Genetics of Dioecy and Causal Sex Chromosomes in Plants
Genetics of Dioecy and Causal Sex Chromosomes in Plants
Genetics of Dioecy and Causal Sex Chromosomes in Plants
SKA Institution of Research, Education and Development (SKAIRED), 4/11 SarvPriya Vihar, New Delhi 110 016, India
National Institute of Plant Genome Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067, India
Dioecy (separate male and female individuals) ensures outcrossing and is more prevalent in animals than in plants. Although
it is common in bryophytes and gymnosperms, only 5% of angiosperms are dioecious. In dioecious higher plants, flowers
borne on male and female individuals are, respectively deficient in functional gynoecium and androecium. Dioecy is inherited
via three sex chromosome systems: XX/XY, XX/X0 and WZ/ZZ, such that XX or WZ is female and XY, X0 or ZZ are males.
The XX/XY system generates the rarer XX/X0 and WZ/ZZ systems. An autosome pair begets XY chromosomes. A recessive
loss-of-androecium mutation (ana) creates X chromosome and a dominant gynoecium-suppressing (GYS) mutation creates
Y chromosome. The ana/ANA and gys/GYS loci are in the sex-determining region (SDR) of the XY pair. Accumulation of
inversions, deleterious mutations and repeat elements, especially transposons, in the SDR of Y suppresses recombination
between X and Y in SDR, making Y labile and increasingly degenerate and heteromorphic from X. Continued recombination
between X and Y in their pseudoautosomal region located at the ends of chromosomal arms allows survival of the degenerated
Y and of the species. Dioecy is presumably a component of the evolutionary cycle for the origin of new species. Inbred
hermaphrodite species assume dioecy. Later they suffer degenerate-Y-led population regression. Cross-hybridization between
such extinguishing species and heterologous species, followed by genome duplication of segregants from hybrids, give rise to
new species.
[Kumar S., Kumari R. and Sharma V. 2014 Genetics of dioecy and causal sex chromosomes in plants. J. Genet. 93, 241–277]
Figure 1. Examples of sexual dimorphism (dioecy) in haploid prokaryotes (bacteria), unicellular (fungi and algae) and multicellular
eukaryotes (bryophytes), and diploid multicellular eukaryotes (vertebrate animals and higher plants). (a) Haploid dioecy in bacteria
(Bachmann 1983); an Escherichia coli Hfr male cell in which the fertility factor (plasmid) F is integrated into the chromosome and F
encoded pili are formed is shown mating with F− female bacterium that lacks pili. In the mating process there is horizontal transfer of bac-
terial genomic DNA from Hfr to F− . Variant F− are formed because of the genetic recombination between the received and resident DNA
sequences in F− . (b) Haploid dioecy in unicellular eukaryotes such as the fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Fraser and Heitman 2004;
Goddard et al. 2005) and alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Ferris et al. 2002; Kaltz and Bell 2002). Isogamous haploid cells of genetically
different mating types associate such that their nuclei fuse to form diploid sporophyte which subsequently undergoes meiosis to produce
haploid cells of the two mating types. The meiosis in sporophyte amplifies the allelic variation present in the genomes of the mated cells. (c)
Haploid dioecy in bryophytes (liverworts and mosses exemplified by Marchantia polymorpha Yamato et al. 2007). The nuclei of cells in
the haploid thalli possess a set of autosomes and a sex chromosomes. Until the reproduction has occurred female thalli are indistinguishable
from male thalli. The male haploid thalli cells have V as the sex chromosomes and the sex chromosome is U in the cells of female thalli. The
female gametes formed on female thallus get fertilized by sperms formed on male thallus and as a result sporophyte forms on the thallus of
female. The sporophyte undergoes meiosis to produce V and U type of spores that form male and female thalli, respectively. The process
of meiosis as in all eukaryotes amplifies the genetic variation. (d) Diploid dioecy in mammalian animals and angiospermic plants, exem-
plified, respectively by Homo sapiens (man; Graves 2006) and Coccinia indica (cucurbitaceous plant; Sousa et al. 2013). In these systems
the males are heterogametic as they carry XY sex chromosomes besides the autosomes. Homogametic females carry XX chromosomes and
autosomes. Males form meiotically two kinds of sperms, half carry X and the other half Y. The gametes formed by females are of only one
kind, they carry X chromosome. Fertilization results in progenies that comprise of XY males and XX females. (e) Diploid dioecy in the
vertebrate reptile Pagona vitticeps (dragon lizard; Ezaz et al. 2009a, b) animal and poplar tree plant species Populus trichocarpa (Hou et al.
2009). In these organisms the heterogametic sex is female possessing ZW sex chromosomes and autosomes. The males are homogametic
by possessing ZZ sex chromosomes plus autosomes. The females meiotically produce gametes that carry Z or W sex chromosome plus a
set of autosomes. Only one kind or Z type gametes are formed by the males. Fertilization results in ZZ males and ZW females.
of male and female gametes. Genetic recombination occurs division to produce cells of two mating types. The progeny
during the meiotic division during reproduction via crossin- from such amphimixis matings will have new genetic vari-
gover between pairs of homologous chromosomes and by ants. In the dioecious bryophytic species (liverworts and
independent assortment of homologous chromosomes. In the mosses), the multicellular haploid male and female game-
process, gametes receive new gene combinations. Based on tophyes comprise the major part of life cycle. Sporophyte
local homologies between chromosomes, recombination also is produced when a sessile egg born on female gameto-
occurs during mitotic cell divisions in the growing sporo- phyte is fertilized by a motile sperm formed in male game-
phyte. However, frequency of such recombination is much tophyte. The zygote produces a sporophyte on the female
lower than that occurs during meiotic cell division. Meiotic gametophyte. Meiosis in sporophyte produces male and
recombination, in addition to generating novel allelic combi- female spores that grow into multicellular gametophytes
nations, also contribute to fitness of the species populations (thalli) of the respective sex. The amphimictic matings
by elimination of deleterious mutations. For the recombina- release new variability. Pteridophytes are hermaphrodites
tion to be effective in releasing variability, the reproductive and their chromosomes are autosomal. They are highly
system in the species has to be such, as to allow outcross- polyploidized. For example Ophioglossum reticulatum has
ing (fertilization of female gametes of an individual plant diploid chromosome number of 1260. The polyploid
by male gametes formed on genetically distinct individu- nature presumably provides escape from dioecy in pterido-
als or amphimixis) and avoid selfing (fertilization of female phytes (;
gametes by male gametes formed on the same individual or Gorelick 2005). Dioecy in animals (insects and vertebrates)
genetically similar individuals or automixis). (Matsubara et al. 2006; Graves and Peichel 2010; Kaiser and
Bachtrog 2010) and gymnospermic and angiospermic seed-
producing plants (Ming et al. 2011; Barrett and Hough 2012;
Reproductive systems that favour amplification of Charlesworth 2012) means that diploid male and female indi-
viduals comprise the dominant phase of life cycle. Fertiliza-
genetic variability
tion of female gamete or sessile egg cell by sperm (motile
The mating systems in species of various phylogenetic in animals and brought in contact by pollen tube in plants),
groups are of two basic types (Diggle et al. 2011; Barrett respectively produced via meiosis in the reproductive organs
and Hough 2012): hermaphroditism (in such systems the of female and male, forms zygote that grows into either a
male organ(s) and female organ(s) are present on the same male or a female, because of the genetic determination of
individual) and dioecism (here the maleness and female- sex. Here the chances of automixing are low. The life cycles
ness are present in separate individuals). Hermaphroditism of several kinds of dioecious species are shown in figure 1.
and dioecism, respectively promote automixis and amphim- Hermaphroditism is best exemplified by angiospermic
ixis. Whereas hermaphroditism is a common feature among plants (Diggle et al. 2011). The hermaphrodite plants are
plants, and nonarthropod invertebrate animals, dioecism is of two types: (i) those that produce perfect flowers possess-
more or less universal among the phylogenetic groups. ing both male stamens and female carpels; and (ii) monoe-
Dioecy is of two kinds: haploid and diploid. Haploid dioecy cious in which male flowers (stamen bearing) and female
occurs in bacteria (Lederberg and Tatum 1946; Bachmann flowers (carpel bearing) are formed on the same plant on
1983), unicellular eukaryotes (Birdsell and Wills 1996; Kaltz common inflorescences or distinct inflorescences. Although
and Bell 2002; Ferris et al. 2002; Fraser and Heitman hermaphroditism favours automixis, there are special genetic
2004) and in bryophytes that are multicellular eukary- mechanisms in hermaphrodite species to promote amphim-
otes (Yamato et al. 2007; McDaniel et al. 2012). In the ixis. Some of these are listed in the table 1.
prokaryotic unicellular bacteria, the maleness is imparted
by the presence in cells of episomes such as the fertil-
ity factor F. In the F+ bacteria, integration of F into the Frequency and spectrum of dioecious species in
bacterial DNA (genome) allows this Hfr to mate with plant kingdom
F− bacterium and donate a copy of its genome to the
recipient F− female mating with it. When Hfr and F− Table 2 gives estimates of dioecy in certain phylogenetic
cells have different genotypes, recombination between the groups of multicellular eukaryotic land plants. About 9%
DNA transferred from Hfr and resident F− DNA releases of the approximate 319,000 number of species have been
variability. There is an analogous mating mechanism, observed to be dioecious. There is preponderance of dioe-
devoid of gamete dimorphism, in unicellular algae such as cious species among bryophytes, 68% of liverworts and
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, fungi exemplified by Saccha- 57% of mosses are dioecious. None of the hornworts, lyco-
romyces cerevisiae and flagellate animals like Paramecium. phytes and monilophytes is dioecious. Among 1021 gym-
In such organisms, mating occurs between genetically deter- nosperm species, the frequency of dioecious species is about
mined mating types. Association between haploid cells of 36%. All cycads and gnetales, and Ginkgo biloba (the genus
distinct mating types results in fusion of their nuclei. The Ginkgo has only one species) are dioecious. In angiosperms
diploid zygote/sporophyte subsequently undergoes meiotic about 5% species are dioecious in 75% of the families (or
1 Perfect flower sexually Prevention of self fertilization due Brassica rapa (Brassicaceae) Shiba et al. (2002)
monomorphic hermaphroditisma to genetic self incompatibility
(SI; gametic and sporophytic)
2 As above Blockage of selfing on account of Primula sinensis (Primulaceae) Mather (1950)
style being shorter or longer
than stamens (heterostyly)
3 As above Avoidance of selfing via temporal Butomus umbellatus (Butomaceae) Bhardwaj and Eckert (2001)
asynchrony in the maturation times
of anthers and stigma (dichogamy)
4 Monoecious sexually Dichogamy between separate male and Zea mays (Poaceae) Tanurdzic and Banks (2004)
monomorphic hermaphroditism female flowers/inflorescences
borne on the same plantb
5 Andromonecious hermaphroditism Population has individuals bearing both female Capparis spinosa (Capparaceae) Zhang and Tan (2008)
sterile and hermaphrodite flowersb
6 Gynomonecious hermaphroditism Individuals in the population have both Planchonella australis (Sapotaceae) Mendez and Munzinger (2010)
Sushil Kumar et al.
a Pollenlimitation and large population structures may promote outcrossing; b a and self incompatibility could also operate in addition to dichogamous monoecy; c dichogamy, heterostyly
and/or selfincompatibility could be superimposed over each of these two subdioecious systems.
Genetics of plant sex chromosomes
in all the dioecious species is related to genetic differences between male and female, at atleast one locus on a pair of chromosomes. However, this polymorphism has been
Renner and Ricklef (1995); Dorken and Barrett (2004);
era contain atleast some dioecious species. There are only
kinds of populations, those having male XY or female WZ heterogametic sexes. In some of these, the initial trigger of temperature is superimposed over the sex chromosomes in the sex
sex chromosome systems of heterogametic male and female are diagrammatically illustrated in the figure 1;b in these groups of organisms, a species, genus or family can have two
Charlesworth and Mank (2010); Graves (2006); Graves and Peichel (2010);
vailing in diploid animals. The XX/XY and ZW/ZZ are the
determination process; c in a small number of haploid dioecious bryophytes sex system is heterogametic; here, female and male sex chromosomes are, respectively called V and U.
plants. In the XX/XY system, the females are homogametic
XX and males are heterogametic XY; Y is the sex determin-
ing chromosome in the XX/XY system. In the other system
Ezaz et al. (2006, 2009a, b); Matsubara et al. (2006); Z is the sex determining chromosome; females are heteroga-
Kaiser and Bachtrog (2010); Bachtrog et al. (2011) metic ZW and males are homogametic ZZ. Occurrence of sex
Table 3. Sex chromosomes in the diploid dioecious animals and plants where the unisexual male and female individuals have distinctive reproductive organsa .
a The
Bryophytes /
1 Hepaticeae Frullania 16, 17 HET (b) X1X2 Y (H) NAd (b) Yes Yes In bryophytes Temsch et al. (2010);
dilatata (haploid, H) the multicellular McDaniel et al. (2012)
plants are
2 Marchantia 18 HET (Y=S) X (H) Y (H) NA Yes Yes haploid Okada et al. (2000, 2001)
polymorphaa gametophytes.
The sporophyte Fujisawa et al. (2001);
borne on female Ishizaki et al. (2002);
gametophyte Yamato et al. (2007);
3 Sphaerocarpus 14 HET X (H) Y (H) NA Yes Yes represents the Allen (1930);
donnellii diploid phase. McLetchie and Collius
The male (2001)
S.autinii 14 b X (H) Y (H) determining
S. texanus 14 HET X (H) Y (H) chromosome
labelled here as
Y has also been
called V and X
given the lable
U, in liverworts
Genetics of plant sex chromosomes
Table 4 (contd)
15 Asparagaceae Asparagus 20 HOM XX XY Yes In this system Loptien (1979);
officinalisa MM are
supermales, Mm Biffi et al. (1995);
16 and female
plants are
available. Type I
abortion of
sexual organs
occurs at various
stages of their
following their
initiation in
17 Borassus 32 HOM George et al. (2007)
18 Poaceae Buchloe 36 HOM XX XY No Dioecy evolved Zhou et al. (2011)
dactyloides long ago and
PAR has been
19 Poa trivialis 56 No No Renganayaki et al. (2005)
20 Distichlis No Eppley et al. (1998)
Genetics of plant sex chromosomes
Table 4 (contd)
sexual organs
in unisexual
24 Elaegnaceae Hippophae 22, 24 Yes Persson and Nybom
Table 4 (contd)
in unisexual
Table 4 (contd.)
42 linked. Male
seeds are
heavier than
female seeds.
Type 1 abortion
of sexual organs
in unisexual
43 Simmondsiaceae Simmondsia 26 Agrawal et al. (2007);
chinensis Hussaini et al. (2011)
44 Caryophyllaceae Silene 24 HET (X = L) XX XY No 8–24 Yes No Haploid X plants Donnison et al. (1996);
Group A latifoliaa are viable but Y Di-Stilio et al. (1998);
plants are Zhang et al. (1998);
inviable. X gene Siroky et al. (2001);
expression is Lengerova et al. (2003, 2004);
higher when Y – Moore et al. (2003);
linked Smith (1964);
Sushil Kumar et al.
a This and
its sister species are included as model plants for the evolutionary analysis of dioecy and sex chromosomes; b empty space means that information is insufficient; c when the male
and female plants have been distinguished by use of molecular markers, the spaces in columns D–L or E–L are usually empty for want of information; d NA, not applicable.
Sushil Kumar et al.
than the largest autosome and much more larger than the X species. Because unisexual flowers of type 1 dioecious
chromosome. species undergo abortion of male or female organs at many
There are variants of XX/XY system in which the X/Y different stages of their development process (Mitchell and
chromosome is present in two copies. In the liverwort Diggle 2005), it is indicated that dioecy in such species must
Frullania dilata, the female haploid gametophytes have have evolved independently. Dioecy in type 2 species might
two X chromosomes. In the gymnosperm Podocarpus have also evolved independently, because the characteristics
macrophyllus, the respective sex chromosome composition occurs in species of many families.
of females and males is X1 X1 X2 X2 and X1 X2 Y. Such sex
chromosome polymorphy is also the case in the angiosperm
Viscum fischeri. Contrastingly, there are two copies of Y Molecular basis of unisexual flower development
chromosome in the genomes of male plants of Humulus
Considerable progress has been made towards understanding
japonicus (and H. yunnanensis and H. acetosa), Rumex
the molecular/genetic mechanisms of hermaphrodite flower
acetosa (and R. intermedius, R. papillaris, R. rothschildinus,
development. In this regard information has been gathered on
R. tatulus and R. thyrsiflorus) and Silene diclinus.
the cascades of transcriptional regulation for the initiation of
In some species, exemplified by Carica papaya, Y chro-
flower development and combinatorial interactions between
mosome exists in two forms. Whereas the conventional
genes for the development of male and female flower organs
Y form specifies maleness, the variant Yh form renders
identity and appendages in the vegetative whorls of the
hermaphroditism. The trioceousness of C. papaya is shared
flower (see Krizek and Fletcher 2005 for a review). Under-
by Fragaria virginiana. In several plant species possess-
standably, the genetic system for the development of male
ing the XX/XY system, sex is influenced by the ratio of X
and female organs must be superimposed by gene(s) that
chromosomes to autosomes (Cannabis, Humulus and Rumex
promote male or female sexual organ formation and/or sup-
species). In Rumex acetosa, X/A ratio of 0.5 favours male-
press the formation of the organs of alternate sex. This area
ness and higher values of 1–6 favour femaleness. Interest-
is beginning to be explored. In melon, it has been found that
ingly, in certain genera/families the XX/XY and WZ/ZZ
interaction between the two genes, Cm ACS7 and Cm W1P1,
sex chromosome systems have cooccurrence (Populus and
control whether the flowers to be formed on a plant will be
Silene). Whereas Populus tremuloides possesses XX/XY sex
male, female or hermaphrodite. The expression of Cm W1P1
system, the sex in its sister species P. trichocarpa is governed
in the differentiating flowers leads to carpel abortion and
by the WZ/ZZ system. In cucurbitaceous dioecious plants
therefore development of only the male organs in unisexual
such as Bryonia dioica sex expression is also influenced by
flowers, via repression of Cm ACS7. In the flowers under-
temperature of growth environment, maleness is favoured by
going differentiation for female unisexuality, the Cm ACS7
high temperatures in this species.
gene activity represses stamen development. Under environ-
mental conditions allowing the repression of both Cm W1P1
and Cm ACS7, bisexual flowers develop in place of unisexual
Variety in the developmental processes for flowers (Martin et al. 2009). The molecular basis of unisex-
attainment of male and female unisexuality ual flower development in monoecious and dioecious species
is an expanding area of future research.
Dioecy has evolved from hermaphroditism. The herma-
phrodite flowers posses both female organ(s) gynoecium
and male organs androecium. The unisexual flowers either Distinctive traits of male and female population
lack the functional gynoecium or androecium. The unisexual and their effects on the survival in dioecious species
flowers in dioecious species are divisible into two groups,
type 1 and type 2 (Diggle et al. 2011). In type 1 flowers, both Evolution of a dioecious species from its hermaphrodite
gynoecium and androecium are initiated. Subsequently, there ancestral species leads to dimorphism between males and
is abortion of development of androecium in female flowers females commensurate with the roles of sexes in the sur-
and that of gynoecium in male flowers. Abortion of organs vival, reproduction and evolution of the species. Dimorphism
occurs at different stages of development in the unisexual observed in dioecious plant species is much less than in ani-
flowers of different dioecious species. The unisexual flow- mal species. The dimorphism observed between sexes of
ers of type 1 species thus demonstrate considerable variation dioecious plants usually relates to morphological, physiolog-
in their structure by possessing differentially underdevel- ical and life cycle traits affecting the expression of primary
oped gynoecium or androecium. Coccinia indica, Dioscorea and secondary sexual characters. The dimorphism affects dif-
tokoro, Phoenix dactylifera, Rumex acetosa, Silene latifolia ferentially the cost of production of flowers, pollination and
and Vitis vinifera exemplify type 1 species. Type 2 species fruit and seeds and of seed dispersal. It also affects cost
produce flowers that are initiated as unisexual. In type 2 of adaptation to the environmental gradients prevailing in
male and female flowers, the gynoecium and androecium are, the area of distribution of the species. These factors impact
respectively entirely absent. Cannabis sativa, Populus tri- the sex ratio in dioecious species. On account of the cost
chocarpa and Spinacea oleracea are the examples of type 2 of successful reproduction and adaptation to environment,
many dioecious plant species display distorted sex ratios. organs, stamens), in the same flower in hermaphrodite and
Male-biased sex ratios are more common than female-biased in separate flowers on the same monoecious plant. In all
sex ratios. Pattern of expression of certain life cycle traits the species, genes for gynoecium and androecium develop-
in male-biased and female-biased populations of dioecious ment are distributed more or less on all the chromosomes
plant species are shown in table 5. It will be seen that female (linkage groups) of the autosomal genomic karyotype (Kater
bias is favoured by optimum environment, low cost of bioac- et al. 2001; Honys and Twell 2004; Wellmer et al. 2004).
cumulate expenditure on reproduction, heteromorphy in sex However, the regulation of androecium genes and gynoe-
chromosomes and inviability of YY embryos. cium genes is somewhat different between hermaphrodite
Several above referred to traits of sex biased dioecious and monoecious species (Zhang et al. 2005). Origin of
species and others common to all dioecious species indi- dioecy requires occurrence of at least two mutations in
cate that dioecious species face a variety of challenges for cosexual species (Charlesworth and Charlesworth 1978a, b;
their survival (Kafer et al. 2013). When male flowers are Charlesworth 1984, 1996a, b, 2012; Rice 1984, 1986, 1987a,
more attractive to pollinators than female flowers, in the sea- b, c; Negrutiu et al. 2001; Rice et al. 2008; vanDoorn and
son of low pollinator density seed formation will be scanty Kirkpatrick 2010). A recessive loss-of-function mutation in
(Otto and Lenormand 2002). In dioecious species seeds are an androecium inducing gene of a linkage group allows
formed on only half of the population and population density abortion of androecium development (for the creation of
will be even more strongly affected when dioecious species female individuals). In the homologous linkage group a dom-
demonstrates male-biased sex ratio. It is perhaps for such inant gain-of-function mutation allows abortion of gynoe-
reasons that in families that comprise of both hermaphrodite cium development (for the creation of male individuals).
and dioecious species, the dioecious clades are species poor Since many genes acting together control the development of
as compared to the sister nondioecious clades which are androecium or gynoecium, the mutations creating males or
far richer in species composition (Heilbuth 2000; Heilbuth females may affect different genes in different species such
et al. 2001). The sex-biased ratios and associated traits can that the origin of dioecy could be different in different species
decrease population size, restrict distribution and thereby (Peiffer et al. 2008).
lower the colonization rates of dioecious species, thus harm- The origin of males and females in the species evolv-
ing their survival in future and leading them towards extinc- ing dioecy is usually sequential, because the two muta-
tion. All such conditions may be responsible for short life of tions are unlikely to occur simultaneously. When females
dioecious plant species and recurrent evolution of dioecious arise first the population of species will be gynodioecious,
species in different plant families. Dioecy has been called hermaphrodites will get invaded by females. The process will
as dead end (Kafer et al. 2013). Question arises what is the open opportunities of crossing between hermaphrodites and
role of dioecy in evolution, besides avoidance of inbreeding females, allowing setting of outcrossed seeds on females,
depression. thereby increase genetic variability in species. The inva-
sion of hermaphrodites by males (androdioecy) is thought to
be less effective in enlarging the genetic variability, unless
Origin of sex chromosomes males outnumber hermaphrodites, produce pollen in massive
quantities or somehow allow setting of outcrossed seeds on
Monosexuality or dioecy evolves from preexisting cosexu- hermaphrodites plants. More common and easier route for
ality in the form of hermaphroditism or monoecy. In plants, dioecy appears to be via gynodioecy.
dioecy has evolved independently in numerous species of The region on the autosome pair that carries the sex
many families (Bachtrog et al. 2011; Ming et al. 2011). limiting mutations has been termed as the sex determin-
Plant possess complete sets of genes to produce gynoe- ing region or SDR (figure 2). The SDR is initially very
cium (female sex organs, carpels) and androecium (male sex small due to linkage between the two mutated genes/loci
Table 5. Traits associated with distortion of sex ratios in dioecious plant species (based on the surveys described in Field et al. 2012,
2013; Barrett and Hough 2012; Hough et al. 2013).
Figure 2. Diagram of the early steps in the origin of heterogametic X and Y sex chromosomes, from a pair of autosomes (a and b). The
autosome pair to evolve into sex chromosomes has two linked loci called GYS/gys and ANA/ana which are shown to be located near to
the centromere. The two loci comprise the proto-SDR. The autosome pair undergoes a mutation each, consecutively. If one of the pair
has the mutation in GYS, the other has it in ANA. The occurrence of mutations has initiated the evolution of X and Y chromosomes
and the autosome pair has now become the proto-X/proto-Y pair. The proto-X has the recessive loss-of-function ana mutation in the
ANDROECIUM ACTIVATOR gene imparting the chromosome with female specificity. The proto-Y has the dominant gain-of-function
GYS mutation such that the GYNOECIUM SUPPRESSOR allele imparts male specificity to the chromosome. (c) The SDR is enlarged to
show homology of sequences in between and around ANA and GYS loci in the proto-X and proto-Y chromosomes (a b c. . . . . .m n). (d–f)
Conversion of proto-X and proto-Y into differentiated X and Y chromosomes. (d) In the SDR of proto-Y the sequence d to h has undergone
an inversion. This region is unaltered in c to din proto-X. (e) A sequence o–v has got added between i and j in proto-Y, whereas proto-X has
remained unchanged. (f) Proto-Y has undergone another inversion. The sequences of proto-X and Y are now highly diverged thus obviating
occurrence of recombination in this differentiated SDR. Proto-Y has evolved into Y sex chromosome and the counterpart proto-X into X
chromosome. The evolution of X and Y shown here has been patterned after the origin of sex chromosomes in Carica papaya (Wang
et al. 2012; Vanburen and Ming 2013). The X and Y composition in the diagrams b and c represent the sex chromosome status in Asparagus
officinalis. Centromere in between the green chromosomes arms is shown in yellow colour.
(Bull 1983; Charlesworth 1996a, b). The maleness deter- sequence between and around ANA and GYS such that recom-
mining chromosome or proto-Y chromosome has the male- bination is unlikely to occur. In the process SDR enlarges
ness inducing gene or ANDROECIUM ACTIVATOR (ANA) and differentiates making recombination within it untenable.
in its wild-type state and the dominant mutation for suppres- However, recombination would continue to occur between X
sion of femaleness or GYNOECIUM SUPPRESSOR (GYS). and Y chromosomes outside of SDR in the region on two
The femaleness determining chromosome or proto-X has the arms called pseudoautosomal region (PAR). Y chromosome
androecium aborting mutation ana and gene(s) for female- continues to carry many genes in their active state within
ness development, including the gys allele. The tight linkage and outside SDR, whereas X chromosome has almost all the
of the two loci ANA and GYS makes recombination between genes present in ancestral autosome.
them rare, such that the appearance of hermaphrodite and Further, differentiation of X and Y chromosomes is
neuters in the progeny is minimized (Lewis 1942). Except accelerated by two processes, one that further special-
for the SDR, the proto-X and proto-Y are homomorphic and izes X and Y chromosomes for their unisexual role in
retain their autosomal structure. This method of origin of het- dioecy and second that promotes divergence of Y from
erogametic XY system is exemplified by C. papaya (Yu et al. X by accumulation of deleterious genetic changes. SEXU-
2008a, b, 2007) and Silene latifolia. The SDR of S. latifo- ALLY ANTAGONISTIC (SA) genes/alleles are added on to
lia Y chromosome has three loci essential for dioecy, GYS X chromosome. Their presence altogether aborts androe-
and ANA1 and ANA2 for early and late androecium develop- cium from females and increases fitness in females. Com-
ment, respectively (Westergaard 1958; Grant et al. 1994a, b; plementally, ANDROECIUM POTENTIATOR (ANP) genes
Lardon et al. 1999). (previously called male fertility genes M2 in relation to
The female heterogametic system WZ seen in Populus dioecy in animals, Charlesworth and Charlesworth 1978a,
trichocarpa (Yin et al. 2008) and Fragaria virginiana b; Charlesworth 1991) are added on to Y chromosome. The
(Spigler et al. 2008) is relatively rarer than the XY sys- ANP genes have a potentiating effect on androecium devel-
tem. Female heterogamety is thought to arise from dioecious opment in males and increase their fitness. The SA and
ancestors bearing the XY heterogametic system. ANP genes initially part of different autosomes get rear-
In some plant species, exemplified by Bryonia dioica, sex ranged proximal to ANA and GYS loci in SDR of X and
determination is a result of genotype–environment interac- Y by means of translocations of small size. The translo-
tion. In B. dioica, an environmental trigger such as high tem- cations may bring beneficial or deleterious genes linked
perature is required to induce ANA. Presumably, in this sys- to SAs and ANPs. Irrespectively, the presence of SAs and
tem ANA is not expressed constitutively. Dominant mutation ANPs boosts the sex limitation gene complex on X and Y
in the promoter of ANA leading to constitutive expression chromosomes.
of ANA is a requirement for environmental intervention, free SDRs of X and Y diverge also by accumulation of dele-
sex determination. It has been observed in animal systems terious sequences on Y chromosome. Because its ancestor
that a dominant feminizing mutation in the gene correspond- was an autosome, Y chromosomes carries many genes which
ing to FYA of plants leads to independence of ZW system are involved in diverse functions, and some genes which are
from environmental effects on sex determination (Bull 1983; essential for gametogenesis, formation of pollen and partici-
Valenzuela 2004; Quinn et al. 2007). pation of pollen in double fertilization. The inessential genes
may accumulate mutations making them nonfunctional. A
variety of satellite sequences and repeat sequences, includ-
Development of heteromorphy between sex ing transposable elements also get accumulated on Y chro-
mosome. Intrachromosomal recombination events between
repeat elements may cause enlargement, deletion and rear-
The major steps involved in the pronounced molecular and rangements of repeat and intervening sequences. The dele-
morphological differentiation of X and Y, Z and W, and terious sequences do not get deleted from Y in the absence
U and V chromosomes are outlined in figures 2–4. These of recombination between SDRs of Y and X chromo-
include (i) changes in the structure of SDR for the sup- somes. However, intrachromosomal recombinational rear-
pression of recombination in the SDR of enlarged size, (ii) rangements (ectopic recombination) can occur.
accumulation of genes/alleles that favour sex limitation in The structures of heteromorphic Y chromosomes known
X and Y chromosomes, and (iii) accumulation of deleteri- in dioecious species demonstrate considerable variation in
ous gene, repeat and satellite sequences and transposable ele- the pattern of their evolution of the kind delineated above
ments in SDR of Y chromosome. In the proto-X and proto- (figures 3 and 4). Silene latifolia Y chromosome is much
Y chromosomes (typical ones shown in figure 2) the SDR larger than its X counterpart; it has abundance of repeat ele-
comprises of essential genetic elements for dioecy, ANA and ments (figure 3). In Cycas revoluta, X chromosome is larger
GYS loci closely linked to each other in the pericentromeric than Y chromosome; its Y presumably suffered an intrachro-
region. Recombination between them is decreased by occur- mosomal recombinational deletion (figure 3). Some popula-
rence of sequence rearrangements in the SDR of Y chromo- tions of Rumex acetosa have lost Y chromosome and in them
some. Inversion, addition and deletion events can change the X-to-autosome ratio type of new mechanism has evolved
Figure 3. Diagrammatic representation of typical degenerative changes in the heterogametic Y chromosome that direct the evolution
of variants of XY sex chromosome system, prevalent in some model dioecious plant species. (a) The X and Y chromosomes of the
stage F of figure 2 in which SDR sequences of X and Y have extensively differentiated and therefore recombination is suppressed in
the SDR. (b) The SDR in Y chromosome have enlarged by gaining repeat elements/transposons and noncoding sequences at different
locations on both the arms (red colour). It has also accumulated several ANDROECIUM POTENTIATOR (ANP) alleles that are beneficial
for maleness and detrimental for femaleness. The X chromosome has gained several SEXUALLY ANTAGONISTIC (SA) alleles that favour
femaleness and antagonize maleness. X is relatively free of the repeat elements. (ca and cb) Whereas the structure of X is same as in b
(euchromatic, green coloured), the Y has accumulated more of transposon elements and noncoding sequences on both arms which have
increased its heterochromatization (shown in blue colour), saving PAR at the ends of chromosomal arms as euchromatin (green colour). ca
and cb represent the X and Y heteromorphism as noted in Silene latifolia (table 1). (d) Ectopic recombination events between the repeat
elements of same sequence have shortened the heterochromatized/degenerated SDR on both the arms of Y chromosome. Now X and Y
heteromorphic such that Y is smaller than X. This condition mimics the XY system revealed in Cycas revoluta (table 1). (e and f) Loss of
the Y chromosome. (e) The SDR of Y shown in d has acquired a translocation from an autosome (red colour) in the right arm. It has also
gained homologous TE sequences on the two arms (red colour). Ectopic recombination between the homologous TEs on two arms creates
a centromeric ring chromosome and an acentric rod chromosome both liable to lose during cell division(s). Y thus gets aborted. (f) X0
system is born. An example of it has been reported in some populations of Rumex acetosa.
Figure 4. A possible scheme for the emergence of XY1Y2 sex chromosome system from the XY system. (a) Heteromorphic X and Y
chromosome, Y is highly heterochromatized and X and Y share homology in the pseudoautosomal region (green colour at the chromosome
arm ends). (b) Telocentric Y1 and Y2 chromosomes have formed by breakage of the original Y at its centromere. (c) Formation of Y1 and
Y2 as isochromosomes such that the two arms have the same sequence in the centromere to telomere direction. (d) Truncation of Y1 and
Y2 via deletion of a PAR from one of the arms. Now in meiosis the trivalent formed between X and two Ys will facilitate disjunction. The
XY1Y2 type of heterogametic sex determination system is known in several species of Rumex and Humulus (table 1). The diagramme is a
modification of that given by Vyskot and Hobza (2004) for the sex chromosome system in Rumex acetosa.
(figure 3; Ming et al. 2011). Presumably, in this system for- Mutations such as base transitions, transversions, additions
mation of a centromeric ring and an acentric chromosome and deletions, insertion of repeat sequences such as trans-
due to intrachromosomal ectopic recombination has led to posons and deletion or rearrangement of sequences dis-
loss of Y chromosome. In some other populations of R. ace- rupt function of gene(s), in the absence of mechanisms
tosa and in Humulus acetosa, two Y chromosomes have for repair or replacement (Muller’s ratchet, Muller 1964;
replaced the conventional Y (figure 4; Rejon et al. 1994; Felsenstein 1974). The deleterious alleles do not get lost
Shibata et al. 1999). Here, fission of Y at centromere led or recombined out due to suppression of recombination
to formation of isochromosomes from the two arms of Y. between X and Y, W and Z and U and V chromosomes
The isochromosomes later lost segments of arms so that nor- in their SDRs. In each of the three heterogametic sys-
mal disjunction could occur at meiosis from the triad formed tems, some genes in the SDR are retained in their func-
by X, Y1 and Y2 chromosomes from pairing between their tional states. These include genes for pollen formation and
PARs. pollen tube growth for double fertilization on Y chromo-
somes of angiosperms and genes for the growth of hap-
loid thalli in U and V chromosomes of bryophytes (Lardon
Degeneration in the heterogametic sex et al. 1999; Yamato et al. 2007). The principal reason for
chromosomes the degeneration of heterogametic sex chromosomes is loss
of function in their genes not essential for dioecy due to
The Y, W, U and V chromosomes degenerate progres- suppression of recombination (Charlesworth 2009, 2012).
sively from the time of their inception (until they are lost) Nonviability of YY embryos is an indication of ample Y
by occurrence of loss-of-function mutations in their genes. degeneration.
Transition of XY into ZW system may be responsible for maleness as in the octaploid Rumex
acetocella (Cunado et al. 2007). In Viscum fischeri, the
The XY sex determination system can transition into WZ males and females have, respectively the genotype X1X2Y
system. This is indicated by presence of both XY and WZ and X1X1X2X2. It is visualized that a mechanism analo-
systems in different species of angiosperm genera Silene and gous to that which made possible generation of two differ-
Populus. Transition can occur readily if two conditions are ent chromosomes (figure 4) can also create two different X
met by the dioecious species to undergo XY to WZ transition chromosomes.
(Bull 1983; Hillis and Green 1990; Mank et al. 2006; Kaiser
and Bachtrog 2010). (i) The heterogametic Y chromosome
must not have undergone high levels of degeneration. (ii) The
karyotype should preferably be paleo-polyploidal. As shown Age of sex chromosomes in dioecious plants
in figure 5, a chromosome homologous to the ancestral X will
Heterogametic sex chromosomes Y and W of plants are of
already have ANA and gys alleles. This autosome to convert
much recent origin than in some animals. Most ancient are
into a W chromosome will acquire a SA gene, if already not
the Y chromosomes of mammals that have been evolving
present, and the dominant gain-of-function mutation GYA.
for more than 250–300 million years ago (mya) (Skaletsky
Whereas SA will antagonize ANA, GYA will antagonize GYS
et al. 2003; Charlesworth 2012). Human Y chromosome is
and promote the expression of femaleness (gynoecium devel-
only one-third in size as compared to its counterpart X, con-
opment) in WZ females. In the transitioned system preexist-
tains only 78 genes (single or in multiple copies) and has
ing Y will serve as the Z chromosome. The WZ bearers will
become highly degraded (Skaletsky et al. 2003). The oldest
be monosexual females bearing gynoecium producing flow-
Y chromosome in plants may be at least 10 times younger.
ers and ZZ bearers will be males producing stamen bearing
Y chromosomes of some species in Silene (Bergero and
flowers. In this model, X chromosome bearing SA, ana and
Charlesworth 2011; Muyle et al. 2012; Rautenberg et al.
gys alleles can be directly hijacked by occurrence on it of
2012; Sousa et al. 2013) and Rumex (Blocka-Wandas et al.
GYA mutation to become W chromosome. Such transitions
2007) are estimated (Gaut 1998) to have originated less than
do not demand presence of paleo-polyploidic karyotype in
30 mya. The age of Y chromosomes in Carica papaya (Wang
the species. A new question has arisen as to whether XY to
et al. 2012) and Coccinia indica (Holstein and Renner 2011;
WZ transition can occur back and forth. Theoretically such
Sousa et al. 2013) have been estimated to be less than 7 mya.
transitions seem possible. If the W chromosome looses from
Plant W chromosomes are of more recent origin, less than
its SDR the GYA allele and retains ana, gys and SA alleles,
1 mya; exemplified by Fragaria virginiana (Spigler et al.
the W can get converted into X chromosome. → XY → WZ
2008), here recombination occurs between the sex determin-
→ XY → transitions may be a mechanism to prolong the life
ing genes. The Y, W, U and V sex chromosomes of plants
of dioecy in a lineage.
are to a degree protected against degeneration because some
It is visualized that XY and WZ systems of sex deter-
of their genes are required to be expressed at the gameto-
mination can coexist in different populations of a species
phyte stages (Bachtrog et al. 2011). Despite this protective
and that interbreeding between members of the XY and WZ
mechanism, Y chromosomes of Rumex species have under-
populations will result in fertile progeny.
gone extensive heterochromatization and loss of function
(Spielman et al. 2001; Navajas-Perez et al. 2005a, b, 2006;
Cunado et al. 2007; Mariotti et al. 2009). Fact that mam-
X1X2Y and X1X2Y1Y2 variants of XY system malian Y chromosomes are surviving despite their origin
of sex determination ∼250 mya means that there may be diverse mechanisms that
prolong the life of Y and W chromosomes in animals and
Autopolyploidization in a species already having the XY plants. Early amplification of essential genes is a mechanism
system will double the number of X and Y chromosomes of Y protection (Skaletsky et al. 2003). Trafficking of ben-
like that of autosomes. Since the dosage of X: Y: auto- eficial genes from autosomes to Y and deletion of deleteri-
somes in male tetraploids and X: autosomes in female ous loci from Y are identified to be two such mechanisms
tetraploids will be in conformity of corresponding diploids, (Charlesworth and Charlesworth 2000; Ishizaki et al. 2002;
sex determination in diploids and tetraploids will be identi- Ma et al. 2004; Tanurdzic and Banks 2004; Bergero et al.
cal. Two examples (table 1) known are the tetraploid variety 2007, 2008a, b; Yamato et al. 2007; Yin et al. 2008; Oyama
Cordifolius (2n = 40) of Humulus luplus (2n = 20) et al. 2009; Spigler et al. 2010, 2011; Charlesworth 2012;
and natural tetraploid Dioscorea floribunda (2n = 40). In Sackton and Hartl 2013; Vanburen and Ming 2013). Enlarge-
Bryonia, the diploid species B. dioica, tetraploid species ment of PAR via translocations from autosomes may have
B. marmorata and hexaploid species B. cretica are all role in providing viability and fitness to Y and W chromo-
dioecious (Volz and Renner 2008). Polyploidizations in dioe- somes for their long life (Carvalho 2002; Vellender and Lahn
cious lineages alone lead to multiple presence of sex chromo- 2004; Bergero et al. 2007; Otto et al. 2011; Charlesworth
somes; if dioecy arises postpolyploidization single XY pair 2012; Bergero et al. 2013).
Figure 5. Delineation of a mechanism by which a XY sex determining system can transition into a WZ system. (a) On the left side an
XY sex chromosome pair is shown. The Y chromosome (blue colour) carries the maleness promoting dominant alleles ANA and GYS and
the X chromosome (green colour) has the ana and gys recessive alleles. On the right hand side are shown a pair of autosomes (brown
colour) one number of which is to be recruited as the W chromosome (darker brown colour). Both the autosomes carry their naturally
present ANA and gys alleles. The chromosome to become W acquires two more alleles, a SEXUALLY ANTAGONISTIC (SA) allele and
a GYNOECIUM ACTIVATOR (GYA) allele, to become genetically tailored for promoting femaleness. The XY sex chromosomes and the
autosomal chromosome pair are simultaneously present in the germline of the species undergoing XY to WZ transition. (b) The fertilization
process has brought together in embryo the preexisting Y (now rechristened as Z) and the SA and GYA modified female specific chromosome
now called W. The individual carrying WZ chromosomes now is a female. (c) Breeding between WZ female and XY or XZ males produces
ZZ male and ZW female progeny. ZZ and WZ will now invade the population which hitherto comprised of XY and XX individuals and
establish WZ system in the species. The diagram schematizes the origin of WZ heterogametic sex determining system prevailing in the
genera Populus and Silene whose different species carry either XY system or WZ system of sex determination (table 1).
Lessons from the model dioecious species sequences. Apparently heterogametic sex chromosome or Y
chromosome degeneration occurs faster in plants than in ani-
At this time, relatively more information is available about mals. Biotic and abiotic stresses are known to lead to accu-
the molecular genetics of dioecy in five plant species mulation of repeat sequences and mutations by causing loss
Carica papaya, Silene latifolia, Rumex acetosa and Fragaria of cytosine methylation from genome. The transposons get
virginiana and Populus trichocarpus (arranged in decreas- induced and demethylated cytosines serve as hot spots for
ing order of available information) than in other species. mutations to occur (see for a review Kumar et al. 2013a).
Some of the important information is summarized in table 6. Plants being sessile, they get exposed to stress much more
Following lessons were comprehendable from the analyses than animals. Greater exposure to stress may be one reason
of dioecy in species listed in table 6. (i) To maintain the for the shorter life of Y chromosome in plants. The other
genome of dioecious species in a condition such that recom- reasons may concern the nature of genomic karyotype and
bination can continue to occur in SDR of sex chromosomes gene content of autosomes that serve as ancestors of sex
is identified as the means to keep dioecy young. It is envis- chromosome. It is known that in vertebrates same autosomes
aged that the species will have efficient DNA repair and have served as the ancestral chromosomes for sex chromo-
meiotic recombination mechanisms and other processes that somes in many species of different genera (Graves 2006;
restrict invasion of genome by repeat elements, negate ampli- Ezaz et al. 2006; Graves and Peichel 2010). Acquirement in
fication and movement of repeat elements and allow their Drosophila melanogaster Y chromosome of genes that pos-
deletion. (ii) Maximization of the PAR in sex chromosomes itively regulate autosomal genes in tissue-specific manner is
via duplication of genes inherited from ancestral autosomes also a means to increase the life of Y chromosome (Sackton
and translocations of genes from other autosomes, especially and Hartl 2013). Interestingly, all species of 55 genera of the
those that are activators of other genes borne on autosomes plant family Salicaceae are dioecious. In the species of the
are also means for increasing the life of Y and W chromo- genera Populus and Salix that have been studied, recombina-
somes. (iii) Features such as ploidy level, gene content of tion continues to occur in the SDR (Yin et al. 2008; Tuskan
whole genome and that of autosome ancestors of sex chro- et al. 2012). In species where Y continues to be young for
mosomes and nature of repeat elements that have invaded the long period, the DNA repair and meiotic recombination pro-
genome at the time of inception of sex chromosomes, loca- cess may be highly proficient. Why the life of plant Y chro-
tion of SDR on sex chromosomes and schedule and nature mosomes is shorter than say primate Y chromosomes is a
of mutations and sequence rearrangements that occurred in mystery?
SDR are important determinants of the path that Y takes in its
degradative evolution. Some paths may provide longer life to
Y than others. (iv) Each dioecy has its own path of progres-
sion and life. (v) Since life of a dioecy is determinate, there
is recurrent evolution of dioecy. Evolutionary future of dioecy
Dioecy promotes outbreeding and thereby increase in
genetic variation. It supposedly arises in species suffer-
ing from inbreeding depression due to selffertilization in
Correspondence between dioecious systems hermaphrodite flowers. Origin of dioecy is thought to be
of animals and plants independent in each species (Diggle et al. 2011; McDaniel
et al. 2012; Kafer et al. 2013). Dioecious species face extinc-
As compared to plant kingdom, the animal kingdom is pre- tion on account of degeneration of their heterogametic sex
dominantly dioecious (Tanurdzic and Banks 2004). The rea- chromosomes (Bachtrog et al. 2011; Kafer et al. 2013).
son for this difference is not understood. However, it will Extinction is delayed for various periods of time by means
be seen from the table 7 that animal and plant dioecious of a variety of process that allow the essential genes of SDR
species share most of the important features relating to ori- to remain functional and/or continuance of genetic recom-
gin and functioning of dioecy, evolution of sex chromo- bination in PAR of sex chromosomes. The fossil evidence
somes and degeneration of the heterogametic sex chromo- indicates that plant and animal species have gone extinct
somes. Dioecy in vertebrate animals is 300 million year old due to their maladaptation to changes in the environment of
and the oldest among plants is not more than 30 million their habitat (reviewed in Kumar 2007). What happens to
year (for reviews see Bachtrog et al. 2011; Charlesworth the dioecious species whose heterogametic sex chromosomes
2012). The large difference indicates that the average life of are undergoing degeneration, but species are not facing any
plant heterogametic sex chromosomes is rather small, per- destructive environmental change, is an open question? Do
haps about 10 million year. In both animals and plants Y the dioecious species simply die out or do they hybridize
and W chromosomes degenerate because of the same pro- with other species and pass on their genome to new species?
cess, the Muller’s ratchet. They lose genes inherited from Evolution of dioecy may be a component of the cycle:
ancestral autosome by various kinds of mutations in them → new species → dioecious species → new species →
and accumulate retrotransposons and a variety of other repeat (figure 6).
References Testolin et al. (1995, 2001); Skaletsky et al. (2003); Rejon et al. (1994); Ye et al. (1990);
Harvey et al. (1997); Liu et al. (2004); Shibata et al. (1999); Desfeux et al. (1996);
Gill et al. (1998); Ma et al. (2004); Navajas-Perez et al. (2005a, b, 2006); Vyskot et al. (1993);
Mariziani et al. (1999); Yu et al. (2007, 2008a, b); Blocka-Wandas et al. (2007); Farbos et al. (1999);
Semerikov et al. (2003); Ming et al. (2008); Cunado et al. (2007); Lardon et al. (1999);
Ashman (2005); Wu et al. (2010); Mariotti et al. (2009); Filatov et al. (2000, 2001);
Yin et al. (2008); Gschwend et al. (2012); Steflova et al. (2013) Filatov and Charlesworth
Telgmann-Rauber et al. (2007); Na et al. (2012); (2002); Uchida et al. (2002);
Table 6 (contd)
Feature Description
Evolutionary environment for the origin of dioecy in species Paucity of genetic variability due to small population size and low mutation and or recombination rates
Genetical sex determination systems Three types of sex determination: XY type = homogametic XX females and heterogametic XY males;
WZ type = homogametic ZZ males and heterogametic WZ females; and X0 type = homogametic XX females,
and single X no Y males
Origin of sex chromosomes Inception of heterogametic sex chromosome system by occurrence of a recessive mutation for loss of maleness
in the proto-X chromosome and a dominant gain-of-function mutation for the suppression of femaleness on proto-Y
chromosome and thereby creation of sex determining region (SDR) on the proto-X and proto-Y chromosomes
Environmental sex determination Maleness or femaleness determining genes regulated via an environmental cue such as high/low temperature
Subdioecy Occurrence of males, females and hermaphrodites in populations of species because of recombination within SDR
Ancestory of sex chromosomes Sex chromosomes arise from autosomes. Same pair of autosomes can be ancestral for species of same genus or of
different genera. Different autosome pairs may be ancestoral for different populations of a species or different
species of a genus
Cooccurrence of XY and ZW system Different populations of a species can have XY and WZ systems of sex determination
Homomorphic sex chromosomes X and Y, W and Z and U and V are called homomorphic when they have identical cytology
Heteromorphic sex chromosomes Sex chromosomes are heteromorphic when cytological differences in morphology are present in X versus Y, W
versus Z and U versus V
Heterogametic sex chromosome (Y or W) degeneration Loss-of-function mutations of various types inactivate genes present in SDR and SDR accumulates repeat elements,
including transposons, and organelle sequences (mitochondrial in animals and chloroplastic and mitochondrial in
plants) in abundance, in Y, W, U and V chromosomes
Duplication of genes Y, W, U and V accumulate essential genes in more than one copy
Pseudoautosomal region (PAR) Regions present on X and Y and W and Z that can recombine in meiosis
Male-biased mutation rate Because larger number of meiotic cell divisions occur in the production of pollen in plants and sperms in animals
than in production of female gametes, genes have greater chance of undergoing mutation in males than in females
Genetics of plant sex chromosomes
Sexually antagonistic mutations It is the process by which mutations get selected on sex chromosomes; the mutations selected on Y and Z are
Sushil Kumar et al.
Figure 6. A scheme of the hypothesized evolutionary cycle for the sequential origin of plant species via the intermediacy of dioecy. A new
species arises as a segregant from an ancestral interspecies hybrid having undergone a fertility ensuring whole genome duplication. Initially,
despite the hermaphroditic sexual system, the species is rich in genetic variation. In time, genotype–environment led selections and selfing
of hermaphrodite flowers cause inbreeding depression in the species. Advent of dioecy in the species brings relief in the form of increase
in genetic variation because of unisexuality promoted outcrossing. A variety of mechanisms increase the life of dioecy. However, the
degeneration of heterogametic sex chromosome takes the dioecious species towards extinction. Since the vitality of male sex has weakend,
the females get crossfertilized with the pollen of foreign species. Successful hybrid so formed becomes the resource for the origin of one
or more species. The cycle new species → dioecy → new species ensures dispensation of the degenerated chromosome(s).
Interspecific or intergeneric hybridizations followed by dioecy. Presumably, genomes are tailored to give rise to new
partial or whole genome duplication and biased retention species via dioecy as the intermediate stage.
of duplicated genes/chromosomal regions has been identi-
fied as the principal mechanism of evolution of angiosperm
species and diversification of angiosperm lineages (De Bodt Applications in crop agriculture
et al. 2005; Thomas et al. 2006; Magdum et al. 2013; Kumar
et al. 2013b). The interspecies hybrids combine genomic In comparison to the hermaphrodite and monoecious species,
contents of two parental species. Besides, their new genome dioecious species provide more controlled and efficient sys-
undergo DNA demethylation due to genetic shock rendered tem for cross pollination to exploit hybrid vigour. Dioecy
by hybridity (reviewed in Kumar et al. 2013a). Genome scale also offers possibilities of raising unisexual female or male
demethylation allows amplification and movement of repeat plants in excess of the other. Since fruits are formed on
elements and occurrence of all kinds of point and rearrange- female plants, production cost of fruits can be lowered by
ment mutations at the demethylated cytosine sites. Segregat- raising more female plants, by ensuring the pollination of
ing populations of hybrids demonstrate considerable kary- female flowers. Another possible application is to produce
otypic variability and are therefore resources for one or more seedless fruits, in crops like date palm and papaya. This will
species via duplication of genomic karyotype(s) of original require induction of tetraploidy and a method for microprop-
hybrid and/or of segregants, followed by selection for adap- agation of tetraploid females. Seedless fruits may form on
tation to environment and fertility. Initially, the populations tetraploid female plants by fertilization of their flowers with
of new species will be rich in genetic variation. In time, exer- pollen from diploid males. Attempts need to be made to
cise of selective forces on the species may force them into develop technology for seedless watermelon, pumpkin and
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Received 16 June 2013, in revised form 31 August 2013; accepted 5 September 2013
Published on the Web: 15 April 2014