Kin Recognition
Kin Recognition
Kin Recognition
One of the most important assumptions of kin selection theory is that individuals behave differently towards kin
than non-kin. In mammals, there is strong evidence that maternal kin are distinguished from non-kin via
familiarity. However, little is known about whether or not mammals can also recognize paternal kin as many
female mammals, including primates, mate with multiple males near the time of conception, potentially
concealing paternal kinship. Genetic data in several mammalian species with a promiscuous mating system and
male-biased dispersal reveal a high skew in male reproduction which leads to co-residing paternal half-siblings. In
most primates, individuals also form stable bisexual groups creating opportunities for males to interact with their
offspring. Here I consider close paternal kin co-resident in the same social group, such as father-offspring and
paternal half-siblings (i.e. animals sharing the same father but who were born to different mothers) and review
mammalian studies of paternal kin discrimination. Furthermore, I summarize the most likely mechanisms of
paternal kin discrimination (familiarity and phenotype matching). When familiarity is the underlying mechanism,
mothers and/or the sire could mediate familiarity among paternal half-siblings as well as between fathers and
offspring assuming mothers and/or fathers can assess paternity. When animals use phenotype matching, they
might use their fathers’ template (when the father is present) or self (when the father is absent) to assess paternal
kinship in others. Available evidence suggests that familiarity and phenotype matching might be used for paternal
kin discrimination and that both mechanisms might apply to a wide range of social mammals characterized by
a high skew in male reproduction and co-residence of paternal kin. Among primates, suggested evidence for
phenotype matching can often have an alternative explanation, which emphasizes the crucial importance of
controlling for familiarity as a potential confounding variable. However, the mechanism/s used to identify
paternal kin might differ within a species (as a function of each individual’s specific circumstances) as well as
among species (depending upon the key sensory modalities of the species considered). Finally, I discuss the
possible cues used in paternal kin discrimination and offer suggestions for future studies.
Key words: paternal kin discrimination, mammals, primates, familiarity, phenoytype matching, recognition
I. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 320
II. Conditions influencing the availability and interactions of paternal kin ........................................ 321
III. The impact of paternal kinship on social behaviour ....................................................................... 322
(1) Paternal kin bias in mammals .................................................................................................... 322
( a ) Inbreeding avoidance ............................................................................................................ 322
*Address for correspondence: Tel: ]49 (0) 341 3550 233; Fax: ]49 (0) 341 3550 299. E-mail: [email protected]
Biological Reviews 82 (2007) 319–334 Ó 2007 The Author Journal compilation Ó 2007 Cambridge Philosophical Society
320 Anja Widdig
I. INTRODUCTION of paternal kinship within and across social groups (but see
e.g. Bradley et al., 2005, Widdig et al., 2006a). Furthermore,
Across the mammalian order there is evidence that animals little is known about the impact of paternal relatedness on
form differentiated relationships with one another which the evolution of mammalian social behaviour.
may be achieved by direct recognition of kin or shared The inability to recognize paternal kin would greatly
spatial proximity. Kin selection theory predicts that animals limit the potential for kin selection and exposes individuals
can increase their fitness by allocating more cooperation to to fitness costs (Hamilton, 1964). Selection should favour
kin than to non-kin (Hamilton, 1964). There is widespread paternal kin recognition for several reasons. First, the ability
evidence of nepotism (i.e. favouring kin: Sherman, 1980) in to recognize paternal kin would minimize the risks of
behaviour across a broad range of mammalian taxa [e.g. paternal inbreeding (Pusey, 1987; Crnokrak & Roff, 1999;
greater horsehoe bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Rossiter Meagher, Penn & Potts, 2000; reviewed in Keller & Waller,
et al., 2002), Belding’s ground squirrels, Spermophilus beldingi 2002). Second, individuals that direct more cooperation
(Sherman, 1981), African elephants, Loxodonta africana and less aggression to paternal kin compared to non-kin
(Archie, Moss & Alberts, 2006); reviewed in Dugatkin, would potentially increase their fitness (Hamilton, 1964;
(1997)]. Furthermore, in some taxa, females increase their West, Pen & Griffin, 2002). Third, paternal kin recognition
fitness via associations with maternal kin [e.g. house mice, Mus may enable males to protect their infants from infanticide
domesticus (Koenig, 1994; Dobson, Jacquot & Baudoin, and prevent potentially infanticidal males from harming
2000), wood mice, Apodemus sylvaticus (Gerlach & Bartmann, their own infants (Borries et al., 1999a).
2002), field vole, Microtus agrestis (Pusenius et al., 1998), grey Chapais (2001) argues that the spatial proximity of
seals, Halichoerus gryphus (Pomeroy et al., 2001); reviewed for maternal kin that arises in matrilineal societies biases kin
primates in Chapais (2001) and Silk (2002)]. towards cooperating with each other, so that maternal kin
Less is known about paternal kinship (relatedness biases in mutually beneficial interactions may reflect
through the father). In many mammalian species, including natural selection, not kin selection. However, frequently
primates, females mate with more than one male near the shared spatial proximity can not necessarily be expected
time of conception (e.g. Anderson, 1994; Hare, Todd & among paternal half-siblings, e.g. when they are born to
Untereiner, 2004; Engelhardt et al., 2006; reviewed in mothers which are maternally unrelated (and therefore less
Jennions & Petrie, 2000). In species with such a mating affiliative) even when living in the same social group.
system, paternity can only be revealed to human observers Therefore, evidence of paternal kin bias and the mecha-
via genetic techniques (e.g. Inoue et al., 1993). To date we do nisms responsible for paternal kin discrimination are
not understand whether and how mammals assess paternity important for our understanding of the evolution of social
and we only have limited information about the distribution behaviour (Silk 2002).
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Paternal kin discrimination 321
In this review, I focus on mammalian social systems temporarily, in stable multi-male multi-female groups where
where we can expect paternal kin to interact. I then review females mate with multiple males and male reproduction is
studies in mammals and primates that have looked at the highly skewed towards a few sires (reviewed in Strier, 2004;
ability of animals to discriminate paternal kin from non-kin. compare Holmes & Sherman, 1982; Sherman & Holmes,
After summarizing the most likely mechanisms of paternal 1985). Skew in male reproduction is characteristic of a wide
kin discrimination (familiarity and phenotype matching), I range of mammalian species [e.g. Damaralad mole-rats,
focus on the detailed primate literature to postulate how Cryptomys damarensis (Cooney & Bennett, 2000), banded
these mechanisms could operate among some primate mongooses, Mungo mungo (Cant, 2000), fallow deer, Dama
species, and propose that some of the mechanisms may dama (Say, Naulty & Hayden, 2003), black rhinoceros,
generalize to other social mammals with similar mating and Diceros bicornis (Garnier, Bruford & Goossens, 2001), spotted
dispersal patterns. Finally, I discuss cues likely to be used in hyenas, Crocuta crocuta (Engh et al., 2002), African lions,
paternal kin discrimination by suggesting directions for Panthera leo (Packer et al., 1991), bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops
future research. I will only consider here close paternal kin truncatus (Krützen et al., 2004), humpback whales, Megaptera
co-resident in the same social group, such as father-offspring novaeangliae (Nielsen et al., 2001). Detailed genetic studies on
(degree of relatedness, r ¼ 0.5) and paternal half-siblings several primate species have also demonstrated considerable
(i.e. animals who share the same father but were born to skew in male reproduction, with a high proportion of
different mothers, r ¼ 0.25). paternity assigned to high-ranking males (Table 1).
Patterns of dispersal will regulate the co-residence of kin
and duration of their association. In most mammals, the
males usually leave their natal group while females are
II. CONDITIONS INFLUENCING THE philopatric (Greenwood, 1980) and therefore females are
AVAILABILITY AND INTERACTIONS OF more likely to interact continuously with kin (both maternal
PATERNAL KIN and paternal) and non-kin. By contrast, in species with male
philopatry, males should be more likely to live with paternal
Only when social groups consist of both paternal kin and kin. Unlike other mammals, most primates form stable
non-kin is it relevant to ask whether animals preferentially bisexual groups; therefore, a father’s presence creates the
interact with paternal kin in comparison to non-kin. A opportunity to interact with his offspring (reviewed in van
mammalian species favouring interactions with both Schaik & Paul, 1996). In species with high reproductive skew,
paternal kin and non-kin would have to live, even only sex-biased dispersal limits the potential for reproduction
Table 1. Evidence for male reproductive skew in primates. Male skew measures the percentage of paternity assigned to group
males: the alpha male1, high-ranking males2 or the most successful sire regardless of rank3. Male breeding tenure represents either
mean years or the range of years males have been reported to stay in a non-natal group for breeding before they subsequently
disperse again. Note that male group tenure was assigned as permanent for species in which males are philopatric. Tenure for
rhesus macaques was taken from Manson (1995)4. If available, I cite more than one study per species.
Offspring of a
Paternal female mainly N offspring
Male Male breeding sibs close with different Seasonal with solved
Species skew (%) tenure (yrs) in age sires breeders paternity Reference
Long-tailed macaques 50–90 1–5 Yes 45 De Ruiter et al. (1994);
Macaca fascicularis Yes Yes J.R. de Ruiter (pers. comm.)
Savanna Baboons 81 1–7 Yes No 27 Altmann et al. (1996);
Papio cynocephalus 32 0.7 Yes Yes 208 Alberts et al. (2006)
Hanuman langurs 57 Yes Yes 29 Launhardt et al. (2001);
Semnopithecus entellus 0.5–1.7 Borries (2000)
Rhesus macaques 24 Yes Yes Yes 241 Widdig et al. (2002);
Macaca mulatta 80 247 Widdig et al. (2004)
Mandrills 76 3 Yes 193 Charpentier et al. (2005);
Mandrillus sphinx Yes Yes M.J.E. Charpentier (pers. comm.)
Capuchin monkeys 49 7–13 Yes Yes 41 Muniz et al. (2006);
Cebus apella No L. Muniz (pers. comm.)
Bonobos 50–70 Permanent Yes No 10 Gerloff et al. (1999)
Pan paniscus
Chimpanzees 35 Permanent No 14 Constable et al. (2001);
Pan troglodytes 33 Yes Yes 34 Vigilant et al. (2001)
Mountain Gorilla 85 Yes Yes No 48 Bradley et al. (2005);
Gorilla beringei Robbins & Robbins (2005)
2 or perman.
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322 Anja Widdig
between opposite-sex co-resident paternal half-siblings. ground squirrels (S. lateralis), although not behaving nepo-
Likewise, male secondary transfer reduces the potential tistically, investigate the odour of paternal half-siblings
for inbreeding between fathers and daughters (e.g. Starin, longer than those of other kin (Mateo, 2002). Adult
2001). male house mice groom and investigate unfamiliar paternal
Finally, demographic patterns such as interbirth interval half-siblings less than unfamiliar non-kin, which is partic-
length relative to the duration of alpha male tenure affect ularly interesting given that both behaviours are known
the probability that successive offspring of a given female preludes to fights (Kareem & Barnard, 1982). In addition,
will be full- or half-siblings (Strier, 2004). Male breeding adult male and female house mice spend more time in
tenure is relatively short in primate species with female passive body contact with paternal half-siblings than with
philopatry (Table 1). One consequence of short tenure and unrelated individuals (Kareem & Barnard, 1982). Golden
high skew in male reproduction is that age cohorts tend to hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) discriminate between paternal
be composed of paternal half-siblings (Altmann, 1979) (see half-siblings and non-siblings in odour habituation tests
Table 1), and social groups are genetically substructured by (Todrank, Heth & Johnston, 1998).
age (Altmann et al., 1996). However, longer tenure implies The most detailed mammalian study of interest comes
that paternal half-siblings might greatly differ in age. from wild spotted hyenas (Wahaj et al., 2004). Paternal half-
Notable in the majority of primates studied, offspring born siblings in this species feed more often together than
to the same mother rarely share the same father, which unrelated individuals and form more coalitions with each
results in a preponderance of half-siblings over full-siblings other than non-kin. Likewise, paternal half-siblings direct
(Table 1). less aggression towards each other compared to non-kin,
but no paternal kin bias was found in patterns of spatial
association in this species (Wahaj et al., 2004).
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Paternal kin discrimination 323
paternal half-siblings than to non-kin (Wu et al., 1980). sex paternal half-siblings born into the same social group
Because the subjects were separated from their mothers and are less likely to spend their reproductive career in the same
other relatives immediately after birth, these authors group. In Alberts’ (1999) study, the fact that male emigration
concluded that kin recognition may occur in the absence was naturally reduced may account for these findings.
of prior association with any relatives. Subsequent captive The probability of paternity by alpha male mandrills
studies in multiple species were not able to replicate these (Mandrillus sphinx) decreased when alpha males were closely
results under varying rearing conditions, but showed a con- related to the prospective female partner (Charpentier et al.,
sistent preference for familiar over unfamiliar animals re- 2005). In a study of wild capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella)
gardless of their relatedness: pigtail macaques (Fredrickson & alpha males monopolize breeding opportunities and retain
Sackett, 1984; Sackett & Fredrickson, 1987); long-tailed high-ranking positions over an extended period, a situation
macaques, Macaca fascicularis (Welker et al., 1987); savanna that results in opportunities for males to mate with their
baboons, Papio cynocephalus (Erhart, Coehlo & Bramblett, daughters. However, alpha males are much less likely to sire
1997). Among maternally deprived stump-tailed macaques, the offspring of their daughters than they are to sire the
M. arctoides, social preferences correlated most strongly with offspring of unrelated females (Muniz et al., 2006). A study
companionship, followed by (paternal) kinship and rearing on free-ranging Barbary macaques contradicts this finding.
conditions (MacKenzie, McGrew & Chamove, 1985). Kuester, Paul & Arnemann (1994) found that many
The results of these studies convinced most primatologists paternal dyads mated incestuously after more than two
that nepotism is a consequence of familiarity, and that years of co-residence (mainly fathers and daughters), but
primates cannot recognize paternal kin (e.g. Gouzoules & interestingly this resulted in only two out of 62 potential
Gouzoules, 1987; Bernstein, 1991; Chapais, 2001; Rendall, inbred offspring via the paternal line (Kuester et al., 1994).
2004). However, few primatologists questioned whether the Male reproduction in Barbary macaques (even in the wild)
fact that experimental animals were isolated from their does not appear to be skewed (Kuester & Paul, 1999,
mothers soon after birth, reared in peer groups, and tested Menard et al., 2001); this may reduce the probability of
with unfamiliar individuals created an appropriate context paternal inbreeding.
for evaluating kin recognition abilities (but see Walters,
1987). Therefore, it seems possible that these studies failed
(b ) Affiliation
because animals might need to be exposed to any kin (either
maternal or paternal) to learn their templates and then use Several studies indicate that levels of affiliation are higher
these templates to match phenotypes of unfamiliar kin. among paternal half-siblings than non-kin. In free-ranging
Behavioural studies have also suggested that male rhesus macaques (M. mulatta) adult females were signifi-
savanna baboons care for infants that they are unlikely to cantly more affiliative with their paternal half-sisters than
have sired (e.g. Stein, 1984; Strum, 1984; Smuts, 1985; with unrelated females (Widdig et al., 2001, 2002; Widdig,
Smuts & Gubernick, 1992). Genetic data supported the 2002). The discrimination of paternal half-sisters was even
hypothesis that male care is not a function of paternity in more pronounced among females of the same age (Widdig
Barbary macaques (M. sylvanus) a species which exhibits et al., 2001). Very similar patterns have been detected
pronounced male care (e.g. Paul, Kuester & Arnemann, among wild savanna baboons where adult females affiliated
1992, 1996; Menard et al., 2001). These results do not more with their paternal half-sisters than with unrelated
suggest that male primates can recognize their offspring females (Smith, Alberts & Altmann, 2003; Silk, Altmann &
(Bernstein, 1988). Some studies have suggested that male Alberts, 2006). Furthermore, Charpentier et al. (2007) found
care is a byproduct of mating effort (e.g. Smuts & that free-ranging juvenile mandrills affiliate more with
Gubernick, 1992; Menard et al., 2001, reviewed in van paternal half-siblings than with unrelated individuals sug-
Schaik & Paul, 1996), a hypothesis strengthened by gesting that the ability to recognize paternal kin is present at
experimental data showing that male vervet monkeys a young age (two years) in this species. This bias was directed
(Cercopithecus aethiops) alter their behaviour towards infants towards adults, not juvenile half-siblings. However, the
depending upon the presence or absence of the mother absence of nepotism among juvenile paternal half-siblings
(Keddy Hector, Seyfarth & Raleigh, 1989). indicates that nepotism and kin recognition can evolve
Recent studies of wild and free-ranging primates that independently and that, under some circumstances, the
combined paternity analyses and behavioural observations benefits derived from preferential treatment might be
have demonstrated that some primate species discriminate negligible (cf. Mateo, 2002). There is strong evidence in
paternal kin from non-kin in various social contexts (see primates that females exhibit stronger affiliation biases to
below). These findings have resurrected interest in paternal maternal half-sisters compared to paternal half-sisters
kin discrimination in primates. (Widdig et al., 2001, 2002; Silk et al., 2006). Interestingly,
female baboons form stronger bonds with paternal half-sisters
when no close maternal kin is available (Smith et al., 2003;
(a ) Inbreeding avoidance
Silk et al., 2006). The availability of kin partners may change
In wild savanna baboons opposite-sex paternal half-siblings systematically during an individual’s lifetime (Silk et al., 2006).
were as likely to be in sexual consorts as non-kin, but ex- Preferential interactions among fathers and offspring are
hibited lower levels of affiliative and sexual behaviour with also reported in some primate species. For example, af-
each other than unrelated opposite-sex pairs (Alberts, 1999). filiation between juvenile and adult male mandrills is higher
In species with sex-biased dispersal, such as baboons, opposite- among father-offspring than non-kin dyads (Charpentier et al.,
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324 Anja Widdig
2007). Goldberg & Wrangham (1997) have argued that the IV. MECHANISMS OF KIN DISCRIMINATION
lack of investment by male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in
infants makes the possibility of offspring recognition by The close relationship in mammals between mothers and their
males unlikely. However, a recent analysis, using genetic offspring produces social systems in which maternal kinship
data to determine paternity, suggests that male chimpanzees and familiarity are closely associated [e.g. house mice (Koenig,
spend more time playing with and grooming their own 1994); African elephants (Archie et al., 2006); Barbary
infants (Lehmann, Fickenscher & Boesch, 2007). macaques (Kuester et al., 1994); reviewed for primates in
Gouzoules & Gouzoules, 1987)]. In many mammals, females
(c ) Dyadic aggression predominantly remain in their natal groups whereas males
disperse (Pusey, 1987) leading to the formation of female kin
No primate study has found that paternal half-siblings direct groups (Greenwood, 1980). Consequently, a female’s offspring
less dyadic aggression towards each other than towards are familiar with other maternal kin such as aunts, cousins,
unrelated individuals as predicted by kin selection theory and grandmother, with familiarity being mediated among
(Hamilton, 1964). Among rhesus macaques paternal half- maternal siblings through their common mother. Given these
sisters exchange non-physical and physical aggression at close links between mothers and their offspring, familiarity is
similar rates as unrelated females (Widdig et al., 2002). thought to be the most important mechanism of maternal kin
Similarly, mandrills direct dyadic aggression equally often to discrimination in mammals (Kareem & Barnard, 1982;
paternal half-siblings and non-kin (M.J.E. Charpentier, Walters, 1987; Bernstein, 1991; Chapais, 2001). However,
personal communication). However, male rhesus macaques when testing the mechanisms of kin recognition, there is
direct less aggression towards their own offspring than to a need to separate the effects of relatedness from those
unrelated juveniles, even though they do not bias affiliative resulting from familiarity (cf. Kareem & Barnard, 1982;
interactions towards their offspring (A. Widdig, M. Chiavetta, Koenig, 1994; Mateo & Holmes, 2004).
P. Nürnberg, W.J. Streich & M. Krawzcak, in preparation). The most likely mechanisms of paternal kin discrimination
among mammals are familiarity and/or phenotype matching
(d ) Coalition formation (Mateo & Holmes, 2004, see Table 2). There is extensive
evidence supporting both familiarity and phenotype match-
Kin selection theory predicts that when intervening in an ing among rodents [e.g. Belding’s ground squirrels (Holmes,
ongoing conflict between two opponents, individuals 1986b); North American beaver, Castor canadensis (Sun &
intervene more often on behalf of kin than non-kin, but Müller-Schwarze, 1997); golden hamsters (Heth, Todrank &
less often against kin than non-kin given that the cost/ Johnston, 1998; Mateo & Johnston, 2000); white-footed
benefit ratio is equal (Hamilton, 1964). In contrast to this deermice, Peromysus leucopus (Grau, 1982); spiny mouse, Acomys
prediction, female rhesus macaques supported unrelated cahirinus (Porter, Matochik & Makin, 1983); reviewed for
females more often than paternal half-sisters (Widdig et al., rodents by Mateo (2003)]. Recent primate studies have also
2006b). However, in accordance with kin selection theory, suggested familiarity and/or phenotype matching as under-
females intervened significantly less often against their lying mechanisms of paternal sibling discrimination, while
paternal half-sisters in comparison to unrelated females, fathers might use mating information as a proxy to recognize
suggesting some constraints inhibiting females from pro- offspring (summarized in Table 3).
viding support for paternal kin (Widdig et al., 2006b).
Among wild red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus)
father-son coalitions are more stable than coalitions among
unrelated males (Pope, 1990). A recent study on wild (1) Familiarity
savanna baboons revealed evidence that males supported
(a ) Familiarity among paternal half-siblings via age proximity
their own offspring more in agonistic disputes over
unrelated juveniles (Buchan et al., 2003). Male rhesus Paternal half-siblings are also likely to share familiarity,
macaques rarely intervene in dyadic conflicts and there is because they tend to be peers, i.e. born in the same age-
no evidence that they support their offspring more often cohort (references in Table 1). These peers preferentially play
than non-offspring (A. Widdig, M. Chiavetta, P. Nürnberg, and interact more with each other than with non-peers (e.g.
W.J. Streich & M. Krawzcak, in preparation). Pereira, 1988; Janus, 1992). The fact that peers are more
likely to be kin is the facilitating condition that allows kin
selection to act. In species with a perfect skew (all offspring
(e ) Offspring protection against infanticide
sired by one male) and short male tenure (one breeding
Infanticide occurs in several primate species, but there is season), peerage could therefore be used as a marker of
evidence that male primates do not kill their own offspring; paternal kinship and kin selection should be expected to
instead, they protect them against infanticide by other males favour affiliation among peers. However, in species with high,
[e.g. Hanuman langurs, Presbytis (now Semnopithecus) entellus but not perfect, skew (few males monopolizing all reproduc-
(Borries et al., 1999b); red howlers (Crockett & Janson, 2000); tions) and where male tenure extends beyond one breeding
long-tailed macaques (de Ruiter, van Hooff & Scheffrahn, season, age proximity could only be used as a first
1994); Japanese macaques, Macaca fuscata (Soltis et al., 2000); approximation for paternal kin discrimination. Indeed, for
chacma baboons, P. ursinus (Palombit et al., 2000; Weingrill, most mammals, perfect male skew does not occur (see
2000); mountain gorillas, Gorilla beringei (Watts, 1989)]. references in Introduction); therefore, age proximity alone is
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Paternal kin discrimination 325
Kin discrimination by familiarity predicts that individuals will treat those conspecifics as kin with whom they either interacted
during a critical period in their development (Tang-Halpin, 1991) or with whom they had persistent long-term exposure
(Walters, 1987). This hypothesis requires a high correlation between relatedness and social association (Walters, 1987).
Phenotype matching
The phenotype matching hypothesis assumes that phenotypic similarities correlate with genotypic similarities (Sherman et al., 1997).
An individual learns its own phenotypic attributes (e.g. odour or appearance) or those of known relatives and matches this learned
template against a potential kin in order to assess kinship (Holmes & Sherman, 1983; Lacy & Sherman, 1983; Tang-Martinez, 2001).
Is familiarity different from phenotype matching?
Tang-Martinez (2001) emphasized that in both mechanisms an individual learns a phenotype and then matches that phenotype to a
given individual. In the case of recognition by association (i.e. familiarity) the phenotype that is learned is an individually
distinctive cue in which the learned template and the cues of the encountered individual must match exactly. In the case of
phenotype matching, an individual learns the most likely or salient aspects of a cue or a combination of components of a cue
(i.e. family-specific cues) that are then matched to the cue of the encountered individual. This family-specific cue could be
learned from known relatives (but only by the father when considering paternal kin discrimination) or if the father is not present,
from self. However, familiarity might be the more reliable mechanism in paternal kin discrimination, as this is likely to lead to
fewer mistakes in assessing kinship compared to phenotype matching.
not sufficient to discriminate with complete accuracy assume that the ability to discriminate paternal kin precedes
between paternally related and unrelated individuals. the birth of her next newborn. Depending upon shared
Studies in species exhibiting high skew in male reproduc- paternity, patterns of association among mothers are
tion, however, found a strong effect of age proximity on the expected to change every year unless females consistently
ability to discriminate paternal half-siblings from non-kin. For converge in their mate-choice decisions.
example, consortship cohesiveness was lower for opposite-sex Mothers might also mediate familiarity among paternal
paternal half-siblings of the same age than of different age half-siblings by maintaining close relationships with the
(Alberts, 1999). Same-age paternal half-sisters were more common sire after their infants are born (the mother’s-
affiliative than different-age paternal half-sisters in rhesus common-male-friend hypothesis, see b in Fig. 1). While
macaques and savanna baboons (Widdig et al., 2001, 2002; ‘sharing a common friend’ has not yet been reported in multi-
Silk et al., 2006). male groups, ‘friendship’ in opposite-sex pairs has been
described in several primate species [e.g. savanna baboons
(Smuts, 1985); chacma baboons (Palombit et al., 1997);
(b ) Familiarity among paternal half-siblings mediated by mothers
chimpanzees (Goodall, 1986); mountain gorillas (Watts,
Mothers could mediate familiarity either directly among 1994); Japanese macaques (Takahata, 1982); rhesus mac-
paternal half-siblings or via the common father. This aques (Manson, 1994)]. Sometimes, females and males who
prediction assumes that females have reliable information have previously mated form affiliative relationships during
on offspring paternity. Females might derive this informa- the following birth season (Manson, 1994) suggesting that
tion by comparing mate preferences of other females with some males are still close to their mates after the offspring is
their own (e.g. rhesus macaques, McMillan, 1986) or by born. Post-birth association between mother and father
comparing phenotypic cues such as odour of other females’ might provide offspring protection against infanticide (e.g.
newborns with those of their own. Mothers could mani- Palombit et al., 1997; Soltis et al., 2000; reviewed in van Schaik
pulate the extent of familiarity among paternal half-siblings & Kappeler, 1997), but could also promote familiarity
by influencing their offspring’s association patterns during between offspring and fathers. There is nevertheless evidence
a critical developmental phase (the maternal-control that maternal proximity to fathers is not always necessary.
hypothesis: Widdig et al., 2001). For example, if mothers Adult male rhesus macaques associated at higher rates with
(even when they are unrelated) who have conceived infants offspring than with unrelated infants, regardless of whether
from the same male in a given mating season were closely the mothers were in spatial proximity, but long-term social
associated after parturition, their offspring could preferen- relationships between parents might have promoted father-
tially develop affiliations with same-age paternal relatives offspring associations (Berenstain, Rodman & Smith, 1981).
(see a in Fig. 1). Mothers in many primate species exert If females ‘share’ male friends, then recognition of paternal
control over the interactions of their offspring with other half-siblings via familiarity might be a byproduct of friend-
group members and tend to be more tolerant of maternal ships between mothers and the common sire.
kin than to maternally unrelated individuals (e.g. Fairbanks,
1990; Berman & Kapsalis, 1999; reviewed in Paul, 1999). In
(c ) Familiarity among paternal half-siblings mediated by
addition, affiliation among peers was related to affiliation
a common father
between the peers’ mothers in captive rhesus macaques (de
Waal, 1996), but shared paternity among peers was not If the father remains present in the group after the infants’
investigated in that study. However, this mechanism would birth as is the case in baboons (Buchan et al., 2003),
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Species Finding Suggested mechanism/s conditions References
Savanna baboons Inbreeding avoidance among Familiarity (age proximity) Wild Alberts (1999)
Papio cynocephalus adult PS of the opposite-sex and phenotype matching
Capuchin monkeys Inbreeding avoidance Familiarity (long-term Wild Muniz et al. (2006)
Cebus apella among father-daughters co-residence)
Rhesus macaques Kin bias in affiliation and Familiarity (age proximity) Free- Widdig et al. (2001,
Macaca mulatta coalitions among adult female PS and phenotype matching ranging 2002, 2006b)
Savanna baboons Kin bias in affiliation Familiarity (age proximity) Wild Smith et al. (2003);
Papio cynocephalus among adult female PS and phenotype matching Silk et al. (2006)
Mandrills Kin bias in affiliation of juveniles Familiarity * Free- Charpentier et al. (2007)
Mandrillus sphinx towards adult female PS, and ranging
fathers, but not to juvenile PS
Chimpanzees Kin bias in playing by fathers Behavioural cues Wild Lehmann et al. (2007)
Pan troglodytes with offspring (mating information)
Savanna baboons Bias in offspring support by Phenotype matching or Wild Buchan et al. (2003)
Papio cynocephalus males when intervening in behavioural cues
juvenile conflicts (mating information)
Hanuman langurs Offspring protection by males Behavioural cues Wild Borries et al. (1999b)
Semnopithecus entellus against infanticide (mating information)
Japanese macaques Offspring protection by males Behavioural cues Wild Soltis et al. (2000)
Macaca fuscata against infanticide (mating information)
*This study concluded that age proximity is not responsible for paternal kin discrimination in mandrills, as juveniles initiated more
affiliation with adult, but not with juvenile, paternal half-siblings. They further hypothesized that individuals with the same degree of
relatedness (regardless of the origin of relatedness) should have an equivalent amount of genes in common, and hence equivalent
phenotypic cues should be matched. Based on their finding that paternal half-siblings showed higher affiliation than other dyads of the
same degree of relatedness, they rejected phenotype matching as a potential mechanism.
capuchins (Muniz et al., 2006), and rhesus macaques (A. siblings could also become familiar with one another
Widdig, unpublished data), fathers could develop relation- through their joint associations with the common father.
ships with their own offspring (the paternal-care hypothesis, Father-offspring familiarity (which should be high when the
see c in Fig. 1). Male baboons provide paternal care in father is in the group centre or low when the father is at the
supporting their own offspring in agonistic disputes against periphery) might then determine the degree of familiarity
other juveniles (Buchan et al., 2003). This suggests that among paternal half-siblings.
males assess paternity either through mating information or Fathers might also mediate familiarity among paternal
by direct offspring recognition after birth. Paternal half- half-siblings by maintaining close relationships with the
Fig. 1. Associations among paternal half-siblings explained by familiarity mediated either by their mothers, the common father, or
by phenotype matching when the father is either present or absent (see text for details).
Biological Reviews 82 (2007) 319–334 Ó 2007 The Author Journal compilation Ó 2007 Cambridge Philosophical Society
Paternal kin discrimination 327
mothers of his offspring following parturition [the father- as the relevant template of a known kin to assess other
mothers-friendship hypothesis, cf. Stein (1984), Smuts infants for shared paternity (see e in Fig. 1). Note that two
(1985), Busse (1985), see d in Fig. 1]. Under this hypothesis mechanisms might be involved: the mechanism for father-
the friendship is initiated or maintained by the male in offspring recognition might be familiarity; but, as a conse-
contrast to the mother (see b in Fig. 1). As a byproduct, quence, offspring can use the father as a template to match
infants grow up in close proximity to both their father and phenotypes of potential paternal half-siblings.
paternal half-siblings for a certain period. However, only
one study that did not include genetic data has suggested
that males were more responsible than females in main- (b ) Using self as a template to match potential paternal
taining spatial proximity during the birth season (Manson, half-siblings
1994), while others found that females are responsible for In some circumstances fathers might be absent before their
maintaining associations with their mates (Chapais, 1983, offspring is born. For example, in rhesus macaques, 30% of
1986; Hill, 1990; Palombit et al., 1997). infants are born without their fathers present (A. Widdig,
unpublished data). In these cases it is not possible for offspring
to use the father as a template to assess paternal kinship in
(2) Phenotype matching other individuals. Therefore, the most reliable reference for
The phenotype matching hypothesis assumes that individ- paternal kin discrimination, assuming that the impact of
uals use themselves or known kin, such as the father, as mothers is absent, is probably one’s self (’self-referent’
a template to assess kinship to other individuals (Holmes & phenotype matching: Sherman, 1991; Hauber & Sherman,
Sherman, 1983; Lacy & Sherman, 1983; see Table 2). The 2001a, ‘armpit effect’: Dawkins, 1982, see f in Fig. 1).
fact that, regardless of age, females preferred paternal half- Self-referent phenotype matching has been suggested for
sisters might suggest that phenotype matching is involved in different species and cues from various communication
paternal kin discrimination, too (Widdig et al., 2001; Smith modes are likely to be used across species. For example,
et al., 2003; but see Silk et al., 2006, for no such effect). lekking male peacocks (Pavo cristatus) preferentially display
Evidence for some types of phenotype matching has been next to paternal half-brothers even when males have been
suggested for male baboons, where males were more likely reared apart and cannot rely on learned social cues (Petrie
to support their own offspring than unrelated juveniles et al., 1999). Female sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) derive
(Buchan et al., 2003). Buchan et al. (2003) tested whether information about their own and their potential mates’
such preferences could arise through behavioural patterns Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) polymorphism
by comparing three classes of juveniles per male: (i) genetic for optimal complementarity of their own set of alleles
offspring, (ii) behavioural offspring (juveniles for which (Aeschlimann et al., 2003). Self-referent phenotype match-
a male consorted with the mother during the days of most ing has also been suggested among mammals. Golden
likely conception, but the male was excluded as a genetic hamsters discriminate between the odour of unfamiliar kin
father) and (iii) unconnected juveniles (neither genetic nor and non-kin, even when reared only with non-kin (Heth
behavioural offspring). If males rely on phenotype match- et al., 1998; Mateo & Johnston, 2000). In humans (Homo
ing, one would predict that males give more support to their sapiens) women prefer the odour from men with human
genetic than behavioural offspring, but one would expect no leukocyte antigen (HLA, human MHC) genes similar to
difference between behavioural offspring and unconnected their own, but not identical or totally dissimilar (Jacob et al.,
juveniles. The data on male baboons are consistent with this 2002). Interestingly, the choice was based upon HLA genes
prediction (Buchan et al., 2003). Alternatively, Buchan et al. inherited from the woman’s father, but not her mother
(2003) suggested that males might rely on fine-grained (Jacob et al., 2002).
assessments of their mating behaviour with their offspring’s There is considerable controversy about the experimental
mother (Table 3). This hypothesis was supported by the fact procedures for demonstrating self-referent phenotype
that whether or not the male mated with the mother was matching (e.g. Heth & Todrank, 2001; Mateo & Johnston
not a good predictor of paternal care, while how often he 2001, 2003; Hauber & Sherman 2001b, 2003; Hare et al.,
mated with her during her fertile period was a good 2003) as self-referent phenotype matching seems to be the
predictor. While these studies suggest that animals use remaining explanation when all others are excluded (Hauber &
phenotype matching as a cue for paternity, we cannot rule Sherman, 2001a). The only way to show self-referent pheno-
out the possibility that long-term associations between type matching among paternal half-siblings is to look at
mother and father could account for these results (see offspring who have never seen their father (either naturally
below). or via experimental manipulation), and demonstrate (i) that
they discriminate between paternal half-siblings and non-
kin, and (ii) that mothers do not mediate such kin bias.
(a ) Using the father as a template to match potential paternal
(3) Familiarity and/or phenotype matching?
If the father is present in the group after his offspring is
born, this increases the chance that he will be familiar with Familiarity and phenotype matching are not necessarily
his offspring in comparison to non-group males. In any mutually exclusive mechanisms and it is often impossible to
case, when the father is present the offspring might use him disentangle them (Porter, 1988; Tang-Martinez, 2001). It is
Biological Reviews 82 (2007) 319–334 Ó 2007 The Author Journal compilation Ó 2007 Cambridge Philosophical Society
328 Anja Widdig
important to point out that none of the primate studies have correlated with relatedness, allowing precise estimates of
yet been able to provide direct evidence for phenotype kinship even among distant relatives (Mateo 2002).
matching (Table 3) as alternative mechanisms can also ex- Paternal half-siblings should be more similar in odour
plain the results. For example, mothers mediating familiar- than non-kin, and individuals should be most attracted to
ity and/or mother-father postbirth associations might have those of their paternal half-siblings which are most similar
triggered the social preference of paternal half-siblings over to their own odour. One way of testing this could be
non-kin (cf. Widdig et al., 2001, 2002; Smith et al., 2003; Silk a comparison of genotype similarities of odour-associated
et al., 2006). Likewise, it is not clear whether males rec- genes, such as the MHC, with rates of affiliative behaviour
ognize offspring by matching phenotypes or whether they among paternal half-siblings (see Potts, 2002). Those pairs
use behavioural cues such as mating information to assess of paternal half-siblings who have high affiliation indices are
paternity (cf. Borries et al., 1999b; Soltis et al., 2000; Buchan expected to share more MHC alleles than pairs of paternal
et al., 2003; Lehmann et al., 2007). A study providing direct half-siblings with low affiliation indices. However, evolu-
evidence for phenotype matching would have to demon- tionary strategies for a functional MHC region differ
strate paternal kin bias while controlling for familiarity, e.g. between species and even within primate species (Doxiadis
by systematic behavioural observations starting from birth et al., 2000). For example, extremely high rates of
to adulthood when considering sibling recognition and polymorphism of the primate MHC-DRB region suggest
taking into account the potential impact of familiarity. an alternative strategy to cope with pathogens in rhesus
Alternatively, when considering father-offspring recogni- macaques (Doxiadis et al., 2000). Therefore, comparing
tion, observation should begin before the conception of the genotype similarities in certain olfactory receptor genes
offspring to control for paternity certainty. (ORG) might also be appropriate because they are encoded
by more than 1000 genes (Gilad et al., 2003). Interestingly,
54% of human ORG carry at least one coding region
disruption and are therefore considered pseudogenes
V. CUES POTENTIALLY USED IN KIN (Rouquier et al., 1998), with the fraction of pseudogenes
DISCRIMINATION equal to approximately 32% in chimpanzees and 36% in
rhesus macaques (Gilad et al., 2003). There seems to be
Future research should focus on targeting cues used in agreement that the decreasing reliance on smell during
paternal kin discrimination which may vary across species primate evolution reflects the increasing importance of
depending upon their key sensory modalities. The most trichromatic vision (e.g. Dominy & Lucas, 2001; Gilad et al.,
likely cues used in primates are odour (Hübener & Laska, 2004). However, it is likely that the evolution of paternal kin
1998), appearance (Dasser, 1988; Vokey et al., 2004), discrimination preceded the reduction in olfactory sensitiv-
acoustic characteristics of vocalizations (Rendall, Rodman ity, and may have been retained.
& Edmond, 1996), and/or personality (Gosling, 2001;
Weiss, King & Perkins, 2006). The general assumption when
testing these cues is that a particular cue, such as the odour (2) Appearance
of individual A, elicits differential behavioural responses by
the discriminator (individual B) depending upon the social It is possible that primates have added visual cues to assess
context in which kinship is assessed. For example, individuals kinship, given the importance of vision among modern
who do not mate with close kin avoid costs of inbreeding, so Cercopithecines (Dominy & Lucas, 2001). To match
individuals should prefer mates which differ to some extent phenotypes of others with self, it is presupposed that
from their own odour. Mating preferences for MHC- animals must recognize themselves. Monkeys do not seem
dissimilar or heterozygous mates have been demonstrated in to recognize themselves in mirrors (Gallup, 1997), but the
house mice (Potts, Manning & Wakeland, 1991). By methodological approach used to examine self-recognition
contrast, individuals would benefit most from cooperation has been questioned (De Veer & van den Bos, 1999). Using
with close kin, so individuals should preferentially cooperate self as a template, however, would be essential for offspring
with partners which are similar to their own odour. House whose fathers left before their birth. Evidence in favour of
mice prefer communal nesting partners that share alleles of visual kin recognition was suggested in chimpanzees based
the MHC (Manning, Wakeland & Potts, 1992). on their ability to recognize facial similarities of unfamiliar
conspecifics (Parr & de Waal, 1999). Subjects correctly
matched mother-son dyads, but not mother-daughters.
However, a reanalysis of the original data revealed that the
(1) Odour
bias of asymmetry between sons and daughters was due to
If animals use odour in paternal kin discrimination, then one the framing of the images presented, as eliminating the
would predict that paternal half-siblings recognize each frame bias eliminated the asymmetry but not the ability of
other based upon odour similarities. The use of odour for kin humans to recognize chimpanzee kin (Vokey et al., 2004; see
discrimination is well documented among rodents (Schwag- Rendall, 2004 for discussion). Still, it seems plausible to
meyer, 1988). For example, golden hamsters perceive odour propose that some primate species rely mainly on odour
from genetically similar individuals such as paternal half- cues but might additionally use visual cues for paternal kin
siblings as similar even when unfamiliar (Todrank et al., discrimination. Future studies should use images to assess
1998). Belding ground squirrels produce odours that are facial resemblance between kin and non-kin pairs by
Biological Reviews 82 (2007) 319–334 Ó 2007 The Author Journal compilation Ó 2007 Cambridge Philosophical Society
Paternal kin discrimination 329
computer programs, human subjects, or touch-screen- will choose social partners on the basis of personality traits.
trained primates. Second, personality traits will be partly determined by
paternal genes. Third, preferred social partners will share
paternity more often than expected by chance alone.
(3) Vocalization
It is also possible that animals use vocal cues to match and
identify kin, especially over long distances when odour or VI. CONCLUSIONS
visual cues are unavailable. This would require that
vocalizations are individually distinct and consistent over
(1) Based on the studies available I conclude that mam-
time as has been shown for spotted hyenas (East & Hofer,
mals, including primates, can discriminate between paternal
1991). Most studies on vocal recognition in mammals
kin and non-kin in various social contexts. Available data
have focused on recognition between mothers and offspring
suggest that paternal kin discrimination works among
(e.g. Kaplan, Winship-Ball, Sim, 1978; Pereira, 1986;
paternal half-siblings, but also among fathers and their off-
Gouzoules & Gouzoules, 1990; Hammerschmidt & Fischer,
spring. A high skew in male reproduction is common among
1998; Holekamp et al., 1999; Rendall, Cheney & Seyfarth,
many mammalian and primate species providing a high
2000). Other studies have looked at vocal recognition of
probability of paternal kin to interact with each other.
maternal kin. For example, spotted hyenas respond more
Depending upon the length of male group tenure, offspring who
vigorously to long-distance vocalizations of maternal kin
share the same sire (i.e. paternal half-siblings) are either close in
than non-kin, and the intensity of response was correlated
age (short male tenure) or different in age (long male tenure).
with the degree of maternal relatedness (Holekamp et al.,
(2) Both familiarity and phenotype matching have been
1999). Female rhesus macaques have been reported to
suggested as mechanisms underlying paternal kin discrim-
respond faster and longer to calls of maternal kin than non-
ination in different mammalian species. However, no direct
kin, also suggesting kin recognition (Rendall et al., 1996). In
evidence of phenotype matching has yet been provided in
addition, individual recognition has been suggested based
primates, as studies have not fully controlled for familiarity
on the evidence that females showed a pronounced re-
as a confounding factor. To reject the familiarity hypothesis
sponse to calls from individual B after being habituated to
one would need to demonstrate that neither mothers nor
different calls of individual A (Rendall et al., 1996). Playback
the father mediate familiarity among paternal half-siblings.
experiments on chacma baboons indicate that females
To support the self-referent phenotype matching hypothesis,
recognize the calls of maternal kin of other individuals
one would need to show that infants, whose father left
(Cheney & Seyfarth, 1999).
before their birth, also develop the ability to discriminate
If animals use acoustic characteristics as a cue to assess
their paternal half-siblings from unrelated individuals
paternal kinship, one would first need to demonstrate that
without the mediation by their mothers. Finally, when both
paternal half-siblings share more acoustic characteristics
mechanisms are involved it is difficult to empirically
than unrelated individuals. If such patterns can be
disentangle them.
observed, one would then need to show that individuals
(3) Mechanisms of kin discrimination are not necessarily
indeed use vocal cues to recognize paternal kin, e.g. by
identical across mammalian species. Differences are to be
demonstrating that test subjects respond differently to
expected because recognition mechanisms must function
playback calls of paternal kin than to calls of non-kin.
within the confines set by a species’ phylogenetic history
and will reflect key sensory modalities used in communi-
cation, mating and demographic structure.
(4) Personality
(4) Mammalian social systems are complex and flexible.
Non-human primates develop and display distinct person- Therefore it is likely that mammals use multiple cues for
ality traits (Capitanio, 1999; King & Figueredo, 1997; Weiss paternal kin discrimination such as odour, appearance,
et al., 2006; Clarke & Boinski, 1995; Bolig et al., 1992). In vocalization or personality. Depending upon the specific
rhesus macaques, some personality traits, such as increased conditions (e.g. social and ecological), individuals even of the
impulsivity and aggressiveness, are closely associated with same species may use different mechanisms and/or cues.
diminished concentrations of cerebrospinal fluid mono-
amine metabolites, which have a significant paternal genetic
component (Higley et al., 1993; Clarke et al., 1995) and are
fairly stable throughout life (Stevenson-Hinde, Stillwell- VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Barnes & Zunz, 1980; Capitanio, 1999). Among humans,
approximately 30–50% of personality variance is heritable, I am grateful to Susan Alberts, Bernard Chapais, Marie
i.e. the result of genetic differences among individuals Charpentier, Constance Dubuc, Melissa Gerald, Michael
(Bouchard & Loehlin, 2001) and there is some evidence that Krawczak and Joan Silk for fruitful discussions and
the same is true in chimpanzees (Weiss, King & Figueredo, comments on earlier drafts of the manuscript. Alexander
2000). Hence, shared paternally inherited personality Weiss and Kevin Potts kindly improved the English. I thank
attributes could modulate social relationships and provide two anonymous referees for their constructive comments.
a mechanism for behavioural phenotype matching. Several Funding was provided by the German Science Foundation
predictions follow from this hypothesis. First, individuals with an Emmy Noether Fellowship (WI 1808/1-2).
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