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Welcome to Flight Simulator 2002 .... 3 Finding Help .................................. 13
Flight Simulator Help ................... 13
Installing Flight Simulator .................. 3
The Kneeboard .......................... 14
Starting Flight Simulator ................... 4 Rollover Help ............................. 14
Flight Simulator 2002 Web Site ... 14
Getting Started ............................... 5
Learn to Fly ................................. 5 Using a Joystick, Mouse, or
Create a Flight ............................. 5 Keyboard to Fly ........................... 15
Select a Flight .............................. 6 Setting Up and Using Joysticks
Multiplayer .................................. 6 and Other Game Controllers ...... 15
Using the Mouse ........................ 15
What is Flight Simulator 2002? ........ 7
Using the Keyboard .................... 16
Aircraft ....................................... 7
Customizing the Controls ............. 16
Scenery ...................................... 9
The Flight Environment .................. 9 Making Flight Simulator 2002
Flight Instruction and Analysis ...... 10 Really Fly .................................... 17
Improving Quality
Where’s My Manual? ..................... 11
and Performance ..................... 17
Your Virtual Pilot Career .............. 11
Making a Tradeoff Between
Help for Add-on Developers .......... 11
Quality and Performance ........... 18
Quick Reference Guide ................ 12
Aircraft Handbook ...................... 12 Microsoft Product
Air Traffic Control Handbook ........ 12 Support Services ......................... 21
Floatplane Handbook ................... 12
Key Commands .............................. 23
Rod Machado’s Ground School ..... 12
Getting More from Flight
Simulator 2002 ...................... 12
Learn to Fly
World-famous instructor Rod Machado
teaches you the basics of flying. You’ll
start as a student pilot and work your
way up, earning certificates similar to
those received in real-world pilot training.
If you’re new to Flight Simulator, click Start each lesson with Ground School
Getting Started for a basic introduction (located in the Library), and then get
to flying in the simulator. into the cockpit with your instructor to
You’ll see some quick videos brought to practice what you’ve learned.
you by John and Martha King, aviation
instructors from King Schools, Inc. Create a Flight
John and Martha are the first and only Choose your aircraft, location, weather,
couple to have earned every license and time, and then start flying. Fly a
and rating available from the FAA. They’ll jumbo jet from your local major airport, or
teach you how to fly an aircraft using just do a practice run of your upcoming cross-
a keyboard or a joystick, and they’ll help country solo. You can use this feature to
you familiarize yourself with the basic fly what, where, and when you want.
flight instruments. After you’ve got the
basics down, take an introductory flight You can also use the Flight Planner to
create a detailed flight plan
In Flight Simulator 2002, you have all
the same navigation methods at your
disposal that real pilots use, from dead
reckoning (using landmarks and a com-
pass) to GPS (Global Positioning System)
to radio-based navigational aids, such as
From major international airports to tiny VORs and NDBs.
rural airstrips, you can take off and land
at any of 21,000 airports worldwide.
Flight Simulator brings the details to life
with the same navigational aids used by
Wondering what happened to your Pilot’s You will find the Handbooks in the com-
Handbook? Flight Simulator 2002 includes prehensive Library. On the main screen
several onscreen, printable Handbooks. of Flight Simulator 2002, you’ll find the
These Handbooks contain the information Library & Help link on the left side of
you’ll need to get the most out of Flight the page.
Simulator 2002.
Your Handbooks come in Adobe Acrobat
PDF format. This means that they’re
readable and printable using any operat-
ing system that supports the free Adobe
Acrobat Reader. If you don’t already have
Adobe Acrobat Reader, you are given the
option to install it when you install Flight
Simulator 2002.
Whether you’re brand new to Flight Flight Simulator Help
Simulator or are a long-time Flight Sim Flight Simulator 2002 Help contains step-
fanatic, there are times when you need by-step instructions for using Flight
more information. Here is a quick list of Simulator 2002. Help is available literally
many of the places you can find help on the fly. You can bring it up mid-flight
throughout Flight Simulator 2002. without stopping your game. Find your
answers quickly and continue on your
way, virtually uninterrupted. To display
help at any time, press CTRL + ?.
Rollover Help
Move your mouse pointer over links and
buttons in Flight Simulator 2002 to
reveal the helpful, brief descriptions and
explanations that will appear at the
bottom of your screen.
The best way to make Flight Simulator
2002 really fly on your computer is to
experiment. Change something, then see
if things look or feel any different. Read
the Readme file in the Flight Simulator
2002 directory on your hard drive for
additional tips.
Phone Support
(425) 637-9308 in the US, or
(905) 568-3503 in Canada
(toll charges may apply). Personal Support Options
Online Self-Help Options
Support options, hours and cost in Get your information online. Try our
your country or region may differ FAQ’s, WebCasts or search our
from the US. Please visit Knowledge Base for articles targeted to your issue at
to check with your local office for details.
Microsoft’s support services are subject
to then-current prices, terms, and
conditions, which are subject to change
without notice.