Brochure SitRam DRY

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Extending transformer life with drying

SITRAM DRY – stationary transformer drying and moisture monitoring
with Transformer Lifecycle Management™ (TLM™)

Answers for energy.

Aging processes in the transformer’s insulating system:
The challenge:
The life of a transformer’s solid insula-
Moisture Oxygen Temperature
tion plays a key role in determining the
transformer’s potential service life.
Along with high temperatures and
Oil-cellulose insulation
­oxidation processes, moisture is the
­primary enemy of a cellulose-based
insulation system. Experts agree that
maintaining a consistently low water Chemical degradation, formation Accelerated aging
content in cellulose and oil substantially of acids, peroxides, etc. of insulation
prolongs transformer life expectancy.
Sporadic oil drying (performed, for
example, during oil purification) is not
enough in itself, because most of the Mechanical degradation Dielectric degradation

moisture is stored not in the oil but

in the cellulose. Lightning and switching
Insulation failure Short circuits

Stationary oil and insulation drying

to extend the life of your transformer
Water content and temperature influence the oil’s break­ Now that the state of equilibrium has shifted, deposited
down voltage, as does the ageing of the liquid and solid water molecules diffuse from the cellulose insulation into
insulation. As a result, the moisture content of the liquid the insulating oil and the moisture content steadily drops
and solid insulation has a major impact on a transformer’s throughout the transformer. At the same time, the oil’s
current operating conditions and service life. As years go breakdown voltage quickly returns to normal levels once
by, moisture content increases due to the hygroscopic the process has begun.
binding of air moisture, as well as cellulose and oil deg­
Optional temperature and moisture sensors at the inlet
radation. Although these processes can’t be prevented
and outlet make it possible to monitor the drying process
altogether, technology can be used to counter their
and, if necessary, signal when the cartridges are ready for
replacement. Oil samples for DGA analyses can be taken
It has been shown that conventional methods involving at the inlet and outlet points.
the short-term use of conventional oil purification systems
can’t reduce moisture to the necessary extent. With
­SITRAM® DRY, however, Siemens offers a continuously
operating “bypass” system for drying oil during operation,
the video
where the transformer oil is continuously passed through
cartridges that absorb the moisture. The dried oil is then Experience the
­functions of
fed back into the transformer.
sound and vision energy/TLM

Siemens extends the lifecycle of your transformer –

consistently and reliably. With Siemens’ SITRAM DRY.
Continuous oil drying with
SITRAM DRY produces a
­diffusion gradient between
insulating oil and cellulose SITRAM DRY is simple to
– thereby drawing the install – including during
water out of the insulation. operation.

SITRAM DRY offers a number of advantages Factors for a long transformer life

over conventional drying methods. •• Online drying
Whereas offline methods require that all the oil be SITRAM DRY continuously draws moisture both from the
pumped off and purified, SITRAM DRY works while the oil and from the cellulose insulation, without additional
transformer is operating. Thus, there are no downtime heating or vacuum.
costs with SITRAM DRY and labor costs are extremely low. •• Increased breakdown voltage
Instead of a sporadic reduction of moisture in the oil, SITRAM DRY returns the breakdown voltage to normal
­SITRAM DRY guarantees a very low water content in oil levels after only a brief period of use.
and cellulose over the long term. •• Rugged, cost-effective solution
SITRAM DRY features top-quality components made
Top quality and compliance with guidelines
in Germany, low maintenance, and low costs.
Siemens has over a century of experience in transformer
•• Installation and operation without interruption
manufacturing that was, of course, also put to use in the
SITRAM DRY can be installed, operated, and maintained
development of SITRAM DRY. We are the only transformer
while the transformer is in operation.
manufacturer who also produces oil drying systems and
uses them in our own transformers. We know what matters
and guarantee the top quality of every component as well
as its conformity with guidelines.

SITRAM DRY is part of the SITRAM family. With its modular solutions, this family of products helps you
to ensure the availability and long service life of your transformers. We work with you to develop solutions
that are perfectly tailored to your requirements.

Target segment:
Target segment: Distribution transformers
Power transformers with with a conservator oil level
a conservator oil level of at least 1.5 m above
of at least 2.5 m above ground
Typical applications:
Typical applications: • Power distribution
• Power generation and industry
and transmission • Water capacity:
­utilities/industry 2 x 1.5 liters
• Water capacity: • Extended field
3 x 3 liters of application

The right solution for the continuous

drying of transformer oil: SITRAM DRY
Modular system Unlike the frame and cabinet versions, the SITRAM DRY
SITRAM DRY is a modular concept for oil transformers of Smart version is mounted on rollers, making it easier and
any size that is easily adapted to individual requirements. more flexible to use at different locations. All three ver­
The system can be installed both in brand-new transformers sions are designed for all standard applications and offer
and in older transformers during operation. Three basic you many benefits, including:
designs are available: a frame version, a cabinet version,
•• Automatic cartridge replacement signal
and the SITRAM DRY Smart version.
•• Self-monitoring of pump and moisture sensors
In the frame version, SITRAM DRY is mounted in an open •• Leakage monitoring (optional)
steel frame together with optional moisture sensors. The •• Potential-free alarm contact (life contact) to SCADA
cabinet version is the right choice if you want both ease •• Extended field of application:
of installation and protection of the drying system from ambient temperatures (-20°C to +60°C)
external influences. The cabinet has a pressure equaliza­
tion system, keeps out animals, and is certified for IP 55.

Target segment:
Power transformers with
a conservator oil level of at
least 2.5 m above ground
Typical applications:
Power generation Only continuous oil drying can
and transmission reduce moisture in oil and insulation
utilities/industry on a sustained basis.

modular for enhanced
The system for special requirements
In addition to the three standard versions, the SITRAM DRY
Cabinet version can also be equipped with various perfor­
mance modules. These modules can be ordered separately
as needed and are especially intended for customers who
place a high premium on the protection of their plant and
their transformer because, for example, it’s located in a
substation or other location where it can’t be monitored
by personnel on a daily basis.
SITRAM DRY Cabinet serves you by acquiring and pro­
cessing operational data, reacting automatically and
appropriately to error messages, drying the transformer
until a predefined level of dryness is reached, making
information available via various message channels,
and displaying the most pertinent data simply and
straightforwardly via the built-in panel.

Cartridges saturated
External leakage at top hose

Main customer benefits:

•• Reacts automatically to error messages
•• Stops drying when a defined level of dryness is reached
•• Provides current information on operating states and
measured values through text messaging and communi­
cation with SCADA system
•• Records and stores measured values using data logging
•• Provides a simple overview of operating conditions
through enhanced visualization
If a leak occurs inside or outside the cabinet, SITRAM DRY
prevents oil from leaking out of the transformer and auto­
matically shuts off the pump. SITRAM DRY informs users
of current operating states and measured values by send­
ing text messages, via the most common communication
protocols, including DNP3, Modbus, IEC 60870-5-104, etc.,
and by displaying the information on the built-in panel.

50 10

Oil moisture [ppm]; temp. [°C]

H₂O adsorption [liters]

1 2 3 4
Temperature, relative humidity [°C; %]

45 9
70 40 8

60 35 7

50 30 6

25 5
20 4
30 Trial phase: bypass
15 3
10 2
10 5 1

0 0 0
08.07. 18.07. 28.07. 07.08. 17.08. 27.08. 06.09. 16.09. 26.09. 06.10. 01.08. 21.08. 10.09. 30.09. 20.10. 09.11. 29.11. 19.12. 08.01. Cumulative precipitation
volume when using
Temperature, inlet (°C) ­SITRAM DRY in a
Temperature, inlet [°C] Moisture, inlet [ppm] 44 MVA/110 kV trans­
Relative humidity, inlet [%] Moisture, outlet [ppm] former, 1977 model
Relative humidity, outlet [%] H₂O adsorption [liters]

More safety in the field
Comprehensive service Phase 2 is determined by the amount of moisture diffused
SITRAM DRY is an extremely rugged system that requires out of the solid insulation after it is precipitated from the
little maintenance. Thanks to moisture sensors at the inlet oil. The flow of moisture decreases steadily, along with
and outlet, the degree of cartridge saturation can be pre­ the relative humidity concentration.
cisely determined, and replacement times predicted based
In a trial (phase 3), the filter cartridges were excluded
on trend analyses. And thanks to fast-release couplings,
from the cycle. During this test phase, the relative
cartridge replacement requires little effort – and is both
­humidity in the oil rose steadily. Over the observed time
safe and drip-free.
period of around four weeks, the moisture distribution
Our service offerings allow you to choose the extent to began to achieve a new equilibrium between the oil and
which you participate in your own oil drying. From instal­ solid insulation.
lation and process monitoring to cartridge replacement,
In phase 4, the filter cartridges were reinserted in the oil
we give you exactly the support you want.
cycle, at which point it was once again possible to rapidly
Example of the drying process in practice reduce the moisture in the oil.
The normal drying process is divided into two phases.
This trial strikingly demonstrates the duration of the
­During the first phase, the oil’s water content is quickly
equalization processes between the solid insulation
reduced (2 to 3 days in our example) and the breakdown
and the oil. Once again, it stresses that temporary drying
voltage is substantially improved.
methods do not achieve the desired effect, and that
only a stationary drying system can sustainably reduce

[email protected] •

Published by and copyright © 2014:
Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Transformer Lifecycle Management™
Katzwanger Strasse 150
90461 Nürnberg, Germany
E-mail: [email protected]

For more information, please contact

our Customer Support Center.
Phone: +49 180/524 70 00
Fax: +49 180/524 24 71
(Charges depending on provider)
E-mail: [email protected]

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