Sensor cable
For flexible applications
Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9040 PUR, FLEX, 3-wire, 3 x 0.25 mm², drag-chain suitable, black

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M8 plug (3-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK2000-2100-0xxx open end g
ZK2000-2122-0xxx M8 socket (3-pin/straight) h
ZK2000-2124-0xxx M8 socket (3-pin/angled) i
ZK2000-2132-0xxx M8 socket (4-pin/straight)
ZK2000-2162-0xxx M12 socket (4-pin/straight)
ZK2000-2164-0xxx M12 socket (4-pin/angled)

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M8 socket (3-pin/straight) to

ZK2000-2200-0xxx open end

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M8 plug (3-pin/angled) to Pict.

ZK2000-2300-0xxx open end j
ZK2000-2322-0xxx M8 socket (3-pin/straight) k
ZK2000-2324-0xxx M8 socket (3-pin/angled) l
ZK2000-2362-0xxx M12 socket (4-pin/straight)
ZK2000-2364-0xxx M12 socket (4-pin/angled)

EtherCAT Box
Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M8 socket (3-pin/angled) to Pict.
ZK2000-2400-0xxx open end m
Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9041 PUR, FLEX, 4-wire, 4 x 0.25 mm², drag-chain suitable, black

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M8 plug (4-pin/straight) to

ZK2000-3100-0xxx open end
ZK2000-3122-0xxx M8 socket (3-pin/straight)
ZK2000-3124-0xxx M8 socket (3-pin/angled)

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M8 plug (4-pin/angled) to

ZK2000-3300-0xxx open end

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with DUO M8 plug (4-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK2000-3500-0xxx 2 x open cable end, 3-wire n
ZK2000-3522-0xxx 2 x M8 socket (3-pin/straight) o
ZK2000-3532-0xxx 2 x M8 socket (4-pin/straight) p

For fixed installation 3 x 0.25 mm²

Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9042 PVC, STANDARD, 3-wire, 3 x 0.34 mm², grey

For fixed installation 4 x 0.25 mm²

Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9043 PVC, STANDARD, 4-wire, 4 x 0.25 mm², grey

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M8 socket (4-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK2000-3132-3xxx M8 plug (4-pin/straight) q

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


g h i j

k l m m

o m
p q
EtherCAT Box


M12 | Sensor cable

For flexible applications
Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9041 PUR, FLEX, 4-wire, 4 x 0.25 mm², drag-chain suitable, black

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 plug (4-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK2000-6100-0xxx open end r
ZK2000-6162-0xxx M12 socket (4-pin/straight)
ZK2000-6164-0xxx M12 socket (4-pin/angled)

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 socket (4-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK2000-6200-0xxx open cable end, 4-wire s

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 plug (4-pin/angled) to Pict.

ZK2000-6300-0xxx open end t
ZK2000-6362-0xxx M12 socket (4-pin/straight)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 socket (4-pin/angled) to Pict.

ZK2000-6400-0xxx open cable end, 4-wire u

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 plug DUO (4-pin/straight) to Pict.
ZK2000-6500-0xxx 2 x open cable end, 4-wire v
ZK2000-6522-0xxx 2 x M8 socket (3-pin/straight)
ZK2000-6562-0xxx 2 x M12 socket (4-pin/straight)

For fixed installation

Ordering information Sold by the metre
ZB9043 PVC, STANDARD, 4-wire, 4 x 0.25 mm², grey

r s t u

EtherCAT Box

M12 | Sensor cable, shielded

For flexible applications
Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 plug (5-pin/straight) incl. shield to Pict.
ZK2000-7100-0xxx open end, 5-wire incl. shield w
ZK2000-7122-0xxx M8 socket (3-pin/angled) shielded x
ZK2000-7171-0xxx M12 plug (5-pin/straight), shielded y
ZK2000-7172-0xxx M12 socket (5-pin/straight), shielded z

w x y z

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


For field installation Beckhoff offers a selection of connectors for different cable cross-sections.

M8 | Connectors for field assembly

Ordering information Plugs, 3-pin, field assembly Pict.
ZS2000-1213 straight version, insulation displacement connection
ZS2000-2210 straight version, screw type connection AA

Ordering information Plugs, 4-pin, field assembly Pict.

ZS2000-1313 straight version, insulation displacement connection
ZS2000-2310 straight version, screw type connection AA
EtherCAT Box

ZS2000-2311 straight version, solder connection AB

ZS2000-2331 angled version, solder connection AC


Ordering information Sockets, 3-pin, field assembly Pict.
ZS2000-1223 straight version, insulation displacement connection
ZS2000-2220 straight version, screw type connection AD
ZS2000-2221 straight version, solder connection AE
ZS2000-2241 angled version, solder connection AF

Ordering information Sockets, 4-pin, field assembly Pict.

ZS2000-1323 straight version, insulation displacement connection
ZS2000-2320 straight version, screw type connection AD
ZS2000-2321 straight version, solder connection AE
ZS2000-2341 angled version, solder connection AF



Illustrations similar

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


M12 | Connectors for field assembly

Ordering information Plugs, 4-pin, field assembly Pict.
ZS2000-1613 straight version, insulation displacement connection, 4 A
ZS2000-2610 straight version, screw type connection, 4 A AG
ZS2000-2630 angled version, screw type connection, 4 A AH
ZS2000-6610 straight version, screw type connection, 5 A

Ordering information Plugs, 4/5-pin, field assembly Pict.

ZS2000-2710 straight version, screw type connection AG
ZS2000-2730 angled version, screw type connection AH
ZS2000-6710 straight version, shielded, screw type connection

Ordering information Sockets, 4-pin, field assembly Pict.
ZS2000-2620 straight version, screw type connection, 4 A AI
ZS2000-2640 angled version, screw type connection, 4 A AJ

EtherCAT Box
ZS2000-6620 straight version, screw type connection, 5 A

Ordering information Sockets, 4/5-pin, field assembly Pict.

ZS2000-2720 straight version, screw type connection AI 523
ZS2000-2740 angled version, screw type connection AJ
ZS2000-6720 straight version, shielded, screw type connection


Illustrations similar

7/8” | Connectors for field assembly

Ordering information Plugs, 5-pin, field assembly
ZS2020-2810 7/8‘‘ plug, straight, field assembly, 5-pin
ZS2020-2830 7/8‘‘ plug, angled, field assembly, 5-pin

Ordering information Sockets, 5-pin, field assembly
ZS2020-2820 7/8‘‘ socket, straight, field assembly, 5-pin
ZS2020-2840 7/8‘‘ socket, angled, field assembly, 5-pin

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Special connectors
Ordering information
ZS2000-3711 M12 plug (5-pin/straight), for small cable cross sections, screw type connection
ZS2000-3712 M12 plug (5-pin/straight) for thermocouples with temperature compensation element, screw type connection
ZS2000-4722 M12 plug (4-pin/straight), splitter to 2 x M12
ZS2000-5911 M23 plug (12-pin/straight version), solder connection
ZS2002-0111 D-sub plug (25-pin/straight version), solder connection

Further accessories EtherCAT Box and Fieldbus Box

Ordering information Blanking plugs
ZS5000-0010 blanking plug, plastic (IP 67), for M8 socket, PU = 50
EtherCAT Box

ZS5000-0020 blanking plug, plastic (IP 67), for M12 socket, PU = 50

ZS5000-0040 blanking plug, plastic (IP 67), for 7/8” socket, PU = 10
ZS5000-0041 blanking plug, plastic (IP 67), for 7/8” plug, PU = 10
524 ZS5000-0050 blanking plug, stainless steel (IP 69K), for M8 socket, PU = 2
ZS5000-0051 blanking plug, stainless steel (IP 69K), for M12 socket, PU = 4

Ordering information Fieldbus Box set

ZS5000-0000 Fieldbus Box set M8 (contact labels, blanking plugs)
ZS5000-0001 Fieldbus Box set 8 mm (contact labels, blanking plugs)
ZS5000-0002 Fieldbus Box set M12 (contact labels, blanking plugs)

Ordering information Torque wrench

ZB8800 torque wrench for M8 cables with knurl, incl. ratchet
ZB8800-0001 ratchet, M12, for torque wrench ZB8800
ZB8800-0002 ratchet, M8 field assembly, for torque wrench ZB8800
ZB8801-0000 torque wrench for hexagonal plugs, adjustable
ZB8801-0001 torque cable key, M8/wrench size 9, for torque wrench ZB8801-0000
ZB8801-0002 torque cable key, M12/wrench size 13, for torque wrench ZB8801-0000
ZB8801-0003 torque cable key, M12F/wrench size 13, for torque wrench ZB8801-0000

Ordering information Mounting and marking material Pict.

ZS5300-0001 mounting plate for 15 Extension Box or EtherCAT Box modules, stainless steel, 500 mm AK
ZS5300-0011 mounting plate for 14 small or 7 wide EtherCAT Box modules, stainless steel, 500 mm
ZS5300-0004 universal mounting bracket for a single small EtherCAT Box, stainless steel, 146 x 46 x 76 mm
BG2000-0000 ATEX protective housing
ZS5100-0000 marking labels, blank, 4 stripes à 10 pieces
ZS5100-xxxx marking labels, customised printing


We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Power distribution box

Power supply output

1 1 | +24 V DC US
Status display 4 2 | +24 V DC UP
4 3 | GND
3 4 | GND
Labelling areas 3 2

1 5 1 | GND
Power supply feed 2 | GND
3 | PE
2 4 4 | +24 V DC US
3 5 | +24 V DC UP

Power distribution box ZS2020-4304 Connector assignment

EtherCAT Box

Power supply output

1 1 | +24 V DC US
Status display 4 2 | +24 V DC UP
4 3 | GND
3 4 | GND
Labelling areas 3 2

1 5 1 | GND
Power supply feed 2 | GND
3 | PE
2 4 4 | +24 V DC US
3 5 | +24 V DC UP

Power distribution box ZS2020-4308 Connector assignment

Technical data ZS2020-4304 ZS2020-4308

Number of circuits 4 8
Power supply connection 7/8” plug, 5-pin
Circuit connection M8, screw type, 4-pin
Current load I∑ = 4 A
Dimensions (W x H x D) 30 mm x 86 mm x 31 mm 30 mm x 126 mm x 31 mm
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Storage temperature -40…+85 °C
Protection class IP 65/66/67 (according to EN 60529)
Installation position variable

Accessories see page 514

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules
EtherCAT Plug-in Modules
Bus Terminals for circuit boards

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules


534 EtherCAT plug-in modules

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules
Efficient I/O solution for large-scale machine production

530 Product overview 535 EtherCAT Couplers 540 EtherCAT plug-in modules
532 System description special functions
533 Technical data 535 EtherCAT Couplers E-bus
540 Motion EJ7xxx

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

536 EtherCAT plug-in modules
digital I/O 541 System modules

536 Digital input EJ1xxx 541 System modules EJ9xxx

537 Digital output EJ2xxx

538 EtherCAT plug-in modules

analog I/O

538 Analog input EJ3xxx

539 Analog output EJ4xxx
Product overview EtherCAT plug-in modules

EtherCAT Couplers

EtherCAT EJ1100 535

Couplers E-bus
EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

EtherCAT plug-in modules | Digital input: EJ1xxx

Signal 2-channel 4-channel 8-channel 16-channel
24 V DC EJ1008 536 EJ1809 536

530 (filter 3.0 ms) type 3 type 3

EJ1859 536 EJ1889 536

type 3, 8 inputs, 8 outputs, IMAX = 0.5 A negative switching

EtherCAT plug-in modules | Digital output: EJ2xxx

Signal 2-channel 4-channel 8-channel 16-channel
24 V DC EJ2008 537 EJ2809 537
(IMAX = 0.5 A)
EJ1859 536 EJ2889 537
type 3, 8 inputs, 8 outputs, IMAX = 0.5 A negative switching

PWM EJ2502 537

24 V DC, 1.0 A

EtherCAT plug-in modules | Analog input: EJ3xxx

Signal 2-channel 4-channel 8-channel 16-channel
±10 V EJ3004 538 EJ3108 538
single-ended, 12 bit 6 x differential inputs,

2 x single-ended, 16 bit

Resistance EJ3202 538 EJ3214 538

thermometer 16 bit 16 bit

EN 61131-2 specification O
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
EtherCAT plug-in modules | Analog output: EJ4xxx
Signal 2-channel 4-channel
0…10 V EJ4002 539
0…10 V 12 bit

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

±10 V EJ4134 539
16 bit


EtherCAT plug-in modules | Special functions: EJ7xxx

Signal 1-channel 2-channel
Motion EJ7047 540 EJ7342 540
stepper motor module, IMAX = 5.0 A, 50 V DC, DC motor output stage, 50 V DC, 3.5 A, incremental encoder

incremental encoder, vector control

EJ7211-0010 540
servomotor module, 50 V DC, 4.5 ARMS, OCT

EtherCAT plug-in modules | System: EJ9xxx

Signal System
System EJ9001 541
placeholder module

Signal Power supply and accessories

µF EJ9576 541
brake chopper module, up to 72 V DC, 155 µF

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

9 9 9 9

Signal distribution via Machine Machine Machine Machine Signal distribution via
single-core wiring module 1 module 2 module 1 module 2 signal distribution board

EJxxxx | EtherCAT plug-in modules

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

The EtherCAT I/O plug-in modules are based time and testing costs where machines I/O solution for standard applications
electronically on the well-known EtherCAT are manufactured in high numbers. The EJ system supplements the modular
Terminals, and they provide the same broad Beckhoff I/O portfolio for controllers used
variety of signals, including functional safety Compact design for an optimised in medium to high-volume production of
(TwinSAFE). Their electromechanical design machine footprint standard machines. It is also suitable for
enables them to be plugged directly into an Similar to the EtherCAT Terminal system, applications where the reduction of error
532 application-specific signal distribution board. a module strand consists of a Bus Coupler probability is critical for the exact replication
This routing board distributes signals and and any desired I/O modules. In contrast of a machine. In general, the use of the EJ
power supply to machine modules via prefab- to the EtherCAT Terminals, however, the system is recommended for machine manu-
ricated cables with application-specific plug EtherCAT plug-in modules have no spring- facturers who want to create a platform of
connectors. The main advantage of the signal loaded contacts, since the wiring level is common parts across their product range.
distribution board is the highly automated implemented differently: for communication, In addition, the EJ system directly
production process, from the manufacture of signal distribution and the supply of power addresses projects with a shortage of skilled
the circuit board and its assembly through to to the modules plug connectors on the back workers. Especially when production facilities
the inspection. All connector interfaces can side of the modules and the conductive tracks are distributed across various locations with
be placed on the circuit board according to of the signal distribution board are used. different skill levels, the risk of errors increas-
customer specifications. The connector level, Measuring just 12 x 55 x 66 mm, the es along with the complexity of the machines.
which is matched to the application, consid- EJ modules are extremely compact; com- With the combination of I/O modules, signal
erably optimises the wiring procedure, for pared to the EtherCAT Terminals they are distribution board and prefabricated cables,
example with the use of prefabricated cables almost 50 % smaller in relation to volume. the EJ system offers efficient “Plug & Work”
and coded plug connectors. In conjunction with coding holes in the signal solutions for machine controllers.
The manufacturing process can be distribution board, coding pins on the under-
accelerated as far as possible and the risk of side of the EJ modules ensure protection Signal distribution board
wiring errors is minimised. This saves working against incorrect plug insertion. Thus, the risk The EtherCAT plug-in modules can be directly
time and thus costs. It allows production at of errors can be minimised during assembly attached to a PCB. This application-specific
different worldwide locations with a mini- and service. PCB (signal distribution board) distributes
mum of risk, since errors are avoided through The EtherCAT plug-in modules and the signals and power supply to individual
automation and coding. plug level for sensors and actuators can be application-specific plug connectors, in order
The EtherCAT plug-in modules offer an placed flexibly on the signal distribution to connect the controller to further machine
alternative to conventional point-to-point board. The signal distribution board is devel- modules.
wiring in control cabinets, since they simplify oped either by the user or as custom solution
wiring, and reduce the system installation by Beckhoff.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Technical data – EtherCAT plug-in modules

66 mm

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

44 mm 12 mm 24 mm 55 mm


Technical data EJ1100 coupler 12 mm EJ module 24 mm EJ module

Design form EtherCAT I/O plug-in module
Material polycarbonate
Installation on signal distribution board
Mechanical coding EJ plug-in module: signal-specific coding pins on the housing,
signal distribution board: holes in the printed circuit board
Locking latching lug in circuit board cut-out
Connection method field wiring: application-specific wiring level on the signal distribution board,
EJ plug-in module: 2 x 20-pin socket strip
EtherCAT connection direct via EJ1100 coupler via EJ1100 coupler
Electrical isolation 500 V (E-bus/field potential)
Current supply E-bus 2200 mA – –
Bus interface 2 x RJ45 – –
Dimensions (W x H x D) 44 mm x 66 mm x 55 mm 12 mm x 66 mm x 55 mm 24 mm x 66 mm x 55 mm
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 5…95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4 (with corresponding signal distribution board)
Protection class/ EJ module: IP 20/horizontal,
installation position EJ system: dependent on signal distribution board and housing

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

EtherCAT Safety plug-in modules Digital and Motion modules

Coupler analog plug-
Colour coding in modules Status and diagnostic
signal type LEDs
EtherCAT Plug-in Modules


Additional functions, Machine-specific Signal distribution Design

e.g. relays or DIP switches connection level board example

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EJ1100 EtherCAT Coupler

EtherCAT Coupler
The EJ1100 coupler connects EtherCAT EtherCAT Coupler
with the EtherCAT plug-in modules (EJxxxx).
It converts the passing telegrams from
Ethernet 100BASE-TX to E-bus signal
The coupler is connected to the network Technical data EJ1100
via the upper Ethernet interface. The lower
RJ45 socket may be used to connect further Task within coupling of EtherCAT plug-in modules (EJxxxx)
EtherCAT devices in the same strand. EtherCAT system to 100BASE-TX EtherCAT networks
Number of EtherCAT up to 65,534
plug-in modules
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules


Bus interface 2 x RJ45

Type/number of max. 4.2 GB addressable I/O points
peripheral signals
Data transfer medium Industrial Ethernet cable (min. CAT 5), shielded
Current consumption 70 mA + (∑ E-bus current/4)
from US
Current consumption load
from UP
Distance between stations max. 100 m (100BASE-TX)
Delay typ. 1 µs
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current supply E-bus 2200 mA
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EJ1xxx

Digital input | 24 V DC
8-channel 16-channel 8-channel digital input + 16-channel
digital input, digital input, 8-channel digital output, digital input,
24 V DC, type 1/3 24 V DC, type 1/3 24 V DC, type 1/3 24 V DC,
negative switching

Technical data EJ1008 EJ1809 EJ1859 EJ1889

Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3 negative switching “0”:

18…30 V DC,
“1”: 0…7 V DC,
typ. 3 mA input current
Input filter typ. 3.0 ms

Number of inputs 8 16 8 inputs + 8 outputs 16

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

536 The EJ1008 digital input The EJ1809 digital input The EJ1859 EtherCAT The EJ1889 digital input
acquires the binary control acquires the binary control plug-in module combines acquires the binary control
signals from the process signals from the process eight digital inputs and signals from the process
level and transmits them, level and transmits them, eight digital outputs in level and transmits them,
in an electrically isolated in an electrically isolated one device. in an electrically isolated
form, to the higher-level form, to the higher-level form, to the higher-level
automation unit. automation unit. automation device. The
EJ1889 takes the 24 V
power contact as its refe-
rence for all inputs.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption E-bus typ. 80 mA typ. 80 mA typ. 90 mA typ. 80 mA
Distributed clocks – – – –
Special features standard input module for standard input module combi module, 8 x output negative switching
bouncing signals (filter 3 ms) with high number of 24 V DC, max. output current
channels for slow 24 V DC 0.5 A, load type: ohmic,
edges inductive, lamp load, reverse
voltage protection
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE CE CE
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EJ2xxx Digital output

Digital output | 24 V DC
8-channel 16-channel 16-channel 2-channel
digital output, digital output, digital output, pulse width output,
24 V DC, 0.5 A 24 V DC, 0.5 A 24 V DC, 0.5 A, 24 V DC, 0.5 A
negative switching

Technical data EJ2008 EJ2809 EJ2889 EJ2502

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) per channel

Switching times typ. TON: 60 µs, typ. TON: 60 µs, typ. TON: 50 µs, TON: > 750 ns,
typ. TOFF: 300 µs typ. TOFF: 300 µs typ. TOFF: 200 µs TOFF: > 500 ns
Number of outputs 8 16 16 2

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

The EJ2008 digital output The EJ2809 digital output The EJ2889 digital output The EJ2502 output modu- 537
connects the binary control connects the binary control connects the binary control lates the pulse width of a
signals from the automation signals from the automation signals from the automation binary signal and outputs
unit on to the actuators unit on to the actuators unit on to the actuators it electrically isolated from
at the process level with at the process level with at the process level with the E-bus.
electrical isolation. electrical isolation. electrical isolation.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption E-bus typ. 110 mA typ. 110 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 110 mA
Distributed clocks – – – –
Base frequency – – – 1…20 kHz, 250 Hz default
Duty factor – – – 0…100 %
Resolution – – – 9…15 bit
Breaking energy < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel < 100 mJ/channel –
Reverse voltage protection yes yes yes yes
Short circuit current typ. < 2 A typ. < 2 A typ. < 7 A typ. < 1.5 A
Special features – – negative switching separate frequency can
be set for each channel
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE CE CE
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EJ3xxx

Analog input | -10…+10 V, PT100

4-channel analog 8-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog
input -10…+10 V, input -10…+10 V, input, PT100 (RTD), input, PT100 (RTD),
12 bit, single-ended 16 bit, 6 differential and 16 bit 16 bit
2 single-ended inputs

Technical data EJ3004 EJ3108 EJ3202 EJ3214

Resolution 12 bits (16 bits presentation) 16 bit 0.1 °C per digit

Conversion time typ. 0.625 ms (default setting: 50 Hz filter) approx. 85 ms default setting, approx. 170 ms default
2…800 ms configurable setting
Number of inputs 4 (single-ended) 6 (differential) + 2 4
2 (single-ended)
EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

The EJ3004 analog input The EJ3108 analog input The EJ3202 analog input The EJ3214 analog input
processes signals in the processes signals in the allows resistance sensors allows resistance sensors
range between -10 and range between -10 and to be connected directly. to be connected directly
538 +10 V. +10 V. in 3-wire connection.

Signal type -10…+10 V -10…+10 V RTD RTD

Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.5 °C for PT sensors < ±0.5 °C for PT sensors,
to full scale value) to full scale value) 4x3-wire connection
Current consumption E-bus typ. 120 mA typ. 300 mA typ. 165 mA typ. 190 mA
Distributed clocks – – – –
Sensor types – – PT100, PT200, PT500, PT100, PT200, PT500,
PT1000, Ni100, Ni120, PT1000, Ni100, Ni120,
Ni1000 resistance measure- Ni1000 resistance measure-
ment (e.g. potentiometer, ment (e.g. potentiometer,
10 Ω…1.2/4 kΩ), 10 Ω…1.2/4 kΩ),
KTY sensors (types KTY sensors (types
see documentation) see documentation)
Measuring range -10…+10 V -10…+10 V -200…+850 °C (PT sensors); -200…+850 °C (PT sensors);
-60…+250 °C (Ni sensors) -60…+250 °C (Ni sensors)
Internal resistance > 130 kΩ > 130 kΩ – –
Input filter limit frequency 1 kHz 1 kHz typ. 1 kHz typ. 1 kHz
Special features standard and compact pro- standard and compact pro- integrated digital filter, integrated digital filter,
cess image, switchable mea- cess image, switchable mea- limit value monitoring, limit value monitoring,
suring data representation, suring data representation, variable connection tech- variable connection tech-
activatable FIR/IIR filters, limit activatable FIR/IIR filters, limit nology nology
value monitoring, overload value monitoring, overload
display in the process data display in the process data
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE CE CE
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EJ4xxx Analog output

Analog output | -10/0…10 V

2-channel 4-channel
analog output, analog output,
0…10 V, 12 bit -10…+10 V, 16 bit

Technical data EJ4002 EJ4134

Signal voltage 0…10 V -10…+10 V

Resolution 12 bit 16 bit

Conversion time ~ 150 µs ~ 200 µs (0…100 %)

Number of outputs 2 4

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

The EJ4002 analog output generates signals The EJ4134 analog output generates signals 539
in the range between 0 and 10 V. in the range between -10 and +10 V.

Load > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof)

Current consumption E-bus typ. 90 mA typ. 90 mA
Distributed clocks – yes
Distributed clock precision – << 1 µs
Output error < ±0.1 % (relative to end value) < ±0.1 % (relative to end value)
Special features Optional watchdog: user-specific output value with ramp; Watchdog parameterisable; user synchronisation
user synchronisation can be activated. can be activated.
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Motion EJ7xxx

Motion | Stepper, servo and DC motor modules

Stepper motor module 50 V DC, Servomotor module with OCT, 2-channel DC motor output stage
5 A, with incremental encoder, 50 V DC, 4.5 ARMS 50 V DC, 3.5 A
vector control

Technical data EJ7047 EJ7211-0010 EJ7342

Technology direct motor connection

Load type uni- or bipolar stepper motors permanent-magnet synchronous DC brush motors, inductive
Max. output current 5 A (overload- and short-circuit-proof) output current IN: 4.5 A (rms), 2 x 3.5 A (short-circuit-proof,
peak current IN: 9.0 A (rms) for 1 s common thermal overload warning
for both output stages) per channel
Number of channels 1 stepper motor, encoder input, 1 servomotor, absolute feedback, 2 DC motors, 2 digital inputs,
2 digital inputs, 1 output (0.5 A) motor brake, 2 digital inputs encoder input
EtherCAT Plug-in Modules


Nominal voltage 8…50 V DC 8…50 V DC 8…50 V DC

Current consumption E-bus typ. 140 mA typ. 130 mA typ. 160 mA
Distributed clocks yes yes yes
Maximum 1,000, 2,000, 4,000 or 8,000 full steps/s – –
step frequency (configurable)
Step pattern 64-fold micro stepping – –
Current controller double PWM clock frequency double PWM clock frequency –
Frequency range – 0…599 Hz –
PWM clock frequency 32 kHz 16 kHz 30 kHz with 180° phase shift each
Duty factor – – 0…100 % (voltage-controlled)
Control resolution approx. 5,000 positions in – max. 10 bits current, 16 bits speed
typ. applications (per revolution)
Encoder signal 5…24 V DC, 5 mA, single-ended – 5…24 V DC, 5 mA, single-ended
Pulse frequency max. 400,000 increments/s – max. 400,000 increments/s
(with 4-fold evaluation) (with 4-fold evaluation)
Special features travel distance control, encoder input, compact and system-integrated, travel distance control, encoder input
vector control absolute feedback, One Cable
Technology (OCT), plug-and-play
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE CE
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EJ9xxx System

System | Placeholder, brake chopper

Placeholder module Brake chopper module,
72 V, 155 µF

Technical data EJ9001 EJ9576

Technology placeholder module brake chopper

Diagnostics – temperature on board, over-/undervoltage

EtherCAT Plug-in Modules

The placeholder modules can be plugged into unused The EJ9576 buffers the connected voltage via its integrated
slots on the signal distribution board. The slots reserved capacitors and connects the external brake resistor if the
in such a way can be equipped with functional modules preset threshold of the internal voltage is exceeded.
when the range of functions is extended.


Nominal voltage – arbitrary up to 72 V

Current consumption E-bus typ. 60 mA typ. 85 mA
Capacity – 155 µF
Ripple current (max.) – 10 A
Internal resistance – < 5 mΩ
Chopper voltage – adjustable
Recommended – 10 Ω, typ. 100 W (dependent on application)
ballast resistor
Overvoltage – typ. 1 V, parametrisable by CoE data
control range
Ballast resistor – load-dependent, max. 1 ms, 2-point control
clock rate
Electrical isolation 500 V (E-bus/field potential) 1,500 V (E-bus/field potential)
Special features placeholder module for subsequent functional extensions adjustabel threshold
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Bus Terminal
Bus Terminal
The modular fieldbus system for automation

Bus Terminal
564 Bus Couplers
Bus Terminal


590 Bus Terminals

580 Bus Terminal Controllers

Bus Terminal
Independence from signals and fieldbuses with one system

546 System overview 580 Bus Terminal Controllers 674 System terminals
548 Product overview
554 System description 582 PROFIBUS BC31x0, BX3100 674 System terminals KL9xxx, KS9xxx
556 Features 583 CANopen BC5150, BX5100 685 Special terminals KLxxxx, KSxxxx
561 Technical data 584 DeviceNet BC5250, BX5200
585 Modbus BC7300
585 RS232 / RS485 BC8x50, BX8000
587 Ethernet TCP / IP BC9xxx, BX9000 688 Accessories

688 Connectors and cables

691 Marking material
564 Bus Couplers 590 Bus Terminals digital I/O 693 Demokit
Accessories radio technology

Bus Terminal
566 EtherCAT BK11x0, BK1250 592 Digital input KL1xxx, KS1xxx,
567 Lightbus BK2xx0 KM1xxx
568 PROFIBUS BK3xx0, LC3100 606 Digital output KL2xxx, KS2xxx,
570 Interbus BK40x0 KM2xxx 966 TwinSAFE
570 CANopen BK51xx, LC5100
572 DeviceNet BK52x0, LC5200
574 ControlNet BK7000
574 CC-Link BK7150 630 Bus Terminals analog I/O
575 Modbus BK73x0
576 SERCOS interface BK75x0 630 Analog input KL3xxx, KS3xxx,
576 RS232 / RS485 BK8x00 KM37xx
577 Ethernet TCP / IP BK9xx0 648 Analog output KL4xxx, KS4xxx,
578 PROFINET BK9xx3 KM4602
579 EtherNet / IP BK9xx5
579 USB BK9500

656 Bus Terminals

special functions

656 Position measurement

KL5xxx, KS5xxx
660 Communication, master
terminals KL6xxx, KS6xxx,
670 Manual operation KL85xx
672 Power terminals KL8xxx
System overview Bus Couplers

Bus Coupler PLC

Features Standard Economy Economy plus Compact Low Cost Controller
BKxx00 BKxx10 BKxx20 BKxx5x LCxx00 BCxx00 BCxx50 BC9191

Function fieldbus slave fieldbus slave fieldbus slave fieldbus slave fieldbus slave fieldbus slave, fieldbus slave, Building
with integrated with integrated Automation
IEC 61131-3 IEC 61131-3 Room
PLC PLC Controller

Program – – – – – 32/96 kbyte 48 kbyte BC9191:

memory 48 kbyte,
Bus Terminal

128 kbyte

Main memory – – – – – – – –

Current supply 1,750 mA 500 mA 1,750 mA 1,000 mA 500 mA 1,750 mA 1,000 mA 200 mA
Fieldbus plug (design plug (design plug (design plug (design direct to the plug (design plug (design 2 x RJ45
connection depends on depends on depends on depends on spring-loaded depends on depends on (switched)
the fieldbus) the fieldbus) the fieldbus) the fieldbus) terminals the fieldbus) the fieldbus)

Supported all only digital all all only digital all all all
Bus Terminals I/Os (except I/Os (except
KL15xx, KL25xx, KL15xx, KL25xx,
KL2692, KL27x1) KL2692, KL27x1)

Maximum 64 64 64 (255 with 64 (255 with 64 64 64 (255 with 64

number of terminal bus terminal bus terminal bus
Bus Terminals extension) extension) extension)

Electrical between between between between PROFIBUS: yes, between between between mains
isolation fieldbus / fieldbus / fieldbus / fieldbus / CANopen and fieldbus / fieldbus / supply and
power power power power DeviceNet: no power power internal 24 V
contacts / contacts / contacts / contacts / contacts / contacts / power supply
supply voltage supply voltage supply voltage supply voltage supply voltage supply voltage

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC

BCxx20 BXxx00 CX80xx CX9xxx CX9020 CX50xx

fieldbus slave, fieldbus slave, Embedded PC, Embedded PC, Embedded PC, Embedded PC,
with integrated with integrated fieldbus slave, fieldbus slave, fieldbus slave, fieldbus slave,
IEC 61131-3 PLC IEC 61131-3 PLC with integrated with integrated with integrated with integrated
IEC 61131-3 PLC IEC 61131-3 PLC, IEC 61131-3 PLC, IEC 61131-3 PLC,
Motion Control, Motion Control, Motion Control,
visualisation visualisation visualisation

128 kbyte 256 kbyte – – – –

Bus Terminal
– – 64 Mbyte DDR2 64…128 Mbyte SDRAM 1 Gbyte DDR3 RAM 512 Mbyte DDR2

1,750 mA 1,450 mA 2,000 mA 2,000 mA 2,000 mA 2,000 mA

plug (design plug (design plug (design – optional, plug optional, plug
depends on depends on depends on (design depends (design depends
the fieldbus) the fieldbus) the fieldbus) on the fieldbus) on the fi eldbus)

all all all all all all

64 (255 with 64 (255 with 64 (255 with 64 (255 with 64 (255 with 64 (255 with
terminal bus terminal bus terminal bus terminal bus terminal bus terminal bus
extension) extension) extension) extension) extension) extension)

between between between between between between

fieldbus / fieldbus / supply voltage supply voltage supply voltage supply voltage
power contacts / power contacts / and fieldbus and fieldbus and fieldbus and fieldbus
supply voltage supply voltage

Further Embedded PCs see page 184

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Product overview Bus Couplers

Bus Coupler PLC

Fieldbus slave Standard Economy Economy plus Compact Low Cost Controller (IEC 61131-3)
only digital I/Os only digital I/Os Program memory Program memory Program memory
32/96 kbyte 48 kbyte 128 kbyte
BK1120 566 BK1150 566
BK1250 566
BK2000 567 BK2010 567 BK2020 567

BK3010 568
1.5 Mbaud

BK3100 568 BK3110 568 BK3120 569 BK3150 569 LC3100 569 BC3100 582 BC3150 582
12 Mbaud 12 Mbaud 12 Mbaud 12 Mbaud 12 Mbaud 12 Mbaud 12 Mbaud

BK3520 569
12 Mbaud, fibre optic

BK4000 570 BK4020 570

BK5110 570 BK5120 571 BK5150 571 LC5100 571 BC5150 583
BK5151 571
Bus Terminal

BK5200 572 BK5210 572 BK5220 573 BK5250 573 LC5200 573 BC5250 584

BK7000 574

BK7150 574

BK7300 575 BK7350 575 BC7300 585 BC8050 585

BC8150 586
BK7500 576 BK7520 576

RS485 BK8000 576 BC8050 585

RS232 BK8100 577 BC8150 586

BK9000 577 BK9050 577 BC9000 587 BC9050 587 BC9020 587
BK9100 577 BC9100 588 BC9191 589 BC9191-0100 589
2-channel switch 2-channel switch Room Controller Room Controller

BC9120 588
2-channel switch

BK9103 578 BK9053 578

2-channel switch

BK9105 579 BK9055 579

2-channel switch

BK9500 579

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Embedded PC

Program memory CX80xx CX900x, CX9020 CX1010 CX50xx CX51xx CX1020, CX20xx
256 kbyte CX9010 CX1030
CX8010 202 optional (2) optional (2) optional (2) optional (2)

optional (1) optional (1)

CX8030 202 optional (2) optional (1) optional (2) optional (2) optional (1) optional (2)

BX3100 583 CX8031 202 optional (2) optional (1) optional (2) optional (2) optional (1) optional (2)
12 Mbaud slave

BX5100 583 CX8050 203 optional (2) optional(1) optional (2) optional (2) optional (1) optional (2)

Bus Terminal
CX8051 203 optional (2) optional(1) optional (2) optional (2) optional (1) optional (2)

BX5200 584

optional (3) optional (3) optional (3) optional (3) optional (3) optional (3) optional (3)

CX8097 205

BX8000 586 CX8080 203 optional (2) optional (2) optional (2) optional (2) optional (2) optional (2) optional (2)

BX8000 586 CX8080 203 optional (2) optional (2) optional (2) optional (2) optional (2) optional (2) optional (2)

BX9000 589 CX8090 204 CX9000 208 CX9020 214 CX1010 218 CX5010 224 CX5120 228 CX1020 232 CX2020 246
CX9010 210 CX5020 224 CX5130 228 CX1030 234 CX2030 246
CX5140 228 CX2040 246

CX8093 205 optional (3) optional (2) optional (3) optional (2, 3) optional (2, 3) optional (3) optional (2, 3)

CX8095 205 optional (3) optional (2) optional (3) optional (2, 3) optional (2, 3) optional (3) optional (2, 3)

via modular fieldbus interface, (2) via hardware, (3) via software library

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Bus Terminal | Digital input: KL1xxxx/KS1xxx KM1xxx
Signal 2-channel 4-channel 8-channel 16-channel 4-/16-/32-/64-ch.
5 V DC KL1124 598
filter 0.2 ms

24 V DC KL1002 595 KL1104 594 KL1304 594 KL1408 592 KL1809 593
(filter 3.0 ms) type 3 type 3 type 2 type 3 type 3

KL1302 595 KL1402 595 KL1154 597 KL1184 596 KL1488 596 KL1862 595 KM1002 600
type 2 type 3 positive/negative negative switching negative switching flat-ribbon cable, type 3 16-channel, type 1


KL1052 597 KL1352 603 KL1404 593 KL1804 594 KL1808 593 KL1889 596 KM1004 600
positive/negative Namur 4 x 2-wire connection, 8 x 24 V, 4 x 0 V, type 3 8 x 24 V DC, type 3 negative switching 32-channel, type 1

switching type 3

KL1212 594 KL1362 603 KL1859 593 KL1862-0010 596 KM1008 600
short-circuit-protected break-in alarm 8 inputs, 8 outputs, flat-ribbon cable, type 3, 64-channel, type 1

sensor supply, type 1 type 3, IMAX = 0.5 A negative switching

24 V DC KL1012 595 KL1312 595 KL1114 594 KL1314 594 KL1418 592 KL1819 593
(filter 0.2 ms) type 3 type 2 type 3 type 2 type 3 type 3

KL1412 595 KL1164 597 KL1194 596 KL1498 596 KL1872 595 KM1012 600
type 3 positive/negative negative switching negative switching flat-ribbon cable, type 3 16-channel, type 1


KL1414 593 KL1434 593 KM1014 600

4 x 2-wire connection, 4 x 2-wire connection, 32-channel, type 1
Bus Terminal

type 3 type 2

KL1814 594 KM1018 600

550 8 x 24 V, 4 x 0 V, type 3 64-channel, type 1

24 V DC KL1232 602 KL1382 603 KL1904 605 KM1644 601

pulse expansion thermistor TwinSAFE, 4 safe inputs manual operation,


≥ 48 V DC KL1032 598 KL1712-0060 599

filter 3.0 ms

120 V AC/DC KL1712 599

230 V AC KL1702 599 KL1722 599

no power contacts

Counter KL1501 604 KL1512 604

(24 V DC) up/down, 100 kHz up/down, 1 kHz, 16 bit

The standard Bus Terminals (KLxxxx) can be optionally ordered as KSxxxx with pluggable wiring level.
EN 61131-2 specification
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
Bus Terminal | Digital output: KL2xxx/KS2xxx KM2xxx
Signal 1-channel 2-channel 4-channel 8-channel 16-channel 2-/4-/16-/32-/64-ch.
5 V DC KL2124 611
24 V DC KL2012 609 KL2114 608 KL2408 606 KL2809 606
(IMAX = 0.5 A) KL2819 607 KM2002 610
with diagnostics 16-channel

KL2032 608 KL2184 612 KL2488 612 KL2889 612 KM2004 610
reverse voltage protection negative switching negative switching negative switching 32-channel

KL2134 608 KL2808 607 KL2872 609 KM2008 610

reverse voltage protection 8 x 0 V flat-ribbon cable 64-channel

KL2212 609 KL2404 607 KL1859 607 KL2872-0010 612 KM2042 609
diagnostic, protected 4 x 2-wire 8 inputs, 8 outputs, flat-ribbon cable, 16-channel,

sensor supply filter 3.0 ms, type 3 negative switching D-sub connection

24 V DC KL2022 609 KL2424 607 KL2828 607

(IMAX = 2.0 A) 4 x 2-wire 8 x 2-wire

30 V AC/DC KL2784 613

(IMAX = 2.0 A),
solid state KL2794 613 KL2798 613
relay potential-free potential-free

24 V DC KL2442 608 KL2904 629

2 x 4 A/1 x 8 A TwinSAFE,

4 safe outputs

Relay KL2631 615 KL2612 614

125/400 V AC 400 V AC, make contact 125 V AC, change-over

230 V AC KL2641 614 KL2602 615 KL2622 615 KM2604 616

relay, make contact, relay, make contact relay, make contact, relay, 16 A, 4-channel

manual operation, 16 A no power contacts

KL2751 623 KL2652 615 KL2702 619 KM2614 616

universal dimmer, relay, change-over solid state relay, 0.3 A relay, 16 A, 4-channel,

Bus Terminal
300 W manual operation

KL2761 623 KL2712 618 KL2722 618 KM2774 619

universal dimmer, triac triac, mutually triac outputs

600 W locked outputs 551

KL2701 618 KL2732 618 KL2692 620 KM2642 617

solid state relay, 3 A triac, mutually cycle monitoring relay, 6 A, manual/

locked outputs, (watchdog) automatic operation,

no power contacts relay state readable

KM2652 617
relay, 6 A, manual/auto-

matic operation, switch

and relay state readable

PWM KL2502 622 KL2512 622

24 V DC, 0.1 A 24 V DC, 1.5 A,

negative switching

KL2535 1 A, 622 KL2545 3.5 A, 622

24 V DC, current-controlled 50 V DC, current-controlled

Frequency outp. KL2521 621

Stepper motor KL2531 625
IMAX = 1.5 A

KL2541 625
IMAX = 5 A

DC motor KL2532 627 KL2552 627 KL2284 627

output stage 24 V DC, 1 A 50 V DC, 5 A IMAX = 2.0 A,

reverse switching

AC motor speed KL2791 628

controller 230 V AC, 200 VA

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Bus Terminal | Analog input: KL3xxx/KS3xxx, KM3xxx
Signal 1-channel 2-channel 4-channel 8-channel
0…2 V, KL3172 633 KL3172-0500 633
0…500 mV 0…2 V, 16 bit, 0.05 % 0…500 mV, 16 bit, 0.05 %

±2 V KL3182 633
16 bit, 0.05 %

0…10 V KL3061 632 KL3062 632 KL3162 633 KL3064 632

single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 12 bit 16 bit, 0.05 % single-ended, 12 bit

KL3464 632 KL3468 633

single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 12 bit

±10 V KL3001 630 KL3002 630 KL3102 631 KL3404 631 KL3408 631
differential input, 12 bit differential input, 12 bit differential input, 16 bit single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 12 bit

KL3132 631
16 bit, 0.05 %

0…20 mA KL3011 634 KL3041 635 KL3012 634 KL3112 635 KL3044 634 KL3448 635
differential input, 12 bit with sensor supply, 12 bit differential input, 12 bit differential input, 16 bit single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 12 bit

KL3042 635 KL3142 635 KL3444 634

with sensor supply, 12 bit 16 bit, 0.05 % single-ended, 12 bit

4…20 mA KL3021 636 KL3051 637 KL3022 636 KL3122 637 KL3054 636 KL3458 637
differential input, 12 bit with sensor supply, 12 bit differential input, 12 bit differential input, 16 bit single-ended, 12 bit single-ended, 12 bit

KL3052 637 KL3152 637 KL3454 636

with sensor supply, 12 bit 16 bit, 0.05 % single-ended, 12 bit

Resistance ther- KL3201 639 KL3202 639 KL3222 639 KL3204 638 KL3208-0010 639
mometer (RTD) PT100…1000, Ni100, 16 bit PT100…1000, Ni100, 16 bit PT100, 4-wire connection, PT100…1000, Ni100…1000, PT1000, Ni1000, NTC 1.8…

high-precision 2-wire connection 100 k, potentiom. 1, 5, 10 kΩ

KL3214 638 KL3228 639

PT100…1000, Ni100…1000, PT1000, Ni1000

KTY, 3-wire connection

Thermo- KL3311 640 KL3312 641 KL3314 641

Bus Terminal

couple/mV type J, K, L,…U, 16 bit type J, K, L,…U, 16 bit type J, K, L,…U, 16 bit

Resistor KL3351 642 KL3356 642

bridge strain gauge, 16 bit strain gauge, 16 bit,
552 self-calibration

Oscilloscope KL3361 643 KL3362 643

±16 mV ±10 V

Measurement KL3681 645 KL3403 644 KL3403-0010 644

technology digital multimeter terminal, 3-phase power measurement 3-phase power measurement

18 bit terminal, 1 A terminal, 5 A

Pressure KM3701 646 KM3701-0340 646 KM3702 647 KM3712 647

measuring differential pressure differential pressure relative pressure measuring, relative pressure measuring,

measuring, -100…+100 hPa measuring, up to 340 hPa 7,500 hPa -1,000…+1,000 hPa

Bus Terminal | Analog output: KL4xxx/KS4xxx KM4xxx

Signal 1-channel 2-channel 4-channel 8-channel 2-channel
0…10 V KL4001 650 KL4002 650 KL4004 650 KM4602 651
12 bit, potential-free output 12 bit 12 bit, no power contacts 12-bit manual/automatic operation

KL4404 12 bit 651 KL4408 12 bit 651

±10 V KL4031 648 KL4032 648 KL4034 649
12 bit, potential-free output 12 bit 12 bit, no power contacts

KL4132 16 bit 649 KL4434 12 bit 649 KL4438 12 bit 649

KL4494 649
12 bit, 2 x input, 2 x output

0…20 mA KL4011 12 bit 652 KL4012 12 bit 652 KL4414 12 bit 653 KL4418 12 bit 653
KL4112 16 bit 653
4…20 mA KL4021 12 bit 654 KL4022 12 bit 654 KL4424 12 bit 655 KL4428 12 bit 655

The standard Bus Terminals (KLxxxx) can be optionally ordered as KSxxxx with pluggable wiring level.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Bus Terminal | Special functions: KL5xxx/KS5xxx, KL6xxx/KS6xxx, KL8xxx
Signal Signal
Position KL5001 656 KL5051 656 KL5121 incremental encoder 657 Manual KL8519 670
measure- SSI encoder interface bidirectional SSI encoder interface interface with programmable outputs operation 16-channel digital input

ment KL5101 differential input, 658 KL5152 32 bit, 2-channel 659 KL5151 659 signal module

incremental encoder interface incremental encoder interface 32 bit, incremental encoder interface

KL5111 659 KL8524 671

incremental encoder interface 4 x 2-channel digital output,

Communi- KL6001 660 KL6031 660 KL6011 661 24 V DC, 0.5 A

cation serial interface RS232, 19.2 kbaud serial interface RS232, 115.2 kbaud serial interface TTY, 20 mA current loop

KL6051 661 KL6021 661 KL6041 661 KL8528 671

data exchange terminal, 32 bit serial interface RS422/RS485, serial interface RS422/RS485, 8-channel digital output,

19.2 kbaud 115.2 kbaud 24 V DC, 0.5 A

KL6023 wireless adapter 665 KL6021-0023 665 KM6551 663

for EnOcean radio technology RS485 interface for EnOcean signals wireless data exchange terminal KL8548 671
KL6201 662 KL6211 AS-Interface master 662 KL6224 666 8-channel analog output,

AS-Interface master terminal terminal with power contacts IO-Link master 0…10 V

KL6301 666 KL6401 667 KL6581 664

EIB/KNX Bus Terminal LON Bus Terminal EnOcean master Power KL8001 672
KL6583 664 KL6771 667 KL6781 667 terminals switching capacity 5.5 kW,

EnOcean transmitter/receiver MP-Bus master terminal M-Bus master terminal nominal current 0.9 to 9.9 A,

KL6811 DALI/DSI master 668 KL6831 668 KL6841 668 connection mechanism for

and power supply terminal SMI terminal, LoVo SMI terminal, 230 V AC Siemens contactors (Sirius 3R series)

Safety KL6904 669

TwinSAFE Logic Bus Terminal,

4 safe outputs

Bus Terminal | System terminals: KL9xxx/KS9xxx

Bus Terminal
Signal System Signal Potential supply Power supply and
System KL9010 bus end terminal 678 KL9070 shield terminal 673 24 V DC KL9100 674 KL9400 680
KL9020 678 KL9050 678 K-bus power supply, 2 A

terminal bus extension terminal bus extension KL9110 674 KL9505 680
end terminal coupler terminal diagnostic output 5 V DC, 0.5 A

KL9060 adapter terminal 678 KL9309 adapter terminal 678 KL9200 675 KL9508 681
for power terminal KL8xxx for KL85xx manual operating modules with fuse output 8 V DC, 0.5 A

KL9080 isolation terminal 673 KL9195 shield terminal 673 KL9210 675 KL9510 681
Potential KL9180 676 KL9181 677 diagnostic, with fuse output 10 V DC, 0.5 A

distribution 2 terminal points per power contact 2 x 8 terminal points KL9512 681
terminal KL9182 8 x 2 terminal points 677 KL9183 1 x 16 terminal points 677 output 12 V DC, 0.5 A

KL9184 677 KL9185 676 KL9515 681

8 x 24 V DC, 8 x 0 V DC only 2 power contacts output 15 V DC, 0.5 A

KL9186 8 x 24 V DC 676 KL9187 8 x 0 V DC 677 KL9520 682 KL9528 682

KL9188 16 x 24 V DC 677 KL9189 16 x 0 V DC 677 AS-Interface potential supply AS-Interface power supply terminal

KL9380 623 KL9560 681

mains filter, approx. 1 µF output 24 V DC, 0.1 A

Filter KL9540 683 50 V DC KL9570 684

surge filter terminal for field supply buffer capacitor terminal, 500 µF

KL9540-0010 683 KL9550 683 120… KL9150 674

surge filter field supply surge filter terminal 230 V AC KL9160 diagnostic 675
for analog terminals for system/field supply KL9250 with fuse 675
Diode KL9300 679 KL9260 diagnostic, with fuse 675
array 4 diodes, potential-free Up to KL9190 675
KL9301 679 KL9302 679 400 V AC KL9290 with fuse 675
7 diodes, common cathode 7 diodes, common anode

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Bus Coupler: the link between Fast and secure data
Bus Terminals and fieldbus connections by means
of a serial terminal bus

Operation of up to
64 Bus Terminals
on one Bus Coupler
(255 with K-bus
extension KL9020
and KL9050)

Bus Terminals in 1-, 2-, 4-, 8- and 16-channel modularity Power contacts for automatic
with combinations of any desired types of signal transfer of supply voltage

The Bus Terminal system

The I/O signals are wired in a decentralised and actuators with different types of Free mix of signals
way to fieldbus devices or centrally to the signals can be connected directly without The Beckhoff I/O system supports about
controller. For both possibilities the available other connection systems. It is no longer 400 Bus Terminals and is thus probably the
Bus Terminals enable an easy adaptation of necessary to wire the field devices between most comprehensive system on the market.
different applications. With their compact the first terminal connection in the control Appropriate Bus Terminals are available for
design Beckhoff I/Os replace an entire group cabinet or in the terminal box and the con- any digital or analog automation signal type,
of devices with similar functions. troller. This significantly reduces the costs for currents and voltages with standardised
involved in controller design and saves space, signal levels and for PT100 and thermocouple
Bus Terminal

Flexible and stable material, work, and money. signals. Intelligent devices can be connected
The Beckhoff Bus Terminal is an open and The Beckhoff Bus Terminals have via Bus Terminals with serial interfaces in
fieldbus-neutral I/O system consisting of elec- been tried and tested in a wide range of accordance with RS232, RS485 or 20 mA TTY.
tronic terminal blocks. The head of an elec- sectors worldwide, from machine construc- The fine granularity of the Bus Termi-
tronic terminal block is the Bus Coupler with tion to building management. Beckhoff nals enables bit-precise composition of the
the interface to the fieldbus. Bus Couplers Bus Terminal technology makes design, required I/O channels. The digital Bus Termi-
are available e.g. for EtherCAT, PROFIBUS construction, wiring, commissioning and nals are available as 2-, 4-, 8- or 16-channel
and CANopen. Please see page 548 for maintenance of equipment and machines terminals. In the 16-channel variant, digital
a complete Bus Coupler overview. very cost-effective. input and output signals are arranged in an
With the master terminals, fieldbus ultra-compact way within a standard Bus Ter-
functionalities are also available in form Design minal housing across a width of only 12 mm.
of a standard Bus Terminal. This is particu- The robust housing, secure contacts and the The standard analog signals of -10…+10 V,
larly advantageous for bus systems that solidly built electronics are prominent fea- 0…+10 V, 0…20 mA and 4…20 mA are all
are integrated as subsystems into a higher- tures of our components. A station consists available as 1-, 2-, 4- and 8-channel variants
level system. It means that only one system of one Bus Coupler and up to 64 electronic within a standard housing. The system is thus
is required for the subsystem and for the terminal blocks. With the K-bus extension it is highly modular and can be projected cost-
higher-level bus interface. Master terminals possible to operate up to 255 Bus Terminals effectively with an accuracy down to a single
are available for the following bus systems: on one Bus Coupler. channel.
AS-Interface, EIB/KNX, LON, DALI, MP-Bus The electronic terminal blocks are clipped
and M-Bus. onto the Bus Coupler. They connect by sim- Flexible connection system
ply latching together. This means that each The standard KLxxxx Bus Terminals include
Automation standard electronic terminal block can be exchanged electronics and connection level in a single
The Beckhoff Bus Terminal ensures that separately and can be mounted on a stan- enclosure. They have been tried and tested
control cabinets and terminal boxes are con- dard mounting rail. In addition to horizontal for years. They feature integrated screwless
structed more economically. Using the 4-wire type mounting, all other mounting types are spring loaded technique for fast and simple
terminating system, all of the usual sensors permitted in the majority of the cases. assembly.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Potential feeder terminals Bus end
enable to set up different terminal
potential groups.

The HD Bus Terminals (High Density) with Like the Bus Terminals, they are bus-neutral
16 terminal points are distinguished by a and can therefore be operated with any
particularly compact design, as the packag- Beckhoff Bus Coupler or Bus Terminal Con-
ing density is twice as large as that of the troller. Like the standard Bus Terminals, the
standard 12 mm Bus Terminals. Single-wire KM modules are integrated in the I/O system
conductors and conductors with a wire end and connected with the internal terminal bus Bus Terminal with standard
sleeve can be inserted directly into the spring (K-bus). Bus Terminals and terminal modules wiring
loaded terminal point without tools. can be combined without restriction.

Bus Terminal
The KSxxxx type Bus Terminals feature Like for the Bus Terminals, no tools are
a pluggable connection level. The assembly required for the wiring. Spring-loaded ter-
and wiring procedure for the KS series is the minals are used, however with connectors
same as for the KL series. The KS series Bus (cable cross section 0.5…1.5 mm²).
Terminals enable the complete wiring to be The terminal modules combine 16, 32 or
removed as a plug connector from the top 64 digital inputs or outputs on a very small
of the housing for servicing. The lower sec- area. This compact and slimline design ena- HD Bus Terminals (High Density)
tion can be removed from the Bus Terminal bles very high packing densities, leading to with 16 terminal points
assembly by pulling the unlocking tab. Insert smaller control cabinets and terminal boxes.
the new component and plug in the connec-
tor with the wiring. This reduces the instal-
lation time and eliminates the risk of wires
being mixed up.
The familiar dimensions of the Bus
Terminal only had to be changed slightly.
The new connector adds about 3 mm. Bus Terminal with pluggable
The maximum height of the Bus Terminal wiring
remains unchanged.
A tab for strain relief of the cable simpli-
fies assembly in many applications and pre-
vents tangling of individual connection wires
when the connector is removed.
The Bus Terminal system is complement-
ed by the compact version of the KMxxxx
terminal modules with increased packing Terminal module with pluggable
density. They are fully system-compatible. wiring with high packing density

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Bus Terminal features

Status LEDs for reliable

and fast startup

Marking material for

standard terminal blocks

Supply point for downstream

inputs and outputs

Detachable labelling fields

for clear text labels

Power contacts connect the

supply for sensors/actuators

Supply point for Bus Couplers

and downstream inputs and
Bus Terminal


Bus Couplers represent a

universal interface to the

Terminal block design

W x H x D (mm):
12 x 100 x 68

Assembly on 35 mm
DIN mounting rail with
no accessories

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Screwless connection: using the
reliable spring-loaded technique
with vertical cable inlet

Master terminals enable the

integration of subsystems such
as AS-Interface.

Contacts for data transmission

and power supply to the K-bus

Symmetric release enables

vertical removal from terminal
strip; release slide does not
require a tool.

Bus Terminal
Tongue and groove connection
makes terminal strip structure
secure and stable.

Leading PE power contact


The 4-wire terminating system

EIB/KNX LON (signal, 24 V DC, 0 V, PE)
reduces assembly costs.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System overview fieldbus I/O

The head station Free mix of signals: Potential feed

of the Bus Terminals: about 400 different terminals enable
from Bus Coupler Bus Terminals for configuration of
with fieldbus interface connection to all different potential
to Embedded PC common sensors and groups.
Bus Coupler series BK, the link
between Bus Terminals and fieldbus
Bus Terminals The terminal modules with plug-in
in 1-, 2-, 4-, 8- wiring combine 16, 32 or 64 digital
and 16-channel I/Os within a very small space and
modularity with high packing density.

Bus Terminal Controller series BC

with integrated IEC 61131-3 PLC
Bus Terminal


IP 67 Fieldbus Box,
further Fieldbus Box modules
see page 696

Bus Terminal Controller series BX

with integrated IEC 61131-3 PLC and
extended interfaces

Embedded PC series CX, Compact Box Coupler Box/ Extension Box modules
further Embedded PCs see page 184 PLC Box

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

3-phase power meas- Communication
urement capability terminals enable
enables all relevant the integration of
electrical data of the subsystems such
supply network to be as AS-Interface,
measured. RS232 and RS485.
Bus end terminal

Integrated safety: the TwinSAFE

Bus Terminals enable the
connection of all common
safety sensors and actuators.

The terminal bus extension

enables the connection of up

Bus Terminal
to 255 Bus Terminals (instead
of 64) to a single station.


Bus Terminals with

a maximum meas-
urement error of

Manual operating modules

enable switching, controlling
and monitoring of digital and
analog signals as well as setting
and reading of data and values
in the event of a controller
failure. Process data connection
via K-bus interface with K-bus
IO-Link box extension (up to 31 modules).
modules Signal connection via KL9309.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Via the K-bus extension, the Bus Coupler The coupler terminal Operation of Bus end
“Economy plus” enables the connection KL9050 starts a further up to 64 Bus terminal
of up to 255 Bus Terminals. remote bus terminal block. Terminals KL9010

of up to
64 Bus
Terminals K-bus extension via screened Industrial
Ethernet cable with two RJ45 plugs
(distance up to 5 m)

Terminal bus extension, Through the K-bus interconnection it is possible to

end terminal KL9020 connect further 30 stations (total extension 155 m).

Terminal bus extension

The Bus Couplers and Bus Terminal Control- assignment of the inputs and outputs to this coupler terminal. The internal K-bus
lers link the bus systems to the modular, the bytes of the process image automatically. shares the same potential as the K-bus of the
extendable electronic terminal blocks. One The blocks with terminal bus extensions coupler. The KL9050 can be used via a sec-
unit consists of one Bus Coupler, any number are treated as one unit by the Bus Coupler. ond socket for the extension to the next Bus
of terminals between 1 and 64, and a bus The extension is transparent for the fieldbus Terminal block. This Bus Terminal block starts
end terminal. The “Economy plus” and “Com- and higher-level systems. in the same way as the one with a KL9050
pact” series support all Bus Terminals of the The system of Bus Coupler and Bus coupler terminal. This coupling works at up to
Beckhoff system. It is also possible to operate Terminal can be extended by replacing the 31 stations. The maximum distance between
Bus Terminal

up to 255 Bus Terminals on this Bus Coupler KL9010 end terminal with the KL9020 exten- two Bus Terminal blocks is 5 m and allows
series with the K-bus extension. sion. The KL9020 makes the K-bus signals a total extension of 155 m. The system uses
The Bus Terminal extension allows Bus available in an RJ45 socket for transmission shielded Industrial Ethernet cables with two
Terminals to be located in up to 31 blocks in onwards via a shielded Industrial Ethernet RJ45 plugs for the transmission. The cable
the control cabinet or in the application. With cable. is supplied ready-made in different lengths
a distance of up to 5 m between the Bus Ter- The KL9050 coupler terminal starts a fur- or can be made-to-measure for applica-
minal blocks, the Bus Terminal system can be ther remote Bus Terminal block and provides tions with conventional Ethernet tools. Data
used over a wider area and helps save costs. the logical connection to the Bus Coupler transfer is based on the interference-free
The Bus Coupler recognises the terminals via the Ethernet cable. 24 V DC, electrically and RS485 industry standard in a double-
to which it is connected, and performs the isolated, for the field level can be input at screened cable.

Operation with up to 64 Bus Terminals to one Operation with up to 255 Bus Terminals to one Bus Coupler with terminal bus extension
Bus Coupler with KL9010 bus end terminal end terminal KL9020 and coupler terminal KL9050

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Bus Coupler housing

Technical data – Bus Coupler housing

The Beckhoff Bus Coupler electronics can be mounted in a variety of housings. A housing has three power contacts, which, if the application
requires, automatically implement a continued connection, carrying the potential of the power circuit to the next Bus Terminal. The supply voltage
that is connected to the Bus Coupler spring-loaded terminals is 24 V DC. If a different voltage is required for the power contacts, the appropriate
power feed terminal must be inserted after the Bus Coupler.
43 mm
94 mm
100 mm

100 mm

100 mm

46 mm
100 mm
15 mm

18 mm
47 mm 42 mm 81 mm 21 mm
49 mm 44 mm

BKxxxx, BCxxxx BKxx50, BCxx50 BXxxxx LCxxxx

Mechanical data BKxxxx, BCxxxx BKxx50, BCxx50 BXxxxx LCxxxx BC9191

Design form compact terminal compact terminal compact terminal compact terminal compact controller
housing with signal housing with signal housing with signal housing with signal
Material polycarbonate polycarbonate polycarbonate polycarbonate PC/ABS

Bus Terminal
Dimensions (W x H x D) 49 mm x 100 mm x 44 mm x 100 mm x 81 mm x 100 mm x 21 mm x 100 mm x 118 mm (127 mm
68 mm 68 mm 89 mm 68 mm with end cap and
(BX8000: 61 mm x DIN rail mounting) x
100 mm x 89 mm) 100 mm x 70 mm
Installation on 35 mm DIN rail, conforming to EN 60715 with lock
Side by side mounting double slot and key connection
by means of
Marking standard terminal standard terminal standard terminal standard terminal connection points
block marking block marking block marking block marking on housing labelled
and numbered
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6: 1 g (extended range: 5 g)
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27: 15 g, 11 ms (extended range: 25 g, 6 ms); 1000 shocks per direction, 3 axes
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4

Connection BKxxxx, BCxxxx BKxx50, BCxx50 BXxxxx LCxxxx BC9191

Wiring spring-loaded spring-loaded spring-loaded spring-loaded spring-loaded
technique technique technique technique technique with plug-
gable wiring level
Connection cross-section 0.08…2.5 mm², 0.08…2.5 mm², 0.08…2.5 mm², 0.08…2.5 mm², 0.08…1.5/2.5 mm²,
AWG 28-14, stranded AWG 28-14, stranded AWG 28-14, stranded AWG 28-14, stranded AWG 28-14, stranded
wire, solid wire wire, solid wire wire, solid wire wire, solid wire wire, solid wire
Stripping length 8…9 mm 8…9 mm 8…9 mm 8…9 mm 6…7 mm/8…9 mm
Fieldbus connection depending on fieldbus depending on fieldbus depending on fieldbus spring-loaded terminals RJ45
Power contacts 3 spring contacts 3 spring contacts 3 spring contacts 3 spring contacts none
Current load IMAX: 10 A IMAX: 10 A IMAX: 10 A IMAX: 10 A –
(125 A short-circuit) (125 A short-circuit) (125 A short-circuit) (125 A short-circuit)
Nominal voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 110…240 V AC

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Bus Terminal housing

Technical data – Bus Terminal housing

The Beckhoff Bus Terminal electronics can be mounted in a variety of housings. Bus Terminals are available with up to three power contacts,
and can have a variety of voltages. Care should be taken to ensure that a change in voltage always starts with a power feed terminal.
46 mm
100 mm

46 mm
100 mm

46 mm
100 mm

46 mm
100 mm

46 mm
100 mm
18 mm

18 mm

18 mm

18 mm

18 mm
12 mm 24 mm 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm

KLxxxx KLxxxx KSxxxx HD housing KL1862, KLx872

Bus Terminal

Mechanical data KLxxxx KL5101 KSxxxx HD housing KL1862, KLx872

Design form compact terminal compact terminal terminal housing HD (High Density) compact terminal
housing with housing with with pluggable housing with housing with
signal LED signal LED wiring level signal LED signal LED
Material polycarbonate
Dimensions (W x H x D) 12 mm x 100 mm x 24 mm x 100 mm x 12/24 mm x 100 mm x 12 mm x 100 mm x 12 mm x 100 mm x
68 mm 68 mm 71 mm 68 mm 68 mm
Installation on 35 mm DIN rail, conforming to EN 60715 with lock
Side by side mounting double slot and key connection
by means of
Marking standard terminal standard terminal standard terminal – standard terminal
block marking block marking block marking block marking
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6: 1 g (extended range: 5 g)
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27: 15 g, 11 ms (extended range: 25 g, 6 ms); 1000 shocks per direction, 3 axes
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4

Connection KLxxxx KL5101 KSxxxx HD housing KL1862, KLx872

Wiring spring-loaded spring-loaded spring-loaded direct plug-in flat-ribbon cable
technique technique technique technique connection
Connection cross-section s, st*: 0.08…2.5 mm², s, st*: 0.08…2.5 mm², s, st*: 0.08…1.5 mm², s*: 0.08…1.5 mm²; common flat-ribbon
AWG 28-14 AWG 28-14 AWG 28-16 st: 0.25…1.5 mm²; cables, AWG 28,
f: 0.14…0.75 mm² spacing 1.27 mm
Stripping length 8…9 mm 8…9 mm 9…10 mm 8…9 mm –
Power contacts up to 3 blade/spring none 2 blade/spring 2 blade/spring none
contacts contacts contacts
Current load IMAX: 10 A (125 A short-circuit)
Nominal voltage depends on Bus Terminal type
*s: solid wire; st: stranded wire; f: ferrule

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KM housing

Technical data – Terminal module housing

The Beckhoff terminal modules with pluggable connection level are mounted in enclosures of different size.
Like for the HD Bus Terminals, spring-loaded terminals are used and no tools are required for the wiring.
46 mm
100 mm

46 mm
100 mm
18 mm

18 mm
24 mm 51 mm 73 mm 35 mm
26.5 mm 71 mm 75 mm 55 mm

KM10x2, KM20x2 KM10x4, KM20x4

46 mm
100 mm

Bus Terminal
18 mm


121 mm 35 mm
123 mm 55 mm

KM10x8, KM20x8

Mechanical data KMx0x2 KMx0x4 KMx0x8

Design form compact terminal module with pluggable wiring level
Dimensions (W x H x D) 26.5 mm x 100 mm x 71 mm 75 mm x 100 mm x 55 mm 123 mm x 100 mm x 55 mm
Installation on 35 mm DIN rail, conforming to EN 60715 with lock
Side by side mounting double slot and key connection
by means of
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4

Connection KMx0x2, KMx0x4, KMx0x8

Wiring spring-loaded technique
Connection cross-section 0.08…1.5 mm², stranded wire, solid wire
Stripping length 8 mm
Power contacts none
Nominal voltage depends on Bus Terminal type, max. 60 V DC

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BKxxxx | Bus Couplers

The interface between fieldbus and terminals

Power LEDs

Bus Coupler supply

Bus Terminal

Fieldbus connection


Power contacts
Address selector

interface Input for power contacts

+60 °C Extended operating/

-25 °C storage temperature

Extended mechanical
load For further information on the individual
fieldbuses see page 262

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Standard | BKxx00 Economy | BKxx10 Economy plus | BKxx20 Compact | BKxx50 Low Cost | LCxx00

The Bus Couplers link the modularly expand- interfacing connections with up to 64 dig-
able electronic terminal blocks with the ital input/output terminals. In addition to
respective fieldbus systems. The Bus Coupler digital signal types, the “Economy plus”
performs all the monitoring and control tasks Bus Couplers also support all other types.
that are necessary for operation of the con- Up to 255 Bus Terminals can be connected
nected Bus Terminals. The specific settings of via the K-bus extension. The “Compact”
analog and multifunctional Bus Terminals are Bus Couplers have a particularly compact
adapted to the application via the KS2000 housing and also enable connection of up
configuration software. to 255 Bus Terminals via the terminal bus
In the standard Bus Couplers a unit extension. The “Low Cost” Bus Couplers are
consists of a Bus Coupler, any number of characterised by small dimensions and cost-
up to 64 terminals and a bus end terminal. effective connection technology and enable
The “Economy” versions enable particularly connection of up to 64 digital input/output
cost-effective configuration of peripheral terminals.

Bus Terminal

Technical data BKxxxx, LCxxxx

Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C (extended temperature range: -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C)
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6: 1 g (extended range: 5 g)
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27: 15 g, 11 ms (extended range: 25 g, 6 ms); 1000 shocks per direction, 3 axes
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 20/variable

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EtherCAT BK1xxx

EtherCAT | Bus Couplers

EtherCAT “Economy plus” EtherCAT “Compact” EtherCAT “Compact”

Bus Coupler for up to Bus Coupler for up to coupler between E-bus
64 Bus Terminals 64 Bus Terminals and K-bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension) (255 with K-bus extension)

Technical data BK1120 BK1150 BK1250

Number of Bus Terminals 64 (255 with K-bus extension)

Max. number of bytes 1,024 byte input and 1,024 byte output
Current supply K-bus 1,750 mA 2,000 mA 500 mA

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
Bus Terminal

The BK1120 Bus Coupler connects The BK1150 Bus Coupler connects The BK1250 is a “Bus Coupler in
566 EtherCAT, the real-time Ethernet EtherCAT to the modular extendable terminal housing” for mixed applica-
system, with the modular, exten- Bus Terminals (K-bus). A unit consists tion of EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx)
dable electronic terminal blocks. of a Bus Coupler, any number of ter- and standard Bus Terminals (KLxxxx) in
A unit consists of a Bus Coupler, minals from 1 to 64 (with K-bus exten- a bus station. Up to 64 Bus Terminals
any number (between 1 and 64) sion: 255) and a bus end terminal. (with K-bus extension up to 255) can
of terminals (255 with K-bus exten- The “Compact” Bus Coupler offers be connected to a BK1250.
sion) and one end terminal. a cost-optimised alternative to the
BK1120 EtherCAT Bus Coupler.

Bus interface 2 x RJ45 2 x RJ45 via E-bus contacts

Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud 100 Mbaud
Weight approx. 150 g approx. 110 g approx. 55 g
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 688 see page 688 see page 688
PC Fieldbus Cards FC90xx 778 FC90xx 778 FC90xx 778

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BK20xx Lightbus

Lightbus | Bus Couplers

Standard Lightbus Lightbus “Economy” Lightbus “Economy plus”

Bus Coupler for up to Bus Coupler for up to Bus Coupler for up to
64 Bus Terminals 64 digital Bus Terminals 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension)

Technical data BK2000 BK2010 BK2020

Number of Bus Terminals 64 64 (255 with K-bus extension)

Max. number of bytes 512 byte input and 512 byte output 32 byte input and 32 byte output 512 byte input and 512 byte output
Current supply K-bus 1,750 mA 500 mA 1,750 mA

Bus Terminal
The BK2000 Bus Coupler connects The BK2010 “Economy” variant per- With the K-bus extension technology,
the Lightbus system to the electronic mits particularly economical creation the “Economy plus” Bus Coupler 567
terminal blocks, which can be expanded of peripheral interfacing connections. BK2020 allows the connection of up to
in modular fashion. One unit consists Up to 64 digital input/output terminals 255 spatially distributed Bus Terminals
of one Bus Coupler, any number of up can be connected. to one Bus Coupler. The “Economy
to 64 terminals and one end terminal. plus” series supports all Beckhoff sys-
– distance between stations: tem Bus Terminals. It can process in its
– distance between stations: 45 m for APF fibre, full configuration 1,020 digital signals
45 m for APF fibre, 300 m HCS fibre and a maximum of 128 analog input
300 m HCS fibre and output channels per slave.

– distance between stations:

45 m for APF fibre,
300 m HCS fibre

Bus interface 2 x standard fibre optic connector Z1000 2 x standard fibre optic connector Z1000 2 x standard fibre optic connector Z1000
(plastic fibre), Z1010 (HCS fibre) (plastic fibre), Z1010 (HCS fibre) (plastic fibre), Z1010 (HCS fibre)
Data transfer rates 2.5 Mbaud 2.5 Mbaud 2.5 Mbaud
Weight approx. 150 g approx. 130 g approx. 150 g
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 688 see page 688 see page 688
PC Fieldbus Cards FC200x 771 FC200x 771 FC200x 771

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


PROFIBUS | Bus Couplers


Bus Coupler for up to Bus Coupler for up to Bus Coupler for up to
64 digital Bus Terminals, 64 Bus Terminals, 12 Mbaud 64 digital Bus Terminals,
1.5 Mbaud 12 Mbaud

Technical data BK3010 BK3100 BK3110

Number of Bus Terminals 64

Max. number of bytes 64 byte input and 64 byte input and 64 byte output 64 byte input and
fieldbus 64 byte output (DP and FMS mode), 128 byte input 64 byte output
and 128 byte output (only DP mode)
Current supply K-bus 500 mA 1,750 mA 500 mA
Bus Terminal

The BK3010 “Economy” variant per- The BK3100 Bus Coupler connects the The BK3110 “Economy” variant per-
mits particularly economical creation PROFIBUS system to the electronic mits particularly economical creation
of peripheral interfacing connections. terminal blocks, which can be extended of peripheral interfacing connections.
Up to 64 digital input/output terminals in modular fashion. One unit consists of Up to 64 digital input/output terminals
can be connected. the Bus Coupler, any number of up to can be connected.
64 terminals and one end terminal.

Bus interface 1 x D-sub 9-pin socket 1 x D-sub 9-pin socket 1 x D-sub 9-pin socket
with shielding with shielding with shielding
Data transfer rates automatic detection automatic detection automatic detection
up to max. 1.5 Mbaud up to 12 Mbaud up to 12 Mbaud
Weight approx. 150 g approx. 170 g approx. 150 g
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 688 see page 688 see page 688
PC Fieldbus Cards FC310x 772 FC310x 772 FC310x 772

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


PROFIBUS “Economy plus” PROFIBUS “Compact” PROFIBUS “Economy plus” PROFIBUS “Low Cost”
Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Bus Coupler for up to
Terminals (255 with K-bus Terminals (255 with K-bus Terminals (255 with K-bus 64 digital Bus Terminals,
extension), 12 Mbaud extension), 12 Mbaud extension), 12 Mbaud 12 Mbaud

BK3120 BK3150 BK3520 LC3100

64 (255 with K-bus extension) 64

128 byte input and 64 byte input and

128 byte output 64 byte output

1,750 mA 1,000 mA 1,750 mA 500 mA

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

Bus Terminal
The “Economy plus“ version extends The “Compact” Bus Coupler BK3150 The particular feature for the The LC3100 “Low Cost” Bus Coupler
the existing PROFIBUS Bus Coupler for PROFIBUS extends the Beckhoff BK3520 Bus Coupler is its fibre is marked by a smaller design and
series BK3xx0. The K-bus extension Bus Terminal system by a cost-opti- optic connection and its high trans- a more economical connection
technology allows the connection mised version in a compact housing. mission rate of up to 12 Mbaud. method.
of up to 255 spatially distributed
Bus Terminals to one Bus Coupler. – distance between
stations: up to 40 m

1 x D-sub 9-pin socket 1 x D-sub 9-pin socket 4 x HP-Simplex sockets (HP-Simplex connection via
with shielding with shielding plugs ZS1031-3500 included) Bus Terminal
automatic detection automatic detection automatic detection automatic detection
up to 12 Mbaud up to 12 Mbaud up to 12 Mbaud up to 12 Mbaud
approx. 170 g approx. 100 g approx. 170 g approx. 100 g
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex

see page 688 see page 688 see page 688 see page 688
FC310x 772 FC310x 772 FC310x 772 FC310x 772

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Interbus, CANopen BK40xx, BK5110

Interbus, CANopen | Bus Couplers

Standard Interbus Bus Coupler Interbus “Economy plus” Bus Coupler CANopen “Economy” Bus Coupler
for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 digital Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension)

Technical data BK4000 BK4020 BK5110

Number of Bus Terminals 64 64 (255 with K-bus extension) 64

Max. number of bytes 64 byte input and 64 byte output 5 Tx/Rx PDOs
Current supply K-bus 1,750 mA 1,750 mA 500 mA
Bus Terminal

The BK4000 Bus Coupler connects the With the K-bus extension technology, The BK5110 “Economy” variant
570 Interbus bus system to the electronic the “Economy plus” Bus Coupler permits particularly economical crea-
terminal blocks, which can be extended BK4020 allows the connection of up to tion of peripheral interfacing connec-
in modular fashion. One unit consists 255 spatially distributed Bus Terminals tions. Up to 64 digital input/output
of one Bus Coupler, any number of up to one Bus Coupler. The “Economy terminals can be connected.
to 64 terminals and one end terminal. plus” coupler supports all Beckhoff
system Bus Terminals and can process
512 bit digital inputs and outputs per

Bus interface 2 x D-sub plug, 9-pin, plug and socket 2 x D-sub plug, 9-pin, plug and socket 1 x open style connector, 5-pin,
with screening and vibration lock with screening and vibration lock included
Data transfer rates 500 kbaud 500 kbaud up to 1 Mbaud
Weight approx. 170 g approx. 170 g approx. 130 g
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 688 see page 688 see page 688
PC Fieldbus Cards – – FC510x 774

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BK51xx, LC5100 CANopen

CANopen “Economy plus” CANopen “Compact” CANopen “Compact” Bus Coupler CANopen “Low Cost” Bus Coupler
Bus Coupler for up to Bus Coupler for up to for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 digital Bus Terminals
64 Bus Terminals 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension) (255 with K-bus extension)
(255 with K-bus extension) (255 with K-bus extension)

BK5120 BK5150 BK5151 LC5100

64 (255 with K-bus extension) 64

16 Tx/Rx PDOs 5 Tx/Rx PDOs

1,750 mA 1,000 mA 1,000 mA 500 mA

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

Bus Terminal
With the K-bus extension technol- The “Compact” Bus Coupler In contrast to the BK5150, the The LC5100 “Low Cost” Bus Coupler
ogy, the “Economy plus” Bus Cou- BK5150 for CANopen extends the BK5151 has a 9-pin D-sub connector is marked by a smaller design and a 571
pler BK5120 allows the connection Beckhoff Bus Terminal system by a as a bus interface. more economical connection meth-
of up to 255 spatially distributed cost-optimised version in a compact od. All the bit-oriented terminals can
Bus Terminals to one Bus Coupler. housing. Up to 64 Bus Terminals are be connected to the LC5100. All the
The Bus Coupler works on the supported; with the terminal bus digital input and output terminals
CAN protocol basis as defined in extension, up to 255 Bus Terminals are supported with the exception
ISO 11898. can be connected. The CANopen of the KL15xx, KL25x2, KL2692 and
Bus Coupler offers automatic baud KL27x1 terminals. All the system ter-
rate detection up to 1 Mbaud and minals, with and without diagnostics,
two address selection switches for can also be connected.
address assignment.

1 x open style connector, 5-pin, open style connector, 5-pin D-sub 9-pin socket connection via Bus Terminal
up to 1 Mbaud automatic detection up to 1 Mbaud automatic detection up to 1 Mbaud up to 1 Mbaud
approx. 150 g approx. 100 g approx. 100 g approx. 100 g
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex

see page 688 see page 688 see page 688 see page 688
FC510x 774 FC510x 774 FC510x 774 FC510x 774

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

DeviceNet BK5200, BK5210

DeviceNet | Bus Couplers

Standard DeviceNet Bus Coupler DeviceNet “Economy”

for up to 64 Bus Terminals Bus Coupler for up to
64 digital Bus Terminals

Technical data BK5200 BK5210

Number of Bus Terminals 64

Max. number of bytes 512 byte input and 512 byte output 32 byte input and 32 byte output
Current supply K-bus 1,750 mA 500 mA
Bus Terminal

The BK5200 Bus Coupler connects the DeviceNet bus system The BK5210 “Economy” variant permits particularly
572 to the electronic terminal blocks, which can be extended in economical creation of peripheral interfacing connections.
modular fashion. One unit consists of one Bus Coupler, any Up to 64 digital input/output terminals can be connected.
number of up to 64 terminals and one end terminal.

Bus interface 1 x open pluggable connector, 5-pin, included 1 x open pluggable connector, 5-pin, included
Data transfer rates automatic detection up to 500 kbaud automatic detection up to 500 kbaud
Weight approx. 150 g approx. 130 g
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 688 see page 688
PC Fieldbus Cards FC520x 776 FC520x 776

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BK52xx, LC5200 DeviceNet

DeviceNet “Economy plus” DeviceNet “Compact” Bus Coupler DeviceNet “Low Cost” Bus Coupler
Bus Coupler for up to for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 digital Bus Terminals
64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension) (255 with K-bus extension)
(255 with K-bus extension)

BK5220 BK5250 LC5200

64 (255 with K-bus extension) 64

512 byte input and 512 byte output 32 byte input and 32 byte output

1,750 mA 1,000 mA 500 mA

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

Bus Terminal
With the K-bus extension technology, the The “Compact” Bus Coupler BK5250 for The LC5200 “Low Cost” Bus Coupler is marked by
“Economy plus” Bus Coupler BK5220 allows DeviceNet extends the Beckhoff Bus Terminal a smaller design and a more economical connec- 573
the connection of up to 255 spatially distributed system by a cost-optimised version in a com- tion method. All the bit-oriented terminals can be
Bus Terminals to one Bus Coupler. The “Economy pact housing. The DeviceNet Bus Coupler offers connected to the LC5200. All the digital input and
plus” series supports all Beckhoff system Bus automatic baud rate detection up to 500 kbaud output terminals are supported with the exception
Terminals and it can process in its full configura- and two address selection switches for address of the KL15xx, KL25x2, KL2692 and KL27x1 ter-
tion 1,020 digital signals and a maximum of assignment. A 5-pin connector for the fieldbus minals. All the system terminals, with and without
256 analog input and output channels per slave. connection is included in the scope of supply. diagnostics, can also be connected.

1 x open pluggable connector, 5-pin, included open style connector, 5-pin connection via Bus Terminal
automatic detection up to 500 kbaud automatic detection up to 500 kbaud automatic detection up to 500 kbaud
approx. 130 g approx. 100 g approx. 100 g
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex

see page 688 see page 688 see page 688

FC520x 776 FC520x 776 FC520x 776

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

ControlNet, CC-Link BK7000, BK7150

ControlNet, CC-Link, Modbus | Bus Couplers

Standard ControlNet Bus Coupler CC-Link “Compact” Bus Coupler

for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension)

Technical data BK7000 BK7150

Number of Bus Terminals 64 64 (255 with K-bus extension)

Max. number of bytes 512 byte input and 512 byte output 32 byte input and 32 byte output
Current supply K-bus 1,750 mA 1,000 mA
Bus Terminal

The Bus Coupler BK7000 connects the ControlNet bus The “Compact” Bus Coupler BK7150 connects the
574 system with the electronic terminal blocks, which can be CC-Link system to the electronic terminal blocks, which
extended in modular fashion. One unit consists of one can be extended in modular fashion.
Bus Coupler, any number from 1 to 64 terminals and one The BK7150 Bus Coupler supports the operation of
end terminal. all Bus Terminals. As far as the user is concerned, handling
The BK7000 Bus Coupler supports the operation of all of the analog inputs/outputs is not different to other series.
Bus Terminals. As far as the user is concerned, handling of The information is available in the process image of the
the analog inputs/outputs is not different to other series. controller for processing in the form of a byte array.
The information is available in the process image of the
controller for processing in the form of a byte array.

Bus interface 2 x BNC female connector + NAP 1 x open style connector, 5-pin, included
Data transfer rates 5 Mbaud 156 kbaud…10 Mbaud
Weight approx. 170 g approx. 100 g
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 688 see page 688
PC Fieldbus Cards – –

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BK7300, BK7350 Modbus

Standard Modbus Bus Coupler Modbus “Compact” Bus Coupler

for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension)

BK7300 BK7350

64 64 (255 with K-bus extension)

512 byte input and 512 byte output

1,750 mA 1,000 mA

+60 °C

-25 °C

Bus Terminal
The BK7300 Bus Coupler connects the Modbus bus system to the modular, The “Compact” BK7350 Bus Coupler is a cost-optimised version with compact
extendable electronic terminal blocks. One unit consists of one Bus Coupler, housing. With the K-bus extension, up to 255 Bus Terminals can be connected. 575
any number from 1 to 64 terminals and one end terminal.

D-sub 9-pin, RS485 D-sub 9-pin, RS485

150 baud…38,400 baud 150 baud…38,400 baud
approx. 170 g approx. 100 g
0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex

see page 688 see page 688

– –

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

SERCOS, RS485 BK75xx, BK8000

SERCOS, RS485/RS232, Ethernet | Bus Couplers

Standard SERCOS Bus Coupler SERCOS “Economy plus” Bus Coupler Standard RS485 Bus Coupler
for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension)

Technical data BK7500 BK7520 BK8000

Number of Bus Terminals 64 64 (255 with K-bus extension) 64

Max. number of bytes 32 byte input/32 byte output for the cy- 254 word I/O for the cyclic interface 512 byte input and 512 byte output
fieldbus clic interface (depending on the master) (depending on the master)
Current supply K-bus 1,750 mA 1,750 mA 1,750 mA
Bus Terminal

The Bus Coupler BK7500 connects the Compared with the Bus Coupler The Bus Coupler BK8000 uses the
576 SERCOS bus system with the electronic BK7500, the BK7520 allows, with physics of the RS485 specification for
terminal blocks, which can be extended the K-bus extension technology, the data transmission. Application of the
in modular fashion. One unit consists connection of up to 255 Bus Terminals Bus Coupler with a serial interface is
of one Bus Coupler, any number from to one Bus Coupler. The Bus Coupler suited to those cases in which the use
1 to 64 terminals and one end terminal. recognises the connected terminals of a fieldbus system can be omitted.
and automatically generates the affilia- The RS485 interface can be used by any
– distance between stations: tions of the inputs/outputs to the bytes automation device to gain access to the
40 m plastic fibre optic of the process image. Bus Coupler. Data exchange is made via
an open, documented protocol.
– distance between stations:
40 m plastic fibre optic

Bus interface F-SMA standard, IEC 872-2 F-SMA standard, IEC 872-2 RS485 D-sub
Data transfer rates 2/4 Mbaud, adjustable by means 2/4/8/16 Mbaud, adjustable by means 9.6 kbaud, 19.2 kbaud, 38.4 kbaud
of configuration switch of configuration switch
Weight approx. 170 g approx. 170 g approx. 170 g
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 688 see page 688 see page 688
PC Fieldbus Cards FC750x 777 FC750x 777 –

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BK8100, BK9xxx RS232, Ethernet

Standard RS232 Bus Coupler Standard Ethernet TCP/IP Ethernet TCP/IP “Compact” Standard Ethernet TCP/IP Bus
for up to 64 Bus Terminals Bus Coupler for up to Bus Coupler for up to Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals
64 Bus Terminals 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension),
(255 with K-bus extension) with integrated 2-channel switch

BK8100 BK9000 BK9050 BK9100

64 64 (255 with K-bus extension)

512 byte input and 512 byte output

1,750 mA 1,750 mA 1,000 mA 1,750 mA

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

Bus Terminal
The Bus Coupler BK8100 uses The BK9000 Bus Coupler connects The “Compact” BK9050 Bus Coupler The BK9100 Bus Coupler connects
the physics of the RS232C (V.24) Ethernet with the modular, extend- is a cost-optimised version with Ethernet with the modular, extend- 577
specification for data transmission. able electronic terminal blocks. One compact housing. With the K-bus able electronic terminal blocks.
Application of the Bus Coupler with unit consists of one Bus Coupler, any extension, up to 255 Bus Terminals With the K-bus extension, up to
a serial interface is suited to those number from 1 to 64 terminals and can be connected. 255 Bus Terminals can be connected.
cases in which the use of a fieldbus one end terminal.
system can be omitted. The RS232 – distance between stations: – distance between stations:
interface can be used by any auto- – distance between stations: 100 m between hub/switch 100 m between hub/switch
mation device (e.g. a PC with RS232 100 m between hub/switch and Bus Coupler and Bus Coupler or between
interface) to gain access to the and Bus Coupler Bus Coupler and Bus Coupler
Bus Coupler.

RS232 D-sub 1 x RJ45 1 x RJ45 2 x RJ45 (2-channel switch)

9.6 kbaud, 19.2 kbaud, 38.4 kbaud 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition
of the transmission rate of the transmission rate of the transmission rate
approx. 170 g approx. 170 g approx. 100 g approx. 170 g
0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL

see page 688 see page 688 see page 688 see page 688
– FC90xx 778 FC90xx 778 FC90xx 778

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, USB | Bus Couplers

PROFINET “Compact” Bus Coupler Standard PROFINET Bus Coupler

for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension) (with integrated 2-channel switch)

Technical data BK9053 BK9103

Number of Bus Terminals 64 (255 with K-bus extension)

Max. number of bytes 512 byte input and 512 byte output
Current supply K-bus 1,750 mA 1,750 mA

+60 °C

-25 °C
Bus Terminal

The BK9053 Bus Coupler connects PROFINET with the The BK9103 Bus Coupler connects PROFINET RT with the
578 modular, extendable electronic terminal blocks. One unit modular, extendable electronic terminal blocks. One unit
consists of one Bus Coupler, any number from 1 to 64 termi- consists of one Bus Coupler, any number from 1 to 64 ter-
nals (255 with K-bus extension) and one end terminal. minals and one end terminal. In addition to the standard
Bus Coupler functionalities, the BK9103 supports up to
– distance between stations: 100 m between 255 terminals with the K-bus extension.
hub/switch and Bus Coupler or between
Bus Coupler and Bus Coupler – distance between stations: 100 m between
hub/switch and Bus Coupler or between
Bus Coupler and Bus Coupler

Bus interface 1 x RJ45 2 x RJ45 (2-channel switch)

Data transfer rates 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition
of the transmission rate of the transmission rate
Weight approx. 100 g approx. 170 g
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 688 see page 688
PC Fieldbus Cards FC90xx 778 FC90xx 778
TwinCAT Supplement PROFINET RT Controller 933 PROFINET RT Controller 933

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BK9xxx EtherNet/IP, USB

EtherNet/IP “Compact” Bus Coupler Standard EtherNet/IP Bus Coupler Standard USB Bus Coupler
for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension) (255 with K-bus extension)

BK9055 BK9105 BK9500

64 (255 with K-bus extension) 64

512 byte input and 512 byte output 512 byte input and 512 byte output

1,000 mA 1,750 mA 1,750 mA (less downstream current)

+60 °C

-25 °C

Bus Terminal
The “Compact” BK9055 Bus Coupler is a cost- The BK9105 Bus Coupler connects EtherNet/IP The Bus Coupler BK9500 connects the Universal
optimised version with compact housing. With with the modular, extendable electronic terminal Serial Bus (USB) system with the electronic ter- 579
the K-bus extension, up to 255 Bus Terminals can blocks. One unit consists of one Bus Coupler, minal blocks, which can be extended in modular
be connected. any number from 1 to 64 terminals and one end fashion. One unit consists of one Bus Coupler,
terminal. In addition to the standard Bus Coupler any number from 1 to 64 terminals and one end
– distance between stations: 100 m between functionalities, the BK9105 supports up to terminal.
hub/switch and Bus Coupler 255 terminals with the K-bus extension.
– distance between stations: 30 m,
– distance between stations: 100 m between 5 m from BK9500 to BK9500
hub/switch and Bus Coupler or between
Bus Coupler and Bus Coupler

1 x RJ45 2 x RJ45 (2-channel switch) 1 x B type (upstream), 3 x A type (downstream)

10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition 12 Mbaud
of the transmission rate of the transmission rate
approx. 100 g approx. 170 g approx. 170 g
0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL

see page 688 see page 688 see page 688

FC90xx 778 FC90xx 778 –
– – driver included in TwinCAT

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BCxxxx, BXxxxx | Bus Terminal Controllers

Controllers with fieldbus interface

Power LEDs

Bus Coupler supply

Fieldbus connection
Bus Terminal


Power contacts
Address selector

interface Input for power contacts

For further information on the individual

fieldbuses see page 262
+60 °C Extended operating/
-25 °C storage temperature Embedded PCs are alternatively
available, see page 184

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BCxxxx | Bus Terminal BXxxxx | Bus Terminal
Controllers Controllers

The Bus Terminal Controllers of the BC The main distinguishing features between The devices of the BX family have two serial
and BX series are small controllers with the BX series and the BC series are the larger interfaces. The device itself comprises an
a high degree of flexibility. The I/O system memory capacity and a larger number of illuminated LC display with 2 lines of 16 char-
consisting of modularly expandable elec- expandable interfaces. acters each, a joystick switch and a real-time
tronic terminal blocks, interfaces for all The BCxx00 Bus Terminal Controllers clock. Further peripheral devices, e.g. displays,
market-relevant fieldbus systems and the form a unit consisting of the controller, any can be connected via the integrated Beckhoff
integrated IEC 61131-3 PLC enables the number (up to 64) of terminals and a bus end Smart System Bus (SSB).
Bus Terminal Controllers to be used as terminal. In contrast to the BCxx50, BCxx20
stand-alone control systems or as intelli- and BXxx00 series, a terminal bus extension
gent fieldbus slaves. The Bus Terminal cannot be used.
Controller is programmed using the The “Compact” BCxx50 and BCxx20
TwinCAT programming system according Bus Terminal Controllers are fitted in cost-
to IEC 61131-3. The configuration or field- optimised, compact housings and support
bus interface of the controller is used for the K-bus extension (up to 255 Bus Termi-

Bus Terminal
loading the PLC program. nals).


Technical data BCxxxx, BXxxxx

Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Programming TwinCAT 2 (via programming interface or fieldbus)
Programming languages IEC 61131-3 (IL, LD, FBD, SFC, ST)
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C (extended temperature range: -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C)
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 20/variable

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


PROFIBUS, CANopen | Bus Terminal Controllers

PROFIBUS Bus Terminal Controller PROFIBUS “Compact“ Bus Terminal

for up to 64 Bus Terminals, 12 Mbaud Controller for up to 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension), 12 Mbaud

Technical data BC3100 BC3150

Number of Bus Terminals 64 64 (255 with K-bus extension)

Max. number of bytes 128 byte input and 128 byte output
Current supply K-bus 1,750 mA 1,000 mA

+60 °C

-25 °C
Bus Terminal

The Bus Terminal Controller BC3100 is a Bus Coupler with The “Compact” BC3150 Bus Terminal Controller is housed in
582 integrated PLC functionality and has a fieldbus interface a cost-optimised and compact housing. Unlike the BC3100,
for PROFIBUS. It is an intelligent slave and can be used as the BC3150 supports up to 255 Bus Terminals via the K-bus
distributed intelligence in the PROFIBUS system. extension.

Bus interface 1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin 1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin

Data transfer rates automatic detection up to 12 Mbaud automatic detection up to 12 Mbaud
Program memory 32/96 kbytes 48 kbytes
Data memory 32/64 kbytes 32 kbytes
Remanent data 512 bytes 2 kbytes
Online change – yes
Weight approx. 170 g approx. 100 g
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 688 see page 688
PC Fieldbus Cards FC310x 772 FC310x 772
TwinCAT 2 PLC see page 944 see page 944

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BX3100, BC/BX51xx PROFIBUS, CANopen

PROFIBUS Bus Terminal Controller CANopen “Compact” Bus Terminal CANopen Bus Terminal Controller
for up to 64 Bus Terminals Controller for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension), 12 Mbaud (255 with K-bus extension) (255 with K-bus extension)

BX3100 BC5150 BX5100

64 (255 with K-bus extension)

244 byte input and 244 byte output 16 Tx/Rx PDOs 32 Tx/Rx PDOs

1,450 mA 1,000 mA 1,450 mA

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

Bus Terminal
The BX3100 Bus Terminal Controller has a The “Compact” BC5150 Bus Terminal Controller The BX5100 Bus Terminal Controller has a
PROFIBUS slave interface with automatic baud for CANopen extends the Beckhoff small controller CANopen slave interface. It has automatic baud 583
rate detection up to 12 Mbaud and an address series by a cost-optimised version in a compact rate detection up to 1 Mbaud and an address
selection switch for address assignment. housing. selection switch for address assignment.

1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin open style connector, 5-pin open style connector, 5-pin
automatic detection up to 12 Mbaud automatic detection up to 1 Mbaud automatic detection up to 1 Mbaud
256 kbytes 48 kbytes 256 kbytes
256 kbytes 32 kbytes 256 kbytes
2 kbytes 2 kbytes 2 kbytes
yes yes yes
approx. 250 g approx. 100 g approx. 250 g
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C

see page 688 see page 688 see page 688

FC310x 772 FC510x 774 FC510x 774
see page 944 see page 944 see page 944

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

DeviceNet BC5250, BX5200

DeviceNet, Modbus, RS232/RS485 | Bus Terminal Controllers

DeviceNet Bus Terminal Controller DeviceNet Bus Terminal Controller

for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension) (255 with K-bus extension)

Technical data BC5250 BX5200

Number of Bus Terminals 64 (255 with K-bus extension)

Max. number of bytes 512 byte input and 512 byte output
Current supply K-bus 1,000 mA 1,450 mA

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
Bus Terminal

The BC5250 Bus Terminal Controller with DeviceNet interface The BX5200 Bus Terminal Controller has a DeviceNet
584 extends the Beckhoff small controller series by a cost-opti- slave interface. It has automatic baud rate detection
mised version in a compact housing. The DeviceNet Controller up to 500 kbaud and an address selection switch
offers automatic baud rate detection up to 500 kbaud and for address assignment. Up to 512 byte of input and
two address selection switches for address assignment. 512 byte of output can be exchanged with the controller.

Bus interface open style connector, 5-pin open style connector, 5-pin
Data transfer rates automatic detection up to 500 kbaud automatic detection up to 500 kbaud

Program memory 48 kbytes 256 kbytes

Data memory 32 kbytes 256 kbytes
Remanent data 2 kbytes 2 kbytes
Online change yes yes
Weight approx. 100 g approx. 250 g
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 688 see page 688
PC Fieldbus Cards FC520x 776 FC520x 776
TwinCAT 2 PLC see page 944 see page 944

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BC7300, BC8050 Modbus, RS485

Modbus RS485 Bus Terminal Controller RS485 Bus Terminal Controller

for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension)

BC7300 BC8050

64 64 (255 with K-bus extension)

512 byte input and 512 byte output 512 byte input and 512 byte output

1,750 mA 1,000 mA

+60 °C

-25 °C

Bus Terminal
The Bus Terminal Controller BC7300 is a Bus Coupler with integrated PLC The Bus Terminal Controller BC8050 with serial RS485 interface extends the
functionality and has a fieldbus interface for Modbus. The BC7300 is an Beckhoff small controller series by a cost-optimised version in a compact 585
intelligent slave and can be used as a non-central intelligence in the Modbus housing. An open serial protocol – like in the BK8x00 Bus Couplers – and the
system. Modbus RTU/ASCII protocol are implemented. The address and the protocol
are selected via the two rotary selection switches.

D-sub 9-pin, RS485 RS485 D-sub

150, 300, 600, 1,200, 2,400, 4,800, 9,600, 19,200, 38,400 baud 1.2 kbaud…38.4 kbaud
(default: 9,600 baud)
32/96 kbytes 48 kbytes
32/64 kbytes 32 kbytes
512 bytes 2 kbytes
– yes
approx. 170 g approx. 100 g
0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex

see page 688 see page 688

– –
see page 944 see page 944

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

RS232/RS485 BC8150, BX8000

RS232/RS485, Ethernet | Bus Terminal Controllers

RS232 Bus Terminal Controller RS232/RS485 Bus Terminal

for up to 64 Bus Terminals Controller for up to 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension) 255 with K-bus extension)

Technical data BC8150 BX8000

Number of Bus Terminals 64 (255 with K-bus extension)

Max. number of bytes 512 byte input and 512 byte output
Current supply K-bus 1,000 mA 1,450 mA

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
Bus Terminal

The Bus Terminal Controller BC8150 with serial RS232 The BX8000 Bus Terminal Controller is a stand-alone PLC.
586 interface extends the Beckhoff small controller series by One unit consists of the BX8000 Bus Terminal Controller
a cost-optimised version in a compact housing. An open with up to 64 Bus Terminals and a bus end terminal. With
serial protocol – like in the BK8x00 Bus Couplers – and the terminal bus extension system, the connection of up to
the Modbus RTU/ASCII protocol are implemented. 255 Bus Terminals is possible. The controller is programmed
via the COM1 interface. In addition, the BX8000 has a second
COM port, optionally RS232 or RS485. This can be used for
connecting serial devices, such as displays.

Bus interface RS232 D-sub open style connector, 5-pin

Data transfer rates 1.2 kbaud…38.4 kbaud 300 baud…115 kbaud

Program memory 48 kbytes 256 kbytes

Data memory 32 kbytes 256 kbytes
Remanent data 2 kbytes 2 kbytes
Online change yes yes
Weight approx. 100 g approx. 250 g
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 688 see page 688
PC Fieldbus Cards – –
TwinCAT 2 PLC see page 944 see page 944

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BC90xx Ethernet

Ethernet Bus Terminal Controller Ethernet Bus Terminal Controller Ethernet TCP/IP Bus Terminal
for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals Controller for up to 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension) (255 with K-bus extension)

BC9000 BC9050 BC9020

64 64 (255 with K-bus extension)

512 byte input and 512 byte output

1,750 mA 1,000 mA 1,750 mA

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

Bus Terminal
The Bus Terminal Controller BC9000 is a Bus The BC9050 Bus Terminal Controller with Ethernet The BC9020 Bus Terminal Controller is a
Coupler with integrated PLC functionality and has interface extends the Beckhoff small controller Bus Coupler with integrated PLC functionality 587
a fieldbus interface for Ethernet. It is an intelligent series by a cost-optimised version in a compact and has a fieldbus interface for Ethernet.
slave that can be used as a non-central intelli- housing. It is an intelligent slave and can be used as
gence in the Ethernet system. One unit consists of decentralised intelligence in the Ethernet
the Bus Terminal Controller, any number of termi- system.
nals between 1 and 64, and a bus end terminal.

1 x RJ45 1 x RJ45 1 x RJ45

10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition
of the transmission rate of the transmission rate of the transmission rate
64/96 kbytes 48 kbytes 128 kbytes
64/128 kbytes 32 kbytes 128 kbytes
4,080 bytes 2 kbytes 2 kbytes
– yes yes
approx. 170 g approx. 100 g approx. 170 g
-25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL

see page 688 see page 688 see page 688

FC90xx 778 FC90xx 778 FC90xx 778
see page 944 see page 944 see page 944

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Ethernet BC9120, BC9100

Ethernet | Bus Terminal Controllers

Ethernet TCP/IP Bus Terminal Controller Ethernet TCP/IP Bus Terminal Controller
for up to 64 Bus Terminals for up to 64 Bus Terminals
(255 with K-bus extension, (with integrated 2-channel switch)
with integrated 2-channel switch)

Technical data BC9120 BC9100

Number of Bus Terminals 64 (255 with K-bus extension) 64

Max. number of bytes 512 byte input and 512 byte output
Current supply K-bus 1,750 mA 1,750 mA

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C
Bus Terminal

In contrast to the BC9020, the BC9120 has The Bus Terminal Controller BC9100 is a
588 an additional RJ45 port. Both Ethernet ports Bus Coupler with integrated PLC functional-
operate as 2-channel switches. ity and has a fieldbus interface for Ethernet.
The BC9100 is an intelligent slave and can
be used as a non-central intelligence in the
Ethernet system.

Bus interface 2 x RJ45 (2-channel switch) 2 x RJ45 (2-channel switch)

Data transfer rates 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition
of the transmission rate of the transmission rate
Program memory 128 kbytes 64/96 kbytes
Data memory 128 kbytes 64/128 kbytes
Remanent data 2 kbytes 4,080 bytes
Online change yes –
Weight approx. 170 g approx. 170 g
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 688 see page 688
PC Fieldbus Cards FC90xx 778 FC90xx 778
TwinCAT 2 PLC see page 944 see page 944

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

BX9000, BC9191 Ethernet

Ethernet Room Controller

Ethernet Bus Terminal Controller Building Automation Room Controller, Building Automation Room Controller,
for up to 64 Bus Terminals 48 kbyte, sub bus for KL6583 (EnOcean) 128 kbyte, RS485 interface
(255 with K-bus extension)

BX9000 BC9191 BC9191-0100

64 (255 with K-bus extension) 64

512 byte input and 512 byte output

1,450 mA 200 mA

Digital inputs:
3 contacts (e.g. win-
dow contact, dew point,
occupancy sensor)
Analog inputs:
1 x PT/Ni1000; 1 x resis-
tance measurement for
set point; 3 x 0…10 V
Digital outputs:
1 x LED, 10 mA;
1 x 230 V AC, 10 A, relay;
3 x 230 V AC, 1 A, relay;
2 x 230 V AC, 1 A, triac
Analog outputs:

Bus Terminal
2 x 0…10 V

The BX9000 Bus Terminal Controller has an Ethernet The BC9191 and BC9191-0100 Ethernet Room Controllers cover the standard func-
slave/master interface. The controller has automatic tionalities for room control in a compact design. The two versions differ in terms of 589
baud rate detection up to 100 Mbaud. The address can the memory capacity of the integrated PLC and the sub bus. The BC9191 has an inte-
optionally be entered via DHCP, BootP, ARP or with grated interface to the KL6583 (EnOcean), the BC9191-0100 has an RS485 interface.
the joystick switch. Both versions have the necessary I/O signals and two switched Ethernet interfaces.
They can be extended with Bus Terminals. A parameterisable PLC program for room
temperature control is included in the delivery.

RJ45 2 x RJ45 (switched)

10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition
of the transmission rate of the transmission rate
256 kbytes 48 kbytes 128 kbytes
256 kbytes 32 kbytes 128 kbytes
2 kbytes 2 kbytes
yes yes
approx. 250 g approx. 345 g
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C

see page 688 see page 688

FC90xx 778 FC90xx 778
see page 944 see page 944

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KLxxxx | Bus Terminals

The Bus Terminals have a galvanic Beckhoff Bus Terminals feature

isolation between the field level and function-dependant coloured
the communication level (K-bus). labels: yellow for digital inputs,
A terminal is equipped with 1…n red for digital outputs, green for
input or output channels. The channels analog inputs, blue for analog
within a terminal are usually not elec- outputs. The LED frames for HD
trically isolated from each other. Bus Terminals are also colour-
coded accordingly.

Different field level connection

Bus Terminal

techniques can be used for Bus

The power contacts on the left hand Terminals:
side (if available) supply the terminals – standard terminal point:
590 with field voltage. Depending on the 0.08…2.5 mm² spring-loaded
terminals 24 V DC, 230 V AC or other technique
voltages are transferred. The supply – HD Bus Terminal: 0.08…
power required is listed in the techni- 0.75 mm² (with ferrule);
cal data. The maximum load of the 0.08…1.5 mm² (single-wire);
power contacts is 10 A. spring-loaded technique;
direct plug-in technique
– ribbon: especially used in
Asia for digital input/output
– plug-in wiring level:
KS terminals

Some 2-channel Bus Terminals

have a PE power contact, which
can be used for PE distribution
by connecting it together with
similar terminals. The EMC spring
+60 °C Extended operating/ contact on the underside of the
-25 °C storage temperature terminal only serves to remove
interference and may not be
used as a protective earth .
Extended mechanical
Technical data see page 561

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

2-channel terminals 4-channel terminals 8-channel terminals 16-channel terminals
The 2-channel terminals Along with four channels The 8-channel terminals have one The HD (High Density) housing allows
provide additional power the 4-channel terminals have channel per connection point due to 16 channels to be accommodated
(+24 V DC), ground (0 V DC) another four connection points a high packing density. The power on a unit that is only 12 mm wide.
and in many cases also PE for available. These can provide contact of the terminal will be used The power contact of the terminal
each channel. Connection is 24 V DC or ground. Connec- as the common reference potential. will be used as the common reference
carried out with 3- or 4-wire tion is carried out with 2-wire Connection is carried out with 1-wire potential. Connection is carried out
connection. connection. connection. with 1-wire connection.

The Bus Terminals offer the possibility the High state corresponds to the level of In the KL5xxx and KL6xxx Bus Terminal
to directly connect many different signals. the supply voltage, the Low state corresponds product families other complex signals,
No signal converter or additional evalua- to ground level. For negative switching logic such as position values and digital interfaces,
tion device is needed. The direct connection it is the other way around. The Bus Terminal are supported. Some Bus Terminals act as
reduces the costs and simplifies the control product family supports both types of logic fieldbus masters for subordinate bus systems.
technology. Each Bus Terminal separates the for various supply voltages. 1-, 2-, 3- and The Bus Terminal station thus becomes a uni-

Bus Terminal
internal electronics from the connection level 4-wire connections allow the use of Bus versal gateway between different systems.
and thus simplifies the creation of voltage Terminals in almost all applications without The KL9xxx system terminals round off
groups with different voltages. In addition, further wiring work. the application of Bus Terminals with power
interfering voltages on the signal connector The KL3xxx and KL4xxx Bus Terminal feed and power supply units.
lose their adverse effects. product family processes analog signals.
The KL1xxx, KL2xxx Bus Terminal product The most commonly used are 0 to 10 V,
family is designed for the processing of dig- ±10 V, 0 to 20 mA and 4 to 20 mA. Also many
ital or binary signals. There are “High” and other industry-standard voltage and current
“Low” states. In the positive switching logic signals are supported and pre-processed.

Technical data KLxxxx | KSxxxx

Electrical isolation 500 V (K-bus/field potential); if not indicated otherwise
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C (extended temperature range: -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C)
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6: 1 g (extended range: 5 g)
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27: 15 g, 11 ms (extended range: 25 g, 6 ms); 1000 shocks per direction, 3 axes
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 20/variable (see documentation)
Pluggable wiring for all KSxxxx Bus Terminals

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input KL1408, KL1418

Digital input | 24 V DC, positive switching

The digital inputs of a 24 V supply The diagram shows the typical cur- 8-channel digital
are among the most used signals. rent/voltage curves of the Bus Termi- input terminal,
The EN 61131-2 standard describes nal inputs and the allowable range 24 V DC, 1-wire,
the input characteristic and distin- of conformity in accordance with type 1/3
guishes three types. Type 1 has a the standard.
small input current with low power The input circuits differ in their Technical data KL1408 | KL1418 |
dissipation. This input is optimised filtering functions. The filtering has KS1408 KS1418
for mechanical switches and actively- the task of suppressing electromag- Connection technology 1-wire
switched electronic outputs. Type 2 netic interference. However, this does
has a significantly larger input current have the drawback of signal deceler- Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3
and is optimised for 2-wire sensors ation. The filter time of 3 ms is com-
with a high quiescent current con- paratively slow, but it can suppress Input filter typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms
sumption. In switched-on state the the bouncing of a mechanical switch
current consumption of this input is and delivers a stable signal for sim- Number of inputs 8
high. The related power dissipation ple PLC applications. Filter times of
is generally not acceptable. Type 3 0.2 ms are suitable for applications +60 °C
is a combination between type 1, with shortest possible reaction times -25 °C

with low current in switched-on and should be used for mechanical

state, and a satisfactorily high quies- switches only in a restricted manner.
cent current for the majority of mod-
1 5

ern 2-wire sensors. The type 3 input

can be used in almost all applica- 2 6

tions as a replacement for type 1.

3 7
Bus Terminal

4 8

Type 1 Type 2 The KL1408 and KL1418

592 digital input terminals
have eight inputs, which
30 30
are each assigned to a
25 25
20 ON 20 ON connection point. This
15 15
way, a high packing
10 10 density can be achieved
5 5 for signal sources with
0 OFF 0 OFF common grounds.
−3 I IN /mA −3 I IN /mA
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 18 30

Signal voltage “0”: -3…5 V DC Signal voltage “0” -3…5 V DC

Signal voltage “1”: 15…30 V DC Signal voltage “1”: 11…30 V DC

Type 3
25 Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
20 ON
Current consumption typ. 2 mA + load
10 power contacts
5 Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 5 mA
0 OFF Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
−3 I IN /mA
0 5 10 15 Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL
Signal voltage “0”: -3…5 V DC Characteristics of the 3 input types Weight approx. 55 g
Signal voltage “1”: 11…30 V DC according to EN 61131-2 (24 V DC) Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL18xx, KL14xx Digital input

16-channel digital 8-channel digital input + 8-channel digital 4-channel digital 4-channel digital
input terminal, 8-channel digital output, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
24 V DC, 1-wire, 24 V DC, 1-wire, 24 V DC, 2-wire, 24 V DC, 2-wire, 24 V DC, 2-wire,
type 1/3 type 1/3 type 1/3 type 1/3 type 2

KL1809 KL1819 KL1859 KL1808 KL1404 | KL1414 | KL1434 | KS1434

KS1404 KS1414

EN 61131-2, type 2

typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms typ. 0.2 ms

16 8 inputs + 8 outputs 8 4 4

Type 2

1 5 1 5
1 9 1 9 1 9

2 10 2 10 2 10

3 11 3 11 3 11 2 6 2 6

4 12 4 12 4 12

5 13 5 13 5 13 3 7 3 7

6 14 6 14 6 14

7 15 7 15 7 15

Bus Terminal
4 8 4 8
Type 2
8 16 8 16 8 16

The HD (High Density) The KL1859 digital Bus Terminal The KL1808 HD (High The KL1404 and KL1414 The KL1434 digital input
Bus Terminals with higher combines eight digital inputs Density) Bus Terminal has digital input terminals are terminal is suitable for 593
packing density contain and eight digital outputs in one eight inputs and eight suitable for the connection the connection of four
16 terminal points housed device. 24 V connections, which of four 2-wire sensors. 2-wire sensors of type 2
in a 12 mm terminal block. are suitable for the connec- (EN 61131-2).
– number of outputs: 8 tion of 2-wire sensors.
– max. output current: 0.5 A
(per channel)
– load type: ohmic, inductive,
lamp load
– reverse voltage protection:

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
typ. 4 mA + load typ. 15 mA + load typ. 2 mA + load typ. 1 mA + load only load

typ. 20 mA typ. 25 mA typ. 15 mA typ. 3 mA typ. 3 mA

0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex
approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input KL1xxx

Digital input | 24 V DC, positive switching

4-channel digital 4-channel digital 2-channel digital input 4-channel digital
input terminal, input terminal, terminal, 24 V DC, with input terminal,
24 V DC, 2-/3-wire, 24 V DC, 2-/3-wire, short-circuit protected sen- 24 V DC, 3-wire,
type 1/3 type 2 sor supply and diagnostics, type 1/3
3-wire, type 1

Technical data KL1104 | KL1114 | KL1304 | KL1314 | KL1212 | KL1804 KL1814

KS1104 KS1114 KS1304 KS1314 KS1212
Connection technology 2-/3-wire 3-wire

Specification EN 61131-2, type 1/3 EN 61131-2, type 2 EN 61131-2, type 1 EN 61131-2, type 1/3

Input filter typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms

Number of inputs 4 4 2 4

+60 °C

-25 °C

Type 2

1 5 1 5 1 5
1 9

2 10

2 6 2 6 2 6 3 11

4 12

3 7 3 7 3 7 5 13
Bus Terminal

6 14

7 15
4 8 4 8 4 8
Type 2
8 16

The KL1104 and KL1114 The KL1304 and KL1314 The KL1212 digital input The KL1804 and KL1814
digital input terminals have digital input terminals have terminal contains two HD Bus Terminals contain
four inputs and also provide four inputs and also provide inputs, which are suitable four inputs, 24 V and ground
24 V DC and ground per 24 V DC and ground per for the connection of 3-wire connections, which are suit-
channel. channel. The terminals are sensors. The terminal offers able for the application of
especially suitable for sen- a short-circuit-proof sensor 3-wire sensors.
sors which require a high supply voltage with inte-
quiescent current. grated diagnostic. A short-
circuit or an open lead in
the sensor supply is detected
and the terminal status is
relayed to the controller via
the K-bus.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption only load only load only load typ. 1 mA + load
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 5 mA typ. 3 mA typ. 8 mA typ. 10 mA
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 50 g approx. 55 g approx. 60 g
Further information
Special terminals
Distinguishing features

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL1xxx Digital input

2-channel digital 2-channel digital 2-channel digital 16-channel digital

input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
24 V DC, 4-wire, 24 V DC, 4-wire, 24 V DC, 4-wire, 24 V DC, 1-wire,
type 1/3 type 1/3 type 2 flat-ribbon cable connection,
type 1/3

KL1002 | KL1012 | KL1402 | KL1412 | KL1302 | KL1312 | KL1862 KL1872

KS1002 KS1012 KS1402 KS1412 KS1302 KS1312
4-wire flat-ribbon cable

EN 61131-2, type 2 EN 61131-2, type 1/3

typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms

2 2 2 16

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

Bus Terminal
+ –
4 8 4 8 4 8 1 2

The KL1002 and KL1012 digital input The current/voltage characteristics The KL1302 and KL1312 digital input A 20-pin plug connector with
terminals have two inputs, which are have been optimised for 4-wire sen- terminals have two inputs, which are 2.54 mm contact spacing enables
suitable for the connection of 4-wire sors. The input current in low state suitable for the connection of 4-wire the secure connection of plug con-
sensors. is increased to a minimum value of sensors. The terminals are especially nectors using insulation displace-
1.5 mA and therefore supports the suitable for sensors which require a ment contact, as is usual for ribbon
majority of commercially available high quiescent current. cables and special round cables.
4-wire sensors. A typical value for The required 24 V DC voltage supply
the energy-saving high current is must be input by the ribbon cable
2.2 mA. or the terminal points.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

only load typ. 1 mA + load only load typ. 4 mA from the 24 V supply
(no power contacts)
typ. 3 mA typ. 3 mA typ. 3 mA typ. 3 mA
-25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
negative switching 596

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input KL1xxx

Digital input | 24 V DC, negative switching

8-channel digital 16-channel digital 4-channel digital 16-channel digital
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
24 V DC, 1-wire 24 V DC, 1-wire 24 V DC, 2-/3-wire 24 V DC, 1-wire,
flat-ribbon cable

Technical data KL1488 | KL1498 | KL1889 KL1184 | KL1194 | KL1862-0010

KS1488 KS1498 KS1184 KS1194
Connection technology 1-wire 2-/3-wire flat-ribbon cable

Specification negative switching

Input filter typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms typ. 3.0 ms

Number of inputs 8 16 4 16

1 5 1 5
1 9

2 10

2 6 3 11 2 6

4 12

3 7 5 13 3 7

6 14

7 15 + –
Bus Terminal

4 8 4 8 1 2

8 16

The negative switching The HD (High Density) Negative switching sensors A 20-pin plug connector
596 KL1488 and KL1498 digital Bus Terminals with higher can be connected to the with 2.54 mm contact spac-
input terminals are suitable packing density contain KL1184 and KL1194 digital ing enables the secure con-
for the connection of eight 16 terminal points housed input terminals. nection of plug connectors
sensors by 1-wire technol- in a 12 mm terminal block. using insulation displace-
ogy. ment contact, as is usual for
ribbon cables and special
round cables. The required
24 V DC voltage supply must
be input by the ribbon cable
or the terminal points.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption typ. 2 mA + load typ. 4 mA + load only load typ. 4 mA from the 24 V
power contacts supply (no power contacts)
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 5 mA typ. 20 mA typ. 8 mA typ. 3 mA
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 50 g
Further information
Special terminals KL1862
Distinguishing features positive switching 595

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL11xx, KL1052 Digital input

Digital input | 24 V DC, positive/negative switching

4-channel digital 2-channel digital
input terminal, input terminal,
24 V DC, 2-/3-wire 24 V DC, 4-wire

Technical data KL1154 | KS1154 KL1164 | KS1164 KL1052 | KS1052

Connection technology 2-/3-wire 4-wire

Specification positive and negative switching

Input filter typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms typ. 3.0 ms

Number of inputs 4 2

1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8 4 8

positive negative positive negative

Positive or negative switching sensors can be connected Positive or negative switching sensors can be connected
to the KL1154 and KL1164 digital input terminals. to the KL1052 digital input terminal. 597

– signal voltage “0”: 7.6…17.4 V DC – signal voltage “0”: 7.6…17.4 V DC

– signal voltage “1”: 0…7 V DC and 18…30 V DC – signal voltage “1”: 0…7 V DC and 18…30 V DC

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption – –
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 8 mA typ. 8 mA
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 50 g
Further information
Special terminals KL1052-0010
Distinguishing features 96 V DC (not in accordance with the
EN 61131-2 specifications)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input KL1124, KL1032

Digital input | 5…230 V

Rather than the usual 24 V DC control 4-channel digital 2-channel digital
voltage, additional voltage range/potentials input terminal, input terminal,
are implemented for sensors and actuators. 5 V DC, 48 V DC,
The digital input terminals from the signal 2-/3-wire 4-wire, type 1
range 5…230 V allow direct input of these
special sensor/actuator supplies without a Technical data KL1124 | KS1124 KL1032 | KS1032
further level conversion. The Bus Terminals
are separately supplied with the correspond- Connection technology 2-/3-wire 4-wire
ing control voltage by a power feed terminal,
so that a Bus Terminal station can be oper- Signal voltage logic “0” CMOS (< 0.8 V) -6…+34 V
ated with various different potential groups. Signal voltage logic “1” CMOS (> 2.4 V) 34…60 V
Input filter typ. 0.2 ms typ. 3.0 ms
KL9xxx power feed terminals
see page 674 Number of inputs 4 2

1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6
+5 V +48 V

3 7 3 7
0V 0V
Bus Terminal

4 8 4 8

The KL1124 digital input The KL1032 digital input

598 terminal is suitable for terminal is suitable for the
the reading of 5 V DC logic reading of 48 V DC logic
signals. The 5 V DC supply signals.
voltage can be generated
with the KL9505 power
supply unit terminal and fed
in via the power contacts.

Nominal voltage 5 V DC 48 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption typ. 1 mA + load –
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 5 mA typ. 3 mA
Electrical isolation 500 V (K-bus/field potential) 500 V (K-bus/field potential)

Special features supply 5 V DC via further voltage values

power contacts on request
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
Further information
Special terminals
Distinguishing features

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL17xx Digital input

2-channel digital 2-channel digital 2-channel digital 2-channel digital

input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
60 V DC, 120 V AC/DC, 120/230 V AC, 120/230 V AC,
4-wire, type 1 4-wire, type 1 4-wire, type 1 2-wire, type 1

KL1712-0060 | KS1712-0060 KL1712 | KS1712 KL1702 | KS1702 KL1722 | KS1722


0…20 V 0…40 V 0…40 V 0…40 V

40…70 V 80…140 V 79…260 V 79…260 V
typ. 10 ms typ. 10 ms typ. 10 ms typ. 10 ms

2 2 2 2

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6
60 V DC 120 V 120 V/
230 V

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7
0V 0V 0V

Bus Terminal
4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The KL1712-0060 digital input The KL1712 digital input terminal The KL1702 digital input terminal The KL1722 digital input terminal
terminal is suitable for the reading is suitable for the acquisition of is suitable for the acquisition of does not have a power contact, 599
of 60 V DC logic signals. direct and alternating voltage logic logic signals in the alternating volt- so that individual potential groups
signals. age range from 120…230 V AC. can be built up. The voltage between
input 1 and input 2 must not exceed
230 V AC.

60 V DC 120 V AC/DC 120/230 V AC 120/230 V AC

– – – –

typ. 3 mA typ. 3 mA typ. 3 mA typ. 3 mA

500 V (K-bus/mains voltage); 500 V (K-bus/mains voltage); 500 V (K-bus/mains voltage); 500 V (K-bus/mains voltage);
3,750 V AC, 1 min. 3,750 V AC, 1 min. 3,750 V AC, 1 min. 3,750 V AC, 1 min.
60 V DC rail applications 120 V AC power grids ohmic/capacitive input behaviour ohmic/capacitive input behaviour

0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C

CE CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
KL1712-0010 KL1702-0010
24 V AC/DC input circuit 230 V AC input circuit with
type 2 characteristics

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input KM10xx

Digital input | 24 V DC, terminal modules

16-channel digital 32-channel digital 64-channel digital
input module, input module, input module,
24 V DC, plug 24 V DC, plug 24 V DC, plug
connector, type 1 connector, type 1 connector, type 1

Technical data KM1002 KM1012 KM1004 KM1014 KM1008 KM1018

Connection technology plug

Specification EN 61131-2, type 1

Input filter typ. typ. typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms typ. 3.0 ms typ. 0.2 ms
3.0 ms 0.2 ms
Number of inputs 16 (2 x 8) 32 (4 x 8) 64 (8 x 8)
Bus Terminal

Like the standard Bus Terminals, the terminal modules are integrated in the I/O system. Plug connectors with spring
600 connections enable plug-in wiring and are optionally available with 1 or 3 pins. LEDs integrated in the plug indicate
the signal state for each channel directly at the wire.

Ordering information:
KM10xx-0000 without plugs
-0001 1-pin plug (without status LED)
-0002 1-pin plug (with status LED)
-0004 3-pin plug (with status LED)

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 3 mA typ. 3 mA typ. 3 mA
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE CE
Weight approx. 90 g with 1-pin approx. 90 g with 1-pin connector, approx. 310 g with 1-pin connector,
connector, approx. 110 g approx. 110 g with 3-pin connector approx. 390 g with 3-pin connector
with 3-pin connector
Further information
Special terminals KM10x2-000x KM10x4-000x KM10x8-000x
Distinguishing features different connectors different connectors different connectors

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KM1644 Digital input

Digital input | Manual operation

Manual input of process data directly to 4-channel manual operation,
the terminal is suitable for example for: 4 x switch,
– training and test installations 4 x LED
– emergency operating levels in buildings
– operating levels in the control cabinet
– program development/simulation Technical data KM1644
It is possible to have a response directly on
the module by the LEDs controlled by the Specification manual operation level
process image.
Number of channels 4 inputs + 4 outputs
Together with the following terminals, further
manual operational functions can be imple-
– KL2641 | 1-channel relay output terminal,
230 V AC, 16 A, bistable, manual opera-
tion, see page 614
– KM2642, KM2652 | 2-channel relay
module, 230 V AC, 6 A, manual/automatic
operation, see page 617
– KM2614 | 4-channel relay module,
230 V AC, 16 A, automatic operation/
manual operation on the relay,
see page 616
– KM4602 | 2-channel analog output ter-
minal, 0…10 V, manual/automatic opera-
tion, see page 651 The digital KM1644 input terminal is used for manual
input directly in the process data. The four switches supply

Bus Terminal
their status to the control system as digital bit information.
The manual operating modules of the KL85xx The four LEDs indicate the four output bits from the process
series (see page 670 ) are installed in the data and cannot be activated directly via the switches.
control cabinet door. This way, the modules
can be operated without having to open the
control cabinet.

Nominal voltage –
Current consumption – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 5 mA
Switch settings ON, OFF, PUSH
Special features manual/emergency operation
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL
Weight approx. 65 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input KL1232

Digital input | Special functions

A specific alignment of the logic signals to 2-channel digital input
the application is possible with the special terminal, 24 V DC,
terminals. The signal is either pre-processed with edge triggered
inside the terminal or prepared as far as pos- pulse expansion
sible by a specialised input circuit, so that
no additional module needs to be switched Technical data KL1232 | KS1232
between sensor and Bus Terminal.
The KL1362, KL1382 and KL1352 Bus Connection technology 4-wire
Terminals generate a voltage internally for
sensor supply. Depending on the logical state Specification pulse expansion
of the sensor this changes the current or the
voltage. The Bus Terminal evaluates this state Input filter 0.2 ms
and transmits it to the process image of the Number of inputs 2
controller. If required, a diagnostic for wiring
breaks and short-circuits is available in the
event of a fault.

1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8
Bus Terminal

The KL1232 has an input circuit that extends plus-switched

signals, triggered on the rising edge, to 100 ms. The KL1232 is
particularly suitable for recording very short signals in control
602 systems with a longer processing time than the signal length.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

“0“ signal voltage -3…+5 V
“1“ signal voltage 15…30 V
Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 5 mA
Special features edge triggered pulse expansion
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 55 g
Further information
Special terminals KL1232-xxxx
Distinguishing features special terminals see page 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL13xx Digital input

2-channel digital input 2-channel digital input 2-channel digital input

terminal, 24 V DC, terminal, 24 V DC, terminal, 24 V DC,
for break-in alarm thermistor for Namur sensors

KL1362 | KS1362 KL1382 | KS1382 KL1352 | KS1352


break-in alarm thermistor PTC Namur

3.0 ms 30 ms 3.0 ms
2 2 2

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5

+5 V +8.2 V

2 6 4.7 k 2 6 2 6 10 k

4.7 k 1k
3 7 3 7 3 7

+ + +
- - -

4 8 4 8 4 8
Alarm Equivalent circuit PTC Equivalent circuit Namur Equivalent circuit
sensor alarm sensor sensor PTC sensor sensor Namur sensor

Bus Terminal
The digital KL1362 input terminal analyses the The digital KL1382 input terminal analyses the The digital input terminal KL1352 analyses the
input signals of break-in sensors with the aid of a input signal of thermistor sensors with the aid input signal from Namur sensors in accordance
current loop. It enables safe monitoring of alarm of a current loop and a voltage of less than 5 V. with EN 50277 (previously DIN 19234). One bit
contacts with fixed resistance ratio. In the process It is a monitoring device for the thermal machine indicates the sensor’s signal state in the process 603
image, the state of the sensor is indicated by one protection of PTC sensors, suitable for the direct image. A further bit reports short circuits or line
bit each. A further bit reports short circuits or line monitoring of motors, bearings and equipment. interruptions.
interruptions. In the process image, the state of the sensor is
indicated by one bit each. A further bit reports – switching hysteresis: 0.2 mA
– line interruption: < 0.1 mA short circuits or line interruptions. – short circuit current: < 8.2 mA
– short circuit: > 3 mA – short circuit detection: > 6.5 mA
– cable resistance: ≤ 200 Ω – sensor voltage: ≤ 5 V
– diagnostics: open-circuit: > 8 kΩ
short-circuit: < 25 Ω

24 V (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V (-15 %/+20 %)

“0“ signal current: < 1 mA ≤ 1.5 kΩ ≤ 1.2 mA
“1“ signal current: > 1 mA ≥ 3 kΩ ≥ 2.1 mA
– – –

typ. 35 mA typ. 60 mA typ. 70 mA

monitoring of alarm contacts monitoring device for thermal machine protection Namur
0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input KL1501, KL1512

Digital input | Counters

Pulses often need to be captured in technical Up/down counter, Up/down counter,
control applications. If the pulse length is the 24 V DC, 100 kHz, 32 bit 24 V DC, 1 kHz, 16 bit
order of magnitude of the control cycle time
or less, the controller cannot record these
signals correctly any more. Pre-processing is
then required. The “counter terminals” can Technical data KL1501 | KS1501 KL1512 | KS1512
count the number of pulses and deliver reli-
able values to the controller, even though the Input filter – 0.2 ms
controller cannot capture the pulse at that
speed. The counter is adapted to the individu- Number of inputs 2
al requirements, such as forwards/backwards +60 °C +60 °C
counter or Gate/Latch-controlled, by param- -25 °C -25 °C

eterisation. With a counter depth of 16- or

32-bit an overflow, even at high frequencies,
can easily be managed by the controller.
1 5 1 5

The KL1501 is optimised for particularly

fast signals. On this basis, other input volt- 2 6 2 6

ages and special pre-processing are avail-

able with special varieties of terminals. The
KL1512 is developed for price-sensitive areas 3 7 3 7

of application and has certain limitations in

relation to speed, bit width and functionality. 4 8
opt. Out
4 8

The up/down counter counts In the KL1512 digital input

binary pulses, and transmits terminal it is possible to
the counter state, in an elec- choose forwards or back-
Bus Terminal

trically isolated form, to the wards counter (16-bit) direc-

higher-level automation tion. It is particularly suitable
device. In the KL1501 Bus for simple counting tasks.
Terminal it is possible to
604 choose the (32-bit) counting
direction (forwards/back-
wards) using the forwards/
backwards input, and the
gate connection can be used
to trigger the counter.
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
“0“ signal voltage -3…+5 V -3…+5 V
“1“ signal voltage 15…30 V 15…30 V
Current consum. pow. cont. – –
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 50 mA typ. 50 mA
Counting frequency max. 100 kHz (2 kHz for max. 1 kHz
switching up and down)
Max. output current 0.5 A typ. (short-circuit-proof) –
per channel
Counter depth 32 bit 16 bit
Special features 2 additional outputs –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 55 g
Further information
Special terminals KL1501-001x
Distinguishing features special terminals see 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL1904 Digital input

Digital input | TwinSAFE

The KL1904 safety Bus Terminal is 4-channel digital
a digital input terminal for sensors input terminal,
with potential-free 24 V DC contacts TwinSAFE, 24 V DC
and comprises four fail-safe inputs.
The KL1904 meets the requirements of
DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e) Technical data KL1904
and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3).
Connection technology 2-wire
For further information on TwinSAFE and
the TwinSAFE products see page 966 Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e)
and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)
Number of inputs 4

1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8

Bus Terminal
The KL1904 Safety Bus Terminal
has four fail-safe inputs.


Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus 48 mA
Response time typ. 4 ms (read input/write to K-bus)
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
Permitted degree 2
of contamination
Climate class EN 60721-3-3 3K3
Installation position horizontal
Special features 4 safe inputs
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD
Weight approx. 50 g
Protection class IP 20
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output KL2408, KL2809

Digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

Many actuators are driven or controlled with 8-channel digital 16-channel digital
24 V DC. The Bus Terminals of the “positive output terminal, output terminal,
switching” category switch all output chan- 24 V DC, 1-wire 24 V DC, 1-wire
nels to 24 V DC, so all connected actuators
are hard-wired to ground (0 V). The output
of a Bus Terminal can be considered as a Technical data KL2408 | KS2408 KL2809
functional 24 V DC relay contact. The output
circuit offers further functions such as short- Connection technology 1-wire
circuit-current limitation, short-circuit switch-
off and the rapid depletion of inductive Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load
energy from the coil.
The most common output circuit deliv- Max. output current 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof)
ers a maximum continuous current of 0.5 A. per channel per channel
Special output terminals are available for
higher currents. Any type of load (ohmic, Number of outputs 8 16
capacitive, inductive) can be connected to an
output terminal. As lamp and capacitive loads +60 °C
are critical due to their high starting currents, -25 °C

they are limited by the output circuits of the

Bus Terminals. This ensures that the upstream
circuit-breaker is not triggered. Inductive
1 5
1 9
loads are problematic at switch-off, as high
2 10
induction voltages develop if the current is 2 6 3 11

interrupted too fast. An integrated freewheel-

ing diode prevents this voltage peak. How- 4 12

5 13
ever, the current is reduced so slowly that 3 7

it leads to faults in many technical control

Bus Terminal

6 14

applications. For example, a valve remains 4 8

7 15

8 16
open for many milliseconds. The Bus Termi-
nals represent a compromise between pre-
vention of overvoltage and rapid switch-off. The KL2408 digital output The KL2809 HD (High
terminal has 8 outputs, each Density) Bus Terminal has
They suppress the induction voltage to about
one is assigned a terminal 16 digital outputs and is
24 V DC and realise switch-off times which point. This way, a high pack- suitable for applications in
approximately correspond to the switch-on ing density can be achieved which a very high packing
time of the coil. for actuators with common density is required.
In the case of short-circuit, the output ground potential.
circuit limits the current and prevents the
activation of the upstream circuit-breaker.
The Bus Terminal maintains this current until
important self-heating and finally switches Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
off. After the circuit has cooled, it switches Current consumption typ. 60 mA + load typ. 35 mA + load
back on. The output signal is driven in time power contacts
until the output of the controller is switched Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 18 mA typ. 35 mA
off or the short-circuit is rectified. The clock Breaking energy < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel
frequency depends on the ambient tempera-
ture and the load of the other terminal chan- Reverse voltage protection yes yes
nels. The overload protection of the output is Short circuit current <2A <2A
also realised by thermal switch-off. The total Operating temperature -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
current specified should be observed. If a Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
total current is not given, it is not limited.
Weight approx. 70 g approx. 70 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL2xxx, KL1859 Digital output

16-channel digital 8-channel digital input + 4-channel digital 8-channel digital 8-channel digital
output terminal, 8-channel digital output, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
24 V DC, 1-wire, 24 V DC, 1-wire 24 V DC, 2-wire 24 V DC, 2-wire 24 V DC, 2-wire
with diagnostics

KL2819 KL1859 KL2404 | KL2424 | KL2808 KL2828

KS2404 KS2424

ohmic, inductive, capacitive

0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short- 2.0 A (short- 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 2 A ( ∑ 10 A)
per channel per channel circuit-proof) circuit-proof) per channel
per channel per channel
16 8 outputs + 8 inputs 4 8 8

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5
1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9

2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10

3 11 3 11 2 6 3 11 3 11

4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12

5 13 5 13 3 7 5 13 5 13

Bus Terminal
6 14 6 14 6 14 6 14

7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15
4 8

8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16

The KL2819 HD (High The KL1859 digital Bus Terminal The KL2404 and KL2424 The KL2808 High Density The KL2828 High Density
Density) Bus Terminal has combines eight digital inputs digital input terminals are Bus Terminal contains eight Bus Terminal contains eight
16 digital outputs and and eight digital outputs in suitable for the connection outputs and eight ground outputs and eight ground
is suitable for applica- one device. of four 2-wire actuators. connection points for the connection points for the
tions in which a very high connection of 2-wire actua- connection of 2-wire actua-
packing density is required. – number of inputs: 8 tors and thus allows a very tors and thus allows a very
Diagnostic information on – input filter: 3.0 ms high packing density. high packing density.
overtemperature and lack – type 1/3
of voltage supply are evalu-
ated by the controller.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
typ. 50 mA + load typ. 15 mA + load typ. 30 mA + load typ. 15 mA + load typ. 15 mA + load

typ. 80 mA typ. 25 mA typ. 9 mA typ. 20 mA typ. 18 mA

< 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/ < 1.7 J/ < 150 mJ/channel < 1.2 J/channel
channel channel
yes yes yes yes yes
< typ. 1 A <2A <2A < 70 A <2A < 40 A typ.
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, CE, UL, Ex, GL CE
approx. 70 g approx. 60 g approx. 70 g approx. 65 g approx. 70 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output KL2xxx

Digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

4-channel digital 4-channel digital 2-channel digital 2-channel digital
output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
24 V DC, 2-/3-wire 24 V DC, 2-/3-wire 24 V DC, 3-wire 24 V DC, 4-wire

Technical data KL2114 | KS2114 KL2134 | KS2134 KL2442 KL2032 | KS2032

Connection technology 2-/3-wire 3-wire 4-wire

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 4.0 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof)
per channel per channel per channel, 8 A for parallel per channel
Number of outputs 4 4 2 2

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C


1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7
Bus Terminal

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The KL2114 digital output The KL2134 digital output The KL2442 is suitable for the The KL2032 digital output
terminal connects the con- terminal connects the con- connection of actuators with terminal connects the con-
trol signals to the actuators trol signals to the actuators high current requirement of trol signals to the actuators
in an electrically isolated in an electrically isolated 4 A. For parallel switched out- in an electrically isolated
manner. manner. It is protected puts, even 8 A is possible. manner.
against reverse polarity

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption typ. 30 mA + load typ. 30 mA + load typ. 30 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 9 mA typ. 9 mA typ. 9 mA typ. 5 mA
Breaking energy < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel no data < 150 mJ/channel

Reverse voltage protection – yes yes yes

Short circuit current <2A <2A < 70 A <2A
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL CE CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 55 g
Further information
Special terminals
Distinguishing features

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL2xxx Digital output

2-channel digital 2-channel digital 16-channel digital 16-channel digital

output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
24 V DC, 4-wire 24 V DC, 4-wire, 24 V DC, flat-ribbon 24 V DC,
with diagnostics cable connection D-sub connection

KL2012 | KL2022 | KL2212 | KS2212 KL2872 KM2042

KS2012 KS2022
flat-ribbon cable D-sub

0.5 A (short- 2.0 A (short- 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof)
circuit-proof) circuit-proof) per channel per channel per channel
per channel per channel
2 2 16 16

1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 +48 V

3 7 3 7

Bus Terminal
+ –
4 8 4 8 1 2

The digital output terminals Diagnostic possibilities: The KL2872 allows the connection The digital output terminal KM2042
KL2012 and KL2022 connect – short-circuit to 24 V of 16 actuators by direct ribbon allows direct connection of actuators
the control signals to the actuators – short-circuit to 0 V cable via a 20-pin contact strip by D-sub connection, which is com-
in an electrically isolated manner. – undervoltage with a 2.54 mm contact spacing. mon in e.g. valve terminals. Plug X2
The required 24 V DC voltage supply included in the scope of supply.
must be input by the ribbon cable
or the terminal points.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

typ. 15 mA + typ. 20 mA + typ. 15 mA + load typ. 60 mA from the supply – (no power contacts)
load load (no power contacts)
typ. 5 mA typ. 15 mA typ. 5 mA typ. 5 mA
< 150 mJ/ < 1.7 J/channel < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel
– – yes yes
<2A < 70 A <2A <2A <2A
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE
approx. 55 g approx. 60 g approx. 55 g approx. 90 g
negative switching 612

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output KM200x

Digital output | 24 V DC, terminal modules

16-channel digital 32-channel digital 64-channel digital
output, 24 V DC, output, 24 V DC, output, 24 V DC,
plug connector plug connector plug connector

Technical data KM2002 KM2004 KM2008

Connection technology plug

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current 0.5 A (short-circuit- 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof)

proof) per channel per channel per channel
Number of outputs 16 (2 x 8) 32 (4 x 8) 64 (8 x 8)
Bus Terminal

Like the standard Bus Terminals, the terminal modules are integrated in the I/O system. Plug connectors with spring
610 connections enable plug-in wiring and are optionally available with 1 or 3 pins. LEDs integrated in the plug indicate
the signal state for each channel directly at the wire.
Ordering information:
KM200x -0000 without plugs
-0001 1-pin plug (without status LED)
-0002 1-pin plug (with status LED)
-0004 3-pin plug (with status LED)
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 5 mA typ. 5 mA typ. 5 mA
Breaking energy < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel < 150 mJ/channel
Reverse voltage protection yes yes yes
Short circuit current <2A <2A <2A
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE CE
Weight approx. 90 g with 1-pin approx. 90 g with 1-pin connector, approx. 310 g with 1-pin connector,
connector, approx. 110 g approx. 110 g with 3-pin connector approx. 390 g with 3-pin connector
with 3-pin connector
Further information
Special terminals KM2002-000x KM2004-000x KM2008-000x
Distinguishing features different connectors different connectors different connectors

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL2124 Digital output

Digital output | 5 V DC, positive switching

The KL2124 digital output terminal connects 4-channel digital
the binary control signals from the automa- output terminal,
tion unit on to the actuators at the process 5 V DC, 2-/3-wire
level with electrical isolation. The load current
outputs of the KL2124 version are protected
against overload and short-circuit. The Bus Technical data KL2124 | KS2124
Terminal contains four channels that indicate
their signal state by means of light emitting Connection technology 2-/3-wire
Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current ±20 mA (short-circuit-proof) per channel,

8 mA signal current
Number of outputs 4

1 5

2 6
+5 V

3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8

The positive-switching KL2124 output terminal

offers four outputs and additionally provides 5 V DC 611
and ground (0 V) for each channel.

Nominal voltage 5 V DC
Current consumption typ. 16 mA + load
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 14 mA
Breaking energy –
Reverse voltage protection yes
Short circuit current –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 70 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output KL2xxx

Digital output | 24 V DC, negative switching

8-channel digital 16-channel digital 4-channel digital 16-channel digital
output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
24 V DC, 1-wire 24 V DC, 1-wire 24 V DC, 2-/3-wire 24 V DC, flat-ribbon
cable connection

Technical data KL2488 | KS2488 KL2889 KL2184 | KS2184 KL2872-0010

Connection technology 1-wire 2-/3-wire flat-ribbon cable

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof) 0.5 A (short-circuit-proof)
per channel per channel per channel per channel
Number of outputs 8 16 4 16

1 5 1 5
1 9

2 10

2 6 3 11 2 6

4 12

3 7 5 13 3 7

6 14

7 15 + –
Bus Terminal

4 8 4 8 1 2

8 16

The KL2488 digital output The KL2889 HD (High Den- The KL2184 digital output A 20-pin plug connector
612 terminal is suitable for the sity) Bus Terminal offers terminal offers four outputs with 2.54 mm contact
connection of eight negative terminal points for 16 nega- and additionally provides spacing enables the secure
switching actuators using tive switching actuators 24 V DC and ground (0 V) connection of plug con-
1-wire connection technol- using 1-wire connection for each channel. nectors using insulation
ogy. technology and thus a very displacement contact, as
high packing density. is usual for ribbon cables
and special round cables.
The required 24 V DC volt-
age supply must be input
by the ribbon cable or the
terminal points 1 and 2.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption typ. 60 mA + load typ. 35 mA + load typ. 30 mA + load typ. 60 mA from the supply
power contacts (no power contacts)
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 18 mA typ. 45 mA typ. 9 mA typ. 5 mA
Breaking energy < 100 mJ/channel < 100 mJ/channel < 100 mJ/channel < 100 mJ/channel
Reverse voltage protection yes yes yes yes
Short circuit current <7A <7A <7A <7A
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, Ex
Weight approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 55 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL2784, KL279x Digital output

Digital output | 30 V AC/DC, solid state relays

The KL2784, KL2794 and 4-channel digital 4-channel digital 8-channel digital
KL2798 digital output terminals output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
each provide four (KL27x4) or 30 V AC/DC, 30 V AC/DC, solid state 30 V AC/DC,
eight (KL2798) switches, which solid state relay relay, potential-free solid-state relay
can be used like a relay contact
for AC/DC voltages. The KL2784 Technical data KL2784 | KS2784 KL2794 | KS2794 KL2798
uses a power contact as a com-
mon potential. In the KL2794 Connection technology 2-wire
and KL2798, the power contacts
are passed directly to the circuit Load type AC/DC loads
without connection.
The electronic switch in the Max. output current 2A 2A 2A
Bus Terminal is implemented Number of outputs 4 x make contacts 4 x make contacts 8 x make contacts
by efficient MOSFET transistors
with a low switch-on resistance.
The electronics are virtually
wear-free. The switch itself is not
short-circuit-proof, but can con-
1 5 1 5
1 9
duct a high current with its high
2 10
pulse current capability long 2 6 2 6 3 11

enough, until the circuit-breaker

switches off. It behaves like a 4 12

5 13
robust relay contact. 3 7 3 7

Inductive loads can be 6 14

switched directly, without fur- 4 8 4 8

7 15

8 16
ther safety measures. The circuit
switches relatively slowly and

Bus Terminal
prevents high peak voltages. 4 electronic switches 4 potential-free 8 potential-free
on the power contact electronic switches electronic switches
No break sparks are created in
the terminal and thus no electro-
magnetic interference pulse. Nominal voltage 0…30 V AC/DC (only 0…30 V AC/DC (only 0…30 V AC/DC (only
ohmic load: 0…48 V DC) ohmic load: 0…48 V DC) ohmic load: 0…48 V DC)
Current consum. pow. cont. only load – –
Current consumpt. K-bus 80 mA 80 mA 80 mA
Breaking energy no data no data no data
Short circuit current 90 A 90 A 5 A (100 ms), < 50 A
(10 ms), observe the
cut-off characteristic
of the fuse
Surge voltage protection > 39 V > 39 V > 39 V
Peak current 5 A (100 ms), 5 A (100 ms), 5 A (100 ms),
< 50 A (10 ms) < 50 A (10 ms) < 50 A (10 ms)
On-resistance typ. 0.03 Ω typ. 0.03 Ω typ. 0.03 Ω
Switching on speed typ. 1.8 ms, max. 5 ms typ. 1.8 ms, max. 5 ms typ. 1.8 ms, max. 5 ms
Switching off speed typ. 30 ms, max. 50 ms typ. 30 ms, max. 50 ms typ. 30 ms, max. 50 ms
Special features alternative for relay alternative for relay substitute for relay
contacts contacts, potential-free contacts, potential-free
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, Ex CE, Ex CE
Weight approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g
Further information
KL2784 KL2794 KL2798

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output KL2612, KL2641

Digital output | Relay outputs up to 400 V AC

The Bus Terminals switch a relay as a 2-channel relay 1-channel relay
function of the bits in the process image. output terminal, output terminal,
The relays completely isolate the current flow 125 V AC 230 V AC, bistable,
by a mechanical contact; there is no residual manual operation
current through the open contact. The Bus
Terminals are not equipped with a protective Technical data KL2612 | KS2612 KL2641
circuit, so as not to allow for residual current
by parallel switched components. The relay Load type ohmic ohmic, inductive, lamp load
contacts differ in their contact material. Sig-
nal contacts also switch small voltages and Max. output current 2A 16 A
currents; large current here lead to a change
in the contact characteristics. Power contacts Number of outputs 2 x change-over 1 make contact
can switch large loads. A oxide layer on the
power contacts prevents safe contact for
small voltages below 1 V DC.
Switching on is accompanied by a
bouncing. The electrical connection is initially
1 5

switched on and off briefly, until the contact

is securely in its closed location. With an 2 6

inductive load (coil) this behaviour leads to

a spark and to corresponding electromag-
netic radiation. Capacitive loads create 3 7

a short-circuit for a brief period of time.

This can – particularly with alternating volt- 4 8 1 2 3 4

ages – lead to such high switch-on currents

at switch-on under peak value that the
bouncing contact is burned shut. A capacitive The KL2612 Bus Terminal The KL2641 output terminal
Bus Terminal

is equipped with potential- has a relay with a single

load can also be electronic devices, which are
free contacts. contact, which can be used
typically equipped with a rectifier in the input universally for the switching
and a relatively large smoothing capacitor. of mains voltage consumers.
Electronic ballast is especially critical for The relay can optionally be
fluorescent lamps. The maximum switch-on switched in manual or auto-
matic mode.
currents of the devices, which should be
observed, are shown in the technical data
numerous times. Nominal voltage 125 V AC/30 V DC 230 V AC (max. switching
The switch-off of a relay takes place by voltage 440 V AC)
mechanical opening the contact. An arc burns Current consum. pow. cont. – (no power contacts) typ 65 mA + load
for a short moment and warms the contact. Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 60 mA typ. 5 mA
For an inductive load (coil) a large part of the Switching current 0.5 A AC/2 A DC (ohmic) 16 A AC
magnetic energy stored in the coil is addition-
ally released as heat at the contact. This load
on the contact determines the service life of Operat. cycles mech. (min.) 1 x 108 1 x 106
the relay and is called the electrical service Operat. cycles electr. (min.) 2 x 10 (1 A/30 V DC) no data
life. The mechanical service life is defined as Lamp test, max. 2 A starting current max. 16 A starting current
the number of switching operations without electronic ballast
current flow through the contact. Minimum permitted load 10 µA at 10 mV –
Special features signal relay manual operation;
bistable relay contact
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE
Weight approx. 80 g approx. 110 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL26xx Digital output

2-channel relay 2-channel relay 2-channel relay 1-channel relay

output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
230 V AC 230 V AC 230 V AC, 300 V DC 400 V AC, 300 V DC

KL2602 | KS2602 KL2622 | KS2622 KL2652 | KS2652 KL2631 | KS2631

5A 2A

2 x make contacts for power contact 2 x make contacts 2 x change-over 1 x make contacts for power contact

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6
…230 V AC …400 V AC

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The KL2602 output terminal has The KL2622 Bus Terminal has The KL2652 output terminal has two The KL2631 output terminal has a

Bus Terminal
two relays each of which has a potential-free contacts; the power relays each with a changeover con- relay with a single contact, which is
single contact. The relay contact contacts are not looped through. tact, which can be used universally connected with the power contacts
is connected to the power contacts, for the switching of mains voltage (usable up to 400 V AC) and can be
which are suitable for use at up consumers of 230 V AC or 300 V DC. used universally for the switching of
to 230 V AC, and can be generally The KL2652 Bus Terminal is equipped mains voltage consumers. In order to
used for switching devices requiring with potential-free contacts. use high voltages of up to 400 V AC,
mains power. the KL2631 must be supplied via the
KL9190 power feed terminal.

230 V AC/30 V DC 230 V AC/30 V DC 230 V AC (max. switching voltage 400 V AC/300 V DC
250 V AC/300 V DC)
only load – – (no power contacts) only load
typ. 80 mA typ. 85 mA typ. 90 mA typ. 80 mA
5 A AC/DC (ohmic)/ 5 A AC/DC (ohmic)/ max. 1 A AC/1 A DC at 40 V DC; switching capacity DC: 300 V =
2 A AC/DC (inductive) 2 A AC/DC (inductive) max. 0.15 A at 300 V DC 0.15 A; 24 V = 5 A; non-linear;
(UL: max. 230 V AC, 1 A) switching capacity AC: 1,500 VA
2 x 107 2 x 107 5 x 106 1 x 107
5 5 6
1 x 10 (5 A/30 V DC) 1 x 10 (5 A/30 V DC) 1 x 10 (1 A/250 V AC) 1.3 x 105 (2 A/250 V AC)
max. 5 A starting current (4 x 58 W) max. 5 A starting current (4 x 58 W) max. 6 A starting current no data

10 mA at 5 V DC 10 mA at 5 V DC 100 mA (12 V DC) no data

power relay potential-free contacts reverse switching realisable 400 V contact

-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C

approx. 85 g approx. 80 g approx. 55 g approx. 85 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output KM2604, KM2614

Digital output | Relay outputs up to 400 V AC

4-channel relay module, 4-channel relay module,
230 V AC 230 V AC, automatic/manual

Technical data KM2604 KM2614

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current 16 A

Number of outputs 4 x change-over 4 x change-over

Bus Terminal

The KM2604 terminal module combines four pluggable The KM2614 terminal module combines four pluggable
power relays in one fieldbus module. The high switching power relays in one fieldbus module. The high switching
capacity of 16 A at 230 V AC enables direct mains connection capacity of 16 A at 230 V AC enables direct mains connection
616 of consumers with high current consumption. The relays are of consumers with high current consumption. The relays are
positioned at the top and can therefore be exchanged easily. positioned at the top and can therefore be exchanged easily.
Each relay can be manually switched to the ON status. A seal
indicates the initial manual operation.

Nominal voltage 230 V AC (max. switching voltage 250 V AC/30 V DC) 230 V AC (max. switching voltage 250 V AC/30 V DC)
Current consumption – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 15 mA typ. 15 mA
Switching current 16 A AC/12 A DC at 30 V DC 16 A AC/12 A DC at 30 V DC
Operat. cycles mech. (min.) 5 x 106 5 x 106
Operat. cycles electr. (min.) 1 x 106 (1 A/250 V AC) 1 x 106 (1 A/250 V AC)
Lamp test, max. 25 A starting current max. 25 A starting current
electronic ballast
Minimum permitted load 5 mA (10 V DC) 5 mA (10 V DC)
Special features – automatic/manual operation at the relay
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE
Weight approx. 250 g approx. 250 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KM2642, KM2652 Digital output

2-channel relay module, 2-channel relay module,

230 V AC, manual/automatic 230 V AC, manual/automatic
operation operation

KM2642 KM2652


2 x change-over 2 x change-over

Bus Terminal
The digital KM2642 output terminal has two independent relay change-over The digital KM2652 output terminal has two independent relay change-over
contacts, which can be used for switching mains current consumers. For each contacts, which can be used for switching mains current consumers. For each
channel a switch enables selection between automatic, manual on, manual channel a switch enables selection between automatic, manual on, manual
off. In automatic mode the logical state of an output bit switches the relay. off. In automatic mode the logical state of an output bit switches the relay. 617
For manual mode a 24 V supply is required for the Bus Coupler. The output For manual mode a 24 V supply is required for the Bus Coupler. The state of
state can be read by the controller. the output and the switch can be read by the controller.

230 V AC (max. switching voltage 250 V AC) 230 V AC (max. switching voltage 250 V AC)
– (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)

typ. 130 mA typ. 130 mA

6 A AC/4 A DC at 30 V DC 6 A AC/4 A DC at 30 V DC
1 x 106 1 x 106
1 x 105 (3 A/250 V AC) 1 x 105 (3 A/250 V AC)
max. 10 A starting current max. 10 A starting current

100 mA (12 V DC) 100 mA (12 V DC)

manual/automatic operation manual/automatic operation, switch setting readable
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
approx. 110 g approx. 110 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output KL27xx

Digital output | Triac outputs up to 230 V AC

2-channel triac output 2-channel triac output 1-channel solid state load
terminal, 12…230 V AC terminal, 12…230 V AC relay up to 230 V AC/DC

Technical data KL2712 | KS2712 KL2722 | KS2722 KL2732 | KS2732 KL2701 | KS2701

Connection technology 4-wire 2-wire 2-/3-/4-wire

Load type ohmic, inductive

Max. output current 2 x 0.025…0.5 A 1x1A 1x1A 3 A steady load

Number of outputs 2 x make contacts 2 x make contacts 1 make contact

1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6
230 V AC

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8
Bus Terminal

The KL2712 and KL2722 output The KL2732 output terminal uses a The KL2701 output terminal uses
terminals use a power switch to control power switch to control mains voltage an electronic load relay to switch a
618 mains voltage from 12 V to 230 V AC. from 12 V to 230 V AC. The switching mains voltage of up to 230 V AC/DC.
The switching element is a Triac which element is a Triac. As a semiconductor The switching element is a high-power
is connected to the power contact switch, it is not subject to wear. MOSFET which is connected to the
potential. As a semiconductor switch, power contact potential. As a semicon-
it is not subject to wear. ductor switch, it is not subject to wear.

Nominal voltage 12…230 V AC 12…230 V AC 0…230 V AC/DC

Current consum. pow. cont. only leakage and load current – (no power contacts) only leakage and load current
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 10 mA typ. 10 mA typ. 65 mA
Switching times 0.1…10 ms, zero crossing 0.1…10 ms, zero crossing 1.5…5 ms
Frequency range 47…63 Hz 47…63 Hz DC…100 Hz
Surge voltage protection > 275 V AC > 275 V AC from 400 V AC
Peak current 40 A (16 ms), 1.5 A (30 s) 40 A (16 ms), 3 A (30 s) 5 A (20 s), 50 A (100 ms)
Leakage current (OFF state) typ. 0.8 mA, max. 1.5 mA typ. 0.8 mA, max. 1.5 mA << 1 mA
Switch-off time T/2 T/2 2…4 ms
Maximum residual voltage 1.5 V 1.5 V (100 mΩ)
Special features reverse motors (blinds) reverse motors (blinds) –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, Ex, GL CE, GL CE
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g
Further information
Special terminals KL27x2-0010 KL2732-0010
Distinguishing features special terminals see page 685 special terminals see page 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL2702, KM2774 Digital output

2-channel solid state load 4-channel triac output

relay up to 230 V AC/DC module for 4 blind motors

KL2702 | KS2702 KL2702-0020 KL2702-0002 KM2774


0.3 A steady load 1.5 A steady load 2 A steady load 1.5 A per channel
on each channel on each channel on each channel
2 x make contacts 2 x make contacts 2 x make contacts, 4 x 3 make contacts
mutually locked

1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8

Bus Terminal
The KL2702 output terminal uses an electronic load relay to switch a mains voltage of Mixed module 24 V DC/230 V AC for the direct control
up to 230 V AC/DC. The switching element is a high-power MOSFET which is connected of blinds applications
to the power contact potential. As a semiconductor switch, it is not subject to wear. 619

0…230 V AC/DC (DC…100 Hz) 80…230 V AC

only leakage and load current – (no power contacts)
typ. 10 mA typ. 50 mA typ. 50 mA typ. 30 mA
1.5…5 ms 0.1…10 ms, zero crossing
DC…100 Hz 50 Hz
from 400 V AC > 275 V AC
0.5 A (20 s), 1.5 A (100 ms) 2.5 A (20 s), 7.5 A (100 ms) 2.5 A (20 s), 7.5 A (100 ms) 40 A (16 ms), 3 A (30 s)
<< 1 mA typ. 0.8 mA, max. 1.5 mA
0.05…0.1 ms 5…8 ms 5…8 ms T/2
(2.1 Ω) (200 mΩ) (300 mΩ) 1.5 V
– –
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
approx. 55 g approx. 270 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output KL2692

Digital output | Cycle monitoring

The KL2692 Bus Terminal monitors a bit Cycle monitoring
that is toggled by the controller during terminal (watchdog)
each cycle. If the toggle signal fails, the
terminal switches off two potential-free
relays in order to prevent damage to the
machine. Failure of the toggle signal may Technical data KL2692 | KS2692
be caused by the PLC cycle stopping, by a
fault in the bus cable or connector, or by a Connection technology 2-wire
fault in a bus device. The cycle monitoring
time can be parameterised. The Bus Termi- Max. output current 3A
nal has an enable input that enables the
relay to be switched on if a correct toggle Number of outputs 2 potential-free relay outputs (normally-open contacts)
signal is detected.
Number of inputs 2 digital 24 V inputs

1 5

2 6

3 7
Bus Terminal

4 8


Nominal voltage 30 V DC
Current consumption –
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus approx. 165 mA
Switching times parameterisable
Ohmic switching current 5 A AC/DC
Inductive switching 2 A AC/DC
Operat. cycles mech. (min.) 2 x 107
Operat. cycles electr. (min.) 1 x 105 (5 A/30 V DC)
Minimum permitted load 10 mA at 5 V DC
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL
Weight approx. 60 g
Further information
Special terminals KL2692-1001
Distinguishing features 2 digital inputs, 2 potential-free relays,
end terminal variant

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL2521 Digital output

Digital output | Frequency output (pulse train)

The KL2521-xxxx output terminals provide a 1-channel pulse train 1-channel pulse train
parameterisable pulse sequence through both output terminal, RS422 output terminal, 24 V DC
their outputs. The relation between channel
A and B is adjustable, e.g. as encoder charac-
teristic. The pulse rate and the frequency are
specified by the controller via a 16-bit value. Technical data KL2521 | KS2521 KL2521-0024 |
The LEDs are driven in time with the outputs KS2521-0024
and each displays an active output. The gal- Output pattern pulse direction, encoder simulation
vanic isolation of the K-bus is realised.
The KL2521 has two RS422-compatible Max. output current RS422 specification 0.5 A
differential outputs, which are fed electrically
isolated from the K-bus. For the KL2521-0024 Number of outputs 1 channel (2 differential 1 channel (2 single-ended
both output channels are implemented as outputs A, B) low side switches A, B)
potential-free FET switches and must be fed Number of inputs 2 (+T, +Z) 2 (+T, +Z)
externally. The 100 mA switch output is short-
The KL2521 series offers different modes
of operation: frequency modulation on the
individual channels, incremental encoder or
pulse/direction signals. A travel distance con-
1 5 1 5

trol can also be parameterised.

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8 4 8


Nominal voltage RS422 level 24 V DC (externally supplied)

Current consumption – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 50 mA, max. 120 mA typ. 50 mA, max. 120 mA
Operation Clockwise Reverse
mode K-bus (load-dependent) (load-dependent)
PWM clock frequency 1…500 kHz, 50 kHz default 1…500 kHz, 50 kHz default
Frequency A Duty factor 50 % (±20 %) 50 % (±20 %)
B Resolution max. 15 bit max. 15 bit
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Pulse/ A Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE
direction Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
signals B Further information
Special terminals KL2521-0010
Incremental A Distinguishing features with additional outputs
B (230 V AC/DC, 100 mA)
instead of the additional
Frequency pulse patterns inputs of the default variant

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output KL25xx

Digital output | 24/50 V DC, PWM outputs

2-channel pulse 2-channel pulse 2-channel pulse 2-channel pulse
width output terminal, width output terminal, width current terminal, width current terminal,
24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 50 V DC

Technical data KL2502 | KS2502 KL2512 | KS2512 KL2535 | KS2535 KL2545 | KS2545

Load type ohmic inductive > 1 mH, valves, coils

Max. output current 0.1 A (1 A driver compo- 1.5 A per channel 2 x 1 A (short-circuit-proof, 2 x 3.5 A (short-circuit-proof,
nent) per channel thermal overload-proof for thermal overload-proof for both
both channels together) channels together)
Number of outputs 2 2 2 2


1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1’ 5’

A1 A2 A1 A2

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2’ 6’

B1 B2 B1 B2

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3’ 7’

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4’ 8’
Bus Terminal

The KL2502 digital output The negative switching The KL2535 digital out- The KL2545 digital output termi-
terminal modulates the KL2512 output terminal put terminal controls an nal controls an output current via
pulse width of a binary enables direct connection output current via pulse pulse width control of the supply
622 signal, and outputs it elec- of different ohmic loads. width control of the supply voltage. It is electrically isolated
trically isolated from the The output signal is a voltage. It is electrically from the K-bus. The current value
K-bus. The mark/space pulse-width modulated isolated from the K-bus. (0 to 3.5 A) is specified by the
ratio is prescribed by a voltage. The typical load of The current value (0 to automation device via a 16-bit
16-bit value from the an LED group or an incan- 1 A) is specified by the value.
automation unit. descent lamp is connected automation device via
between the positive side a 16-bit value.
of the supply voltage and
the output of the KL2512.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 8…50 V DC

Current consum. pow. cont. typ. 10 mA + load typ. 10 mA + load only load typ. 30 mA + load
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 18 mA typ. 18 mA typ. 60 mA typ. 100 mA
PWM clock frequency 1…20 kHz, 250 Hz default 1…20 kHz, 250 Hz default 36 kHz 36 kHz
Duty factor 0…100 % 0…100 % 0…100 % 0…100 %
(TON > 750 ns, TOFF > 500 ns) (current-controlled) (current-controlled)
Resolution max. 10 bit max. 10 bit max. 12 bit max. 12 bit
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, Ex CE CE
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 55 g approx. 100 g
Further information
Special terminals KL2502-xxxx
Distinguishing features special terminals
see page 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL2751, KL2761 Digital output

Digital output | Universal dimmers up to 230 V AC

To dim light efficiently means electronically 1-channel universal
regulating the current flow through the light- dimmer terminal,
ing medium using the phase control principle. 230 V AC
The ratio of the switch-on time to the switch-
off time determines the output light quantity
via the flow of current. Depending on the Technical data KL2751 | KS2751 KL2761 | KS2761
load connected (ohmic, capacitive, induc-
tive) either the switch-on time (leading edge Connection technology 4-wire
phase control | load type: L) or the switch-off
time (trailing edge phase control | load type: Load type ohmic, inductive or capacitive (not mixed),
C, R) must be regulated. The load type of an lamp load, automatic load detection
electronic ballast depends on the transformer Max. output current 1.35 A 2.7 A
used and must be taken into account.
The KL2751 and KL2761 universal dim- Number of outputs 1
mer terminals automatically recognise the
connected load and select the corresponding
control principle. The short-circuit resistance
prevents damage to the fuse, so that no addi-
tional maintenance work is necessary when
exchanging the lamp.
1 5

If high-energy, high-frequency interfer-

ence pulses are likely to occur in the 230 V AC 2 6
230 V AC
mains power supply, they can be eliminated
by an upstream KL9380 feed and filter ter-
minal. N 3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8

Nominal voltage 230 V AC
Current consumption only load
power contacts
Leading edge phase control Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 65 mA
Short circuit current 10…20 A 20…40 A
u Mains voltage 230 V AC (50 Hz)
Rated output 300 VA (W) 600 VA (W)
i Rated current max. 1.35 A max. 2.7 A
t Control type phase control
Resolution 1%
Voltage u
Leakage current < 1 mA (OFF state)
Current i
Special features dimmers with fieldbus functionality
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Trailing edge phase control Approvals CE
Weight approx. 60 g
u Further information
Special terminals KL2751-0011 KL2761-0011
i Distinguishing features without power contacts 600 W, 50 Hz
t (without power contacts)
Voltage u
KL9380 mains filter terminal for dimmers see
Current i

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output KL2531, KL2541

Digital output | 24/50 V DC, stepper motor terminals

Stepper motors are often used in positioning Additional inputs support functions like this effect in almost all standard motors.
drives. They allow, by the combination of sin- homing and final position monitoring. The rotor is not moved from step to step,
gle steps, a positioning process without feed- 64-fold micro stepping ensures particularly so it no longer jumps to the next position,
back of the rotor positions. This “open control quiet and precise motor operation. Together but moves through 64 intermediate steps.
chain” mode of operation and the longevity with a stepper motor, the stepper motor ter- So the rotor is carefully moved from one
of a stepper motor are particularly interest- minals represent an inexpensive small servo step to the next. The usual loss of torque
ing for price-sensitive fields of application. axis. The KL2541 also includes an incremental at certain speeds is avoided and operation
However, safe positioning is only guaranteed encoder interface to read position data. can be optimised for the particular applica-
within the performance limits. Both KL2531 and KL2541 stepper motor tion. This means that the lower speed range,
In contrast with a DC motor the control terminals can be controlled like a servo drive where particularly high torque is available,
of a stepper motor is carried out by the dif- by a speed interface from a Motion Control can be fully utilised.
ferent energisation of the individual motor software such as TwinCAT for example. In The KL2531 stepper motor terminal is
windings following a defined pattern of applications with a less complex and less designed exclusively for 24 V supply voltage.
pulses. The electromagnetic field of the stator powerful CPU the control is also possible The motor current can reach up to 1.5 A.
is switched intermittently so that the shaft via a position interface (travel distance The KL2541 covers a supply voltage range
turns through the step angle α. The motor control). The stepper motor terminals move from 8 V DC to 50 V DC and also needs
follows the impulse pattern of the control the motor themselves to a desired position. a 24 V supply from the power contacts.
unit, until the coupled momentum exceeds its Ramp steepness and maximum speed can The motor current can be set from 1 to 5 A.
holding momentum or the impulse demand is be entered as parameters. The peak current may briefly significant-
too dynamic, which leads to standstill of the Irregular operation at certain speed ly exceed the rated current and in this way
motor. With the KL2531 and KL2541 stepper ranges, particularly without coupled load, makes the whole drive system very dynamic.
motor terminals, which are suitable for highly indicates that the stepper motor is being In such dynamic applications, negative accel-
dynamic movement, this problem in areas of runat its resonance frequency. Under certain eration causes the feedback of energy, which
higher speeds of rotation can be solved. circumstances the motor may even stop. leads to voltage peaks at the power supply
The KL2531 and KL2541 stepper motor Resonances in the lower frequency range unit. A KL9570 buffer capacitor terminal
terminals are designed for direct connection essentially result from the mechanical protects from the effects of overvoltage, in
of medium capacity stepper motors. A high motor parameters. Apart from their impact that it absorbs some of the energy. If the volt-
Bus Terminal

frequency clocked PWM output stage regu- on smooth running, such resonances can age exceeds the capacity of the terminal, it
lates the currents through the motor coils. lead to significant loss of torque, or even gets rid of the excess energy via an external
The stepper motor terminals are synchronised loss of step of the motor, and are therefore resistance.
with the motor by parameterising. Unipolar particularly undesirable. Due to their sine/
as well as bipolar stepper motors can be cosine current profile, KL2531 and KL2541 AS10xx | Stepper motors see page 869
driven. stepper motor terminals are able to prevent

A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2

B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2


Connection of a unipolar stepper motor Connection of a bipolar AS10xx Connection of a bipolar AS10xx
stepper motor, serial stepper motor, parallel

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL2531, KL2541 Digital output

Stepper motor Stepper motor

terminal 24 V DC, 1.5 A terminal 50 V DC, 5 A,
with incremental encoder

Technical data KL2531 | KS2531 KL2541 | KS2541

Connection technology direct motor connection

Load type uni- or bipolar stepper motors

Max. output current 1.5 A (overload- and short-circuit-proof) 5 A (overload- and short-circuit-proof)

Number of outputs 1 stepper motor 1 stepper motor, encoder input


1 5 1 5 1’ 5’

2 6 2 6 2’ 6’

A1 A2
3 7 3 7 3’ 7’

Bus Terminal
4 8 4 8 4’ 8’


Nominal voltage 24 V (-15 %/+20 %) 8…50 V DC

Current consumption only load typ. 35 mA
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 60 mA typ. 100 mA
Number of inputs 2 2 for limit position, 4 for an encoder system
Maximum step frequency 125,000 steps/s 125,000 steps/s
Step pattern full step, half step, up to 64-fold micro stepping full step, half step, up to 64-fold micro stepping
Current controller approx. 25 kHz approx. 25 kHz
Resolution approx. 5,000 positions in typ. applications approx. 5,000 positions in typ. applications
(per revolution) (per revolution)
Encoder signal – 5…24 V, 5 mA, single-ended
Pulse frequency – max. 400,000 increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation)
Special features travel distance control travel distance control, encoder input
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 100 g
Further information
Special terminals KL2541-0006
Distinguishing features stepper motor terminal 50 V DC, 5 A,
5 V encoder supply

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output KL25xx, KL2284

Digital output | 24/50 V DC, DC motor output stages

DC motors can replace the servomotors in compensation of the internal resistance It switches loads in selectable polarity.
many applications if they are operated with keeps the motor at the desired speed for This means that DC motors can be used
an intelligent controller. A DC motor can be load changes. A simple drive task can be in both directions of rotation. A polarity is
integrated very simply into the control system performed by a simple controller. switched with two output bits per channel.
using the KS2532 and KL2552 Bus Terminals. For demanding positioning tasks a closed An interlock prevents simultaneous switching
All parameters are adjustable via the field- speed control loop with a feedback system is of both directions. Advanced power semicon-
bus. The small, compact design and DIN rail needed. The KL2552 allows connection of an ductors enable safe and wear-free switching
mounting make the DC motor output stages incremental encoder. The control loop can be with minimum dimensions. The high starting
suitable for a wide range of applications. closed by the higher-level controller. and short-circuit currents of the KL2284 are
The output stages are protected against over- The peak current may briefly significantly comparable with a robust relay. The number
load and short circuit and offer an integrated exceed the rated current and in this way of switching cycles is almost unlimited.
feedback system for incremental encoders on makes the whole drive system very dynamic.
a case-by-case basis. In such dynamic applications, negative accel- KL9570 | Buffer capacitor terminal
Through integration into TwinCAT NC, eration causes the feedback of energy, which see page 684
the DC motor can be used in combination leads to voltage peaks at the power supply
with the DC motor output stage – like a unit. A KL9570 buffer capacitor terminal pro-
servo-axis – for the application without any tects from the effects of overvoltage, in that
modifications. it absorbs some of the energy. If the voltage
Compared to other motors a DC motor exceeds a threshold, the terminal dissipates
is easier to adjust. The speed of rotation is the excess energy via an external resistance.
proportional to the voltage. With the KS2532 The KL2284 output terminal is sufficient
Bus Terminal the rotation speed can easily be for applications with start/stop or right/left
set through the process data. The integrated running functions without controllers.
Bus Terminal


Control of a DC motor with encoder feedback

TwinCAT NC Set value

speed M

Actual value
speed E

Realising demanding positioning tasks by closed speed control loop

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL25xx, KL2284 Digital output

2-channel DC motor 2-channel DC motor 4-channel digital output

output stage, 24 V DC, 1 A output stage, 50 V DC, 5 A terminal, 24 V DC, 2-wire

Technical data KL2532 | KS2532 KL2552 | KS2552 KL2284 | KS2284

Connection technology direct motor connection 2-wire

Load type DC brush motors, inductive AC/DC loads

Max. output current 2 x 1 A (short-circuit-proof, thermal over- 2 x 5 A (short-circuit-proof, thermal over- 2A

load-proof for both channels together) load-proof for both channels together)
Number of outputs 2 DC motors 2 DC motors, encoder input 4 x H-bridge circuit


1 5 1 5 1’ 5’ 1 5

A1 A2
2 6 2 6 2’ 6’ 2 6

B1 B2

3 7 3 7 3’ 7’ 3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8 4 8 4’ 8’ 4 8


Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 8…50 V DC 0…24 V AC/DC

Current consumption typ. 30 mA + load typ. 50 mA only load
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 50 mA typ. 100 mA 100 mA
Current limitation/ controlled, adjustable controlled, adjustable 90 A
short circuit current
Peak current – – 5 A (100 ms), < 50 A (10 ms)
On-resistance – – typ. 0.03 Ω
PWM clock frequency 30 kHz with 180° phase shift each 30 kHz with 180° phase shift each –
Duty factor 0…100 % (voltage-controlled) 0…100 % (voltage-controlled) –
Resolution max. 10 bits current, 16 bits speed max. 10 bits current, 16 bits speed –
Encoder signal – 5…24 V, 5 mA, single-ended –
Pulse frequency – max. 400,000 increments/s –
(with 4-fold evaluation)
Switching on speed – – typ. 235 ms, max. 300 ms
Switching off speed – – typ. 30 ms, max. 50 ms
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE CE
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 100 g approx. 70 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output KL2791

Digital output | 230 V AC, AC motor speed controller

When driving working machines whose 1-channel AC motor
production or conveying performance can be speed controller,
influenced via the drive speed of the motor, 230 V AC, 200 VA
energy can be saved by means of variable
speed. This particularly applies if the change
in the motor speed is also linked with large Technical data KL2791 | KS2791
changes in the emitted mechanical output.
Increase the speed – higher load, decrease Connection technology direct motor connection
– lower load. This procedure is particularly
suitable for uncontrolled units with a square Load type 1-phase AC motors
load characteristic, because regulating the
speed just a little brings about a large change Max. output current 0.9 A
in energy consumption due to its square
influence. Number of outputs 1 motor
Using the KL2791 single-phase AC motor
terminal, a single-phase AC motor with a
maximum power consumption of 0.2 KW can
be operated with speed control depending
on the process data. L1 and N of the motor
are wired directly to the terminal; this is in
1 5

turn integrated in the control environment

via a Bus Coupler or connected directly to an 2 6
230 V 1~
embedded device. The controller specifies the
set value for the motor speed in the form of a
16-bit word; the speed is regulated internally N 3 7

in the terminal. The motor is switched on and

off with a practice-proven mains-synchronous
Bus Terminal

4 8
Motor load
pattern, so that the motor consumes less
power and the speed falls significantly. This
method is well suited to motors with fixed
loads, such as pumps and fans, in order to
achieve a control range for the flow rate from
10 to 100 %.

Nominal voltage 230 V AC

Current consumption only load
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 65 mA
Reverse voltage protection no
Rated output ≤ 200 VA
Control type phase/full wave control
Resolution 1%
Leakage current < 1 mA (OFF state)
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE
Weight approx. 60 g
Further information
Special terminals KL2791-0011 KL2791-1200
Distinguishing features 230 V AC, 200 VA, 120 V AC, 100 VA
max. 0.9 A,
without power contacts

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL2904 Digital output

Digital output | TwinSAFE

The KL2904 safety Bus Terminal is a digital 4-channel digital
output terminal. It switches 24 V DC actua- output terminal,
tors with up to 0.5 A current per channel. TwinSAFE, 24 V DC
The KL2904 meets the requirements of
DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e) and
IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3). If the Bus Terminal Technical data KL2904
detects a fault, it switches off automatically
(fail stop). Connection technology 2-wire

For further information on TwinSAFE and Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e)
the TwinSAFE products see page 966 and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)
Max. output current 0.5 A/20 mA min. (per channel)

Number of outputs 4

1 5

2 6

3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8

The KL2904 Safety Bus Terminal

has four outputs. 629

Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption load-dependent
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus 250 mA
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
Permitted degree of 2
Climate class 3K3
EN 60721-3-3
Installation position horizontal
Special features 4 safe outputs
Operating/storage 0…+55 °C/-25…+70 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD
Weight approx. 100 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input KL3001, KL3002

Analog input | -10…+10 V

The KL3xxx Bus Terminals read analog signal 1-channel analog 2-channel analog
voltages in the common standard signal input terminal, input terminal,
range of -10 to +10 V, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA -10…+10 V, 12 bit, -10…+10 V, 12 bit,
and 4 to 20 mA. Inside the terminal the differential input differential input
field side of the K-bus is electrically isolated
and enables the interconnection to desired Technical data KL3001 | KS3001 KL3002 | KS3002
potential groups. The 1-channel terminals
are available for applications in which each Signal voltage -10…+10 V
signal must be completely isolated. An addi-
tional electrically isolated 24 V DC supply can Resolution 12 bit (for 0…10 V range: resolution 11 bit)
be created by the application of the KL9560
power supply terminal (24 V DC/24 V DC). Technology differential input differential input
The analog input Bus Terminals differ
in their different resolutions of the analog/ Conversion time ~ 1 ms ~ 2 ms
digital conversion, conversion speed and
accuracy. For 1- and 2-channel terminals 1-, Number of inputs 1 2
2-, 3- and 4-wire connections are available +60 °C
for the sensors. 4-channel Bus Terminals can -25 °C

only be used with 1- and 2-wire connections.

The KL3454 is optimised for the use of 2-wire
sensors with 24 V DC supply. The signal
1 5 1 5

current is measured between ground and the

input. The second connection point for the 2 6 2 6

sensor is the 24 V supply from the terminal’s

power contact.
The input circuit of the terminals differs 3 7 3 7

between single-ended and differential inputs.

Bus Terminal

A single-ended input expects a signal with a 4 8 4 8

fixed reference to ground. In practice, single-

ended is easily to be wired using single-wire
connection. The differential input only mea- The KL3001 analog input The KL3002 analog input
terminal is characterised terminal combines two
sures the difference between both inputs
by its electrical isolation. differential inputs with a
+I and -I. An overlap within the common- common internal ground
mode area (common-mode voltage) has potential in one housing.
no effect on the result. For measurement
two conductors should always be connected;
in the case of single-wire connection input
-I can be connected to ground.
The product range is rounded off by Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative
further special input voltages and covers a to full scale value) to full scale value)
wide field of applications for the processing Current consumption – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)
of analog signals. By the expansion of power power contacts
supply terminals well-stabilised auxiliary Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 65 mA typ. 65 mA
voltages from 5 to 15 V can be generated. Internal resistance > 200 kΩ > 200 kΩ
Common-mode voltage UCM 35 V max. 35 V max.
Special features – –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 70 g approx. 70 g
Further information
Special terminals KL3002-00xx
Distinguishing features special terminals see 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL340x, KL31xx Analog input

4-channel analog 8-channel analog 2-channel analog 2-channel analog

input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
-10…+10 V, 12 bit, -10…+10 V, 12 bit, -10…+10 V, 16 bit, -10…+10 V, 16 bit,
single-ended single-ended differential input differential input

KL3404 | KS3404 KL3408 | KS3408 KL3102 | KS3102 KL3132 | KS3132

16 bit (for 0…10 V range: resolution 15 bit)

single-ended single-ended differential input differential input

~ 2 ms ~ 4 ms ~ 140 ms, configurable to 2 ms ~ 140 ms, configurable

4 8 2 2

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6
+24 V

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The KL3404 analog input termi- The KL3408 analog input terminal The KL3102 analog input terminal The KL3132 analog input terminal is
nal has four inputs, which are combines eight inputs in one hous- combines two differential inputs optimised for highly accurate control
implemented in 2-wire technique. ing. The use of single conductor with a common internal ground processes due to its low measuring
The common reference ground of connection technology enables the potential in one housing. error of ±0.05 % (in relation to
the inputs is the internal ground. connection of multi-channel sensor the full scale value). The differential
technology with minimum space re- inputs have a common, internal
quirements. The reference ground for ground potential.
all inputs is the 0 V power contact.

< ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.05 % (relative
to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value)
– – – (no power contacts) –

typ. 100 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 65 mA typ. 85 mA

> 130 kΩ > 130 kΩ > 200 kΩ > 200 kΩ
– – 35 V max. 35 V max.
– high packing density – increased measuring accuracy
-25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 75 g approx. 75 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g
Siemens S7 format

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input KL306x, KL3464

Analog input | 0…10 V, 0…2 V, 0…500 mV, ±2 V

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog 4-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
0…10 V, 12 bit, 0…10 V, 12 bit, 0…10 V, 12 bit, 0…10 V, 12 bit,
single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended

Technical data KL3061 | KS3061 KL3062 | KS3062 KL3064 | KS3064 KL3464 | KS3464

Signal voltage 0…10 V

Resolution 12 bit

Technology single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended

Conversion time ~ 1 ms ~ 2 ms ~ 4 ms ~ 2 ms
Number of inputs 1 2 4 4

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8
Bus Terminal

The KL3061 analog input The KL3062 analog input The KL3064 analog input The KL3464 analog input
terminal is characterised terminal combines two terminal contains four terminal combines four
632 by its fine granularity and single-ended inputs with a single-ended inputs with a single-ended inputs with a
electrical isolation. common internal ground common internal ground common internal ground
potential in one housing. potential. potential in one housing.

Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative
to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value)
Current consumption – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts) –
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 60 mA typ. 60 mA typ. 85 mA typ. 100 mA
Internal resistance > 130 kΩ > 130 kΩ > 130 kΩ > 130 kΩ
Common-mode voltage UCM – – – –
Special features – – – –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 80 g approx. 75 g
Further information
Special terminals KL3062-00xx KL3064-00xx
Distinguishing features special terminals see 685 special terminals see 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL3468, KL31xx Analog input

8-channel analog 2-channel analog 2-channel analog 2-channel analog 2-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
0…10 V, 12 bit, 0…10 V, 16 bit, 0…2 V, 16 bit, 0…500 mV, 16 bit, -2…+2 V, 16 bit,
single-ended differential input differential input differential input differential input

KL3468 | KS3468 KL3162 | KS3162 KL3172 | KS3172 KL3172-0500 KL3182 | KS3182

0…2 V 0…500 mV -2…+2 V

16 bit

single-ended differential input differential input differential input differential input

~ 4 ms 140 ms, configurable 140 ms, configurable 140 ms, configurable 140 ms, configurable
8 2 2 2 2

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6
+24 V

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

Bus Terminal
The KL3468 analog input The KL3162 analog input The KL3172 analog input The KL3172-0500 analog The KL3182 analog input
terminal combines eight terminal is optimised for terminal is optimised for input terminal is optimised terminal is optimised for
inputs in one housing. highly accurate control highly accurate control for highly accurate control highly accurate control 633
The use of single conduc- processes due to its low processes due to its low processes due to its low processes due to its low
tor connection technology measuring error of ±0.05 % measuring error of ±0.05 % measuring error of ±0.05 % measuring error of ±0.05 %
enables the connection of (in relation to the full scale (in relation to the full scale (in relation to the full scale (in relation to the full scale
multi-channel sensor tech- value). The differential inputs value). The differential inputs value). The differential inputs value). The differential inputs
nology with minimum space have a common, internal have a common, internal have a common, internal have a common, internal
requirements. The reference ground potential. ground potential. ground potential. ground potential.
ground for all inputs is the
0 V power contact.

< ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.05 % (relative < ±0.05 % (relative < ±0.05 % (relative < ±0.05 % (relative
to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value)
– – – – –

typ. 140 mA typ. 85 mA typ. 85 mA typ. 85 mA typ. 85 mA

> 130 kΩ > 200 kΩ > 200 kΩ > 200 kΩ > 200 kΩ
– 35 V max. 35 V max. 35 V max. 35 V max.
high packing density increased measuring accuracy increased measuring accuracy increased measuring accuracy increased measuring accuracy
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 75 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input KL30xx, KL3444

Analog input | 0…20 mA

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog 4-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
0…20 mA, 12 bit, 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 0…20 mA, 12 bit,
differential input differential input single-ended single-ended

Technical data KL3011 | KS3011 KL3012 | KS3012 KL3044 | KS3044 KL3444 | KS3444

Signal current 0…20 mA

Resolution 12 bit

Technology differential input differential input single-ended single-ended

Conversion time ~ 1 ms ~ 2 ms ~ 4 ms ~ 2 ms
Number of inputs 1 2 4 4

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8
Bus Terminal

The KL3011 analog input The KL3012 analog input The KL3044 analog input The KL3444 analog input
terminal is characterised terminal combines two terminal has four inputs, terminal has four inputs,
634 by its electrical isolation. differential inputs with a which are implemented in which are implemented in
The input channels of the common internal ground 2-wire technique. The com- 2-wire technique. The com-
Bus Terminal have differen- potential in one housing. mon reference ground of the mon reference ground of the
tial inputs and possess a inputs is the internal ground. inputs is the internal ground.
common, internal ground

Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative
to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value)
Current consum. pow. cont. – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts) –
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 60 mA typ. 60 mA typ. 65 mA typ. 85 mA
Internal resistance 80 Ω + 0.7 V 80 Ω + 0.7 V 80 Ω + 0.7 V < 85 Ω

Common-mode voltage UCM 35 V max. 35 V max. – –

Surge voltage resistance 35 V DC 35 V DC 35 V max. 30 V DC
Special features – – – –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 75 g
Further information
Special terminals KL3012-00xx
Distinguishing features special terminals see 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL3xxx Analog input

8-channel analog 1-channel analog 2-channel analog 2-channel analog 2-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
0…20 mA, 12 bit, 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 0…20 mA, 15/16 bit, 0…20 mA, 16 bit,
single-ended with sensor supply with sensor supply differential input differential input

KL3448 | KS3448 KL3041 | KS3041 KL3042 | KS3042 KL3112 | KS3112 KL3142 | KS3142

15 bit, configurable to 16 bit 16 bit

single-ended single-ended single-ended differential input differential input

~ 4 ms ~ 1 ms ~ 2 ms 140 ms, configurable to 2 ms 140 ms, configurable
8 1 2 2 2

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

Bus Terminal
The KL3448 analog input ter- The job of the KL3041 and KL3042 analog input terminals The KL3112 analog input The KL3142 analog input
minal combines eight inputs is to supply power to measuring transducers located in the terminal combines two terminal is optimised for
in one housing. The use of field and to transmit analog measurement signals with elec- differential inputs with a highly accurate control 635
single conductor connection trical isolation to the automation device. The voltage for the common internal ground processes due to its low
technology enables the con- sensors is supplied to the terminals via the power contacts. potential in one housing. measuring error of ±0.05%
nection of multi-channel sen- The power contacts can optionally be supplied with operating (in relation to the full scale
sor technology with minimum voltage in the standard way or via a supply terminal (KL9560) value). The differential inputs
space requirements. The refer- with electrical isolation. The 0 V power contact is the refer- have a common, internal
ence ground for all inputs is ence potential for the inputs. ground potential.
the 0 V power contact.

< ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.05 % (relative
to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value)
– only load only load – (no power contacts) –
typ. 105 mA typ. 65 mA typ. 65 mA typ. 60 mA typ. 85 mA
< 85 Ω 80 Ω + 0.7 V 80 Ω + 0.7 V 50 Ω typ. shunt, 100 Ω typ. shunt
load: 60 Ω + diode voltage
– – – 35 V max. ±10 V max.
30 V DC 35 V max. 35 V max. 35 V DC 35 V DC
high packing density with sensor supply with sensor supply – increased measuring accuracy
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 75 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g
KL3042-00xx KL3112-0050
special terminals see 685 Siemens S7 format

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input KL30xx, KL3454

Analog input | 4…20 mA

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog 4-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4…20 mA, 12 bit,
differential input differential input single-ended single-ended

Technical data KL3021 | KS3021 KL3022 | KS3022 KL3054 | KS3054 KL3454 | KS3454

Signal current 4…20 mA

Resolution 12 bit

Technology differential input differential input single-ended single-ended

Conversion time ~ 1 ms ~ 2 ms ~ 4 ms ~ 2 ms
Number of inputs 1 2 4 4

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8
Bus Terminal

The KL3021 analog input The KL3022 analog input The KL3054 analog input In the KL3454 Bus Terminal,
terminal is characterised terminal combines two terminal has four inputs, the four inputs are 2-wire
636 by its fine granularity and differential inputs with a which are implemented in versions and have a com-
electrical isolation. The input common internal ground 2-wire technique. The com- mon ground potential.
channels of the Bus Terminal potential in one housing. mon reference ground of the The 24 V power contact is
have differential inputs and inputs is the internal ground. connected to the terminal in
possess a common, internal order to enable the connec-
ground potential. tion of 2-wire sensors.

Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative
to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value)
Current consum. pow. cont. – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts) only load
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 60 mA typ. 60 mA typ. 75 mA typ. 85 mA
Internal resistance 80 Ω + 0.7 V 80 Ω + 0.7 V 80 Ω + 0.7 V < 85 Ω

Common-mode voltage UCM 35 V max. 35 V max. – –

Surge voltage resistance 35 V DC 35 V DC 35 V max. 30 V DC
Special features – – for 2-wire sensors –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 75 g
Further information
Special terminals KL3022-00xx KL3054-0050
Distinguishing features special terminals see 685 Siemens S7 format

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL3xxx Analog input

8-channel analog 1-channel analog 2-channel analog 2-channel analog 2-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal, input terminal,
4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4…20 mA, 15/16 bit, 4…20 mA, 16 bit,
single-ended with sensor supply with sensor supply differential input differential input

KL3458 | KS3458 KL3051 | KS3051 KL3052 | KS3052 KL3122 | KS3122 KL3152 | KS3152

15 bit, configurable to 16 bit 16 bit

single-ended single-ended single-ended differential input differential input

~ 4 ms ~ 1 ms ~ 2 ms 140 ms, configurable to 2 ms 140 ms, configurable
8 1 2 2 2

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

Bus Terminal
The KL3458 analog input ter- The job of the KL3051 and KL3052 analog input terminals The KL3122 analog input The KL3152 analog input
minal combines eight inputs is to supply power to measuring transducers located in the terminal combines two terminal is optimised for
in one housing. The use of field and to transmit analog measurement signals with elec- differential inputs with a highly accurate control 637
single conductor connection trical isolation to the automation device. The voltage for the common internal ground processes due to its low
technology enables the con- sensors is supplied to the terminals via the power contacts. potential in one housing. measuring error of ±0.05 %
nection of multi-channel sen- The power contacts can optionally be supplied with operating (in relation to the full scale
sor technology with minimum voltage in the standard way or via a power feed terminal value). The differential inputs
space requirements. The refer- (KL9xxx) with electrical isolation. The 0 V power contact is have a common, internal
ence ground for all inputs is the reference potential for the inputs. ground potential.
the 0 V power contact.

< ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.05 % (relative
to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value) to full scale value)
– only load only load – (no power contacts) –
typ. 105 mA typ. 65 mA typ. 65 mA typ. 60 mA typ. 85 mA
< 85 Ω 80 Ω + 0.7 V 80 Ω + 0.7 V 50 Ω typ. shunt, 100 Ω typ. shunt
load: 60 Ω + diode voltage
– – – 35 V max. ±10 V max.
30 V DC 35 V max. 35 V max. 35 V DC 35 V DC
high packing density with sensor supply with sensor supply – increased measuring accuracy
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 75 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 70 g
KL3052-00xx KL3122-0050
special terminals see 685 Siemens S7 format

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input KL3204, KL3214

Analog input | Resistance thermometers (RTD, PT100, PT1000)

The KL32xx Bus Terminals are intend- 4-channel analog 4-channel analog
ed for direct connection of resistance input terminal, input terminal,
thermometers. The resistance is PT100 (RTD) PT100 (RTD), 16 bit
measured with a small measurement
current and the temperature value
is calculated by a linearisation cor- Technical data KL3204 | KS3204 KL3214
responding to the sensor type which
has been implemented. Sensor types PT100, PT200, PT500, PT1000, PT100/200/500/1000,
In practice, platinum and nickel Ni100, Ni120, Ni1000 resistance Ni100/120/1000, potentiometer:
sensors with different resistance val- measurement (e.g. potentiometer, 10 Ω…1.2/4 kΩ, KTY sensors
ues are used. The resistance value of 10 Ω…1.2/5 kΩ) (types see documentation)
the sensor is always defined at 0 °C:
– PT100 = 100 Ω at 0 °C Resolution 0.1 °C per digit
– PT1000 = 1000 Ω at 0 °C Technology 2-wire 3-wire
– Ni100 = 100 Ω at 0 °C Conversion time ~ 250 ms approx. 170 ms default setting
– … Number of inputs 4 4
The Bus Terminals support 2-, 3- or +60 °C
4-wire measurement. The measure- -25 °C

ment and the sensor can be used in

any combination, depending on the
type of application. For 2-wire mea- +R +R1 -R1
1 5 υ
1 9
surement 1000 Ω sensors are recom-
2 10 RL1
mended to reduce the influence of -R
υ +R2 -R2
2 6 3 11 υ
the conductor resistance.
The KL32xx series indicates sen- 4 12

+R3 -R3
+R 5 13 υ
sor faults, e.g. a broken wire, via error 3 7

LEDs. In addition, the KL3208-0010

Bus Terminal

6 14 RL3
υ +R4 υ -R4
offers a cable resistance calibration 4 8
-R 7 15

8 16 RL4
and is particularly suitable for build-
ing automation.
Standard setting: resolution Standard setting:
0.1 °C in the temperature range resolution 0.1 °C
of PT100 sensors

Measuring error < ±1 °C < ±0.5 °C for PT sensors

Measuring range -200…+850 °C (PT sensors); -200…+850 °C (PT sensors);

-60…+250 °C (Ni sensors) -60…+250 °C (Ni sensors)

Current consum. pow. cont. – (no power contacts) –

Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 60 mA typ. 120 mA
Measuring current typ. 0.5 mA < 0.5 mA (load-dependent)
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE
Weight approx. 70 g approx. 60 g
Further information
Special terminals KL3204-0030
Distinguishing features NTC (10 kΩ)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL320x, KL322x Analog input

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 8-channel analog input 2-channel analog 8-channel analog
input terminal, input terminal, terminal, PT1000, Ni1000 input terminal, input terminal,
PT100 (RTD) PT100 (RTD) (RTD), NTC 1.8…100 k, PT100 (RTD), KTY, PT1000, Ni1000 (RTD)
potentiometer 1, 5, 10 kΩ high-precision

KL3201 | KS3201 KL3202 | KS3202 KL3208-0010 KL3222 | KS3222 KL3228 | KS3228

PT100, PT200, PT500, PT1000, Ni100, Ni120, Ni1000 resistance PT1000 (default), Ni1000, PT100, PT200, PT500, PT1000, Ni1000
measurement (e.g. potentiometer, 10 Ω…1.2/5 kΩ) potentiometer 1/5/10 kΩ, PT1000, Ni100, Ni120,
NTC 1.8 k/2.2 k/3 k/5 k/ Ni1000 resistance measure-
10 k/20 k/100 k ment (e.g. potentiometer,
10 Ω…1.2/5 kΩ), KTY
0.01 °C per digit 0.1 °C per digit
2-/3-wire 2-/3-wire 2-wire 4-wire 1-wire
~ 200 ms ~ 250 ms ~1s typ. 50 ms ~1s
1 2 8 2 8

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

+R +R +R +R
1 5 1 5
+R1 υ -R1 1 5 1 5
1 9 υ
+R2 υ -R2
2 10

RL RL +R3 υ -R3 +RL +R

2 6 2 6 3 11 2 6 2 6
+24 V υ
υ υ
+R4 υ -R4
4 12

-R -R
+R5 υ -R5 +R
5 13 -R
3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7
+R6 υ -R6

Bus Terminal
6 14
+R7 υ -R7
7 15 -RL +R
4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8
+R8 υ -R8 υ
8 16

Standard setting: Standard setting: resolution Standard setting: resolution Standard setting: resolution Standard setting: resolution
resolution 0.1 °C in the 0.1 °C in the temperature range 0.01 °C in the temperature 0.01 °C in the temperature 0.1 °C in the temperature
temperature range of of PT100 sensors in 3-wire con- range of PT/Ni1000 sen- range of PT100 sensors in range of Ni1000 sensors,
PT100 sensors in 3-wire nection sors; particularly suitable 4-wire connection inputs with common, inter-
connection for building automation nal ground potential

< ±1 °C < ±1 °C -20…+60 °C: ±0.25 °C at 0.1 °C at 40 °C ambient ~ ±1 °C, depending on

25 °C ambient temperature; temperature, 4-wire con- wiring
-50…+150 °C: ±1.5 °C nection, PT100 sensors
(for PT/Ni sensors) and 50 Hz filter
-200…+850 °C -200…+850 °C (PT sensors); -50…+150 °C (depending -200…+850 °C (PT sensors); -50…+150 °C (PT sensors);
(PT sensors); -60…+250 °C (Ni sensors) on sensor type) -60…+250 °C (Ni sensors); -50…+150 °C (Ni sensors)
-60…+250 °C -200…+320 °C (high-
(Ni sensors) precision)
– (no power contacts) – (no power contacts) – – –
typ. 60 mA typ. 60 mA typ. 85 mA typ. 60 mA typ. 85 mA
typ. 0.5 mA typ. 0.5 mA < 0.5 mA typ. typ. 0.5 mA ~ 0.5 mA typ.
0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 70 g approx. 70 g approx. 75 g approx. 70 g approx. 75 g
special terminals see page 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input KL3311

Analog input | Thermocouples

Thermocouples can be classified as active 1-channel analog input terminal,
transducers. They exploit the thermo-electric thermocouple with open-circuit recognition
effect (Seebeck, Peltier, Thomson). Where two
electrical conductors of different materials
(e.g. iron and constantan) make contact, a
contact voltage occurs at the contact points, Technical data KL3311
which is clearly a function of temperature
and so is called thermovoltage. Due to chang- Thermocouple types J, K, L, B, E, N, R, S, T, U (default setting type K),
es in the material during the implementation sensor types mV measurement
of a thermocouple, at least two of such mate- Resolution 0.1 °C per digit
rial pairings occur. One is placed at the mea-
surement location, the other is the so-called Technology 2-wire
comparison point, which is normally located
in the measurement device. In order to com- Conversion time ~ 200 ms
pensate for the reference point effect, the
temperature at the reference point must be Number of inputs 1
known. For the KL331x this is the connection
point of the thermocouple to the terminal
contacts, which is why the terminal contact
temperature is specially measured here.
Thermocouples represent economical
and easy to install sensors for temperature +TC
1 5

measurement with reduced need for accu-

racy. Depending on the type of thermocouple, 2 6

temperatures from -200 to +2,300 °C can be

measured. The linearisation and cold junction
compensation is carried out by a characteris- 3 7
Bus Terminal

tic curve on a microprocessor. The directions

in the documentation, concerning earthing 4 8

and thermocouples which are not potential-

free, must be observed. An error LED indi-
cates a broken wire. The analog input terminal KL3311 enables direct connection
of a thermocouple. The circuit of the Bus Terminal can operate
thermocouples using 2-wire technique. Linearisation over
the full temperature range is realised with the aid of a
microprocessor. Compensation for the cold junction is made
through an internal temperature measurement at the termi-
nal. The KL3311 can also be used for mV measurement.

Measuring error < ±0.5 % (relative to full scale value)

Measuring range in the range defined in each case for the sensor
(default setting: type K; -100…+1,370 °C);
mV measurement: ±30 mV…±120 mV
Current consumption – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 65 mA
Special features electrically isolated
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 70 g
Further information
Special terminals
Distinguishing features

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL3312, KL3314 Analog input

2-channel analog input terminal, 4-channel analog input terminal,

thermocouple with open-circuit recognition thermocouple with open-circuit recognition

KL3312 KL3314

2-wire 2-wire

~ 250 ms ~ 250 ms

2 4

1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8 4 8


The KL3312 analog input terminal allows two thermocouples to be connected The KL3314 analog input terminal allows four thermocouples to be connected
directly. The circuit of the Bus Terminal can operate thermocouples using directly. The circuit of the Bus Terminals can operate thermocouples using
2-wire technique. Linearisation over the full temperature range is realised 2-wire technique. Linearisation over the full temperature range is realised
with the aid of a microprocessor. Compensation for the cold junction is made with the aid of a microprocessor. Compensation for the cold junction is made
through an internal temperature measurement at the terminals. The KL3312 through an internal temperature measurement at the terminals. The KL3314
can also be used for mV measurement. can also be used for mV measurement.

< ±0.5 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.5 % (relative to full scale value)
in the range defined in each case for the sensor in the range defined in each case for the sensor
(default setting: type K; -100…+1,370 °C); (default setting: type K; -100…+1,370 °C);
mV measurement: ±30 mV…±120 mV mV measurement: ±30 mV…±120 mV
– (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)

typ. 65 mA typ. 75 mA
– –
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL
approx. 70 g approx. 75 g
special terminals see page 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input KL3351, KL3356

Analog input | Resistor bridges

1-channel analog input terminal, 1-channel analog input terminal,
resistor bridge (strain gauge) accurate resistor bridge evaluation

Technical data KL3351 | KS3351 KL3356 | KS3356

Signal voltage UD: -16…+16 mV UD: -20…+20 mV

UREF: -10…+10 V UREF: -12…+12 V
Resolution 16 bit

Technology DMS connection DMS connection

Conversion time < 250 ms, configurable < 250 ms, configurable
Number of inputs 2, for one resistor bridge 2, for one resistor bridge


1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8
Bus Terminal

The KL3351 analog input terminal permits direct connection The KL3356 analog input terminal permits direct connec-
of a resistor bridge. The bridge voltage, UD, and the supply tion of a resistor bridge. Its improved input circuit makes
642 voltage, UREF, to the bridge are digitised with 16 bit resolution, the KL3356 significantly more accurate than the KL3351.
and are transmitted along an electrically isolated channel to The ratio between the bridge voltage UD and the supply volt-
the supervising automation system. The input channels are age UREF is determined in the input circuit. In order to achieve
available in the form of two 16 bit values for further process- good long-term stability, the complete circuit is re-calibrated
ing. The resulting measurement can be calculated from the at least every three minutes. This procedure can be syn-
formula: measurement = UD/UREF. Precise acquisition of the chronised by the control in order to prevent the calibration
supply voltage along with the bridge voltage compensates leading to a delay in the production process.
for long-term and temperature drift.

Measuring error < ±0.1 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.01 % (relative to full scale value)
Current consumption – (no power contacts) only load
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 65 mA typ. 85 mA
Internal resistance > 200 kΩ (UREF), > 1 MΩ (UD) > 200 kΩ (UREF), > 1 MΩ (UD)
Power supply UV 5 V DC, max. 20 mA via power contacts
Filter 50 Hz, configurable 50 Hz, configurable
Special features with internal bridge supply increased measuring accuracy, self-calibration
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 70 g approx. 75 g
Further information
Special terminals KL3351-0001
Distinguishing features with faster measurement time approx. 10 ms

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL3361, KL3362 Analog input

Analog input | Oscilloscopes

1-channel analog input terminal, 2-channel analog input terminal,
oscilloscope, -16…+16 mV oscilloscope, -10…+10 mV

Technical data KL3361 | KS3361 KL3362 | KS3362

Signal voltage UIN: -16…+16 mV -10…+10 V

Resolution 14 bit + sign

Technology high-speed data logger high-speed data logger

Conversion time < 100 µs, configurable (10 µs with fast sampling mode) < 100 µs, configurable (10 µs with fast sampling mode)
Number of inputs 1 analog, 1 trigger 2 analog, 1 trigger


1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8

Bus Terminal
The KL3361 and KL3362 analog input terminals make it possible to perform non-central preliminary processing of analog
values. The input values are digitised with a 14-bit resolution and written into an internal memory. An efficient processor can
pre-process the values. Limit values, maximum and minimum values will be determined or monitored. The Bus Terminals can 643
also carry out envelope curve monitoring. A trigger starts cyclical processes. The result or all the measured values are trans-
ported to the higher-level automation unit.

Measuring error < ±1 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.5 % (relative to full scale value)
Current consumption – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 120 mA with external DMS power supply, typ. 140 mA typ. 120 mA
K-bus with internal DMS power supply from terminal (4 x 350 Ω)
Internal resistance > 1 MΩ (UB) > 500 kΩ
Supply voltage 5 V DC, max. 20 mA –
Power supply via the K-bus via the K-bus
Internal memory 32 kbytes 32 kbytes
Special features high-speed strain gauge analysis (for all fieldbuses) high-speed analog analysis
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input KL3403

Analog input | Power measurement

The KL3403 Bus Terminal enables the mea- 3-phase power measurement terminal
surement of all relevant electrical data of the
supply network. The voltage is measured via
the direct connection of L1, L2, L3 and N.
The current of the three phases L1, L2 and
L3 is fed via simple current transformers. Technical data KL3403 | KS3403 KL3403-0010
All measured currents and voltages are
available as root-mean-square values. In Measuring voltage max. 500 V AC 3~ (ULX-N: max. 288 V AC)
the KL3403 version, the effective power and
the energy consumption for each phase are Resolution 16 bit (21 bit, internal)
calculated. Through the relationship of the
root-mean-square values of voltage and cur- Technology 3-phase connection technique
rent all other information, such as effective
power P, apparent power S or phase shift Update time 50 ms per measured value preset, free configurable
angle cos φ can be derived. For each fieldbus,
KL3403 provides a comprehensive network Number of inputs 3 phases + N
analysis and an energy management option. +60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 L1

500 k

40 m
2 6

500 k

40 m
3 7
500 k

40 m
Bus Terminal

4 8


Measuring error 0.5 % relative to full scale value (U, I), 1 % calculated value
Current consumption – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 115 mA
Measuring procedure true RMS with 64,000 samples/s
Measured values current, voltage, effective power, energy, cos φ,
peak values U, I and P, frequency
Measuring current max. 1 A, via measuring max. 5 A (AC/DC), via mea-
transformers x A/1 A suring transformers x A/5 A
Electrical isolation 1,500 V (K-bus/field potential)
Special features energy meter, power measurement, True RMS
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL
Weight approx. 75 g
Further information
Special terminals KL3403-0020 KL3403-0022
Distinguishing features current path designed for current path and voltage
20 mA, optimised for elec- input designed for 20 mA,
tronic current transformer, operating temperature
operating temperature 0…+55 °C
0…+55 °C

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL3681 Analog input

Analog input | Digital multimeter

The KL3681 Bus Terminal enables measure- Digital multimeter terminal
ment of currents and voltages in a wide input
range. The measuring ranges are switched
automatically, as usual in advanced digital
multimeters. There are two current paths
available for current measurement. One of Technical data KL3681 | KS3681
them is a high current path for up to 10 A.
The current and the voltage measurement Measuring voltage 300 mV, 3 V, 30 V, 300 V
facility can be used for DC and AC. The alter-
nating parameters are output as true RMS Resolution 18 bit + sign in each measurement range
values. The measurement readings can be
read and processed with commercially avail- Technology digital multimeter with automatic range selection
able fieldbuses. At the same time the KL3681
enables the measuring type and range to be Update time 0.5 s, 1 s for measuring range selection
set via the bus.
Excellent interference immunity is Number of inputs 1 voltage or 1 current (10 A/1 A)
achieved through the fully electrically iso-
lated design of the electronic measuring
system and the dual slope conversion system.
High precision and simple, high impedance
measurement from 300 mV to 300 V allow
the Bus Terminal to be used like a modern
1 5

digital multimeter.
12.5 M
In measuring applications in particular, 2 6

the voltage to be expected is often not yet



known during the planning phase. Automatic

adjustment of the measurement range simpli- 3 7

Bus Terminal
fies use and reduces stock levels. The selected
measuring type and overload are indicated 4 8

by LEDs.

Measuring error 0.01 % DC voltage measurement at 25 °C

Current consumption – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 100 mA
Measuring procedure DC with arithmetic averaging,
AC with true RMS value calculation
Measured values current, voltage
Measuring current 100 mA, 1 A and 10 A via high-current path
Electrical isolation 1,500 V (K-bus/field potential)
Special features automatic or manual range selection,
1.25 A fuse installed + spare fuse, filter deactivatable
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE
Weight approx. 70 g
Further information
Accessories ZB8000-0001
Spare fuse 10 pieces, 1.25 A

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input KM3701

Analog input | Pressure measuring

The pressure measuring terminals are divided 1-channel differential pressure
into two groups: differential pressure mea- measuring terminal -100…+100 hPa
surement with the measurement between
two connections and relative pressure
measurement with duplicate measurement
against ambient. Technical data KM3701 KM3701-0340
The Bus Terminal can be used for mea-
surement of the pressure or also as a replace- Technology differential pressure measurement
ment for a pressure switch. Through the
pressure value in the control unit the switch- Resolution 0.1 hPa (0.1 mbar) per digit
ing threshold for a logical linking can be
stored as a parameter. Manual setting of the Number of inputs 1 (differential pressure)
pressure switch in the practice is no longer
The measuring hoses can simply be
connected by plugging them into a quick
coupling. Normal 4 mm compressed air hoses
are used.
With the direct integration of the pres-
sure measurement into the Bus Terminal sys-
tem the installation of a pressure measure-
ment unit including its wiring can be omitted.
The pressure measurement terminals are
suitable for the measurement of non-aggres-
sive gases. Water or gases which encourage
oxidation should not be allowed to get into
the Bus Terminal.
Bus Terminal

The KM3701 pressure measuring terminal enables direct

measurement of pressure differences between two hose con-
nections. The pressure difference is available in the fieldbus
646 as a 16 bit value and can be measured between any points
up to an ambient pressure of 10 bar. The status LEDs indicate
proper function or errors such as over-range.

Measuring error 3 % (relative to full scale value)

Measuring range -100…+100 hPa up to 340 hPa (340 mbar)
(-100…+100 mbar)
Current consumption – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 15 mA
Max. overload 500 hPa (500 mbar) differential,
5,000 hPa (5 bar) to ambient
Medium non-aggressive gases
Special features –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL
Weight approx. 95 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KM3702, KM3712 Analog input

2-channel relative pressure 2-channel relative pressure

measuring terminal 7,500 hPa measuring terminal -1,000…+1,000 hPa

KM3702 KM3712

relative pressure measurement

2 2

Bus Terminal
The KM3702 pressure measuring terminal enables direct measurement of The KM3712 pressure measuring terminal enables direct measurement of
two pressure values at the hose connections. The pressure is determined as two negative pressure values at the hose connections. The pressure is deter-
a pressure difference to the ambiance of the KM3702 and is available in the mined as a pressure difference to the ambiance of the KM3712 and is avail-
fieldbus as a 16 bit value. The status LEDs indicate proper function or errors able in the fieldbus as a 16 bit value. The status LEDs indicate proper function 647
such as over-range. or errors such as over-range.

3 % (relative to full scale value) 3 % (relative to full scale value)

0…7,500 hPa (7.5 bar) -1,000…+1,000 hPa (-1…+1 bar)

– (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)

typ. 15 mA typ. 15 mA
10,000 hPa (10 bar) 5,000 hPa (5 bar)

non-aggressive gases non-aggressive gases

– –
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
approx. 95 g approx. 95 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog output KL4031, KL4032

Analog output | -10…+10 V

The KL4xxx Bus Terminals provide analog 1-channel analog 2-channel analog
signal voltages in the common standard output terminal, output terminal,
signal range of -10 to +10 V, 0 to 10 V, -10…+10 V, 12 bit -10…+10 V, 12 bit
0 to 20 mA and 4 to 20 mA. Inside the termi-
nal the field side is electrically isolated from
the K-bus and enables the interconnection to Technical data KL4031 | KS4031 KL4032 | KS4032
the desired potential groups. The 1-channel
Bus Terminals are available for application Signal voltage -10…+10 V
instances, in which each signal must be
completely electrically isolated. An additional Resolution 12 bit
electrically isolated 24 V DC supply can be
created by the introduction of the KL9560 Technology – single-ended
power supply terminal.
The Bus Terminals of this group differ Conversion time ~ 1.5 ms ~ 1.5 ms
in their different resolutions of the analog/ Number of outputs 1 2
digital conversion, conversion speed and +60 °C
accuracy. For 1- and 2-channel Bus Terminals -25 °C

1-, 2-, 3- and 4-wire sensor connections are

available. 4-channel Bus Terminals can only
be used with 1- and 2-wire connections.
1 5 1 5

The current output terminals 0 to 20 mA

and 4 to 20 mA are fed from the 24 V DC 2 6 2 6

supply and are electrically connected with it.

The signal current flows from the output to
ground. 3 7 3 7

Most Bus Terminals with voltage out-

puts are supplied from the internal K-bus.
Bus Terminal

4 8 4 8

These Bus Terminals are potential-free and

must be connected with the actuator through
an additional ground wire. In contrast, the The KL4031 analog output The KL4032 analog output
648 terminal generates signals in terminal generates signals in
KL4404/08 and KL4434/38 Bus Terminals are
the range from -10 to +10 V. the range from -10 to +10 V.
supplied by the 24 V from the power con- It combines two output It combines two output
tacts and use a power contact as a reference channels, which have a com- channels, which have a com-
ground. mon ground potential in one mon ground potential in one
housing. housing.
KL9570 | Power supply terminal
see page 681

Output error < ±0.1 % (relative < ±0.1 % (relative

to end value) to end value)
Current consumption – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 75 mA typ. 75 mA
Load > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof)
Special features potential-free output –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 85 g approx. 85 g
Further information
Special terminals KL4032-00xx
Distinguishing features special terminals
see page 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL4xxx Analog output

4-channel analog 4-channel analog 8-channel analog 2-channel analog input, 2-channel analog
output terminal, output terminal, output terminal, 2-channel analog output output terminal,
-10…+10 V, 12 bit -10…+10 V, 12 bit -10…+10 V, 12 bit terminal, -10…+10 V, 12 bit -10…+10 V, 16 bit

KL4034 | KS4034 KL4434 | KS4434 KL4438 | KS4438 KL4494 | KS4494 KL4132 | KS4132

16 bit

single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended single-ended

~ 2 ms ~ 4 ms ~ 8 ms < 2 ms ~ 1.5 ms
4 4 8 2 outputs + 2 inputs 2

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The KL4034 analog output The KL4434 analog output The KL4438 analog output The KL4494 analog output The KL4132 analog output
terminal generates signals in terminal generates signals in terminal generates signals in terminal combines two terminal generates signals in 649
the range from -10 to +10 V. the range from -10 to +10 V. the range from -10 to +10 V. analog inputs and two ana- the range from -10 to +10 V.
It combines four output It combines four output It combines eight output log outputs. The input and It combines two output
channels, which have a com- channels, which have a com- channels in one housing and output channels of the Bus channels, which have a
mon ground potential in one mon ground potential in one is thus particularly suited Terminal have a common common ground potential
housing. housing. for space-saving use in the ground potential. in one housing.
control cabinet. The 0 V
power contact serves as the – input internal resis-
common ground potential. tance: > 130 kΩ

< ±0.1 % (relative < ±0.1 % (relative < ±0.2 % (relative < ±0.3 % (relative < ±0.1 % (relative
to end value) to end value) to end value) to end value) to end value)
– (no power contacts) only load only load only load – (no power contacts)

typ. 85 mA typ. 20 mA typ. 20 mA typ. 70 mA typ. 75 mA

> 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof)
– – high packing density input/output terminal increased resolution
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 85 g approx. 75 g approx. 75 g approx. 55 g approx. 85 g
KL4034-0010 KL4132-00xx
Siemens S5 format special terminals
see page 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog output KL400x

Analog output | 0…10 V

1-channel analog 2-channel analog 4-channel analog
output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
0…10 V, 12 bit 0…10 V, 12 bit 0…10 V, 12 bit

Technical data KL4001 | KS4001 KL4002 | KS4002 KL4004 | KS4004

Signal voltage 0…10 V

Resolution 12 bit

Technology – single-ended single-ended

Conversion time ~ 1.5 ms ~ 1.5 ms ~ 2 ms

Number of outputs 1 2 4

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7
Bus Terminal

4 8 4 8 4 8


The KL4001 analog output terminal The KL4002 analog output terminal The KL4004 analog output terminal
generates signals in the range from generates signals in the range from generates signals in the range from
0 to +10 V. It combines two output 0 to +10 V. It combines two output 0 to +10 V. It combines four output
channels, which have a common channels, which have a common channels, which have a common
ground potential in one housing. ground potential in one housing. ground potential in one housing.

Output error < ±0.1 % (relative to end value) < ±0.1 % (relative to end value) < ±0.1 % (relative to end value)
Current consumption – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 75 mA typ. 75 mA typ. 85 mA
Load > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof)
Special features potential-free output – –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 85 g approx. 85 g approx. 85 g
Further information
Special terminals KL4002-00xx KL4004-0050
Distinguishing features special terminals see page 685 Siemens S7 format

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL440x, KM4602 Analog output

4-channel analog 8-channel analog 2-channel analog

output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
0…10 V, 12 bit 0…10 V, 12 bit 0…10 V, 12 bit,
manual/automatic operation

KL4404 | KS4404 KL4408 | KS4408 KM4602

single-ended single-ended single-ended

~ 4 ms ~ 8 ms ~ 1.5 ms

4 8 2

1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8 4 8


The KL4404 analog output terminal The KL4408 analog output terminal The analog KM4602 output terminal has two potential-free analog
generates signals in the range from generates signals in the range from 0 to +10 V outputs. Both are connected internally to common ground.
0 to +10 V. It combines four output 0 to +10 V. It combines eight output For each channel a switch enables selection of automatic or manual
channels, which have a common channels in one housing and is thus mode. In automatic mode, an analog value is issued depending on the
ground potential in one housing. particularly suited to space-saving use process data. With the manual switch settings, the value set via the
in the control cabinet. The 0 V power potentiometer is applied to the output. For manual mode a 24 V supply
contact serves as the common ground is required for the Bus Coupler. The switch state can be read by the
potential. controller.

< ±0.1 % (relative to end value) < ±0.2 % (relative to end value) < ±0.1 % (relative to end value)
only load only load – (no power contacts)

typ. 20 mA typ. 20 mA typ. 175 mA

> 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof) > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof)
– high packing density manual/automatic operation
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE
approx. 75 g approx. 75 g approx. 85 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog output KL4011, KL4012

Analog output | 0…20 mA

1-channel analog 2-channel analog
output terminal, output terminal,
0…20 mA, 12 bit 0…20 mA, 12 bit

Technical data KL4011 | KS4011 KL4012 | KS4012

Signal current 0…20 mA

Resolution 12 bit

Technology single-ended single-ended

Conversion time ~ 1.5 ms ~ 1.5 ms

Number of outputs 1 2

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7
Bus Terminal

4 8 4 8


The KL4011 analog output terminal generates The KL4012 analog output terminal generates signals in
analog output signals in the range from 0 to 20 mA. the range from 0 to 20 mA. It combines two output channels,
which have a common ground potential with the 24 V DC
supply, in one housing. The output stages are powered by
the 24 V DC supply.

Output error < ±0.1 % (relative to end value) < ±0.1 % (relative to end value)
Current consumption typ. 30 mA + load typ. 50 mA + load
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 60 mA typ. 60 mA
Load < 500 Ω < 500 Ω
Power supply 24 V DC via power contacts (alternative 15 V DC 24 V DC via power contacts (alternative 15 V DC
with power supply terminal KL9515) with power supply terminal KL9515)
Special features – –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 80 g approx. 80 g
Further information
Special terminals KL4012-00xx
Distinguishing features special terminals see page 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL441x, KL4112 Analog output

4-channel analog 8-channel analog 2-channel analog

output terminal, output terminal, output terminal,
0…20 mA, 12 bit 0…20 mA, 12 bit 0…20 mA, 15/16 bit

KL4414 | KS4414 KL4418 | KS4418 KL4112 | KS4112

15 bit, configurable to 16 bit

single-ended single-ended single-ended

~ 4 ms ~ 8 ms ~ 3.5 ms

4 8 2

1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8 4 8 4 8


The KL4414 analog output terminal generates The KL4418 analog output terminal generates The KL4112 analog output terminal generates
signals in the range from 0 to 20 mA. It combines signals in the range from 0 to 20 mA. It combines signals in the range from 0 to 20 mA. It combines
four channels, which have a common ground eight output channels in one housing and is thus two output channels, which have a common
potential in one housing. The output stages are particularly suited to space-saving use in the ground potential with the 24 V DC supply, in one
powered by the 24 V DC supply. control cabinet. The 0 V power contact serves as housing. The output stages are powered by the
the common ground potential. 24 V DC supply.

< ±0.1 % (relative to end value) < ±0.2 % (relative to end value) < ±0.1 % (relative to end value)
typ. 60 mA + load typ. 60 mA + load typ. 50 mA + load

typ. 20 mA typ. 20 mA typ. 60 mA

< 350 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 150 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 500 Ω
24 V DC via power contacts (alternative 15 V DC 24 V DC via power contacts (alternative 15 V DC 24 V DC via power contacts (alternative 15 V DC
with power supply terminal KL9515) with power supply terminal KL9515) with power supply terminal KL9515)
– high packing density increased resolution
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex
approx. 75 g approx. 75 g approx. 80 g
special terminals see page 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog output KL4021, KL4022

Analog output | 4…20 mA

1-channel analog 2-channel analog
output terminal, output terminal,
4…20 mA, 12 bit 4…20 mA, 12 bit

Technical data KL4021 | KS4021 KL4022 | KS4022

Signal current 4…20 mA

Resolution 12 bit

Technology single-ended single-ended

Conversion time ~ 1.5 ms ~ 1.5 ms

Number of outputs 1 2

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7
Bus Terminal

4 8 4 8


The KL4021 analog output terminal generates The KL4022 analog output terminal generates signals in
analog output signals in the range from 4 to 20 mA. the range from 4 to 20 mA. It combines two output channels,
which have a common ground potential with the 24 V DC
supply, in one housing. The output stages are powered by
the 24 V DC supply.

Output error < ±0.1 % (relative to end value) < ±0.1 % (relative to end value)
Current consumption typ. 30 mA + load typ. 50 mA + load
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 60 mA typ. 60 mA
Load < 500 Ω < 500 Ω
Power supply 24 V DC via power contacts (alternative 15 V DC 24 V DC via power contacts (alternative 15 V DC
with power supply terminal KL9515) with power supply terminal KL9515)
Special features – –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 80 g approx. 80 g
Further information
Special terminals KL4022-00xx
Distinguishing features special terminals see page 685

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL4424, KL4428 Analog output

4-channel analog 8-channel analog

output terminal, output terminal,
4…20 mA, 12 bit 4…20 mA, 12 bit

KL4424 | KS4424 KL4428 | KS4428

single-ended single-ended

~ 4 ms ~ 8 ms

4 8

1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

Bus Terminal
4 8 4 8


The KL4424 analog output terminal generates signals in the range from The KL4428 analog output terminal generates signals in the range from
4 to 20 mA. It combines four channels, which have a common ground poten- 4 to 20 mA. It combines eight output channels in one housing and is thus
tial in one housing. The output stages are powered by the 24 V DC supply. particularly suited to space-saving use in the control cabinet. The 0 V
power contact serves as the common ground potential.

< ±0.1 % (relative to end value) < ±0.2 % (relative to end value)
typ. 60 mA + load typ. 60 mA + load

typ. 20 mA typ. 20 mA
< 350 Ω (short-circuit-proof) < 150 Ω (short-circuit-proof)
24 V DC via power contacts (alternative 15 V DC 24 V DC via power contacts (alternative 15 V DC
with power supply terminal KL9515) with power supply terminal KL9515)
– increased packing density
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
approx. 75 g approx. 75 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Position measurement KL5001, KL5051

Position measurement | SSI encoder interfaces

The KL5001 SSI interface terminal enables SSI encoder interface Bidirectional
the direct connection of an SSI encoder that SSI encoder interface
is powered via the SSI interface. The interface
circuit generates a pulse for reading the
encoder and makes the incoming data stream
available to the controller as a data word in Technical data KL5001 | KS5001 KL5051 | KS5051
the process image. Various operating modes,
transmission frequencies and bit widths can Technology SSI encoder interface
be permanently stored in a control register.
A screen can be connected via the KL9195 Data direction read bidirectional
shield terminal.
The KL5051 bidirectional SSI interface Number of channels 1 encoder interface 1 encoder interface
terminal enables the connection of digital
servo drives. The encoder is powered via the Encoder connection binary input: D+, D-, binary input: D+, D-,
SSI interface, which consists of two logic binary output: Cl+, Cl- binary output: Cl+, Cl-
channels. The first channel us used for the +60 °C
positioning of the drive, while the second -25 °C

channel is used to set releases, to transmit

parameter data and to read status informa-
tion and parameter values. The 5 V DC supply
1 5 1 5

voltage can be generated with the KL9505

power supply terminal and fed into the 2 6 2 6
+24 V +5 V
power contacts.

KL9195 | Shield terminal 0V 3 7

0V 3 7

see page 673

Bus Terminal

4 8 4 8

KL9505 | Power supply terminal

see page 680

Power supply 24 V DC via power contacts 5 V DC via power contacts

Current consumption typ. 20 mA + load no data
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 25 mA typ. 75 mA
Signal input difference signal (RS422) difference signal (RS422)
Signal output difference signal (RS422) difference signal (RS422)
Encoder supply 24 V DC via power contacts 5 V DC
Data transfer rates variable up to 1 MHz, 1 MHz
250 kHz default
Special features – bidirectional
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 80 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL5121 Position measurement

Position measurement | Incremental encoder interface

The KL5121 Bus Terminal can be used to Incremental encoder interface
implement a linear path control. The terminal with programmable outputs
reads an incremental signal supplied by an
incremental encoder or a pulse generator and
switches the outputs at predefined counter
states. The counter states can be transmitted Technical data KL5121 | KS5121
to the terminal by the higher-level automa-
tion device in the form of a table. The posi- Technology incremental encoder interface
tion is registered with the latch input, which with programmable outputs
is activated/deactivated by the gate input. Number of channels 1 incremental encoder + 4 outputs
Up to four 24 V outputs can be switched.
The LEDs indicate the states of the signals Encoder connection A, B, latch, gate
at the various inputs and outputs.
The KL5121 is particularly suitable for
applications that are dependent on a short
response time. The K-Bus cycle time, the field-
bus runtime and the processing speed of the
controller are of no importance for the fast
1 5 1’ 5’

and accurate processing of positional data,

since the Bus Terminal always switches the 2 6 2’ 6’

outputs with a constant time delay, irrespec-

tive of the control environment.
3 7 3’ 7’

4 8 4’ 8’

Bus Terminal

Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consumption typ. 30 mA + load
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 30 mA
Encoder operating voltage 24 V DC
Counter 16 bit, binary
Limit frequency 1 million increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation)
Output voltage 24 V
Output current 0.5 A
Switching times < 100 µs
Special features electronic camshaft controller
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Position measurement KL5101

Position measurement | Incremental encoder interfaces

The KL5101 Bus Terminal processes differen- 1-channel incremental encoder interface,
tial signals according to the RS422/RS485 16 bit, differential inputs, RS485
standard. This transmission type is particularly
resistant to interference and is suitable for
high transmission frequencies. The KL5111,
KL5151 and KL5152 Bus Terminals have a Technical data KL5101 | KS5101
single-ended input and are simple to wire up.
The signal frequencies from less time-critical Technology incremental encoder interface (RS485)
applications can be processed using these
terminals. Number of channels 1 incremental encoder + 1 input
All incremental encoder terminals use
a quadrature decoder. Gate and latch inputs Encoder connection A, A (inv), B, B (inv), zero, zero (inv),
enable pre-processing in the Bus Terminal in difference signal (RS485); status input
order to be able to transfer positional values +60 °C
to the controller exactly upon an external -25 °C

event and thus support the referencing of

a drive.
The KL5101 and KL5111 make a period
1 5 1’ 5’

duration measurement available with a

resolution of 200 ns. Rotary speeds can thus 2 6 2’ 6’

be determined directly, since a calculation of

the speed by means of position differences in
the controller is in many cases not accurate 3 7 3’ 7’

enough due to jitter.

The KL5152 contains two encoders and 4 8 4’ 8’

provides a particularly inexpensive solution

for a large number of channels if gate and
Bus Terminal

latch functions are not needed. The KL5101 terminal is an interface for the direct connec-
tion of incremental encoders with difference signal (RS485)
The LEDs on the Bus Terminals indicate
or with single inputs. A 16 bit counter with a quadrature
the states of the input signals for better decoder and a 16 bit latch for the zero pulse can be read, set
diagnosis. or enabled. Interval measurement with a resolution of 200 ns
is possible. The G2 input allows the counter to be halted
(high = stop). The value is read with a rising edge at G1.

Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consum. pow. cont. – (no power contacts)
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 60 mA
Encoder operating voltage 5 V DC
Encoder output current 0.5 A
Counter 16 bit, binary
Limit frequency 4 million increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation)
Quadrature decoder 1-, 2-, or 4-fold evaluation
Zero-pulse latch 16 bit
Commands read, set, enable
Special features –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 85 g
Further information
Special terminals
Distinguishing features

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL5111, KL515x Position measurement

1-channel incremental encoder interface, 1-channel incremental encoder interface, 2-channel incremental encoder interface,
16 bit, single-ended, 24 V DC 32 bit, single-ended, 24 V DC 32 bit, single-ended, 24 V DC

KL5111 | KS5111 KL5151 | KS5151 KL5152 | KS5152

incremental encoder interface 24 V DC, EN 61131-2, type 1, “0”: < 5 V DC, ”1”: > 15 V DC, typ. 5 mA

1 incremental encoder 2 incremental encoders

A, B, C; 24 V (low: < 3 V, high: > 18 V) A, B, C, gate/latch, 24 V A1, B1, A2, B2, 24 V

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

Bus Terminal
The KL5111 Bus Terminal is an interface for the The KL5151 Bus Terminal is an interface with 24 V The KL5152 Bus Terminal is an interface with
direct connection of 24 V incremental encoders. inputs for the direct connection of incremental en- 24 V inputs for the direct connection of incremen-
A 16 bit counter with a quadrature decoder and coders. A 32 bit counter with a quadrature decoder tal encoders. Two 32 bit counters with quadrature
a 16 bit latch for the zero pulse can be read, set and a 32 bit latch for the zero pulse can be read, decoders can be read or set. 659
or enabled. The state of the counter is transmitted set or enabled. The KL5151 inputs can optionally
quickly and securely to the PC, PLC or CNC over be used as single or two-counter inputs.
the fieldbus. Interval measurement with a resolu-
tion of 200 ns is possible.
24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
– – –
typ. 40 mA typ. 40 mA typ. 40 mA
24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
– – –
16 bit, binary 32 bit, binary 32 bit, binary
1 million increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation) 400,000 increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation) 400,000 increments/s (with 4-fold evaluation)
4-fold evaluation 4-fold evaluation 4-fold evaluation
16 bit 32 bit –
read, set, enable read, set, enable read
– – –
0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 60 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
KL5111-00xx KL5151-0021
special terminals see page 685 incremental encoder 1 x 32 bit A, B,
capture input and 1 driver output 24 V, 0.5 A

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication KL6001, KL6031

Communication | Serial interfaces

The KL60xx serial interfaces enable the Serial interface RS232, Serial interface RS232,
connection of devices with RS232 or up to 19,200 baud up to 115.2 kbaud
RS422/RS485 interfaces to the control level.
The devices connected to the Bus Terminals
communicate via the coupler and the net-
work with the automation device. The active Technical data KL6001 | KS6001 KL6031 | KS6031
communication channel operates indepen-
dently of the higher-level bus system in full Technology RS232
duplex mode at up to 115.2 kbaud. This way,
any desired number of serial interfaces can Data transfer rates 1,200…19,200 baud; 4,800…115,200 baud;
be used in the application without having to default: 9,600 baud, 8 data default: 9,600 baud, 8 data
consider structural restrictions in the control bits, no parity and one stop bit bits, no parity and one stop bit
device. The serial interface can be positioned Data transfer channels 2 (1/1), TxD and RxD, 2 (1/1), TxD and RxD,
close to the place of use, this way reducing full duplex full duplex
the necessary cable lengths. +60 °C
The RS232 interface enables high resis- -25 °C

tance to interference by means of electrically

isolated signals, which in the case of the
KL6021 is additionally supported by differen-
1 5 1 5

tial signal transmission according to RS422.

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8
Bus Terminal

The KL6001 and KL6031 serial interfaces allow devices with

an RS232 interface to be connected. The interface operates
660 in conformity with the CCITT V.28/DIN 66 259-1 standards.
The active communication channel operates independently
of the higher-level bus system in full duplex mode at up to
19,200 baud (KL6001) or 115.2 kbaud (KL6031). The RS232
interface guarantees high immunity to interference through
electrically isolated signals.

Data buffer 128 bytes receive buffer, 1024 bytes receive buffer,
16 bytes transmit buffer 128 bytes transmit buffer
Current consumption – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 55 mA typ. 55 mA
Cable length max. 15 m max. 15 m
Line impedance – –
Special features high interference immunity, high interference immunity,
electrically isolated signals electrically isolated signals
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 80 g approx. 80 g
Further information
Special terminals KL6001-0020
Distinguishing features standard format 5 bytes
of user data

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL60xx Communication

Serial interface RS422/RS485, Serial interface RS422/RS485, Serial interface TTY, Data exchange terminal
up to 19,200 baud up to 115.2 kbaud 20 mA current loop with serial interface

KL6021 | KS6021 KL6041 | KS6041 KL6011 | KS6011 KL6051 | KS6051

RS422/RS485 TTY 2 x RS422

1,200…19,200 baud; 4,800…115,200 baud; 1,200…19,200 baud; 62,500 baud, 32 bit bidirectional
default: 9,600 baud, 8 data bits, default: 9,600 baud, 8 data bits, default: 9,600 baud, 8 data bits, data exchange between two KL6051
no parity and one stop bit no parity and one stop bit no parity and one stop bit
TxD and RxD, TxD and RxD, 2 (1/1), TxD and RxD, TxD and RxD,
full/half duplex full/half duplex full duplex full duplex

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

Bus Terminal
The KL6021 and KL6041 serial interfaces allow devices with an RS422 or The KL6011 serial interface allows Under the terminal’s default set-
RS485 interface to be connected. The active communication channel operates devices with a 20 mA current inter- ting, 32 inputs and 32 outputs are
independently of the higher-level bus system in full or half duplex mode at face to be connected. The interface transferred between the fieldbus 661
up to 19,200 baud (KL6021) or 115.2 kbaud (KL6041). The transmission of operates passively. The current inter- systems. The time to exchange the
differential signals conforms to RS422 and guarantees high immunity to face (TTY) guarantees high immunity data is about 5 ms for 32 bits of I/O.
interference through electrically isolated signals. to interference through electrically The exchange of data with the Bus
isolated signals with injected current. Coupler is indicated by the run LED.
The TxD and RxD LEDs indicate the
state of the signal transmission.

128 bytes receive buffer, 1024 bytes receive buffer, 128 bytes receive buffer, 32 bit bidirectional
16 bytes transmit buffer 128 bytes transmit buffer 16 bytes transmit buffer
– (no power contacts) – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts) – (no power contacts)

typ. 65 mA typ. 65 mA typ. 55 mA typ. 65 mA

approx. 1,000 m twisted pair approx. 1,000 m twisted pair max. 1,000 m twisted pair approx. 1,000 m twisted pair
120 Ω 120 Ω – 120 Ω
high interference immunity, high interference immunity, 2 x 20 mA bit transfer automatic data exchange
electrically isolated signals electrically isolated signals
0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
KL6021-002x KL6011-0020
special terminals see page 685 standard format 5 bytes of user data

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication KL6201, KL6211

Communication | AS-Interface
The AS-Interface master terminal is an AS-Interface AS-Interface
extended master according to the M3 master terminal master terminal
profile and enables the direct connection with power contacts
of AS-Interface slaves. The AS-compliant
interface supports digital and analog slaves
with the versions 2.0 and 2.1, safety slaves Technical data KL6201 | KS6201 KL6211 | KS6211
and slaves with Combined Transaction
Type 1 (profile S-7.3 and 7.4). Process data Technology AS-Interface
exchange, parameterisation and the diagno-
sis are fieldbus-independent. Together with Cycle time max. 5 ms (31 devices)
the various Bus Couplers, the KL6201 or the
KL6211 represents a universal AS-Interface/ Number of channels 1 1
fieldbus gateway. Together with the BK3120,
the PROFIBUS DP V1 services can be used
for communication with the KL6201 or the
KL6211. Unlike the KL6201 AS-Interface
master terminal, the KL6211 features power
contacts. This enables direct connection
1 5 1 5
Mode Mode Mode Mode
to the AS-Interface supply via the KL9520
AS-Interface potential feed terminal or the 2 6 2 6
KL9528 power supply terminal.

KL9520, KL9528 | AS-Interface system 3 7

ASi– 3 7

terminals see page 682

4 8 4 8
Set Set Set Set
Bus Terminal


Specification version AS-Interface V 2.0, V 2.1 AS-Interface V 2.0, V 2.1

Current consumption – (no power contacts) typ. 60 mA + load
power contacts
Current consumption typ. 55 mA (K-bus), typ. 55 mA (K-bus),
K-bus approx. 60 mA (AS-Interface) approx. 60 mA (AS-Interface)
Number of slaves 31 for V 2.0, 62 for V 2.1 31 for V 2.0, 62 for V 2.1
Slave types digital and analog digital and analog
AS-Interface address via configuration via configuration
assignment or automatic or automatic
Diagnostics power failure, slave failure, power failure, slave failure,
parameterisation fault parameterisation fault
Connection 2 lines via spring force 2 lines via spring force
technology technology
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL
Weight approx. 55 g approx. 55 g
Further information
Special terminals KL6201-001x KL6211-0011
Distinguishing features special terminals preset to 38 bytes K-bus
see page 685 interface (4 K-bus cycles
62 AS-Interface slaves)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KM6551 Communication

Communication | Wireless data exchange

The KM6551 terminal module is a data Wireless data exchange terminal
exchange unit for radio technology. The KM
module is based on the IEEE802.15.4 stan-
dard. Data are exchanged or transferred via
radio between two stand-alone control units,
independent of the higher-level fieldbus. Technical data KM6551
The outdoor range between two KM6551
units can be up to 300 m. Technology wireless data exchange
The data exchange module has a reverse
SMA plug (Straight Medium Adapter) for con- Data transfer rates 250 kbit
nection of various radio antennas. The free
choice of antenna enables adaptation to Number of channels 1 radio connection
the respective environment. Status and data
exchange are displayed via LEDs, thereby
offering fast and simple diagnostics. A library
is available for using the KM6551 module
with TwinCAT.

Option 1 | Data exchange peer-to-peer

Bus Terminal
send output data

send input data

Master Slave

Option 2 | Data exchange up to max. 7 devices

Protocol IEEE 802.15.4
Ma Current consumption – (no power contacts)
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 135 mA
Frequency band 2.4 GHz
Antenna connection reverse SMA plug (RP-SMA)
Slave 1 Slave 2 Slave 3 Slave 4 Slave 5 Slave 6 Slave 7
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL
Weight approx. 85 g
Option 3 | Broadcast up to x devices
Further information
Master ZS6200-0400 omni-directional antenna 4 dBi 694
ZS6100-0900 directional antenna 9 dBi 694
ZS6201-0410 rod antenna 4 dBi 694
ZS6201-0500 rod antenna 5 dBi 695
ZS6100-1800 directional antenna 18 dBi 695

Slave 1 Slave 2 Slave 3 Slave 4 Slave 5 Slave x

ZK6000-0102-0020 coaxial cable, 50 Ω impedance, 2 m 695
ZK6000-0102-0040 coaxial cable, 50 Ω impedance, 4 m 695

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication KL6581, KL6583

Communication | EnOcean, bidirectional

EnOcean EnOcean EnOcean

master terminal transmitter and receiver, transmitter and receiver,
868.35 MHz 315 MHz

Technical data KL6581 KL6583 KL6583-0100

Technology EnOcean

Data transfer rates 125 kbaud –

Number of channels 1 – –

1 7 8
KL6583 … KL6583 KL6583

1 5

+24 V
2 6
+24 V

3 7

max. 500 m

4 8
Bus Terminal

The bidirectional EnOcean technol- The KL6583 EnOcean module enables The KL6583-0100 EnOcean module
ogy receives signals from battery-less EnOcean data to be transmitted and enables EnOcean data to be trans-
664 sensors or transmits data to actuators. received. An antenna is integrated in mitted and received. An antenna is
With a radio signal range of 30 m, the the device. The KL6583 module is sup- integrated in the device. The KL6583-
wiring of buildings can be simplified plied with 24 V and offers a bus con- 0100 module is supplied with 24 V and
significantly. The KL6581 EnOcean mas- nection to the KL6581 EnOcean master offers a bus connection to the KL6581
ter terminal is the link between up to terminal. The KL6583 is addressed via EnOcean master terminal. The KL6583-
eight KL6583 EnOcean transmitter and an address selection switch. Up to eight 0100 is addressed via an address selec-
receiver modules and the application. KL6583 modules can be connected to tion switch. Up to eight KL6583-0100
a KL6581. modules can be connected to a KL6581.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (via KL6581) 24 V DC (via KL6581)

Current consum. pow. cont. typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA (24 V DC) typ. 20 mA (24 V DC)
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 60 mA – –
Cable length max. 500 m max. 500 m max. 500 m
Connection 2 x 2-wires directly at the KL6583 2 x 2-wires directly 2 x 2-wires directly
(connection of max. 8 KL6583) at the KL6581 Bus Terminal at the KL6581 Bus Terminal
Data transfer standard – bidirectional bidirectional
Frequency band – 868.35 MHz (CE) 315 MHz (FCC)
Data transfer range – 300 m in the free field, 300 m in the free field,
30 m within buildings 30 m within buildings
Special features up to 8 KL6583 EnOcean transmitter connection to KL6581 EnOcean master connection to KL6581 EnOcean master
and receiver modules
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Weight approx. 85 g approx. 90 g approx. 90 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL6021, KL6023 Communication

Communication | EnOcean, unidirectional

Serial interface for processing signals Wireless adapter for EnOcean

from the KL6023 wireless adapter with EnOcean radio technology
radio technology

Technical data KL6021-0023 KL6023

Technology EnOcean

Data transfer rates 9,600 baud –

Number of channels 1 –


1 5

2 6
-RxD 6

3 7

+5 V
4 8

Bus Terminal
max. 300 m

The KL6021-0023 serial interface enables connection The KL6023 Wireless Adapter receives signals from battery-
of a KL6023 wireless adapter. It processes the RS485 less sensors with EnOcean technology. These signals are con-
signals of the wireless adapter. verted by the Wireless Adapter to a RS485 signal and directly 665
processed further by the KL6021-0023 serial Bus Terminal.
The system does not limit the number of transmitters per
receiver unit. In practice, between 25 and 100 transmitters
per receiver are used.

Nominal voltage – via KL6021-0023

Current consumption – (no power contacts) –
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 65 mA –
Cable length max. 300 m max. 300 m
Connection 2 x 2-wires directly at the 2 x 2-wires directly at the
KL6023 EnOcean module KL6021-0023 Bus Terminal
Data transfer standard – unidirectional
Frequency band – 868.35 MHz
Data transfer range – 300 m in the free field,
30 m within buildings
Special features high interference immunity, electrically isolated signals connection to KL6021-0023 serial interface
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 55 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication KL6224, KL6301

Communication | IO-Link, EIB/KNX, LON, MP-Bus, M-Bus

IO-Link master terminal EIB/KNX Bus Terminal

Technical data KL6224 KL6301

Technology IO-Link EIB/KNX

Data transfer rates 4.8 kbaud, 38.4 kbaud and 230.4 kbaud 9,600 baud

Number of channels 4 1

1 5
1 9 Set Set

2 10
2 6
3 11

4 12
5 13 -EIB
3 7

6 14
7 15 Shield
4 8

8 16
Bus Terminal

The KL6224 IO-Link terminal enables connection of up to The KL6301 EIB/KNX Bus Terminal is integrated in an EIB/KNX
four IO-Link devices, e.g. actuators, sensors or combinations network and can receive/transmit data from/to other EIB/KNX
666 of both. A point-to-point connection is used between the devices. The Bus Terminal is commissioned or configured via
terminal and the device. The terminal is parameterised via the TwinCAT function blocks. Several KL6301 can be used with
master. 2-wire and 3-wire connections are supported. IO-Link a single Bus Coupler or a Bus Terminal Controller. Up to
is designed as an intelligent link between the fieldbus level 256 group addresses can be received; sending is only limited
and the sensor, wherein parameterisation information can by the application.
be exchanged bidirectionally via the IO-Link connection.
The parameterisation of the IO-Link devices with service
data can be done from TwinCAT via register communication.
In the standard setting, the KL6224 functions as a
4-channel input terminal, 24 V DC, which communicates
with connected IO-Link devices, parameterises them and,
if necessary, changes their operating mode.
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption no data –
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 85 mA typ. 55 mA
Data transfer standard – twisted pair (TP)
Bus access – CSMA/CA
Special features – TwinCAT library: TwinCAT PLC EIB

Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C

Approvals CE CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 60 g approx. 85 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL6401, KL67xx Communication

LON Bus Terminal MP-Bus master terminal M-Bus master terminal

KL6401 KL6771 | KS6771 KL6781

LON MP-Bus M-Bus

78 kbit/s 1,200 baud 300…9,600 baud (default 2,400 baud)

1 1 1

1 5 1 5 1 5
Service Service

2 6 2 6 2 6
+24 V
MP-Bus M-Bus
slave device
3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

Bus Terminal
The KL6401 LON Bus Terminal enables direct The MP-Bus master terminal enables direct The KL6781 M-Bus master terminal enables the
connection of LON devices. Several KL6401 can connection of MP-Bus slave devices. Up to six- direct connection of M-Bus devices. The M-Bus
be used with a single Bus Coupler or a Bus Termi- teen field devices, eight drives and eight sensors (Meter Bus) is a fieldbus for the acquisition of 667
nal Controller. The KL6401 supports 62 SNVTs. can be connected to the KL6771. The Bus Terminal consumption data from electricity, water, gas
All SNVT types can be configured as input or out- is configured and commissioned via TwinCAT or energy meters. The KL6781 does not contain
put variable via the KS2000 software. The KS2000 function blocks. Several KL6771 terminals can the M-Bus protocol; instead, it converts the data
software generates an XIF file that is integrated be connected to the same Bus Coupler or Bus present on the terminal bus into M-Bus compliant
in an LON tool. Terminal Controller. physics. 24 byte data are available on the K-bus for
this. In conjunction with the TwinCAT M-Bus library,
it is possible to work without an external M-Bus
gateway, i.e. the M-Bus devices can be connected
directly to the KL6781. With a total cable length of
300 m, up to 40 M-Bus devices (each with a cur-
rent consumption of 1.5 mA) can be connected.
24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
only load typ. 10 mA + load max. 250 mA

typ. 55 mA typ. 55 mA typ. 65 mA

FTT-10, LPT MP-Bus M-Bus physics
CSMA polling master-slave mode (polling)
15 devices; 8 drives/sensors; connection of up to 40 M-Bus devices;
TwinCAT library: TwinCAT PLC LON TwinCAT library: TwinCAT PLC MP-Bus TwinCAT library: TwinCAT PLC M-Bus
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL
approx. 85 g approx. 85 g approx. 60 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication KL68xx

Communication | DALI, SMI

DALI/DSI master and power supply terminal SMI terminal

Technical data KL6811 | KS6811 KL6831 KL6841

Technology DALI/DSI SMI

Data transfer rates 1,200 baud 2,400 baud

Number of channels 1 1

1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6
+24 V

3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8
Bus Terminal

The KL6811 enables the connection of up to 64 DALI slaves. The KL6831 and KL6841 Bus Terminals connect the Bus
The KS2000 software enables simple configuration via a PC Terminal system with the SMI bus system. SMI (Standard
668 that is directly coupled with the Bus Coupler via an RS232 Motor Interface) is used for controlling and exact positioning
interface or via the fieldbus. The integrated power supply of roller shutter and sun protection device drives. In conjunc-
unit generates an electrically isolated 24 V DC output voltage. tion with intelligent energy and lighting management the
No further components are required for the operation of the blades can be positioned and moved according to the sun‘s
DALI slaves. The KL6811 operates fieldbus-independent. position. Up to 16 drives can be connected via an SMI termi-
nal. The KL6831 is suitable for LoVo SMI devices, the KL6841
is used for interfacing of 230 V AC SMI devices.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) LoVo 230 V AC

Current consumption typ. 30 mA + load –
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 55 mA typ. 55 mA
Data transfer standard DALI SMI
Special features connection of up to 64 DALI slaves; 2 digital inputs for simplified commissioning,
TwinCAT library: TwinCAT PLC DALI TwinCAT library: TwinCAT PLC SMI, only for Beckhoff
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE
Weight approx. 80 g approx. 80 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL6904 Communication

Communication | TwinSAFE
TwinSAFE enables networks with up to TwinSAFE Logic Bus Terminal,
1,024 TwinSAFE devices. The KL6904 Bus 4 safe outputs
Terminal features certified safety function
blocks, which are configured according to
the application to be realised. Functions
such as emergency stop, safety door moni- Technical data KL6904
toring etc. can thus easily be selected and
linked. All blocks can be freely connected Technology TwinSAFE Logic
among each other and are complemented
by operators such as AND, OR, etc. The nec- Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e)
essary functions are configured using the and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)
TwinCAT System Manager and loaded into Number of outputs 4
the terminal via the fieldbus.
Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
For further information on TwinSAFE
and the TwinSAFE products
see page 966

1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8

Bus Terminal
The KL6904 TwinSAFE Logic Bus Terminal can establish
15 connections (TwinSAFE connections). The TwinSAFE
logic terminal has four safe, local outputs, so that safety 669
applications can be realised with only two components
(KL1904 and KL6904).

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consum. pow. cont. load-dependent
Current consumpt. K-bus 250 mA
Cycle time 4…100 ms
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
Output current 0.5 A max./20 mA min. (per channel)
Permitted degree 2
of contamination
Climate class EN 60721-3-3 3K3
Installation position horizontal
Special features 4 safe outputs
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD
Weight approx. 90 g
Further information
Special terminals KL6904-0001
Distinguishing features pre-configured ex factory to 15 TwinSAFE connections

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Manual operation KL8519

Manual operating modules with K-bus interface

The manual operating modules have been 16-channel digital
developed for the switching, controlling and input signal module
observation of digital and analog signals.
They enable the setting and reading of data
and values in the case of failure of a con-
troller, without having to open the control Technical data KL8519
The manual operating modules can be Number of inputs 16
installed in the control cabinet door using a
snap-in technique; they are wired inside the Number of outputs –
control cabinet. Up to 31 modules can be
inserted via the K-bus interface with K-bus Input filter 3.0 ms
extension. Connection to the KL9309 signal- Output current –
independent transfer terminal takes place Resolution –
via the 20-pin shielded signal cable ZK8500-
8282-70x0. Connection to the Bus Terminal
strand takes place via the KL9020 end termi-
nal for bus extension. The signals are electri-
cally isolated. Power and error LEDs indicate
the status of the modules.
The electrically functionless KL8500
placeholder module covers the cut-out in the
control cabinet in such a way that functional
units can be retrofitted simply by exchanging
the module.

KL9309 | Adapter terminal for manual

Bus Terminal

operating modules see page 678

KL9020 | End terminal for bus extension

see page 678

ZK8500-8282-70x0 | Signal cable for manual The KL8519 is a 16-channel digital input signal module.
16 digital inputs can be connected, which indicate their
operating modules see page 690
status via LEDs and transmit the data to the controller.
The LEDs are bicolour LEDs in the colours red and green
ZK1090-0101-1xxx | K-bus extension cable and can be parameterised individually to suit the needs of
see page 689 the plant. The LEDs can also be addressed by the controller.

Additional information
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumpt. K-bus 50 mA
Switch settings –
Diagnostics LED bicolor LEDs, green and red
Bus interface K-bus connection IN/OUT
Special features –

Weight approx. 150 g

Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL852x, KL8548 Manual operation

4 x 2-channel digital 8-channel digital 8-channel analog

output module output module output module 0…10 V

KL8524 KL8528 KL8548

– 8 (potentiometer)

2x4 8 8 (0…10 V)

– – –
0.5 A 0.5 A –
– – 12 bit

Bus Terminal

The KL8524 is a 4 x 2-channel digital output mod- The KL8528 is an 8-channel digital output module. The KL8548 is an 8-channel analog output module
ule, each equipped with two switches. The first is The outputs can be switched via a switch or speci- for 0 to 10 V. The analog values must be specified
for switching between manual and automatic op- fied by the controller. The status is indicated by a individually for each channel via the controller
eration, while the second is used to set a 2-stage bicolour LED in green and yellow. The switching or via a potentiometer. The actual output value
output. It is possible to specify when and how the positions are readable via the PLC. is indicated by a bar graph. The position of the
two outputs are switched. The status is indicated potentiometer is readable by the controller in each
by a bicolour LED in green and yellow. The switch- mode of operation.
ing positions are readable via the PLC.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

40 mA 40 mA 50 mA in ECO mode, 95 mA in full scale mode
auto/manual, mode 0/1/2 auto/off/on auto/manual, potentiometer
bicolor LEDs, green and yellow bicolor LEDs, green and yellow yellow
K-bus connection IN/OUT K-bus connection IN/OUT K-bus connection IN/OUT
State of the switch can be read by the controller. State of the switch can be read by the controller. Potentiometers and switches can be read
via the PLC. Analog values are displayed in
the form of bar charts.
approx. 160 g approx. 160 g approx. 215 g
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Power terminals KL8001

Power terminals | Siemens contactor, series Sirius 3R

The KL8001 power terminal, together with a Power terminal for Siemens contactor,
power contactor, forms a complete distrib- series Sirius 3R
uted motor starter with any fieldbus connec-
tion. Apart from all the protective functions
of a motor protection relay, the power ter-
minal contains comprehensive diagnostics. Technical data KL8001
By means of values such as current, voltage,
active-power input and apparent power Contactor connection mechanism for Siemens contactor
consumption or load condition, the control series Sirius 3R (switch size S00, Typ 3RT 10 1)
programmer is able to regulate the drive or Measured values current, voltage, power
a machine component in the best possible
way and to protect them from damage and Number of up to 10 (at 140 mA typ. current consumption per contactor)
failure. The Bus Terminal block is fitted with a power terminals
KL9060 adapter terminal instead of a KL9010
end terminal. The KL9060 is connected to a
power terminal using a simple ribbon cable.
Up to ten power terminals can be driven by
one KL9060. No other wiring is necessary
apart from a ground cable.
The power terminal switches the installed
contactor and takes over all the functions
of the motor protection relay. Apart from its
purely protective function of switching off the
motor when overloaded, the power terminal
can carry out numerous diagnostic functions
on the motor and make the information avail-
able to the controller via the fieldbus.
Bus Terminal

Like a standard motor protection relay the KL8001 power

terminal is fitted to a power contactor up to a switching
KL9060 | End terminal with adapter
capacity of 5.5 kW.
connection for KL8001 power terminals
see page 678 Measuring accuracy 0.1 A AC
Current consumption typ. 7 mA + load
power contacts
Current consumpt. K-bus typ. 150 mA
Measuring voltage 500 V AC
Power contacts 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)/1.4 A max., short-circuit-proof
Setting range of 0.9…9.9 A
nominal current
Current load max. 25 A (fuse)
Short-circuit-proof up to 5 kA
Internal resistance < 1 mΩ
Tripping classes class 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 selectable
Type of connection screw terminals up to 2 x 2.5 mm²
power path
Type of K-bus connection 2 x flat plug socket, 10-pin
Adapter terminal KL9060
Short circuit behaviour conforms to EN 60947-4-1 (assignment type 2)/VDE 102
Triggering tolerance conforms to IEC 947, as well as UL and CSA
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE
Weight approx. 90 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL90xx, KL9195 System terminals

System terminals | Function terminals

The KL9195 Bus Terminal can Shield Shield Separation
be used for the connection of terminal terminal terminal
screens. The KL9195 connects the
spring force contacts directly to
the DIN rail, and can optimally
ground incoming electromag- Technical data KL9070 KL9195 | KS9195 KL9080
netic radiation. The two power
contacts are looped through by Technology shield terminal separation terminal
the KL9195, allowing two wires
to be connected to each power Diagnostics in the –
contact. The KL9010 bus end process image
terminal is necessary for data +60 °C
exchange between the Bus -25 °C

Coupler and the Bus Terminals.

Each assembly must be termi-
nated at the right hand end
1 5 1 5

with a KL9010 bus end terminal.

The bus end terminal does not 2 6 2 6

have any other function or

connection facility. The KL9080 is
used to identify potential groups 3 7 3 7

(e.g. 230 V AC/24 V DC). It is

inserted between two potential 4 8 4 8

groups, and indicates the separa-

tion through an orange coloured

Bus Terminal

Nominal voltage ≤ 60 V arbitrary up to 230 V AC separation terminal

Current load ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A –
Integrated fine-wire fuse – – –
Power LED – – –
Defect LED – – –
PE contact – – –
Shield connection 8x 2x –
Current consumption – – –
Electrical isolation yes – –
Connection to DIN rail yes yes –
Special features dissipation of EMC inter- – placeholder terminal
ference via large copper with K-bus transmission
surfaces on the DIN rail
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
Further information
KL9070 KL9195 KL9080

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System terminals KL91xx

System terminals | Function terminals

The power feed terminals Potential Potential Potential
make it possible to set up vari- supply terminal, supply terminal, supply terminal,
ous potential groups with any 24 V DC 24 V DC, 120…230 V AC
desired voltages (KL9190) or with diagnostics
with the standard voltages of
24 V DC or 230 V AC (120 V AC).
The power feed terminals are Technical data KL9100 | KS9100 KL9110 | KS9110 KL9150 | KS9150
available with or without fine-
wire fuse. In order to monitor Technology potential supply terminal
the supply voltage, the terminals
with diagnostics report the sta- Diagnostics in the – yes –
tus of the power feed terminal process image
to the Bus Coupler through two +60 °C +60 °C
input bits. It is thus possible for -25 °C -25 °C

the controller to check the dis-

tributed peripheral voltage over
the fieldbus. The operating point
1 5 1 5 1 5

performance conforms to the

input terminals KL1002 (24 V) 2 6 2 6 2 6

and KL1702 (230 V).

The KL9180, KL9185 and
KL9195 Bus Terminals allow the 3 7 3 7 3 7

supply voltage to be accessed a

number of times via spring force 4 8 4 8 4 8

terminals. These Bus Terminals

make it unnecessary to use
additional terminal blocks on
Bus Terminal

the terminal strip.


Nominal voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC 120 V AC/

230 V AC
Current load ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A
Integrated fine-wire fuse – – –
Power LED green green green
Defect LED – – –
PE contact yes yes yes
Shield connection – – –
Current consumption – typ. 10 mA –
Electrical isolation yes yes yes
Connection to DIN rail – – –
Special features – – –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
Further information
KL9100 KL9110 KL9150

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL91xx, KL92xx System terminals

Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential

supply terminal, supply terminal, supply terminal, supply terminal, supply terminal, supply terminal, supply terminal,
120…230 V AC, any voltage up to 24 V DC, 24 V DC, 120…230 V AC, 120…230 V AC, arbitrary,
with diagnostics 230 V AC with fuse with diagnostics with fuse with diagnostics with fuse
and fuse and fuse

KL9160 | KS9160 KL9190 | KS9190 KL9200 KL9210 KL9250 KL9260 KL9290

yes – yes – yes –

+60 °C

-25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5

4 8 4 8 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6

Bus Terminal

120 V AC/ arbitrary 24 V DC 24 V DC 120 V AC/ 120 V AC/ arbitrary up to

230 V AC 230 V AC 230 V AC 230 V AC/DC
≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A
– – …6.3 A …6.3 A …6.3 A …6.3 A …6.3 A
green – green green green green –
– – red red red red –
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
– – – – – – –
typ. 10 mA – – typ. 10 mA – typ. 10 mA –

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

– – – – – – –
– – integrated fuse integrated fuse integrated fuse integrated fuse integrated fuse
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g approx. 50 g
KL9160 KL9190 KL9200 KL9210 KL9250 KL9260 KL9290

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System terminals KL918x

System terminals | Potential distribution

The KL918x potential distribution ter- Potential distri- Potential distri- Potential distri-
minals enable – depending upon the bution terminal, bution terminal, bution terminal,
type – the distribution of ground or 2 terminal points 4 terminal points 8 x 24 V
supply potentials to external devices. per power contact at 2 power contacts
Wiring work and separate potential
distributors are saved. Eight ground Technical data KL9180 | KS9180 KL9185 | KS9185 KL9186 | KS9186
points are required for the ground
connection of 8-channel output Technology potential distribution terminal
terminals in 2-wire operating mode,
e.g. KL2008, for which the KL9187 Diagnostics in the –
can be used. The KL9184 and KL9188 process image
HD Bus Terminals (High Density) even +60 °C +60 °C
make 16 connection points available -25 °C -25 °C

in a compact housing.

1 5 1 5
+24 V 1 5
+24 V

+24 V +24 V
2 6 2 6 2 6

+24 V +24 V
3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8
+24 V 4 8
+24 V
Bus Terminal


Nominal voltage arbitrary up to arbitrary up to ≤ 60 V DC

230 V AC 230 V AC
Current load ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A

Integrated fine-wire fuse – – –

Power LED – – –
Defect LED – – –
PE contact yes – –
Shield connection – – –
Current consumption – – –
Electrical isolation – – yes

Connection to DIN rail – – –

Special features – – 8 x 24 V connection

Operating temperature 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C

Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g
Further information
KL9180 KL9185 KL9186

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL918x System terminals

Potential distri- Potential distri- Potential distri- Potential distri- Potential distri- Potential distri- Potential distri-
bution terminal, bution terminal, bution terminal, bution terminal, bution terminal, bution terminal, bution terminal,
8x0V 2 x 8 connected 8 x 2 connected 1 x 16 connected 8 x 24 V, 8 x 0 V 16 x 24 V 16 x 0 V
terminal points terminal points terminal points

KL9187 | KS9187 KL9181 KL9182 KL9183 KL9184 KL9188 KL9189

+60 °C +60 °C +60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C

0V 1 5
0V +24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V
1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9

+24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V

2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10

0V 0V +24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V

2 6 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11

+24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V

4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12

+24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V

0V 0V 5 13 5 13 5 13 5 13 5 13 5 13
3 7

+24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V

6 14 6 14 6 14 6 14 6 14 6 14

+24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V

0V 0V 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15
4 8
+24 V 0V +24 V +24 V 0V 0V
8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 8 16

Bus Terminal

≤ 60 V DC ≤ 60 V AC/DC ≤ 60 V AC/DC ≤ 60 V AC/DC ≤ 60 V DC ≤ 60 V DC ≤ 60 V DC

≤ 10 A max. 10 A max. 10 A max. 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A

(per terminal point) (per terminal point) (per terminal point)
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –

yes 500 V (K-bus/ 500 V (K-bus/ 500 V (K-bus/ yes yes yes
ield potential) field potential) field potential)
– – – – – – –
8 x 0 V connection 2 x 8-way bridges 8 x 2-way bridges 16-way bridge 8 x 24 V and 16 x 24 V 16 x 0 V connection
8 x 0 V connection connection
-25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
CE, UL, Ex, GL CE CE CE CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
approx. 50 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g approx. 60 g
KL9187 KL9181 KL9182 KL9183 KL9184 KL9188 KL9189

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System terminals KL90xx, KL9309

System terminals | Function terminals

End terminal End terminal with End terminal Coupler terminal Adapter terminal
adapter for KL8001 for bus extension for bus extension for manual operating
power terminals modules

Technical data KL9010 KL9060 KL9020 KL9050 KL9309

Technology end terminal coupler terminal adapter terminal

+60 °C

-25 °C

Each assembly must The KL9060 Bus The KL9020 forms The KL9050 coupler The KL9309 adapter
be terminated at the Terminal enables a properly working terminal is the comple- terminal is connected
right hand end with a connection to the unit together with a ment to a KL9020. via shielded ZK8500-
a KL9010 bus end KL8001. For further KL9050 or a KL85xx. The second RJ45 8282-70x0 signal
Bus Terminal

terminal. information see No further parameter- socket allows the cable with the KL85xx
page 672 isation or configura- whole system to be manual operation mod-
tion work is necessary. extended by 31 sta- ules. Further informa-
tions. tion see page 670
Nominal voltage – 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) – 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current load – ≤ 10 A – ≤ 10 A ≤ 10 A
Power LED – – – green green
Current consumption – – typ. 70 mA (K-bus) typ. 70 mA (24 V K-bus) –
+ (total K-bus current)/
4, max. 200 mA
Distance between – – max. 5 m between max. 5 m between –
stations KL9020 and KL9050 KL9050 and KL9050
Starting current – – – 2.5 x continuous –
Current supply K-bus – – – up to 400 mA –
Electrical isolation – 500 V (power contact/ 500 V (power contact/ 500 V (power contact/ 500 V (power contact/
supply voltage/K-bus) supply voltage/K-bus) supply voltage/fieldbus) supply voltage/fieldbus)
Special features end terminal for bus connection to KL8001 end terminal for K-bus coupler terminal passive Bus Terminal
communication via 20-pin flat ribbon extension for K-bus extension for the connection of
plug (max. 64 Bus Terminals) KL85xx manual operat-
ing modules
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, Ex, GL CE
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 65 g approx. 45 g approx. 75 g approx. 85 g
Further information
KL9010 KL9060 KL9020 KL9050 KL9309

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL930x System terminals

System terminals | Diode array Bus Terminals

Diodes perform different tasks Diode array terminal, Diode array terminal, Diode array terminal,
in control circuits. They decouple, 4 potential-free diodes 7 diodes (with a 7 diodes (with a
rectify or provide for the free- common cathode) common anode)
running of a coil. The Bus Ter-
minals unite diodes in different
circuits and simplify integration Technical data KL9300 | KS9300 KL9301 | KS9301 KL9302 | KS9302
into the control cabinet by their
compact design. The circuits Technology free-wheeling or decoupling diodes
offered, with common anode
or cathode and the individual Number of diodes 4 7
diodes, minimise the wiring
effort in the control cabinet. Interconnection potential-free common cathode common anode

1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

Bus Terminal

Nominal cut-off voltage 1,000 V (diodes) 1,000 V (diodes) 1,000 V (diodes)

Output current 1 A on each diode 1 A on each diode 1 A on each diode
Peak current 2.5 A (100 ms) 2.5 A (100 ms) 2.5 A (100 ms)
Voltage drop 0.7 V typ. 0.7 V typ. 0.7 V typ.
Current consumption – – –
Isolation voltage < 200 V < 200 V < 200 V
Electrical isolation 1,500 V (K-bus/field) 1,500 V (K-bus/field) 1,500 V (K-bus/field)
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 50 g approx. 55 g approx. 55 g
Further information
KL9300 KL9301 KL9302

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System terminals KL9400, KL9505

System terminals | Power supply terminals

The KL94xx and KL95xx terminal series are Power supply terminal Power supply terminal,
designed for the modified feeding of the for refreshing the K-bus 5 V DC
operating voltage into the terminal strand.
The KL9400 power supply terminal enables
the refreshment of the K-bus, via which data
exchange takes place between Bus Couplers Technical data KL9400 | KS9400 KL9505 | KS9505
and Bus Terminals. Each Bus Terminal requires
a certain amount of current from the K-bus Technology power supply terminal power supply terminal,
(see technical data: “Current consumption 5 V DC, with diagnostics
K-bus”). This current is fed into the K-bus Diagnostics – yes
by the relevant Bus Coupler’s power supply
unit. When configuring a large number of Bus +60 °C
Terminals, the 5 V power supply to the K-bus -25 °C

can be increased by 2 A via the KL9400.

The KL95xx power supply terminals pro-
duce different output voltages from the input +24 V 0V +24 V 0V
1 5 1 5

voltage (24 V DC) that can be accessed at the

terminals. The following Bus Terminals are 2 6 2 6

also supplied with this voltage via the power

contacts. The power LEDs indicate the operat-
ing states of the terminals; short-circuits or 3 7 3 7

overloads are indicated by the overcurrent

LEDs. There is no electrical isolation of the 4 8 4 8

input and output voltage.

The KL9505 generates 5 V

from the fed-in 24 V without
Bus Terminal

electrical isolation.


Input voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Output voltage 5 V DC 5 V DC ±1 %
Output current 2 A for K-bus supply 0.5 A
Short-circuit-proof yes yes
Residual ripple – < 5 mV
Current consumption – –
Electrical isolation – –

Special features – stabilised analog voltage

Operating temperature -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C

Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, UL, Ex
Weight approx. 65 g approx. 65 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL95xx System terminals

Power supply terminal, Power supply terminal, Power supply terminal, Power supply terminal, Power supply terminal,
8 V DC 10 V DC 12 V DC 15 V DC 24 V DC, electrical isolation

KL9508 | KS9508 KL9510 | KS9510 KL9512 | KS9512 KL9515 | KS9515 KL9560 | KS9560

power supply terminal, power supply terminal, power supply terminal, power supply terminal, power supply terminal,
8 V DC, with diagnostics 10 V DC, with diagnostics 12 V DC, with diagnostics 15 V DC, with diagnostics 24 V DC

+24 V 0V +24 V 0V +24 V 0V +24 V 0V +24 V 0V

1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8

The KL9508 generates 8 V The KL9510 generates 10 V The KL9512 generates 12 V The KL9515 generates 15 V The KL9560 generates
from the fed-in 24 V without from the fed-in 24 V without from the fed-in 24 V without from the fed-in 24 V without potential-free 24 V

Bus Terminal
electrical isolation. electrical isolation. electrical isolation. electrical isolation. from the fed-in 24 V
with electrical isolation.


24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
8 V DC ±1 % 10 V DC ±1 % 12 V DC ±1 % 15 V DC ±1 % 24 V DC (-15 %/+5 %)
0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 A ≤ 0.1 A
yes yes yes yes yes, automatic restart
< 5 mV < 5 mV < 5 mV < 5 mV no data
– – – – –

– – – – 1,500 V AC
constant load
input/output voltage
stabilised analog voltage stabilised analog voltage stabilised analog voltage stabilised analog voltage analog voltage with
electrical isolation
0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex CE, UL, Ex, GL
approx. 65 g approx. 65 g approx. 65 g approx. 65 g approx. 65 g

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System terminals KL9520, KL9528

System terminals | AS-Interface

An AS-Interface network consists of AS-Interface potential AS-Interface power supply
a special power supply unit, a master feed terminal with filter terminal 24 V DC/30 V DC, 1.25 A
and a larger number of slaves. Each
communication device is connected
in parallel to the AS-Interface cable,
and receives its supply voltage and Technical data KL9520 | KS9520 KL9528 | KS9528
also exchanges its data via this con-
nection. The transmitter changes its Technology potential feed terminal power supply terminal
current consumption according to its
transmission bits. The AS-Interface Diagnostics –
power supply unit converts this current
change into a voltage change, which
can be measured by all devices.
An AS-Interface power supply unit
supplies the network with a voltage
of 30 V DC in order to ensure that +24 V 0V
1 5 1 5 1’ 5’

sufficient voltage is available to all

devices with maximum cable length 2 6 2 6 2’ 6’

and maximum current consumption.

The KL9528 Bus Terminal is an
AS-Interface power supply unit with 3 7 3 7 3’ 7’

an output current of up to 1.25 A.

The AS-Interface supply voltage of 4 8 4 8 4’ 8’

30 V DC is generated from the 24 V DC

control voltage. The KL9520 Bus
Terminal is intended for AS-Interface The KL9520 potential feed The KL9528 power supply terminal
terminal uncouples the generates a 30 V DC output voltage
Power24V applications. Thanks to an
Bus Terminal

input and output signal from the 24 V DC control voltage with

internal circuit, the 24 V DC control through an integrated fil- high-frequency decoupling for the
voltage is usable for a simple AS-Inter- ter and enables the supply operation of an AS-Interface network.
face network. An AS-Interface voltage of AS-Interface networks The connection to the KL6201
of 24 V DC is sufficient in many small from standard power AS-Interface master is established
supply units or another via plugs.
networks if the cable lengths and cur-
AS-Interface network.
rent consumption do not cause a large
voltage drop.

Input voltage up to 35 V DC 21…28.8 V DC

Output voltage up to 35 V DC 30 V DC (+5 %/- 5 %)
Output current – max. 1.25 A
Short circuit current – max. 1.3 A
Current load max. 2 A –
Current consumption – typ. 10 mA
Electrical isolation – 1,500 V AC constant load
field side/K-bus
Special features no electrical isolation –
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE CE
Weight approx. 90 g approx. 150 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL9540, KL9550 System terminals

System terminals | Surge filter system and field supply

System terminal, System terminal, System terminal,
surge filter field supply surge filter field supply surge filter system
for analog terminals and field supply

Technical data KL9540 | KS9540 KL9540-0010 KL9550 | KS9550

Technology surge filter field supply surge filter system

and field supply
Diagnostics –

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

1 5 1 5 1 5

+24 V
2 6 2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8 4 8

The KL9540 system terminal contains an overvoltage filter for the 24 V field supply, the KL9550 for the 24 V field and system
supply. The filter protects the Bus Terminals from line-bound surge voltages that can occur due to high-energy disturbances

Bus Terminal
such as switching overvoltages at inductive consumers or lightning strikes at the supply lines. The Bus Terminals KL9540 or
KL9550 protect the Bus Terminal station from damage in particularly harsh environments. The use of such overvoltage filters
is stipulated by the ship classification organisations in shipbuilding and on/offshore applications in which GL certification is
The KL9540-0010 is intended in particular for the protection of analog terminals; the standard variant KL9540 for digital
terminals. The terminal does not transfer process data to the higher-level control system.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Surge filter yes yes yes
field supply
Surge filter – – yes
system supply
Rated current ≤ 10 A ≤5A ≤ 10 A
field supply
Rated current – – ≤ 0.5 A
system supply
PE connection yes – –
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C 0…+55 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, GL CE, GL CE, UL, Ex, GL
Weight approx. 40 g approx. 65 g approx. 50 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System terminals KL9570

System terminals | Buffer capacitor terminal

The KL9570 Bus Terminal contains high- Buffer capacitor terminal
performance capacitors for stabilising supply
voltages. It can be used in connection with
small drive terminals. Low internal resistance
and high pulsed current capability enable
good buffering in parallel with a power Technical data KL9570 | KS9570
supply unit. Return currents are stored, par-
ticularly in the context of drive applications, Technology buffer capacitor terminal
thereby preventing overvoltages. If the fed
back energy exceeds the capacity of the Diagnostics –
capacitors, the KL9570 switches the load
voltage through to the terminal points 1
and 5. The energy is dissipated by the con-
nection of an external ballast resistor.

KL25xx | Motion terminals see page 625

1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8

The KL9570 buffers the connected voltage via its

integrated capacitors and connects the external
Bus Terminal

brake resistor if the internal voltage of approx. 56 V

is exceeded.


Nominal voltage 50 V
Capacity 500 µF
Ripple current (max.) 10 A @ 100 kHz
Internal resistance < 20 mΩ @ 100 kHz
Surge voltage protection > 56 V
Recommended see documentation
ballast resistor
Overvoltage ±2 V
control range
Ballast resistor load-dependent, 2-point control
clock rate
Electrical isolation 1,500 V (K-bus/field potential)
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Approvals CE, Ex
Weight approx. 65 g
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Special terminals

Ordering instructions for special terminals and couplers

All Bus Couplers and Bus Terminals are supplied with a standard configuration. The settings can be found on the relevant catalog pages. In addi-
tion to this standard configuration, specific coupler and terminal types with modified software or hardware are available. These variants have an
order number with additional four figures. Therefore, if you do require a configuration other than standard, quote this extended number when you
place your order. The following table provides a summary of the Bus Couplers and Bus Terminals that are available with modified default settings.

Ordering information
Bus Coupler
BK8100-0060 watchdog special setting 60 s
BK8100-1001 watchdog special setting 10 s
BK9055-1000 EtherNet/IP “Compact” Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension), default IP address:
BK9105-1000 EtherNet/IP Bus Coupler for up to 64 Bus Terminals (255 with K-bus extension), default IP address:
Digital input
KL1052-0010 96 V DC positive and negative switching, not in accordance with the EN 61131-2 specifications: I high = 3 mA, I low = 0.5 mA
KL1232-0001 plus-switching, positive edge-triggered input, 10 ms pulse extension, input filter 0.2 ms
KL1232-0002 plus-switching, positive edge-triggered input, 20 ms pulse extension, input filter 0.2 ms
KL1232-0010 plus-switching, positive edge-triggered input, 100 ms pulse extension, input filter 3.0 ms
KL1232-0100 plus-switching, negative edge-triggered input, 100 ms pulse extension, input filter 0.2 ms
KL1232-0110 plus-switching, negative edge-triggered input, 100 ms pulse extension, input filter 3.0 ms
KL1232-1000 negative switching, positive edge-triggered input, 100 ms pulse extension, input filter 0.2 ms
KL1232-1001 5 V, negative switching, negative edge-triggered input, 20 ms pulse extension, input filter 0.2 ms
KL1232-1010 negative switching, positive edge-triggered input, 100 ms pulse extension, input filter 3.0 ms
KL1232-1100 negative switching, negative edge-triggered input, 100 ms pulse extension, input filter 0.2 ms
KL1232-1110 negative switching, negative edge-triggered input, 100 ms pulse extension, input filter 3.0 ms
KL1232-2000 plus switching, positive edge-triggered input, 200 ms pulse extension, input filter 0.2 ms
KL1501-0010 gate-counter with auto-reset and setting A0
KL1501-0011 up/down counter with 5 V inputs, 24 V DC outputs
KL1702-0010 230 V AC input circuit with type 2 characteristics
KL1712-0010 24 V AC/DC input circuit

Bus Terminal
Digital output
KL2502-0012 time-delayed setting of the outputs
KL2502-3020 5 V output, 30 kHz limit frequency
KL2521-0010 with additional outputs (230 V AC/DC, 100 mA) instead of the additional inputs of the default variant
KL2521-0024 for 24 V signal level
KL2541-0006 stepper motor terminal 50 V DC, 5 A, 5 V encoder supply
KL2692-1001 2 digital inputs, 2 potential-free relays, end terminal variant
KL2702-0002 2-channel solid state load relay up to 230 V AC/DC, 2 A
KL2702-0020 2-channel solid state load relay up to 230 V AC/DC, 1.5 A
KL2722-0010 without reciprocal locking of the channels, total current 1 A
KL2732-0010 without reciprocal locking of the channels, total current 1 A
KL2751-0011 dimmer terminal without power contacts
KL2751-1200 dimmer terminal for 120 V AC
KL2761-0011 1-channel universal dimmer terminal, 230 V AC, 600 VA (W), 50 Hz, without power contacts
KL2791-0011 1-channel AC motor speed controller, 230 V AC, 200 VA, max. 0.9 A, without power contacts
KL2791-1200 1-channel AC motor speed controller, 120 V AC, 100 VA
Analog input
KL3002-0010 Siemens S5 format
KL3002-0011 fast µP, scan time approx. 0.5 ms
KL3002-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL3012-0011 altered range: 0…21.5 mA, maximum value corresponds to 21.5 mA instead of 20 mA
KL3012-0012 fast µP, scan time approx. 0.5 ms
KL3012-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL3022-0010 Siemens S5 format
KL3022-0011 fast µP, scan time approx. 0.5 ms

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Special terminals

KL3022-0050 Siemens S7 format

KL3042-0010 Siemens S5 format
KL3042-0011 fast µP, scan time approx. 0.5 ms
KL3042-0012 altered range: 0…21.5 mA, maximum value corresponds to 21.5 mA instead of 20 mA
KL3042-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL3052-0010 Siemens S5 format
KL3052-0011 fast µP, scan time approx. 0.5 ms
KL3052-0012 changed diagnostic level (< 3.5 mA or > 21.5 mA)
KL3052-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL3054-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL3062-0010 Siemens S5 format
KL3062-0011 voltage level 0…20 V
KL3062-0012 fast µP, scan time approx. 0.5 ms
KL3062-0013 voltage level 0…30 V
KL3062-0014 voltage level 0…50 V
KL3062-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL3064-0010 Siemens S5 format
KL3064-0011 voltage level 0…20 V
KL3064-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL3102-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL3112-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL3122-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL3172-0500 2-channel analog input terminal, 0…500 mV
KL3202-0010 PT200
KL3202-0011 PT200 in Siemens S5 format
KL3202-0012 PT500
KL3202-0013 PT500 in Siemens S5 format
KL3202-0014 PT1000
KL3202-0015 PT1000 in Siemens S5 format
KL3202-0016 Ni100
Bus Terminal

KL3202-0017 Ni100 in Siemens S5 format

KL3202-0020 resistance measurement 0…1.2 kΩ
KL3202-0021 PT100 in Siemens S5 format
KL3202-0023 Ni120
KL3202-0024 Ni120 in Siemens S5 format
KL3202-0025 Ni1000
KL3202-0026 Ni1000 in Siemens S5 format
KL3202-0027 resistance measurement 10…10 kΩ
KL3202-0028 Resolution increased to 0.01 °C; the measurement range is reduced to -40 °C to +128 °C.
The absolute accuracy is 0.3 °C, differential error is 0.1 °C.
KL3202-0029 Ni1000 per Landis&Staefa characteristic curve (Siemens, 100° corresponds to 1,500 Ω)
KL3204-0014 PT1000
KL3204-0021 PT100 in Siemens S5 format
KL3204-0025 Ni1000, 4-channel
KL3204-0029 Ni1000 per Landis&Staefa characteristic curve (Siemens, 100° corresponds to 1,500 Ω)
KL3312-0010 type J
KL3312-0011 type J in Siemens S5 format
KL3312-0012 type L
KL3312-0013 type L in Siemens S5 format
KL3312-0014 type B
KL3312-0015 type B in Siemens S5 format
KL3312-0016 type E
KL3312-0017 type E in Siemens S5 format
KL3312-0018 type N
KL3312-0019 type N in Siemens S5 format
KL3312-0020 type R
KL3312-0021 type R in Siemens S5 format

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Special terminals

KL3312-0022 type S
KL3312-0023 type S in Siemens S5 format
KL3312-0024 type T
KL3312-0025 type T in Siemens S5 format
KL3312-0026 type U
KL3312-0027 type U in Siemens S5 format
KL3312-0028 0…120 mV measurement
KL3312-0029 type K in Siemens S5 format
KL3312-0040 expanded temperature range for type S and L type S: -50…+1,700 °C (as supplied type L: -100…+900 °C)
KL3312-0110 type J, Fahrenheit scaling
KL3312-2000 setting of reference junction temperature via process image, unit 1/256° C in a 16 bit word
KL3312-2100 external reference point temperature specification via process image is possible,
the unit is 1/256 °C in 16-bit format, fast conversion time 65 ms
KL3351-0001 1-channel resistor bridge terminal (strain gauge), with faster measurement time approx. 10 ms
KL3403-0010 3-phase power measurement terminal, current path designed for 5 A transducer (1 % measuring accuracy I)
KL3403-0020 3-phase power measurement terminal, current path designed for 20 mA, optimised for electronic current transformer
KL3403-0022 3-phase power measurement terminal, current path and voltage input designed for 20 mA
KL3403-0333 3-phase power measurement terminal, 500 V AC, 333 mV AC
KM3701-0340 differential pressure up to 340 hPa
Analog output
KL4002-0010 Siemens S5 format
KL4002-0011 fast µP, scan time approx. 0.15 ms
KL4002-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL4004-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL4012-0010 Siemens S5 format
KL4012-0011 altered range: 0…21.5 mA, maximum value corresponds to 21.5 mA instead of 20 mA
KL4012-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL4022-0010 Siemens S5 format
KL4022-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL4032-0010 Siemens S5 format

Bus Terminal
KL4032-0011 fast µP, scan time approx. 0.15 ms
KL4032-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL4034-0010 Siemens S5 format
KL4112-0010 Siemens S5 format
KL4112-0050 Siemens S7 format
KL4132-0010 Siemens S5 format
KL4132-0050 Siemens S7 format
Special functions
KL5111-0010 A, B, C signals: 5 V inputs
KL5111-0011 special function: latch input sets counter to zero
KL5111-0012 latches on both edges, A, B, C inputs 24 V
KL5111-0013 latches on both edges, A, B, C inputs 5 V
KL5111-0015 frequency measurement over a selectable time window; 24 V inputs
KL5111-0016 frequency measurement over a selectable time window; 5 V inputs
KL5111-0020 12 V input circuit
KL5151-0021 incremental encoder 1 x 32 bit A, B, capture input and 1 driver output 24 V, 0.5 A
KL5151-0050 incremental encoder 2 x 32 bit A, B-track
KL6001-0020 standard format 5 bytes of user data
KL6011-0020 standard format 5 bytes of user data
KL6021-0020 standard format 5 bytes of user data (rest default)
KL6021-0021 standard format 5 bytes of user data (7 bits, even, 1 stop bit, 9,600 baud)
KL6201-0010 preset to 22 bytes K-bus interface (2 K-bus cycles 31 AS-Interface slaves)
KL6201-0011 preset to 38 bytes K-bus interface (4 K-bus cycles 62 AS-Interface slaves)
KL6211-0011 preset to 38 bytes K-bus interface (4 K-bus cycles 62 AS-Interface slaves)
KL6904-0001 TwinSAFE Logic Bus Terminal, pre-configured ex factory to 15 TwinSAFE connections
System terminals
KL9210-0020 with 2 A fuse (slow-blow) and modified label

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Accessories Bus Terminals

Z1000 standard connector for 1,000 µm plastic fibre
Z1010 standard connector for 200 µm PCS fibre
Z1020 coupling for Z1000

ZB3100 9-pin D-sub connector for PROFIBUS (12 Mbaud) with switchable termination resistor A
ZB3101 9-pin D-sub connector for PROFIBUS (12 Mbaud) with switchable termination resistor
and programming interface B
ZB3102 9-pin D-sub connector for PROFIBUS (12 Mbaud) (180° orientation) with switchable termination resistor C
ZS1031-3000 9-pin D-sub connector for PROFIBUS (12 Mbaud) with integrated termination resistor
ZS1031-3500 fibre optic connector for Bus Coupler BK3500 and BK3520

ZS1051-3000 9-pin D-sub connector for CANopen with integrated termination resistor
ZS1052-3000 5-pin open style connector for CANopen/DeviceNet with integrated termination resistor
ZS1052-5150 CAN diagnostic interface

Technical data ZS1031-3000 ZS1052-3000

Fieldbus PROFIBUS CANopen/DeviceNet
Bus plug D-sub, 9-pin open style connector, 5-pin
Data transfer rates up to 12 Mbaud up to 1 Mbaud (CANopen) or 500 kbaud (DeviceNet)
Cable outgoing downwards (where Bus Terminals are assembled horizontally)
Cable diameter 4.5…8 mm
Wire cross section 0.34 mm wire 0.2…0.5 mm litz wire or wire
Bus Terminal

Connection method screw type terminal

Wire PROFIBUS, type A, ZB3200 e.g. CANopen cable ZB5100 or DeviceNet cable ZB5200
Termination resistor network with 2 x 390 Ω, 1 x 220 Ω 120 Ω
Protection class IP 40
Temperature range -20…+75 °C
Dimensions (L x W x H) approx. (65 x 50 x 16) mm
Packaging folding box with instructions

SERCOS interface
Z1003 FSMA plug with knurled nut for 1,000 µm plastic fibre
Z1100 plastic fibre optic, single core, 1,000 µm, 2.2 mm
Z1101 plastic fibre optic, single core, 1,000 µm with protective PU cladding and Kevlar strain relief, drag-chain suitable

Z1003 FSMA plug with knurled nut for 1,000 µm plastic fibre
ZB4100 9-pin D-sub socket for incoming remote bus
ZB4101 9-pin D-sub plug for outgoing remote bus

Ethernet/EtherCAT Pict.
ZS1090-0003 RJ45 plug EtherCAT/Ethernet, IP 20, 4-pin, field assembly, AWG22-24, PU = 10 D
ZS1090-0005 RJ45 plug EtherCAT/Ethernet, IP 20, 8-pin, supports Gbit, field assembly, AWG22-26, PU = 10 E

ZB3180 9-pin D-sub connector for CX8080 (RS232/RS485) with switchable termination resistor

We reserve the right to make technical changes.



Cables for K-bus extension

Ordering information
ZK1010-8080-3003 ribbon cable for bus connection between two power terminals KL8001, length 0.03 m, included in scope of supply of KL8001
ZK1010-8080-3005 ribbon cable for bus connection between two power terminals KL8001 for reversing contactor connection, length 0.05 m

Bus Terminal
ZK1010-8080-3010 ribbon cable for bus connection between the KL9060 and the KL8001, length 0.1 m, included in scope of supply of KL9060
ZS1010-1610 Plug for exposed bus connection of the KL8001, included in scope of supply of KL9060
ZK1090-0101-1002 K-bus extension cable, assembled at both ends with RJ45 plug, double-shielded, red, length 0.2 m
ZK1090-0101-1005 K-bus extension cable, assembled at both ends with RJ45 plug, double-shielded, red, length 0.5 m
ZK1090-0101-1010 K-bus extension cable, assembled at both ends with RJ45 plug, double-shielded, red, length 1 m
ZK1090-0101-1020 K-bus extension cable, assembled at both ends with RJ45 plug, double-shielded, red, length 2 m
ZK1090-0101-1030 K-bus extension cable, assembled at both ends with RJ45 plug, double-shielded, red, length 3 m
ZK1090-0101-1050 K-bus extension cable, assembled at both ends with RJ45 plug, double-shielded, red, length 5 m

Z1100 plastic fibre optic, single core, 1,000 µm, 2.2 mm
Z1101 plastic fibre optic, single core, 1,000 µm with protective PU cladding and Kevlar strain relief, drag-chain suitable

ZB3200 PROFIBUS cable 12 Mbaud 1 x 2 x 0.64 mm²
Z1100 plastic fibre optic, single core, 1,000 µm, 2.2 mm
Z1101 plastic fibre optic, single core, 1,000 µm with protective PU cladding and Kevlar strain relief, drag-chain suitable

ZB4200 Interbus remote bus cable, certified 3 x 2 x 0.22 mm²
Z1120 Interbus plastic fibre optic, 2-core, 1,000 µm
Z1121 Interbus plastic fibre optic, 2-core, 1,000 µm with protective PU cladding

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


ZB5100 CAN cable, 4-core, fixed laying 2 x 2 x 0.25 mm²

ZB5200 DeviceNet cable, 4-core with shield, fixed laying 2 x 2/22 AWG

ZB9010 Industrial Ethernet/EtherCAT cable, fixed installation, CAT 5e, 4 wires
ZB9020 Industrial Ethernet/EtherCAT cable, drag-chain suitable, CAT 5e, 4 wires

Patch cables
Ordering information for pre-assembled EtherCAT/Ethernet patch cables depending on cable lengths F
ZK1090-9191-0001 0.17 m ZK1090-9191-0030 3.0 m ZK1090-9191-0200 20.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0002 0.26 m ZK1090-9191-0050 5.0 m ZK1090-9191-0250 25.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0005 0.5 m ZK1090-9191-0055 5.5 m ZK1090-9191-0300 30.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0010 1.0 m ZK1090-9191-0060 6.0 m ZK1090-9191-0350 35.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0012 1.25 m ZK1090-9191-0070 7.0 m ZK1090-9191-0400 40.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0015 1.5 m ZK1090-9191-0080 8.0 m ZK1090-9191-0450 45.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0017 1.75 m ZK1090-9191-0090 9.0 m ZK1090-9191-0500 50.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0020 2.0 m ZK1090-9191-0100 10.0 m
ZK1090-9191-0025 2.5 m ZK1090-9191-0150 15.0 m
Fur further information see page 446
Bus Terminal

Signal cables
Ordering information G
ZK8500-8282-7030 signal cable for manual operating modules of the KL85xx series, 20 x 0.14 mm², shielded,
assembled at both ends with 20-pin plug, for terminals with ribbon cable connection, length 3 m
ZK8500-8282-7040 signal cable for manual operating modules of the KL85xx series, 20 x 0.14 mm², shielded,
assembled at both ends with 20-pin plug, for terminals with ribbon cable connection, length 4 m
ZK8500-8282-7050 signal cable for manual operating modules of the KL85xx series, 20 x 0.14 mm², shielded,
assembled at both ends with 20-pin plug, for terminals with ribbon cable connection, length 5 m

Connectors for KS Bus Terminals, ES EtherCAT Terminals

Ordering information
ZS2010 10 connectors for KS and ES series, spare part (KS/ES terminals are supplied with connector.)


We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Connectors for KM and EM modules

Ordering information
ZS2001-0001 connector for KM/EM module, 1-pin, without LED; spare part (KM/EM terminals are supplied with connector.)
ZS2001-0002 connector for KM/EM module, 1-pin, with LED; spare part (KM/EM terminals are supplied with connector.)
ZS2001-0004 connector for KM/EM module, 3-pin, with LED; spare part (KM/EM terminals are supplied with connector.)

Ordering information
ZB2601 relay, 230 V AC, 16 A, coil 24 V, spare part KM2604
ZB2602 relay, manual operation, 230 V AC, 16 A, coil 24 V, spare part KM2614

Assembly aids
Ordering information
ZB8700 slot screwdriver
assembly tool for pressing the spring force clamps on the coupler and the terminals

Bus system housings

Bus Terminal
The BG1558 and BG1559 housings are especially suitable for the construction of compact I/O stations with a higher protection class (IP 65).
The housings are supplied with mounting rails. If desired, the housings can be supplied fully fitted with Bus Couplers, Bus Terminals, flanges and
PG threaded fittings. Further sizes are available on request.

Ordering information Pict.

BG1558 bus system housing 400 mm x 200 mm x 120 mm (W x H x D) with mounting rails and holes C
BG1559 bus system housing 600 mm x 200 mm x 120 mm (W x H x D) with mounting rails and holes B

Marking material
The Busterminals can be individually labelled with standard contact signs. The marking material is not included in the delivery.
Further versions O

Ordering information Contact labels, unprinted I

BZ2000 100 unprinted contact labels, white
BZ2002 100 unprinted contact labels, yellow
BZ2005 100 unprinted contact labels, red
BZ2006 100 unprinted contact labels, blue
BZ2007 100 unprinted contact labels, orange
BZ2008 100 unprinted contact labels, light green
BZ3000 180 equipment identification labels 12 x 7 mm for Bus Terminals with removable identification section, blank
Further marking material and pictures see next page

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Ordering information Contact labels, printed I

BZ1100 100 contact labels, printed with: 0 V, blue
BZ1102 100 contact labels, printed with: –, blue
BZ1104 100 contact labels, printed with: 24 V, red
BZ1106 100 contact labels, printed with: +, red
BZ1107 100 contact labels, printed with: +, white
BZ1108 100 contact labels, printed with: PE, light green
BZ1300 100 contact labels, ten of each printed with: 0…7, 20 unprinted, white
BZ1400 100 contact labels, two of each printed with: 00 01…48 49, white
BZ3010 180 equipment identification labels 12 x 7 mm for Bus Terminals with removable identification section, printed
(printed according to customer specification [in Excel file])

Ordering information Push-in strips

BZ5100 push-in strips for labels, A4 sheet, 160 pieces, pre-punched, packing unit = 10

Slide-in label cover, transparent

The slide-in label covers BZ3200 enable clear labelling of the individual channels or text-based functional description of the EtherCAT Terminals.
The labels are inserted in the designated slots. For connecting the individual channels the label cover can be tilted upwards.

Ordering information Pict.

BZ3200 insertable label cover, transparent, pluggable, 11.5 mm x 104.5 mm, packing unit = 50 J
BZ5100 push-in strips for labels, A4 sheet, 160 pieces, pre-punched, packing unit = 10

Coding pins and sockets for KS and ES terminals

Bus Terminal

The coding pins and sockets for KS/ES terminals with pluggable wiring level enable coding between terminal and plug in order to prevent
incorrect plug insertion.

Ordering information K
ZS2010-0010 The set contains 100 sockets and 100 pins.

USB cable for KS2000

The KS2000 cable establishes a connection between the Bus Couplers or Bus Terminal Controllers and the PC. The USB cable features electrical
isolation. Status LEDs indicate whether data are sent or received. On the connected PC the USB cable behaves like a COM port and can therefore
be used for all Beckhoff tools using serial communication.

Ordering information L
KS2000-Z2-USB connection cable for KS2000 or TwinCAT for serial conversion from USB for Bus Couplers
or Bus Terminal Controllers of the BK, BC or LC series, length 3 m


We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Configuration software KS2000

The KS2000 can be used for parametering modules, local diagnostics, forcing data, monitorig values, updating firmware and programming
Beckhoff mini PLCs via TwinCAT. The connection between the fieldbus components and the PC is established via the serial or USB connection
cable provided, or via the network and TCP/IP. The KS2000 configuration software for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista or Windows 7 operating
systems has a friendly user interface, making work comfortable and convenient.

Ordering information
KS2000 configuration software for project design, commissioning and parameterisation
of Beckhoff Fieldbus Box modules and Bus Terminals

ADS (over fieldbus)


Bus Terminal
The TC9910-B11x EtherCAT the Beckhoff EtherCAT master. The demokit consists of: – documentation describing
demokit offers a quick intro- EtherCAT slaves of any type – EK1100 EtherCAT Coupler the EK1100
duction into EtherCAT commu- can be tested with this field- – 2 digital input terminals – a 25 cm section of 35 mm
nication. It includes EtherCAT proven EtherCAT master. It 24 V DC mounting rail for fitting
Terminals and a Coupler for also includes a comprehensive – 2 digital output terminals the terminal system
testing simple I/O functions. help collection that facilitates 24 V DC – TwinCAT 2 PLC license
The enclosed CD contains a familiarisation with Beckhoff – Beckhoff product folder (only TC9910-B110)
step-by-step guide and a full ADS communication and – Beckhoff TwinCAT CD – EL9011 end cap
version of TwinCAT 2 as pro- programming according to – “TwinCAT Quickstart“ – Ethernet cable
gramming environment for IEC 61131-3. documentation

Ordering information M
TC9910-B110 EtherCAT demokit, with TwinCAT 2 PLC license
TC9910-B111 EtherCAT demokit, without TwinCAT 2 PLC license
TC9910-B112 EtherCAT demokit, without TwinCAT 2 PLC license (1 instead of 2 digital input terminals)


We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Accessories radio technology

Omni-directional antenna 4 dBi

Technical data ZS6200-0400
Frequency range 2,400…2,485 MHz
2,400 MHz Gain 4 dBi
Azimuth 3 dB beamwidth, horizontal 360°
3 dB beamwidth, vertical 70°
Termination SMA socket
Dimensions height: 45 mm, diameter: 110 mm
2,400 MHz Operating temperature -40…+80 °C
Elevation Mounting ceiling clip
Matching cables ZK6000-0102-0020/-0040
(cable not included in the scope
of supply of the antenna, only
one cable per antenna possible)

Directional antenna 9 dBi

Technical data ZS6100-0900
Frequency range 2,400…2,485 MHz
Gain 9 dBi
2,400 MHz
Azimuth 3 dB beamwidth, horizontal 65°
3 dB beamwidth, vertical 65°
Bus Terminal

Termination SMA socket

Dimensions 93 mm x 93 mm x 25 mm (H x W x D)
Operating temperature -40…+80 °C
694 2,400 MHz
Elevation Mounting bracket mounting
Matching cables ZK6000-0102-0020/-0040
(cable not included in the scope
of supply of the antenna, only
one cable per antenna possible)

Rod antenna 4 dBi

Technical data ZS6201-0410
Frequency range 2,400…2,485 MHz
Gain 4 dBi
2,400 MHz 3 dB beamwidth, horizontal 360°
3 dB beamwidth, vertical 70°
Termination reverse SMA socket
Dimensions height: 202 mm, base diameter: 35 mm
Operating temperature -40…+80 °C
2,400 MHz
Elevation Mounting M14 connecting nut
Matching cables 1 m cable with reverse SMA socket
(included in the scope of supply of
the antenna, extension not possible)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Rod antenna 5 dBi

Technical data ZS6201-0500
Frequency range 2,400…2,485 MHz
Gain 5 dBi
2,400 MHz 3 dB beamwidth, horizontal 360°
3 dB beamwidth, vertical 70°
Termination reverse SMA socket
Dimensions height: 195 mm, base diameter: 12 mm
Operating temperature -40…+80 °C
2,400 MHz
Elevation Mounting direct connection, with angle joint
Matching cables direct connection, reverse
SMA socket (antenna cannot
be combined with a cable)

Directional antenna 18 dBi

Technical data ZS6100-1800
Frequency range 2,400…2,485 MHz
Gain 18 dBi
2,400 MHz
3 dB beamwidth, horizontal 20°
3 dB beamwidth, vertical 20°

Bus Terminal
Termination SMA socket
Dimensions 360 mm x 360 mm x 30 mm
(H x W x D)
2,400 MHz 695
Elevation Operating temperature -40…+80 °C
Mounting bracket mounting
Matching cables ZK6000-0102-0020/-0040
(cable not included in the scope
of supply of the antenna, only
one cable per antenna possible)

Antenna cables
Ordering information
ZK6000-0102-0020 coaxial cable, 50 Ω impedance, with attached connectors (SMA plug and reverse SMA socket), black, 200 cm
ZK6000-0102-0040 coaxial cable, 50 Ω impedance, with attached connectors (SMA plug and reverse SMA socket), black, 400 cm

For further information on the KM6551 module see page 663

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus Box
Fieldbus Box
The compact IP 67 modules

Fieldbus Box
708 Fieldbus systems

718 Signal types Coupler Box

726 Signal types Extension Box

724 Signal types Compact Box

Fieldbus Box


746 IO-Link box

762 Fieldbus Modules

Fieldbus Box
The watertight solution

700 Product overview 718 Signal types PLC Box 746 IO-Link box
703 System description (zinc die-cast housing)
704 Features 722 Digital combi IL230x-Cxxx
706 Technical data 748 Digital input ERI1xxx
750 Digital output ERI2xxx
752 Digital combi ERI23xx
724 Signal types Compact Box 754 Analog input ERI3xxx
755 Analog output ERI4xxx
728 Digital input IP1xxx-Bxxx
730 Digital output IP2xxx-Bxxx
734 Digital combi IP23xx-B xxx,
708 Fieldbus systems IP24xx-Bxxx 756 Accessories
738 Analog input IP3xxx-Bxxx
709 EtherCAT IL230x-B110 740 Analog output IP4xxx-Bxxx 756 Fieldbus system accessories
709 Lightbus IPxxxx-B200, 742 Special functions IP5xxx-Bxxx, 514 Cable sets and connectors
IL230x-B200 IP6xxx-Bxxx
710 PROFIBUS IPxxxx-B31x,

Fieldbus Box
IL230x-B31x, IL230x-C31x
711 Interbus IPxxxx-B400, 761 Software
IL230x-B400 726 Signal types Extension Box
712 CANopen IPxxxx-B51x, 761 Configuration software KS2000 699

IL230x-B51x 728 Digital input IE1xxx 944 Programming system TwinCAT

713 DeviceNet IPxxxx-B52x, 730 Digital output IE2xxx
IL230x-B52x 734 Digital combi IE23xx, IE24xx
714 Modbus IPxxxx-B730, 738 Analog input IE3xxx
IL230x-B730 740 Analog output IE4xxx 762 Fieldbus Modules
714 RS485 / RS232 IPxxxx-B8x0, 742 Special functions IE5xxx, IE6xxx
IL230x-B8x0, IL230x-C810 762 EtherCAT Fieldbus Module,
716 Ethernet IL230x-B90x, 12 / 32-channel thermocouple
IL230x-C900 FM33xx-B110
717 PROFINET IL230x-B903 746 IO-Link box 764 PROFIBUS Fieldbus Module,
717 EtherNet/IP IL230x-B905 (industrial housing) 12 / 32-channel thermocouple
748 Digital input EPI1xxx
750 Digital output EPI2xxx
718 Signal types Coupler Box 752 Digital combi EPI23xx
754 Analog input EPI3xxx
720 Digital combi IL230x-Bxxx 755 Analog output EPI4xxx
Product overview Fieldbus Box

Fieldbus Box Compact Box Coupler Box PLC Box

Fieldbus Fieldbus Box Fieldbus Box Controller IEC 61131-3
without IP-Link interface with IP-Link interface with IP-Link interface

IL230x-B110 709

IPxxxx-B200 709 IL230x-B200 709

IPxxxx-B310 710 IPxxxx-B318 710 IL230x-B310 710 IL230x-B318 710 IL230x-C310 711 IL230x-C318 711
with integrated tee-connector with integrated tee-connector with integrated tee-connector

IPxxxx-B400 711 IL230x-B400 711

IPxxxx-B510 712 IPxxxx-B518 712 IL230x-B510 712 IL230x-B518 712

with integrated tee-connector with integrated tee-connector

IPxxxx-B520 713 IPxxxx-B528 713 IL230x-B520 713 IL230x-B528 713

with integrated tee-connector with integrated tee-connector

IPxxxx-B730 714 IL230x-B730 714

RS485 IPxxxx-B800 714 IL230x-B800 715
RS232 IPxxxx-B810 715 IL230x-B810 715 IL230x-C810 715
IL230x-B900 716 IL230x-B901 716 IL230x-C900 716
IL230x-B903 717

IL230x-B905 717
Fieldbus Box

Fieldbus Box | Compact Box and Extension Box: Digital I/O
Input 8 mm M8 M12
24 V DC 8-channel filter 3.0 ms IP1000-Bxxx, IE1000 728 IP1001-Bxxx, IE1001 729 IP1002-Bxxx, IE1002 729
8-channel filter 0.2 ms IP1010-Bxxx, IE1010 728 IP1011-Bxxx, IE1011 729 IP1012-Bxxx, IE1012 729

Counter 2-channel IP1502-Bxxx, IE1502 729

up/down counter 24 V DC, 100 kHz

Output 8 mm M8 M12
24 V DC 8-channel IMAX = 0,5 A IP2000-Bxxx, IE2000 730 IP2001-Bxxx, IE2001 730 IP2002-Bxxx, IE2002 731
8-channel IMAX = 2 A, ∑ 4 A IP2020-Bxxx, IE2020 731 IP2021-Bxxx, IE2021 731 IP2022-Bxxx, IE2022 731
8-channel IMAX = 2 A, ∑ 12 A IP2040-Bxxx, IE2040 732 IP2041-Bxxx, IE2041 732 IP2042-Bxxx, IE2042 732
16-channel IE2808 733
IMAX = 0.5 A, ∑ 4 A, D-sub socket IE2808-0001 733

PWM 2-channel PWM, 24 V DC, IMAX = 2.5 A IP2512-Bxxx, IE2512 733

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus Box | Compact Box, Coupler Box, PLC Box and Extension Box: Digital I/O
Combi 8 mm M8 M12
24 V DC 8-channel IL2300-Bxxx 720 IL2301-Bxxx 720 IL2302-Bxxx 720
4 input + 4 output, IL2300-Cxxx 722 IL2301-Cxxx 722 IL2302-Cxxx 722
filter 3.0 ms, IMAX = 0.5 A IP2300-Bxxx, IE2300 734 IP2301-Bxxx, IE2301 735 IP2302-Bxxx, IE2302 735
8-channel IP2310-Bxxx 734 IP2311-Bxxx 735 IP2312-Bxxx 735
4 input + 4 output, filter 0.2 ms, IMAX = 0.5 A IE2310 734 IE2311 735 IE2312 735
8-channel 4 input + 4 output, IP2320-Bxxx 736 IP2321-Bxxx 736 IP2322-Bxxx 737
filter 3.0 ms, IMAX = 2 A, ∑ 4 A IE2320 736 IE2321 736 IE2322 737
8-channel 4 input + 4 output, IP2330-Bxxx 736 IP2331-Bxxx 736 IP2332-Bxxx 737
filter 0.2 ms, IMAX = 2 A, ∑ 4 A IE2330 736 IE2331 736 IE2332 737
16-channel IP2400-Bxxx 737 IP2401-Bxxx 737
combi input/output, filter 3.0 ms, IMAX = 0.5 A IE2400 737 IE2401 737
16-channel IE2403 735
combi input/output, filter 3.0 ms,

IMAX = 0.5 A, IP 20 connector

Fieldbus Box | Compact Box and Extension Box: Analog I/O

Input M12
±10 V 4-channel differential inputs, 16 bit IP3102-Bxxx, IE3102 738

Fieldbus Box
0/4…20 mA 4-channel differential inputs, 16 bit IP3112-Bxxx, IE3112 739
Resistance thermometer 4-channel resistance thermometer (RTD), PT100, PT200, PT500, PT1000, Ni100, 16 bit IP3202-Bxxx, IE3202 739
Thermocouple/mV 4-channel thermocouple, type J, K, L, B, E, N, R, S, T, U, 16 bit IP3312-Bxxx, IE3312 739

Output M12
±10 V 4-channel 16 bit IP4132-Bxxx, IE4132 740
0/4…20 mA 4-channel 16 bit IP4112-Bxxx, IE4112 740

Fieldbus Box | Compact Box and Extension Box: Special functions

Function M12 M23
Position measurement 1-channel SSI encoder interface IP5009-Bxxx, IE5009 742
1-channel incremental encoder interface, 1 MHz IP5109-Bxxx, IE5109 743
1-channel SinCos encoder interface IP5209-Bxxx (1 VPP) 743
IP5209-Bxxx-1000 (11 µAPP)
Communication 1-channel serial interface, RS232 IP6002-Bxxx, IE6002 744
1-channel serial interface, 0 … 20 mA (TTY) IP6012-Bxxx, IE6012 745
1-channel serial interface, RS422/RS485 IP6022-Bxxx, IE6022 745

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus Box | IO-Link box: Digital I/O
Input 8 x M8 16 x M8 4 x M12 8 x M12
24 V DC 8-channel EPI1008-0001 748 EPI1008-0002 748
filter 3.0 ms ERI1008-0001 748 ERI1008-0002 748

16-channel EPI1809-0021 749 EPI1809-0022 749

filter 3.0 ms ERI1809-0021 749 ERI1809-0022 749

Output 8 x M8 16 x M8 4 x M12 8 x M12

24 V DC 8-channel EPI2008-0001 750 EPI2008-0002 750
IMAX = 0.5 A ERI2008-0001 750 ERI2008-0002 750

16-channel EPI2809-0021 751 EPI2809-0022 751

IMAX = 0.5 A, ∑ 4 A ERI2809-0021 751 ERI2809-0022 751

Combi 8 x M8 16 x M8 4 x M12 8 x M12

Fieldbus Box

24 V DC 8-channel EPI2338-0001 752 EPI2338-0002 752

8 input/output, ERI2338-0001 752 ERI2338-0002 752
filter 3.0 ms, IMAX = 0.5 A

16-channel EPI2339-0021 753 EPI2339-0022 753
16 input/output, ERI2339-0021 753 ERI2339-0022 753
filter 3.0 ms, IMAX = 0.5 A, ∑ 4 A

Fieldbus Box | IO-Link box: Analog I/O

Input M12
±10 V, 4-channel EPI3174-0002 754
0/4…20 mA parameterisable, differential input, 16 bit ERI3174-0002 754

Output M12
±10 V, 4-channel EPI4374-0002 755
0/4…20 mA 2 input + 2 output, parameterisable, 16 bit ERI4374-0002 755

EPIxxxx: industrial housing in IP 67, ERIxxxx: zinc die-cast housing in IP 67

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

The Fieldbus Box
The Beckhoff Fieldbus Box system Modular Complete
is the culmination of the fieldbus Conventional fieldbuses such as PROFIBUS The wide variety of signal types allows the
concept: or CANopen are connected via Coupler Box connection of almost any kind of sensor.
modules. These are modularly extendable The communication modules enable decen-
Robust through cost-effective extension modules. tralised connection of, e.g., label printers,
Robust construction allows fieldbus modules identification systems or special equipment.
to be fitted directly to machines. Control cabi- Quickly wired The Fieldbus Box range also includes encoder
nets and terminal boxes are now no longer The wiring of the fieldbus and of signals interfaces for displacement and angle mea-
required. is significantly simplified through the use surement.
of pre-assembled cables. Wiring errors are
Sealed minimised and the system setup is finished Fitting
The modules meet the protection class IP 65, quickly. Sensors and actuators are connected through

Fieldbus Box
IP 66 and IP 67, are fully casted and thus ide- 8 mm diameter snap type or through screw
ally prepared for use in wet, dirty and dusty Flexible type connectors (M8 or M12). The snap type
working environments. In addition to the pre-assembled cables, connectors lock in place positively, forming
field wireable connectors and cables are a vibration-proof connection, while the screw 703

Small also available for maximum flexibility. type connectors offer the advantage of high
The modules are extremely small and are resistance to being pulled out.
thus suitable for use in applications where Economical
there is very little space available. The low Combined I/O modules and fine signal Compatible
weight of the Fieldbus Box modules makes granularity lead to low system costs – The Fieldbus Box devices behave very much
them useful in applications where the I/O you only have to buy what you really like the Beckhoff Bus Terminals – this means
interface is in motion (e.g. on a robot arm). need. that the ideal distributed peripheral device
can be used, whatever the particular applica-
Open Intelligent tion.
All the most important fieldbus systems are Even the standard modules are intelligent
supported. This substantially frees electrical fieldbus devices – with self-diagnosis and IO-Link
design from the particular bus system in use. versatile functions. The Fieldbus Box is fur- The Fieldbus Box modules with IO-Link inter-
Fast, flexible reactions to customers’ require- thermore available as a small local controller face complement the connection possibilities
ments are possible. The Fieldbus Box modules – the PLC Box: programmable in all five lan- at the sensor/actuator level. This way, IO-Link
are, of course, certified by the respective guages in accordance with IEC 61131-3, with and standard sensors can be acquired with
fieldbus user organisations, and can be com- floating point arithmetic and with sufficient one IO-Link master.
bined with Beckhoff Bus Terminals and with performance and memory for the majority of
devices from third-party manufacturers. decentralised control and regulation tasks.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus Box features

IP-Link interface on the

Coupler Box and PLC Box for the
connection of extension modules

Watertight and dust-proof,

due to protection class
IP 65 / 66 / 67 (fully potted)

Signal status display

Connection of sensors/
actuators via connector:
– M8, screw type
– M12, screw type
– 8 mm, snap type
Fieldbus Box


Power supply input

– box supply
– auxiliary voltage

Mounting holes

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus interface
(connection depends on
the particular fieldbus)

Hinged inspection window

Address selection switch

and diagnostic interface

Fieldbus status display

Module or IP-Link
status display

Robust housing for

industrial application

Standard labels

Ultra compact dimensions

175 x 30 x 26.5 mm (H x W x D)

Power supply status display:

box supply and auxiliary

Power supply downstream


Fieldbus Box

M8 screw type connector

M12 screw type connector

8 mm snap type connector

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus Box housing

Technical data
Compact Box, Coupler Box, PLC Box 13.5


168 203

175 210
Fieldbus Box

23 23
26.5 30 26.5 30
706 Fieldbus Box Fieldbus Box with integrated tee-connector

Technical data Fieldbus Box Fieldbus Box with integrated tee-connector

Dimensions (W x H x D) 30 mm x 175 mm x 26.5 mm 30 mm x 210 mm x 26.5 mm
Weight depending on device
Material PA6 (polyamide)
Installation 2 fixing holes 3 mm diameter for M3
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 65/66/67 (conforms to EN 60529)/variable
Approval UL E172151, CE
Power feed through IMAX = 4 A

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus Box housing

Technical data
Extension Box, IO-Link box

13.5 13.5

119 119 119

126 126 126

Fieldbus Box
23 23 53
26.5 30 26.5 30 60

Extension Box IO-Link box 707

Technical data Extension Box IO-Link box (8 x M8, 4 x M12) IO-Link box (16 x M8, 8 x M12)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 30 mm x 126 mm x 26.5 mm 30 mm x 126 mm x 26.5 mm 60 mm x 126 mm x 26.5 mm
Weight depending on device (typ. 150 g) depending on device (typ. 150 g) depending on device (typ. 310 g)
Material PA6 (polyamide) PA6 (polyamide) for EPIxxxx or PA6 (polyamide) for EPIxxxx or
zinc die-cast for ERIxxxx zinc die-cast for ERIxxxx
Installation 2 fixing holes 3 mm diameter for M3 2 fixing holes 3 mm diameter for M3 2 fixing holes 3 mm diameter for M3;
2 fixing holes 4.5 mm diameter for M4
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Vibration resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6 conforms to EN 60068-2-6: 1 g conforms to EN 60068-2-6: 1 g
(extended range: 5 g) (extended range: 5 g)
Shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-27 conforms to EN 60068-2-27: 15 g, conforms to EN 60068-2-27: 15 g,
11 ms (extended range: 35 g, 11 ms); 11 ms (extended range: 35 g, 11 ms);
1000 shocks per direction, 3 axes 1000 shocks per direction, 3 axes
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 65/66/67 (conforms to EN 60529)/variable
Approval UL E172151, CE CE, UL in preparation CE, UL in preparation
Power feed through IMAX = 4 A – –

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus systems

The Beckhoff Fieldbus Box modules are avail- spondingly faster. Because of the high to relieve the CPU and the fieldbus. Decen-
able for various fieldbuses. The Compact usable data rate, the IP-Link coupling does tralised counting, control or switching are
Box serves as a fieldbus station – without not reduce the performance of the fieldbus typical applications for the Fieldbus Box with
expansion options – with a wide variety of at all. integrated small controller. The reaction times
I/O functions. The Coupler Box gathers the I/O data are independent of the bus communication
The Coupler Box and PLC Box can be and corresponds to the Bus Coupler from and of the supervising controller. In the event
extended by the Extension Box modules. the Beckhoff Bus Terminal system. of a bus or controller failure, maintenance of
Communication takes place via IP-Link. The PLC Box is an intelligent fieldbus function (e.g. bringing the process to a safe
IP-Link is a fibre optic communication link module for local pre-processing of the I/O state in an orderly manner) is possible.
with a transmission rate of 2 Mbits/s which signals and thus corresponds to the Bus
is capable of transmitting 1,000 items of Terminal Controller in the Bus Terminal sys- For further information on the individual
binary I/O data in approx. 1 ms, rapidly and tem. This is a way of removing parts of the fieldbuses see page 262
securely. Smaller configurations are corre- application out of the central control system
Fieldbus Box


IPxxxy-Bzzz | Compact Box IL230y-Bzzz | Coupler Box IL230y-Czzz | PLC Box

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IPxxxx-/IL230x-Bxxx EtherCAT, Lightbus

EtherCAT, Lightbus | Fieldbus Box modules

EtherCAT Coupler Box Lightbus Compact Box Lightbus Coupler Box

Technical data IL230x-B110 IPxxxx-B200 IL230x-B200

Extension modules max. 78 with max. 512 byte input – max. 120 with max. 512 byte input
and 512 byte output data and 512 byte output data
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud 2.5 Mbaud 2.5 Mbaud

Configuration possibility via KS2000 via KS2000 or the controller via KS2000 or the controller


Fieldbus Box
A station consists of an IL230x-B110 Compact Box modules for Lightbus The Lightbus Coupler Box gathers
Coupler Box and any number of up are available for all relevant industrial the I/O data from the Extension Box
to 78 Extension Box modules that are signals. modules over the interference-free
connected via IP-Link. IP-Link fibre optic cable.

Bus interface 2 x M12 socket, 4-pin (d-coded) 2 x fibre optic socket 2 x fibre optic socket
for plug ZS1020-0010 for plug ZS1020-0010
Digital peripheral signals 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output according to I/O type, 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output
on-board + extension modules see page 728 on-board + extension modules
Analog peripheral signals max. 127 inputs and 127 outputs according to I/O type, max. 124 inputs and 124 outputs
see page 738
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL CE, UL
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 756 see page 756 see page 756
TwinCAT 2 PLC – – –

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

PROFIBUS IPxxxx-/IL230x-Bxxx

PROFIBUS, Interbus | Fieldbus Box modules

PROFIBUS Compact Box PROFIBUS Compact Box with PROFIBUS Coupler Box PROFIBUS Coupler Box with
integrated tee-connector integrated tee-connector

Technical data IPxxxx-B310 IPxxxx-B318 IL230x-B310 IL230x-B318

Extension modules – – max. 120 with max. 128 byte input and 128 byte output data

Data transfer rates automatic detection up to 12 Mbaud automatic detection up to 12 Mbaud

Configuration possibility via KS2000 or the controller, DP-V1 extensions are supported via KS2000 or the controller, DP-V1 extensions are supported
Fieldbus Box

Compact Box modules for In the Compact Box with The PROFIBUS Coupler Box In the Coupler Box with
PROFIBUS are available for integrated tee-connector, gathers the I/O data from integrated tee-connector,
all relevant industrial signals. the PROFIBUS is relayed the Extension Box modules the PROFIBUS is relayed
forward in the module. over the interference-free forward in the module.
IP-Link fibre optic cable.

Bus connection 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin, 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin, 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin, 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin,
B-coded 1 x M12 plug, 5-pin, B-coded 1 x M12 plug, 5-pin,
B-coded B-coded
Digital peripheral signals according to I/O type, according to I/O type, 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output
see page 728 see page 728 on-board + extension modules
Analog peripheral signals according to I/O type, according to I/O type, max. 60 inputs max. 60 inputs
see page 738 see page 738 and 60 outputs and 60 outputs
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL CE, UL CE, UL
Further information
IPxxxx-B310 IPxxxx-B318 IL230x-B310 IL230x-B318
Cordsets and connectors see page 756 see page 756 see page 756 see page 756
TwinCAT 2 PLC – – – –

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IPxxxx-/IL230x-B/Cxxx PROFIBUS, Interbus

PROFIBUS PLC Box PROFIBUS PLC Box with Interbus Compact Box Interbus Coupler Box
integrated tee-connector

IL230x-C310 IL230x-C318 IPxxxx-B400 IL230x-B400

max. 120 with max. 128 byte input and 128 byte output data – max. 120 with max. 64 byte input
and 64 byte output data
automatic detection up to 12 Mbaud 500 kbaud 500 kbaud

via KS2000 or the controller, DP-V1 extensions are supported via KS2000 via KS2000

Fieldbus Box
The PLC Box is an intelligent In the PLC Box with integrated Compact Box modules for Interbus The Interbus Coupler Box gathers
PROFIBUS node that can perform tee-connector, the PROFIBUS is are available for all relevant indus- the I/O data from the Extension Box
decentralised processing of I/O relayed forward in the module. trial signals. modules over the interference-free
data and execute control tasks IP-Link fibre optic cable.
independently of the function of
the PROFIBUS network.

1 x M12 socket, 5-pin, 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin, 1 x M23 socket, 9-pin, 1 x M23 socket, 9-pin,
B-coded 1 x M12 plug, 5-pin, 1 x M23 plug, 9-pin 1 x M23 plug, 9-pin
4 x digital input + 4 x digital output 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output according to I/O type, 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output
on-board + extension modules on-board + extension modules see page 728 on-board + extension modules
max. 60 inputs max. 60 inputs according to I/O type, max. 28 inputs
and 60 outputs and 60 outputs see page 738 and 28 outputs
IL230x-C310 IL230x-C318 IPxxxx-B400 IL230x-B400

see page 756 see page 756 see page 756 see page 756
see page 944 see page 944 – –

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CANopen IPxxxx-/IL230x-B51x

CANopen, DeviceNet | Fieldbus Box modules

CANopen Compact Box CANopen Compact Box with CANopen Coupler Box CANopen Coupler Box with
integrated tee-connector integrated tee-connector

Technical data IPxxxx-B510 IPxxxx-B518 IL230x-B510 IL230x-B518

Extension modules – – max. 120 with max. 128 byte input and 128 byte output data

Data transfer rates automatic detection of 10 kbaud up to 1 Mbaud automatic detection of 10 kbaud up to 1 Mbaud

Configuration possibility through KS2000 or the con- through KS2000 or the con- through KS2000 or the con- through KS2000 or the con-
troller (service data objects) troller (service data objects) troller (service data objects) troller (service data objects)
Fieldbus Box

Compact Box modules for In the Compact Box with The CANopen Coupler Box In the Coupler Box with
CANopen are available for integrated tee-connector, has four digital inputs and integrated tee-connector,
all relevant industrial signals. CANopen is relayed forward four digital outputs. Other CANopen is relayed forward
in the module. kinds of signals are avail- in the module.
able in the Extension Box

Bus interface 1 x M12 plug, 5-pin 1 x M12 plug, 5-pin, 1 x M12 plug, 5-pin 1 x M12 plug, 5-pin,
1 x M12 socket, 5-pin 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin
Digital peripheral signals according to I/O type, according to I/O type, 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output
see page 728 see page 728 on-board + extension modules
Analog peripheral signals according to I/O type, according to I/O type, max. 60 inputs max. 60 inputs
see page 738 see page 738 and 60 outputs and 60 outputs
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL CE, UL CE, UL
Further information
IPxxxx-B510 IPxxxx-B518 IL230x-B510 IL230x-B518
Cordsets and connectors see page 756 see page 756 see page 756 see page 756
TwinCAT 2 PLC – – – –

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IPxxxx-/IL230x-B52x DeviceNet

DeviceNet Compact Box DeviceNet Compact Box with DeviceNet Coupler Box DeviceNet Coupler Box with
integrated tee-connector integrated tee-connector

IPxxxx-B520 IPxxxx-B528 IL230x-B520 IL230x-B528

– – max. 120 with max. 512 byte input and 512 byte output data

automatic detection up to 500 kbaud automatic detection up to 500 kbaud

through KS2000 or the controller through KS2000 or the controller through KS2000 or the controller through KS2000 or the controller
(explicit messaging) (explicit messaging) (explicit messaging) (explicit messaging)

Fieldbus Box
Compact Box modules for DeviceNet In the Compact Box with integrated The DeviceNet Coupler Box gathers In the Coupler Box with integrated
are available for all relevant indus- tee-connector, DeviceNet is relayed the I/O data from the Extension Box tee-connector, DeviceNet is relayed
trial signals. forward in the module. modules over the interference-free forward in the module.
IP-Link fibre optic cable.

1 x M12 plug, 5-pin 1 x M12 plug, 5-pin, 1 x M12 plug, 5-pin 1 x M12 plug, 5-pin,
1 x M12 socket, 5-pin 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin
according to I/O type, according to I/O type, 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output
see page 728 see page 728 on-board + extension modules on-board + extension modules
according to I/O type, according to I/O type, max. 252 inputs max. 252 inputs
see page 738 see page 738 and 252 outputs and 252 outputs
IPxxxx-B520 IPxxxx-B528 IL230x-B520 IL230x-B528

see page 756 see page 756 see page 756 see page 756
– – – –

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Modbus, RS485 IPxxxx-/IL230x-Bxxx

Modbus, RS485/RS232 | Fieldbus Box modules

Modbus Compact Box Modbus Coupler Box RS485 Compact Box

Technical data IPxxxx-B730 IL230x-B730 IPxxxx-B800

Extension modules – max. 120 with max. 512 byte input –

and 512 byte output data
Data transfer rates 150 to 38,400 baud RTU/ASCII 150 to 38,400 baud RTU/ASCII 9.6 kbaud, 19.2 kbaud,
38.4 kbaud (default)
Configuration possibility by means of address selection by means of address selection via KS2000
switch or KS2000 switch or KS2000
Fieldbus Box

Compact Box modules for Modbus The Modbus Coupler Box gathers Compact Box modules for RS485
are available for all relevant industrial the I/O data from the Extension Box are available for all relevant indus-
signals. modules over the interference-free trial signals.
IP-Link fibre optic cable.

Bus interface 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin, 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin, 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin,
B-coded B-coded B-coded
Digital peripheral signals according to I/O type, 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output according to I/O type,
see page 728 on-board + extension modules see page 728
Analog peripheral signals according to I/O type, max. 255 inputs and 255 outputs according to I/O type,
see page 738 see page 738
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL CE, UL
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 756 see page 756 see page 756
TwinCAT 2 PLC – – –

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IPxxxx-/IL230x-B/C8xx RS485, RS232

RS485 Coupler Box RS232 Compact Box RS232 Coupler Box RS232 PLC Box

IL230x-B800 IPxxxx-B810 IL230x-B810 IL230x-C810

max. 120 with max. 512 byte input – max. 120 with max. 512 byte input and 512 byte output data
and 512 byte output data
9.6 kbaud, 19.2 kbaud, 38.4 kbaud (default) 9.6 kbaud, 19.2 kbaud, 38.4 kbaud (default)

via KS2000 via KS2000 via KS2000 via KS2000

Fieldbus Box
The serial Coupler Box gathers the Compact Box modules for RS232 The serial Coupler Box gathers the The PLC Box is an intelligent RS232
I/O data from the Extension Box are available for all relevant indus- I/O data from the Extension Box coupler that can perform non-central
modules over the interference-free trial signals. modules over the interference-free decentralised processing of I/O data
IP-Link fibre optic cable. It detects IP-Link fibre optic cable. It detects and execute control tasks. Like the
the connected modules and automa- the connected modules and automa- Coupler Box, it has four digital inputs
tically allocates the input and output tically allocates the input and output and four digital outputs.
data to the process image. data to the process image.

1 x M12 socket, 5-pin, 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin, 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin, 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin,
B-coded B-coded B-coded B-coded
4 x digital input + 4 x digital output according to I/O type, 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output
on-board + extension modules see page 728 on-board + extension modules on-board + extension modules
max. 252 inputs and 252 outputs according to I/O type, max. 252 inputs and 252 outputs max. 252 inputs and 252 outputs
see page 738

see page 756 see page 756 see page 756 see page 756
– – – see page 944

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Ethernet TCP/IP IL230x-B/C90x

Ethernet, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP | Fieldbus Box modules

Ethernet Coupler Box Ethernet Coupler Box Ethernet PLC Box

with RJ45 connection with M12 connection with RJ45 connection

Technical data IL230x-B900 IL230x-B901 IL230x-C900

Extension modules max. 120 with max. 512 byte input and 512 byte output data max. 120 with max. 512 byte input
and 512 byte output data
Data transfer rates 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition of the transmission rate 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition
of the transmission rate
Configuration possibility via KS2000 via KS2000 via KS2000
Fieldbus Box

The Ethernet Coupler Box with RJ45 The Ethernet Coupler Box with M12 The PLC Box is an intelligent Ethernet
connection gathers the I/O data from connection gathers the I/O data from node that can perform decentralised
the Extension Box modules over the the Extension Box modules over the processing of I/O data and execute con-
interference-free IP-Link optical fibre interference-free IP-Link optical fibre trol tasks independently of the function
cable. It detects the connected modules cable. It detects the connected modules of the Ethernet network. The PLC Box,
and automatically allocates the input and automatically allocates the input like the Coupler Box, has four digital
and output data to the process image. and output data to the process image. inputs and four digital outputs.

Bus interface 1 x RJ45 socket 1 x M12 socket, 4-pin (d-coded) 1 x RJ45 socket
Digital peripheral signals 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output
on-board + extension modules on-board + extension modules on-board + extension modules
Analog peripheral signals max. 127 inputs and 127 outputs max. 127 inputs and 127 outputs max. 127 inputs and 127 outputs
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL CE, UL
Further information
Cordsets and connectors see page 756 see page 756 see page 756
TwinCAT 2 PLC – – see page 944

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IL230x-B90x PROFINET, EtherNet/IP

PROFINET Coupler Box EtherNet/IP Coupler Box

IL230x-B903 IL230x-B905

max. 120 with max. 512 byte input and 512 byte output data max. 120 with max. 512 byte input and 512 byte output data

10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition of the transmission rate 10/100 Mbaud, automatic recognition of the transmission rate

via KS2000 via KS2000

Fieldbus Box
The PROFINET Coupler Box gathers the I/O data from the Extension Box The EtherNet/IP Coupler Box gathers the I/O data from the Extension Box
modules over the interference-free IP-Link optical fibre cable. It detects the modules over the interference-free IP-Link optical fibre cable. It detects the
connected modules and automatically allocates the input and output data connected modules and automatically allocates the input and output data
to the process image. The Coupler Box has four digital inputs and four digital to the process image. The Coupler Box has four digital inputs and four digital
outputs. outputs.

1 x M12 socket, 4-pin (d-coded) 1 x M12 socket, 4-pin (d-coded)

4 x digital input + 4 x digital output 4 x digital input + 4 x digital output
on-board + extension modules on-board + extension modules
max. 127 inputs and 127 outputs max. 127 inputs and 127 outputs

see page 514 see page 514

– –

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Signal types | Coupler Box and PLC Box

Hinged inspection window

Fieldbus interface
(connection depends
on the particular
fieldbus) Address selection switch
and diagnostic interface

Module or IP-Link
status display
status display

IP-Link interface for

the connection of
extension modules Signal connection
Fieldbus Box


Signal status display

Status display
power supply:
box supply and
auxiliary voltage
Power supply input
– box supply
– auxiliary voltage

Power supply down-

stream connection

For further information on the
individual fieldbuses see page 262

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Signal connections

Standard housing XXL housing Connector 8 mm, Connector M8, Connector M12,
snap type, 3-pin screw type, 3-pin screw type, 5-pin

Coupler Box PLC Box Coupler Box

Up to 120 extension modules, Almost unlimited I/O applica-
spaced up to 15 metres apart, tion possibilities result from the
can be connected to one Coupler extendable Coupler Box with IL230y-Bzzz 110 = EtherCAT
Box. The Coupler Box modules PLC functionality and IP-Link. 200 = Lightbus
are capable of automatically rec- Up to 120 extension modules, 310/318 = PROFIBUS
ognising the extension modules with 960 I/Os, can be directly 400 = Interbus
connected to them during start- addressed from the PLC pro- 510/518 = CANopen
up, and map the I/O data auto- gram. The programmable PLC 520/528 = DeviceNet
matically into the fieldbus pro- Box modules are therefore 730 = Modbus
cess image – it is not necessary particularly suitable as autono- 800 = RS485
to configure them. The coupler mous small PLCs for the control 810 = RS232
appears, from the fieldbus point of parts of a plant or of small 900/901 = Ethernet TCP/IP
of view, along with all of the machines. 903 = PROFINET
networked extension modules, Programming is carried 905 = Ethernet/IP
as a single participating bus out with TwinCAT in accordance
device with a corresponding with IEC 61131-3. Five differ- 0 = connector 8 mm,
number of I/O signals. ent manufacturer independent snap type, 3-pin

Fieldbus Box
The Coupler Box corresponds programming languages are 1 = connector M8,
to the Bus Coupler in the Beckhoff available: Instruction List (IL), screw type, 3-pin
Bus Terminal system. Beckhoff Function Block Diagram (FBD), 2 = connector M12,
fieldbus devices with protection Ladder Diagram (LD), Sequential screw type, 5-pin 719

class IP 20 (Bus Terminals) and Function Chart (SFC) and the

IP 67 (Fieldbus Box) can be com- high-level language Structured
bined without difficulty – the data Text (ST). The program download
is handled in the same way in occurs either via the fieldbus or
either case. via the programming interface. PLC Box
Low-priced plug connectors Extensive debugging functions
with protection class IP 67 can (breakpoint, single step, monitor-
be used for the rapid and simple ing, etc.) are also available. IL230y-Czzz 310/318 = PROFIBUS
preparation of the IP-Link fibre 810 = RS232
optic cable. The connection does 900 = Ethernet TCP/IP
not require special tools and can
be performed quickly and simply. 0 = connector 8 mm,
The IP-Link cables can also be snap type, 3-pin
obtained with prepared plugs 1 = connector M8,
if required. screw type, 3-pin
2 = connector M12,
screw type, 5-pin

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Coupler Box IL230x-Bxxx

Coupler Box | Digital combi, 24 V DC

4 x digital input + 4 x digital input + 4 x digital input +
4 x digital output, 4 x digital output, 4 x digital output,
24 V DC, 8 mm, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A

Technical data IL2300-Bxxx IL2301-Bxxx IL2302-Bxxx

Connection technology 8 mm, snap type M8, screw type M12, screw type

Specification EN 61131-2, type 2 EN 61131-2, type 2 EN 61131-2, type 2

Number of channels 4 inputs + 4 outputs 4 inputs + 4 outputs 4 inputs + 4 outputs

Input filter 3.0 ms 3.0 ms 3.0 ms

0 0
1 In- 4 1 1 In- 4 1 In-
puts puts 0 1 puts
2 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 B 2 3
2 B
1 1 3
3 3
1 4
2 3 A A 5
4 3-wire 2-wire 4 3-wire 2-wire
5 5 5

Out- Out- Out-

puts puts 4 5 puts
6 6 3-wire 2-wire
7 7 7

6 7
Us Up Us Up Us Up

The IL2300 Coupler Box module com- The IL2301 Coupler Box module The IL2302 Coupler Box module com-
bines four digital inputs and four digital combines four digital inputs and bines four digital inputs and four digital
outputs in one device. The outputs four digital outputs in one device. outputs in one device. The outputs
handle load currents of up to 0.5 A, The outputs handle load currents of handle load currents of up to 0.5 A,
are short-circuit-proof and protected up to 0.5 A, are short-circuit-proof are short-circuit-proof and protected
against inverse polarity. The signals and protected against inverse polarity. against inverse polarity. The signals
Fieldbus Box

are connected via 8 mm snap type The signals are connected via M8 are connected via M12 screw type
connectors. screw type connectors. connectors.


Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Sensor supply derived from control voltage, derived from control voltage, derived from control voltage,
max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
Max. output current 0.5 A on each channel, 0.5 A on each channel, 0.5 A on each channel,
individually short-circuit-proof individually short-circuit-proof individually short-circuit-proof
Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
Short circuit current typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA typ. 20 mA typ. 20 mA
Current consumption see documentation see documentation see documentation
from US
Special features IP-Link coupler IP-Link coupler IP-Link coupler
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IExxxx Coupler Box

Extension Box
Up to 120 Extension Box modules can be connected to the Coupler Box via the IP-Link communication facility. The Extension Box modules cover
the full spectrum of I/O signals with various connection techniques. See page 726

IExxxx Extension Box Plug Page

Digital input
IE1000 Extension Box, 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3.0 ms filter 8 mm 728
IE1001 Extension Box, 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3.0 ms filter M8 729
IE1002 Extension Box, 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3.0 ms filter M12 729
IE1010 Extension Box, 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter 8 mm 728
IE1011 Extension Box, 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter M8 729
IE1012 Extension Box, 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter M12 729
IE1502 Extension Box, up/down counter, 24 V DC, 100 kHz M12 729
Digital output
IE2000 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A 8 mm 730
IE2001 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A M8 730
IE2002 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A M12 731
IE2020 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) 8 mm 731
IE2021 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) M8 731
IE2022 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) M12 731
IE2040 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 12 A) 8 mm 732
IE2041 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 12 A) M8 732
IE2042 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 12 A) M12 732
IE2808 Extension Box, 16 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A) D-sub 733
IE2512 Extension Box, 2 digital pulse width outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2.5 A M12 733
Digital combi
IE2300 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A 8 mm 734
IE2301 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A M8 735
IE2302 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A M12 735
IE2310 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A 8 mm 734
IE2311 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A M8 735
IE2312 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A M12 735
IE2320 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) 8 mm 736

Fieldbus Box
IE2321 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) M8 736
IE2322 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) M12 737
IE2330 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) 8 mm 736
IE2331 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) M8 736 721
IE2332 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) M12 737
IE2400 Extension Box, 16 digital combination inputs/outputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, IMAX = 0.5 A 8 mm 737
IE2401 Extension Box, 16 digital combination inputs/outputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, IMAX = 0.5 A M8 737
IE2403 Extension Box, 16 digital combination inputs/outputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, IMAX = 0.5 A IP 20
connector 735
Analog input
IE3102 Extension Box, 4 differential analog inputs ±10 V, 16 bit M12 738
IE3112 Extension Box, 4 differential analog inputs 0/4…20 mA, 16 bit M12 739
IE3202 Extension Box, 4 analog inputs for resistance thermometer, PT100…1000, Ni100, 16 bit M12 739
IE3312 Extension Box, 4 analog inputs for thermocouple, types J, K, L, B, E, N, R, S, T, U, 16 bit M12 739
Analog output
IE4112 Extension Box, 4 differential analog outputs 0/4…20 mA, 16 bit M12 740
IE4132 Extension Box, 4 analog outputs ±10 V, 16 bit M12 740
Special functions
IE5009 Extension Box, 1 SSI encoder interface M23 742
IE5109 Extension Box, 1 incremental encoder interface with complementary inputs, 1 MHz M23 743
IE6002 Extension Box, 1 serial interface RS232C M12 744
IE6012 Extension Box, 1 serial interface, 0…20 mA (TTY) M12 745
IE6022 Extension Box, 1 serial interface, RS422, RS485 M12 745

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

PLC Box IL230x-Cxxx

PLC Box | Digital combi, 24 V DC

4 x digital input + 4 x digital input + 4 x digital input +
4 x digital output, 4 x digital output, 4 x digital output,
24 V DC, 8 mm, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A

Technical data IL2300-Cxxx IL2301-Cxxx IL2302-Cxxx

Connection technology 8 mm, snap type M8, screw type M12, screw type

Specification EN 61131-2, type 2 EN 61131-2, type 2 EN 61131-2, type 2

Number of channels 4 inputs + 4 outputs 4 inputs + 4 outputs 4 inputs + 4 outputs

Input filter 3.0 ms 3.0 ms 3.0 ms

0 0
1 In- 4 1 1 In- 4 1 In-
puts puts 0 1 puts
2 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 B 2 3
2 B
1 1 3
3 3
1 4
2 3 A A 5
4 3-wire 2-wire 4 3-wire 2-wire
5 5
Out- Out- Out-
puts puts 4 5 puts
6 6 3-wire 2-wire
7 7 7

6 7
Us Up Us Up Us Up

The IL2300 PLC Box module combines The IL2301 PLC Box module combines The IL2302 PLC Box module combines
four digital inputs and four digital four digital inputs and four digital four digital inputs and four digital
outputs in one device. The outputs outputs in one device. The outputs outputs in one device. The outputs
handle load currents of up to 0.5 A, handle load currents of up to 0.5 A, handle load currents of up to 0.5 A,
are short-circuit-proof and protected are short-circuit-proof and protected are short-circuit-proof and protected
against inverse polarity. The signals against inverse polarity. The signals against inverse polarity. The signals
Fieldbus Box

are connected via 8 mm snap type are connected via M8 screw type are connected via M12 screw type
connectors. connectors. connectors.
Unlike the Coupler Box, the PLC Unlike the Coupler Box, the PLC Unlike the Coupler Box, the PLC
Box can be programmed via TwinCAT Box can be programmed via TwinCAT Box can be programmed via TwinCAT
722 and thus used as a small controller. and thus used as a small controller. and thus used as a small controller.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Sensor supply derived from control voltage, derived from control voltage, derived from control voltage,
max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
Max. output current 0.5 A on each channel, 0.5 A on each channel, 0.5 A on each channel,
individually short-circuit-proof individually short-circuit-proof individually short-circuit-proof
Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
Short circuit current typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA typ. 20 mA typ. 20 mA
Current consumption see documentation see documentation see documentation
from US
Special features IP-Link coupler IP-Link coupler IP-Link coupler
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IExxxx SPS

Extension Box
Up to 120 Extension Box modules can be connected to the PLC Box via the IP-Link communication facility. The Extension Box modules cover the
full spectrum of I/O signals with various connection techniques. See page 726

IExxxx Extension Box Plug Page

Digital input
IE1000 Extension Box, 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3.0 ms filter 8 mm 728
IE1001 Extension Box, 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3.0 ms filter M8 729
IE1002 Extension Box, 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3.0 ms filter M12 729
IE1010 Extension Box, 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter 8 mm 728
IE1011 Extension Box, 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter M8 729
IE1012 Extension Box, 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter M12 729
IE1502 Extension Box, up/down counter, 24 V DC, 100 kHz M12 729
Digital output
IE2000 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A 8 mm 730
IE2001 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A M8 730
IE2002 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A M12 731
IE2020 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) 8 mm 731
IE2021 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) M8 731
IE2022 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) M12 731
IE2040 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 12 A) 8 mm 732
IE2041 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 12 A) M8 732
IE2042 Extension Box, 8 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 12 A) M12 732
IE2808 Extension Box, 16 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A) D-sub 733
IE2512 Extension Box, 2 digital pulse width outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2.5 A M12 733
Digital combi
IE2300 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A 8 mm 734
IE2301 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A M8 735
IE2302 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A M12 735
IE2310 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A 8 mm 734
IE2311 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A M8 735
IE2312 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 0.5 A M12 735
IE2320 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) 8 mm 736

Fieldbus Box
IE2321 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) M8 736
IE2322 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) M12 737
IE2330 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) 8 mm 736
IE2331 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) M8 736 723
IE2332 Extension Box, 4 digital inputs 24 V DC, 0.2 ms filter, 4 digital outputs 24 V DC, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) M12 737
IE2400 Extension Box, 16 digital combination inputs/outputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, IMAX = 0.5 A 8 mm 737
IE2401 Extension Box, 16 digital combination inputs/outputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, IMAX = 0.5 A M8 737
IE2403 Extension Box, 16 digital combination inputs/outputs 24 V DC, 3 ms filter, IMAX = 0.5 A IP 20
connector 735
Analog input
IE3102 Extension Box, 4 differential analog inputs ±10 V, 16 bit M12 738
IE3112 Extension Box, 4 differential analog inputs 0/4…20 mA, 16 bit M12 739
IE3202 Extension Box, 4 analog inputs for resistance thermometer, PT100…1000, Ni100, 16 bit M12 739
IE3312 Extension Box, 4 analog inputs for thermocouple, types J, K, L, B, E, N, R, S, T, U, 16 bit M12 739
Analog output
IE4112 Extension Box, 4 differential analog outputs 0/4…20 mA, 16 bit M12 740
IE4132 Extension Box, 4 analog outputs ±10 V, 16 bit M12 740
Special functions
IE5009 Extension Box, 1 SSI encoder interface M23 742
IE5109 Extension Box, 1 incremental encoder interface with complementary inputs, 1 MHz M23 743
IE6002 Extension Box, 1 serial interface RS232C M12 744
IE6012 Extension Box, 1 serial interface, 0…20 mA (TTY) M12 745
IE6022 Extension Box, 1 serial interface, RS422, RS485 M12 745

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Signal types | Compact Box

Hinged inspection window

Fieldbus interface
(connection depends
on the particular
fieldbus) Address selection switch
and diagnostic interface

Module or IP-Link
status display
status display

Signal connection
Fieldbus Box


Signal status display

Status display
power supply:
box supply and
auxiliary voltage
Power supply input
– box supply
– auxiliary voltage

Power supply down-

stream connection

For further information on the
individual fieldbuses see page 262

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Signal connections

Standard housing XXL housing Connector 8 mm, Connector M8, Connector M12,
snap type, 3-pin screw type, 3-pin screw type, 5-pin

Compact Box modules are robust tion channel. The combination

fieldbus stations for different modules give the user all of the
fieldbus systems. They offer a advantages of fine signal granu-
wide range of I/O functionality. larity.
All relevant industrial signals The processor logic, the
are supported. In addition to input circuitry and the sensor
digital and analog inputs and power supply are fed from the
outputs including thermocouple box supply voltage, the auxiliary
and RTD inputs, there are also power for the outputs can be IPxxxy-Bzzz 200 = Lightbus
incremental encoder interfaces routed separately. In this way it 310/318 = PROFIBUS
available for displacement and is possible to achieve cascadable 400 = Interbus
angle measurement in addition emergency off concepts. In Field- 510/518 = CANopen
to serial interfaces to solve a bus Box modules in which only 520/528 = DeviceNet
large number of communica- inputs are available the auxiliary 730 = Modbus
tion tasks. The digital inputs and power supply UP can optionally 800 = RS485
outputs can be connected with be connected in order to pass it 810 = RS232
snap type 8 mm diameter plugs, on downstream.
screw type M8 connectors, or The state of the fieldbus 0 = connector 8 mm,

Fieldbus Box
with screw type M12 pendants. connection, the module status, snap type, 3-pin
The M12 version is provided for the status of the power supply 1 = connector M8,
analog signals. and of the signals is indicated screw type, 3-pin
Special input and output by LEDs. The label strips can be 2 = connector M12, 725

channels on the combination I/O machine printed elsewhere and screw type, 5-pin
modules can be used for either then inserted. 8 = D-sub, 25-pin
input or output. It is not neces-
sary to configure them, since the Signals see page 728
fieldbus provides both input and
output data for each combina-

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Signal types | Extension Box

Module or IP-Link
status display
status display

IP-Link interface
for the connection of Signal connection
extension modules 8 mm, M8 or M12
Fieldbus Box

Signal status display


Status display
power supply:
box supply and
auxiliary voltage
Power supply input
– box supply
– auxiliary voltage

Power supply down-

stream connection


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input Digital output Analog input Analog output Special functions

The Extension Box modules tively, forming a vibration-proof

cover the full spectrum of I/O connection, while the screw type
signals: digital inputs with connectors offer the advantage
different filters, digital outputs of high resistance to being
with 0.5 and 2 A output currents, pulled out. IExxxy 0 = connector 8 mm,
analog inputs and outputs with The extension modules are snap type, 3-pin
a 16 bit resolution, thermocou- connected to the process level 1 = connector M8,
pler and RTD inputs, serial inter- via the fieldbus coupler. Up to screw type, 3-pin
faces and encoder inputs. 120 extension modules can be 2 = connector M12,
Similarly to the Compact connected at distances of 15 m screw type, 5-pin
Box modules, the digital inputs from box to box via the IP-Link 3 = IP 20 connector
and outputs can be connected communication connection. 8 = D-sub, 25-pin
either through 8 mm snap type 9 = connector M23,
connectors or screw type con- screw type, 12-pin
nectors (M8 and M12). Analog
signal types are provided with Signals see page 728
the M12 version. The snap type
connectors lock in place posi-

Fieldbus Box

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input IP10xx, IE10xx

Digital input | 24 V DC, positive switching

The digital inputs on a 24 V supply a replacement for type 1. The dia- 8-channel digital input,
are among the most frequently used gram shows the typical current/volt- 24 V DC, 8 mm, type 2
signals. The EN 61131-2 standard age curves of the module inputs and
describes the input characteristic the allowable range of conformity in
and distinguishes three types. Type 1 accordance with the standard.
has a small input current with low The input circuits differ in their Compact Box IP1000-Bxxx IP1010-Bxxx
power dissipation. This input is opti- filtering functions. The filtering has Extension Box IE1000 IE1010
mised for mechanical switches and the task of suppressing electromag- Connection technology 8 mm, snap type
actively-switched electronic outputs. netic interference. However, this does
Type 2 has a significantly larger have the drawback of signal deceler- “0“ signal voltage -3…+5 V (EN 61131-2, type 2)
input current and is optimised for ation. The filter time of 3 ms is com- “1“ signal voltage 11…30 V (EN 61131-2, type 2)
2-wire sensors with a high quiescent paratively slow, but it can suppress Input filter 3.0 ms 0.2 ms
current consumption. Type 3 is a the bouncing of a mechanical switch Number of inputs 8
combination between type 1, with and delivers a stable signal for sim-
low current in switched-on state, and ple PLC applications. Filter times of Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
a satisfactorily high quiescent current 0.2 ms are suitable for applications
for the majority of modern 2-wire with shortest possible reaction times
sensors. The type 3 input can be and should be used for mechanical 0

used in almost all applications as switches only in a restricted manner. 1

Us Up

The IP10x0 and IE10x0

digital input modules
acquire the binary control
signals from the process
Fieldbus Box

Type 1 Type 2 level and transmit them to

VIN /V VIN /V the higher-level automa-
30 30 tion unit. The signals are
728 25 25 connected via 8 mm snap
20 ON 20 ON type connectors.
15 15 The sensors are sup-
10 10 plied from the box supply
5 5 voltage US.
−3 I IN /mA −3 I IN /mA
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 18 30

Signal voltage “0”: -3…5 V DC Signal voltage “0”: -3…5 V DC Number of counters –
Signal voltage “1”: 15…30 V DC Signal voltage “1”: 11…30 V DC Counting frequency –

Type 3 Sensor supply from control voltage, max.

0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
30 Current consumption from IP10x0-Bxxx: see document.
25 US (without sensor current) IE10x0: 25 mA
20 ON
Bit width in the 8 inputs
10 process image
5 Electrical isolation channel/Us, channel/ch.: no,
0 OFF Us/fieldbus: depend. on fieldb.
−3 I IN /mA
0 5 10 15 Approvals CE, UL
Signal voltage “0”: -3…5 V DC Characteristics of the 3 input types Further information
Signal voltage “1”: 11…30 V DC according to EN 61131-2 (24 V DC)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IP1xxx, IE1xxx Digital input

8-channel digital input, 8-channel digital input, 2-channel up/down counter,

24 V DC, M8, type 2 24 V DC, M12, type 2 24 V DC, 100 kHz, type 2

IP1001-Bxxx IP1011-Bxxx IP1002-Bxxx IP1012-Bxxx IP1502-Bxxx

IE1001 IE1011 IE1002 IE1012 IE1502
M8, screw type M12, screw type M12, screw type

-3…+5 V (EN 61131-2, type 2) -3…+5 V (EN 61131-2, type 2) -3…+5 V (EN 61131-2, type 2)
11…30 V (EN 61131-2, type 2) 11…30 V (EN 61131-2, type 2) 11…30 V (EN 61131-2, type 2)
3.0 ms 0.2 ms 3.0 ms 0.2 ms –
8 8 2 counter inputs + 2 gate inputs +
2 up/down switches
24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

0 2 3
0 C
1 1 2
1 4 1 5
B 1 4
0 1 A
2 3 4 3 2 3 2 3
2 B U 2
1 3 1 2
3 5
1 4 1 4
2 3 A 5 B
4 3-wire 2-wire 2 3
4 A G
5 5 1
1 4
4 5
3-wire 2-wire C
2 3
6 Q
7 7 1 2
1 4
Us Up
6 7 D
Us Up Us Up

The IP10x1 and IE10x1 digital input modules The IP10x2 and IE10x2 digital input modules The counter module has two fast counters running
acquire the binary control signals from the pro- acquire the binary control signals from the pro- at up to 100 kHz. It counts binary pulses and trans-
cess level and transmit them to the higher-level cess level and transmit them to the higher-level mits the counter state to the higher-level automa-
automation unit. The signals are connected via automation unit. The signals are connected via tion unit. The up/down input allows the counters

Fieldbus Box
M8 screw type connectors. These versions are M12 screw type connectors. These versions are to be switched between upwards and downwards
distinguished by input filters of different speeds. distinguished by input filters of different speeds. counting (in 32 bits). The gate signals (gate inputs)
The sensors are supplied from the box supply The sensors are supplied from the box supply allow the counters to be triggered: Depending on
voltage US. The auxiliary voltage UP is not used in voltage US. The auxiliary voltage UP is not used in the level at the gate input, the counting function 729
the input module, but may be connected in order the input module, but may be connected in order is halted or enabled. The outputs can be switched
to be relayed downstream. to be relayed downstream. according to the counter state. From the controller
it is possible to set the counter state, to start or
halt the counter function, and to set the outputs.

– – 2, each with a depth of 32 bits

– – 100 kHz (2 kHz for switching
between up and down)
derived from control voltage, derived from control voltage, derived from control voltage,
max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
IP10x1-Bxxx: see documentation IP10x2-Bxxx: see documentation IP1502-Bxxx: see documentation
IE10x1: 25 mA IE10x2: 25 mA IE1502: 25 mA
8 inputs 8 inputs 2 x 32 bit input/2 x 8 bit control/status

channel/Us, channel/channel: no, channel/Us, channel/channel: no, channel/Us, channel/channel: no,

Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output IP200x, IE200x

Digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

Many actuators are driven or control- 8-channel digital output, 8-channel digital output,
led with 24 V DC. The Fieldbus Box 24 V DC, 8 mm, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A
modules in the category “positive
switching” switch all output channels
to 24 V DC. The output circuit offers
further functions such as short-circuit- Compact Box IP2000-Bxxx IP2001-Bxxx
current limitation, short-circuit switch- Extension Box IE2000 IE2001
off and the depletion of inductive Connection technology 8 mm, snap type M8, screw type
energy from the coil.
The most common output circuit Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
delivers a maximum continuous
current of 0.5 A. Special Fieldbus Max. output current max. 0.5 A on each channel, max. 0.5 A on each channel,
Box modules are available for individually short-circuit safe individually short-circuit safe
higher currents. Any type of load Number of outputs 8 8
(ohmic, capacitive, inductive) can Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
be connected to an output module.

0 0

1 4 1 1 4 1

2 3 4 3 2 3 4 3

3 1 3 1

4 4
3-wire 2-wire 3-wire 2-wire
5 5

6 6

7 7

Us Up Us Up

The IP2000/IE2000 digital out- The IP2001/IE2001 digital out-

put modules connect the binary put modules connect the binary
control signals from the automa- control signals from the automa-
tion unit on to the actuators at tion unit on to the actuators at
Fieldbus Box

the process level. The outputs are the process level. The outputs are
short-circuit-proof and protected short-circuit-proof and protected
against inverse connection. against inverse connection.

Current consumption from IP2000-Bxxx: see documentation IP2001-Bxxx: see documentation

US (without sensor current) IE2000: 25 mA IE2001: 25 mA
Short circuit current typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA per channel typ. 20 mA per channel
Bit width in the 8 outputs 8 outputs
process image
Electrical isolation channel/Us, channel/channel: no, channel/Us, channel/channel: no,
Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IP20xx, IE20xx Digital output

8-channel digital output, 8-channel digital output, 8-channel digital output, 8-channel digital output,
24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, 8 mm, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A)

IP2002-Bxxx IP2020-Bxxx IP2021-Bxxx IP2022-Bxxx

IE2002 IE2020 IE2021 IE2022
M12, screw type 8 mm, snap type M8, screw type M12, screw type

ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load

max. 0.5 A on each channel, 2 A each channel, individually short- 2 A each channel, individually short- 2 A each channel, individually short-
individually short-circuit safe circuit safe, total current max. 4 A circuit safe, total current max. 4 A circuit safe, total current max. 4 A
8 8 8 8
24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

0 0
0 0
1 1
1 4 1 1 4 1
0 1 0 1
2 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 3
2 B 2 B
3 1 3 1 3

1 4 1 4
2 3 A 5 2 3 A 5
4 4
3-wire 2-wire 3-wire 2-wire
4 A 4 A
5 5 5 5

4 5 4 5
3-wire 2-wire 6 6 3-wire 2-wire
6 6
7 7 7 7

6 7 6 7
Us Up Us Up Us Up Us Up

The IP2002/IE2002 digital output The IP2020/IE2020 digital output The IP2021/IE2021 digital output The IP2022/IE2022 digital output
modules connect the binary control modules connect the binary control modules connect the binary control modules connect the binary control
signals from the automation unit signals from the automation unit signals from the automation unit signals from the automation unit
on to the actuators at the process on to the actuators at the process on to the actuators at the process on to the actuators at the process

Fieldbus Box
level. The outputs are short-circuit- level. The outputs are short-circuit- level. The outputs are short-circuit- level. The outputs are short-circuit-
proof and protected against inverse proof and protected against inverse proof and protected against inverse proof and protected against inverse
connection. connection. connection. connection.

IP2002-Bxxx: see documentation IP2020-Bxxx: see documentation IP2021-Bxxx: see documentation IP2022-Bxxx: see documentation
IE2002: 25 mA IE2020: 25 mA IE2021: 25 mA IE2022: 25 mA
typ. 1.5 A max. 4 A max. 4 A max. 4 A
typ. 20 mA per channel typ. 30 mA per channel typ. 30 mA per channel typ. 30 mA per channel
8 outputs 8 outputs 8 outputs 8 outputs

channel/Us, channel/channel: no, channel/Us, channel/channel: no, channel/Us, channel/channel: no, channel/Us, channel/channel: no,
Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output IP20xx, IE20xx

Digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

8-channel digital output, 8-channel digital output, 8-channel digital output,
24 V DC, 8 mm, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 12 A) 24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 12 A) 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 12 A)

Compact Box IP2040-Bxxx IP2041-Bxxx IP2042-Bxxx

Extension Box IE2040 IE2041 IE2042
Connection technology 8 mm, snap type M8, screw type M12, screw type

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load

Max. output current 2 A each channel, individ. short-circuit- 2 A each channel, individ. short-circuit- 2 A each channel, individ. short-circuit-
proof, total current max. 12 A (channel proof, total current max. 12 A (channel proof, total current max. 12 A (channel
0…3: ∑ 4 A, 4+5: ∑ 4 A, 6+7: ∑ 4 A) 0…3: ∑ 4 A, 4+5: ∑ 4 A, 6+7: ∑ 4 A) 0…3: ∑ 4 A, 4+5: ∑ 4 A, 6+7: ∑ 4 A)
Number of outputs 8 8 8
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

0 0
1 4 1 1 4 1
0 1
2 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 3
1 1 3
3 3
1 4
2 3 A 5
4 3-wire 2-wire 4 3-wire 2-wire
4 A
5 5 5

4 5
6 6 3-wire 2-wire
7 7 7

6 7
Us Up Us Up Us Up

The IP2040/IE2040 digital output mod- The IP2041/IE2041 digital output mod- The IP2042/IE2042 digital output mod-
ules connect the binary control signals ules connect the binary control signals ules connect the binary control signals
from the automation unit on to the from the automation unit on to the from the automation unit on to the
Fieldbus Box

actuators at the process level. The out- actuators at the process level. The out- actuators at the process level. The out-
puts are supplied by three load circuits; puts are supplied by three load circuits; puts are supplied by three load circuits;
for this reason these modules do not for this reason these modules do not for this reason these modules do not
732 relay the supply voltage. The outputs relay the supply voltage. The outputs relay the supply voltage. The outputs
are short-circuit-proof and protected are short-circuit-proof and protected are short-circuit-proof and protected
against inverse connection. against inverse connection. against inverse connection.

Current consumption from IP2040-Bxxx: see documentation IP2041-Bxxx: see documentation IP2042-Bxxx: see documentation
US (without sensor current) IE2040: 25 mA IE2041: 25 mA IE2042: 25 mA
Short circuit current typ. 4 A typ. 4 A typ. 4 A
Auxiliary power current typ. 50 mA per channel typ. 50 mA per channel typ. 50 mA per channel
Bit width in the 8 outputs 8 outputs 8 outputs
process image
Electrical isolation channel/Us, channel/channel: no, channel/Us, channel/channel: no, channel/Us, channel/channel: no,
Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IP2xxx, IE2xxx Digital output

16-channel digital output, 2-channel pulse width output,

24 V DC, D-sub, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 2.5 A

Compact Box IP2512-Bxxx

IE2808, IE2808-0001 Extension Box IE2512
D-sub socket, 25-pin Connection technology M12, screw type

ohmic, inductive, lamp load Load type ohmic, inductive

0.5 A each channel, Max. output current 2.5 A on each channel,

individually short-circuit-proof, individually short-circuit-proof
total current max. 4 A
16 Number of outputs 2
24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)


2 3

1 4
1 5

3-wire 2-wire
Us Up

In the IE2808 digital output module The outputs of the IP2512/IE2512 module provide a pulse width
an output short-circuit is recognised modulated version of a binary signal. The keying ratio is prescribed
and passed on to the controller. by a 16 bit value from the automation unit. The output is protected

Fieldbus Box
After a fault, e.g. a short circuit at against overload and short circuit.
an output, the IE2808-0001 version
starts up again automatically. The
IE2808 version waits for the fault to 733
be reset by the master (CTRL byte).

Current consumption from IP2512-Bxxx: see documentation

25 mA US (without sensor current) IE2512: 25 mA
Up/down channel 24 V DC, 0.5 A, short-circuit-proof
max. 1.5 A Base frequency 8 Hz…40 kHz, default: 250 Hz
typ. 30 mA Duty factor 0…100 % (TON > 750 ns, TOFF > 500 ns)
16 outputs, 16 inputs (diagnostics) Resolution max. 10 bit
optional: control/status Bit width in the 48 inputs/outputs: 2 x 16 bit data + 2 x 8 bit status
channel/Us, channel/channel: no, process image
Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus Electrical isolation channel/Us, channel/channel: no, Us/fieldbus: depending on fieldbus
CE, UL Approvals CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital combi IP23xx, IE23xx

Digital combi | 24 V DC, positive switching

The digital combination modules combine 4 x digital input +
inputs and outputs in one module. The input 4 x digital output,
circuits differ in their filtering functions. 24 V DC, 8 mm, IMAX = 0.5 A
The filtering has the task of suppressing
electromagnetic interference. However, this
does have the drawback of signal decelera- Compact Box IP2300-Bxxx IP2310-Bxxx
tion. The filter time of 3 ms is comparatively Extension Box IE2300 IE2310
slow, but it can suppress the bouncing of Connection technology 8 mm, snap type
a mechanical switch and delivers a stable
signal for simple PLC applications. Filter times Number of channels 4 inputs + 4 outputs
of 0.2 ms are suitable for applications with
shortest possible reaction times and should Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
be used for mechanical switches only in a Input filter 3.0 ms 0.2 ms
restricted manner.
The output channels supply a max.
continuous current of 0.5 A. Special output 0

modules are available for higher currents. Any 1

4 1

3 4 3
type of load (ohmic, capacitive, inductive) can 2
be connected to an output module. As lamp IN OUT
and capacitive loads are critical due to their 5
high starting currents, they are limited by the 6 Outputs

output circuits of the modules. This ensures 7

that the upstream circuit-breaker is not Us Up

triggered. Inductive loads are problematic at

switch-off, as high induction voltages develop,
if the current is interrupted too fast. An inte-
grated freewheeling diode prevents this volt- The IP23x0/IE23x0 digital I/O module combines four digital
inputs and four digital outputs in one device. The outputs
age peak. However, the current is reduced so
are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity.
slowly that it leads to faults in many techni- The signals are connected via 8 mm diameter snap type
cal control applications. A valve remains connectors.
open for many milliseconds. The modules
Fieldbus Box

represent a compromise between prevention

of overvoltage and switch-off. They suppress
the induction voltage to about 24 V DC and
734 realise switch-off times which approximately
correspond to the switch-on time of the coil.
In the event of a short circuit, the module
switches the corresponding output off and
cyclically attempts to switch it on again.
This continues until either the short circuit is
eliminated or the controller resets the output. “0“ signal voltage -3…+5 V
The clock frequency depends on the ambi- “1“ signal voltage 11…30 V, 6 mA input current (EN 61131-2, type 2)
ent temperature and the loads on the other Sensor supply derived from control voltage,
channels. The total current specified should max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
be observed. Max. output current 0.5 A on each channel,
individually short-circuit-proof
Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load
Short circuit current typ. 1.5 A
Current consumption from IP23x0-Bxxx: see documentation
US (without sensor current) IE23x0: 25 mA
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA per channel
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IP23xx, IE2xxx Digital combi

4 x digital input + 4 x digital input + 16-channel digital combi

4 x digital output, 4 x digital output, input/output, 24 V DC,
24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A IP 20 connector, IMAX = 0.5 A

IP2301-Bxxx IP2311-Bxxx IP2302-Bxxx IP2312-Bxxx

IE2301 IE2311 IE2302 IE2312 IE2403
M8, screw type M12, screw type connector with spring-loaded technique

4 inputs + 4 outputs 4 inputs + 4 outputs 16 channels (8 inputs and 8 outputs)

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

3.0 ms 0.2 ms 3.0 ms 0.2 ms 3 ms

1 4 1
Inputs Inputs
0 1
2 3 4 3 B 2 3
2 B
1 3
1 4
IN OUT 2 3 A A 5 +24 V
4 1-wire 2-wire 3-wire
5 5

6 Outputs 4 5 Outputs
7 7

6 7
Us Up Us Up
1-wire 2-wire

The IP23x1/IE23x1 digital I/O module combines The IP23x2/IE23x2 digital I/O module combines The digital IE2403 I/O module has sixteen
four digital inputs and four digital outputs in one four digital inputs and four digital outputs in one channels with eight inputs and eight outputs.
device. The outputs are short-circuit-proof and device. The outputs are short-circuit-proof and The device can therefore be flexibly adapted
protected against inverse polarity. The signals are protected against inverse polarity. The signals are to the requirements of the application. The out-
connected via screw type M8 connectors. connected via screw type M12 connectors. puts handle load currents of up to 0.5 A, are
short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse

Fieldbus Box
polarity. For the signal connection IP 20 connectors
with a spring-loaded system are used, optionally
available with 1 or 3 pins. The module is supplied
without connectors.
– ZS2001-0001: connector, 1-pin, without LED
– ZS2001-0002: connector, 1-pin, with LED
– ZS2001-0004: connector, 3-pin, with LED

-3…+5 V -3…+5 V -3…+5 V

11…30 V, 6 mA input current (EN 61131-2, type 2) 11…30 V, 6 mA input current (EN 61131-2, type 2) 11…30 V, 6 mA input current (EN 61131-2, type 2)
derived from control voltage, derived from control voltage, derived from control voltage,
max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
0.5 A on each channel, 0.5 A on each channel, max. 0.5 A on each channel,
individually short-circuit-proof individually short-circuit-proof individually short-circuit safe
ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
IP23x1-Bxxx: see documentation IP23x2-Bxxx: see documentation 25 mA
IE23x1: 25 mA IE23x2: 25 mA
typ. 20 mA per channel typ. 20 mA per channel typ. 20 mA per channel

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital combi IP23xx, IE23xx

Digital combi | 24 V DC, positive switching

4 x digital input + 4 x digital input +
4 x digital output, 4 x digital output,
24 V DC, 8 mm, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A)

Compact Box IP2320-Bxxx IP2330-Bxxx IP2321-Bxxx IP2331-Bxxx

Extension Box IE2320 IE2330 IE2321 IE2331
Connection technology 8 mm, snap type M8, screw type

Number of channels 4 inputs + 4 outputs 4 inputs + 4 outputs

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Input filter 3.0 ms 0.2 ms 3.0 ms 0.2 ms

0 0

1 4 1 1 4 1
Inputs Inputs
2 3 4 3 2 3 4 3

1 1
3 3
4 4

5 5

6 Outputs 6 Outputs

7 7

Us Up Us Up

The IP23x0/IE23x0 digital I/O modules combine four digital The IP23x1/IE23x1 digital I/O modules combine four digital
inputs and four digital outputs in one device. The outputs inputs and four digital outputs in one device. The outputs are
are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity. short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity.
The signals are connected via 8 mm diameter snap type The signals are connected via M8 screw type connectors.
Fieldbus Box


“0“ signal voltage -3…+5 V -3…+5 V

“1“ signal voltage 11…30 V, 6 mA input current (EN 61131-2, type 2) 11…30 V, 6 mA input current (EN 61131-2, type 2)
Sensor supply derived from control voltage, derived from control voltage,
max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
Max. output current 2 A each channel, individually short-circuit safe, 2 A each channel, individually short-circuit safe,
total current max. 4 A total current max. 4 A
Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
Short circuit current typ. 4 A typ. 4 A
Current consumption from IP23x0-Bxxx: see documentation IP23x1-Bxxx: see documentation
US (without sensor current) IE23x0: 25 mA IE23x1: 25 mA
Auxiliary power current typ. 30 mA per channel typ. 30 mA per channel
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IP2xxx, IE2xxx Digital combi

4 x digital input + 16-channel digital 16-channel digital

4 x digital output, combi input/output, combi input/output,
24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 2 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, 8 mm, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A

IP2322-Bxxx IP2332-Bxxx IP2400-Bxxx IP2401-Bxxx

IE2322 IE2332 IE2400 IE2401
M12, screw type 8 mm, snap type M8, screw type

4 inputs + 4 outputs 16 channels, 16 channels,

useable optionally as input and output useable optionally as input and output
24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
3.0 ms 0.2 ms 3.0 ms 3.0 ms

0 0
0 Input | Output Input | Output
1 2 2
1 1 1 1
Inputs 4 4
0 1
4 3 4 3
B 2 3 2 2
2 B 3 2 3 2
3 1 3 1
1 4
2 3 A A 5
4 4
2-wire 2-wire
5 5 5
4 5 Outputs 6 4 6 4

3 2 3 2
7 7 1 7 1
6 7
Us Up Us Up Us Up
3-wire 3-wire

The IP23x2/IE23x2 digital I/O modules combine The IP2400/IE2400 digital I/O modules have The IP2401/IE2401 digital I/O modules have six-
four digital inputs and four digital outputs in one sixteen channels that can be used as eight inputs teen channels that can be used as eight inputs and
device. The outputs are short-circuit-proof and and eight outputs. The signals are connected eight outputs. The signals are connected through
protected against inverse polarity. The signals are through snap type 8 mm diameter connectors, M8 screw type connectors, which have four pins
connected via M12 screw type connectors. which have four pins (with separate input and (with separate input and output pins). This makes
output pins). This makes it possible to connect it possible to connect antivalent sensors. Adapter

Fieldbus Box
antivalent sensors. Adapter cables are available for cables are available for use in input-only or out-
use in input-only or output-only cases, as well as put-only cases, as well as connectors for field wire-
connectors for field wireable. It is also possible to able. It is also possible to use the power supply
use the power supply cable directly as the sensor cable directly as the sensor cable. The outputs
cable. The outputs handle load currents of up to handle load currents of up to 0.5 A, are short-cir- 737
0.5 A, are short-circuit-proof and protected against cuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity.
inverse polarity.

-3…+5 V -3…+5 V -3…+5 V

11…30 V, 6 mA input current (EN 61131-2, type 2) 11…30 V, 6 mA input current (EN 61131-2, type 2) 11…30 V, 6 mA input current (EN 61131-2, type 2)
derived from control voltage, derived from control voltage, derived from control voltage,
max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
2 A each channel, individually short-circuit safe, 0.5 A on each channel, 0.5 A on each channel,
total current max. 4 A individually short-circuit-proof individually short-circuit-proof
ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
typ. 4 A typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
IP23x2-Bxxx: see documentation IP2400-Bxxx: see documentation IP2401-Bxxx: see documentation
IE23x2: 25 mA IE2400: 25 mA IE2401: 25 mA
typ. 30 mA per channel typ. 20 mA per channel typ. 20 mA per channel

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input IP3102, IE3102

Analog input | -10…+10 V, 0/4…20 mA, PT100, temperature

The IP/IE3102 Fieldbus Box modules evalu- 4-channel analog input,
ate analogue standard signals in the range -10…+10 V, M12, 16 bit
of -10/0 V to +10 V with 16-bit resolution
and the IP/IE3112 modules in the range of
0/4 mA to 20 mA.
The IP/IE3202 analog input module is Compact Box IP3102-Bxxx
intended for the direct connection of resis- Extension Box IE3102
tance thermometers. The resistance is mea- Connection technology M12, screw type
sured with a low signal current, linearised and
represented in 0.1 °C. The module supports Signal type -10/0…+10 V
2-, 3- and 4-wire measurement on all four Resolution 16 bit (for 0…10 V range: resolution 15 bit)
channels. The measurements serve to elimi- Conversion time 250 ms, configurable to 5 ms
nate or deduct the parasitic resistance of the Number of inputs 4
sensor cable. All inputs are separately con-
figurable for a wide range of sensors, for the
three measurement procedures and for the 0
direct measurement of resistance. 1
The IP/IE3312 Fieldbus Box enables the 2
2 3
measurement of temperature using thermo- 2

couples. The measured thermovoltage is 4


linearised in accordance with the character- 3

istic of the respective type and transferred 6


to the controller as a temperature value in 4

Us Up

1/10 °C or 1/100 °C. The inputs are sepa-

rately configurable for a wide range of dif-
ferent sensor types. Parasitic thermovoltages
arise at the interface of the measuring cable The IP3102/IE3102 analog input module handles signals in
the range from -10 to +10 V. The voltage is digitised to a
and the module, significantly falsifying the
resolution of 16 bits and is transmitted, electrically isolated,
measurement. This error is eliminated by the to the higher-level automation device. The four input chan-
ZS2000-3712 compensation plug. nels have differential inputs and possess a common, internal
ground potential. The applied auxiliary voltage (which can be
Fieldbus Box

any value up to 30 V DC) is fed through to supply the sensor.

It is thus possible, for instance, to supply a measuring poten-
tiometer with 10 V DC from an external voltage source.


Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Measuring accuracy < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)
Sensor types 2-, 3-, 4-wire

Measuring range -10…+10 V, 0…+10 V, user scale

Internal resistance > 100 kΩ

Sensor supply from load supply voltage UP, DC,
any value up to 30 V
Current consumption from IP3102-Bxxx: see documentation
US (without sensor current) IE3102: 55 mA
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IP3xxx, IE3xxx Analog input

4-channel analog input, 4-channel analog input, 4-channel analog input,

0/4…20 mA, M12, 16 bit PT100 (RTD), M12 thermocouple, M12

IP3112-Bxxx IP3202-Bxxx IP3312-Bxxx

IE3112 IE3202 IE3312
M12, screw type M12, screw type M12, screw type

0/4…20 mA PT100, resistance thermocouple, mV

16 bit 0.1 °C per digit 0.1 °C per digit
250 ms, configurable to 5 ms approx. 250 ms (configurable up to 65 ms) approx. 250 ms (configurable up to 70 ms)
4 4 4

0 0 0
1 1 1

1 1 1
2 3 2 3 2 3
2 2 2
3 3 3
= υ υ υ
1 4 1 4 1 4
2 5 2 5 2 5

4 4 4
5 5 5

3 3 3 Compensation
4-wire 3-wire 2-wire

4 4 4
Us Up Us Up Us Up

The IP3112/IE3112 analog input module handles The IP3202/IE3202 analog input module allows The IP3312/IE3312 analog input module permits
signals in the range from 0/4 to 20 mA. The input resistance sensors to be connected directly. four thermocouples to be directly connected.
current is digitised to a resolution of 16 bits (the The module’s circuitry can operate the sensors The module’s circuit can operate thermocouple
default is 15 bits), and is transmitted, electrically using 2-, 3- or 4-wire connection techniques. sensors using the 2-wire technique. Linearisation
isolated, to the higher-level automation device. Linearisation over the full temperature range over the full temperature range is realised with
The four input channels have differential inputs is realised with the aid of a microprocessor. the aid of a microprocessor. The temperature

Fieldbus Box
and possess a common, internal ground potential. The temperature range can be selected freely. range can be selected freely. Compensation for
The applied load voltage (which can be any value The module can also be used for simple resis- the cold junction is made through a temperature
up to 30 V DC) is fed through to supply the sensor. tance measurement with the output in ohms. measurement in the connecting plugs. This means
The module’s standard settings are: resolution that standard extension leads can be connected.
0.1°C in the temperature range of PT100 sensors The IE3312 can also be used for mV measurement. 739
in 4-wire connection.
– ZS2000-3712: connector with temperature

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

< ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value) < ±1 °C < ±0.5 % (relative to full scale value)
2-, 3-, 4-wire PT100, PT200, PT500, PT1000, Ni100, Ni120, Ni1000 types J, K, L, B, E, N, R, S, T, U
resistance measurement (e.g. potentiometer) (default setting type K), mV measurement
0…20 mA, 4…20 mA, user scale -200…+850 °C (PT sensors); depending on sensor type;
-60…+250 °C (Ni sensors) preset value is type K, -100…+1,370 °C
80 Ω measuring shunt – –
from load supply voltage UP, DC, – –
any value up to 30 V
IP3112-Bxxx: see documentation IP3202-Bxxx: see documentation IP3312-Bxxx: see documentation
IE3112: 55 mA IE3202: 40 mA IE3312: 40 mA

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog output IP41xx, IE41xx

Analog output | 0/4…20 mA, -10…+10 V

4-channel analog output, 4-channel analog output,
0/4…20 mA, M12, 15/16 bit -10…+10 V, M12, 16 bit

Compact Box IP4112-Bxxx IP4132-Bxxx

Extension Box IE4112 IE4132
Connection technology M12, screw type M12, screw type

Signal type 0/4…20 mA -10/0…+10 V

Resolution 15 bit, configurable to 16 bit 16 bit

Conversion time < 4 ms < 4 ms
Number of outputs 4 4

0 0
1 1

1 1
2 3 2 3
2 2
3 3

1 4 1 4
2 5 2 5

4 4
5 5

3 3

6 6
7 7

4 4
Us Up Us Up

The IP4112/IE4112 analog output module generates analog The IP4132/IE4132 analog output module generates analog
output signals in the range from 0/4 to 20 mA. The power output signals in the range from -10 to +10 V. The voltage is
is supplied to the process level with a resolution of 15 bits supplied to the process level with a resolution of 16 bits, and
(default), and is electrically isolated. If the input is transmit- is electrically isolated. If necessary, the output scaling can
ted without an arithmetical sign, 16 bit resolution may also be altered. Ground potential for the four output channels is
Fieldbus Box

be selected. If necessary, the output scaling can be altered. common with the 24 V DC supply. The analog actuators are
Ground potential for the four output channels is common powered by the control voltage. The applied load voltage
with the 24 V DC supply. The analog actuators are powered (which can be any value up to 30 V DC) is available for supply
by the load voltage. The applied load voltage (which can of the actuators.
be any value up to 30 V DC) is fed through to supply the

Nominal voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC
Load < 500 Ω > 5 kΩ
Measuring accuracy < ±0.1 % (relative to full scale value) < ±0.1 % (relative to full scale value)
Actuator supply from the auxiliary voltage UP from the auxiliary voltage UP
Current consumption from IP4112-Bxxx: see documentation IP4132-Bxxx: see documentation
US (without sensor current) IE4112: 40 mA IE4132: 40 mA
Approvals CE, UL CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus Box
Position measurement IP5009, IE5009

Position measurement | SSI encoder, incremental encoder

The IP5009/IE5009 SSI encoder interface 1-channel SSI
is used for the direct connection of an SSI encoder interface,
encoder that is powered via the SSI interface. M23
The interface circuit generates a pulse for
reading the sensor, and makes the incoming
data stream available to the controller as Compact Box IP5009-Bxxx
a data word in the process image. Various Extension Box IE5009
operating modes, transmission frequencies Connection technology M23 connector with outer thread, 12-pin
and bit widths can be permanently stored
in a control register. Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
The IP5109/IE5109 Fieldbus Box pro-
cesses differential signals according to the Number of channels 1
RS422/RS485 standard. This method of trans-
mission is particularly resistant to interfer-
ence and is suitable for high transmission
frequencies. The incremental encoder inter-
face uses a quadrature decoder. Gate and
latch inputs enable pre-processing in the 1 | GNDS
2 | +24 V DC US
module in order to be able to transfer posi- 3 | Clock +
4 | Clock -
tional values to the controller exactly upon 1 9 8
2 10 12 7 5 | Data +
6 6 | Data -
an external event and thus support the 4 5 7 | n. c.
8 | n. c.
referencing of a drive. Us Up
9 | n. c.
10 | n. c.
11 | n. c.
12 | n. c.

The IP5009/IE5009 SSI interface module allows an SSI

encoder to be connected directly. The encoder is powered via
the SSI interface. The interface circuit generates a pulse for
reading the encoder and makes the incoming data stream
available to the controller as a data word in the process
image. The module can optionally provide the data as binary
numbers or as a binary gray code. Adaptation for the direc-
Fieldbus Box

tion of rotation can be configured. Various operating modes,

transmission frequencies and bit widths can be permanently
stored in a control register.


Signal input difference signal (RS485)

Encoder supply 24 V DC, from load voltage
Data transfer rates variable up to 1 MHz, 250 kHz default
Counter –
Limit frequency –
Resolution 32 bit counter value
Commands –

Sensor supply derived from control voltage,

max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
Current consumption from IP5009-Bxxx: see documentation
US (without sensor current) IE5009: 55 mA
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IP5xxx, IE5109 Position measurement

1-channel incremental 1-channel SinCos

encoder interface, 1 MHz, encoder interface,
M23 M23

IP5109-Bxxx IP5209-Bxxx IP5209-Bxxx-1000

encoder/sensor: M23 connector with outer thread, 12-pin, M23 connector with outer thread, 12-pin
gate/latch: M12, screw type
24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

1 1

1 | +24 V DC US
2 | Gate
3 | GNDS
4 | Latch
5 | Shield
2 3
Encoder Encoder
1 4 connection connection
5 1|B 1|B
2 | +5 V DC 2 | +5 V DC
sensor sensor
3|C 1 9 8 3|R
1 9 8
4|C 2 10 12 7 4|R
2 10 12 7
11 5|A 3
3 6
4 5 6|A 4 5 6|A
7 | Status 7 | n. c.
8|B 8|B
Us Up Us Up
9 | n. c. 9 | n. c.
10 | GNDS 10 | GNDS
11 | GNDS 11 | GNDS
12 | +5 V DC 12 | +5 V DC
sensor sensor

The IP5109/IE5109 module is an interface for the direct connection of The SinCos module IP5209-Bxxx serves as interface for the direct connection
incremental encoders with differential inputs (RS485) or with single inputs. of a measuring sensor, for example a measuring probe with sinusoidal voltage
A 16 bit counter with a quadrature decoder and a 16 bit latch for the zero output 1 VSS to the higher-level fieldbus. In contrast to the standard version,
pulse can be read, set or enabled. The inputs can optionally be used as com- instead of a voltage input the special IP5209-Bxxx-1000 version has a current
plementary or as single inputs. Incremental encoders with alarm outputs input for 11 µASS measuring probes. The measuring signal is processed, inter-
can be connected at the interface’s status input. Interval measurement with polated and made available as a 32 bit value. The signal period resolution is
a resolution of 200 ns is possible. The gate input allows the counter to be 10 bits, i.e. 1,024 steps. The reference mark is also stored in a 32 bit value.

Fieldbus Box
halted (high = stop). The value is read with a rising edge at the latch input. The current count and the reference mark value can be read. The limit fre-
quency for the measuring signal inputs is 100 kHz.


difference signal (RS485) 1 VSS 11 µASS

+5 V DC +5 V DC
– –
16 bit, binary –
1 MHz (with 4-fold evaluation) 100 kHz (scanning of the input signals with 500 kHz)
16 bit binary value 10 bit, 1,024 steps per period
read, set, enable set count, evaluate reference mark latch,
change of direction, frequency control
derived from control voltage, 5 V DC from control voltage,
max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A
IP5109-Bxxx: see documentation 130 mA
IE5109: 55 mA

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication IP6002, IE6002

Communication | Serial interfaces

The IP60x2/IE60x2 serial interfaces enable 1-channel serial interface,
the connection of devices with RS232 or RS232, M12
RS422/RS485 interfaces to the control level.
The active communication channel operates
independently of the higher-level bus system
in full duplex mode at up to 115.2 kbaud. Compact Box IP6002-Bxxx
This way, any desired number of serial inter- Extension Box IE6002
faces can be used in the application without Connection technology M12, screw type
having to consider structural restrictions in
the control device. The serial interface can be Data transfer rates 1,200…115,200 baud, 9,600 baud
positioned close to the place of use, this way (8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) is preset
reducing the necessary cable lengths. Data transfer channels 2 (1/1), TxD and RxD, full duplex
The RS232 interface enables high resis-
tance to interference by means of electrically
isolated signals, which in the case of the
IP6022/IE6022 module is additionally sup-
ported by differential signal transmission
according to RS422.

2 3

1 4
Us Up

The IP6002/IE6002 serial interface module allows the con-

nection of devices with an RS232 interface, which operates
in conformity with the CCITT V.28/DIN 66 259-1 standards.
The module transmits the data in a fully transparent manner
to the higher-level automation device. The data is transferred
via the fieldbus using a simple handshake protocol. This does
not have any effect on the protocol of the serial interface.
Fieldbus Box

The RS232 interface guarantees high immunity to interfer-

ence through electrically isolated signals.


Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Bit transfer RS232 (EIA-232)
Specification “0”: -18…+3 V;
“1”: 3…18 V
Cable length max. 15 m
Data buffer 128 bytes receive buffer, 16 bytes transmit buffer
Bit width in the input/output: 3 x 8 bit user data, 1 x 8 bit control/status
process image (up to 5 x 8 bit user data are possible)
Current consumption from IP6002-Bxxx: see documentation
US (without sensor current) IE6002: 40 mA
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

IP60xx, IE60xx Communication

1-channel serial interface TTY, 1-channel serial interface,

20 mA current loop, M12 RS422/RS485, M12

IP6012-Bxxx IP6022-Bxxx
IE6012 IE6022
M12, screw type M12, screw type

1,200…115,200 baud, 9,600 baud 1,200…115,200 baud, 9,600 baud

(8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) is preset (8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) is preset
2 (1/1), TxD and RxD TxD and RxD, full/half duplex

2 3 2 3
1 1
1 4 1 4
5 5
Us Up Us Up

The IP6012/IE6012 serial interface module allows the connection of devices The IP6022/IE6022 serial interface module allows the connection of devices
with a 20 mA current interface. The interface operates passively. The module with a RS422 or RS485 interface. The module transmits the data in a fully
transmits the data in a fully transparent manner to the higher-level automa- transparent manner to the higher-level automation device. The data is trans-
tion device. The data is transferred via the fieldbus using a simple handshake ferred via the fieldbus using a simple handshake protocol. This does not have
protocol. This does not have any effect on the protocol of the serial interface. any effect on the protocol of the serial interface. The transmission of differen-
The current interface guarantees high immunity to interference through tial signals according to RS232 guarantees high immunity to interference
electrically isolated signals with injected current. through electrically isolated signals.

Fieldbus Box

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

2 x 20 mA RS422/RS485
load: < 500 Ω line impedance: 120 Ω

max. 1,000 m twisted pair max. 500 m twisted pair

128 bytes receive buffer, 16 bytes transmit buffer 128 bytes receive buffer, 16 bytes transmit buffer
input/output: 3 x 8 bit user data, 1 x 8 bit control/status input/output: 3 x 8 bit user data, 1 x 8 bit control/status
(up to 5 x 8 bit user data are possible) (up to 5 x 8 bit user data are possible)
IP6012-Bxxx: see documentation IP6022-Bxxx: see documentation
IE6012: 40 mA IE6022: 40 mA

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EPIxxxx, ERIxxxx | IO-Link box

IO-Link interface

Signal status

Robust (EPIxxxx) or
metal housing (ERIxxxx)
for industrial application
Signal status display

Standard labels Connection of sensors/

actuators via connector:
– M8, screw type
Fieldbus Box

– M12, screw type

Watertight and dust-proof, Ultra compact

746 due to protection class dimensions (H x W x D)
IP 65 / 66 / 67 (fully potted) 126 x 30 x 26.5 mm

Power supply
status display:
LED 24 V (L+)

+60 °C Extended operating/

-25 °C storage temperature

Extended mechanical
Mounting holes

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

I/O connections

Industrial housing (EPIxxxx) Zinc die-cast housing (ERIxxxx) Connector M8, Connector M12,
screw type, 3-pin screw type, 5-pin

Since 2013, the IO-Link com- if necessary simply replaced TwinCAT software system. Apart function of the IO-Link devices
munication system has been without parameterisation from the programming of the facilitates their integration.
available worldwide as an inter- having to be carried out again. control system, cyclic data from In connection with the import
national standard according to With their compact and various fieldbuses are collected of the device description file
IEC 61131-9 and is thus the first space-saving design the IO-Link in process images in TwinCAT, IODD (IO Device Description),
globally standardised technology box modules are suitable for including data from the IO-Link parameters and diagnostic data
for communication with sensors the most diverse applications. devices, and thus no separate can be accessed directly via the
and actuators below the fieldbus The IO-Link connections are configuration tool is required. configuration tool. With the aid
level. Based on this standard integrated both in the proven With TwinCAT, higher-level field- of the TwinCAT software system,
Beckhoff offers a new, extensive plastic housings (EPI) and in the buses such as EtherCAT can be IO-Link parameters and diag-
range of IO-Link box modules die-cast zinc housings (ERI) for conveniently connected to the nostic data can also be accessed
with IP 67 protection for the additional protection in extreme- sensor/actuator level and simply simply and conveniently from a
implementation of inexpensive ly harsh environments. Binary configured via one software user program.
point-to-point connections sensors can be connected to platform. Moreover, the scan
directly in the field. 8- or 16-channel modules with
The EPIxxxx and ERIxxxx an M8 or M12 screw connection.
IO-Link box modules enable the The universal digital I/O modules
connection of binary and com- with 8 or 16 freely usable input/

Fieldbus Box
plex sensors and actuators in the output channels are particularly
field. The connection between flexible in use. Analog signals
the modules and the respec- can be acquired and output with EXIxxxx-00yz 1 = connector M8,
tive IO-Link master is made via the 4-channel analog input box screw type, 3-pin 747

an M12 connecting line (port or combi box with two analog 2 = connector M12,
class A). In case of modules with inputs and two analog outputs. screw type, 5-pin
increased power consumption, In combination with a V1.1 mas-
an additional voltage infeed is ter this allows the sensor param- 0 = width: 30 mm
possible (port class B). Economi- eters to be saved in the master 2 = width: 60 mm
cal wiring is possible through and reloaded.
the use of unshielded industrial Beckhoff offers IO-Link mas- Signals see page 748
cables. The modules are designed ters in IP 20 and IP 67 execution:
according to IO-Link specifica- – EL6224 EtherCAT Terminal I = IO-Link
tion V1.1; the range of the point- (IP 20)
to-point connection is 20 m in – EP6224 EtherCAT Box (IP 67) P = industrial housing
accordance with the specifica- – KL6224 Bus Terminal (IP 20) R = zinc die-cast housing
tion. All connected IO-Link devices The IO-Link configuration tool
can be identified, diagnosed and is directly integrated into the

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EPI1008, ERI1008

Digital input | 24 V DC, positive switching

8-channel digital input, 8-channel digital input,
24 V DC, M8, positive switching 24 V DC, M12, positive switching

Industrial housing EPI1008-0001 EPI1008-0002

Zinc die-cast housing ERI1008-0001 ERI1008-0002
Connection technology M8, screw type M12, screw type

Specification version IO-Link V1.1, Class A IO-Link V1.1, Class A

Input filter 3.0 ms (default), adjustable 0…20 ms 3.0 ms (default), adjustable 0…20 ms
Number of inputs 8 8

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

4 1
3 4 3
2 3
1 4
A 5
3-wire 2-wire

3-wire 2-wire

The EPI1008/ERI1008 IO-Link box with digital inputs acquires The EPI1008/ERI1008 IO-Link box with digital inputs acquires
the binary control signals from the process level and trans- the binary control signals from the process level and trans-
mits them, in an electrically isolated form, to the controller. mits them, in an electrically isolated form, to the controller.
The state of the signals is indicated by light emitting diodes. The state of the signals is indicated by light emitting diodes.
The signals are connected via M8 screw type connectors. The signals are connected via M12 screw type connectors.
Fieldbus Box


Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Data transfer rates 230.4 kbaud (COM 3) 230.4 kbaud (COM 3)
Interfaces 1 x M12 plug, a-coded 1 x M12 plug, a-coded
Sensor supply max. 0.5 A total, US1 (derived from L+), short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, US1 (derived from L+), short-circuit-proof
Current consumption typ. 100 mA from L+ typ. 100 mA from L+
Electrical isolation control voltage/communication: yes control voltage/communication: yes
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE CE
Protection class IP 65/66/67 (according to EN 60529) IP 65/66/67 (according to EN 60529)
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EPI1809, ERI1809 Digital input

16-channel digital input, 16-channel digital input,

24 V DC, M8, positive switching 24 V DC, M12, positive switching

EPI1809-0021 EPI1809-0022
ERI1809-0021 ERI1809-0022
M8, screw type M12, screw type

IO-Link V1.1, Class A IO-Link V1.1, Class A

3.0 ms (default), adjustable 0…20 ms 3.0 ms (default), adjustable 0…20 ms

16 16

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

2 3
3 4 4 1 B

1 3 1 4
A 5

3-wire 2-wire
3-wire 2-wire

The EPI1809/ERI1809 IO-Link box with digital inputs acquires the binary The EPI1809/ERI1809 IO-Link box with digital inputs acquires the binary
control signals from the process level and transmits them, in an electrically control signals from the process level and transmits them, in an electrically
isolated form, to the controller. The state of the signals is indicated by light isolated form, to the controller. The state of the signals is indicated by light
emitting diodes. The signals are connected via M8 screw type connectors. emitting diodes. The signals are connected via M12 screw type connectors.

Fieldbus Box

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

230.4 kbaud (COM 3) 230.4 kbaud (COM 3)
1 x M12 plug, a-coded 1 x M12 plug, a-coded
max. 0.5 A total, US1 (derived from L+), short-circuit-proof max. 0.5 A total, US1 (derived from L+), short-circuit-proof
typ. 100 mA from L+ typ. 100 mA from L+
control voltage/communication: yes control voltage/communication: yes
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
IP 65/66/67 (according to EN 60529) IP 65/66/67 (according to EN 60529)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EPI2008, ERI2008

Digital output | 24 V DC, positive switching

8-channel digital output, 8-channel digital output,
24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A

Industrial housing EPI2008-0001 EPI2008-0002

Zinc die-cast housing ERI2008-0001 ERI2008-0002
Connection technology M8, screw type M12, screw type

Specification version IO-Link V1.1, Class B IO-Link V1.1, Class B

Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
Max. output current 0.5 A per channel, individually short-circuit-proof 0.5 A per channel, individually short-circuit-proof
Number of outputs 8 8

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

4 1
3 4 3
2 3
1 4
A 5
3-wire 2-wire

3-wire 2-wire

The EPI2008/ERI2008 IO-Link box with digital outputs con- The EPI2008/ERI2008 IO-Link box with digital outputs con-
nects the binary control signals from the controller on to the nects the binary control signals from the controller on to the
actuators at the process level. The eight outputs handle load actuators at the process level. The eight outputs handle load
currents of up to 0.5 A each. currents of up to 0.5 A each.
Fieldbus Box

The signals are optionally connected via M8 screw type The signals are optionally connected via M12 screw type
connectors. All outputs are short-circuit-proof and protected connectors. All outputs are short-circuit-proof and protected
against inverse connection. against inverse connection.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Data transfer rates 230.4 kbaud (COM 3) 230.4 kbaud (COM 3)
Short circuit current typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
Current consumption typ. 100 mA from L+ typ. 100 mA from L+
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
Interfaces 1 x M12 plug, a-coded 1 x M12 plug, a-coded
Electrical isolation control voltage/communication: yes control voltage/communication: yes
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EPI2809, ERI2809 Digital output

16-channel digital output, 16-channel digital output,

24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A)

EPI2809-0021 EPI2809-0022
ERI2809-0021 ERI2809-0022
M8, screw type M12, screw type

IO-Link V1.1, Class B IO-Link V1.1, Class B

ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load

0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof, total current max. 4 A 0.5 A each channel, individually short-circuit-proof, total current max. 4 A
16 16

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

2 3
3 4 4 1 B

1 3 1 4
A 5

3-wire 2-wire A

3-wire 2-wire

The EPI2809/ERI2809 IO-Link box with digital outputs connects the binary The EPI2809/ERI2809 IO-Link box with digital outputs connects the binary
control signals from the controller on to the actuators at the process level. control signals from the controller on to the actuators at the process level.
The 16 outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A each, although the total The 16 outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A each, although the total
current is limited to 4 A. This makes these modules particularly suitable for current is limited to 4 A. This makes these modules particularly suitable for

Fieldbus Box
applications in which not all of the outputs are active at the same time, or in applications in which not all of the outputs are active at the same time, or in
which not all of the actuators draw 0.5 A current. which not all of the actuators draw 0.5 A current.
The signals are optionally connected via M8 screw type connectors. The signals are optionally connected via M12 screw type connectors.
All outputs are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse connection. All outputs are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse connection. 751

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

230.4 kbaud (COM 3) 230.4 kbaud (COM 3)
typ. 1.5 A typ. 1.5 A
typ. 100 mA from L+ typ. 100 mA from L+
typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
1 x M12 plug, a-coded 1 x M12 plug, a-coded
control voltage/communication: yes control voltage/communication: yes
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital combi EPI2338, ERI2338

Digital combi | 24 V DC, positive switching

8-channel digital input or output, 8-channel digital input or output,
24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A

Industrial housing EPI2338-0001 EPI2338-0002

Zinc die-cast housing ERI2338-0001 ERI2338-0002
Connection technology M8, screw type M12, screw type

Specification version IO-Link V1.1, Class B IO-Link V1.1, Class B

Input filter 3.0 ms (default), adjustable 0…20 ms 3.0 ms (default), adjustable 0…20 ms
Number of channels 8 digital inputs or outputs 8 digital inputs or outputs

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

4 1

3 4 3 B 2 3
1 4
A A 5
3-wire 2-wire

3-wire 2-wire

The EPI2338/ERI2338 IO-Link box has eight digital channels, The EPI2338/ERI2338 IO-Link box has eight digital channels,
each of which can optionally be operated as an input or as an each of which can optionally be operated as an input or as an
output. A configuration for using a channel as input or output output. A configuration for using a channel as input or output
is not necessary; the input circuit is internally connected to is not necessary; the input circuit is internally connected to
the output driver, so that a set output is displayed automati- the output driver, so that a set output is displayed automati-
Fieldbus Box

cally in the input process image. cally in the input process image.
The outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A, are The outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A, are
short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity. short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity.
The signals are connected via M8 screw type connectors. The signals are connected via M12 screw type connectors.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Data transfer rates 230.4 kbaud (COM 3) 230.4 kbaud (COM 3)
Max. output current 0.5 A per channel, individually short-circuit-proof 0.5 A per channel, individually short-circuit-proof
Load type ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
Sensor supply from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
Short circuit current max. 1.5 A max. 1.5 A
Interfaces 1 x M12 plug, a-coded 1 x M12 plug, a-coded
Auxiliary power current typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
Current consumption typ. 100 mA from L+ typ. 100 mA from L+
Electrical isolation control voltage/communication: yes control voltage/communication: yes
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EPI2339, ERI2339 Digital combi

16-channel digital input or output, 16-channel digital input or output,

24 V DC, M8, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A) 24 V DC, M12, IMAX = 0.5 A (∑ 4 A)

EPI2339-0021 EPI2339-0022
ERI2339-0021 ERI2339-0022
M8, screw type M12, screw type

IO-Link V1.1, Class B IO-Link V1.1, Class B

3.0 ms (default), adjustable 0…20 ms 3.0 ms (default), adjustable 0…20 ms

16 digital inputs or outputs 16 digital inputs or outputs

+60 °C +60 °C

-25 °C -25 °C

B 2 3
3 4 4 1 B

1 3 1 4
A A 5

3-wire 2-wire

3-wire 2-wire

The EPI2339/ERI2339 IO-Link box has 16 digital channels, each of which can The EPI2339/ERI2339 IO-Link box has 16 digital channels, each of which can
optionally be operated as an input or as an output. A configuration for using optionally be operated as an input or as an output. A configuration for using
a channel as input or output is not necessary; the input circuit is internally a channel as input or output is not necessary; the input circuit is internally
connected to the output driver, so that a set output is displayed automatically connected to the output driver, so that a set output is displayed automatically
in the input process image. in the input process image.

Fieldbus Box
The outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A (the total current is lim- The outputs handle load currents of up to 0.5 A (the total current is lim-
ited to 4 A). They are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity. ited to 4 A). They are short-circuit-proof and protected against inverse polarity.
The signals are connected via M8 screw type connectors. The signals are connected via M12 screw type connectors.

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

230.4 kbaud (COM 3) 230.4 kbaud (COM 3)
0.5 A per channel, individually short-circuit-proof, total current max. 4 A 0.5 A per channel, individually short-circuit-proof, total current max. 4 A
ohmic, inductive, lamp load ohmic, inductive, lamp load
from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof from load supply voltage, max. 0.5 A total, short-circuit-proof
max. 1.5 A max. 1.5 A
1 x M12 plug, a-coded 1 x M12 plug, a-coded
typ. 20 mA + load typ. 20 mA + load
typ. 100 mA from L+ typ. 100 mA from L+
control voltage/communication: yes control voltage/communication: yes
-25…+60 °C -25…+60 °C

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Analog input EPI3174, ERI3174

Analog input | -10…+10 V, 0/4…20 mA

The EPI3174 and ERI3174 IO-Link box 4-channel analog input,
modules evaluate analog standard signals -10/0…+10 V or 0/4…20 mA,
within the range of -10/0 V to +10 V or parameterisable, 16 bit
0/4 mA to 20 mA with 16-bit resolution.
The signal form is separately configurable
for each channel. The EPI3174/ERI3174 Industrial housing EPI3174-0002
evaluates the difference between the two Zinc die-cast housing ERI3174-0002
input signals Input+ and Input-. These must Connection technology M12, screw type
be referred to the ground potential of the
load voltage UP. The DC component does Specification version IO-Link V1.1, Class B
not affect the measurement, as long as it
is in the common mode range. Signal type -10/0…+10 V | 0/4…20 mA
Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)
Conversion time ~ 100 µs
Number of inputs 4

+60 °C

-25 °C

2 3
1 4

The IO-Link box EPI3174/ERI3174 has four analog inputs

which can be individually parameterised, so that they process
signals either in the -10…+10 V or the 0/4…20 mA range.
Fieldbus Box

The voltage or input current is digitised with a resolution

of 16 bits, and is transmitted (electrically isolated) to the
higher-level automation device. The four input channels have
754 a common, internal ground potential. The input filter/conver-
sion times are configurable in a wide range.

Measuring error < ±0.3 % (relative to full scale value)

Data transfer rates 230.4 kbaud (COM 3)
Internal resistance > 200 kΩ | 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage
Sensor supply from additional power supply 2L+, DC,
freely selectable up to 30 V
Current consumption typ. 100 mA from L+
Interfaces 1 x M12 plug, a-coded
Special features current or voltage parameterisable
(0/4…20 mA, -10/0…10 V)
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EPI4374, ERI4374 Analog output

Analog output | -10…+10 V, 0/4…20 mA

The EPI4374 and ERI4374 IO-Link box mod- 2-channel analog input +
ules acquire/output analog standard signals 2-channel analog output,
within the range of -10/0 V to +10 V or -10/0…+10 V or 0/4…20 mA,
0/4 mA to 20 mA with 16-bit resolution. parameterisable, 16 bit
The type of signal is separately configurable
for each channel. The output signals US, UP Industrial housing EPI4374-0002
and the fieldbus are electrically isolated from Zinc die-cast housing ERI4374-0002
one another and have a common ground Connection technology M12, screw type
potential (Output-).
Specification version IO-Link V1.1, Class B

Signal type -10/0…+10 V | 0/4…20 mA

Resolution 16 bit (incl. sign)
Conversion time input: ~ 100 µs, output: ~ 40 µs
Number of outputs 2
Number of inputs 2

+60 °C

-25 °C

2 3
1 4

2 3

1 4

The EPI4374/ERI4374 IO-Link box combines two analog

Fieldbus Box
inputs and two analog outputs which can be individually
parameterised, so that they process/generate signals either
in the -10…+10 V or the 0/4…20 mA range. The resolution
for the current and voltage signals is 16 bit (signed).
The voltage or output current is supplied to the process 755
level with a resolution of 15 bit (default), and is electrically
isolated. Ground potential for the two output channels is
common with the 24 V DC supply.

Measuring error < 0.1 % (relative to full scale value)

Data transfer rates 230.4 kbaud (COM 3)
Load > 5 kΩ | < 500 Ω
Internal resistance input: > 200 kΩ | 85 Ω typ. + diode voltage
Sensor supply from load supply voltage UP, DC, any value up to 30 V
Current consumption typ. 100 mA from L+
Interfaces 1 x M12 plug, a-coded
Special features combi module, current or voltage parameterisable per channel
Operating temperature -25…+60 °C
Approvals CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Accessories Fieldbus Box

Power cables, sensor cables, connection cables and further accessories

see the EtherCAT Box chapter from page 514

Pre-assembled cables
Accessories for fieldbus components include a wide range of cable assemblies. For clarity, the order numbers are listed without cable length
information in the following tables. For detailed ordering information referencing the cable length please see the web pages or the price list.

For technical data sheets see

Accessories PROFIBUS, Modbus, RS232, RS485

Pre-assembled cables for flexible applications
Material characteristics Pict.
ZK1031-6xxx-1xxx PUR, 2-wire, (2 x 0.25 mm²), shielded, drag-chain suitable, purple A
Fieldbus Box

Electrical data
Ratings 160 V (according to IEC 61076-2-101)
Material outer cladding PUR, inner insulation polyethylene
756 Installation drag-chain suitable
DC resistance 54.13 Ω/km
Line capacitance 28.5 nF/km
Nominal impedance 150 Ω at 1 MHz
Approval UL style 119100 vol. 1 sec. 8, RoHS-compliant, halogen-free, flame-resistant

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 socket (5-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK1031-6200-1xxx open end B
ZK1031-6251-1xxx M12 plug (4-pin/straight) C

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 socket (5-pin/angled) to Pict.

ZK1031-6400-1xxx open end D
ZK1031-6451-1xxx M12 plug (4-pin/straight), reverse-keyed E

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 plug (5-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK1031-6100-1xxx open end F

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 plug (5-pin/angled) to Pict.

ZK1031-6300-1xxx open end G
ZK1031-6354-1xxx M12 plug (5-pin/angled) H

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Ordering information Pict.
ZS1031-2600 tee-connector, 12 Mbaud (blue ID ring) I
ZS1031-2610 tee-connector, 12 Mbaud for the direct connection to the other tee-connectors (yellow ID ring) J
ZS1000-2600 Y-connector, 12 Mbaud (plug, socket)
ZS1000-1610 termination resistor (plug) K
ZS1000-0610 plug for field assembly L
ZS1000-0620 socket for field assembly M
ZS1000-0630 plug for field assembly, angled N
ZS1000-0640 socket for field assembly, angled O
ZS1031-6610 control cabinet feed through M12, plug-coupling P
ZB3200 PROFIBUS cable 12 Mbaud 1 x 2 x 0.64 mm²
ZB3300 PROFIBUS cable 12 Mbaud 1 x 2 x 0.64 mm², 5-wires, drag-chain suitable


d = 8.5 mm
Sectional view


Fieldbus Box



Illustrations similar

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Accessories CANopen, DeviceNet

Pre-assembled cables for fixed installation
Material characteristics Pict.
ZK1052-6xxx-3xxx PVC, 4-wire, (4 x 0.32 mm²), shielded, fixed installation, grey Q

Electrical data
Ratings 300 V, 80 °C
Material outer cladding PVC, inner insulation polyethylene
Supply cable black, red
Data lead blue, white
DC resistance 54.13 Ω/km
Line capacitance 37.17 pF/m
Nominal impedance 126 Ω at 1 MHz
Approval UL approval, AWM 2476, 80 °C, 300 V; CSA AWM I/II A/B, 80 °C, 300 V, FT1

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 socket (5-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK1052-6200-3xxx open end R

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 socket (5-pin/angled) to Pict.

ZK1052-6400-3xxx open end S

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 plug (5-pin/straight) to Pict.

ZK1052-6100-3xxx open end T
ZK1052-6152-3xxx M12 socket (5-pin/straight) U
ZK1052-6154-3xxx M12 socket (5-pin/angled) V

Ordering information Cable, pre-assembled with M12 plug (5-pin/angled) to Pict.

ZK1052-6300-3xxx open end W
ZK1052-6354-3xxx M12 socket (5-pin/angled) X

Fieldbus Box

Ordering information Pict.

ZS1052-2600 Y-connector (plug, socket)
758 ZS1052-2602 Y-connector with stub, 1 m (plug, socket)
ZS1052-1610 termination resistor (plug, 120 Ω pin 4–5) Y
ZS1052-0620 straight socket, screw type connection
ZS1052-0640 angled socket, screw type connection
ZS1052-0610 straight plug, screw type connection
ZS1052-0630 angled plug, screw type connection
ZS1052-6610 control cabinet lead-in M12, plug-coupling Z
ZS5052-4500 distribution box: 1 x 5-pin plug, 4 x 5-pin socket a


d = 7.24 mm
Sectional view

We reserve the right to make technical changes.




Illustrations similar

Fieldbus Box
a 759
Technical data
Fieldbus CANopen or DeviceNet
Bus plug M12 plug, 5-pin, screwed
Data transfer rates up to 1 Mbaud (CANopen) or 500 kbaud (DeviceNet)
Protection class IP 67
Temperature range 0…+55 °C

Fieldbus 126
The following stub lines are not to be exceeded:

Baud rates Max. stub length Max. bus length with

(multidrop) multidrop technology
(without stubs)
Status display of 1,000 kbaud 0.3 m 25 m
Fieldbus DeviceNet supply
input voltage V+ 500 kBaud 1.2 m 60 m
(optional with 250 kBaud 2.4 m 120 m
125 kBaud 4.8 m 310 m
Distribution box

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Accessories IP-Link
Ordering information
ZK1020-0101-0xxx pre-assembled IP-Link cable, drag-chain suitable
Z1101 plastic fibre optic, single core, 1,000 µm with protective PU cladding and Kevlar strain relief, drag-chain suitable
Z1103 plastic fibre optics, 1,000 µm, PUR sheat ø 6 mm, heavy duty, drag-chain suitable

Ordering information Plug Pict.
ZS1020-0010 plug, unit pack 1 b
ZS1021-0010 plug, unit pack 10 b
ZS1022-0010 IP-Link plug, unit pack 10, clip type c
ZK1020-0101-1000 IP-Link jumper d

Ordering information IP-Link accessories

ZS5300-0003 mounting plate for Coupler Box, zinc-coated steel sheet, 270 mm
ZS5400-0001 sanding gauge for IP-Link connector
ZS5400-0010 abrasive paper P600, 10 sheets
ZS1022-0000 locking device IP-Link, stainless steel
Fieldbus Box


b c d

Illustrations similar

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Configuration software KS2000

The KS2000 can be used for parametering modules, local diagnostics, forcing data, monitorig values, updating firmware and programming
Beckhoff mini PLCs via TwinCAT. The connection between the fieldbus components and the PC is established via the serial or USB connection
cable provided, or via the network and TCP/IP. The KS2000 configuration software for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista or Windows 7 operating
systems has a friendly user interface, making work comfortable and convenient.

Ordering information Pict.

KS2000 configuration software for project design, commissioning and parameterisation of
Beckhoff Fieldbus Box modules and Bus Terminals e

USB cable for KS2000

The KS2000 cable connects the Fieldbus Box modules with the PC. The USB cable features electrical isolation. Status LEDs indicate whether data
are sent or received. On the connected PC the USB cable behaves like a COM port and can therefore be used for all Beckhoff tools using serial

Ordering information Pict.

KS2000-Z3-USB connection cable for KS2000 or TwinCAT for serial conversion from USB for Fieldbus Box, length 3 m f

Fieldbus Box

e f
ADS (over fieldbus)


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus Modules FM33xx-B110 Housing type A

Housing type B

FM33xx-B110 | Thermocouple Fieldbus Modules

with EtherCAT interface
The module’s circuit can operate inputs that are not affected holes for attaching the FM mod-
thermocouple sensors using a remain functionally operative or ule to mounting plates (through-
2-wire connection. Linearisation are only affected for a short time. hole mounting).
over the full temperature range The extended parameterisa-
is realised with the aid of a tion is carried out via EtherCAT.
microprocessor. The temperature The parameters are stored in the
The FM33xx-B110 fieldbus range can be selected freely. module. The status of the Field-
modules allow 12 or 32 thermo- The error LEDs indicate a broken bus Module is indicated via LEDs.
couples to be connected to a wire. Compensation for the The different versions of the
Fieldbus Modules

module. The connecting circuitry cold junction is made through FM33xx Fieldbus Module differ
for these multiple thermocou- a temperature measurement in in terms of the number of avail-
ples is housed in a compact, the connecting plugs. This means able thermocouple input chan-
splash-proof housing and has an that standard extension leads nels (12 or 32 channels) and the
762 EtherCAT IN and an EtherCAT can be connected. The Fieldbus housing type (clip-on housing A
OUT interface. The modules are Modules have back-voltage or add-on housing B). The add-
supplied with power via separate protection circuitry to protect on housing (type B) features two
M8 connections and are “daisy- against external voltages applied locking latches and a continuous
chain”-capable on both the pow- to the thermocouple inputs. rubber seal to provide an IP 65
er supply and EtherCAT sides, Voltages of up to 230 V AC are connection to the socket element.
i.e. several modules can be wired withstood without damage to In addition, housing type B
in series in a line topology. the module. Those thermocouple features two cast brackets with

Ordering information FM33xx-B110

FM3312-B110-0010 Fieldbus Module, thermocouple, 12-channel, type J, EtherCAT IN/OUT interface, housing type A
FM3312-B110-1010 Fieldbus Module, thermocouple, 12-channel, type J, EtherCAT IN/OUT interface, housing type B
FM3332-B110-0010 Fieldbus Module, thermocouple, 32-channel, type J, EtherCAT IN/OUT interface, housing type A
FM3332-B110-1010 Fieldbus Module, thermocouple, 32-channel, type J, EtherCAT IN/OUT interface, housing type B

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

FM33xx-B110 Fieldbus Modules

Technical data FM3312-B110 FM3332-B110

Fieldbus EtherCAT
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud
Configuration possibility via the controller
Fieldbus connection method 2 x M12 socket, 4-pin (d-coded)
Thermocouple channels 12 32
Thermocouple connections industrial plug-in connection (Han24E, Han64D), 2-wire connection
Cable length max. 100 m
Sensor types type J, mV measurement (other types on request)
Measuring range type J: -10…+900 °C
Resolution 0.1 °C per digit
Conversion time approx. 250 ms
Measuring accuracy < ±0.5 % (of the full scale value)
Input filter 5 variations, configurable
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %), feed: 1 x M8 plug, 4-pin; downstream connection: 1 x M8 socket, 4-pin
Current consumption typ. 120 mA/max. 150 mA typ. 150 mA/max. 180 mA

Fieldbus Modules
Bit width in the process image input: 1 x 16 bit data, 2 x 8 bit status (per channel), 1 bit WcState, 10 bytes InfoData
Electrical isolation channels/control voltage: 500 V, between the channels: no, control voltage/fieldbus: 500 V (EtherCAT)
Housing type A industrial plug-in connector, Han24B
Housing type B add-on housing AGG + locking bracket
Housing pin insert Han24E Han64D 763
Contacts hard gold plated
Dimensions (L x W x H) type A: 120 mm x 52 mm x 129 mm, type B: 150 mm x 52 mm x 129 mm
Weight type A: 950 g, type B: 1,030 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. housing to IP 65 (EtherCAT connector: IP 67)/variable
Further information

Ordering information Accessories
ZK1090-6xxx-xxxx accessories EtherCAT/Ethernet M12 515
ZK2020-3xxx-xxxx power cables 517

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Fieldbus Modules FM33xx-B310 Housing type A

Housing type B

FM33xx-B310 | Thermocouple Fieldbus Modules

with PROFIBUS interface
The module’s circuit can couple inputs that are not add-on housing B). The add-on
operate thermocouple sensors affected remain functionally housing (type B) features two
using a 2-wire connection. operative or are only affected locking latches and a continuous
Linearisation over the full for a short time. rubber seal to provide an IP 65
temperature range is realised The extended parameterisa- connection to the socket ele-
with the aid of a microprocessor. tion may be carried out either via ment. In addition, housing type B
The temperature range can be the fieldbus or, using the KS2000 features two cast brackets with
selected freely. The error LEDs software tool, through the con- holes for attaching the FM mod-
The FM33xx-B310 Fieldbus indicate a broken wire. Compen- figuration interface. The param- ule to mounting plates (through-
Fieldbus Modules

Modules allow 12 or 32 thermo- sation for the cold junction is eters are stored in the module. hole mounting).
couples to be connected to a made through a temperature The status of the Fieldbus
module. The connecting circuitry measurement in the connecting Module is indicated via LEDs.
for these multiple thermocou- plugs. This means that standard The different versions of
764 ples is housed in a compact, extension leads can be connected. the FM33xx-B310 Fieldbus
splash-proof housing and has a The Fieldbus Modules have back- Module differ in terms of the
PROFIBUS DP interface with a voltage protection circuitry to number of available thermo-
transmission rate of 12 Mbaud. protect against external voltages couple input channels (12 or
Data are mainly exchanged cycli- applied to the thermocouple 32 channels), the type of thermo-
cally, although acyclic services inputs. Voltages of up to 230 V AC couple that is implemented
(“DP-V1”) are also available for are withstood without damage (type J or K), and the housing
parameterisation and diagnosis. to the module. Those thermo- type (clip-on housing A or

Ordering information FM33xx-B310

FM3312-B310-0000 Fieldbus Module, thermocouple, 12-channel, type K, PROFIBUS interface, housing type A A
FM3312-B310-0010 Fieldbus Module, thermocouple, 12-channel, type J, PROFIBUS interface, housing type A A
FM3312-B310-1000 Fieldbus Module, thermocouple, 12-channel, type K, PROFIBUS interface, housing type B B
FM3312-B310-1010 Fieldbus Module, thermocouple, 12-channel, type J, PROFIBUS interface, housing type B B
FM3332-B310-0000 Fieldbus Module, thermocouple, 32-channel, type K, PROFIBUS interface, housing type A A
FM3332-B310-0010 Fieldbus Module, thermocouple, 32-channel, type J, PROFIBUS interface, housing type A A
FM3332-B310-1000 Fieldbus Module, thermocouple, 32-channel, type K, PROFIBUS interface, housing type B B
FM3332-B310-1010 Fieldbus Module, thermocouple, 32-channel, type J, PROFIBUS interface, housing type B B

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

FM33xx-B310 Fieldbus Modules

Technical data FM3312-B310 FM3332-B310

Data transfer rates max. 12 Mbaud
Configuration possibility via KS2000 or the controller
Fieldbus connection method DIN 45322, 6-pin, screwed
Thermocouple channels 12 32
Thermocouple connections industrial plug-in connection (Han24E, Han64D), 2-wire connection
Cable length max. 10 m
Sensor types type J, K, mV measurement
Temperature range type J: -10…+900 °C; type K: -100…+1,370 °C
Resolution 0.1 °C per digit
Conversion time approx. 250 ms
Measuring error < ±0.5 % (of the full scale value)
Input filter 5 variations, configurable
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption typ. 90 mA/max. 120 mA typ. 100 mA/max. 130 mA
Bit width in the process image input: 4 x 16 bit data, optional: 4 x 8 bit control/status
Electrical isolation channels/control voltage: 500 Vrms, between the channels: no, control voltage/fieldbus: 100 Vrms (PROFIBUS)
Housing type A industrial plug-in connector, Han24B
Housing type B add-on housing AGG + locking bracket
Housing pin insert Han24E Han64D
Contacts hard gold plated
Dimensions (L x W x H) type A: 120 mm x 52 mm x 129 mm, type B: 150 mm x 52 mm x 129 mm
Weight type A: 950 g, type B: 1030 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. housing to IP 65 (PROFIBUS connector: IP 67)/variable
Further information

Fieldbus Modules
Accessories 765

Ordering information Accessories

ZS3100-0831 angled PROFIBUS plug, DIN 45322, 6-pin
ZS3100-0841 angled PROFIBUS socket, DIN 45322, 6-pin
ZS3100-1810 straight PROFIBUS plug terminating resistor, 6-pin
ZB3300 PROFIBUS cable 12 Mbaud 1 x 2 x 0.64 mm², 5-wires, drag-chain suitable
KS2000 configuration software for extended parameterisation 761

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Infrastructure Components
Infrastructure Components
PC Fieldbus Cards, Switches, Media Converters

Infrastructure Components
771 PC Fieldbus Cards

787 Infrastructure Components IP 67

Infrastructure Components


782 Infrastructure Components IP 20

Infrastructure Components
PC Fieldbus Cards, Switches, Media Converters

771 PC Fieldbus Cards 782 Infrastructure Components 787 Infrastructure Components

IP 20 IP 67
771 PCI Fieldbus Cards
771 Lightbus FC2001, FC2002 782 Ethernet Switches 787 Ethernet Switch
772 PROFIBUS FC3101, FC3102 782 CU2005 (5-port) 787 CU2608 (8-port)
774 CANopen FC5101, FC5102 782 CU2008 (8-port)
776 DeviceNet FC5201, FC5202 782 CU2016 (16-port)
777 SERCOS interface FC7501, 783 CU2208 (8-port, GBit)
FC7502 788 EtherCAT junction
778 Ethernet FC9001-0010, FC9011, 788 EP9128
FC9002, FC9004
781 EtherCAT slave FC1100 784 Port multiplier
784 CU2508
789 EtherCAT media converters
789 EP952x
772 Mini PCI Fieldbus Cards
772 PROFIBUS FC3151 785 EtherCAT junction
774 CANopen FC5151 785 CU1128

Infrastructure Components
776 DeviceNet FC5251
777 SERCOS interface FC7551
780 Ethernet FC9051, FC9551
786 EtherCAT media converters
786 CU15xx

773 PCI Express Fieldbus Cards 769

773 PROFIBUS FC3121, FC3122
775 CANopen FC5121, FC5122
779 Ethernet FC9022, FC9024
781 EtherCAT slave FC1121
Infrastructure Components
PCI/PCIe Fieldbus Cards Mini PCI Fieldbus Cards The EtherCAT junction serves as 8-way
Beckhoff rounds off its range of fieldbus The Mini PCI cards for PROFIBUS, CANopen, network access junction for configuring
components with the PCI-based PC Fieldbus DeviceNet, SERCOS interface and Ethernet star topologies.
Cards for Lightbus, PROFIBUS, CANopen, complement the PC fieldbus card range. Just The EtherCAT media converters (opti-
DeviceNet, SERCOS interface, Ethernet and like the standard PCI cards from Beckhoff, cal fibre to copper and vice versa) meet
the PCI Express v1.1 cards for PROFIBUS, the interfaces are specifically optimised for the requirements for a highly deterministic
CANopen and Ethernet. The cards were spe- fast controllers with compact size and real- EtherCAT network. They are useful in applica-
cifically developed for fast controllers and time tasks. The bus interface is not imple- tions where EtherCAT is to be transmitted
real-time tasks such as drive position control. mented on the fieldbus card, but separately over long distances or where increased elec-
To enable universal application, the inter- in the respective Industrial PC housing tromagnetic interference is to be expected.
face cards are fitted with either one or two (device-specific). The EtherCAT media converters can also be
fieldbus channels. The Ethernet cards offer a used for other Industrial Ethernet protocols.
maximum of four channels. The fieldbus cards Switches
Infrastructure Components

can optionally be equipped with non-volatile The Ethernet switches in industrial design
memory (NOVRAM), hence enabling the fail- forward incoming Ethernet frames to the
safe storage of data. Features: target ports and prevent collisions in full
– fast data exchange through short cycle duplex mode. They can be used universally
times (e.g. EtherCAT: down to 12.5 µs) in automation and office networks. User-
– process data communication can either friendly installation via integrated DIN rail
770 be free running, synchronised, synchro- adapter.
nised with a delay, or equidistant
– powerful parameter and diagnostics Infrastructure Components
interfaces The real-time Ethernet port multiplier allows
– freely configurable bus management the connection of eight independent Ethernet
for every device networks.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

FC2001, FC2002 PCI

FC2001, FC2002 | Lightbus PCI interface cards

The PCI Fieldbus Cards from – Cycle times up to 100 µs TwinCAT I/O provides con-
Beckhoff are characterised by are possible. figuration tools and Windows
outstanding features. They are – Process data communication NT/2000/XP/Vista or Windows 7
tailor-made for TwinCAT, the soft- can either be free running or drivers for programs in any
ware solution for PC-compatible synchronised. desired high-level language
control technology. The power of – It is possible to select two (DLLs) and for Visual Basic appli-
TwinCAT comes into its own with parallel fieldbus channels on cations (ActiveX). Applications
this interface generation: one card. with OPC interface can access
– powerful parameter and the cards via an OPC server.
diagnostics interfaces (ADS)

Infrastructure Components
Technical data FC2001 FC2002
Fieldbus Lightbus
Number of fieldbus channels 1 2
Data transfer rates 2.5 Mbaud, 32 bits of process data in 25 µs
Interface to the PC plug-and-play PCI interface 32 bit with 4 kbyte DPRAM for 8 communication channels, data, control and status register
Bus interface 2 x standard fibre optic connector Z1000 (plastic fibre), 4 x standard fibre optic connector Z1000 (plastic fibre),
Z1010 (HCS fibre) Z1010 (HCS fibre)
Communication 8 priority controlled logical communication channels
Bus device max. 254 nodes with a max. of 65,280 I/O points per fieldbus connection
Interrupt initiation of 2 PC hardware interrupts is possible
Hardware diagnosis 3 LEDs per channel
Dimensions approx. 106 mm x 187 mm
Operating temperature 0…55 °C
Further information

Ordering information FC2001-0000 FC2002-0000

FC200x-0000 standard configuration

TwinCAT I/O I/O driver 947
Cordsets cordsets and connectors 688

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

PCI, Mini PCI FC31xx


PROFIBUS DP, DP-V1 and DP-V2 in-house, the cards are equipped construction. The bus interface
(MC): the PROFIBUS PCI Fieldbus with the latest version of the is not implemented on the
Cards from Beckhoff can master PROFIBUS technology. fieldbus card, but separately
the PROFIBUS protocol with The FC3151 Mini PCI Card in the respective housing
all its features. Thanks to the brings fieldbus functionalities to (device-specific).
PROFIBUS chip developed the Industrial PC in a compact

Technical data FC3101 FC3102 FC3151

Fieldbus PROFIBUS DP (standard), PROFIBUS DP-V1 (Cl. 1+2: acyclic services, alarms), DP-V2, PROFIBUS MC (equidistant)
Number of fieldbus channels 1 2 1
Data transfer rates 9.6 kbaud…12 Mbaud
Infrastructure Components

Interface to the PC plug-and-play PCI interface 32 bit plug-and-play PCI interface 32 bit Mini PCI interface 32 bit
with 4 kbyte DPRAM per channel with 4 kbyte DPRAM per channel with 4 kbyte DPRAM per channel
Bus interface 1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin, 2 x D-sub socket, 9-pin, 1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin,
galvanically decoupled galvanically decoupled galvanically decoupled
Communication master and slave functionality (also mixed)
Bus device per channel: max. 125 slaves with up to 244 bytes input, output, max. 125 slaves
parameter, configuration or diagnostic data per slave
Cycle time differing DP cycle times per slave are possible using the CDL concept
Hardware diagnosis 2 LEDs per channel
Bit width in the process image total max.: 3 kbyte input and output data
Dimensions approx. 106 mm x 175 mm approx. 106 mm x 175 mm 59.75 mm x 50.95 mm (type III A)
Driver TwinCAT I/O and higher levels
Further information

Ordering information FC3101-000x FC3102-000x FC3151-000x

FC31xx-0000 standard configuration
FC31xx-0002 configuration with 32 kbytes NOVRAM configuration with 32 kbytes NOVRAM configuration with 128 kbytes NOVRAM
FC3151-000x can only be ordered with a Beckhoff Industrial PC with Mini PCI option.

TwinCAT I/O I/O driver 947
Cordsets cordsets and connectors 688

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

FC3121, FC3122 PCIe

FC6000: 128 KB NOVRAM

FC6001: 256 KB NOVRAM

FC6002: 512 KB NOVRAM

FC3121, FC3122 | PCIe PROFIBUS

PROFIBUS DP and DP-V1: In TwinCAT, all functions are The PCIe fieldbus cards offer
the PROFIBUS PCIe (PCI Express) conveniently available. Other the possibility of optionally
Fieldbus Cards from Beckhoff applications also benefit from adding a NOVRAM card
can master the following the diverse features: general (FC600x). The fieldbus cards
PROFIBUS features: drivers for Windows NT/2000/ automatically recognise the
– master, slave and PROFIBUS XP/Vista or Windows 7 and connection of these memory
monitor up to 12 Mbit/s convenient configuration tools cards, which can also be plugged
– powerful parameter and are included in the TwinCAT I/O into the card later. The FC600x
diagnostics interfaces software package. High-level cards offer simple data backup
– The error management language programs use the DLL, on the NOVRAM memory and
for each bus user is freely Visual Basic applications the are available from 128 to
configurable. ActiveX interface. Applications 512 KB.
– It is possible to read the bus with OPC interface can access

Infrastructure Components
configuration and automati- process data and parameters
cally assign the “GSE” files. via an OPC server.


Technical data FC3121 FC3122

Fieldbus PROFIBUS DP (standard), PROFIBUS DP-V1
Number of fieldbus channels 1 2
Data transfer rates 9.6 kbaud…12 Mbaud
Bus interface 1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin, galvanically decoupled 2 x D-sub socket, 9-pin, galvanically decoupled
Communication master and slave functionality
Bus device per channel: max. 125 slaves with up to 244 bytes input, output, parameter, configuration or diagnostic data per slave
Bit width in the process image total max.: 30.5 kbyte input and output data
Dimensions approx. 100 mm x 130 mm
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Driver TwinCAT 2.11 R3 and higher
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

PCI, Mini PCI FC51xx

FC5101, FC5102 | PCI CANopen

FC5151 | Mini PCI CANopen
The FC510x PC plug-in cards link application program. The cards is not implemented on the
the PC to a CANopen network. provide a powerful implementa- fieldbus card, but separately
They optionally act as network tion of the protocol. in the respective housing
master or slave. In addition, gen- The FC5151 Mini PCI Card (device-specific).
eral CAN messages can be sent brings fieldbus functionalities to
or received – without having to the Industrial PC in a compact
bother with CAN frames in the construction. The bus interface

Technical data FC5101 FC5102 FC5151

Fieldbus CANopen
Number of fieldbus channels 1 2 1
Infrastructure Components

Data transfer rates 10, 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500, 800, 1,000 kbaud
Interface to the PC plug-and-play PCI interface 32 bit plug-and-play PCI interface 32 bit Mini PCI interface 32 bit
with 4 kbyte DPRAM per channel with 4 kbyte DPRAM per channel with 4 kbyte DPRAM per channel
Bus interface D-sub connector, 9-pin according to CANopen specification, galvanically decoupled
Communication CANopen network master and CANopen manager, optionally CANopen slave
Bus device per channel: max. 127 slaves per channel: max. 127 slaves max. 127 slaves
Termination resistor switchable
Hardware diagnosis 2 LEDs per channel
Bit width in the process image total max.: 3 kbyte input and output data
Dimensions approx. 106 mm x 175 mm approx. 106 mm x 175 mm 59.75 mm x 50.95 mm (type III A)
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Driver TwinCAT I/O and higher levels
Further information

Ordering information FC5101-000x FC5102-000x FC5151-000x

FC51xx-0000 standard configuration
FC51xx-0002 configuration with 32 kbytes NOVRAM configuration with 32 kbytes NOVRAM configuration with 128 kbytes NOVRAM
FC5151-000x can only be ordered with a Beckhoff Industrial PC with Mini PCI option.

TwinCAT I/O I/O driver 947
Cordsets cordsets and connectors 688

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

FC5121, FC5122 PCIe

FC6000: 128 KB NOVRAM

FC6001: 256 KB NOVRAM

FC6002: 512 KB NOVRAM

FC5121, FC5122 | PCIe CANopen

The FC512x PC plug-in cards – individual monitoring of the In TwinCAT, all functions are
link the PC (PCI Express) to a process data objects conveniently available.
CANopen network. They option- – synchronisation with the PC The PCIe fieldbus cards
ally act as network master controller’s task cycle offer the possibility of option-
or slave. In addition, general – SDO parameter communica- ally adding a NOVRAM card
CAN messages can be sent or tion at start-up and runtime (FC600x). The fieldbus cards
received – without having to – emergency message handling automatically recognise the
bother with CAN frames in the – Guarding and Heartbeat connection of these memory
application program. The cards – boot-up according to DS302 cards, which can also be plugged
provide a powerful implementa- – powerful parameter and into the card later. The FC600x
tion of the protocol, offering diagnostics interfaces cards offer simple data backup
many desirable features: – The error management on the NOVRAM memory and
– All CANopen PDO com- for each bus user is freely are available from 128 to

Infrastructure Components
munication types are configurable. 512 KB.
supported: event driven, – It is possible to read the
time driven (using an bus configuration and the
event timer), synchronous, node parameters.
polling. – online bus load display


Technical data FC5121 FC5122

Fieldbus CANopen
Number of fieldbus channels 1 2
Data transfer rates 10, 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500, 800, 1,000 kbaud
Bus interface 1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin, galvanically decoupled 2 x D-sub socket, 9-pin, galvanically decoupled
Communication CANopen network master and CANopen manager
Bus device per channel: max. 127 slaves
Termination resistor switchable
Bit width in the process image total max.: 4 kbyte input and output data
Dimensions approx. 100 mm x 130 mm
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Driver TwinCAT 2.11 R3 and higher
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

PCI, Mini PCI FC52xx

FC5201, FC5202 | PCI DeviceNet

FC5251 | Mini PCI DeviceNet
The FC520x PC plug-in cards link fully automatic configuration of is not implemented on the
the PC to a DeviceNet network. the cards in the PC hardware. fieldbus card, but separately
They can act there as master The FC5251 Mini PCI Card in the respective housing
or as slave modules. The PCI brings fieldbus functionalities to (device-specific).
bus interface ensures both high the Industrial PC in a compact
transmission rates to the PC and construction. The bus interface

Technical data FC5201 FC5202 FC5251

Fieldbus DeviceNet
Number of fieldbus channels 1 2 1
Infrastructure Components

Data transfer rates 125, 250, 500 kbaud

Interface to the PC plug-and-play PCI interface 32 bit plug-and-play PCI interface 32 bit Mini PCI interface 32 bit
with 4 kbyte DPRAM per channel with 4 kbyte DPRAM per channel with 4 kbyte DPRAM per channel
Bus interface open style connector, 5-pin, according to DeviceNet specification, galvanically decoupled (Connector is supplied.)
Communication DeviceNet network master (scanner), optionally DeviceNet slave
Bus device per channel: max. 63 slaves per channel: max. 63 slaves max. 63 slaves
Termination resistor switchable
Hardware diagnosis 2 LEDs per channel
Bit width in the process image total max.: 3 kbyte input and output data
Dimensions approx. 106 mm x 175 mm approx. 106 mm x 175 mm 59.75 mm x 50.95 mm (type III A)
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Driver TwinCAT I/O and higher levels
Further information

Ordering information FC5201-000x FC5202-000x FC5251-000x

FC52xx-0000 standard configuration
FC52xx-0002 configuration with 32 kbytes NOVRAM configuration with 32 kbytes NOVRAM configuration with 128 kbytes NOVRAM
FC5251-000x can only be ordered with a Beckhoff Industrial PC with Mini PCI option.

TwinCAT I/O I/O driver 947
Cordsets cordsets and connectors 688

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

FC75xx PCI, Mini PCI

FC7501, FC7502 | PCI SERCOS interface

FC7551 | Mini PCI SERCOS interface
The SERCOS interface PCI access to the SERCOS interface. to the Industrial PC in a compact
Fieldbus Cards from Beckhoff There are no artificial limitations construction. The bus interface
allow direct access to the with regard to the number of is not implemented on the
SERCON816-ASIC. The driver bus devices and I/O data per fieldbus card, but separately
for these passive cards is device. in the respective housing
incorporated into the TwinCAT The FC7551 Mini PCI Cards (device-specific).
software and allows optimum brings fieldbus functionalities

Technical data FC7501 FC7502 FC7551

Fieldbus SERCOS interface
Number of fieldbus channels 1 2 1

Infrastructure Components
Data transfer rates 2, 4, 8, 16 Mbaud
Interface to the PC plug-and-play PCI interface 32 bit, direct access to DPRAM Mini PCI interface 32 bit
and SERCON816 register with 4 kbyte DPRAM per channel
Bus interface 2 x connector F-SMA 4 x connector F-SMA 4 x connector F-SMA
according to IEC 874-2 according to IEC 874-2 according to IEC 874-2
Communication SERCON 816 chip
Synchronisation synchronisation of several cards via ribbon cable –
Bus device ≤ 254
Cycle time all cycle times supported by SERCOS interface (down to 62.5 µs)
Hardware diagnosis 1 LED per channel
Dimensions approx. 95 mm x 120 mm approx. 95 mm x 120 mm 59.75 mm x 50.95 mm (type III A)
Driver TwinCAT I/O and higher levels
Further information

Ordering information FC7501-0000 FC7502-0000 FC7551-000x

FC75xx-0000 standard configuration
FC75xx-0002 – – configuration with 128 kbytes NOVRAM
FC7551-000x can only be ordered with a Beckhoff Industrial PC with Mini PCI option.

TwinCAT I/O I/O driver 947
Cordsets cordsets and connectors 688

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

PCI FC90xx-00xx

FC9001-0010, FC9011 | PCI Ethernet

– plug-and-play interface through hardware-integrated – Wake on LAN
– 10/100/1,000 Mbit/s checksum creation and veri- – Boot from LAN (PXE)
(FC9011), 10/100 Mbit/s fication (only FC9011)
The Ethernet PCI network cards (FC9001-0010), full duplex – The hardware side supports The cards (or individual chan-
can be used in office and auto- – automatic baud rate setting Quality of Service (QoS) nels) can also be operated
mation networks and offer the according to IEEE 802.3u through prioritised multiple with TwinCAT drivers – and
following benefits: – maximum performance queues. therefore in real-time.

Technical data FC9001-0010 FC9011

Fieldbus all Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) based protocols
Number of Ethernet channels 1
Data transfer rates 10/100 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation, 10/100/1,000 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3ab auto-negotiation,
Infrastructure Components

full duplex at 10 and 100 Mbit/s full duplex at 10, 100 and 1,000 Mbit/s
Interface to the PC plug-and-play PCI interface 32 bit

Ethernet interface 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1,000BASE-TX

Ethernet plug 1 x RJ45
Cable length 100 m (up to switch or end device)

Standard drivers standard operating system drivers for Intel®-compatible NIC real-time driver or Beckhoff driver for
Windows 2000/XP and Windows 7, 32 bit (available from Beckhoff website)

Real-time drivers TwinCAT drivers for EtherCAT/real-time Ethernet. Drivers can be selected separately for each channel.
Hardware diagnosis 2 LEDs per channel (activity, link)
Dimensions approx. 51 mm x 120 mm
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Further information

Ordering information FC9001-0010 FC9011-0000

FC90xx-00xx standard configuration

Cordsets cordsets and connectors 688

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

FC90xx PCI, PCIe

FC9002, FC9004, FC9022, FC9024 | PCI/PCIe Ethernet

– plug-and-play interface IEEE 802.3u for each channel through prioritised
– 10/100/1,000 Mbit/s – maximum performance multiple queues.
(FC9022, FC9024) or through hardware-integrated The cards (or individual chan-
The Ethernet PCI network cards 10/100 Mbit/s (FC9002, checksum creation and veri- nels) can also be operated
can be used in office and auto- FC9004), full duplex fication with TwinCAT drivers – and
mation networks and offer the – automatic baud rate – The hardware side supports therefore in real-time.
following benefits: setting according to Quality of Service (QoS)

Technical data FC9002 FC9004 FC9022 FC9024

Fieldbus all Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) based protocols
Number of Ethernet channels 2 4 2 4
Data transfer rates 10/100 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation, full duplex 10/100/1,000 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3ab auto-negotiation,

Infrastructure Components
at 10 and 100 Mbit/s, separate settings for each channel full duplex at 10, 100 and 1,000 Mbit/s
Interface to the PC plug-and-play PCI interface plug-and-play PCI interface PCI Express x1 PCI Express 2.1 x1 (5.0 GT/s)
32 bit 32 bit
Ethernet interface 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX 10BASE-T/100BASE- 10BASE-T/100BASE-
Ethernet Ethernet TX/1,000BASE-T Ethernet TX/1,000BASE-T Ethernet
Ethernet plug 2 x RJ45 4 x RJ45 2 x RJ45 4 x RJ45
Cable length 100 m (up to hub, 100 m (up to hub, 100 m (up to switch 100 m (up to hub,
switch or end device) switch or end device) or end device) switch or end device)
Standard drivers standard drivers for Intel® 8255xER series or standard operating system drivers for Intel®-compatible
Beckhoff driver for Windows 2000/XP and Windows 7 NIC real-time driver or Beckhoff driver for Windows 2000/XP
(available from Beckhoff website) and Windows 7 (available from Beckhoff website)
Real-time drivers TwinCAT drivers for EtherCAT/real-time Ethernet. Drivers can be selected separately for each channel.
Hardware diagnosis 2 LEDs per channel (activity, link) 2 LEDs per channel (activity, link)
Dimensions approx. 95 mm x 125 mm approx. 95 mm x 125 mm approx. 62 mm x 100 mm approx. 98 mm x 98 mm
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Further information

Ordering information FC9002-0000 FC9004-0000 FC9022-0000 FC9024-0000

FC90xx-0000 standard configuration

Cordsets cordsets and connectors 688

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Mini PCI FC9051, FC9151

FC9051, FC9151 | Mini PCI Ethernet

The FC9x51 Mini PCI Card – automatic baud rate setting optimum performance for all
brings further Ethernet ports according to IEEE 802.3u EtherCAT control tasks, a giga-
to the Industrial PC in a compact – Ethernet and real-time bit port is available for connect-
construction. The bus interface Ethernet protocols, ing the higher-level network.
is not implemented on the field- EtherCAT-ready The power of the Fieldbus
bus card, but separately in the – full duplex at 10 and Cards can be most easily seen
respective housing (device-spe- 100 Mbit/s in combination with the TwinCAT
cific). The FC9x51 is available for In combination with the Ethernet software PLC and NC. But other
Beckhoff Industrial PCs with Mini Mini PCI Cards, a third Ethernet applications also benefit from
PCI option. Like the standard PCI port is available in the Industrial the intelligent PCI cards that
cards, the Mini PCI variants are PC with 10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s handle the fieldbus protocol effi-
specifically optimised for fast or 1,000 Mbit/s. While the ciently on their own processors.
controllers and real-time tasks: 100 Mbit/s Ethernet port offers
Infrastructure Components

Technical data FC9051 FC9151

Bus system Ethernet (all IEEE 802.3-based protocols), EtherCAT
Number of Ethernet channels 1
Data transfer rates 10/100 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation, 10/100/1,000 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation,
full duplex at 10 and 100 Mbit/s, separate settings full duplex at 10 and 100 Mbit/s, separate settings
for each channel for each channel
Interface to the PC Mini PCI interface
Communication Ethernet and real-time Ethernet protocols, EtherCAT-ready
Bus device Ethernet standard
Standard drivers standard operating system drivers for Intel®-compatible NIC real-time driver
Real-time drivers TwinCAT drivers for real-time Ethernet. Drivers can be selected separately for each channel.
Dimensions 59.75 mm x 44.60 mm (type III B)
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Further information

Ordering information FC9051-0000 FC9151-0000

FC9x51-0000 standard configuration (can only be ordered with a Beckhoff Industrial PC with Mini PCI option)

TwinCAT I/O I/O driver 947

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

FC1100, FC1121 FC1100,

FC6000: 128 KB NOVRAM

FC6001: 256 KB NOVRAM

FC6002: 512 KB NOVRAM

FC1100, FC1121 | PCI/PCIe EtherCAT slave card

The FC1100 PCI EtherCAT card for the development of EtherCAT
and the FC1121 PCIe (PCI slave software on the PC.
Express) EtherCAT card can The FC1121 PCIe card can
be used to integrate a PC as a optionally be retrofitted with the
slave in an EtherCAT network. FC600x NOVRAM cards in order
The cards have an EtherCAT to backup data on the NOVRAM.
channel with two ports (IN/OUT). Three NOVRAM sizes are avail-
They can therefore also be used able: 128, 256 and 512 KB.

Infrastructure Components
Technical data FC1100 FC1121
Fieldbus EtherCAT (direct mode)
EtherCAT plug 2 x RJ45, EtherCAT IN/OUT
Data transfer rates 100 Mbit/s
Interface to the PC PCI 32 bit PCIe (PCI Express) interface
EtherCAT Slave Controller ET1100
RAM 8 kbyte
SYNC manager 8 4
FMMUs 8 3
Cable length up to 100 m
Hardware diagnosis 2 LEDs per channel (activity, link)
Dimensions approx. 65 mm x 125 mm approx. 100 mm x 130 mm
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C
Driver TwinCAT driver for EtherCAT
Further information

TwinCAT I/O I/O driver 947
Cordsets cordsets and connectors 688

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Switches CU20xx

CU20xx | Ethernet Switches

The Beckhoff Ethernet networks. User-friendly instal- – compact design in full and straight-through
Switches offer five (CU2005), lation via integrated DIN rail metal housing Ethernet cables
eight (CU2008) or 16 (CU2016) adapter. – half or full duplex, – clear, quick diagnosis,
RJ45 Ethernet ports. Switches The switches meet the with automatic baud rate two LEDs for each
relay incoming Ethernet frames special requirements of real- detection Ethernet port
to the destination ports. In full time-capable Industrial Ethernet – 10/100 Mbits/s Ethernet – fast DIN rail mounting
duplex mode, they prevent col- solutions through several out- – cross-over detection: – industrial design
lisions. They can be used univer- standing features: automatic detection and
sally in automation and office correction of crossover

Technical data CU2005 CU2008 CU2016

Infrastructure Components

Bus system all Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)-based all Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)-based all Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)-based
protocols, store and forward protocols, store and forward protocols, store and forward
switching mode, unmanaged switching mode switching mode
Number of Ethernet ports 5 8 16
Ethernet interface 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet
with 5 x RJ45 with 8 x RJ45 with 16 x RJ45
Cable length up to 100 m twisted pair
Data transfer rates IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation, 10/100 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3u auto-nego- 10/100 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3u auto-nego-
half or full duplex, automatic settings tiation, half or full duplex at 10 and tiation, half or full duplex at 10 and
100 Mbit/s possible, automatic settings 100 Mbit/s possible, automatic settings
Hardware diagnosis 2 LEDs per channel 2 LEDs per channel 2 LEDs per channel
(activity, link) (activity, link, 10/100 Mbit) (activity, link, 10/100 Mbit)
Power supply 24 (18…30) V DC, 24 (18…30) V DC, 100 mA, 24 (18…30) V DC, 150 mA,
3-pin connection (+, -, PE) 3-pin connection (+, -, PE) 3-pin connection (+, -, PE)
Weight approx. 260 g 320 g 400 g
Dimensions (W x H x D) approx. 73 mm x 100 mm x 30 mm approx. 85 mm x 100 mm x 30 mm approx. 146 mm x 100 mm x 30 mm
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 20/variable
Further information

Cordsets cordsets and connectors 688

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CU2208 FC1100,

CU2208 | 8-port Gbit Ethernet Switch

The Beckhoff Ethernet Switch The switches meet the special – 10/100/1,000 Mbits/s – fast DIN rail mounting
offers eight RJ45 Gbit Ethernet requirements of real-time-capa- Ethernet – industrial design
ports. Switches relay incoming ble Industrial Ethernet solutions – cross-over detection:
Ethernet frames to the destina- through several outstanding automatic detection and
tion ports. In full duplex mode, features: correction of crossover
they prevent collisions. They – compact design in full and straight-through
can be used universally in auto- metal housing Ethernet cables
mation and office networks. – half or full duplex, – clear, quick diagnosis,
User-friendly installation via with automatic baud rate two LEDs for each
integrated DIN rail adapter. detection Ethernet port

Infrastructure Components
Technical data CU2208
Bus system all Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)-based protocols, store and forward switching mode, unmanaged
Number of Ethernet ports 8
Ethernet interface 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1,000BASE-T Ethernet
Cable length up to 100 m twisted pair
Data transfer rates IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation, half or full duplex, automatic settings
Hardware diagnosis 2 LEDs per channel (activity, link)
Power supply 24 (18…30) V DC, 3-pin connector (+, -, PE)
Weight 430 g
Dimensions (W x H x D) approx. 122 mm x 100 mm x 30 mm
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 20/variable
Further information

Cordsets cordsets and connectors 688

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Port multiplier CU2508

CU2508 | Real-time Ethernet port multiplier

The real-time Ethernet port mul- to the PC. With the support of expanded to up to eight lines Ethernet TCP/IP 1 Gbit/s uplink
tiplier allows the connection of a driver, users have eight inde- in order to multiply the perfor-
eight independent Ethernet net- pendent ports with full real- mance. The distributed clocks of
works. The CU2508 is connected time characteristics available. the EtherCAT lines are synchro-
to the PC via a gigabit uplink. The CU2508 is used in applica- nised. An EtherCAT cable redun-
The PC offers high-performance tions in which several Ethernet dancy with simultaneous usage
data transfer to the multiplier, ports are required that need of distributed clocks can also be
which allocates the data to the to be realised outside the PC. realised using two ports of the
relevant 100BASE-TX port based TwinCAT supports the CU2508 CU2508.

Ethernet TCP/IP
on an analysis of a frame prefix and makes further network

and sends them time-controlled ports at the PC unnecessary.

with µs precision. Received For extremely high demands,
frames are also allocated a prefix an EtherCAT installation can,
Infrastructure Components

including a timestamp and sent for example, be distributed or

Technical data CU2508
Protocol Ethernet TCP/IP; real-time protocols: EtherCAT, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP and others (depending on driver)
Number of Ethernet ports 8 x 100 Mbit/s and 1 x 1 Gbit/s (uplink)
Ethernet interface RJ45
Cable length up to 100 m twisted pair
Data transfer rates 100BASE-TX and 1 Gbit/s
Hardware diagnosis LEDs
Power supply 24 (18…30) V DC, 100 mA, 3-pin connection (+, -, PE)
Dimensions (W x H x D) approx. 146 mm x 100 mm x 30 mm
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 20/variable
Further information

Cordsets cordsets and connectors 688

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CU1128 FC1100,Junction

CU1128 | EtherCAT junction

Line, tree or star: EtherCAT Further EK1100 or EtherCAT Box ters the CU1128 also supports
supports almost any topology. modules can be connected at coupling and uncoupling of
If a star topology requires sever- ports 2 to 8. The EtherCAT junc- EtherCAT strands during opera-
al branches at a particular point, tions are connected via RJ45 tion (Hot Connect). The device
the 8-way CU1128 EtherCAT sockets with direct display of link cannot be used as a standard
junction can be used instead of and activity status. Ethernet switch.
several EK1122 devices. Port 1 is In conjunction with TwinCAT
the input port for the network. or other suitable EtherCAT mas-

Infrastructure Components
Technical data CU1128
Task within EtherCAT system coupling of EtherCAT junctions
Data transfer medium Ethernet/EtherCAT cable (min. CAT 5), shielded
Bus interface 8 x RJ45
Distance between stations max. 100 m (100BASE-TX)
Protocol EtherCAT
Delay approx. 1 µs per port
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud
Configuration not required
Power supply 24 (18…30) V DC, 185 mA, 3-pin connection (+, -, PE)
Weight approx. 430 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 20/variable
Approvals CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Media converters CU15xx

CU15xx | EtherCAT media converters fibre optic

The EtherCAT-capable CU1521, nificantly longer transmission a separate EtherCAT devices. for the bus, the devicse can be
CU1521-0010 and CU1561 links. The CU1561 is suitable for In this way, unlike standard configured via a switch. Via this
for Industrial Fast Ethernet/ POF (plastic optical fibre) cables, media converters, they enable switch “Link Loss Forwarding“
100 Mbaud serve as media con- which are particularly easy to fast link control and the safe for normal Ethernet operation
verters from optical fibre to cop- install in the field. closing of the EtherCAT strand can also be selected. The CU15xx
per and vice versa. The CU1521 The media converters even in the event of a fault. are useful in applications where
is suitable for multimode, the always operate bidirectionally Since the transfer direction higher EMC loads on the bus line
CU1521-0010 for singlemode and collision-free with constant (copper to optical fibre | opti- are to be expected.
optical fibre and therefore sig- delay. They can be diagnosed as cal fibre to copper) is relevant

Technical data CU1521-0000 CU1521-0010 CU1561

Task within EtherCAT system media transition from RJ45 media transition from RJ45 media transition from RJ45
copper physics to multimode copper physics to singlemode copper physics to POF and back
Infrastructure Components

fibre optic and back fibre optic and back

Data transfer medium multimode glass fibre 50/125 µm (MM); singlemode glass fibre 9/125 µm (SM); plastic optic fibre 980/1000 µm (POF);
Ethernet/EtherCAT cable (min. CAT 5), Ethernet/EtherCAT cable (min. CAT 5), Ethernet/EtherCAT cable (min. CAT 5),
shielded shielded shielded
Bus interface 1 x SC Duplex; 1 x RJ45
Distance between stations max. 2,000 m (100BASE-FX); max. 20,000 m (100BASE-FX); max. 50 m (POF);
max. 100 m (100BASE-TX) max. 100 m (100BASE-TX) max. 100 m (100BASE-TX)
Protocol EtherCAT
Delay approx. 1 µs
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud
Configuration per rotary switch
Power supply 24 (18…30) V DC, 3-pin connector (+, -, PE)
Current consumption 24 V DC approx. 100 mA
Dimensions (W x H x D) 34 mm x 98 mm x 77 mm
Weight approx. 120 g
Operating/storage temperature 0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 20/variable
Approvals CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

CU2608 Switches

CU2608 | 8-port Ethernet Switch, IP 67

The CU2608 Ethernet Switch The CU2608 meets the special – cross-over detection:
offers eight d-coded M12 requirements of real-time-capa- automatic detection and
Ethernet ports. Switches relay ble Industrial Ethernet solutions correction of crossover and
incoming Ethernet frames to the through several outstanding straight-through Ethernet
destination ports. In full duplex features: cables
mode, they prevent collisions. – compact design in IP 67 – clear, quick diagnosis,
They can be used universally in plastic housing 1 LED for each Ethernet port
automation and office networks. – 8 d-coded M12 sockets – easy on-site installation
Mounting can easily be carried – 10/100 Mbaud, half or
out by the user with two central full duplex, with automatic
M4 fixings or alternatively via baud rate detection
two offset M3 holes.

Infrastructure Components

Technical data CU2608

Bus system all Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)-based protocols, store and forward switching mode
Number of Ethernet ports 8
Ethernet interface 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet with 8 x M12 socket, d-coded, 4-pin
Cable length up to 100 m twisted pair
Data transfer rates 10/100 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation, half or full duplex at 10 and 100 Mbit/s possible, automatic settings
Hardware diagnosis 1 LED per channel (activity, link)
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %), feed/downstream connection: M8, 4-pin
Weight approx. 300 g
Dimensions (W x H x D) 60 mm x 126 mm x 26.5 mm
Operating/storage temperature -30…+70 °C/-40…+85 °C
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 65/66/67 (conforms to EN 60529)/variable
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Junction EP9128-0021

EP9128-0021 | EtherCAT junction, IP 67

Line, tree or star: EtherCAT eight-way EtherCAT junction with IP 67 protection, since ports coupling and uncoupling
supports virtually any topolo- offers the possibility to construct connection to the IP 20 world of EtherCAT strands during oper-
gies, which can also be directly the branches of the topology is also possible via the ports. ation (Hot Connect). The device
branched in the field using the with the smallest possible number The EtherCAT junctions are con- cannot be used as a standard
EtherCAT Box modules. If several of components in the IP 67 world nected via shielded M8 sockets Ethernet switch.
junctions are required at one as well. The EtherCAT network is with direct display of link and
point in the star topology, an connected to the input port activity status. Suitable accesso-
EtherCAT junction can be used of the EP9128-0021 and can ries (cables and connectors) are
to branch the topology further. be extended at ports 2 to 8. available.
Analogous to the infra- EtherCAT topologies can be In conjunction with TwinCAT
structure components with IP 20 arranged even more flexibly or other suitable EtherCAT mas-
protection, the EP9128-0021 with the multiple junctions ters the EP9128-0021 also sup-
Infrastructure Components

Technical data EP9128-0021

Connection method M8, screw type, 4-pin
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Task within EtherCAT system coupling of EtherCAT junctions
Data transfer medium Ethernet/EtherCAT cable (min. CAT 5), shielded
Bus interface 8 x M8, shielded, screw type
Distance between stations max. 100 m (100BASE-TX)
Protocol EtherCAT
Delay approx. 1 µs per port
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud
Configuration not required
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption 24 V DC approx. 150 mA
Dimensions (W x H x D) 60 mm x 126 mm x 26.5 mm
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 65/66/67 (conforms to EN 60529)/variable
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EP952x-0020 Media converters

EP9521-, EP9522-0020 | EtherCAT media converters

fibre optic, IP 67
The EtherCAT/Industrial Ethernet further optical fibre topologies EtherCAT devices. In this way, Via this switch “Link Loss For-
modules EP9521 and EP9522 to be configured via the second unlike standard media convert- warding“ for normal Ethernet
for Industrial Fast Ethernet/ optical fibre port, while the ers, they enable fast link control operation can also be selected.
100 Mbaud serve as media single-channel EtherCAT Box and the safe closing of the The EP952x are useful in
converters from optical fibre EP9521 is used for direct trans- EtherCAT strand even in the applications where EtherCAT
to copper and vice versa. Both fers between the two media. event of a fault. Since the trans- transfers over large distances are
media converters are suitable The media converters operate fer direction (copper to optical required or where higher EMC
for multimode fibre-optic cables. bidirectionally and collision- fibre | optical fibre to copper) is loads on the bus line are to be
In addition to the copper branch, free with constant delay. They relevant for the bus, the devices expected.
the 2-channel EP9522 enables can be diagnosed as separate can be configured via a switch.

Infrastructure Components
Technical data EP9521-0020 EP9522-0020
Number of channels 1 2
Task within EtherCAT system media transition from M8 copper physics to multimode fibre optic and back
Data transfer medium multimode glass fibre 50/125 µm; Ethernet/EtherCAT cable (min. CAT 5), shielded
Bus interface 1 x LC Duplex; 2 x M8, shielded, screw type 2 x LC Duplex; 2 x M8, shielded, screw type
Distance between stations max. 2,000 m (100BASE-FX); max. 100 m (100BASE-TX)
Protocol EtherCAT/Industrial Fast Ethernet
Delay approx. 1 µs
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud
Configuration per rotary switch
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption 24 V DC approx. 150 mA
Dimensions (W x H x D) 85 mm x 126 mm x 26.5 mm
Weight approx. 250 g
Operating/storage temperature -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C
Protect. class/installation pos. IP 65/66/67 (conforms to EN 60529)/variable
Approvals CE, UL
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Drive Technology
Drive Technology
The drive system for highly dynamic positioning tasks

Drive Technology

848 Linear Servomotors 796 Servo Drives

858 Compact Drive Technology 816 Synchronous Servomotors

Drive Technology


872 XTS (eXtended Transport System)

Drive Technology
Servo Drives, Servo and Linear Motors,
Compact Drive Technology and XTS

794 System overview 814 Servo and Linear Motors 858 Compact Drive Technology

816 Synchronous Servomotors 860 Product overview

818 One Cable Technology (OCT)
796 Servo Drives 819 Motor series AM8000 862 Motor series AM8100
827 Motor series with higher moment 862 Motor series AM3100
798 Digital Compact Servo Drives of inertia AM8500 864 Connection cables for
AX5000 839 Stainless steel motor series servomotor terminals
799 System description AM8800 865 Planetary gear units AG2250
800 1-channel up to 40 A AX51xx 844 Motor series AM3000
800 1-channel 60 up to 170 A 804 Motor cables 868 Stepper Motors AS1000
AX51xx 805 Feedback cables 870 Connection cables AS1000
801 2-channel up to 6 A AX52xx 857 Connectors 871 Planetary gear units AG1000
802 Encoder option cards AX57xx
802 TwinSAFE drive option cards 848 Linear Servomotors
AX58xx 851 Linear Servomotors AL2000
803 AX-Bridge quick connection 852 Linear Servomotors AL2400 872 XTS
system AX59xx 853 Linear Servomotors AL2800 (eXtended Transport System)
804 Connection cables 854 Accessories and connection cables
806 Accessories 886 Motor modules AT20xx
833 Planetary gear units 887 Movers AT901x
808 Multi-axis servo system 833 High-end gear series AG2300 888 Software TF5850
AX8000 836 Planetary gear units AG2210 890 Guide rails AT9xxx
809 System description 842 Stainless steel planetary gear
810 Power supply modules AX86xx units AG2800
Drive Technology
811 Axis modules AX81xx, AX82xx 865 Planetary gear units AG2250
812 Option modules AX88xx
813 Connection cables
813 Accessories
Beckhoff Drive Technology

Servo Drives Servomotors

The AX5000 impresses with great functional variety as well as The Servomotors are characterised by high dynamics as well as
Drive Technology

high efficiency. With current control cycle times of up to 62.5 µs, energy and cost efficiency. They are available with stainless steel
the integrated control technology supports fast and highly dynamic housings (AM8800), certified according to EHEDG is this execution
positioning tasks. The compact AX8000 multi-axis servo system is particularly suitable for applications in the food and beverage indus-
a fast and easy to install high-performance drive system enabling tries. The AM8500 series is specially designed for applications with
simple commissioning. At the same time, it brings high performance high load moments of inertia or high synchronism demands. To further
in a compact design to every control cabinet: with maximum control enhance their performance the AM8000 and AM8500 series can be
speed, integrated mains filter and 17 drive-integrated safety functions equipped with an external fan. All motors of the AM8000, AM8500
(TwinSAFE). and AM8800 series are available with OCT. The AL2000 iron-core
linear motors offer high continuous forces.
AX5000 see page 798
AX8000 see page 808 Synchronous Servomotors see page 816
Linear Servomotors see page 848
Connection cables see page 804

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Compact Drive Technology eXtended Transport System
In the low-voltage range up to 50 V, Beckhoff offers a wide range of The XTS linear transport system (eXtended Transport System)
Drive Technology
components for compact drive solutions, particularly for stepper and from Beckhoff combines all drive technology functions in a single
servomotors. In conjunction with IP 20 stepper motor terminals or mechatronic system: motor movement, power electronics and dis-
IP 67 EtherCAT Box modules, the AS1000 stepper series can be operat- placement measurement form a technical unit which can be used
ed as an adjustable axis, either with or without feedback. The AM8100 to implement a wide range of complex movements. A user-friendly
servomotor series can be used in conjunction with the EL72xx servo programming interface enables different movements to be realised
terminal to configure a very compact drive axis.The AM8100 series simultaneously directly from TwinCAT with little effort. The modular
supports One Cable Technology (OCT) and therefore offers the benefits XTS system enables fast adaptation of a transport concept to different
of an electronic name plate and multi-turn absolute encoder function. geometries and applications.
Pre-assembled cables and specially adapted planetary gear units
round off the product range of Compact Drive Technology. System description see page 872
Mechanical components see page 886
See page 858 Software see page 888

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Servo Drives
Drive Technology

AX5101–AX5112, AX52xx | Digital Compact AX8000 | Multi-axis EtherCAT drive: Compact control power
Servo Drives: 1-/2-channel up to 8.3 kW with 1 µs current control update time
– 1- or 2-channel Servo Drives – optimised, compact dimensions for control cabinet installation
– high-speed EtherCAT communication – OCT integrated
– rated current up to 12 A or 2 x 6 A – TwinSAFE integrated
– optimised for multi-axis applications – new, integrated AX-Bridge: toolless mounting
– variable motor output current for – powerful FPGA technology combined with multi-core ARM
2-channel Servo Drives processors
– TwinSAFE drive option card – multi-channel current control technology

See page 800 See page 808

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL7201 | Ultra-compact servo terminal EL7211 | Compact servo terminal
in 12 mm I/O housing up to 170 W in 24 mm I/O housing up to 245 W
– complete servo drive on 12 mm – complete servo drive on 24 mm
– seamless integration into EtherCAT I/O – seamless integration into EtherCAT I/O
system system
– US 8…50 V DC, IMAX 2.8 ARMS – US 8…50 V DC, IMAX 4.5 ARMS
– field-oriented control for highly dynamic – field-oriented control for highly dynamic
positioning tasks positioning tasks
– tailored to AM8100 – tailored to AM8100

See page 433 See page 433

Drive Technology

AX5118–AX5140 | Digital Compact AX5160–AX5193 | Digital Compact
Servo Drives: 1-channel up to 28 kW Servo Drives: 1-channel up to 118 kW
– high-speed EtherCAT communication – high-speed EtherCAT communication
– rated current: 18/25/40 A – rated current: 60/72/90/110/143/170 A
– flexible motor type selection – high performance with small dimensions
– TwinSAFE drive option card – flexible motor type selection
– TwinSAFE drive option card
See page 800
See page 800

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AX5000 | Digital Compact
Servo Drives

Optional slot for interface Optional slot for

boards, e.g. additional feedback TwinSAFE safety cards

Motor feedback: Motor feedback (only for

Sin/Cos 1 Vpp, EnDat, AX52xx 2-axis module): Sin/Cos
Hiperface, BiSS 1 VPP, EnDat, Hiperface, BiSS
Motor feedback: Motor feedback (only for
resolver AX52xx 2-axis module): resolver
8 digital I/Os,
e.g. enable, limit switch,
capture input, Status display,
error message e.g. axis identifier
or a diagnostic message
Navigation buttons

EtherCAT system bus Operating material identification

24 V DC control
and braking voltage

DC-Link system
or external
Drive Technology

braking resistor

Power supply
798 100 V AC -10 %…
480 V AC +10 %

Motor outputs

Brake control,
motor temperature
monitoring, OCT

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AX5101–AX5112 | AX52xx | 2-channel, AX5118–AX5140 | AX5160, AX5172 | AX5190, AX5191 | AX5192, AX5193 |
1-channel, up to 12 A up to 2 x 6 A 1-channel, 18/25/40 A 1-channel, 60/72 A 1-channel, 90/110 A 1-channel, 143/170 A

The EtherCAT drives high-speed control technology with a current with other fieldbus systems. The 2-channel
The AX5000 Servo Drive product line from control cycle of down to 62.5 µs, the AX5000 Servo Drives with variable motor output cur-
Beckhoff sets new standards in drive per- drives support fast and highly dynamic posi- rent optimise the packaging density and the
formance. The AX5000 series is available tioning tasks. The drives utilise EtherCAT as cost per drive channel. The compact design
in single- or multi-channel form and is a high-performance communication system, and simple and safe installation through the
optimised for exceptional functionality and providing an ideal interface with PC-based “AX-Bridge” quick connection system signifi-
cost-effectiveness. Featuring integrated, control technology while supporting coupling cantly simplify control cabinet assembly.

Technical highlights

– fast control algorithms – OCT (One Cable Technology)

– current control: min. 62.5 µs – electronic identification plate
– speed control: min. 62.5 µs – high-speed capture inputs
– position control: min. 62.5 µs – eight programmable digital I/Os, two with time stamp
– variably adjustable current and speed filters – mains connection
– high-speed EtherCAT system communication – wide voltage range 100…480 V AC
– 1- or 2-channel Servo Drive – integrated mains filter
– optimised for multi-axis applications – integration of safety functions (optional)
– variable motor output current in 2-channel drives – STO, SS1
– active current sensing – TwinSAFE: intelligent safety functions for Motion Control
– active DC-Link and brake energy management with AX58xx
via AX-Bridge – compact design for simple control cabinet installation
– variable motor interface with (300 mm depth)
– multi-feedback interface – AX-Bridge – the quick connection system for
Drive Technology
– flexible motor type selection power supply, DC-Link and control voltage
– scalable, wide range motor current measurement – variable cooling concept (fanless, forced cooling)

Technical data AX5000
Bus system EtherCAT
Drive profile SERCOS™ profile for servo drives according to IEC 61800 7 204 (SoE)
Rated supply voltage 100…480 V AC, 50/60Hz
DC-Link voltage max. 890 V DC
Current control 62.5 µs
Design form compact Servo Drive in 1- and 2-channel models, multi-axis systems with AX-Bridge
Protection class IP 20
Operating/storage temperature 5…40 °C
Approvals CE, cULus

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AX51xx | 1-channel Servo Drives up to 40 A

Technical data AX5101-0000-0200 AX5103-0000-0200 AX5106-0000-0200 AX5112-0000-0200
Function servo drive for one drive axis
Rated supply voltage 3 x 100…480 V AC ±10 % 3 x 100…480 V AC ±10 % 3 x 100…480 V AC ±10 % 3 x 100…480 V AC ±10 %
1 x 100…240 V AC ±10 % 1 x 100…240 V AC ±10 % 1 x 100…240 V AC ±10 %
Rated current 1~: 1.5 A 1~: 3 A 1~: 4.5 A 3~: 12 A
3~: 1.5 A 3~: 3 A 3~: 6 A
DC-Link voltage max. 890 V DC
Minimum rated channel current 0.35 A 1A 1A 6A
at full current resolution
Peak output current 4.5 A 7.5 A 13 A 26 A
Further information

Technical data AX5118-0000-0200 AX5125-0000-0200 AX5140-0000-0200

Function servo drive for one drive axis
Rated supply voltage 3 x 100…480 V AC ±10 %
Rated current 3~: 18 A 3~: 25 A 3~: 40 A
DC-Link voltage max. 890 V DC
Minimum rated channel current 12 A 12 A 18 A
at full current resolution
Peak output current 36 A 50 A 80 A
Further information

AX51xx | 1-channel Servo Drives 60…170 A

Technical data AX5160-0000-0200 AX5172-0000-0200 AX5190-0000-0200
Function servo drive for one drive axis
Rated supply voltage 3 x 400…480 V AC ±10 %
Drive Technology

Rated current 3~: 60 A 3~: 72 A 3~: 90 A

DC-Link voltage max. 890 V DC
Max. braking power (internal/external) –/52 kW –/52 kW –/67 kW
Peak output current 120 A 144 A 180 A
800 Further information

Technical data AX5191-0000-0200 AX5192-0000-0200 AX5193-0000-0200

Function servo drive for one drive axis
Rated supply voltage 3 x 400…480 V AC ±10 %
Rated current 3~: 110 A 3~: 143 A 3~: 170 A
DC-Link voltage max. 890 V DC
Max. braking power (internal/external) –/67 kW –/103 kW –/103 kW
Peak output current 180 A 215 A 221 A
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AX52xx | 2-channel Servo Drives

Technical data AX5201-0000-0200 AX5203-0000-0200 AX5206-0000-0200
Function servo drive for two drive axes with flexible distribution of the total device current
Rated supply voltage 3 x 100…480 V AC ±10 %
1 x 100…240 V AC ±10 %
Rated current 1~: 2 x 1.5 A 1~: 2 x 3 A 1~: 2 x 4.5 A
3~: 2 x 1.5 A 3~: 2 x 3 A 3~: 2 x 6 A
DC-Link voltage max. 890 V DC
Minimum rated channel current 0.35 A 1A 1A
at full current resolution
Peak output current 2x5A 2 x 10 A 2 x 13 A
Further information

Dimensions Height without connectors Width Depth without connectors

AX5101 274 mm 92 mm 232 mm
AX5103 274 mm 92 mm 232 mm
AX5106 274 mm 92 mm 232 mm
AX5112 274 mm 92 mm 232 mm
AX5118 274 mm 185 mm 232 mm
AX5125 274 mm 185 mm 232 mm
AX5140 274 mm 185 mm 232 mm
AX5201 274 mm 92 mm 232 mm
AX5203 274 mm 92 mm 232 mm
AX5206 274 mm 92 mm 232 mm
AX5160 345 mm 190 mm 259 mm
AX5172 345 mm 190 mm 259 mm
AX5190 540 mm 280 mm 253 mm
AX5191 540 mm 280 mm 253 mm
AX5192 540 mm 280 mm 332 mm
AX5193 540 mm 280 mm 332 mm Drive Technology


Typical combinations Mains choke Mains filter Braking resistor

AX5000 (x = 1, 3 or 6)
AX5160-0000-0200 AX2090-ND50-0060 integrated (C2 up to 10 m, C3 up to 25 m) AX2090-BW52-x000
AX5172-0000-0200 AX2090-ND50-0072 integrated (C2 up to 10 m, C3 up to 25 m) AX2090-BW52-x000
AX5190-0000-0200 AX2090-ND50-0090 AX2090-NF50-0100 AX2090-BW53-x000
AX5191-0000-0200 AX2090-ND50-0110 AX2090-NF50-0150 AX2090-BW53-x000
AX5192-0000-0200 AX2090-ND50-0143 AX2090-NF50-0150 AX2090-BW54-x000
AX5193-0000-0200 AX2090-ND50-0170 AX2090-NF50-0180 AX2090-BW54-x000
Braking resistor: x = power in kW

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AX5000 options

Options for AX5000 Servo Drives

AX57xx | Encoder option cards
The AX5000 Servo Drive series supports a Encoder option cards Encoder option cards for AX52xx
large number of feedback interfaces via the For the integration of further feedback sys- – AX5702: two additional encoder inputs
multi-option interface: tems the controllers can be equipped with 1 VPP, BiSS B, Hiperface, EnDat
– resolver (2-, 4-, 6- or 8-pole) encoder option cards from hardware revision – AX5722: two additional encoder inputs
– SinCos encoder 1 VPP 2 onwards. The option cards are inserted in EnDat 2.2 or BiSS C
– single- and multi-turn encoder the second option slot on top of the AX5000, – AX5732: two additional encoder inputs
Hiperface 1 VPP offering the possibility to connect one or two HTL
– single- and multi-turn encoder BiSS 1 VPP further encoders, depending on the version.
– single- and multi-turn encoder 1 VPP
From hardware revision 2 onwards, OCT Encoder option cards for AX51xx
(One Cable Technology) is also supported by – AX5701: one additional encoder input
the AX5000 and with it the “second encoder” 1 VPP, BiSS B, Hiperface, EnDat
function where the encoder inside the motor – AX5721: one additional encoder input
is used for commutation and a second EnDat 2.2 or BiSS C
high-resolution encoder is used for position – AX5731: one additional encoder input
control. HTL

Ordering information Pict.

AX5701-0000 encoder option card for one additional encoder input 1 VPP, BiSS B, Hiperface, EnDat
AX5702-0000 encoder option card for two additional encoder inputs 1 VPP, BiSS B, Hiperface, EnDat A
AX5721-0000 encoder option card for one additional encoder input EnDat 2.2, BiSS C
AX5722-0000 encoder option card for two additional encoder inputs EnDat 2.2, BiSS C
AX5731-0000 encoder option card for one additional encoder input HTL
AX5732-0000 encoder option card for two additional encoder inputs HTL

AX58xx | TwinSAFE drive options cards

Significant hazards to persons arise from the AX5801 | Personal protection against inad- – stop functions (STO, SOS, SS1, SS2)
dynamic movements of the electrical drive vertent restart of the drive axis (STO/SS1): – speed functions (SLS, SSM, SSR, SMS)
equipment of machines. With the AX58xx – Safe Torque Off (STO) according to with up to 8 speeds
TwinSAFE drive option cards numerous safety IEC 61800-5-2 – position functions (SLP, SCA, SLI)
functions can be easily implemented by the – control through safe 24 V DC outputs with reference cams
user. No further circuits are necessary for this, – mains voltage and motor line remain – acceleration functions (SAR, SMA)
Drive Technology

such as circuit breakers or contactors in the connected – rotating direction functions (SDIp, SDIn)
supply lines or special external encoder sys-
tems. Optional cards that are certified accord- AX5805, AX5806 | Further drive-integrated For further information on TwinSAFE and
ing to DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e) safety functions according to IEC 61800-5-2. the TwinSAFE products see page 966
and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3) are available for Control is performed via EtherCAT; no further
different safety categories: wiring is required:

Ordering information Pict.

AX5801-0200 TwinSAFE drive option card for AX5000 up to 40 A, HW 2.0: STO, SS1 (1) B
AX5805-0000 TwinSAFE drive option card for AX5000 up to 40 A, HW 2.0: STO, SS1, SS2, SOS, SLS, SDI (1) C
AX5806-0000 TwinSAFE drive option card for AX5000 from 60 A, HW 2.0: STO, SS1, SS2, SOS, SLS, SDI (2)
AX5000 up to 40 A: AX5x01-0000-0200, AX5x03-0000-0200, AX5x06-0000-0200, AX5112-0000-0200, AX5118-0000-0200, AX5125-0000-0200,
AX5000 from 60 A up to 170 A: AX5160-0000-0200, AX5172-0000-0200, AX519x-0000-0200

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AX5000 options

AX59xx | AX-Bridge quick connection system

For Servo Drives up to a rated current of 40 A, – connection module with power rail sys-
the AX59xx AX bridge enables the simple and tem, current carrying capacity up to 85 A
fast connection of several AX5000 units to – straightforward installation and dis-
form a multi-axis system by means of plug-in assembly without additional wiring
supply and connection modules. – visible and safe contacting
The AX590x supply module is simply
snapped onto the Servo Drive. The AX591x Active DC-Link and brake energy
connection module with integrated busbars is management
suitable for multi-axis systems and combines With the AX-Bridge the DC-Links are auto-
mains input, intermediate circuit, 24 V DC matically through-connected: This enables an
control voltage and brake voltage. In com- economic energy balancing between axes.
bination, the AX590x and AX591x modules – short-circuit-proof
enable fast installation and commissioning. – intelligent utilisation of all available
– integration of power supply, DC-Link, system ballast resistors
24 V DC control and braking voltage – elimination power loss

Ordering information Pict.

AX5901-0000 AX-Bridge power supply module for connection of supply voltage and 24 V DC for control and brake energy
(pluggable), for AX5x01…AX5125, 85 A D
AX5902-0000 AX-Bridge power supply module for connection of supply voltage and 24 V DC for control and brake energy
(pluggable), for AX5140, 85 A
AX5911-0000 AX-Bridge power distribution module, quick connection system for power supply, DC-Link and control voltage
(pluggable), for AX5x01…AX5112, 85 A E
AX5912-0000 AX-Bridge power distribution module, quick connection system for power supply, DC-Link and control voltage
(pluggable), for AX5118 and AX5125, 85 A F

Drive Technology



We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AX5000 cables

Motor supply cables for AX5000 Servo Drives at AM8xxx

Motor cables 1 mm² with iTec plug system for AM801x, AM802x, AM803x and AM853x
at AX5000 (1.5…6 A)
Ordering information Motor cable with 1 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible for drag-chain use
ZK4500-8022-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain suitable cable with 5 million bending cycles, max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 81 mm (7 x OD), max. drag-chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m,
(4 x 1 mm² + (2 x 0.75 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
ZK4500-8022-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4501-8022-xxxx extension cable
For maximum cable lenghts please see the current documentation

Motor cables 1.5 mm² with M23 speedtec® plug for AM883x and AM8x4x up to AM8x6x
(up to winding code P) at AX5000 (1.5…12 A)
Ordering information Motor cable with 1.5 mm² wire gauge, fixed installation
ZK4500-8003-xxxx cables for fixed installation
min. bending radius = 61 mm (5 x OD),
(4 x 1.5 mm² + (2 x 0.75 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
ZK4500-8003-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4501-8003-xxxx extension cable
For maximum cable lenghts please see the current documentation

Ordering information Motor cable with 1.5 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible for drag-chain use
ZK4500-8023-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain suitable cable with 5 million bending cycles, max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 89 mm (7 x OD), max. drag-chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m,
(4 x 1.5 mm² + (2 x 0.75 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
ZK4500-8023-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4501-8023-xxxx extension cable
For maximum cable lenghts please see the current documentation

Motor cables 2.5 mm² with M23 speedtec® plug for AM8x4x up to AM8x6x (up to winding code P)
at AX5000 (18…25 A)
Drive Technology

Ordering information Motor cable with 2.5 mm² wire gauge, fixed installation
ZK4500-8004-xxxx cables for fixed installation
min. bending radius = 69 mm (5 x OD),
(4 x 2.5 mm² + (2 x 1 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
804 ZK4500-8004-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4501-8004-xxxx extension cable
For maximum cable lenghts please see the current documentation

Ordering information Motor cable with 2.5 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible for drag-chain use
ZK4500-8024-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain suitable cable with 5 million bending cycles, max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 97 mm (7 x OD), max. drag-chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m,
(4 x 2.5 mm² + (2 x 1 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
ZK4500-8024-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4501-8024-xxxx extension cable
For maximum cable lenghts please see the current documentation

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AX5000 cables

Motor cables 4 mm² with M40 speedtec® plug for AM8x6x (from winding code Q) and AM807x
at AX5000 (12…25 A)
Ordering information Motor cable with 4 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible for drag-chain use
ZK4500-8025-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain suitable cable with 5 million bending cycles, max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 111 mm (7 x OD), max. drag-chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m,
(4 x 4 mm² + (2 x 1 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
ZK4500-8025-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4501-8025-xxxx extension cable
For maximum cable lenghts please see the current documentation

Motor cables 10 mm² with M40 speedtec® plug for AM8x6x (from winding code Q) and AM807x
at AX5000 (40 A)
Ordering information Motor cable with 10 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible for drag-chain use
ZK4500-8027-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain suitable cable with 5 million bending cycles, max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 225 mm (10 x OD), max. drag-chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m,
(4 x 10 mm² + (2 x 1.5 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
ZK4500-8027-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4501-8027-xxxx extension cable
For maximum cable lenghts please see the current documentation

Motor cables 10 mm² with M40 speedtec® plug for AM8x6x (from winding code Q) and AM807x
at AX5000 (60 A)
Ordering information Motor cable with 10 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible for drag-chain use
ZK4504-8027-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain suitable cable with 5 million bending cycles, max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 255 mm (10 x OD), max. drag-chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m,
(4 x 10 mm² + (2 x 1.5 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
ZK4504-8027-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4501-8027-xxxx extension cable
For maximum cable lenghts please see the current documentation
AX5000 (60 A) does not support OCT. With each unit, a resolver cable ZK4530-8010-xxxx must be ordered separately.

Drive Technology


Feedback cables for AX5000 Servo Drives at AM8xxx

Resolver cables with iTec plug system for AM802x, AM803x, AM853x at AX5000
Ordering information Resolver cable with 0.25 mm² wire gauge, flexible, for drag-chain use
ZK4530-8110-xxxx flexible, drag-chain suitable cable with 5 million bending cycles, max. 120 m/min, max. 4 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 75 mm (10 x OD), max. drag-chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m,
4 x 2 x 0.25 mm²
ZK4530-8110-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4531-8110-xxxx extension cable

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AX5000 accessories

Resolver cables with M23 speedtec® plug for AM883x, AM8x4x to AM8x6x, AM807x at AX5000
Ordering information Resolver cable with 0.25 mm² wire gauge, flexible, for drag-chain use
ZK4530-8010-xxxx flexible, drag-chain suitable cable with 5 million bending cycles, max. 120 m/min, max. 4 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 75 mm (10 x OD), max. drag-chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m,
4 x 2 x 0.25 mm²
ZK4530-8010-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4531-8010-xxxx extension cable

Encoder cables with M23 speedtec® plug for AM8x6x, AM807x at AX5000
Ordering information Encoder cable with 0.5 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible, suitable as trailing cable
ZK4510-8020-xxxx Highly flexible, drag-chain suitable cable with 5 mio. bending cycles, max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 53 mm (7 x OD), max. drag-chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m,
(7 x 2 x 0.14 mm² + 2 x 0.5 mm²).
The cable is UL and CSA listed.
ZK4510-8020-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4511-8020-xxxx extension cable

EtherCAT patch cables
Ordering information ZK1090-9191-0xxx | EtherCAT patch cables
ZK1090-9191-0001 EtherCAT bridge AX5x01 to AX5112, length 0.17 m
ZK1090-9191-0002 EtherCAT bridge AX5118 to AX5140, length 0.26 m
ZK1090-9191-0xxx EtherCAT patch cable, 0xxx = length in decimetres (-0020 = 2 m), available lengths 0.5 m, 1 m, 2 m, 3 m, 5 m and 10 m

Not assembled motor cables for higher performance, from AX5000 (25 A)
Ordering information Motor cable, flexible, drag-chain suitable with 5 million bending cycles, for Servo Drives AX5000 from 25 A
ZK4509-0016-0zzz 6 mm², for AX5125, (4 x 6 mm² + (2 x 1 mm² + 2 x 1.5 mm²)) (1)
ZK4509-0017-0zzz 10 mm², for AX5140, (4 x 10 mm² + (2 x 1 mm² + 2 x 1.5 mm²)) (1)
ZK4509-0018-0zzz 16 mm², for AX5160, (4 x 16 mm² + 2 x (2 x 1.5 mm²)) (1)
ZK4509-0019-0zzz 25 mm², for AX5172, (4 x 25 mm² + 2 x (2 x 1.5 mm²)) (1)
Drive Technology

ZK4509-0019-1zzz 35 mm², for AX5190, (4 x 35 mm² + 2 x (2 x 1.5 mm²)) (1)

ZK4509-0019-2zzz 50 mm², for AX5191/AX5192, (4 x 50 mm² + 2 x (2 x 2.5 mm²)) (1)
zzz = ordering indication of the length of material in decimetres, e.g. ZK4509-0016-0100 = 10 metres, (1) not suitable for OCT


Power supply | Mains filters for AX5000 (from 1.5 A)

Ordering information AX2090-NF50-0xxx | Mains filters
AX2090-NF50-0014 mains filter C2 for AX5000 Servo Drives up to 14.6 A, 46.4 x 231 x 70 mm (W x H x D), 0.9 kg
AX2090-NF50-0032 mains filter C2 for AX5000 Servo Drives up to 32.8 A, 58 x 265 x 90 mm (W x H x D), 1.75 kg
AX2090-NF50-0063 mains filter C2/C3 for AX5160* Servo Drives up to 63 A, 62 x 305 x 180 mm (W x H x D), 5 kg
AX2090-NF50-0100 mains filter C2/C3 for AX5172*/AX5190 Servo Drives up to 100 A, 75 x 336 x 200 mm (W x H x D), 6 kg
AX2090-NF50-0150 mains filter C2/C3 for AX5191/AX5192 Servo Drives up to 150 A, 90 x 380 x 220 mm (W x H x D), 6.8 kg
AX2090-NF50-0180 mains filter C2/C3 for AX5193 Servo Drives up to 180 A, 200 x 410 x 120 mm (W x H x D), 7 kg
* AX5160, AX5172: mains filter already integrated. Additional mains filter for C2 and C3 only necessary if the cable lengths exceed 10 m (C2) and 25 m (C3).

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AX5000 accessories

Power supply | Mains chokes for AX5000 (from 60 A)

Ordering information AX2090-ND50-0xxx | Mains chokes
AX2090-ND50-0060 mains choke for AX5160 Servo Drive, 60 A, 0.25 mH, UK 2 %, 190 x 200 x 120 mm (W x H x D), 7 kg
AX2090-ND50-0072 mains choke for AX5172 Servo Drive, 72 A, 0.20 mH, UK 2 %, 190 x 240 x 110 mm (W x H x D), 10 kg
AX2090-ND50-0090 mains choke for AX5190 Servo Drive, 90 A, 0.16 mH, UK 2 %, 230 x 300 x 160 mm (W x H x D), 13 kg
AX2090-ND50-0110 mains choke for AX5191 Servo Drive, 110 A, 0.13 mH, UK 2 %, 230 x 300 x 180 mm (W x H x D), 15 kg
AX2090-ND50-0143 mains choke for AX5192 Servo Drive, 143 A, 0.10 mH, UK 2 %, 240 x 330 x 200 mm (W x H x D), 25 kg
AX2090-ND50-0170 mains choke for AX5193 Servo Drive, 170 A, 0.09 mH, UK 2 %, 240 x 330 x 200 mm (W x H x D), 25 kg

Power supply | Transient voltage suppressor for AX5000 (1.5…25 A)

Ordering information Transient voltage suppressor for Servo Drives AX5000
AX2090-TS50-3000 transient voltage suppressor for AX5000 Servo Drives, required if CSA certification necessary

EMC accessories | Shroud for AX5000 (from 60 A)

Ordering information Shroud for connecting cable screens
AX2090-SB50-0001 shroud for AX5160/AX5172
AX2090-SB50-0002 shroud for AX5190/AX5191
AX2090-SB50-0003 shroud for AX5192/AX5193

Braking energy management

Ordering information Components for DC-Link for AX5000
AX5021-0000-0000 ballast unit with internal braking resistor (250 W) and option for connecting an external ballast resistor (up to 6 kW)
as well as an additional DC link expansion capacity for storing brake energy efficiently
AX2090-BW50-0300 external ballast resistor for AX5x01 to AX5112 (stand-alone), 0.3 kW/47 Ω, 92 x 120 x 349 mm (W x H x D), 2 kg (1)
AX2090-BW50-0600 external ballast resistor for AX5x01 to AX5112 (stand-alone), 0.6 kW/47 Ω, 92 x 120 x 549 mm (W x H x D), 3 kg (1)
AX2090-BW50-1600 external ballast resistor for AX5x01 to AX5112 (stand-alone), 1.6 kW/47 Ω, 185 x 120 x 649 mm (W x H x D), 5.8 kg (1)
AX2090-BW51-1000 external ballast resistor for AX5118 to AX5140 (stand-alone) and in combination with ballast unit AX5021,
1 kW/23 Ω, 92 x 120 x 749 mm (W x H x D), 4 kg (2)
AX2090-BW51-3000 external ballast resistor for AX5118 to AX5140 (stand-alone) and in combination with ballast unit AX5021,
3 kW/23 Ω, 355 x 255 x 490 mm (W x H xD), 8 kg (2)
AX2090-BW51-6000 external ballast resistor for AX5118 to AX5140 (stand-alone) and in combination with ballast unit AX5021,
6 kW/23 Ω, 455 x 255 x 490 mm (W x H x D), 12 kg (2)
AX2090-BW52-3000 external ballast resistor for AX5160 and AX5172 (stand-alone), 3 kW/13.2 Ω, 355 x 260 x 490 mm (W x H xD), 9.5 kg (3)
AX2090-BW52-6000 external ballast resistor for AX5160 and AX5172 (stand-alone), 6 kW/13 Ω, 455 x 260 x 490 mm (W x H x D), 13 kg (3) Drive Technology
AX2090-BW53-3000 external ballast resistor for AX5190 and AX5191 (stand-alone), 3 kW/10.2 Ω, 355 x 255 x 490 mm (W x H xD), 9.5 kg (4)
AX2090-BW53-6000 external ballast resistor for AX5190 and AX5191 (stand-alone), 6 kW/10 Ω, 455 x 260 x 490 mm (W x H x D), 13 kg (4)
AX2090-BW54-3000 external ballast resistor for AX5192 and AX5193 (stand-alone), 3 kW/6.6 Ω, 355 x 255 x 490 mm (W x H xD), 9.5 kg (4)
AX2090-BW54-6000 external ballast resistor for AX5192 and AX5193 (stand-alone), 6 kW/6.5 Ω, 455 x 260 x 490 mm (W x H x D), 13 kg (4) 807

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Recommended interface cables: ZK4000-2101-2xxx (1.5 mm²), ZK4000-2102-2xxx (2.5 mm²), ZK4509-8025-xxxx (4 mm²), ZK4000-2104-2xxx (6 mm²)

AX5000 motor chokes

Ordering information AX2090-MD50-00xx | Motor chokes
AX2090-MD50-0012 motor choke for AX5000 (1.5…12 A), up to 12 A rated current, necessary for motor cable ≥ 25 m, max. 100 m,
with integrated connection cable (150 mm)
AX2090-MD50-0025 motor choke for AX5000 (18…25 A), up to 25 A rated current, necessary for motor cable ≥ 25 m, max. 50 m,
with integrated connection cable (150 mm)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system

Power supply Axis modules


EtherCAT Status Alignment 4 digital inputs,

interface display for simple e.g. safety,
mounting capture, enable
Drive Technology

points for
test prods
for external
brake resistor

Power supply Power supply One Cable AX-Bridge connects

100…240 V AC (1~/3~), for 24 V DC Technology (OCT) 24 V DC, EtherCAT,
400…480 V AC (3~) control voltage motor circuit DC-Link

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AX8620 | Power supply AX8640 | Power supply AX8108 | Axis module, AX8118 | Axis module, AX8206 | Double-axis
module, 20 A module, 40 A 8A 18 A module, 2 x 6 A

The AX8000 multi-axis servo system greatly the advantages of analog and digital control the user no longer has to use an additional
simplifies the implementation of multi- technology: reaction to a current deviation feedback cable. All information required for
channel drive solutions. The required number from the setpoint value is possible within control purposes is transmitted reliably and
of 1-channel or 2-channel axis modules 1 µs; the velocity controller cycle time is interference-proof via a digital interface.
are attached to the central supply module. around 16 µs at a switching frequency of
The modules are connected without screws 32 kHz. The processing of EtherCAT process Drive-integrated safety functions
or tools using the built-in AX-Bridge quick data (actual and setpoint values) is carried The AX8000 with TwinSAFE supports the
connection system, which is based on spring- out without a processor almost without typical drive-integrated safety functions
loaded terminals. The 1-axis and 2-axis delay in the hardware, so that the minimum and fulfills the requierements of DIN EN
modules can optionally be equipped with EtherCAT cycle time is only 62.5 µs. ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat. 4, PL e).
STO or TwinSAFE (drive-integrated safety – stop functions (STO, SOS, SS1, SS2)
functions). One Cable Technology (OCT) – speed functions (SLS, SSM, SSR, SMS)
The AX8000 multi-axis servo system with up to 8 speeds
eXtreme Fast Control in the drive supports OCT, the One Cable Technology – position functions (SLP, SCA, SLI) with
The EtherCAT-based AX8000 multi-axis for power and feedback. In connection reference cams
servo system combines powerful FPGA with the servomotors from the AM8000 – acceleration functions (SAR, SMA)
technology with multi-core ARM proces- (standard), AM8500 (increased inertia) – rotating direction functions (SDIp, SDIn)
sors. The new multi-channel current control and AM8800 (stainless steel) series, the – brake function (SBC)
technology enables extremely short sampling wiring is reduced to the standard motor – safely limited torque (SLT)
and response times. The entirely hardware- cable, via which the feedback signals are
implemented current controller combines also transmitted. As in sensorless control,

Drive Technology

Technical data AX8000

Bus system EtherCAT 809
Drive profile CiA402 according to IEC 61800-7-201 (CoE)
Rated supply voltage 100…480 V AC, 50/60Hz
DC-Link voltage 140…890 V DC
Current control 1 µs update time, 16 µs cycle time
Design form modular system with 60 or 90 mm wide elements
Protection class IP 20
Operating/storage temperature 5…40 °C
Approvals CE, cULus (in preparation)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AX8620, AX8640 | Power supply modules

A power supply module gener- with EN 61800-3 for Category chopper and external brake – 1-phase mains supplies
ates the DC-Link voltage (DC) C3 use. resistor. Alternatively, the energy 100…240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
for the supply of the axis mod- Any regenerative energy can be buffered in the AX8810 – 3-phase mains supplies
ules and the option modules produced, e.g. through strong capacitor module. 3 x 200…3 x 480 V AC,
from the mains voltage. It braking of the motors, can be AX8000 supply modules 50/60 Hz
already contains a mains filter, converted into heat either via can be used on 1- and 3-phase A separate 24 V DC power sup-
for which the drive is tested the internal brake resistor or via low-voltage mains supplies. ply is required in each case.
and certified in accordance the combination of built-in brake

Technical data 400…480 V AX8620-0000 AX8640-0000

Rated supply voltage 3 x 400…480 V AC
Rated input current at 40 °C 3~: 20 A 3~: 40 A
Rated output current 3~: 24.5 A DC 3~: 49.0 A DC
Rated output 3~: 13 kW 3~: 26 kW
DC-Link voltage max. 890 V DC
DC-Link capacitance 675 µF 405 µF
Max. braking power (internal/external) 52.1 kW/43.6 kW 21.8 kW/21.8 kW
Further information
Drive Technology

Technical data 100…240 V AX8620-1000 AX8640-1000

Rated supply voltage 3 x 200…240 V AC 3 x 200…240 V AC
810 1 x 100…240 V AC
Rated input current at 40 °C 1~: 10 A 3~: 40 A
3~: 20 A
Rated output current 1~: 5 A DC 3~: 49.0 A DC
3~: 24.5 A DC
Rated output 1~: 1.5 kW 3~: 15 kW
3~: 7.5 kW
DC-Link voltage max. 440 V DC
DC-Link capacitance 1020 µF 1700 µF
Max. braking power (internal/external) 5.4 kW/9.8 kW 10.7 kW/22 kW
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AX81xx, AX82xx | Axis modules

An axis module contains the Supporting a wide supply grated AX-Bridge: it automati- the DC-Link capacitance, it can
DC-Link and the inverter for voltage range from 100 to cally connects DC-Link, 24 V DC be destroyed via a brake resistor
supplying the motor. Depending 480 V AC, the axis modules can control voltage and communica- of the supply module.
on the required number of axes, be operated without limitation tion via EtherCAT between the
the axis modules are attached with any of the supply modules. attached modules. The DC-Link
to the supply module to form This flexibility simplifies the connection enables the exchange
the multi-axis servo system. implementation of machine of energy during acceleration
Axis modules with different configurations for any type of and braking procedures, where
ratings can be combined in mains supply. The electrical the regenerative brake energy is
order to enable an optimised connection is established with- primarily stored in the common
design of the individual axes. out tools via the already inte- DC-Link. If the energy exceeds

Drive Technology


Technical data AX8108-0000 AX8118-0000 AX8206-0000

Rated current 1x8A 1 x 18 A 2x6A
DC-Link voltage max. 890 V DC
DC-Link capacitance 135 µF 270 µF 135 µF
Number of channels 1 1 2
Minimum rated channel current 1A 4A 1A
at full current resolution
Peak output current 20 A 40 A 14 A | 20 A
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AX88xx | Option modules

An AX8810 capacitor module the support of the DC-Link. It the brake resistor mostly un- load possible and also a smaller
extends the DC-Link capacitance enables energy savings: voltage necessary and helps to reduce dimensioning of the fuse.
and is particularly suitable in peaks generated by braking power losses. Overall, the use of
combination with the AX8620- motors are taken up and stored. the capacitor module makes a
1000 single-phase supply for This makes the activation of reduction in the total connected

Technical data AX8810-0000 AX8810-1000

Function capacitor module/DC-Link extension module
For power supply modules AX86xx-0000 AX86xx-1000
DC-Link voltage max. 890 V DC max. 440 V DC
DC-Link capacitance 1755 µF 4420 µF
Further information

15 30 15 60
Drive Technology

192 60 30


Dimensions Height without connectors Depth without connectors Width

AX8620 230 mm 192 mm 60 mm
AX8640 230 mm 192 mm 90 mm
AX8108 230 mm 192 mm 60 mm
AX8118 230 mm 192 mm 90 mm
AX8206 230 mm 192 mm 60 mm
AX8810 230 mm 192 mm 60 mm

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AX8000 accessories

Accessories for AX8000 Servo Drives at AM8xxx

Motor cables 1 mm² with iTec plug system for AM801x, AM802x, AM803x and AM853x
at AX8108 and AX8206
Ordering information Motor cable with 1 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible for drag-chain use
ZK4800-8022-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain suitable cable with 5 million bending cycles, max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 81 mm (7 x OD), max. drag-chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m,
(4 x 1 mm² + (2 x 0.75 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
ZK4800-8022-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4501-8022-xxxx extension cable

Motor cables 1.5 mm² with M23 speedtec® plug for AM883x and AM8x4x up to AM8x6x
(up to winding code P) at AX8108 and AX8206
Ordering information Motor cable with 1.5 mm² wire gauge, fixed installation
ZK4800-8003-xxxx cables for fixed installation
min. bending radius = 61 mm (5 x OD),
(4 x 1.5 mm² + (2 x 0.75 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
ZK4800-8003-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4501-8003-xxxx extension cable

Ordering information Motor cable with 1.5 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible for drag-chain use
ZK4800-8023-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain suitable cable with 5 million bending cycles, max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 89 mm (7 x OD), max. drag-chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m,
(4 x 1.5 mm² + (2 x 0.75 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
ZK4800-8023-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4501-8023-xxxx extension cable

Motor cables 2.5 mm² with M23 speedtec® plug for AM8x4x up to AM8x6x
(up to winding code P) at AX8118
Ordering information Motor cable with 2.5 mm² wire gauge, fixed installation
ZK4800-8004-xxxx cables for fixed installation
min. bending radius = 69 mm (5 x OD),
(4 x 2.5 mm² + (2 x 1 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
ZK4800-8004-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4501-8004-xxxx extension cable

Ordering information Motor cable with 2.5 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible for drag-chain use Drive Technology
ZK4800-8024-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain suitable cable with 5 million bending cycles, max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 97 mm (7 x OD), max. drag-chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m,
(4 x 2.5 mm² + (2 x 1 mm²) + (2 x AWG22))
ZK4800-8024-0050 example for 5 m length 813
ZK4501-8024-xxxx extension cable

Brake energy management

Ordering information AX2090-BW80-xxxx | Ballast resistors
AX2090-BW80-1000 external ballast resistor for AX8620-1000 and AX8640-0000 supply modules, 1.0 kW, 18 Ω (1)
AX2090-BW80-1600 external ballast resistor for AX8620-0000 supply modules, 1.6 kW, 33 Ω (1)
AX2090-BW80-2000 external ballast resistor for AX8640-1000 supply modules, 2.0 kW, 8 Ω (2)
AX2090-BW80-3000 external ballast resistor for AX8640-0000 supply modules, 3.0 kW,15 Ω (2)
Recommended interface cables: ZK4000-2101-2xxx (1.5 mm²), (2) ZK4000-2102-2xxx (2.5 mm²)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Servo and Linear Motors

Se rv
Servomotors os
– AMAM80 800000 ffor
AM8000 orr aapp
pp icaati
onss wi
thh hig
ig h st ddemands
he em
mandsds oonn
n mimics
dynamicscs and
and performance,
e foorm rmanncec , One
O e Cable
On C blle Technology
Ca Teech
c nooloogy
Drive Technology

(O CT)) for
CT f r power
fo poowe
w r and
annd feedback
– AM8500 with increased internal inertia ratio,
One Cable Technology (OCT) for power and feedback
– AM8800 for use in the food, chemical and pharma-
ceutical industries, One Cable Technology (OCT) for
power and feedback
– AM3000 for applications with highest demands on
dynamics and performance
For dynamic applications in the lower power range Beckhoff
offers the Compact Drive Technology series.

See page 816 ,

Compact Drive Technology see page 858

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Planetary gear units
– AG2300: high-end gear series for AM8000/
AM8500 motor series, high-speed variant
suited for positioning with high nominal speeds
in continuous operation
– AG2210: for AM8000/AM8500 and AM3000
motor series, low backlash and high performance
with up to 16 transmission ratios, very low running
noise coupled with maximum quality
– AG2800: stainless steel gearbox turns the
AM8800 into a perfectly matched and certified
Hygienic Design servo axis by dead-space-free
design, smooth surfaces, a round motor adapter
and high resistance to corrosion

See page 833

Drive Technology
Linear Servomotors
– AL2xxx: iron core motor for high forces
with different magnetic path widths
(50/80/130 mm)

See page 848

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AMxxxx | Synchronous Servomotors

One Cable Technology (OCT) Backlash-free Rotatable – Modular design

for power and feedback with permanent magnet speedtec® plug – Greatest possible
absolute encoder holding brake variability

– Salient-pole Thermal sensor

winding technology KTY
– Fully-encapsulated
Drive Technology


– scratchproof
– durable
– high quality

– Low cogging High-quality radial bearing

Single- and – High performance – service life 30,000 hrs
multi-turn encoder, – High power density – maximum axial and
resolver – High overload capacity radial loadability

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AM80xx high performance type AM85xx AM88xx
with forced cooling

AM8000 – Dynamic power packages AM8500 – Synchronous servomotors The motors are made from AISI-316L stain-
made in Germany with increased rotor moment of inertia less steel, making them resistant to aggres-
The AM8000 servomotor range stands for The AM8500 series extends the servomotor sive cleaning materials. All AM8800 motors
durable and powerful synchronous servo- range by a complete series with increased comply with protection class IP 69K and are
motors. Seven sizes, each with three overall rotor moment of inertia. This series covers provided with a hygienic-design cable gland.
lengths, provide seamless coverage for all a wide performance range with four sizes Four sizes, each with three different lenghts,
areas of application. The high-performance and three lengths with standstill torques are available. The AM8800 range supports
servomotor series is characterised by an ranging from 1.37 to 29 Nm. Due to the the One Cable Technology (OCT) as standard.
exceptional power density. Small end turns high rotor moment of inertia, the control of The available options include a resolver, a
and the fully potted stator enable an opti- AM8500 servomotors is simplified in applica- sealing-air connection, or an AG2280 stain-
mised thermal transition from winding to tions where a high external inertia has to be less steel gear unit for the implementation of
motor housing. moved, because these motor types tend to a perfectly matched and standards-compliant
As a result of low rotor moment of inertia vibrate less and are much easier to adjust servo axis in hygienic design.
coupled with an overload capability of up to via the servo controller.
5 times, the AM8000 series is highly dynamic. AM3000 – High-dynamic, brushless
The motors can be optionally equipped with AM8000/AM8500 – Forced Cooling servomotors
the proven resolver (2-cable standard) or the High torques even at high speeds: This is the The low-inertia servomotors of the AM3000
innovative One Cable Technology (OCT) feed- benefit of the AM8000 and AM8500 motor series are equipped with rotors containing
back system. With OCT, no encoder cable is series with additional forced cooling for high-grade neodymium. The high-quality per-
required, since the feedback signals are dig- increased performance. Equipped with a fan manent magnet material highly contributes
itally transmitted over the existing standard for axial ventilation, the standstill torques of to the exceptionally dynamic behaviour of
motor cable. Thus, the wiring costs can be these servomotors can be increased by about the motor series. Consequently, the AM3000
reduced by up to 50 %. 35 %, and the rated torques at the rated synchronous servomotors are mainly used
Typical for all seven sizes of this motor speed by even up to 150 %. The external in motion applications with highly dynamic
series is the modular design. Therefore, 24 V DC fan can be actuated independently requirements.
mechanical adjustments to suit customer of the motor. The AM3000 series incorporate resolvers
Drive Technology
requirements can be made quickly and easily. as standard feedback unit; however, they can
With a guaranteed service life of 30,000 h AM8800 – Attractive hygienic design, also be fitted with single-turn or multi-turn
for wearing parts such as ball bearings, EHEDG certified absolute encoders. The connection plugs can
this motor series offers high durability and The AM8800 stainless steel motor range is be rotated continuously. The IP 65/64 protec-
robustness. Matching accessories such as based on the AM8000 range and especially tion class of the motors can be increased to
gears and pre-assembled motor and encoder designed for use in the food, chemical and IP 65/65 by adding a sealing ring. Available
cables are available. pharmaceutical industries. The motor design accessories for these series include matching
complies with the EHEDG requirements and gears an pre-assembled motor and encoder
the materials used with the FDA guidelines. cables.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

OCT | One Cable Technology
The One Cable Technology (OCT) of the AM8xxx motor series reduces Features
the motor cabling to the mandatory motor cable, which can then also – digital single-cable transmission via the existing motor cable
be used directly for the feedback signals. As in sensorless control, – digital transmission of sensor data
the user no longer has to use an additional feedback cable. All the – no interference-susceptible analog signals
information required for control purposes is transferred reliably and – support for the electronic identification plate
interference-proof via a digital interface. – Encoder cables, including expensive plugs, are dispensed with.
The symbiosis of power and feedback cable enables reliable – reduction
implementation of high-precision positioning and lower velocity fluc- – in the costs for cable, plug and assembly
tuations. The encoder data, rotor position, multi-turn information and – in warehouse costs by dispensing with a cable variant
thermal conditions in motor are transferred via a purely digital inter- – in space requirements in cable carrier chains
face. Costly analog evaluation function blocks in the drive amplifier – in space requirements on the motor
can be avoided, while retaining extensive diagnostic options. (important with small sizes)
Since a cable and plug are omitted at both the motor and control- – in the sources of error and wear
ler end, the component and commissioning costs are significantly – Remote diagnostics are possible up to the motor.
reduced. The wiring is simplified significantly, possible error sources – Cable lengths of up to 100 m are possible.
are eliminated. This also has positive effects on the peripheral devices, – operating hours counter and error memory integrated in the motor
since drag-chains, cable bushings and areas reserved for cables in
machines and control cabinets can now be made smaller. OCT can
be used for line lengths of up to 100 m.
This results in greater degrees of freedom on the motor side:
Drive Technology

the omission of a plug connector allows the new technology to be

used even in the smallest motor sizes. The AX5000 EtherCAT Servo
Drives support OCT.


The AX5000 EtherCAT Servo Drives support OCT.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM8000 | Synchronous Servomotors

The AM8000 series represents factor, high continuous torques of external axial ventilation. feed-through can optionally be
robust, durable and high-per- can be achieved. The fully pot- This option is available for the equipped with an FPM sealing
formance synchronous servo- ted stator provides for an ideal AM806x to AM807x sizes. ring (fluoropolymer rubber), so
motors “Made in Germany”. thermal transition from winding The modular design of the that the whole motor is IP 65
The seven flange sizes, each with to housing. Another advantage AM8000 motors enables rapid protected.
three overall lengths, cover a is mechanical protection of the implementation of mechanical
wide torque range. winding wires against vibrations. adjustments. Customer-specific Planetary gear units
The AM8000 motors feature Amply sized, sealed grooved variants are available. The motors see page 836
a low rotor moment of inertia ball bearings in conjunction offer an electronic identification
and a very high overload capac- with a sophisticated mechanical plate for simple commissioning. Pre-assembled cables
ity. Based on these technical design ensure a bearing service The housing is fully powder- see page 804
characteristics, the most highly life of 30,000 hours. All motors coated so that cutting edges are
dynamic applications can be feature an integrated KTY tem- covered. The acrylic powder coat-
realised. perature sensor for exact tem- ing also offers high resistance
The windings of the AM8000 perature evaluation. against scratching and corrosion.
motors are implemented using In the forced-cooling ver- In the basic version, AM8000
salient pole-wound technology, sion, the power density of the motors feature IP 54 protected
resulting in a high copper space AM8000 motor series can be housings. For harsh environ-
factor. Due to the high slot space further increased by means mental conditions, the shaft

Drive Technology

Technical data AM80xx

Motor type permanent magnet-excited three-phase synchronous motor
Magnet material neodymium-iron-boron 819
Insulation class thermal class F (155 °C)
Design form flange-mounted according to IM B5, IM V1, IM V3
Protection class IP 54, IP 65 (shaft seal)
Cooling convection, permissible ambient temperature 40 °C, optionally: external axial ventilation
Coating/surface dark grey powder coating, similar to RAL7016
Temperature sensor KTY in stator winding
Connection method round plug connector, swivelling, angled
Life span L10h = 30,000 hrs for ball bearings
Approvals CE, UL
Feedback system absolute encoder single-turn and multi-turn (OCT), resolver

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM801x | Flange code F1, motor length 1 – 3

Data for 230 V AC AM8011-wByz AM8012-wCyz AM8013-wDyz
Standstill torque 0.20 Nm 0.38 Nm 0.52 Nm
Rated torque 0.18 Nm 0.33 Nm 0.45 Nm
Rated speed 8000 min-1 8000 min-1 8000 min-1
Rated power 0.15 kW 0.28 kW 0.38 kW
Standstill current 0.76 A 1.30 A 1.65 A
Rotor moment of inertia 0.029 kgcm² 0.048 kgcm² 0.067 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 0.052 kgcm² 0.071 kgcm² 0.090 kgcm²

AM8021 | Flange code F2, motor length 1

Data for 400 V AC AM8021-wByz AM8021-wDyz
Standstill torque 0.50 Nm 0.50 Nm
Rated torque 0.50 Nm 0.50 Nm
Rated speed 8000 min-1 9000 min-1
Rated power 0.42 kW 0.47 kW
Standstill current 0.85 A 1.60 A
Rotor moment of inertia 0.134 kgcm² 0.134 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 0.156 kgcm² 0.156 kgcm²

AM8022 | Flange code F2, motor length 2

Data for 400 V AC AM8022-wDyz AM8022-wEyz
Standstill torque 0.80 Nm 0.80 Nm
Rated torque 0.70 Nm 0.65 Nm
Rated speed 8000 min-1 9000 min-1
Rated power 0.59 kW 0.61 kW
Standstill current 1.50 A 2.44 A
Rotor moment of inertia 0.253 kgcm² 0.253 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 0.276 kgcm² 0.276 kgcm²

AM8023 | Flange code F2, motor length 3

Data for 400 V AC AM8023-wEyz AM8023-wFyz
Standstill torque 1.20 Nm 1.20 Nm
Rated torque 1.00 Nm 0.90 Nm
Rated speed 8000 min-1 9000 min-1
Rated power 0.84 kW 0.85 kW
Drive Technology

Standstill current 2.20 A 3.40 A

Rotor moment of inertia 0.373 kgcm² 0.373 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 0.396 kgcm² 0.396 kgcm²


AM8031 | Flange code F3, motor length 1

Data for 400 V AC AM8031-wCyz AM8031-wDyz AM8031-wFyz
Standstill torque 1.37 Nm 1.38 Nm 1.40 Nm
Rated torque 1.34 Nm 1.33 Nm 1.30 Nm
Rated speed 3000 min-1 6000 min-1 9000 min-1
Rated power 0.42 kW 0.84 kW 1.23 kW
Standstill current 1.00 A 1.95 A 3.20 A
Rotor moment of inertia 0.462 kgcm² 0.462 kgcm² 0.462 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 0.541 kgcm² 0.541 kgcm² 0.541 kgcm²

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM8032 | Flange code F3, motor length 2

Data for 400 V AC AM8032-wDyz AM8032-wEyz AM8032-wHyz
Standstill torque 2.38 Nm 2.37 Nm 2.37 Nm
Rated torque 2.30 Nm 2.20 Nm 1.85 Nm
Rated speed 3000 min-1 6000 min-1 9000 min-1
Rated power 0.72 kW 1.38 kW 1.74 kW
Standstill current 1.70 A 2.95 A 5.10 A
Rotor moment of inertia 0.842 kgcm² 0.842 kgcm² 0.842 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 0.921 kgcm² 0.921 kgcm² 0.921 kgcm²

AM8033 | Flange code F3, motor length 3

Data for 400 V AC AM8033-wEyz AM8033-wFyz AM8033-wJyz
Standstill torque 3.20 Nm 3.22 Nm 3.22 Nm
Rated torque 2.98 Nm 2.70 Nm 2.30 Nm
Rated speed 3000 min-1 6000 min-1 9000 min-1
Rated power 0.94 kW 1.70 kW 2.17 kW
Standstill current 2.10 A 4.10 A 6.80 A
Rotor moment of inertia 1.22 kgcm² 1.22 kgcm² 1.22 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 1.46 kgcm² 1.46 kgcm² 1.46 kgcm²

AM8041 | Flange code F4, motor length 1

Data for 400 V AC AM8041-wDyz AM8041-wEyz AM8041-wHyz
Standstill torque 2.37 Nm 2.45 Nm 2.40 Nm
Rated torque 2.30 Nm 2.31 Nm 2.10 Nm
Rated speed 3000 min-1 6000 min-1 8000 min-1
Rated power 0.72 kW 1.45 kW 1.76 kW
Standstill current 1.65 A 3.00 A 5.25 A
Rotor moment of inertia 1.08 kgcm² 1.08 kgcm² 1.08 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 1.73 kgcm² 1.73 kgcm² 1.73 kgcm²

AM8042 | Flange code F4, motor length 2

Data for 400 V AC AM8042-wEyz AM8042-wFyz AM8042-wJyz
Standstill torque 4.10 Nm 4.10 Nm 4.10 Nm
Rated torque 3.90 Nm 3.70 Nm 3.10 Nm
Rated speed 2500 min-1 5000 min-1 8000 min-1
Rated power 1.02 kW 1.94 kW 2.60 kW
Standstill current 2.15 A 4.10 A 6.90 A Drive Technology
Rotor moment of inertia 1.97 kgcm² 1.97 kgcm² 1.97 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 2.62 kgcm² 2.62 kgcm² 2.62 kgcm²


AM8043 | Flange code F4, motor length 3

Data for 400 V AC AM8043-wEyz AM8043-wHyz AM8043-wKyz
Standstill torque 5.65 Nm 5.65 Nm 5.60 Nm
Rated torque 5.30 Nm 4.90 Nm 4.10 Nm
Rated speed 2500 min-1 5000 min-1 8000 min-1
Rated power 1.39 kW 2.57 kW 3.43 kW
Standstill current 2.90 A 5.40 A 9.30 A
Rotor moment of inertia 2.87 kgcm² 2.87 kgcm² 2.87 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 3.52 kgcm² 3.52 kgcm² 3.52 kgcm²

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM8051 | Flange code F5, motor length 1

Data for 400 V AC AM8051-wEyz AM8051-wGyz AM8051-wKyz
Standstill torque 4.80 Nm 4.90 Nm 4.90 Nm
Rated torque 4.60 Nm 4.40 Nm 3.90 Nm
Rated speed 2500 min-1 5000 min-1 8000 min-1
Rated power 1.24 kW 2.30 kW 3.27 kW
Standstill current 2.70 A 4.75 A 8.50 A
Rotor moment of inertia 2.24 kgcm² 2.24 kgcm² 2.24 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 2.90 kgcm² 2.90 kgcm² 2.90 kgcm²

AM8051 | Flange code F5, motor length 1, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8051-wFyz AM8051-wJyz AM8051-wLyz
Standstill torque 6.2 Nm 6.3 Nm 6.3 Nm
Rated torque 5.8 Nm 5.5 Nm 3.6 Nm
Rated speed 2500 min-1 4750 min-1 8000 min-1
Rated power 1.52 kW 2.74 kW 3.02 kW
Standstill current 3.5 A 5.8 A 11.1 A
Rotor moment of inertia 2.24 kgcm² 2.24 kgcm² 2.24 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 2.90 kgcm² 2.90 kgcm² 2.90 kgcm²

AM8052 | Flange code F5, motor length 2

Data for 400 V AC AM8052-wFyz AM8052-wJyz AM8052-wLyz
Standstill torque 8.20 Nm 8.20 Nm 8.20 Nm
Rated torque 7.50 Nm 6.90 Nm 5.40 Nm
Rated speed 2000 min-1 4000 min-1 7300 min-1
Rated power 1.57 kW 2.89 kW 4.13 kW
Standstill current 3.30 A 6.30 A 11.3 A
Rotor moment of inertia 4.08 kgcm² 4.08 kgcm² 4.08 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 4.74 kgcm² 4.74 kgcm² 4.74 kgcm²

AM8052 | Flange code F5, motor length 2, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8052-wGyz AM8052-wKyz AM8052-wNyz
Standstill torque 10.7 Nm 10.7 Nm 9.9 Nm
Rated torque 9.7 Nm 9.0 Nm 6.5 Nm
Rated speed 2000 min-1 4000 min-1 6000 min-1
Rated power 2.03 kW 3.77 kW 4.08 kW
Drive Technology

Standstill current 4.3 A 8.5 A 13.9 A

Rotor moment of inertia 4.08 kgcm² 4.08 kgcm² 4.08 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 4.74 kgcm² 4.74 kgcm² 4.74 kgcm²


AM8053 | Flange code F5, motor length 3

Data for 400 V AC AM8053-wGyz AM8053-wKyz AM8053-wNyz
Standstill torque 11.4 Nm 11.4 Nm 11.4 Nm
Rated torque 10.0 Nm 8.35 Nm 4.50 Nm
Rated speed 2000 min-1 4000 min-1 7000 min-1
Rated power 2.09 kW 3.50 kW 3.30 kW
Standstill current 4.70 A 8.80 A 15.6 A
Rotor moment of inertia 5.92 kgcm² 5.92 kgcm² 5.92 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 7.04 kgcm² 7.04 kgcm² 7.04 kgcm²

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM8053 | Flange code F5, motor length 3, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8053-wJyz AM8053-wLyz AM8053-wPyz
Standstill torque 15.4 Nm 15.4 Nm 13.3 Nm
Rated torque 14.9 Nm 12.9 Nm 7.1 Nm
Rated speed 2000 min-1 4000 min-1 5000 min-1
Rated power 3.12 kW 5.41 kW 3.72 kW
Standstill current 6.4 A 11.9 A 18.6 A
Rotor moment of inertia 5.92 kgcm² 5.92 kgcm² 5.92 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 7.04 kgcm² 7.04 kgcm² 7.04 kgcm²

AM8061 | Flange code F6, motor length 1

Data for 400 V AC AM8061-wGyz AM8061-wJyz AM8061-wMyz
Standstill torque 12.8 Nm 12.8 Nm 12.8 Nm
Rated torque 12.1 Nm 11.0 Nm 9.00 Nm
Rated speed 1500 min-1 3000 min-1 5000 min-1
Rated power 1.90 kW 3.46 kW 4.71 kW
Standstill current 4.00 A 7.80 A 13.1 A
Rotor moment of inertia 11.1 kgcm² 11.1 kgcm² 11.1 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 13.4 kgcm² 13.4 kgcm² 13.4 kgcm²

AM8061 | Flange code F6, motor length 1, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8061-wHyz AM8061-wLyz AM8061-wNyz
Standstill torque 17.1 Nm 17.1 Nm 15.5 Nm
Rated torque 16.1 Nm 14.7 Nm 10.7 Nm
Rated speed 1400 min-1 3000 min-1 5000 min-1
Rated power 2.36 kW 4.60 kW 5.60 kW
Standstill current 5.20 A 10.1 A 15.8 A
Rotor moment of inertia 11.1 kgcm² 11.1 kgcm² 11.1 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 13.4 kgcm² 13.4 kgcm² 13.4 kgcm²

AM8062 | Flange code F6, motor length 2

Data for 400 V AC AM8062-wJyz AM8062-wLyz AM8062-wPyz
Standstill torque 21.1 Nm 21.1 Nm 21.1 Nm
Rated torque 18.50 Nm 15.2 Nm 6.50 Nm
Rated speed 1500 min-1 3000 min-1 5000 min-1
Rated power 2.91 kW 4.78 kW 3.40 kW
Standstill current 6.20 A 12.4 A 20.3 A Drive Technology
Rotor moment of inertia 20.0 kgcm² 20.0 kgcm² 20.0 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 22.3 kgcm² 22.3 kgcm² 22.3 kgcm²


AM8062 | Flange code F6, motor length 2, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8062-wKyz AM8062-wNyz AM8062-wRyz
Standstill torque 29.9 Nm 29.9 Nm 28.1 Nm
Rated torque 26.4 Nm 22.2 Nm 13.4 Nm
Rated speed 1400 min-1 3000 min-1 5000 min-1
Rated power 3.87 kW 7.00 kW 7.00 kW
Standstill current 8.70 A 17.4 A 28.7 A
Rotor moment of inertia 20.0 kgcm² 20.0 kgcm² 20.0 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 22.3 kgcm² 22.3 kgcm² 22.3 kgcm²

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM8063 | Flange code F6, motor length 3

Data for 400 V AC AM8063-wKyz AM8063-wNyz AM8063-wRyz
Standstill torque 29.0 Nm 29.0 Nm 29.0 Nm
Rated torque 22.3 Nm 13.2 Nm 6.10 Nm
Rated speed 1500 min-1 3000 min-1 4000 min-1
Rated power 3.50 kW 4.15 kW 2.56 kW
Standstill current 8.70 A 17.2 A 29.5 A
Rotor moment of inertia 29.0 kgcm² 29.0 kgcm² 29.0 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 34.9 kgcm² 34.9 kgcm² 34.9 kgcm²

AM8063 | Flange code F6, motor length 3, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8063-wLyz AM8063-wQyz AM8063-wTyz
Standstill torque 41.4 Nm 41.4 Nm 40.1 Nm
Rated torque 33.9 Nm 25.5 Nm 15.1 Nm
Rated speed 1400 min-1 3000 min-1 4000 min-1
Rated power 4.97 kW 8.00 kW 6.30 kW
Standstill current 11.6 A 24.0 A 39.8 A
Rotor moment of inertia 29.0 kgcm² 29.0 kgcm² 29.0 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 34.9 kgcm² 34.9 kgcm² 34.9 kgcm²

AM8071 | Flange code F7, motor lengths 1

Data for 400 V AC AM8071-wKyz AM8071-wNyz AM8071-wRyz
Standstill torque 31.8 Nm 31.8 Nm 29.0 Nm
Rated torque 26.5 Nm 19.5 Nm 8.00 Nm
Rated speed 1500 min-1 3000 min-1 4000 min-1
Rated power 4.16 kW 6.13 kW 3.35 kW
Standstill current 9.60 A 17.8 A 28.2 A
Rotor moment of inertia 49.6 kgcm² 49.6 kgcm² 49.6 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 68.3 kgcm² 68.3 kgcm² 68.3 kgcm²

AM8071 | Flange code F7, motor length 1, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8071-wMyz AM8071-wPyz AM8071-wTyz
Standstill torque 42.8 Nm 42.8 Nm 41.2 Nm
Rated torque 36.2 Nm 29.2 Nm 18.1 Nm
Rated speed 1500 min-1 2900 min-1 4000 min-1
Rated power 5.70 kW 8.90 kW 7.60 kW
Drive Technology

Standstill current 12.6 A 23.8 A 41.1 A

Rotor moment of inertia 49.6 kgcm² 49.6 kgcm² 49.6 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 68.3 kgcm² 68.3 kgcm² 68.3 kgcm²


AM8072 | Flange code F7, motor lengths 2

Data for 400 V AC AM8072-wLyz AM8072-wPyz AM8072-wTyz
Standstill torque 54.6 Nm 54.6 Nm 50.0 Nm
Rated torque 48.9 Nm 38.2 Nm 13.0 Nm
Rated speed 1000 min-1 2000 min-1 3000 min-1
Rated power 5.12 kW 8.00 kW 4.08 kW
Standstill current 11.1 A 20.6 A 37.5 A
Rotor moment of inertia 92.3 kgcm² 92.3 kgcm² 92.3 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 110.9 kgcm² 110.9 kgcm² 110.9 kgcm²

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM8072 | Flange code F7, motor length 2, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8072-wNyz AM8072-wRyz AM8072-wUyz
Standstill torque 80.7 Nm 80.7 Nm 74.0 Nm
Rated torque 72.6 Nm 60.1 Nm 33.8 Nm
Rated speed 1000 min-1 2000 min-1 3000 min-1
Rated power 7.6 kW 12.6 kW 10.6 kW
Standstill current 16.1 A 29.2 A 53.0 A
Rotor moment of inertia 92.2 kgcm² 92.2 kgcm² 92.2 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 111 kgcm² 111 kgcm² 111 kgcm²

AM8073 | Flange code F7, motor lengths 3

Data for 400 V AC AM8073-wNyz AM8073-wQyz AM8073-wTyz
Standstill torque 72.6 Nm 72.6 Nm 70.0 Nm
Rated torque 58.5 Nm 38.8 Nm 10.8 Nm
Rated speed 1000 min-1 2000 min-1 3000 min-1
Rated power 6.13 kW 8.13 kW 3.39 kW
Standstill current 14.7 A 27.9 A 45.6 A
Rotor moment of inertia 134.9 kgcm² 134.9 kgcm² 134.9 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 153.6 kgcm² 153.6 kgcm² 153.6 kgcm²

AM8073 | Flange code F7, motor length 3, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8073-wPyz AM8073-wRyz AM8073-wUyz
Standstill torque 104 Nm 104 Nm 95.0 Nm
Rated torque 83.7 Nm 63.3 Nm 17.8 Nm
Rated speed 1000 min-1 2000 min-1 3000 min-1
Rated power 8.8 kW 13.3 kW 5.60 kW
Standstill current 19.8 A 37.4 A 66.5 A
Rotor moment of inertia 135 kgcm² 135 kgcm² 135 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 154 kgcm² 154 kgcm² 154 kgcm²

Order reference AM80uv-wxyz

u flange code F
v motor length
w=0 smooth shaft
w=1 shaft with groove and feather key according to DIN 6885
w=2 shaft with IP 65 sealing ring and smooth shaft (not for AM801x)
w=3 shaft with IP 65 sealing ring and shaft with groove and feather key (not for AM801x)
x winding code A…Z
y=0 2-cable standard: feedback resolver (not for AM801x)
y=1 One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable
necessary, electronic identification plate, single-turn, absolute position within one revolution, 18 bit resolution Drive Technology
y=2 One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable
necessary, electronic identification plate, multi-turn, absolute position within 4096 revolutions, 18 bit resolution
y=4 2-cable standard: feedback multi-turn, absoulte encoder SKM36, 128 sincos periods (only for AM806x and AM807x)
y=A One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable 825
necessary, electronic identification plate, single-turn, absolute position within one revolution, resolution 23 bit
(only for AM803x to AM807x and AM853x to AM856x)
y=B One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable
necessary, electronic identification plate, multi-turn, absolute position within 4096 revolutions, resolution 23 bit
(only for AM803x to AM807x and AM853x to AM856x)
z=0 without holding brake
z=1 with holding brake
z=A forced cooling, without holding brake, for AM805x, AM806x, AM807x (1)
z=B forced cooling, with holding brake, for AM805x, AM806x, AM807x (1)
The EL2022 354 or KL2022 609 digital output terminal is recommended for controlling the external 24 V DC ventilation.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


d k ±1


One Cable Technology Resolver version

Dimensions a b d l r k (without k (with brake)

AM8011 30 h7 8 h7 25 mm 46 mm 40 mm 97 mm 129 mm
AM8012 30 h7 8 h7 25 mm 46 mm 40 mm 117 mm 149 mm
AM8013 30 h7 8 h7 25 mm 46 mm 40 mm 137 mm 169 mm
AM8021 40 j6 9 k6 20 mm 63 mm 58 mm 111.5 mm 146 mm
AM8022 40 j6 9 k6 20 mm 63 mm 58 mm 133.5 mm 168 mm
AM8023 40 j6 9 k6 20 mm 63 mm 58 mm 155.5 mm 190 mm
AM8031 60 j6 14 k6 30 mm 75 mm 72 mm 129 mm 168 mm
AM8032 60 j6 14 k6 30 mm 75 mm 72 mm 154 mm 194 mm
AM8033 60 j6 14 k6 30 mm 75 mm 72 mm 180 mm 229 mm
AM8041 80 j6 19 k6 40 mm 100 mm 87 mm 132 mm 179.5 mm
AM8042 80 j6 19 k6 40 mm 100 mm 87 mm 162 mm 209.5 mm
AM8043 80 j6 19 k6 40 mm 100 mm 87 mm 192 mm 239.5 mm
AM8051 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 104 mm 136.5 mm 183.5 mm
AM8051* 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 104 mm 209 mm 256 mm
AM8052 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 104 mm 169.5 mm 216.5 mm
AM8052* 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 104 mm 242 mm 289 mm
AM8053 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 104 mm 202.5 mm 251.5 mm
AM8053* 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 104 mm 275 mm 324 mm
Drive Technology

AM8061 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 142 mm 176 mm 228 mm

AM8061* 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 142 mm 259 mm 311 mm
AM8062 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 142 mm 216 mm 268 mm
AM8062* 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 142 mm 299 mm 351 mm
826 AM8063 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 142 mm 256 mm 315 mm
AM8063* 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 142 mm 339 mm 398 mm
AM8071 180 j6 38 k6 80 mm 215 mm 194 mm 212 mm 284.5 mm
AM8071* 180 j6 38 k6 80 mm 215 mm 194 mm 322.5 mm 395 mm
AM8072 180 j6 38 k6 80 mm 215 mm 194 mm 269 mm 341.5 mm
AM8072* 180 j6 38 k6 80 mm 215 mm 194 mm 379.5 mm 452 mm
AM8073 180 j6 38 k6 80 mm 215 mm 194 mm 326 mm 398.5 mm
AM8073* 180 j6 38 k6 80 mm 215 mm 194 mm 436.5 mm 509 mm
* high-performance type: oversize caused by fan, see dimension “k”

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM8500 | Synchronous Servomotors

with higher moment of inertia
The AM8500 series extends Due to the high rotor iner- well as in film winders and are available in accordance with
the servomotor range by a tia, control of the AM8500 is feeding drive units. the order data such as OCT or
complete series with increased simplified in areas in which a In the forced cooling ver- backlash-free permanent magnet
rotor moment of inertia. Due to high external inertia has to be sion the power density of the holding brake. The forced cooling
the modified rotor geometry it moved, e.g. CNC applications in AM8500 motor series is thus option is available for AM855x
is increased, depending on the machine tools and woodworking increased further thanks to the and AM856x.
length, by 100 to 300 % com- machines. The servo motors tend external axial ventilation of
pared to the AM8000 servomo- to vibrate less and are much the servomotors: the standstill Planetary gear units
tors. The AM8500 series covers easier to adjust to the applica- torques can be increased by see page 836
a wide performance range with tion on the servo controller. about 35 %; the rated torques
four sizes and three lengths with Where the ratio of external to at the rated speed even by up to Pre-assembled cables
standstill torques from 1.37 to inherent inertia has previously 150 %. In this version the servo- see page 804
29 Nm. A particular highlight, as required a gearbox, this can now motor series offers high torques
with all servomotors from the be dispensed with in some cases. even at high speeds. Cooling
AM8000 series, is the One Cable Typical areas of application for takes place with a 24 V DC fan,
Technology (OCT) that combines the AM8500 servomotors are in which is actuated independently
power and feedback system in woodworking machines, printing of the motor.In the forced cool-
the standard motor cable. machines and machine tools as ing version all further options
Drive Technology

Technical data AM85xx

Motor type permanent magnet-excited three-phase synchronous motor
Magnet material neodymium-iron-boron 827
Insulation class thermal class F (155 °C)
Design form flange-mounted according to IM B5, IM V1, IM V3
Protection class IP 54, IP 65 (shaft seal)
Cooling convection, permissible ambient temperature 40 °C, optionally: external axial ventilation
Coating/surface dark grey powder coating, similar to RAL7016
Temperature sensor KTY in stator winding
Connection method round plug connector, swivelling, angled
Life span L10h = 30,000 hrs for ball bearings
Approvals CE, UL
Feedback system absolute encoder single-turn and multi-turn (OCT), resolver

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM8531 | Flange code F3, motor length 1

Data for 400 V AC AM8531-wCyz AM8531-wDyz AM8531-wFyz
Standstill torque 1.37 Nm 1.38 Nm 1.40 Nm
Rated torque 1.34 Nm 1.33 Nm 1.30 Nm
Rated speed 3000 min-1 6000 min-1 9000 min-1
Rated power 0.42 kW 0.84 kW 1.23 kW
Standstill current 1.00 A 1.95 A 3.20 A
Rotor moment of inertia 1.67 kgcm² 1.67 kgcm² 1.67 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 1.76 kgcm² 1.76 kgcm² 1.76 kgcm²

AM8532 | Flange code F3, motor length 2

Data for 400 V AC AM8532-wDyz AM8532-wEyz AM8532-wHyz
Standstill torque 2.38 Nm 2.37 Nm 2.37 Nm
Rated torque 2.30 Nm 2.20 Nm 1.85 Nm
Rated speed 3000 min-1 6000 min-1 9000 min-1
Rated power 0.72 kW 1.38 kW 1.74 kW
Standstill current 1.70 A 2.95 A 5.10 A
Rotor moment of inertia 2.05 kgcm² 2.05 kgcm² 2.05 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 2.15 kgcm² 2.15 kgcm² 2.15 kgcm²

AM8533 | Flange code F3, motor length 3

Data for 400 V AC AM8533-wEyz AM8533-wFyz AM8533-wJyz
Standstill torque 3.20 Nm 3.22 Nm 3.22 Nm
Rated torque 2.98 Nm 2.70 Nm 2.30 Nm
Rated speed 3000 min-1 6000 min-1 9000 min-1
Rated power 0.94 kW 1.70 kW 2.17 kW
Standstill current 2.10 A 4.10 A 6.80 A
Rotor moment of inertia 2.44 kgcm² 2.44 kgcm² 2.44 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) – – –

AM8541 | Flange code F4, motor length 1

Data for 400 V AC AM8541-wDyz AM8541-wEyz AM8541-wHyz
Standstill torque 2.37 Nm 2.45 Nm 2.40 Nm
Rated torque 2.30 Nm 2.31 Nm 2.10 Nm
Rated speed 3000 min-1 6000 min-1 8000 min-1
Rated power 0.72 kW 1.45 kW 1.76 kW
Drive Technology

Standstill current 1.65 A 3.00 A 5.25 A

Rotor moment of inertia 4.63 kgcm² 4.63 kgcm² 4.63 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 5.27 kgcm² 5.27 kgcm² 5.27 kgcm²


AM8542 | Flange code F4, motor length 2

Data for 400 V AC AM8542-wEyz AM8542-wFyz AM8542-wJyz
Standstill torque 4.10 Nm 4.10 Nm 4.10 Nm
Rated torque 3.90 Nm 3.70 Nm 3.10 Nm
Rated speed 2500 min-1 5000 min-1 8000 min-1
Rated power 1.02 kW 1.94 kW 2.60 kW
Standstill current 2.15 A 4.10 A 6.90 A
Rotor moment of inertia 5.53 kgcm² 5.53 kgcm² 5.53 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 6.16 kgcm² 6.16 kgcm² 6.16 kgcm²

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM8543 | Flange code F4, motor length 3

Data for 400 V AC AM8543-wEyz AM8543-wHyz AM8543-wKyz
Standstill torque 5.65 Nm 5.65 Nm 5.60 Nm
Rated torque 5.30 Nm 4.90 Nm 4.10 Nm
Rated speed 2500 min-1 5000 min-1 8000 min-1
Rated power 1.39 kW 2.57 kW 3.43 kW
Standstill current 2.90 A 5.40 A 9.30 A
Rotor moment of inertia 6.43 kgcm² 6.43 kgcm² 6.43 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) – – –

AM8551 | Flange code F5, motor length 1

Data for 400 V AC AM8551-wEyz AM8551-wGyz AM8551-wKyz
Standstill torque 4.80 Nm 4.90 Nm 4.90 Nm
Rated torque 4.60 Nm 4.40 Nm 3.90 Nm
Rated speed 2500 min-1 5000 min-1 8000 min-1
Rated power 1.20 kW 2.30 kW 3.27 kW
Standstill current 2.70 A 4.75 A 8.50 A
Rotor moment of inertia 8.74 kgcm² 8.74 kgcm² 8.74 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 9.40 kgcm² 9.40 kgcm² 9.40 kgcm²

AM8551 | Flange code F5, motor length 1, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8551-wFyz AM8551-wJyz AM8551-wLyz
Standstill torque 6.20 Nm 6.30 Nm 6.30 Nm
Rated torque 5.8 Nm 5.5 Nm 3.6 Nm
Rated speed 2500 min-1 4750 min-1 8000 min-1
Rated power 1.52 kW 2.74 kW 3.02 kW
Standstill current 3.5 A 5.8 A 11.1 A
Rotor moment of inertia 8.74 kgcm² 8.74 kgcm² 8.74 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 9.40 kgcm² 9.40 kgcm² 9.40 kgcm²

AM8552 | Flange code F5, motor length 2

Data for 400 V AC AM8552-wFyz AM8552-wJyz AM8552-wLyz
Standstill torque 8.20 Nm 8.20 Nm 8.20 Nm
Rated torque 7.50 Nm 6.90 Nm 5.40 Nm
Rated speed 2000 min-1 4000 min-1 7300 min-1
Rated power 1.57 kW 2.89 kW 4.24 kW
Standstill current 3.30 A 6.30 A 11.3 A Drive Technology
Rotor moment of inertia 10.6 kgcm² 10.6 kgcm² 10.6 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 11.2 kgcm² 11.2 kgcm² 11.2 kgcm²


AM8552 | Flange code F5, motor length 2, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8552-wGyz AM8552-wKyz AM8552-wNyz
Standstill torque 10.7 Nm 10.7 Nm 9.9 Nm
Rated torque 9.7 Nm 9.0 Nm 6.5 Nm
Rated speed 2000 min-1 4000 min-1 6000 min-1
Rated power 2.03 kW 3.77 kW 4.08 kW
Standstill current 4.3 A 8.5 A 13.9 A
Rotor moment of inertia 10.6 kgcm² 10.6 kgcm² 10.6 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 11.2 kgcm² 11.2 kgcm² 11.2 kgcm²

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM8553 | Flange code F5, motor length 3

Data for 400 V AC AM8553-wGyz AM8553-wKyz AM8553-wNyz
Standstill torque 11.4 Nm 11.4 Nm 11.4 Nm
Rated torque 10.0 Nm 8.35 Nm 4.50 Nm
Rated speed 2000 min-1 4000 min-1 7000 min-1
Rated power 2.09 kW 3.50 kW 3.30 kW
Standstill current 4.70 A 8.80 A 15.6 A
Rotor moment of inertia 12.5 kgcm² 12.5 kgcm² 12.5 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) – – –

AM8553 | Flange code F5, motor length 3, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8553-wJyz AM8553-wLyz AM8553-wPyz
Standstill torque 15.4 Nm 15.4 Nm 13.3 Nm
Rated torque 14.9 Nm 12.9 Nm 7.1 Nm
Rated speed 2000 min-1 4000 min-1 5000 min-1
Rated power 3.12 kW 5.41 kW 3.72 kW
Standstill current 6.4 A 11.9 A 18.6 A
Rotor moment of inertia 12.5 kgcm² 12.5 kgcm² 12.5 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) – – –

AM8561 | Flange code F6, motor length 1

Data for 400 V AC AM8561-wGyz AM8561-wJyz AM8561-wMyz
Standstill torque 12.8 Nm 12.8 Nm 12.8 Nm
Rated torque 12.1 Nm 11.0 Nm 9.00 Nm
Rated speed 1500 min-1 3000 min-1 5000 min-1
Rated power 1.90 kW 3.46 kW 4.71 kW
Standstill current 4.00 A 7.80 A 13.1 A
Rotor moment of inertia 48.2 kgcm² 48.2 kgcm² 48.2 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 50.6 kgcm² 50.6 kgcm² 50.6 kgcm²

AM8561 | Flange code F6, motor length 1, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8561-wHyz AM8561-wLyz AM8561-wNyz
Standstill torque 17.1 Nm 17.1 Nm 15.5 Nm
Rated torque 16.1 Nm 14.7 Nm 10.7 Nm
Rated speed 1400 min-1 3000 min-1 5000 min-1
Rated power 2.36 kW 4.60 kW 5.60 kW
Drive Technology

Standstill current 5.20 A 10.1 A 15.8 A

Rotor moment of inertia 48.2 kgcm² 48.2 kgcm² 48.2 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 50.6 kgcm² 50.6 kgcm² 50.6 kgcm²


AM8562 | Flange code F6, motor length 2

Data for 400 V AC AM8562-wJyz AM8562-wLyz AM8562-wPyz
Standstill torque 21.1 Nm 21.1 Nm 21.1 Nm
Rated torque 18.5 Nm 15.2 Nm 6.50 Nm
Rated speed 1500 min-1 3000 min-1 5000 min-1
Rated power 2.91 kW 4.78 kW 3.40 kW
Standstill current 6.20 A 12.4 A 20.3 A
Rotor moment of inertia 57.1 kgcm² 57.1 kgcm² 57.1 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 59.6 kgcm² 59.6 kgcm² 59.6 kgcm²

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM8562 | Flange code F6, motor length 2, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8562-wKyz AM8562-wNyz AM8562-wRyz
Standstill torque 29.9 Nm 29.9 Nm 28.1 Nm
Rated torque 26.4 Nm 22.2 Nm 13.4 Nm
Rated speed 1400 min-1 3000 min-1 5000 min-1
Rated power 3.87 kW 7.00 kW 7.00 kW
Standstill current 8.70 A 17.4 A 28.7 A
Rotor moment of inertia 57.1 kgcm² 57.1 kgcm² 57.1 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 59.6 kgcm² 59.6 kgcm² 59.6 kgcm²

AM8563 | Flange code F6, motor length 3

Data for 400 V AC AM8563-wKyz AM8563-wNyz AM8563-wRyz
Standstill torque 29.0 Nm 29.0 Nm 29.0 Nm
Rated torque 22.3 Nm 13.2 Nm 6.10 Nm
Rated speed 1500 min-1 3000 min-1 4000 min-1
Rated power 3.50 kW 4.15 kW 2.56 kW
Standstill current 8.70 A 17.2 A 29.5 A
Rotor moment of inertia 66.1 kgcm² 66.1 kgcm² 66.1 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) – – –

AM8563 | Flange code F6, motor length 3, high-performance type with forced cooling
Data for 400 V AC AM8563-wLyz AM8563-wQyz AM8563-wTyz
Standstill torque 41.4 Nm 41.4 Nm 40.1 Nm
Rated torque 33.9 Nm 25.5 Nm 15.1 Nm
Rated speed 1400 min-1 3000 min-1 4000 min-1
Rated power 4.97 kW 8.00 kW 6.30 kW
Standstill current 11.6 A 24.0 A 39.8 A
Rotor moment of inertia 66.1 kgcm² 66.1 kgcm² 66.1 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) – – –

Order reference AM85uv-wxyz

u flange code F
v motor length
w=0 smooth shaft
w=1 shaft with groove and feather key according to DIN 6885
w=2 shaft with IP 65 sealing ring and smooth shaft
w=3 shaft with IP 65 sealing ring and shaft with groove and feather key
x winding code A…Z Drive Technology
y=0 2-cable standard: feedback resolver
y=1 One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable
necessary, electronic identification plate, single-turn, absolute position within one revolution, 18 bit resolution
y=2 One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable 831
necessary, electronic identification plate, multi-turn, absolute position within 4096 revolutions, 18 bit resolution
y=4 2-cable standard: feedback multi-turn, absoulte encoder SKM36, 128 sincos periods (only for AM856x)
y=A One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable
necessary, electronic identification plate, single-turn, absolute position within one revolution, resolution 23 bit
y=B One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable
necessary, electronic identification plate, multi-turn, absolute position within 4096 revolutions, resolution 23 bit
z=0 without holding brake
z=1 with holding brake (not available for AM8533, AM8543, AM8553 and AM8563)
z=A forced cooling, without holding brake, for AM855x, AM856x (1)
z=B forced cooling, with holding brake, for AM855x, AM856x (not available for AM8553 and AM8563) (1)
The EL2022 354 or KL2022 609 digital output terminal is recommended for controlling the external 24 V DC ventilation.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


d k ±1



One Cable Technology Resolver version

Dimensions a b d l r k (without k (with

brake) brake)
AM8531 60 j6 14 k6 30 mm 75 mm 72 mm 168 mm 194 mm
AM8532 60 j6 14 k6 30 mm 75 mm 72 mm 194 mm 229 mm
AM8533 60 j6 14 k6 30 mm 75 mm 72 mm 229 mm –
AM8541 80 j6 19 k6 40 mm 100 mm 87 mm 179.5 mm 209.5 mm
AM8542 80 j6 19 k6 40 mm 100 mm 87 mm 209.5 mm 239.5 mm
AM8543 80 j6 19 k6 40 mm 100 mm 87 mm 239.5 mm –
Drive Technology

AM8551 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 104 mm 183.5 mm 216.5 mm

AM8551* 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 104 mm 256 mm 289 mm
AM8552 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 104 mm 216.5 mm 251.5 mm
AM8552* 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 104 mm 289 mm 324 mm
832 AM8553 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 104 mm 251.5 mm –
AM8553* 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 104 mm 324 mm –
AM8561 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 142 mm 228 mm 268 mm
AM8561* 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 142 mm 311 mm 351 mm
AM8562 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 142 mm 268 mm 315 mm
AM8562* 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 142 mm 351 mm 398 mm
AM8563 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 142 mm 315 mm –
AM8563* 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 142 mm 398 mm –
* high-performance type: oversize caused by fan, see dimension “k”

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AG2300 | High-end gear series for AM8000 and AM8500

The low-backlash, high-per- suited for positioning with high Features – low running noise and
formance planetary gear units nominal speeds in continuous – standard version MF for smooth running thanks to
of the AG2300 series offer high operation (duty cycle > 60 %). high positioning quality in helical gearing
torque, low torsional backlash The gear units of the highly dynamic operating – flexible installation position
and a very low noise level in AG2300 series are perfectly cycles – output shaft with feather
all 14 gear ratios. The high-end matched to the AM8000 and – high-speed version MC for key or smooth shaft
gear units for the AM8000 and AM8500 motor series. The iner- high speeds in continuous – available in 7 or 6 sizes
AM8500 servomotors have a tia ratios, the required torques operation – MF: SP060 to SP240
high power density and are able and the suitable motors can be – low-backlash planetary – MC: SP075 to SP240
to absorb high radial and axial conveniently calculated directly gear unit with output shaft – 14 gear ratios, i = 3, 4, 5, 7,
forces. The high quality and run- in TwinCAT with the TC Motion – absolutely maintenance- 10 (single-stage), i = 16, 20,
ning smoothness of this helical Designer. In addition, the tool free, thanks to unique 25, 28, 35, 40, 50, 70, 100
gear unit series meet the highest checks in a single step whether lubrication concept (two-stage)
control quality demands. the selected motor can be adapt- – high axial and radial forces – acceleration torques
The MF standard variant ed to the gear unit. The planetary – long service life between 30 and 4500 Nm
allows high positioning accuracy gear units are fitted to the respec- (MF > 20,000 h, – low torsional backlash
and highly dynamic operating tive motor in the factory and MC > 30,000 h) (1…8 arcmin)
cycles (duty cycle < 60 %). delivered as a complete motor/ – maximum efficiency
Drive Technology
The high-speed MC variant is gear unit. – maximum power density

Technical data AG2300
Type of gear planetary gear with two variants
Variant MF (standard), MC (high-speed)
Life span MF > 20,000 h/MC > 30,000 h
Coating/surface RAL7016 (grey)
Ambient temperature -15 °C…+40 °C
Lubrication lubricated for life
Installation position variable
Protection class IP 65
Mechanically compatible with flange size F (typical combination according to specifications)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AG2300 | Size 060

Technical data AG2300-+SP060S-MF1-i AG2300-+SP060S-MF2-i
Variant standard MF standard MF
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/40/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 17…26 Nm 17…26 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 30…42 Nm 32…42 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 4/2 arcmin ≤ 6/4 arcmin
Typ. flange size F F2, F3 F2, F3

AG2300 | Size 075

Technical data AG2300-+SP075S-MF1-i AG2300-+SP075S-MF2-i AG2300-+SP075S-MC1-i AG2300-+SP075S-MC2-i
Variant standard MF standard MF high-speed MC high-speed MC
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/ 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/
40/50/70/100 40/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 47…75 Nm 52…75 Nm 28…48 Nm 30…60 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 85…110 Nm 90…110 Nm 68…90 Nm 70…90 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 4/2 arcmin ≤ 6/4 arcmin ≤ 6/4 arcmin ≤ 8/6 arcmin
Typ. flange size F F3, F4, F5 F3, F4 F3, F4, F5 F3, F4

AG2300 | Size 100

Technical data AG2300-+SP100S-MF1-i AG2300-+SP100S-MF2-i AG2300-+SP100S-MC1-i AG2300-+SP100S-MC2-i
Variant standard MF standard MF high-speed MC high-speed MC
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/ 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/
40/50/70/100 40/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 120…180 Nm 120…180 Nm 70…105 Nm 80…140 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 235…315 Nm 235…315 Nm 180…240 Nm 180…240 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 3/1 arcmin ≤ 5/3 arcmin ≤ 4/2 arcmin ≤ 6/4 arcmin
Typ. flange size F F4, F5, F6 F3, F4, F5 F4, F5, F6 F3, F4, F5

AG2300 | Size 140

Technical data AG2300-+SP140S-MF1-i AG2300-+SP140S-MF2-i AG2300-+SP140S-MC1-i AG2300-+SP140S-MC2-i
Variant standard MF standard MF high-speed MC high-speed MC
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/ 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/
40/50/70/100 40/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 200…360 Nm 220…360 Nm 130…210 Nm 180…290 Nm
Drive Technology

Max. acceleration torque 390…660 Nm 530…660 Nm 310…480 Nm 380…480 Nm

Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 3/1 arcmin ≤ 5/3 arcmin ≤ 4/2 arcmin ≤ 6/4 arcmin
Typ. flange size F F5, F6, F7 F4, F5, F6 F5, F6, F7 F4, F5, F6


AG2300 | Size 180

Technical data AG2300-+SP180S-MF1-i AG2300-+SP180S-MF2-i AG2300-+SP180S-MC1-i AG2300-+SP180S-MC2-i
Variant standard MF standard MF high-speed MC high-speed MC
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/ 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/
40/50/70/100 40/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 530…750 Nm 750 Nm 290…450 Nm 600 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 970…1210 Nm 970…1210 Nm 700…880 Nm 700…880 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 3/1 arcmin ≤ 5/3 arcmin ≤ 4/2 arcmin ≤ 6/4 arcmin
Typ. flange size F F6, F7 F5, F6 F6, F7 F5, F6, F7

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AG2300 | Size 210

Technical data AG2300-+SP210S-MF1-i AG2300-+SP210S-MF2-i AG2300-+SP210S-MC1-i AG2300-+SP210S-MC2-i
Variant standard MF standard MF high-speed MC high-speed MC
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/ 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/
40/50/70/100 40/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 1000…1500 Nm 1000…1500 Nm 800…1300 Nm 780…1000 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 1600…2500 Nm 1900…2500 Nm 1200…2000 Nm 1040…2000 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 3/1 arcmin ≤ 5/3 arcmin ≤ 4/2 arcmin ≤ 5/4 arcmin
Typ. flange size F F7 F7 F7 F7

AG2300 | Size 240

Technical data AG2300-+SP240S-MF1-i AG2300-+SP240S-MF2-i AG2300-+SP240S-MC1-i AG2300-+SP240S-MC2-i
Variant standard MF standard MF high-speed MC high-speed MC
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/ 3/4/5/7/10 16/20/25/28/35/
40/50/70/100 40/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 1500…2500 Nm 1700…2500 Nm 1100…1960 Nm 1100…1930 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 2750…4500 Nm 3400…4500 Nm 1750…3600 Nm 1800…3600 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 3/1 arcmin ≤ 5/3 arcmin ≤ 4/2 arcmin ≤ 5/4 arcmin
Typ. flange size F F7, AM308x F7, AM308x F7, AM308x F7, AM308x

Order reference AG2300-+SPaaaS-Mvs-i-wXy-Motorsize

aaa series/size (060, 075, 100, 140, 180, 210, 240)
v=F standard version for high positioning quality in highly dynamic operating cycles
v=C high-speed version for high speeds in continuous operation
s=1 1-stage with i = 3/4/5/7/10
s=2 2-stage with i = 16/20/25/28/35/40/50/70/100
i gear ratio
w=0 smooth shaft
w=1 shaft with groove and feather key
X identifying letter for clamping hub diameter;
not available for selection, is selected automatically based on the respective motor
y=0 reduced torsional backlash Drive Technology
y=1 standard torsional backlash
Motorsize Specifies adapter unit between motor and gearbox. Correlates to motor flange size F
or flange compatible motor type.
Motorsize = AM801x (F1) flange code F1: AM801x; compatible with AM301x 835
Motorsize = AM802x (F2) flange code F2: AM802x; compatible with AM302x
Motorsize = AM803x (F3) flange code F3: AM803x, AM853x; compatible with AM303x
Motorsize = AM804x (F4) flange code F4: AM804x, AM854x; compatible with AM304x
Motorsize = AM805x (F5) flange code F5: AM805x, AM855x
Motorsize = AM305x in combination with AM305x
Motorsize = AM806x (F6) flange code F6: AM806x, AM856x; compatible with AM306x
Motorsize = AM807x (F7) flange code F7: AM807x; compatible with AM307x
Motorsize = AM308x in combination with AM308x

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AG2210 | Planetary gear units for AM8000 and AM8500

The low-backlash, high-perfor- of the AG2210 series are also Features – output shaft with
mance gear units of the AG2210 suitable for use with the motor – maximum economic feather key
series offer high torques, low series AM3xxx. The inertia ratios, efficiency – 5 sizes LP050…LP155
torsional backlash and up to the required torques and the – absolutely maintenance- – 16 gear ratios
16 transmission ratios for opti- suitable motors can be con- free, thanks to unique i = 3, 4, 5, 7, 10
mised drive solutions as well as veniently calculated directly in lubrication concept (single-stage),
a very low running noise coupled TwinCAT with the TC Motion – long service life i = 9, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30, 35,
with maximum quality. Designer. In addition, the tool (> 20,000 h) 40, 50, 70, 100 (two-stage)
The gear units for the checks in a single step whether – high efficiency – acceleration torque
AM8000/AM8500 Synchronous the selected motor can be (> 95 % at full load) between 13 and 500 Nm
Servomotors are mainly used in adapted to the gear unit. The – low running noise – low torsional backlash
applications where large mass planetary gear units are fitted to and smooth operation (≤ 8…13 arcmin)
inertia has to be accelerated, the respective motor in the fac- through maximum
or where the inertia ratio tory and delivered as a complete production quality
between load and motor pre- motor/gear unit. – flexible mounting
vents dynamic motion. Gears position
Drive Technology

Technical data AG2210
New generation successor of AG2200, identical design
Type of gear planetary gear
Life span > 20,000 h
Coating/surface RAL7016 (grey)
Ambient temperature -15 °C…+40 °C
Lubrication lubricated for life
Installation position variable
Protection class IP 64
Mechanically compatible with flange size F (typical combination according to specifications)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AG2210 | Size 050

Technical data AG2210-+LP050S-MF1-i AG2210-+LP050S-MF2-i
Gear ratio 4/5/7/10 16/20/25/35/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 6…6.5 Nm 6…6.5 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 13…14 Nm 13…14 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 10/– arcmin ≤ 13/– arcmin
Typ. flange size F F1, F2 F1, F2

AG2210 | Size 070

Technical data AG2210-+LP070S-MF1-i AG2210-+LP070S-MF2-i
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/10 9/12/16/20/25/30/40/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 19…29 Nm 19…29 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 37…55 Nm 37…55 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 8/– arcmin ≤ 10/– arcmin
Typ. flange size F F2, F3, F4 F2, F3, F4

AG2210 | Size 090

Technical data AG2210-+LP090S-MF1-i AG2210-+LP090S-MF2-i
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/10 9/12/16/20/25/30/40/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 45…63 Nm 45…63 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 90…125 Nm 90…125 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 8/– arcmin ≤ 10/– arcmin Drive Technology
Typ. flange size F F4, F5 F4, F5


AG2210 | Size 120

Technical data AG2210-+LP120S-MF1-i AG2210-+LP120S-MF2-i
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/10 9/12/16/20/25/30/40/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 110…155 Nm 110…155 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 220…305 Nm 220…305 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 8/– arcmin ≤ 10/– arcmin
Typ. flange size F F5, F6 F5, F6

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AG2210 | Size 155

Technical data AG2210-+LP155S-MF1-i AG2210-+LP155S-MF2-i
Gear ratio 5/10 25/50/100
Nominal output torque 200…350 Nm 200…350 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 400…500 Nm 400…500 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 8/– arcmin ≤ 10/– arcmin
Typ. flange size F F6, F7 F6

Order reference AG2210-+LPaaaS-MFs-i-wX1-Motorsize

aaa series/size (050, 070, 090, 120, 155)
s=1 1-stage with i = 3/4/5/7/10
s=2 2-stage with i = 9/12/16/20/25/30/35/40/50/70/100
i gear ratio
w=0 smooth shaft
Drive Technology

w=1 shaft with groove and feather key according to DIN 6885
X identifying letter for clamping hub diameter;
not available for selection, is selected automatically based on the respective motor
Motorsize Specifies adapter unit between motor and gearbox. Correlates to motor flange size F
838 or flange compatible motor type.
Motorsize = AM801x (F1) flange code F1: AM801x; compatible with AM301x
Motorsize = AM802x (F2) flange code F2: AM802x; compatible with AM302x
Motorsize = AM803x (F3) flange code F3: AM803x, AM853x; compatible with AM303x
Motorsize = AM804x (F4) flange code F4: AM804x, AM854x; compatible with AM304x
Motorsize = AM805x (F5) flange code F5: AM805x, AM855x
Motorsize = AM305x in combination with AM305x
Motorsize = AM806x (F6) flange code F6: AM806x, AM856x; compatible with AM306x
Motorsize = AM807x (F7) flange code F7: AM807x; compatible with AM307x

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM8800 | Stainless steel servomotors

Based on the AM8000 technol- positive consequence of this is One Cable Technology (OCT) For further information
ogy, the AM8800 series has a the mechanical protection of the With the servomotors of the on OCT see page 818
stainless steel housing that is winding wires against vibrations. AM8000 series the feedback sig-
designed according to the EHEDG Since the housing and motor nals are sent directly along the Stainless steal gear units
guidelines in Hygienic Design. shaft are manufactured from conductor to the power supply AG2800 see page 842
The AM8800 is ideally suited for scratch-proof stainless steel so that the power and feedback
use in the food, pharmaceutical AISI 316L, no corrosion creep systems are combined in a single Pre-assembled cables
and chemical industries. or damage to the paint finish is motor connection cable. With the see page 804
The windings of the AM8800 possible. The motors are manu- use of OCT, the information is
motors are implemented using factured as standard with IP 69K sent reliably and without inter-
salient pole-wound technology. protection, allowing the use ference through a digital inter-
This gives rise to a high copper of steam pressure cleaners. face. Since a cable and plug are
space factor. Due to the high An optional sealing air connec- omitted at both the motor and
slot space factor, high continu- tion to prevent the formation of controller end, the component
ous torques can be attained. The condensation is also available. and commissioning costs are
fully potted stator provides for a The cable gland also has a hygi- significantly reduced.
thermally ideal transition of the enic design. The lubricants used
winding to the housing. A further are certified food-safe (FDA).

Drive Technology

Technical data AM88xx

Motor type permanent magnet-excited three-phase synchronous motor
Magnet material neodymium-iron-boron 839
Insulation class thermal class F (155 °C)
Design form flange-mounted according to IM B5, IM V1, IM V3, optionally IM B14, IM V18, IM V19
Protection class IP 69K, PTFE double-lip shaft seal with FDA approval
Cooling convection, permissible ambient temperature 40 °C
Materials AISI 316L
Temperature sensor KTY in stator winding
Connection method direct cable outlet via cable gland with connected M23 coupling plug
Life span L10h = 30,000 hrs for ball bearings
Approvals CE, UL, EHEDG
Feedback system absolute encoder single-turn and multi-turn (OCT), resolver

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM883x | Flange code 3

Data for 400 V AC AM8831-wByz AM8832-wCyz AM8833-wDyz
Standstill torque 0.85 Nm 1.40 Nm 1.85 Nm
Rated torque 0.70 Nm 1.00 Nm 1.35 Nm
Rated speed 3000 min-1 3000 min-1 3000 min-1
Rated power 0.22 kW 0.31 kW 0.42 kW
Standstill current 0.65 A 1.00 A 1.25 A
Rotor moment of inertia 0.469 kgcm² 0.850 kgcm² 1.231 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 0.548 kgcm² 0.929 kgcm² 1.471 kgcm²

AM884x | Flange code 4

Data for 400 V AC AM8841-wCyz AM8842-wDyz AM8843-wEyz
Standstill torque 1.60 Nm 2.60 Nm 3.50 Nm
Rated torque 1.30 Nm 1.90 Nm 2.75 Nm
Rated speed 3000 min-1 2500 min-1 2500 min-1
Rated power 0.41 kW 0.50 kW 0.72 kW
Standstill current 1.10 A 1.60 A 1.90 A
Rotor moment of inertia 1.115 kgcm² 2.006 kgcm² 2.898 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 1.765 kgcm² 2.656 kgcm² 3.548 kgcm²

AM885x | Flange code 5

Data for 400 V AC AM8851-wDyz AM8852-wEyz AM8853-wFyz
Standstill torque 3.10 Nm 4.80 Nm 6.40 Nm
Rated torque 2.70 Nm 3.70 Nm 4.30 Nm
Rated speed 2500 min-1 2000 min-1 2000 min-1
Rated power 0.71 kW 0.77 kW 0.90 kW
Standstill current 1.80 A 2.10 A 2.80 A
Rotor moment of inertia 2.315 kgcm² 4.142 kgcm² 5.970 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 2.975 kgcm² 4.802 kgcm² 7.090 kgcm²
Drive Technology

AM886x | Flange code 6

Data for 400 V AC AM8861-wEyz AM8862-wFyz AM8863-wGyz
Standstill torque 7.75 Nm 12.0 Nm 16.7 Nm
Rated torque 6.20 Nm 6.00 Nm 8.00 Nm
Rated speed 1500 min-1 1500 min-1 1500 min-1
Rated power 0.97 kW 0.94 kW 1.26 kW
Standstill current 2.53 A 3.70 A 4.90 A
Rotor moment of inertia 11.69 kgcm² 20.93 kgcm² 30.16 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 13.94 kgcm² 23.17 kgcm² 32.40 kgcm²

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Order reference AM88uv-wxyz-caaa

u flange code
v motor length
w=0 smooth shaft with sealing ring IP 69K
w=1 shaft with groove and feather key according to DIN 6885 and sealing ring IP 69K
x winding code A…Z
y=0 2-cable standard: feedback resolver
y=1 One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable necessary,
electronic identification plate, single-turn, absolute position within one revolution, 18 bit resolution
y=2 One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable necessary,
electronic identification plate, multi-turn, absolute position within 4,096 revolutions, 18 bit resolution
z=0 without holding brake
z=2 without holding brake, with sealing air connection
z=1 with holding brake
z=3 with holding brake, with sealing air connection
c=0 motor connection via M23 speedtec® plug, cable length definable via aaa (1)
c=2 direct connection for AX5000 up to 25 A (X13+X14), cable length definable via aaa
aaa length of the motor cable in decimetres
For motor connection via an M23 speedtec® plug, a motor supply cable ZK4500-80x3-xxxx must also be ordered in the required length.
Motor connections see page 804

45° 45°


d k ±1

Dimensions a b d l r k (without k (with

brake) brake) Drive Technology
AM8831 60 j6 14 k6 30 mm 75 mm 89 mm 134 mm 172 mm
AM8832 60 j6 14 k6 30 mm 75 mm 89 mm 159.5 mm 197.5 mm
AM8833 60 j6 14 k6 30 mm 75 mm 89 mm 185 mm 223 mm
AM8841 80 j6 19 k6 40 mm 100 mm 114 mm 141 mm 188 mm 841
AM8842 80 j6 19 k6 40 mm 100 mm 114 mm 171 mm 218 mm
AM8843 80 j6 19 k6 40 mm 100 mm 114 mm 201 mm 248 mm
AM8851 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 134 mm 146 mm 192 mm
AM8852 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 134 mm 179 mm 225 mm
AM8853 95 j6 24 k6 50 mm 115 mm 134 mm 212 mm 258 mm
AM8861 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 189 mm 171.5 mm 221.5 mm
AM8862 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 189 mm 211.5 mm 261.5 mm
AM8863 130 j6 32 k6 58 mm 165 mm 189 mm 251.5 mm 301.5 mm

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AG2800 | Planetary gear units for AM8800

stainless steel servomotors
The AM8800 stainless steel stainless steel shaft of the motor; AM8800 a perfectly matched – food-compatible NSF-H1
servomotors are fully compatible the use of a gearbox is often and certified Hygienic Design lubrication
with the high requirements in absolutely necessary. The same servo axis. The planetary gear – high protection class IP 69K
the food, beverage and pharma- requirements apply here as to units are fitted to the respec- (at 30 bar, refering to
ceutical industries with respect the stainless steel servomotors. tive motor in the factory and DIN 40050-9)
to optimum cleaning, resistance All gearbox materials that come delivered as a complete motor/ – laser-etched name plate
to aggressive cleaning agents, into contact with the environ- gear unit. – dead-space-free design and
heavy mechanical loads and ment exhibit high resistance to smooth, electro-polished
adverse environmental condi- a large number of aggressive Features surfaces
tions. With their absolutely edge- CIP (Cleaning in Place) clean- – corrosion-resistant
free design these motors reduce ing media. The dead-space-free implementation
the costs for machine manufac- design, the smooth surface, – resistant to aggressive
turers and users to a minimum. the round motor adapter and cleaning agents
A Hygienic Design drive the high resistance to corro- – stainless steel screw
axis does not always end at the sion of the gearboxes make the plug
Drive Technology


Technical data AG2800

Type of gear planetary gear stainless steel
Life span > 20,000 h
Coating/surface stainless steel 1.4404
Ambient temperature -15 °C…+40 °C
Installation position variable
Protection class IP 69K (at 30 bar, refering to DIN 40050-9)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AG2800 | Size 15
Technical data AG2800-+HDV015Z-MF1-i AG2800-+HDV015Z-MF2-i
Gear ratio 4/5/7/10 16/20/25/35/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 15…16 Nm 15…16 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 29…32 Nm 29…32 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 10/– arcmin ≤ 15/– arcmin

AG2800 | Size 25
Technical data AG2800-+HDV025Z-MF1-i AG2800-+HDV025Z-MF2-i
Gear ratio 4/5/7/10 16/20/25/35/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 35…40 Nm 35…40 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 72…80 Nm 72…80 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 10/– arcmin ≤ 15/– arcmin

AG2800 | Size 35
Technical data AG2800-+HDV035Z-MF1-i AG2800-+HDV035Z-MF2-i
Gear ratio 4/5/7/10 16/20/25/35/50/70/100
Nominal output torque 90…100 Nm 90…100 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 180…200 Nm 180…200 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 10/– arcmin ≤ 15/– arcmin

Order reference AG2800-+HDVaaaZ-MFs-i-wX1-Motorsize

aaa series/size (015, 025, 035) Drive Technology
s=1 1-stage with i = 4/5/7/10
s=2 2-stage with i = 16/20/25/35/50/70/100
i gear ratio
w=0 smooth shaft 843
w=1 shaft with groove and feather key according to DIN 6885
X identifying letter for clamping hub diameter;
not available for selection, is selected automatically based on the respective motor
Motorsize Specification of the size according to flange-compatible motors.
The planetary gears are delivered as a unit with the assembled motor.
Motorsize = AM883x in combination with AM883x
Motorsize = AM884x in combination with AM884x
Motorsize = AM885x in combination with AM885x

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM3000 | Synchronous Servomotors

Pole-wound motor series Sealed winding size has been defined, there is – protection class IP 65,
For the AM3000 servomotors, The AM3000 servomotors are scope for variation in the length. shaft feed through IP 54,
the stator is not wound outside characterised by an extremely The motors are offered with tor- optional IP 65/IP 65
the housing but inside through low moment of inertia, robust ques between 0.18 and 180 Nm – UL/CSA
a needle winder. With conven- design and high overload capac- and with a wide range of nom-
tional technology, the winding ity. The winding is sealed in order inal speeds, so that for each Option
is pressed into the grooved lami- to eliminate air between the application and gear ratio the – planetary gear units
nated core. This only achieves a individual wires, since the ther- motor with the optimum dimen- in different variants
copper filling ratio (which deter- mal resistance of air is higher sions can be selected.
mines the maximum torque) of than that of epoxy resin. This fur- Planetary gear units
approx. 40 %. Furthermore, the ther increases mechanical resil- Features see page 836
insulation layer has to be signifi- ience, e.g. in case of vibrations. – Rotable plug connectors:
cantly thicker in order to protect The plug connectors for Pre-assembled cables
the wire from mechanical stress Single-piece motor housing power and feedback are and more accessories
and prevent damage. Servomotors dissipate a large freely rotatable, making
With pole winding, the cop- proportion of the heat generated wiring of the whole machine
per wire is in close contact with via the mounting flange. It is easier.
the iron core. The wire insulation therefore important to keep the – terminal box for AM308x
can be much thinner, since no heat transfer resistance as small – tight tolerances: resulting in
pressing of the winding head is as possible. For this reason, the a highly symmetric structure
Drive Technology

required. These measures lead housings of the AM3000 motor inside the motor reducing
to a significant increase in the series are made from a single cogging to an absolute mini-
proportion of “active“ copper, piece, since material transitions mum
which determines the torque increase the thermal resistance – feedback option: resolver,
value, so that the performance and have a negative influence single-turn and multi-turn
of the AM3000 series is approx. on the stability of the motor. absolute encoders
25…35 % higher. An additional The AM3000 Synchronous – The motors are available
benefit is that the motors are Servomotors are available with with smooth shaft or
significantly shorter than con- eight different flange sizes. with groove and feather
ventional models. For each size, once the flange key.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM30uv-wxyz-000a Stand- Stand- Rated speed at rated supply voltage Rotor moment of inertia Weight Weight
still still 230 V AC 400 V AC 480 V AC (without (with (without (with
torque current brake) brake) brake) brake)
AM3011-wByz-000a 0.18 Nm 1.16 A 8000 min-1 – – 0.017 kg cm² 0.020 kg cm² 0.35 kg 0.55 kg
AM3012-wCyz-000a 0.31 Nm 1.51 A 8000 min-1 – – 0.031 kg cm² 0.034 kg cm² 0.49 kg 0.69 kg
AM3013-wCyz-000a 0.41 Nm 1.48 A 8000 min-1 – – 0.045 kg cm² 0.048 kg cm² 0.63 kg 0.83 kg
AM3013-wDyz-000a 0.40 Nm 2.40 A – – – 0.045 kg cm² 0.048 kg cm² 0.63 kg 0.83 kg
AM3021-wCyz-000a 0.48 Nm 1.58 A 8000 min-1 – – 0.107 kg cm² 0.118 kg cm² 0.82 kg 1.09 kg
AM3022-wCyz-000a 0.84 Nm 1.39 A 3500 min-1 8000 min-1 8000 min-1 0.161 kg cm² 0.172 kg cm² 1.10 kg 1.37 kg
AM3022-wEyz-000a 0.87 Nm 2.73 A 8000 min-1 – – 0.161 kg cm² 0.172 kg cm² 1.10 kg 1.37 kg
AM3023-wCyz-000a 1.13 Nm 1.41 A 2500 min-1 5500 min-1 7000 min-1 0.216 kg cm² 0.227 kg cm² 1.38 kg 1.65 kg
-1 -1
AM3023-wDyz-000a 1.16 Nm 2.19 A 5000 min 8000 min 8000 min-1 0.216 kg cm² 0.227 kg cm² 1.38 kg 1.65 kg
AM3024-wCyz-000a 1.38 Nm 1.42 A 2000 min-1 4500 min-1 5500 min-1 0.270 kg cm² 0.281 kg cm² 1.66 kg 1.93 kg
AM3024-wDyz-000a 1.41 Nm 2.21 A 4000 min-1 8000 min-1 8000 min-1 0.270 kg cm² 0.281 kg cm² 1.66 kg 1.93 kg
AM3031-wCyz-0000 1.15 Nm 1.37 A 2500 min-1 5000 min-1 6000 min-1 0.330 kg cm² 0.341 kg cm² 1.55 kg 1.90 kg
AM3031-wEyz-0000 1.20 Nm 2.99 A 6000 min-1 – – 0.330 kg cm² 0.341 kg cm² 1.55 kg 1.90 kg
AM3032-wCyz-0000 2.00 Nm 1.44 A 1500 min-1 3000 min-1 3500 min-1 0.590 kg cm² 0.601 kg cm² 2.23 kg 2.58 kg
-1 -1
AM3032-wDyz-0000 2.04 Nm 2.23 A 2500 min 5500 min 6000 min-1 0.590 kg cm² 0.601 kg cm² 2.23 kg 2.58 kg
AM3032-wHyz-0000 2.10 Nm 5.50 A 7000 min-1 – – 0.590 kg cm² 0.601 kg cm² 2.23 kg 2.58 kg
AM3033-wCyz-0000 2.71 Nm 1.47 A 1000 min-1 2000 min-1 2500 min-1 0.850 kg cm² 0.861 kg cm² 2.90 kg 3.25 kg
-1 -1
AM3033-wEyz-0000 2.79 Nm 2.58 A 2000 min 4500 min 5000 min-1 0.850 kg cm² 0.861 kg cm² 2.90 kg 3.25 kg
AM3041-wCyz-0000 1.95 Nm 1.46 A 1200 min-1 3000 min-1 3500 min-1 0.810 kg cm² 0.878 kg cm² 2.44 kg 3.07 kg
AM3041-wEyz-0000 2.02 Nm 2.85 A 3000 min-1 6000 min-1 6000 min-1 0.810 kg cm² 0.878 kg cm² 2.44 kg 3.07 kg
AM3041-wHyz-0000 2.06 Nm 5.60 A 6000 min-1 6000 min-1 6000 min-1 0.810 kg cm² 0.878 kg cm² 2.44 kg 3.07 kg
AM3042-wCyz-0000 3.35 Nm 1.40 A – 1500 min-1 2000 min-1 1.450 kg cm² 1.518 kg cm² 3.39 kg 4.02 kg
AM3042-wEyz-0000 3.42 Nm 2.74 A 1800 min-1 3500 min-1 4000 min-1 1.450 kg cm² 1.518 kg cm² 3.39 kg 4.02 kg
AM3042-wGyz-0000 3.53 Nm 4.80 A 3500 min-1 6000 min-1 6000 min-1 1.450 kg cm² 1.518 kg cm² 3.39 kg 4.02 kg
AM3043-wEyz-0000 4.70 Nm 2.76 A 1500 min-1 2500 min-1 3000 min-1 2.090 kg cm² 2.158 kg cm² 4.35 kg 4.98 kg
AM3043-wGyz-0000 4.80 Nm 4.87 A 2500 min-1 5000 min-1 6000 min-1 2.090 kg cm² 2.158 kg cm² 4.35 kg 4.98 kg
AM3043-wHyz-0000 4.82 Nm 5.40 A 3000 min-1 6000 min-1 – 2.090 kg cm² 2.158 kg cm² 4.35 kg 4.98 kg
AM3044-wEyz-0000 5.76 Nm 2.90 A 1200 min-1 2000 min-1 2500 min-1 2.730 kg cm² 2.798 kg cm² 5.30 kg 5.93 kg
-1 -1
AM3044-wGyz-0000 5.88 Nm 5.00 A 2000 min 4000 min 5000 min-1 2.730 kg cm² 2.798 kg cm² 5.30 kg 5.93 kg
AM3044-wHyz-0000 5.89 Nm 5.60 A 2500 min-1 5000 min-1 6000 min-1 2.730 kg cm² 2.798 kg cm² 5.30 kg 5.93 kg
AM3044-wJyz-0000 6.00 Nm 8.80 A 4000 min-1 6000 min-1 6000 min-1 2.730 kg cm² 2.798 kg cm² 5.30 kg 5.93 kg
AM3051-wEyz-0000 4.70 Nm 2.75 A 1200 min-1 2500 min-1 3000 min-1 3.420 kg cm² 3.593 kg cm² 4.20 kg 5.30 kg
-1 -1
AM3051-wGyz-0000 4.75 Nm 4.84 A 2500 min 5000 min 6000 min-1 3.420 kg cm² 3.593 kg cm² 4.20 kg 5.30 kg
AM3051-wHyz-0000 4.79 Nm 6.00 A 3000 min-1 6000 min-1 6000 min-1 3.420 kg cm² 3.593 kg cm² 4.20 kg 5.30 kg
AM3052-wGyz-0000 8.43 Nm 4.72 A 1500 min-1 2500 min-1 3000 min-1 6.220 kg cm² 6.393 kg cm² 5.80 kg 6.90 kg
AM3052-wHyz-0000 8.48 Nm 5.90 A 1800 min-1 3500 min-1 4000 min-1 6.220 kg cm² 6.393 kg cm² 5.80 kg 6.90 kg
AM3052-wKyz-0000 8.60 Nm 9.30 A 3000 min-1 5500 min-1 6000 min-1 6.220 kg cm² 6.393 kg cm² 5.80 kg 6.90 kg
AM3053-wGyz-0000 11.37 Nm 4.77 A 1000 min-1 2000 min-1 2400 min-1 9.120 kg cm² 9.293 kg cm² 7.40 kg 8.50 kg Drive Technology
AM3053-wHyz-0000 11.51 Nm 6.60 A – 3000 min-1 3500 min-1 9.120 kg cm² 9.293 kg cm² 7.40 kg 8.50 kg
AM3053-wKyz-0000 11.60 Nm 9.40 A 2000 min-1 4000 min-1 4500 min-1 9.120 kg cm² 9.293 kg cm² 7.40 kg 8.50 kg
AM3054-wGyz-0000 14.30 Nm 5.00 A – 1500 min-1 2000 min-1 11.92 kg cm² 12.093 kg cm² 9.00 kg 10.1 kg
AM3054-wHyz-0000 14.90 Nm 5.50 A 1000 min-1 1800 min-1 2000 min-1 11.92 kg cm² 12.093 kg cm² 9.00 kg 10.1 kg 845
-1 -1
AM3054-wKyz-0000 14.40 Nm 9.70 A 1800 min 3500 min 4000 min-1 11.92 kg cm² 12.093 kg cm² 9.00 kg 10.1 kg
AM3054-wLyz-0000 14.10 Nm 12.50 A 2500 min-1 4500 min-1 – 11.92 kg cm² 12.093 kg cm² 9.00 kg 10.1 kg
AM3062-wGyz-0000 11.90 Nm 4.90 A – 1800 min-1 2000 min-1 16.90 kg cm² 17.51 kg cm² 8.90 kg 10.9 kg
AM3062-wHyz-0000 11.90 Nm 5.40 A 1000 min-1 2000 min-1 2400 min-1 16.90 kg cm² 17.51 kg cm² 8.90 kg 10.9 kg
AM3062-wKyz-0000 12.20 Nm 9.60 A 2000 min-1 3500 min-1 4500 min-1 16.90 kg cm² 17.51 kg cm² 8.90 kg 10.9 kg
AM3062-wMyz-0000 12.20 Nm 13.40 A 3000 min-1 6000 min-1 6000 min-1 16.90 kg cm² 17.51 kg cm² 8.90 kg 10.9 kg
AM3063-wKyz-0000 16.80 Nm 9.90 A 1500 min-1 3000 min-1 3500 min-1 24.20 kg cm² 24.81 kg cm² 11.1 kg 13.1 kg
AM3063-wMyz-0000 17.00 Nm 13.80 A 2000 min-1 4000 min-1 4500 min-1 24.20 kg cm² 24.81 kg cm² 11.1 kg 13.1 kg
AM3063-wNyz-0000 17.00 Nm 17.40 A 3000 min-1 5000 min-1 6000 min-1 24.20 kg cm² 24.81 kg cm² 11.1 kg 13.1 kg
The table is continued on the next page.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AM30uv-wxyz-000a Stand- Stand- Rated speed at rated supply voltage Rotor moment of inertia Weight Weight
still still 230 V AC 400 V AC 480 V AC (without (with (without (with
torque current brake) brake) brake) brake)
AM3063-wHyz-0000 16.60 Nm 5.60 A – 1500 min-1 1800 min-1 31.60 kg cm² 32.21 kg cm² 13.3 kg 15.3 kg
AM3064-wKyz-0000 20.80 Nm 9.20 A 1200 min-1 2000 min-1 2500 min-1 31.60 kg cm² 32.21 kg cm² 13.3 kg 15.3 kg
AM3064-wLyz-0000 21.00 Nm 12.80 A 1500 min-1 3000 min-1 3500 min-1 31.60 kg cm² 32.21 kg cm² 13.3 kg 15.3 kg
-1 -1
AM3064-wPyz-0000 20.40 Nm 18.60 A 2500 min 4500 min 5500 min-1 31.60 kg cm² 32.21 kg cm² 13.3 kg 15.3 kg
AM3065-wKyz-0000 24.80 Nm 9.80 A 1000 min-1 2000 min-1 2200 min-1 40.00 kg cm² 40.61 kg cm² 15.4 kg 17.4 kg
AM3065-wMyz-0000 25.00 Nm 13.60 A 1500 min-1 2500 min-1 3000 min-1 40.00 kg cm² 40.61 kg cm² 15.4 kg 17.4 kg
-1 -1
AM3065-wNyz-0000 24.30 Nm 17.80 A 2000 min 3500 min 4000 min-1 40.00 kg cm² 40.61 kg cm² 15.4 kg 17.4 kg
AM3065-wPyz-0000 24.50 Nm 19.80 A 2400 min-1 4000 min-1 5000 min-1 40.00 kg cm² 40.61 kg cm² 15.4 kg 17.4 kg
AM3072-wKyz-0000 29.70 Nm 9.30 A – 1500 min-1 1800 min-1 64.50 kg cm² 66.14 kg cm² 19.7 kg 21.8 kg
AM3072-wMyz-0000 30.00 Nm 13.00 A – 2000 min-1 2500 min-1 64.50 kg cm² 66.14 kg cm² 19.7 kg 21.8 kg
AM3072-wPyz-0000 29.40 Nm 18.70 A 1800 min-1 3000 min-1 3500 min-1 64.50 kg cm² 66.14 kg cm² 19.7 kg 21.8 kg
AM3072-wQyz-0000 29.70 Nm 20.90 A – 3500 min-1 4000 min-1 64.50 kg cm² 66.14 kg cm² 19.7 kg 21.8 kg
AM3073-wMyz-0000 42.00 Nm 13.60 A – 1500 min-1 1800 min-1 92.10 kg cm² 93.74 kg cm² 26.7 kg 28.8 kg
AM3073-wPyz-0000 41.60 Nm 19.50 A 1300 min-1 2400 min-1 2800 min-1 92.10 kg cm² 93.74 kg cm² 26.7 kg 28.8 kg
AM3073-wQyz-0000 41.60 Nm 24.60 A – 3000 min-1 3500 min-1 92.10 kg cm² 93.74 kg cm² 26.7 kg 28.8 kg
AM3074-wLyz-0000 53.00 Nm 12.90 A – 1200 min-1 1400 min-1 119.7 kg cm² 121.34 kg cm² 33.6 kg 35.7 kg
AM3074-wPyz-0000 52.50 Nm 18.50 A – 1800 min-1 2000 min-1 119.7 kg cm² 121.34 kg cm² 33.6 kg 35.7 kg
AM3074-wQyz-0000 51.90 Nm 26.20 A – 2500 min 3000 min-1 119.7 kg cm² 121.34 kg cm² 33.0 kg 35.7 kg
AM3082-wTyz-0006 75.00 Nm 48.00 A – 2500 min-1 3000 min-1 172.0 kg cm² 177.00 kg cm² 65.0 kg 73.0 kg
AM3083-wTyz-0006 130.0 Nm 62.00 A – 2200 min-1 2500 min-1 334.0 kg cm² 339.00 kg cm² 85.0 kg 93.0 kg
AM3084-wTyz-0006 180.0 Nm 67.00 A – 1800 min-1 2000 min-1 495.0 kg cm² 500.00 kg cm² 105 kg 113 kg

u: flange code
v: motor length

Option w = 0: smooth shaft (preferred type)

w = 1: shaft with groove and feather key according to DIN 6885
w = 2: shaft with IP 65 sealing ring and smooth shaft
w = 3: shaft with IP 65 sealing ring and shaft with groove and feather key
Option x= winding code A…T
Option y = 0: resolver, 2-pole
y = 1: single-turn absolute encoder, EnDat 2.1
absolute position within one revolution, electronic identification plate
AM302x…AM304x: 512 sine periods per revolution
AM305x…AM308x: 2,048 sine periods per revolution
y = 2: multi-turn absolute encoder, EnDat 2.1
absolute position within 4,096 revolutions, electronic identification plate
AM302x…AM304x: 512 sine periods per revolution
Drive Technology

AM305x…AM308x: 2,048 sine periods per revolution

y = 3: single-turn absolute encoder, BiSS
absolute position within one revolution, electronic identification plate
AM302x…AM308x: 2,048 sine periods per revolution
y = 4: multi-turn absolute encoder, BiSS
absolute position within 4,096 revolutions, electronic identification plate
AM302x…AM308x: 2,048 sine periods per revolution
y = A: single-turn absolute encoder, Hiperface
absolute position within one revolution, electronic identification plate
AM301x: 16 sine periods per revolution (only for AM301x-xxxx-0005 with yTec plug)
y = B: multi-turn absolute encoder, Hiperface
absolute position within 4,096 revolutions, electronic identification plate
AM301x: 16 sine periods per revolution (only for AM301x-xxxx-0005 with yTec plug)
Option z = 0: without holding brake
z = 1: with holding brake

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Option a = 0: rotatable angular connectors for motor and feedback cable (only for AM302x up to AM307x)
a = 1: connection cable 0.5 m with non-detachable plugs (only for AM301x/AM302x), only for resolver
a = 3: vertical connectors for motor and feedback cables (only for AM302x up to AM307x)
a = 5: yTec plug (only for AM301x)
a = 6: motor connection via terminal box (only for AM308x)

With the exception of the shaft seal, the options cannot be installed in the field. Options such as shaft seal, holding brake,
absolute encoder can lead to a reduction of the nominal rating.


d k r

Dimensions a b d k (resolver) k (resolver) k (encoder) k (encoder) l r

(without (with brake) (without (with brake)
brake) brake)
AM3011 30 mm 8 mm 25 mm 69.6 mm 106.6 mm 79.1 mm 116.1 mm 46 mm 40 mm
AM3012 30 mm 8 mm 25 mm 88.6 mm 125.6 mm 98.1 mm 135.1 mm 46 mm 40 mm
AM3013 30 mm 8 mm 25 mm 107.6 mm 144.6 mm 117.1 mm 154.1 mm 46 mm 40 mm
AM3021 40 mm 9 mm 20 mm 95.4 mm 129.5 mm 95.4 mm 129.5 mm 63 mm 58 mm
AM3022 40 mm 9 mm 20 mm 114.4 mm 148.5 mm 114.4 mm 148.5 mm 63 mm 58 mm
AM3023 40 mm 9 mm 20 mm 133.4 mm 167.5 mm 133.4 mm 167.5 mm 63 mm 58 mm
AM3024 40 mm 9 mm 20 mm 152.4 mm 186.5 mm 152.4 mm 186.5 mm 63 mm 58 mm
AM3031 60 mm 14 mm 30 mm 109.8 mm 141.3 mm 109.8 mm 141.3 mm 75 mm 70 mm
AM3032 60 mm 14 mm 30 mm 140.8 mm 172.3 mm 140.8 mm 172.3 mm 75 mm 70 mm
AM3033 60 mm 14 mm 30 mm 171.8 mm 203.3 mm 171.8 mm 203.3 mm 75 mm 70 mm
AM3041 80 mm 19 mm 40 mm 118.8 mm 152.3 mm 118.8 mm 152.3 mm 100 mm 84 mm
AM3042 80 mm 19 mm 40 mm 147.8 mm 181.3 mm 147.8 mm 181.3 mm 100 mm 84 mm
AM3043 80 mm 19 mm 40 mm 176.8 mm 210.3 mm 176.8 mm 210.3 mm 100 mm 84 mm
AM3044 80 mm 19 mm 40 mm 205.8 mm 239.3 mm 205.8 mm 239.3 mm 100 mm 84 mm
AM3051 110 mm 24 mm 50 mm 127.5 mm 172.5 mm 146.0 mm 189.0 mm 130 mm 108 mm Drive Technology
AM3052 110 mm 24 mm 50 mm 158.5 mm 203.5 mm 177.0 mm 220.0 mm 130 mm 108 mm
AM3053 110 mm 24 mm 50 mm 189.5 mm 234.5 mm 208.0 mm 251.0 mm 130 mm 108 mm
AM3054 110 mm 24 mm 50 mm 220.5 mm 265.5 mm 239.0 mm 282.0 mm 130 mm 108 mm
AM3062 130 mm 32 mm 58 mm 153.7 mm 200.7 mm 172.2 mm 219.7 mm 165 mm 138 mm 847
AM3063 130 mm 32 mm 58 mm 178.7 mm 225.7 mm 197.2 mm 244.7 mm 165 mm 138 mm
AM3064 130 mm 32 mm 58 mm 203.7 mm 250.7 mm 222.2 mm 269.7 mm 165 mm 138 mm
AM3065 130 mm 32 mm 58 mm 228.7 mm 275.7 mm 247.2 mm 294.7 mm 165 mm 138 mm
AM3072 180 mm 38 mm 80 mm 192.5 mm 234.5 mm 201.7 mm 253.7 mm 215 mm 188 mm
AM3073 180 mm 38 mm 80 mm 226.5 mm 268.5 mm 235.7 mm 287.3 mm 215 mm 188 mm
AM3074 180 mm 38 mm 80 mm 260.5 mm 302.5 mm 269.7 mm 321.3 mm 215 mm 188 mm
AM3082 250 mm 48 mm 110 mm 263.4 mm 329.4 mm 263.4 mm 329.4 mm 300 mm 260 mm
AM3083 250 mm 48 mm 110 mm 343.9 mm 410.0 mm 343.9 mm 410.0 mm 300 mm 260 mm
AM3084 250 mm 48 mm 110 mm 424.4 mm 490.4 mm 424.4 mm 490.4 mm 300 mm 260 mm
Technical drawings at

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

ALxxxx | Linear Servomotors

Primary section:
Coil unit

Secondary section:
Magnet plate (sealed)
Drive Technology


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AL20xx | Iron core motor, AL24xx | Iron core motor, AL28xx | Iron core motor,
magnetic path width 80 mm magnetic path width 50 mm magnetic path width 130 mm

Compact power packages: possible to operate several primary sections between two homopolar magnets, i.e.
Linear Servomotors AL2xxx on one magnetic track. This significantly between two north poles, for example.
The AL2xxx Linear Servomotors complement reduces the installation and component costs The attainable accuracy of ±0.1 mm is
the servomotors series and can be used and opens up application options that would sufficient for simple positioning tasks and
wherever rotary design reaches mechanical not normally be considered for linear motors. depends to a large extent on the mechanical
limits during installation, or where special accuracy and position of the magnets along
drive characteristics, in terms of dynamics, AL2200 magnetic encoder system the travel path. Since no graduated rule has
synchronism or acceleration, are required. (MES) for linear motors to be installed, the MES is a cost-efficient
Linear Servomotors are easy to set up The feedback system required by linear feedback solution for linear motors.
and are not subject to mechanical wear. motors for commutation and detection of
Moreover, there are virtually no limits on speed and position normally consists of a Ironless AL3800 Linear Servomotors
travel options. With their high accelera- reading head and a graduated rule installed
tion characteristics, Linear Servomotors can parallel to the travel path. The hardware
achieve positioning velocities of up to 10 m/s requirements for the complete system
– with a high force constant and a very good increase with the length of the travel path.
force/mass ratio. The AL2200 in contrast detects the magnetic
The pole spacing is the same for all the field of a magnetic plate and supplies the
motors of a motor series. This has the advan- servo drive with the incremental encoder
tage that the procedure for adjusting the signals for commutation and position control.
drive amplifiers and the adaptation to a lin- The MES supplies one sine oscillation per
ear encoder is always the same, which saves logical motor revolution. A logical motor
time during commissioning. In principle, it is revolution is equivalent to the distance

Drive Technology


We reserve the right to make technical changes.



AL24xx AL28xx

AL2xxx | Linear Servomotors

The 3-phase Synchronous Linear cabling, and makes a significant AL20xx AX5000 series for commutation,
Servomotors of the AL2xxx series contribution to avoiding errors. – velocity: velocity and position control.
consist of a primary section and In conjunction with the 4 m/s or 10 m/s The MES provides a sine wave
a secondary section. The primary AX5000 Servo Drives the linear – peak forces: per 24 mm pole pitch and a
section contains a grooved, motors of the AL2xxx series 225 N to 1,800 N precision of 1/10 mm.
laminated core with inlaid cop- are very suitable for dynamic
per windings. It is generally used movements, which require high AL24xx AL225x connector box
as the moving part. The second- acceleration values over short – velocity: The AL225x connector boxes
ary section contains the steel distances. 8 m/s facilitate wiring between linear
plate with attached permanent – peak forces: motor and servo drive. On one
magnets. Features 120 N to 480 N side, the motor, feedback and
The motors of the individ- – accelerations up to 30 g thermal protection cables are
ual series have the same width – no mechanical wear AL28xx connected. The standard motor
(including magnetic plate), i.e. – complete absence of – velocity: and encoder cables are con-
all motors can be operated on backlash, giving stiff 2.5 m/s or 6 m/s nected on the other side of the
the same magnetic plates, in control response – peak forces: boxes.
any combination. The magnetic – extremely precise position- 1,800 N to 6,750 N
plates are fully sealed and there- ing, high repeatability – operation optionally
fore have an almost perfectly – even, immediate force, with or without
level and robust surface. little cogging water cooling
Drive Technology

The primary sections have – very low thermal resistance,

an IP 64 protection rating and allowing high capacity AL2200 scaleless feedback
are therefore suitable for appli- utilisation system (MES) for Linear
cation in harsh environments. – protection from thermal Servomotors
They are equipped with a 0.5 m overload through integrated An MES system is available as
cable strand and optionally with temperature sensors an optional accessory for moni-
pre-assembled connectors, so – Operation with the AX5000 toring the magnetic field of the
that they can be coupled with is made extremely simple permanent magnets on the mag-
the servo drives either via the through default values. netic plate. With the aid of an
connector box or via plug con- – connection to the AX5000 integrated electronic unit, it pro-
nectors. This greatly reduces the through pre-assembled vides incremental encoder sig-
difficulty of implementing the cables nals for the Servo Drives of the

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AL2000 | Linear Servomotors

la b


Dimensions b la h
AL2003 77 mm 98 mm 40 mm
AL2006 77 mm 146 mm 40 mm
AL2009 77 mm 195 mm 40 mm
AL2012 77 mm 244 mm 40 mm
AL2015 77 mm 290 mm 40 mm
AL2018 77 mm 336 mm 40 mm
AL2024 77 mm 468 mm 40 mm
Technical drawings at

Technical data AL2003 AL2006 AL2009 AL2012 AL2015 AL2018 AL2024

Winding type S N|S N|S N|S N|S N|S N|S
Speed max. 7 m/s 3.5 m/s (N), 2.5 m/s (N), 3.5 m/s (N), 3.5 m/s (N), 3.5 m/s (N), 3.5 m/s (N),
7 m/s (S) 7 m/s (S) 7 m/s (S) 7 m/s (S) 7 m/s (S) 7 m/s (S)
Motor configuration 3-phase synchronous Linear Servomotors (400…480 V AC)
Peak force 3 sec. (FP) 225 N 450 N 675 N 900 N 1125 N 1350 N 1800 N
Peak current (IPa) 5A 6.5 A (N), 6.5 A (N), 13.1 A (N), 13 A (N), 19.6 A (N), 26 A (N),
15 A (S) 19 A (S) 26 A (S) 33 A (S) 41 A (S) 52 A (S)
Continuous force with 75 N 200 N 300 N 400 N 500 N 600 N 800 N
air cooling (Fca)
Continuous current with 1.6 A 2.15 A (N), 2.14 A (N), 4.3 A (N), 4.46 A (N), 6.45 A (N), 8.6 A (N),
air cooling (Ica) 4.3 A (S) 6.45 A (S) 8.6 A (S) 10.7 A (S) 13.38 A (S) 17.2 A (S)
Force constant (Kf) 46 N/A 93 N/A (N), 140 N/A (N), 93 N/A (N), 112 N/A (N), 93 N/A (N), 93 N/A (N),
46 N/A (S) 46 N/A (S) 46 N / A (S) 46 N / A (S) 44.9 N / A (S) 46 N / A (S)
Motor constant (Km) 185 N²/W 370 N²/W 570 N²/W 740 N²/W 950 N²/ W 1140 N²/W 1520 N²/ W
Magnet pitch 24 mm
Magnetic attraction force (Fa) 500 N 950 N 1325 N 1700 N 2075 N 2450 N 3400 N
Weight of the coil (Mp) 0.9 kg 1.5 kg 2.0 kg 2.6 kg 3.2 kg 3.8 kg 5.2 kg
Air gap 0.5 mm
Temperature sensor PTC 1 kΩ
Corresponding Servo Drive AX5x03 AX5x03 (N), AX5x03 (N), AX5x06 (N), AX5x06 (N), AX5112 (N), AX5112 (N),
AX5x06 (S) AX5112 (S) AX5112 (S) AX5112 (S) AX5118 (S) AX5118 (S)

Ordering information AL20xx-000x-000y coil unit Drive Technology

AL2003-0001-000y Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 225 N, Fca = 75 N
AL2006-000x-000y Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 450 N, Fca = 200 N
AL2009-000x-000y Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 675 N, Fca = 300 N
AL2012-000x-000y Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 900 N, Fca = 400 N 851
AL2015-000x-000y Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 1125 N, Fca = 500 N
AL2018-000x-000y Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 1350 N, Fca = 600 N
AL2024-000x-000y Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 1800 N, Fca = 800 N
Option x = 0: N type, x = 1: S type
Option y = 0: without connector plug, y = 1: with connector plugs (motor and temperature)

Ordering information AL21xx-0000 magnet plate

AL2110-0000 magnetic assembly (lb = 192 mm, weight 3.8 kg/m), for AL20xx motors
AL2120-0000 magnetic assembly (lb = 288 mm, weight 3.8 kg/m), for AL20xx motors
Options, pre-assembled cables and accessories see page 854

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AL2400 | Linear Servomotors

la b


Dimensions b la h
AL2403 51 mm 93 mm 40 mm
AL2406 51 mm 143 mm 40 mm
AL2412 51 mm 241 mm 40 mm
Technical drawings at

Technical data AL2403 AL2406 AL2412

Winding type S
Speed max. 12 m/s
Motor configuration 3-phase synchronous Linear Servomotors (400…480 V AC)
Peak force 3 sec. (FP) 120 N 240 N 480 N
Peak current (IPa) 4.1 A 8.2 A 16.4 A
Continuous force with 60 N 120 N 240 N
air cooling (Fca)
Continuous current with 1.5 A 3.0 A 6.0 A
air cooling (Ica)
Force constant (Kf) 39 N/A
Motor constant (Km) 95 N²/W 190 N²/W 380 N²/W
Magnet pitch 24 mm
Magnetic attraction force (Fa) 300 N 500 N 900 N
Weight of the coil (Mp) 0.6 kg 0.9 kg 1.6 kg
Air gap 0.5 mm
Temperature sensor PTC 1 kΩ
Corresponding Servo Drive AX5x03 AX5x03/AX5x06 AX5x06/AX5112
Drive Technology

Ordering information AL24xx-0001-000y coil unit

AL2403-0001-000y Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 120 N, Fca = 60 N
AL2406-0001-000y Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 240 N, Fca = 120 N
852 AL2412-0001-000y Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 480 N, Fca = 240 N
S type
Option y = 0: without connector plug, y = 1: with connector plugs (motor and temperature)

Ordering information AL25xx-0000 magnet plate

AL2510-0000 magnetic assembly (lb = 96 mm, weight 2.1 kg/m), for AL24xx motors
AL2520-0000 magnetic assembly (lb = 144 mm, weight 2.1 kg/m), for AL24xx motors
AL2530-0000 magnetic assembly (lb = 384 mm, weight 2.1 kg/m), for AL24xx motors
Options, pre-assembled cables and accessories see page 854

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AL2800 | Linear Servomotors

la b


Dimensions b la h
AL2812 130 mm 244 mm 45 mm
AL2815 130 mm 290 mm 45 mm
AL2830 130 mm 568 mm 45 mm (1)
AL2845 130 mm 852 mm 47 mm
Height h deviating for water-cooled variant: h = 47 mm
Technical drawings at

Technical data AL2812 AL2815 AL2830 AL2845

Winding type N|S N|S N|S N|S
Speed max. 3 m/s (N), 3.5 m/s (N), 2.5 m/s (N), 2.5 m/s (N),
6 m/s (S) 6 m/s (S) 6 m/s (S) 6 m/s (S)
Motor configuration 3-phase synchronous Linear Servomotors (400…480 V AC)
Peak force 3 sec. (FP) 1800 N 2250 N 4500 N 6750 N
Peak current (IPa) 13 A (N), 13.5 A (N), 27 A (N), 41 A (N),
26 A (S) 33 A (S) 65 A (S) 98 A (S)
Continuous force with – – 2000 N 3000 N
water cooling (Fcw)
Continuous force with 760 N 950 N 1900 N 2850 N
air cooling (Fca)
Continuous current with – – 8.9 A (N), 13.4 A (N),
water cooling (Icw) 21.5 A (S) 32.3 A (S)
Continuous current with 4.1 A (N), 4.2 A (N), 8.5 A (N), 12.5 A (N),
air cooling (Ica) 8.2 A (S) 10.2 A (S) 20 A (S) 31 A (S)
Force constant (Kf) 186 N/A (N), 225 N/A (N), 225 N/A (N), 225 N/A (N),
93 N/A (S) 93 N/A (S) 93 N/A (S) 93 N/A (S)
Motor constant (Km) 1750 N²/W 2150 N²/W 4300 N²/W 6450 N²/W
Magnet pitch 24 mm
Magnetic attraction force (Fa) 3400 N 4150 N 8300 N 12450 N
Weight of the coil (Mp) 5 kg 6 kg 12 kg 18 kg
Air gap 0.5 mm
Temperature sensor PTC 1 kΩ
Corresponding Servo Drive AX5x06 (N), AX5x06 (N), AX5112 (N), AX5118 (N),
AX5112 (S) AX5118 (S) AX5125 (S) AX5118 (S) Drive Technology

Ordering information AL28xx-000x-000y coil unit

AL2812-000x-000y Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 1800 N, FCa = 760 N
AL2815-000x-000y Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 2250 N, FCa = 950 N 853
AL2830-000x-0000 Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 4500 N, FCa = 1900 N
AL2830-100x-0000 Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 4500 N, FCa = 1900 N, water cooling
AL2845-100x-0000 Linear Servomotor, 400…480 V, Fp = 6750 N, FCa = 2850 N, water cooling
Option x = 0: N type, x = 1: S type
Option y = 0: without connector plug, y = 1: with connector plugs (only possible with AL2812 and AL2815!)

Ordering information AL29xx-0000 magnet plate

AL2910-0000 magnetic assembly (lb = 192 mm, weight 10.5 kg/m), for AL28xx motors
AL2920-0000 magnetic assembly (lb = 288 mm, weight 10.5 kg/m), for AL28xx motors
Options, pre-assembled cables and accessories see page 854

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

ALxxxx accessories

Accessories for Linear Motors ALxxxx

MES feedback system for Linear Servomotors
The MES supplies one sine oscillation per logical motor revolution. Since no graduated rule has to be installed, the MES is an inexpensive feed-
back solution for linear motors.

Ordering information AL2200-000x | Feedback system Pict.

AL2200-000x magnetic encoder system (MES) for AL2000, AL2400 and AL2800 Linear Servomotors A

Option x = 0: without connector plug, x = 1: with connector plug

Connector box for ALxxxx

The AL225x connector boxes facilitate wiring between linear motor and the Servo Drive. They are mounted on the linear slide and move with the
motor. The motor cable, the thermal protection contact cable and the encoder cable are inserted into the box through cable glands and connected
to the terminal strip. The temperature contact is linked to the motor and encoder cable, so that no thermal protection contact cable is required.
The standard motor and encoder cables are connected on the other side of the boxes.

Ordering information AL225x-0001 | Connector box Pict.

AL2250-0001 connector box for AL2003-AL2830-0001 and AL2830-1000 B
AL2255-0001 connector box for AL2830-1001 and AL2845-1000
AL2256-0001 connector box for AL2845-1001

Installation options Linear Servomotors/connector box

Cable AX5000 C AX5000 + AL2250 D
Motor cable ZK4500-0023
Thermal protection ZK4540-0020 –
contact cable
Encoder cable for MES ZK4510-0020
or absolute encoder
Encoder cable for encoder ZK4520-0020
with zero pulse
Coil and feedback system with connector plugs without connector plugs

Drive Technology


AL2xxx Linear Servomotor AL2xxx Linear Servomotor AL2250 connector box


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

ALxxxx accessories

Motor cable 1.5 mm² for ALxxxx at AX5000 (1.5 A…12 A)

Ordering information Motor cable with 1.5 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible, for drag-chain use Pict.
ZK4500-0023-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain useable cable (5 million bending cycles), max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 87 mm (7 x OD), max. chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m, length < 25 m,
(4 x 1.5 mm² + 2 x (2 x 0.75 mm²)) E
ZK4500-0023-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4502-0023-xxxx length ≥ 25 m
ZK4509-0023-xxxx not assembled
ZK4501-0023-xxxx extension cable F

Motor cable 2.5 mm² for ALxxxx at AX5000 (18…25 A)

Ordering information Motor cable with 2.5 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible, for drag-chain use Pict.
ZK4500-0024-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain useable cable (5 million bending cycles), max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
bending radius = 95 mm (7 x OD), max. chain length horizontal 20 m, vertical 5 m, length < 25 m,
(4 x 2.5 mm² + 2 x (2 x 1 mm²)) E
ZK4500-0024-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4502-0024-xxxx length ≥ 25 m
ZK4509-0024-xxxx not assembled
ZK4501-0024-xxxx extension cable F

Drive Technology



We reserve the right to make technical changes.

ALxxxx accessories

Encoder cable (absolute encoder) for ALxxxx and AL2250 at AX5000

Ordering information Encoder cable with 0.14 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible, for drag-chain use Pict.
ZK4510-0020-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain usable cable (5 million bending cycles), max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 53 mm (7 x OD), max. chain length: horizontal = 20 m, vertical = 5 m,
(7 x 2 x 0.14 mm² + 2 x 0.5 mm²) A
ZK4510-0020-0050 example for 5 m length
ZK4511-0020-xxxx extension cable, highly dynamic, suitable as trailing cable B
ZK4519-0020-xxxx not assembled

Encoder cable (SinCos encoder with zero pulse) for ALxxxx and AL2250
at AX5000
Ordering information Encoder cable with 0.14 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible, for drag-chain use
ZK4520-0020-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain usable cable (5 million bending cycles), max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 53 mm (7 x OD), max. chain length: horizontal = 20 m, vertical = 5 m,
(7 x 2 x 0.14 mm² + 2 x 0.5 mm²)

Thermal protection cable for ALxxxx at AX5000

Ordering information Thermal protection cable with 0.14 mm² wire gauge, highly flexible, for drag-chain use Pict.
Drive Technology

ZK4540-0020-xxxx highly flexible, drag-chain usable cable (5 million bending cycles), max. 240 m/min, max. 30 m/s²,
min. bending radius = 38 mm (7 x OD), max. chain length: horizontal = 20 m, vertical = 5 m,
(2 x 2 x 0.14 mm²) C

Note: required if no connector box is used.


We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Connectors for AMxxxx, ALxxxx servomotors and cables

Ordering information Pict.
ZS4000-2030 EMC thermo-protective plug (female), D-sub, 9-pin, for AL2000, AL2400, AL2800 linear motors
(counterpart to thermostat contact at AX5000 Servo Drive) D
ZS4000-2040 EMC power coupling (male), M23, 8-pin, for motor cable extension ZK4501-00x3-xxxx and ZK4501-00x4-xxx
(counterpart to motor cable ZK4500-00x3-xxxx and ZK4500-00x4-xxxx) E
ZS4000-2100 metal flange for motor cable, iTec, M23 and feedback cable with iTec, to adjust the connector, including sealings
ZS4000-2101 metal flange for feedback cable, M23, to adjust the connector, including sealings F
ZS4000-2102 EMC power connector (female), iTec, 9-pin, for motor cable ZK4704-0411-xxxx
(counterpart to motor socket AM3100/AM8100)
ZS4000-2104 EMC power connector (female), M23, 9-pin, for motor cable ZK450x-80x3-xxxx and ZK450x-80x4-xxxx
(counterpart to motor socket AM8000/AM8500)
ZS4000-2105 EMC resolver connector (female), iTec, 12-pin, for resolver cable ZK453x-8110-xxxx
(counterpart to motor socket AM801x, AM802x, AM803x, AM853x)
ZS4000-2106 EMC resolver connector (female), M23, 12-pin, for resolver cable ZK453x-8010-xxxx
(counter part for motor socket AM8x4x up to AM8x7x)
ZS4000-2107 EMC power connector (female), iTec, 9-pin, for motor cable ZK450x-8022-xxxx and ZK4704-0421-xxxx
(counter part for motor socket AM80xx/AM81xx/AM85xx with iTec)

Drive Technology



We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Compact Drive Technology

Convenient program- Universal availability

ming and configuration in IP 20 and IP 67
in a single tool

Simple engineering Direct integration

with TwinCAT of motors into the
Beckhoff I/O systems
Drive Technology

858 software function

Prefabricated AM8100 motor series with

connecting cable high precision, high dynamics, Matching gears
for simple high efficiency and minimised for optimum drive
commissioning maintenance requirements solutions

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

In combination with the wide range of EtherCAT Terminal (EL7031/EL7041 and best-possible performance with respect
available motors and gears the Beckhoff EL7037/EL7047) and EtherCAT Box (EP7041). to dynamics, accuracy, energy efficiency
I/O systems enable the implementation of The KL2531, EL7031 and EL7037 stepper and robustness. The small motors from the
compact and affordable drive solutions: motor terminals are exclusively designed for AM811x series with an edge size of only
the modularly expandable motion terminals 24 V DC power supplies. The motor current 40 mm fit in the tiniest installation spaces.
support servo, stepper and DC motors of dif- can reach up to 1.5 A. The KL2541, EL7041 Nominal torques of up to 0.52 Nm can be
ferent performance classes. For stepper and and EL7047 stepper motor terminals cover a achieved in the power range from 80 to
DC motors EtherCAT Box Modules with IP 67 supply voltage range from 8 to 50 V DC and 170 Watts with these small power packs.
protection are available for use outside of additionally require a 24 V supply via the An integrated 18-bit absolute encoder with
control cabinets. All compact drive solutions power contacts. The motor current can be electronic identification plate simplifies com-
are integrated into the Beckhoff TwinCAT set from 1 to 5 A. The EP7041 stepper motor missioning and meets the highest require-
automation software, making parameterisa- module allows the connection of stepper ments for precision. The absolute encoder
tion convenient. motors up to 50 V DC and 5 A. is also available as a multiturn absolute
encoder, which detects the absolute position
Solutions for less complex motion Solutions for high precision and of the drive during switch-on. Thus, reference
requirements dynamics trips (homing function) and additional limit
High quality servo axes are not required for As a downside to stepper motors there is switches are not required, saving costs and
auxiliary drives such as simple adjustable always a risk of “steps being lost” in an over- time. Thanks to the innovative One Cable
axes, mobile stops, small conveying move- loaded condition. When combined with an Technology (OCT) wiring costs are drastically
ments or simple positioning drives; in fact, incremental encoder, however, they can also reduced, since no separate feedback cable is
stepper or DC motors are entirely adequate. be used where higher precision is required. required and only six cores have to be con-
The encoder evaluation required for this is nected at the most.
Motion | AS1000 stepper motors already integrated in the EL7047, EL7041
The AS1000 stepper motors with flange and KL2541 50 V DC output stages. With the I/O | Servomotor terminals
sizes from 42 to 86 mm (NEMA17, NEMA23, integrated incremental encoder connection, The EL7201, EL7211, EL7201-0010 and
NEMA34) and torques from 0.4 to 5 Nm are the EP7041 enables the implementation of a EL7211-0010 servomotor terminals are fully
Drive Technology
ideally suited to the simpler tasks mentioned simple servo axis in a compact IP 67 module. functional Servo Drives for the direct control
above. They are characterised by robust- However, the typical stepper motor of servomotors. They offer terminal points
ness and high holding torques. Due to the disadvantages remain: their less dynamic for connection of a servomotor as well as
integrated micro-stepping the motors can behaviour, low efficiency and limited speed. motor brake and resolver. On the software
position very well even without a feedback Beckhoff also has a solution to this, however, side, solutions based on TwinCAT NC PTP are
system and require only a motion terminal in form of an EtherCAT Terminal: together recommended even for moderate require-
for power electronics. Stepper or DC motors with the AM8100 servomotors, the EL72x1 ments to enable the synchronisation between
can also be operated with TwinCAT NC PTP servomotor EtherCAT Terminal is probably the axes. While the EL7201 and EL7211 support
for synchronisation functions such as cam world’s smallest servo multi-axis system. a resolver as feedback system, the EL7201-
plates or flying saws. 0010 and EL7211-0010 offer the option to
Motion | AM8100 servomotors use an absolute feedback system (OCT).
I/O | Stepper motor terminals Full-value servo axes can be implemented
For stepper motor terminals, I/O components using the EL7201 and EL7211 EtherCAT
with different performance features are Terminals in combination with AM8100
available: Bus Terminal (KL2531, KL2541), servomotors. The servo system delivers

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Product overview Compact Drive Technology

DC motor Stepper motor

IP 20 IP 67 IP 20 IP 67
Bus Terminals EtherCAT Terminals EtherCAT Box Bus Terminals EtherCAT Terminals EtherCAT Box

KL2532 627 EL7332 435 EP/ER7342 498 KL2531 625 EL7031 431 EL7037 431 EP/ER7041-3002 497
1A 1A 3.5 A 1.5 A 1.5 A 1.5 A 5A

KL2552 627 EL7342 435 KL2541 625 EL7041 431 EL7047 431
5A 3.5 A 5A 5A 5A

ZK4000-6700-2xxx 870 ZK4000-6261-xxxx 871

Motor cable Motor cable

ZK4000-5100-2xxx 870 ZK4000-5151-xxxx 871

Encoder cable Encoder cable

AS10xx 869 AS1060 869

0.38…5.0 Nm, 5.0 Nm,

1…5 A 5A
Drive Technology

AG1000-+PM52.i 871 AG1000-+PM81.i
Gear units

at AS1030/AS1050 at AS1060

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Servo motor
IP 20
EtherCAT Terminals

EL7201-0010 433 EL7201 433

OCT, 2.8 ARMS Resolver, 2.8 ARMS

EL7211-0010 433 EL7211 433

OCT, 4.5 ARMS Resolver, 4.5 ARMS

ZK4704-0421-2xxx 864 ZK4704-0411-2xxx 864

OCT motor cable Motor cable

ZK4724-0410-2xxx 864
Resolver cable

AM811x 862 AM8122 862 AM3111 862 AM3121 862

0.20…0.52 Nm, 0.8 Nm, 0.21 Nm, 0.69 Nm,

2.8…4.8 A 4.0 A 3.22 A 4.6 A

AM8121 862 AM8131 862 AM3112 862

0.5 Nm, 1.35 Nm, 0.34 Nm,

4.0 A 5A 3.4 A Drive Technology

AG2250-+PLE40 865 AG2250-+PLE60 865 AG2250-+PLE40 865 AG2250-+PLE60 865
AG2250-+WPLE40 AG2250-+WPLE60 AG2250-+WPLE40 AG2250-+WPLE60

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AM8100, AM3100

AM8100 AM3100

AM8100, AM3100 | Synchronous Servomotors

AM8100 Homing is no longer necessary by the simple reading of the AM3100
The AM8100 servomotors from thanks to the absolute value motor parameters. The Beckhoff The AM3100 series of pole-
the AM8000 series are especially encoder integrated in the motor: TwinCAT automation software wound servomotors with maxi-
designed for operation with the position of the drive is saved enables the convenient param- mum torque yield covers three
the EL7201 and EL7211 servo in the EEPROM, which is ideal eterisation of the servomotors. types with rated outputs of 50 W
terminals. The high dynamics of for adjustable axes. The encoder The AM81xx motors can (rated voltage 24 V DC) as well
the servomotors open up a mul- data are transmitted entirely optionally be equipped with a as 100 W and 140 W (rated volt-
titude of possible applications: digitally to the EL7201-0010 or backlash-free permanent magnet age 48 V DC).
for example in industrial robots EL7211-0010 servo terminal via holding brake, a sealing ring or In the standard version,
for pick-and-place applications, the motor cable. The encoder a feather key groove. They are the AM3100 servomotors are
or in general in mechanical engi- cable can be dispensed with. equipped with a sturdy rotary equipped with a resolver and
neering, where a compact design The full integration of the servo resolver encoder and for the a smooth shaft. They can be
and high positioning accuracy terminal in the Beckhoff control purpose of long life have been optionally equipped with a hold-
are necessary. Like all motors system facilitates the commis- developed with generously ing brake, even in the smallest
of the AM8xxx family they are sioning of the drive axis. All dimensioned bearings for gen- size.
available in One Cable Technol- motors of the AM8xxx family use eral mechanical engineering.
ogy (OCT) versions where power the electronic type plate, with Matching gears and prefabricat-
and feedback are combined in a which the engineering expendi- ed connecting cables complete
single cable. ture is additionally reduced the ultra-compact drive axis.
Drive Technology

Technical data AM81xx AM31xx

862 Motor type permanent magnet-excited three-phase synchronous motor
Magnet material neodymium-iron-boron
Insulation class thermal class F (155 °C)
Design form flange-mounted according to IM B5, IM V1, IM V3
Protection class IP 54, IP 65 (shaft seal only for AM812x, AM813x) IP 54
Cooling convection, permissible ambient temperature 40 °C
Coating/surface dark grey powder coating, similar to RAL7016 matt black coating RAL 9005
Connection method round plug connector, swivelling, angled straight connectors at 30 cm cable ends
Life span L10h = 30,000 hrs for ball bearings L10h = 20,000 hrs for ball bearings
Approvals CE, UL CE
Feedback system resolver, OCT resolver

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AM8100, AM3000

AM8100 | Servomotors 0.20 – 0.52 Nm (standstill torque), OCT

Data for 50 V DC AM8111-wFyz AM8112-wFyz AM8113-wFyz
Standstill torque 0.20 Nm 0.38 Nm 0.52 Nm
Rated torque 0.19 Nm 0.36 Nm 0.50 Nm
Rated speed 4000 min-1 4500 min-1 3000 min-1
Rated power 0.08 kW 0.17 kW 0.16 kW
Standstill current 2.85 A 4.7 A 4.8 A
Rotor moment of inertia 0.029 kgcm² 0.048 kgcm² 0.067 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 0.052 kgcm² 0.071 kgcm² 0.090 kgcm²
EtherCAT Terminal EL7201-0010 EL7211-0010 EL7211-0010

AM8100 | Servomotors 0.50 – 1.35 Nm (standstill torque), OCT

Data for 50 V DC AM8121-wFyz AM8122-wFyz AM8131-wFyz
Standstill torque 0.50 Nm 0.80 Nm 1.35 Nm
Rated torque 0.50 Nm 0.80 Nm 1.35 Nm
Rated speed 3000 min-1 2000 min-1 1000 min-1
Rated power 0.16 KW 0.17 KW 0.14 KW
Standstill current 4.0 A 4.0 A 5.0 A
Rotor moment of inertia 0.134 kgcm² 0.253 kgcm² 0.462 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 0.156 kgcm² 0.276 kgcm² 0.541 kgcm²
EtherCAT Terminal EL7211-0010 EL7211-0010 EL7211-0010

AM3100 | Servomotors 0.21 – 0.69 Nm (standstill torque)

Data for 50 V DC AM3111-w30z AM3112-w40z AM3121-w20z
Standstill torque 0.21 Nm 0.34 Nm 0.69 Nm
Rated torque 0.16 Nm 0.28 Nm 0.65 Nm
Rated speed 3000 min-1 3500 min-1 2000 min-1
Rated power 0.05 kW 0.10 kW 0.14 kW
Standstill current 3.22 A 3.40 A 4.60 A
Rotor moment of inertia 0.026 kgcm² 0.046 kgcm² 0.150 kgcm²
Rotor moment of inertia (with brake) 0.034 kgcm² 0.054 kgcm² 0.200 kgcm²
EtherCAT Terminal EL7201-0000 EL7211-0000 EL7211-0000

Order reference AM81uv-wxyz AM31uv-wxyz-000a

u flange code
v motor length Drive Technology
w=0 smooth shaft
w=1 shaft with groove and feather key according to DIN 6885
w=2 shaft with IP 65 sealing ring and smooth shaft –
(only for AM812x, AM813x) 863
w=3 shaft with IP 65 sealing ring and shaft with groove –
and feather key (only for AM812x, AM813x)
x winding code F key number for rated speed in RPM x 1000,
not available for selection
y=0 resolver (only for AM812x, AM813x) resolver
y=1 One Cable Technology for power and feedback: –
feedback transmission via motor cable, no feedback
cable necessary, electronic identification plate,
single-turn, absolute position within one revolution,
18 bit resolution
The order reference is continued on the next page.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AM8100, AM3100

Order reference AM81uv-wxyz AM31uv-wxyz-000a

y=2 One Cable Technology for power and feedback: feedback –
transmission via motor cable, no feedback cable necessary,
electronic identification plate, multi-turn, absolute position
within 4096 revolution, 18 bit resolution
z=0 without holding brake
z=1 with holding brake
a=1 – cable 0.3 m, with iTec plug for power,
M12 plug for feedback

d k ±1



One Cable Technology Resolver version

Dimensions a b d l r k (without k (with

brake) brake)
AM8111 30 h7 8 h7 25 mm 46 mm 40 mm 97 mm 129 mm
AM8112 30 h7 8 h7 25 mm 46 mm 40 mm 117 mm 149 mm
AM8113 30 h7 8 h7 25 mm 46 mm 40 mm 137 mm 169 mm
AM8121 40 j6 9 k6 20 mm 63 mm 58 mm 111.5 mm 146 mm
AM8122 40 j6 9 k6 20 mm 63 mm 58 mm 133.5 mm 168 mm
AM8131 60 j6 14 k6 30 mm 75 mm 72 mm 128.7 mm 168.2 mm
AM3111 30 j6 8 k6 25 mm 46 mm 40 mm 91 mm 122 mm
AM3112 30 j6 8 k6 25 mm 46 mm 40 mm 109 mm 140 mm
AM3121 50 j6 11 k6 23 mm 70 mm 60 mm 111 mm 148 mm
Drive Technology

Accessories for AM8100 and AM3100 servomotors


Supply cables for servomotor terminal

Ordering information Cables for servomotor terminal EL7201-0010/EL7211-0010 (OCT) and EL7201-0000/EL7211-0000
(resolver feedback)
ZK4704-0421-2xxx motor cable for OCT feedback, drag-chain suitable, (4 x 0.75 mm² + (2 x 0.34 mm²) + (2 x AWG22)), shielded (1)
ZK4704-0411-2xxx motor cable for resolver feedback, drag-chain suitable, (4 x 0.75 mm² + (2 x 0.5 mm²)), shielded (2)
ZK4724-0410-2xxx resolver cable, drag-chain suitable, (3 x 2 x 0.25 mm²), shielded (2)
Max. cable length 20 m
Available in lengths of 1 m, 3 m, 5 m, 10 m and 20 m (xxx = length in decimetres, e.g. -2010 = 1 m)
Technical data for drag-chain use see

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AG2250 | Planetary gear units for Compact Drive Technology

The AG2250 planetary gears required. The inertia ratios, the Features – two-stage angled
especially matched to the required torques and the suit- – low torsional backlash planetary gear,
AM8100 and AM3100 motor able motors can be conveniently – high output torques transmission ratios
series and have been expanded calculated directly in TwinCAT – high efficiency 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 64
by a two-stage version. For bet- with the TC Motion Designer. – single-stage planetary – flexible installation
ter design, planetary and angled In addition, the tool checks in a gear, transmission ratios position
planetary gears are available single step whether the selected 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 – lifetime lubrication
with the following transmission motor can be adapted to the – two-stage planetary – suitable for motors of the
ratios: 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40 gear unit. The planetary gear gear/angled planetary AM801x series (230 V AC)
and 64. units are fitted to the respec- gear, transmission ratios and AM8100 and AM3100
The AG2250 series com- tive motor in the factory and 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 64 series (48 V AC)
pletes the range of small, afford- delivered as a complete motor/ – single-stage angled
able drive technology products. gear unit.The AG2250 series also planetary gear,
The gears are especially suited contains angled planetary gears transmission ratios
to applications where no particu- for the space-saving installation 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10
larly low torsional backlash is of motors at a right-angle.

Drive Technology


Technical data AG2250

Type of gear planetary gear/angled planetary gear
Life span > 30,000 h/> 20,000 h
Lubrication lubricated for life
Installation position variable
Protection class IP 54
Mechanically compatible with flange size F (typical combination according to specifications)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AG2250 | Size 40
Technical data AG2250-+PLE40-M01-i AG2250-+PLE40-M02-i
Variant planetary gear planetary gear
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/8/10 12/16/20/25/32/40/64
Nominal output torque 5…15 Nm 7.5…20 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 8…24 Nm 12…32 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 15/– arcmin ≤ 19/– arcmin
Typ. flange size F F1 F1

AG2250 | Size 60
Technical data AG2250-+PLE60-M01-i AG2250-+PLE60-M02-i
Variant planetary gear planetary gear
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/8/10 12/16/20/25/32/40/64
Nominal output torque 15…40 Nm 18…44 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 24…64 Nm 29…70 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 10/– arcmin ≤ 12/– arcmin
Typ. flange size F F2, F3, AM312x F2, F3, AM312x
Drive Technology

AG2250 | Size 40, angled
Technical data AG2250-+WPLE40-M01-i AG2250-+WPLE40-M02-i
Variant angled planetary gear angled planetary gear
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/8/10 12/16/20/25/32/40/64
Nominal output torque 4.5…8.5 Nm 7.5…20 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 7…13.5 Nm 12…32 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 21/– arcmin ≤ 25/– arcmin
Typ. flange size F F1 F1

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AG2250 | Size 60, angled

Technical data AG2250-+WPLE60-M01-i AG2250-+WPLE60-M02-i
Variant angled planetary gear angled planetary gear
Gear ratio 3/4/5/7/8/10 12/16/20/25/32/40/64
Nominal output torque 14…25 Nm 18…44 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 24…40 Nm 29…70 Nm
Max. torsion. backlash standard/reduced ≤ 16/– arcmin ≤ 18/– arcmin
Typ. flange size F F2, F3, AM312x F2, F3, AM312x

Order reference AG2250-+PLEaa-M0s-i-wXy-Motorsize

xPLEaa series/size (PLE40, PLE60, WPLE40, WPLE60)
s=1 1-stage with i = 3/4/5/7/8/10 Drive Technology
s=2 2-stage with i = 12/16/20/25/32/40/64
i gear ratio
w=0 smooth shaft
w=1 shaft with groove and feather key 867
X identifying letter for clamping hub diameter;
not available for selection, is selected automatically based on the respective motor
Motorsize Specification of the size according to flange-compatible motors.
The planetary gears are delivered as a unit with the assembled motor.
Motorsize = AM811x (F1) flange code F1: AM801x, AM811x; compatible with AM301x, AM311x
Motorsize = AM812x (F2) flange code F2: AM802x, AM812x; compatible with AM302x
Motorsize = AM312x in combination with AM312x
Motorsize = AM813x (F3) flange code F3: AM813x, AM803x, AM853x; compatible with AM303x

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AS1000 | Stepper motors

Motion | AS1000 stepper electronics. Stepper motors can The KL2531, EL7031 and EL7037 EL7031, EL7041, EL7037,
motors also be operated with TwinCAT stepper motor terminals are EL7074 | Stepper EtherCAT
The AS1000 stepper motors with NC PTP for synchronisation exclusively designed for 24 V DC Terminals see page 431
flange sizes from 42 to 86 mm functions such as cam plates power supplies. The motor cur-
(NEMA17, NEMA23, NEMA34) or flying saws. rent can reach up to 1.5 A. The KL2531, KL2541 |
and torques from 0.4 to 5 Nm KL2541, EL7041 and EL7047 Stepper Bus Terminals
are ideally suited for use as I/O | Stepper motor stepper motor terminals cover a see page 625
auxiliary axes and positioning terminals supply voltage range from 8 to
drives. They are characterised For stepper motor terminals, I/O 50 V DC and additionally require EP7041 | Stepper EtherCAT
by robustness and high holding components with different per- a 24 V DC supply via the power Box see page 496
torques. Due to the integrated formance features are available: contacts. The motor current can
micro-stepping the motors can Bus Terminal (KL2531, KL2541), be set from 1 to 5 A. The EP7041 EL957x | Buffer capacitor
position very well even without EtherCAT Terminal (EL7031/ stepper motor module allows the terminals see page 443
a feedback system and require EL7041 and EL7037/EL7047) connection of stepper motors up
only a motion terminal for power and EtherCAT Box (EP7041). to 50 V DC and 5 A.
Drive Technology

Technical data AS10xx

868 Motor type stepper motor
Rated supply voltage 24…50 V DC
Resolution 1.8°/200 full steps
Insulation class thermal class B (130 °C)
Design form AS1010/AS1020: flange-mounted according IM B14, IM V1, IM V3
AS1030/AS1050/AS1060: flange-mounted according IM B5, IM V1, IM V3
Protection class IP 43, AS1060: IP 20
Cooling Free ventilation of the motors must be ensured.
Connection method direct cable outlet via cable gland with connected M12 coupling
Life span L10h = 30,000 hrs for ball bearings
Approvals CE

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AS10xx | Rated current 1.0…1.5 A

Data for 24…50 V DC AS1010-0000 AS1020-0xyz AS1030-0000
Flange size 42 mm (NEMA17) 42 mm (NEMA17) 56 mm (NEMA23)
Rated current (per phase) 1.00 A 1.00 A 1.50 A
Standstill torque 0.38 Nm 0.50 Nm 0.60 Nm
Rotor moment of inertia 0.056 kgcm² 0.074 kgcm² 0.210 kgcm²
Bus Terminal KL2531 KL2531/KL2541 KL2531
EtherCAT Terminal EL7031/EL7037 EL7031/EL7041/EL7037/EL7047 EL7031/EL7037
EtherCAT Box EP7041-1002 EP7041-1002 EP7041-1002
Gear unit – – AG1000-+PM52.i

AS10xx | Rated current 5 A

Data for 24…50 V DC AS1050-0xyz AS1060-wxyz
Flange size 56 mm (NEMA23) 86 mm (NEMA34)
Rated current (per phase) 5.00 A 5.00 A
Standstill torque 1.20 Nm 5.00 Nm
Rotor moment of inertia 0.360 kgcm² 3.000 kgcm²
Bus Terminal KL2541 KL2541
EtherCAT Terminal EL7041/EL7047 EL7041/EL7047
EtherCAT Box EP7041-3002 EP7041-3002
Gear unit AG1000-+PM52.i AG1000-+PM81.i

Drive Technology

Order reference AS10u0-wxyz 869

u type
w=0 AS1010, AS1020: smooth shaft with 1 flat
AS1030, AS1050: smooth shaft
AS1060: smooth shaft with 2 flats
w=1 shaft with groove and feather key according to DIN 6885 (only available with AS1060)
x=0 standard motor without second shaft
x=1 second shaft (AS1020/AS1050/AS1060 only), necessary for y = 1 and y = 2
y=0 no incremental encoder
y=1 incremental encoder, 24 V DC, 200 lines (only available for AS1020, AS1050, AS1060), requires x = 1
y=2 incremental encoder, 24 V DC, 1024 lines (only available for AS1020, AS1050, AS1060), requires x = 1

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


d k m


Dimensions a b d k l m o r
AS1010 22 mm 5 mm 24 mm 39 mm 31 mm – – 42 mm (NEMA17)
AS1020 22 mm 5 mm 24 mm 48 mm 31 mm 33 mm 24 mm 42 mm (NEMA17)
AS1030 38.1 mm 6.35 mm 20.6 mm 54 mm 47.14 mm – – 56 mm (NEMA23)
AS1050 38.1 mm 6.35 mm 20.6 mm 75.8 mm 47.14 mm 33 mm 24 mm 56 mm (NEMA23)
AS1060 73 mm 14 mm 30 mm 96.5 mm 69.6 mm 33 mm 24 mm 85.5 mm (NEMA34)

Accessories for AS1000 stepper motors

Cables for AS1000 at Bus Terminal/EtherCAT Terminal up to 5 A
Ordering information Cables for stepper terminals EL7031, EL7037, EL7041, EL7047 and KL2531, KL2541 Pict.
Drive Technology

ZK4000-5100-2xxx encoder cable, drag-chain suitable, (5 x 0.25 mm²), shielded, for EL7031/EL7037/EL7041/EL7047
or KL2531/KL2541 A
ZK4000-6200-2xxx motor cable, drag-chain suitable, 4 x 0.5 mm², for EL7031/EL7037/EL7041/EL7047 or KL2531/KL2541
ZK4000-6700-2xxx motor cable, drag-chain suitable, (4 x 0.5 mm²), shielded, for EL7031/EL7037/EL7041/EL7047 or KL2531/KL2541 B
Available in lengths of 1 m, 3 m, 5 m and 10 m (2xxx = length in decimetres, e.g. -2010 = 1 m)
Technical data for drag-chain use see


We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Cables for AS1000 at EtherCAT Box up to 5 A

Ordering information Cables for stepper EtherCAT Box EP7041 Pict.
ZK4000-5151-xxxx encoder cable, drag-chain suitable, (4 x 0.35 mm²), shielded, for EP7041 C
ZK4000-6261-xxxx motor cable, drag-chain suitable, 4 x 0.5 mm², for EP7041 D
ZK4000-6768-0xxx motor cable, drag-chain suitable, shielded, (4 x 0.5 mm²), for EP7041 D

Available in lengths of 0.5 m, 1 m, and 2 m (xxxx = length in decimetres, e.g. -0005 = 0.5 m)
Technical data for drag-chain use see


AG1000 | Planetary gear units for AS1000

Technical data AG1000-+PM52.4 AG1000-+PM52.7 AG1000-+PM81.4 AG1000-+PM81.7
Nominal output torque 4 Nm 4 Nm 20 Nm 20 Nm
Max. acceleration torque 6 Nm 6 Nm 30 Nm 30 Nm
Gear ratio 3.7 resp. 63/17 6.75 resp. 27/4 3.7 resp. 63/17 6.75 resp. 27/4
Max. torsional backlash ≤ 0.7 ° ≤ 0.7 ° ≤ 0.5 ° ≤ 0.5 °
Max. radial load 200 N 200 N 400 N 400 N
Efficiency approx. 80 %
Type of gear planetary gear
Weight 0.7 kg 0.7 kg 1.8 kg 1.8 kg
Combination with AS10xx AS1030, AS1050 AS1030, AS1050 AS1060 AS1060
The planetary gears are delivered as a unit with the assembled stepper motor.

Drive Technology
d 4x m

l 871

Dimensions a b c d k l m
AG1000-+PM52.i 32 mm 12 mm 52 mm 25 mm 99.8 mm 40 mm M5 x 10
AG1000-+PM81.i 50 mm 19 mm 81 mm 49 mm 151.2 mm 65 mm M6 x 12

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

XTS | eXtended Transport System
Drive Technology

XTS | eXtended Transport System

– linear motor characteristics
on an endless path
– replaces classical mechanics
with innovative mechatronics
– individual product transport
with a continuous flow of material
– modular structure, simple adaptation
to the application
– low spatial and power requirements

See page 874

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AT200x | Straight motor module AT20xx | Curved motor modules AT9xxx | Guide rails
– highly integrated motor module – highly integrated motor modules – straight and curved segments
with coil package, power electronics with coil package, power electronics – with lock for the removal of movers
and displacement measurement and displacement measurement – abrasion-resistant hard anodised
– 250 x 38 x 96 mm (L x W x H) – +180° (clothoid, radius not con- aluminium surface
stant), +45°, +22.5° or -22.5° – lengths up to 2.5 m

See page 886 See page 886 See page 890

Drive Technology
AT9011 | Mover
– wireless, mobile
carrier modules
– any desired number TF5850 | Software and programming
of movers on a common path – simple handling of the desired movements by mapping
– contains magnetic plates the mover as a “normal” servo axis in TwinCAT
which, together with the coils – With the XTS extension in TwinCAT, all algorithms can
in the motor modules, can be calculated on an IPC. Interfaces between different
generate propulsive forces subsystems are not required.
– All Motion Control functions such as flying saw,
electrical gears and cam plate are usable.
See page 887
See page 888

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

XTS | The linear transport system
The linear transport system XTS (eXtended Transport System) unites Only motor module, mover, software and Industrial PC
the benefits of rotary and linear systems. XTS enables individual PC-based control from Beckhoff follows a principle that is equally sim-
product transport with a continuous flow of material. Due to the low ple and efficient: the maximum application of information technology
construction volume the energy efficiency can be improved and the for the simplification of mechanical processes. With XTS, Beckhoff has
size of a machine can be significantly reduced. transferred this principle directly to the field of drive systems – and in
this way has opened up new efficiency potentials in mechanical engi-
neering, because XTS makes do with four simple components.
– Firstly: an arbitrary number of motor parts,
which serve as path modules.
– Secondly: an arbitrary number of movers,
which act individually or in groups.
– Thirdly: control software.
– And fourthly: an Industrial PC.

Flexible use, arbitrary functional options

There are virtually no limits to the possibilities of use of XTS:
the movers can accelerate, brake, position and synchronise; they
can take up absolute and positions relative to each other; they can
group themselves and accumulate; they can create clamping forces
in motion; they can travel through curves as fast as along straights;
Drive Technology

they can recover energy through regenerative braking and utilise both
travel directions for transport purposes. And all of that with precise
position control, without backlash, without material fatigue, virtually
without wear – and without cost-intensive maintenance.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

48 V DC, 24 V DC

Industrial PC, TwinCAT NC PTP, Mover Guide rail Straight or curved motor module
TwinCAT XTS Extension

XTS | Modular and flexible

XTS is a mechatronic system containing all functions necessary for The XTS components for a continuous system
operation. A modular, fully integrated linear motor with power elec- – curve sections
tronics and displacement measurement in one device. A mover as the – 2 or more straight sections
moved part. A mechanical guide rail. The most diverse applications – 1 or more movers
can be realised with these few coordinated components. The desired – Beckhoff Industrial PC
geometries, lengths and radii are formed by the number and choice – TwinCAT NC PTP
of the components. – TwinCAT XTS extension
– power supply units

250 mm 250 mm 250 mm

Drive Technology


Average length Curved motor

approx. 500 mm modules 180°

Straight motor

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Free mobility 4 m/s jerk-free Free mobility
of a mover of several movers

Synchronous movement F = constant

of a group with constant Synchronous movement
application of force of a group

XTS | Basic functions

The XTS system enables a new class of functions that can be used at the same time in several places.
Completely new, particularly flexible: transport and positioning tasks are economically solvable with little effort.

The linear motor with NC and more degrees of freedom

Free mobility of an individual Production speed of up to 4 m/s cal bearings. Gears, belts, guide rollers and
wireless mover over the entire path clamps are no longer necessary. Due to the
The individual mover can be moved like An individual mover can be addressed sensi- high positioning accuracy, the compensa-
a linear motor along the entire path, since tively – without jerking and with maximum tion of inaccuracies as required in common
it makes do without cables. It can arbitrar- positioning accuracy. The jerk-free accelera- transport solutions is unnecessary: there is
ily start, stop, brake, accelerate and drive tion profiles even allow the transport of open no stretching of chains due to load and wear,
to positions. Like a linear motor with NC, liquids. re-tensioning of toothed belts or mechanical
an individual mover can be synchronised to backlash during load changes. Apart from the
external motion profiles, thereby achieving Less wear, less maintenance payload, only the small mass of the mover is
maximum flexibility. The use of XTS leads to less mechanical moved.
wear, since only the mover needs mechani-
Drive Technology

Synchronous movement in the group

Movements with constant force Synchronous movement of a group Free mobility of several movers
A mover follows another with a defined At any place on the path during movement, The movers can all be moved independently
force. It can apply a “clamping force” while groups can be formed that stop together of one another. They can take up absolute
at the same time following a movement, or drive past processing stations with a positions along the entire travel distance.
for example in order to hold a product. specified speed profile. The size of the group In addition, they can be moved relatively to
For other applications the force can be (number and spacing) can be changed each other and always avoid a collision with
limited so as not to place an unnecessary dynamically. their neighbour.
load on a product under any conditions.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Push product, adapt product spacing, Clamp and move product
reduce or increase product speed

Use of the basic functions

Interruption-free production flow

From the combination of the basic functions, product flows can be kept constantly in motion with XTS. Since the movers
in the XTS operate independently of each other, it is possible to stop and process individual objects without having to
interrupt the entire process; viewed from the outside the production flow is maintained.

Push product, adapt product spacing, Clamp and move product

reduce or increase product speed Through the combination of the synchronous
The movers of the XTS system can always movement of a group and the application of
run with the flow of product. No return trip a constant force, a product can be clamped
or return stroke is necessary. The transported and moved in a clamped condition. Move-
material can be accumulated and grouped ment is controlled at all times and at all
during the movement via the dynamic places on the transport path.

Drive Technology


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Arbitrary system Arbitrary number
length of movers

Dynamic buffering: accumulation

of movers and products
> 10 m

XTS | Complex functions

Due to the mechatronic concept, XTS com- Arbitrary system length intervention in the process, this force acts
bines functions and characteristics that are There are no restrictions on the total length on one place. With XTS this risk can be signifi-
required for the dynamic transport of goods of the path, so that 10 m and much more are cantly minimised and safety can be increased,
of all kinds. Apart from the basic functions technically possible. The system consists of since in most cases only the parameterised
of the movers, the complex functions of XTS individual modules, which when combined force of a mover acts. Hence, even in the case
enable the gentle control of an endless prod- with one another create both small, compact of a collision with an obstacle, only the mass
uct flow. solutions and metre-long transport paths. of a mover with its payload acts.
Straight sections are made up of 250 mm
Arbitrary number of movers modules which can be made endless by the
There are no system limits for the number use of curved segments. A motor cable has
of movers; consequently the number can be to be attached at least every three metres.
optimally adapted to the application. In prac- The electrical connection between the mod-
tice the number is limited only by the avail- ules is automatically made when assembling.
able computing power of the PC. The guide rail system offers lengths of up to
2.5 m.
Unrestricted curve function
The entire travel path becomes the utilisable Lower mass, increased safety
path, since the outward and return path and Small masses lead to a lower hazard poten-
also the curve segments are available for the tial, because unlike XTS, a conveyor chain
transport and processing of materials. This is kept in motion by a central drive unit.
Drive Technology

maximum utilisation of the machine volume The total acting force corresponds to the
results in very compact application solutions, sum of all necessary individual forces over
which enable completely new machine con- the entire length. In the case of an error,
cepts. a mechanical malfunction or a manual

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Integrated collision Unrestricted curve
avoidance function

F = constant

Grouping of movers Group movement

in the product flow in the product flow

Control of a continuous product flow

High-power dynamics, Absolutely precise configuration by changing the software parameters and
but no unrestrained force The arbitrary number of movers, the modular empirical values can also be retrieved at any
The fast signal processing and the large path guidance, the individual controllability time in the form of a stored parameter set.
bandwidth of EtherCAT enable the best of each individual mover and the simple inte- The parameters can be exchanged between
dynamic characteristics. Together with large grability into existing machines and plants applications of the same type.
peak forces, high acceleration is available ensure a precisely matching solution with
to the application. Position lag monitoring which the production efficiency of a machine
avoids damage to the product in case of can be further optimised.
mechanical malfunctions. In addition, force
limitation and jerk reduction allow the opti- Fast, flexible format adaptation
mal handling of the product at all times at A change of format when changing products
different points in the production. For exam- or, for example, when the filling quantity
ple, the parameters can be adapted according changes can be carried out without stopping
to the filling level while moving. production: the modifications can be realised

Drive Technology


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

XTS | Application examples
Movement kinematics
in one system

Kinematics in linear motion

for handling a product:
lifting, sealing, etc.
A mechanical action gener-
ated by the relative movement
between two movers creates an
additional movement that can
manipulate a product. Trans-
ported materials can be pushed
upwards or to the side. A product
can be closed or processed in
some other way while moving.

Kinematics in linear motion

for handling a product:
Gear rack rotate, screw cap on, etc.
A rotary movement can be gen-
erated between two movers by
a suitable mechanical action.
This can, for example, screw
a cap on or rotate the product.
Drive Technology


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Movement kinematics in two systems

Transport and discharge product

A package or a case is transported on a surface. The pack-
age is to be deposited at a station. The surface is tilted
to the side and the package slides off. Four movers on
two paths move the tilting surface with the transported
material. A change in the spacing of the movers with
respect to each other generates a mechanical action that
tilts the surface. The transported material can be pre-
vented from sliding off when driving through curves by
an inclined position and can be specifically deposited at
another place while driving or after stopping.

Grouping system

Used as a grouping system, the XTS can easily combine

products arriving on multiple conveyor belts into prede-
fined and easily changed groups and move them to the
next station.
The plant can adapt to the product width, stack
height and number of stacks without any manual inter-
vention. The distance between the movers and also the
motion profile are changed by parameters in the software.
This can even be done during operation without a stand-

Travelling manipulator
Drive Technology
With circulating kinematics the transported product
can be influenced in X and Y directions. With two XTS
Product systems arranged in parallel, the manipulator is synchro-
nised to the product and shifts it on the belt at full speed.
Kinematics 881
The product can even be slightly rotated by using appro-
priate kinematics.



We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Distribution system

Functioning as a distribution
XTS system, the XTS splits an incom-
Gate 1 ing product stream into multi-
ple streams (two in this case)
inexpensively and with great
Gate 2


Feeder with distance


The XTS makes it easy to imple-

ment a feeder with distance
adjustment that synchronises
products arriving at different
intervals with the downstream
ΔL1 ΔL2 ΔL1 ΔL2 ΔLn process.
Conveyor Intermediate plate
ΔL1 ≠ ΔL2 ≠ ΔLn ΔL1 = ΔL2 = ΔLn Packaging

XY axis
Drive Technology

Two movers, defined as a virtual

XY axis, and can be controlled
with G-code. For example, the
XTS can move the product along
in a targeted manner under a
fixed adhesive nozzle, in order to
apply adhesive evenly along the
outer contour.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Synchronisation of
open liquids

Every three seconds, ten open

bottles are taken at a time from
an intermittent filling machine to
be transferred to a subsequent
continuous process. To avoid
spilling, the containers must
be accelerated jerk-free while
traversing a speed profile for
the product transfer that pre-
vents collisions with the holding
clamps of the carousel.

XTS | Trajectories

Drive Technology

S-shape Square Rectangle


Circle, positive curve Circle, negative curve Straight, not closed

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

XTS | The construction kit

To create a track the single parts

with protection class IP 65 are
mounted at the machine frame.

Installation area
guide rail Motor, coil package
Drive Technology

884 Displacement measurement

Mounting area: This sur- integrated in motor module
face enables mounting at – non-contact
the machine base. – absolute positions When mounting two modules,
of all movers control voltage (24 V DC),
– multi-position power supply (50 V DC) and
measurement EtherCAT are automatically
– resistant to dirt connected through.

Straight motor module

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Curved motor modules Guide rail system Mover

Motor module Guide rail system the attractive forces of the magnets on both
The motor module contains the electromag- Movers and guide rails are optimally matched sides and compensates them as far as possi-
netic coils and all other active functions nec- to each other. The geometry of the rail and ble. This allows the rollers of the mover to run
essary for the operation of the system. Only the hard anodised aluminium of the surface at high speed in the guide rail with low wear.
a power supply and an EtherCAT connection in combination with the running surface of The rollers are equipped with a particularly
are required. The motor module contains no the mover rollers allow good running char- wear-resistant synthetic running surface.
moving parts and is not subject to any wear. acteristics and low wear. Lubrication of the The tensioning of the rollers prevents back-
– fully integrated linear motor with system is not necessary. lash and is at the same time designed for
power electronics and displacement low wear. Consequently, the lifetime of the
measurement Mover rollers depends on the payload. A mechani-
– Coil arrangement and mechanical The mover contains magnetic plates which, cally robust encoder flag conveys the mover
structure make up a ready-to-use unit. together with the coils in the motor modules, position to the motor module.
can generate propulsive forces. It absorbs

System properties XTS

Max. force 100 N at standstill
Continuous force 30 N (at ~30 °C temperature increase in the motor compared to mounting frame)
Speed 4 m/s @ 48 V DC supply
Acceleration > 100 m/s² (without payload)
Positioning accuracy < ±0.15 mm @ 1.5 m/s
Absolute accuracy < ±0.25 mm within a module
Repeatability < ±10 µm (standstill)
Mover length 50 mm in direction of movement
Mover weight approx. 410 g (complete mover without attachments)
Maximum system length >> 10 m (dependent on computing power, no system limit) Drive Technology
Operating/storage temperature 0…+50 °C/-25…+85 °C (for further information see documentation)
Protection class IP 65
Approvals CE
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27 885
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4

Electrical data XTS

Supply voltage control voltage 24 V DC, power supply 50 V DC
Current consumption power supply: 16 A nominal current
Power consumption motor modules: 19 W/m (communication, electronics, position determination)
Length per feed max. 3 m (voltage supply, EtherCAT)
Power consumption per mover approx. 12 W @ 4 m/s without payload

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Curved motor module, -22.5° Curved motor module, +22.5°

Curved motor module,

Straight motor module 180° (clothoid)

AT20xx-0xxx | XTS motor modules

The motor module, the power Double-air-gap motor Output stages and coil – Independent supply of each
electronics and the displacement – double-action linear motor, package integrated individual coil with current is
measurement are built into the hence low resulting forces – no cables between coil possible.
profile. The power electronics are on the mechanical bearing and output stage – arbitrary number of travel-
optimised for the requirement and compact total solution – no wiring expenditure ling fields/movers possible
and reduce assembly expendi- – displacement measurement – exclusion of errors – temperature monitoring
ture. There is an upper mechani- integrated, no additional – minimum mounting of the output stage
cal interface to the guide rail assembly, no calibration space – temperature model of the
and a lower one to the support – Tolerances are compensated – Output stage and coil coils for optimum peak load
structure. Straight segments and automatically. are optimally matched use (I²T model)
curves can be combined arbitrar- – Attractive forces neutralise to each other. – low temperature rise due
ily. The geometry of the motor each other. – supply voltage 50 V DC to good thermal coupling
module without edges and open- – lower force effect (wear) (low voltage, low safety to the machine bed
ings allows easy cleaning. on the guide expenditure)
– Friction losses are greatly

Ordering information XTS motor modules

AT2000-0250 motor module, straight, 50 V DC/24 V DC, 250 mm x 38 mm x 96 mm (L x W x H), 2.0 kg
AT2001-0250 motor module with feed, straight, 50 V DC/24 V DC, 250 mm x 38 mm x 96 mm (L x W x H), 2.2 kg
Drive Technology

AT2020-0250 motor module, 22.5° (positive curve, convex, radius constant), 50 V DC/24 V DC,
257.7 mm x 38 mm x 96 mm (L x W x H), 2.2 kg
AT2021-0250 motor module with feed, 22.5° (positive curve, convex, radius constant), 50 V DC/24 V DC,
257.7 mm x 38 mm x 96 mm (L x W x H), 2.2 kg
886 AT2025-0250 motor module, -22.5° (negative curve, concave, radius constant), 50 V DC/24 V DC,
241.9 mm x 38 mm x 96 mm (L x W x H), 2.2 kg
AT2026-0250 motor module with feed, -22.5° (negative curve, concave, radius constant), 50 V DC/24 V DC,
241.9 mm x 38 mm x 96 mm (L x W x H), 2.2 kg
AT2040-0250 motor module, 45° (positive curve, convex, radius constant), 50 V DC/24 V DC,
258.9 mm x 39.1 mm x 114.4 mm (L x W x H), 2.1 kg
AT2041-0250 motor module with feed, 45° (positive curve, convex, radius constant), 50 V DC/24 V DC,
258.9 mm x 39.1 mm x 114.4 mm (L x W x H), 2.1 kg
AT2050-0500 motor module, 180° (clothoid, radius not constant), 50 V DC/24 V DC, 307 mm x 41 mm x 195 mm (L x W x H), 4.0 kg

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AT9011, AT9012

Retainer for Rollers

magnetic plate
and rollers

Magnetic plates

Encoder flag for

displacement measurement

AT9011 AT9012

AT9011, AT9012 | XTS movers

The mover is made of a light and that the rollers and the rail do – no sliding contacts or – A light encoder flag
solid aluminium alloy. Thanks not have to absorb the compara- cables to the moved part, generates the position
to their arrangement the rollers tively high attractive forces of purely passive mover signal.
allow backlash-free travel on the magnets. – 2 magnetic plates generate – Short mover length allows
the straights and in the curves. The centre of the encoder the controlled propulsive small product spacings.
The coating of the rollers causes flag supplies a position signal force via the motor module. – Geometry allows driving
very little running noise and is to the motor module. Movers – The attractive forces through curves with full
particularly low-wear without can be distinguished from each largely neutralise each dynamics.
lubrication of the guide rail. The other by differrent encoder flags. other in relation to the – no development of heat
attractive forces of the magnetic The encoder flag is made from guide mechanism. on and in the mover
plates are largely balanced by a sturdy, lightweight glass-fibre – low friction losses
the opposed arrangement, so reinforced material. – light mover (< 410…590 g)

Drive Technology

Ordering information XTS mover suitable for the guide rail system AT9000/AT9050
AT9011-0050-0550 mover, 6 rollers, length 50 mm with magnetic plate set AT9001-0550, 410 g, rollers: 6 x 19 mm, plastic coated
AT9011-0070-0550 mover, 6 rollers, length 70 mm with magnetic plate set AT9001-0550, 590 g, rollers: 4 x 22 mm, 2 x 26 mm, plastic coated 887
AT9012-0050-0550 mover, 12 rollers, length 51 mm with magnetic plate set AT9001-0550, 450 g, rollers: 12 x 16 mm, plastic coated
The magnetic plates can also be procured separately in order to be able to fit them to a self-developed mover.
Technical boundary conditions and support on enquiry.

AT9001-0550 magnetic plate set, 5-pin, 50 mm, encoder flag (individually orderable, components of mover AT9011-0050-0550)
AT9011-1440 encoder flag with electronic marking “Mover Standard”, t = 1.4 mm, 4 absorber areas
AT9011-1441 encoder flag with electronic marking “Mover 1”, t = 1.4 mm, 4 absorber areas

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


TF5850 | XTS – Software and programming

TwinCAT enables simple han- Practice-proven TwinCAT
dling of the desired movements automation software
by mapping the movers as nor- controls NC axes
mal servo axes in TwinCAT. By means of the TC3 XTS
All Motion Control functions Extension, servo algorithms are
such as flying saw, electrical decoupled from the hardware
gears and cam plate are usable. and centrally calculated. Each
Function extensions in TwinCAT output stage/coil is supplied with
take over typical XTS require- a current setpoint via EtherCAT.
PC platform
ments such as automatic accu- – Each mover becomes
PLC TwinCAT Motion Control, PTP
mulation, collision avoidance, a “servo axis”.
1st axis 2nd axis mth axis
jerk avoidance or centrifugal – synchronisation
SoftDrive SoftDrive SoftDrive
force limitation. The integration (with external application)
of the XTS system into a pro- – collision avoidance
duction plant is easily possible – accumulation Dynamic data distribution
thanks to support of numerous – drive on in accumulated
fieldbuses. Through realisation groups EtherCAT master Virtual
on a TwinCAT basis, the applica- connection
tion-specific programming can
be done in IEC 61131. Power output stages
Drive Technology

All TwinCAT interfaces and Mover 1 Mover 2 Mover m

functions simplify development
and maintenance:
– remote access over Ethernet
– setting of breakpoints
Application software
– visualisation of arbitrary
NC functions
– …

XTS Extension

Customer application

TC3 XTS Extension | From the point of view of application programming, a mover looks like a “normal” servo axis.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


Wizard: modern
look, enhanced
The information from the Condition Monitoring can be reduced and
simplified to a “traffic light”-style status display.

Six movers in online monitoring: the impending failure of a ball bearing

shows several days in advance.
Drive Technology
The simulation provides the load for each individual coil
along the path.


Ordering information
TF5000-00pp TC3 NC PTP 10 Axes 925
TF5850-0060 software license, TwinCAT TC3 XTS Extension, TwinCAT 3 platform P60 (mid performance)
TF5850-0070 software license, TwinCAT TC3 XTS Extension, TwinCAT 3 platform P70 (high performance)
TF5850-0080 software license, TwinCAT TC3 XTS Extension, TwinCAT 3 platform P80 (very high performance)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AT9000, AT9050

Lock for the removal Mover with

of the movers rollers

Guide rail

Aluminium profile rail with special hard anodised aluminium

AT9xxx-xxxx | XTS guide rails

The guide rail with the matching a lock by releasing two screws – abrasion-resistant hard The geometry of the aluminium
movers makes the XTS system a and removing part of the rail. anodised aluminium rail and the hard anodised alu-
ready-to-use solution. However, – optimised solution – high-precision mounting by minium of the surface in combi-
the motor modules can also be for immediate mounting means of fits nation with the running surface
used together with the magnetic on the motor module – easy maintenance through of the mover rollers allow good
plate sets as a custom solution – backlash-free due to lock for the removal of the running characteristics and low
without the XTS guide rail. low manufacturing movers wear.
The movers can be removed or tolerances and pre- Movers and guide rail are opti-
inserted without tools through tensioned rollers mally matched to each other.

Ordering information XTS guide rails available to suit the motor modules
AT9020-0500 guide rail, 22.5° curve (positive curve, convex, radius constant) and 250 mm straight,
suitable for 1 x AT2020-0250 and 1 x AT2000-0250
AT9025-0500 guide rail, -22.5° curve (negative curve, concave, radius constant) and 250 mm straight,
suitable for 1 x AT2025-0250 and 1 x AT2000-0250
AT9040-0500 guide rail, 45° (positive curve, convex, radius constant) and 250 mm straight, suitable for 1 x AT2040-0250 and 1 x AT2000-0250
AT9040-0750 guide rail, 2 x 45° (positive curve, convex, radius constant) and 250 mm straight,
suitable for 2 x AT2040-0250 and 1 x AT2000-0250
AT9040-1250 guide rail set for 180° curve, 2 parts, suitable for 4 x AT2040-0500 and 1 x AT2000-0250
AT9042-2000 guide rail set for full circle, 4 parts, suitable for 8 x AT2040-0500, with lock
Drive Technology

AT9050-0500 guide rail, 180° (clothoid), 390 mm x 22 mm x 233 mm (L x W x H), suitable for 1 x AT2050-0500
AT9100-0250 guide rail, straight, with lock, suitable for 1 x motor module AT200x-0250: 250 mm
AT9100-0500 guide rail, straight, with lock, suitable for 2 x motor module AT200x-0250: 500 mm
AT9100-0750 guide rail, straight, with lock, suitable for 3 x motor module AT200x-0250: 750 mm
890 AT9100-1000 guide rail, straight, with lock, suitable for 4 x motor module AT200x-0250: 1000 mm
AT9100-1250 guide rail, straight, with lock, suitable for 5 x motor module AT200x-0250: 1250 mm
AT9100-1500 guide rail, straight, with lock, suitable for 6 x motor module AT200x-0250: 1500 mm
AT9000-xxxx guide rails, straight, in steps of 250 mm in length, overall length up to 2.5 m, on request
AT9000-0250 guide rail, straight, suitable for 1 x motor module AT200x-0250: 250 mm
AT9000-0500 guide rail, straight, suitable for 2 x motor module AT200x-0250: 500 mm
AT9000-0750 guide rail, straight, suitable for 3 x motor module AT200x-0250: 750 mm
AT9000-1000 guide rail, straight, suitable for 4 x motor module AT200x-0250: 1000 mm
AT9000-1250 guide rail, straight, suitable for 5 x motor module AT200x-0250: 1250 mm
AT9000-1500 guide rail, straight, suitable for 6 x motor module AT200x-0250: 1500 mm

We reserve the right to make technical changes.


AT2000-xx00 | XTS starter kit

The starter kit facilitates fast and effective Basic components: Starter kit medium
entry to the new technology. Mechanical – guide rail, assembled – 8 x straight modules
tests and the programming of your own – stand and holder – 2 x curve modules
motion profiles are simple to accomplish. for all mechanical parts – 10 x mover, with rollers,
Programming experience in IEC 61131-3 and – Industrial PC with all magnetic plates and encoder flag
knowledge of TwinCAT NC are required for necessary interfaces and
this. The XTS starter kit contains all compo- sufficient system performance Starter kit large
nents required for the operation of an XTS – TwinCAT NC PTP and – 12 x straight modules
system. The construction is fully functional XTS function package – 2 x curve modules
and completely pre-assembled. – installed in a control cabinet, – 10 x mover, with rollers,
fully wired, ready for operation magnetic plates and encoder flag
– power supply units 24 V DC
and 48 V DC Required user skills
– 1 day instruction and – practical experience with TwinCAT
programming support – basic knowledge of Motion Control

Starter kit small For information on the Beckhoff

– 4 x straight modules training offers see page 998
– 2 x curve modules
– 5 x mover, with rollers,
Drive Technology
magnetic plates and encoder flag


Ordering information XTS starter kit

AT2000-0500 starter kit small, 500 mm, straight length, 5 movers
AT2000-1000 starter kit medium, 1000 mm, straight length, 10 movers
AT2000-1500 starter kit large, 1500 mm, straight length, 10 movers

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

PLC and Motion Control on the PC


938 TwinCAT 2

898 TwinCAT 3
The Windows Control and Automation Technology

896 Introduction 898 TwinCAT 3 938 TwinCAT 2

898 Introduction 940 Product overview

900 eXtended Automation
Architecture (XAA)
901 eXtended Automation
Engineering (XAE) 944 TwinCAT 2 PLC TX1200
910 eXtended Automation
Runtime (XAR) 945 TwinCAT 2 NC PTP TX1250
912 Product overview
945 TwinCAT 2 NC I TX1260

946 TwinCAT 2 CNC TX1270

916 TwinCAT 3 Engineering
TE1xxx 947 TwinCAT 2 I/O TX1100

947 TwinCAT 2 CP TX1000

918 TwinCAT 3 Base

948 TwinCAT 2 Supplements
948 System TSxxxx
952 Controller TS4xxx
922 TwinCAT 3 Functions 953 Motion TS5xxx
922 System TF1xxx 957 Communication TS6xxx
923 Measurement TF3xxx 964 Building Automation TSxxxx
924 Controller TF4xxx
925 Motion TF5xxx
932 Connectivity TF6xxx
937 Industry specific TF8xxx


TwinCAT 3 TwinCAT 3 runtime environment

– one engineering environment, – hard real-time for Windows
based on Microsoft Visual Studio® – one runtime for all modules
– IEC 61131, C/C++, MATLAB®/Simulink® – IEC 61131, C/C++, MATLAB®/Simulink®
– integrated modules: objects in one runtime
– real-time – integrated TwinSAFE runtime
– PLC, NC, CNC – extended real-time functionality:
– robotics min. 50 µs cycle time and low jitter

– measurement technology – better performance:

– Safety support of multi-core CPUs
896 – TwinCAT 3 modules: – future-proof: support of 64-bit
standardised programming frame operating systems
for modular programming
– automatic code generation and
project implementation with the
TwinCAT Automation Interface See page 898

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 2 TwinCAT 2 runtime environment
– engineering and runtime – hard real-time for Windows
– IEC 61131-3 programming environment – real-time jitter < 5 µs
– integrated modules: – cycle time adjustable from 50 µs
– real-time – pre-emptive multi-tasking
– robotics
– measurement technology

– Safety See page 938


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 |
eXtended Automation Technology (XAT)
TwinCAT 3


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

With TwinCAT 3 a PC-based control software environment. The modules run in different
is available which will expand the standard languages in a common runtime. The advan-
automation world considerably. In addition to tage of this modularity is the improved reuse
the object-oriented IEC 61131-3 extensions, of modules, once they have been written and
the languages of the IT world are available tested. The runtime runs under harsh real-
in C and C++. The integration of MATLAB®/ time conditions with the use of multi-core
Simulink® enables the application in scientific technology and the support of 32- or 64-bit
fields. And all of that in just one engineering operating systems.

TwinCAT 3 highlights

– only one software for programming and configuration

– Visual Studio® integration
– more freedom in selecting programming languages
– support for the object-oriented extension of IEC 61131-3
– use of C/C++ as the programming language for real-time applications
– link to MATLAB®/Simulink®
– open interfaces for expandability and adaptation to the tools landscape
– flexible runtime environment
TwinCAT 3

– active support of multi-core and 64-bit systems

– migration of TwinCAT 2 projects
– automatic code generation and project implementation with the TwinCAT Automation Interface 899

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 | eXtended Automation Architecture (XAA)
PC System In addition to the possibilities of controller program-
ming according to the 3rd edition of IEC 61131-3, the new
Windows 32/64 bit TwinCAT 3 architecture allows the use of C and C++ as
the programming language. This opens up completely
TwinCAT 3 Engineering Environment based on Visual Studio®
new application possibilities, as well as the expansion of
System Manager Programming or integration in existing systems. The link to MATLAB®/
– Configuration – IEC 61131-3 Simulink® is just one example of this new openness.
– objectoriented extensions
– C/C++

TwinCAT Transport Layer – ADS

TwinCAT 3 runtime

Real-time Kernel



PLC Safety NC C




CNC Simulink® C++ PLC

Module Module

TwinCAT Automation Device Driver – ADD


TwinCAT 3 extends the standard automation world

eXtended Automation Architecture – integrated: C/C++ – eXtended Automation Runtime

– supports all main fieldbuses worldwide standard in IT – IEC 61131, C/C++,
– supports IEC 61131, C/C++, – integrated: TwinCAT System MATLAB®/Simulink® objects
MATLAB®/Simulink® Manager – well-known in one runtime
– supports Motion Control: configuration tool – integrated TwinSAFE runtime
from point-to-point to CNC – link to MATLAB®/Simulink®: – extended real-time functionality:
– supports TwinSAFE configuration worldwide standard in science min. 50 µs cycle time and low jitter
– supports Scientific Automation: – expandable with other tools: – enhanced performance:
TwinCAT 3

robotics, measurement technology, editors, compilers support of multi-core CPUs

Condition Monitoring – TwinCAT 2 projects can be migrated. – future-proof: supports 64-bit
900 – TwinCAT 3 modules: operating systems
eXtended Automation Engineering standardised programming frames
– one tool – Microsoft Visual Studio® – using the .NET programming
– integrated: IEC 61131 – languages for non-real-time capable
worldwide standard in automation applications (e.g. HMI)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 | eXtended Automation Engineering (XAE)
Integration in Microsoft Visual Studio® makes it possible to program automation objects in parallel with the aid of the 3rd edition of IEC 61131-3
and the C or C++ languages. The objects (modules) generated can exchange data with each other and call each other independently of the lan-
guage they were written in. The TwinCAT System Manager has been integrated into the development environment. This way, only one software
is required to configure, parameterise, program and to diagnose automation devices.

Visual Studio® integration can be

TwinCAT 3 accomplished in two different ways.
TwinCAT Standard only uses the
TwinCAT 3 Engineering Environment based on Visual Studio® MATLAB®/ Third-party
Simulink® programming basic framework of Visual Studio®
System Manager Programming tool with all its benefits in terms of
Configuration Non- Real-time
– I/O handling, connection to source
real-time Simulink C/C++
– PLC Coder™ code control software, etc., while
– C/C++ C#/.NET IEC 61131 Object- C/C++ TwinCAT Integrated, as the name
– NC oriented
– NC I extensions implies, integrates itself into Visual
– CNC Studio®. In this version, the C/C++,
– Safety C#, VB.NET programming languages
– others IEC Compiler Microsoft C Compiler and link to MATLAB®/Simulink® are

TwinCAT Transport Layer – ADS

TwinCAT 3 runtime

Flexible use of programming languages

C and C++ programming languages Extended debugging of Link to MATLAB®/Simulink®

– standardised C++ programs – great variety of toolboxes
– widely used programming languages – debugging of C++ programs – possibilities for use:
– very powerful programming languages that run in real-time – building of control circuits
– run under the same runtime as – use of breakpoints – in simulation
PLC programs – use of watch lists – in optimisation
– for the implementation of drivers – use of call stacks – automatic code generation
– debug interface between
TwinCAT 3

.NET programming languages MATLAB®/Simulink® and TwinCAT

– used for non-real-time programming
(e.g.: HMI) 901
– source code management
in the same project

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 | eXtended Automation Language Support
Real-time Non-

Manager C#

LD editor .NET

FBD editor Visual Basic

SFC editor C++

IL editor Silverlight

ST editor

CFC editor

Visual C/C++

Parallel use of the C++ and FBD programming languages TwinCAT System Manager integrated into Visual Studio®

Integration of Visual Studio®

Automation devices and application – automatic syntax checking

programming in one environment – IntelliSense
– use of the most famous and best – syntax highlighting
TwinCAT 3

supported development suite – use of the well-known

– future-proof source code control tools
902 – editing of PLC programs and complex – open architecture
visualisations in one environment – extendable by plug-ins
– multi-language support
– modern look and feel
– context-sensitive online help

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 | XA Language Support: IEC 61131-3
For more efficient programming of automation devices, the editors for IEC 61131-3 programming in TwinCAT have been significantly improved.
The operability in particular has been improved and the debugging options have been extended. The new options include improved inline moni-
toring, conditional break points and more.

In TwinCAT 3, the editors

of the IEC 61131-3 have
been integrated seamlessly
into the Visual Studio®
environment. As a result,
the editors use the original
Visual Studio® toolbox for
the graphical languages,
for example.

Improved inline monitoring

for the Structured Text (ST)
programming language

TwinCAT 3


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 | XA Language Support: IEC 61131-3
TwinCAT 3 completely supports the 3rd edition of the IEC 61131-3. It enables among other things the use of object-oriented techniques such as
single inheritance, interfaces, methods and attributes, which significantly increase both the reusability and the quality of the control code.

Example of the use

of polymorphism within
an IEC 61131-3 POU
(Program Organization

IEC 61131-3 programming

– supplier-independent programming standard Extended options in TwinCAT 3

– PLCopen certification – improved ease of operation usability
– portable, reusable software – auto-complete
– 5 graphic and text-based programming languages: – marking of associated keywords
– Structured Text and Instruction List – collapsing of programming structures
– Function Block Diagram and Ladder Diagram – …
– Sequential Function Chart – extended debugging
– data encapsulation by user-defined data types – use of conditional break points
– improved inline monitoring
– …
TwinCAT 3

– object-oriented extensions
– single inheritance
904 – interfaces
– methods
– attributes

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 | XA Language Support: C/C++
TwinCAT 3 offers the possibility to program TwinCAT runtime modules in C/C++ languages. For code generation, the C compiler integrated in
Microsoft Visual Studio® 2010 is used. With TwinCAT 3 C++ libraries, functions for reading/writing files, starting treads, allocating memory or
communicating with a database are provided. This corresponds to the IEC 61131-3 mechanism when using libraries.

Wizards for the creation

of basic projects, classes
and I/O variables make
rapid engineering pos-
sible. IP PI



The routine “Cycle- SAFEOP

Update” is cyclically
processed. The internal SO OS
variables are available
for monitoring in the
TwinCAT online watch
window even without
having to set a break- State machine with transitions
point. for the TwinCAT modules

C/C++ as programming languages in automation technology

C and C++ programming languages – Beckhoff C++ Libraries for extended .NET programming languages
– powerful, widely used programming functionality in the real-time context – used for non-real-time programming
TwinCAT 3

languages (e.g.: HMI)

– standardised, object-orientated Extended debugging of – source control in the same project
programming languages C++ programs 905
– generation of efficient object code – debugging of C++ programs
– run under the same runtime as that run in real-time
PLC programs – monitoring, watch lists also
– for the implementation of drivers without the use of break points

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 | XA Language Support: MATLAB®/Simulink®
The integration of MATLAB®/Simulink® enables execution of TwinCAT modules that were generated as models in the Simulink® simulation
environment. The chosen interfacing type displays the parameters and variables in the graphic interface of TwinCAT 3 and enables viewing
and modification in the real-time environment at runtime.

Example for temperature

controller in MATLAB®/Simulink®

Parameter view of the gen-

erated module in TwinCAT

Integration with the simulation software MATLAB®/Simulink®

– standard tool in scientific and – automatic code generation via – multiple module instantiation
TwinCAT 3

measuring applications Realtime Workshop possible

– wide range of toolboxes – debug interface between TwinCAT 3 – Modules can be used without
906 (e.g. Fuzzy Logic Toolbox) and Simulink® MATLAB®/Simulink®.
– development, simulation and – parameterisation of the generated
optimisation of complex control module in TwinCAT 3
loops – download and execution of the
module in TwinCAT 3 runtime

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 | eXtended Motion Control
With eXtended Motion Control, TwinCAT automation software offers an integrated and scalable solution for Motion Control applications
including simple point-to-point movements, CNC and robot control.


NC PTP NC I CNC Robotics

Point-to-point Interpolated motion Complete CNC Interpolated motion

movement with 3 axes and functionality for robotic control
– gearing 5 additional axes – interpolated – support for
– camming – programming movement for a wide range
– superposition according to DIN 66025 up to 32 axes of kinematic
– flying saw – technological features per channel systems
– straightforward – various – optional torque
utilisation through transformations pre-control
function blocks from
the PLC

Interpolated motion for robotic control

Advantages of the integration – high performance and precision

TwinCAT 3

of robotic control in TwinCAT through direct interfaces

– configuration, parameterisation,
diagnostics and programming in Kinematic calculation process 907
TwinCAT – forward transformation
– optimum synergy between PLC, – inverse transformation
Motion Control and robot control – calculation of the dynamic model

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 | Safety Editor
The Safety Editor integrated in TwinCAT 3 allows the creation of a safety application in a graphical environment. The user can program the
desired logic directly with function blocks. The logic can initially be developed independently of the hardware configuration, leading to increased
flexibility and portability. Additionally, the editor can automatically generate documentation for the application, making both the act of docu-
menting and commissioning significantly easier.

For further information on TwinSAFE and the TwinSAFE products see page 966

TwinCAT Safety Editor

TwinCAT 3

908 – fully integrated in TwinCAT 3 – overview of the online state – automatic project download
– graphical programming of relevant groups, connections verification
– convenient diagnostics through and function blocks – automatic generation of the
the direct display of online values – multi-level verification of the documentation for acception and
in the graphical environment application for consistency commissioning

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 | eXtended Automation Performance
Current developments in computer technology, which offer CPUs with more and more cores, enable the distribution of tasks across different
cores. The TwinCAT 3 runtime environment follows this concept. It can be used to distribute functional units such as HMI, PLC runtime or MC to
dedicated cores. For each of the cores used by the runtime environment the maximum load as well as the base time and therefore the possible
cycle times can be set separately.

Multi-core CPU Due to the use of

multi-core systems,
Windows OS No Windows OS – 100 % for TwinCAT!
functional units
Core 0 Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core … (e.g. PLC and NC
Windows Engineering User HMI PLC runtime 0 PLC runtime 1 NC runtime 1 runtimes, HMI) are dis-
Apps Tools Task 0 Task 1 tributed to individual
processor cores.

ADS Router Engine

L2 Shared Cache

System Memory ADS Router Message Queues

System Memory

Dialog for the distribution of tasks to processor cores: Moreover, in the so-called
“core isolation” mode it is possible to make individual cores exclusively available
for the use of TwinCAT. The context change between TwinCAT and the Windows
operating system is thus avoided for these cores, which increases the attainable
performance still further.

Multi-core and multi-tasking support

TwinCAT 3

Support of multi-core systems Support of multi-tasking Support of 64-bit operating systems 909
– distribution from applications to – preemptive multi-tasking – usage of more resources (memory)
cores (e.g. PLC, NC and HMI can – parallel processing of tasks
run on different cores)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 | eXtended Automation Runtime (XAR)
Standardised modules enable open and flexible design of the TwinCAT 3 runtime. It makes an environment available in which the TwinCAT 3
modules can run. Whether the modules are PLC, NC, CNC, RC (Robotic Control) or C/C++ code-based modules (e.g. created with MATLAB®/
Simulink®) is irrelevant.

TwinCAT Transport Layer – ADS

TC Configuration Debugging

TwinCAT Object Manager



Task Call


C++ C

Task Call
Module Module

Task Module
TwinCAT Real-time Kernel

CNC Simulink®



Safety Safety


Task Call
TwinCAT 3 runtime

TwinCAT Automation Device Driver – ADD


Modular TwinCAT 3 runtime

Modular design, openness, extendibility

TwinCAT 3

910 Open runtime interface – defined interfaces – Scalability: modules can contain
– separation of complete functionality – extension of the runtime by own simple functions; complex
into modules modules (e.g. bus drivers) algorithms and real-time tasks.
– use of services from system modules
(e.g. real-time)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 modules consist of a range of formally defined attributes and interfaces. They enable general application of the modules with each
other and externally. The predefined interfaces enable cyclic calling of the internal module logic, for example. Each module implements a state
machine that controls the initialisation, parameterisation and linking of the respective module.

TwinCAT Module In addition to user modules, a number of system

modules are already available which provide basic
Module Description
runtime functionality (e.g. TwinCAT real-time).
State Machine These modules have fixed object IDs and are
therefore accessible from each module.
ITComObject Interface

Interfaces Parameter Interfaces


Data Areas Contexts Data Area

Categories Pointers

ADS Port

Structure of a TwinCAT 3 module

Selection and parameterisation of a MATLAB®/Simulink® module

Fast communication, reusability

TwinCAT 3

– Functionality of the modules – Modules can be developed, 911

is scalable. serviced and tested independent
– direct and therefore very fast of each other.
communication between modules – high reusability
– Modules are sealed.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Product overview TwinCAT 3
The TwinCAT 3 runtime components are available for different platforms.

TwinCAT 3 – Platforms
Very high
Very high
performance P82
Example of a TwinCAT 3 Very high
performance class: P70 performance
C6920 | Control cabinet Industrial PC High
performance Intel® Xeon®,
with Intel® Core™ i3, 2 cores, processor
TwinCAT 3 performance class: (TC3: 60), P60 12 cores

corresponds to the TwinCAT 3 platform Mid

P60 Mid performance P83
Very high
P40 Celeron® Intel® Intel® Xeon®,
Performance 1.9 GHz Core™2 Duo 24 cores
Core™ i3 Core™ i5 P90…P94
P30 Third-party
Economy plus ®
P84 devices
ULV/1.6 GHz/ Intel
Very high depending on
2.2 GHz Core™ i7
performance the number of
P20 Pentium®
Economy Intel® Atom™ 2.3 GHz
Intel® Xeon®,
ARM 36 cores
ARM, 400 MHz AMD LX800

The controllers shown in the platform categorisation are only example configurations.

TwinCAT 3 designation system

T = TwinCAT X = C (Base) a = Categorisation bbb = Specification pp = Platform

F (Function) 1 = System
E (Engineering) 3 = Measurement
4 = Controller
TwinCAT 3

5 = Motion
6 = Connectivity
912 8 = Industry specific

T X abbb - 00 pp

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 – eXtended Automation Engineering (XAE) TwinCAT 3 is divided into
components. The TwinCAT 3
engineering components
enable the configuration,
TwinCAT 3 – eXtended Automation Runtime (XAR) programming and debugging
of applications. The TwinCAT 3
runtime consists of further
TC1220 | TC3 PLC/C++/MATLAB®/Simulink®
components – basic compo-
TC1210 | TC3 PLC/C++ nents and functions. The basic
components can be extended
TC1100 | TC3 I/O
TC1270 | TC3 PLC/NC PTP 10/NC I/CNC by functions.

TC1260 | TC3 PLC/NC PTP 10/NC I TC1000 | TC3 ADS

TC1250 | TC3 PLC/NC PTP 10 TC1320 | TC3 C++/MATLAB®/Simulink®

TC1200 | TC3 PLC TC1300 | TC3 C++

TC1100 | TC3 I/O TC1100 | TC3 I/O

TC1000 | TC3 ADS TC1000 | TC3 ADS


TF1xxx | System TF5xxx | Motion

TF3xxx | Measurement TF6xxx | Connectivity

TF4xxx | Controller TF8xxx | Industry specific

TwinCAT 3 | Base
TC1000 | TC3 ADS The TwinCAT Automation Device Specification (ADS) is the medium-independent protocol for the reading
and writing of data and for instruction transmission within TwinCAT. An ADS router is made available for
communication links. ADS clients can be connected to TwinCAT controllers in the network via ADS.

TC1100 | TC3 I/O Using TwinCAT I/O, cyclic data can be collected by different fieldbuses in process images. Cyclic tasks drive
the corresponding fieldbuses. Various fieldbuses can be operated with different cycle times on one CPU.
Applications can directly access the process image. The fieldbuses and the process images are configured
in TwinCAT Engineering.
TwinCAT 3

TC1200 | TC3 PLC TwinCAT PLC realises one or more PLCs with the international standard IEC 61131-3 3rd edition on one CPU.
All programming languages described in the standard can be used for programming. Various convenient
debugging options facilitate fault-finding and commissioning. PLC program modifications can be carried out 913
at any times and in any size online, i.e. when the PLC is running. All variables are available symbolically by
ADS and can be read and written in appropriate clients.
TC1300 | TC3 C++ The TwinCAT 3 C++ runtime environment enables the execution of real-time modules written in C++.
Convenient debugging and monitoring options facilitate fault-finding and commissioning. All variables are
available symbolically by ADS and can be read and written in appropriate clients.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Product overview TwinCAT 3
TwinCAT 3 | Engineering
TE1000 | TC3 Engineering TwinCAT 3 engineering environment 916
TE1110 | TC3 Simulation Manager tool for easy configuration of a simulation environment 916
TE1111 | TC3 EtherCAT Simulation easy configurations of simulation environments with several EtherCAT slaves 916
TE1120 | TC3 XCAD Interface transfer of existing engineering results from ECAD tools 916
TE1140 | TC3 Management Server central administration of Beckhoff CE controllers 916
TE1300 | TC3 Scope View Professional software oscilloscope for the graphical display of data captured from several target systems 917
TE1400 | TC3 MATLAB®/Simulink® Target TwinCAT target for MATLAB®/Simulink® for generating TwinCAT 3 modules 917
TE1410 | TC3 Interface for MATLAB®/Simulink® communication interface between MATLAB®/Simulink® and the TwinCAT 3 runtime 917
TE1500 | TC3 Valve Diagram Editor graphical tool for designing the characteristic curve of a hydraulic valve 917
TE1510 | TC3 CAM Design Editor graphic design tool for electronic cam plates 917

TwinCAT 3 | Base
TC1000 | TC3 ADS TwinCAT 3 ADS 918
TC1100 | TC3 I/O TwinCAT 3 I/O 918
TC1200 | TC3 PLC TwinCAT 3 PLC 919
TC1210 | TC3 PLC/C++ TwinCAT 3 PLC and C++ 919
TC1220 | TC3 PLC/C++/MATLAB®/Simulink® TwinCAT 3 PLC, C++ and modules generated in MATLAB®/Simulink® 919
TC1250 | TC3 PLC/NC PTP 10 TwinCAT 3 PLC and NC PTP 10 920
TC1260 | TC3 PLC/NC PTP 10/NC I TwinCAT 3 PLC, NC PTP 10 and NC I 920
TC1270 | TC3 PLC/NC PTP 10/NC I/CNC TwinCAT 3 PLC, NC PTP 10, NC I and CNC 921
TC1275 | TC3 PLC/NC PTP 10/NC I/CNC E TwinCAT 3 PLC, NC PTP 10, NC I and CNC E 921
TC1300 | TC3 C++ TwinCAT 3 C++ 921
TC1320 | TC3 C++/MATLAB®/Simulink® TwinCAT 3 C++ and modules generated in MATLAB®/Simulink® 921

TwinCAT 3 | Functions

TF1800 | TC3 PLC HMI stand-alone tool for displaying visualisations from the PLC development environment 922
TF1810 | TC3 PLC HMI Web display of visualisations from the PLC development environment in a web browser 922
TF1910 | TC3 UML UML (Unified Modeling Language) for modelling of PLC software 922

TF3300 | TC3 Scope Server data preparation for visual display in the TwinCAT 3 Scope View 923
TF3600 | TC3 Condition Monitoring Level 1 Condition Monitoring Level 1 923
TF3601 | TC3 Condition Monitoring Level 2 Condition Monitoring Level 2 923
TF3900 | TC3 Solar Position Algorithm precise calculation of the sun’s position 923

TF4100 | TC3 Controller Toolbox basic controllers (P, I, D), complex controllers (PI, PID), pulse width modulation, ramps,
signal generators and filters 924
TF4110 | TC3 Temperature Controller temperature control for monitoring and controlling different temperature ranges 924
TwinCAT 3


914 TF5000 | TC3 NC PTP 10 Axes NC PTP (point-to-point movements) for up to 10 axes 925
TF5010 | TC3 NC PTP Axes Pack 25 extension of TwinCAT 3 NC PTP to up to 25 axes 925
TF5020 | TC3 NC PTP Axes Pack unlimited extension of TwinCAT 3 NC PTP to over 25 axes 925
TF5050 | TC3 NC Camming using the TwinCAT NC cam plate functionality (table coupling) 926
TF5055 | TC3 NC Flying Saw implementing “flying saw” functionality 926
TF5060 | TC3 NC FIFO Axes implementation of a pre-defined user setpoint generator for an NC axis 927
TF5065 | TC3 Motion Control XFC high-precision logging and switching of digital signals in relation to axis positions 927

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 | Functions

TF5100 | TC3 NC I NC I with 3 interpolating axes and 5 additional axes 927
TF5110 | TC3 Kinematic Transformation L1 realisation of different kinematic transformations Level 1 928
TF5111 | TC3 Kinematic Transformation L2 realisation of different kinematic transformations Level 2 928
TF5112 | TC3 Kinematic Transformation L3 realisation of different kinematic transformations Level 3 928
TF5113 | TC3 Kinematic Transformation L4 realisation of different kinematic transformations Level 4 928
TF5120 | TC3 Robotics mxAutomation direct communication between the PLC and the KUKA KR C4 robot control 929
TF5200 | TC3 CNC CNC path control software 929
TF5210 | TC3 CNC E CNC path control software export version 929
TF5220 | TC3 CNC Axes Pack extension to up to a total of 64 axes/controlled spindles, of which a maximum of 32 can be
path axes and a maximum of 12 can be controlled spindles 930
TF5230 | TC3 CNC Channel Pack further CNC channel, extension to a maximum of 12 channels, channel synchronisation,
axis transfer between channels 930
TF5240 | TC3 CNC Transformation transformation functionality (5-axis functionality) 930
TF5250 | TC3 CNC HSC Pack extending the CNC with HSC technology (high-speed cutting) 931
TF5260 | TC3 CNC Spline Interpolation path programming via splines with programmable spline type, Akima-spline, B-spline 931
TF5270 | TC3 CNC Virtual NCK Basis virtual TwinCAT CNC for simulation in a Windows environment 931
TF5271 | TC3 CNC Virtual NCK Options virtual TwinCAT CNC for simulation in a Windows environment 931

TF6000 | TC3 ADS Communication Library ADS communication components 932
TF6100 | TC3 OPC UA access to TwinCAT in accordance with OPC UA with UA server (DA/HA/AC) and UA client (DA) 932
TF6120 | TC3 OPC DA access to TwinCAT variables, in accordance with OPC DA and OPC XML DA specification 932
TF6220 | TC3 EtherCAT Redundancy 250 extension of the TwinCAT EtherCAT master with cable redundancy capability for up to 250 slaves 932
TF6221 | TC3 EtherCAT Redundancy 250+ extension of the TwinCAT EtherCAT master with cable redundancy capability for more than 250 slaves 933
TF6225 | TC3 EtherCAT External Sync extension of the TwinCAT EtherCAT master with an option to synchronise the Beckhoff real-time
communication with external signals 933
TF6250 | TC3 Modbus TCP communication with Modbus TCP devices (server and client functionality) 933
TF6255 | TC3 Modbus RTU serial communication with Modbus end devices 933
TF6270 | TC3 PROFINET RT Device communication via PROFINET (PROFINET slave) 933
TF6271 | TC3 PROFINET RT Controller communication via PROFINET (PROFINET master) 933
TF6280 | TC3 Ethernet/IP Slave communication via EtherNet/IP (EtherNet/IP slave) 934
TF6281 | TC3 Ethernet/IP Master communication via EtherNet/IP (EtherNet/IP master) 934
TF6300 | TC3 FTP easy access from TwinCAT PLC to FTP server 934
TF6310 | TC3 TCP/IP communication via generic TCP server 934
TF6311 | TC3 TCP/UDP Realtime direct access from realtime to Ethernet communication 935
TF6340 | TC3 Serial Communication communication via serial Bus Terminals or PC COM ports with the 3964R and RK512 protocol 935
TF6350 | TC3 SMS/SMTP sending SMS and e-mails from the PLC 935
TF6360 | TC3 Virtual Serial COM virtual serial COM driver for Windows platforms 935
TF6420 | TC3 Database Server accessing databases from the PLC 935
TF6421 | TC3 XML Server read and write access to XML files from the PLC 935
TF6500 | TC3 IEC 60870-5-10x communication according to IEC 60870-101, -102, -103, -104 936
TwinCAT 3

TF6510 | TC3 IEC 61850/400-25 communication according to IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25 936
TF6600 | TC3 RFID Reader Communication connection of RFID readers to the TwinCAT PLC 936
TF6610 | TC3 S5/S7 Communication communication with S5/S7 controllers 936 915

Industry specific
TF8000 | TC3 BA Connectivity Library libraries for programming of Bus Terminals for building automation
(DALI, EnOcean, SMI, EIB, LON, M-Bus, GENIbus, MP-Bus and DMX) 937
TF8040 | TC3 Building Automation software package covering all technical building automation services 937
TF8310 | TC3 Wind Framework framework for the development of operational management software for wind turbines 937

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 Engineering

TE1xxx | TwinCAT 3 Engineering

TC3 Engineering TC3 Simulation TC3 EtherCAT TC3 XCAD TC3 Management
Manager Simulation Interface Server

Technical data TE1000 TE1110 TE1111 TE1120 TE1140

TwinCAT Engineering The TwinCAT Virtual machine TC3 XCAD Interface The TwinCAT Manage-
contains the engineering Simulation Man- commissioning serves the purpose ment Server enables
environment of the ager is a tool for becomes possible if of importing already the central adminis-
TwinCAT 3 control simplified configu- the EtherCAT cable of existing engineer- tration of Beckhoff CE
software: ration of a simula- the machine computer ing results from an controllers. Software
– integration into tion environment, can simply be plugged ECAD program. The updates, for example,
Visual Studio® which integrates into a simulation TC3 XCAD Interface can thus be loaded
2010/2012/2013 into the TwinCAT computer, without the enables the import onto controllers in
(if available) system environ- need for reconfigura- of information about the network from a
– support for the ment. It supports tion. With the TC3 the structure of the central location. In
native Visual the creation of a EtherCAT Simula- I/Os and their links to addition to operat-
Studio® interfaces “virtual machine”, tion function and a PLC variables, which ing system updates,
(e.g. connection to which corresponds network adapter the is exported from the device-specific com-
source code man- to a real one in its simulation compu- ECAD tool by means ponents (PLC boot
agement systems) runtime perfor- ter can simulate a of XML description. projects) can also be
– IEC 61131-3 mance. number of EtherCAT On the basis of this loaded. By the option
(IL, ST, LD, FBD, slaves. For configura- information a system of separating known
SFC) and CFC tion purposes the manager configura- network devices into
editors EtherCAT slaves of tion and a basic PLC groups, individual
– IEC 61131-3 the original machine program with the actions can be defined
compiler configuration are I/O variables used for each group.
– integrated system inverted. The tem- are generated. The
manager for the poral processing is generation of NC
configuration of modelled with all the and CNC axes is also
the target system required EtherCAT possible.
– instancing and features including dis-
parameterisation of tributed clocks. Since
TwinCAT modules the communication
– integrated C++ protocols CoE and
debugger SoE are implemented,
– user interface acyclic commands
for the parameteri- can also be processed
sation of modules in the simulation
generated by environment.
– if integrated into
Visual Studio®,
instancing of
.NET projects in
the same solution
(e.g. for HMI)
– includes TwinCAT
Scope and TwinCAT
Bode Plot as base
TwinCAT 3

Target system Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP,
Windows 7/8 Windows 7 Windows 7/8 Windows 7 Windows 7/8
Further information
TE1000 TE1110 TE1111 TE1120 TE1140

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Engineering Communication
TwinCAT 3

TC3 Scope View TC3 Target for TC3 Interface for TC3 Valve Diagram TC3 Cam Design Tool
Professional MATLAB®/Simulink® MATLAB®/Simulink® Editor

TE1300 TE1400 TE1410 TE1500 TE1510

TwinCAT 3 Scope View is The TwinCAT MATLAB®/ The interface for MATLAB®/ The TwinCAT Valve Diagram The TwinCAT CAM Design
a software oscilloscope Simulink® Target offers Simulink® provides a Editor allows the linearisa- Editor allows the generation
for the graphical display System Target Files for communication inter- tion of non-linear curves of and modification of cam
of data as YT or XY plot. the use of the MATLAB®/ face between MATLAB®/ hydraulic valves with the plates with the aid of a
Scope View Professional Simulink® coder. It enables Simulink® and the TwinCAT 3 aid of a graphical editor. graphical editor. These are
extends the Scope View Base the generation of TwinCAT 3 runtime. It supports the On the basis of a few base composed of sections of
version which is included in runtime modules, which can acquisition and visualisation points, straight lines or 5th laws of motion such as mod-
TwinCAT 3 XAE by further be instanced and param- of real-time parameters. degree polynomials can be ified sine waves, harmonic
functionalities. It can be eterised in the TwinCAT 3 It can be used both for the determined that connect combinations, or of various
used for tracking and moni- engineering environment. simulation of hardware the points. The characteristic polynomial functions. Veloc-
toring processes over (“software in the loop”) linearisation curve thus ity, acceleration and jerk
a longer period of time. and for the simulation of determined can be loaded are displayed in addition
Long-term record- the controller (“hardware into the TwinCAT NC real- to the slave position. The
ings, print-out function in the loop”). time and taken into account generated cam plates can
and trigger-controlled data when the voltages are be transferred to the NC as
logging are part of the Features output in the drive. tables with specified step
functionality. With multi-core – data exchange size or as so-called motion
support Scope View ensures between fieldbus functions.
optimised performance in devices and MATLAB®/
the display of signals. Simulink®, for example
Like TwinCAT 3 XAE, for the simple realisa-
Scope View integrates tion of control loops or
itself into Microsoft Visual for HIL simulations with
Studio®. It can be used as low real-time require-
a stand-alone project or in ments
combination with a TwinCAT – Data exchange between
project within a solution. the TwinCAT control-
Furthermore, Scope ler and MATLAB®/
View Professional can be Simulink®; this enables
integrated into a user’s .NET- controller testing
based visualisation. Thus, by SIL simulation,
seamless integration into an for example.
existing machine visualisa- – acquisition and
tion is possible. visualisation of process
data via MATLAB®/
– configuration via
graphic editor
– various data exchange
options, access via:
– symbol name
of a variable
– configurable inter-
face module
TwinCAT 3

Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP,
Windows 7/8 Windows 7/8 Windows 7/8 Windows 7/8 Windows 7/8
TE1300 TE1400 TE1410 TE1500 TE1510

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 Base

TC1xxx | TwinCAT 3 Base


Technical data TC1000-00pp TC1100-00pp

The Automation Device Specification (ADS) is the communica- Using TwinCAT I/O, cyclic data can be collected by different
tion protocol of TwinCAT. It enables the data exchange and fieldbuses in process images. Cyclic tasks drive the corre-
the control of TwinCAT systems. ADS is media-independent sponding fieldbuses. Various fieldbuses can be operated with
and can communicate via serial or network connections. different cycle times on one CPU. Applications can directly
access the process image. The fieldbuses and the process
ADS enables: images are configured in TwinCAT Engineering.
– access to the process image – provides variable-oriented linkage of I/O devices
– consistent data exchange to tasks
– access to I/O tasks – tasks are variable-oriented among each other
– detection of status changes – the smallest unit is one bit
– read-out of the PLC symbol information – upports both synchronous and asynchronous
– access by variable name relationships
– sum commands – consistent exchange of data areas and process images
– synchronous and asynchronous access – online display in the directory tree
– cyclic and event-based messages – online watch window
– “Force and Write” for commissioning and
Libraries and runtime components are provided for common for testing task variables and I/O devices
programming languages (including .NET, C/C++, Delphi and – supported fieldbuses:
Java). In addition, interfaces are provided for communication – EtherCAT
with third-party software (e.g. MATLAB®, NI LabView, Office). – Lightbus
The ADS web services enable the development of device- – PROFIBUS DP (master and slave)
independent web applications (HTML5, WCF). – Interbus
The message router manages multiple connections and – CANopen
efficiently distributes the messages. The data packets can be – SERCOS interface
recorded via the ADS monitor using the integrated diagnostic – DeviceNet
interface. – Ethernet
The free TC3 ADS supplies the basic components – USB
required in order to communicate with TwinCAT systems. – SMB (System Management Bus)
The setup can be integrated in your own installation routines.
TwinCAT 3

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

918 – x x x – x x x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
x x x x x x x x
Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Base Communication
TwinCAT 3

TC3 PLC TC3 PLC/C++ TC3 PLC/C++/MATLAB®/Simulink®

TC1200-00pp TC1210-00pp TC1220-00pp

TwinCAT PLC realises one or more PLCs with the international standard Extension of the TwinCAT Extension of the TwinCAT PLC/C++ TC1210
IEC 61131-3 3rd edition on one CPU. All programming languages described in PLC TC1200 with additional by the possibility to execute modules gener-
the standard can be used for programming. The blocks of the type PROGRAM C++ functionalities: ated in MATLAB®/Simulink®:
can be linked with real-time tasks. Various convenient debugging options – online connection – contains the TwinCAT 3 PLC and
facilitate fault-finding and commissioning. Program modifications can be to PLC/C++ runtime C++ runtime
carried out at any times and in any size online, i.e. when the PLC is running. system locally or – allows the execution of modules
All variables are available symbolically by ADS and can be read and written worldwide via TCP/IP generated in MATLAB®/Simulink®
in appropriate clients. or via fieldbus – multiple instancing of modules
– process image size, flag range, program size, POU size and – online monitoring of – parameterisation of these modules
number of variables are limited only by size of RAM variables in variable at runtime
– cycle times from 50 µs lists, watch windows – online access to all parameters
– link time: typically 1 µs (Intel® Core™2 Duo) for 1,000 commands and editors without (can be deactivated)
– IEC 61131-3: IL, FBD, LD, SFC, ST, CFC setting break points – generic modules (no hardware
– online changes in programs and variables – online setting of connection necessary within
– remote debugging via TCP/IP variables the models)
– online connection with PLC runtime system worldwide via TCP/IP – connection to the external mode
or fieldbus of Simulink®
– online monitoring of variables in variable lists, watch windows, – connection to the TwinCAT C++
editors debugger, with graphical representation
– online status and powerflow (accumulator contents) of programs of the blocks
and instances – modules can be called from other
– triggering, forcing and setting variables modules or directly by tasks
– powerful debugging with single cycle, break points, step in,
step over, display of the current call stack, watchlist shows selection
of variable, trace functions
– online management of all variable names and structures across
the whole system
– remanent and persistent data, UPS supported storage on hard disk,
storage in NOVRAM as option
– variable reading and writing access via ADS, OPC
– certified in accordance with PLCopen base level (IL/ST)
– structured programming with modular program management
– source code is stored in the target system
– convenient library management
– powerful compiler with incremental compilation
– all common data types, structures, arrays,
including multi-dimensional arrays
– convenient creation of programs with: autoformat, autodeclare,
cross-reference, search/replace, project comparison
– simple linking to source code administration tools by embedding
in Microsoft Visual Studio®
TwinCAT 3

20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50
– x x x – – x x – – x x 919
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
x x x x x x x x x x x x
Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 Base

TC1xxx | TwinCAT 3 Base


Technical data TC1250-00pp TC1260-00pp

Extension of the TwinCAT PLC TC1200 by the possibility Extension of the TwinCAT PLC/NC PTP 10 by the possibility
to realise point-to-point movements in software (TwinCAT to realise movements with up to three interpolating and
Motion Control PTP 10). The axes are represented by axis up to five auxiliary axes. Various axis types with various
objects and provide a cyclic interface, e.g. for the PLC. This fieldbus interfaces are supported. The movement is usually
axis object is then linked to a corresponding physical axis. programmed in DIN 66025, but it can also alternatively be
In this way the most diverse axis types with the most diverse carried out via PLC function blocks.
fieldbus interfaces can be connected abstractly with the – max. 3 path axes and up to 5 auxiliary axes per group
axis objects, which always offer an identical configuration – 1 group per channel, max. 31 channels
interface. The control of the axes can be configured in various – supports electric servo axes, stepper motor drives
constellations (position or velocity interface) and various – interpreter functions such as subroutine and jump
controllers. The axes are configured in TwinCAT Engineering. technology, programmable loops, zero point shifts,
– up to a maximum of 255 axes on one CPU tool corrections, M and H functions
– supports electrical and hydraulic Servo Drives, – geometry functions: straight lines and circles in 3-D
frequency converter drives, stepper motor drives, space, circles at all main levels, helices with base circles
DC drives, switched drives (fast/slow axes), at all main levels, linear, circular and helical interpola-
simulation axes and encoder axes tion at the main levels and freely definable levels,
– supports various encoders such as incremental encoder, Bezier splines, look-ahead function
absolute encoder, digital interface to the drives such as – online reconfiguration of axes in groups, path override,
EtherCAT, SERCOS, SSI, Lightbus, PROFIBUS DP/MC, slave coupling to path axes, auxiliary axes, axis error
pulse train and sag compensation, measuring functions
– standard axis functions such as start/stop/reset/ – programming in DIN 66025
reference, velocity override, master/slave couplings, – access alternatively via function blocks according to
electronic gearbox, online distance compensation, IEC 61131-3
programming is carried out via PLCopen-compliant – operation of automatic mode, manual mode (jog/inch),
IEC 61131-3 function blocks single block mode, referencing, handwheel mode
– convenient axis commissioning options (movement/overlay)
– online monitoring of all axis state variables such – convenient debugging with online monitoring of current
as actual/set values, releases, control values set/actual position (position lag of all axes), NC program
– online axis tuning line currently being processed, NC program line currently
– forcing of axis variables being interpreted, channel status
– configuration of all axis parameters, such as measuring – support of kinematic transformations in combination
system, drive parameters and position controller with TF511x
– configurable controller structures: P control, PID control,
PID with velocity pre-control, PID with velocity and
acceleration pre-control
– online master/slave and slave/master conversion
– flying saw (diagonal saw [optional])
– cam plates (support by TC3 Cam Design Tool [optional])
– FIFO axes (optional)
– external set value generators
– multi-master coupling
TwinCAT 3

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

920 – x x x – – x x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
x x x x x x x x
Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Base Communication
TwinCAT 3


TC1270-00pp TC1275-00pp TC1300-00pp TC1320-00pp

Extension of the TwinCAT PLC/NC PTP 10 by TwinCAT CNC export version (E version): The TwinCAT 3 C++ runtime Extension of the TC1300 by
the possibility to realise an interpolation with extension of the TwinCAT PLC/NC PTP 10 by environment enables the the possibility to execute
up to 32 simultaneously interpolating axes. the possibility to realise an interpolation with execution of real-time modules generated by
The number of axes and/or the number of up to 32 simultaneously interpolating axes. modules written in C++. MATLAB®/Simulink®.
channels can be adapted to the requirements The number of axes and/or the number of The following functions are – contains the TwinCAT 3
of the application via the option packages. channels can be adapted to the requirements supported, among others: C++ runtime
Various transformations can be supple- of the application via the option packages. – online connection to – allows the execution of
mented via option packages. Programming Various transformations can be supple- C++ runtime system modules generated in
takes place according DIN 66025. The axes mented via option packages. Programming locally or worldwide via MATLAB®/Simulink®
and channels are configured in TwinCAT takes place according DIN 66025. The axes TCP/IP or via fieldbus – multiple instancing
Engineering. and channels are configured in TwinCAT – online monitoring of of modules
– 8 path axes/controlled spindles, Engineering. variables in variable – parameterisation
max. 64 axes/controlled spindles – 8 path axes/controlled spindles, lists, watch windows of these modules at
(optional), max. 12 channels (optional) max. 64 axes/controlled spindles and editors without runtime
– supports electric servo axes, stepper (optional), max. 12 channels (optional) setting break points – online access to
motor drives subroutine and jump – supports electric servo axes, stepper – online setting of all parameters
technology, programmable loops, zero motor drives subroutine and jump variables (can be deactivated)
point shifts, tool corrections, M and H technology, programmable loops, zero – generic modules
functions, mathematical functions, point shifts, tool corrections, M and H (no hardware
programming of parameters/variables, functions, mathematical functions, connection necessary
user macros, spindle and auxiliary func- programming of parameters/variables, within the models)
tions, zero point shifts, tool functions user macros, spindle and auxiliary func- – connection to the
– geometry functions: linear, circular tions, zero point shifts, tool functions external mode of
and helical interpolation at the main – geometry functions: linear, circular Simulink®
levels and freely definable levels, and helical interpolation at the main – connection to the
max. 32 interpolating path axes levels and freely definable levels, TwinCAT C++ debugger
per channel (optional), look-ahead max. 32 interpolating path axes per with graphical represen-
function channel (optional), look-ahead tation of the blocks
– axis functions, coupling and gantry axis function – modules can be called
function, override, axis error and sag – axis functions, coupling and gantry axis from other modules or
compensation, measuring functions function, override, axis error and sag directly by tasks
– programming in DIN 66025 with compensation, measuring functions
high-level language extension – programming in DIN 66025 with
– access via function blocks from high-level language extension
TwinCAT PLC according to IEC 61131-3 – access via function blocks from
– operation with automatic mode, TwinCAT PLC according to IEC 61131-3
manual mode (jog/inch), single block – operation with automatic mode,
mode, referencing, block advance, manual mode (jog/inch), single block
handwheel mode (movement/overlay) mode, referencing, block advance,
– convenient debugging with online handwheel mode (movement/overlay)
monitoring of all states – convenient debugging with online
monitoring of all states
TwinCAT 3

20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50
– – – x – – – x – – x x – x x x 921
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 Function System

TF1xxx | TwinCAT 3 System


Technical data TF1800-00pp TF1810-00pp TF1910-00pp

TC3 PLC HMI is a stand-alone tool TC3 PLC HMI Web is a web-based With the integration of UML (Unified
for the presentation of visualisations visualisation system. The TwinCAT PLC Modeling Language), two additional
which are created in the TwinCAT PLC development environment can be used editors for modelling of PLC software
development environment. They are as an editor for creating web pages. The are available. The existing TwinCAT PLC
shown in full-screen as soon as the web pages are hosted by the Internet programming languages are extended
system starts up. Information Server (IIS). For display of with the UML state and UML class
the web pages HTML5 and JavaScript diagrams.
is needed. UML is a modelling language for
software analysis, design and documen-
tation. UML is particularly suitable for
object-oriented implementations.
The UML class diagram belongs to
the group of UML structure diagrams
and can be used for schematic repre-
sentation of the software architecture.
The UML state diagram is part of the
UML behaviour diagrams and is used
for dynamic software modelling. It can
be used for a graphic specification of
the dynamic response or the state-
dependent system behaviour. The devel-
opment process is supported by an
online debugging option.
TwinCAT 3

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

– x x x – x x x – x x x
922 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
x x x x x x x x x x x x
Required TC1200 TC1200 TC1200
Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE
Further information

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Measurement TwinCAT 3 Function

TF3xxx | TwinCAT 3 Measurement

TC3 Scope Server TC3 Condition Monitoring TC3 Condition Monitoring TC3 Solar Position
Level 1 Level 2 Algorithm

Technical data TF3300-00pp TF3600-00pp TF3601-00pp TF3900-00pp

The TwinCAT 3 Scope Server In order to implement Condi- In addition to the Level With the TwinCAT Solar
prepares data for visual tion Monitoring for machines 1 functions, TwinCAT Position Algorithm it is pos-
display in the TwinCAT 3 and plants, the TwinCAT Condi- Condition Monitoring Level sible to determine the sun
Scope View. It can be used tion Monitoring library offers 2 contains the following angle using the date, time,
for autarkic data record- a modular construction kit of algorithms: geographical longitude and
ings in distributed systems mathematical algorithms with – Hilbert Transform latitude as well as further
within production, plant or which measured values can be – Analytic Signal parameters (depending
machine networks. analysed. The user can serve – Instantaneous Phase on the desired accuracy).
himself from this construc- – Overlap Add Synthesis The function block works
tion kit, depending upon the – Statistics with a maximum inaccuracy
application background, thus – Statistics of Frequency of ±0.001°.
having the option to develop Spectra
a scalable solution on different – Quantities and
platforms. The library‘s func- Percentiles
tions are primarily relevant to – Homomorphic
analysis, statistics and classifi- Signal Processing
cation. In addition to spectral – Power Cepstrum
analysis via FFT or using, for – Instantaneous
instance, an envelope spec- Frequency
trum, it is possible to calculate – Pattern Recognition/
key statistical values such as Machine Learning
the kurtosis or the crest factor. – Bayesian Classification
Combining these algorithms
with limit value monitoring is,
for instance, ideally suited to
monitoring roller bearings.

Level 1 contains the following

– Power Spectrum
– Magnitude Spectrum
– Envelope
– Envelope Spectrum
– Crest Factor
– Moment Coefficients
– Mean, Standard
Deviation, Skew,
– Discrete Classification
– Watch Upper Thresholds

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

TwinCAT 3

– x x x – – x x – – x x – x x x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 923
Required TC1000 TC1200 TC1200 TC1200
Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8,
Windows CE
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 Function Controller

TF4xxx | TwinCAT 3 Controller

TC3 Controller Toolbox TC3 Temperature Controller

Technical data TF4100-00pp TF4110-00pp

The TwinCAT Controller Toolbox covers all essential blocks Temperature controllers can be simply implemented
for control applications. using TwinCAT Temperature Controller. Simple commission-
– controllers satisfy industrial requirements such as ing through self-adjustment of the controller (auto-tuning)
anti-reset windup is included.
– simple basic controllers (P, I, D) – automatic and manual operation with shock-free set up
– complex controllers (PI, PID, switching controllers) – control value analog or pulse-width modulated signal
– filter blocks – tolerance monitoring, absolute value monitoring
– control value generators (limiters, PWM) – scalable reaction to sensor error and heating
– ramp and signal generator blocks power faults
– limitation of set and control values
– optional ramping of the set value
– optional start-up phase for the setpoint variables
– industrial PID controller as base control algorithm
inside the temperature controller
TwinCAT 3

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

– x x x – x x x
924 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
x x x x x x x x
Required TC1200 TC1200
Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Motion Control TwinCAT
3 Function

TF5xxx | TwinCAT 3 Motion Control

TC3 NC PTP 10 Axes TC3 NC PTP Axes Pack 25 TC3 NC PTP Axes Pack

Technical data TF5000-00pp TF5010-00pp TF5020-00pp

TC3 NC PTP 10 Axes implements Motion Control for point- Extension of Extension of
to-point movements in software. The axes are represented by TF5000-00pp up to a TF5000-00pp up to a
axis objects and provide a cyclic interface, e.g. for the PLC. maximum of 25 axes maximum of 255 axes
This axis object is then linked to a corresponding physical
axis. In this way, the most diverse axis types with the most
diverse fieldbus interfaces can be connected abstractly with
the axis objects, which always offer an identical configuration
interface. The control of the axes can be configured in various
conformations (position or velocity interface) and various
controllers. The axes are configured in TwinCAT Engineering.
– up to 10 axes on a maximum of 255 axes included
– supports electrical and hydraulic servo drives, frequency
converter drives, stepper motor drives, DC drives,
switched drives (fast/slow axes), simulation axes and
encoder axes
– supports various encoders such as incremental encoder,
absolute encoder, digital interface to the drives such as
pulse train
– standard axis functions such as start/stop/reset/
reference, velocity override, master/slave couplings,
electronic gearbox, online distance compensation
– programming is carried out via PLCopen-compliant
IEC 61131-3 function blocks
– convenient axis commissioning options
– online monitoring of all axis state variables such
as actual/setpoint values, releases, control values,
online axis tuning
– forcing of axis variables
– configuration of all axis parameters, such as measuring
system, drive parameters and position controller
– configurable controller structures: P control, PID control,
PID with velocity pre-control, PID with velocity and
acceleration pre-control
– online master/slave and slave/master conversion
– flying saw (diagonal saw)
– cam plates (support by TC3 Cam Design Editor
– FIFO axes (optional)
– external set point value generators
– multi-master coupling

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

TwinCAT 3

– x x x – – x x – – x x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
x x x x x x x x x x x x 925
Required TC1200 TC1200 TC1200
Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows XP, Windows 7/8,
Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 Function Motion Control

TF5xxx | TwinCAT 3 Motion Control

TC3 NC Camming TC3 NC Flying Saw

Technical data TF5050-00pp TF5055-00pp

TwinCAT NC Camming (cam plate) is a non-linear relation- TwinCAT NC Flying Saw implements the coupling of a slave
ship between a master and a slave axis. The camming axis to a master axis in a certain synchronous position (flying
package offers various options for the storage of cam plates. saw). PLC function blocks enable coupling and uncoupling as
Convenient PLC blocks enable the loading, coupling and well as parameterisation.
uncoupling of cam plates. It is possible to load new cam – The master axis can be a real axis, a virtual axis,
plates or to modify cam plates during operation. The TwinCAT or some other external source of actual values.
CAM Design Editor offers support for the creation of the cam – synchronisation of the slave axis from any motion
plates. situation (stop, forward or reverse travel) with the
– position tables with master interpolation points and master in motion
corresponding slave positions; interpolation between – simple synchronisation with the master velocity
the points is done linearly or by splines – precise position synchronisation with the master axis
– motion function table describing a cam plate via motion (velocity and position)
laws according to VDI guideline 2143 – synchronous velocity can be set via a coupling factor
– cyclic or linear processing – optional return prevention as additional safety function
– cam plate with offset and scale, can be modified on – superimposed section compensation during the synchro-
the master or slave side nous phase for dynamic position correction
– high flexibility through online change of the motion
TwinCAT 3

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

– – x x – – x x
926 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
x x x x x x x x
Required TC1250 TC1250
Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Motion Control TwinCAT
3 Function

TC3 NC FIFO Axes TC3 Motion Control XFC TC3 NC I

TF5060-00pp TF5065-00pp TF5100-00pp

Using TwinCAT NC FIFO Axes, externally generated eXtreme Fast Control (XFC) is the technique that Using TwinCAT NC I, movements can be imple-
set position values can be output to the axes in enables very fast, temporally high-precision reac- mented with up to three interpolating and up to
the form of a velocity pre-control. The set value tions using EtherCAT, special I/O terminals and five auxiliary axes in the interpolation package.
generation is designed in such a way that both the TwinCAT on the PC. Using EtherCAT Distributed Various axis types with various fieldbus interfaces
set position and the set velocity are determined as Clocks (DC) and appropriate terminals, distributed are supported. The movement is usually pro-
the FIFO inputs are worked through in sequence. latches or cam controllers can be implemented grammed in DIN 66025, but it can also alterna-
It is also possible, if necessary, to interpolate simply in this way. tively be carried out via PLC function blocks.
between two neighbouring FIFO inputs. – function blocks for the high-precision – max. 3 path axes and up to 5 auxiliary axes
acquisition and switching of digital signals per group
related to axis positions – 1 group per channel, max. 31 channels
– EtherCAT Distributed Clocks with the – supports electric servo axes, stepper motor
time-stamp-based EtherCAT EL1252, EL2252 drives
or EL2262 input and output terminals – interpreter functions such as subroutine
– blocks for the conversion of DC time to and jump technology, programmable loops,
position and vice versa zero point shifts, tool corrections, M and H
– convenient PLCopen-compliant TouchProbe functions
block – geometry functions: straight lines and circles
– digital cam controller as PLCopen-compliant in 3-D space, circles at all main levels, helices
block with base circles at all main levels, linear,
circular and helical interpolation at the main
levels and freely definable levels, Bezier
splines, look-ahead function
– online reconfiguration of axes in groups,
path override, slave coupling to path axes,
auxiliary axes, axis error and sag compensa-
tion, measuring functions
– programming in DIN 66025
– access alternatively via function blocks
according to IEC 61131-3
– operation of automatic mode, manual mode
(jog/inch), single block mode, referencing,
handwheel mode (movement/overlay)
– convenient debugging with online monitoring
of current setpoint/actual position (position
lag of all axes), NC program line currently
being processed, NC program line currently
being interpreted, channel status
– support of kinematic transformations in
combination with TF511x TwinCAT 3

20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50
– – x x – – x x – – x x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 927
x x x x x x x x x x x x
TC1250 TC1250 TC1250
Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 Function Motion Control

TF5xxx | TwinCAT 3 Motion Control

TC3 Kinematic TC3 Kinematic TC3 Kinematic TC3 Kinematic
Transformation L1 Transformation L2 Transformation L3 Transformation L4

Technical data TF5110-00pp TF5111-00pp TF5112-00pp TF5113-00pp

Various robot types kinematics can be Extension of the Extension of the Extension of the
realised using TwinCAT Kinematic Trans- TwinCAT Kinematic TwinCAT Kinematic TwinCAT Kinematic
formation. The programming of the robot Transformation L1 with Transformation Transformation L1/
movements takes place in Cartesian coor- additional kinematics: L1/L2 with additional L2/L3 with additional
dinates using either DIN 66025 instruc- – 2-D parallel kinematics: kinematics:
tions or the PLCopen-compliant blocks kinematics – 3-D Delta – 5-D kinematics
from the PLC. An integrated dynamic – shear kinematics – SCARA – serial 6-axis
pre-control ensures high precision of the – crane and roll kinematics
movement even at high accelerations kinematics – Stewart platform
and speeds. Configuration takes place
in TwinCAT Engineering.
– supports various parallel
and also serial kinematics,
e.g. for pick-and-place tasks
– supports the programming of
interpolating movements in
G-code (DIN 66025)
– alternatively, standard PTP and cam
plate applications can be realised
– simple programming in the
Cartesian coordinate system
– automatic calculation of
the inverse kinematic for the
relevant motor positions
– kinematics configured in TwinCAT 3
Engineering; in addition to the type
(e.g. delta), the bar lengths and
offsets must also be parameterised
– mass and mass inertia values can be
specified for dynamic pre-control
– optimised for the Beckhoff Servo
Drives from the AX5000 series
– basic package integrating
the following kinematics:
cartesian portals

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

– – x x – – x x – – x x – – x x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
TwinCAT 3

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Required TC1260 TC1260 TC1260 TC1260
928 Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows CE Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP,
Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8,
Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE
Further information
TF5111 TF5112 TF5113

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Motion Control TwinCAT
3 Function

TC3 Robotics mxAutomation TC3 CNC TC3 CNC E

TF5120-00pp TF5200-00pp TF5210-00pp

TC3 Robotics mxAutomation allows TwinCAT CNC offers the option to implement interpola- TwinCAT CNC in the export version (E-version) offers
direct communication between the tion with up to 32 simultaneously interpolating axes. the option to implement an interpolation with up to
PLC and the KUKA KR C4 robot con- The number of axes and/or the number of channels can four simultaneously interpolating axes. The number of
trol via a common interface. The robot be adapted to the requirements of the application via axes and/or the number of channels can be adapted
movements can be programmed the option packages. Various transformations can be to the requirements of the application via the option
directly in the PLC, and the actual supplemented via option packages. Programming takes packages. Various transformations can be supplemented
values of the robot can be synchro- place according DIN 66025. The axes and channels are via option packages. Programming takes place according
nised in real time. TC3 Robotics configured in TwinCAT Engineering. DIN 66025. The axes and channels are configured in
mxAutomation combines PLC control – 8 path axes/controlled spindles, TwinCAT Engineering.
and robot on a single platform and max. 64 axes/controlled spindles (optional), – maximum 8 path axes/controlled spindles,
enables programming from an exist- max. 12 channels (optional) max. 64 axes/controlled spindles (optional),
ing system without knowledge of a – supports electric servo axes, stepper motor drives max. 12 channels
specific robot programming language. – subroutine and jump technology, programmable – maximum 4 interpolationg path axes
Communication takes place via loops, zero point shifts, tool corrections, M and H – supports electric servo axes, stepper motor drives
EtherCAT, with the TwinCAT EtherCAT functions, mathematical functions, programming – subroutine and jump technology, programmable
master and the KR C4 controller of parameters/variables, user macros, spindle and loops, zero point shifts, tool corrections, M and H
from KUKA exchanging data via the auxiliary functions, tool functions functions, mathematical functions, programming
EL6692 or EL6695 EtherCAT bridge – geometry functions linear, circular and helical of parameters/variables, user macros, spindle and
terminals. In doing so, drive com- interpolation at the main levels and freely definable auxiliary functions, tool functions
mands are transmitted from the con- levels, max. 32 interpolating path axes per channel – geometry functions linear, circular and helical
troller to the robot and actual values (optional), look-ahead function interpolation at the main levels and freely definable
from the robot to the controller. The – axis functions, coupling and gantry axis function, levels, max. 64 path axes per channel, look-ahead
robot position data are transmitted override, axis error and sag compensation, function
to the PLC in every cycle. In addition, measuring functions – axis functions, coupling and gantry axis function,
the PLC programmer has access to – programming in DIN 66025 with high-level override, axis error and sag compensation,
the robot position data at all times language extension measuring functions
in real-time. – access via function blocks from TwinCAT PLC – programming in DIN 66025 with high-level
according to IEC 61131-3 language extension
– operation with automatic mode, manual mode – access via function blocks from TwinCAT PLC
(jog/inch), single block mode, referencing, block according to IEC 61131-3
advance, handwheel mode (movement/overlay) – operation with automatic mode, manual mode
– convenient debugging with online monitoring (jog/inch), single block mode, referencing, block
of all states advance, handwheel mode (movement/overlay)
– convenient debugging with online monitoring
of all states

20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50
– – – x – – – x – – – x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
TwinCAT 3

x x x x x x x x x x x x
TC1200 TC1260 TC1260
Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8 929
Windows CE

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 Function Motion Control

TF5xxx | TwinCAT 3 Motion Control

TC3 CNC Axes Pack TC3 CNC Channel Pack TC3 CNC Transformation

Technical data TF5220-00pp TF5230-00pp TF5240-00pp

Using the TwinCAT CNC Axes Pack, Using TwinCAT CNC Channel Pack, a TwinCAT CNC Transformation is an
extension is possible up to a total of further CNC channel can be extended optional function for the TwinCAT CNC.
64 axes/controlled spindles, of which a to a maximum of 12 channels. – transformation functionality
maximum of 32 can be path axes and – channel synchronisation (5-axis functionality)
a maximum of 12 can be controlled – axis transfer between channels – kinematics selection from
spindles. the kinematics library
– RTCP function
– TLC function
– definition of different coordinate
systems, linking/transition
of coordinate systems
TwinCAT 3

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

– – – x – – – x – – – x
930 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
x x x x x x x x x x x x
Required TC1270 TC1270 TC1270
Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Motion Control TwinCAT
3 Function

TC3 CNC HSC Pack TC3 CNC Spline Interpolation TC3 CNC Virtual NCK Basis TC3 CNC Virtual NCK Options

TF5250-00pp TF5260-00pp TF5270-00pp TF5271-00pp

TwinCAT CNC HSC Pack is an TwinCAT CNC Spline Interpolation is TwinCAT CNC Virtual NCK Basis is a TwinCAT CNC Virtual NCK Options
optional high-speed cutting solution an optional package for the TwinCAT virtual TwinCAT CNC for simulation is a virtual TwinCAT CNC for simula-
for the TwinCAT CNC: CNC for path programming via in a Windows environment as an tion in a Windows environment as
– cross-block velocity and splines with programmable spline option for the TwinCAT CNC. a further option package for the
acceleration control for type, Akima-spline, B-spline. TwinCAT CNC and TwinCAT CNC
optimum utilisation of Virtual NCK Basis.
the axis dynamics and
thus higher path speeds
– high surface quality through
smoothed dynamics and
associated reduction of
vibrational excitation
of the machine
– effective control of specified
contour tolerances
– path programming via splines
with programmable spline type
(Akima-spline, B-spline) for
reduction of NC blocks for
free-form surfaces

TwinCAT 3

20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50
– – – x – – – x – – – x – – – x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 931
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
TC1270 TC1270 TC1000 TC1000
Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP, Windows 7/8

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 Function Connectivity

TF6xxx | TwinCAT 3 Connectivity

TC3 ADS Communication TC3 OPC UA TC3 OPC DA TC3 EtherCAT
Redundancy 250

Technical data TF6000-00pp TF6100-00pp TF6120-00pp TF6220-00pp

The Automation Device OPC Unified Architecture offers OPC is the standard for TwinCAT EtherCAT
Specification (ADS) is the secure, reliable and manufac- supplier-independent com- Redundancy 250
communication protocol of turer-neutral transport of raw munication in automation extends the TwinCAT
TwinCAT. It enables the data data and pre-processed informa- technology. OPC DA (Data EtherCAT Master by the
exchange and the control tion from the manufacturing level Access) is based on the possibility to implement
of TwinCAT systems. ADS is into the production planning or Microsoft COM/DCOM cable redundancy for
media-independent and can ERP system. With OPC UA, all standard. up to 250 EtherCAT
communicate via serial or desired information is available devices: from the last
network connections. to every authorised application TwinCAT OPC DA Server logical device a cable
and every authorised person at – specifications is returned back to the
ADS enables: any time and in any place. OPC-DA2x and master. Configuration
– access to the process OPC-XML-DA and diagnostics take
image TwinCAT OPC UA Server – configurator for the place in the TwinCAT 3
– consistent data – certified in the OPC set-up engineering environ-
exchange Laboratory, Europe – demo DA client for ment.
– access to I/O tasks – functions: DataAccess/ diagnostic purposes
– detection of status HistoricalAccess/ and the loading of
changes Alarm&Condition recipes
– read-out of the PLC – PLC blocks for diagnosis
symbol information and restart The TF6120 product can be
– access by variable – intermediate storage of replaced by the new soft-
name data on the server: inter- ware component “TwinCAT
– sum commands ruption of the communica- OPC UA Gateway” of the
– synchronous and tion connection does not TF6100 product.
asynchronous access lead to loss of data
– cyclic and event- – configurator for simple
based messages handling and diagnostics of
local/remote OPC UA servers
Libraries and runtime
components are provided TwinCAT OPC UA Gateway
for common programming – wrapper technology for an
languages (including .NET, OPC DA (Data Access) inter-
C/C++, Delphi and Java). face according to OPC UA
In addition, interfaces are – high-performance OPC DA
provided for communication access
with third-party software – aggregation of TwinCAT
(e.g. MATLAB®, NI LabView, OPC UA servers
Office). The ADS web services
enable the development of TwinCAT OPC UA Client
device-independent web – PLCopen PLC function blocks
applications (HTML5, WCF). for OPC UA Data Access
– Demo OPC UA client for
diagnostic purposes

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

TwinCAT 3

– x x x – x x x – x x x – – x x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
932 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Required TC1000 TC1000 TC1000 TC1100
Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows XP, Windows 7/8 Windows XP,
Windows CE Windows CE Windows 7/8,
Windows CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Connectivity TwinCAT
3 Function

Redundancy 250+ External Sync Device Controller

TF6221-00pp TF6225-00pp TF6250-00pp TF6255-00pp TF6270-00pp TF6271-00pp

TwinCAT EtherCAT TC3 EtherCAT External TwinCAT Modbus TwinCAT Modbus RTU The TwinCAT PROFINET The TwinCAT PROFINET
Redundancy 250+ Sync extends the acts as gateway implements Modbus RT Device (slave) is a RT Controller (master)
extends the TwinCAT TwinCAT EtherCAT between Modbus TCP RTU communication via supplement that turns is a supplement that
EtherCAT Master master with an option devices and TwinCAT a serial RS232, RS422 any PC-based control- turns any PC-based
by the possibility to synchronise the runtime systems. It or RS485 interface and ler with an Intel® controller with an
to implement cable Beckhoff real-time provides both server is thus suitable both chipset and the real- Intel® chipset and the
redundancy for more communication with and client function- for the PC/CX inter- time Ethernet driver real-time Ethernet
than 250 EtherCAT external digital signals. alities. In server mode faces and for operation developed by Beckhoff driver developed
devices: from the last The digital signals are the memory areas with the KL6xxx serial into a PROFINET RT by Beckhoff into a
logical device a cable read via terminals sup- of several TwinCAT Bus Terminals. It con- device. By installing the PROFINET RT control-
is returned back to the porting time-stamping, runtime systems can be tains function blocks function, a standard ler. By installing the
master. Configuration such as the EL1252 mapped directly to the for master and slave Ethernet interface function, a standard
and diagnosis take EtherCAT Terminal. Modbus memory areas. operating mode with becomes a PROFINET Ethernet interface
place in the TwinCAT 3 A PLC library is pro- simple configuration. slave. becomes a PROFINET
engineering environ- vided for implementing master.
ment. a Modbus TCP client,
so that the memory
areas of a Modbus TCP
device can be accessed.

20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50
TwinCAT 3

– – x x – x x x – x x x – x x x – – x x – – x x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 933
TC1100 TC1100 TC1200 TC1200 TC1100 TC1100
Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP,
Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8,
Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE
TF6221 TF6225 TF6250 TF6255 TF6270 TF6271

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 Function Connectivity

TF6xxx | TwinCAT 3 Connectivity

TC3 EtherNet/IP Slave TC3 EtherNet/IP Master TC3 FTP Client TC3 TCP/IP

Technical data TF6280-00pp TF6281-00pp TF6300-00pp TF6310-00pp

The TwinCAT EtherNet/IP The TwinCAT EtherNet/IP TwinCAT FTP enables easy TwinCAT TCP/IP enables
Slave is a supplement that Master is a supplement access from the PLC to one the implementation and
turns any PC-based control- that turns any PC-based or several FTP servers with realisation of one or several
ler with an Intel® chipset controller with an Intel® the aid of various function TCP/IP servers and/or TCP/IP
and the real-time Ethernet chipset and the real-time blocks. Files can be loaded clients within the TwinCAT 3
driver developed by Beckhoff Ethernet driver developed by to or from a server after PLC. Corresponding blocks
into an EtherNet/IP slave. Beckhoff into an EtherNet/IP the establishment of a exist for the establishment/
Through this supplement master. Through this supple- connection (optional with disconnection of commu-
the Ethernet interface ment, the Ethernet interface authentication). Additional nication as well as for the
becomes an EtherNet/IP becomes an EtherNet/IP function blocks allow files pure exchange of data (send
slave. The product can be master. The product can be or directories to be searched and receive). The function
used on all PC controllers used on all PC controllers for, created, deleted and blocks also support the use
and Embedded PC control- and Embedded PC control- renamed. of multicast addresses.
lers with an Intel® chipset. lers with an Intel® chipset.
A further feature of The process data is
the supplements is that it configured using TwinCAT 3
enables up to eight slaves allowing various process
to be parameterised using data and various sizes.
a single physical interface. The supplement supports
For this purpose, a virtual both multicast and unicast
MAC address is created in connections. Up to 16 simple
order to be able to operate EtherNet/IP slave devices
a total of up to eight can be connected via one
EtherNet/IP slaves on one generic node.
PC via a single Ethernet
interface. This feature
can be used, for example,
to exchange larger
amounts of data using one
EtherNet/IP master or to
establish a connection to
several EtherNet/IP masters
in different subnets.

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

– – x x – – x x – x x x – x x x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
TwinCAT 3

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Required TC1200 TC1200 TC1200 TC1200
934 Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows XP, Windows 7/8,
Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE

Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Connectivity TwinCAT
3 Function

TC3 TCP/UDP TC3 Serial TC3 SMS/SMTP TC3 Virtual Serial TC3 Database Server TC3 XML Server
Realtime Communication COM

TF6311-00pp TF6340-00pp TF6350-00pp TF6360-00pp TF6420-00pp TF6421-00pp

In contrast to TF6310, TwinCAT Serial Com- TwinCAT SMS/SMTP TwinCAT Virtual Serial TwinCAT Database The TwinCAT XML
TC3 TCP/UDP Realtime munication implements enables the transmis- COM enables serial Server enables the Server provides a PLC
(TF6311) enables fast communication with sion of SMS messages EtherCAT terminals exchange of data library enabling write/
and convenient access serial devices such or e-mails using PLC to be accessed from between databases read access for XML
from the real-time as printers, bar code function blocks. The a Windows system. and the TwinCAT data. The user-friendly
directly to the network scanners, etc. The serial latter also allows the One virtual COMPort system. PLC variables XML Server facilitates
card. The TwinCAT 3 interface of the PC transmission of file per serial connection or direct values of the e.g. the loading of
network card driver and the serial Beckhoff attachments, HTML can be generated EtherCAT I/Os can initialisation data,
handles the access EL6xxx EtherCAT texts and the setting locally or on a remote be logged cyclically which is often required
via a dedicated stack. Terminals and and of message priorities. system. This enables when changes occur at machine startup.
The implementation KL6xxx Bus Terminals Support for STARTTLS/ serial communication or event-controlled by
facilitates cooperative are supported. SSL enables encrypted independent of the means of PLC function
use of the network Via the network- e-mail communication range. blocks.
card by the operating based fieldbus system to be configured. Via the Windows – Microsoft SQL
system. TF6311 pro- from Beckhoff the API (e.g. .NET/ C++) – Microsoft SQL
vides both server and serial terminals can be you can develop your Compact
client functionality, so accessed over a dis- own applications that – Windows Azure
that the TCP/IP, UDP/IP tance of up to 100 m. can communicate with SQL
and Ping/ARP protocols In addition, it is pos- the connected devices – MySQL
can be implemented. sible to address virtual of the terminal. – Oracle
COM interfaces of the – PostgreSQL
operating system from – Firebird
the PLC. – DB2
– InterBase
– IBM AS400 iSeries
– ASCII files
(e.g. .csv, .txt)
– Microsoft Excel
– Microsoft Access
– XML files

20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50
– x x x – x x x – x x x – x x x – x x x – x x x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
TwinCAT 3

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
TC1200 TC1200 TC1200 TC1100 TC1200 TC1200
Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, 935
Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8,
Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE
TF6311 TF6340 TF6350 TF6360 TF6420 TF6421

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 3 Function Connectivity

TF6xxx | TwinCAT 3 Connectivity

TC3 IEC 60870-5-10x TC3 IEC 61850/ TC3 RFID Reader TC3 S5/S7
IEC 61400-25 Communication Communication

Technical data TF6500-00pp TF6510-00pp TF6600-00pp TF6610-00pp

TwinCAT IEC 60870-5-10x For the standard-compliant RFID Reader Communication TwinCAT S5/S7 Communi-
enables communication communication between allows various RFID readers cation allows the simple
according to the IEC client and server, corre- to be addressed via a serial connection of TwinCAT
standard 60870-5-10x from sponding servers can interface. The new TwinCAT to an S5 or S7 controller.
the PLC. Both server and be realised directly in RFID reader library offers a The data blocks, flags,
client operating modes are the TwinCAT PLC with general abstract interface inputs, outputs, counters
possible. IEC 61850/IEC 61400-25 that can be used for all and timers of an S5 or S7
Telecontrol in TwinCAT 3. readers. The configuration controller can be accessed
PLC library for the IEC 61850 provides data can easily be adapted to a using function blocks.
realisation of masters models for substation com- specific reader. The communication takes
for munication. IEC 61400-25 place using TCP/IP.
– IEC 60870-5-101 is based on IEC 61850 and
– IEC 60870-5-102 offers specific extensions
– IEC 60870-5-103 of the data model for
– IEC 60870-5-104 wind farm communication.
The respective server is con-
figured using the TwinCAT
PLC library for the telecontrol configurator.
realisation of slaves This decouples the con-
for figuration work from the
– IEC 60870-5-101 programming work in the
– IEC 60870-5-104 PLC and generates the
corresponding PLC code.
The PLC code can be
imported into new or
existing PLC projects.

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

TwinCAT 3

– x x x – x x x – x x x – x x x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
936 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Required TC1200 TC1200 TC1200 TC1200
Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows XP, Windows 7/8,
Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Industry specific TwinCAT
3 Function

TF8xxx | TwinCAT 3 Industry specific

TC3 BA Connectivity TC3 Building Automation TC3 Wind Framework

Technical data TF8000-00pp TF8040-00pp TF8310-00pp

The TwinCAT BA Connectiv- TC3 Building Automation The TwinCAT 3 Wind Framework is based on the modular
ity Library simplifies the is a software package that architecture of TwinCAT 3 and provides control technology
programming of Bus Termi- covers all technical building and industry expertise in the form of encapsulated modules
nals for building automation. automation services. It and an application template. TcCOM modules provide higher-
It contains all libraries for contains PLC libraries for level system services. The status module enables the monitor-
communication with the control, signal processing, ing of all components and includes error detection, event
following fieldbus systems: special mathematical func- management, error handling and reporting. The parameter
– DALI: KL6811 tions, alarm processing and and command modules provide services for configuration and
– DMX: EL6851, general system functions. interaction with the system.
EL6851-0010 In addition to modules The acquisition of signals and their statistical analysis
– EnOcean: KL6021-0023, for conventional HVAC is supported by the capture and statistic module. The user
KL6023 and KL6581, applications it also covers module checks, manages and logs all interactions by the user.
KL6583, KL6583-0100 room automation including The recording of all events and signals as well as the saving
– EIB: KL6301 lighting, air-conditioning and loading of the entire configuration are enabled by the
– LON: KL6401 and shading. database module, which is based on an SQL database.
– M-Bus: KL6781 The programming of the operational management using
– MP-Bus: KL6771 these services is simplified by a PLC library and a complete
– SMI: KL6831, KL6841 sample application. When using the TC3 Wind Framework,
– GENIbus: KL6041, each subsystem of the wind turbine system (such as convert-
EL6021 ers, pitch, etc.) is representing an individual module. Each
subsystem module comes with a specific set of information
and settings. These properties integrate themselves via spe-
cific objects from the framework into the higher-level services
and operational management.
When replacing a subsystem module, the associated
objects are automatically integrated into the services. In this
way a group of objects is created that represent the complete
system and enable the monitoring and parametrisation of
the turbine. Nevertheless, these subsystem modules are self-
contained and reusable in another operational management
or test environment.

Performance class (pp) 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50

TwinCAT 3

– x x x – x x x – – x x
60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90
x x x x x x x x x x x – 937
Required TC1200 TC1200 TC1000
Target system Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows XP, Windows 7/8, Windows 7/8
Windows CE Windows CE
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 2
TwinCAT 2


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

The Windows Control and – TwinCAT I/O: versatile I/O interface
Automation Technology for all common fieldbuses
The Beckhoff TwinCAT software system trans- – TwinCAT PLC: enables programming
forms almost any compatible PC into a real- of up to four PLC runtimes on a single
time controller with multi-PLC system, NC PC. The PLC program can optionally be
axis control, programming environment and written in one or several IEC 61131-3
operating station. At the same time, TwinCAT languages (IL, LD, FBD, SFC, ST) or CFC.
integrates the programming environment – TwinCAT NC: enables simultaneous posi-
for all Beckhoff controllers: from high-end tioning of many axes. The levels NC PTP
Industrial PC control to embedded controller. (point-to-point positioning), NC I (linear
and circular interpolating movements of
TwinCAT architecture axis groups with up to eight drives) and
TwinCAT consists of runtime systems for CNC (extension of NC I with conventional
real-time execution of control programs and CNC features for up to 32 interpolating
development environments for programming, axes per channel) are available for this
configuration and diagnostics: purpose.

TwinCAT system
Supplements System Manager


Building Automation

TwinCAT 2





We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Product overview TwinCAT 2

TX1200 | TwinCAT PLC TX1250 | TwinCAT NC PTP

944 945
PC hardware standard PC/IPC hardware, no extras TwinCAT PLC inclusive 944
Operating systems Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista, Windows 7, PC hardware standard PC/IPC hardware, no extras
NT/XP/Windows 7 Embedded, CE* Operating systems Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista, Windows 7,
Real-time Beckhoff real-time kernel NT/XP/Windows 7 Embedded, CE*
I/O system EtherCAT, Lightbus, PROFIBUS DP/MC, Interbus, Real-time Beckhoff real-time kernel
CANopen, DeviceNet, SERCOS, Ethernet I/O system EtherCAT, Lightbus, PROFIBUS DP/MC, Interbus,
Runtime system 4 multi-tasking PLCs each with 4 tasks in each PLC CANopen, DeviceNet, SERCOS, Ethernet
runtime system, development and runtime systems Programming performed using function blocks for TwinCAT PLC
on one PC or separately (CE: only runtime) according to IEC 61131-3 (standardised PLCopen
Memory process image size, flags area, program size, Motion Control libraries), convenient axis commis-
POU size, number of variables only limited by sioning menus in the System Manager
the size of the user memory (max. 2 GB with Runtime system NC point-to-point including TwinCAT PLC
NT/ 2000 / XP/Vista) Number of axes up to 255
Cycle time adjustable from 50 µs Axis types electrical and hydraulic servo drives, frequency
Link time 1 µs (Intel® Core™2 Duo) for 1,000 PLC commands converter drives, stepper motor drives, switched
Programming IEC 61131-3: IL, FBD, LD, SFC, ST, powerful drives (fast/crawl axes)
library management, convenient debugging Cycle time 50 µs upwards, typically 1 ms (selectable)
Axis functions standard axis functions: start / stop /
reset /reference, speed override,
special functions: master/slave cascading,
cam plates, electronic gearings, online distance
compensation of segments, “flying saw”
TwinCAT 2

TX1100 | TwinCAT I/O TX1000 | TwinCAT CP

947 947

940 PC hardware standard PC/IPC hardware, no extras PC hardware standard PC/IPC hardware, no extras
Operating systems Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista, Windows 7, Operating systems Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista, Windows 7,
NT/XP/Windows 7 Embedded, CE (only runtime)* NT/XP/Windows 7 Embedded*
Real-time Beckhoff real-time kernel Real-time Beckhoff real-time kernel
Multi-purpose I/O interface for all common fieldbus systems, Windows driver for Beckhoff Control Panel
PC Fieldbus Cards and interfaces with integrated real-time driver

* version-dependent

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TX1260 | TwinCAT NC I TX1270 | TwinCAT CNC
945 946
TwinCAT PLC inclusive 944 TwinCAT PLC inclusive 944
TwinCAT NC PTP inclusive 945 TwinCAT NC PTP inclusive 945
PC hardware standard PC/IPC hardware, no extras TwinCAT NC I inclusive 945
Operating systems Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista, Windows 7, PC hardware standard PC/IPC hardware, no extras
NT/XP/Windows 7 Embedded, CE* Operating systems Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista, Windows 7,
Real-time Beckhoff real-time kernel Windows NT/XP/Windows 7 Embedded*
I/O system EtherCAT, Lightbus, PROFIBUS DP/MC, Interbus, Real-time Beckhoff real-time kernel
CANopen, DeviceNet, SERCOS, Ethernet I/O system EtherCAT, Lightbus, PROFIBUS DP/MC, CANopen,
Programming DIN 66025 programs for NC interpolation, DeviceNet, SERCOS, Ethernet
access via function blocks from TwinCAT PLC Programming DIN 66025 programming language with high-level
according to IEC 61131-3 language extensions, access via function blocks from
Runtime system NC interpolation, including TwinCAT NC PTP TwinCAT PLC according to IEC 61131-3
and PLC Runtime system CNC, including TwinCAT NC I, NC PTP, PLC
Number of axes max. 3 axes and up to 5 auxiliary axes per group, Number of 8 path axes/controlled spindles,
1 group per channel, max. 31 channels axes /spindles max. of 64 axes/controlled spindles (optional),
Axis types electrical servo axes, stepper motor drives max. 12 channels (optional)
Interpreter subroutines and jumps, programmable loops, Axis types electrical servo-axes, analog/encoder interface
functions zeroshifts, tool compensations, M and H functions via fieldbus, digital interface via fieldbus
Geometries straight lines and circular paths in 3-D space, Interpreter subroutines and jumps, programmable loops,
circular paths in all main planes, helixes with base functions zero shifts, tool compensations, M and H functions,
circles in all main planes linear, circular, helical mathematical functions, programming of param-
interpolation in the main lanes and freely definable eters/variables, user macros, spindle and help
planes, Bezier splines, look-ahead function functions, tool functions
Axis functions online reconfiguration of axes in groups, Geometries linear, circular, helical interpolation in the main
path override, slave coupling to path axes, planes and freely definable planes, max. 32 inter-
auxiliary axes, axis error and sag compensation, polating path axes per channel, look-ahead function
measuring functions Axis functions coupling and gantry axis function, override, axis
Operation automatic operation, manual operation error and sag compensation, measuring functions
(jog / inching), single block operation, referencing, Operation automatic operation, manual operation (jog / inch-
handwheel operation (motion /superposition) ing), single block operation, referencing, block search,
handwheel operation (motion /superposition)
TwinCAT 2

TS511x | TwinCAT NC I Options TS52xx | TwinCAT CNC Options 941

Options TS511x | TwinCAT Kinematic Transformation 956 Options TS5220 | TwinCAT CNC Axes Pack
TS5230 | TwinCAT CNC Channel Pack
TS5240 | TwinCAT CNC Transformation
TS5250 | TwinCAT CNC HSC Pack
TS5260 | TwinCAT CNC Spline Interpolation

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 2 Supplements

TwinCAT 2 Supplements | System

TS1010 | TwinCAT Eventlogger alarm and diagnostic system for logging events which occur in the TwinCAT system 948
TS1110 | TwinCAT Simulation Manager simplified preparation and configuration of a simulation environment 949
TS1120 | TwinCAT ECAD Import importing engineering results from an ECAD program 948
TS1140 | TwinCAT Management Server central administration of Beckhoff CE control systems 951
TS1150 | TwinCAT Backup backing up and restoring files, operating system and TwinCAT settings 949
TS1600 | TwinCAT Engineering co-ordinating programming tasks via a central source code management system
Interface Server 948
TS1800 | TwinCAT PLC HMI displaying visualisations created in PLC Control 950
TS1800 | TwinCAT PLC HMI CE displaying visualisations created in PLC Control on Windows CE platforms
-0030 950
TS1810 | TwinCAT PLC HMI Web displaying visualisations created in PLC Control in a web browser 950
TS3300 | TwinCAT Scope 2 graphical analysis tool for displaying time-continuous signals 951
TS3900 | TwinCAT Solar Position Algorithm precise calculation of the sun’s position 951
TS622x | TwinCAT EtherCAT Redundancy extension of the TwinCAT EtherCAT master with cable redundancy capability 951
TS6420 | TwinCAT Database Server accessing databases from the PLC 949
TS6420 | TwinCAT Database Server CE accessing databases from the PLC for Windows CE platforms
-0030 950
TS6421 | TwinCAT XML Data Server reading and writing of XML-based data by the PLC 948
TS6421 | TwinCAT XML Data Server CE reading and writing of XML-based data by the PLC for Windows CE platforms
-0030 949

TwinCAT 2 Supplements | Controller

TS4100 | TwinCAT PLC Controller Toolbox modules for basic controllers (P, I, D), complex controllers (PI, PID), pulse width modulation,
ramps, signal generators and filters 952
TS4110 | TwinCAT PLC Temperature Controller instanced temperature control function block for monitoring and controlling different
temperature ranges 952

TwinCAT 2 Supplements | Motion

TS1500 | TwinCAT Valve Diagram Editor graphical tool for designing the characteristic curve of a hydraulic valve 956
TS1510 | TwinCAT Cam Design Tool graphic design tool for electronic cam plates 955
TS5050 | TwinCAT NC Camming using the TwinCAT NC cam plate functionality (table coupling) 955
TS5055 | TwinCAT NC Flying Saw implementing “flying saw” functionality 954
TS5060 | TwinCAT NC FIFO Axes implementation of a pre-defined user setpoint generator for an NC axis 954
TS5065 | TwinCAT PLC Motion Control XFC high-precision logging and switching of digital signals in relation to axis positions 953
TS5066 | TwinCAT PLC Remote remote synchronisation
Synchronisation 954
TwinCAT 2

TS511x | TwinCAT Kinematic Transformation implementation of different kinematic transformations for TwinCAT PTP or TwinCAT NC I 956
TS5800 | TwinCAT Digital Cam Server software implementation of fast cam controller 955

942 TS5810 | TwinCAT PLC Hydraulic Positioning control and adjustment of hydraulic axes 953

TwinCAT 2 Supplements | Communication

TS6100 | TwinCAT OPC UA Server access to TwinCAT in accordance with OPC UA with UA server (DA/HA/AC) and UA client (DA) 960
TS6100 | TwinCAT OPC UA Server CE access to TwinCAT in accordance with OPC UA with UA server (DA/HA/AC) and UA client (DA)
-0030 for Windows CE platforms 960

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 2 Supplements | Communication
TS6120 | TwinCAT OPC Server access to TwinCAT variables in accordance with the OPC DA/OPC XML DA specification 960
TS6250 | TwinCAT Modbus TCP Server communication with Modbus TCP devices (server and client functionality) 958
TS6250 | TwinCAT Modbus TCP Server CE communication with Modbus TCP devices (server and client functionality)
-0030 for Windows CE platforms 958
TS6255 | TwinCAT PLC Modbus RTU serial communication with Modbus end devices 957
TS6270 | TwinCAT PROFINET RT Device TwinCAT PROFINET RT device turns every PC-based controller into a PROFINET RT device. 962
TS6271 | TwinCAT PROFINET RT Controller TwinCAT PROFINET RT controller turns every PC-based controller into a PROFINET RT controller. 962
TS6280 | TwinCAT EtherNet/IP Slave TwinCAT EtherNet/IP slave turns every PC-based controller into an EtherNet/IP slave. 962
TS6300 | TwinCAT FTP Client basic access from TwinCAT PLC to FTP server 963
TS6310 | TwinCAT TCP/IP Server communication via generic TCP servers 961
TS6310 | TwinCAT TCP/IP Server CE communication via generic TCP servers for Windows CE platforms
-0030 961
TS6340 | TwinCAT PLC Serial Communication communication via serial Bus Terminals or PC COM ports 957
TS6341 | TwinCAT PLC Serial Communication communication via serial Bus Terminals or PC COM ports with the 3964R and RK512 protocol
3964R/RK512 957
TS6350 | TwinCAT SMS/SMTP Server sending SMS and e-mails from the PLC 961
TS6350 | TwinCAT SMS/SMTP Server CE sending SMS and e-mails from the PLC for Windows CE platforms
-0030 961
TS6360 | TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM Driver virtual serial COM driver for Windows and Windows CE platforms 963
TS6370 | TwinCAT DriveCOM OPC Server fieldbus-independent communication connections between the engineering tool and the drive 959
TS6371 | TwinCAT DriveTop Server configuring Indramat SERCOS drives with DriveTop software on TwinCAT systems 959
TS650x | TwinCAT PLC IEC 60870-5-101, -102, implementation of IEC 60870-101, -102, -103 and -104 masters
-103, -104 Master 958
TS6506 | TwinCAT PLC IEC 60870-5-104 implementation of IEC 60870-104 masters under Windows CE
-0030 Master CE 958
TS6507 | TwinCAT PLC IEC 60870-5-101, -104 implementation of IEC 60870-101 and -104 slaves
Slave 958
TS6507 | TwinCAT PLC IEC 60870-5-104 implementation of IEC 60870-104 slaves under Windows CE
-0030 Slave CE 958
TS6509 | TwinCAT PLC IEC 61400-25 Server IEC 61400-25 communication 959
TS6511 | TwinCAT PLC IEC 61850 Server IEC 61850 communication 959
TS6600 | TwinCAT PLC RFID Reader connection of RFID readers to the TwinCAT PLC
Communication 963
TS6610 | TwinCAT PLC S5/S7 Communication communication with S5/S7 controllers 963

TwinCAT 2 Supplements | Building Automation

TS8000 | TwinCAT PLC HVAC automation of HVAC and sanitary installations 964
TwinCAT 2

TS8010 | TwinCAT PLC Building Automation executing basic room automation functions
Basic 964
TS8020 | TwinCAT BACnet/IP communication with the data networks of the building automation and building control systems 964 943
TS8035 | TwinCAT FIAS Server communication between TwinCAT PLC and a system using the FIAS standard 965
TS8036 | TwinCAT Crestron Server communication between a TwinCAT PLC and a Crestron controller 965
TS8037 | TwinCAT Bang & Olufsen Server communication between a TwinCAT PLC and a Bang & Olufsen audio/video installation 965
TS8040 | TwinCAT Building Automation software package covering all technical building automation services 965
TS8100 | TwinCAT Building Automation configuration and commissioning of building automation projects
Framework 965

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 2

TX12xx | TwinCAT 2

Technical data TX1200

TwinCAT PLC realises one or more PLCs with the international standard IEC 61131-3 on one CPU. All programming languages
described in the standard can be used for programming. The blocks of the type PROGRAM can be linked with real-time tasks.
Various convenient debugging options facilitate fault-finding and commissioning. Program modifications can be carried out at
any times and in any size online, i.e. when the PLC is running. All variables are available symbolically by ADS and can be read
and written in appropriate clients.
– process image size, flag range, program size, POU size and number of variables are limited only by size of RAM
– cycle times from 50 µs
– link time: typically 1 µs (Intel® Core™2 Duo)
– IEC 61131-3: IL, FBD, LD, SFC, ST, CFC
– online changes in programs and variables
– remote debugging via TCP/IP
– online connection with PLC runtime system worldwide via TCP/IP or fieldbus
– online monitoring of variables in variable lists, watch windows, editors
– online status and powerflow (accumulator contents) of programs and instances
– triggering, forcing and setting variables
– powerful debugging with single cycle, break points, step in, step over, display of the current call stack,
watchlist shows selection of variable, trace functions
– online management of all variable names and structures across the whole system
– remanent and persistent data, UPS supported storage on hard disk, storage in NOVRAM as option
– variable reading and writing access via ADS, OPC
– certified in accordance with PLCopen base level (IL/ST)
– source code is stored in the target system
– convenient library management
– powerful compiler with incremental compilation
– all common data types, structures, arrays, including multi-dimensional arrays
– convenient creation of programs with: autoformat, autodeclare, cross-reference, search/replace, project comparison
TwinCAT 2


Target system version-dependent: Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7,

Windows Embedded NT/XP/WES2009/WES7, Windows CE (only runtime)
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 2


TX1250 TX1260

TwinCAT NC PTP implements Motion Control for point-to-point movements Using TwinCAT NC I, movements can be implemented with up to three inter-
in software. The axes are represented by axis objects and provide a cyclic polating and up to five auxiliary axes in the interpolation package. Various
interface, e.g. for the PLC. This axis object is then linked to a corresponding axis types with various fieldbus interfaces are supported. The movement is
physical axis. In this way, the most diverse axis types with the most diverse usually programmed in DIN 66025, but it can also alternatively be carried
fieldbus interfaces can be connected abstractly with the axis objects, which out via PLC function blocks.
always offer an identical configuration interface. The control of the axes can – max. 3 path axes and up to 5 auxiliary axes per group
be configured in various conformations (position or velocity interface) and – 1 group per channel, max. 31 channels
various controllers. The axes are configured in TwinCAT Engineering. – supports electric servo axes, stepper motor drives
– max. 255 axes – interpreter functions such as subroutine and jump technology,
– supports electrical and hydraulic servo drives, frequency converter programmable loops, zero point shifts, tool corrections,
drives, stepper motor drives, DC drives, switched drives (fast/slow axes), M and H functions
simulation axes and encoder axes – geometry functions: straight lines and circles in 3-D space, circles at
– supports various encoders such as incremental encoder, absolute encoder, all main levels, helices with base circles at all main levels, linear, circular
digital interface to the drives such as EtherCAT, SERCOS, SSI, Lightbus, and helical interpolation at the main levels and freely definable levels,
PROFIBUS DP/MC, pulse train Bezier splines, look-ahead function
– standard axis functions such as start/stop/reset/reference, velocity – online reconfiguration of axes in groups, path override,
override, master/slave couplings, electronic gearbox, online distance slave coupling to path axes, auxiliary axes, axis error and sag
compensation compensation, measuring functions
– programming is carried out via PLCopen-compliant IEC 61131-3 – programming in DIN 66025
function blocks – access alternatively via function blocks according to IEC 61131-3
– convenient axis commissioning options – operation of automatic mode, manual mode (jog/inch), single block
– online monitoring of all axis state variables such as actual/setpoint mode, referencing, handwheel mode (movement/overlay)
values, releases, control values, online axis tuning – convenient debugging with online monitoring of current setpoint/
– forcing of axis variables actual position (position lag of all axes), NC program line currently
– configuration of all axis parameters, such as measuring system, being processed, NC program line currently being interpreted,
drive parameters and position controller channel status
– configurable controller structures: P control, PID control, PID with
velocity pre-control, PID with velocity and acceleration pre-control
– online master/slave and slave/master conversion
– flying saw (diagonal saw [optional])
– cam plates (support by TwinCAT Cam Design Tool [optional])
– FIFO axes
– external set point value generators
– multi-master coupling

TwinCAT 2


version-dependent: Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7, version-dependent: Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7,

Windows Embedded NT/XP/WES2009/WES7, Windows CE (only runtime) Windows Embedded NT/XP/WES2009/WES7, Windows CE (only runtime)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 2

TX1xxx | TwinCAT 2

Technical data TX1270

TwinCAT CNC offers the option to implement interpolation with up to 32 simultaneously interpolating axes.
The number of axes and/or the number of channels can be adapted to the requirements of the application via
the option packages. Various transformations can be supplemented via option packages. Programming takes
place according DIN 66025. The axes and channels are configured in TwinCAT Engineering.
– 8 path axes/controlled spindles, max. 64 axes/controlled spindles (optional), max. 12 channels (optional)
– supports electric servo axes, stepper motor drives
– subroutine and jump technology, programmable loops, zero point shifts, tool corrections, M and H functions,
mathematical functions, programming of parameters/variables, user macros, spindle and auxiliary functions,
tool functions
– geometry functions linear, circular and helical interpolation at the main levels and freely definable levels,
max. 32 interpolating path axes per channel (optional), look-ahead function
– axis functions, coupling and gantry axis function, override, axis error and sag compensation, measuring functions
– programming in DIN 66025 with high-level language extension
– access via function blocks from TwinCAT PLC according to IEC 61131-3
– operation with automatic mode, manual mode (jog/inch), single block mode, referencing, block advance,
handwheel mode (movement/overlay)
– convenient debugging with online monitoring of all states
TwinCAT 2


Target system version-dependent: Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7,

Windows Embedded NT/XP/WES2009/WES7
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

TwinCAT 2


TX1100 TX1000

Using TwinCAT I/O, cyclic data can be collected by different fieldbuses in TwinCAT CP is a driver for the Beckhoff Control Panels C6xxx and C7xxx,
process images. Cyclic tasks drive the corresponding fieldbuses. Various field- the industrial operating and display devices.
buses can be operated with different cycle times on one CPU. Applications Control Panels are optimised for use as a human-machine interface.
can directly access the process image. The fieldbuses and the process images Operating and display elements create an independent unit, separated from
are configured in TwinCAT Engineering. the PC by a simple cable link.
– provides variable-oriented linkage of I/O devices to tasks TwinCAT CP creates the driver connection between general Windows pro-
– tasks are variable-oriented among each other grams and the operating and display elements on the Beckhoff Control Panel:
– the smallest unit is one bit – direct switches for fast machine functions
– supports both synchronous and asynchronous relationships – switch feedback by LEDs
– consistent exchange of data areas and process images – UPS support
– online display in the directory tree The driver permits variable-oriented operation of the Control Panel’s functions
– online watch window by the Windows programs.
– “Force and Write” for commissioning and
for testing task variables and I/O devices
– supported fieldbuses:
– EtherCAT
– Lightbus
– PROFIBUS DP (master and slave)
– Interbus
– CANopen
– SERCOS interface
– DeviceNet
– Ethernet
– SMB (System Management Bus)

TwinCAT 2


version-dependent: Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7, version-dependent: Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7,

Windows Embedded NT/XP/WES2009/WES7, Windows CE (only runtime) Windows Embedded NT/XP/WES2009/WES7

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Supplements System

TSxxxx | TwinCAT 2 Supplements, System

TwinCAT ECAD Import TwinCAT Engineering TwinCAT Eventlogger TwinCAT XML Data Server
Interface Server

Technical data TS1120 TS1600 TS1010 TS6421

TwinCAT ECAD Import serves With the TwinCAT Engineer- The TwinCAT Eventlogger The TwinCAT XML Data
the purpose of importing ing Interface (ENI) server it is an alarm and diagnostic Server permits direct access
already existing engineer- is possible for the work of a system for TwinCAT-based to an XML file from the PLC.
ing results from an ECAD number of programmers to controllers. The TwinCAT The values of variables can
program. It enables the be coordinated via a central Eventlogger has the task be read by the PLC or writ-
import of information about source code management of managing all messages ten to the XML file. Access to
the structure of the I/Os and system. The TwinCAT ENI (events) appearing in the structures in the PLC is also
their links to PLC variables, server offers interfaces with TwinCAT system; to for- possible.
which is exported from the Microsoft Visual Source Safe ward them and where
ECAD tool by means of XML and a driver for Subversion necessary to write them
description. On the basis of (SVN). A user and rights into the TwinCAT log file.
this information a system management is as much In this context “events”
manager configuration and part of the product as a are understood to comprise
a basic PLC program with database-independent diag- alarms, warnings, notes
the I/O variables used are nostic tool, which gives an or instructions. Messages
generated. The generation of overview of all current tasks can be acknowledged.
NC devices is also possible. of the various users. The Message Formatter
produces the connection
between the actual event
and its message text.
This is stored in an exter-
nal database.
By integration of the
TcEventViewer type library
it is possible, to create your
own message display. Con-
figuration of the message
text is done by the TcEvent
configurator. The event
logger is included in the
main TwinCAT delivery.
TwinCAT 2

948 Target system Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP,
Windows 7 Windows 7 Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7
PTP (for NC devices)
Further information

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System Communication

TwinCAT XML Data Server CE TwinCAT Backup TwinCAT Simulation Manager TwinCAT Database Server

TS6421-0030 TS1150 TS1110 TS6420

The TwinCAT XML Data Server CE Files, directories, OS-specific The TwinCAT Simulation Manager TwinCAT Database Server enables
permits direct access to an XML file information, settings and TwinCAT is a tool for simplified configuration the exchange of data between
from the PLC. The values of variables configurations can be backed up and of a simulation environment, which databases and the TwinCAT system.
can be read by the PLC or written to restored using the TwinCAT Backup integrates into the TwinCAT system PLC variables or direct values of
the XML file. Access to structures in Server. This can be carried out on all environment. It supports the creation the EtherCAT I/Os can be logged
the PLC is also possible. connected media and also via the of a “virtual machine”, which cor- cyclically when changes occur or
network. responds to a real one in its runtime event-controlled by means of PLC
performance. function blocks.

TwinCAT 2

Windows CE Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, 949

Windows 7 Windows 7 Windows 7

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Supplements System

TSxxxx | TwinCAT 2 Supplements, System

Server CE

Technical data TS6420-0030 TS1800 TS1800-0030 TS1810

The TwinCAT Database TwinCAT PLC HMI is a stand- TwinCAT PLC HMI CE is a TwinCAT PLC HMI Web is
Server CE has the same func- alone tool for the presenta- stand-alone tool for the a web-based visualisation
tional attributes as the ver- tion of visualisations which presentation of visualisa- system. The TwinCAT PLC
sion which runs on non-CE are created in TwinCAT PLC tions which are created Control acts as an editor
operating systems. The only Control. They are shown in in TwinCAT PLC Control. for the generation of web
difference is the range of full-screen as soon as the They are shown in full-screen pages. Activation is carried
supported databases: MS system starts up. as soon as the system starts out simply by setting an
SQL, MS SQL Compact and up. option in the TwinCAT PLC
ASCII files. Control. The web pages
are hosted by the Internet
Information Server (IIS).
For display of the web
pages a Java VM is needed.
TwinCAT 2

Target system Windows CE Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows CE Windows NT/2000/XP,

950 Windows 7 Windows 7, Windows CE

Min. TwinCAT level TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC
Further information
TS6420-0030 TS1800-0030

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

System Communication

TwinCAT Management Server TwinCAT Scope 2 TwinCAT EtherCAT Redundancy TwinCAT Solar Position Algorithm

TS1140 TS3300 TS622x TS3900

The TwinCAT Management Server With the TwinCAT Scope 2 Beckhoff With TwinCAT EtherCAT Redundancy With the TwinCAT Solar Position
enables the central administration offers a graphical tool for signal the TwinCAT EtherCAT master offers Algorithm it is possible to determine
of Beckhoff CE controllers. Software analysis and data collection. Due to the possibility of implementing cable the sun angle using the date, time,
updates, for example, can thus the separation of the data logger redundancy. From the last logical geographical longitude and latitude
be loaded onto controllers in the and viewer it is possible to show the device a cable is returned back to as well as further parameters
network from a central location. signal processes of multiple systems the master. The TwinCAT System (depending on the desired accuracy).
In addition to operating system in the field in a central Scope 2 view. Manager is used for configuration The function block works with a
updates, device-specific components Depending on the system it is pos- and diagnostics. maximum inaccuracy of ±0.001°.
(PLC boot projects) can also be sible to browse, for example in the
loaded. By the option of separating PLC, NC or directly in the connected
known network devices into groups, EtherCAT I/Os, in order to select the
individual actions can be defined for corresponding values. Alongside the
each group. possibility of long-term recording,
various trigger functionalities and
cursors are available in the TwinCAT
Scope 2.

TwinCAT 2

Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7 Windows XP, Windows 7 Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows CE
Windows NT/XP Embedded, 951
Windows CE

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Supplements Controller

TS4xxx | TwinCAT 2 Supplements, Controller

TwinCAT PLC Controller Toolbox TwinCAT PLC Temperature Controller

Technical data TS4100 TS4110

The TwinCAT Controller Toolbox covers all essential blocks Temperature controllers can be simply implemented using
for control applications. TwinCAT Temperature Controller. Simple commissioning
– controllers satisfy industrial requirements such as through self-adjustment of the controller (auto-tuning) is
anti-reset windup included.
– simple basic controllers (P, I, D) – automatic and manual operation with shock-free
– complex controllers (PI, PID, switching controllers) set up
– filter blocks – control value analog or pulse-width modulated signal
– control value generators (limiters, PWM) – tolerance monitoring, absolute value monitoring
– ramp and signal generator blocks – scalable reaction to sensor error
and heating power faults
– limitation of set and control values
– optional ramping of the set value
– optional start-up phase for the setpoint variables
– industrial PID controller as base control algorithm
inside the temperature controller
TwinCAT 2

Target system Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7,
Windows CE Windows CE
Min. TwinCAT level TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC
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Motion Communication

TS5xxx | TwinCAT 2 Supplements, Motion

TwinCAT PLC Motion Control XFC TwinCAT PLC Hydraulic Positioning

Technical data TS5065 TS5810

eXtreme Fast Control (XFC) is the technique that enables Algorithms for the control and positioning of hydraulic axes
very fast, temporally high-precision reactions using EtherCAT, are combined in TwinCAT Hydraulic Positioning and are avail-
special I/O terminals and TwinCAT on the PC. Using EtherCAT able as PLCopen-compliant PLC blocks.
Distributed Clocks (DC) and appropriate terminals, distributed – for the positioning and control of hydraulic axes
latches or cam controllers can be implemented simply in – functions for the conversion of sensor signals to actual
this way. positions and of control values to output data
– function blocks for the high-precision acquisition and – point-to-point movements, alternatively with time- or
switching of digital signals related to axis positions displacement-controlled ramps
– EtherCAT Distributed Clocks with the time-stamp-based – position control, pressure output with the correct sign,
EtherCAT EL1252, EL2252 or EL2262 input and output automatic repositioning
terminals – optimisation and monitoring of the behaviour
– blocks for the conversion of DC time to position and with further functions (e.g. dead time compensation,
vice versa limit value monitoring)
– convenient PLCopen-compliant TouchProbe block
– digital cam controller as PLCopen-compliant block

TwinCAT 2

Target system Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7,
Windows CE Windows CE
Min. TwinCAT level TwinCAT NC PTP TwinCAT NC PTP
Further information

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Supplements Motion

TSxxxx | TwinCAT 2 Supplements, Motion

TwinCAT NC FIFO Axes TwinCAT NC Flying Saw TwinCAT PLC Remote

Technical data TS5060 TS5055 TS5066

Using TwinCAT NC FIFO Axes, externally TwinCAT NC Flying Saw implements Due to the increasing use of decentral-
generated set position values can the coupling of a slave axis to a master ised controllers, time synchronisation
be output to the axes in the form of axis in a certain synchronous position of different systems is becoming an
a velocity pre-control. The set value (flying saw). PLC function blocks enable increasingly important issue. The imple-
generation is designed in such a way coupling and uncoupling as well as mentation of cyclically-sent information
that both the set position and the set parameterisation. on systems without identical timebase
velocity are determined as the FIFO – The master axis can be a real leads to a beat effect. These manifest
inputs are worked through in sequence. axis, a virtual axis, or some other themselves for example as periodic
It is also possible, if necessary, to external source of actual values. operational faults in the synchronisa-
interpolate between two neighbouring – synchronisation of the slave tion of drives, whose axis information
FIFO inputs. axis from any motion situation is transferred via network.
(stop, forward or reverse travel) The TwinCAT PLC Remote
with the master in motion Synchronisation library offers options
– simple synchronisation with for general time synchronisation of
the master velocity information with distributed systems as
– precise position synchronisation well as special techniques for synchro-
with the master axis nising NC axes (“distributed axes”).
(velocity and position)
– synchronous velocity can be set
via a coupling factor
– optional return prevention as
additional safety function
– superimposed section compensa-
tion during the synchronous phase
for dynamic position correction
TwinCAT 2

Target system Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7,
Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE
Min. TwinCAT level TwinCAT NC PTP TwinCAT NC PTP TwinCAT PLC
Further information

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Motion Communication

TwinCAT NC Camming TwinCAT Cam Design Tool TwinCAT Digital Cam Server

TS5050 TS1510 TS5800

TwinCAT NC Camming (cam plate) is a non-linear The TwinCAT CAM Design Editor allows the The TwinCAT Digital Cam Server is a fast cam
relationship between a master and a slave axis. generation and modification of cam plates with controller with monitoring for various fieldbuses.
The camming package offers various options the aid of a graphical editor. These are composed The cams are configured in TwinCAT Engineering.
for the storage of cam plates. Convenient PLC of sections of laws of motion such as modified – high-performance fieldbus-independent
blocks enable the loading, coupling and uncou- sine waves, harmonic combinations, or of various cam controller with many functions
pling of cam plates. It is possible to load new cam polynomial functions. Velocity, acceleration and – up to 320 outputs
plates or to modify cam plates during operation. jerk are displayed in addition to the slave position. – up to 180 cams per output
The TwinCAT CAM Design Editor offers support The generated cam plates can be transferred to – path-path cams, path-time cams,
for the creation of the cam plates. the NC as tables with specified step size or as brake cams
– position tables with master interpolation so-called motion functions. – dynamic speed correction
points and corresponding slave positions; – measurement and monitoring
interpolation between the points is done of rotary speed
linearly or by splines
– motion function table describing a cam
plate via motion laws according to VDI
guideline 2143
– cyclic or linear processing
– cam plate with offset and scale, can be
modified on the master or slave side
– high flexibility through online change
of the motion functions

TwinCAT 2

Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7,
Windows CE Windows 7 Windows CE

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Supplements Motion

TSxxxx | TwinCAT 2 Supplements, Motion

TwinCAT Valve Diagram Editor TwinCAT Kinematic Transformation

Technical data TS1500 TS511x

The TwinCAT Valve Diagram Editor allows the linearisation of Various robot types kinematics can be realised using TwinCAT
non-linear curves of hydraulic valves with the aid of a graphi- Kinematic Transformation. The programming of the robot
cal editor. On the basis of a few base points, straight lines or movements takes place in Cartesian coordinates using either
5th degree polynomials can be determined that connect the DIN 66025 instructions or the PLCopen-compliant blocks
points. The characteristic linearisation curve thus determined from the PLC. An integrated dynamic pre-control ensures high
can be loaded into the TwinCAT NC real-time and taken into precision of the movement even at high accelerations and
account when the voltages are output in the drive. speeds. Configuration takes place in the TwinCAT Engineering
Interface Server.
– supports various parallel and also serial kinematics,
e.g. for pick-and-place tasks
– supports the programming of interpolating movements
in G-code (DIN 66025)
– alternatively, standard PTP and cam plate applications
can be realised
– simple programming in the Cartesian coordinate system
– automatic calculation of the inverse kinematic for the
relevant motor positions
– kinematics configured in the TwinCAT Engineering
Interface Server; in addition to the type (e.g. delta),
the bar lengths and offsets must also be parameterised
– mass and mass inertia values can be specified for
dynamic pre-control
– tracking with the aid of “flying saw” and “cam plates”
for synchronisation (e.g. to conveyor belts)
– optimised for the Beckhoff Servo Drives from the AX5000
– The following kinematics are integrated:
– cartesian portals
– 2-D parallel kinematics
– shear kinematics
– crane and roll kinematics
– 3-D Delta
– separated in different product levels, depending on the
complexity of the kinematics
TwinCAT 2


Target system Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7 Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7, Windows CE

Min. TwinCAT level TwinCAT NC PTP TwinCAT NC I
Further information

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Communication Communication

TS6xxx | TwinCAT 2 Supplements, Communication

TwinCAT PLC Serial Communication TwinCAT PLC Serial Communication TwinCAT PLC Modbus RTU

Technical data TS6340 TS6341 TS6255

TwinCAT Serial Communication imple- Serial communication via the 3964R TwinCAT Modbus RTU implements
ments communication with serial devices or the RK512 protocols is imple- Modbus RTU communication via a
such as printers, bar code scanners, etc. mented via the TwinCAT PLC Serial serial RS232, RS422 or RS485 interface
The serial interface of the PC and the Communication 3964R/RK512 software and is thus suitable both for the PC/CX
serial Beckhoff EL6xxx EtherCAT Termi- library. The PCs serial interface and the interfaces and for operation with the
nals and and KL6xxx Bus Terminals are Beckhoff KL6xxx serial Bus Terminals KL6xxx serial Bus Terminals. It contains
supported. are supported. The library also contains function blocks for master and slave
Via the network-based fieldbus the TwinCAT PLC Serial Communication operating mode with simple configura-
system from Beckhoff the serial termi- library. tion.
nals can be accessed over a distance of The TwinCAT Serial Communication
up to 100 m. In addition, it is possible RK512 PLC library supports transmis-
to address virtual COM interfaces of the sion and reception of PLC variables of
operating system from the PLC. any type. Data up to 128 bytes long is
transferred transparently in the form
of data blocks. To ensure secure data
transmission, the 3964R protocol is
used underneath the RK512 protocol.

TwinCAT 2

Target system Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7,
Windows CE Windows CE Windows CE
Min. TwinCAT level TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC
Further information

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Supplements Communication

TS6xxx | TwinCAT 2 Supplements, Communication

TwinCAT Modbus TCP TwinCAT Modbus TCP TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC
Server Server CE IEC 60870-5-10x IEC 60870-5-104 CE

Technical data TS6250 TS6250-0030 TS650x TS650x-0030

TwinCAT Modbus TCP Server TwinCAT Modbus TCP Server The TS650x enable The TS650x-0030 enable
acts as gateway between CE acts as gateway between IEC 60870-5-10x-compliant IEC 60870-5-10x-compliant
Modbus TCP devices and Modbus TCP devices and communication from the communication from the
TwinCAT runtime systems. TwinCAT runtime systems. TwinCAT PLC. Both master TwinCAT PLC. Both master
It provides both server and It provides both server and and slave libraries are and slave libraries are avail-
client functionalities. In client functionalities. In available. able for applications under
server mode the memory server mode the memory Windows CE.
areas of several TwinCAT areas of several TwinCAT PLC library for the realisa-
runtime systems can be runtime systems can be tion of masters for PLC library for the realisa-
mapped directly to the mapped directly to the – IEC 60870-5-101 tion of masters for
Modbus memory areas. Modbus memory areas. – IEC 60870-5-102 – IEC 60870-5-104
A PLC library is provided for A PLC library is provided for – IEC 60870-5-103
implementing a Modbus TCP implementing a Modbus TCP – IEC 60870-5-104 PLC library for the realisa-
client, so that the memory client, so that the memory tion of slaves for
areas of a Modbus TCP areas of a Modbus TCP PLC library for the realisa- – IEC 60870-5-104
device can be accessed. device can be accessed. tion of slaves for
– IEC 60870-5-101
– IEC 60870-5-104
TwinCAT 2

958 Target system Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows CE Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows CE

Windows 7 Windows 7, Windows CE
Min. TwinCAT level TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC
Further information
TS6250-0030 TS650x-0030

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Communication Communication

TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT DriveTop Server TwinCAT DriveCOM OPC Server
IEC 61850 Server IEC 61400-25 Server

TS6511 TS6509 TS6371 TS6370

IEC 61850 defines a communication IEC 61400-25 is a specialisation The TwinCAT DriveTop Server is a The DriveCOM user organisation
protocol which is used particularly of IEC 61850 for wind turbines. communication server for linking the has set itself the aim of facilitat-
in electrical switchgears. Such stan- The data model is especially Indramat DriveTop Tools to TwinCAT. ing uniform, standardised com-
dardised communication can be extended for objects, such as, for This means that the DriveTop tool munication between configuration,
implemented using the PLC library example wind turbine generators. can be used for configuration and commissioning and diagnostic tools
TwinCAT IEC 61850 Server. The com- The TwinCAT Telecontrol Configura- commissioning of Indramat drives. from different drive manufacturers,
munication stack developed by tor can also be used here. Beside Configuration with a number of independent of the fieldbus. The
Beckhoff is based on the MMS PLC codes it can also generate SERCOS rings is also supported. TwinCAT DriveCOM OPC Server
protocol and as well as the basic TwinCAT Scope 2 configurations. offers precisely this type of commu-
IEC 61850 standard also supports nication connection. It enables data
the related specialisations. For easy flow from the engineering tool to the
configuration the TwinCAT Telecon- drive, independent of the fieldbus.
trol Configurator can be used, which Based on the network-capable ADS
is delivered with the PLC library. TwinCAT communication system,
Thanks to the created configuration distributed drives can be configured
a PLC code export can be carried out, and diagnosed from a central point.
which can be integrated into existing The TwinCAT DriveCOM
PLC projects. OPC server requires a subordinate
TwinCAT system with an FCxxxx-
type Beckhoff fieldbus card.
The TwinCAT DriveCOM configura-
tor finds supported drives in the
TwinCAT configuration and makes
this information available for the
engineering tool. The configurator
features an automation interface and
can therefore be operated remotely
by other tools.

TwinCAT 2

Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, 959

Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7 Windows 7

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Supplements Communication

TS6xxx | TwinCAT 2 Supplements, Communication

TwinCAT OPC Server TwinCAT OPC UA Server TwinCAT OPC UA Server CE

Technical data TS6120 TS6100 TS6100-0030

The TwinCAT OPC Server is a stand- OPC Unified Architecture (IEC 62541) OPC Unified Architecture (IEC 62541)
ardised data exchange interface. It is the newest technology generation is the newest technology generation
supports the DataAccess (DA) and XML of the OPC Foundation for the secure, of the OPC Foundation for the secure,
DA specifications. DataAccess (DA) is reliable and manufacturer-neutral reliable and manufacturer-neutral
based on the Microsoft COM technol- transport of raw data and pre-processed transport of raw data and pre-processed
ogy and provides data for the client. information from the manufacturing information from the manufacturing
The OPC XML DA specification enables level into the production planning or level into the production planning or
data exchange through XML via HTTP. ERP system. With OPC UA, all desired ERP system. With OPC UA, all desired
Configuration of the server is carried information is available to every information is available to every
out in a configuration tool or via XML. authorised application and every authorised application and every
authorised person at any time and in authorised person at any time and in
any place. any place.

TwinCAT OPC UA Server TwinCAT OPC UA Server CE

– certified in the OPC Laboratory, – certified in the OPC Laboratory,
Europe Europe
– functions: DataAccess/ – functions: DataAccess/
HistoricalAccess/Alarm&Condition HistoricalAccess/Alarm&Condition
– PLC blocks for diagnosis and – PLC blocks for diagnosis and
restart restart
– intermediate storage of data – intermediate storage of data
on the server: interruption of the on the server: interruption of the
communication connection does communication connection does
not lead to loss of data not lead to loss of data

TwinCAT OPC UA Client TwinCAT OPC UA Client CE

– PLC function blocks for UA – PLC function blocks for UA
DataAccess DataAccess
– Demo UA client for diagnostic – Demo UA client for diagnostic
purposes purposes
TwinCAT 2


Target system Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7 Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7 Windows CE

Min. TwinCAT level TwinCAT I/O TwinCAT I/O TwinCAT I/O
Further information

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Communication Communication

TwinCAT SMS/SMTP Server TwinCAT SMS/SMTP Server CE TwinCAT TCP/IP Server TwinCAT TCP/IP Server CE

TS6350 TS6350-0030 TS6310 TS6310-0030

TwinCAT SMS/SMTP Server enables TwinCAT SMS/SMTP Server CE TwinCAT TCP/IP Server enables the TwinCAT TCP/IP Server CE enables
the transmission of SMS messages enables the transmission of SMS implementation and realisation of the implementation and realisation
or e-mails using PLC function blocks. messages or e-mails using PLC func- one or several TCP/IP servers and/ of one or several TCP/IP servers
The latter also allows the transmis- tion blocks. The latter also allows or clients within the TwinCAT PLC. and/or clients within the TwinCAT
sion of file attachments, HTML texts the transmission of file attachments, Corresponding blocks exist for the PLC. Corresponding blocks exist for
and the setting of message priorities. HTML texts and the setting of mes- establishment/disconnection of the establishment/disconnection of
Support for STARTTLS/SSL enables sage priorities. Support for START- communication as well as for the communication as well as for the
encrypted e-mail communication to TLS/SSL enables encrypted e-mail pure exchange of data (send and pure exchange of data (send and
be configured. communication to be configured. receive). The SNMP library provided receive). The SNMP library provided
enables messages to be sent (traps) enables messages to be sent (traps)
and queries to be answered (get) for and queries to be answered (get) for
monitoring TwinCAT runtimes. monitoring TwinCAT runtimes.

TwinCAT 2


Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7 Windows CE Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 7 Windows CE


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Supplements Communication

TS6xxx | TwinCAT 2 Supplements, Communication

Controller Device Slave Slave CE

Technical data TS6271 TS6270 TS6280 TS6280-0030

Controller (master) is a Device (slave) is a sup- Slave is a supplement turns Slave is a supplement turns
supplement that turns any plement that turns any any PC-based controller any PC-based controller
PC-based controller with PC-based controller with with an Intel® chipset and with an Intel® chipset and
an Intel® chipset and the an Intel® chipset and the the real-time Ethernet driver the real-time Ethernet driver
real-time Ethernet driver real-time Ethernet driver developed by Beckhoff developed by Beckhoff
developed by Beckhoff into developed by Beckhoff into into an EtherNet/IP slave. into an EtherNet/IP slave.
a PROFINET RT controller. a PROFINET RT device. By By installing the supple- By installing the supple-
An Ethernet interface installing the supplement, ment, the Ethernet interface ment, the Ethernet interface
becomes a PROFINET an Ethernet interface becomes an EtherNet/IP becomes an EtherNet/IP
controller by enabling a key. becomes a PROFINET slave. slave. This product can be slave. This product can be
The PROFINET supplement The supplement can be used used on all PC controllers used on all PC controllers
is part of the TwinCAT instal- on PCs and Embedded PCs. and Embedded PC control- and Embedded PC control-
lation and can be operated PROFINET can also be tun- lers running Windows XP lers running Windows CE.
without key in Config mode. nelled via EtherCAT in con- and Windows CE.
It runs on PCs and Embed- junction with the EL6631-
ded PCs and can be used 0010 PROFINET terminal for
from TwinCAT 2.11 R3. the EtherCAT I/O system.
In conjunction with the In this way, any EtherCAT
EL6631 PROFINET terminal network can exchange data
for the EtherCAT I/O system, with PROFINET IO control-
PROFINET can also be lers. If the EL6631-0010 is
tunnelled via EtherCAT. used, the TwinCAT PROFINET
In this case the supplement RT controller supplement is
is not required. In this not required.
way, any EtherCAT network
can exchange data with
PROFINET RT devices.
TwinCAT 2

962 Target system Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows CE
Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7, Windows CE
Min. TwinCAT level TwinCAT I/O TwinCAT I/O TwinCAT I/O TwinCAT I/O
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Communication Communication

TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM TwinCAT FTP Client TwinCAT PLC RFID Reader TwinCAT PLC S5/S7
Driver Communication Communication

TS6360 TS6300 TS6600 TS6610

TwinCAT Virtual Serial COM Driver TwinCAT FTP Client enables simple TwinCAT PLC RFID Reader Commu- TwinCAT PLC S5/S7 Communication
allows the EL60xx EtherCAT access from the PLC to several nication allows various RFID readers allows the simple connection of
Terminals or EP6002 EtherCAT FTP servers with the aid of various to be addressed via a serial interface. TwinCAT to an S5 or S7 controller.
Box modules to be integrated into function blocks. This way, files can The new TwinCAT RFID reader library The data blocks, flags, inputs, out-
Windows CE or Windows as normal be loaded to or from a server after offers a general abstract interface puts, counters and timers of an S5 or
serial interfaces. The computer on the establishment of a connection that can be used for all readers. The S7 controller can be accessed using
which a serial interface is to be gen- (optional with authentication). configuration can easily be adapted function blocks. The communication
erated for it is defined individually Additional function blocks allow to a specific reader. takes place using TCP/IP.
for each EL60xx/EP6002. Access to files or directories to be searched
the device connected to the terminal for, created, deleted and renamed.
takes place via Windows API for
serial interfaces.

TwinCAT 2

Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, 963

Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7, Windows CE

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Supplements Building Automation

TS8xxx | TwinCAT 2 Supplements, Building Automation

HVAC Building Automation

Technical data TS8000 TS8010 TS8020

TwinCAT PLC HVAC is an The TwinCAT PLC Building BACnet (Building Automation Control Network) is a stand-
extensive TwinCAT PLC Automation Basic software ardised, manufacturer-independent communication protocol
library with function blocks library allows the implemen- for building automation. Areas of application include HVAC,
for automating all building tation of all functions which lighting control, safety and fire alarm technology. Implemen-
services. In addition to are important for room tation of this protocol is carried out as server as well as client
conventional HVAC functions automation. Among these and can be run on all Beckhoff Industrial PCs and Embed-
relating to energy genera- are lighting (constant light ded PCs. All services of a BBC (BACnet Building Controller)
tion and distribution, it also control, light dimmer,…), are supported such as for example, common data use (DS),
includes room automation facade control, scaling alarm and event processing (AE), time-tabling (SCHED),
functions for lighting, shad- functions, filter blocks, timer trend recording (T) as well as device and network manage-
ing and air-conditioning. functions and peak load lim- ment (DM).
iter for energy optimisation.
BACnet revision 12
Embedded PCs corresponding to the ISO 16484-5:2012

Ordering information CX8091 and CX9020 with

BACnet/IP image (license key included)
– ordering number of the CX8091 (no further ordering
option necessary) (see page 204 )
– ordering number of the CX9020-xxxx
(see page 214 ) + CX1800-1052

Ordering information CX5010/CX5020

(see page 224 )
– CX50x0 with Windows CE | Ordering number of the CX +
CX1800-1052 (BACnet/IP image, license key included)
– CX50x0 with Windows XPe | Ordering number of the
CX + supplement TwinCAT BACnet/IP (TS8020, license
key necessary), TwinCAT 2.11 R3

BACnet revision 6
Embedded PCs corresponding to the ISO 16484-5:2010

Ordering information CX9001/CX9010 with BACnet/IP

image (license key included) (see page 208 )
– ordering number of the CX9001-xxxx + CX1800-1044
– ordering number of the CX9010-xxxx + CX1800-1044

Ordering information CX5010/CX5020

(see page 224 )
– CX50x0 with Windows CE | Ordering number of the CX +
CX1800-1044 (BACnet/IP image, license key included)
– CX50x0 with Windows XPe | Ordering number of the
TwinCAT 2

CX + Supplement TwinCAT BACnet/IP (TS8020, license

key necessary), TwinCAT 2.11 R3

Target system Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP,
Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7, Windows CE
Min. TwinCAT level TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC TwinCAT PLC
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Building Automation Communication


FIAS Server Crestron Server Bang & Olufsen Server Building Automation Building Automation

TS8035 TS8036 TS8037 TS8040 TS8100

The FIAS (Fidelio Interface Crestron is one of the Bang & Olufsen is recog- TwinCAT Building Automation The TwinCAT Building
and Application Specifica- leading manufacturers of nised all over the world for is a software package that Automation Framework
tion) interface is a world- AV control systems. The its unmistakable range of covers all technical building includes a configuration
leader in hotel manage- TwinCAT Crestron Server high-quality audio, video automation services. In addition program (TwinCAT Building
ment software. The TwinCAT enables communication and multimedia products. to modules for conventional Automation Manager) and
FIAS Server is a software between a TwinCAT PLC The TwinCAT Bang & HVAC applications it also covers a PLC library.
package for communica- and a Crestron control. Olufsen server enables room automation including The PLC library is
tion between TwinCAT PLC Both systems are connected communication between a lighting, air-conditioning and configured such that a
and a system with a FIAS by Ethernet. SIMPL user TwinCAT PLC and a Bang & shading. Essentially, the soft- complete application
standard interface. The macros are available for Olufsen audio/video instal- ware package consists of three program with the main
communication takes place programming the Crestron lation. For the TwinCAT PLC components: room automation functions
using TCP/IP. The connec- controller. The required a corresponding PLC library is available, including
tion of hotel management function blocks are included is available, which enables TwinCAT BA PLC Libraries lighting, shading, climate
software and automation in the TwinCAT PLC library. access to the Bang & The TwinCAT BA PLC libraries control, time switching
system helps to optimise Read and write access to Olufsen Masterlink gate- contain basic functions for con- functions, scene manage-
the energy consumption: the other device is available way. The data exchange is trol, signal processing, special ment, weather stations
e.g. the climate control is from the Crestron controller bidirectional via Ethernet. mathematical functions, alarm and energy consumption
automatically adjusted for and the TwinCAT PLC. processing and general system monitoring.
an unoccupied room; if functions. All actuators and
there is strong sunlight the sensors are registered in
shading is automatically TwinCAT BA PLC Templates the TwinCAT Building Auto-
activated. TwinCAT BA PLC templates mation Manager, grouped
consist of ready-made TwinCAT together and linked with
program blocks for sensors, the Bus Terminals. The
actuators, complete modules logical ordering of sensors
for system components and for to actuators is also done in
entire heating, ventilation and the TwinCAT Building Auto-
air-conditioning system installa- mation Manager. From this
tions/plants. information the configura-
tion program generates
TwinCAT BA Project Builder and activates the I/O links
The TwinCAT BA Project Builder for all devices entered in
is a configuration program the system and writes all
for defining system compo- necessary parameters in the
nents and assigning them to controller.
individual templates. Based on
this information, the project files
for TwinCAT PLC Control func-
tions and the TwinCAT System
Manager can be generated for
each controller.
TwinCAT 2

Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP,
Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7, Windows CE Windows 7, Windows CE

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Open and scalable safety technology


976 TwinSAFE Controller, Coupler

986 TwinSAFE option cards

979 TwinSAFE Terminals


981 TwinSAFE Box

The open safety solution

970 Technology 976 Controller, Coupler 982 Safe outputs

971 Safety over EtherCAT
972 Scalability 976 Compact Controller EK1960 978 EtherCAT Coupler EK1914
973 Solution variety 978 EtherCAT Coupler EK1914 982 EtherCAT Terminal EL2901
974 TwinCAT 3 and Safety 982 EtherCAT Terminal EL2902
983 EtherCAT Terminal EL2904
983 EtherCAT Terminal EL2964
979 Logic 984 Bus Terminal KL6904
985 Bus Terminal KL2904
979 EtherCAT Terminal EL69xx
TwinSAFE Logic
979 EtherCAT Terminal EL6930
TwinSAFE/PROFIsafe 986 Safe drives
logic and gateway
984 Bus Terminal KL6904 986 Option cards AX580x
TwinSAFE Logic 798 Servo Drives AX5000

980 Safe inputs

978 EtherCAT Coupler EK1914

980 EtherCAT Terminal EL1904
981 EtherCAT Terminal EL1908
981 EtherCAT Box EP1908
985 Bus Terminal KL1904

TwinSAFE | Open and scalable safety technology
The TwinSAFE integrated safety solution Communication via independent Certified safety function blocks
represents the consistent continuation of safety circuits facilitate configuration
the open and PC-based control philosophy Communication between distributed The certified safety function blocks of
from Beckhoff. Due to their modularity and TwinSAFE Logic terminals is very simple the TwinSAFE Logic terminals allow the
versatility, the TwinSAFE terminals fit seam- to implement with TwinCAT software. simple, error-free and inexpensive imple-
lessly into the Beckhoff control system. This applies not only to terminals in a mentation of all safety tasks: from the
Thanks to the fieldbus-neutral safety proto- network, but also to devices on different simple monitoring of a safety door to com-
col (TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT), the controllers. Safety-relevant data and signals plex muting functions and the safe control
TwinSAFE devices can be integrated into can also be exchanged as soon as the con- of networked and linked plants. The shutting
any desired fieldbus system. To this end, trollers have established a communication down of individual “safety groups” or “com-
the IP 20 TwinSAFE Bus Terminals are inte- connection with the help of a fieldbus or munication shutdowns” enable the targeted
grated into existing stations with K-bus or via network variables. Of course, the reac- shutdown of parts of the plant during the
EtherCAT or used directly in the machine tion times and capabilities of the systems operation of a machine. These are essential
as IP 67 modules. These safety I/Os form employed need to be considered. functions that are required in order to be
the interfaces to the safety-relevant sensors For this, TwinCAT software assumes able to operate networked safety systems.
and actuators. the task of distributing the data. This central Without them, the commissioning, main-
The possibility to transmit the safety- distribution of the data has two significant tenance and partial operation of linked
relevant signals over a standard bus system advantages: machines are not possible.
gives rise to substantial advantages in terms – All safety-relevant data are fed via the With the EL69xx TwinSAFE Logic, all
of planning, installation, operation, mainte- functional controller and are available diagnostic data and statuses of the function
nance, diagnostics and costs. to it for diagnostic purposes. The gene- blocks can be merged into the cyclic EtherCAT
The safety application is configured ration of diagnostic data on the safety telegram. Extensive diagnosis is thus easy
or programmed in TwinCAT software. controller is not necessary. That saves to implement without additional application
This application is then loaded over the programming effort as well as computer expenditure.
bus to a TwinSAFE Logic terminal of type performance and thus costs.
KL6904 or EL69xx. These Logic terminals – All fieldbus systems operable from A backup and restore mechanism
form the heart of the TwinSAFE system. TwinCAT software are also accessible facilitates exchange in the event
All safety devices in the plant communicate to the safety equipment. The TwinSAFE/ of a fault
with this Logic terminal. Due to the enormous Safety over EtherCAT protocol is so safe Since all parameters and settings as well
flexibility of the system, however, several that even the mixing of fieldbus systems as the application software are stored on

TwinSAFE Logic terminals can be operated as well as the safety-relevant exchange the EL69xx TwinSAFE Logic, the safety con-
simultaneously in one network. of data between modules on different troller, which is just 12 mm wide, can be pro-
fieldbus systems are not a problem. grammed either in the plant over the bus or

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Safety input Safety inputs Safety inputs Safety inputs


EtherCAT Terminals

EtherCAT Box

Panel PC with push-button extension

EtherCAT Servo Drives AX5000 Safety outputs Safety inputs

Open control technology for

safety integration: the TwinSAFE/
FSoE protocol enables transfer Safety light curtain
of safety-relevant data via any
Safety Drives with TwinSAFE option card TwinSAFE Logic

at the workstation and then simply plugged If the original terminal has been exchanged, The maintenance staff only needs to
into the system. e.g. due to a defect, the system automati- exchange the Bus Terminal, everything
The EL69xx has a special backup and cally recognises a new TwinSAFE Logic and else is accomplished reliably and securely
restore mechanism. Therefore, no additional the valid TwinSAFE application is loaded by the TwinSAFE system.
exchangeable storage medium is required automatically to the new terminal. The safety
as in other systems. The user can activate check takes place fully automatically and
this function in TwinCAT software or by requires no intervention by the user.
the application.

Safety over EtherCAT – Open safety protocol according to IEC 61784-3

The open Safety over EtherCAT protocol Thus, Safety over EtherCAT is also support- establish and monitor several connections
(FSoE for short: “Failsafe over EtherCAT”) ed by other fieldbus systems and protocols to different slaves.
defines a safety-related communication such as PROFIBUS, CANopen or Ethernet.
layer for EtherCAT. It meets the require- Copper or optical fibre cables, radio links Further information see page 311
ments of IEC 61508 SIL 3 and enables or transmission technologies such as data
the transmission of secure and standard light barriers can be used as transmission
information on the same communication path. The telegram is arranged in such a
system without restrictions regarding way that a minimal container length of
transmission rates and cycle time. 6 bytes is sufficient for the transmission
Thanks to this openness any trans- of all safety information including one byte
mission media and transmission path of safe process data.
can be used with Safety over EtherCAT. Safe data are cyclically exchanged
FSoE is focused on EtherCAT, the high- between a Safety over EtherCAT master

performance Ethernet fieldbus, and the and a Safety over EtherCAT slave.
transmission of safety-related process data This mechanism is called a connection
is based on the Black Channel principle. (TwinSAFE connection). A master can

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Scalable safety technology
Irrespective of the complexity of the safety Local | Synthesis of safe and Motion Control | EtherCAT Servo
application, TwinSAFE is equally suited to standard I/Os Drives with integrated safety
small, local or central projects and to the Safe signals and standard signals in automa- With TwinSAFE, safe drive functions can
decentralised networking of safety-related tion technology can be mixed in a single sys- be easily implemented using the AX58xx
signals across different areas, plant parts tem with the CX8000, CX5000 and CX9000 TwinSAFE drive option cards for the AX5000
and modules. Using TwinSAFE all safety func- Embedded PCs as well as the small control- EtherCAT Servo Drive. The AX5801 option
tions can be programmed or configured on lers from the BX series. The KL6904 safe logic card covers the functions STO and SS1. It is
the uniform TwinCAT engineering platform. and combinations of KL1904 safe inputs and controlled via a safe output and is wired sep-
TwinSAFE seamlessly integrates safe KL2904 safe outputs can be placed anywhere arately. The AX5805 option card is capable
functions into the standard control platform in the Bus Terminal segment. According to of switching the motor torque-free or moni-
from the PLC to the I/Os to the drive tech- the same principle a larger selection of com- toring speed, position and direction of rota-
nology. TwinSAFE can be used both as a ponents is available in the EtherCAT terminal tion (in accordance with DIN EN ISO 13849-
stand-alone system and as a decentralised system. 1:2008 up to PL e). No further circuits are
controller: necessary for this, such as circuit breakers
Decentralised | Safety beyond or contactors in supply lines, or special exter-
Local | The TwinSAFE Compact EtherCAT nal encoder systems. Therefore there is no
Controller The safe EtherCAT terminals are suitable further wiring. The safety option card commu-
The all-in-one solution for local safety appli- for more complex topologies with a decen- nicates directly through the AX5000 with the
cations is the EK1960 TwinSAFE Compact tralised layout, since TwinSAFE fully lever- TwinSAFE terminals existing in the network.
Controller. It integrates a complete safety ages the performance capacity of EtherCAT.
controller including I/O level with 20 safe The safe logic is mapped by the EL6900
digital inputs and 10 safe digital outputs. TwinSAFE Logic, which links the EL190x dig-
The EK1960 can manage up to 32 TwinSAFE ital inputs and the EL290x digital outputs.
connections. For flexible adaptation to differ- In a decentralised safety solution, the termi-
ent safety tasks, the EK1960 can be extended nals can be distributed throughout the entire
by further TwinSAFE I/Os and drive compo- network and, through the EtherCAT Box
nents via the TwinSAFE protocol. EP1908-0002, even into IP 67 areas.




CANopen EtherCAT


Local stand-alone Safety Local integrated Safety Decentral Safety SSafety

f Motion
M Control PC-based
PC b d Safety

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Great variety of decentralised safety solutions
TwinSAFE represents the systematic continua- of individual production or manufacturing and without additional wiring. Thanks to the
tion of the open, PC-based control philosophy cells is considerably facilitated by the openness and fieldbus neutrality, any trans-
from Beckhoff. Thanks to the fieldbus-neutral TwinSAFE system because safety products mission media and transmission path can
safety protocol, TwinSAFE devices can be can be placed precisely at the points where be used with Safety over EtherCAT: in addi-
integrated into any desired fieldbus system. safety functions are required. This reduces tion to different fieldbuses, media converters
With the TwinSAFE I/O modules the safety the expenditure for project engineering, between copper and optical fibre physics
technology can be seamlessly integrated installation and material, and maintenance and between copper and radio can be used
into the terminal strand, where the safe sig- is also simplified by faster diagnostics and as well as transmission technologies such as
nals can be mixed with standard signals as fewer replacement parts. System extensions data light barriers.
required. The encapsulation and decoupling or changeovers can be implemented quickly


Embedded PC Embedded PC CX50xx-B110,

CX50xx-B110, PROFIBUS EtherCAT Terminals,
EtherCAT Terminals, TwinSAFE Terminals EL1904, EL2901
TwinSAFE Terminals
EL1904, EL2901

CANopen EtherCAT

CANopen slave: PROFIBUS slave: EtherCAT slave:

EtherCAT Embedded PC CX8051, Bus Terminals, “Compact” Bus Coupler BK3150, Bus Terminals, Coupler EK1100, EtherCAT Terminals,
TwinSAFE Terminals KL1904, KL2904 TwinSAFE Terminals KL1904, KL2904 TwinSAFE Logic Terminal EL6900

Fibre optic

EtherCAT slave: EtherCAT TwinSAFE TwinSAFE

Coupler EK1100, media converter EtherCAT Box EtherCAT Box
EtherCAT Terminals, EP9521 EP1908 EP1908
TwinSAFE Logic
Terminal EL6900

EtherCAT Servo Drive Synchronous

AX5000 with AX5805 Servomotors
TwinSAFE drive option card AM8000

The following environmental and operating conditions apply to all TwinSAFE products unless stated otherwise:

Technical data EKx9xx/ELx9xx/KLx9xx EPx9xx

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Climate class EN 60721-3-3 3K3 –
Permitted degree 2 –

of contamination
Installation position horizontal variable
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
Protection class IP 20 IP 65/66/67

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Safety Engineering
Safety C

Safety Runtime
With a safety development environment and
a safety runtime, the next step in the field of
safety solutions is completed with TwinCAT 3.

TwinCAT 3 and Safety | Simplified engineering

The introduction of TwinCAT 3 as a univer- alias devices must be mapped to the actually values of variables and states of the function
sal development tool creates further possi- installed physical devices. blocks are displayed directly in the graphi-
bilities for safety-relevant fields of applica- In addition to using the pre-specified cal environment, enabling fast and simple
tion. Firstly, TwinCAT 3 offers additional function blocks, there is also the possibility debugging of the application. Furthermore,
functionality for creating and managing to create custom function blocks. These can the project can be simulated offline in order
safety-relevant applications with the safety be created by combining existing – pre-cer- to considerably speed up and simplify com-
editor. Secondly, a standard Industrial PC can tified – function blocks or by using Safety C missioning.
be used as a safety controller for the first (this can be done only for the safety runtime). The editor is equipped with an auto-
time. This is possible due to the new safety Safety C is an almost unrestricted derivative matic verification mechanism which auto-
runtime. of standard C. This allows well-known control matically checks whether the saved project
structures such as IF-THEN-ELSE, SWITCH corresponds to the one created in the editor.
Safety editor CASE and the data types usual in C to be The previously familiar manual comparison
The safety editor integrated in TwinCAT 3 used for safety applications. by uploading the project back to the safety
allows the creation of a safety application in An important novelty in the program- controller is no longer necessary.
a graphical environment. The desired logic is ming of safety-relevant applications in In addition, the safety editor automati-
programmed with the help of function blocks. TwinCAT 3 is the extended user manage- cally generates documentation containing
The application can be organised in networks ment. In the so-called basic mode, the user a detailed view of all relevant project data.
for increased clarity. The familiar function can create an application exclusively from From the illustration of the hardware ter-
blocks from the KL6904 and EL69xx logic pre-specified – and thus certified – function minals with their safety-relevant settings
terminals can be used as logical elements. blocks. These also include function blocks through to an exact listing of the function
Furthermore, additional function blocks that the user has created on the basis of pre- blocks used and their interconnections, this
are provided as part of the safety runtime. certified function blocks. In expert mode, it is documentation contains all important data
The function blocks can be freely arranged possible to create function blocks in Safety C required to facilitate the wiring of the plant,
and connected within the diagram. and thus creating custom libraries. Before fault finding and maintenance.
The safety editor offers increased flexibil- loading into the safety controller, a check is
ity and portability. This is achieved by initially made as to whether the programmed logic
programming independently of the actual consists of already certified function blocks
hardware used. To this end, both the target or whether the created application requires
system and all input and output devices are renewed examination.
made available as so-called alias devices. At In addition to programming, improved

this level, all safety-relevant settings can be tools optimally support debugging and test
made in advance. Before the project is finally phase. Programs can be debugged in the
transferred to the executing hardware, these usual Visual Studio® environment: the online

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

View of the graphical editor
in TwinCAT 3

Safety runtime
The enormous development in the field of
Industrial PCs and the associated increase
in reliability and quality allow a standard
PC to be used as a safety controller. This is
made possible by a strict mathematical basis,
so that the proof of safety does not need to
make reference to the respective processor
and its environment. The independence from
the hardware basis that this creates enables Configuring the target system
the use of standard components up to SIL 3
according to IEC 61508. The certifiability of
the solution in accordance with this standard
has been confirmed in a report by the TÜV
Mathematical coding is used for this that
creates a diverse redundancy on the basis
of which the correct execution of operations
within the safety application can be checked
and a safe reaction initiated in the case of
an error. In addition to pre-specified function
blocks, the use of Safety C allows custom
function blocks to be created and saved in
a library for later use.

Further information on TwinCAT 3

on page 898 or at The automatically gener-
ated documentation con-
tains all of the project’s

relevant data in detail.


For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Controller EK1960

TwinSAFE | Compact Controller

The EK1960 TwinSAFE Compact Controller systems. The safety I/Os form the interfaces
extends the application range of the inte- to the safety-relevant sensors and actuators.
grated TwinSAFE safety solution. Thanks to its The possibility to transmit the safety-relevant
compact design, with 20 safe digital inputs signals over a standard bus system gives rise
and 24 safe digital outputs, it covers the to substantial advantages in terms of plan-
safety requirements in particular for compact ning, installation, operation, maintenance,
machines. The EK1960 can be operated in diagnostics and costs.
stand-alone mode or it can be networked In addition to the Safety over EtherCAT
with other controllers over the EtherCAT protocol, the EK1960 also supports the
connectors. Like every EtherCAT Coupler the TwinSAFE SC technology. This enables the
EK1960 can be extended by all EL/ES termi- secure transmission of data from TwinSAFE
nals. SC terminals to the EK1960 TwinSAFE Com-
The TwinSAFE Compact Controller is pro- pact Controller.
grammed via the TwinCAT Safety Editor in the The EK1960 also supports the process-
same way as other TwinSAFE components. ing of analog signals (16/32-bit, signed and
A TwinSAFE project is created and loaded unsigned). These signals can be transferred
over EtherCAT into the EK1960. The EK1960 to the logic as standard, TwinSAFE SC or
supports the establishment of 127 TwinSAFE Safety over EtherCAT signals. Analog signals
connections. For flexible adaptation to differ- can thus be checked for plausibility within
ent safety functions, the TwinSAFE Compact the logic. The entire calculation and scaling
Controller can be combined with TwinSAFE process is carried out at the SIL 3/PL e safety
I/O components in IP 20 and IP 67 protection level in the safety-related EK1960 TwinSAFE
and the TwinSAFE drive option card via the Compact Controller.
Safety over EtherCAT protocol. Certified function blocks such as ADD,
The fieldbus-neutral safety protocol SUB, MUL, DIV and also more complex ones
Safety over EtherCAT enables the integration such as Counter, Limit or Compare are avail-
of TwinSAFE devices into arbitrary fieldbus able for the processing of analog signals.


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EK1960 Controller

TwinSAFE Compact Controller,

20 safe digital inputs (24 V DC),
24 safe digital outputs (24 V DC)

Technical data EK1960

Task within coupling of EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx) to 100BASE-TX EtherCAT networks

EtherCAT system
No. of EtherCAT Terminals up to 65,534
Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud
Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e) and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)

Bus interface 2 x RJ45 or 2 x M8

Type/number max. 4.2 GB addressable I/O points
of peripheral signals
Data transfer medium Ethernet/EtherCAT cable (min. CAT 5), shielded
Current consum. from US/UP typ. 100 mA/max. 50 mA
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Distance between stations 100 m (100BASE-TX)
Delay approx. 1 µs
Number of max. 127
communication partners
Protocol EtherCAT
Safety protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
Function blocks max. 512
Response time dependent on application (< 10 ms)
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
Number of inputs 20
Number of outputs 24 (of which up to 4 are clock outputs)
Max. output current 2 A (simultaneity factor 50 % at 2 A)
Current supply E-bus 1000 mA
Operating/storage 0…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27

Approvals in preparation (CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD)

Protection class IP 20
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Coupler EK1914

TwinSAFE | Coupler
The EK1914 EtherCAT Coupler combines the EtherCAT Coupler
functionalities of the EK1100 EtherCAT Cou- with 4 inputs and 4 outputs
pler with standard and safe digital I/Os. This as well as 2 safe inputs and
results in a compact design that is especially 2 safe outputs
suitable for applications with a low number
of I/Os. The EK1914 can be extended by all Technical data EK1914
EL/ES terminals.
The EK1914 has four digital inputs and Task within coupling of EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx)
four digital outputs as well as two fail-safe EtherCAT system to 100BASE-TX EtherCAT networks
inputs and two fail-safe outputs. The safe Number of up to 65,534
outputs switch 24 V DC actuators with up to EtherCAT Terminals
0.5 A current per channel. The EK1914 meets Data transfer rates 100 Mbaud
the requirements of DIN EN ISO 13849- Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e)
1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e). Protocol EtherCAT

Sys 24 V Sys 0 V
1 9

2 10

3 11
Pwr 24 V

4 12

5 13
Pwr 0 V

6 14

7 15

8 16

Bus interface 2 x RJ45

Data transfer medium Ethernet/EtherCAT cable (min. CAT 5), shielded
Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) (PELV)
Current consumption typ. 72 mA (excluding current consumption of the sensors/
actuators and further terminals on the E-bus)
Distance between stations max. 100 m (100BASE-TX)
Delay approx. 1 µs
Safety protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
Response time typ. 4 ms (read input/write to E-bus)
max. see fault response time
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time
Number of inputs 6 digital inputs, 2 of which are fail-safe inputs
Number of outputs 6 digital outputs, 2 of which are fail-safe outputs
Current supply E-bus max. 500 mA (for higher current consumption use
EL9410 power supply terminal)
Operating/storage -25…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
Approvals CE, UL, TÜV SÜD

Weight approx. 123 g

Protection class IP 20
Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL69xx Logic

TwinSAFE | Controller
TwinSAFE Logic, TwinSAFE Logic, TwinSAFE/PROFIsafe
EtherCAT Terminal EtherCAT Terminal logic and gateway terminal,
EtherCAT Terminal

Technical data EL6900 EL6910 EL6930

Technology TwinSAFE Logic TwinSAFE/PROFIsafe logic

and gateway terminal
Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e) and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)

Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT,

The TwinSAFE Logic can The TwinSAFE Logic can The EL6930 logic terminal can
establish 128 connections establish 128 connections establish 127 connections to other
to other TwinSAFE devices. to other TwinSAFE devices. TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
devices and one PROFIsafe slave
connection to a PROFIsafe master.

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consum. pow. cont. – – –
Current consumption E-bus approx. 188 mA approx. 188 mA approx. 188 mA
Cycle time 500 µs…~25 ms 500 µs…~10 ms 500 µs…~25 ms
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable) ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable) ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
Permitted degree 2 2 2
of contamination
Climate class EN 60721-3-3 3K3 3K3 3K3
Installation position horizontal horizontal horizontal
Special features backup restore backup restore 1 PROFIsafe slave connection
Operating/storage -25…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C -25…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C -25…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/ conforms to EN 61000-6-2/ conforms to EN 61000-6-2/
EN 61000-6-4 EN 61000-6-4 EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/ conforms to EN 60068-2-6/ conforms to EN 60068-2-6/
EN 60068-2-27 EN 60068-2-27 EN 60068-2-27
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD in preparation (CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD) CE, TÜV SÜD

Weight approx. 50 g approx. 50 g approx. 50 g

Protection class IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital input EL1904

TwinSAFE | EtherCAT I/O – Digital input

The safety input terminals are for 4-channel digital
sensors with potential-free 24 V DC input terminal,
contacts. They conform to the require- TwinSAFE, 24 V DC,
ments of IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3) and EtherCAT Terminal
DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e).
The EL1904 EtherCAT Terminal has four Technical data EL1904
fail-safe inputs, the EL1908 EtherCAT
Terminal has eight fail-safe inputs. Connection technology 1-/2-wire
The EP1908 EtherCAT Box in protec-
tion class IP 67 is suitable for use directly Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e)
in the field. The EP1908 has eight dig- and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)
ital inputs and conforms to the require- Number of inputs 4
ments of IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3) and
DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e).

+60 °C The EP1908 with extended tempera-

-25 °C
ture range of -25 to +60 °C (storage
temperature -40…+85 °C) can also
1 5

be used in extreme climates.

2 6

3 7

4 8

The EL1904 Safety EtherCAT Terminal

has four fail-safe inputs.

Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption see documentation
power contacts
Current consumption E-bus approx. 200 mA
Current consum. from US/UP –
Response time typ. 4 ms (read input/write to E-bus)
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
Permitted degree 2
of contamination
Climate class 3K3
EN 60721-3-3
Installation position horizontal
Special features 4 safe inputs
Operating/storage -25…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD

Weight approx. 50 g
Protection class IP 20
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL1908, EP1908 Digital input

8-channel digital 8-channel digital

input terminal, input module,
TwinSAFE, 24 V DC, TwinSAFE, 24 V DC,
EtherCAT Terminal EtherCAT Box

EL1908 EP1908-0002

M12, screw type

DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e)

and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)
8 8
+60 °C

-25 °C

Ch 1

2 3
C 2

1 9
1 4
2 10

3 11

4 12

5 13

6 14

7 15

8 16

The EL1908 Safety EtherCAT Terminal The EP1908 TwinSAFE EtherCAT Box
has eight fail-safe inputs. has eight fail-safe inputs.

TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
see documentation –

approx. 200 mA –
– 80 mA/40 mA
typ. 4 ms (read input/write to E-bus) typ. 4 ms (read input/write to bus)
≤ watchdog time (parameterisable) ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
2 –

3K3 –

horizontal variable
8 safe inputs 8 safe inputs
0…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C -25…+60 °C/-40…+85 °C

conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4 conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4

conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27 conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
in preparation (CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD) CE, UL, TÜV SÜD

approx. 50 g approx. 165 g

IP 20 IP 65/66/67 (according to EN 60529)

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Digital output EL2901, EL2902

TwinSAFE | EtherCAT I/O – Digital output

The safety output terminals switch Potential power 2-channel digital
24 V DC actuators with a current supply terminal, output terminal,
of up to 0.5 A per channel (EL2902 TwinSAFE, 24 V DC, 10 A, TwinSAFE, 24 V DC,
with a current of up to 2.3 A per EtherCAT Terminal EtherCAT Terminal
channel). The terminals switch off
automatically on detection of a Technical data EL2901 EL2902
fault (fail stop). Whereas the EL2902
EtherCAT Terminal has two output Connection technology 1-/2-wire and/or via 1-wire
channels, the EL2904 EtherCAT Ter- power contacts
minal has four output channels. Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e) and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)
The EL2901 EtherCAT Terminal
enables configuration of safe poten- Max. output current 10 A 2.3 A (per channel)
tial groups within a terminal strand. Number of outputs 1 2
It provides an output current of 10 A.
The EL2964 Safety EtherCAT Terminal
is a digital output terminal with three
simultaneously switching, normally
open, potential-free contacts.
1 5 1 5

The safety terminals conform to

the requirements of IEC 61508:2010 2 6 2 6

(SIL 3) and DIN EN ISO 13849-

1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e).
3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8

The EL2901 Safety EtherCAT The EL2902 Safety EtherCAT

Terminal switches the power Terminal has two outputs.
contacts on two channels.

Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consum. pow. cont. load-dependent load-dependent
Current consumption E-bus approx. 221 mA approx. 221 mA
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time ≤ watchdog time
(parameterisable) (parameterisable)
Permitted degree 2 2
of contamination
Climate class EN 60721-3-3 3K3 3K3
Installation position horizontal horizontal
Special features safe power supply 2 safe outputs
Operating/storage 0…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C 0…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/ conforms to EN 61000-6-2/
EN 61000-6-4 EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/ conforms to EN 60068-2-6/
EN 60068-2-27 EN 60068-2-27
Approvals in preparation in preparation

Weight approx. 90 g approx. 90 g

Protection class IP 20 IP 20
Further information

For availability status see Beckhoff website at:

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

EL2904, EL2964 Digital output

4-channel digital 1-channel digital

output terminal, output terminal,
TwinSAFE, 24 V DC, TwinSAFE, 24 V DC,
EtherCAT Terminal EtherCAT Terminal

EL2904 EL2964

1-/2-wire 2-wire

0.5 A (per channel), min. 20 mA (with active current measurement) –

4 3 potential-free contacts (forcibly guided/synchronously switched)

1 5
24 V 1’
2 6

24 V

3 7

0V 2
4 8

The EL2904 Safety EtherCAT Terminal The EL2964 Safety EtherCAT Terminal has
has four outputs. three simultaneously switching, normally open,
potential-free contacts.

TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT

24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
load-dependent –
approx. 221 mA typ. 190 mA
≤ watchdog time ≤ watchdog time
(parameterisable) (parameterisable)
2 2

3K3 3K3
horizontal horizontal
4 safe outputs 1 safe output, 3 potential-free contacts
-25…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C 0…+55 °C/-40…+70 °C

conforms to EN 61000-6-2/ conforms to EN 61000-6-2/

EN 61000-6-4 EN 61000-6-4
conforms to EN 60068-2-6/ conforms to EN 60068-2-6/
EN 60068-2-27 EN 60068-2-27
CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD in preparation

approx. 90 g approx. 170 g

IP 20 IP 20

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Controller KL6904

TwinSAFE | Logic Bus Terminal

TwinSAFE enables networks with up to TwinSAFE Logic Bus Terminal,
1,024 TwinSAFE devices. The KL6904 Bus 4 safe outputs
Terminal features certified safety function
blocks, which are configured according to
the application to be realised. Functions
such as emergency stop, safety door moni- Technical data KL6904
toring etc. can thus easily be selected and
linked. All blocks can be freely connected Technology TwinSAFE Logic
among each other and are complemented by Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e)
operators such as AND, OR, etc. The necessary and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)
functions are configured using the TwinCAT Number of outputs 4
System Manager and loaded into the termi- Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
nal via the fieldbus.

1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8

The KL6904 can establish up to 15 connections (TwinSAFE

connections). The TwinSAFE Logic Terminal has four safe, local
outputs, so that safety applications can be realised with only
two components (KL1904 and KL6904).

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)

Current consum. pow. cont. load-dependent
Current consumption K-bus 250 mA
Cycle time 4…100 ms
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
Output current 0.5 A max./20 mA min. (per channel)
Permitted degree 2
of contamination
Climate class 3K3
EN 60721-3-3
Installation position horizontal
Special features 4 safe outputs
Operating/storage 0…+55 °C/-25…+70 °C
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD
Weight approx. 90 g
Protection class IP 20

Further information

Special terminals KL6904-0001
Distinguishing features pre-configured ex factory to 15 TwinSAFE connections

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

KL1904, KL2904 Digital I/O

TwinSAFE | Bus Terminal I/O

4-channel digital 4-channel digital
input terminal, output terminal,
TwinSAFE, 24 V DC, TwinSAFE, 24 V DC,
Bus Terminal Bus Terminal

Technical data KL1904 Technical data KL2904

Connection technology 2-wire Connection technology 2-wire

Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e) Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e)
and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3) and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)
Number of inputs 4 Max. output current 0.5 A/20 mA min. (per channel)
Number of outputs – Number of outputs 4

1 5 1 5

2 6 2 6

3 7 3 7

4 8 4 8

The KL1904 Safety Bus Terminal The KL2904 Safety Bus Terminal
has four fail-safe inputs. has four outputs.

Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT

Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
Current consum. pow. cont. – Nominal voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Current consumption K-bus 48 mA Current consum. pow. cont. load-dependent
Response time typ. 4 ms (read input/write to K-bus) Current consumption K-bus 250 mA
Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable) Fault response time ≤ watchdog time (parameterisable)
Permitted degree 2 Permitted degree 2
of contamination of contamination
Climate class EN 60721-3-3 3K3 Climate class EN 60721-3-3 3K3
Installation position horizontal Installation position horizontal
Special features 4 safe inputs Special features 4 safe outputs
Operating/storage 0…+55 °C/-25…+70 °C Operating/storage 0…+55 °C/-25…+70 °C
temperature temperature
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/ EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2/
EN 61000-6-4 EN 61000-6-4
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/ Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6/
EN 60068-2-27 EN 60068-2-27
Approvals CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD Approvals CE, UL, Ex, TÜV SÜD

Weight approx. 50 g Weight approx. 100 g

Protection class IP 20 Protection class IP 20
Further information Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Drive Technology AX580x

TwinSAFE | Option cards for AX5000 Servo Drives

Significant hazards to persons arise from The AX5805/AX5806 option cards are capable
the dynamic movements of electrical drive of switching the motor torque-free or moni-
equipment of machines. With the AX58xx toring speed, position and direction of rota-
TwinSAFE drive option cards numerous tion (in accordance with DIN EN ISO 13849-
safety functions can be easily implemented 1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e)). No further circuits are
by the user. Safe stop functions, safe motion necessary for this, such as circuit breakers or
functions and safe brake functions can be contactors in supply lines, or special external
realised. encoder systems.
This enables a very lean installation and
AX5801 | Personal protection against helps to lower costs and control cabinet
inadvertent restart of the drive axis space. No special encoder system is required
(STO/SS1): in order to implement the SDI (Safe Direc-
– Safe Torque Off (STO) according to tion) or SLS (Safety Limited Speed) functions;
IEC 61800-5-2 all Beckhoff standard motors can be used
– control through safe 24 V DC outputs without modifications and without additional
– mains voltage and motor line remain encoder systems for these functions. Even
connected safe position monitoring or position range With the AX5805 TwinSAFE drive option card, the
monitoring is simple to implement by means AX5000 servo drive is easily converted into a safe
AX5805, AX5806 | Further drive-integrated of the AX5805/AX5806 module. No addition- drive solution that offers the user numerous safety
safety functions according to IEC 61800-5-2. al wiring is required, since EtherCAT commu- functions.
Control is performed via EtherCAT; no further nication is used in the AX5000 Servo Drives.
wiring is required: The safety option card communicates directly
– stop functions (STO, SOS, SS1, SS2) through the AX5000 with the TwinSAFE logic
– speed functions (SLS, SSM, SSR, SMS) terminal present in the network. the application in the TwinSAFE logic
with up to 8 speeds Like the programming or configuration terminal. For this reason, the AX5805/
– position functions (SLP, SCA, SLI) with of the safety application, the entire param- AX5806 TwinSAFE drive option card can be
reference cams eterisation of the AX5805/AX5806 option exchanged at any time without software.
– acceleration functions (SAR, SMA) cards takes place in TwinCAT. All system- The card receives all necessary parameters
– rotating direction functions (SDIp, SDIn) specific settings are stored together with at the next power-on or boot-up.

3 2

TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT slave

Panel PC

TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT master

The individual addressing of

all safety products in the network
enables safe communication within

a standard network according to 5 1

the Black Channel principle.


We reserve the right to make technical changes.

AX580x Drive Technology

TwinSAFE drive TwinSAFE drive

option card option card

Technical data AX5801-0200 Technical data AX5805-0000, AX5806-0000

Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e) Safety standard DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008 (Cat 4, PL e)
and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3) and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 3)

Drive-integrated safety functions: Drive-integrated safety functions:

– stop functions (STO, SS1) – stop functions
(STO, SS1, SOS, SS2)
– speed functions
Operating voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) with up to 8 speeds
of the relays – position functions
Operating voltage 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %) (SLP, SCA, SLI)
with reference cams
of the feedback contacts
– acceleration functions
Max. switching current 0.35 A (SAR, SMA)
of the feedback contacts – rotating direction functions
Cross-section of the 0.2…1.5 mm² (SDIp, SDIn)
connections (use of fer-
rules is recommended)
Stripping length 10 mm
of the wires
Current consumption 50 mA
(total for both relays)
Weight approx. 85 g Protocol TwinSAFE/Safety over EtherCAT
Operating temperature 0…+55 °C Fault response time ≤ watchdog time
Storage temperature -25…+70 °C (parameterisable)
Permissible humidity 5…95 %, non-condensing Weight approx. 75 g 726
Further environmental see AX5000, page 798 Environmental and see AX5000, page 798

and operating conditions operating conditions

Approvals CE, UL, TÜV SÜD Approvals CE, UL, TÜV SÜD
Further information Further information

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Support, Service, Training
Support, Service, Training

Support, Service, Training

Support, Service, Training

Support, Service, Training
Worldwide presence and comprehensive services

992 Support & Service 995 TwinCAT 2 Training 998 TwinCAT 3 Training
993 Contacts worldwide
994 Training 995 Basics 998 Basics
995 Compact programming 998 Maintenance, repairs and
TR1000 service TR3010, TR3012
995 Programming for those 998 Basic PLC programming TR3020
switching from PLCs TR1020 999 Programming TR3030
995 Maintenance, repairs and service 999 How to switch from
TR1010, TR1012 TC2 to TC3 TR3040

996 Motion Control 999 Extended

996 NC Point-to-Point TR2020 999 C++ module creation, wizards,
996 NC Point-to-Point and TMC editor TR3042
NC Interpolation TR2030 999 Object-oriented programming
with the PLC TR3044
996 Building Automation
996 Basic course in building 999 Motion Control
automation for electricians 999 NC Point-to-Point TR3050
TR5010, TR5012 1000 NC Point-to-Point and
996 Building automation for NC Interpolation TR3052
system integrators TR5020 1000 CNC TR3054

997 Advanced 1000 Advanced

997 TwinSAFE TR8010 1000 TwinSAFE Terminals TR3060
997 TwinSAFE drive option card 1000 TwinSAFE drive option card
TR8011 TR3061
997 EtherCAT TR8020 1001 Visualisation and Connectivity
997 Individual 1001 OPC UA TR3072
1001 EtherCAT TR3076
1001 Automation Interface TR3080

1002 EtherCAT Developer Training

1002 EtherCAT technology basics

Support, Service, Training

for developers TR8110

1002 EtherCAT workshops for
developers TR8100, TR8200

Support, Service
Beckhoff and its partners around the world offer comprehensive support and service, guaranteeing fast
and competent assistance with all questions related to Beckhoff products and system solutions.

Beckhoff Support

Beckhoff offers you comprehensive technical assistance, helping

you not only with the application of individual Beckhoff products,
but also with wide-ranging services:
– worldwide support
– design, programming and commissioning of complex
automation systems
– training program for Beckhoff system components

Beckhoff Service

The Beckhoff service center supports you in all matters

of after-sales service:
– on-site service – repair service
– spare parts service – hotline service
Beckhoff support and service are available to you wherever
you are in the world, and can be reached by telephone, fax
or e-mail. The contact addresses for your country can be found
in the list of Beckhoff branches and partner companies:
Support, Service, Training

992 We reserve the right to make changes.

Support, Service Italy Switzerland Peru Saudi Arabia
Beckhoff Automation S.r.l. Beckhoff Automation AG Techpro SAC Beckhoff Automation Contact
Europe Via Luciano Manara, 2 Rheinweg 7 Jr. Contralmirante Montero P.O.Box 93228
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Phone: + 39 02 / 9 94 53 11 Phone: + 41 52 / 6 33 40 40 Dpto. 401 Magdalena del Mar Phone: + 966 11 486 8419
Germany [email protected] [email protected] Lima [email protected] Phone: (+ 51) 9 89 43 58 54
Beckhoff Automation
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Huelshorstweg 20 Belarus Beckhoff Otomasyon Ltd. Şti. Vietnam
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Hotline: + 49 5246 963-460 Malta The Boathouse Egypt South Korea
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Phone: + 358 (0) 20 / 7 42 38 00 Kosovo, Montenegro Avenida Americo Vespucio 2680, 18th Floor Unit C2, 59 Apollo Drive Beckhoff Avtomatizacija d.o.o. Oficina 33, Conchalí, Santiago 1-1-8 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku Albany, Auckland 0632 Zbiljska cesta 4 Phone: + 562 / 262 264 72 Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken Phone: + 64 (9) 281 2736
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Spain Industrial Technologies (itec) S.A.L.
91140 Villebon-sur-Yvette Cedex
Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 29 83 70 Beckhoff Automation S.A.
Phone: + 57 1 533 4323 Afrah Plaza Center, For further addresses
Edificio Testa Sant Cugat Blvd Fouad Chehab
[email protected] Avda. Alcalde Barnils, 64-68
[email protected] Sin El Fil, Beirut see page 10
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Industrial Automation Systems [email protected] TCS INDUSTRIAL [email protected]
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241 EL. Venizelou Guayaquil Of. 1002A
176 73 Kallithea /Athens Sweden Quito, Pichincha Malaysia
Greece Beckhoff Automation AB Phone: + 593 / 2 50 80 28 Beckhoff Automation Sdn. Bhd.
Phone: + 30 / 21 09 51 02 60 Stenåldersgatan 2A [email protected] (889044-H)
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Phone: + 46 (0) 40 / 6 80 81 60 No.1 Jalan PJU 7/3
Hungary [email protected] Mutiara Damansara
Beckhoff Automation Kft. 47810 Petaling Jaya
Gubacsi út 6. Phone: + 60 (3) 7731 8388
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Support, Service, Training

1097 Budapest
Phone: + 36 1 501 9940
[email protected]

We reserve the right to make changes. 993


Beckhoff offers a comprehensive training program worldwide for Beckhoff system components.
The training takes place at training centres at the headquarters in Germany or at the Beckhoff
subsidiaries. Please contact the appropriate companies in your country with regard to training
with the partner firms around the world. For addresses see page 10
Support, Service, Training

994 We reserve the right to make changes.

TwinCAT 2 Training
TR1000 | TwinCAT 2 Training: Compact programming
Information TR1000
Content TwinCAT PLC: TwinCAT handling, IEC 61131-3 programming; TwinCAT NC PTP: basics of axis commissioning;
TwinCAT ADS: communication interface, high-level language communication
Requirements sound knowledge of Windows operating systems; experience in PLC programming; knowledge of PLC or
high-level language concepts such as declaration of variables, variable classes and structures
Duration 5 days
Further information

TR1020 | TwinCAT 2 Training: Programming for those switching from PLCs

Information TR1020
Content TwinCAT PLC: TwinCAT handling, IEC 61131-3 programming; TwinCAT NC PTP: basics of axis commissioning
Requirements sound knowledge of Windows operating systems; experience in PLC programming
Duration 5 days
Further information

TR1010, TR1012 | TwinCAT 2 Training: Maintenance, repairs and service

Information TR1010 TR1012
Content TwinCAT PLC: TwinCAT handling, commissioning, same as TR1010, additionally overview of Structured Text
IEC 61131-3 programming; TwinCAT NC PTP: basics of programming
axis commissioning; TwinCAT ScopeView for diagnostics
Support, Service, Training

Requirements sound knowledge of Windows basic functionalities; handling of PLC systems, such as logging in and out,
saving PLC programmes, etc.
Duration 4 days 5 days
Further information

We reserve the right to make changes. 995

Training TwinCAT 2

TR2020 | TwinCAT 2 Training: NC Point-to-Point

Information TR2020
Content TwinCAT NC PTP: operation of TwinCAT NC feed forward, controller, functional plan; NC control with NC library blocks,
cyclic interface, axis blocks; TwinCAT ScopeView: recording of the set value profiles; Motion Control (MC) blocks:
standardisation of axis functions, simplifications in the use of MC blocks, advantages for programming and maintenance;
programming examples; TwinCAT cam plates and MC blocks for cam plate functionality
Requirements assured handling of TwinCAT PLC programming; solid knowledge of PLC programming; level of knowledge
corresponding to courses TR1000/TR1020, or corresponding experience in IEC 61131-3 programming; programming
languages: ST and Sequential Function Chart (SFC)
Duration 2 days
Further information

TR2030 | TwinCAT 2 Training: NC Point-to-Point and NC Interpolation

Information TR2030
Content TwinCAT NC PTP: same as TR2020 without cam plates; TwinCAT NC I: creation of axis groups from single axes using
function blocks from the TwinCAT libraries, creating NC programs in accordance with DIN 66025, sequential control from
the System Manager, PLC libraries for creating NC channels and for controlling the interpreter, sequential control from the
PLC, communication between NC program and PLC program (M functions), exchange of parameters between NC program
and PLC (H, S and T), set value monitoring for the path from TwinCAT Scope
Requirements assured handling of TwinCAT PLC programming, solid knowledge of PLC programming, level of knowledge corresponding
to courses TR1000/TR1020, or corresponding experience in IEC 61131-3 programming, programming languages: ST
Duration 3 days
Further information

TR5010, TR5012 | TwinCAT 2 Training: Basic course in building automation

for electricians
Information TR5010 TR5012
Content TwinCAT PLC: TwinCAT handling, overview of IEC 61131-3; TwinCAT PLC: TwinCAT handling, overview of IEC 61131-3;
handling Embedded PC CX; building automation library handling Embedded PC CX; building automation library;
overview of Structured Text programming
Requirements sound knowledge of Windows operating systems
Duration 3 days 4 days
Further information

TR5020 | TwinCAT 2 Training: Building automation for system integrators

Information TR5020
Content communication with and handling of Embedded PC CX; TwinCAT PLC: TwinCAT handling, IEC programming,
Support, Service, Training

overview of IEC 61131-3; TwinCAT BACnet/IP supplement; TwinCAT building automation software
Requirements sound knowledge of Windows operating systems, experience in PLC programming
Duration 4 days
Further information

996 We reserve the right to make changes.

TwinCAT 2 Training

TR8010 | TwinCAT 2 Training: TwinSAFE

Information TR8010
Content integration of TwinSAFE Terminals, handling the TwinSAFE configurator, using the TwinSAFE library
Requirements experience in handling TwinCAT software
Duration 1 day
Further information

TR8011 | TwinCAT 2 Training: TwinSAFE AX5805 drive option card

Information TR8011
Content overview of the AX5805 option card functions, development of an example project, configuration of the option card
Requirements experience in handling of TwinCAT software, experience in TwinCAT NC PTP, training contents of TR8010 or experience
in TwinSAFE Terminals
Duration 1 day
Further information

TR8020 | TwinCAT 2 Training: EtherCAT

Information TR8020
Content EtherCAT basics, configuration in the System Manager, EtherCAT diagnostics (topology view, emergency scan),
oversampling terminals
Requirements experience in handling of TwinCAT software
Duration 1 day
Further information

TR1900 | TwinCAT Training: Individual

Information TR1900
Content agreed upon with the customer
Support, Service, Training

Requirements agreed upon with the customer

Duration by arrangement
Further information

We reserve the right to make changes. 997

TwinCAT 3 Training
TR3010, TR3012 | TwinCAT 3 Training: Maintenance, repairs and service
Information TR3010 TR3012
Content TwinCAT PLC: introduction to TwinCAT eXtended Automation same as TR3010, additionally overview of Structured Text
Technology (XAT); TwinCAT system architecture: configura- programming
tion and diagnostics, basics of IEC 61131-3 programming;
TwinCAT NC PTP: basics of axis commissioning and Motion
Control blocks
Requirements sound knowledge of basic Windows functionalities; basics of PLC systems
Duration 4 days 5 days
Further information

TR3020 | TwinCAT 3 Training: Basic PLC programming

Information TR3020
Content basic PLC principles: introduction to TwinCAT eXtended Automation Technology (XAT); eXtended Automation Engineering
environment (XAE), Microsoft Visual Studio® integration; hardware configuration; IEC 61131-3 programming; FBD, LD, ST
and SFC editors; basic principles of ADS communication; TwinCAT NC PTP: basis of axis commissioning, motion control
Support, Service, Training

function blocks, TcMC2 library

Requirements sound knowledge of PLC programming; no prior knowledge of TwinCAT 2 or IEC 61131-3 is necessary
Duration 5 days
Further information

998 We reserve the right to make changes.

TwinCAT 3 Training

TR3030 | TwinCAT 3 Training: Programming

Information TR3030
Content TwinCAT PLC: introduction to TwinCAT eXtended Automation Technology (XAT), eXtended Automation Engineering
environment (XAE), Microsoft Visual Studio® integration, IEC 61131-3 programming; TwinCAT NC PTP: basics of axis
commissioning and motion control components; TwinCAT ADS: communication interface, high-level language link
Requirements sound knowledge of PLC or high-level language concepts such as declaration of variables, variable classes and structures;
no prior knowledge of TwinCAT 2 is necessary
Duration 5 days
Further information

TR3040 | TwinCAT 3 Training: How to switch from TC2 to TC3

Information TR3040
Content TwinCAT PLC: introduction to TwinCAT eXtended Automation Technology (XAT), eXtended Automation Engineering
environment (XAE), Microsoft Visual Studio® integration, basic differences between TC2 and TC3, principles of
object-oriented programming in the PLC, integration of TcCom modules, MATLAB®/Simulink®, C/C++
Requirements sound knowledge of TwinCAT 2 programming; basics of high-level language programming
Duration 2 days
Further information

TR3042 | TwinCAT 3 Training: C++ module creation, wizards, TMC editor

Information TR3042
Content TwinCAT PLC: TwinCAT architecture, TwinCAT XAE (Engineering) and XAR (Runtime), opportunities and limitations of C++
programming in the TwinCAT 3 real-time environment, requirements on the development PC; TwinCAT Class Wizard:
creating and debugging examples, TwinCAT TMC editor, real-time settings, task configuration multi-core support,
consolidation of the above topics using practical examples
Requirements sound knowledge of the C++ programming language
Duration 2 days
Further information

TR3044 | TwinCAT 3 Training: Object-oriented programming with the PLC

Information TR3044
Content introduction to OOP, new: keywords of IEC 61131-3 3rd edition, implementation of a PLC example in a FB
with OOP elements, inheritance, overwrite
Requirements sound knowledge of PLC programming with TwinCAT 3, training contents of TR3030
Duration 1 day
Further information

TR3050 | TwinCAT 3 Training: NC Point-to-Point

Information TR3050
Content operation of TwinCAT NC feed forward, controller, functional plan, NC control with NC library blocks, cyclic interface,
axis blocks; TwinCAT Measurement: recording of set value profiles; Motion Control (MC) blocks: standardisation of axis
functions, simplifications in the use of MC blocks, advantages for programming and maintenance, programming examples,
TwinCAT cam plates and MC blocks for cam plate functionality
Requirements assured handling of TwinCAT 3 PLC programming; solid knowledge of PLC programming; level of knowledge corresponding
Support, Service, Training

to courses TR3020/TR3030, or corresponding experience in IEC 61131-3 programming; programming languages: ST

Duration 2 days
Further information

We reserve the right to make changes. 999

Training TwinCAT 3

TR3052 | TwinCAT 3 Training: NC Point-to-Point and NC Interpolation

Information TR3052
Content TwinCAT NC PTP: same as TR3050 without cam plates; TwinCAT NC I: creation of axis groups from single axes using
function blocks from the TwinCAT libraries, creating CNC programs, sequential control from the System Manager,
PLC libraries for creating NC channels and for controlling the interpreter, sequential control from the PLC, communication
between NC and PLC program (M functions), exchange of parameters between NC program and PLC (H, S and T), set value
monitoring for the path from TwinCAT Scope
Requirements assured handling of TwinCAT PLC programming; solid knowledge of PLC programming; level of knowledge corresponding
to courses TR3020/TR3030, or corresponding experience in IEC 61131-3 programming; programming languages: ST
Duration 3 days
Further information

TR3054 | TwinCAT 3 Training: CNC

Information TR3054
Content introduction to TwinCAT CNC, creating and processing CNC configurations in the System Manager, creating NC programs
compliant with DIN 66025 and extensions of the CNC kernel, operating CNC interfaces via structures in the PLC, data
and communication exchange between PLC and CNC using M functions and V. E. variables, recording and displaying CNC
quantities using Scope View, system diagnostics facilities, operation and use of the “HLI” (high level interface), kinematic
transformations, commissioning of servo drives using the CNC
Requirements basics of programming and automation technology using TwinCAT; familiarity with TwinCAT 3 system configuration and
programming; in-depth knowledge of PLC programming; contents of the courses TR3030/TR3020, or equivalent experience
of IEC 61131-3 programming (we recommend advanced TwinCAT 2 users to first take the course “TR3040 | Switching from
TC2 to TC3” as a basis); ST programming language
Duration 2 days
Further information

TR3060 | TwinCAT 3 Training: TwinSAFE Terminals

Information TR3060
Content introduction to the TwinSAFE system, integration of TwinSAFE Terminals, development of a TwinSAFE project,
overview of the TwinSAFE function blocks
Requirements experience in handling of TwinCAT 3 software
Duration 1 day
Further information

TR3061 | TwinCAT 3 Training: TwinSAFE AX5805 drive option card

Information TR3061
Content overview of the functions of the AX5805 option card, development of an example project, configuration of the option card
Support, Service, Training

Requirements experience in handling of TwinCAT 3 software, experience in TwinCAT NC PTP, training contents of TR3060,
experience in TwinSAFE Terminals
Duration 1 day
Further information

1000 We reserve the right to make changes.

TwinCAT 3 Training

TR3070 | TwinCAT 3 Training: Visualisation and Connectivity

Information TR3070
Content TwinCAT PLC visualisation: short insight with programming examples for various control elements of PLC visualisation,
use of TF1800 for target visualisation, use of TF1810 for Web visualisation; OPC UA: configuration and commissioning of
TF6100, programming examples for the use of the OPC UA server; ADS interface: presentation of TcAds.dll for establishing
a connection between programs written in a high-level language and the TwinCAT 3 environment, program examples for
the integration of TcAds.dll into a platform-based visualisation under C# and .NET, program examples for the integration of
TcAds.dll into a Web-based visualisation under HTML5 and JavaScript
Requirements experienced TwinCAT 3 users with knowledge of high-level language programming
Duration 3 days
Further information

TR3072 | TwinCAT 3 Training: OPC UA

Information TR3072
Content overview and benefits of OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA); basic components of TF6100 TC3 OPC UA; operating principle
of the TwinCAT OPC UA Server (architecture, configuration, symbol files, communication patterns, security, setup scenarios);
operating principle of the TwinCAT OPC UA Configurator (architecture, online panel, diagnostics, certificate management);
operating principle of the TwinCAT OPC UA Client (architecture, function blocks of the PLCopen_Opc_Ua library, read/write
workflow, MethodCall workflow, security)
Requirements knowledge of handling the TwinCAT system is required, such as I/O configuration, PLC handling, linking of PLC variables
Duration 1 day
Further information

TR3076 | TwinCAT 3 Training: EtherCAT

Information TR3076
Content EtherCAT basics, diagnostics, Hot Connect, XFC, redundancy, simulation
Requirements knowledge of handling the TwinCAT 3 software
Duration 1 day
Further information

TR3080 | TwinCAT 3 Training: Automation Interface

Information TR3080
Content basic functions of the TwinCAT Automation Interface (combination of two technologies: Visual Studio® and TwinCAT XAE,
adding TwinCAT configurations); using TwinCAT I/O functions (adding I/O devices, managing I/O templates); using TwinCAT
PLC functions (adding PLC projects, adding POUs, modifying PLC program code, managing libraries, placeholders and
repositories); using TwinCAT TcCOM functions (adding and parameterising TcCOM modules); using TwinCAT measurement
functions (adding TwinCAT measurement projects, adding and parameterising charts, axes and channels); mapping between
Support, Service, Training

I/O, PLC and TcCOM modules

Requirements knowledge of handling the TwinCAT system is required, such as I/O configuration, PLC handling, linking of PLC variables
Duration 1 day
Further information

We reserve the right to make changes. 1001

EtherCAT Developer Training
TR8xxx | EtherCAT seminar and workshops for developers
The workshops are aimed at developers of EtherCAT slave devices (TR8100) or EtherCAT master devices (TR8200). In addition to theoretical
content these workshops also include practical exercises. It is assumed that workshop participants have access to an EL9820 evaluation kit
(slave workshop) or the ET9200 Master Sample Code (master workshop). Basic EtherCAT knowledge is assumed. The workshops are held
by developers in manageable groups so that individual interests can be addressed.

TR8110 EtherCAT technology basics for developers

Ordering information training location: Verl/Nuremberg, Germany
duration: 1 day
Further information course contents and requirements see

TR8100 EtherCAT evaluation kit workshop for slave developers

Ordering information training location: Verl/Nuremberg, Germany
duration: 1 day
Further information course contents and requirements see

TR8200 EtherCAT Master Sample Code workshop for master developers

Ordering information training location: Verl/Nuremberg, Germany
duration: 1 day
Further information course contents and requirements see
Support, Service, Training

1002 We reserve the right to make changes.

Information Media

Order no. DK130x Order no. DK140x Order no. DK4000

News catalog Product overview Product DVD

Ordering information
DK1101 Main catalog, German
DK1102 Main catalog, English
DK1301 News catalog, German
DK1302 News catalog, English
DK1401 Product overview, German
DK1402 Product overview, English
Support, Service, Training

DK1405 Product overview, French

DK1407 Product overview, Russian
DK1409 Product overview, Turkish
DK4000 Main catalog and software products on DVD, German, English

We reserve the right to make changes. 1003

Information Media
Applications & Solutions

Ordering information
DK3501 Flyer Building Automation, German
DK3502 Flyer Building Automation, English
DK3521 Image Flyer Building Automation, German
DK3522 Image Flyer Building Automation, English
DK3511 Flyer Wood Industry, German
DK3512 Flyer Wood Industry, English
DK3531 Flyer Water Treatment, German
DK3532 Flyer Water Treatment, English
DK3561 Flyer Plastic Industry, German
DK3562 Flyer Plastic Industry, English
DK3571 Flyer Wind Turbines, German
DK3572 Flyer Wind Turbines, English
DK3541 Flyer Packaging Industry, German
DK3542 Flyer Packaging Industry, English
DK3581 Flyer Robotics, German
DK3582 Flyer Robotics, English
DK3551 Flyer Tire and Rubber Industry, German
DK3552 Flyer Tire and Rubber Industry, English
DK3631 Flyer Photovoltaic Production, German
DK3632 Flyer Photovoltaic Production, English
DK3591 Flyer Forming Technology/Sheet Metal Working, German
DK3592 Flyer Forming Technology/Sheet Metal Working, English
DK3661 Flyer Urban Automation, German
DK3662 Flyer Urban Automation, English
Support, Service, Training

DK3651 Flyer Shipbuilding, German

DK3652 Flyer Shipbuilding, English
DK3641 Flyer Stage and Show Technology, German
DK3642 Flyer Stage and Show Technology, English

1004 We reserve the right to make changes.

Information Media
PC Control Magazine

PC Control “The New Automation Technology Magazine”

A further source of information is PC Control, the Beckhoff company magazine. PC Control is
issued four times per year and includes general automation technology reports, particularly
from the areas of IPC, I/O, Motion and Automation, and PC-based control technology. The online
version of the Beckhoff company magazine can be found at All contribu-
tions are available both in German and in English as web pages or as PDF files. The reports are
supplemented with links to background or other additional information. The previous issues of
PC Control are available in the archive for online viewing or for downloading.

Order no. DK600x

PC Control Magazine

PC Control. Now available.

Download our app for the e-paper of PC
Control Magazine free of charge and browse
through all articles of the print edition wher-
ever you are. View also additional informa-
tion in a multimedia format optimised for
your tablet – picture galleries, podcasts and
videos provide an interactive and inspiring
viewing experience.
Support, Service, Training

Ordering information
DK6001 Company magazine PC Control, German
DK6002 Company magazine PC Control, English

We reserve the right to make changes. 1005

Products online
At you can get detailed information
on the range of products from Beckhoff. Animations,
videos and interactive online presentations supplement
the large variety of information.

Print media online

The Beckhoff catalogs and flyers are
available for download on the Internet.
Printed copies are available on request.
Please use our online order form to
Support, Service, Training

specify your requirements.

1006 We reserve the right to make changes.

The online manual
The Beckhoff Information System contains information about
the Beckhoff products and technical information, manuals,
TwinCAT example codes, a knowledge base and much more.

TwinCAT automation software can be

downloaded as a full version and or as a
runtime version. The trial period for the
runtime version is seven days.

Online documentation
In addition to all information contained in the printed catalog, the online service offers
additional information, available in the universal PDF or in CHM (Compiled HTML) file
format: detailed documentation and manuals for Beckhoff products and software updates,
technical drawings and configuration files for fieldbus components.
Support, Service, Training

We reserve the right to make changes. 1007

International units | Measures, weights and temperature
Linear measures Weights
1 inch (in) 25.4 mm 1 pound (lb) 453.59237 g
1 foot (ft) 30.48 cm 1 ounce (oz) 28.3495 g

Square measures Fahrenheit (°F) Celsius (°C)

1 square inch (sq in) 6.4516 cm 2 t F = 9/5 * t C+32 t C = 5/9 * (t F-32)
1 square foot (sq ft) 0.09290306 m 2

Beckhoff®, TwinCAT®, EtherCAT®, EtherCAT P®, Safety over EtherCAT®, TwinSAFE®, XFC® and XTS® are registered trademarks of and licensed by
Beckhoff Automation GmbH. Other designations used in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes
could violate the rights of the owners.

© Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG 12/2015

Support, Service, Training

The information provided in this brochure contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual application
do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective
characteristics shall only exist if expressively agreed in the terms of contract.

1008 We reserve the right to make changes.

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