8.0 Design of Axially Loaded Members
8.0 Design of Axially Loaded Members
8.0 Design of Axially Loaded Members
Slenderness ratio
The load-carrying capacity of compression members is a function of the slenderness ratio,
Where I s the second moment of area and A is the cross-sectional area of the member.
For rectangular sections, where b is the least lateral dimension (Fig. BELOW), the value of i
simplifies to:
Clause 2.11.4 of BS 5268:Part 2 :2002 recommends that the slenderness ratio should not exceed
a value of:
= 180, for compression members carrying dead and imposed loads other than loads resulting
from wind,
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=250, for any members subject to reversal of axial stress solely from the effect of wind and
any compression member carrying self-weight and wind loads only.
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Modification factor for compression members K12
The modification factor for compression members, KI2, can be determined using either
Table 22 of BS 5268 or calculated from the equation given in Annex B of the code.
E (i.e. Emin) should be used in all cases including when load sharing is present
The value of for use in either method, should be the grade compressive stress,
(given in Tables 8-14 of the code) modified only for moisture content, duration of
loading and size where appropriate.
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Member subjected to axial compression only
Clause 2.11.5
An axially loaded column has its line of action of load passing through the centroidal axis
of the column, see Fig a. below
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Members subject to axial compression and bending
Clause 2.11.6
Members which are restrained at both ends in position but not direction, which
covers most real situations, should be so proportioned that:
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Design of tension members
Clause 2.12
The design of tension members involves trial and error.
The capacity of a tension member at its weakest point, for example at connection points,
should be determined. Generally, the cross-sectional dimensions are found first by assuming
a connector arrangement.
After connectors are designed, the strength of the member is again checked based on its net
cross-sectional area at the point of connection
Design considerations
The main design considerations for tension members are:
Tensile stress for members subjected to axial loading only.
Combined bending and tensile stresses for members subjected to lateral
loading as well as the axial tension.
BS 5268: Part 2 recommends that in the calculation of the permissible tensile stress value the
effect of the width of the timber section KI4 should be considered
With factor, K
Clause 2.12.2
The grade tension stresses given in Tables 8-14 of BS 5268 :Part 2 apply to members having
a width (i.e. The greater transverse dimension), h, of 300mm For other widths of members
assigned to a strength class, the grade tension stresses should be multiplied by the width
modification factor,
K14, where:
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Members subjected to axial tension only
The applied tensile stress in an axially loaded timber member is calculated from the following
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