Angus Mcqueen Dead at Age 74: Supreme Court Rules Actions Intentional vs. Accidental in Employee Injury Case
Angus Mcqueen Dead at Age 74: Supreme Court Rules Actions Intentional vs. Accidental in Employee Injury Case
Angus Mcqueen Dead at Age 74: Supreme Court Rules Actions Intentional vs. Accidental in Employee Injury Case
Angus McQueen
What was the issue the without this decision, owners
Supreme Court decided? and supervisors should always
Oklahoma’s Workers’ take steps to protect their
Compensation law provides employees, especially in high-
dead at age 74
a specified amount of dam- risk industries. However, no
ages to injured workers or, matter the precautions, acci-
in this case, their families for dents will happen on the job.
accidental injuries arising from The decision in Wells means
work-related hazards. The that under no circumstances
key word is accidental. The should employees ever be put
Supreme Court was deciding in a position where an injury is
By Steve Lackmeyer stations in St. Louis and House staff. He served as whether the directive from the substantially certain to occur.
Business Writer Houston. From 1965 vice president and general employer to remove the safety Employers must establish
[email protected] through 1972 he directed manager of Lewis/Unitas device was an “intentional” act appropriate safety protocols
coverage of all Gemini Advertising in New York, and therefore the result was and require those protocols
Angus McQueen, longtime and Apollo missions at the introducing Ticketron com- not an “accident.” If inten- be followed. Mandate the use
CEO of Ackerman McQueen, Manned Spacecraft Center puterized ticketing in major tional, the statutory damages of appropriate safety equip-
the city’s largest and oldest in Houston for NBC News. U.S. markets. would no longer apply and the ment. Issue reprimands if
advertising agency, died McQueen also was a writer In 1973, McQueen joined estate could proceed against necessary. No employer
Tuesday after battling and director with the U.S. Ackerman McQueen, the firm the employer in District Court wants to find themselves in
cancer. He was 74. Navy Office of Information started by his father, Marvin, for significantly more money. the position of the defendant
By mid-day, a tribute to in Washington, D.C., serv- and partner Ray Ackerman What was the outcome? in this matter and concern
McQueen was posted on the ing two years of active duty when they took over the The Supreme Court ruled for the well-being of your
company’s website. during the Vietnam War. George Knox Advertising the employer knew the injuries employees goes a long way.
“Angus McQueen was As Managing Producer of Agency. McQueen started were “substantially certain to
a relentless champion of Broadcast Production with as vice president and creative occur” and, therefore, rose to Paula Burkes, Business writer
dreams. Dreams for his cli- the D’Arcy Advertising Co. director and was promoted to the level of an intentional act.
ents, dreams for his company in New York, McQueen president in 1984 and then
and his employees, dreams wrote and produced televi- CEO in 1987.
for his hometown, Oklahoma sion advertising for Royal Over more than 30 years he
City, and dreams for his Crown Colas, Lufthansa nurtured a relationship with
country,” the firm said in German Airlines, General the firm’s biggest client, the IN BRIEF
a statement. “He spent his Tire, Gerber Foods, SCM NRA, that led to the firm
career in earnest pursuit of Typewriters, Taylor Wines opening offices in Dallas and magazine, the list recognizes
those dreams, and in the pro- and others. Washington, D.C. That rela- TULSA the top 150 performers among
cess, raised the fortunes, the In 1972, he directed net- tionship frayed over the past Three Oklahoma ABC member contractors
standards and the aspirations work pool coverage of few years and the 38-year companies recognized for achievements in safety,
of everyone who joined him the Republican National contract was terminated last quality, diversity and project
in that pursuit.” Convention in Miami month by both sides amidst Three Tulsa-based com- excellence ranked by work
McQueen began his career and other election-year lawsuits over billings and panies have been named hours, with special designa-
in 1962 as a producer and broadcasts with President alleged contract breaches. to the Associated Builders tions identified.
director with television Richard Nixon’s White Services are pending. & Contractors’ list of the “ABC Top Performers are
150 top-performing U.S. leading the way in the merit
commercial and industrial shop construction industry,
construction contractors. where diverse participants are
Manhattan Construction constantly striving to achieve