Project Related Expenses.: 10 DPWH

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10 DPwH
Republic of the Philippines

JAM 2 3 2023

DEPARTMENT ORDER) SUBJECT Breakdown of the Allocation of the

) Authorized Deductions from Project

12 )
Related Expenses to be used for
Engineering and Administrative
SERIES OF 2023 ) Overhead (EAO) and MOOE under FY
2023 GAA, DPWH Budget
ct 1123/1.0'1.3

Section 15, Special Provisions of the General Appropriations Act (GAA) FY 2023, states that:

15. Project Related Expenses. For infrastructure projects costing more than One
Million Pesos (P1/00~000l the DPWH is authorized to deduc~ but not to exceed the
following percentages of the project cos~ to be used for: (i) EAO expenses and (if)

a) three and a half percent (3.5%) for releases to the Central Office/
b) two and a half percent (2.5%) for releases to the Regional Offices (ROs)/
c) two percent (2%) for releases to the District Engineering Offices (DEOs)/
d) one percent (1%) for infrastructure projects under the Basic Infrastructure
Program undertaken by the Central Office/ ROs and DEOs/ PROVIDED/ That the
one percent (1%) EAO shall be given only to the implementing uni~ regardless
where the fund was released/ or
e) one-half percent (0.5%) for infrastructure projects of other agencies undertaken
by the Central Office/ ROs or DEOs/ unless otherwise provided in the Special
Provision of the agency concerned.

For EAO expense~ the same shall be limited to: (i) administrative overhead including
the hiring of individuals engaged through job orders or contracts of service or such
other engagement of personnel without any employer-employee relationship/ (ii) pre-
construction activities after detailed engineering/ (iii) construction project
managemen~' (iv) testing and quality control/ (v) acquisition rehabilitation and repair
of equipment and parts/ and (vi) contingencies in relation to pre-construction activities.
The EAO expenses shall be treated or booked-up as capitalized expenditures and form
part of the project cost.

Disbursements or expenditures by DPWH in violation of the above requirements shall

be void and shall subject the erring officials and employees to disciplinary actions in
accordance with Section 4.3, Chapter ~ and Section 8~ Chapter 7, Book VI of Ii.O. No.
292/ and to appropriate criminal action under existing penal laws. (CONDmONAL
1MPLEMENTA770N- President's Veto Message, December 16, 2022, Voiume 1~
787, R.A. No. 11936) ~
Pursuant to the foregoing, the breakdown of allocation of the authorized Project Related
Expenses from Project Cost is as follows:

For Foreign-Assisted Projects


For Locally-Funded Projects Released to Central Office

Percentage of Deductions/Retentions from Project Cost

Implementing Office CO RO DEO Total
Central OfficejUPMO - Implemented 2.00% 0.50% 1.00% 3.50%
RO - Implemented 0.50% 2.00% 1.00% 3.50%
DEO - Implemented 0.50% 0.50% 2.50% 3.50%

For Directly Released to RO and DEO

Percentage of Deductions/Retentions from Proiect Cost

Implementing Office RO DEO Total
RO - Implemented 2.50% 2.50%
DEO - Implemented 2.00% 2.00%

The concerned Undersecretary for RegionaljUPMOjTechnical Operations shall approve all

requests for project-related expenses on EAO and authorize the release of funds to the
concerned implementing office.

This Order supersedes Department Order No. 13 series of 2022, and shall take effect

Please be guided accordingly.

Department of Public Works and Highways

Office of the Secretary


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