SITXFSA004 Assessment 1 Assignment

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Student Details: Student to complete

Student Name: Yuan Xue

Student ID : 10013015

Student Declaration:
By signing below, I declare that the work submitted here is my own work and it does not include work which is
plagiarised, copied in whole or in part from another student or other source such as published books, internet or
journals without due acknowledgement in the text.

Student Signature: Yuan Xue Date: 07/05/19

Assessment Details: Teacher to complete

SIT50416 Diploma in Hospitality Management
Course National ID and Title SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality - Commercial Cookery
SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality - Patisserie
SITXFSA004 Develop and Implement a Food Safety
Unit/s National ID and Title
Assessment Task number and name Assessment Task 1 Short Answer Questions
Date due: Date submitted:
Assessor Name: Jane Andrews

Assessment Result and Feedback

Result Re-submit date if required:
Not yet Satisfactory


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the assessor’s feedback
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VCE courses:  VCAA rules and regulations replace the above assessment review.  Please see your VCE 
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I request a review of my assessment for the following reasons (not applicable to VCE courses):

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Instructions to Student

Assessment task name Assessment Task 1

Assessment task type Questions
Time allowed 3 hours
Where the assessment will take place In Class
Personal protective equipment required N/A
Emergency procedures N/A
Equipment provided N/A
Individual or group work Individual
Support equipment allowed i.e.: calculator, No
Context and conditions of assessment Clearly outline the conditions under which the evidence for the
assessment task will be gathered. Your curriculum document may
provide you with some information.
What to submit Completed Assessment Task
How to submit Upload to Student Web
How to present your work Professionally
How many attempts at assessment are 2
Naming protocol for electronic files
How will the assessment judgement be made Observation checklist Exemplar

Performance checklist Rubric

Answer guide -


If at any time during the learning and assessment process, your Trainer/Assessor considers that the safety
of any person is at risk they will abort the session.
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Special Consideration

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VCE courses:  Supplementary exam procedures apply. Please see your VCE Teacher or VCE Coordinator 
for further discussion.

Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess you underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the
elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the following aspects:

 options for the structure and implementation of a food safety program, using the hazard analysis and critical
control points (HACCP) method as the basis
 consultative and communication mechanisms used by organisations to develop and implement procedural
 key features of commonwealth, state or territory and local food safety compliance requirements as they
impact food safety program development:
o contents of national codes and standards that underpin regulatory requirements
o components of a food safety program, especially procedures and monitoring documents
o local government food safety regulations and audit frequencies
o consequences of failure to observe food safety policies and procedures
o meaning of contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the Australia New
Zealand Food Standards Code
 contents of organisational food safety program, especially policies and procedures:
o audit
o cleaning and sanitation
o communication
o contingency management
o corrective actions
o equipment maintenance
o evaluation
o food:
 supply
 receiving
 storage

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 preparation
 display
 service
 disposal
o hazards:
 control methods for each critical point
 corrective actions
 systematic monitoring of hazard controls and record keeping
o personal considerations:
 dress
 hygiene
 protective equipment and clothing
o pest control
o record maintenance
o training
 food safety monitoring techniques:
o bacterial swabs and counts
o checking and recording that food is stored in appropriate timeframes
o chemical tests
o monitoring and recording food temperatures using a temperature measuring device accurate to plus or
minus one degree Celsius
o monitoring and recording temperature of cold and hot storage equipment
o visually examining food for quality review
 food safety management documents:
o audit reports
o audit tables
o customer complaint forms
o documented food safety program
o food flow diagrams
o food production records
o hazard analysis table
o incident reports where food hazards are found not to be under control
o policies, procedures and product specifications
o records of the monitoring of hazard controls:
 any record required by local legislation
 illness register
 list of suppliers
 temperature control data

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 training logs
o verification records
 HACCP or other food safety system principles, procedures and processes as they apply to particular
operations and different food types:
o critical control points for the specific food production system and the predetermined methods of control,
especially time and temperature controls used in the storage, preparation, display, service and cooking,
cooling and transporting of food
o methods of food storage, production, display, service and cooking, cooling and transporting, especially,
appropriate temperature levels for each of these processes
o main types of safety hazards and contamination
o conditions for development of microbiological contamination
o environmental conditions and, temperature controls, for storage
o temperature danger zone and the two-hour and four-hour rule
 choice and application of cleaning, sanitising and pest control equipment and materials
 high risk customer groups who are more susceptible to harm from food contamination:
o children or babies
o pregnant women
o aged persons
o people with immune deficiencies or allergies
o unwell persons.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted

Resource Requirements
Pen, Paper, internet access or a copy of “Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code - Standard 3.2.1 - Food
Safety Programs (Australia Only)”, information access to food standards/codes/legislation

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with instructions
for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.
The link provided in the instructions section above provides the references for this assessment. The food
standards code and relevant stare legislation provide additional information sources relevant for this assignment.
Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your trainer will
provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.

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Assessment 1

Your task:

Answer all questions below. Each aspect must be addressed.

1. What are the requirements for food businesses with regards to a food safety plan according to the Food
Standards Code?

 All operations are systematically examined

 Food hazards are identified and controlled

 Staff can access and understand the requirements for safe food handling and

2. You are in the process of developing a food safety program. What does this require for each of the following

1. Create a HACCP team

2. Describe the products

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3. Describe the products’ uses

4. Develop a process flowchart

5. Review the flowchart

6. List all potential hazards

7. Determine critical control points

8. Establish critical limits for each CCP

9. Decide on monitoring systems for each CCP

10. Establish corrective actions

11. Establish verification procedures

12. Determine record keeping and documentation requirements

3. You have decided on monitoring systems for each Critical Control Point and established corrective actions.
Who must be involved when these are implemented as part of the new Food safety plan? Why?

4. Due to a number of staff absences, you are required to rotate different staff through the larder section to
temporarily fill the positions. How will you ensure these staff will follow the requirements set out in the food
safety program relevant for the larder section? What would this require in terms of record keeping?

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5. You have implemented the food safety program. Provide details of what will you need to do to ensure all
aspects are followed correctly.

6. Your sous-chef informs you that an uncontrolled food hazard has occurred which could have critical
implications if not attended to swiftly. What will be your actions including administrative requirements?

7. Explain the meaning of contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the
Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code

8. What are the environmental conditions and storage temperatures for the main food categories and frozen

Fridge temperatures must be kept at 4°C or below and freezer temperatures must be
between -18°C and -24°C.

9. List 4 techniques which can be used to monitor food safety and provide 1 example for each. What would this
require when temperatures are measured and/or monitored?

10. List the 3 main types of food contamination and provide examples of how these are potentially caused:

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Biological Contamination: Bacteria, fungi, yeast, moulds
Chemical contamination: Solanine in green potatoes and other
nightshade vegetables
Physical Contamination: Hair

11. What are the common conditions for the development of microbiological contamination? List 5 examples
how microbiological contamination can be controlled or prevented.

 Time
 Light
 Food
 Moisture
 Tempreture

12. What is the temperature danger zone?

Danger zone between 5°C and 60°C. It will also prevent deterioration of foods due to
breakdown or loss of nutrients.

13. What is the two-hour and four-hour rule applied to hazardous foods which have been cooked or following a
cooking process?
Total time food is between 5°C and 60°C
0 to 2 hours Use immediately or refrigerate ≤ 5°C or
2 to 4 hours Use immediately
After 4 hours throw away

14. What is the requirement for the 2 hour/4 hour guide which applies to ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous
food? How is this calculated and what needs to be done according to the time is exposed in the danger

Within the first 2 hours (green zone) there are three options for the food: - it can be used immediately, -
returned to refrigeration at or below 5°C, or - reheated to 60°C or above. BUT you must keep track of this
After the first 2 hours (red zone) the food must be either used up within 2 hours or thrown out. It cannot be
returned to refrigeration or

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15. Create a cleaning schedule (or use an existing one) relevant to your work area and the food safety plan you
will develop for assessment 2 in this unit of competency and include:

1. Areas to be cleaned
2. Equipment to be cleaned
3. Cleaning agent for each application
4. Sanitisers to be used
5. Equipment used for each cleaning and sanitising task
6. Pest control provisions for each area in your plan.

16. List the 6 high risk customer groups who are more susceptible to harm from food contamination and explain
the reasons for the risk for each group:

17. What is the role of local government in determining audit requirements for food safety plans? How often
does this occur and which aspects do inform audit frequency and by whom these are undertaken?

18. What is the purpose of a first-party audit? How is it recognised in terms of scheduled audit frequency?

19. What is the purpose of food safety records during audits? What are the record keeping requirements for
food safety records and audit reports?

20. A food safety program must include information about the review of the program. Which details does this
need to include?

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21. List 3 types of records which must be kept by a business to demonstrate action and compliance in relation to
the food safety program

22. What are the legal requirements for food safety records to demonstrate that a business is complying with
the food safety program?

Documents must:

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