DO 072 s2019

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Republic of the Philippines <9:1. 8-ff- J.5J( C}

) SUBJECT: Implementation of the Document

) Tracking System (DoTS) for Civil
) Works Projects

In line with the Department's thrust to fast track the completion of projects and to be
transparent in its operations, all offices involved in the processing of documents in the
procurement and implementation of local and foreign-assisted civil works projects undertaken
by Unified Project Management Offices (UPMOs), Bureaus, Region and District Engineering
Offices shall utilize the Document Tracking System (DoTS). The following civil works
documents are covered by the system:

1. As-Built Plans
2. Detailed Engineering Design Plans (Preliminary Plans/Final Plans)
3. As-Staked / Revised Plans
4. Specifications
5. Program-of Work (POW)
6. Approved Budget for Contract (ABC)
7. Award and Signing of Contract (Foreign Assisted)
8. Award and Signing of Contract (Locally Funded)
9. Award and Signing of Negotiated Contract
10. Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) for Sub-allotment
11. Verification of Bond Extension
12. Change Order/Extra Work Order
13. Final Variation Order
14. Contract lime ExtensionfWork Suspension/Work Resumption Order
16. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)/Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
17. IROW Payment (For PPP/TRB Projects)
18. IROW Payment (For UPMO Projects)
19. IROW Payment with RAP
20. Advance Payment
21. First Payment/Final Payment
22. Interim Progress Payment
23. Release of Retention
24. Price Escalation Payment

Processing cycle starts in the preparation of these documents until the signing of the approving

All documents covered shall be registered in the DoTS. Consequently, all requesting offices
shall submit their DoTS documents to the designated DoTS Center which shall register the
document into the DoTS and forward the same to the concerned processing office.
D.O. No. 1.2 S. 2019: Implementation of Document Tracking System (DoTS) for Ovil Works Project
Page 2 of 2

All Contractors / ROs/ DEOs/ UPMOsare advised to inform their respective Liaison Officers
of this submission procedure and documents without the DoTSheader will be returned to the
requesting office without action. In the flow of documents from one implementing/processing
office to another, the one sending the document is responsible in ensuring that the said
document is received by the concerned receiving office.

The processing of documents within the Central Office shall be undertaken by the concerned
offices in accordance with the activity and prescribed time contained in Annex A and with the
implementing guidelines contained in Annex B.

Regional documents to be processed within the Central Office shall be undertaken by the
concerned offices in accordance with the activity and prescribed time contained in Annex C
and with the implementing guidelines contained in Annex D.

Documents to be processed within the Regional Office shall observe the prescribed time
contained in Annex E and the implementing procedures contained in Annex F.

DEO documents to be processed within the Regional Office shall be undertaken by the
concerned offices in accordance with the activity and prescribed time contained in Annex G
and with the implementing gUidelines contained in Annex H.

District Engineers shall create a DEODoTSCenter wherein DEOtransactions will be registered.

District Engineering Offices shall be undertaken by the concerned offices in accordance with
the activity and prescribed time contained in Annex I and with the implementing guidelines
contained in Annex J.

The checklist of required supporting documents and attachments for the DoTSis contained in
Annex K.

The Memorandum dated 26 November 2014 which provides for "Additional Guidelines on the
Imposition of Administrative Sanctions on Erring DPWH Officials and Employees Involved in
Project Implementation and Processing of Project Documents" (Annex L) shall be strictly
observed in the implementation of the DoTS.

The DoTS Evaluation Committee created under Special Order No. 100, Series of 2015, is
hereby authorized to make necessary changes in the annexes hereof in coordination with the
implementing offices.

This Order supersedes Department Order No. 148, series of 2018, and takes effect


11.1.1 JPP/BEY
Department of Public Works and Highways
Office of the Secretary

Annex A

As-Built Plans1
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Review and Endorse Implementing Office 15
Approve USEC Concerned 8
Total 23

Detailed Engineering Design Plans (Preliminary)

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
P50M P100M P200M
Review and Endorse Implementing Office 5 5 5 5
Review and Approve Bureau of Design 12 17 20 23
Total 17 22 25 28

Detailed Engineering Design Plans (Final)

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
P50M P100M P200M
Review and Endorse Implementing Office 5 5 5 5
Review and Endorse /
Bureau of Design 10 14 18 20
Review and Approve
Recommend Approval / ASEC for Technical
N/A 2 2 2
Approve Services
USEC for Technical
Approve N/A N/A 2 2
Total 15 21 27 29

As-Staked Plans2
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
P50M P100M P200M
Review and Endorse Implementing Office 5 5 5 5
Review and Endorse /
Bureau of Design 8 12 16 18
Review and Approve
Recommend Approval / ASEC for Technical
N/A 2 2 2
Approve Services
USEC for Technical
Approve N/A N/A 2 2
Total 13 19 25 27

¹ Per DO 38, S. 2016, As-Built Plans shall be submitted by the Contractor upon reaching 95% completion of the

For projects undertaken by the Contractor, As-Staked Plans shall be jointly prepared by the Contractor and
Construction Division/Section and UPMO Cluster concerned.
Annex A

Revised Plans3
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
P50M P100M P200M
Review and Endorse Implementing Office 5 5 5 5
Review and Endorse /
Bureau of Design 10 14 16 18
Review and Approve
Recommend Approval / ASEC for Technical
N/A 2 2 2
Approve Services
USEC for Technical
Approve N/A N/A 2 2
Total 15 21 25 27

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Review and Endorse Implementing Office 3
Bureau of Research and
Review and Endorse 10
Recommend Approval ASEC for Technical Services 1
Recommend Approval USEC for Technical Services 1
Approve Secretary 3
Total 18

Program of Works (POW) and Approved Budget for Contract (ABC)

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
P50M P100M
& Above
Coordinate, Review and
Implementing Office 9 9 9
Review and Endorse /
Bureau of Construction 6 5 5
Review and Approve
Recommend Approval / ASEC for Technical
N/A 3 2
Approve Services
USEC for Technical
Approve N/A N/A 3
Total 15 17 19

3Partial revision, if total revision refers to Detailed Design Plan timeline

Annex A

Award and Signing of Contract (Foreign Assisted)

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Evaluate, Post Qualify bids and Bids and Award
Deliberate Committee
Prepare Notice of Disqualification Procurement Service 1
Bids and Award
Sign (including initial of members) 2
Prepare Resolution of Award (ROA) Procurement Service 1
Sign ROA (including signature of Bids and Award
members) Committee
Approve ROA 2
Transmit ROA to Lending Institution Implementing Office 1
Concur ROA Lending Institution -
Prepare Notice of Award (NOA) Procurement Service 1
Sign NOA 2
Post to DPWH & PhilGEPS websites Procurement Service 1
• Transmit NOA to Contractor
• Prepare and endorse draft Contract to
Lending Institution
• Verify Project ID
Implementing Office 8
• Prepare Request to Procurement
Service (PrS) for verification of
Performance Security (Surety
Bond/LOC/Bank Guarantee), CARI
Prepare letter request for Confirmation
and transmit to Surety Company/Bank Procurement Service 1
(Main Office)
Revie and Endorse Contract Implementing Office 2
Concur Contract Lending Institution -
Issue ORS, Prepare CAF and Sign as
Finance Service 3
Bureau of
Review and Recommend Contract Construction/Bureau of 3
Enter into Contract (including legal USEC for UPMO
review) Operations
Prepare Notice to Proceed (NTP) Implementing Office 1
Sign NTP 1
Transmit NTP to Contractor Implementing Office 1
Total 54
Annex A

Award and Signing of Contract (Locally Funded)4

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Evaluate, Post Qualify bids and Bids and Award
Deliberate Committee
Prepare Notice of Disqualification Procurement Service 1
Bids and Award
Sign (including initial of members) 2
Prepare Resolution of Award (ROA) and
Procurement Service 1
Notice of Award (NOA)
Sign ROA (including signature of Bids and Award
members) Committee
Approve ROA and Sign NOA HOPE/USEC Concerned 2
Post to DPWH & PhilGEPS websites Procurement Service 1
• Transmit NOA to Contractor
• Prepare and endorse draft Contract to
Lending Institution
• Verify Project ID
Implementing Office 8
• Prepare Request to Procurement
Service (PrS) for verification of
Performance Security (Surety
Bond/LOC/Bank Guarantee), CARI
Prepare letter request for Confirmation
and transmit to Surety Company/Bank Procurement Service 1
(Main Office)
Confirm authenticity and validity of
Surety Company/Bank -
Performance Security
Verify and Prepare Certification Procurement Service 2
Review, Sign and Endorse Contract Implementing Office 2
Issue ORS, Prepare CAF and Sign as
Finance Service 3
Bureau of
Review and Recommend Contract Construction/Bureau of 3
Enter into Contract (including legal
USEC Concerned 2
Prepare Notice to Proceed (NTP) Implementing Office 1
Sign NTP USEC Concerned 1
Transmit NTP to Contractor Implementing Office 1
Total 52

4Applicable to Negotiated Contract due to Two (2) failed bidding or Terminated/Rescind

Annex A

Award and Signing of Negotiated Contract5

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Bids and Award
Deliberate 1
Prepare Resolution of Award (ROA) and
Procurement Service 2
Notice of Award (NOA)
Sign ROA (including signature of Bids and Award
members) Committee
Approve ROA and Sign NOA HOPE/USEC Concerned 1
Post to DPWH & PhilGEPS website Procurement Service 1
• Transmit NOA to Contractor
• Prepare and endorse draft Contract to
Lending Institution
• Verify Project ID
Implementing Office 8
• Prepare Request to Procurement
Service (PrS) for verification of
Performance Security/Bond (Surety
Bond/LOC/Bank Guarantee), CARI
Prepare letter request for Confirmation
and transmit to Surety Company/Bank Procurement Service 1
(Main Office)
Verify and Prepare Certification Procurement Service 2
Review and Endorse Contract Implementing Office 2
Issue ORS, Prepare CAF and Sign as
Finance Service 3
Bureau of
Review and Recommend Contract Construction/Bureau of 3
Enter into Contract (including legal
USEC Concerned 2
Prepare Notice to Proceed (NTP) Implementing Office 1
Sign NTP USEC Concerned 1
Transmit NTP to Contractor Implementing Office 1
Total 31
Annex A

Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) for Sub-allotment

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Prepare Memo Finance Service 1
• Receive Memorandum and SARO
• Distribute to RO Coordinators and
Prepare and Recommend Approval of USEC for Planning 4
Memorandum to FS for Release of
Approve USEC Concerned 2
Receive approved Memo, Generate, Sign
Finance Service 2
and Issue SAA to RO/DEO
Total 9

Note: The FS activity to prepare memo for PS will be tracked by DoTS internally using SARO date of receipt.
5For Negotiated Contract due to Emergency or Adjacent/Contiguous to an on-going Infra Project

Verification of Bond Extension

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Performance
Security/Bond and Prepare
Request to Procurement
Service (PrS) for verification Implementing Office 1
of Performance Security/Bond
(Surety Bond/LOC/Bank
Guarantee), CARI
Prepare letter of Confirmation
and Transmit to Bonding Procurement Service 1
Concur Performance
Bonding Company/Bank -
Verify and Prepare
Procurement Service 1
Total 3

Change Order/Extra Work Order

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request from
Contractor/Consultant, Implementing Office 7
Prepare, Review and Endorse
Review and Endorse Bureau of Design 5
Review and Endorse* Bureau of Construction 5
Issue ORS and CAF (for
Finance Service 2
Positive C.O. / E.W.O.)
Recommend Approval ASEC for Technical Services 2
Approve USEC for Technical Services 2
Total 23
*If BOC is not the Implementing Office.
Annex A

Final Variation Order

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request from
Contractor/Consultant, Implementing Office 7
Prepare, Review and Endorse
Review and Endorse Bureau of Design 6
Review and Endorse* Bureau of Construction 6
Issue ORS and CAF (for
Finance Service 2
Positive Variation)
Recommend Approval ASEC for Technical Services 2
Approve USEC for Technical Services 2
Total 25
*If BOC is not the Implementing Office.

Contract Time Extension/Work Suspension Order/Work Resumption Order6

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Up to 61-90 Above
60 cd cd 90 cd
Receive Request from
Implementing Office 7 7 7
Prepare, Review and
Review and Endorse* Bureau of Construction N/A 5 5
ASEC Concerned N/A 2 2
Approve USEC Concerned N/A N/A 2
Total 7 14 16
6Shallbe approved by the Head of Implementing Office as per DO 144, S. 2016
*If BOC is not the Implementing Office.

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive, Review and Endorse Implementing Office 3
Review and Endorse Bureau of Construction 3
Recommend Approval ASEC Concerned 1
Approve USEC Concerned 1
Total 8

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive, Review and Endorse BOC/BOM/PS/UPMO 7
Recommend Approval ASEC Concerned 2
Recommend Approval USEC Concerned 2
Approve (including review of the Legal
Secretary 3
Total 14
Annex A

IROW Payment (For PPP/TRB Projects)

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive and Evaluate documents, and
LS 6
Prepare and Sign as Witness of Deed of Sale
Issue ORS, Prepare CAF and Sign as Witness FS 3
Sign Deed of Sale as Contracting Party PPPS 1
Prepare, Sign and Certify DV (Box A) LS 2
Approve DV PPPS 1
Process, record, and sign FS 5
Prepare check and Sign HRAS 2
Total 20

IROW Payment (For UPMO Projects)

Prescribed Time
Activity Office (wd)
75M & Below Above 75M
Receive and Evaluate
UPMO 1 1
Prepare and Approve Task
Force/ROW Team Resolution,
UPMO 5 5
Prepare and Sign Deed of
Issue ORS, Prepare CAF and
FS 3 3
Sign as Witness
Prepare and Sign DV UPMO 1 1
Certify DV (Box A) UPMO1 1 1
Approve DV UPMO2 1
Process, record, and sign FS 5 5
Approve DV USEC 1
Prepare check and Sign HRAS 2 2
Total 19 19
1For 75M & Below, by Concerned Project Manager; For Above 75M, by Concerned Cluster Director.
For 75M & Below, by Concerned Cluster Director; For Above 75M, by Undersecretary for UPMO.

Advance Payment
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review, Endorse and
Implementing Office 5
Certify DV (Box A)
Process, Record and Sign DV Finance Service 4
Approve DV Head of Office 2
Prepare, Process and Sign LDDAP-ADA Finance Service 1
Human Resource and
Sign LDDAP-ADA (ADA portion) 1
Administrative Service
Total 13
Annex A

First Payment/Final Payment

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review, Endorse
Certificate of Monthly Payment,
Statement of Work Accomplished, Implementing Office 3
Prepare and Certify DV (Box A) and
other supporting documents
Recommend Approval ASEC for Operations 1
Approve Certificate of Monthly Payment USEC for Operations 1
Process, Record and Sign DV Finance Service 6
Initial ASEC for Operations 1
Approve DV USEC for Operations 1
Prepare, Process and Sign LDDAP-ADA Finance Service 1
Human Resource and
Sign LDDAP-ADA (ADA portion) 1
Administrative Service
Total 15

Interim Progress Payment

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review, Endorse
Certificate of Monthly Payment,
Statement of Work Accomplished, Implementing Office 3
Prepare and Certify DV (Box A) and
other supporting documents
Recommend Approval ASEC for Operations 1
Approve Certificate of Monthly Payment USEC for Operations 1
Process, Record and Sign DV Finance Service 5
Initial ASEC for Operations 1
Approve DV USEC for Operations 1
Prepare, Process and Sign LDDAP-ADA Finance Service 1
Human Resource and
Sign LDDAP-ADA (ADA portion) 1
Administrative Service
Total 14

Release of Retention
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Review, Endorse and Certify DV (Box A) Implementing Office 3
Process, Record and Sign DV Finance Service 4
Initial ASEC for Operations 1
Approve DV USEC for Operations 1
Prepare, Process and Sign LDDAP-ADA Finance Service 1
Human Resource and
Sign LDDAP-ADA (ADA portion) 1
Administrative Service
Total 11
Annex A

Price Escalation Payment

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive, Review, Endorse Request for
Payment of Approved Price Escalation, Implementing Office 2
Prepare and Certify DV (Box A)
Process, Record and Sign DV Finance Section 5
Initial ASEC for Operations 1
Approve DV USEC for Operations 1
Prepare, Process and Sign LDDAP-ADA Finance Section 1
Human Resource and
Sign LDDAP-ADA (ADA portion) 1
Administrative Service
Total 11
Annex B
Processing Offices

Doer Activity
Contractor 1. Use ear tags for each attached supporting document
and arrange sequentially according to checklist.
2. Submit DoTS documents to the DoTS Center.

DoTS Center 3. Check completeness of supporting documents and

other attachments.
4. Return incomplete document to the Contractor/IO
immediately within the day.
5. Otherwise, register document into DoTS.
6. Issue a receipt to the Contractor/IO.
7. Print the DoTS Header and attach to the document.
8. Forward the documents to the Implementing Office

Implementing Office (IO) 9. Assign approving officials.

10. Forward the document to the succeeding office.
11. Ensure that document sent was received by the
succeeding processing office within the next 24

Processing Office/Approving 12. Check for the DoTS Header. For documents with no
Official DoTS Header, return the document to the
implementing office.
13. Return incomplete document to the office concerned
within the day.
14. Otherwise, process document.
15. Forward the document to the succeeding office.
16. Ensure that document sent was received by the
succeeding processing office within the next 24

Office of the Secretary 17. Record documents with no DoTS Header.

18. Forward list of documents with no DoTS Header to
the DoTS Center every end of the month.

Implementing Office 19. Close the transaction in the DoTS upon completion
of the process.
Annex C

Detailed Engineering Design Plans

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Bureau of Design 20
Recommend Approval ASEC for Technical Services 2
Approve USEC for Technical Services 2

As-Staked / Revised Plans

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Bureau of Design 16
Recommend Approval ASEC for Technical Services 2
Approve USEC for Technical Services 2

Program of Works (POW) and Approved Budget for Contract (ABC)

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Bureau of Construction 5
Recommend Approval ASEC for Technical Services 2
Approve USEC for Technical Services 2

Change Order/Extra Work Order

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Bureau of Design 5
Review and Endorse Bureau of Construction 5
Recommend Approval ASEC for Technical Services 2
Approve USEC for Technical Services 2

Final Variation Order

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Bureau of Design 6
Review and Endorse Bureau of Construction 6
Recommend Approval ASEC for Technical Services 2
Approve USEC for Technical Services 2
Annex C

Contract Time Extension/Work Suspension Order

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
61-90 cd
90 cd
Receive Request, Review and
Bureau of Construction 5 5
ASEC for Regional Operations 2 2
Approve USEC for Regional Operations N/A 2

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Bureau of Construction 3
Recommend Approval ASEC for Technical Services 1
Approve USEC for Technical Services 1

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and Bureau of Construction/
Endorse Bureau of Maintenance
Recommend Approval ASEC for Regional Operations 2
Recommend Approval USEC for Regional Operations 2
Approve (including review of
Secretary 3
the Legal Service)

Signing of Contract (Locally Funded)

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and Bureau of Construction/
Endorse Bureau of Maintenance
Initial ASEC for Regional Operations 2
Enter into Contract (including
USEC for Regional Operations 2
legal review)
Prepare Notice to Proceed
Implementing Office 1
Sign NTP USEC Concerned 1
Transmit NTP to Contractor Implementing Office 1
Total 10
Annex D
Processing Offices

Doer Activity
Regional Office 1. Submit DoTS Documents to the Central Office (CO)
DoTS Center (DC).

CO DoTS Center 2. Check completeness of supporting documents and

3. Return incomplete document to the Regional Office
(RO) immediately within the day.
4. Otherwise, register document into DoTS.
5. Issue a receipt to the RO Liaison Officer.
6. Print the DoTS Header and attach to the document.
7. Forward the document to the Processing Office (PO).

Processing 8. Check for the DoTS Header. For documents with no

Office/Approving Official DoTS Header, forward the document to the CO DC.
9. Forward the document to the succeeding office.
10. Ensure that document sent was received by the
succeeding processing office within the next 24 hours.
11. In case of corrections/modifications, fax transmittal
letter stating the required action to the RO, keep
documents and return DoTS documents to RO DoTS

Regional Office DoTS 12. For returned documents, comply required action.
Center Submit deficiencies to the Reviewing/Processing Office
within 3 days.

Office of the Secretary 13. Record documents with no DoTS Header.

14. Forward list of documents with no DoTS Header to the
CO DoTS Center every end of the month.

Implementing Office 15. Close the transaction in the DoTS.

Annex E

Detailed Engineering Design Plans by Administration/Contract

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Prepare and Review Plans Planning & Design Division
 First Km 8
 Succeeding Km 4
Per Bridge
 1 span
• New Bridge 16
• Widening of Existing 20
 Additional span +4/span
Per Building
• Standard School Building 5
• with modification 12
• Other Buildings 18
(Multipurpose/Barangay Halls,
Hospitals, Office Buildings,
• 1 to 2 Storey (including 22
• 3 to 4 Storey 30
Flood Control
• Drainage System 15
• Revetment/Slope Protection 15
• Dike 15
• Channel Improvement 10
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1

Detailed Engineering Design Plans by Consultant

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive, Review and Endorse Plans Planning & Design Division
Per km of Roads 2
Per Bridge
 1 span 3
 Additional span +2/span
Per Building
• Building (Other than Standard
School Building)
Flood Control (per project) 5
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1
Annex E

As-Staked Plan1
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive, Review and Endorse Plans Construction Division 4
Review and Endorse Plans Planning & Design Division
Per km of Roads 1
Per Bridge
 1 span 2
 Additional span +1/span
Per Building 3
Flood Control (per project) 3
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1

¹For projects undertaken by the Contractor, As-Staked Plans shall be jointly prepared by the Contractor and
Construction Division.

Revised Plan2
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive, Review and Endorse Plans Construction Division 3
Review and Endorse Plans Planning & Design Division
Roads (per project) 5
Bridge (per project) 5
Building (per project) 3
Flood Control (per project) 5
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1

As-Built Plan3
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive, Review and Endorse Plans Construction Division 7
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1
Total 9

Program of Works (POW) and Approved Budget for Contract (ABC)

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Prepare and Endorse Planning & Design Division 3
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1
Total 5

²Partial revision, if total revision refer to Detailed Design Plan timeline

Per DO 38, S. 2016, As-Built Plans shall be submitted by the Contractor upon reaching 95% completion of the
Annex E

Award and Signing of Contract4

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Evaluate, Post Qualify bids and Bids and Awards
Deliberate Committee
Prepare Notice of Disqualification Procurement Unit 1
Bids and Awards
Sign (including initial of members) 2
Issue CAA (If bidding is conducted short
Finance Division 1
of award)
Prepare Resolution of Award (ROA) and
Procurement Unit 1
Notice of Award (NOA)
Sign ROA (including signature of Bids and Awards
members) Committee
Approve ROA and Sign NOA Regional Director 1
Post to DPWH & PhilGEPS website Procurement Unit 1
• Transmit NOA to Contractor
• Prepare and Endorse draft Contract
after submission by the Contractor
of the documentary requirements
for the execution of the Contract
• Verify Project ID
Implementing Division 10
• Prepare Request for verification of
Performance Security/Bond (Surety
Bond/LOC/Bank Guarantee), CARI
• Require the Contractor to Sign
Contract including his witness

Prepare letter request for Confirmation

and Transmit to Surety Company/Bank Procurement Unit 1
(Main Office)
Confirm authenticity and validity of
Surety Company/Bank -
Performance Security
Verify and Prepare Certification Procurement Unit 1
Issue ORS, Prepare CAF and Sign as
Finance Division 2
Enter into Contract (including legal
Regional Director 1
Prepare Notice to Proceed (NTP) Implementing Division 1
Sign NTP Regional Director 1
Transmit NTP to Contractor Implementing Division 1
Total 46

Applicable to Negotiated Contract due to Two (2) failed bidding or Terminated/Rescind
Annex E

Award and Signing of Negotiated Contract5

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Bids and Awards
Deliberate 1
Issue CAA Finance Section 1
Prepare Resolution of Award (ROA) and
Procurement Unit 2
Notice of Award (NOA)
Sign ROA (including signature of Bids and Awards
members) Committee
Approve ROA and Sign NOA Regional Director 1
• Post to DPWH & PhilGEPS website Procurement Unit 1
• Transmit NOA to Contractor
• Prepare and Endorse draft Contract
after submission by the Contractor
of the documentary requirements
for the execution of the Contract
• Verify Project ID
Implementing Section 10
• Prepare Request for verification of
Performance Security/Bond (Surety
Bond/LOC/Bank Guarantee), CARI
• Require the Contractor to Sign
Contract including his witness

Prepare letter request for Confirmation

and Transmit to Surety Company/Bank Procurement Unit 1
(Main Office)
Confirm authenticity and validity of
Surety Company/Bank -
Performance Security
Prepare Certificate of Authenticity Procurement Unit 1
Request Issuance of ORS Implementing Unit 1
Issue ORS, Prepare CAF and Sign as
Finance Section 2
Enter into Contract (including legal
Regional Director 1
Prepare Notice to Proceed (NTP) Implementing Section 1
Sign NTP Regional Director 1
Transmit NTP to Contractor Implementing Section 1
Total 27

5For Negotiated Contract due to Emergency or Adjacent/Contiguous to an on-going Infra Project

Annex E

Award of Contract
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Evaluate, Post Qualify Lowest Bids and Awards
Calculated bidder and Deliberate Committee
Prepare Notice of Disqualification/Post
Procurement Unit 1
Bids and Awards
Sign (including initial of members) 2
Issue CAA Finance Division 1
Prepare Resolution of Award (ROA) and
Procurement Unit 1
Notice of Award (NOA)
Sign ROA (including signature of Bids and Awards
members) Committee
Approve ROA and Sign NOA Regional Director 1
Post to DPWH & PhilGEPS website Procurement Unit 1
• Transmit NOA to Contractor
• Prepare and Endorse draft Contract
after submission by the Contractor
of the documentary requirements
for the execution of the Contract
• Verify Project ID
Implementing Division 10
• Prepare Request for verification of
Performance Security/Bond (Surety
Bond/LOC/Bank Guarantee), CARI
• Require the Contractor to Sign
Contract including his witness

Prepare letter request for Confirmation

and Transmit to Surety Company/Bank Procurement Unit 1
(Main Office)
Confirm authenticity and validity of
Surety Company / Bank -
Performance Security
Verify and Prepare Certification Procurement Unit 1
Issue ORS, Prepare CAF and Sign as
Finance Division 2
Initial Asst. Regional Director 1
Initial Regional Director 1
Total 44
Change Order/Extra Work Order/Final Variation Order
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Prepare and Endorse Implementing Division 5
Planning & Design
Review and Endorse 2
Issue ORS and CAF (for Positive
Finance Division 2
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1
Total 11
Annex E

Contract Time Extension/Work Suspension Order/Work Resumption Order

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Prepare, Review and
Implementing Division 3
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1
Total 5

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and Endorse Implementing Division 3
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1
Total 5

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and Endorse Implementing Division 2
Review and Initial Legal Division 1
Issue ORS, Prepare CAF and Sign as
Finance Division 1
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve (including review of the Legal
Regional Director 1
Total 6

IROW Payment
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Legal Division 1
Receive Request, Prepare and Initial DV
Division Chief/Asst.
(Box A) 1
Regional Director
Process, Record and Sign DV (Box B) Finance Division 1
Approve DV Regional Director 1
Prepare List of Approved DV and
Submit to Cashier for issuance of Finance Division 1
Administrative Division
Prepare and Sign Cheque 1
(Cashier Section)
Counter Sign and Return Cheque to
Regional Director 1
Cashier for Releasing
Total 7
Annex E

Advance Payment
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review, Certify DV Division Chief -
(Box A) and Endorse DV Implementing Division
Process, Record and Sign DV Finance Division 2
Approve DV Regional Director 1
Prepare, Process and Sign LDDAP-ADA Finance Division 1
Administrative Division
Sign ADA 1
(Cashier Section)
Approve LDDAP-ADA Regional Director 1
Total 9

Progress Payment / Final Payment

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review, Endorse
Certificate of Monthly Payment,
Division Chief -
Statement of Work Accomplished, 4
Implementing Division
Prepare DV and other supporting
documents and Certify DV (Box A)
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Certificate of Monthly Payment Regional Director 1
Process, Record and Sign DV Finance Division 2
Approve DV Regional Director 1
Prepare, Process and Sign LDDAP-ADA Finance Division 1
Administrative Division
Sign ADA 1
(Cashier Section)
Approve LDDAP-ADA Regional Director 1
Total 12

Release of Retention
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Division Chief -
Review, Certify DV (Box A) and Endorse 2
Implementing Division
Process, Record and Sign DV Finance Division 2
Certify DV (Box A) Division Chief 1
Approve DV Regional Director 1
Prepare, Process and Sign LDDAP-ADA Finance Division 1
Administrative Division
Sign ADA 1
(Cashier Section)
Approve LDDAP-ADA Regional Director 1
Total 9
Annex F
Processing Offices

Doer Activity
Contractor 1. Submit DoTS documents to the Regional DoTS

Regional DoTS Center 2. Check completeness of documents

3. Return incomplete document to the Contractor/IO
within the day.
4. Otherwise, register document into DoTS.
5. Issue a receipt to the Contractor/IO.
6. Print the DoTS header and attach to the
7. Forward the document to the succeeding office.
8. Ensure that document sent was received by the
succeeding processing office within the next 24

Processing Office/Approving 9. Check for the DoTS Header. For documents with
Official no DoTS Header, return the document to the
Regional DoTS Center.
10. Check completeness of documents.
11. Return incomplete document to the office
concerned within the day.
12. Otherwise, process document.
13. Forward the document to the succeeding office.
14. Ensure that document sent was received by the
succeeding processing office within the next 24

Office of the Director 15. Record documents with no DoTS Header.

16. Forward list of documents with no DoTS Header to
the Regional DoTS Center every end of the

Regional DoTS Center 17. Close the transaction in the DoTS upon completion
of the process.
Annex G

Detailed Engineering Design Plans

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Planning & Design Division 6
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1

As-Staked / Revised Plans

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Planning & Design Division 5
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1

Program of Works (POW) and Approved Budget for Contract (ABC)

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Planning & Design Division 3
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Implementing Division 2
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1

Change Order/Extra Work Order/Final Variation Order

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Implementing Division 3
Review and endorse Planning & Design Division 2
Issue ORS and CAF Finance Division 1
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve (including legal review) Regional Director 2
Annex G

Contract Time Extension/Work Suspension Order

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Implementing Division 2
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve Regional Director 1

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Implementing Division 2
Review and Initial Legal Division 1
Recommend Approval Asst. Regional Director 1
Approve (including legal review) Regional Director 1

Signing of Contract (Locally Funded, Funds from RO, DEO/Sub-DEO

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and
Implementing Division 3
Initial Asst. Regional Director 1
Issue ORS and CAF Finance Division 1
Enter into Contract (including legal
review) Regional Director
Transmit the Contract to the DEO 1
Total 8
Annex H
Processing Offices

Doer Activity
District Engineering Office 1. Submit DoTS documents to the Regional Office (RO)
(DEO) DoTS Center

RO DoTS Center 2. Check completeness of supporting documents and

3. Return incomplete document to the DEO
immediately within the day.
4. Otherwise, register document into DoTS
5. Issue a receipt to the DEO Liaison Officer
6. Print the DoTS Header and attach to the document.
7. Forward the document to the Processing Office.

Processing Office/Approving 8. Check for the DoTS Header. For documents with no
Official DoTS Header, forward the document to the RO
DoTS Center.
9. Forward the document to the succeeding office.
10. Ensure that document sent was received by the
succeeding processing office within the next 24

RO DoTS Center 11. In case of returned documents, inform the DEO that
their documents have been returned.

Office of the Regional 12. Record documents with no DoTS Header.

Director 13. Forward list of documents with no DoTS Header to
the RO DoTS Center every end of the month.
14. Close the transaction in the DoTS upon completion
of the process.
Annex I

Detailed Engineering Design Plans by Administration

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Prepare and Review Plans Planning & Design Section
 First Km 8
 Succeeding Km 4
Per Bridge
 1 span
 New Bridge 16
 Widening of Existing 20
 Additional span +4/span
Per Building
 Standard School Building 5
 with modification 10
 Other Buildings
(Multipurpose/Barangay Halls,
Hospitals, Office Buildings,
 1 to 2 Storey (including 18
 3 to 4 Storey 22
 5 or more Storey 30
Flood Control
 Drainage System 10
 Revetment/Slope Protection 10
 Dike 10
 Channel Improvement 5
Recommend Approval Asst. District Engineer 1
Approve District Engineer 1

As-Staked Plan1
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive, Review and Endorse Plans Construction Section 5
Review and Endorse Plans Planning & Design Section
Per km of Roads 2
Per Bridge
 1 span 2
 Additional span +1/span
Per Building 2
Flood Control (per project) 2
Recommend Approval Asst. District Engineer 1
Approve District Engineer 1

¹For projects undertaken by the Contractor, As-Staked Plans shall be jointly prepared by the Contractor and
Construction Section.
Annex I

Revised Plan2
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive, Review and Endorse Plans Construction Section 4
Review and Endorse Plans Planning & Design Section
Roads (per project) 5
Bridge (per project) 5
Building (per project) 2
Flood Control (per project) 2
Recommend Approval Asst. District Engineer 1
Approve District Engineer 1

As-Built Plan3
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive, Review and Endorse Plans Construction Section 5
Recommend Approval Asst. District Engineer 1
Approve District Engineer 1
Total 7

Program of Works (POW) and Approved Budget for Contract (ABC)

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Prepare and Endorse Planning & Design Section 3
Recommend Approval Asst. District Engineer 1
Approve District Engineer 1
Total 5

²Partial revision, if total revision refer to Detailed Design Plan timeline

Per DO 38, S. 2016, As-Built Plans shall be submitted by the Contractor upon reaching 95% completion of the
Annex I

Award and Signing of Contract4

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Evaluate, Post Qualify bids and Bids and Awards
Deliberate Committee
Prepare Notice of Disqualification Procurement Unit 1
Bids and Awards
Sign (including initial of members) 2
Issue CAA (If bidding is conducted short
Finance Section 1
of award)
Prepare Resolution of Award (ROA) and
Procurement Unit 1
Notice of Award (NOA)
Sign ROA (including signature of Bids and Awards
members) Committee
Approve ROA and Sign NOA District Engineer 1
Post to DPWH & PhilGEPS website Procurement Unit 1
• Transmit NOA to Contractor
• Prepare and Endorse draft Contract
after submission by the Contractor
of the documentary requirements
for the execution of the Contract
• Verify Project ID
Implementing Section 10
• Prepare Request for verification of
Performance Security/Bond (Surety
Bond/LOC/Bank Guarantee), CARI
• Require the Contractor to Sign
Contract including his witness

Prepare letter request for Confirmation

and Transmit to Surety Company/Bank Procurement Unit 1
(Main Office)
Confirm authenticity and validity of
Surety Company/Bank -
Performance Security
Verify and Prepare Certification Procurement Unit 1
Issue ORS, Prepare CAF and Sign as
Finance Section 2
Enter into Contract (including legal
District Engineer 1
Prepare Notice to Proceed (NTP) Implementing Section 1
Sign NTP District Engineer 1
Transmit NTP to Contractor Implementing Section 1
Total 46

Applicable to Negotiated Contract due to Two (2) failed bidding or Terminated/Rescind
Annex I

Award and Signing of Negotiated Contract5

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Bids and Awards
Deliberate 1
Issue CAA Finance Section 1
Prepare Resolution of Award (ROA) and
Procurement Unit 2
Notice of Award (NOA)
Sign ROA (including signature of Bids and Awards
members) Committee
Approve ROA and Sign NOA District Engineer 1
• Post to DPWH & PhilGEPS website Procurement Unit 1
• Transmit NOA to Contractor
• Prepare and Endorse draft Contract
after submission by the Contractor
of the documentary requirements
for the execution of the Contract
• Verify Project ID
Implementing Section 10
• Prepare Request for verification of
Performance Security/Bond (Surety
Bond/LOC/Bank Guarantee), CARI
• Require the Contractor to Sign
Contract including his witness

Prepare letter request for Confirmation

and Transmit to Surety Company/Bank Procurement Unit 1
(Main Office)
Confirm authenticity and validity of
Surety Company/Bank -
Performance Security
Prepare Certificate of Authenticity Procurement Unit 1
Request Issuance of ORS Implementing Unit 1
Issue ORS, Prepare CAF and Sign as
Finance Section 2
Enter into Contract (including legal
District Engineer 1
Prepare Notice to Proceed (NTP) Implementing Section 1
Sign NTP District Engineer 1
Transmit NTP to Contractor Implementing Section 1
Total 27

5For Negotiated Contract due to Emergency or Adjacent/Contiguous to an on-going Infra Project

Annex I

Award of Contract
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Evaluate, Post Qualify Lowest Bids and Awards
Calculated bidder and Deliberate Committee
Prepare Notice of Disqualification Procurement Unit 1
Bids and Awards
Sign (including initial of members) 2
Issue CAA Finance Section 1
Prepare Resolution of Award (ROA) and
Procurement Unit 1
Notice of Award (NOA)
Sign ROA (including signature of Bids and Awards
members) Committee
Approve ROA and Sign NOA District Engineer 1
Post to DPWH & PhilGEPS website Procurement Unit 1
• Transmit NOA to Contractor
• Prepare and Endorse draft Contract
after submission by the Contractor
of the documentary requirements
for the execution of the Contract
• Verify Project ID
Implementing Section 10
• Prepare Request for verification of
Performance Security/Bond (Surety
Bond/LOC/Bank Guarantee), CARI
• Require the Contractor to Sign
Contract including his witness

Prepare letter request for Confirmation

and Transmit to Surety Company/Bank Procurement Unit 1
(Main Office)
Confirm authenticity and validity of
Surety Company / Bank -
Performance Security
Verify and Prepare Certification Procurement Unit 1
Issue ORS, Prepare CAF and Sign as
Finance Section 2
Initial Asst. District Engineer 1
Initial District Engineer 1
Total 44

Notice to Proceed (NTP) Funds from RO Implemented by DEO/Sub-DEO

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Contract Agreement, Prepare
Implementing Section 1
Asst. District Engineer and
Initial and Sign 1
District Engineer
Total 2
Annex I

Change Order/Extra Work Order/Final Variation Order

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Prepare and Endorse Implementing Section 5
Review and Endorse Planning & Design Section 2
Issue ORS and CAF (for Positive
Finance Section 2
Recommend Approval Asst. District Engineer 1
Approve District Engineer 1
Total 11

Contract Time Extension/Work Suspension Order1

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Prepare, Review and
Implementing Section 3
Review and Initial Asst. District Engineer 1
Recommend and Endorse District Engineer 1
Total 6
Approval by the Regional Director. Refer to Page 6, Annex E for the continuation of activities.

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and Endorse Implementing Section 3
Recommend Approval Asst. District Engineer 1
Approve District Engineer 1
Total 5

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review and Endorse Implementing Section 3
Recommend Approval Asst. District Engineer 1
Approve (including legal review) District Engineer 1
Total 5

Advance Payment
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive request, Review, Certify DV Section Chief -
(Box A) and Endorse DV Implementing Section
Process, Record and Sign DV Finance Section 2
Approve DV District Engineer 1
Prepare, Process and Sign LDDAP-ADA Finance Section 1
Administrative Section
Sign ADA 1
(Cashier Unit)
Approve LDDAP-ADA District Engineer 1
Total 9
Annex I

Progress Billing / Final Payment

Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Receive Request, Review, Endorse
Certificate of Monthly Payment,
Statement of Work Accomplished, Implementing Section 4
Prepare DV and other supporting
documents and Certify DV (Box A)
Recommend Approval Asst. District Engineer 1
Approve Certificate of Monthly Payment District Engineer 1
Process, Record and Sign DV Finance Section 2
Approve DV District Engineer 1
Prepare, Process and Sign LDDAP-ADA Finance Section 1
Administrative Section
Sign ADA 1
(Cashier Unit)
Approve LDDAP-ADA District Engineer 1
Total 12

Release of Retention
Prescribed Time
Activity Office
Review, Certify DV (Box A) and Endorse Implementing Section 2
Process, Record and Sign DV Finance Section 2
Approve DV District Engineer 1
Prepare, Process and Sign LDDAP-ADA Finance Section 1
Administrative Section
Sign ADA 1
(Cashier Unit)
Approve LDDAP-ADA District Engineer 1
Total 8
Annex J
Processing Offices

Doer Activity
Contractor 1. Submit DoTS documents to the District DoTS

District DoTS Center 2. Check completeness of documents

3. Return incomplete document to the Contractor
within the day.
4. Otherwise, register document into DoTS.
5. Issue a receipt to the Contractor.
6. Print the DoTS header and attach to the
7. Forward the document to the succeeding office.
8. Ensure that document sent was received by the
succeeding processing office within the next 24

Processing Office/Approving 9. Check for the DoTS Header. For documents with
Official no DoTS Header, return the document to the
District DoTS Center.
10. Check completeness of documents.
11. Return incomplete document to the office
concerned within the day.
12. Otherwise, process document.
13. Forward the document to the succeeding office.
14. Ensure that document sent was received by the
succeeding processing office within the next 24

Office of the District Engineer 15. Record documents with no DoTS Header.
16. Forward list of documents with no DoTS Header
to the District DoTS Center every end of the
17. Close the transaction in the DoTS upon
completion of the process.
Annex K
Page 1 of 59

As-Built Plans
1. Copy of the approved plans (Original, “As-staked”, revised and other Plans supporting variation
2. Copies of Statement of Work Accomplished (SWA) duly signed by the proper authorities concerned
3. Detailed Technical Justifications for all “As-Built” having changes in the quantity of items of work in
the previously approved plan
4. Detailed “As-Built” Quantity Calculations
5. Copies of Inspection Reports (investigation/verification)
6. Copies of all monthly progress reports prepared by Supervision Consultant, if applicable.
7. Copy of previously approved Variation Orders

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 2 of 59

Detailed Engineering Design Plans (For review)

I. Building Projects (including Field Offices)
A. Architectural
1. Architectural Plans (in accordance with National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096))
2. Bill of Quantities and detailed quantity take- off/ calculations
3. Scope of Work
4. If prepared by Consultant:
• General Conditions of Contracts and Technical Specifications (Structural, Architectural,
Electrical, Mechanical, Sanitary/Plumbing)
• Copy of Terms of Reference
B. Structural
1. Structural Plans (in accordance with National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096))
2. Structural Design Computations (in accordance with National Structural Code of the Philippines
3. Geotechnical/Soil Investigation report/data showing plan of borehole locations, boring logs,
laboratory test results including interpretation/recommendations
4. Bill of Quantities and detailed quantity take- off/ calculations
C. Mechanical (if applicable)
1. Mechanical Plans (in accordance with National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096))
2. Mechanical Design Analysis (in accordance with Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers
Mechanical Code)
2.1 Heat Load and ventilation-HVAC
2.2 Hydraulic - FPS
2.3 Total Dynamic Head-WPS

For plans prepared by consultants, a note on the Design Consultant’s liability per D.O. No. 50
series of 2002 should be indicated in the cover sheet as follows:

“Pursuant to Section 4 of Annex “A” of the Revised Implementing Rules & Regulations of R.A 9184,
approval by the Authorized DPWH Officials of Detailed Engineering Surveys and Design undertaken
by Consultants neither diminishes the responsibility of the latter for the technical integrity of the
surveys and design nor transfer any part of that responsibility to the Approving Officials.

The design Consultant shall be held fully responsible for the failure of the facilities/structures due
to faculty design except for the changes made without the conformity of the Consultants”

(Signature over Printed Name)

Project Manager

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 3 of 59

Detailed Engineering Design Plans (For review)

D. Electrical
1. Electrical Plans (in accordance with National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096))
2. Electrical Design and Analysis (Illumination Levels Computation, Short Circuit Current Calculations
and Voltage Drop Calculations) (in accordance with Philippine Electrical Code)
3. Bill of Quantities and detailed quantity take- off/ calculations
E. Sanitary/Plumbing
1. Sanitary/Plumbing Plans (in accordance with National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096))
2. Sanitary/Plumbing Design Analysis
3. Bill of Quantities and detailed quantity take- off/ calculations
F. Electronic (if applicable)
1. Electronic Plans showing the following: vicinity/site development plan; location plan; general
notes; legends or symbols; Fire Detection and Alarm System (FDAS), Structured Cabling System
(SCS), Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), Access Control System (ACS), Public
Address/Background Music (PA/BGM) and Building Management System Layouts; riser diagrams
2. Electronic Design Analysis (in accordance with Philippine Electrical Code)
3. Bill of Quantities and detailed quantity take- off/ calculations

For plans prepared by consultants, a note on the Design Consultant’s liability per D.O. No. 50
series of 2002 should be indicated in the cover sheet as follows:

“Pursuant to Section 4 of Annex “A” of the Revised Implementing Rules & Regulations of R.A 9184,
approval by the Authorized DPWH Officials of Detailed Engineering Surveys and Design undertaken
by Consultants neither diminishes the responsibility of the latter for the technical integrity of the
surveys and design nor transfer any part of that responsibility to the Approving Officials.

The design Consultant shall be held fully responsible for the failure of the facilities/structures due to
faculty design except for the changes made without the conformity of the Consultants”

(Signature over Printed Name)

Project Manager

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 4 of 59

Detailed Engineering Design Plans (For review)

II. Dams, Flood Control, Water Supply, Shore Protection Works and Other related Structures
1. Design Plans (in accordance with DO 77, series of 2018)
2. Design and Analysis
2.1 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design Analysis (design discharge, scour, water surface profile, etc.)
supported by topographic map showing the watershed area and points of interest
2.2 Structural stability analysis of proposed structures
2.3 Foundation stability, slope stability, settlement and seepage analysis
2.4 Sediment Transport Analysis (if applicable)
2.5 Steel Sheet Pile Analysis (if applicable)
3. Geotechnical/Soil Investigation report/data showing plan of borehole locations, boring logs and
laboratory test results including recommendation
4. Bill of Quantities and Detailed Quantity Calculations
5. Copy of Terms of Reference (if prepared by consultants)

1. The plans should show but not limited to the following:
1.1 Location Plan showing all proposed works and existing structures
1.2 Schematic Diagram (for water supply)
1.3 Vicinity Map
1.4 Legends and Symbols
1.5 Abbreviations
1.6 General Notes including design criteria and Specifications
1.7 Soil boring logs and location of boreholes
1.8 Profile along both banks and channel centerline; cross-sections indicating the proposed structures;
maximum experienced flood level, ordinary water level and design water level
1.9 Typical sections with complete details of proposed works
1.10 Tabulated summary of quantities
1.11 Complete related electrical & mechanical plans/works

2. For plans prepared by consultants, a note on the Design Consultant’s liability per D.O. No. 50 series of
2002 should be indicated in the cover sheet as follows:

“Pursuant to Section 4 of Annex “A” of the Revised Implementing Rules & Regulations of R.A
9184, approval by the Authorized DPWH Officials of Detailed Engineering Surveys and Design
undertaken by Consultants neither diminishes the responsibility of the latter for the technical
integrity of the surveys and design nor transfer any part of that responsibility to the Approving

The design Consultant shall be held fully responsible for the failure of the facilities/structures due
to faculty design except for the changes made without the conformity of the Consultants”

(Signature over Printed Name)

Project Manager

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 5 of 59

Detailed Engineering Design Plans (For review)

III. Highway Projects
1. Design Plans (in accordance with DO 77, series of 2018)
2. Summary of Quantities and Detailed Quantity Calculations
3. Design and Analysis
3.1 Traffic and pavement analysis - CESAL Computation; Pavement Design
3.2 Drainage Design Analysis (supported by topographic map showing the watershed areas and
points of interest) – Hydrologic Analysis, Hydraulic Analysis, Inter-Outlet Control Analysis
3.3 Slope stability analysis of embankment and cut slopes
3.4 Structural stability analysis of slope protection/retaining structures
3.5 Settlement Analysis for high embankment
4. Geotechnical/Soil Investigation report/data
5. Copy of Terms of Reference (if prepared by the Consultant)

1. The plans should show, but not limited to, the following:
1.1 General Plans showing the following: location plan; vicinity map; legend and symbols; abbreviations;
summary of quantities and general notes including design criteria specifications, and construction
1.2 Standard details (geometric design; typical roadway sections and pavement details)
1.3 Plan, profile, cross sections and survey data
1.4 Standard drawings (drainage structures and appurtenances; typical intersection details; pavement
markings; road signs; guardrails and slope protection works)
1.5 Miscellaneous drawings/details (tabulation of bench marks and reference points; drainage schedule;
map/location of material sources and boreholes located by stations along the road and at borrow
areas; slope protection schedule; road signs and guardrail schedule)
1.6 Complete roadway lighting plans/works (street lightings & traffic signals layout; general notes,
legends and symbols; one-line diagram; standard details; schedule of loads and computations; design
analysis & specifications)

2. For plans prepared by consultants, a note on the Design Consultant’s liability per D.O. No. 50 series of
2002, should be indicated in the cover sheet as follows:

“Pursuant to Section 4 of Annex “A” of the Revised Implementing Rules & Regulations of R.A
9184, approval by the Authorized DPWH Officials of Detailed Engineering Surveys and Design
undertaken by Consultants neither diminishes the responsibility of the latter for the technical
integrity of the surveys and design nor transfer any part of that responsibility to the Approving

The design Consultant shall be held fully responsible for the failure of the facilities/structures
due to faculty design except for the changes made without the conformity of the Consultants”

(Signature over Printed Name)

Project Manager

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 6 of 59

Detailed Engineering Design Plans (For review)

IV. Bridge Projects
1. Design Plans (in accordance with DO 77, series of 2018)
2. Bill of Quantities and Detailed Quantity Calculations
3. Design and Analysis
3.1 Complete Structural Analysis (Superstructure, Substructure and foundation)
3.2 Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis (design discharge, scour, water surface profile, etc.) supported
by topographic map showing the watershed area and point of interest
4. Geotechnical/Soil Report/data showing plan of borehole locations, boring logs and laboratory test
results including recommendation
5. Copy of Terms of Reference (if prepared by consultants)

1. The plans should show but not limited to the following:
1.1 General Plan and Elevation
1.2 Location Plan and vicinity map showing existing structures and utilities that may be affected by the
1.3 General Notes (design criteria and material/construction specifications)
1.4 Details of piers, abutments and superstructure
1.5 Details of detour, crane way and cofferdams, if any
1.6 Details of abutment and pier protection works including bridge approach protection works
1.7 Soil boring logs and location of boreholes
1.8 Complete bridge lighting plans/works (street lighting layout; legends & symbols; one-line diagram;
standard details; schedule of loads and computations; design analysis and specifications)
1.9 Construction sequence/methodology and traffic management during construction

2. For plans prepared by consultants, a note on the Design Consultant’s liability per D.O. No. 50 series of
2002, should be indicated in the cover sheet as follows:

“Pursuant to Section 4 of Annex “A” of the Revised Implementing Rules & Regulations of R.A
9184, approval by the Authorized DPWH Officials of Detailed Engineering Surveys and Design
undertaken by Consultants neither diminishes the responsibility of the latter for the technical
integrity of the surveys and design nor transfer any part of that responsibility to the Approving

The design Consultant shall be held fully responsible for the failure of the facilities/structures
due to faculty design except for the changes made without the conformity of the Consultants”

(Signature over Printed Name)

Project Manager

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 7 of 59

Detailed Engineering Design Plans (For review)

V. Parcellary Survey Plan (For discussion with BOD)
1. Subdivision/Individual Lot Plans
2. Land Titles (Certified true copies of OCT/TCT)
3. Tax Declaration (for the past 5 years)
4. Copy of Terms of Reference (if prepared by consultants)
5. Copy of Approved Alignment
6. Survey Return/Lot Data Computation

1. The plans should show but not limited to the following:
1.1 Cover Sheet
1.2 Legend, General Notes, Location Map/Vicinity Map
1.3 Name of Geodetic Engineer, PRC License Number, PTR No., Date of Issue, and Date of Issue on the
Title Blocks
1.4 Index Map
1.5 North Arrow Direction
1.6 Tabulation of:
1.6.1 Name of Claimants
1.6.2 Affected lots and survey number
1.6.3 Land Area (total land area, affected area and remaining area)
1.6.4 Original Certificate of Title/Transfer Certificate of Title Numbers
1.6.5 Tax Declaration
1.6.6 Names of Barangays, Municipalities, Province, Island, etc.
1.6.7 Remarks
1.7 Description/Location of Reference Monuments/stations (BLLM, BBM, etc.)
1.8 Technical Descriptions (Lines, Bearings, Distances)
1.9 Grid Coordinates based on PPCS

2. For plans prepared by consultants, a note on the Design Consultant’s liability per D.O. No. 50 series of
2002, should be indicated in the cover sheet as follows:

“Pursuant to Section 4 of Annex “A” of the Revised Implementing Rules & Regulations of R.A
9184, approval by the Authorized DPWH Officials of Detailed Engineering Surveys and Design
undertaken by Consultants neither diminishes the responsibility of the latter for the technical
integrity of the surveys and design nor transfer any part of that responsibility to the
Approving Officials.

The design Consultant shall be held fully responsible for the failure of the facilities/structures
due to faculty design except for the changes made without the conformity of the

(Signature over Printed Name)

Project Manager

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 8 of 59

Detailed Engineering Plans (For review)

VI. Right-of-Way (ROW) Survey Plan
1. Tax Declaration for Improvement (for the past 5 years)
2. Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
3. Copy of Terms of Reference (if prepared by consultants)
4. Copy of Approved Alignment

1. The plans should show but not limited to the following:
1.1 Cover Sheet
1.2 Legend, General Notes, Location Map/Vicinity Map
1.3 Name of Geodetic Engineer, PRC License Number, PTR No., Date of Issue, and Date of Issue on the Title
1.4 Index Map
1.5 North Arrow Direction
1.6 Tabulation of:
1.6.1 Lot Number (classification of lot)
1.6.2 Survey Number (PSD/PCS)
1.6.3 Structure Number
1.6.4 Names of Owners/claimants
1.6.5 Structure Type (house, tree, fence, etc)
1.6.6 Area of Structure
1.6.7 Name of Barangays, Municipalities, Province, Island, etc.
1.6.8 Remarks
1.7 Description/Location of Reference Monuments/stations (BLLM, BBM, etc)
1.8 Grid Coordinates based on PPCS

2. For plans prepared by consultants, a note on the Design Consultant’s liability per D.O. No. 50 series of
2002, should be indicated in the cover sheet as follows:

“Pursuant to Section 4 of Annex “A” of the Revised Implementing Rules & Regulations of R.A
9184, approval by the Authorized DPWH Officials of Detailed Engineering Surveys and Design
undertaken by Consultants neither diminishes the responsibility of the latter for the technical
integrity of the surveys and design nor transfer any part of that responsibility to the
Approving Officials.

The design Consultant shall be held fully responsible for the failure of the facilities/structures
due to faculty design except for the changes made without the conformity of the

(Signature over Printed Name)

Project Manager

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 9 of 59

Revised Plans
General Requirements:
1. Detailed Quantity Calculations and Revised Bill of Quantities
2. Detailed Technical Justifications for the changes in the Original Plans as per “As-Staked” survey
3. Copy of Complete Set of the Approved Original Plans
4. Draft Itemized Cost of Revisions (if applicable)
5. Complete Design Analysis for the changes in the original design (Revised Plans)
6. Copy of Approved Contract and Bill of Quantities
7. Additional Requirements for the following
A. Highway Plan
1. Geotechnical/Soil Materials Test Report (for retaining walls), if any
2. Laboratory/Soil Test Result and Certification from DPWH Materials Engineer RE: Change in Soil
Classification for Excavation, if any
B. Bridge Plan
1. Geotechnical Reports for confirmatory borings, if necessary
C. Water Project Plan
1. Geotechnical/Soil Investigation Report
D. Substitution of materials involved (if any)
1. Certification of non-availability of the specific materials from three (3) leading manufacturers or
2. Technical Specifications of the original and substitute materials
3. Design analysis
E. Revised Plan (in accordance with DO 77, series of 2018)

1. As-staked plans should be based on as-stake survey. The plans may show only the changes in the approved
original/detailed engineering plan. The sheets of the original plans which have no changes shall be
reproduced, signed by the contractor and construction supervision consultant and attached as part of the
complete set of the as-staked plans. The original plan/layout, ground profile and/or ground cross-sections
that have changes should be superimposed in broken lines on the as-staked plans.

2. For plans prepared by consultants, a note on the Design Consultant’s liability per D.O. No. 50 series of
2002, should be indicated in the cover sheet as follows:

“Pursuant to Section 4 of Annex “A” of the Revised Implementing Rules & Regulations of R.A
9184, approval by the Authorized DPWH Officials of Detailed Engineering Surveys and Design
undertaken by Consultants neither diminishes the responsibility of the latter for the technical
integrity of the surveys and design nor transfer any part of that responsibility to the Approving

The design Consultant shall be held fully responsible for the failure of the facilities/structures due
to faculty design except for the changes made without the conformity of the Consultants”

(Signature over Printed Name)

Project Manager

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 10 of 59

As-Staked Plans
General Requirements:
1. Detailed Quantity Calculations and Bill of Quantities
2. Detailed Technical Justifications for the changes in the Original Plans as per “As-Staked” survey
3. Copy of Complete Set of the Approved Original Plans
4. Draft Itemized Cost of Revisions (if applicable)
5. Copy of Approved Contract and Bill of Quantities
6. Additional Requirements for the following
A. Highway Plan
1. Geotechnical/Soil Materials Test Report (for retaining walls), if any
2. Laboratory/Soil Test Result and Certification from DPWH Materials Engineer re: Chang in Soil
Classification for Excavation, if any
B. Bridge Plan
1. Geotechnical Reports for confirmatory borings, if necessary
C. Water Project Plan
1. Geotechnical/Soil Investigation Report
D. Substitution of materials involved (if any)
1. Certification of non-availability of the specific materials from three (3) leading manufacturers or
2. Technical Specifications of the original and substitute materials
3. Design analysis
E. As-Staked Plan (in accordance with DO 77, series of 2018)

1. As-staked plans should be based on as-stake survey. The plans may show only the changes in the approved
original/detailed engineering plan. The sheets of the original plans which have no changes shall be
reproduced, signed by the contractor and construction supervision consultant and attached as part of the
complete set of the as-staked plans. The original plan/layout, ground profile and/or ground cross-sections
that have changes should be superimposed in broken lines on the as-staked plans.

2. For plans prepared by consultants, a note on the Consultant’s liability per D.O. No. 50 series of 2002, should
be indicated in the cover sheet as follows:

“Pursuant to Section 4 of Annex “A” of the Revised Implementing Rules & Regulations of
R.A 9184, approval by the Authorized DPWH Officials of Detailed Engineering Surveys and
Design undertaken by Consultants neither diminishes the responsibility of the latter for the
technical integrity of the surveys and design nor transfer any part of that responsibility to
the Approving Officials.

The design Consultant shall be held fully responsible for the failure of the
facilities/structures due to faculty design except for the changes made without the
conformity of the Consultants”

(Signature over Printed Name)

Project Manager
I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 11 of 59

I. Approval of Specifications for New Item of Works
1. Memorandum/letter of request from the implementing office
2. Draft proposed specifications
3. Applicable references related to the request
3.1 Brochures
3.2 Journals/literature
3.3 Test Result
3.4 Analysis and justification
4. Samples of proposed material/product, if available

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 12 of 59

Program of Works (POW)/Approved Budget for

Contract (ABC)
1. Executive Summary
2. Detailed Unit Price Analysis (DUPA)
2.1 Canvassed Price and/or derivation of Cost of Materials delivered at site
2.2 Construction Methodology, if applicable
2.3 Location Map showing the road network, District Office, Project Site and Quarry Source/Source of
Materials such as: fine and course aggregates, subbase/base course, aggregate surface course,
common borrow, cement, RCCP, boulders, etc. reflecting the Distances and Station Limits
2.4 Location Map and site diagram showing the disposal site of surplus common/soft rock/hard
rock/unclassified, excavation, etc. which indicate the nearest possible hauling distance together
with the certification from your office to the effect that value engineering was applied in the
determination of this disposal site
3. Approved Plans
4. Computation of the Estimated Project Duration (Bar Chart)
5. Proposal Booklet including Bill of Quantities (For CO)/Bill of Quantities (For RO and DEO)
6. Source of funds
7. Certification that the Right-of-Way Resettlement/Acquisition for the project has been initiated by the
DPWH Planning Division/Section

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 13 of 59

I. To be submitted by the Contractor
1. Performance Security
2. Credit Line/Cash Deposit Certificate
3. Construction Schedule (PERT/CPM Diagram, Bar Chart with S-Curve and Cash Flow), Equipment and
Manpower Utilization Schedule
4. Latest income tax and business tax returns duly stamped and received by the BIR and duly validated
with the tax payments made thereon (for local contractor only). Tax Clearance (with at least 6 months
validity) from the BIR to prove full and timely payment of taxes (for local contractor only).
5. Certification under oath stating that the Contractor is free and clean of all tax liabilities to the
Government, for local Contractor only
6. Construction Safety and Health Program approved by DPWH and duly received by DOLE
7. One set certified true copy of all the documents submitted for accounting's copy. (Once
signed/approved) - For Central Office

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 14 of 59

II. To be prepared by the Implementing Office
A. Competitive Bidding/Negotiated
1. Executive Summary
2. Memorandum from the Implementing Office to the Official authorized to enter into Contract
3. Memo request from the Implementing Office for the issuance of the Obligation Request and Status
4. Approved ORS issued by the DPWH Budget Officer
5. Certificate of Availability of Funds (CAF) issued by the Department Chief Accountant / Multi Year
Obligational Authority (MYOA) if it is a Multi-Year Project issued by the Department of Budget and
6. Concurrence of the Lending Institution on the Award (for Foreign Assisted Projects)
7. Notice of Award with Contractor’s Conforme
8. Certification from the Head, Procurement Service/Unit, this Department, that the Notice of Award
was Posted in the PhilGEPS, the website of the procuring entity and any conspicuous place in the
premises of the procuring entity
Posting of the Award of Contract in the website prescribed by the foreign government/foreign or
international financing institution (for Foreign Assisted Projects)
9. Bid Documents/Bid Evaluation Report and Post Qualification Report
10. Approved BAC Resolution Recommending Award of Contract
11. Abstract of Bids
12. Contractor’s Bid Proposal (with revised Bill of Quantities, if applicable)
13. Advertisement/Invitation
Local – Certification from the Head, Procurement Service (PrS) that the Invitation to Bid/Request for
Expression of Interest was posted continuously in the DPWH and PhilGEPS Website and Posted
at any conspicuous place reserved for the purpose in the premises of the procuring entity
concerned for seven (7) calendar days, if applicable as required per Section 21.2 of the Revised
IRR of R.A.
International –Letter of Invitation to Foreign Embassy. Posting in the
website prescribe by the foreign government/foreign or international financing institution, if
14. Approved budget for the Contract (ABC), POW and Detailed Estimates
15. Conditions of Contract/Specifications/Instruction to Bidders
16. Approved Plans/Construction Drawings
17. Addenda, if any
18. One set certified true copy of all the documents submitted for accounting's copy. (Once
signed/approved) - For Central Office
B. Additional documents for Negotiated Contract
1. Approved Clearance/Authority to Enter Into Negotiated Contract Procurement
a. Failure of Public Bidding (2nd time) pursuant to Section 53.1 of IRR of R.A. 9184
i. BAC Resolution recommending the use of Alternative Method of Procurement due to Failure of
Public Bidding (2nd time) pursuant to Section 53.1 of the Revised IRR of R.A. 9184
ii. BAC Resolution citing that there has been a failure of bidding for the second time as provided
under Section 35 of R.A. 9184 and its Revised IRR
iii. BAC Resolution that there has been a failure of the First Bidding

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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b. In case of imminent danger to life, property during a state of calamity/or when time
is of the essence/etc., pursuant to Section 53.2 of the IRR of R.A. 9184
i. BAC Resolution recommending the use of Alternative Method of Procurement due to imminent
danger to life, property during a state of calamity/or when time is of the essence/etc. and
indicating therein justification that the method of procurement for the proposed project for
negotiation as indicated in the Annual Procurement Plan (APP) of the Department cannot be
ultimately pursued
ii. Reason/justification/certification that the conditions cited under Section 53.2 are satisfied
iii. Geotagged pictures/Photographs (with captions, size 3R min.)
c. Takeover of contracts which have been terminated/rescinded pursuant to Section
53.3 of the IRR of R.A. 9184
i. BAC Resolution recommending the use of Alternative Method of Procurement due to takeover
of contracts which have been terminated/rescinded
ii. Copy of approved Termination/Rescission Order
iii. Copy of approved Inventory Report of the Project
iv. Invitation to the Contractor to enter into Negotiated Procurement (starting with the 2nd/3rd
lowest calculated bidder for the project under consideration at the bidder’s original bid price.
If negotiation fails again, a shortlist of at least three (3) eligible contractors shall be invited to
submit their bids, and negotiations shall be made starting with the lowest calculated/highest
rated bidder pursuant to Section of the Revised IRR of R.A. 9184
d. Where the subject contract is adjacent or contiguous to an on-going infrastructure
project pursuant to Section 53.4 of the IRR of R.A. 9184
i. BAC Resolution recommending the use of Alternative Method of Procurement in as much as
the subject contract is adjacent or contiguous to an on-going infrastructure project and
indicating therein justification that the method of procurement for the proposed project for
negotiation as indicated in the Annual Procurement Plan (APP) of the Department cannot be
ultimately pursued
ii. Certification that: (i) the original contract is the result of a competitive bidding; (ii) the subject
contract to be negotiated has similar or related scopes of work; (iii) it is within the contracting
capacity of the contractor (iv) the contractor uses the same prices or lower unit prices as in
the original contract less mobilization cost; (v) the amount involved does not exceed the
amount of the ongoing project and (vi) the contractor has no negative slippage/delay; provided
further, That negotiations for the project are commenced before the expiry of the original
iii. Color coded Diagram showing the proposed project location/items of work involved and the
on-going (original) portion of the project
iv. Copy of the approved Original Contract, Detailed Estimates and Bid Unit Price Analysis
v. Contractual Data (to include the latest Physical Status of the project, such as scheduled
accomplishment, actual accomplishments & slippage, approved variation orders and time
extensions, if there’s any)

1. Clause in the Proposed Contract: 1) That the Contractor (Local) shall pay taxes in full and on time and that
failure to do so will entitle the Government to suspend payment for the services delivered by the private
contracting party, and 2) The Contractor (Local) shall likewise present (to the DPWH Reviewing Offices)
within the duration of the contract a tax clearance from the BIR as well as a copy of its income tax returns
duly stamped and received by the BIR and duly validated with the tax payment made thereon.
2. All photocopied documents should be authenticated.

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Variation Order (C.O./E.W.O./F.V.O.)

I. To be submitted by the Contractor/Consultant
1. Contractor’s Request
2. If with additional cost, Performance Security (duly verified by PrS/Procurement Unit) (if variance on
the total amount of the contract is above 10% for locally-funded and above 25% or as provided for
in the conditions of contract for Foreign Assisted Projects)
3. Duly signed/approved plans for the proposed design changes
4. Design Analysis & Computations for the proposed changes (if applicable)
5. Copy of the Complete set of the approved plans (As-staked, Original, Revised and As-built)
6. Copy of approved contract including the GCC, COPA and SCC (for applicable clause/s) and previously
approved variation order(s)
7. Detailed Quantity Calculations
8. Where substitution of original specified materials is involved, the following requirements shall be
submitted (if there’s any):
8.1 Certification on the non-availability of the specified materials by 3 leading Manufacturers or
8.2 Technical specifications of the original and substitute materials
8.3 Design computations for the substitute material
8.4 Cost Estimate
9. Copy of borehole/piling data (original and actual), if there is piling works for this V.O.
10. Straight-line Diagram showing the proposed works
11. Copy of the Latest Approved Construction Schedule (if there is a proposed time extension for this
12. Derivation of Time Extension for the proposed Variation Order (Change Order/Extra Work Order), if
13. Detailed Unit Price Analysis (DUPA) for new items of work
13.1 Detailed Estimate of items of work under the original contract or previous approved V.O.
13.2 Canvass Price and/or Derivation of Materials Cost delivered at site
13.3 Construction Methodology (for items of work which are highly technical or unusual)
14. Copy of previously approved Time Extension (if there’s any)
15. Conformity of Contractor’s Performance Bond, if there is an extension of Contract Time
16. One set certified true copy of all approved Variation Orders (CO/EWO/FVO) documents submitted
for accounting's copy. (Once signed/approved)

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Variation Order (C.O./E.W.O./F.V.O)

II. To be prepared by the Implementing Office
1. Executive Summary
2. Detailed Technical Justifications and legal basis for the proposed changes (prepared by consultant or
implementing office)
3. Comments/recommendations of DPWH officials (Regional Director, Project Director/Manager,
Inspectorate Team) and Project Consultants concerned (if any)
4. Project Engineer’s Report/Consultant Resident Engineer Report
5. Itemized Cost of Revision
6. Complete Contractual Data with Project Status Report
7. Approved Price Adjustment/Escalation (if there’s any)
8. Request for Obligation and Status (ORS)/Certificate of Availability of Funds (CAF), (if with additional
9. Certification from concerned RO/DEO for overlapping of projects (if any)

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 18 of 59


Contract Time Extension

I. To be submitted by the Contractor
1. Letter request of the Contractor for Contract Time Extension
2. Approved Suspension and Resume Orders
3. Straight Line Diagram showing the critical activities affected (indicate the project limits/stations)
4. Straight Line Diagram showing the contract effectivity, contract expiry and other vital dates of the
project such as previously approved time suspension/resumption/extensions and variation orders etc.
5. Certified Copy and Summary of Previously Approved Time Extensions with; the corresponding
inclusive dates (if there’s any)
6. Certified copy of Original Contract
7. Certified True Copy of original and latest approved PDM Network Diagram Bar Chart prior to the
request for contract time extension
8. Sworn Contractor’s Quit Claim
9. Conformity of Contractor’s Bondsman for the Time Extension
Additional supporting documents for specific conditions:
A. Due to Rainy/Unworkable Days considered unfavorable for the prosecution of the works
at the site:
1. Certification/Monthly Weather Report from PAGASA
2. Geotagged pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing that the site is affected by
unfavorable weather condition
3. Approved Monthly Suspension Report
4. Certified copy of Project Logbook (Suspended Days)
B. Due to Delay in the payment of Contractor’s Claim for Progress Billing/s
1. Written Notice from the Contractor informing the Implementing Office/ Consultant to suspend work
operation due to the delay in the payment of Progress Billing
2. Contractor’s Order to Suspend Work
3. Monthly Accomplishment report affected by the delay in the payment of contractors claim for
progress billing
4. Certified copy of Vouchers/Progress Billings
5. Certification from the Accounting Division of payments made for the Progress Billing/s was received
C. Due to Road Right-of-Way Problem
1. Certification from the Barangay Captain/City or Municipality Mayor that there is RROW problem and
the affected owners do not allow the entry of the contractor to their property
2. Geotagged pictures (with caption) of the site with RROW problem
D. Due to Peace and Order Condition
1. Certification from the PNP station commander concerned and confirmed by the DILG Regional
Director concerned that peace and order condition in the area is already stable
2. Proof/Evidence of peace and order situation (Geotagged pictures/Police Report/Project Engineers
Incident Report)
E. Due to Inaccessibility to Project
1. Exhibit geotagged pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) before and after the
inaccessibility to the project was resolved
2. Information on the inclusive dates that the project was affected and what activities were affected
3. Straight Line Diagram/Structural Mapping showing the location of the inaccessibility to the project
4. Relevant documents such as permit issued, communication letters, minutes of the meeting, etc.

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: _______________________________
Annex K
Page 19 of 59


Contract Time Extension

F. Due to Obstruction
1. Exhibit geotagged pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) before and after the obstruction
was resolved
2. Information on the inclusive dates project was affected and what activities were affected
3. Straight Line Diagram/Structural Mapping showing the location of the obstruction to the project
4. Relevant documents such as permit issued, communication letters, minutes of the meeting, etc.
G. Due to Failure of the Government to provide necessary construction plans and/or
1. Geotagged pictures (with caption) showing the effect of the absence of construction plan and/or
H. Due to non-availability of construction materials
1. Geotagged pictures showing the affected portion/structures of the project due to non-availability of
Construction Materials
2. Certification from DTI and the suppliers that the required materials specified in the plans and/or
substitute materials are not available in the market
I. Due to effect of Force Majeure
1. Geotagged pictures (with caption) showing effect of the force majeure on the project
2. Narrative account of force majeure with complete attachment
3. RDRRMC/NDRRMC/PDRRMC Report on Force Majeure
4. PAGASA Certification and Rainfall Data
J. Due to absence of MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic Clearance
1. Contractor's request duly received by the Implementing Office for Extension of Contract
2. Original MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic Clearance
3. Copy of Application Form for MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation {Traffic Clearance
K. Due to absence of LGU Permit/Clearance/Homeowners Association Clearance/Permit
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for Extension of Contract
2. Copy of the Original LGU Clearance/Permit/Homeowners Association Clearance/Permit
L. Due to DENR Clearance/Permit to cut/remove trees/Coconut within the Road-Right-
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Resumption of Work
2. Copy of the DENR Clearance/Permit to cut/remove trees
3. PCA Clearance (for Coconut)
M. Delayed delivery of Local/Imported Materials due to truck ban and/or port congestion
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for Extension of Contract
2. Certified true copy of Bill of Lading and Custom Clearance
3. Copy of proof/communication on the lifting of truck ban
4. Certification from the Implementing Office that the delayed delivery of materials due to truck ban
and port congestion has been resolved
5. Certification from other suppliers that the materials is not available

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: _______________________________
Annex K
Page 20 of 59


Contract Time Extension

N. Due to Revision of Plans
1. Memorandum/letter indicating the date of the approval of the revised plan and the request for the
revision of plan
2. Original Construction Plans approved by authorized DPWH Officials
3. Complete revised plans duly approved by the Authorized DPWH Officials
O. Due to Encountered Hard Strata
1. Actual Bored Piling Data for each Bored Pile
2. Specification of the Bored Piling Equipment Pledged during the bidding
3. Actual Bored Piling Equipment used in the Project
4. Approved Drilling Monitoring Report
5. Approved Original and Actual Bore Log Data
6. Geotagged pictures/Photographs showing the recovered hard strata
7. Project Logbook
P. Due to Meritorious circumstances other than the items mentioned above
1. PE Report
2. Geotagged Photographs
3. Inspectorate Team Report
4. Logbook
5. Copy of the Minutes of the Meeting (including attendance) and letter communication

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: _______________________________
Annex K
Page 21 of 59


Contract Time Extension

II. To be prepared by Implementing Office
1. Executive Summary
2. Project/Consultant Engineer’s Report relative to the request for contract time extension
3. Evaluation/Recommendation with justification from the Implementing Office/Consultant of the
requested time extension
4. Complete Contractual Data
5. Chronology of events from the start until the resolution of the problem (if there’s any)
6. Letters/Communication/Minutes of the Meeting made between the Implementing Office, Contractor
and Other Concerned Parties
Additional supporting documents for specific conditions:
A. Due to Rainy/Unworkable Days considered unfavorable for the prosecution of the
works at the site:
1. Project Weather Chart duly signed by the Project Engineer
2. Certified Copy of Special Conditions of Contract and/or breakdown of Pre-Determined unworkable
days as provided in the original contract
3. Certification from the Implementing Office/Consultant stating the balance of pre-determined
rainy/unworkable days as provided in the original contract or same has been exhausted
4. Certification from the Implementing Office stating the distance of the PAGASA weather station from
the Project site (signed by the Project Engineer)
B. Due to Delay in the payment of Contractor’s Claim for Progress Billing/s
1. Transmittal Letter from the Implementing Office/Consultant submitting the Progress Billing(s)
and/or Voucher complete with the required documents to the Accounting Division for appropriate
2. Billing Summary/Computation of Allowable Time Extension in the standard format
C. Due to Road Right-of-Way Problem
1. Certified Copy of Payments/Vouchers for RROW acquisition
2. Certified True Copy of Permit to Enter/writ of possession
3. Copy of approved Parcellary Survey/ROW Plan showing the affected lots and improvements
4. List of Properties/Lots/Structures affected by RROW
D. Due to failure of the government to provide necessary construction plans and/or
1. Certification from the Implementing Office that construction plan and/or drawings were not provided
on time.
2. Explanation from the Implementing Office/Consultant for failure to provide the necessary
Construction Plans
3. Proof on the date of approval of construction plan and/or drawings
E. Due to non-availability of Construction Materials
1. Certification from the Implementing Office that Non-availability of Construction Materials has
2. Certification from the Other Suppliers that the Materials is unavailable
3. Certification from the Implementing Office stating the distance/location of the nearest available
supplier of the said materials and its cost
F. Due to effect of Force Majeure
1. Certification from Implementing Office that force majeure has occurred

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 22 of 59


Contract Time Extension

G. Due to Peace and Order
1. List of similarly affected projects undertaken by other Contractors within the vicinity of the Projects
H. Due to Obstruction
1. List of Utilities affected by RROW
I. Due to DENR Clearance/Permit to Cut/Remove Trees within the Road-Right-of-Way
1. Letter from the Implementing Office to the Secretary regarding the request for DENR Permit
J. Due to Delayed delivery of Imported Materials due to truck ban and/or port congestion
1. Certification from the Implementing Office that the materials are not locally available and should be
purchased outside the country

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: _______________________________
Annex K
Page 23 of 59


Contract Work Suspension

I. To be submitted by the Contractor
1. Letter request of the Contractor for Contract Time Suspension
2. Straight Line Diagram showing the critical activities affected (indicate the project limits/stations)
3. Straight Line Diagram showing the contract effectivity, contract expiry and other vital dates of the
project such as previously approved time suspension/extensions and variation orders etc.
4. Certified Copy of the Previously Approved Time Suspension/Resumption/Extension and Variation
Orders (if there’s any)
5. Certified Copy of Original Contract
6. Copy of latest approved PDM Network Diagram Bar Chart prior to the request for contract time
Additional supporting documents for specific conditions:
A. Due to Rainy/Unworkable Days considered unfavorable for the prosecution of the
works at the site:
1. Certification/Monthly Weather Report from PAGASA
2. Pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing that the site is affected by unworkable
3. Certified Copy of Project Logbook (Date of Suspension)
B. Due to Delay in the payment of Contractor’s Claim for Progress Billing/s
1. Transmittal from the Implementing Office/Consultant submitting the Progress Billing/s and/or
Voucher complete with the required documents to the Accounting Division for appropriate action.
C. Due to Road Right-of-Way Problem
1. Certification from the Barangay Captain/City or Municipality Mayor that there is RROW problem and
the affected owners do not allow the entry of the contractor to their property.
2. Geotagged pictures with caption i.e., location/station, etc. of the site with RROW problem
D. Due to Peace and Order Condition
1. Certification from the PNP station commander concerned and confirmed by the DILG Regional
Director concerned that peace and order condition in the area is not stable
2. Proof/ Evidence of Peace and Order Situation (Pictures/ Police Report/ Project Engineer’s
Incident Report)
E. Due to Inaccessibility to Project
1. Exhibit geotagged pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing the obstruction at the
2. Straight Line Diagram/Structural Mapping showing the location of the obstruction to the project
F. Due to Obstruction
1. Exhibit geotagged pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing the obstruction was
2. Information on the inclusive dates project was affected and what activities were affected
3. Straight Line Diagram/Structure Mapping showing the location of the obstruction to the project
4. Relevant documents such as permit issued, communication letters, minutes of the meeting, etc.
G. Due to Failure of the Government to provide necessary construction plans and/or
1. Geotagged pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing the effect of the absence of
construction plan and/or drawings
H. Due to non-availability of construction materials
1. Pictures showing effect of the non-availability of Construction Materials
2. Certification from DTI and the suppliers that the required materials specified in the plans and/or
substitute materials are not available in the market

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 24 of 59

Contract Work Suspension

I. Due to effect of Force Majeure
1. Geotagged pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing the effect of force majeure
on the project
2. Narrative account of force majeure with complete attachment
J. Due to absence of MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Copy of the original letter request of the Contractor duly received by the MMDA to Issue
3. Copy of Application Form for MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic Clearance
K. Due to absence LGU Permit/Clearance/Homeowners Association Clearance/Permit
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Copy of the original letter request of the Contractor duly received by the LGU to Issue
L. Due to DENR Clearance/Permit to cut/remove trees/Coconut within the Road-Right-
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Copy of the original DPWH letter request duly received by the DENR to issue Clearance/Permit to
cut/remove trees
3. PCA Clearance (for Coconut)
M. Delayed delivery of Imported Materials due to truck ban and/or port congestion
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Certified true copy of Bill of Lading
3. Certification from the Implementing Office that the delivery of materials was delayed due to truck
ban and/or port congestion
N. Due to Encountered Hard Strata
1. Approved Drilling Monitoring Report
2. Approved Original and Actual Bore Log Data
3. Geotagged pictures/Photographs showing the encountered hard strata

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

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Designation: ________________________________
Date: _______________________________
Annex K
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Contract Work Suspension

II. To be submitted by the Implementing Office
1. Executive Summary
2. Proposed Suspension Order in a standard format per existing department order
3. Project/Consultant Engineer’s Report relative to the request for contract time suspension
4. Evaluation/Recommendation with justification from the Implementing Office/Consultant of the
requested time suspension
5. Complete Contractual Data
6. Copy of latest approved PERT/CPM/PDM Network Diagram Bar Chart prior to the request for contract
time suspension
7. Letters/Communications/Minutes of the Meetings made between the Implementing Office,
Contractors and Other Concerned Parties
8. Chronology of Events from the start until the Resolution of the problem (if any). It should contain the
efforts made by the Implementing Office in order to resolve the problem and resume the
implementation of the Projects at the soonest possible time
Additional supporting documents for specific conditions:
A. Due to Rainy/Unworkable Days considered unfavorable for the prosecution of the
works at the site:
1. Project Weather Chart duly signed by the Project Engineer
B. Due to Delay in the payment of Contractor’s Claim for Progress Billing/s
1. Certification from the DPWH Accountant duly noted by the Head of Implementing Office that
payment was not yet paid beyond forty-five (45) calendar days from the time the contractor’s claim
has been certified to by the procuring entity’s representative that the documents are complete.
C. Due to Road Right-of-Way Problem
1. Copy of approved Parcellary Survey/ROW Plan showing the affected lots and improvements
2. Certified copy of Permit to Enter duly received/acknowledged but disapproved/unsigned by the
3. List of Properties/Lots/Structures affected by RROW
D. Due to Failure of the Government to provide necessary construction plans and/or
1. Certification from the Implementing Office that construction plan and/or drawings were not yet
2. Explanation from the Implementing Office/Consultant for failure to provide the necessary
Construction Plans
E. Due to non-availability of Construction Materials
1. Certification from the Implementing Office that non-availability of Construction Materials has
2. Certification from the Implementing Office stating the distance/location of the nearest available
supplier of the said materials and its cost
F. Due to effect of Force Majeure
1. Certification from Implementing Office that force majeure has occurred
G. Due to Peace and Order Condition
1. List of similarly affected projects undertaken by other Contractors within the vicinity of the Project
H. Due to Obstruction
1. List of Utilities affected by RROW

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Contract Work Suspension

I. Due to DENR Clearance/Permit to Cut/Remove Trees within the Road-Right-of-Way
1. Letter from the Implementing Office to the Secretary regarding the request for DENR Permit
2. DPWH letter to the DENR requesting for the issuance of a tree cutting Permit
J. Due to absence of MMDA Permit /Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Copy of the original letter request of the Contractor duly received by the MMDA to Issue
3. Copy of Application Form for MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic Clearance
K. Due to absence LGU Permit/Clearance/Homeowners Association Clearance/Permit
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Copy of the original letter request of the Contractor duly received by the LGU to Issue
L. Due to DENR Clearance/Permit to cut/remove trees/Coconut within the Road-Right-
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Copy of the DPWH letter to the DENR requesting for the issuance of a tree cutting Permit
3. PCA Clearance (for Coconut)
4. Letter of the Implementing Office to the Regional Office requesting the DENR for the issuance of
a tree cutting Permit
5. DPWH letter requesting the DENR for the issuance of a tree cutting Permit
M. Delayed delivery of Local/Imported Materials due to truck ban and/or port congestion
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Suspension of Work
2. Certified true copy of Bill of Lading
3. Certification from the Implementing Office that the delivery of materials was delayed due to truck
ban and/or port congestion
N. Due to Revision of Plans
1. Original Construction Plans approved by Authorized DPWH Officials. Proposed revision should be

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: _______________________________
Annex K
Page 27 of 59

Contract Work Resumption

General Requirements:
I. To be submitted by the Contractor
1. Letter Request of the Contractor for Contract Time Resumption
2. Approved Suspension Order
3. Certified True Copy of Original Contract
Additional supporting documents for specific conditions:
A. Due to Rainy/Unworkable Days considered unfavorable for the prosecution of the
works at the site:
1. Geotagged pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing that the site is workable
B. Due to Delay in the payment of Contractor’s Claim for Progress Billing/s
1. Certified copy of Vouchers/Progress Billings
2. Certification from the Accounting Division of payments made for the progress billing/s was received
C. Due to Road Right-of-Way Problem
1. Geotagged pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) of the site before and after the RROW
Problem was resolved Pictures/Photographs of the site with RROW problem
2. Certification from the Barangay Captain/City or Municipality Mayor that the RROW Problem was
D. Due to Peace and Order Condition
1. Certification from the PNP station commander concerned and confirmed by the DILG Regional
Director concerned that peace and order condition in the area is already stable
E. Due to Inaccessibility to Project
1. Exhibit geotagged pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing proof of resolution of
2. Relevant document showing the issue of inaccessibility has already been resolved.
F. Due to Obstruction
1. Exhibit geotagged pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing the obstruction was
2. Relevant documents such as permit issued, communication letters, minutes of the meeting, etc.
G. Due to Failure of the Government to provide necessary construction plans and/or
1. Proof of the date of approval of construction plan and/or drawings
H. Due to non-availability of construction materials
1. Certification from DTI and the suppliers that the required materials specified in the plans and/or
substitute materials are available in the market
I. Due to effect of Force Majeure
1. Pictures (with caption i.e., location/station, etc.) showing the effect of force majeure was already
addressed to effect Resumption Order
2. Relevant documents such as communication letters, minutes of the meeting relative to the measures
undertaken to address the effect of force majeure that necessitates issuance of Resumption Order
J. Due to absence of MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Resumption of Work
2. Copy of the MMDA Permit/Clearance for Road Repair/Excavation/Traffic Clearance issued for the

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Contract Work Resumption

K. Due to absence LGU Permit/Clearance/Homeowners Association Clearance/Permit
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Resumption of Work
2. Copy of the LGU Permit/Clearance/Re-blocking permit/clearance issued for the project
L. Due to DENR Clearance/Permit to cut/remove trees/Coconut within the Road-Right-
1. Contractor’s request duly received by the Implementing Office for the Resumption of Work
2. Copy of the DENR Clearance/Permit to cut/remove trees
3. PCA Clearance (for Coconut)
M. Delayed delivery of Imported Materials due to truck ban and/or port congestion
1. Contractor’s request to the Implementing Office for the Resumption of Work
2. Certified true copy of Bill of Lading
3. Original copy of Custom Clearance
4. Certification from the Implementing Office that the delayed delivery of materials due to truck ban
and port congestion has been resolved

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: _______________________________
Annex K
Page 29 of 59

Contract Work Resumption

General Requirements:
II. To be prepared by the Implementing Office
1. Executive Summary
2. Copy of the proposed Resume Order in accordance with the Format per existing department order
3. Project/Consultant Engineer’s Report relative to the resolution of the problem which caused the
issuance of suspension order
4. Complete Contractual Data
Additional supporting documents for specific conditions:
A. Due to Right-of-way problem
1. Certified True Copy of Payments/Vouchers for RROW acquisition
2. Certified True Copy of Permit to Enter/writ of possession
B. Due to failure of the government to provide necessary construction plans and/or
1. Certification from the Implementing Office that construction plan and/or drawings were already
C. Due to non-availability of construction materials
1. Certification from the Implementing Office that Construction Materials are already available

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

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Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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I. To be submitted by the Contractor
A. Original
1. Notice of Award
2. Breakdown of Contract Cost
3. Construction Methods
4. Monthly Manpower and Equipment Utilization Schedule
B. Revised
1. Copy of the previously approved Construction Schedule together with the Monthly Equipment and
Manpower Utilization Schedule
2. Copy of Approved Original Contract
3. Copy of Notice to Proceed
4. Copy of Approved Variation Orders
5. Copy of approved Time Extensions (if there’s any)
6. Copy of approved latest (PDM, Bar Chart with S-Curve)

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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II. To be submitted by the Implementing Office
1. Executive Summary
2. Proposed Contract Agreement
3. Approved Resolution of Award
4. Forwarding Memorandum from the Implementing Office for the Assistant Secretary / Undersecretary’s
consideration and approval of the Proposed Original PDM Network Diagram, Bar Chart with S-Curve
and Cash Flow, Equipment and Manpower Utilization Schedule
5. Matrix of the Predetermined Unworkable Days (if applicable)
6. Detailed Justification/Explanation of the changes made in the proposed Revised Construction Schedule
compared with the previously approved schedule (if applicable)

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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1. To be submitted by the LGU
1. Written request to DPWH to authorize the LGU to implement the DPWH Project by Administration or
by Contract
2. Authority of Signing Official - Board Resolution/Sangguniang Pambayan, Panglungsod and
Additional supporting documents for Locally Funded Projects:
1. Liquidation Report from LGU Treasurer/Accountant
2. By Administration
2.1 Reason/justification to support their request to undertake/implement the project by administration
through MOA if project cost is over P20 Million in accordance with of the Special Provision of the
General Appropriation Act
3. By Contract (LGU)
3.1 BAC Composition/Organizational Chart
3.2 Latest Physical and Financial Report

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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2. To be prepared by the Implementing Office
1. Executive Summary
2. Source of Funds
3. Indorsement of concerned Official of the DPWH
Additional supporting documents for Locally Funded Projects:
1. Result of the Evaluation of Capability of the LGU to implement DPWH Infrastructure Projects per criteria
prescribed under DO 62, series 2018, to be submitted by the District Engineer and approved by the
Regional Director
2. Clearance from the President (for project costing more than P50 Million)
3. Approved Clearance/Authority to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) including supporting
4. By Administration
4.1 Copy of the approved Annual Procurement Plan (APP)
4.2 BAC Resolution on the change in the mode of procurement (if the original mode of procurement
was Public Bidding as indicated in the approved APP)
4.3 Clearance from the President (for project costing more than ₱50 Million)
5. By Contract
5.1 BAC Composition/Organizational Chart

I hereby certify that the above supporting document is complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Advance Payment
I. To be prepared by the Contractor
1. Letter Request of Contractor
2. Certification that necessary scheduled Equipment for the first two months were mobilized after
issuance of NTP with geotagged pictures
3. Approved Monthly Equipment Utilization Schedule
4. Construction Safety and Health Program approved/concurred (if no reply is received from DOLE within
5 days, the CSHP will be deemed concurred) by the DOLE
5. Notice to Proceed (Certified true copy by Implementing Office)
6. Copy of approved contract (Certified true copy by Implementing Office)
7. Geotagged pictures of Equipment, Billboards w/ complete information of contract amount, start &
completion date, duration of project, project name & source of fund (locally funded / foreign assisted
8. One set certified true copy/duplicate copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting
Division/Section/Unit’s copy

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Advance Payment
II. To be prepared by the Implementing Office
1. Certified True Copy of Obligation, Request and Status (ORS)
2. Background Information / Executive Summary
3. Disbursement Voucher
4. Certification from Implementing Office that the supporting documents are verified as valid and
5. Certified True Copy of Surety Bond/Bank Guarantee/Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit duly verified
by PrS/Procurement Unit
6. Foreign portion-Withdrawal Application (if applicable)
7. Photocopy of the Transmittal of contract documents (duly received by COA)
8. One set certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Division/Section/Unit's copy

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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First Progress Billing

I. To be prepared by the Contractor
1. Letter Request of Contractor for payment
2. Monthly Certificate of Payment and Statement of Work Accomplished
3. Contractor’s Affidavit - duly notarized
4. Geotagged pictures of Work Accomplished (size 3R min.) – “with proper labelling”
5. Backup Computations
6. Certificate of Materials Quality Test (Materials on Site), if any
7. Materials Test Report/Quality Test
8. Construction Safety and Health Program approved by the DPWH and concurred by DOLE (If no
Advance Payment made)
9. BIR Form No. 2307 (Certificate of Creditable Taxes Withheld at Source), if any
10. BIR Form No. 2550 M – VAT Declaration
11. Contractor’s All Risk Insurance duly verified by PrS (1M and above)
12. Copy of Performance Bond duly verified by PrS (If no Advance Payment made)
13. Copy of Contract Agreement / Bill of Quantities
14. Notice to Proceed (Certified true copy by Implementing Office), if no Advance Payment made.
15. Copy of Contract of Lease/Rental Agreement for Facilities to the Engineer/Official Receipt for
Lease/Rent/Purchase – OR and CR for vehicles and proof of purchase
16. Official Receipt and Approved Voucher of the previous payment, if not yet submitted to the Accounting
Division or copy of duly received OR by the Accounting Division (if GOP, FAP Section and if Loan
Proceed, FRS Section)
17. One set certified true copy of approved all the documents submitted for accounting's copy

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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First Progress Billing

II. To be prepared by the Implementing Office
1. Background Information and Executive Summary
2. Billing Summary
3. Certification from the Project Engineer as to partial and complete As Staked Plan is submitted
4. Disbursement Voucher
5. Certification from Implementing Office that the supporting documents are verified as valid and
6. Certified True Copy of Obligation Request and Status (ORS)
7. Foreign portion-Withdrawal Application (if applicable)
8. Copy of the Transmittal of contract documents (duly stamped received by COA) – if the contractor
did not collect an advance payment
9. Certification of Clearance for Labor and Materials Payment
10. Certification of Clearance for Equipment Rentals and/or Lease
11. Certificate of Materials Quality Control Assurance by DPWH Materials Engineer
12. Statement of Time Elapsed (Justification Letter (including compliance with calibrated actions) is
needed if accomplishment is negative slippage of 10% and above)
13. Certificate of Inspection
14. One set certified true copy of approved all the documents submitted for accounting's copy

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Interim Progress Billing

I. To be prepared by the Contractor
1. Letter request of Contractor for payment
2. Statement of Work Accomplished and Monthly Certificate of Payment
3. BIR Form No. 2307 (Certificate of Creditable Taxes Withheld at Source), if any
4. BIR Form No. 2550 M – VAT Declaration
5. Certificate of Materials Quality Test (Materials on Site), if any
6. Materials Test Report/Quality Test
7. Contractor’s Affidavit - duly notarized
8. Backup Computation
9. Geotagged pictures of Work Accomplished (size 3R min.)- “with proper labelling”
10. Change Order/Extra Work Order/Time Extension/Suspension and Resume Order, if needed
11. Copy of Contract of Lease/Rental Agreement for Facilities to the Engineer/Official Receipt for
Lease/Rent/Purchase – OR and CR for vehicles and proof of purchase
12. Official Receipt and Approved Voucher of the previous payment, if not yet submitted to the
Accounting Division or copy of duly received OR by the Accounting Division (if GOP, FRS Section and
if Loan Proceed, FAP Section (per billing requirement))
13. One set certified true copy of all the documents submitted for accounting's copy

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Interim Progress Billing

II. To be prepared by the Implementing Office
1. Background Information and Executive Summary
2. Billing Summary
3. Disbursement Voucher
4. Certification from Implementing Office that the supporting documents are verified as valid and
5. Certified True Copy of Obligation Request and Status (ORS)
6. Foreign portion-Withdrawal Application (for foreign assisted projects, if applicable)
7. Certification of Clearance for Labor and Materials Payment
8. Certification of Clearance for Equipment Rentals and/or Lease
9. Certificate of Materials Quality Control Assurance by DPWH Materials Engineer
10. Statement of Time Elapsed (Justification Letter (including compliance with calibrated actions) is
needed if accomplishment is negative slippage of 10% and above)
11. One set certified true copy of all the documents submitted for accounting's copy

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Final Billing
I. To be prepared/submitted by the Contractor
1. Letter request of Contractor for payment
2. Statement of Work Accomplished and Monthly Certificate of Payment
3. Contractor’s Affidavit – duly notarized
4. As Built Quantity/Final Change Order, if any
5. Signed Inventory of Office Equipment, Furniture, Building, Surveying, Instrument and Service Vehicle
(Turnover of Equipment Bought Out of Project Funds) with corresponding Invoice Receipt,
Acknowledgement Receipt for Equipment (ARE) or Property Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR) and
Inventory Custodian Slip (ICS)
6. Certification of BRS/Regional Office of Turnover of Laboratory Equipment - FAPs/RO for Locally
7. Certificate of Completion
8. Certificate of Acceptance (after 1 year of Completion)
9. Performance Security and CARI in the form of Surety Bond/Bank Guarantee/Irrevocable Standby
Letter of Credit duly verified as valid and genuine by PrS/Procurement Unit, if there is no Certificate
of Acceptance
10. Certified True Copy of DPWH Final Inspection Report (QAU (CO)/Inspectorate Team (RO/DEO))
11. Geotagged pictures of work accomplished (size 3R min.) “with proper labelling”
12. Back-up Computations
13. Approved Time Extensions and/or Suspension and Resume Orders, if any
14. Approved As Built-Plans/Drawings
15. BIR Form 0217, Stamped Received by BIR (indicating the date of receipt, RDO and with documentary
16. BIR Form No. 2307 (Certificate of Creditable Taxes Withheld at Source)
17. BIR Form No. 2550 M – VAT Declaration
18. Material Test Report including Core Test for Thickness Determination for Concrete/Asphalt Road, if
19. Proof of Completeness of Document duly received by COA
20. Official Receipt of the previous payment, if not yet submitted to the Accounting Division or copy of
duly received OR by the Accounting Division (GOP, FRS Section and if Loan Proceed, FAP Section)
21. Copy of Contract of Lease/Rental Agreement for Facilities to the Engineer/Official Receipt for
Lease/Rent/Purchase – OR and CR for vehicles and proof of purchase
22. One set certified true copy of all the documents submitted for accounting's copy (once
signed/approved) except pictures, back-up computations, as built plans and drawing, and material
testing results

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Final Billing
II. To be prepared by the Implementing Office
1. Background Information and Executive Summary
2. Billing Summary
3. Disbursement Voucher
4. Property Clearance
5. Certification from Implementing Office that the supporting documents are verified as valid and
6. Certified True Copy of Obligation Request and Status (ORS)
7. Foreign portion-Withdrawal Application (for foreign assisted projects)
8. Statement of Time Elapsed
9. Certification of Clearance for Labor and Materials Payment
10. Certification of Clearance for Equipment Rentals and/or Lease
11. Certificate of Materials Quality Control Assurance by DPWH Materials Engineer
12. One set certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Division/Section/Unit's

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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Release of Retention
I. To be submitted by the Contractor
1. Letter-request of Contractor for payment
2. Surety Bond / Letter of Credit / Bank Guarantee to guarantee the release of retention money duly
verified by PrS/PU (if retention is released before the issuance of the Certificate of Acceptance and
during progress billing on a positive schedule)
3. Statement of Retention
4. Certified True Copy of Approved Vouchers
5. Official Receipt and Approved Voucher of the previous payment, if not yet submitted to the Accounting
Division or copy of duly received OR by the Accounting Division (if GOP, FRS Section and if Loan
Proceed, FAP Section)
6. One set certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Division/Section/Unit's copy

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 43 of 59

Release of Retention
II. To be prepared by the Implementing Office
1. Background Information / Executive Summary
2. Certification from Implementing Office that the supporting documents are verified as valid and
3. Disbursement Voucher
4. DPWH Final Completion Inspection Report (QAU (CO)/Inspectorate Team (RO/DEO)) or
QAU/Inspectorate Team Report that defects noted during completion inspection have already been
rectified and corrected if retention is released after completion
5. Certification that the project is on-schedule if retention is released before completion/Certificate of
Completion if retention is released after completion of Project/Certificate of Acceptance
6. Foreign portion-Withdrawal Application (for foreign assisted projects)
7. One set certified true copy of all the documents submitted for accounting's copy (once
signed/approved) - For Central Office

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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IROW Payment
I. Negotiated Sale of Lots to be prepared by the Implementing Office
A. Approved Obligation Request and Status (ORS) with the following attached documents:
1. Memorandum from the Head of the IO to the Head of the Budget Unit requesting the issuance
of Obligation Request and Status (ORS).
2. Copy of Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) and the following pages from the Master List of
claimants submitted to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) or included in the
appropriation for funding where the subject claimant is indicated: (a) first page, (b) last page
where the approval of the List is indicated, and (c) page containing the name of the claimant.
3. In the case of a titled lot, a certified true copy of the electronic copy (blue) of the Lot Title in the
name of the registered Owner/authenticated by the Register of Deeds/Land Registration
Authority (LRA).
4. Current Market Value of lot based on Government Financial Institution (GFI)/ Independent
Property Appraiser (IPA)/Implementing Office (IO) Appraisal Reports.
5. Tax Identification Number (TIN)/Temporary TIN of Owner subject to data change approved by
authorized official.

B. Signed Certificate of Available Funds with the following attachments:

1. Memorandum Request for Certificate of Availability of Funds (CAF) from the Head of the IO to
the Head of the Accounting Unit.
2. ORS approved by the Head of the Budget Unit including all attachments. (See Item I-A)
3. Deed of Absolute Sale (DAS).
4. Updated Tax Declaration of the Lot.
5. One (1) page certification duly approved by the Head of the IO of the following:
4.1 That the lot (or improvement) is totally/partially affected by (name of project).
4.2 That the lot is within the boundaries of the ROW limits per approved Parcellary Plan.
4.3 That there is no other pending claim or payment made yet on the subject claim.
4.4 That all supporting documents are complete, authenticated, validated, and found to be in
6. Certified true copy of two (2) valid Government-issued identification cards of the following
(whichever is applicable):
6.1 Owner/Claimant.
6.2 Attorney-in-Fact, if represented by one.
6.3 Heirs - in the case of extra-judicial settlement.
6.4 Authorized Officer of the Corporation.
7. Signed Letter-Offer, accepted by the Owner.

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

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Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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IROW Payment
C. Disbursement Voucher with the following attachments:
1. First Payment – 50% of the negotiated price of the lot.
1.1 Approved Deed of Absolute Sale (DAS), signed by at least the DPWH signatories.
1.2 Approved CAF with all the attachments (See Item I-B).
1.3 Approved Parcellary Plan.
1.4 Approved Subdivision Plan.
1.5 Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)/Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC) from the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
1.6 For PPP Projects, additional supporting documents for the reimbursement of the advance
payments made by the Contractor/Concessionaire:
1.6.1 Letter-Request by DPWH to the Contractor/Concessionaire to make the advance
1.6.2 Reimbursement Agreement between DPWH and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
1.6.3 Certified true copy of the check issued by the Contractor/Concessionaire to the
1.6.4 Acknowledgement Receipt of the check by the claimant
1.6.5 Secretary's Certificate/certified true copy of valid ID of the Contractor/
Concessionaire’s Attorney-in-Fact
1.7 One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Unit’s copy.
2. Final Payment – 50% of the negotiated price of the lot.
2.1. Notarized Deed of Absolute Sale (DAS).
2.2. Original of the Owner’s duplicate Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT), if applicable.
2.3. Titled Lot:
2.3.1 Totally Affected: Lot Title in the name of DPWH/Republic of the Philippines (RP).
2.3.2 Partially Affected: Annotation of Sale to DPWH/RP; or Memorandum of
Encumbrances at the back of the Title for portion of lot acquired by DPWH/ TCT of the
affected portion of the lot prior to registration in the name of RP.
2.4. Tax Clearance/Statement of Account with letter request by the claimant for deduction from
claim/Tax Exemption
2.5. Certified true copy of the paid DV for the first 50% lot payment
2.6. Official Receipts/Proof of Tax Payments made
2.7. For PPP Projects, additional supporting documents for the reimbursement of the advance
payments made by the Contractor/Concessionaire:
2.7.1 Letter-Request by DPWH to the Contractor/Concessionaire to make the advance
2.7.2 Reimbursement Agreement between DPWH and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
2.7.3 Certified true copy of the check issued by the Contractor/Concessionaire to the
2.7.4 Acknowledgement Receipt of the check by the claimant.
2.7.5 Secretary's Certificate/certified true copy of valid ID of the Contractor/
Concessionaire’s Attorney-in-Fact.
2.8. One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Unit’s copy.

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

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Annex K
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IROW Payment
II. Negotiated Sale of Improvements to be prepared by the IO
A. Approved Obligation Request and Status with the following attachments
1. Memorandum from the Head of the IO to the Head of the Budget Unit requesting the issuance
of ORS.
2. Copy of SARO and the following pages from the Master List of claimants submitted to the DBM
or included in the appropriation for funding where the subject claimant is indicated: (a) first
page, (b) last page where the approval of the List is indicated, and (c) page containing the name
of the claimant.
3. Replacement Cost of structures/improvements, including all accessory structures.
4. Tax Declaration of the structures/improvements.
5. TIN/Temporary TIN subject to data change approved by authorized official.

Substitute documents for payments of improvements to Informal Settler Families:

1. Memorandum from the Head of the IO to the Head of the Budget Unit requesting the issuance
of ORS.
2. Copy of SARO and the following pages from the Master List of claimants submitted to the DBM
or included in the appropriation for funding where the subject claimant is indicated: (a) first
page, (b) last page where the approval of the List is indicated, and (c) page containing the name
of the claimant.
3. Tax Declaration or, if not applicable, Certification of the Barangay Chairperson, concurred in by
the Urban Poor Affairs Office (UPAO)/Authorized LGU representative, stating that the
structures/improvements are owned by the ISF.
4. Replacement Cost of structures/improvements, including all accessory structures.

B. Signed Certificate of Available Funds with the following attachments:

1. Memorandum Request for CAF from the Head of the IO to the Head of the Accounting Unit.
2. ORS approved by the Head of the Budget Unit including all attachments (See Item II-A).
3. Agreement to Demolish and Remove Improvements (ADRI).
4. One (1) page certification duly approved by the Head of the IO of the following:
4.1 That the lot (or improvement) is totally/partially affected by (name of project).
4.2 That the lot is within the boundaries of the ROW limits per approved Parcellary Plan.
4.3 That there is no other pending claim or payment made yet on the subject claim.
4.4 That all supporting documents are complete, authenticated, validated, and found to be in
5. TCT of the Lot or Tax Declaration of the Lot.
6. Certified true copy of two (2) valid Government-issued identification cards of the following
(whichever is applicable):
6.1 Owner/Claimant.
6.2 Attorney-in-Fact, if represented by one.
6.3 Heirs - in the case of extra judicial settlement.
6.4 Authorized Officer of the Corporation.
7. Signed Letter-Offer, accepted by the Owner.

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

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Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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IROW Payment
Substitute Documents for Informal Settler Families
1. Memorandum Request for CAF from the Head of the IO to the Head of the Accounting Unit.
2. ORS approved by the Head of the Budget Unit including all attachments (See Item II-A).
3. ADRI.
4. One (1) page certification duly approved by Head of IO of the following:
4.1 That the lot (or improvement) is totally/partially affected by (name of project).
4.2 That the lot is within the boundaries of the ROW limits per approved Parcellary Plan.
4.3 That there is no other pending claim or payment made yet on the subject claim.
4.4 That all supporting documents are complete, authenticated, validated, and found to be in
5. Sworn Affidavit of Ownership.
6. Certified true copy of a valid Government-issued ID of the claimant.

C. Disbursement Voucher with the following attachments:

1. First Payment – 70% of the negotiated price of the improvement:
1.1 Approved ADRI, signed by at least the DPWH signatories.
1.2 CAF and all its attachment (See Item II-B)
1.3 Approved Parcellary Plan.
1.4 Structural Mapping with Sketch Plan in Computer-aided Design (CAD) format
1.5 Waiver of the lot owner on the proceeds of improvement if the lot owner and improvement
owner are two (2) different owners with attached photocopy of two (2) valid ID cards of the
lot owner.
1.6 Original copy of Affidavit of Ownership of Improvements if the owner thereof is different
from the owner of lot.
1.7 Pictures taken before, during and after demolition/removal duly certified by Project Engineer,
together with the Certification that salvaged materials are stockpiled and duly secured at an
identified government property.
1.8 For PPP Projects, additional supporting documents for the reimbursement of the advance
payments made by the Contractor/Concessionaire:
1.8.1 Letter-Request by DPWH to the Contractor/Concessionaire to make the advance
1.8.2 Reimbursement Agreement between DPWH and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
1.8.3 Certified true copy of the check issued by the Contractor/Concessionaire to the
1.8.4 Acknowledgement Receipt of the check by the claimant.
1.8.5 Secretary's Certificate/certified true copy of valid ID of the Contractor/
Concessionaire’s Attorney-in-Fact.
1.9 One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Unit’s copy

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

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Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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IROW Payment
2. Final Payment – 30% of the negotiated price of the improvement.
2.1 Notarized ADRI
2.2 Tax Clearance/Statement of Account with letter request by the claimant for deduction from
claim/Tax Exemption.
2.3 Certified true copy of the paid DV for the first 70% lot payment
2.4 Official Receipts / Proof of Tax Payments made
2.5 Pictures taken before, during and after demolition/removal duly certified by Project Engineer,
together with the Certification that salvaged materials are stockpiled and duly secured at an
identified government property.
2.6 Certification from IO of total demolition/removal stating that the actual type and kind of
Improvement demolished and removed was the same as the improvement shown in the
attached photos and as stated in the ADRI
2.7 For PPP Projects, additional supporting documents for the reimbursement of the advance
payments made by the Contractor/Concessionaire:
2.7.1 Letter-Request by DPWH to the Contractor/Concessionaire to make the advance
2.7.2 Reimbursement Agreement between DPWH and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
2.7.3 Certified true copy of the check issued by the Contractor/Concessionaire to the
2.7.4 Acknowledgement Receipt of the check by the claimant
2.7.5 Secretary's Certificate/certified true copy of valid ID of the Contractor/
Concessionaire’s Attorney-in-Fact
2.8 One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Unit’s copy

Substitute Documents for Informal Settler Families

1. First Payment – 70% of the Replacement Cost.
1.1 Approved ADRI, signed by at least the DPWH signatories.
1.2 CAF (See item II-B)
1.3 Approved Parcellary Plan.
1.4 Structural Mapping with Sketch Plan preferably in CAD format..
1.5 Pictures before demolition / removal duly certified by Project Engineer.
1.6 For PPP Projects, additional supporting documents for the reimbursement of the advance
payments made by the Contractor/Concessionaire:
1.6.1 Letter-Request by DPWH to the Contractor/Concessionaire to make the advance
1.6.2 Reimbursement Agreement between DPWH and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
1.6.3 Certified true copy of the check issued by the Contractor/Concessionaire to the
1.6.4 Acknowledgement Receipt of the check by the claimant
1.6.5 Secretary's Certificate/certified true copy of valid ID of the Contractor/
Concessionaire’s Attorney-in-Fact.
1.7 One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Unit’s copy.

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

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Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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IROW Payment
2. Final Payment – 30% of the Replacement Cost.
2.1 Notarized ADRI.
2.2 Certified true copy of the paid DV of the first 70% lot payment.
2.3 Pictures after demolition/removal duly certified by Project Engineer.
2.4 Certification from IO of total demolition/removal, stating that the actual type and kind of
improvement demolished and removed was the same as the improvement shown in the
attached photos and as stated in the ADRI.
2.5 For PPP Projects, additional supporting documents for the reimbursement of the advance
payments made by the Contractor/Concessionaire:
2.5.1 Letter-Request by DPWH to the Contractor/Concessionaire to make the advance
2.5.2 Reimbursement Agreement between DPWH and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
2.5.3 Certified true copy of the check issued by the Contractor/Concessionaire to the
2.5.4 Acknowledgement Receipt of the check by the claimant.
2.5.5 Secretary's Certificate/certified true copy of valid ID of the Contractor/
Concessionaire’s Attorney-in-Fact.
2.6 One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Unit’s copy.

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

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Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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IROW Payment
III. Negotiated Sale of Crops and Trees
A. Approved Obligation Request and Status with the following attachments:
1. Memorandum from the Head of the IO to the Head of the Budget Unit requesting the issuance
of ORS.
2. Copy of SARO and the following pages from the Master List of claimants submitted to the DBM
or included in the appropriation for funding where the subject claimant is indicated: (a) first
page, (b) last page where the approval of the List is indicated, and (c) page containing the name
of the claimant.
3. Market Value of crops/trees based on GFI/IPA/IO Appraisal Reports.
4. Certification of Barangay Chairman on the ownership of crops/trees.
5. TIN/Temporary TIN of Owner subject to data change approved by authorized official.

B. Signed Certificate of Available Funds with the following attachments:

1. Memorandum Request for CAF from the Head of the IO to the Head of the Accounting Unit.
2. ORS approved by the Head of the Budget Unit including all attachments. (See item III-A)
3. Agreement to Remove Improvement (ARI)
4. TCT of the Lot.
5. One (1) page certification duly approved by the Head of the IO of the following:
5.1 That the lot (or improvement) is totally / partially affected by (name of project).
5.2 That the lot is within the boundaries of the ROW limits per approved Parcellary Plan.
5.3 That there is no other pending claim or payment made yet on the subject claim.
5.4 That all supporting documents are complete, authenticated, validated, and found to be in
6. Tax Declaration of the Lot.
7. Permit to Cut from DENR.
8. Mapping Plan indicating the location of the crops/trees.
9. Certified true copy of two (2) valid Government-issued identification cards of the following
(whichever is applicable):
8.1 Owner/Claimant.
8.2 Attorney-in-Fact, if represented by one.
8.3 Heirs - in the case of extra judicial settlement.
8.4 Authorized Officer of the Corporation.
10. Signed Letter-Offer, accepted by the Owner.

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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IROW Payment
C. Disbursement Voucher with the following attachments:
1. First Payment – 70% of the negotiated price of the crops/trees.
1.2 Approved ARI, signed by at least the DPWH signatories.
1.3 CAF including all its attachments (See item III-B).
1.4 Waiver of the lot owner on the proceeds of improvement if the lot owner and crops/trees
owner are two different owners with attached certified true copy of two (2) valid ID cards of
the lot owner.
1.5 Original copy of Affidavit of Ownership of Improvements if the owner thereof is different
from the owner of lot.
1.6 Geotagged pictures before removal duly certified by the ROW Agent/Planning/Project
1.7 For PPP Projects, additional supporting documents for the reimbursement of the advance
payments made by the Contractor/Concessionaire:
1.7.1 Letter-Request by DPWH to the Contractor/Concessionaire to make the advance
1.7.2 Reimbursement Agreement between DPWH and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
1.7.3 Certified true copy of the check issued by the Contractor/Concessionaire to the
1.7.4 Acknowledgement Receipt of the check by the claimant.
1.7.5 Secretary's Certificate/certified true copy of valid ID of the Contractor/
Concessionaire’s Attorney-in-Fact.
1.8 One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Unit’s copy.

2. Final Payment – 30% of the negotiated price of the crops/trees.

2.1 Notarized ARI.
2.2 Pictures after removal duly certified by the Project Engineer.
2.3 Certification from IO of Removal of crops/trees.
2.4 Certified true copy of the paid DV of the first 70% lot payment.
2.5 One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting’s copy
2.6 For PPP Projects, additional supporting documents for the reimbursement of the advance
payments made by the Contractor/Concessionaire:
2.6.1 Letter-Request by DPWH to the Contractor/Concessionaire to make the advance
2.6.2 Reimbursement Agreement between DPWH and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
2.6.3 Certified true copy of the check issued by the Contractor/Concessionaire to the
2.6.4 Acknowledgement Receipt of the check by the claimant.
2.6.5 Secretary's Certificate/certified true copy of valid ID of the Contractor/
Concessionaire’s Attorney-in-Fact.

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

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Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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IROW Payment
IV. Expropriation (Lot)
A. Approved Obligation Request and Status with the following attachments:
1. Memorandum from the Head of the IO to the Head of the Budget Unit requesting the issuance
of ORS.
2. Copy of SARO and the following pages from the Master List of claimants submitted to the DBM
or included in the appropriation for funding where the subject claimant is indicated: (a) first
page, (b) last page where the approval of the List is indicated, and (c) page containing the name
of the claimant.
3. Basis of Obligation Request Amount:
3.1 For initial payment (deposit) based on Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Zonal Valuation:
Applicable Zonal Valuation certified by BIR.
3.2 For final payment based on Just Compensation: Court Decision on the just compensation,
duly certified by the Clerk of Court.
4. In the case of a titled lot, a certified true copy of the electronic copy (blue) of the Lot Title in the
name of the registered Owner which is duly certified as genuine and authentic by the Register
of Deeds/LRA.
5. In the case of an untitled lot:
5.1 Owner’s original Tax Declaration/Tax Declaration certified by the Assessor’s Office
5.2 Certification by the Register of Deeds/LRA of the non-existence of the TCT.
6. Duly received Letter Request of the IO to the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) to file the
complaint/copy of the complaint.
7. Letter Offer signed by the IO but unserved to the claimant (for BIR Zonal Valuation) or Letter
Offer rejected by the owner (for Just Compensation).

B. Signed Certificate of Available Funds with the following attachments:

1. Deposit to the Court equivalent to BIR Zonal Valuation
1.1 Memorandum Request for CAF from the Head of the IO the Head of the Accounting Unit.
1.2 ORS approved by the Head of the Budget Unit including all attachments (See item IV-A).
1.3 One (1) page certification duly approved by the Head of the IO of the following:
1.3.1 That the lot (or improvement) is totally/partially affected by (name of project).
1.3.2 That the lot is within the boundaries of the ROW limits per approved Parcellary Plan.
1.3.3 That there is no other pending claim or payment made yet on the subject claim.
1.3.4 That all supporting documents are complete, authenticated, validated, and found to
be in order.
1.4 Letter offer rejected by the owner.

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

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Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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IROW Payment
2. Just Compensation
2.1 Memorandum Request for CAF from the Head of the IO the Head of the Accounting Unit.
2.2 ORS approved by the Head of the Budget Unit including all attachments (See item IV-A).
2.3 Deed of Conveyance.
2.4 Tax Declaration of the Lot.
2.5 One (1) page certification duly approved by the Head of the IO of the following:
2.5.1 That the lot (or improvement) is totally/partially affected by (name of project).
2.5.2 That the lot is within the boundaries of the ROW limits per approved Parcellary Plan.
2.5.3 That there is no other pending claim or payment made yet on the subject claim.
2.5.4 That all supporting documents are complete, authenticated, validated, and found to
be in order.
2.6 Copy of the complaint with case number filed by the OSG, received by the Judicial Court
under jurisdiction, and duly certified by the Clerk of Court.
2.7 Certificate of Finality of the Court Decision/Entry of Final Judgement duly certified by the
Clerk of Court.
2.8 One (1) page approved summary computation of Just Compensation, including interest, if
2.9 Certified true copy of the Writ of Possession (WOP).
2.10 Certified true copy of two (2) valid Government-issued identification cards of the following
(whichever is applicable):
2.10.1 Owner/Claimant.
2.10.2 Attorney-in-Fact, if represented by one.
2.10.3 Heirs - in the case of extra judicial settlement.
2.10.4 Authorized Officer of the Corporation.

C. Disbursement Voucher with the following attachments:

1. BIR zonal valuation of the land to be deposited with the Court.
1.1 CAF including all its attachment (See item IV-B).
1.2 Approved Parcellary Plan.
1.3 Approved Subdivision Plan.
1.4 ECC/CNC.
1.5 Totally Affected: Lot Title in the name of DPWH/Republic of the Philippines (RP).
1.6 Partially Affected: Annotation of Sale to DPWH/RP; or Memorandum of Encumbrances at
the back of the Title for portion of lot acquired by DPWH/ TCT of the affected portion of the
lot prior to registration in the name of RP.
1.7 For PPP Projects, additional supporting documents for the reimbursement of the advance
payments made by the Contractor/Concessionaire:
1.7.1 Letter-Request by DPWH to the Contractor/Concessionaire to make the advance
1.7.2 Reimbursement Agreement between DPWH and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
1.7.3 Certified true copy of the check issued by the Contractor/Concessionaire to the
1.7.4 Acknowledgement Receipt of the check by the claimant.

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

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Annex K
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IROW Payment
1.7.5 Secretary's Certificate/certified true copy of valid ID of the Contractor/
Concessionaire’s Attorney-in-Fact.
1.7.6 One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Unit’s
1.8 One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Unit’s copy.

2. Just compensation determined by the Court, less the First Payment.

2.1 Notarized Deed of Conveyance.
2.2 Official Receipts/Proof of Payment of Taxes.
2.3 Tax Clearance/Statement of Account with letter request by the claimant for deduction from
claim/Tax Exemption.
2.4 Certified true copy of the DV for the first payment / Court Order citing payment of the Zonal
2.5 TIN
2.6 One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Unit’s copy.
2.7 Original of the Owner’s duplicate TCT, if applicable.
2.8 For PPP Projects, additional supporting documents for the reimbursement of the advance
payments made by the Contractor/Concessionaire:
2.8.1 Letter-Request by DPWH to the Contractor/Concessionaire to make the advance
2.8.2 Reimbursement Agreement between DPWH and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
2.8.3 Certified true copy of the check issued by the Contractor/Concessionaire to the
2.8.4 Acknowledgement Receipt of the check by the claimant.
2.8.5 Secretary's Certificate/certified true copy of valid ID of the Contractor/
Concessionaire’s Attorney-in-Fact.
2.9 (a) Titled Lot:
2.9.1 Totally affected – Lot title in the name of DPWH/Republic of the Philippines (RP)
2.9.2 Partially affected – annotation of sale to DPWH/RP; or memorandum of
Encumbrances at the back of the Title for portion of Lot acquired by DPWH
(b) Untitled Lot: TCT of the affected portion in the name of Republic of the Philippines

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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IROW Payment
V. Expropriation of Improvements
A. Approved Obligation Request and Status with the following attachments:
1. Memorandum from the Head of the IO to the Head of the Budget Unit requesting the issuance
of ORS.
2. Copy of SARO and the following pages from the Master List of claimants submitted to the DBM
or included in the appropriation for funding where the subject claimant is indicated: (a) first
page, (b) last page where the approval of the List is indicated, and (c) page containing the name
of the claimant.
3. Replacement Cost of structures/improvements, including all accessory structures.
4. Letter Offer signed by the IO but unserved to the claimant (for BIR Zonal Valuation) or Letter
Offer rejected by the owner (for Just Compensation).
5. Basis of Obligation Request Amount:
5.1 For first payment: Duly received Letter Request of the IO to the OSG to file the
complaint/copy of the Complaint.
5.2 For final payment based on Just Compensation: Court Decision on the just compensation,
duly certified by the Clerk of Court.

B. Signed Certificate of Available Funds with the following attachments:

1. Replacement Cost of the Improvement to be deposited with the Court.
1.1 Memorandum Request for CAF from the Head of the IO to the Head of the Accounting Unit.
1.2 ORS approved by the Head of the Budget Unit including all attachments (See item V-A)
1.3 Tax Declaration of the structures/improvements.
1.4 TCT of the Lot or Tax Declaration of the Lot.
1.5 One (1) page certification duly approved by Head of the IO of the following:
1.5.1 That the lot (or improvement) is totally/partially affected by (name of project).
1.5.2 That the lot is within the boundaries of the ROW limits per approved Parcellary Plan.
1.5.3 That there is no other pending claim or payment made yet on the subject claim.
1.5.4 That all supporting documents are complete, authenticated, validated, and are found
to be in order.
1.6 Letter Offer rejected by the claimant.

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
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IROW Payment
2. Just compensation determined by the Court, less the First Payment.
2.1 Memorandum Request for Certificate of Availability of Funds (CAF) from the Head of the IO
to the Head of the Accounting Unit.
2.2 ORS approved by the Head of the Budget Unit including all attachments (See item V-A)
2.3 Agreement to Demolish and Remove Improvements (ADRI)
2.4 One (1) page certification duly approved by Head of Implementing Office of the following:
2.4.1 That the lot (or improvement) is totally / partially affected by (name of project)
2.4.2 That the lot is within the boundaries of the ROW limits per attached parcellary plan
and not within the RROW of a converted provincial road
2.4.3 That there is no other pending claim nor payment made yet on the subject claim.
(Describe the status of payments made and the remaining balance)
2.4.4 That all supporting documents are complete, authenticated, validated, and are found
to be in order
2.5 Copy of the complaint with case number filed by the OSG, received by the Judicial Court
under jurisdiction, and duly certified by the Clerk of Court
2.6 Certificate of Finality of the Court Decision/ Entry of Final Judgement duly certified by the
Clerk of Court
2.7 One (1) page approved summary computation of Just Compensation, including interest, if
2.8 Certified true copy of two (2) valid Government-issued identification cards of the following
(whichever is applicable):
2.8.1 Owner / Claimant
2.8.2 Attorney-in-Fact, if represented by one
2.8.3 Heirs - in the case of extra judicial settlement
2.8.4 Authorized Officer of the Corporation

C. Disbursement Voucher with the following attachments:

1. First Payment – Replacement Cost.
1.2 Approved CAF including all the attachments (See item V-B).
1.3 Pictures before removal duly certified by Project Engineer.
1.4 Approved Parcellary Plan.
1.5 Structural Mapping with Sketch Plan preferably in CAD format.
1.6 One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Unit’s copy.
1.7 For PPP Projects, additional supporting documents for the reimbursement of the advance
payments made by the Contractor/Concessionaire:
1.7.1 Letter-Request by DPWH to the Contractor/Concessionaire to make the advance
1.7.2 Reimbursement Agreement between DPWH and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
1.7.3 Certified true copy of the check issued by the Contractor/Concessionaire to the
1.7.4 Acknowledgement Receipt of the check by the claimant.
1.7.5 Secretary's Certificate/certified true copy of valid ID of the Contractor/
Concessionaire’s Attorney-in-Fact.

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 57 of 59

IROW Payment
2. Final Payment – Just Compensation.
2.1 Notarized ADRI.
2.2 Tax Clearance/Statement of Account (with letter request for deduction)/Tax Exemption.
2.3 Certified true copy of the DV for the first payment / Court Order citing payment of the Zonal
2.4 Pictures during and after demolition/removal duly certified by Project Engineer.
2.5 Official Receipts/Proof of Tax Payments made.
2.6 For PPP Projects, additional supporting documents for the reimbursement of the advance
payments made by the Contractor/Concessionaire:
2.6.1 Letter-Request by DPWH to the Contractor/Concessionaire to make the advance
2.6.2 Reimbursement Agreement between DPWH and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
2.6.3 Certified true copy of the check issued by the Contractor/Concessionaire to the
2.6.4 Acknowledgement Receipt of the check by the claimant.
2.6.5 Secretary's Certificate/certified true copy of valid ID of the Contractor/
Concessionaire’s Attorney-in-Fact.
2.7 TIN.
2.8 One (1) set of certified true copy of all the documents submitted for Accounting Unit’s copy.
2.9 Certified true copy of two (2) valid Government-issued identification cards of the following
(whichever is applicable):
2.9.1 Owner/Claimant.
2.9.2 Attorney-in-Fact, if represented by one.
2.9.3 Heirs - in the case of extra judicial settlement.
2.9.4 Authorized Officer of the Corporation.

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 58 of 59

IROW Payment
I. Following are the additional documents requirements to be attached to claim(s)
on a case by case basis. This is applicable to all type of IROW Payments
A. When registered owner is deceased:
1. Consolidated of properties through Court proceedings or through an extra-judicial settlement
process with publication
1.1 Copy of Decision on consolidation of ownership or extra-judicial settlement of the estate of
the deceased owner executed by surviving heir(s) (for Negotiation only)
1.2 Copy of Notice of Publication
1.3 Death Certificate of Owner
B. When the affected property is a road lot
1. Court Clearance
C. Property of Corporation
1. Secretary Certificate duly notarized
D. Representation by an Attorney-In-Fact
1. Special Power of Attorney (SPA). If the owner is outside RP, the SPA must be authenticated by
Consular Office Concerned
2. If expropriation, the assignment of the Attorney-In-Fact (AIF) by virtue of the SPA must be
recognized through a Court Order
E. If the land is under administration/guardianship
1. Court Approval when the property is under guardianship or administration
2. If the land is under administration/guardianship because of a Court Order, get a copy of Court

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex K
Page 59 of 59

IROW Payment with RAP

I. To be submitted by the Office concerned (DEOs)
1. Listing of PAPs based on the validated RAP for the particular project
2. Copy of Entitlement Matrix as reference to the legality of claim
3. Picture of the PAP with a background of the affected properties
4. Structure map showing the location of the affected property vis-à-vis the road project
5. Detailed Measurement Survey of the affected property being the subject of the claim and the Bill of
Materials and Cost Estimates
6. Notarized Agreement on the estimate of the affected assets and properties
7. Notarized Pledge of Undertaking (similar to ADRI) to be signed by the Project Affected Person

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________

II. To be prepared by the Planning Service

1. Endorsement letter recommending payment

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________

III. To be prepared by the Implementing Office

1. Memorandum to budget – Request for Obligation Request and Status (ORS)
2. Memorandum to Accounting – Request for Certificate of Availability of funds (CAF)
3. Disbursement Voucher
4. RAP concurred by the lending institution for foreign assisted projects and approved RAP for locally
funded projects both duly transmitted to COA (Certified true copy)
5. One (1) set certified true copy of all the documents submitted for accounting's copy. (Once

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________

IV. To be prepared by the Finance Service/Division/Section

1. Obligation Request and Status signed by the Budget Officer

I hereby certify that the above supporting documents are complete

Print Name: ________________________________

Designation: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Annex L
/1J:f 'I. 7 iJ r'tAlI(
Republic of the Philippines 1/- 2tp---4J/;p

TO ALL Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors/ Asst. Bureau Directors
Service Directors
Project Directors/Project Managers
Regional Directors/Asst. Regional Directors
District Engineers/ Asst. District Engineers
Division/Section Chiefs
Others Concerned
This Department

SUBJECT Additional Guidelines on the Imposition of Administrative Sanctions on

Erring DPWH Officials and Employees Involved in Project Implementation
and Processing of Project Documents

In addition to the administrative offenses with corresponding penalties which are already
defined under existing laws and civil service rules and regulations and in order to have
consistent guidelines for the imposition of administrative sanctions against erring DPWH
officials and employees involved in project implementation and processing of project
documents pending the issuance of a Department Order covering sanctions on irresponsible
actuations in all phases of the project cycle, from planning to implementation, these guidelines
are hereby prescribed.

The guidelines shall cover all DPWH officials and employees involved in project implementation
regardless of employment status, whether or not they hold permanent, temporary,
contractual, casual in hold-over or officer-in-charge capacity.

1.0 Quality Control

1.1 For project Engineers, Project Inspectors and Materials Engineers

The sanctions shall be consistent with the guidelines prescribed in the

memorandum of then Secretary Gregorio R. Vigilar dated 29 January 1999 (Annex

1.2 For Regional Directors, Asst. Regional Directors, Project Directors, Project
Managers, District Engineers, Asst. District Engineers and Chiefs of Construction
Divisions/Sections of Field Offices.
Additional Guidelines on the Imposition of Administrative Sanctions
on Erring DPWH Officials and Employees Involved in Project
Implementation and Processing of Project Documents
Page 2 of 4

The sanctions shall be based on the quarterly ratings of quality control

performance in project implementation pursuant to Memorandum dated 7 April
1989 as amended by Department Order No. 137, series of 1991. Department
Order No.9, series of 2004, further amends Department Order No. 137 shifting
the quality control rating to quarterly.

The following sanctions shall be imposed on the above officials when their
implementing office is rated "Unsatisfactory".

a. An Unsatisfactory rating for a quarter - Reprimand

b. Unsatisfactory rating for two (2) consecutive quarters - Suspension for
three (3) months

The sanction shall be imposed on the Regional Director, Asst. Regional Director
and the Chief of the Construction Division if the implementing office is a Regional

The sanction shall be imposed on the Project Director and Project Manager as
the case may be, if the implementing office is a Unified Project Management

The sanction shall be imposed on the District Engineer, Asst. District Engineer
and the Chief of the Construction Section if the implementing office is a District

Unlike the sanctions for Project Engineers, Project Inspectors and Materials
Engineers, the sanctions on the DPWH officials shall not be cumulative. If a
reprimand was given on any given quarter and no sanction was given on the
succeeding quarter, the sanction for the subsequent quarter will not be
suspension but will still be a reprimand.

2.0 Physical Accomplishment

2.1 For Project Engineers and Project Inspectors

A sanction shall be imposed if in any given reporting period:

a. he fails to initiate calibrated actions (in accordance with D.O. 102, series of
1988) on a projectfs under his supervision with a negative slippage, and

b. he gets ten (10) points or greater based on the values shown in Table 1.

1 Project 2 Projects 3 Projects
5% - 10% - 5 10
11% - 15% 5 10 15
> 15% 10 15 20
Additional Guidelines on the Imposition of Administrative Sanctions
on Erring DPWH Officials and Employees Involved in Project
Implementation and Processing of Project Documents
Page 3 of 4

The calibrated sanction shall be as follows:

1st Offense Reprimand

2nd Offense Suspension for six (6) months
3rd Offense Suspension for one (1) year

2.2 For Heads/Deputies of Implementing Office

A sanction shall be imposed on the Regional Directors, Asst. Regional Directors,

Project Directors, Project Managers, District Engineers, Asst. District Engineers and
Chiefs of Construction Divisions/Sections of Field Offices, if in any given reporting

a. he fails to institute calibrated actions (in accordance with D.O. 102, series of
1988) on a project/s with negative slippage under his supervision; and

b. he gets ten (10) points or greater based on the values shown in Table 1.

1st Offense Reprimand

2nd Offense Suspension for three (3) months
3rd Offense Suspension for six (6) months

3.0 Maintenance
The sanctions shall be consistent with the guidelines prescribed in Department Order
No. 31, series of 2000 (Annex B).

4.0 Documents Processing

The documents referred to in this section are those included in the Document Tracking
System (DoTS) as listed in D.O. No. 273, series of 2003. The sanctions are based on the
failure to use DoTS and/or failure to process documents within the prescribed period.

4.1 Non Usage of the DoTS

4.1.1 The calibrated sanction for designated DoTS Officers are as follows:

1st Offense Reprimand

2nd Offense Suspension for one (1) month
3rd Offense Suspension for three (6) months
4th Offense Suspension for one (1) year

4.1.2 The calibrated sanction for heads and deputies of the processing offices
are as follows:

1st Offense Reprimand

2nd Offense Suspension for one (1) month
3rd Offense Suspension for three (6) months
4th Offense Suspension for one (1) year
Additional Guidelines on the Imposition of Administrative Sanctions
on Erring DPWH Officials and Employees Involved in Project
Implementation and Processing of Project Documents
Page 4 of 4

4.2 Processing Exceeded Prescribed Time

The calibrated sanction for failure to process documents within the prescribed time
are shown in Table 2.
4th Offense
1stOffense 2 Offense 3rd Offense (More than 7
(3 times) (5 times) (7 times) times)

Suspension for Suspension for

Action Officers Reprimand
6 months 1 ear
Divisions Chief /
Suspension for Suspension
Section Chiefs / Chiefs Warning Reprimand
6 months for 1 year
of Staff
Heads of Office
(DE/RD/BD/SD/PD) and Suspension
Suspension for
their Assistants and Warning Reprimand
3 months for 6 months
Action Officers of
Asec Usec Sec

In case a DPWH official or employee was sanctioned simultaneously for quality control,
physical accomplishment, maintenance or processing of documents, the heavier penalty shall
be imposed.

All officials and employees will be required to explain in writing for any violation committed
prior to the imposition of sanction, if their explanations are not acceptable.

For your guidance and compliance.

Department of Public Works and Highways

Office of the Secretary

4.5.1 MNP/BEY WIN4P01096

RcpulJlic of fheJ'hilippincs
EDSA, DiliJll:lI~, QtlCWII Cily

29 Jonuury 1999



THin! Undcr~cc':clnry TEODORo" T. l~NCARNACION .
Asst. Secretory JOSE H. ESPIRITU .
This DcpUltmcnl
SUD.JECT (juhJclillcs COI'the Imposition ofAcJministrntivcSnudiolis on
Erring E~!.gj~~crs.lnvolvct[ In the lJcfecHve Imple1iicll(aUoli
'..of DP\VH~lJ'J'(}Jcds ...

. .~~.~ ~~.
- . -- ••... • po - -~

We me submillhig hcre~Hh the "Guiuolines J()r tbe lJ~)position of Ad.l11illls~ratiYeS1UlClions on

Erring Engincers·l11volycd in the Defective Implcll1cntatlon of DPWH Projects" prepared bytlus
D\Jtcau ....

The guidelincs will :bc used in the evnluallon of written CXpllUlutkHls submitted by lhe concerned
cngincers rclutivc to the defccts/dcficicncies '1I01ed by IhoQunlily Assurml<:e Unit (QAlJs) in the
implemcntation ofprojecls Hml U1CYsupervise and in fccol1l1nendIIlg whalsnnctions arc npproptiatc to
be imposed nguinslthe c'rring Cl1lli.tlcCr~1.

I\UlIchcu to these guidClillcs mc the c1Llssilieuliouor COJillllUn dcfcclsldcficicllcics fur rouus umI
llridgcs (I\nucx UN,') Dud smnpl~ ca;l~ul~tions.(Ant.ICX <CD"J~o determine points :orrcsJ~ld~~ lo 'the
nature findcxtcnl'.O[UC[CClslderrclcnclcs or. proJccls, whIch become Lhe, bnsis/E0l' ullposmg Utc .
approprinte .nnction;, .. c p<,,) •..... ~

For tile Sectelnry's considcrnlioll and approval.

, " .'
f: t' 1*'



In order 10 have consislenl guidelines for Ihe imposilibn of

adminislralive sanclions a~ajnsl erring engineers Involved in 1118
qualily of work in DPWH projects, as noled in the reporls of Ihe QUdlily
AssurcHlce Unils (QAUs), Ihe following are hereby prescribed for Ihe
guidance of 011concerned:

I. Sonclions shall be applied' 10 all projecl Engineers; I<esidenl,

Engineers and MaleJials.Engineers involved in defeClive work as
noled in, Ihe QAU report and shdll be imposed, if Ihe wrillen
, explanalions 'submillecl relalivelo ihe derecls/deflciencies
noled in Ihe projecls are deemed nol occeploble.

2. Sanclions shall be based on ihe 'nalure and exlent and/or

rrequen'cy of Ihe defecls/deficiencies noled on bolh on-going
and compleled projeels.

'3. The nolure of Ihe def-ecls/deficiencies shall be calegorized as.)

follows: .

a. less serious defects/deflcienctes - lhose associaled

wilh aeslhelics, do nbt affecllhe slabilily of Ihe
slruolure, or are reloled 10 project documenlalion, Le.,
program of 'jv'ork WOW), opproved plans and
specificalto~s,""fest reporls,' qualily conlrol program
(QCP), cerliricales of qualily conlrol assurollce (CQCA),
change/variotion order, and Ihe l.ike.

b. Serious defects/deficiencies - lhose Ihal need

immediale correelive measures bul do not need Ihe
replacemenl of Ihe dereelive pari of the slruclure.
i I .•

S;. Very serious defect4/derlclencles - Ihose Ihal can not

be economically correeled and need fhe, removal
and replacemelll or Ihe dereclive .. part of Ihe slruclure.

u·_ ....
":r.- .
I 1_' l'l '1
.... '
, ' .' , ,

LI. The exlenl of, the ,defecls/deficiencies' shall be Classified as


0. LocCJlized 'Ihose arrecling less than 1.5%' of Ihe

compleled work

b. Umlled - Ihose affecling 1.5% to 2% of fhe completed

work. /

c. Significant- those affecling more Ihan 2% but not grealer

Ihan 2.5% of the compleled work.

d. Extrerile - fhose affecling more Ihan 2.5% of fhe

compleled Work.· .... .••• . ~-;>-.

5. The nature dnd/or extenl of the defecls/c1eficiencies shall be

quanlified and/or compulecJ on a per projecl basis per
assessmen I..

6. The calibra/ed sanclions 10 be imp.osed agoinsl erring engineers

are as follows:

6.1 For Road Projects Only (HIghways and Bridges)

a. Warning

A warning shall be issued tolheconcerned

engineer, if Ihe QAU reporl on any projecl under his
supervision receives 9 ra ling of 10 or greoler based on
Ihe values showr1fffrTable 1.



less Serious .. , 2 5 (} 10 ,/
Serious 5 ,.;0 10 12
Very Serious 'L (} \;10 12 15

· '. ; ..
, . '.
: ~. r J j' ' .•.•

, \

b. Advice Not to Handle/Supervise 'Projects for a Period of

Six (6) Months

Thisadvice will be issued lathe concerned engineer

jf he has, been Issued a Warning (Seclion 6. La) and'
again receives a QAU raling of 10 or gre"aler in a
subseqkJenl projecl.

c. Advice Not to Handle/Supervise Any Project .for a

Perlod.of One (1) Year

Thisadvice will be issued if Ihe concerned engineer

has been 9d~?ed n6110 handle/supervise any projecls
Jor six (6) rrfbrilhs and again receives a QAU raling of 10
or grealer in a subsequent projed.

d. Perpetual Disqualification from Handling/Supervising

Any Project

An engineer who has been issued an advice nof 10

handle/supervise any projecl for a YE?qr, and who
again receives a QAU raling of 10 or greafer in a
subsequenl project shall be "perpetually disqualifiecr
from handling any projecl.

6.2 F?r DPYVHProjects Olher Than Roads

a .. W'arnlng .:»'

A warning shall be issued to fhe conc:;erned

engineer iflhe nalure of fhe defects/deficiencies
observed regardless of exlenL· in any of Ihe projects
Ihat he supervised have the following'frecwency.

i. one (1) or m~re very serious defecls/deficiencies.

'I ii. four (4) or mpre seri~us defecls/deficiencies

iii. eighf (8) or more less serious defects/deficiencies

! .• " I. '

b. Advice Nor to Handle/Supervise 'proJects'tor a Period 01'
Six (6) Months
, ,
Thisadvice will be issued lathe concerned engineer
if Ihe .rrequeilcy oflhe defeels which was used as basis
for lhe issuance of an earlier warning, recurs, in any of
Ihe projects lhal he supervised in the ensuing

i . 'c. Advice Not to Handle/Supervise Any Project for a

, Period of One (1) Year

Thisadvice will be issued if Ihe concerned engineer
has alreaqy ~ooenddvised nol to- handle/supervise any
project for six (6) monlhs and lhe frequency of
defects/deficiencies occurs again in ,any of lhe
projeds that hesupervised in lhe nex1 assessmenl. .

d. Perpetual Disqualification from Handling/Supervising

Any Project

An engineer' who has been' advised not 10

handle/supervise any, projecJs for a year shall be
perpelually disqualified from handling any project rl
the frequency of defects/deficiencies occurs again in
any of Ihe projectslhal Ihey supervised in the-
subsequenl assE3ssmenl.

7. Concerned engineers ,who fail 10 SUblTlii Ihe required wrillen

explanalions shall~r¥minded 10 submillhe same wilhin Iwo (2)
weeks upon receipt of nolice, olh~rwise an oulrighl warning
shall be issued if Ihey fail 10 comply wilh Ihe inslruction.


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