Kyle-Draw A Tree
Kyle-Draw A Tree
Kyle-Draw A Tree
Ethel Johnson
"Draw a tree for me. 1I That simple request has led to some of the most rewarding experiences
of my life. I have made friends, entertained groups of people, and corresponded with many
celebrities by asking them to draw trees and then showing them how much the tree tells me about
rve been analyzing people's personalities by looking at the drawings they've made of trees for
over twenty years. People reveal a lot about themselves when they draw trees in much the same
way they reveal themselves in their handwriting. Handwriting analysis, of course, is a complex
process which is often used for legal or therapeutic purposes. Tree drawing analysis is much
easier to learn.; this book (reading) will show you how it's done. And, it's fun. Anyone, even a
child, can draw a tree, and people are always amazed at how accurately they can be described
through their drawings.
The best way to learn how to analyze a tree drawing is to start with your own. So before you
read any further, turn to a blank page and draw a tree. Then go on to the next chapter (section) to
begin your analysis.
Now you're ready to begin! Every drawing of a tree is filled with clues that tell you about
the person who drew it. This chapter (section) describes the clues you should look for and tells
you what they mean. The list of characteristics that follows is one that I've developed and refined
since I first began analyzing tree drawings. I became interested in it after reading a psychologist's
theory that people reveal a lot about themselves in their drawings or trees, because drawing a
picture or a tree is less intimidating than drawing a picture of, say, a person or a house. Even
people who are self-conscious about their ability to draw seem to feel comfortable drawing a
I decided it would be fun to see how much people did reveal about themselves in their
tree drawings and I started by asking people I knew well - family members and
friends - to draw trees for me. I compared them and discovered that people who had similar
personality traits really did show that similarity in their drawings of trees. After analyzing dozens
oftrees, I was able to develop a list of characteristics and what they reveal. That made it possible
for me to look at any tree drawing and describe the person who drew it, even though I had never
met him or her.
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As you read through the following list of clues to look for, make note ofthose that apply to your
tree and what they mean.
If the tree is small in relation to the size of the paper, you're likely to be frugal - the kind of
person who doesn't waste anything, mcluding space on the paper you're using. Y oUTe careful
with your money and your time, and you're usually well prepared for tomorrow.
A large tree signifies a generous person. You give everything you can and when you're asked
to do something, you go all out. If it's so large you couldn't get it all on the page, you're generous
to a fault. You tend to take on more than you can handle and are always trying to do more than
you have time to do.
Firm, strong lines are drawn by aggressive, positive people who are sure of themselves and
know what they want out of life.
Lines that have a light, delicate touch mean that you're soft-spoken, gentle, and tend to be
Most of us draw lines which are somewhere between very firm and very light, because we are
somewhere between being very self-assured or very self-effacing. The firmer your lines, the
more self-assured you are, but this can change as your circumstances change. A person who has
been successful in a profession for many years will draw stronger lines than someone just
starting out. The same person will later draw softer lines if professional or financial setbacks
cause him or her to lose some of that self-assurance.
If it's in the top half of the page, you're what I call an upbeat person an independent spirit
who doesn't be tied down and wants a lot of freedom.
If it sits at the bottom ofthe page, you're a down-ta-earth person. You have a practical nature,
and people often describe you as sensible or reliable.
A tree that is placed in the center of the page means that you're well-organized; you're good at
planning ahead.
A tree drawn crosswise on the page indicates broad mindedness.
Did you draw your tree as an outline or with just a few lines? This shows that you like to
work with the overall concept and let someone else handle the details. A f.ew lines just barely
suggesting a tree mean you don't want people to know how you really think or feel.
A lot of detail in your tree indicates that you like to immerse yourself in the details of
anything you do. You're thorough. You make sure that all the loose ends are tied up.
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5. The Darkness or Lightness of the Tree
You have a serious quality about you if you shaded or darkened the tree. A light and airy
drawing without any shading shows.that you are easygoing. This is a different characteristic than
the darkness or lightness of the lines themselves. For example, a shy, serious person will use
light, delicate lines to fill in and darken the tree. A self-assured, easygoing person will use dark,
:fum lines to draw an open, airy tree.
Sometimes a person will draw a light, airy tree that is darkened or shaded in one part. This
indicates a serious concem about one aspect of his or her life. A shaded trunk means the person
has concerns about his or her home situation while shaded roots mean a troubled or difficult past,
and a shaded treetop signifies concern about the future.
If it's tall, you're a "tall-thinking person." You aim high and are an inspiration to others.
,If it has a point at the top, you're an ambitious person who's always reaching for the stars. You
like to feel that you are always moving forward in your life.
A tree that bends as though it's blowing in the wind shows that you're restless, full of energy,
and get caught up in the activity around you.
A tree that's short and wide shows that you're contented and stable, and that you're satisfied
with what you've made of your life.
If the tree is very wide compared to its height, you're a protective person. Your tree protects
the ground around it just like you want to protect those close to you.
A tree planted in the ground indicates a need for security. You want to know where you'll be
sleeping tonight. When you travel, you want to be sure that all arrangements have been made
before you leave.
The opposite is true for trees left floating in the air. You're perfectly comfortable when things
are spontaneous. You can function equally well in any surroundings.
If the earth is drawn as a soft, gr'acefulline under your tree, you are happy and contented.
A slanting base for your tree indicates insecurity.
A tree planted in a pot means you like to be on-the-go and are ready to take off on a trip at a
moment's notice.
A tree on the top of a hill means you like attention and want to be noticed.
If your tree is on an island, you are a loner by nature or else you may feel very much alone at
the present time.
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8. The Roots of the Tree
Roots tell me that your past is important to you and is a strong influence on the way you live
and think. Gracefully drawn roots suggest warm feelings about your childhood.
Dark, gnarled roots reveal unpleasant associations with your childhood.
The past isn't important to you if you left the base of your tree open with no roots. You draw
your strength from the person you are today. If the base of your tree is a straight line, you've
actually cut yourself off from your past.
A wide, sturdy trunk is as strong as you are. You call stand up to even the most adverse of
circumstances, just as your tree could stand up to the most violent storms.
A slim and narrow trunk blows with the wind. It and you survive by your flexibility. The
problems you encounter in life don't cause you to break because you are able to adapt.
A very straight trunk means that you are an orderly person and like to have your home and
work place well-organized. Is the trunk of your tree clear and uncluttered? If so, you're content
with your home life. A gnarled, twisted or darkened trunk says you're unhappy with your
situation at home.
A knothole in the trunk of your tree shows that you are a forgiving person. A knothole is a
mistake in a tree, but you drew it anyway, just as you accept people, despite their flaws.
If it's a dark knothole, you are forgiving of other people's weaknesses, but you hate to make a
mistake yourself and have a hard time forgiving yourself.
A fluffy tree top that looks like a cotton ball indicates that you're a warm, gracious person
who is content with life and comfortable to be around.
You're a private person and keep to yourself, if your tree has a simple, round top. Children
often draw round treetops because they haven't learned to express themselves. Adults who draw
round treetops choose not to express themselves.
A winter tree with branches and no leaves means that you're an honest person. Not much can
hide behind a winter tree. You are also likely to feel that how things are done is more important
than the final result. You feel that the branches that hold up the leaves are more important than
the leaves themselves.
A summer tree drawn with curves and swirls that suggest a leafy tree means that you care
more about the end result of the things you do than the methods used to accomplish it.
If your tree has both branches and leaves, you're a well-rounded person who cares about both
the end result and the methods used to achieve it.
You are what I like to call a 'tomorrow' person when all the branches on your tree point
upwards. You look forward rather than back and are more interested in what tomorrow might
bring than in what happened in the past.
A tree with branches reaching out in all directions shows that you are an outgoing person who
reaches out to people.
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A treetop that has lots and lots oflines that suggest energy and movement shows that you like
to keep busy. You're always involved in many activities at once. Sometimes, though, a treetop
with a lot oflines wi1l100k like a tangled mess. That1s a sign that you're confused about the
direction your life is going - you're spinning your wheels a lot of the time.
If you drew the branches ofthe tree and then placed the leaves in clusters on the branches,
you like to finish one project before you start another.
A methodical person often draws each indi vidual leaf on the tree. If you did that, you like
everything to have a place and your life to be well ordered.
If your tree looks as though it has been cut off at the top, you're holding yourselfback. For
some reason, you can't progress in the direction you want to go.
Any extra features added to your tree show an awareness of the things going on around you.
Fruit or lluts in your tree indicate that you like the things you do to have a purpose. You need
to feel that your work is productive.
If you drew grass under your tree, you want your home to be a comfortable place and your
friends to feel at ease there.
Flowers under your tree mean that beauty is important to you, and you like to fill your home
with beautiful things.
Birds, animals, or people in or around your tree show that you're a kind, warm-hearted person
who welcomes friends into your home. You'd rather have other people around you than be alone.
A sun shining on your tree means youre an optimist. You believe that the future will be
Clouds above your tree symbolize expectations of sorrow and disappointment in your life.
A swing in your tree means that you enjoy life and find fun in everything that you do.
People who draw Christmas trees are joyful people who love to celebrate all kinds of happy
occasions. They are also usually very sentimental.
People who draw Christmas trees are dreamers with ambitious goals and lots of plans for
achieving them.
Willow trees are drawn by those who are sad or wistfuL
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13. Unusual Distinguishing Features
If the branches of your tree are chopped off, or if you drew a stump, you feel thwarted in
fulfilling your goals. If your tree is a stump that started growing again, you felt hindered in the
past but you have overcome the problems that were holding you back and are moving forward
A broken branch indicates you have lost someone or something that you care about deeply.
An odd, out of place branch in the top ofyour tree or sticking out ofthe trunk: means that
someone or something is causing aproblem for you and is not fitting easily into your life. Ifit is
pointing downward, the problem is holding you back and preventing you from doing what you
If your tree has a distinct split at the top, you are being tom between two different directions
that your life is taking. .
If one side ofthe split is much larger than the other, you are repressing some part of yourself.
You're torn by things that happened to you in the past if your tree has a distinct split at the
A falling leaf means a sense of loss, a sadness.
Did you write the word "tree" or identify the kind of tree it is? If so, you're sometimes afraid
that no one understands you.
If you drew more than one tree, you are a generous person who always gives more than you
were asked for. Ifyou drew several different types of trees, you are a versatile person with many
moods. You always have several ways to approach everything you do.
Now that you have a list of the characteristics describing your tree, you need to analyze how
those characteristics interact and alter each other. For instance, a winter tree indicates an honest
person. But a winter tree drawn with aggressive, strong lines is different from a winter tree
drawn with soft, delicate lines.
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My "Peraonalitree"
----.--.~ ..
7. The Base of the Tree.