Eca Lab Manual Final Print PDF
Eca Lab Manual Final Print PDF
Eca Lab Manual Final Print PDF
5. Hartley/Colpitt's Oscillator.
Circuit Diagram:
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2. Apply signal voltage 25mv at 1KHz.and find the signal current Is.
3. Vary the signal frequency from 100Hz to 2M Hz and note down the corresponding Current Io.
4. Calculate the current gain Ai=20log (Io/Is)
5. Calculate the fT from the Tabular form.
6. Verify fT theoretically and practically.
Frequency Response:
Aim: - To draw the frequency response of a voltage series feedback amplifier. (With and without
1. Bread board
2. Transistor BC 107
3. Resistor 100, 10K (2), 4.7K,(4),1K,5.1K,2.2K,
5. Capacitor 10F, 4.7F (3), 47F (2)
6. Power Supply 0 – 30V
7. Connecting Wires
8. Function Generator
When any increase in the output signal results into the input in such a way as to cause the
decrease in the output signal, the amplifier is said to have negative feedback. The advantages of
providing negative feedback are that the transfer gain of the amplifier with feedback can be
stabilized against variations in the hybrid parameters of the transistor or the parameters of the other
active devices used in the circuit. The most advantage of the negative feedback is that by proper use
of this, there is significant improvement in the frequency response and in the linearity of the
operation of the amplifier. This disadvantage of the negative feedback is that the voltage gain is
In Voltage-Series feedback, the input impedance of the amplifier is increased and the output
impedance is decreased. Noise and distortions are reduced considerably.
1. The circuit is connecting as shown in diagram with feedback. Apply Vcc of 12V from the
2. Give a 1 KHz sine wave signal with 56mv (p – p) as Vs from the function generator:
3. The output voltage is measured and mid-band gain calculated.
4. Vary the signal frequency from 100Hz to 1MHz in proper steps for 20 reading. Keep the
Input Voltage constant at 60mv (p – p).
5. Note down the resulting output voltage.
6. Connect the 4.7uF, 4.7KΩ with feedback and repeat the above steps 2, 3, 4.
7. Plot on semi log graph frequency verses gain with and without feedback, and compare
Gain and Band width.
Without feedback:
S. S.NO. Frequency
V V0 in volts Gain AV = Vo/ Vi, Gain (dB) AV = 20 log
(Hz) (Vo/ Vi)
200 6.6 110 40.82
400 7 117 41.33
600 7.2 120 41.58
800 7.2 120 41.58
1k 7.2 120 41.58
2k 7.2 120 41.58
4k 7.2 120 41.58
6k 7.2 120 41.58
8k 7.2 120 41.58
10k 7.2 120 41.58
3 dB gain = AVMax – 3 =
Bandwidth =
With feedback:
S. S.NO. Frequency
V Vo in volts Gain AV = Vo / Vi, Gain dB AV = 20 log
(Hz) (Vo / Vi)
200 1.25 20.83 26.37
400 1.25 20.83 26.37
600 1.25 20.83 26.37
800 1.25 20.83 26.37
1k 1.25 20.83 26.37
2k 1.25 20.83 26.37
3 dB gain = AVMax – 3 =
Bandwidth =
The effect of negative feedback (Voltage -Series Feedback) on the amplifier is observed.
The voltage gain and frequency response of the amplifier are obtained. Also gain-bandwidth
product of the amplifier is calculated.
7. What are the other names for positive and negative feedback circuits?
Aim: To draw the frequency response and Band width of a Current shunt feed back
Amplifier (with and without feedback)
In the current shunt feedback amplifier a sample of the output current is applied in shunt with
the input. The output current is proportional to the input current. Due to the parallel connection at the
input side, the input resistance decreases and the series connection at the output side increases the
output resistance. It is a true current amplifier.
Circuit Diagram:
Without feedback:
S. S.NO. Frequency
V Vo in volts Gain AV = Vo / Vi, Gain dB AV = 20 log
(Hz) (Vo/ Vi)
- - -
1 10
2 50 0.48 24 27.60
6 1K 0.52 26 28.29
7 5K 0.52 26 28.29
14 1M 0.14 7 21.58
With feedback:
S. S.NO. Frequency
V Vo in volts Gain AV = Vo / Vi Gain dB AV = 20 log
(Hz) (Vo/ Vi)
- - -
1 10
2 50 0.08 4 12.04
6 1K 0.14 7 16.90
7 5K 0.14 7 16.90
12 500K 0.08 4
14 1M 0.04 2.24 7
Bandwidth = 399935Hz.
RESULT: The frequency response of current shunt feedback amplifier is obtained with and without
feed back
AIM: To construct RC coupled amplifier and verify the voltage gain, observe the
Frequency response and find the bandwidth.
i. Transistors(BC-107)-2
ii. Resistors -560Ω -3, 100Ω - , 220Ω - 1, 2.2KΩ -3, 47KΩ - 2, 10KΩ -2
iii. Capacitors-23µF -2,10µF -3
iv. Regulated Power Supply (0-30V)
v. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
vi. Bread board
If the output of one stage is connected to the input of another stage, then the two stages are
said to be cascaded. This method of connecting two stages is called coupling. There are three types
of coupling namely capacitor coupling or RC Coupling. Direct coupling and transformer coupling.
If a capacitor is used to connect output of one stage to input of an other, it is called capacitor
coupling. Due to capacitor coupling, the operating point will be stable. It offers good frequency
At low frequencies, all the capacitors act as open circuits, and the coupling and bypass
capacitors are responsible for reduction in gain in the low frequency range. At high frequencies, all
the capacitors act as short circuits, and the parasitic capacitors are responsible for reduction in gain in
the high frequency range. In the mid frequency range, gain is maximum and constant. The lower cut
off frequency of a multi-stage amplifier is always greater than that of a single stage amplifier. The
upper cut off frequency of a multi-stage amplifier is always less than that of a single stage amplifier.
Hence the bandwidth of a multi-stage amplifier is less than that of a single stage amplifier.
i. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram.
ii. Apply input by using function generator 20mV, 1 KHz Sine wave to the circuit.
iii. Observe the output waveform on CRO.
Measure the voltage at
(i) Output of the first stage
(ii) Output of the second stage
1. From the readings, calculate voltage gain of first stage, second stage and overall gain.
Disconnect second stage and then measure output voltage of first stage and
Calculate voltage gain.
2. Compare it with the voltage gain obtained when second stage was connected.
For plotting the frequency response, the input voltage is kept constant at 20mv (p-p)
And the frequency is varied from 100Hz to 1MHz.
3. Note down the value of output voltage for each frequency.
4. All the readings are tabulated and voltage gain in dB is calculated by using the
Expression Av =20 Log 10 (Vo/Vi)
At second stage
Input voltage= 20mv (0.02V)
Bandwidth = 849952Hz
RESULT: The RC coupled amplifier voltage gain is verified, the frequency response is
observed and the bandwidth is noted.
1. What is the necessity of cascading?
2. Define 3-dB bandwidth.
3. Why RC-coupling is preferred in audio range.
4. Explain various types of capacitors.
5. What is loading effect?
6. What is meant by RC coupling
AIM: To construct the RC phase shift oscillator and verify its Frequency of oscillation.
i. Transsistor-BC107-1.
ii. Resistors: 47 KΩ - 1, 2.2 KΩ - 4, 10 KΩ - 1, 680Ω - 1.
iii. Capacitors: 0.01µF - 3, 100µF -1, 10µF -2
iv. Regulated Power Supply
v. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope.
vi. Bread board
An oscillator is a device which produces automatic waveforms without taking any external
input signal. RC Phase Shift oscillator is a sinusoidal feedback oscillator. A +ve feedback is used in
oscillators. In an Rc Phase shift oscillator, the feedback network must introduce a phase shift of 1800
and the amplifier stage must introduce 180 0 phase shift to obtain total shift around a loop as 360 0.
The feedback network consists of 3 RC sections each producing 60 0 phase shift so that the total
phase shift offered by the feedback network is 1800. In a practical RC phase shift oscillator, a
common emitter single stage amplifier is used as a basic amplifier.
The frequency of oscillations generated by the oscillator is given by f
2RC 6 4 Rc / R
i. Make the connection as per the circuit diagram as shown above.
ii. Observe the output signal and note down the output amplitude and time period (Td).
iii. Calculate the frequency of oscillations theoretically and verify it practically (f=1/Td).
f , K Rc
2RC * 6 4k R
RESULT: RC phase shift oscillator is constructed; the phase shift at points 1, 2 & 3 is noted
And the practical frequency of oscillation is compared with the theoretical value.
i. Mention the conditions for oscillations in RC phase shift oscillator?
ii. Give the formula for frequency of oscillations in RC phase shift oscillator?
iii. The phase produced by a single RC network is RC phase shift oscillator?
iv. RC phase shift oscillator uses positive feedback or negative feedback?
v. The phase produced by basic amplifier circuit in RC phase shift oscillator is?
vi. What is the difference between damped oscillations undamped oscillations?
vii. What are the applications of RC oscillations?
AIM: To construct colpitts oscillator and measure the frequency of oscillator.
1. Bread board
2. Transistor BC 107
3. Resistor 100K, 1K,6.8K,10K(POT)
5. Capacitor 10F, 10F, 47F, 0.1F, 0.1F,
6. Inductor 1mH
7. Power Supply 0 – 30V
8. Connecting Wires
9. CRO
The tank circuit is made up of L1, C1 and C2.The Resistances R1 and R2 Provides the
necessary biasing. The capacitance C2 blocks the dc Component. The frequency of oscillations is
determined by the values of L1,C1 and C2 is given by,
The energy supplied to the tank circuit is of correct phase. The tank circuit provides 180 0 out of
phase. Also the transistor produces another180 0. In this way, energy feedback to the tank circuit is in
phase with the generated oscillations.
1. Design the values of L&C according to the frequency.
2. The circuit is connecting as shown in diagram and Apply Vcc of 12V from the RPS.
3. Observe the wave forms and adjust to get the stable wave form.
4. Note down time period and calculate frequency and compare with the theoretical value.
5. Note down the resulting output voltage.
C1C 2
C = 4.545 nF Time period =10 microseconds
C1 C 2
f = 100.6 KHz
2 LC
Viva Questions:
1. Transistor – BC107-2NO.
2. Resistors – 33K5.6K,1k-1No.,1.2K-1No
3. Capacitors –10uF-2No.s
5. CRO
6. Function generator
Darlington transistor (often called a Darlington pair) is a compound structure consisting of
two bipolar transistors (either integrated or separated devices) connected in such a way that the
current amplified by the first transistor is amplified further by the second one. This configuration
gives a much higher common/emitter Current gain than each transistor taken separately and, in the
case of integrated devices, can take less space than two individual transistors because they can use a
shared collector. Integrated Darlington pairs come packaged singly in transistor-like packages or as
an array of devices (usually eight) in an integrated circuit.
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2. Apply signal voltage 1v, 1 KHz, signal from signal generator.
3. Measure current flowing the resistor at input side. Calculate the input resistance using
formula Ri: Vin/Iin.
1. Transistor – Bc107-2NO.
2. Resistors – 56K5.6K, 5.6k-1No., 1.2K-1No,1M
3. Capacitors –10uF-2No.s, 0.1uf
5. CRO
6. Function generator
The input resistance of an amplifier should be preferably as high as possible. The biasing
network with emitter resistance and Darlington connection are used to obtain higher input resistance.
In the self bias circuit, the emitter resistance is bypassed to increase the gain of the amplifier.
Simultaneously the effective input resistance decreases.
To overcome the problem of decrease in the input resistance, the Bootstrapped circuit is used.
A resistor R3 and capacitor C is added as shown in the fig. The capacitor C is kept large enough to
act as short circuit at the lowest frequency. Thus the resistor is effectively connected between the
emitter and the base. Then Vo = AVi . The effective input resistance Reff = . For emitter follower
AV = 0.99. Hence a very high input resistance is possible.
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2. Apply signal voltage 1v, 1 KHz, signal from signal generator.
3. Measure current flowing the resistor at input side. Calculate the input resistance using formula
Ri: Vin/Iin.
AIM: - Design Class A Resistive load Power Amplifier and find the efficiency of the given
1. Transistor –SL100
2. Resistors – 56K, 10K, 100
3. Capacitors –10uF-2No.s,
4. RPS
5. CRO
6. Breadboard
7. Connecting wires and probe
8. Function generator.
1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in figure.
2. Set the input signal amplitude in the function generator and observe an amplified Voltage
at the output without distortion.
3. By keeping input signal voltage, say at 200mv and observe the output Waveform from this
note down Vp-p.
4. From Vp-p find the Pac and Pdc and Efficiency
5. Verify the Theoretical efficiency with practical efficiency
1. Connections should be made as for the circuit diagram.
2. Readings should be noted without parallax error.
3. Applied voltage and current should not exceed maximum rating.
AIM: To construct a Transformer Coupled Class A Amplifier and observe the waveforms and
Compute maximum output power and efficiency.
1. Transistor – CL100-1NO
2. Resistors – 15k, 100ohm
3. Capacitors –10uf-1No.s
4. RPS
5. CRO
6. Function generator.
Design Equations:
Pdc=Vcc Icq
Icq=2Im/ л
η = (Pac /Pdc)* 100
1. Connections are given as per the circuit diagram
2. Observe the waveforms and note the amplitude and time period of the output
3. From the graph find the dc and ac power and calculate the efficiency.
1. Transistor – CL100-2NO
2. Resistors
3. RPS
4. CRO
5. Function generator.
Design Equations:
Pdc=Vcc Icq
Icq=2Im/ л
η = (Pac /Pdc)* 100
1. Connections are given as per the circuit diagram
2. Observe the waveforms and note the amplitude and time period of the output signal.
3. From the graph find the dc and ac power and calculate the efficiency.
Push-Pull Amplifier is basically a Class B amplifier, in which a transistor conducts for a half cycle.
For complete conduction, such as amplifier uses two transistors. The arrangement of transistors is
called complementary circuit. During the positive half cycle of the input signal, the NPN transistor
conducts and during negative half cycle of the input signal the PNP transistor conducts. The
transistor conducts only if the input voltage across the threshold voltage of 0.7V. This is because
input itself biases the transistors. During this interval, no transistor conducts or output is zero. This
causes a distortion called crossover distortion. If the peak load-voltage equals the supply voltage,
maximum efficiency occurs and the value is 78.5%. The main disadvantage is it uses two power
supply and distortion itself.
Model Graph:
Input power, Pin=2VccIm/П
Output power, Pout=VmIm/2
Power Gain or efficiency, η=л/4(Vm/Vcc) 100
1. Connections are given as per the circuit diagram without diodes.
2. Observe the waveforms and note the amplitude and time period of the input
Signal and distorted waveforms.
3. Connections are made with diodes.
4. Observe the waveforms and note the amplitude and time period of the input
Signal and output signal.
5. Draw the waveforms for the readings.
6. Calculate the maximum output power and efficiency
AIM: To observe the voltage gain and frequency response of a single tuned voltage
i. Transistor – SL 100 -1/ BC-107
ii. Resistors – 1KΩ-3, 10KΩ-1,15KΩ-1
iii. Capacitor – 0.1 µF -1, 1uF-2
iv. Inductor - 100mH
v. Regulated Power Supply
vi. Function generator
vii. CRO
viii. Bread board
The signal to be amplified is applied between the terminals base and emitter. The tank
circuit is tuned (i.e. L or C may be varied) in such a way that the resonant frequency becomes equal
to the frequency of the input signal. At resonance the tuned circuit offers very high impedance and
thus, the given input signal is amplified by the amplifier and appears with large value across it and
other frequencies will be rejected. So the tuned circuit selects the derived frequency and rejects all
other frequencies.
Input voltage =20mv (0.02v)
S.No Frequency Vo in volts Gain AV = Vo / Vi, Gain in dB AV = 20 log
(Vo / Vi)
1 700Hz 1.6 80 38.06
2 800Hz 2.6 130 42.27
3 900Hz 3.6 180 45.1
4 1000Hz 6 300 49.54
5 1200Hz 14 700 56.90
6 1400Hz 6.5 325 50.23
7 1.5KHz 4 200 46.02
8 1.6KHz 3.2 160 44.08
9 1.8KHz 2.4 120 41.58
10 2KHz 1.8 90 39.08
11 3KHz 1 50 33.97
Frequency equal to 1.3 KHz
RESULT: A single tuned voltage amplifier is constructed and its voltage gain is observed at
The tuned frequency.
VIVA Questions:
AIM: To construct a Double Tuned Amplifier and observe the waveforms and
Calculate the band width.
1. Transistor – Bc107
2. Resistors – 56K,10K,1K,1.2K,
3. Capacitors –0.1uf,0.01uf
4. Inductor boxes-2No.s
4. RPS
5. CRO
6. Function generator.
1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in figure.
2. Set the input signal amplitude in the function generator and observe an amplified
Voltage at the output without distortion.
3. By keeping input signal voltage, say at 25mV; vary the input signal frequency from
20 to 1MHz in steps as shown in tabular column and note the corresponding output