Learning Material
on an average.
colourful diagrams,
plenty of theory,
Table of Contents
1. Safety Instructions 5
2. Introduction 6
3. Features 7
4. Technical Specifications 8
5. Theory 9
6. Experiments
• Experiment 1 17
Study of ‘On/Off’ controller
• Experiment 2 18
Study of open loop system
• Experiment 3 19
Study of close loop system
• Experiment 4 21
Study of close loop system with disturbance
• Experiment 5 22
Study of steady state error
• Experiment 6 24
Study of proportional controller
• Experiment 7 25
Study of Integrator controller
• Experiment 8 26
Study of Derivative controller
• Experiment 9 27
Study of proportional + integrator (PI) controller
• Experiment 10 28
Study of proportional + derivative (PD) controller
• Experiment 11 29
Study of proportional + integrator + derivative (PID) controller
• Experiment 12 31
Study of proportional + integrator + derivative (PID) in close Loop
• Experiment 13 32
Study of proportional + integrator + derivative (PID) with first order
• Experiment 14 34
Study of proportional + integrator + derivative (PID) with Second order
7. Warranty 36
8. List of Accessories 37
Safety Instructions
Read the following safety instructions carefully before operating the instrument. To
avoid any personal injury or damage to the instrument or any product connected to it.
Do not operate the instrument if you suspect any damage within.
The instrument should be serviced by qualified personnel only.
The PID is the most popular controller used in the Process industries. It has been
successfully used for over 50 years. A robust easily understood algorithm can provide
excellent control Performance despite the varied dynamic characteristics of process
In control system, there are different types of controller. Study of two-position mode,
as ‘On/Off’ controller and continuous controller modes as PID controller is a very
important part of control engineering. To have a basic idea and practical hands on
controllers our PID has been designed to be used by student to investigate the
fundamental principles of PID by applying different signals to it.
With ST2451, Overview of P I D controller student can study two-position mode as
‘On/Off’ controller and continuous controller modes as P-control mode, I-control
mode, D-control mode, PI-control mode, PD-control mode and PID control mode.
These modes of controller can be performed individually and with different
combinations in open loop and close loop system. With this user can easily
understand the difference between the different modes of controllers used.
Square wave, triangular wave generator and variable DC supply as set point is given
on board and disturbance generator is provided.
Effect of PID can be seen on first order system and second order system in open loop
and close loop system, which is given on the board
Technical Specification
‘On/Off’ Controller:
The ‘On/Off’ or two position controller is the most widely used. It is the kind used in
domestic heating systems, refrigerators, and water tanks. When the controller is below
the set point, the controller is on and the o/p signal has the maximum values. When
the measured value is above the set point, the controller is off and the o/p is zero. Due
to mechanical friction or arcing at electrical contacts, the controller actually goes ON
slightly below the Set Point and ‘Off’ slightly above the set point. This differential
gap in the controller output may deliberately increased to give decreased frequency of
operation and reduce wear
Open Loop Systems:
Those systems in which the output has no effect on the control action are called open
loop control systems. In other words, in an open loop control system the output is
neither measured nor fed back for comparison with the input. Thus, to each reference
input there corresponds a fixed operating condition; as a result, accuracy of the system
depends upon calibration. In the presence of disturbances, an open loop control
system will not perform desired task. Open loop system can be used only if the
relationship between input and output is known and if there are neither internal nor
external disturbances. Note that any system that operates on time basis is open loop.
Figure 1
Closed-loop systems:
Feedback control systems are often referred to as closed loop control systems. In
practice, the terms feedback control and close loop control are used interchangeable.
Let us start with the concept of a closed-loop feedback system. An amplifier is
presented with signals from a summing junction. Output voltage is modified by a
factor B, subtracted from the input voltage, and the result is the signal that the
amplifier is given to amplify.
Figure 2
V2= AV1
V1=Vin - BV2
V2= A (Vin - BV2)
V2 (1+BA) = Avin
V2 = Vin
BA + 1
V2 A
V10 BA + 1
Op amp gains (A) are typically 50,000 to 100,000, at least at DC. Note, therefore, that
the gain of this block is quite insensitive to A. For B = .01,
V1 10000 V
A=10,000 = = 99.01 If A=100,000, 1 = 99.90 The term A (which
Vin 100 + 1 Vin
could include other terms in addition to the gain of the amplifier as will be shown)
changed by a factor of 10 but the overall gain changed by 0.9%
This is the fundamental relationship for feedback control systems, and it's very
powerful. Note that in general, A and B are differential equations or LaPlace
transforms that describe the behavior of these functions with frequency and time.
Because the transfer function above is a ratio of polynomials, (A could be in series
with some function G rather than just a gain block) and since the time and frequency
nature of networks can similarly be described as ratios of polynomials in s (LaPlace
transforms), many functions can be realized with this structure. Oscillators, filters,
amplifiers, impedance changers, negative-impedance blocks comprise just a few. For
now we'll confine ourselves to a simple DC case.
Because A is large and BA is therefore large compared to 1, the transfer function can
often be simplified to
V1 1
Vin B
Note that if other functions are in series with A, their transfer functions could be
lumped with A and would cancel out as they did above. This means that you can
cancel or minimize the effects of functions you cannot control simply by including
them "inside the loop" - i.e., in series with A.
With integral action, the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the
error is present. Integral action eliminates offset.
Controller Output = (1/Integral) (Integral of) e (t) d (t)
Notice that the offset (deviation from set-point) in the time response plots is now
gone. Integral action has eliminated the offset. The response is somewhat oscillatory
and can be stabilized some by adding derivative action.
Integral action gives the controller a large gain at low frequencies that results in
eliminating offset and "beating down" load disturbances. The controller phase starts
out at –90° and increases to near 0 ° at the break frequency. This additional phase lag
is what you give up by adding integral action. Derivative action adds phase lead and
used to compensate for the lag introduced by integral action.
With derivative action, the controller output is proportional to the rate of change of
the measurement or error. The controller output is calculated by the rate of change of
the measurement with time.
Controller Output = Derivative dm / dt
Where m is the measurement at time t.
Some manufacturers use the term rate or pre-act instead of derivative. Derivative,
rate, and pre-act are the same thing.
Derivative = Rate = PRE ACT
Derivative action can compensate for a changing measurement. Thus, derivative takes
action to inhibit more rapid changes of the measurement than proportional action.
When a load or set point change occurs, the derivative action causes the controller
gain to move the "wrong" way when the measurement gets near the set point.
Derivative is often used to avoid overshoot.
Derivative action can stabilize loops since it adds phase lead. Generally, if you use
derivative action, more controller gain and reset can be used.
A proportional + integral:
The integral action corrects for the offset that characterizes the proportional action.
The effective result of the composite P+I action is equivalent to manual adjustment or
resetting of set point after each load change.
The mathematical representation is,
mv(s) 1 1
= k c 1 + or mv(t) mvss + k c e(t) +
Ti s Ti ∫ e(t )dt
The additional integral mode (often referred to as reset) corrects for any offset (error)
that may occur between the desired value (set point) and the process output
automatically over time2. The adjustable parameter to be specified is the integral time
(Ti) of the controller.
Where does the term reset come from?
Reset is often used to describe the integral mode. Reset is the time it takes for the
integral action to produce the same change in mv as the P modes initial (static)
change. Consider the following Figure.
Integral wind-up:
When a controller that possesses integral action receives an error signal for significant
periods of time the integral term of the controller will increase at a rate governed by
the integral time of the controller. This will eventually cause the manipulated variable
to reach 100% (or 0%) of its scale, i.e. its maximum or minimum limits. This is
known as integral wind-up. A sustained error can occur due to a number of scenarios,
one of the more common being control system ‘override’. Override occurs when
another controller takes over control of a particular loop, e.g. because of safety
reasons. The original controller is not switched off, so it still receives an error signal,
which through time, ‘winds-up’ the integral component unless something is done to
stop this occurring. There are many techniques that may be used to stop this
happening. One method is known as ‘external reset feedback. Here, the signal of the
control valve is also sent to the controller. The controller possesses logic that enables
it to integrate the error when its signal is going to the control value, but breaks the
loop if the override controller is manipulating the valve.
Proportional + Derivative:
Proportional Integral Derivative algorithm
The mathematical representation is,
mv(s) 1 1 de(t)
= k c 1+
+ TD s or mv(t) mvss + k c e(t) +
Ti ∫ e(t)dt + TD
Derivative action (also called rate or pre-act) anticipates where the process is heading
by looking at the time rate of change of the controlled variable (its derivative). TD is
the ‘rate time’ and this characterizes the derivative action (with units of minutes). In
theory, derivative action should always improve dynamic response and it does in
many loops. In others, however, the problem of noisy signals makes the use of
derivative action undesirable (differentiating noisy signals can translate into excessive
mv movement).
Derivative action depends on the slope of the error, unlike P and I. If the error is
constant, derivative action has no effect.
PID algorithms can be different:
Not all manufactures produce PID’s that conform to the ideal 'textbook' structure. So
before commencing tuning it is important to know the configuration of the PID
algorithm! The majority of ‘text-book’ tuning rules are only valid for the ideal
architecture. If the algorithm is different then the controller parameters suggested by a
particular tuning methodology will have to be altered.
Ideal PID:
The mathematical representation of this algorithm is:
mv(s) 1
= k c 1+ + TDs
e(s) Ti s
One disadvantage of this ideal 'textbook' configuration is that a sudden change in set
point (and hence e) will cause the derivative term to become very large and thus
provide a “derivative kick” to the final control element this is undesirable. An
alternative implementation is
mv(s) = k c 1+ e(s) + TDscv (s)
Ti s
The derivative mode acts on the measurement and not the error. After a change in set
point the output will move slowly avoiding "derivative kick" after set point changes.
This is therefore a standard feature of most commercial controllers.
Series (interacting) PID:
The mathematical representation of this algorithm is:
mv(s) 1
= k c 1+ TDs
e(s) Tis
As with the ideal implementation, the series mode can include either derivative on the
error or derivative on the measurement. In which case, the mathematical
representation is,
mv(s) 1
= k c 1+ where e(s) = SP - TD scv (s)
e(s) Tis
Parallel PID:
The mathematical description is,
mv(s) = k c e( s ) + e(s) + TDse (s)
Ti s
The proportional gain only acts on the error, whereas with the ideal algorithm it acts
on the integral and derivative modes as well.
Experiment 1
Figure 4
Experiment 2
Figure 5
Experiment 3
Figure 6
Experiment 4
Figure 7
Experiment 5
Figure 8
Experiment 6
Figure 9
Experiment 7
Figure 10
Experiment 8
Figure 11
Experiment 9
Figure 12
Figure 13
Experiment 10
Figure 14
Figure 15
Experiment 11
Figure 16
Figure 17
Experiment 12
Figure 18
Experiment 13
Figure 19
Figure 20 Figure 21
Experiment 14
Figure 22
Figure 23 Figure 24
1) We guarantee the product against all manufacturing defects for 24 months from
the date of sale by us or through our dealers. Consumables like dry cell etc. are
not covered under warranty.
2) The guarantee will become void, if
a) The product is not operated as per the instruction given in the operating
b) The agreed payment terms and other conditions of sale are not followed.
c) The customer resells the instrument to another party.
d) Any attempt is made to service and modify the instrument.
3) The non-working of the product is to be communicated to us immediately giving
full details of the complaints and defects noticed specifically mentioning the
type, serial number of the product and date of purchase etc.
4) The repair work will be carried out, provided the product is dispatched securely
packed and insured. The transportation charges shall be borne by the customer.
List of Accessories
RoHS Compliance
RoHS Directive concerns with the restrictive use of Hazardous substances (Pb,
Cd, Cr, Hg, Br compounds) in electric and electronic equipments.
It is mandatory that service engineers use lead free solder wire and use the
soldering irons upto (25 W) that reach a temperature of 450°C at the tip as the
melting temperature of the unleaded solder is higher than the leaded solder.