M.sc. Nursing Syllabus 0108
M.sc. Nursing Syllabus 0108
M.sc. Nursing Syllabus 0108
S. No. Content
1 Philosophy
2 Aim
3 Objectives
4 Other Staff (Maximum Requirement)
5 Eligibility Criteria/Admission Requirements
6 Regulations for Examination
7 Guidelines for Dissertation
8 Duration
9 Scheme of Examination
First Year
10 Nursing Education
11 Advance Nursing Practice
12 Clinical Speciality – I
- Medical Surgical Nursing
- Obstetric & Gynaecological Nursing
- Child Health (Paediatric) Nursing
- Mental Health (Psychiatric) Nursing
- Community Health Nursing
13 Nursing Research & Statistics
Second Year
14 Nursing Management
15 Clinical Speciality –II
Medical Surgical Nursing
- Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Nursing
- Medical Surgical Nursing – Critical Care Nursing
- Medical Surgical Nursing – Oncology Nursing
- Medical Surgical Nursing - Neurosciences Nursing
- Medical Surgical Nursing - Nephro- Urology Nursing
- Medical Surgical Nursing -Orthopedic Nursing
- Medical Surgical Nursing - Gastro Enterology Nursing
- Obstetric & Gynaecological Nursing
- Paediatric (Child Health) Nursing
- Psychiatric (Mental Health) Nursing
- Community Health Nursing
16 Annexure – I (Staffing Pattern Relaxed till 2012)
Published by
This programme provides the basis for the post masteral programme in
nursing. Further the programme encourages accountability and
commitment to life long learning which fosters improvement of quality care.
On Completion of the two year M.Sc Nursing programme, the graduate will
be able to:-
6. Demonstrate the ability to plan and effect change in nursing practice
and in the health care delivery system.
7. Establish collaborative relationship with members of other disciplines
8. Demonstrate interest in continued learning for personal and
professional advancement.
a) Administrative Officer 1
c) Office Superintendent 1
d) PA to Principal 1
e) Accountant/Cashier 1
Store Keeper 1
a) Maintenance of stores 1
b) Classroom attendants 2
c) Sanitary staff As per the physical space
d) Security Staff As per the requirement
Peons/Office attendants 4
a) Librarian 2
b) Library Attendants As per the requirement
a) Wardens 2
b) Cooks, Bearers, As per the requirement
Sanitary Staff
c) Ayas /Peons As per the requirement
d) Security Staff As per the requirement
e) Gardeners & Dhobi Depends on structural facilities
Eligibility Criteria/Admission Requirements:
1. The candidate should be a Registered Nurse and Registered midwife or
equivalent with any State Nursing Registration Council.
2. The minimum education requirements shall be the passing of :
B.Sc. Nursing / B.Sc. Hons. Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing with
minimum of 55% aggregate marks.
3. The candidate should have undergone in B.Sc. Nursing / B.Sc. Hons.
Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing in an institution which is
recognized by Indian Nursing Council.
4. Minimum one year of work experience after Basic B.Sc. Nursing.
5. Minimum one year of work experience prior or after Post Basic B.Sc.
6. Candidate shall be medically fit.
7. 5% relaxation of marks for SC/ST candidates may be given.
Entrance/Selection test
Classification of results:
Maximum no. of attempts per subject is three (3) inclusive of first attempt.
The maximum period to complete the course successfully should not exceed
4 years
4 hours of practical examination per student.
Maximum number of 10 students per day per speciality.
The examination should be held in clinical area only for clinical
One internal and external should jointly conduct practical examination
Examiner – Nursing faculty teaching respective speciality area in M.Sc
nursing programme with minimum 3 years experience after M.Sc
Note: - Administrative approval and ethical clearance should be obtained
A. Research Guides
a) Qualification of Guide
c) Research Committee
Available 52 weeks
Vacation 4 weeks
Examination 2 weeks
Gazetted holidays 3 weeks
Total weeks available 43 weeks
40 hours per week 1720 hours
Total hours for 2 years 3440 hours
Course of Instruction
Theory Practical
(hrs) (hrs)
1st year
Nursing education 150 150
Advance nursing practice 150 200
Nursing Research and statistics 150 100
*Clinical speciality –I 150 650
Total 600 1100
II nd Year
Nursing Management 150 150
Nursing Research(Dissertation) 300
*Clinical Speciality – Medical Surgical Nursing (Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Nursing,
Critical care Nursing, Oncology Nursing, Neurosciences Nursing, Nephro-Urology Nursing,
Orthopedic Nurisng, Gastro Enterology Nursing,)Obstetric & Gynaecological Nursing, Child
Health (Paediatric) Nursing, Mental Health(Psychiatric) Nursing, Community Health
Nursing, Psychiatric (Mental Health) Nursing etc.
Note: Students have to maintain log book for each activity during the
course of study
Scheme of Examination
Theory Practical
1st year Hours Internal External Hours Internal External
Nursing education 3 25 75 50 50
Advance nursing practice 3 25 75
Nursing Research and
statistics 3 25** 75*
Clinical speciality -I 3 25 75 100 100
Total 100 300 150 150
II nd Year
Nursing Management 3 25 75
Dissertation & Viva 100 100
Clinical Speciality-II 3 25 75 100 100
Total 50 150 200 200
* Nursing research=50 and statistics=25
**Nursing research=15 and statistics=10
1. Minimum pass marks shall be 50 % in each of the Theory and practical papers separately.
2. A candidate must have minimum of 80% attendance (irrespective of the kind of absence)
in theory and practical in each subject for appearing for examination.
3. A candidate must have 100% attendance in each of the practical areas before award of
4. A candidate has to pass in theory and practical exam separately in each of the paper.
5. If a candidate fails in either theory or practical paper he/she has to re-appear for both the
papers (Theory and practical).
6. Maximum no. of attempts permitted for each paper is 3 including first attempt.
7. The maximum period to complete the course successfully should not exceed 4 (four)
8. A candidate failing in more then two subjects will not be promoted to the IInd year.
9. No candidate shall be admitted to the subsequent IInd year examination unless the
candidate has passed the Ist year examination.
10. Maximum number of candidates for all practical examination should not exceed 10 per
11. Provision of Supplementary examination should be made.
12. All practical examinations must be held in the respective clinical areas.
13. One internal and One external examiners(outside the University) should jointly conduct
practical examination for each student
14. An examiner should be M.Sc (N) in concerned subject and have minimum of 3 (three)
years post graduate teaching experience.
15. One internal and One external examiners(outside the University) should evaluate
dissertation and jointly conduct viva-voce for each student
16. For Dissertation Internal examiner should be the guide and external examiner should be
Nursing faculty / nursing expert in the same clinical speciality holding
Ph.D./M.Phil/M.Sc. Nursing with a minimum of 3 years experience in
guiding the research projects for Post Graduate students of Nursing.
Admission Strength
Annual admission strength for M.Sc (N) Programme should have prior
sanction/permission from the Indian Nursing Council on the basis of
clinical, physical facilities and teaching faculty.
Health Services
There should be provisions for the following health services for the students.
Placement : Ist Year
Hours of Instruction
Theory 150 Hours
Practical 150 Hours
Total : 300 Hours
Course Description
14. Explain the concept, principles, steps, tools and techniques of
15. Construct, administer and evaluate various tools for assessment of
knowledge, skill, and attitude.
Course Content
Theory Practical
I 10 Introduction :
□ Education :Definition, aims, concepts, philosophies
& their education implications,
□ Impact of Social, economical, political &
technological changes on education:
Professional education
Current trends and issues in education
Educational reforms and National Educational
policy, various educational commissions-reports
Trends in development of nursing education in
Units Hours Course Content
Theory Practical
Units Hours Course Content
Theory Practical
X 10 10 Curriculum Development
□ Definition, curriculum determinants, process and
steps of curriculum development, Curriculum
models, Types and framework.
□ Formulation of philosophy, objectives, selection and
organization of learning experiences; master plan,
course plan, unit plan.
□ Evaluation strategies, process of curriculum change,
role of students, faculty, administrators, statutory
bodies and other stakeholders.
□ Equivalency of courses: Transcripts, credit system.
XI 8 4 Teacher preparation
□ Teacher – roles & responsibilities, functions,
characteristics, competencies, qualities,
□ Preparation of professional teacher
□ Organizing professional aspects of teacher
preparation programs
□ Evaluation: self and peer
□ Critical analysis of various programs of teacher
education in India.
Units Hours Course Content
Theory Practical
Activities :
Framing philosophy, aims and objectives.
Lesson Planning.
Micro teaching-2.
Conduct practice teachings using different teaching strategies -10
(like lecture cum discussion, demonstration- lab method, field trips,
seminars, project, role play, panel discussion, clinical methods etc)
Preparation and utilization of instructional Aids using different media.
Develop course plans, unit plans, rotation plans.
Conduct a continuing education workshop.
Annotated bibliography.
Critical evaluation of any nursing education program offered by a
selected institution.
Planning and Organizing field visits.
Educational visits.
Field visits (INC/SNRC) to get familiar with recognition/registration
Construct, administer and evaluate tools (objective & essay type test,
observation checklist, rating scale etc )
Observe and practice application of various non-standardized tests
(intelligence, Aptitude, Personality, Sociometry, physical & mental
disabilities tests.)
M ethods of Teaching
Lecture cum discussion
Demonstration/ Return demonstration
Seminar / Presentations
Project work
Field visits
M ethods of evaluation
Project work
Written assignments
Internal Assessment
Techniques W eightage
Test- (2 tests) 50
Assignment 25
Seminar/presentation 25
Course Description
Course Content
III 10 Genetics
□ Review of cellular division, mutation and law of inheritance,
human genome project ,The Genomic era.
□ Basic concepts of Genes, Chromosomes & DNA.
□ Approaches to common genetic disorders.
□ Genetic testing – basis of genetic diagnosis, Pre symptomatic
and predisposition testing, Prenatal diagnosis & screening,
Ethical, legal & psychosocial issues in genetic testing.
□ Genetic counseling.
□ Practical application of genetics in nursing.
IV 10 Epidemiology
□ Scope, epidemiological approach and methods,
□ Morbidity, mortality,
□ Concepts of causation of diseases and their screening,
□ Application of epidemiology in health care delivery, Health
survelliance and health informatics
□ Role of nurse
Unit Hours Content
V 20 Bio-Psycho social pathology
□ Pathophysiology and Psychodynamics of disease causation
□ Life processes, homeostatic mechanism, biological and
psycho-social dynamics in causation of disease, life style
□ Common problems: Oxygen insufficiency, fluid and
electrolyte imbalance, nutritional problems, hemorrhage
]and shock, altered body temperature, unconsciousness,
sleep pattern and its disturbances, pain, sensory
□ Treatment aspects: pharmacological and pre- post operative
care aspects,
□ Cardio pulmonary resuscitation.
□ End of life Care
□ Infection prevention (including HIV) and standard safety
measures, bio-medical waste management.
□ Role of nurse- Evidence based nursing practice; Best
□ Innovations in nursing
Unit Hours Content
X 10 Nursing practice
□ Framework, scope and trends.
□ Alternative modalities of care, alternative systems of health
and complimentary therapies.
□ Extended and expanded role of the nurse, in promotive,
preventive, curative and restorative health care delivery
system in community and institutions.
□ Health promotion and primary health care.
□ Independent practice issues,- Independent nurse-midwifery
□ Collaboration issues and models-within and outside
□ Models of Prevention,
□ Family nursing, Home nursing,
□ Gender sensitive issues and women empowerment.
□ Disaster nursing.
□ Geriatric considerations in nursing.
□ Evidence based nursing practice- Best practices
□ Trans-cultural nursing.
M ethods of Teaching
M ethods of evaluation :
Written assignments
Internal Assessment
Techniques W eightage
Test- (2 tests) 50
Assignment 25
Seminar/presentation 25
Course Description
This course is common for the students undergoing clinical speciality -II in
neuro science nursing/cardiovascular & thoracic nursing/critical care
nursing/oncology nursing/orthopaedic and rehabilitation nursing/nephro &
urology nursing, gastroenterology nursing/ geriatric nursing.
11. Appreciate the role of alternative systems of Medicine in care of
12. Incorporate evidence based Nursing practice and identify the areas of
research in the field of Medical – Surgical Nursing.
13. Recognize the role of Nurse practitioner as a member of the Medical –
Surgical health team.
14. Teach Medical – Surgical Nursing to undergraduate nursing students
& in-service nurses.
Unit Hours Content
I 5 Introduction:
□ Historical development of Medical- Surgical Nursing in India.
□ Current status of health and disease burden in India.
□ Current concept of health.
□ Trends & issues in Medical – Surgical Nursing.
□ Ethical & cultural issues in Medical – Surgical Nursing.
□ Rights of patients.
□ National health policy, special laws & ordinances relating to older
□ National goals.
□ Five year plans.
□ National health programs related to adult health.
Unit Hours Content
V 10 M anagement of patients with disorders of nervous system
□ Review of anatomy and physiology.
□ Common Disorders- etiology, Patho physiology,Clinical
manifestations, complications, prognosis.
□ Health assessment-History taking, physical examination,
investigation and diagnostic assessment.
□ Treatment modalities and trends.
□ Nursing management.
□ Related research studies.
□ Evidence based nursing practice.
□ Rehabilitation and follow-up.
Unit Hours Content
□ Nursing management.
□ Related research studies.
□ Evidence based nursing practice.
□ Rehabilitation and follow-up.
XV 8 Geriatric nursing
□ Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment.
□ Ageing;
□ Demography; Myths and realities.
□ Concepts and theories of ageing.
□ Cognitive Aspects of Ageing.
□ Normal biological ageing.
□ Age related body systems changes.
□ Psychosocial Aspects of Aging.
□ Medications and elderly.
□ Stress & coping in older adults.
□ Common Health Problems & Nursing Management;
□ Psychosocial and Sexual.
□ Abuse of elderly.
□ Role of nurse for care of elderly: ambulation, nutritional,
communicational, psychosocial and spiritual.
□ Role of nurse for caregivers of elderly.
□ Role of family and formal and non formal caregivers.
□ Use of aids and prosthesis (hearing aids, dentures,
□ Legal & Ethical Issues.
□ Provisions and Programmes for elderly; privileges, Community
Programs and health services;
□ Home and institutional care.
□ Issues, problems and trends.
Unit Hours Content
□ Nursing management.
□ Related research studies.
□ Evidence based nursing practice.
□ Rehabilitation and follow-up.
Total = 660 Hours
1 W eek = 30 Hours
Student Activities:
Clinical presentations
History taking
Health Assessment
Nutritional Assessment
Health Education related to disease conditions
Case studies
Project work
Field visits
Course Description
Course Content
II 15 Human reproduction
□ Review of anatomy and physiology of human reproductive
system: male and female
□ Hormonal cycles
□ Embryology
□ Genetics, teratology and counseling
□ Clinical implications
III 25 Pregnancy
□ Maternal adaptation : Physiological, psychosocial
Assessment – Maternal and foetal measures Maternal
measures:History taking , exmanination-General,physical
and obstetrical measure, identification of high risk,
Foetal measure- clinical parameters, biochemical- human
estriol, Maternal Serum Alfa Feto Protein, Acetyl Choline
esterase (AchE), Triple Test Aminocentesis, Cordocentesis,
chorionic villus sampling (CVS)),
Biophysical- (US IMAGING, Foetal movement count, Ultra
Sonography, Cardiotocography, cardiotomography, Non
Stress Test(NST), Contraction stress test(CST), amnioscopy,
Radiological examination,
□ Interpretation of diagnostic tests and nursing implications
□ Nursing management of the pregnant women, minor disorders
of pregnancy and management, preparation for child birth and
parenthood, importance of institutional delivery , choice of birth
setting, importance and mobilizing of transportation, prenatal
counseling, role of nurse and crisis intervention, identification
of high risk pregnancy and refer
□ Alternative/complementary therapies
Units Hours Content
IV 25 Normal Labour and nursing management:
□ Essential factors of labour
□ Stages and onset
Second stage
Physiology , intrapartum monitoring
Nursing management.
Resuscitation , immediate newborn care and initiate breast
feeding (Guidelines of National neonatalogy forum of India)
Third stage
Physiology and nursing management
VI 20 Normal Newborn
□ Physiology and characteristics of normal newborn
□ Physical and Behavioural assessment of newborn
□ Needs of newborn
□ Essential newborn care: Exclusive breast feeding,
Immunization, Hygiene measures, Newborn nutrition
□ Organization of neonatal care, services(Levels), transport,
neonatal intensive care unit, organization and management of
nursing services in NICU
□ Observation and care of newborn
□ Parenting process
Units Hours Content
VII 10 Pharmoco dynamics in obstetrics
□ Drugs used in pregnancy, labour, post partum and newborn
□ Calculation of drug dose and administration
□ Effects of drugs used
□ Anaesthesia and analgesia in obstetrics
□ Roles and responsibilities of midwifery nurse practitioner
□ Standing orders and protocols and use of selected life saving
drugs and interventions of obstetric emergencies approved by
IX 5 Infertility
□ Primary and secondary causes
□ Diagnostic procedures
□ Counseling: ethical and legal aspects of assisted reproductive
□ Recent advancement in infertility management.
□ Adoption procedures
XI 5 Abortion
□ Types, causes
□ Legislations, Clinical rights and professional responsibility
□ Abortion procedures
□ Complications
□ Nursing management
Procedures observed
Procedures assisted
Procedures performed
Antenatal assessment-20
Postnatal assessment-20
Assessment during labour : use of partograph - 20
Per vaginal examination-20
Conduct of normal delivery-20
Episiotomy and suturing-10
Setting up of delivery areas
Insertion of intra uterine devices( copper T)
Course Description
Course Content
IV 15 Pre-natal Pediatrics
□ Embryological and fetal development, Prenatal factors
influencing growth and development of fetus,
□ Genetic patterns of common pediatric disorders,
chromosomal aberrations, genetic assessment and
counseling legal and ethical aspects of genetic, screening
and counseling role of nurse in genetic counseling,
□ Importance of prenatal care and role of pediatric nurse.
(Integrated management of neonatal and childhood illnesses)
Total = 660Hours
1 W eek = 30Hours
Student Activities
Clinical presentations
Growth & developmental assessment
Assessment & prescription of nursing interventions for sick children
Health education related to disease conditions
Nutritional assessment
Project work
Field visits
Course Description
Course Content
II 10 Concepts of Psychobiology
□ The Nervous System:
An Anatomical Review
The Brain and limbic system
Nerve Tissue
Autonomic Nervous system
□ Neuroendocrinology
Pituitary, Thyroid Gland
Circadian Rhythms
□ Genetics
□ Neuro psychiatric disorders
□ Psychoimmunology
Normal Immune response
Implications for psychiatric Illness
□ Implications for Nursing
Units Hours Content
□ Stress as Transaction between the Individual and the
□ Stress management.
VI 10 Assertive Training
□ Assertive Communication
□ Basic Human Rights
□ Response Patterns
(Nonassertive Behavior
Assertive Behavior
Aggressive Behavior
Passive-Aggressive Behavior)
□ Behavioral Components of Assertive Behavior
□ Techniques that Promote Assertive Behavior
□ Thought-Stopping Techniques Method
Units Hours Content
VIII 10 The nursing process in psychiatric/mental health nursing
□ Mental health assessment- History taking, mental status
□ Physical and neurological examination
□ Psychometric assessment
□ Investigations, Diagnosis and Differential diagnosis
□ Interpretation of investigations
□ Nurse’s role
□ Nursing case management
Critical pathways of care
□ Documentation
Problem-oriented recording
Focus charting
The PIE method
XI 5 Electroconvulsive Therapy
□ Historical Perspectives
□ Indications
□ Contraindications
□ Mechanisms of Action
□ Side Effects
□ Risks Associated with Electroconvulsive Therapy
□ The Role of The Nurse in Electroconvulsive Therapy
X 10 Psychopharmacology
□ Historical Perspectives
□ Role of a Nurse in Psychopharmacological Therapy
Antianxiety Agents
Antidepressants Agents
Mood stabilizers
Central Nervous System Stimulants
□ Future developments
Units Hours Content
XII 15 Alternative systems of medicine in mental health
□ Types of Therapies
Herbal Medicine
Acupressure and Acupuncture
Diet and Nutrition
Chiropractic Medicine
Therapeutic Touch and Massage
Pet Therapy
Total = 660 Hours
1 W eek = 30 Hours
Student Activities
History taking
Mental health assessment
Psychometric assessment
Personality assessment
Process recording
Therapies- Group Therapy
Family Therapy
Milieu Therapy
The Therapeutic Community
Occupational therapy
Recreational therapy
Play therapy
music therapy
Pet therapy
Assisted ECT
Assisted EEG
Case studies
Case presentation
Project work
Socio and psycho drama
Field visits
Course Description
13. Participate effectively as a member of Community Health team.
14. Coordinate and collaborate with various agencies operating in the
community by using inter-sectoral approach.
15. Teach community health nursing to undergraduates, in-service
nurses and the community health workers.
16. Demonstrate leadership and managerial abilities in community health
nursing practice
Course Content
Unit Hours Content
I 10 Introduction
□ Historical development of Community Health and Community
health Nursing- World and India, various health and family
welfare committees
□ Current status, trends and challenges of Community Health
□ Health status of the Community-community diagnosis
□ Scope of Community health Nursing practice
□ Ethical and legal issues
□ Socio-cultural issues in Community health Nursing
□ National Policies, plans and programmes
National health policy
National Population policy
National Health and welfare Programmes
National Health goals/ indicators/ Millennium developmental
goals(MDG)/ Strategies
Planning process: Five year plans
National Rural Health Mission
Panchayat raj institutions
II 10 Health
□ Concepts, issues
□ Determinants
□ Measurements
□ Alternate systems for health promotion and management of
health problems
□ Health economics
□ Health technology
□ Genetics and health
□ Waste disposal
□ Eco system
III 15 Population dynamics and control
□ Demography
□ Transition and theories of population
□ National population policy
□ National population programmes
□ Population control and related programmes
□ Methods of family limiting and spacing
□ Research, Census, National Family Health Survey
Unit Hours Content
IV 30 Community health Nursing
□ Philosophy, Aims, Objectives, Concepts, Scope, Principles,
□ Community health Nursing theories and models
□ Quality assurance: Community health Nursing standards,
competencies, Monitoring community health nursing, nursing
□ Family nursing and Family centered nursing approach
□ Family health nursing process
o Family health assessment
o Diagnosis
o Planning
o Intervention
o Evaluation
VIII 15 Health care delivery system: Urban, rural, tribal and difficult
□ Health organization: National, State, District, CHC, PHC, Sub
Centre, Village - Functions, Staffing, pattern of assistance,
layout, drugs, equipments and supplies,Roles and
Responsibilities of DPHNO
□ Critical review of functioning of various levels, evaluation
studies, recommendations and nursing perspectives
□ Alternative systems of medicine
□ Training and supervision of health workers
Unit Hours Content
□ Health agencies: NGO’s, Roles and functions
□ Inter-sectoral coordination
□ Public private partnership
□ Challenges of health care delivery system
Practical Total = 660 Hours
1 W eek = 30 Hours
Course Description:
General Objectives:
Content Outline
II 5 5 Review of Literature
□ Importance, purposes, sources, criteria for selection of
resources and steps in reviewing literature.
IV 10 5 Research problem:
□ Identification of research problem
□ Formulation of problem statement and research
□ Definition of terms
□ Assumptions and delimitations
□ Identification of variables
□ Hypothesis – definition, formulation and types.
VI 6 Sampling
□ Population and sample
□ Factors influencing sampling
□ Sampling techniques
□ Sample size
□ Probability and sampling error
□ Problems of sampling
Unit Hours Course Content
Theory Practical
VII 20 10 Tools and methods of Data collection:
□ Concepts of data collection
□ Data sources, methods/techniques quantitative and
□ Tools for data collection – types, characteristics and their
□ Validity and reliability of tools
□ Procedure for data collection
VIII 5 Implementing research plan
□ Pilot Study, review research plan (design)., planning for
data collection, administration of tool/interventions,
collection of data
M ethod of Teaching
Class room exercises
Journal club
M ethods of Evaluation
Internal Assessment
Part –B : Statistics
Hours of Instruction
Theory 50 Hours
Practical 50 Hours
Total : 100 Hours
Course Description
General Objectives
IV 3 2 Normal Distribution:
□ Probability, characteristics and application of normal
probability curve; sampling error.
Unit Hours Course Content
Theory Practical
V 6 8 M easures of relationship:
□ Correlation – need and meaning
□ Rank order correlation;
□ Scatter diagram method
□ Product moment correlation
□ Simple linear regression analysis and prediction.
M ethods of Teaching:
Demonstration – on data organization, tabulation, calculation of
statistics, use of statistical package, Classroom exercises, organization
and tabulation of data,
Computing Descriptive and inferential statistics; vital and health
statistics and use of computer for data entry and analysis using
statistical package.
M ethods of Evaluation
Internal Assessment
Placement : II Year
Hours of Instruction
Theory 150 Hours
Practical 150 Hours
Total : 300 Hours
Course Description
Course Content
II 10 M anagement
□ Functions of administration
□ Planning and control
□ Co-ordination and delegation
□ Decision making – decentralization basic goals of decentralization.
□ Concept of management
Nursing management
□ Concept, types, principles and techniques
□ Vision and Mission Statements
□ Philosophy, aims and objective
□ Current trends and issues in Nursing Administration
□ Theories and models
III 15 Planning
□ Planning process: Concept, Principles, Institutional policies
□ Mission, philosophy, objectives,
□ Strategic planning
□ Operational plans
□ Management plans
□ Programme evaluation and review technique(PERT), Gantt chart,
Management by objectives(MBO)
□ Planning new venture
□ Planning for change
□ Innovations in nursing
Application to nursing service and education
IV 15 Organisation
□ Concept , principles, objectives, Types and theories, Minimum
requirements for organisation, Developing an organizational
Structure, levels, organizational Effectiveness and organizational
□ Organising nursing services and patient care: Methods of patient
assignment- Advantages and disadvantages, primary nursing care,
□ Planning and Organising: hospital, unit and ancillary
services(specifically central sterile supply department, laundry,
kitchen, laboratory services, emergency etc)
Unit Hours Content
VI 15 Directing
□ Roles and functions
□ Motivation: Intrinsic, extrinsic, Creating motivating climate,
Motivational theories
□ Communication : process, types, strategies, Interpersonal
communication, channels, barriers, problems, Confidentiality,
Public relations
□ Delegation; common delegation errors
□ Managing conflict: process, management, negotiation, consensus
□ Collective bargaining: health care labour laws, unions, professional
associations, role of nurse manager
□ Occupational health and safety
X 10 Nursing informatics
□ Trends
□ General purpose
□ Use of computers in hospital and community
□ Patient record system
□ Nursing records and reports
□ Management information and evaluation system (MIES)
□ E- nursing, Telemedicine, telenursing
□ Electronic medical records
XI 10 Leadership
□ Concepts, Types, Theories
□ Styles
□ Manager behaviour
□ Leader behaviour
□ Effective leader: Characteristics, skills
□ Group dynamics
□ Power and politics
□ lobbying
□ Critical thinking and decision making
□ Stress management
Unit Hours Content
XII 10 Legal and ethical issues
1. Prepare prototype personal files for staff nurses, faculty and
cumulative records
2. Preparation of budget estimate, Revised estimate and performance
3. Plan and conduct staff development programme
4. Preparation of Organisation Chart
5. Developing nursing standards/protocols for various units
6. Design a layout plan for speciality units /hospital, community and
educational institutions
7. Preparation of job description of various categories of nursing
8. Prepare a list of equipments and supplies for speciality units
9. Assess and prepare staffing requirement for hospitals, community and
educational institutions
10. Plan of action for recruitment process
11. Prepare a vision and mission statement for hospital, community and
educational institutions
12. Prepare a plan of action for performance appraisal
13. Identify the problems of the speciality units and develop plan of action
by using problem solving approach
14. Plan a duty roster for speciality units/hospital, community and
educational institutions
15. Prepare: anecdotes, incident reports, day and night reports, handing
and taking over reports, enquiry reports, nurses notes, Official letters,
curriculum vitae, presentations etc
16. Prepare a plan for disaster management
17. Group work
18. Field appraisal report
Course Description
13. Discuss the legal and ethical issues in cardio vascular and thoracic
14. Assist patients and their family to cope with emotional distress, grief,
anxiety and spiritual needs.
15. Appreciate the role of alternative system of medicine in care of patient
16. Incorporate evidence based nursing practice and identify the are as of
research in the field of cardio vascular and thoracic nursing
17. Identify the sources of stress and manage burnout syndrome among
health care providers.
18. Teach and supervise nurses and allied health workers.
19. Design a layout of ICCU and ICTU and develop standards for cardio
vascular and thoracic nursing practice.
Content Outline
II 5 Epidemiology
□ Risk factors: hereditary, psycho social factors, hypertension,
smoking, obesity, diabetes mellitus etc
□ Health promotion, disease prevention, Life style modification
□ National health programs related to cardio vascular and thoracic
□ Alternate system of medicine
□ Complementary therapies
Associated illnesses
Unit Hours Content
VI 10 Altered pulmonary conditions
□ Etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prognosis, related
pathophysiology, treatment modalities and nursing management of:
Bronchial asthma
Lung abscess, lung tumour
Pulmonary tuberculosis, fibrosis, pneumoconiosis etc
Pleuritis, effusion
Pneumo, haemo and pyothorax
Interstitial Lung Disease
Cystic fibrosis
Acute and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (conditions
leading to)
Cor pulmonale
Acute respiratory failure
Adult respiratory distress syndrome
Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary Hypertension
XI 10 Pharmacology
□ Review
□ Pharmacokinetics
□ Analgesics/Anti inflammatory agents
□ Antibiotics, antiseptics
□ Drug reaction & toxicity
□ Drugs used in cardiac emergencies
□ Blood and blood components
Antithrombolytic agents
Inotropic agents
Beta-blocking agents
Calcium channel blockers.
Vaso constrictors
Vaso dilators
ACE inhibitors.
Antiarrhythmic drugs.
Anti hypertensives
Sedatives and tranquilizers.
Unit Hours Content
□ Principles of drug administration, role and responsibilities of
nurses and care of drugs
XII 20 Nursing Care of patient undergoing cardio thoracic surgery
□ Indications, selection of patient
□ Preoperative assessment and preparation; counselling.
□ Intraoperative care: Principles of open heart surgery, equipment,
anaesthesia, cardiopulmonary by pass.
□ Surgical procedures for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, recent
advances and types of grafts, Valve replacement or reconstruction,
cardiac transplant, Palliative surgery and different Stents, vascular
surgery, other recent advances.
□ Thoracic surgery: lobectomy, pneumonectomy, tumour excision etc
□ Immediate postoperative care : assessment, post operative problems
and interventions : Bleeding, Cardiac tamponade, Low cardiac
output, Infarction, Pericardial effusion, Pleural effusion,
Pneumothorax, Haemothorax, Coagulopathy, Thermal imbalance,
Inadequate., ventilation/perfusion, Neurological problems, renal
problems, Psychological problems.
□ Chest physiotherapy
□ Nursing interventions- life style modification, complementary
therapy/alternative systems of medicine.
□ Intermediate and late post operative care after CABG, valve surgery,
Follow up care
Total – 960 Hours
1 W eeks = 30 Hours
Procedures Observed
1. Echo cardiogram
2. Ultrasound
3. Monitoring JVP , CVP
5. MRI
6. Pet SCAN
7. Angiography
8. Cardiac cathetrisation
9. Angioplasty
10. Various Surgeries
11. Any other
I. Procedures Assisted
Placement: II Year
Hours of instruction
Theory: 150 hours
Practical: 950 hours
Total : 1100 hours
Course Description
16. Identify the sources of stress and manage burnout syndrome among
health care providers.
17. Teach and supervise nurses and allied health workers.
18. Design a layout of ICU and develop standards for critical care nursing
Course Content
III 14 Review
□ Pharmacokinetics
□ Analgesics/Anti inflammatory agents
□ Antibiotics, antiseptics
□ Drug reaction & toxicity
□ Drugs used in critical care unit (inclusive of ionotropic, life saving
□ Drugs used in various body systems
□ IV fluids and electrolytes
□ Blood and blood components
□ Principles of drug administration, role of nurses and care of drugs
IV 5 Pain M anagement
□ Pain & Sedation in Critically ill patients
□ Theories of pain, Types of pain, Pain assessment, Systemic
responses to pain
□ pain management-pharmacological and non-pharmacological
□ Placebo effect
Unit Hours Content
VI 10 Gastrointestinal System
□ Causes, Pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features,
diagnosis, Prognosis, Management: Medical, Surgical and Nursing
management of:-Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Abdominal
injury, Hepatic Disorders:-Fulminent hepatic failure, Hepatic
encephalopathy, Acute Pancreatitis, Acute intestinal obstruction,
perforative peritonitis
IX 5 Endocrine System
□ Causes, Pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features,
diagnosis, Prognosis, Management: Medical, Surgical and Nursing
Management of :-Hypoglycemia, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Thyroid
crisis, Myxoedema, Adrenal crisis, Syndrome of Inappropriate/
hypersecretion of Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH)
Unit Hours Content
XI 20 Cardiovascular emergencies
□ Principles of Nursing in caring for patient’s with Cardiovascular
□ Assessment: Cardiovascular system: Heart sounds, Diagnostic
studies:- Cardiac enzymes studies, Electrocardiographic
monitoring, Holter monitoring, Stress test. Echo cardiography,
Coronary angiography, Nuclear medicine studies
□ Causes, Pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features,
Diagnostic Prognosis, Management : Medical, Surgical & Nurisng
management of:-Hypertensive crisis, Coronary artery disease,
Acute Myocardial infarction, Cardiomyopathy, Deep vein
thrombosis, Valvular diseases, Heart block, Cardiac arrhythmias &
conduction disturbances, Aneurysms, Endocarditis, Heart failure
Cardio pulmonary resuscitation BCLS/ ACLS
□ Management Modalities: Thrombolytic therapy, Pacemaker –
temporary & permanent, Percutaneous transluminal coronary
angioplasty, Cardioversion, Intra Aortic Balloon pump monitoring,
Defibrillations, Cardiac surgeries, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts
(CABG/MICAS), Valvular surgeries, Heart Transplantation,
Autologous blood transfusion, Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation
Unit Hours Content
XIII 7 Burns
□ Clinical types, classification, pathophysiology, clinical features,
assessment, diagnosis, prognosis, Management: Medical, Surgical
& Nursing management of burns
□ Fluid and electrolyte therapy – calculation of fluids and its
□ Pain management
□ Wound care
□ Infection control
□ Prevention and management of burn complications
□ Grafts and flaps
□ Reconstructive surgery
□ Rehabilitation
I. Procedures Observed
1. CT Scan
2. MRI
3. EEG
4. Hemodialysis
5. Endoscopic Retrograde cholangio Pancreaticogram(ERCP)
6. Heart/ Neuro/GI./ Renal Surgeries
1. Airway management
a. Application of oropharyngeal airway
b. Oxygen therapy
c. CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway pressure)
d. Care of tracheostomy
e. Endotracheal extubation
2. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Basic cardiac life support, ECG
3. Monitoring of critically ill patients – clinically with monitors, capillary
refill time (CRT) assessment of jaundice, ECG.
4. Gastric lavage
5. Assessment of critically ill patients
Identification & assessment of risk factors, Glasgow coma scale,
and dolls eye movement, arterial pressure monitoring, cardiac
output/pulmonary artery pressure monitoring, and detection of
life threatening abnormalities
6. Admission & discharge of critically ill patients
7. Nutritional needs – gastrostomy feeds, pharyngeal feeds, jejunostomy
feeds, TPN, formula preparation & patient education.
8. Assessment of patient for alteration in blood sugar levels monitoring
blood sugar levels periodically & administering insulin periodically.
9. Administration of drugs: IM, IV injection, IV cannulation & fixation
of infusion pump, calculation of dosages, use of insulin syringes/
tuberculin, monitoring fluid therapy, blood administration.
10. Setting up dialysis machine and starting, monitoring and closing
11. Procedures for prevention of infections:
Hand washing, disinfection & sterilization surveillance, and
fumigation universal precautions.
12. Collection of specimen.
13. Setting, use & maintenance of basic equipment, ventilator, O2
analyzer, monitoring equipment, transducers, defibrillator, infusion
& syringe pumps, centrifuge machine.
IV Other Procedures:
Course Description
Content outline
I 4 Introduction
□ Epidemiology-Incidence, Prevalence – Global, National, State and
□ Disease burden, concept of cancer, risk factors
□ Historical perspectives
□ Trends and issues
□ Principles of cancer management
□ Roles and responsibilities of oncology nurse
IV 10 Diagnostic Evaluation
□ Health assessment: History taking, physical examination,
□ Staging and grading of tumors,
□ TNM Classification
□ Common diagnostic tests
Blood investigation: Haemetological, Bio-chemical, Tumor
markers, Hormonal assay
Cytology:Fine needle aspiration cytology(FNAC)
Histopathology: Biopsy
Radiological assessment: MRI, Ultrasound, Computed
tomography, Mammography, Positron emission
tomography(PET), Radio nuclide imaging, Functional
metabolism imaging
□ Surgery
Principles of surgical oncology
Current surgical strategy,
Determining surgical risk
Special surgical techniques
Pre-intra-postoperative nursing care
Acute and chronic surgical complications
Future directions and advances
□ Chemotherapy
Principles and classification of chemotherapeutics
Pharmacology of antineoplastic drugs- Mechanism of action,
Absorption, protein binding, Bio-transformation, excretion,
common side effects, drug toxicity
Calculating drug doses,
Therapeutic response to chemotherapy-Tumor variables, drug
Safety precautions
□ Radiation Therapy
Physics of radiotherapy
Types of ionizing rays
Radiation equipments:Linear accelerator, cobalt,
Types of therapies: Oral, Brachy therapy, tele therapy, selectron
Effects of radiation on the body tissue,
Radiation biology – cell damage hypoxic cells, alteration of
tumor kinetics.
Approaches to radiation therapy –
External radiotherapy
Internal radiotherapy – unsealed,
Sealed sources.
Effectiveness of radiotherapy-Radiosensitivity, treatment effects
Complications of radiotherapy
Radiation safety: Standards of Bhaba Atomic Research
Unit Hours. Content
□ Immunotherapy (Biotherapy)
Concepts and principles
Classification of agents
Treatment and applications
□ Gene Therapy
Current Concepts and practices
□ Assessment of pain
Principles of cancer pain control
Pharmacological: Opioid and non-opioid analgesic therapy
Patient controlled analgesia(PCA)
Other invasive techniques of pain control
Recent developments in Cancer pain
Role of nurse
IX 2 □ Infection control:
Process of infection, risk of hospitalization, nosocomial
infections- prevention and control of infection in acute, long
term care facility and community based care
Standard safety measures
XI 10 Paediatric malignancies
□ Leukemia, Lymphoma, Neuro- blastoma
□ Wilm’s tumor, Soft tissue sarcoma, Retinoblastoma
□ Nursing Management of children with Paediatric Malignancies
Other symptoms
□ Dyspepsia & hiccup, dyspnoea
□ intestinal obstruction,
□ Fungating wounds
□ Anxiety & depression, insomnia
□ Lymph edema
Unit Hours. Content
Clinical Experience
Procedures Observed
1. CT Scan
2. MRI
3. PET Scan(Positron Emission Tomography)
4. Ultra sound
5. Mammography
6. Radio Nuclide Imaging
7. Bone Scan
8. Thyroid Function Test
9. Functional and Metabolic Imaging
10. Transportation of radioactive materials
11. Others
Procedures Assisted
10. Advance Cardiac life support
11. Endotracheal intubation
12. Defibrillation Ventilation
13. Tracheostomy
14. Thoracentesis
15. Paracentesis
16. Lumbar Puncture
17. Arterial Blood Gas
18. Nerve Block
19. Chest tube insertion
20. Intercostal drainage
21. CVP monitoring
Procedure Performed
Other procedures
1. Alternative therapies
Course Description
13. Organise and conduct inservice education program for nursing
14. Develop standards of care for quality assurance in neuroscience
nursing practice
15. Identify the sources of stress and manage burnout syndrome among
health care providers.
16. Teach and supervise nurses and allied health workers.
17. Plan and develop physical layout of neuro intensive care unit
Course Content
I 5 Introduction
II 5 Epidemiology
□ Major health problems-
□ Risk factors associated with neurological conditions- Hereditary,
Psychosocial factors, smoking, alcoholism, dietary habits, cultural
and ethnic considerations, occupational and infections.
□ Health promotion, disease prevention, life style modification and
its implications to nursing
Unit Hours Content
Role of nurse
Unit Hours Content
X 10 Neuro infections
□ Causes, pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features,
diagnostic, Prognosis , Management: medical, surgical and
Nursing management of Neuro infections
Parasitic infections.
Bacterial infections
Brain abscess.
Unit Hours Content
XI 10 Paroxysmal disorders.
□ Causes, pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features,
diagnosis, Prognosis , Management: medical, surgical and Nursing
management of
Epilepsy and seizures.
Status epilepticus.
Menier’s syndrome.
XVII 5 Rehabilitation.
□ Concept and Principles of Rehabilitation.
□ Factors affecting quality of life and coping
□ Rehabilitation in acute care setting, and following stroke, head
injury and degenerative disorders of brain
□ Physiotherapy.
□ Counselling
□ Care giver’s role
Total = 960 Hours
1 W eek = 30 Hours
I. Procedures Observed
1. CT scan
2. MRI
3. PET
4. EEG
5. EMG
6. Sleep pattern studies/Therapy
7. Radiographical studies
8. Neuro surgeries
9. Nerve conduction studies
10. Ultrasound studies
11. Any other
Course Description
14. Appreciate the role of alternative system of medicine in the care of
15. Incorporate evidence based nursing practice and identify the areas of
research in the field of nephro and urological nursing
16. Teach and supervise nurses and allied health workers.
17. Design a layout of kidney transplant unit and dialysis unit
18. Develop standards of nephro urological nursing practice
Course Content
Unit Hours Content
I 5 Introduction
□ Historical development: trends and issues in the field of nephro
and urological nursing.
□ nephro and urological problems
□ Concepts, principles and nursing perspectives
□ Ethical and legal issues
□ Evidence based nursing and its application in nephro and
urological nursing(to be incorporated in all the units)
II 5 Epidemiology
□ Major health problems- urinary dysfunction, urinary tract
infections, Glomuerular disorders, obstructive disorders ad other
urinary disorders
□ Risk factors associated with nephro and urological conditions
conditions- Hereditary, Psychosocial factors, smoking, alcoholism,
dietary habits, cultural and ethnic considerations
□ Health promotion, disease prevention, life style modification and
its implications to nursing
V 5 Renal immunopathy/Immunopathology
□ General Concept of immunopathology
□ Immune mechanism of glomerual vascular disease
□ Role of mediater systems in glomerula vascular disease
X 10 Dialysis
□ Dialysis- Historical, types, Principles, goals
Hemodialysis- vascular access sites- temporary and permanent
Peritoneal dialysis
□ Dialsyis Procedures- steps, equipments, maintenance,
□ Role of nurse- pre dialysis, intra and post dialysis
□ Complications-
□ Counseling
□ patient education
□ Records and reports
XI 10 □ Kidney transplantation
□ Nursing management of a patient with Kidney transplantation
□ Kidney transplantations- a historical review
□ Immunology of graft rejections
□ The recipient of a renal transplant
□ Renal preservations
□ Human Leucocytic Antigen(HLA) typing matching and cross
matching in renal transplantation
□ Surgical techniques of renal transplantations
□ Chronic renal transplant rejection
□ Complication after KTP: Vascular and lymphatic, Uroloical,
cardiovascular, liver and neurological, infectious complication
□ KTP in children and management of pediatric patient with KTP
□ KTP in developing countries
□ Results of KTP
□ Work up of donor and recipient for renal transplant
□ Psychological aspect of KTP and organ donations
□ Ethics in transplants
□ Cadaveric transplantation
Total = 960 Hours
1 W eek = 30 Hours
Procedures observed
I. Procedures Observed
1. CT Scan
2. MRI
3. Radiographic studies
4. Urodynamics
5. Hemodialysis
6. Renal Surgeries
1. Blood transfusion
2. I V cannulation therapy
3. Arterial Catheterization
4. Insertion of central line/cvp line
5. Connecting lines for dialysis
6. Peritoneal dialysis
7. Renal biopsy
8. Endoscopies- Bladder, urethra
1. Health assessment
2. Insertion of uretheral and suprapubic catheters
3. Urine analysis
4. Catheterisation
5. Peritoneal dialysis
6. Bladder irrigation
7. Care of ostomies
8. Care of urinary drainage
9. Bladder training
10. Care of vascular access
11. Setting up dialysis machine and starting, monitoring and
closing dialysis
12. Procedures for prevention of infections:
13. Hand washing, disinfection & sterilization surveillance, and
fumigation universal precautions.
14. Collection of specimen.
15. Administration of drugs: IM, IV injection, IV cannulation &
fixation of infusion pump, calculation of dosages, blood
administration. monitoring -fluid therapy, electrolyte imbalance,
16. Nutritional needs , diet therapy & patient education.
17. Counselling
Placement : II Year
Hours of Instruction
Theory : 150 Hours
Practical : 950 Hours
Total : 1100 Hours
Course Description
Course Content
IV 15 Injuries
Unit Hours Content
□ Head injury
□ Chest injury
Nerve injuries
Vascular injuries
Soft tissue injuries
Sports injuries
VI 5 Bone Tumours
□ Causes, pathophysiology, clinical types, clinical features,
diagnosis, prognosis, management, medical surgical and nursing
management of:
Bone tumors – Benign, Malignant and metastatic
Different types of therapies for tumors
VII 10 Deformities
□ Causes, pathophysiology, clinical types, clinical features,
diagnosis, prognosis – medical surgical and nursing management
of:Scoliosis, Kyphosis,Lordosis
□ Congenital disorders: Congenital dislocation of hip(CDH),
Dislocation of patella, knee,
□ Varus and valgus deformities,
□ Deformities of digits,
□ Congenital torticollis.
□ Meningocele, meningomyelocele, spina bifida,
□ Chromosomal disorders.
□ Computer related deformities
Unit Hours Content
XV 30 Nurses Role in Orthopedic Conditions
□ Gait analysis
□ Urodynamic studies
□ Prevention of physical deformities
□ Alteration of body temperature regulatory system and immune
□ Immobilization – cast, splints, braces and tractions
□ Prevention and care of problems related to immobility
□ Altered sleep patterns
□ Impaired communication
□ Self care and activities of daily living
□ Bladder and bowel rehabilitation
□ Sensory function rehabilitation
□ Psychological reaction related to disabilities and disorders.
□ Coping of individual and family with disabilities and disorders
□ Maintaining sexuality
□ Spirituality – A rehabilitative prospective
□ Concepts, Principles, purpose,
Mobilization – Exercises: types, re-education in walking:
Crutch walking, wheel chair, Transfer techniques,
Types of gaits: Non-weight bearing, partial weight bearing,
four point crutch, tripoid, walking with sticks, calipers
Forms of therapies: Hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, wax bath,
heat therapy, ice, helio therapy, radiant heat,
Chest physiotherapy
XVI 8 Rehabilitation
□ Principles of rehabilitation, definition, philosophy, process,
□ Various types of therapies
□ Special therapies and alternative therapies
□ Rehabilitation counseling
□ Preventive and restorative measures.
□ Community based rehabilitation (CBR)
□ Challenges in rehabilitation.
□ Role of the nurse in rehabilitation,
□ Legal and ethical issues in rehabilitation nursing
□ Occupational therapy
Clinical Experience
Total = 960 Hours
1 W eek = 30 Hours
Procedures Observed
1. X Ray
2. Ultrasound
3. MRI
4. C T Scan/bone scan
5. Arthroscopy
6. Electrothermally – assisted capsule shift or ETAC (Thermal
7. Fluroscopy
8. Electromyography
9. Myelography
10. Discography
11. Others
Procedures Assisted
1. Blood Transfusion
2. IV cannulation and therapy
3. Ventilation
4. Various types of tractions
5. Orthopedic surgeries – Arthrocentesis, Arthroscopy, Bone lengthening,
Arthrodesis, grafting, Fractures fixation, reconstructive,
reimplantation, replantation, spinal decompression, transplantation of
bone, muscle or articular cartilage, autografting, allografting.
6. Injection – Intra articular, intra osseous.
7. Advance Life Support
Peocedures Performed
Other Procedures
Placement : II Year
Hours of Instruction
Theory : 150 hrs.
Practical : 950 hrs.
Total : 1100 hrs.
Course Description
14. Identify the sources of stress and manage burnout syndrome among
health care providers
15. Appreciate the role of alternative system of medicine in care of patient
16. Incorporate evidence based nursing practice and identify the areas of
research in the field of gastrointestinal nursing
17. Teach and supervise nurses and allied health workers.
18. Design a layout of Gastro entrology intensive care unit (GEICU) , liver
care/transplant unit
Course Content
II 5 Epidemiology
□ Risk factors associated with GE conditions- Hereditary,
Psychosocial factors, smoking, alcoholism, dietary habits, cultural
and ethnic considerations
□ Health promotion, disease prevention, life style modification and
its implications to nursing
□ National health programmes related to gastro enterology
□ Alternate system of medicine/complementary therapies
Unit Hours Content
Endoscopic Retrogrde Cholongio pancreotography (ERCP)
Endoscopic ultrasound
Gastric emptying studies
Blood chemistries: Serum amylase, serum lipase
Liver biopsy
Miscellaneous tests:Gastric analysis, fecal analysis
Liver function tests: Bile formation and excretion, dye excretion
test, Protein metabolism, haemostatic functions- prothrombin
vitamin K production, serum enzyme tests,Lipid metabolism-
serum cholesterol
Unit Hours Content
Esophageal stenosis
Esophageal duplications
Dysphagia – Lusoria – aberrent right subclavian artery
compressing esophagus
Esophageal rings – schalzkiring
Esophageal webs
IX 15 Pharmo Kinetics
□ Drugs used in GIT
□ Principles of administration
□ Roles responsibilities of nurses
□ Drugs in Peptic ulcer disease
□ Proton Pump inhibitors
□ H2 Receptor Antagonists
□ Cytoprotective Agents:
□ Drugs used in Diarrhea
□ Drugs used in constipation
□ Drugs used in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
□ Aminosalicylates
□ Corticosteroids
□ Immunomodulators
□ chemotherapy
□ Antibiotics
□ Antiemetics:
□ Anticholinergics
□ Antihistaminics
□ Antihelminthics
□ Vitamin Supplements
Unit Hours Content
X 10 Nutrition and nutritional problems related to GI system
□ Nutritional assessment and nursing interventions
□ Therapeutic diets
□ Adverse reactions between drugs and various foods
□ Malnutrition- etiology , clinical manifestations and management
□ Tube feeding, parenteral nutrition, total parenteral nutrition
□ Obesity- etiology, clinical manifestations and management
□ Eating disorders- anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa
□ Recent advances in nutrition
Practicals Total = 960 Hours
1 Week = 30 Hours
Procedures Assisted
Placement - II Year
Hours of Instruction
Theory: 150 hrs
Practical 950 hrs
Total 1100 hrs
Course Description
This course is designed to assist the student in developing expertise and in-
depth understanding in the field of Obstetric and gynecological Nursing .It
will help the student to develop advanced nursing skills for nursing
interventions in various obstetrical and gynecological conditions. It will
further enable the students to function as midwifery nurse practitioner/
specialist, educator, manager and researcher in the field of obstetric and
gynecological nursing.
Contents Outline
Contracted pelvis-CPD; dystocia.
Obstetrical emergencies Obstetrical shock, vasa praevia,
inversion of uterus, amniotic fluid embolism, rupture
uterus, presentation and prolapse cord.
Augmentation of labour. Medical and surgical induction.
Manual removal of placenta.
Obstetrical operation: Forceps delivery, Ventouse,
Caesarian section, Destructive operations
Genital tract injuries-Third degree perineal tear, VVF, RVF
□ Complications of third stage of labour:
Post partum Hemorrhage.
Retained placenta.
□ HIV positive mother and her baby
□ Epidemiology
□ Screening
□ Parent to child transmission(PTCT)
□ Prophylaxis for mother and baby
□ Standard safety measures
□ Counseling
□ Breast feeding issues
□ National policies and guidelines
□ Issues: Legal,ethical, Psychosocial and rehabilitation
Role of nurse
Procedure Observed
Assisted Reproductive Technology procedures
Ultra sonography
Specific laboratory tests.
Cervical & vaginal cytology.
Surgical diathermy.
Procedures Assisted
Operative delivery
Abnormal deliveries-Forceps application, Ventouse, Breech
Exchange blood transfusion
Endometrial Biopsy
Tubal patent test
Radiation therapy
Medical Termination of Pregnancy.
Dilatation and Curettage
Procedures Performed
History taking.
Physical Examination-General
Antenatal assessment. – 20
Pelvic examination
Assessment of risk status.
Assessment of Intra uterine foetal well-being.kick chart and foetal
movement chart, Doppler assessment, Non Stress Test, Contraction
stress test(Oxytocin challenge test)
Universal precautions- Disposal of biomedical waste.
Per Vaginal examination and interpretation (early pregnancy, labour, post
Utilization of Partograph
Medical & Surgical induction(Artificial rupture of membranes).
Vacuum extraction
Conduct of delivery.
Prescription and administration of fluids and electrolytes through
intravenous route.
Application of outlet forceps, delivery of breach – Burns Marshall, Loveset
Repair of tears and Episiotomy suturing.
Vacuum extraction
controlled cord traction, Manual removal of placenta, placental
Manual vacuum aspiration
Postnatal assessment.- 20
Management of breast engorgement
Thrombophlebitis (white leg)
Postnatal counseling.
Reposition of inversion of uterus.
Laboratory tests: Blood- Hb, Sugar, Urine-albumin,sugar
Breast care, breast exam, and drainage breast abscess.
Postnatal exercise.
Assessment –New born assessment; physical and neurological, Apgar
score, high-risk newborn, Monitoring neonates; Clinically and With
monitors, Capillary refill time, Assessment of jaundice, danger signs
Anthropometric measurement
Neonatal resuscitation
Gastric Lavage
Care of newborn in multi channel monitor and ventilator.
Care of newborn in radiant warmer and incubator.
Kangaroo mother care.
Assisting mother with exclusive Breast-feeding
Feeding technique: Katori, spoon, naso/orogastric, Total Parenteral
Assessement, calculation and administration of fluids and medications:
- Oral
- I.D.
- I.M.
- I.V.- Securing IV line, infusion pump
Administration of drug per rectum
Capillary blood sample collection.
Oxygen therapy.
Chest physiotherapy.
counseling – Parental, bereavment, family planning, infertility etc
Setting of operation theatre.
Trolley and table set up for Obstetrical & gynaecoligical operations.
Pap smear.
Vaginal smear.
Insertion of pessaries,
Insertion of IUD and removal.
Teaching skills
communication skills
Prepare referral slips
Pre transport stabilization
Networking with other stake holders
Placement : II Year
Hours of Instruction
Theory 150 hours
Practical 950 hours
Total : 1100 hours
Course Description
1. Apply the nursing process in the care of ill infants to pre adolescents
in hospital and community
2. Demonstrate advanced skills/competence in nursing management of
children with medical and surgical problems
3. Recognize and manage emergencies in children
4. Provide nursing care to critically ill children
5. Utilize the recent technology and various treatment modalities in the
management of high risk children
6. Prepare a design for layout and describe standards for management of
pediatric units/hospitals
7. Identify areas of research in the field of pediatric nursing
Course Content
gastrochisis, exomphalus, anorectal malformation,
omphalocele, diaphragmatic hernia
Anomalies of the nervous system: Spina bifida,
Meningocele, Myelomeningocele, hydrocephalus
Anomalies of the genito-urinary system: Hypospadias,
Epispadias, Undescended testes, Exstrophy bladder
Anomalies of the skeletal system
Eye and ENT disorders
Nursing management of the child with traumatic injuries:
General principles of managing Pediatric trauma
- Head injury, abdominal injury, poisoning, foreign body
obstruction, burns
- & Bites
Child with oncological disorders: Solid tumors of
childhood, Nephroblastoma, Neuro blastoma,
Hodgkin's/Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Hepatoblastoma,
Management of stomas, catheters and tubes
Management of wounds and drainages
Total = 960 Hours
1 W eek = 30 Hours
Field visits:
*Child care center, Anganwadi, play school, Special schools for challenged
children, Juvenile court, UNICEF, Orphanage, Creche, SOS village
I. Procedures Observed:
Echo cardiogram
Ultrasound head
ROP screening (Retinopathy of prematurity)
Any other
III. Procedures Performed:
Airway Management
- Application of Oro Pharyngeal Airway
- Oxygen therapy
- CPAP(Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
- Care of Tracheostomy
- Endotracheal Intubation
Neonatal Resuscitation
Monitoring of Neonates – clinically & with monitors, CRT(Capillary
Refill Time), assessment of jaundice, ECG
Gastric Lavage
Setting of Ventilators
Assessment of Neonates: Identification & assessment of risk
factors, APGAR Score, gestation age, Anthropometric assessment,
Weighing the baby, Newborn examination, detection of life
threatening congenital abnormalities,
Admission & discharge of neonates
Feeding - management of breast feeding, artificial feeding,
expression of breast milk, OG(Orogastric) tube insertion, gavage
feeding, TPN, Breast feeding counseling
Thermoregulation- Axillary temperature, Kangaroo Mother Care
(KMC), Use of Radiant warmer, incubators, management of
thermoregulation & control
Administration of Drugs: I/M, IV injection, IV Cannulation &
fixation infusion pump, Calculation of dosages, Neonatal
formulation of drugs, use of tuberculin/ insulin syringes,
Monitoring fluid therapy, Blood administration.
Procedures for prevention of infections: Hand washing,
disinfections & sterilization, surveillance, fumigation
Collection of specimens
Setting, Use & maintenance of basic equipment: Ventilator, O 2
analyzer, monitoring equipment, Photo therapy unit, Flux meter,
Infusion pump, Radiant warmer, incubator, Centrifuge machine,
Bilimeter, Refractometer, laminar flow
Placement: II Year
Hours of Instruction
Theory 150 hrs
Practical 950 hrs
Total : 1100 Hours
Course Description
Course Content
II 10 Crisis Intervention
□ Crisis, Definition
□ Phases In The Development of A Crisis
□ Types of Crisis; Dispositional , Anticipated Life Transitions
Traumatic Stress, Maturational/ Development , Reflecting
□ Psychiatric Emergencies and their management
□ Grief and grief reaction
□ Crisis Intervention; Phases
□ Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
□ Role of the Nurse
Unit Hours Content
□ The Dynamics Of Substance-Related Disorders
□ The Impaired Nurse
□ Codependency
□ Treatment Modalities For Substance-Related Disorders and
Nursing Management
IX 8 M ood Disorders
□ Historical Perspective
□ Epidemiology
□ The Grief Response
□ Maladaptive Responses To Loss
□ Types Of Mood Disorders
□ Depressive disorders
□ Bipolar disorders
□ Treatment and Nursing Management
X 8 Anxiety Disorders
□ Historical Aspects
□ Epidemiological Statistics
□ How Much is too Much?
□ Types
Panic Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition
Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder
□ Treatment Modalities
□ Psychopharmacology & Nursing Management
Unit Hours Content
Epidemiological Statistics
Pain Disorder
Conversion Disorder
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
□ Sleep Disorder
□ Treatment Modalities and Nursing Management
Unit Hours Content
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Narcissitic Personality Disorder
Avoidance Personality Disorder
Dependent Personality Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorders
□ Identification, diagnostic, symptoms
□ Psychopharmacology
□ Treatment & Nursing Management
Unit Hours Content
Nurse Practice Acts
Types of Law
Classification within Statutory and Common Law
Legal Issues in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing
Nursing Liability
XXIV 5 Counseling
□ Liaison psychiatric nursing
□ Terminal illnesses-Counseling
□ Post partum psychosis-treatment, care and counseling
□ Death dying- Counseling
□ Treatment, care and counseling –
Unwed mothers
Total = 960 Hours
1 W eek = 30 Hours
S.No. Area of Posting No. of W eek Total Hours
1 Acute Psychiatric Ward 4 120 Hours
2 Chronic Psychiatric Ward 4 120 Hours
3 De-addiction Unit 4 120 Hours
4 Psychiatric Emergency Unit 4 120 Hours
5 O.P.D (Neuro and psychiatric) 3 90 Hours
6 Child Psychiatric Unit and child 2 60 Hours
guidance clinic
7 Post natal ward 1 30 Hours
8 Family Psychiatric Unit 2 60 Hours
9 Field visits 2 60 Hours
10 Rehabilitation 2 60 Hours
11 Community Mental Health Unit 4 120 Hours
Total 32 W eeks 960 Hours
Procedures Observed
1. Psychometric tests
2. Personality tests
3. Family therapy
4. Assisted
5. CT
6. MRI
7. Behavioral therapy.
Procedures Performed
1. Mental status examination
2. Participating in various therapies – Physical; ECT,
3. Administration of Oral, IM, IV psychotropic drugs
4. Interviewing skills
5. Counseling skills
6. Communication skills
7. Psychoeducation
8. Interpersonal relationship skills
9. Community Survey for identifying mental health problems
10. Rehabilitation therapy
11. Health education and life skills training.
12. Supportive psychotherapic skills
13. Group therapy
14. Milieu therapy
15. Social/Recreational therapy.
16. Occupational therapy.
Placement : II Year
Hours of Instruction
Theory- 150 hours
Practicals- 950 hours
Total- 1100 hrs
Course Description
Content Outlines
Unit Hours Content
III 15 School Health
□ Introduction: definition, concepts, objectives,.
□ Health assessment, Screening, identification, referral
and follow up,
□ Safe environment
□ Services, programmes and plans- first aid, treatment of
minor ailments
□ Inter-sectoral coordination
□ Adolescent health
□ Disaster, disaster preparedness, and management
□ Guidance and counseling
□ School health records - maintenance and its importance
□ Roles and responsibilities of community health nurse
IV 15 International health
□ Global burden of disease
□ Global health rules to halt disease spread
□ Global health priorities and programes
□ International quarantine
□ Health tourism
□ International cooperation and assistance
□ International travel and trade
□ Health and food legislation, laws, adulteration of food
□ Disaster management
□ Migration
□ International health agencies –World Health
organizations, World health assembly, UNICEF, UNFPA,
□ International health issues and problems
□ International nursing practice standards
□ International health vis-a vis national health
□ International health days and their significance
Unit Hours Content
□ Training of various categories of health workers-
preparation of manuals
VI 10 Geriatric
□ Concept, trends, problems and issues
□ Aging process, and changes
□ Theories of ageing
□ Health problems and needs
□ Psycho-physiological stressors and disorders
□ Myths and facts of aging
□ Health assessment
□ Home for aged-various agencies
□ Rehabilitation of elderly
□ Care of elderly
□ Elderly abuse
□ Training and supervision of care givers
□ Government welfare measures Programmes for elderly-
Role of NGOs
□ Roles and responsibilities of Geriatric nurse in the
VII 10 Rehabilitation
□ Introduction: Concepts, principles, trends, issues,
□ Rehabilitation team
□ Models, Methods
□ Community based rehabilitation
□ Ethical issues
□ Rehabilitation Council of India
□ Disability and rehabilitation- Use of various prosthetic
□ Psychosocial rehabilitation
□ Rehabilitation of chronic diseases
□ Restorative rehabilitation
□ Vocational rehabilitation
□ Role of voluntary organizations
□ Guidance and counseling
□ Welfare measures
□ Role and responsibilities of community health nurse
Unit Hours Content
Secondary prevention
Tertiary Prevention
□ Community based rehabilitation
□ Human rights of mentally ill
□ Substance use
□ Mentally challenged groups
□ Role of community health nurse
IX 15 Occupational health
□ Introduction: Trends, issues, Definition, Aims,
Objectives, Workplace safety
□ Ergonomics and Ergonomic solutions
□ Occupational environment- Physical, social, Decision
making, Critical thinking
□ Occupational hazards for different categories of people-
physical, chemical, biological, mechanical, , Accidents,
□ Occupational diseases and disorders
□ Measures for Health promotion of workers; Prevention
and control of occupational diseases, disability
limitations and rehabilitation
□ Women and occupational health
□ Occupational education and counseling
□ Violence at workplace
□ Child labour
□ Disaster preparedness and management
□ Legal issues: Legislation, Labour unions, ILO and WHO
recommendations, Factories act, ESI act
□ Role of Community health nurse, Occupational health
Total = 960 Hours
1 W eek = 30 Hours
MCH office and DPHNO
CHC/ First Referral Unit(FRU)
Child guidance clinic
Institute/Unit for mentally challenged
District TB centre
AIDS control society
Filariasis clinic
RCH clinic
STD clinic
Leprosy clinic
Community based rehabilitation unit
Cancer centers
Palliative care
Home of old age
Mental health units
De-addication centres
School health services
Selected industrial health centers
ESI unit
Municipality/ corporation office
Laparoscopic sterilization
All clinics related to RCH
Monitoring of national health and family welfare programmes
Conduct various clinics
School health assessment.
Health survey.
Health assessment
Drug administration as per the protocols
Treatment of minor ailments
Investigating outbreak of epidemic.
Screening for leprosy, TB and non-communicable disease
Presumptive and radical treatment for Malaria.
Report writing
Writing a project proposal
Material management- requisition for indent, condemnation, inventory
Training and Supervision of various categories of personnel
Liaison with NGO’s
Annexure – I
2 Professor-cum-Vice Principal
- Masters Degree in Nursing
- 10 years of experience and minimum of 5 years of teaching experience
Desirable : Independent published work of high standard / doctorate degree /