Arc Flash: Technical Advisory Bulletin

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July 2008

An arc flash occurs instantaneously and

without warning and few electrical
phenomena are as dramatic. The heat
released during an arc flash can exceed the
surface temperature of the sun. A large arc
flash can trigger an explosion loud enough
to cause hearing loss and powerful enough
to seriously injure anyone nearby.

Arc flashes are also costly. Each event can

mean millions of dollars in personnel injury
costs as well as equipment replacement and
repair, lost production and business
interruption. Every risk manager responsible
for high-voltage equipment must be aware of
this relatively high-frequency and
potentially very high-severity exposure.

HOW EXTENSIVE IS THE In September 2003, three

PROBLEM? employees of an electrical
contractor working on a
municipal waste treatment
According to CapSchell, Inc., a Chicago-based research
facility were severely burned by
and consulting firm specializing in workplace injury
an arc flash and explosion that
prevention, five to ten arc flash explosions occur every
occurred while they were testing
day in the U.S.1
an electrical switchgear unit.
The final cost to employers and their insurers for a single,
OSHA cited the firm for a serious
serious injury can approach $10 million (CapSchell).2
violation of federal training
2,000 workers are admitted annually to burn centers for
requirements, willful violations
extended arc-flash injury treatments, according to the
of rules on personal protective
U.S. Department of Labor.3
gear and failing to deenergize or
A recent study from the National Institute for Occupational
effectively guard exposed live
Safety and Health (NIOSH) found that 17,101 injuries were
equipment parts. The fines
caused by electric arc flash burns between 1992 and 2002.4
totaled $193,500.
An arc flash occurs when an electric current passes through the air between ungrounded
conductors, or between ungrounded conductors and grounded conductors. Resulting
temperatures can reach 35,000F. The intense heat of the arc causes the explosive expansion
of both the surrounding air and the metal in the arc path. For example, copper expands by a
factor of 67,000 when it turns from a solid to a vapor. The pressure generated can easily
exceed hundreds or even thousands of pounds per square foot, a force equivalent to that of a
hand grenade.

Arc flashes are the result of arcing faults, which can occur through human error, especially
during voltage testing and system shutdown and start-up. Arcing faults can also result from
damaged insulation, accidental contact with energized components, equipment with
incorrect short-circuit ratings, and corrosion and impurities that provide a current path.

The conditions that create arcing faults within enclosed cabinets can be detected before
flashover or arc flash incidents occur (usually when a cabinet is opened). These conditions
are arcing, tracking and corona.

Arcing is a luminous discharge of current that is formed when a strong current jumps
a gap in a circuit or between two electrodes.
Tracking is an electrical breakdown on the surface of an insulating material. A large
voltage difference gradually creates a conductive leakage path across the surface of
the material by forming a carbonized track.
A corona is a process by which a current, perhaps sustained, develops from an
electrode with a high potential in a neutral medium, usually air, by ionizing that
medium and creating a plasma around the electrode. The ions generated eventually
pass charge to nearby areas of lower potential. Air near the electrode can become
ionized (partially conductive), while more distant regions do not. When the air near
the elctrode becomes conductive, it has the effect of increasing the apparent size of
the conductor.

Arcing, tracking, and corona emissions all produce ionization. Ionization is a process by
which a neutral atom or molecule loses or gains an electron(s), thereby acquiring a net
charge and becoming an ion. Ionization has by-products: ozone and nitrogen oxides. These
combine with moisture to produce nitric acid, which is destructive to most dielectrics and
certain metallic compositions, resulting in corrosion.

An integrated detection approach incorporating infrared and ultrasound can uncover these
conditions before an arcing event occurs. Ultrasound technology is ideally suited for
detecting these emissions since the ionization process produces frequencies in the
ultrasonic range. Arcing, tracking, corona, mechanical looseness and partial discharge all
have distinct sound qualities that can be detected from the turbulence produced by the
ionization of air.

Partial discharges (PD) usually begin within voids, cracks or inclusions within a solid
dielectric, at conductor-dielectic interfaces within solid or liquid dielectrics, or in bubbles
within liquid dielectrics. Since discharges are limited to only a portion of the insulation, the
2 Willis North America 07/08
discharges only partially bridge the distance between electrodes. PD can also occur along the boundary between
different insulating materials.

Partial discharges within an insulating material are usually initiated within gas-filled voids in the dielectric.
Because the dielectric constant of the void is considerably less than the surrounding dielectric, the electric field
(and the voltage stress) appearing across the void is significantly higher than across an equivalent distance of
dielectric. If the voltage stress across the void is increased above the corona inception voltage (CIV) for the gas
within the void, then PD activity will start within the void.

Once begun, PD causes progressive deterioration of insulating materials, ultimately leading to electrical
breakdown. PD can be prevented through careful design and material selection. In critical high-voltage equipment,
the integrity of the insulation is confirmed using PD detection equipment during the manufacturing stage as well as
periodically through the equipment's useful life. PD prevention and detection are essential to ensure reliable,
long-term operation of high-voltage equipment.

Heat is produced by the flow of current through corrosion or resistance and can be detected as a
thermographic anomaly. Many insurers recommend an annual thermographic examination of all
electrical equipment. Thorough resistance testing of all fuse holders and circuit breakers and primary current
injection testing of all circuit breakers on a three-year cycle and power factor testing are also frequently
recommended to determine insulation integrity. Fuse holders and circuit breakers are the most common
equipment to suffer arc flash failures.

Specialized training in these hazards and in ascertaining if workers are following appropriate work practices is
available from various companies. Formal training sessions provide a basic understanding of what management can
do to control this increasing problem and meet their legal and moral obligations to workers.


The OSHA General Industry Standard contains numerous references to electrical safety, most notably in Subpart
S Electrical, 1910.301 through 1910.399. These regulations are broken down as:

Safety Related Work Practices: Sections 331 through 360

Safety Related Maintenance Requirements: Sections 361 through 380
Safety Requirements for Special Equipment: Sections 381 through 399

The provisions of 1910.331 through 1910.335 cover electrical safety work practices for both qualified persons
(those who have training in avoiding the electrical hazards of working on or near exposed energized parts) and

3 Willis North America 07/08

unqualified persons (those with little Installation Safety Requirements. This consensus standard also defines
or no such training). It should also be several recommended safety steps.
noted that 1910.147 requires the control
of hazardous energy through a lockout or Inspect/evaluate electrical equipment
tagout program. OSHA requires powered Maintain the equipment's insulation and enclosure integrity
equipment to be deenergized whenever Plan every job and document first-time procedures
possible before servicing or Deenergize, if possible
maintenance. Anticipate unexpected events
Identify and minimize the hazard
The National Fire Protection Association Protect employees from shock, burn, blast and other hazards
(NFPA) is the primary source of the Use the right tools for the job
National Electrical Code Arc Flash Safety Assess people's abilities
documentation and procedures. The Audit these procedures
National Electrical Code (NFPA 70-1987)
is an ANSI standard which is recognized NFPA 70E also recommends that appropriate safety-related work
throughout the world. It has been practices be determined before any person approaches exposed live parts
adopted in whole or in part by most within the limited approach boundary, which refers to the distance
states or other legal jurisdictions of the that should be kept from an exposed live part. This boundary is
U.S. as the guide for the safe installation determined by using both shock hazard analysis and flash hazard analysis.
of electrical conductors and equipment.
It is generally accepted as the standard Shock hazard analysis determines the voltage to which personnel
for electrical installations unless will be exposed, boundary requirements, and the personal
otherwise indicated. (The Canadian protective equipment necessary in order to minimize the
Standards Association's upcoming CSA possibility of electrical shock.
Z462 Arc Flash Standard is under Flash hazard analysis determines the flash protection boundary
development and will become Canada's and the personal protective equipment to protect personnel from
version of NFPA70E when it is released the possibility of being injured by an arc flash.
in 2008.)
While OSHA does not enforce the requirements of NFPA 70E, the
Given the hazards associated with elements of this consensus standard provide employers with sound
energized electrical installations, the guidance in protecting their employees from electrical hazards in the
NFPA published NFPA 70E, Standard for workplace. Industry consensus standards, such as NFPA 70E, can be used
Electrical Safety in the Workplace. In by OSHA and employers as guides in the analysis of hazards and in the
addition to the areas addressed in the selection of hazard control measures.
OSHA standard, NFPA 70E also includes
4 Willis North America 07/08
Working safely with electrical installations requires knowledge and action. Voltage, wattage and
other ratings of all electrical equipment must be marked, and disconnecting means and circuits must be
identified and distinguished. Employees must be provided with all necessary personal protective
equipment including, if necessary, fire protective clothing. Adherence to the OSHA regulations and
utilizing consensus standards, such as NFPA 70E, should be a requirement of any risk management

For those seeking further information on the subject or arc flash safety and arc flash risk control methods,
the following sources of information are recommended.

FM Data Sheets, particularly Data Sheets 5-7, include recommended testing and
frequencies, FM Global
NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace
NIOSH DVD Arc Flash Awareness,
Methods of Inspection to Determine the Presence of Potential Arc Flash Incidents,
Arc Flash Protection should be job No. 1,, February 2007
Arc Flash,

Protect Your Employees From Arc Flash, CapSchell,
NIOSH Publication No. 98-131: Worker Deaths by Electrocution,
Arc Flash Protection Should be Job No. 1, IEEE/NFPA Collaboration on Arc Flash
Phenomena, in, Feb. 2007.

For more information please contact:

Earl D. Owen, CPCU, ARM

Senior Vice President & Senior Resource Consultant
Willis Risk Solutions Large Property Practice
+1 617 351 7532
[email protected]

Stephen B. Larkin
Vice President
Risk Control Services
+1 516 941 0263
[email protected]

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