Biomedical Waste Management

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A Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility (CBWTF) is a set up where
biomedical waste generated from member health care facilities is imparted necessary treatment to
reduce adverse effects that this waste may pose on human health and environment. The treated
recyclable waste may finally be sent for disposal in a secured landfill or for recycling.

According to the Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016, "bio-medical waste treatment and
disposal facility" means any facility wherein treatment, disposal of bio-medical waste or processes
incidental to such treatment and disposal is carried out, and includes common bio-medical waste
treatment facilities and "operator of a common bio-medical waste treatment facility" means a person
who owns or controls a Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility (CBWTF) for
the collection, reception, storage, transport, treatment, disposal or any other form of handling of bio-
medical waste.

The Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 (hereafter referred as BMWM Rules) restricts
occupier for establishment of on-site or captive bio-medical waste treatment and disposal facility, if a
service of common bio- medical waste treatment and disposal facility is available within a distance of
seventy-five kilometer, as installation of individual treatment facility by health care facility (HCF)
requires comparatively high capital investment. In addition, it requires separate dedicated and trained
skilled manpower and infrastructure development for proper operation and maintenance of treatment
systems. The concept of CBWTF is not only addresses such problems but also prevents proliferation
of treatment technologies in a particular town or city. In turn, it reduces the monitoring pressure on
regulatory agencies. By running the treatment equipment at CBWTF to its full capacity, the cost of
treatment of per kilogram bio-medical waste gets significantly reduced. Its considerable advantages
have made CBWTF popular and proven concept in most part of the world.

The CBWTFs are also required to set up based on the need for ensuring environmentally sound
management of bio-medical waste keeping in view the techno-economic feasibility and viable
operation of the facility with minimal impact on human health and environment.


 It is defined as “any waste, which is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or

immunization of human beings or animals or research activities pertaining thereto or in the
production or testing of biological or in health camps, including the categories mentioned in
Schedule I appended to BMW rules 2016”
 “Any solid and/or liquid waste including its container and any intermediate product, which is
generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or animals”.
 Any waste generated during diagnosis and treatment or immunisation of human beings or
animals research activities production or testing of biological and various health camp
including the categories mentioned in schedule 1 of these rules.

Bio-Medical Waste generated by

 Hospitals
 Nursing Homes
 Clinics
 Dispensaries
 Veterinary Institutes/Animal Houses
 Pathological Laboratories
 Blood Banks/Blood Donation Camps
 Ayush Hospitals
 Clinical Establishment
 Research/Educational Institute/Research Labs
 Health Camps
 Medical or Surgical Camps
 Vaccination Camps
 Blood Donation Camps
 First Aid Rooms of Schools
 Forensic Laboratories



 Households solid wastes

 Institutional and commercial buildings Plastic waste
 Hospitals E- Waste
 Industries Hazardous waste
 Biomedical Waste

Human anatomical waste like tissues, organs and body parts Animal wastes generated during research
from veterinary hospitals Microbiology and biotechnology wastes Waste sharps like hypodermic
needles, syringes, scalpels and broken glass Discarded medicines and cytotoxic drugs Soiled waste
such as dressing, bandages, plaster casts, material contaminated with blood, tubes and catheters
Liquid waste from any of the infected areas Incineration ash and other chemical wastes. The
biomedical waste (BMW) management requires its categorisation as a first step.

The BMW Rules classify the BMW into following categories.

Categories off biomedical waste management schedule I

category Type of waste Type of bag or Treatmennt and
container to be used disposal option
Yellow Human tissues, organs, Yellow coloured Incineration or Plasma
body parts and fetus non-chlorinated Pyrolysis or deep
below the viability plastic bags. burial.
period (as per the
Medical Termination
of Pregnancy Act 1971,
amended from time to

Animal Anatomical
Waste : Experimental
animal carcasses, body
parts, organs, tissues,
including the waste
generated from animals
used in experiments or Incineration or Plasma
testing in veterinary Pyrolysis or deep burial
hospitals or colleges or In absence of above
animal houses. facilities, autoclaving
or micro-waving/
Soiled Waste: Items hydroclaving followed
contaminated with by shredding or
blood, body fluids like mutilation or
dressings, plaster casts, combination of
cotton swabs and bags sterilization and
containing residual or shredding. Treated
discarded blood and waste to be sent for
blood components. energy recovery.

Expired or Discarded Yellow coloured Expired cytotoxic

Medicines: non-chlorinated drugs and items
Pharmaceutical waste plastic bags or contaminated with
like antibiotics, containers cytotoxic drugs to be
cytotoxic drugs returned back to the
including all items manufacturer or
contaminated with supplier for
cytotoxic drugs along incineration at
with glass or plastic temperature >1200 0 C
ampoules, vials etc. or to common bio -
medical waste
treatment facility or
hazardous waste
treatment, storage and
disposal facility for
incineration at >1200 0
C Or Encapsulation or
Plasma Pyrolysis at
>1200 0 C
All other discarded
medicines shall be
either sent back to
manufacturer or
disposed by

Chemical Waste: Yellow coloured Disposed of by

Chemicals used in containers or incineration or Plasma
production of non-chlorinated Pyrolysis or
biological and used or plastic bags Encapsulation in
discarded disinfectants. hazardous waste
treatment, storage and
disposal facility.

Chemical Liquid Waste Separate After resource

: Liquid waste collection recovery, the chemical
generated due to use of system leading liquid waste shall be
chemicals in to effluent pre - treated before
production of treatment system. mixing with other
biological and used or wastewater. The
discarded disinfectants, combined discharge
Silver X - ray film shall conform to the
developing liquid, discharge norms given
discarded Formalin, in Schedule - III.
infected secretions,
aspirated body fluids ,
liquid from laboratories
an d floor washings,
cleaning, house -
keeping and
disinfecting activities

Discarded linen, Non-chlorinated Non - chlorinated

mattresses, beddings yellow plastic chemical disinfection
contaminated with bags or suitable followed by
blood or body fluid. packing material incineration or Plazma
Pyrolysis or for energy
recovery. In absence of
above facilities,
shredding or mutilation
or combination of
sterilization and
shredding. Treated
waste to be sent for
energy recovery or
incineration or Plazma
Pyrolysis .

Microbiology, Autoclave safe Pre - treat to sterilize

Biotechnology and plastic bags or with non - chlorinated
other clinical containers. chemicals on - site as
laboratory waste: per National AIDS
Blood bags, Laboratory Control Organisation
cultures, stocks or or World Health
specimens of micro - Organisation guidelines
organisms, live or thereafter for
attenuated vaccines, Incineration.
human and animal cell
cultures used in
research, industrial
production of
biological, residual
toxins, dishes and
devices used for

Red Contaminated Waste Red coloured Autoclaving or micro -

(Recyclable) non-chlorinated waving/ hydroclaving
Wastes generated from plastic bags or followed by shredding
disposable items such containers. or mutilation or
as tubing, bottles, combination of
intravenous tubes and sterilization and
sets, catheters, urine shredding. Treated
bags, syringes (without waste to be sent to
needles and fixed registered or authorized
needle syringes ) and recyclers or for energy
vaccutainers with their recovery or plastics to
needles cut) and diesel or fuel oil or for
gloves. road making,
whichever is possible.
Plastic waste should
not be sent to landfill
White (Translucent) Waste sharps including Puncture proof, Autoclaving or Dry
Metals: Needles, Leak proof, Heat Sterilization
syringes with fixed tamper proof followed by shredding
needles, needles from containers or mutilation or
needle tip cutter or encapsulation in metal
burner, scalpels, container or cement
blades, or any other concrete; combination
contaminated sharp of shredding cum
object that may cause autoclaving; and sent
puncture and cuts. This for final disposal to
includes both used, iron foundries (having
discarded and consent to operate from
contaminated metal the State Pollution
sharps Control Board s or
Pollution Control
Committee s) or
sanitary landfill or
designated concrete
waste sharp pit.
Blue Glassware: Broken or Cardboard boxes Disinfection (by
discarded and with blue soaking the washed
contaminated glass colored marking glass waste after
including medicine cleaning with detergent
vials and ampoules and Sodium
except those Hypochlorite
contaminated with treatment) or through
cytotoxic wastes autoclaving or
microwaving or
Metallic Body Implants hydroclaving and then
sent for recycling.


Segregation refers to the basic separation of different categories of waste generated at source and
thereby reducing the risks as well as cost of handling and disposal. Segregation is the most crucial
step in bio-medical waste management. Effective segregation alone can ensure effective bio-medical
waste management.


 Segregation reduces the amount of waste needs special handling and treatment
 Effective segregation process prevents the mixture of medical waste like sharps with the
general municipal waste.
 Prevents illegally reuse of certain components of medical waste like used syringes, needles
and other plastics.
 Provides an opportunity for recycling certain components of medical waste like plastics after
proper and thorough disinfection.
 Recycled plastic material can be used for non-food grade applications.
 Of the general waste, the biodegradable waste can be composted within the hospital premises
and can be used for gardening purposes.
 Recycling is a good environmental practice, which can also double as a revenue generating
 Reduces the cost of treatment and disposal (80 per cent of a hospital’s waste is general waste,
which does not require special treatment, provided it is not contaminated with other infectious
 Proper labelling of binslabel
 The bins and bags should carry the biohazard symbol indicating the nature of waste to the
patients and public.


The collection of biomedical waste involves use of different types of container from various sources
of biomedical wastes like Operation Theatre, laboratory, wards, kitchen, corridor etc. The containers/
bins should be placed in such a way that 100 % collection is achieved. Sharps must always be kept in
puncture-proof containers to avoid injuries and infection to the workers handling them.


Once collection occurs then biomedical waste is stored in a proper place. Segregated wastes of
different categories need to be collected in identifiable containers. The duration of storage should not
exceed for 8-10 hrs in big hospitals (more than 250 bedded) and 24 hrs in nursing homes. Each
container may be clearly labelled to show the ward or room where it is kept. The reason for this
labelling is that it may be necessary to trace the waste back to its source. Besides this, storage area
should be marked with a caution sign.


It is very important to assess the quantity of waste generated at each point. Dustbins should be of such
capacity that they do not overflow between each cycle of waste collection. Dustbins should be cleaned
after every cycle of clearance of waste with disinfectants. Dustbins can be lined with plastic bags,
which are chlorine-free, and colour coded as per the law.

Handling devices


The use of trolleys will facilitate the removal of infectious waste at the source itself, instead of adding
a new category of waste.


trollyWheelbarrows are used to transfer the waste from the point source to the collection centres.
There are two types of wheelbarrow – covered and open. Wheelbarrows are made of steel and
provided with two wheels and a handle. Care should be taken not to directly dump waste into it. Only
packed waste (in plastic bags) should be carried. Care should also be taken not to allow liquid waste
from spilling into the wheelbarrow, as it will corrode. These are ideal for transferring debris within
the institution. Wheelbarrows also come in various sizes depending on the utility.


chutesChutes are vertical conduits provided for easy transportation of refuse vertically in case of
institutions with more than two floors. Chutes should be fabricated from stainless steel. It should have
a self-closing lid. These chutes should be fumigated everyday with formaldehyde vapours. The
contaminated linen (contaminated with blood and or other body fluids) from each floor should be
bundled in soiled linen or in plastic bags before ejecting into the chute.

Alternately, elevators with mechanical winches or electrical winches can be provided to bring down
waste containers from each floor. Chutes are necessary to avoid horizontal transport of waste thereby
minimizing the routing of the waste within the premises and hence reducing the risk of secondary


The waste should be transported for treatment either in trolleys or in covered wheelbarrow. Manual
loading should be avoided as far as for as possible. The bags / Container containing BMWs should be
tied/ lidded before transportation. Before transporting the bag containing BMWs, it should be
accompanied with a signed document by Nurse/ Doctor mentioning date, shift, quantity and

Special vehicles must be used so as to prevent access to, and direct contact with, the waste by the
transportation operators, the scavengers and the public. The transport containers should be properly
enclosed. The effects of traffic accidents should be considered in the design, and the driver must be
trained in the procedures he must follow in case of an accidental spillage. It should also be possible to
wash the interior of the containers thoroughly.


The use of protective gears should be made mandatory for all the personnel handling waste.

Gloves: Heavy-duty rubber gloves should be used for waste handling by the waste retrievers. This
should be bright yellow in colour. After handling the waste, the gloves should be washed twice. The
gloves should be washed after every use with carbolic soap and a disinfectant. The size should fit the

Aprons, gowns, suits or other apparels: Apparel is worn to prevent contamination of clothing and
protect skin. It could be made of cloth or impermeable material such as plastic. People working in
incinerator chambers should have gowns or suits made of non-inflammable material.

Masks: Various types of masks, goggles, and face shields are worn alone or in combination, to
provide a protective barrier. It is mandatory for personnel working in the incinerator chamber to wear
a mask covering both nose and mouth, preferably a gas mask with filters.

Boots: Leg coverings, boots or shoe-covers provide greater protection to the skin when splashes or
large quantities of infected waste have to be handled. The boots should be rubber-soled and anti-skid
type. They should cover the leg up to the ankle.

Cleaning devices

Brooms: The broom shall be a minimum of 1.2 m long, such that the worker need not stoop to sweep.
The diameter of the broom should be convenient to handle. The brush of the broom shall be soft or
hard depending on the type of flooring.

Dustpans: The dustpans should be used to collect the dust from the sweeping operations. They may
be either of plastic or enamelled metal. They should be free of ribs and should have smooth contours,
to prevent dust from sticking to the surface. They should be washed with disinfectants and dried
before every use.

Mops: Mops with long handles must be used for swabbing the floor. They shall be of either the cloth
or the rubber variety. The mop has to be replaced depending on the wear and tear. The mechanical-
screw type of mop is convenient for squeezing out the water.

Vacuum cleaners: Domestic vacuum cleaners or industrial vacuum cleaners can be used depending
on the size of the rooms.

The major salient features of BMW Management Rules, 2016 include the following:-

(a) The ambit of the rules has been expanded to include vaccination camps, blood donation camps,
surgical camps or any other healthcare activity;

(b) Phase-out the use of chlorinated plastic bags, gloves and blood bags within two years;

(c) Pre-treatment of the laboratory waste, microbiological waste, blood samples and blood bags
through disinfection orsterilization on-site in the manner as prescribed by WHOor NACO;

(d) Provide training to all its health care workers and immunize all health workers regularly;

(e) Establish a Bar-Code System for bags or containers containing bio-medical waste for disposal;

(f) Report major accidents;

(g) The new rules prescribe more stringent standards for incinerator to reduce the emission of
pollutants in environment;

(h) Existing incinerators to achieve the standards for retention time in secondary chamber and Dioxin
and Furans within two years;

(i) Bio-medical waste has been classified in to 4 categories instead of 10 to improve the segregation of
waste at source;

(j) Procedure to get authorization simplified. Automatic authorization for bedded hospitals. The
validity of authorization synchronized with validity of consent orders for Bedded HCFs. One time
Authorization for Non-bedded HCFs;

(k) No occupier shall establish on-site treatment and disposal facility, if a service of `common bio-
medical waste treatment facility is available at distance of seventy-five kilometers.

(l) Operator of a common bio-medical waste treatment and disposal facility to ensure the timely
collection of bio-medical waste from the HCFs and assist the HCFs in conduct of training.

1.Duties of the operator of a common bio-medical waste treatment and disposal facility

The duties of the operator of a common bio-medical waste treatment and disposal facility (CBWTF)
as enunciated under Rule 5 of the Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 shall be ensured and
complied with. Also, all the existing CBWTFs shall also complete augmentation of the existing
incineration facility so as to comply the residence time as well as emission norms including for
Dioxins and Furans prescribed under BMWM Rules, 2016 within two years from the date of
notification of the BMWM Rules, 2016 (i.e., prior to 27.03.2018). In addition to the above, to ensure
proper management of bio-medical waste in the respective coverage area, as a mitigation measure,
especially in the event of

(a) A temporary break down (not more than a week) of a CBWTF especially for rectification of the
refractory lining of the incineration chambers or change of requisite APCD due to failure; and

(b) Closure of a CBWTF for violation of the provisions of the BMWM Rules or any other reason.
Prior to commencement of a new CBWTF as well as all the existing CBWTF Operators are required
to submit action plan, to the respective SPCB/PCC, for imposing suitable condition while granting
authorisation under the BMWM Rules, 2016.

The action plan should also include:

(a) A MoU made with the nearest CBWTF located within the respective State/UT, as alternate
arrangement. In case, if there is no CBWTF located nearby then such CBWTF should have to install
stand by treatment equipment (equal to the existing treatment capacity as per consents granted by the
SPCB/PCC), and

(b) Decontamination plan of the CBWTF for execution of such plan prior to closure of a CBWTF.

2.Applicability of these guidelines.

These guidelines are applicable to all the upcoming or new CBWTFs. In case of the existing
CBWTFs, these guidelines shall be applicable in case

(a) The existing CBWTFs desires to expand or enhance the existing treatment capacity (or)

(b) The existing CBWTFs desires to modernize the existing treatment equipment with the new
equipment with enhancement in the existing treatment capacity

3.Environmental laws applicable for commissioning or operation of a CBWTF

a) Operation of a CBWTF leads to air emissions as well as waste water generation as in case of an
industrial operation. Most common sources of waste water generation in CBWTFs are vehicle
washing, floor washing, and scrubbed liquid effluent from air pollution control systems attached with
the incinerator/plasma pyrolysis. Incineration as well as DG Set is the general source of air emissions.

b) Any other approvals (such as Land Use /Change in Land Use as applicable) required from the
concerned authorities under various laws have to be complied with by the proponent of the CBWTF
prior to development of a CBWTF.

c) Consents under Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 as well as Authorization under the BMWM Rules, 2016 The project
proponent of the CBWTF is required to obtain ‘Consent to Establishment’ under Rule 25 of the Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and under Rule 21 of the Air (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act, 1981, from the respective prescribed authority i.e. SPCB/PCC. Upon installation of
the requisite equipment, the CBWTF Operator is also required to obtain authorization under BMWM
Rules, 2016 co-terminus with consent to operate under Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Act, 1976 & Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 from the respective SPCB/PCC prior
to commencement of the CBWTF.

4.Environmental Clearance under EIA Notification 2006

Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF & CC), notified amendment to the EIA
Notification 2006 and published vide MoEF & CC Notification of S.O. 1142 (E) dated April 17,
2015. According to this notification, the ‘bio-medical waste treatment facility’ is categorized under
the Item 7 (da) in the schedule, requiring environmental clearance’ from the State Environment
Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA). Therefore, the CBWTF operator is also required to obtain
‘Environmental Clearance (EC)’ from the respective SEIAA or Ministry of Environment, Forest&
Climate Change (MoEF& CC), as the case may be, before any construction work, or preparation of
land by the projects management, which include the following:

a) All new projects or activities pertaining to the bio-medical waste treatment facility; and

b) Expansion and modernization with additional treatment capacity of existing bio-medical waste
treatmfor compliance to the residence time as well as Dioxins and Furans without enhancing the
existing treatment capacity).

c) Any expansion or modification in the treatment capacity or relocation of the existing CBWTF
(requires compliance to the relevant provisions notified under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
by the MoEF & CC

5.Location criteria

In the context of these guidelines, buffer zone represents a separation distance between the source of
pollution in CBWTF and the receptor - following the principle that the degree of impact reduces with
increased distance. The following parameters may be considered for ascertaining buffer distance on
case-to-case basis:

(i) potential for spread of infection from wastes stored in the premises.

(ii) applicable standards for pollution control and the relative efficiency of the existing incinerators
and emission control systems,

(iii) potential of fugitive dust emission from incinerators,

(iv) potential for discharge of wastewater

(v) the potential for odour production,

(vi) the potential for noise pollution,

(vii) the risk posed to human health and safety due to exposure to emissions from incinerator,

(viii) the risk of fire and

(ix) Significance of the residual impacts such as bottom ash and fly ash. As far as possible, the
CBWTF shall be located near to its area of operation in order to minimize the transportation distance
in waste collection, thus enhancing its operational flexibility as well as for ensuring compliance to the
time limit for treatment and disposal of bio-medical waste as stipulated under the BMWM Rules (i.e.,
within 48 hours). Also, the location of the CBWTF should be in conformity to the CRZ Norms and
other provisions notified under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The location shall be decided
in consultation with the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB)/ Pollution Control Committee (PCC).

The location criteria for development of a CBWTF are as follows:

(a) A CBWTF shall preferably be developed in a notified industrial area without any requirement of
buffer zone (or)

(b) A CBWTF can be located at a place reasonably far away from notified residential and sensitive
areas and should have a buffer distance of preferably 500 m so that it shall ent facility (excluding
augmentation of incineration facility. have minimal impact on these areas. In case of non-availability
of such a land, the buffer zone distance from the notified residential area may be reduced to less than
500 m by SPCB/PCC without referring the matter to CPCB by prescribing additional control
measures such as

(i) adoption of best available technologies (BAT) by the proponent of CBWTF;

(ii) prescribing stringent standards for operation of the CBWTF by the SPCB/PCC;

(iii) adoption of zero liquid discharge by the CBWTF and (iv) in case of any complaints from the
public, then CBWTF should prove that the facility is not causing any adverse impact on environment
and habitation in the vicinity. If SPCB/PCC is not in a position to resolve the issue relating to buffer
zone while selecting the site for CBWTFs, in such a case, SPCBs/PCCs may refer the matter to

(c) The CBWTF can also be developed as an integral part of the Hazardous Waste Treatment Storage
and Disposal Facility (TSDF) subject to obtaining of necessary approvals from the authorities
concerned including ‘environmental clearance’ as per Environmental Impact Assessment 2006 and
further amendments notified under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, provided there is no
CBWTF exist within 150 KM distance from the existing TSDF.

6.Land requirement

Sufficient land shall be allocated to the CBWTF to provide all requisite systems which include
dedicated space for storage of waste (both treated and untreated), waste treatment equipment, vehicle
washing bay, vehicle parking space, ETP, incineration ash storage provision, administrative room,
space for DG Set etc.,.

(a) Preferably, a CBWTF shall be set up on a plot size of not less than one acre in all the areas.
However, a CBWTF can be developed in adjacent plots but cannot be set up in two or more different
plots located in different areas. Separate plots can be permitted only for vehicle parking if located in
the close vicinity of the proposed CBWTFs or the existing CBWTFs.

(b) In case of upcoming or new CBWTFs (both in municipal limits with population more than 25
lakhs or in rural areas), the land area requirement may be relaxed (but in any case not less than 0.5
acre) by the SPCB/PCC, with additional control measures such as zero liquid discharge, increase in
stack height, stringent emission norms, odour control measures or any other measures felt necessary
by the prescribed authority on case-to-case basis, only in consultation with CPCB.

7.Coverage area of CBWTF

Suggested coverage area for development of a CBWTF is as follows:

a) A CBWTF located within the respective State/UT shall be allowed to cater healthcare units situated
at a radial distance of 75 KM. However, in a coverage area where 10,000 beds are not available within
a radial distance of 75 KM, existing CBWTF in the locality (located within the respective State/UT)
may be allowed to cater the healthcare units situated upto 150 KM radius its location provided
the bio-medical waste generated is collected, treated and disposed of within 48 hours as stipulated
under the BMWM Rules.
b) In case, number of beds is exceeding >10,000 beds in a locality (i.e. coverage area of the CBWTF
under reference) and the existing treatment capacity is not adequate, in such a case, a new CBWTF
may be allowed in such a locality in compliance to various provisions notified under the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986, to cater services only to such additional bed strength of the HCFs located.

c) In case of hilly areas, considering the geography, only one CBWTF with adequate treatment
capacity may be developed covering atleast two districts to cater treatment services to the HCFs
located in the respective Districts. The selection and allocation of site etc. should be done as per the
criteria suggested under these guidelines. The treatment charges to be prescribed by the respective
SPCB/PCC in consultation with the State Advisory Committee to be constituted under the BMWM
Rules by the respective State Government or UT Administration.

8.Treatment equipment

The Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Facility should treat the bio-medical waste as per
BMWM Rules and as per the authorisation granted by the prescribed authority. The CBWTF should
have the following treatment facilities:

a) Incineration/Plasma Pyrolysis

Incineration is a controlled combustion process where waste is completely oxidized and harmful
microorganisms present in it are destroyed/ denatured under high temperature. The guidelines for
"Design & Construction Requirements of Bio-medical Waste Incinerators” by CPCB from time to
time shall be followed for selecting/or augmenting the incinerator.

b) Autoclaving/Hydroclaving

(i) Autoclaving is a low-heat thermal process where steam is brought into direct contact with waste in
a controlled manner and for sufficient duration to disinfect the wastes as stipulated under the Bio-
medical Waste Management Rules. For ease andsafety in operation, the system should be horizontal
type and exclusively designed for treatment of bio-medical waste. For optimum results, pre-vacuum
based system be preferred against the gravity type system. It shall have tamper-proof control panel
with efficient display and recording devices for recording critical parameters such as time,
temperature, pressure, date and batch number etc. as required under the BMWM Rules.

(ii) Hydroclaving is similar to that of autoclaving except that the waste is subjected to indirect heating
by applying steam in the outer jacket. The waste is continuously tumbled in the chamber during the

c) Microwaving: In microwaving, microbial inactivation occurs as a result of the thermal effect of

electromagnetic radiation spectrum lying between the frequencies 300 and 300,000MHz. Microwave
heating is an inter-molecular heating process. The heating occurs inside the waste material in the
presence of steam.

d) Chemical disinfection: Though chemical disinfection or alternates as stipulated under the BMWM
Rules is also an option for treatment of certain categories of biomedical waste such as glass waste but
looking at the volume of waste to be disinfected at the CBWTF and the pollution load associated with
the use of chemical disinfectants, the chemical disinfection for treatment of bio-medical waste as part
of a CBWTF may be used sparingly or avoided as far as possible.
e) Dry heat sterilization: This is the additional option for treatment of waste sharps as stipulated under
the BMWM Rules. In this method, waste sharps are treated using dry heat (hot air) at a temperature
not less than 1850 C, at least for a residence period of 150 minutes in each cycle ( with sterilization
period of 90 minutes).

f) Shredder: Shredding is a process by which waste are de-shaped or cut into smaller pieces so as to
make the wastes unrecognizable. It helps in prevention of reuse of bio-medical waste and also acts as
identifier that the wastes have been disinfected and are safe to dispose off. A shredder to be used for
shredding bio-medical waste shall confirm to the following minimum requirements:

(i) The shredder for bio-medical waste shall be of robust design with minimum maintenance

(ii) The shredder should be properly designed and covered to avoid spillage and dust generation. It
should be designed such that it has minimum manual handling;

(iii) The hopper and cutting chamber of the shredder should be so designed to accommodate the waste
bag full of bio-medical waste;

(iv) The shredder blade should be highly resistant and should be able to shred waste sharps, syringes,
scalpels, blades, plastics, catheters, intravenous sets/

bottles, blood bags, gloves, bandages etc. It should be able to handle/ shred wet waste, especially after
microwave/ autoclave/hydroclave;

(v) The shredder blade shall be of non-corrosive and hardened steel;

(vi) The shredder should be so designed and mounted so as not to generate dust, high noise &

(vii) If hopper lid or door of collection box is opened, the shredder should stop automatically for
safety of operator;

(viii) In case of shock-loading (non-shreddable material in the hopper), there should be a mechanism
to automatically stop the shredder to avoid any emergency/accident;

(ix) In case of overload or jamming, the shredder should have mechanism of reverse motion of shaft
to avoid any emergency/accident;

(x) The motor shall be connected to the shredder shaft through a gear mechanism, to ensure low rpm
and safety;

(xi) The unit shall be suitably designed for operator safety, mechanical as well as electrical;

(xii) The shredder should have low rotational speed (maximum 50 rpm). This will ensure better
gripping and cutting of the bio-medical waste;

xiii) The discharge height (from discharge point to ground level) shall be sufficient (minimum 3 feet)
to accommodate the containers for collection of shredded material. This would avoid spillage of
shredded material; (xiv) The minimum capacity of the motor attached with the shredder shall be 3
KW for 50 Kg/hr, 5 KW for 100 kg/hr & 7.5 KW for 200 Kg/hr and shall be three phase induction
motor. This will ensure efficient cutting of the bio-medical wastes as prescribed in the Bio-medical
Waste Management Rules; and

(xv) The shredder also should be fitted with separate ‘energy meter’ for recording total energy
consumed for operation of this equipment.

g) Sharp pit/ Encapsulation: A sharp pit or a facility for sharp encapsulation in a metal container or
cement concrete shall be provided for treated sharps (i.e., treatment by autoclaving or dry heat
sterilization followed by shredding or mutilation). An option may also be worked out for recovery of
metal from treated and shredded waste sharps within the CBWTF or iron foundries having consent to
operate from the SPCBs/PCCs and located nearby, as per the conditions imposed in authorization
granted under BMWM Rules by the SPCB/PCC. A sharp pit may be of circular or rectangular shape
and shall be dug and lined with cement plastered brick masonry or concrete rings. The pit should be
covered with a heavy concrete slab with a provision of galvanized steel pipe projecting about 1.5
meters above the slab, with an internal diameter of up to 50 mm or 1.5 times the length of vials,
whichever is more. The top opening of the steel pipe shall have a provision of locking after the treated
waste sharps are disposed into the sharp pit. When the pit is full, it can be sealed completely, after
another pit is prepared. In case of high water table regions (i.e., where water table is less than 6 metres
beneath the bottom of the sharp pit), a tank with above mentioned arrangements shall be made above
the ground.

h) Deep burial: Any SPCB/PCC should not allow the ‘deep burial’ of bio-medical waste as a part of
CBWTF. Any existing CBWTF having disposal of bio-medical waste by deep burial should have the
requisite treatment equipment as stipulated under the BMWM Rules, within six months from the date
of finalization of these guidelines.

i) Non-burn technology: Non-incineration technologies for disposal of bio-medical waste are adopted
in some of the developed countries. Non-incineration technology comprises of shredding and
disinfection by autoclaving/microwaving or chemical treatment. The treated waste can be disposed
along with municipal solid waste in sanitary landfills or through waste to energy plants. Such option
can also be adopted in places where the sanitary landfill or waste to energy plant for disposal of
municipal solid waste is available. Such technology is permitted only after prior approval of MoEF &
CC and only after obtaining authorization under the BMWM Rules from the respective SPCB/PCC
for the purpose of carrying out trial runs for assessment of efficacy of the treatment equipment.

j) Vehicle/Containers washing facility: Every time a vehicle is unloaded, the vehicle and empty waste
containers shall be washed properly and disinfected. Washing can be carried out in an open area but
on an impermeable surface and liquid effluent so generated shall be conveyed and treated in an
effluent treatment plant. The impermeable area shall be of appropriate size so as to avoid spillage of
liquid during washing.

k) Effluent Treatment Plant: A suitable Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) shall be installed to ensure
that liquid effluent generated during the process of washing containers, vehicles, floors etc. is treated
and reused after treatment. Proper treatment of waste water shall be ensured in case of zero discharge
by recirculation of treated waste water for scrubbing. ETP may have treatment unit operations
comprising collection tank, O & G trap, chemical dosing cum mixing (Flash and slow), coagulation
chamber, primary settling tank (s), biological treatment process, secondary settling tank, pressure
filter and activated carbon filter, pH Correction tank (wherever recirculation of treated water is
practiced) so as to comply with the liquid discharge standards stipulated under the Bio-medical Waste
Management Rules, 2016. ETP may also have the following provisions:

(i) separate ‘energy meter’ so as to know total consumption of electricity for operation of the
machinery attached with the ETP.

(ii) pH meter so as to know pH level of treated water as well as pH level of treated water used for
recirculated or recycling in APCD attached with the incinerator or any utility within the CBWTF.

(iii) A ‘magnetic flow meter’ should also be fitted at all the water supply extraction points of the
CBWTF as well as the outlet to know the total wastewater treated for further end use or discharge in
compliance to the BMWM Rules.

(iv) Provision of ‘press filter’ to reduce the moisture content of the ETP Sludge or it may be dried in
‘sludge drying bed’. After removal of moisture content or drying, same need to be disposed off in an
environmentally sound manner depending upon the hazardous constituents present in it as per
Hazardous and Other Waste (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016.


The collection and transportation of bio-medical waste shall be carried out in a manner so as to
prevent any possible hazard to human health and environment. Collection and transportation are the
two operations where the chances of segregated bio-medical waste coming in contact with the public,
rag pickers, animals/birds, etc. are high. Therefore, all care shall be taken to ensure that the segregated
bio-medical waste handed over by the healthcare units reach CBWTF without any damage, spillage or
unauthorized access by public, animals etc. A responsible person from the CBWTF operator shall
always accompany the vehicle to supervise the collection and transportation of bio-medical waste.
Also, the private transport vehicles should not be authorised by the SPCBs/PCCs only for
transportation of the Bio-medical Waste. The CBWTF operator should be made responsible for
collection and transportation of bio-medical waste.


Generator of the bio-medical waste is responsible for providing segregated waste in accordance with
the provisions of the Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016, to the CBWTF operator.
Dedicated temporary storage at healthcare unit shall be designated. The coloured bags handed over by
the healthcare units shall be collected in similar coloured containers with proper cover. Each bag shall
be labeled as per Schedule IV of the Bio-medical Waste Management Rules as well as with bar
coding system (to be complied by the occupier or operator of a CBWTF as per BMWM Rules) so that
at any time, the healthcare units can be traced back that are not segregating the bio-medical wastes as
per BMWM Rules. The coloured containers should be strong enough to withstand any possible
damage that may occur during loading, transportation or unloading of such containers. These
containers shall also be labeled as per Schedule IV of the Rules. Sharps shall be collected in puncture
resistant container. The person responsible for collection of bio-medical wastes shall also carry a
register with him to maintain the records such as name of the healthcare unit, the type and quantity of
waste received, time at which waste collected from the member HCF, signature of the authorised
person from the healthcare unit etc. During transportation, the containers should be covered in order
to prevent exposure of public to odours and contamination.

All the vehicles used by the CBWTF operator shall not be sub-letted or contract vehicles should not
be used by the CBWTF operator. All the vehicles owned by the CBWTF operator and intended only
for collection of bio-medical waste from the member health care facilities should be registered under
the Motor Vehicle Act with the respective RTO/Transport Department and such vehicle numbers
should also be registered with the respective SPCB/PCC for the purpose of collection of bio-medical
waste from the member health care facilities. The bio-medical waste collected in designated coloured
containers shall be transported to the CBWTF in a fully covered vehicle. Such vehicle shall be
dedicated for transportation of bio-medical waste only. Depending upon the volume of the wastes to
be transported, the vehicle may be a two or three-wheeler, light motor vehicle or heavy duty vehicle.
In either case, the vehicle must possess the following:

(i) Transportation vehicle shall be fitted with GPS to track the movement of the vehicle.
(ii) Separate cabins shall be provided for driver/staff as well as for placing the designated colour
coded bio-medical waste containers.

(iii) Two wheeler registered under the Motor Vehicle Act shall be permitted for collection of bio-
medical waste only from the clinics or dispensaries located in places where the lanes are narrow and
not easily accessible to four wheeler vehicles. Such two wheeler vehicle (s) should have a provision of
a suitable fixed waste collection box marked with bio-hazard symbol, contact details, proper lid,
emergency spill collection procedure, first aid box and manifest record in accordance with the
BMWM Rules

(iv) The base of the waste cabin shall be leak proof to avoid pilferage of liquid during transportation.
(v) The waste cabin may be designed for storing waste containers in tiers and also should be provided
with a lighting provision.

(vi) The waste cabin shall be so designed that it is easy to wash and disinfect.

(vii) The inner surface of the waste cabin shall be made of smooth surface to minimize water

(viii) The waste cabin shall have provisions for sufficient openings in the rear and/or sides so that
waste containers can be easily loaded and unloaded.

(ix) The vehicle shall be labeled with the bio-hazard symbol (as per Schedule IV of the BMWM
Rules) and should display the name, address and contact telephone and mobile number of the

(x) The vehicle driver should carry always valid registration of the vehicle obtained from the
concerned transport authority and also carry valid ‘pollution under control certificate’ issued by the
authorized certificate issuing agency.

1. Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016.

2. CPCB Guidelines for CBWTFs (2003).

3. CPCB Guidelines for BMW Incinerators (2003).

4. ‘Disposal of Bio-medical Waste generated during Universal Immunization Programme’ issued by


5. ‘Guidelines for Environmentally Sound Management of Mercury Waste Generated from the Health
Care Facilities’ issued by CPCB.

6. Annual Report 2014 submitted to CPCB by the SPCBs/PCCs.

7. Stationary Source Emission Monitoring –Modifications to be made to the Sampling Platform and
Sampling Port Hole issued by National Reference Trace Organics Laboratory (NRTOL), CPCB.

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