Behavioral Genetics PDF
Behavioral Genetics PDF
Behavioral Genetics PDF
Preparation and publication of this volume was supported by a grant from the National
Human Genome Research Institute (RO1 HG001873) and by contributions to the
AAAS Fund for Excellence designated for the Directorate for Science & Policy Porgrams.
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI–VII
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII–X
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI
5. How do mental disorders emerge from the mix of genes and environments? . . . . . . 59
Lamar, a man with bad news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Genotype/phenotype complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60–62
More genotype/phenotype complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62–63
Polygenic disorders: complexity multiplied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63–64
Schizophrenia, a polygenic disorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64–65
Bipolar disorder, also polygenic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66–67
Research challenges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67–68
Lamar’s dilemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68–70
Normal and abnormal traits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6. How is the ability to control impulses affected by genes and environments? . . . . . . . 75
Trevor, in trouble with the law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Impulsive behavior and ADHD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76–78
Is ADHD a disorder or a trait? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78–79
Novelty-seeking: a positive impulsive trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Antisocial personality: a negative impulsive trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80–82
Criminality: a legal description, not a trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82–83
Research into criminality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83–85
The myth of “genes for criminality” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85–87
Trevor’s defense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87–89
Potential research consequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89–90
Treatment concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90–92
Other research concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92–93
Glossary/Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119–130
NOTE: Words contained in the glossary/index are blue where they first appear in
Chapters 1 through 7.
Behavioral geneticists aim at no less than showing us how genes help to explain why
we behave the way we do. One big reason they do their work is that understanding
why we behave the way we do is inherently interesting. The second big reason is that
they hope their work eventually will lead to curing behavioral disorders as different
as alcoholism and schizophrenia. Today they are far from understanding how genes
influence those behaviors, but that is their goal.
One might think that such a fascinating field would by now have spawned many
brief introductions for lay readers. But that hasn’t happened. Part of the explanation for
this gap is that the science is complicated. Part of the explanation is that the subject
matter of behavioral genetics—mental disease, personality, intelligence—is controver-
sial. Moreover, in the past, research in behavioral genetics has been used to support
hateful prejudices, and so perhaps this has led many otherwise-interested writers to
steer clear of the topic.
The process that led to this book was started in 1999 as part of a project to explore
ideas for improving the public’s understanding of behavioral genetics and to fill the void
described above. A series of meetings brought together genetic researchers, social
scientists, lawyers, and ethicists. Participants shared their knowledge of the science and
together explored the question, "What does the public need to know to understand and
talk about behavioral genetics?" An experienced writer (not a scientist) listened, asked
questions, took notes, and read the papers contributed by participants for another
project product, a scholarly volume. Then she started drafting this book, which was
subsequently reviewed at several stages by project participants. The result is, we think,
a work that is both instructive and a delight to read.
Each chapter begins with a fictional but plausible anecdote about an individual with
a question that has to do with behavior. These anecdotes set the genetic science into a
real world context. They start readers thinking about basic questions such as, How do
behavioral geneticists study the connection between genes and behavior? Can those
studies tell me anything about why I act the way I do? Can they tell me anything about
the chances that I can make my child do well or badly in life? And so forth. With the
story as the hook, readers are pulled into each chapter, where they are introduced to
the scientific concepts that can help answer the fictional character’s question.
Writing about behavioral genetics is like building a structure on shifting sands.
Each day, new discoveries are being made, previously heralded claims are being revised,
and new paradigms for the relationship between genes and behavior are being
proposed. For example, as this book explains in Chapter 2, the human genome used to
be compared to a codebook, a book of life, or an encyclopedia. But today scientists
recognize that the genome is much more dynamic than any kind of book and so new
metaphors are being tried out — metaphors that may or may not stick with time,
depending on what researchers learn next.
Despite the difficulty of capturing a fast-moving subject, we believe this text succeeds
as an introduction to the field. It should help readers obtain a firm grounding in the
basic science and the tools used by researchers to explore the contribution of the genes
(and their essential counterpart, the environment) to behavior. Readers should come
away with a vocabulary for discussing the science and with a sense of what genetic
science can tell us and do for us, and what its limitations are.
This text describes the promise of — and the problems with — the complex science
of behavioral genetics in a way that should be accessible to a broad audience, from high
school and college students with an interest in science to the educated lay person
whose family may be experiencing events similar to those portrayed in the book’s
stories. If you want to see where the fascinating and sometimes controversial science of
behavioral genetics is headed in the 21st century, you’ve come to the right place.
As the lead investigators for the larger project, we are indebted to the staff at the
Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Research Program at the National Human Genome
Research Institute, especially Joy Boyer and Elizabeth Thomson, for their generous
support of our work (RO1 HG001873). We are also deeply grateful to Elving Anderson
for, at every step of this project, giving so generously of his time and knowledge, as well
as to the many project participants (listed on page 131) who contributed their expertise
to the preparation of this volume. Finally, we thank Catherine Baker for her tireless work
to understand and then describe for you the work of behavioral genetics.
If you would like to read the special supplement of the Hastings Center Report,
which summarizes the findings of the project that produced this introduction to behav-
ioral genetics, or you would like to learn more about the volume of essays for advanced
students and scholars, please visit our website at,
where this volume is also available.
Why do humans range so widely in their susceptibility to mental illness, in their will-
ingness to take risks, and in their performance on intelligence tests? One answer to this
question comes from scientists in the field of behavioral genetics. They say that the vari-
ation in behavioral traits across a population is due, in part, to the genes. So many studies
have pointed to connections between genes and particular behaviors that most scientists
now feel comfortable stating that there is such a link for every possible behavior.
But what does it really mean to say that there is a link between genes and behavior?
Does it mean that there is a gene that makes some of us blush when embarrassed;
that there is one gene that makes you prefer classical music and another gene that
makes you dislike it; that there is a bunch of genes that each provides for different levels
of skill in playing poker? The answer to all these questions is no. Does it mean behavior
passes down from generation to generation, i.e., is inherited, just like baldness and
eye color? Again, the answer is no.
So when next you see an article that proclaims, “Gene for [insert a human behavior
here] discovered,” read it with a critical eye. Or when you next hear someone say,
“He inherited his [insert a human behavior here] from his father,” receive that with
skepticism, too.
The pervasive role of genes in behavior does not mean what it is commonly
misunderstood to mean. It does not mean that a gene or even several genes can make
you act in any particular way. It does not mean that a behavior can “pass down through
the genes.” Such claims are not accepted in behavioral genetics.
It does mean that genes play a vital role in the body’s development and physiology,
and it is through the body, acting in response to and upon surrounding environments,
that behavior manifests itself. So while we do inherit our genes, we do not inherit
behavior traits in any fixed sense. The effect of our given set of genes on our behavior
is entirely dependent upon the context of our life as it unfolds day to day.
Nonetheless, we have tended to assign the genes a grander role. Perhaps one reason
why we tend to inflate the role of genes in behavior is that there is no good verb to use
when talking about them. It’s clearly wrong to say that genes control behavior.
We might instead say that genes influence behavior, that genes impinge upon behavior,
that genes are implicated in behavior, or that they help instigate the cellular activity
through which behavior is executed. None of these constructions are quite right, either.
It is very difficult to capture in a single verb the gene-behavior relationship, because
the way in which genes relate to behavior is complex, indirect, and highly nuanced.
It is contingent upon events inside and outside the body — such as diet and features of
upbringing — and it is modulated over time. If you keep all these things in mind, it can
Based on your genes, no one can say what kind of human being
you will turn out to be or what you will do in life.
If you can only learn one thing about behavioral genetics, that statement should be
it. But if you would like to obtain a more sophisticated and deeper understanding of this
subject, please read the rest of this book. You will find straightforward definitions
of genes and environments. You will learn how genes operate within a sensitive and
complicated network involving other DNA elements and proteins and in specific
environments throughout the development of an individual. You will gain an under-
standing of how behavioral genetic research is conducted, particularly in regard to three
topics that have been the focus of much of the research in this field: mood disorders,
impulsivity, and intelligence. Finally, you will be introduced to the ways in which
behavioral genetic research can affect individuals and society at large.
If you read this book, you also will learn about some of the contentious debates that
surround behavioral genetics. Scholars argue about the quality of the field’s research
methods. They disagree about the significance of findings. They question whether the
benefits from behavioral genetic research will outweigh the drawbacks.
This last concern stems in part from this field’s historic connection to eugenics.
This was a doctrine, first emerging in the late 1800’s, which held that some people are
innately superior due to their genes and therefore those persons should reproduce more
than others. Eugenic policy became official practice in many countries, ranging from
involuntary sterilization of those deemed unfit in the U.S. and other countries to mass
murder of those deemed unsuitable in Nazi Germany. After World War II, overtly
eugenic attitudes were forced underground. Nonetheless, there are people today who
continue to manipulate and sensationalize science, consciously or subconsciously,
to justify social inequities and prejudices.
Many people fear that preliminary and unconfirmed studies, unwarranted conclu-
sions, and misinterpreted data from behavioral genetic research will be used to support
modern eugenic policies that maintain privilege and unfairness. They worry that find-
ings from behavioral genetic research will be manipulated to promote prejudice, spread
discrimination, invade privacy, and foster unequal treatment under the law. They also
worry that as a genetically based definition of normal human behavior advances,
the range of socially acceptable human behavior will shrink.
On the other hand, many people are frustrated by so-called “hand-wringing
Jeremiahs” who dwell on the problems that could potentially emerge from behavioral
genetic research. The people with this view assert that behavior is a worthy avenue of
exploration. They believe that studying the genes is one way — one way among many
— to learn about behavior. They think that the acquisition of knowledge is good,
even knowledge about something as personal and revealing as our own behavior.
Indeed, they believe that such knowledge could improve the lives of individuals as well
as humanity at large. They acknowledge that the scientific methodology in behavioral
genetics is imperfect, but no more so than in any other relatively new field of
exploration. Though they share concern about the misuse of information from behav-
ioral genetics, they believe that the pursuit of this knowledge offers more advantages
than disadvantages.
This book is the product of a project that brought together advocates and skeptics.
The partners in this project share the conviction that an informed public understanding
of the principles of genetic science and behavioral research can be an antidote against
premature and faulty claims and the misapplication of findings. Our intent with this
book is to help non-scientists like yourself gain a better understanding of concepts and
terms in behavioral genetics. This education can help you better evaluate what you read
and hear about behavioral genetics. It can help you become your own judge of infor-
mation. And to some extent, it might help you better understand your own behavior.
This book results from a four-year project of The Hastings Center and the American
Association for the Advancement of Science. The subject of this project was “Tools for
Public Conversation about Behavioral Genetics.” Early on, project participants decided
that a useful tool to foster conversation would be an easy-to-read primer on behavioral
genetic research for an audience of interested nonscientists.
The text was shaped by the papers presented and discussions that took place at five
meetings of the project’s working group and a final conference that was open to the
public. Project participants are listed on page 131. My thanks go to each of them.
I am particularly indebted to the following persons who provided specific comments
on, and corrections to, parts of this manuscript at various stages in its development:
Elving Anderson, Jon Beckwith, Greg Carey, Troy Duster, Marcus Feldman, Mark S.
Frankel, Irving I. Gottesman, and John Loehlin. Special acknowledgement goes to
Elving, who answered many questions and served as coach, and to Irving, who con-
stantly brought relevant articles to my attention and who was helpfully specific in his
suggestions for the text. I give tremendous thanks to Lee Ehrman, who reviewed the
entire manuscript with a very sharp scientific and editorial eye, and to Kenneth
Schaffner, who also conducted a thorough critique of the whole draft.
Members of the project’s management team gave me valuable support through this long
writing project: Audrey Chapman, Mark S. Frankel, Erik Parens, Nancy Press, and Elving.
I also am grateful to designer Beth Elzer at AAAS; she did a fine job with an unwieldy set
of computer files and an anxious writer. Kevin Alleman, Christine Bellordre, Bryn Lander,
Clinton Musil, and Kathy Fishback, members of AAAS staff, also provided valuable
assistance in the production of this volume.
Peter Wehrwein, a science writer and long-time friend, helped me many times with
advice, telephone tutorials, and useful bits of information. Carolyn Reser helped me track
down a most elusive fact — the name of the Ray Bradbury story mentioned in Chapter 3.
I relied on two textbooks as valuable references — Greg Carey’s Human Genetics for
the Social Sciences and Behavioral Genetics by Robert Plomin et al. I also am beholden to
the many genetics glossaries on the web – especially to the “gene definitions” and the
“SNPs and other genetic variations” glossaries at the website of the Cambridge Healthtech
Institute. Finally, I must acknowledge my huge debt to, which helped me
track down in an instant relevant articles, loose facts, bibliographic details, and definitions.
Although many people have guided me on this project, I assume all responsibility
for errors and out-of-date information, and for any sections in which I failed to make
things clear.
Catherine Baker
September 2003, Bethesda, Maryland
chapter one
whole species such as the way bears
hibernate in winter. Other behaviors are
unique to an individual creature such as
the way your dog barks twice when he
wants to be let outside. Many behaviors
are unique to a particular being on a par-
ticular occasion, such as the way you
react when you find a twenty-dollar bill
on the street at the end of a bad day.
Forms of behavior
Actions are one subset of behavior, and
states of mind — emotions and moods
— are another. This is not obvious.
A person can be angry without neces-
sarily doing anything physical like hitting
or shouting. Nonetheless, the anger that pected to have some influence on when
is felt is a response to stimuli. Perhaps an and whether mood disorders appear.
expensive bill has arrived in the mail or Thus, mood disorders fall into the
your late-adolescence hormones are category of behavior.
surging. In another not-so-obvious connection, Behavior includes not only actions
Mental illness falls into the category of personality is behavior. This makes sense but also the emotions we feel such
as anxiety or joy.
behavior though this may not seem when you consider that personality is the
obvious, either. Depression does not seem sum total of a person’s physical, mental,
to be a person’s response to the world but emotional, and social characteristics that
rather an emotional state that descends distinguish that person from everyone
upon him or her. In the same way, there else. Consistent patterns of behavior lead
is no single event or series of events us to describe individuals as being docile
that explain why a person develops and sweet or brusque and standoffish.
schizophrenia. And yet the typically quiet person might
However, scientists believe mental ill- sometimes be quite vocal and the
ness emerges in response to a series of typically aloof individual might some-
causative events inside and outside the times be quite sociable, because behavior
body. These events may be subtle, they always depends on a context.
may not be linked in time, and many of Since mood and personality fall into
them remain unknown, but they are sus- the category of behavior, it stands to
ronmental factors that to one degree or substantial social significance. Three such
another affect behavior: family and topics — mood disorders, impulsivity,
friends, home and workplace, and specific and intelligence — are treated in
experiences from everyday life. These are Chapters 5, 6, and 7.
aspects of our external, social world.
Other environmental factors belong to
the internal, biological world: nutrients, Margaret’s ambition
hormones, viruses, bacteria, toxins, and What accounts for the fact that some
other products that affect the body during people are more accomplished athletically
prenatal development and throughout than others? This is a question that inter-
life. Environments are addressed at ests many scientists including behavioral
greater length in Chapter 3. genetic researchers. It also is one that
People working in the field of behav- would interest Margaret, the woman who
ioral genetics agree that genes and envi- plans to groom her daughter into a
ronments are both essential and professional golfer like Tiger Woods.
interdependent factors in behavior. Their Tiger is an intriguing case study Genes and environments are
field is called behavioral genetics, not because his athletic performance is so interdependent: one does not
have an effect on behavior
because they think genes are more impor- extraordinary. He was a precocious child without the other.
tant than environments but because they who before his third birthday could beat
use gene-based research tools to sort out far older players on the course. By age 15,
the factors that contribute to the variation he had won five junior world tourna-
in behavior. These tools are described in ments. Then he claimed three U.S. ama-
Chapter 4. teur championships in a row. He turned
Behavioral genetic researchers study all professional at age 20 and earned
sorts of life forms, simple and complex, $800,000 in prize money his first season.
from worms and fruit flies to chim- At age 21, he became the youngest
panzees and humans. Their work over- winner of the Masters Tournament, and
laps and complements behavioral within four years he had his career grand
research happening in other fields such as slam — a victory in each of golf’s four
biology, psychology, physiology, medical major tournaments. With a growing col-
genetics, evolutionary science, and neu- lection of victories, he is surpassing the
roscience, to name a few. The particular records set by Jack Nicklaus and other
interest of behavioral geneticists is in legends of the sport.
what makes members of a species (espe- Tiger combines a powerful swing with
cially the human species) differ in their great putting skills, excellent stamina,
behavior. The field also is defined by a incredible discipline, and impressive
particular focus on topics that have self-control. He has all the assets for an
Individual scientists who study
behavior cannot and should not
decide which behaviors are valued
and acceptable and which are
outside the norm. Such important
decisions must be made by society
as a whole.
Carey, G. 2003. Human genetics for the social sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Dick, D. M. and R. J. Rose. 2002. “Behavior genetics: What’s new? What’s next?” Current Directions
in Psychological Science 11, no. 2: 70-74.
Plomin, R., J. C. DeFries, G. E. McClearn, and M. Rutter. 1997. Behavioral genetics, 3rd ed. New York:
Freeman Press.
Shapiro, L. 2002. “Woods successfully defends title, captures third overall.” Washington Post,
15 April, C-1.
Function of the
human genome
Size is not the only dimension that makes
the human genome impressive.
Functional operation is another. At seem-
ingly random spots along a chromosome’s
strand of DNA, base pairs are organized
into units that operate together. These are
the genes.
There is an important term for those
“seemingly random spots along a chro-
mosome’s strand of DNA,” and it will Proteins make up the structure of cells:
appear frequently in this text. That term hair, cartilage, bone, and the other phys-
is locus; the plural is loci. It means ical components of the body are built
“location of the gene on the chromo- from protein. In the form of hormones,
some.” The word locus also has come to enzymes, and antibodies, proteins direct
stand for “the location of a segment of cell activity. Proteins help transport mate-
DNA within a gene.” rials between cells and they help cells
Each gene varies in the order of the communicate with each other.
bases along its length. The average Another critical task of proteins exem-
human gene is three thousand base pairs plifies that old phrase “turnabout is fair
long. The human genome contains an play.” Proteins are constructed through
estimated 30,000 or more genes, yet gene activity and — in the form of
these genes comprise less than 5 percent hormones, growth factors, and other
of the genomic material. regulatory molecules — proteins also A protein can be visualized as
Put simply, this is what genes do: affect gene activity. a long strand of material that
bends and folds into a complex
They provide the template for a series of The adjective that describes this phe-
three-dimensional shape.
intricate steps that cells follow to create nomenon is epigenetic. Epi is a Greek This long strand typically is
proteins. A gene’s string of bases is organ- root meaning “upon,” and epigenesis created from two or more chains
ized into triplets. The sequence of DNA means the process of affecting the action of amino acids (and sometimes
other chemicals) that have linked
triplets that defines a gene is copied into of a gene without altering the DNA of the together. Each separate chain
a string of RNA (ribonucleic acid, a chem- gene itself. Epigenetic effects are pro- is created according to the
ical similar and complementary to DNA) duced not only by proteins but also by instructions contained in a gene.
triplets. In most cases, each RNA triplet RNA; by certain genes with managerial
codes for one of twenty different small responsibilities; and by the imprinting of
molecules called amino acids (fondly genes (a little-understood phenomenon
referred to by science teachers as “the by which a gene expresses itself differ-
building blocks of the body”). Most of the ently depending upon whether it was
amino acids have names ending in “ine” inherited from the mother or the father).
such as alanine, glycine, and isoleucine. These epigenetic factors are what
The amino acids coded for by a gene link cause some cells to turn into skin while
together into a polypeptide chain. These others become part of the liver, bone, or
chains can be hundreds or thousands of brain, even though all the cells contain
links long (shorter strands are referred to the same package of DNA. Epigenetic
simply as “peptide chains”). A protein is mechanisms remain important through-
formed when (in most cases) two or out life, selectively triggering the genes in
more chains link together into a three- various tissues in response to environ-
dimensional structure. mental stimuli.
far more than 30,000 proteins. This is percent that is an overwhelming simi-
possible because the amino acids larity. However, one tenth of a percent
produced by genes can combine in dif- of three billion base pairs of DNA is
ferent ways to make different proteins. 3 million, a very large number.
Nearly all the cells of the body contain Some of those tenth-of-a-percent differ-
the entire set of genes. But within each ences occur in the genes. Every human
cell no more than about 5 percent of the has the same basic package of genes, but
genes are ever expressed. The genes in each gene may show up in a different ver-
the cells of one tissue (for example, sion, called an allele. A gene’s alleles differ
kidney cells) may — under certain slightly from one another in terms of the
environmental conditions — become order that the four bases — A, T, C, and
activated and express themselves while G — appear along the DNA strand.
the equivalent genes in the cells of Scientists believe that there are two or
another tissue (for example, the brain) more variants for most human genes; the
remain inactive. average number of normal alleles for a
The bottom line is that the 30,000- gene is estimated at 14, but some genes Nitrogen-containing molecules
some human genes are capable of have 50 or more. Humans are diploid, called nucleotides or bases are
paired and lined up on a twisting
producing a many-times-larger number of which means they carry two alleles for ladder-like structure (a double
proteins. These proteins work independ- every gene (one inherited from the father helix) to form a chromosome.
ently and in combinations to create an and one from the mother); the two alleles Sections of these base pairs
operate together as genes.
even larger number of outcomes in the in a given pair may be identical (in which
Other sections have other
cells of the body. case they are homozygous) or different functions. Species differ in
(heterozygous). Each person is unique in their number of chromosomes.
the genetic message coded by that gene.
sometimes lead to a phenotypic difference each population, certain alleles are passed
that affects, for good or bad, the onto the next generation by chance,
organism’s ability to thrive or survive. increasing or decreasing their likelihood
If the mutation occurs in a gamete of of being passed on again to the third gen-
an individual (the egg or sperm cell eration. Over time, the number of alleles
involved in reproduction), then the new that remain in the population are
mutation appears in the cells of that indi- reduced. The smaller the population, the
vidual’s offspring. Such mutations lead to greater the reductions in allelic variety
variety within a species. If the mutation over time. The separated populations
offers an advantage for survival, then indi- diverge—drift apart—in terms of the
viduals with the mutation will leave more alleles they carry.
discernable role — we might more wisely disease have been tracked to one gene.
say that their role still awaits discovery. Most physical traits and conditions —
So a new metaphor is replacing the such as height, blood pressure, weight,
metaphor of genome-as-text. This is the and digestive activity — stem from many
metaphor of the genome as a community genes that vary in activity depending on
or collective, working together for a environmental contexts. The same is true
shared purpose. Just as a cast, crew, direc- for all complex behaviors. Each is affected
tors, and producers work together to put by multiple genes interacting with mul-
on a play, so the elements of the genome tiple environmental influences. For any
work with each other, and with epige- given behavior, relevant genes and envi-
netic characters, to express the chemical ronmental factors number in the dozens,
products required by a body in the hundreds, or perhaps thousands.
process of life. Unfortunately, many people have a
different impression. They think that a
gene controls a behavioral trait, period.
Behavior and the genome This is genetic determinism, that is, the
All of this description about the genome is belief that the development of an
simply background to the question at organism is determined solely by genetic
hand, which is how genes, operating factors. Genetic determinism is a false
within environments, connect to belief. It comes from misunderstandings
behavior. Behavior results from the of scientific research.
genetic coding that occurs in cells A great many studies have explored Scientists have only begun to
throughout the body, but especially in the possible connections between genetic fac- explore the complex relationship
between genetics, environments,
nervous system: the brain, spine, and tors and specific behaviors, such as the
and human habits, tendencies,
network of nerves through which infor- age at which a young person begins to and addictions.
mation is communicated throughout the smoke and drink, the friends one selects,
body, electrically and chemically. Put a person’s tendency toward divorce,
simply, behavior results from lots and lots grooming habits, and one’s willingness to
of ongoing activity by many, many genes take risks, to name just a few. Some of
pressed into action by the environment these studies have found that close rela-
and through epigenetic factors. tives tend to be more alike for the trait in
Blood types, some simple metabolic question than people who are not as
processes, and a few physical traits stem closely related. But these kinds of studies
from the actions of a single gene, only identify correlations between people
irrespective of environment. Some health with similar genetic profiles and certain
disorders such as cystic fibrosis, early- behaviors. Correlations are related rates
onset Alzheimer’s, and Huntington’s of incidence, reflecting how much and in
ducted several decades ago. In this exper- the scientists moved the experiment up a
iment, scientists took a group of ordinary notch. They had mice born to the timid
field mice and put them, one at a time, line foster-mothered by a mouse from the
into a brightly lit open box. The mice had brave line, and vice versa. They also
never been in the box before, and they mixed young from each line into one
reacted with a range of behaviors. litter to be raised together by one female
Some appeared to be fearful. They adult.
huddled motionless along the sides. Nothing changed. Mice from the line
Others appeared to be more brave. They inbred for timidity showed fear when
roamed about, though they did not stray placed in the open box. Mice from the
far from the sides. A few mice wandered line inbred for bravery responded with
freely, even venturing into the middle. courage.1
Using various tools, the scientists pre- Scientists point to these experiments as
cisely measured each mouse’s move- proof that behavior traits can be influ-
ments. They selected the most enced by heredity. These experiments
immobilized and the most active. Then also proved something else: that more
they bred these selected mice, fearful than one inherited factor was at work to
with fearful and brave with brave. affect mice behavior. We know this
When the next generation came along, because the intensity of bravery and fear-
scientists again tested each mouse in the fulness in the respective lines of mice
box. They selected the most timid occurred over many generations and con-
offspring of the timid parents and the tinued to evolve. If only one or two genes
bravest offspring of the brave parents. had been involved, the extreme form of
Many genes, plus many environ-
The selected offspring were again bred, the behavior would have been universal
mental factors, shape the
like with like. The scientists kept up such within a few generations (because each behavior of a mouse placed inside
inbreeding for thirty generations. parent only passes down one allele for an open box.
With each generation, the mice in the
timid group became, as a whole, more
timid, while the mice in the brave group
became, as a whole, more brave. The two
lines of mice came from the same original
stock, and they were kept and raised
under identical conditions. But their
responses to the box were becoming
progressively more different.
To make sure no uncontrolled factor
was affecting the behavior of the mice,
might behave in strange situations. with children, intuitively knows this.
We cannot take human adults, test She is aware that children tend toward Scientists believe that each
them on a particular task and then, based certain temperaments, but that her own person’s package of genes might
partially explain tendencies, such
on performance, select some to breed actions, as well as other factors beyond as why one child has an outgoing
together in order to concentrate certain anyone’s control, affect the behavior personality and another is more
inherited factors in their children. patients manifest when in her clinic. shy. Yet many non-genetic factors
also affect how a human acts in a
Likewise, we cannot deliberately experi- Hoda probably understands children
particular circumstance.
ment with human babies by handling better than she realizes.
them differently to see how their
behavior might be affected as they
But we can give these animal studies
1 See Clark, W. and M. Grunstein (2000, pgs. 86–88) and in
credit for helping us understand the Plomin et al. (1997, pgs. 62–66) for discussions of the mice
studies. The research discussed is DeFries et al. (1978).
essential point that both inherited and
2 See Clark, W. and M. Grunstein (2000, pgs. 90–92) for a
environmental factors contribute to discussion of the rabbit studies.
DeFries, J. et al. 1978. “Response to 30 generations of selection for Rutter, M. 2002. “Nature, nurture, and development:
open-field activity in laboratory mice.” Behavior Genetics 8: 3-13. From evangelism through science toward policy and practice.”
Child Development 73: 1-21.
Dean H. Hamer, Ph. D. 2003. (home page, accessed 31 January);
available at U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program. 2003.
biochem/hamer.htm “Genomics and its impact on science and society: Beyond the
human genome project.” (Accessed 9 June); available at
“Destined to divorce.” 14 July 2001. New Scientist: 15.
Enard, W., P. Khaitovich, J. Klose, S. Zöllner, F. Heissing, P. Giavalisco,
K. Nieselt-Struwe, E. Muchmore, A. Varki, R. Ravid, G. M. Doxiadis, Weiss, R. 2000. “For DNA, a defining moment.” Washington Post.
R. E. Bontrop, S. Paabo. 2002. “Intra-and interspecific variation in 23 May, A-1 and A-17-18.
primate expression patterns. Science 296: 340-343.
Wu, C.-t. and J. R. Morris. 2001. “Genes, genetics, and epigenetics:
A correspondence.” Science 293: 1103-1105.
chapter three
that combine to form an enzyme that The third example for environmental
converts phenylalanine. (Scientists often effects concerns human intelligence.
refer to alleles that lead to disorders as Scientists theorize that many different
mutations, though all alleles — both aspects of brain function factor into our
those with positive and negative effects ability to reason and to learn, such as
—emerge at some point in the evolu- energy metabolism and neuronal trans-
tionary history of a species through the mission speed. To the extent that genes
process of mutation. In this text, we will trigger the protein activity that con-
refer to such mutations as “disease- structs the brain and are essential to its
related alleles” or “problematic alleles.”) function, they play a role in intelligence.
Researchers know that other so-called Tests used to measure individual intel-
modifier genes also play a role in PKU — ligence are called IQ tests (for intelli-
these are genes that affect another gene, gence quotient). Performance on these
thereby altering the latter gene’s effect on tests varies widely among individuals:
the phenotype. Thus, there are many most tested individuals obtain scores
different genotypes underlying PKU, and that fall into a middle range, while a
this certainly is one reason why the minority obtain scores that fall farther
disease manifests itself differently in out on the high and low ends. All the
each child. scores plotted out form a sort of bell-
Environment is another reason. The shaped curve.
form and severity of PKU are profoundly In 1987, a scientist named James
influenced by such factors as when the Flynn reported that, based on IQ data
condition is diagnosed, how soon the from many countries, the raw test scores
special diet is imposed, and how strictly it have been rising rapidly for several
is followed. decades. So while the bell-shaped varia-
Yet in an interesting twist, environ-
mental effects decline over time. A child
In a randomly selected group of
who does not receive a modified diet
people, behavior traits tend to
within days of birth is at great risk for vary along a continuum known
brain damage. The same child in adoles- as a bell shaped curve. In this
cence can follow a slightly more flexible illustration, a trait is indicated as
a "property" that can range from
diet without ill effect. Some adults with Number low to high. An example would
PKU have binged occasionally or moved be scores on an intelligence test:
off the diet altogether without observable most people tend to score near
Property the middle, but some score lower
losses in cognitive function (though stan- Low High
or higher. The higher or lower the
dard medical advice is to maintain the score, the fewer the number of
diet for life). The Bell Shaped Curve people achieving those scores.
genotypes may also lead to similar or The two genetically similar generations
different phenotypes. Different genotypes have different drinking patterns for a
in different environments may lead to cultural (that is, environmental) reason:
similar or different phenotypes. It all the younger generation is brought up in a
depends upon interactions. culture that places greater emphasis on
Here’s an example of how gene/envi- alcohol.
ronment interaction can play out in real Studies show that Asian Americans
life. There is a gene, ALDH-2, whose pro- with the less active ALDH-2 allele, both
tein product helps metabolize alcohol. immigrant and first-generation, drink less
Some people have an allele for ALDH-2 than their counterparts who have an
that is less effective: alcohol byproducts alternate version of the gene. But there is
remain in the tissues instead of being less of a difference in drinking level
metabolized properly. A person with this between those with and without the spe-
allele is more likely to become flushed, cial allele in the immigrant generation
dizzy, and nauseous in response to compared to their children’s generation.
drinking. It is estimated that 50 percent of This is because members of the immi-
Asian people have an ineffective ALDH-2 grant generation tend to drink little in any
allele. event — whether it makes them sick or
Overall, Asian immigrants to America not. Both genes and environment affect
drink much less alcohol than their alcohol consumption, but at different
children born and raised in the States. rates under different circumstances.2
Gene/environment the musically gifted girl who resists the
correlations path laid out by her musical family,
Another factor shaping behavior is for example. Positive gene/environment
gene/environment correlation. A gene/ correlations increase the range of pheno-
environment correlation occurs when typic variation stemming from a given
individuals with a genetic propensity for a genotype, while negative correlations
trait live in environments that support decrease the range.
expression of the trait. This kind of corre-
lation can occur in two ways, passive and
active. Shared and nonshared
Suppose a young girl who is genetically environments Some people may be musically
gifted for music is born into a talented Does growing up in the same home gifted, but we do not yet have
sufficient scientific data to
family of musicians (for sake of argument, with the same parents, same physical
explain any relationship between
let’s gloss over the meaning of “geneti- surroundings, and same everyday experi- genes and talent. We can say,
cally gifted for music”). She is surrounded ences make you turn out like your however, that musical skill
by family members who practice and per- siblings? Does having different friends emerges from the interaction
of genes and environments.
form. Her home is filled with instru- make you different from your siblings?
ments, and music plays on the radio all Let’s take a closer look at the first ques-
day long. The girl is raised in a home that tion. Growing up together in the same
supports the flourishing of her musical home — which falls into a category called
ability. This is an example of a passive shared environment — does make siblings
gene/environment correlation. similar in terms of the cultural traditions
Suppose a boy who is genetically gifted they inherit: similar in terms of language,
for music is born into a nonmusical modes of dress, diets, and so on.
family. As a youngster, his parents take However, many studies suggest that
him to a parade. He is so excited by the shared home environment does not do
marching band that he persuades his par- very much to make siblings resemble each
ents to let him take drum lessons. In high other in terms of personality and actions.
school, he joins the orchestra and chooses Each child turns into a distinct character
music electives. He applies to and who behaves in individual fashion, despite
receives a scholarship to an elite music parents’ efforts to raise all their children
school. The boy seeks out activities that impartially and despite similarities in geno-
support the flourishing of his musical types of the siblings (remember that
ability. This is an example of an active biological siblings are half alike genetically,
gene/environment correlation. on average, and twins are fully alike genet-
The above examples show positive cor- ically except for a few differences caused
relations, but negative ones may occur: by mutation and epigenetic factors).
tangible as a DNA strand; this makes them population — where everyone’s growth is
hard to discern. They are essentially infi- stunted — will be lower (closer to zero)
nite; this makes the job difficult to finish. than in another population that is well
The big question is, what environmental nourished — where everybody’s genetic
factors are relevant, discrete, and measur- potential can be realized. In both
able: socioeconomic status? birth order? Example 1 and Example 2, zero and low
number of books in the home? occupation heritability occur even though genes play
of parents? climate? prevailing attitudes in a critical role in development and growth.
one’s social milieu? Mapping the envi- Example 3: The heritability of blood type
rome is such a formidable task that some in a random human population
dismiss it as a hopelessly naïve endeavor. approaches 1. The phenotypic variation is
And yet researchers chip away at it. mainly attributable to genetic variation.
Note that this does not reveal anything
about the particular blood type of any
Heritability individual person in the group.
Vision is a heritable trait.
(and environmentability) Heritability is a slippery, confusing con-
It varies phenotypically among
In the meantime, the field relies on a less cept. Because “heritability” sounds like humans, which means that
sophisticated tool, a simple mathematical “inherited,” heritability figures are often everyone does not see equally
formula that produces a heritability misconstrued as describing an individual’s well. Instead, human eyesight
ranges from very poor to
estimate. Heritability is the proportion of chances for inheriting a trait, even though excellent. If science advances
phenotypic variation in a population that heritability is a measure that applies only to the point where all vision
is due to genetic variation. Some to groups. Another problem with the con- deficiencies are corrected by
lenses and surgery, then vision
researchers also use the word environ- cept is that sometimes when the word
would no longer be a heritable
mentability to describe heritability’s coun- “heritable” is used to describe a trait, it is trait.
terpart, that is, the proportion of misunderstood to mean unchangeable.
phenotypic variation in a population that Yet near-sightedness is both a heritable
is due to environmental variation. The trait and fixable through eyeglasses,
heritability and environmentability for contact lenses, and laser surgery.
any given trait are proportions that For scientists, heritability estimates are
together add up to 100 percent. unsatisfactory. They are, after all, simply
Here are three simple examples that estimates. They apply only to the popula-
demonstrate heritability. Example 1: tion being studied in one particular
The heritability of having a brain in any environment and at one point in time.
population of humans is 0, because They do not reveal anything about the
everyone has a brain; there is no pheno- specific genetic and environmental factors
typic variation. Example 2: The heri- underlying a trait. And yet heritability
tability of height in a malnourished estimates have their value.
involved. The question not answered in Researchers believe that the same gene
this research is how worker bees choose may operate in humans, though they can
which larvae to supply with royal jelly only speculate as to the behavior it affects.5
and which to feed the commonplace diet The ability of insects with similar geno-
of nectar and pollen.4 types to acquire substantially different
Scientists pursuing another recent line phenotypes under different environ-
of research have uncovered a second hon- mental conditions occurs not only in hon-
eybee phenotype switch. Female honey- eybees, but also in other social insects
bees graduate from hive-keepers into such as ants and termites. Nutrition, tem-
foragers, usually at about two weeks of perature, day length, and other environ-
age. This job change has been tracked to mental factors interact with the genes of
the effect of a single gene. The same gene these insects to affect phenotypes. Several
exists in fruit flies, and it determines species of butterfly change wing color
whether a fly seeks out food near home or with the changing seasons. Dung beetles
searches in a wider range. Further study grow horns or not, depending on their
is needed to discover what triggers the diet. Many such examples can be found
genes to trigger the change in behavior. in nature.
Angier, N. 2002. “Honeybee shows a little gene activity goes miles Moczek, A. P. 2002. “Research interests/Research system and
and miles.” New York Times 7 May, F-3. approaches.” University of Arizona/Tucson Nagy Research Center
(accessed 6 May); available at
Ben-Shahar, Y., A. Robichon, M. B. Sokolowski, G. E. Robinson. 2002. nagy/moczekresearch.html.
“Influence of gene action across different time scales on
behavior.” Science 296: 741-744. National Institutes of Health. 2000. NIH consensus statement:
Phenylketonuria (PKU): Screening and management. 17, No. 3.
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS). 2000. Genes, environ-
ment, and human behavior. Colorado Springs: BSCS. Pennisi, E. 2002. “One gene determines bee social status.”
Science 296: 636.
Brown, P. “Brain Gain.” 2 March, 2002. New Scientist: 24-27.
Plomin, R., J. C. DeFries, G. E. McClearn, and M. Rutter. 1997.
Burghes, A. H. M., H. E. F. Vaessin, A. de la Chapelle. 2001. Behavioral genetics, 3rd ed. New York: Freeman Press.
“The land between Mendelian and multifactorial inheritance.”
Science 293: 2213-2214. Schaffner, K. Forthcoming. “Behaving: Its Nature and Nurture,”
in Parens, E., A. Chapman, and N. Press (eds.), Wrestling with
Carey, G. 2003. Human genetics for the social sciences. Thousand Behavioral Genetics: Implications for Understanding Selves and
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Society.
Clark, W. and M. Grunstein. 2000. Are we hardwired? The role of “Seasonal polyphenism in butterfly wings.” 2002. (accessed 6 May);
genes in human behavior. New York: Oxford University Press. available at
Clausen, J., D. D. Keck, and W. M. Hisesy. 1948. Experimental studies Turkheimer, E. 2000. “Three laws of behavior genetics and what they
on the nature of species. III. Environmental responses of climactic mean.” Current Directions in Psychological Science 9: 160-164.
races of Achillea. Carnegie Institute Publication No. 581,
Washington, D. C. Withgott, J. 1999. “Genes for queens: Understanding more about
bee genetics.” University of Arizona College of Agriculture and
Evans, J. D. and D. E. Wheeler. 1999. “Differential gene expression Life Sciences 1999 Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station
between developing queens and workers in the honey bee, apis Research Report. (accessed 6 May); available at
mellifera.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
96: 5575-5580. beegenetics.pdf.
Gottesman, I. 2002. “Nature-nurture controversy,” in Brenner, S. and
J. H. Miller (eds.), Encyclopedia of Genetics. London: Academic
Press. Vol. 3, pp. 1297-1302.
As this partial list suggests, questions behavior within inbred strains. Since
Cloned animals allow researchers
about behavior are endless. One way members of an in-bred strain are geneti-
to observe how organisms with
such questions are researched is through cally alike, observed differences in identical genes develop differ-
breeding experiments already described, behavior can be attributed to pre- or post- ently. This provides clues as
in which researchers create distinct lines natal environmental causes. to the interactive effects of the
environment on genes.
that consistently and reliably diverge in Animals make excellent research
behavior on a particular trait despite min- studies not merely because they can be
imal environmental variation. bred at will and kept in controlled envi-
Another method is to create inbred ronments. Another reason they are so
strains. These are whole populations of suitable is that, as mentioned in Chapter
genetically near-identical animals that 2, their genomes are related to ours.
have been created by mating brothers to When researchers discover the function
sisters for a number of generations. (In and location of genes associated with
recent years researchers have learned behavioral traits in animals, they have
how to make inbred strains through clues as to the function and location of
cloning.) Researchers look for variations genes associated with related behavioral
in behavior between different inbred traits in humans. Such research requires
strains reared in identical environments, species-specific genome maps and knowl-
as evidence of genetic components to edge of which regions correspond across
behavior. They also look for variations in species.
Twin Studies
In twin studies, researchers actively
recruit living twins. They observe the
twins’ behaviors, give them personality
tests, interview them, and ask them to fill
out surveys. Researchers also extract data
on twins from existing databanks, such as
records on hospital patients or members
of the armed forces.
Twin studies rely on the fact that iden-
tical (MZ or monozygotic) twins have
essentially the same set of genes while fra-
ternal (DZ or dizygotic) twins have, on
average, a half-identical set. A basic
assumption in these studies is that since
pairs of both types are raised alongside
each other, both types are affected by
their environments to an equal degree.
In other words, the environment of an
identical twin pair is not working to make
those two alike to any greater degree than
the environment of a fraternal twin pair
makes those two alike. The single factor
making identical twins more alike com-
pared to fraternal twins is their greater
genetic similarity. This is called the equal
environments assumption.
Given this assumption, twin pairs may
be examined for a particular trait such as
autism, scores on a personality test, or
educational attainment. Data from many
twin pairs are collected and the rates of
similarity for identical and fraternal pairs
are then compared.
If the trait under study is discrete —
either present or absent, such as a disease
— concordance rates are calculated. This
is the proportion of the twin pairs that
both have the trait under study. If the trait
under study is continuous — appearing to are indicated when identical twins are
different degrees in individuals, such as dissimilar for a trait. Fraternal or DZ (dizygotic) twins
height or I.Q. — then a correlation coeffi- In the typical twin study, all three typically are born at the same
time and are raised very similarly,
cient is calculated. This number reflects sources of influence are operating simul-
just like identical twins, but
the extent to which the measurement or taneously, but can be teased apart and they are only about half alike
score for one twin predicts the measure- given “weights” by combining data from genetically. Scientists look at
ment or score for the second twin. family strategies. how a particular behavior trait
varies between pairs of identical
Here’s how twin study findings are ana- Here are two examples. A study on twins and pairs of fraternal twins
lyzed: male homosexuality and bisexuality pro- to mathematically estimate how
• Genetic influence is indicated when duced a concordance rate of .52 for iden- genes (and by inference, environ-
ments) affect that behavior.
the concordance rate or correlation tical twins and .22 for fraternal twins (it
coefficient for identical twins exceeds can help to read a correlation of .52 as “52
that for fraternal twins; percent”).1 It has been found that identical
• Shared environmental influences are twins have a correlation of .96 for the
indicated when the similarity for both ridge pattern in their fingerprints while
types of twins are quite close (and sig- fraternal twins have a correlation of .47.2
nificantly more than zero); and Note that in the first example, the con-
• Non-shared environmental influences cordance rate for identical twins was not
decline in within-nation adoption over the trait under study. For example, a sub-
the past several decades. Also, in coun- ject who is gauged as “highly religious”
tries such as the United States where in one study might not be so categorized Family Twin
adoption records are confidential, it can in another. Therefore, researchers must
be difficult for researchers to get accurate assume degrees of error and hope that the
information about the biological parents. signal outweighs the noise.
Today, researchers attempt to be
consistent with each other in their data
Combined studies collection methods. They collaborate on
We have described family, twin, and diagnostic measures and study designs In a meta-analysis study, data
adoption studies as distinct types of with the intention of eventually pooling from family, twin, and adoption
studies on the same trait are
research, but in practice they can their data for meta-analysis. Several such
pooled together and analyzed,
overlap. As just noted, an adoption study projects are underway involving teams in an attempt to extract more
might look at pairs of twins that had been across the country and around the world. meaning.
adopted away into different families. These studies are investigating schizo-
Some studies have unusual permuta- phrenia and other mental illnesses,
tions, for example, a family study might alcoholism, autism, and many other
include stepchildren who are related to behavioral disorders.
one but not both parents.
Furthermore, data from all three kinds
of studies can be pooled together. This Linkage analysis
kind of undertaking, called meta-analysis, The traditional way that behavior has
attempts to extract more meaning out of been studied by geneticists using twin,
data that have been generated by multiple family, and adoption studies is referred to
studies of the same trait. In a mathemat- as quantitative research, because the
ical exercise called model fitting, several objective is to identify how behavioral
plausible explanations, in the form of traits vary by degree (quantitatively) in
mathematical formulas, are proposed that individuals in a population. Molecular
express the relative contributions of research, which probes at the DNA level,
genetics and environment to the variance complements this classical approach.
for a trait. The combined data are plugged Such research makes use of the tremen-
into each model to see which one best dous computing power that has come
explains the variance. about in recent years. It also takes advan-
One of the problems confronted by tage of the completed drafts of human,
model fitters is that different studies animal, and insect DNA sequences
might use different diagnostic measures achieved through the Human Genome
to identify those who have or do not have Project and related ventures.
odds” or “likelihood of odds”). The with a discrete sequence of DNA in the
higher the lod score, the higher the prob- genome that varies in the population,
ability that the two genes are close by on rather than with an entire gene. (Many
the same chromosome. such variable DNA sequences exist in the
Researchers do this type of analysis with genome of humans and other organisms.)
several families. They also look for linkage Subsequently, researchers learned how to
between the gene for the trait under study track the co-inheritance of a trait with
and several different marker genes. single bits of DNA in the genome that
The first tactic helps them confirm linkage vary in a population (these are called
and the latter tactic helps them better SNPs or single nucleotide polymor-
target the approximate location along the phisms). This refined search capability of
chromosome of the trait-related gene. modern linkage analysis has been used to
Linkage analysis has shortcomings. reveal the actual location of many genes
It does not reveal the precise locations of along the chromosomes.
genes. Furthermore, it is suitable only for Also thanks to technological advances,
one type of gene – what researchers refer researchers no longer have to bother
to as a major gene. This term describes with tracking the co-inheritance of a trait
genes for which an allele, acting by itself, with a single marker or SNP at a time.
is sufficient to trigger significant and Instead they do whole genome scans.
easily observable phenotypic differences DNA samples are simultaneously read at
in a trait. In humans such genes are pri- dozens or more markers or SNPs located
marily associated with health disorders, along the chromosomes to see if any par-
and so linkage analysis has mainly been ticular DNA sequence shows up more
applied in the search for the responsible than randomly in individuals who have
gene in rare single-gene disorders that the trait. The noun genotype is turned
heavily affect some families, such as into a verb to describe this activity.
Huntington’s disease. Classical linkage Genotyping makes it technically feasible
analysis has much less practical value for to find the location of multiple genes that
researchers studying behavior. This is play minor roles in traits. This kind of
because in almost all cases, behavior is research is called QTL analysis. As you
affected by multiple locus genes — by may recall, QTL stands for quantitative
many genes whose alleles, operating in trait loci. Through QTL analysis,
synchrony, each contribute in some small researchers seek the location of the many
way to observable differences in a trait. genes whose alleles, in their many
By 1980, advances in technology had different forms, affect a variable trait.
enabled researchers to develop a method
for tracking the co-inheritance of a trait
Knockout studies
••••••••••••••••• One final molecular research method
••••••••••••••••• used in behavioral genetics will be
••••••••••••••••• described here. This technique has been
••••••••••••••••• applied to mice but not to humans, for
••••••••••••••••• reasons that will be obvious once you
••••••••••••••••• learn about it. It is the knockout study.
••••••••••••••••• Researchers use modern laboratory tech-
••••••••••••••••• niques to deactivate a gene in stem cells
••••••••••••••••• (undifferentiated cells that can turn into
specialized cells). These cells are inserted
into an embryo that is then implanted
In microarray analysis, genomic material from into the womb of a female. After the
a cell is placed on a slide soaked in an RNA offspring is born and has matured, its
solution. Genes that are expressed in the cell
germ cells (sperm or eggs) are examined
bind to the RNA, causing a fluorescent reaction.
to see if any evolved from the altered
stem cells. Those germ cells are used for
microarray analysis helped scientists find breeding to create a line of knockout
genes that were expressed in the flies mice, all missing the target gene.
that like to crawl up and in those that The knockout mice are studied to see
like to crawl down.4 whether their behavior differs from
Researchers also use microarray tech- untreated mice. If a behavior is altered
niques on humans. For example, they when the gene is knocked out, then the
take tissue samples from subjects with gene is implicated. Similar techniques are
and without a mental disorder or some used to knock in genes. It also is possible
other observable trait. They then com- through these techniques to add or deac-
pare results from the two types of sub- tivate even a small segment of DNA in
jects to learn which genes are involved order to determine the function of a
and their expression patterns. With the gene’s component parts. Researchers also
increasing popularity of microarray can move a gene from one spot in the
experiments, huge amounts of data are genome to another to see how location
being produced that eventually should affects expression.
lead to a better understanding of how Mice behavior traits that have been
specific genotypes relate to phenotypes. studied using this kind of genetic manipu-
lation include movement patterns, will-
ingness to explore, weight retention,
learning and memory, social interaction,
connections and that move nerve different memories are saved and stored.
impulses throughout the body. These Differences build upon differences to
genes, too, are influenced by interactions create two unique personalities.
with other genes, interactions with envi- It should be noted that behavior is not
ronmental factors, developmental noise, exclusively a product of the brain. Other
and epigenetic effects. As a result, the organs play their part, too. For example,
twins have brains that differ in structure your kidneys affect how you handle
and in the neuronal connections through alcohol and your lungs affect your ability
which impulses are processed. to run. So in parallel to this description of
But behavior is a product of the brain. the brain, the many other organs in the
Anke’s predilection for decorating her respective bodies of Anja and Anke follow
body with tattoos, to take one example of unique developmental pathways and thus
a behavioral trait, is mediated in the brain have different mediating effects on the
but it is not a part of the brain. This mag- behavior of each twin.
nifies the differences in behavior, because
no matter how close any twins are, they
uniquely experience the world — their Concerns about
genotype is differently affected by non- non-molecular research
shared environmental factors. Each twin’s It would be nice to be able to explain to
brain is wired somewhat differently, Anja which specific genetic and environ-
impulses move through their nervous mental variables cause her to either
systems somewhat differently, and resemble or be distinct from her twin
sister. And it would be nice to explain
how genes and environments work
together to have those effects. But any
sort of detailed explanation must wait
until the research is much further along.
We cannot expect answers, one textbook
on behavioral genetics says, “when such
research is at the stage of placing one’s
toes into the pond to test the temperature
of the water.”5
In addition to the large questions of Is a tattoo a beautiful adornment
which and how, the field also struggles or a disfiguring scar? Identical
twins may differ in their opinions
with basic questions over methodology.
on the matter, because each has a
Here are some of the questions that have unique personality shaped by a
confronted researchers: unique experience of the world.
opposite-sex. These factors could make the quately controlled for in adoption
environments of identical twins more sim- studies? An assumption underlying many
ilar compared to the environments of fra- adoption studies is that adoptees are ran-
ternal twins. Many scientists assert that the domly assigned into dissimilar environ-
equal environments assumption is valid, ments and not selectively placed. Based
based on studies conducted specifically to on this assumption, any correlations
test it, but others remain unconvinced. found between adopted-away identical
twins would be due entirely to genetics. non-shared differences are nonsystematic
But the fact is that many children are and largely accidental or random, they are
adopted by relatives or into families that and will continue to be very difficult to
are similar in many respects to their bio- study.” The scientists called this a
logical families. For example, adoption “gloomy prospect.” 6
agencies have been known to place a
child born to Irish Catholics into an Irish ■ What about non-additive genetic
Catholic family in the same city. Some effects? How do studies on quantitative
adopted-away twins do not part company traits take these into account? Genes do
until they are a few months or years old; not work simply in an additive way, with
they may experience important stages of each gene contributing to an effect in a An underlying assumption of
adoption studies is that children
their development in a shared environ- separate and measurable way. Genes also are randomly placed with fami-
ment. All twins, even those adopted away have non-additive effects that, as we lies. In practice, children may
at birth, are together in the womb that at explained in Chapter 3, fall into two main be placed in families that are
similar in important ways to their
least in part operates as a shared environ- categories: genotype-environment corre-
biological family, making it more
ment. These are three examples of how lation and genotype-environment interac- difficult to determine the degree
adopted-away twins may experience envi- tion. In the past, quantitative studies did to which genetic or environmental
ronments that are more similar than not take these into consideration; modern effects work to influence a trait.
Twins researchers say they now
assumed. research designs have been better at
recognize non-random placement
incorporating measurements of the and take it into account when
■ Are non-shared environmental effects former than the latter. making their estimations.
adequately controlled for in twin studies?
Although twins develop together in one
womb, they experience it differently as
they compete for resources. All fraternal
twins develop in separate chorionic sacs,
and so do some identical twins. These are
two examples of how even the prenatal
environment can operate as an unac-
counted-for non-shared environmental
Obviously it is very difficult to observe
and identify all the non-shared environ-
mental factors at work shaping a trait, and
yet they may have a much stronger effect
than factors of shared environment. As a
pair of scientists wrote, “Because these
the analogous behavior?
The reason it is risky to speculate about
such questions is because there are signif-
icant differences in how and when genes
express themselves in different species.
Species also differ in terms of gene-gene
and gene-environment interactions.
Analogous genetic mutations in animals
and humans could have very different
effects on protein process, and thus indi-
rectly on behavior.
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hydroxylase Cystic fibrosis
to emerge. Cystic fibrosis affects the The same unhappy results can occur
mucus lining of the lungs, leading to when an allele is affected by modifier
breathing problems and other difficulties. genes, that is, by alleles at other loci that
Some single-locus disorders follow a interact with the allele in question.
slightly different script: the allele or allelic Researchers theorize that the geno-
pair contributing to disorder may occur type/phenotype relationship may be
in any of several different genes. As noted threshold-dependent. Take, for example,
in Chapter 2, this is called genetic het- a disorder that results when too little of a
erogeneity, and it is a characteristic of particular protein is produced. If protein
certain rare forms of breast and colon quantities fall below a lower threshold,
cancer as well as the early-onset form of disorder will follow. When protein quan-
Alzheimer’s. tities rise above an upper threshold, no
The important point is that single-gene disorder will follow.
disorders may result from one of many But when protein quantities lie
different alleles at one or more loci. between the two thresholds, disorder
Furthermore, any particular allele associ- may or may not follow. There may be no
ated with a disorder may sometimes, but symptoms, unnoticeable symptoms, mild
not always, lead to that disorder and may symptoms, or serious symptoms. In other
sometimes, but not always, lead to either words, there is no predictable phenotype
a mild or severe form of the disorder. associated with that genotype. In such
The less-than-straightforward associa- cases, whether or how the disorder man-
tion between an allele and a disorder has ifests itself depends on environmental
to do with proteins. Recall that genes factors.
code for amino acids that combine into PKU is a disease that results when the
proteins that make up the structure body does not have enough of a partic-
of cells and direct their activities. ular enzyme; this enzyme is a protein
A so-called “disease gene” has some that acts upon the liver. As described in
alleles whose code results in a necessary Chapter 3, PKU can cause mental retar-
protein and other alleles whose code dation. It also produces other effects,
does not have the necessary result. The such as the lightening of hair and skin
gene “misfires” when the latter type of color.
allele is present. This could mean that as The gene associated with PKU is called
a result of that allele’s instructions, none PAH (this stands for the enzyme
of, not enough of, or too much of a involved, phenylalanine hydroxylase).
resulting protein is produced. Or it could More than 400 problematic alleles have
mean that the protein is not made prop- been identified; according to one scien-
erly and quickly becomes degraded. tific report, the mutations include “dele-
tions, insertions, missense mutations, More genotype/phenotype
splicing defects, and nonsense muta- complexity
tions.” 1 Researchers had hoped that they PKU is a recessive disorder, like cystic
could match up genotype with phenotype fibrosis and unlike Huntington’s, a domi-
— that is, that based on the problem nant disorder. The disease occurs only in
allele that is present, they could predict persons who inherit two problematic
the symptoms and severity of the disease. alleles of the same gene, one from each
If they could do this, then doctors could parent. Recessive and dominant disorders
adjust treatment plans to each individual. of this type illustrate Mendelian inheri-
Babies having alleles known to produce tance patterns. “Mendelian” refers to
severe effects could be put on the highly Gregor Mendel, a 19th century monk
restricted diet that prevents symptoms who raised pea plants and carefully
from appearing. Babies with alleles associ- recorded various traits that appeared in
Based on his careful study of ated with milder effects could be put on successive generations (color, shape, tex-
pea plants in the mid-1800s, less restrictive diets. ture, size, etc.). Based on his experi-
Gregor Mendel proposed the idea It has not turned out to be so simple. ments, Mendel proposed the theory that
that “discrete units of heredity” —
what we now call the genes —
Many alleles are not consistently associ- discrete units of heredity (what we now
are transmitted from one genera- ated with any one PKU phenotype, that call genes) are passed from generation to
tion to the next in recessive and is, with any one set of symptoms. In the generation in dominant and recessive pat-
dominant patterns. Researchers
glum words of one research report, terns that can be calculated using simple
now recognize that the inheri-
tance patterns for many traits “Prognosis may not be predicted with mathematical formulas. All of modern
are more complicated. precision based on mutation analysis.” 2 genetics builds upon his original ideas.
Geneticists today realize that inheri-
tance is more complicated than a simple
Mendelian passing down of immutable
genetic units. For example, with
Huntington’s disease, the allele that is
passed down in dominant fashion
through the generations alters slightly
along the way. A sequence of DNA within
the allele repeats itself (stutters) each time
it gets passed down. When the string of
repeats exceeds a certain length, the
allele begins to malfunction — fails to
properly instruct for the amino acids that
will build a needed protein — and disease
results. The age at onset of disease and
Photo by kind permission of The Fragile X Society - a UK registered charity providing support
always, leads to the disorder and some- that aliens are beaming them messages.
times, but not always, leads to either a They can become apathetic and emotion-
mild or severe form of the disorder. ally stunted, which causes them to isolate
This qualifying statement applies to alleles themselves from other people and to
involved in polygenic disorders, too. abandon cleanliness or other social
Each of the many potentially problematic norms. People affected by an episode of
alleles sometimes, but not always, schizophrenia often make no sense to
contributes to triggering a disorder and others and can be impossible to reason
sometimes, but not always, contributes to with. They often become social outcasts.
a mild or severe form of the disorder. Many of the homeless suffer from this
A polygenic disorder results only when disorder.
all of the pertinent genetic and environ- With some people the symptoms of
mental factors are in place, and the extent schizophrenia appear gradually. With
of disorder depends on when those factors others the symptoms show up in a
occur and how they affect each other. The sudden, dramatic change of behavior.
difficulty of predicting phenotype from Some people experience schizophrenic
genotype is compounded exponentially. symptoms only occasionally, while others
are chronically affected. Like many
chronic diseases, schizophrenia is not cur-
Schizophrenia, able, though medicine and behavior
a polygenic disorder therapy can often control some symp-
Schizophrenia is an example of a poly- toms. In some cases — not predictably —
genic mental disorder with an ambiguous improvement and virtually full recovery
genotype-phenotype relationship. It is a occur. Symptoms often decline with age.
common form of mental illness compared For a long time schizophrenia was
to PKU and Huntington’s, affecting about believed to be the result of faulty par-
1 percent of the general population. enting, the victim’s weak personality, or
About half of all cases manifest them- God’s punishment. But beginning in the
selves in adolescence or early adulthood. 1960s, researchers conducting family,
Schizophrenia stems from incoordina- twin, and adoption studies recognized
tion of brain function. It is as though that relatives of affected persons are much
circuits inside the brain get crossed. The more likely to themselves become schizo-
brain loses its ability to process thoughts, phrenic, compared to people in the gen-
words, and emotions as it normally eral population. Indeed, there is a ten-fold
would. Affected persons become con- increase in risk for persons who have sib-
fused, paranoid, and/or delusional. They lings with the disease. This implies that
may believe spies are following them or schizophrenia has a familial, perhaps
hereditary, component. That research did Something besides genes is at play, but it
not lead to a cure for schizophrenia, but it is not clear what that is. So another ques-
did provide great relief to parents and tion is, what environmental factors
patients who had previously shouldered interact with susceptibility genes to
the blame for the disease. launch the onset of schizophrenia?
Molecular scientists have put a great Researchers are exploring various
deal of effort into finding the susceptibility causal theories. Viral infections that alter
genes for schizophrenia. A susceptibility brain chemistry are suspected to play a
gene is one for which certain alleles make role in some, but perhaps not all,
you susceptible to — at higher risk for — instances of this disease. Head injuries are
a disorder, while other alleles make you another possible factor, in some cases.
less liable to have the disorder. A disorder So are prenatal infections such as rubella,
will appear in those instances where a developmental problems triggered by
particular allele appears in conjunction complications at birth, and drug abuse.
with problematic alleles at other loci plus In short, what we call schizophrenia may
A significant percentage of the
environmental triggers. (“Susceptibility” have many different causes and is prob- homeless in the U.S. today suffer
as an adjective also is used to describe ably several distinct diseases. The search from schizophrenia or some other
genes that affect traits not associated with for genetic components to schizophrenia mental disorder. It is not yet
known which environmental
disorder, such as a “susceptibility gene” is merely one track in the manifold inves-
factors interact with genetics
for musicality.) tigations into this tragic and disabling to cause these mental disorders
Studies on schizophrenia have “impli- form of mental disorder. to emerge.
cated” various genes and chromosomal
regions, but they have produced only ten-
tative results that remain unconfirmed
despite replication studies that have been
attempted.3 The failure to pin down schiz-
ophrenia susceptibility genes is frustrating,
but it does not mean that such genes do
not exist. Rather, it underscores the com-
plexity of the disease. It serves as evidence
that the disease is genetically heteroge-
neous: multiple genetic factors provide dif-
ferent pathways to the same disease.
It is important to note here that the
vast majority of people who have first-
degree relatives with schizophrenia do
not end up with the disease themselves.
Bipolar disorder, to 20 percent of patients suffering from
Persons with bipolar disorder also polygenic bipolar disorder kill themselves, even
suffer from extreme swings in Like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder is a though many are on medication.
mood. In the manic state, they
polygenic mental disorder with no clear In the manic state of bipolar disorder,
may be highly creative but also
erratic, over-energetic, and irre- genotype-phenotype relationship. Bipolar, the same person is highly elated and may
sponsible. In the depressed state, also known as manic-depressive illness, also be extremely talkative, distractable,
they may be sad, disinterested, causes extreme swings in mood. hypersexual, irresponsibly extravagant
and even suicidal.
In a depressed state, an affected person financially, and unable or unwilling to
is overwhelmingly sad, disinterested in sleep. The person may feel extremely self-
life, indecisive in the extreme, and unable important and be willing to take extraor-
to sleep or, alternatively, unable to stay dinary and dangerous risks.
alert. The person may feel worthless and For the person with bipolar disorder,
be filled with despair, leading to suicidal extreme moods alternate with periods of
impulses. It is estimated that 15 percent more stable emotions. The mood swings
may occur months or weeks apart, Later investigations (called replications) Many studies have sought to
or they may cycle rapidly. The frequency have produced lower lod scores for the identify the susceptibility genes
for bipolar (the genes that play
of these mood swings tends to increase same genes, suggesting that perhaps they
some role in the disease), but so
over time. are not so relevant after all. A recent far none has been confirmed.
About one in every 100 persons has meta-analysis of genome scan studies Finding them may be difficult if
severe bipolar, and another one in 100 could find no statistical significance for there are many genes, each of
small effect.
has a milder form of the disease. It occurs any nominated site.5 One reasonable con-
equally often in men and women and has clusion is that no one gene has such a sig-
its onset primarily in adulthood, though nificant effect that it can be revealed
researchers believe it may be underdiag- through linkage analysis. Thus, the search
nosed in adolescents. Bipolar disorder is continues both for susceptibility genes for
treated with medication and counseling, mental disorders and also for better
but these treatments are not effective methods of finding them.
in all cases nor to the same degree.
Each physician has to experiment with
treatments until one is found that works. Research challenges
From this description of bipolar dis- There are no recognized laboratory tests
order, it should be apparent that its phe- for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder to
notype varies in each affected person. help a physician confirm or disconfirm a
This is because the pathway from cause diagnosis. Researchers know less about
to disease varies in each person. the etiology of these disorders (the path-
Systematic studies of families, twins, and ways from cause to effect) than they do
adoptees show that the risk of having about the etiology of non-psychological
bipolar disorder is far higher for persons diseases such as the various forms of
who have close relatives with the cancer and diabetes. The same relative
disorder, compared to members of the scarcity of knowledge also holds for other
general population. mental disorders such as anxiety disorder,
As has been the case for schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating dis-
finding the specific genes involved in orders, and phobias. The etiology of
bipolar disorder has proven to be difficult. Alzheimer’s is relatively better under-
A pair of scientists writing about this stood, but not well enough yet to provide
odyssey have referred to it as a “manic for adequate treatments.
depressive history.” 4 Researchers using Genetic research will help fill in the
linkage analysis have identified more than blanks, and here’s how. As each suscepti-
a dozen different chromosomal regions or bility gene of large or small effect is iden-
genes with lod scores high enough to sug- tified, lab techniques can be used to
gest they are relevant to bipolar disorder. entice the gene to express itself and
reveal the amino acids for which it codes The environmental part of the story
and the proteins that result. Through a may be neglected through this approach,
variety of techniques, researchers can but that is mainly because researchers
then figure out what the proteins do have not yet found a good way to isolate
when they are functioning properly and and study each contributing environ-
what happens when they malfunction. mental factor the way a gene can be iso-
Following this trail for each gene, lated and studied. The complex interplay
researchers hope to put together a better that occurs between biological processes
picture of what happens inside the body and environments also gets neglected,
to cause the paranoia of schizophrenia, though it is argued that approaching
the mood swings of bipolar disorder, mental disorders through individual
and the memory loss of Alzheimer’s. genes — as piecemeal and artificial as
Researchers are also attempting to that may be — is a pragmatic and doable
discover more about the mostly unknown way to get started on this difficult puzzle.
factors that regulate variability in gene
expression. With such knowledge could
come medicines that substitute for Lamar’s dilemma
proteins the body needs, but is not able Despite the considerable effort being
to produce properly itself or produces expended in behavioral genetic research,
insufficiently due to problems in genetic results so far offer little practical help to
coding. the patient who already has a mental dis-
order. Very little can be done for Adele,
who already suffers from Alzheimer’s,
By finding the genes at work in
Alzheimer’s disease, scientists nor for Lamar, who worries that he him-
hope to obtain clues to the self may someday be afflicted with this
environmental factors that also disease.
play a role.
Alzheimer’s affects about 4 million
Americans. That number is growing
because people are living longer and the
disease appears late in life. The biggest
risk factor for expression of the disease is
aging. It is estimated that perhaps as
many as 10 percent of all people age 65
and older have the disease and up to
50 percent of all people age 85 and older.
People with relatives affected by
Alzheimer’s are at somewhat higher risk
themselves for acquiring the disease. Former U.S. President Ronald
Reagan is among the millions of
The form of Alzheimer’s that has a late
Americans who suffer from
onset is what afflicts former U.S. Alzheimer’s, the most common
President Ronald Reagan. It is a complex form of dementia.
disorder, with many genes contributing.
One gene identified as a contributing
factor sits on Chromosome 19 and is
called apoE (for apolipoprotein class E).
Although the details remain unclear,
researchers believe that the protein asso-
ciated with this gene repairs connections
between cells in the brain. This suggests
that the problems of Alzheimer’s occur
when these repairs are no longer made
ApoE appears in three different alleles
called apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4. People
who inherit one copy of apoE4 (about a
quarter of the population) have about four
times the risk of developing Alzheimer’s
compared to the general population. allele at any one of these three loci is
People who inherit two copies of apoE4, enough to trigger the disease.
one from each parent (about 2 percent of A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, both late-
the population) are at a ten-fold increase onset and early-onset, rests on a variety of
in risk. The risk declines for people with factors, such as tests of cognitive func-
apoE3 alleles, and it declines even more tioning and mood (to gauge symptoms),
for people with apoE2 alleles. blood and urine tests (to rule out other
About 5 percent of Americans with health problems), and brain scans (to rule
Alzheimer’s have the rare early-onset vari- out strokes). As yet there is no cure for
eties that strike people before age 65. This Alzheimer’s, although there are drugs
is the form of the disease that has affected that can delay the problems for some
Lamar’s mother, Adele. Three different people.
loci have been implicated in early Lamar’s mother, with early-onset
Alzheimer’s, and they are located on Alzheimer’s, has obviously inherited one
Chromosomes 1, 14, and 21. It is a dom- of the alleles associated with the disease.
inant, single-locus disorder, which means Recall that each person has a pair of
that just one copy of a disease-related alleles for every gene and passes only one
of them down to each child. Lamar may ommends screening for the apoE4 allele.
have inherited the problem allele from his But, as Lamar probably realizes, there
mother, in which case he has inherited is little to be gained from getting tested for
the disease, or he may have inherited a any form of Alzheimer’s so long as no
benign allele from her, in which case he cure is known and treatment is palliative
will escape the early onset form of the dis- at best. In fact, there is much to be risked.
ease. (He would still share the general Suppose, for example, that Lamar’s
population’s risk for the late onset form.) employer obtains access to his medical
Lamar could get a genetic test to find records and learns he has an early-onset
out whether he has inherited an allele Alzheimer allele. The employer could
associated with early-onset Alzheimer’s. If misunderstand the information and pre-
the test shows he is free from such alleles, sume Lamar is already diseased. Lamar
perhaps his fiancée Marta will reconsider could find himself moved to a position of
marriage and life will be back to usual. less responsibility, cut off from promotion.
On the other hand, if the test shows he The employer might even be tempted to
has an early-onset Alzheimer’s allele, then fire Lamar out of fears that insurance pre-
Lamar has brought upon himself fore- miums will climb if Lamar stays. This
knowledge of a sorry fate. Because early- would all be quite unfair for Lamar since
onset Alzheimer’s is a single-gene, he may have left twenty or more years of
dominant disorder, Lamar will most likely healthful living.
succumb to the slow destruction of his Lamar’s fiancée, of course, did not even
mind. How would such information affect wait for a test before jumping to conclu-
his life in the meantime? Probably not sions and abandoning him. So perhaps
well, based on reports in the medical Lamar has been spared marriage to
literature on people who have obtained someone so flighty. There’s little else
this knowledge. positive to see about his situation. But
Lamar may or may not want to know who knows? Before the disease appears in
what his future holds, but at least he can Lamar — if it does — researchers may
choose whether or not to find out. That have found the cure. They may have dis-
choice is not available to people con- covered the environmental factors Lamar
cerned about their risks for the predomi- should avoid to delay onset of the disease.
nant forms of Alzheimer’s. Because those They may have figured out how to
forms of the disease are polygenic, the synthesize the proteins his body needs in
presence of apoE4 or any other allele order to compensate for those his body
associated with the disease would only inadequately produces. They may even
indicate level of risks, not certain diag- know how to repair or replace unwanted
nosis. No professional medical society rec- alleles through gene therapy.
Normal and abnormal traits Vincent Van Gogh suffered from
mental disorder, possibly bipolar.
There are opposing ways to look at
This self-portrait reveals his indis-
mental disorder. One view is that they are putable talent, yet also hints at
all-or-none states, like pregnancy or his internal disturbance. Some
measles. The other view is that disorders researchers believe that there
may be a relationship between
represent the extreme end of a con-
mental illness and creativity.
tinuum ranging from healthy to
unhealthy or, to put it in psychological
terms, from the normal to the patholog-
ical. These competing possibilities lead to
such questions as whether the sad or
introverted person differs in kind or
degree from the depressed person,
whether or not someone with an exu-
berant personality is just a few shades
away from being uncontrollably manic,
and whether absentmindedness is a pre-
liminary form of dementia. could have the unintended effect of elim-
If a disorder is on a continuum with inating positive traits as well. For a mental
“order,” then the location of the dividing disorder such as Alzheimer’s, it is hard to
line becomes important. Otherwise, treat- imagine what the related positive trait
ment for disorder could someday extend might be, but someday scientists may
into treatment for normal conditions. prove that it is simply the extreme oppo-
One way to distinguish mental disorder site of some beneficial protein processes
from normal mental functioning is to say rather than a unique aberration.
that a disorder is one that has a detri-
mental effect on a person’s ability to get
along in society. But sometimes that’s
hard to say. Vincent Van Gogh suffered
1 National Institutes of Health (2000), p. 10.
greatly from severe mental problems, yet 2 See Enns et al. (1999). See Dipple (2000) which quotes
he was one of the greatest artists of the Enns.
3 See for example Williams, H. J. et al. (2003), disconfirming
19th century. Many have pointed to a the association between the PRODH gene on Chromosome
putative link between creative genius and 22 and schizophrenia. See also the vague conclusion of the
abstract for a genome scan meta-analysis by Lewis, C. M.
mental disorder. Some researchers say et al. (2003), p. 34: “The results suggest that some or all of
[more than a dozen chromosomal] regions contain loci that
that a feature common to both is greater increase susceptibility to schizophrenia in diverse popula-
emotional range. If this is the case, then
4 See Risch, N. and D. Botstein (1996).
the quest to eliminate mental disorder 5 Segurado, R. et al. (2003).
ABC News. 2002. “Early onset Alzheimer’s diagnosis, treatment, Health Canada in Co-operation with the Schizophrenia Society
and challenges of this rare disorder.” (Accessed 26 November); of Canada. 2002. “Schizophrenia: A handbook for families.”
available at (Accessed 7 September); available at
DailyNews/early_onsetAD020731.html. hppb/mentalhealth/pubs/schizophrenia/
Alzheimer’s Association. 2002. “What is Alzheimer’s disease?” Lewis, C. M. et al. 2003. “Genome Scan Meta-Analysis of
(accessed 26 November); available at Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, Part II: Schizophrenia.” American Journal of Human Genetics 77: 34-48.
---. 2002. “Ethical issues in Alzheimer’s disease: Genetic testing.” Liu H., G. R. Abecasis, S. C. Heath, A. Knowles, S. Demars, Y. J. Chen,
(Accessed 26 November); available at http: J. L. Roos, J. L Rapoport , J. A. Gogos , and M. Karayiorgou. 2002. “Genetic variation in the 22q11 locus and susceptibility to schizo-
phrenia.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
---. 2002. “Information sheets: genetics and Alzheimer’s disease.” 99: 16859-64.
(Accessed 26 November); available at Maugh II, T. H. 1997. “Scientists find how gene leads to
Huntington’s.” Los Angeles Times 8 August (Accessed 30
Chakravarti, A. 2002. “A compelling genetic hypothesis for a com- November); available at
plex disease: PRODH2/DGCR6 variation leads to schizophrenia la080897/html.
susceptibility.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
99: 4755-4756. Moldin, S. O., and I. I. Gottesman. 1997. “At issue: Genes, experience,
and chance in schizophrenia.” Schizophrenia Bulletin, National
Childs, B., with the assistance of J. McInerney, for the Foundation for Institutes of Mental Health 23: 547-561.
Genetic Education & Counseling. 2000. “A framework for genetics
and complex disease.” (Accessed 7 December); available at National Institutes of Health. 2000. NIH consensus statement: Phenylketonuria (PKU): Screening and management. 17, No. 3.
Dipple, K. M. and E. R. B. McCabe. 2002. “Phenotypes of patients Nuffield Council on Bioethics. 1998. Mental disorders and genetics:
with ‘simple’ mendelian disorders are complex traits: Thresholds, The ethical context. London: Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
modifiers, and systems dynamics.” American Journal of Human
Genetics 66: 1729-1735. Nuffield Council on Bioethics. 2002. Genetics and human behaviour.
London: Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
Enns, G. M., D. R. Martinez, A. L. Kuzmin, R. Koch, C. K. Wakeem,
S. L. C. Woo, R. C. Eisensmith, et al. 1999. “Molecular correlations Risch, N., and D. Botstein. 1996. “A manic depressive history.”
in phenylketonuria: mutation patterns and corresponding bio- Nature Genetics 12: 351-353.
chemical and clinical phenotypes in a heterogenous California
Segurado, R. 2003. “Genome Scan Meta-Analysis of Schizophrenia
population.” Pediatric Research 46: 594-602.
and Bipolar Disorder, Part III: Bipolar Disorder.” American Journal
Foundation for Genetic Education & Counseling. 2000. of Human Genetics 73: 49-62.
“Genetics and bipolar disorder (manic depressive illness).”
“Stanford researchers establish link between creative genius and
(Accessed 7 December); available at
mental illness.” 2002 (accessed 2 December); available at
Gottesman, I. I. 2002. “The ups and downs of genes and bipolar
Williams H. J., N. Williams, G. Spurlock, N. Norton, S. Zammit, G.
disorder.” (unpublished; personal communication to The Hastings
Kirov, M. J. Owen, M. C. O'Donovan. 2003. “Detailed analysis of
Center Behavior Genetics Working Group.)
PRODH and PsPRODH reveals no association with schizophrenia.”
Grody, W. 2001. “Determining risk for cystic fibrosis: Carrier patients American Journal of Medical Genetics 120B(1): 42-6.
may be the key.” (Accessed 15 August); available at
chapter six
ADHD symptoms usually appear when population that can be attributed to
children reach the ages of three to five, genetic factors. Heritability estimates do
though in many cases they are not not tell us what to expect for individuals,
noticed until later. Up to 10 percent of all but family studies tell us that a child is
schoolchildren worldwide have ADHD, much more likely to be diagnosed with
according to some estimates; this dis- ADHD if a sibling or parent has been
order has been found in every nation and diagnosed.
culture where researchers have looked ADHD is believed to be polygenic,
for it. It affects a much larger proportion involving several genes that are normally
of boys than girls. The problems associ- very active in the parts of the brain that
ated with ADHD can persist into adult- appear underdeveloped in persons suf-
hood, affecting work performance and fering from ADHD.
personal relationships. Much research attention has focused Fewer girls than boys are
Scientists speculate that ADHD is on genes involved in the regulation of diagnosed with ADHD, but the
total number of children diag-
caused by underdevelopment of several dopamine. This is a neurotransmitter, a nosed is large and climbing.
parts of the brain critical to such mental brain chemical that carries messages According to some estimates,
tasks as being aware of oneself and time; between nerve cells. Some genes code up to 10 percent of all school-
children worldwide have the
resisting distractions; over-riding imme- for dopamine to be taken up by
diate impulses with reasoned responses; “receptor” nerve cells, other genes code
and delaying gratification. One way for dopamine to be distributed by “trans-
ADHD has been described is that affected porter” nerve cells, and still other genes
persons display too much public speech code for unused dopamine to be
and behavior; they have not learned how reabsorbed by transporter nerve cells for
to internalize and self-correct their re-use later.
thoughts and actions. Various genes related to these func-
A variety of unproven environmental tions have been tentatively associated
factors have been suspected of triggering with ADHD. One such candidate is
ADHD. These include premature birth, called SNAP-25, located on Chromosome
maternal alcohol and tobacco use, expo- 20. In a study published in 2002,
sure to high levels of lead in early child- genome scans were conducted on 93
hood, inoculations, infections, and brain Irish families that had two or more mem-
injuries. Researchers have pretty much bers with ADHD. According to that
ruled out diet and child-rearing methods study’s results, one particular allele for
as causal factors for ADHD. the SNAP-25 gene is 50 percent more
Researchers estimate that ADHD is 70 likely to appear in persons with ADHD
to 80 percent heritable. This refers to the than in persons without it. Other studies
variation in the incidence of ADHD in a have found small associations with other
alleles for SNAP-25.1 The ultimate quest is not to find the one
Another study published in 2002 sug- gene that causes this disorder; rather, it is
gests that a gene associated with ADHD to find the many genes and the many
may lie somewhere within a specific environmental factors that operate inter-
region of Chromosome 16. This study actively to trigger the range of behaviors
also included genome scans, conducted clustered under the ADHD diagnosis.
on 203 families with more than one child
diagnosed with ADHD. The scans
revealed a series of molecular markers Is ADHD a disorder or a trait?
(DNA sequences that vary from human to There has been an epidemic of ADHD
Based on results of genome scans, human) on Chromosome 16 shared by diagnoses in recent years. In 1985, the
some researchers propose that a sibling pairs more than 50 percent of the U.S. had between 650,000 and 750,000
gene associated with ADHD
time. Since siblings share on average 50 individuals diagnosed with ADHD.
resides on Chromosome 16.
Using similar studies, other percent of their alleles, this higher rate of By the year 2000 this number exceeded
research has led to the sugges- sharing for the molecular markers may 4 million. School-age children receive the
tion that a gene associated with correlate with the occurrence of ADHD.2 bulk of ADHD diagnoses, and more than
autism may lie on the same
region of the chromosome. Interestingly, other genome scan three-quarters of those diagnosed are
This has led some researchers studies suggest that this region on prescribed drugs (stimulants and/or
to wonder whether the same gene Chromosome 16 may also include a gene anti-depressants) that serve to slow down
is involved in both disorders.
associated with autism. This is a complex brain activity.
developmental disability that emerges in Critics of the skyrocketing rate of diag-
early childhood and interferes with the noses suggest that many children labelled
normal development of social skills and ADHD may actually be suffering from
communication. Since about 150 genes allergies or may be acting out of frustra-
lie within this region of Chromosome 16, tion caused by undiagnosed visual prob-
it may not be the same gene associated lems or learning disabilities. Other critics
with both ADHD and autism. But point out that in the past people took a
researchers speculate that if it is the same more benign view of the behaviors now
gene, then perhaps one neurobiological associated with ADHD; rambunctious-
mechanism – one process involving cells ness used to be considered in the range of
of the brain — underlies both disorders. normal. Some even theorize that the
It must be remembered that the claims traits associated with ADHD were favor-
for ADHD susceptibility genes at SNAP- able adaptations in early humans because
25, the region on Chromosome 16, and it took quick reaction times to succeed as
several other locations remain uncon- hunters.
firmed. They are based on small, prelimi- It also has been argued that increases in
nary studies that need replication. cases of ADHD are occurring not because
there has been an increase in brain dys- consumerist clutter, reduced opportuni-
function among children, but rather ties for children to run free and play
because an ADHD diagnosis is highly sub- actively, fewer chores and other responsi-
jective, convenient, and acceptable. bilities given to children that would teach
The diagnosis is based in part (sometimes them to behave maturely: these are the
in whole) on observations from people conditions of modern life that create rest-
such as teachers who do not have med- less and out-of-control children, they say.
ical training; it opens the door for special Others argue that restlessness and
services from education systems; ADHD distractibility are natural to children;
medication makes children more docile what is unnatural is our restrictive social
and less challenging; and the public now environments. As one commentator has
has a very relaxed attitude about treating pointed out, “Why don’t we have a
problems with drugs. disorder called ‘quiet listening’? Maybe
It also has been pointed out that if ‘bodily shrieking’ is the healthier
children today are more restless and behavior.”3 The controversy over
distractable, it is not because of problems whether ADHD is a medical or social dis-
inside their heads but rather because of order complicates but does not impede
problems in our culture. The fast pace of the search for the underlying genetic
life, the onslaught of media messages, contributors to the behavior.
Novelty-seeking: the correlation may occur in the presence
a positive impulsive trait of as-yet-unknown “moderating” genes,
Impulsivity, a prominent feature in which would account for contradictory
ADHD, is also a feature of a behavior with findings.5 Still more studies have explored
more positive social connotations. This but not confirmed a connection between
behavior is called novelty seeking, and it DRD4 alleles and alcoholism, drug abuse,
has been a favorite subject of study for depression, and ADHD.
genetic researchers. Novelty seekers are
people who thrive on new experiences
and heightened sensations. They enjoy Antisocial personality:
adventures such as skydiving, mountain a negative impulsive trait
climbing, travel to exotic locations, or Impulsivity is central to a slew of disor-
other extreme experiences. ders listed in the key clinical reference
Researchers identify novelty seekers book known as DSM-IV-TR.6 Along with
through personality inventories com- ADHD, these include intermittent explo-
pleted by subjects about themselves and sive disorder (the loss of control over
through scores on rating scales completed impulses toward aggression), kleptomania
by observers of individuals. Those who (the impulse to steal unneeded objects),
score high in the trait are described as pyromania (the impulse to set objects on
“impulsive, exploratory, and extrava- fire), trichotillomania (the impulse to pull
gant,” while those who score low are out one’s own hair), and other disorders.
described as “stolid” or “reflective and Yet another diagnosis in DSM-IV-TR is
rigid.” antisocial personality disorder. A broad
Researchers speculate that novelty range of conduct falls under the label anti-
seeking, like ADHD, is related to activity social personality disorder and includes
of the brain chemical dopamine. In 1996, lying, cheating, breaking the law, aggres-
two association studies found a tentative siveness, lack of social conscience,
correlation between novelty seeking and violating social norms, and acting with
Novelty seeking — the drive to particular alleles of a gene called DRD4.4 reckless disregard for others. It is the
experience new and stimulating Some subsequent studies supported a cor- same condition that used to be described
experiences — is a form of impul- relation between longer DRD4 alleles as “psychopathic” and “sociopathic.”
sive behavior that tends to result
in positive consequences for the
(i.e., those with more tandem repeats) Researchers theorize that antisocial
individual or society. and the novelty-seeking trait, while personality disorder may emerge when
others contradicted it. A 2002 meta- persons with predisposing genotypes
analysis of DRD4 studies could not find experience stressful environments.
any statistical association. The authors of Specific genes remain wholly unidenti-
this meta-analysis study suggested that fied, but correlations have been found for
Pyromania — the obsessive desire
to set objects on fire — is a form
of impulsive behavior that
tends to result in negative
consequences for the individual
and society.
having to do with antisocial behavior. Criminality: a legal
Through this project, scientists found that description, not a trait
these proportions best explain the vari- Antisocial personality disorder may propel
ance of antisocial behavior in the general an individual into crime but not everyone
population: additive genetic influence, who commits a crime is antisocial. Nor
.32; nonadditive genetic influence, .09; are all crimes committed impulsively.
shared environment, .16; and nonshared A case in point is the civil rights activist of
environment, .43.8 Think of these num- the 1960s who deliberately violated the
bers as percentages. Note that they do not law to protest Whites-only lunch coun-
explain how genetic and environmental ters. Criminality is not an official diagnosis
factors operate to affect the trait. They in DSM-IV-TR; rather, it is a popular label
merely indicate that different genetic and for breaking the law, being arrested, or
environmental factors are present and being convicted of a crime.
exerting influence to relative degrees. Criminality has been a target of study
Many studies suggest that antisocial in behavioral genetics for two major and
behavior peaking in adolescence distinct reasons. First, crime is an issue of
(so-called juvenile delinquency) is more significant public concern. Second, the
heavily influenced by the environment, official records from the criminal justice
The genetic and environmental specifically, peer pressure. In comparison, system are an abundant source of data.
factors underlying juvenile
antisocial behavior that shows up in early Yet research into criminality is prob-
delinquency may differ in
combination from those under- childhood and continues throughout life lematic because, as many sociologists
lying lifelong criminal behavior. may be more heavily influenced by genes. have pointed out, criminality is not an
objectively measurable trait such as blood
pressure or height. Rather, it is a social
construct. There probably is not any
behavior that is criminal across all con-
texts. Child sacrifice was acceptable in
ancient Carthage, but in modern societies
infanticide is a repugnant criminal act.
In Industrial Age England, a poor wretch
in the city could be put to death for
stealing linen scraps from a factory, but a
member of the gentry did not face penal-
ties for enclosing commons land. Until
2003 in the United States, it was a crime
(in some states but not in others) to
engage in consensual homosexual sex in
It is a crime to possess small
amounts of marijuana in the
United States but it is not a crime
in Canada. Such disparities make
it quite difficult for researchers
investigating the genetic basis of
“criminality” to objectively define
the trait.
The XYY chromosome has been found in
many men leading normal, law-abiding
lives. One plausible theory is that XYY
men may be more likely to end up in jail
because their lower average intelligence
depresses their ability to find gainful work
and to make wise choices.
While the XYY/crime connection is
indirect at best, another chromosome
combination is strongly linked to criminal
behavior. Geneticists like to point out
with a smile that if you have a single Y
chromosome you are much more likely to
commit a criminal offense than if you do
not have one. Indeed, males make up a
much larger proportion of the prison pop-
ulation than females.
Much of more recent research into the
genetics of criminality has focused on an
enzyme in the brain called MAO
(monoamine oxidase). MAO’s job is to
break down excess neurotransmitters.
Insufficient amounts of MAO can lead to
the accumulation of neurotransmitters
and this can interfere with the proper
relay of messages between nerve cells and
between nerve cells and muscles.
Low levels of MAO are correlated with
mental retardation. They also are corre-
lated with the behavior problems of
addiction, reduced inhibition, lack of self-
control, and aggression. Several studies
have found a relationship between low
MAO levels and criminality. This has led
to a theory that people who have low
MAO levels react more impulsively to
circumstances and are therefore more
likely to commit a crime. The myth of There is a genetic difference
In the 1980s, a Dutch family came to “genes for criminality” between men and women: most
men have one X and one Y chro-
the attention of researchers. The reason When the Scottish XYY research was first mosome, and most women have
was that, over several generations, male published, news accounts unfortunately two X chromosomes. There also is
members of this family had been prone to tended toward the sensational. Many a difference in the incarceration
rates of men and women: the per-
violent and aggressive outbursts. These members of the public came to the fright-
centage of men in prison is much
men had committed various criminal acts ening conclusion that this chromosomal higher than the percentage of
such as raping a sister, stabbing a man combination creates Frankenstein-like women. Researchers are inter-
with a pitchfork, committing arson, and supermales. In similar fashion, press ested in understanding the corre-
lation between these two facts.
attempting to run over another man with coverage of research on the Dutch
a car. family’s unusual MAOA allele tended to
In the early 1990s, researchers began exaggerate findings, leading many to
focusing on a gene on the X chromosome believe that a “gene for criminality” had
that coded for a version of the MAO been discovered.
enzyme called MAOA. They discovered In the words of a pair of scientists
that the aggressive males in the Dutch writing on this topic, “Notions such as
family shared a particular allele for this ‘genes for crime’ are nonsense.” They add:
gene. However, this notorious allele … the following kind of notion is rea-
appears to be confined to the Dutch sonable: There may be partially
family. Criminals outside the family have genetically influenced predisposi-
different alleles, some leading to low tions for certain behavioral tenden-
MAOA levels and others not.10 cies, such as impulsivity, that in
MAOA came up again in a 2002 study certain experiential contexts, make
of 500 males. It was found that the men the probability of committing certain
with genotypes leading to low levels of kinds of crimes higher than for indi-
MAOA were significantly more likely to viduals who possess lesser degrees of
be antisocial as adults, but only if they such behavioral tendencies.12
had been maltreated and abused as chil- Note the phrase “certain experiential con-
dren. The men with genotypes leading to texts.” Given one set of unfolding cir-
low levels of MAOA who had not been cumstances, a particular genotype might
maltreated did not become antisocial, nor tip a person toward socially approved
did those men with genotypes leading to behaviors. Given another set of circum-
high levels of MAOA who were stances, that same genotype might tip the
maltreated. The study is significant person toward socially unacceptable
because it demonstrates the critical role of behaviors. Imagine a person who storms
gene-environment interaction.11 into a house on fire to rescue victims
trapped inside. Now imagine another
Many genes, both known and unknown, contribute to the traits that together characterize the
illness known as schizophrenia. The trampoline-like “reaction surface” illustrates the range of
possible phenotypes given genetic and environmental inputs over a lifetime.
Illustration © Irving I. Gottesman. Used with permission.
person who storms into a locked home to Trevor’s defense
burgle it. It is not hard to further imagine Based on available evidence from the field
one person who could do both deeds in of behavioral genetics, one can state
response to different stimuli. emphatically that genes do not equal fate.
Geneticists describe this collection of The lawyer’s legal scheme for Trevor
possible outcomes as a norm of reaction or dashes against this rock. A defense to the
reaction range. These terms describe the manslaughter charge based on genetics
variety of phenotypes that result from a would very probably fail to acquit Trevor.
given genotype across each possible envi- It might even backfire.
ronment. It is visually depicted as a tram- When Trevor drove his car at very high
poline-like surface that dips up or down speed, leading it to flip and fatally injure
depending on the pressure of various his passenger, he was acting impetuously
genetic and environmental inputs. and without regard to the possible conse-
It is possible today to sketch the norm quences. Given his history of reckless
of reaction for a plant, as we know from behavior, he might try the “I couldn’t help
the study with yarrow cited in Chapter 3 myself” defense. However, the criminal
and scores of similar botanical experi- law tends to presume that free will
ments. Plants can be grown in conditions prevails in most circumstances, so this is
that each vary by only one factor such as not an argument that judges or juries
a gene or a degree of sun, soil, light, or typically accept. Adding a genetic expla-
nutrient. It is not yet possible to sketch nation to this excuse is not likely to
the norm of reaction for a human improve Trevor’s prospects.
behavior. Humans cannot be constrained Some defendants have tried to argue
and bred the way plants can. Their that they were not in charge of their
genetic makeup and their environments behavior when they committed their
vary to far greater degrees. Behavior is far crimes because they were intoxicated or
more difficult to define and measure than under medication. These excuses rarely
plant heights or flower petal numbers. work, because one can choose to drink
Add in developmental interactions that and one can choose to restrict one’s own
occur in a human life and the elements behavior while under medication (for
that must be included in a norm of reac- example, by choosing not to drive while
tion become infinite. However, it may medicated). Sometimes these kind of
eventually become possible to sketch the mitigating factors lead to reduced charges
norm of reaction for the most significant or reductions in punishment, but they
environmental and genetic factors that rarely allow the defendant to completely
operate together to influence a person’s evade the legal consequences. For Trevor
behavior. to argue that he could not help driving
MAOA. A study cited earlier in this
chapter suggests that adult antisocial
behavior is more likely only if you have
this MAOA profile and were abused as a
child. Trevor cannot honestly claim to
have been abused (though his lawyer
might try this argument). In any event,
reckless driving does not fall squarely into
the category of antisocial behavior.
At present, research provides Trevor with
no other plausible genetic-environmental
explanation for his behavior.
too fast because he was under the influ- Legal scholars note that people are
A person on trial for death or ence of his genes is therefore not likely to more likely to be excused for a crime if
injury from reckless driving might help him too much. Courts operate on the conditions that caused them to
try to argue that “my genes made
the assumption that people must take commit the crime are relatively rare, not
me do it!” However, that excuse
probably will not work, because responsibility for what they do regardless violent, not likely to be repeated, and
it is not scientifically based. of underlying biological processes. treatable. Unfortunately for Trevor, these
Plus, the legal system presumes The main exception is insanity. conditions do not hold with a genetics-
personal responsibility.
In 1982, John Hinckley successfully used based defense. First, large numbers of
an insanity defense in court to escape people carry low MAOA genotypes, the
conviction for his attempted assassination DRD4 allele, and other DNA markers and
of President Ronald Reagan. The public genes that have been associated, albeit
was outraged. As a result, the insanity tenuously, with various manifestations of
plea is much harder to win today. But impulsivity. If Trevor has one or more
many defendants avoid insanity pleas for such alleles, it would not be rare. Second,
another reason. The saying “out of the Trevor’s action resulted in a violent death.
fire, into the frying pan” applies here: Third, if Trevor is not punished for his
with an insanity plea you might avoid reckless driving it is reasonable to assume
prison, but you’ll end up instead in a he will drive that way again. Fourth, it
hospital for the mentally ill where your would be a real stretch to argue that med-
sentence may be indefinite. ications available for impulsive disorders,
Another problem for Trevor is that such as the drug Ritalin for ADHD, guar-
even if he has a genetic excuse, he lacks antee a lighter foot on the gas pedal.
an environmental excuse to go with it. Legal scholars also speculate that
Say, for example, that Trevor can claim to bringing behavioral genetics into criminal
have a genotype that leads to low levels of cases will have less impact on trials than
it will on case decisions made by prosecu- Existing databases are proving to be
tors and judges. If Trevor claims highly useful tools by which law enforcers
“my genes made me do it,” he may be catch repeat offenders. DNA from a crime
sending the message that he cannot be scene is compared to DNA in the data-
reformed. This could motivate the prose- bases. If a match occurs, this is evidence
cutor in criminal court to try the case that is considered scientifically reliable
instead of dropping it or plea bargaining and that is admissible by the courts.
(dropping serious charges if Trevor pleads Under current law, the tissue samples
guilty to a lesser charge). It also could from which DNA is profiled (such as
impel the judge to give Trevor a harsher blood or saliva) are off limits to
sentence once convicted. researchers, but they are tempting
treasure troves and the law is subject to
change. A major concern over opening
Potential research sample collections to research is that they
consequences are not reflective of the population at
Trevor may not be able to make use of large. For a variety of complex factors, the
genetics for his legal defense, but scien- population of those arrested and con- As a piece of evidence leading
from crime to criminal, DNA is
tists may be able to make use of Trevor for victed is disproportionately male,
surpassing fingerprints in
behavioral genetic research. If he is con- minority, and poor. importance. Samples of blood,
victed of manslaughter, information from The possibility exists that a researcher skin cells, or hair left behind at
his DNA will be entered into a database of conducting genome scans on samples col- the crime can be DNA-typed and
compared to samples taken
convicted felons. Trevor’s genotype will lected for a criminal database might find
from suspects or checked against
be profiled at more than a dozen loci an allele that occurs more than randomly a database of samples from
where the number of tandem repeats and claim (or be misreported in the media criminal offenders.
varies. As of 2003, every U.S. state except as claiming) to have found a “gene for”
Mississippi and Rhode Island had such a criminal behavior. What the researcher
database networked into the FBI’s CODIS might actually have found is an allele that
(Combined DNA Index System), profiling is more common among, say, poor whites
more than 1.4 million offenders. The from the Bayou who couldn’t afford good
trend is for states to expand their DNA lawyers, Mexicans caught up by immigra-
collections to include not only convicted tion violations, or African Americans who
felons, but also people convicted of mis- faced racist juries. Such a claim could lead
demeanors as well as arrested suspects. to discriminatory actions against others of
It also has been proposed that the U.S. the same demographic group who share
Justice Department establish a DNA data- the allele.
base containing samples of anyone Another consequence of genetic
suspected of associating with terrorism. research that relies on arrest or conviction
as synonyms for the criminal phenotype is education and work opportunities, and so
that it will disproportionately focus on forth. Behavioral genetic research may
those who have committed “blue collar” help us understand how specific environ-
crimes (assaults, property theft, petty drug mental stimuli interact with specific
offenses, etc.) compared to subjects who genomes. This information could be used
have committed “white collar” crimes to try to prevent an individual’s environ-
(tax evasion, information theft, large-scale ment from undermining genetic mecha-
drug dealing, etc.). This is because those nisms related to self-control.
committing the latter type of crime are In theory, gene therapy could someday
caught less often. Such research would be used to treat problem behavior. But so
inevitably reinforce the stereotype that far gene therapy experiments to cure
the working class is more deviant than single-gene disorders have met with lim-
the professional class. ited success. This means that gene
therapy to treat polygenic behavior traits
remains a very remote prospect.
Treatment concerns Another medical intervention that
Genetic research into impulsivity will could theoretically be used to avoid
The scope and range of medicines have substantial social value if the con- unwanted behavior is pre-implantation
used to treat antisocial behavior cerns described above can be overcome diagnosis and selection. In couples that
is likely to increase significantly
and if the research leads to treatment that have a family history of a single-gene dis-
as researchers learn more about
the protein processes affected prevents people from killing, stealing, and order, the DNA of embryos created
by genes. hurting others. The most likely form of through in vitro fertilization can be ana-
treatment to come out of this research is lyzed for one or more disorders and/or
medicines that compensate for improper traits; those without problem alleles can
levels of proteins and other compounds be selected for implantation into the
(such as electrolytes) that result from mother. The procedure also is increasingly
problem alleles. In the near future we can being used to select for gender. Given the
expect to see a wide range of behavior- complex and indirect relationship
moderating medicines developed as a between genes and behavior, it is doubtful
direct result of gene research. that this procedure could ever be used to
Another possible form of treatment is select for behavior in any but the most
environmental intervention. We already approximate senses.
know about some of the key non-genetic Past efforts to curb undesirable
factors that promote healthy development behavior through medical intervention
and, as one part of that, good self-control: give rise to fears about genetics-based
prenatal care, adequate nutrition, efforts of the same kind. The history of
reduced exposure to toxins, improved the surgical procedure lobotomy is rele-
vant here. A lobotomy is a slice into the The surgical procedure on the
brain. This reduces transmission of nerve brain known as lobotomy was
performed on tens of thousands
messages between parts of the brain, of people in the twentieth century
which subdues behavior drastically and as a treatment for disruptive
permanently. behavior. This occurred despite a
lack of scientific evidence as to
In the late 1930s, the lobotomy came
its effectiveness and serious eth-
into vogue as a way to treat seriously ical questions about its implemen-
mentally ill patients. This happened tation. Some people worry that,
primarily through the promotional efforts in a similar fashion, gene-based
medicines might gain popularity
of a single highly enthusiastic neurologist.
before the questions of effective-
The target population for the surgery soon ness and ethics have been fully
expanded to include prison inmates, considered.
problem children, difficult family mem-
bers, and political troublemakers. Tens of
thousands of lobotomies were performed
in the U.S. and around the world. In described the dramatic rise in the number
1949, the surgeon who first developed a of ADHD diagnoses in recent decades and
lobotomy procedure for use on humans the equally dramatic rise in the number of
was awarded the Nobel Prize in medi- children being prescribed drugs for this
cine. This gave a huge boost to the proce- condition. Many ADHD patients say —
dure’s respectability and popularized it and their parents, doctors, and educators
even more. But within a few years lobot- report — that with medication they are
omies fell out of favor due to the many better able to focus and concentrate and
ethical objections, the growing awareness less likely to act out inappropriately.
of the operation’s terrible side-effects, and These behavior changes allow them to do
the lack of evidence that the procedure better in school, develop more friend-
worked. Also, by this time new drugs had ships, and otherwise function like their
emerged for treating uncontrollable non-ADHD peers.
behavior. The temporary ascendancy of On the other hand, some children
this misguided treatment shows what can exhibit side effects from these drugs such
happen when the medical profession and as nervousness, insomnia, depression,
the public jump too quickly on the band- respiratory problems, blood pressure
wagon of unsubstantiated research. abnormalities, and cardiac complications.
The story of ADHD treatment is less Research has yet to prove whether ADHD
dramatic, but equally pertinent to any medications are safe for long-term use,
discussion about medical treatment of especially with children who are still
behavior. Earlier in this chapter we growing.
There are non-medical treatments for • What standards will be used to decide
ADHD and these include placing when a behavior is normal or in need
affected children in smaller groups and of treatment?
more structured environments; teaching • How do we select among different
caregivers the strategies that work best ways to treat the behavior?
for dealing with children who have a • Who will have access to a behavior-
hard time staying focused; and providing moderating treatment that improves
children with behavior modification quality of life?
therapies. These treatments are time- • What rights does a person have to
consuming, more expensive in the short refuse behavior-moderating treatment?
run, and more difficult to evaluate, • Will our increased ability to control
which explains why they get short shrift behavior reduce ranges of behaviors
compared to pharmacological solutions. tolerated by society?
Genetic research will increase the The moral of the story is that medica- • What are the societal consequences
number of medications available tion can easily become the first response when the range of acceptable behavior
to treat children with ADHD. to any perceived social problem. Genetic is restricted?
Yet some people question whether
research could well increase the number
prescribing drugs is the most
effective or appropriate response of drugs used to treat behaviors. This gives
to children’s behavior problems. renewed urgency to such questions as: Other research concerns
Research into impulsive behavior, espe-
cially criminality, has been a flashpoint for
controversy into behavioral genetic
research in general. Many people believe
that scientific facts often get highjacked
(and pseudo-facts invented) to reinforce
existing stereotypes and injustices. By this
line of reasoning, any research into the
genetics of criminality will do more harm
than good.
Some people complain that because sci-
ence is so revered in our culture, genetic
explanations for behavior get more
respect than other explanations.
Sociologists raise an interesting point in
this context. They note that the vast
majority of variation in human behavior is
cultural, not genetic. The clothing people
The Western rancher wears a
cowboy hat, sunglasses, a warm
coat, jeans, and leather gloves
not because he is genetically
predisposed to do so, but because
of the point in time, geography,
and society in which he lives.
wear — sandals or stilettos, skirt or sari, nate behavioral genetics research today
ball cap or beret — depends upon the — “impulsivity” for example — may turn
point in time, geography, and society in out to be misdirections.
which they live, not their genes. The
same can be said for human variation in
music making, games, eating patterns,
and every other category of behavior both
1 See Brophy, K., et al. (2002).
mundane and special. 2 See Smalley, S. L., et al. (2002).
Another relevant concern, touched 3 Karen LeBacqz, Professor of Theological Ethics, Pacific
School of Religion, statement at meeting of the Hastings
upon earlier in this chapter but important Center Behavioral Genetics Working Group, May 2002.
enough to review here, is that what we 4 See Benjamin, J. et al. (1996) and Ebstein, R. P. et al.
perceive to be human traits are social con-
5 See Kluger, A. N. et al. (2002).
structions, not empirical facts. European 6 Task Force on DSM-IV and the American Psychiatric
colonialists of the 16th century viewed Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual DSM-IV-TR
(Text Revision). 4th edition, American Psychiatric
skin color as a defining human trait Association (2002).
Edgar, H. Forthcoming. “Impulsivity, responsibility, and the
RESOURCES FOR CHAPTER 6 criminal law,” in Parens, E., A. Chapman, and N. Press (eds.),
Wrestling with Behavioral Genetics: Implications for
“ADHD gene discovered: Attention deficit more common in kids with Understanding Selves and Society.
‘snap-25’ mutation.” 2002. (Accessed 16 December); available at
at Federal Bureau of Investigation. 2002. “CODIS mission statement
& background.” (Accessed 20 December); available at
Barkley, R. 1998. “Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.”
Scientific American. (Accessed 10 May, 2001); available at Friends Committee on National Legislation website. 2003.
“Talking points I: Domestic security enhancement act
Beckwith. J. 2002. Making genes, making waves. Cambridge, MA: of 2003 (‘Patriot II’).” (Accessed 24 May); available at
Harvard University Press.
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D. H. Hamer. 1996. “Population and familial association between Gold, M. 2003. “Va. to begin taking DNA after arrests for felonies.”
the D4 receptor gene and measures of novelty seeking.” Nature Washington Post 1 January, B-1.
Genetics 12: 81-84.
Gottesman, I. I. 2002. “Genes and impulsivity – an overview.”
Brophy, K., Z. Hawi, A. Kirley, M. Fitzgerald, and M. Gill. 2002. (Unpublished, personal communication to the Hastings Center
“Synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP-25) and attention Behavior Genetics Working Group).
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): evidence of linkage and
association in the Irish population.” Molecular Psychiatry 7: Gottesman, I. I., and H. H. Goldsmith. 1994. “Developmental
913-917. psychopathology of antisocial behavior: Inserting genes into its
ontogenesis and epigenesis.” Threats to optimal development:
Brunner, H. G., M. Nelen, X. O. Breakefield, H. H Ropers, and B. A. Integrating biological, psychological, and social risk factors
van Oost. 1993. “Abnormal behavior associated with a point Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
mutation in the structural gene for monoamine oxidase A.”
Science 262: 578-583. Harris, D. A. 1999. “Driving while black: Racial profiling on our
nation’s highways.” American Civil Liberties Union Special Report.
Caspi, A., J. McClay, T. E. Moffitt, J. Mill, J. Martin, I. W. Craig, (Accessed 1 July); available at
A. Taylor, and R. Poulton. 2002. “Role of genotype in the cycle of profiling/report.
violence in maltreated children.” Science 297: 851-854.
Jacobs, P.A., M. Brunton, M. M. Melville, R. P. Brittain, and W. F.
Caspi, A., A. Taylor, T.E. Moffitt, and R. Plomin. (2000). McClermont. 1965. “Aggressive behaviour, mental subnormality
“Neighborhood deprivation affects children’s mental health: and the XYY male.” Nature 208: 1351-2.
Environmental risks identified in a genetic design.”
Psychological Science 11: 338-342. Kluger A. N., Z. Siegfried, and R. P. Ebstein. 2002. “A meta-analysis
of the association between DRD4 polymorphism and novelty
DeNoon, D. “ADHD gene discovered.” 2002. (Accessed 16 seeking.” Molecular Psychiatry: 7: 712-717.
December); available at
content/article/50/40533.htm. Mayes, R. 2002. “Rise of ADHD prevalence and psychostimulant
use: A historical perspective.” American Public Health Association
Duster, T. Forthcoming. “Social context and behavior genetics: conference, abstract for the 131st Annual Meeting, November
Search warrants for research into race, impulsivity, and violence,” 15-19, 2003. (Accessed 19 December 2002); available at
in Parens, E., A. Chapman, and N. Press (eds.), Wrestling with
Behavioral Genetics: Implications for Understanding Selves and paper_46109.htm.
McGough, J., T. McCracken , I. L. MacPhie, C. Francks, S. E. Fisher, R.
Ebstein, R. P., O. Novick, R. Umansky, B. Priel, Y. Osher, D. Blaine, E. M. Cantor, A. P. Monaco, and S. F. Nelson. 2002. “Genetic linkage
R. Bennett, et al. 1996. “Dopamine D4 (D4DR) exon III polymor- of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on chromo-
phism associated with the human personality trait of novelty some 16p13 in a region implicated in autism.” American Journal
seeking.” Nature Genetics 12: 78-80. of Human Genetics 71: 959-963.
Morrison. J. 2002. “Complete DSM-IV criteria for mental disorders.”
(Accessed 18 December); available at
chapter seven
Francis Galton is the father of the An early researcher into
genetically based research into intelli- intelligence, Francis Galton,
proposed that eminence in a
gence. His 1869 book Hereditary Genius profession was an indication of
is hailed as “the first quantitative analysis mental ability; when he was able
of human mental ability.” 3 Galton pro- to show that certain families had
more than a normal number of
posed that human mental ability is an
eminent members, he concluded
inherited trait and that individual that mental abilities run in
“genius” (as he called it) varies along a families. At the time (1869),
continuum from very dull to very bright; this was a radical idea.
Measuring g
Many intelligence researchers accept the
theory that there is some underlying
ability to learn that feeds into all cognitive
performance. This ability is called g.
with facts from the culture of those who The term stands for general cognitive
create these tests. Critics also claimed ability. The concept of g was first articu-
that scientists were interpreting data in lated more than 100 years ago by Charles
ways that supported their pre-existing Spearman, a British psychologist, and it
racial and cultural prejudices. refers to a basic, core ability to make use
Advocates took some of these concerns of information. Some researchers refer to
to heart and sought to create less biased, g by two other eponymous terms, “global
more accurate tests. Many tests have factor” and “general intelligence factor.”
been developed, each using a different Scientists debate whether g is an actual
selection of tasks to measure intelligence property of the brain such as some neuro-
in its various manifestations: mastery of logical mechanism at work (the minority
vocabulary; text comprehension; math view) or merely an abstract property like
skills; memory; visual acumen; under- “horsepower” (the majority view).
standing of universal concepts such as The concept of g derives from the
up/down and in/out; grasp of general observation that any given individual
knowledge; speed of response; applica- tends to perform at about the same level
tion of logic; and more. These tests on a diverse range of intelligence tests.
continue to have an enormous role in Whether you give someone a math test or
modern society. This is particularly true in a vocabulary test, an oral test or a pen-
education, as attested to by the wide- and-paper test, a test with words or a test
spread use of the SAT and other tests that with pictures, a timed test or an untimed
measure scholastic aptitude. test: across all types of tests, most people
there is any solid scientific basis to their 2 Gottfredson, L., et al. (1994, pg. 13).
3 Wozniak, R. H. (1999).
products. This, of course, would be
4 See Gould, S. J. (1995, pg. 2).
ethically problematic. Many other ethical 5 See McClearn, G. et al. (1997).
concerns also attach to the possibility of 6 See, for example, Chorney, M. J. et al. (1998).
genetic enhancement for behavioral 7 Chorney, M. J. (1998).
access to it – only the rich, or everyone 11 Nichols, P., and V. Elving Anderson (1973).
12 Gottfredson, L., et al. (1997, pg. 15).
13 See Steele, C. M. and J. Aronson (1995, pg. 797).
• Who decides what enhancements are 14 Turkheimer et. al. (2003). Abstract quotation from pg. 623.
desirable – individuals or society? Study quotation from pg. 628.
15 Herrnstein, R. J., and C. Murray (1994).
16 See Concar, D. (2003).
The numbers after each term represent the chapter in which it first appears.
additive 2 allele 2
When an allele’s contribution to the variation in a One of two or more alternative forms of a gene; a single
phenotype is separately measurable; the independent allele for each gene is inherited separately from each
effects of alleles “add up.” Antonym of nonadditive. parent.
Glossary 03/08/2004 9:58 AM Page 120
Glossary 03/08/2004 9:58 AM Page 122
dopamine 6 epigenetic 2
A type of neurotransmitter. When the action of a gene is affected without its DNA
being altered.
early-onset Alzheimer’s 2
A form of Alzheimer’s disease that usually first appears in epistasis 2
persons less than sixty-five years of age. When an allele at one location in the genome affects the
expression of another allele at another location.
endophenotype 6
An intermediate trait that contributes to a phenotype. equal environments assumption 4
For example, capacity of working memory is an The hypothesis that the environment of an identical twin
endophenotype of intelligence. pair does not work to make those two alike to any
greater degree than the environment of a fraternal twin
enhancement 6 pair works to make those two alike.
The altering of a trait or set of traits to more desired
forms. ethnic 7
Describing a population of people that are related by
envirome 3 blood and/or have common characteristics in terms of
The sum of all environmental influences surrounding physical appearance, culture, religion, language, or
and affecting a genome. nationality.
environment 1 ethnicity
The sum of circumstances, objects, and conditions that Common qualities or affiliation with large groups of
surround an individual. The aggregate of social, cultural, people classed according to common racial, national,
and physical environmental conditions that influence the tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or back-
life of an individual or community. For the gene, the ground.
environment encompasses all conditions external to the
gene, including the influence of other genes. etiology 5
The pathway from initial cause to effects; the study of the
environmentability 3 origins of a phenomenon such as a disorder or behavioral
The phenotypic variation in a population that is due to trait.
environmental variation.
eugenics 6
enzymes 2 Philosophy and practice based on the belief that infor-
Proteins that facilitate a biochemical reaction, usually mation about heredity can and should be used to
speeding it up. Enzymes are essential for all forms of life. improve the human race.
Glossary 03/08/2004 9:58 AM Page 124
Glossary 03/08/2004 9:58 AM Page 126
microdeletion 5 multigenic 5
A short sequence of an individual’s DNA that is missing. Resulting from the expression of many different genes.
A synonym of polygenic.
modifier gene 3
A gene that affects another gene, thereby altering the multifactorial 5
latter gene’s effect on the phenotype. Resulting from the expression of many different genes
and the influence of many environmental factors.
multiple intelligences 6
The view that humans have several distinct kinds of
abilities that enable them to solve problems; for example,
linguistic ability, logical-mathematical ability, and more.
Glossary 03/08/2004 9:58 AM Page 128
pedigree 4 eugenics.
A family tree that indicates those who show a particular
health or behavioral condition. pre-implantation diagnosis and selection 6
A medical procedure by which the DNA of embryos
phenotype 2 created through in vitro fertilization is analyzed for one
The visible properties of an organism that are produced or more disorders and/or traits; those without mutant
by the interaction of the genotype and the environment; alleles can be selected for implantation.
also, any one trait or any group of traits.
prenatal diagnosis 6
PKU (phenylketonuria) 3 A medical procedure to determine the prospective health
A medical disorder that, if untreated, often results in of a baby before it is born.
severe mental retardation. The body does not produce
enough of a particular enzyme, leading to an excess of a proband 4
compound that damages the brain. The person that is the first subject to be identified in a
pleiotropy 2
The ability of a gene to have multiple phenotypic effects, protein 2
such as simultaneous effects on hair color, brain function, Substances that consist of amino-acid residues joined by
and motor control. peptide bonds. Many essential biological compounds
such as enzymes, hormones, or immunoglobulins are
polygenic 5 proteins.
Resulting from the expression of many different genes.
A synonym of multigenic. QTL (quantitative trait locus) 2
One locus (gene) among many in the genome that affects
polypeptide chain 2 a continuous trait.
A series of hundreds or thousands of amino acids linked
together. Proteins are formed when polypeptide chains QTL analysis 4
(and sometimes shorter “peptide chains”) join together A type of molecular research that seeks the locations of
into a three-dimensional structure. the many genes whose alleles contribute to a variable
population genetics 7
The study of those forces that affect gene frequencies.
positive eugenics 7
Practices (such as propaganda campaigns and rewards) to
encourage reproduction by persons whose characteristics
are desired in the next generation. Compare to negative
Glossary 03/08/2004 9:58 AM Page 130
susceptibility gene 5
A gene whose alleles may increase or decrease one’s
probability of having or acquiring a trait or disorder.
tandem repeats 5
Multiple copies of the same base sequence that appear
one after another in the genome.
thalassemia 6
A blood disease, occurring chiefly among people of
Mediterranean descent, characterized by the production
of abnormal hemoglobin. The word means “anemia of
the sea.”
twin study 4
A type of research in which the subjects are pairs of
twins, identical or fraternal or both. In the study, each
twin is identified as having or not having the trait/
disorder under study; this information is used to establish
a concordance rate for the trait. Often in such a study,
concordance rates for fraternal and identical twins are
obtained and compared.
violence 6
Rough, injurious or abusive physical force, action, or
treatment, or an instance of such behavior.
Project Working Group Members
V. Elving Anderson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Irving Gottesman, Ph.D., Sherrell J. Aston
Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Professor of Psychology Emeritus, University
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, and Bernstein
Professor in Adult Psychiatry, University of
Catherine Baker, M.A., Plain Language Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN
Communications, Bethesda, MD
Gregory Kaebnick, Ph.D., Editor, Hastings Center
Jonathan Beckwith, Ph.D., American Cancer Report and Associate for Philosophical
Society Professor of Microbiology & Molecular Studies, The Hastings Center, Garrison, NY
Genetics, Department of Microbiology &
Molecular Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Patricia King, J.D., Carmack Waterhouse Professor
Boston, MA of Law, Medicine, Ethics and Public Policy,
The Law Center, Georgetown University,
Dan W. Brock, Ph.D., Professor of Social Medicine Washington, DC
and Director, Division of Medical Ethics,
Harvard Medical School, MA Yvette Miller, M.D., Medical Director,
American Red Cross, Tucson, AZ
Audrey Chapman, Ph.D., Director, Science
and Human Rights Program, American Thomas H. Murray, Ph.D., President,
Association for the Advancement of Science, The Hastings Center, Garrison, NY
Washington, DC
Erik Parens, Ph.D., Associate for Philosophical
Troy Duster, Ph.D., Director, Institute for the Studies, The Hastings Center, Garrison, NY
Study of Social Change, University of
California, Berkeley, CA Karen Porter, J.D., Scarsdale, NY
Harold Edgar, LL.B., Julius Silver Professor of Law, Nancy Press, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Science & Technology, Columbia Law School, Department of Public Health and Preventative
New York, NY Medicine, Oregon Health Sciences University,
Portland, OR
Lee Ehrman, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of
Biology, Division of Natural Sciences, Biology Kenneth F. Schaffner, M.D., Ph.D., University
Program, State University of New York— Professor of Medical Humanities, George
Purchase, Purchase, NY Washington University, Washington, DC
Leonard Fleck, Ph.D., Professor, Center for Ethics Robert Wachbroit, Ph.D., Research Scholar,
& Humanities, Michigan State University, Institute for Philosophy & Public Policy,
East Lansing, MI University of Maryland,College Park, MD
Mark S. Frankel, Ph.D., Director, Scientific Rick Weiss, M.A., Science Writer,
Freedom, Responsibility and Law Program, Washington Post, Washington, DC
American Association for the Advancement
of Science, Washington, DC