Sources of Biomedical Wastes

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(Autonomous College underVTU)





USN: 1BM17CV033

Biomedical waste/hospital waste is any kind of waste containing
infectious materials. It may also include waste associated with
the generation of biomedical waste that visually appears to be of
medical or laboratory origin (e.g., packaging, unused bandages,
infusion kits, etc.), as well research laboratory waste containing
biomolecules or organisms that are mainly restricted from
environmental release. Biomedical waste is a type of biowaste.

Biomedical waste may be solid or liquid. Examples of infectious
waste include discarded blood, sharps, unwanted microbiological
cultures and stocks, identifiable body parts (including those as a
result of amputation), other human or animal tissue, used bandages
and dressings, discarded gloves, other medical supplies that may
have been in contact with blood and body fluids. Waste sharps
include potentially contaminated used (and unused discarded)
needles, scalpels, lancets and other devices capable of penetrating
Biomedical waste is generated from biological and medical sources
and activities, such as the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of
diseases. Common generators (or producers) of biomedical waste
include hospitals, health clinics, nursing homes, emergency medical
services, medical research laboratories, offices of physicians,
dentists, and veterinarians, home health care, and morgues or funeral
homes. In healthcare facilities (i.e., hospitals, clinics, doctor's
offices, veterinary hospitals and clinical laboratories), waste with
these characteristics may alternatively be called medical or clinical
 Govt. hospitals/private hospitals/nursing homes/dispensaries
 Primary health centres
 Medical college and research centres/paramedic services
 Veterinary colleges and animal research centres
 Blood banks/mortuaries/autopsy centres
 Biotechnology institutions
 Production units
 Physicians/dentists clinics
 Animal houses/slaughter houses
 Blood donation camps
 Vaccination camps
 Acupuncturists/psychiatric clinics/cosmetic piercing
 Funeral services


 It creates a healthy atmosphere free from microbes.

 Minimizes the risk of infection to staffs, visitors and other


 Cuts off unpleasant sights and bad odours.

 Contaminations of water and ground soil are avoided.

 Reduces fleas and insects, also cuts off animal coming
towards the waste.
 High cost
 Potential pollution risks associated with incineration


Hazardous 15%
 Hazardous but non-infective 5%
 Hazardous and infective 10%
Non-hazardous 85%
Combustible 80%
 Plastic 14%
 Dry cellublostic solid 48%
 Wet cellublostic solid 18%
Non-combustible 20%


Segregated collection of waste at source is a single most
important step in bio-medical waste management and this
practice results in-
 Waste minimization
 Effective waste management
 Decrease in expenses incurred in managing waste
 Reduce the risk of infection ensuring better healthcare
Biomedical Waste Management Rules 1998 gives the colour
coding that should be used for the various categories of waste:-

Human Anatomical
Category No. Incineration@ /
Waste (Human tissues,
1 deep burial*
organs, body parts)
Category No. Animal Waste Incineration@ /
2 (Animal tissues, organs, deep burial*
body parts, carcasses,
bleeding parts, fluid,
blood and experimental
animals used in
research, waste
generated by veterinary
hospitals and colleges,
discharge from
hospitals, animal
Microbiology &
Biotechnology Waste
(Wastes from laboratory
cultures, stocks or
specimen of live micro
organisms or attenuated
vaccines, human and
Local autoclaving/
Category No. animal cell cultures used
microwaving /
3 in research and
infectious agents from
research and industrial
laboratories, wastes
from production of
biologicals, toxins and
devices used for transfer
of cultures)
Waste Sharps (Needles,
syringes, scalpels,
treatment@@ /
Category No. blades, glass, etc. that
autoclaving /
4 may cause puncture and
microwaving and
cuts. This includes both
mutilation /
used and unused sharps)
Discarded Medicine and
Incineration@ /
Cytotoxic drugs (Wastes
Category No. destruction and
comprising of outdated,
5 drugs disposal in
contaminated and
secured landfills
discarded medicines)
Category No. Soiled Waste (Items Incineration@ /
6 contaminated with body autoclaving /
fluids including cotton, microwaving
dressings, soiled plaster
casts, lines, bedding and
other materials
contaminated with
Solid Waste (Waste Disinfecting by
generated from chemical
disposable items other treatment@@ /
Category No.
than the waste sharps autoclaving /
such as tubing, microwaving and
catheters, intravenous mutilation /
sets, etc.) shredding# #
Liquid Waste (Waste
Disinfecting by
generated from the
Category No. laboratory and washing,
treatment@@ and
8 cleaning, house keeping
discharge into
and disinfecting
Incineration Ash (Ash
Category No. Disposal in
from incineration of any
9 municipal landfill
biomedical waste)
Chemical Waste Chemical
(Chemicals used in treatment @@
Category production of and discharge into
No.10 biologicals, chemicals drains for liquids
used in disinfecting, as and secured
insecticides, etc.) landfill for solids.


Segregation refers to the basic separation of different categories

of waste generated at source and thereby reducing the risks as
well as cost of handling and disposal. Segregation is the most
crucial step in bio-medical waste management. Effective
segregation alone can ensure effective bio-medical waste
management. The BMWs must be segregated in accordance to
guidelines laid down under schedule 1 of BMW Rules, 1998.
How does segregation help?
 Segregation reduces the amount of
waste needs special handling and
 Effective segregation process
prevents the mixture of medical waste
like sharps with the general municipal
 Prevents illegally reuse of certain
components of medical waste like
used syringes, needles and other
 Provides an opportunity for recycling certain components of
medical waste like plastics after proper and thorough
 Recycled plastic material can be used for non-food grade
 Of the general waste, the biodegradable waste can be
composted within the hospital premises and can be used for
gardening purposes.
 Recycling is a good environmental practice, which can also
double as a revenue generating activity.
 Reduces the cost of treatment and disposal (80 per cent of a
hospital’s waste is general waste, which does not require
special treatment, provided it is not contaminated with other
infectious waste)

Proper labelling of bins:

The bins and bags should carry the biohazard symbol indicating
the nature of waste to the patients and public. Schedule III (Rule
6) of Bio-medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules,
1998 specifies the Label for Bio-Medical Waste Containers /
Bags as:


The collection of biomedical waste involves use of different

types of container from various sources of biomedical wastes
like Operation Theatre, laboratory, wards, kitchen, corridor etc.
The containers/ bins should be placed in such a way that 100 %
collection is achieved. Sharps must always be kept in puncture-
proof containers to avoid injuries and infection to the workers
handling them.


 Immediate treatment and disposal are ideal procedures to be
followed for disposal of bio medical waste.
 Untreated bio medical waste however, can be stored for not
more than 48 hrs.
 If for some reason it becomes necessary to store the waste
beyond such period, permission from the local state
authority must be taken and it must be ensured that it does
not adversely affect human health and the environment.


 The waste should be transported for

treatment either in trolleys or in
covered wheelbarrow. Manual
loading should be avoided as far as
for as possible. The bags / Container
containing BMWs should be tied/
lidded before transportation. Before transporting the bag
containing BMWs, it should be accompanied with a signed
document by Nurse/ Doctor mentioning date, shift, quantity
and destination.

 Special vehicles must be used so as to prevent access to, and

direct contact with, the waste by the transportation
operators, the scavengers and the public. The transport
containers should be properly enclosed. The effects of
traffic accidents should be considered in the design, and the
driver must be trained in the procedures he must follow in
case of an accidental spillage. It should also be possible to
wash the interior of the containers thoroughly.

There are mainly five technology options available for the
treatment of Bio-Medical Waste or still under research can be
grouped as:-
1. Chemical processes
2. Thermal processes
3. Mechanical processes
4. Irradiation processes
5. Biological processes

1. Chemical processes
These processes use chemical that act as disinfectants. Sodium
hypochlorit, dissolved chlorine dioxide, peracetic acid, hydrogen
peroxide, dry inorganic chemical and ozone are examples of such
chemical. Most chemical processes are water-intensive and
require neutralising agents.

2. Thermal processes
These processes utilise heat to disinfect. Depending on the
temperature they operate it is been grouped into two categories,
which are Low-heat systems and High-heat systems
Low-heat systems (operates between 93-
177°C) use steam, hot water, or
electromagnetic radiation to heat and
decontaminate the waste.
Autoclave & Microwave are low heat
Autoclaving is a low heat thermal
process and it uses steam for
disinfection of waste. Autoclaves are
of two types depending on the method
they use for removal of air pockets
are gravity flow autoclave and
vacuum autoclave.
Microwaving is a process which disinfect the waste by moist
heat and steam generated by microwave

High-heat systems (operates between 540-8,300°C) employ

combustion and high temperature plasma to decontaminate and
destroy the waste.
Incinerator & Hydroclaving are high heat systems. Hydroclaving
- is steam treatment with fragmentation and drying of waste

3. Mechanical processes
These processes are used to change the physical form or
characteristics of the waste either to facilitate waste handling or
to process the waste in conjunction with other treatment steps.
The two primary mechanical processes are
Compaction - used to reduce the volume of the waste
Shredding - used to destroy plastic and paper waste to prevent
their reuse. Only the disinfected waste can be used in a shredder.
4. Irradiation processes
Exposes wastes to ultraviolet or ionizing radiation in an enclosed
chamber. These systems require post shredding to render the
waste unrecognizable.

5. Biological processes -
Using biological enzymes for treating medical waste. It is
claimed that biological reactions will not only decontaminate the
waste but also cause the destruction of all the organic
constituents so that only plastics, glass, and other inert will
remain in the residues.
Points to ponder in processing the waste

 Incinerators should be suitably designed to achieve the
emission limits.
 Wastes to be incinerated shall not be chemically treated
with any chlorinated disinfectants.
 Toxic metals in the incineration ash shall be limited within
the regulatory quantities
 Only low sulphur fuel like Diesel shall be used as fuel in the
Deep Burial
 A pit or trench should be dug about 2 m deep. It should be
half filled with waste, and then covered with lime within 50
cm of the surface, before filling the rest of the pit with soil.
 It must be ensured that animals do not have access to burial
 Covers of galvanised iron/wire meshes may be used.
 On each occasion, when wastes are added to the pit, a layer
of 10cm of soil be added to cover the wastes.
 Burial must be performed under close and dedicated
 The site should be relatively impermeable and no shallow
well should be close to the site.
 The pits should be distant from habitation, and sited so as to
ensure that no contamination occurs of any surface water or
ground water.
 The area should not be prone to flooding or erosion.
 The location of the site will be authorized by the prescribed
 The institution shall maintain a record of all pits for deep

Disposal of Sharps
 Blades and needles waste after disinfection
should be disposed in circular or rectangular
 Such pits can be dug and lined with brick,
masonry, or concrete rings.
 The pit should be covered with a heavy concrete slab, which
is penetrated by a galvanized steel pipe projecting about 1.5
m above the slab, within internal diameter of upto 20 mm.
 When the pipe is full it can be sealed completely after
another has been prepared.
Radioactive waste from medical establishments
 It may be stored under carefully controlled conditions until
the level of radioactivity is so low that they may be treated
as other waste.
 Special care is needed when old equipment containing
radioactive source is being discarded.
 Expert advice should be taken into account.

Mercury control
Wastes containing Mercury due to breakage of thermometer and
other measuring equipment need to be given
 Proper attention should be given to the collection of the
spilled mercury, its storage and sending of the same back to
the manufacturers.
 Must take all measures to ensure that the spilled mercury
does not become part of biomedical wastes ]
 Waste containing equal to or more than 50 ppm of mercury
is a hazardous waste and the concerned generators of the
wastes including the health care units are required to
dispose the waste as per the norms.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified medical
wastes according to their weight, density and constituents into
different categories. These are:
Infectious: Material-containing pathogens in sufficient
concentrations or quantities that, if exposed, can cause diseases.
This includes waste from surgery and autopsies on patients with
infectious diseases, sharps, disposable needles, syringes, saws,
blades, broken glasses, nails or any other item that could cause a
Pathological: Tissues, organs, body parts, human flesh, foetuse,
blood and body fluids, drugs and chemicals that are returned
from wards, spilled, outdated, contaminated, or are no longer
Radioactive: Solids, liquids and gaseous waste contaminated
with radioactive substances used in diagnosis and treatment of
diseases like toxic goiter; and
Others: Waste from the offices, kitchens, rooms, including bed
linen, utensils.

According to the WHO, the global life expectancy is increasing
year after year. However, deaths due to infectious disease are
also increasing. A study conducted by the WHO reveals that
more than 50,000 people die everyday from infectious diseases.
One of the causes for the increase in infectious diseases is
improper waste management. Blood, body fluids and body
secretions which are constituents of bio-medical waste harbour
most of the viruses, bacteria and parasites that cause infection.
This passes via a number of human contacts, all of whom are
potential ‘recipients’ of the infection. Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV) and hepatitis viruses spearhead an extensive list of
infections and diseases documented to have spread through bio-
medical waste. Tuberculosis, pneumonia, diarrhea diseases,
tetanus, whooping cough etc., are other common diseases spread
due to improper waste management.  

Occupational health hazards

The health hazards due to improper waste management can
 The occupants in institutions and spread in the vicinity of
the institutions
 People happened to be in contact with the institution like
laundry workers, nurses, emergency medical personnel, and
refuse workers.
 Risks of infections outside hospital for waste handlers,
scavengers and (eventually)
the general public
 Risks associated with
hazardous chemicals, drugs,
being handled by persons
handling wastes at all levels 
 Injuries from sharps and exposure to chemical waste and
radioactive waste also cause hazards to employees.

Hazards to the general public

The general public’s health can also be adversely affected by
bio-medical waste.

 Improper practices such as dumping of bio-medical waste in

municipal dustbins, open spaces, water bodies etc., leads to
the spread of diseases.
 Emissions from incinerators and open burning also lead to
exposure to harmful gases
which can cause cancer and
respiratory diseases.
 Exposure to radioactive waste
in the waste stream can also
cause serious health hazards.
 An often-ignored area is the
increase of in-home healthcare activities. An increase in the
number of diabetics who inject themselves with insulin,
home nurses taking care of terminally ill patients etc., all
generate bio-medical waste, which can cause health

Bio-medical waste can cause health hazards to animals

and birds too
 Plastic waste can choke animals, which scavenge on open

 Injuries from sharps are common feature affecting animals.

 Harmful chemicals such as dioxins and furans can cause

serious health hazards to animals and birds.

 Heavy metals can even affect the reproductive health of the


 Change in microbial ecology, spread of antibiotic resistance

What you can do?

 Use only disposable syringes. After use throw the syringes
after breaking them

 Bandages, cotton and other blood stained materials should

not be thrown with general garbage

 Use black plastic bags to dispose biomedical wastes

 Keep trash out of reach of small children and infants

 Diapers, Sanitary napkins etc. should also be disposed


 Drugs that are past date of expiry must never be used

Use protective gear
needle stick
when handling waste

Collect waste when Avoid using

the bin is 3/4 th full common
lift to move

Clean spills
Avoid spillage with

Use trolleys &

do not drag
waste bags

Waste minimization is an important first step in managing wastes
safely, responsibly and in a cost effective manner. This
management step makes use of reducing, reusing and recycling
principles. There are many possible routes to minimize the
amount of both general waste and biomedical wastes within the
health care or related facility. Alternative technologies for
biomedical waste minimization (e.g., microwave treatment;
hammer mill) have been investigated and are not considered to
be practical. Some of the principles of waste minimization are
listed below and will be developed further in the long-term


Pune is the eighth largest metropolis in India and the second
largest in the state of Maharashtra with a total population
60,49,968 as per 2001 census. The total number of hospitals in
Pune Municipal Corporation, Pune Cantonment Board and
Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporations' jurisdiction are 928,
which cater for around 3,350 Patients daily [10]. In total, around
3,000 kg of bio-waste is generated in the city, out of this;
Corporation- run hospitals generate almost 450 kg of bio-waste
every day. Bio-medical wastes include human anatomical waste
like tissues, organs, body parts, as also animal waste,
microbiological and biotechnological waste, hypodermic
needles, syringes, scalpels, broken glass, discarded medicines,
dressing’s bandages, catheters, incineration ash, etc. There are
more than 34 dispensaries, 14 maternity hospitals and an
infectious disease hospital in the city which operate without
adequate approval from municipal bodies. From these facilities
bio-medical waste is collected and treated at the Kailas
Crematorium plant. In total, Pune Municipal Corporation {PMC}
collects biomedical waste from 764 hospitals, 2,222 clinics, 222
pathology laboratories and 12 blood banks. It has been notices
that , only 2,162 clinics in the city have opted for the common
biomedical waste treatment facility, located at Kailas
crematorium off Raja Bahadur Mill Road. Only 2,162 clinics
send their biomedical waste to the treatment facility. Over 6,000
clinics in Pune are operating without adequate arrangement for
handling collection and treatment of biomedical waste generate
even they are taking advantage of available service. Besides out
of 697 nursing homes, 107 have not complied the laid norms and
majority of the clinics are disposing of waste in an unscientific
and hazardous manner. Approximately about 1,200 kg bio-
medical waste is transported every day to Taloja, Talegaon and
Satara located for over 140 km from Pune .
While city hospitals and clinics generate 2 kg metric tones of bio
medical waste daily, there are host of others who are not
registered under the scheme. A total of 588 hospitals, 1,893
clinics, 196 pathology laboratories and 14 blood banks are
registered under the scheme, Nearly 5,000-7,000 medical
practitioners in Pune (including Homoeopathic, Ayurvedic,
Unani, and other practitioners), barely about a 1,000 are
registered under the bio-medical waste common disposal facility.
As per the Medical Waste (management and handling) Rules,
1998 and Amendment, it is obligatory for all clinical
establishments to get this authorization. It is also compulsory to
submit an undertaking and treat bio-medical waste at MPCB-
approved units, as per the Act.

Biomedical Waste Generation

A survey conducted in 10 hospitals from Pune city revealed
that more than 55% of employees are not aware of the
adequate handling, collection and treatment of biomedical
waste. About 62% respondents does not found it a serious
issue and about 45% of owner of are found to be ignorant.


The concern hospital is 700 bedded multi discipline super

specialty health care destination located in the Temple Town,
Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
This table presents the survey result of average daily Biomedical
waste generated and waste handling on a month of August -2014.
kg kg kg kg
01.08.2012 186.49 162.78 68.2 158.3
02.08.2012 215.84 235.96 77.78 174.92
03.08.2012 206.48 203.66 93.68 183.86
04.08.2012 202.52 178.28 76.06 183.86
05.08.2012 196.9 174.22 93.94 165.1
06.08.2012 192.96 179.3 88.24 182.5
07.08.2012 179.45 166.92 96.78 169.3
08.08.2012 166.34 172.04 78.3 154.46
09.08.2012 216.98 198.5 88.1 166.32
10.08.2012 206.66 183.39 74.64 164.7
11.08.2012 202.07 186.5 83.5 156.24
12.08.2012 186.28 190.2 84.2 143.2
13.08.2012 216.26 199.98 91.26 149.86
14.08.2012 194.49 197.26 78.6 160.08
15.08.2012 171.92 169.93 73.84 152.4
16.08.2012 198.43 203.26 80.24 174.04
17.08.2012 222.9 202.76 76 169.4
18.08.2012 214.33 216.54 103.12 184.57
19.08.2012 187.52 144.12 90.14 148.72
20.08.2012 205.74 197.06 102.86 156.1
21.08.2012 172.2 136.29 96.11 131.8
22.08.2012 189.46 179.9 81.73 145.4
23.08.2012 202.12 173.78 86.14 159.78
24.08.2022 199.06 179.14 93.38 170.96
25.08.2012 186.8 172.24 101.76 155.02
26.08.2012 208.46 188.22 78.98 167.46
27.08.2012 197.64 186.2 88.89 142.8
28.08.2012 191.89 199.51 92.7 143.8
29.08.2012 182.36 174.1 78.52 153.35
30.08.2012 220.83 205.6 70.68 172.2
31.08.2012 211.34 205.32 78.66 173.78
Total 6132.7 5763 2647 5014.3

Figure No: 1 Comparison of Average Red bag waste

calculated for the month of August 2014

Figure No: 2 Comparison of Average Yellow bag waste

calculated for the month of August 2012

Figure No: 3 Comparison of Average Blue bag waste

calculated for the month of August 2014

Figure No: 3 Comparison of Average Black bag waste

calculated for the month of August 2014
Figure No: 5 Comparison of Average Biomedical waste
for the month of August 2014.

During the study it is observed that the hospital has been

properly managing their biomedical waste. Regularly the
hospital segregates the biomedical waste according to the
specified categories and colour coding. The hospital maintains
the practice of decontamination of biomedical waste before
disposal or storing of the waste for 48 hours.
Regarding the capabilities and risks of biomedical treatment
alternatives, it must be emphasized that the only treatment
technologies that are usually used to treat pathological waste are
the incineration and mechanical/chemical disinfection systems.
Depending on the type of incinerator and the nature of its
control, incineration is the one treatment alternative that could
manage the biomedical waste .An important issue concerning
the incineration of biomedical waste is to identify the
combustion pollutants. It includes dioxins and furans,
pathogens, metal(as KDM) , acid gases(Hydrogen chloride,
Nydrogen oxides and sulphor dioxide which can cause acid rain
and may enhance the toxic effects of heavy metals. It is also
responsible for the chronic health and acute effects (such as eye
and respiratory irritation). It must be notified that the average
emission of concentrated hydrogen chloride (HCL) in
biomedical waste incinerator compared with MSW incinerator
may be due to the higher levels of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
plastics in medical waste. Almost all of the chlorine in these
waste is converted to HCL during the combustion
process(Assume a high combustion efficiency).In this way ,
chlorinated plastics contribute to the high emission rates of HCL
and possibly the formation of dioxins(particularly if combustion
is low).
Incineration technology continues to evolve and more
sophisticated pollution control equipment is available. Still, a
source of concern is the potentially hazardous nature of
incinerator ash. A trend may be emerging for medical waste to
recover energy and include front- end waste separation and
recycling efforts.
From other perspectives, non-incineration alternatives may have
advantages over incineration. On one hand, there are more
serious emissions concerns associates with incineration than
most alternatives. But, on the other hand since incineration has
become a more established technology, emissions concerned
have been clearly identified.
Valid comparison of various treatment alternatives for
biomedical waste are problematic because different types of
treatment goals are served by different technologies (Example
the goal can be treatment to render waste non- infectious, or
non- infections and non -toxic).That is the different techniques
may be appropriate for different waste types. Alternative
Treatments will differ in the nature of the emission that warrant
test protocols, control measure and operating parameters
specific to each technology. The costs and risks associated with
the alternative will vary. Comparison between off-sight and on-
sight applications of various alternatives can be problematic.
Considering these differences clearly, comparison of the
treatment technologies has been made carefully.
In health center around the world, a concerning issue of
biomedical waste management is that whatever treatment
alternative is used, some form of additional solid waste disposal
must occur. In all cases, ultimately, some degree of dependency
on landfills remains. In the biomedical waste incineration, the
ash becomes a waste product which requires land filling. For
Autoclaving, microwaving and irradiation either incineration or
landfilling is necessary. The residue from the chemical and
mechanical treatment alternative has to be discharged to the
sewer or landfilled.


We need innovative and radical measures to clean up the

distressing picture of lack of civic concern on the part of hospitals
and slackness in government implementation of bare minimum of
rules, as waste generation particularly biomedical waste imposes
increasing direct and indirect costs on society. The challenge
before us, therefore, is to scientifically manage growing quantities
of biomedical waste that go beyond past practices. If we want to
protect our environment and health of community we must
sensitize ourselves to this important issue not only in the interest
of health managers but also in the interest ofcommunity

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