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An Internship Report
Submitted in the partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Award of the Bachelor Degree of



Under the esteemed guidance of





This is to certify that the intern project work entitled “STUDY OF

out by VASIMALLA AMRUTHA VARSHINI , B.Tech 3rd year student (Roll No :
182265) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, at 400/220KV
SS Sattenapalli, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. This project is done as a
partial fulfillment of obtaining Bachelor of Technology degree to be awarded

Under the esteemed guidance of

Assistant Executive Engineer


I express my profound thanks to the management of NATIONAL

INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL for providing the facilities in carrying
this project.

I express my gratitude to Dr. M. Sailaja Kumari madam, HOD, EEE

Department, for giving me the permission to do the internship in 400/220KV
substation, Sattenapalli.

I am very much thankful to Mr. Sk. Abdul Razak (AEE) for giving me this
opportunity and for his constant guidance throughout my internship.

I am grateful to Mr.V. Swamy Naik (EE), Mr. P. Subbareddy (Dy.EE), Mr.

R.N.Srinivas (Dy.EE), Mr. M. Nageswara Rao(Dy.EE), Mr. P.V. Subbarao
(Dy.EE), Mrs. K. Sree Vasavi(Dy.EE), Mr. S. Siva Sekhar (Dy.EE) and Mr.
L.Pavan Kumar(AEE) for their valuable suggestions and guidance given during
the execution of this internship.

At last, I thank all the staff members of Sub-station who directly or

indirectly helped me in successful completion of the internship.


I hereby declare that the conclusions embodied in this intern project

SYSTEM “is carried out by me in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of
my original work and the project has not formed the basis for the award of any



B.Tech 3rd year (EEE), Roll No : 182265


This intern project involves detailed study of 400/220KV Sattenapally

Sub-Station Automation is one of the most important grid substations in
APTRANSCO. The substation is situated in Kankanalapally Gram Panchayath
( Sathavahana Spinning Mills premises) nearer to Sattenapally Municipal limits.
The general principles of the substation operation have not changed, since
their developing days.

Therefore, the control and protection tasks remain the same. IT based
solution for protection and control offer cost effective measures to counteract
large area system disturbances. The objective of modern substation
Automation (SA) is to solve these tasks in a more efficient and economical way
by using the art information technologies (IT) and to provide more
functionality to work plant and systems harder.

This project also involves IT based solution for protection and control
offer cost effective measures to counteract large area system disturbances.
Effective fault location is mandatory for faster finding and fixing of problems.
Integrated numerical protection & control allows automated power restoration
and load shedding. On-line condition monitoring reduces maintenance costs
and enables.

Substation automation offers a cost-effective infrastructure for

implementing on-line condition monitoring of assets. Voltage instability
prediction is a new approach for early indication voltage collapses and enables
to work plants and systems harder. Integrated asset management improves
overall utility performance and productivity.


1. BCU Bay Control Unit

2. BMB Bus Marshaling Boxes
3. CCU Centralized Control Unit
4. CTMB Current Transformer Marshalling Boxes
5. CVTMB Capacitor Voltage Transformer Marshaling Boxes
6. CID Configured Ied Description
7. EWS Engineering Work Station
8. FAT Factory Acceptance Test
9. HMI Human Machine Interface
10. IED Intelligence Electronic Devices
11.IEC International Electro Technical Commission
12.LAN Local Area Network
13.OWS Operating Work Stations
14.PLCC Power Line Carrier Communication
15.RCC Remote Control Center
16.RTU Remote Terminal Unit
17.RSCC Regional System Coordination Center
18.SAT Site Acceptance Test
19.SAS Substation Automation System
20.SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
21.SSD System Specification Description
22.SCD System Configuration Description


 2-Time delay relay

 3-Interlocking relays
 21-Distance relay
 25-Check synchronizing relay
 27-Under Voltage relay
 29-Iolator contactor
 30-Announciator relay
 32-Directional power relay
 37-Low forward power relay
 40-Field failure relay
 46-Negative phase sequence relay
 49-Machine or Transformer thermal relay
 50-Instantaneous over current relay
 50BF-Breaker failure
 51-AC IDMT over current relay
 52-AC circuit breaker
 55-POwer factor relay
 56-Field application relay
 59- Over voltage relay
 60-Voltage or current balance relay
 64-Earth fault relay
 64R-Restricted earth fault relay
 67-AC directional over current relay
 68-Locking relay
 74-Alarm relay
 76-DC over current relay
 78-Phase angle measuring or out of step relay
 79-AC auto re-close relay
 81-Frequency relay
 81U-Under frequency relay
 81O-Over frequency relay
 83-Automatic selective control or transfer relay
 85-Carrier or pilot wire receive relay

 86-Tripping relay
 87-Differential relay
 87G-Generator Differential relay
 87GT-Overall Differential relay
 87U-UAT Differential relay
 95-Trip circuit supervision relay
 99-Overallflux relay
 186A-Auto re-close lock out relay


1. Introduction
2. Single Line Diagram 400/220KV
a) Salient features of 400KV side layout
b) Salient features of 220KV side layout
3. Major Equipments at the Substation
a) Surge arresters
Lightning arresters
b) Capacitor-Voltage Transformer
Potential Transformer
c) Wave traps
d) Bus bar
e) Isolators
Earthing Switch
f) Current Transformer
g) Circuit Breaker
h) Transformer
Components of Transformer
i. Primary and Secondary windings
ii. Magnetic core
iii. Transformer oil
iv. Conservator tank
v. Silica gel breather
vi. Cooling tubes
vii. Radiator

viii. Tap Changer
ix. Buchholz Relay
x. PRV
i) Shunt Reactor
j) Bus coupler
k) Transfer Bus
4. Fire Protection System
a) Hydrant System
b) HVW spray system
c) Deluge Valve
d) High Velocity Spray Nozzles
e) Fire Detection System
f) Portable Fire Extinguishers
g) Water supply system
h) Electric Motor Driven fuze water pump
i) Diesel Engine Driven standby pump
j) Jockey Pump
k) Control Panels
l) Annuciation Panels
5. Protection
a) 400KV Feeder salient features and protection
b) 220KV Feeder salient features and protection
c) 315MVA ICT-l , ll & lll protection schemes
d) Feeder protection relays
e) Transformer protection relays
f) Other protective relays

g) Relays and their LED indications
h) Auxiliary Equipment
6. Substation Automation System (SAS)
a) Problem Formulation
b) Objective of thesis
c) System design
d) Bay level unit
e) Conventional substation architecture
f) IEC 61850
7. Conclusion
8. References


The 400/220KV Sattenapally is one of the most important grid

substations in APTRANSCO. The substation is situated in Kankanalapally Gram
Panchayath (Sathavahana Spinning Mills premises) nearer to Sattenapally
Municipal limits. The total area of the substation land in an extent of 40 acres
of Kankanaklapally Village under Sattenapally Mandal in Guntur Revenue
Division in Guntur Dt.

This substation was sanctioned by APTRANSCO during 2005 under REC

schemes for improving voltages in Guntur and Prakasam Districts by feeding
220KV Supply to 220KV Narsaraopet and Parchur Sub-Stations respectively.
This substation was sanctioned with 6nos 400KV feeders and 2nos
400/220/33KV ICTs (Inter Connected Transformers). This 400KV Sattenapally
substation is the fourth substation in APTRANSCO with Substation Automation
System (SAS) features. The entire substation monitoring, controlling and
SCADA operations are being carried out from two Operating Work Stations
(OWS) and one Engineering Work Station (EWS) in the control room.

400KV – Sattenapally Feeders

Presently 400KV Sattenapally substation is having 6 feeders namely :
 400KV Sattenapally - VTPS Circuit-l
 400KV Sattenapally - VTPS Circuit-ll
 400KV Sattenapally - Srisailam Circuit - l
 400KV Sattenapally - Srisailam Circuit - ll
 400KV Sattenapally - Vijayawada
 400KV Sattenapally - Vemagiri
 400KV Sattenapally – Podili Circuit - l
 400KV Sattenapally – Podili Circuit - ll
 400KV Sattenapally – Chilakaluripet Circuit - l (Power Grid)
 400KV Sattenapally – Chilakaluripet Circuit - ll (Power Grid)

220 KV – Sattenapally Feeders
Presently 220KV Sattenapally substation is having 4 feeders namely :
 220KV Sattenapally – Parchur Circuit – l
 220KV Sattenapally – Parchur Circuit – Il
 220KV Sattenapally – Narsaraopet Circuit – I
 220KV Sattenapally – Narsaraopet Circuit – II
 220KV Sattenapally – Guntur Circuit - l
 220KV Sattenapally – Guntur Circuit - ll


The Substation Automation System (SAS) is divided into three parts namely:
 Graphical Topology
It deals with the single line diagrams and other diagrams in operational
 Electrical Topology
In this, each feeder is divided into number if modules suh as breaker
module,protection module, energy meter module and others for furnishing
data like measurements, alarms, events and states of various yard equipments.
 System Topology
Here, the modules are divided similar to electrical topology for
monitoring bay control unit (BCU), Ethernet switches and other IED devices.

Two fiber optic cables are run all along the switch yard area and control
room duly connecting OWS, EWS, Bay Kiosks of various feeders. The double
fiber cable ensures the reliability of the system communication. All the devices
are connected to the fiber optic rings through LIU (Line Interface Unit) and
Ethernet Switches. These cables are having a data transmission capacity for a
distance of 1 or 2 km.

Ethernet switch in the system provides flexibility in inter connection of
devices having RJ45 and optical ports. It enables data transmission from
Electrical to optical and vice versa. Ethernet switches controls the data traffic
and transmits priority tagged data at faster rate by passing the normal data
flow ex: GOOSE (Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event).

The communication protocol adopted is IEC 61850 which is client server

communication. Certain IED devices like over voltage relays (P923) are
compatible to 60870-103 protocol are connected to BCU for further data
communications, similarly Multi-function meters and Energy meters are
connected to MODBUS.

All the electrical equipment like isolators, breakers and Instrumental

transformers etc, in the yard are electrical wired to BCU (C264 relay of
Schneider Make) which in turn connected to work stations through fiber optic

The software adopted for operator work station is PACIS 4.5.4 Version
(Protection Automation Control Integrated Solution). The electrical and system
module are tailored in EWS and other CMT (Computer Maintenance Tools) and
SMT (System Maintenance Tools) are available for software maintenance.

The data communication to LOAD DISPATCH CENTER at VIDYUT SOUDHA

is carried out through Auxiliary Networking Panel in the control room wherein
data with 61850 protocol is converted to T101 through Gateway BCU. Further
data transmission is carried out through Modem and PLCC Panels installed in
control room.

The whole circuit of 400/220KV Sattenapally Substation is represented
by the following single line diagram :

l_______________________l l______________l
400KV side 220 KV side

The salient features of the Substation layout are :
At 400KV side:
 Total 8nos DIAs are established in 400KV side for connecting
feeders/ICTs/Reactors with 1 & 1/2 Circuit Breaker Scheme with 3
Breakers and 2 feeders per DIA.
 Each DIA consists 2 nos feeders/ICT/Reactor Bays connected through Tie
 All Tie Bays are connected with both of the BUS 1 and BUS 2 and act as
Bus couplers.
 First DIA consists of 401 & 403 feeder Bays through 402 Tie Bay. 401 Bay
was connected to 400KV VTPS CKT 1 and Bay was connected to 400KV
Srisailam CKT 1.
 Second DIA consists of 404 & 406 feeder Bays through 405 Tie Bay. 404
Bay was connected to 400KV VTPS CKT 2 and 406 Bay was connected to
400KV Srisailam CKT 2.
 Third DIA consists of 407 & 409 feeder Bays through 408 Tie Bay. These
are for future expansion.
 Fourth DIA consists of 410 & 412 feeders Bays through 411 Tie Bay.
These are for future expansion.
 Fifth DIA consists of 413 & 415 feeder Bays through 414 Tie Bay. 413 Bay
was connected to 400KV Vijayawada and 415 Bay was connected to ICT

 Sixth DIA consists of 416 & 418 feeder Bays through 417 Tie Bay. 416 Bay
was connected to 400KV Vemagiri and 418 Bay was connected to ICT 2.
 Seventh DIA consists of 419 & 421 feeder Bays through 420 Tie Bay. 419
Bay was connected to 400 KV Chilakaluripet CKT 2 and 421 Bay was
connected to ICT 2.
 Eighth DIA consists of 422 & 424 feeder Bays through 423 Tie Bay. 422
Bay was connected to 400KV Chilakaluripet CKT 1 and 424 Bay was
connected to ICT 3.

At 220KV side:
 Here, 3nos 220KV Bus Bar arrangements for connecting 220KV feeders
and 220KV side of ICTs, which are as follows:
Main BUS – 1
Main BUS – 2
Transfer BUS
 Total 10nos 220KV Bays are provided, which are numbered from South
to North.
 First Bay – 201 was connected to 220KV side of ICT-1.
 Second Bay – 202 was connected to 220KV side of ICT-2.
 Third Bay – 203 was connected to 220KV side of ICT-3.
 Fourth Bay – 204 was connected to 220KV Parchur Circuit – 1.
 Fifth Bay – 205 was connected to 220KV Parchur Circuit – 2.
 Sixth Bay – 206 was connected to 220KV Narsaraopet Circuit – 1.
 Seventh Bay – 207 was connected to 220KV Narsaraopet Circuit – 2.
 Eighth Bay – 208 is a BUS Coupler Bay to connect both Main BUS 1 & 2.
 Ninth Bay – 209 is Transfer BUS Bay to connect Transfer Bus.
 Tenth Bay – 210 was connected to 220KV Guntur Circuit – 1.
 Eleventh Bay – 211 was connected to 220KV Guntur Circuit – 2.

Power transformers
It has three 315MVA , 400/220/33KV Interconnecting Autotransformers i.e.,
ICT – l , ICT – ll & ICT – lll.


In general, a substation is a power system facility that contains power

system components such as Circuit Breakers, Transformers, Isolators, Surge
Arresters, Protective Relays, Measuring Instruments like PT,CT etc.
Sattenapally 400/220KV substation contains the following major equipment :
At 400KV side :
 Surge Arresters
 Capacitor-Voltage Transformers(CVT)
 Wave Traps
 Bus Bars
 Isolators
 Circuit Breakers
 Current Transformers
 Autotransformers

At 220KV side :
 Surge Arresters
 Potential Transformers(PT)
 Bus Bars
 Circuit Breakers
 Bus Coupler
 Transfer Bus

1.Surge Arresters
Surge Arresters protect transformers and other power system
equipment from voltage surges by shunting over-voltage to ground. Surge
arresters also prevent flash overs and serious damages to equipment. They
conducts high voltage current to ground without producing an excessive

voltage. The arrester begins to conduct electricity at a specified voltage level
above the operating voltage. Then the arrester becomes an open circuit when
the over voltage subsides and the current flowing through the arrester drops
to a low value.
The Surge arrestor is made up of ZnO and consists of Air gap, Resistive
element and Ground connection. The air gap allows a high voltage surge to
jump across the gap to ground. Whereas Resistive element allows high voltage
current to flow but prevent current flow at line voltage.
The rating of the arrester is defined as the RMS Voltage at which the
arrester passes the duty cycle test as per standards.
3rd harmonic test is used to measure the leakage current in the surge arresters.
Surge arresters are daily checked for the performance by cheking the
leakage current and the number of surges happened in the Surge Counter. For
the best performance, it should have minimum number of surge counts and
less amount of leakage current.
Lightning arresters : They help the power system from the damage caused by
lightning effects. When a lightning surge happens in the substation, the current
from the lightning surge is diverted to earth.

Surge arrester Surge Counter Lightning arrester

2.Capacitor-Voltage Transformer (Potential Transformer)
These CVTs are similar to Potential Transformers. They are used to
measure high Voltage flowing in the line. They are generally connected in
parallel. They are used instead of PT only when there is a presence of wave
traps. Hence the function of these CVTs is for communication purpose, which
filters out PLCC carrier waves.

Voltage can be measured directly upto 1000V.Instruments

were not designed to measured such high ranges and high
insulation levels. Hence, high potentials will be stepped down to
safe voltages.
Generally, the voltages will be stepped down to
110V (Phase-Phase) and 63.5V (Phase-Neutral) I.e.,
the secondary voltage of PT is 110V irrespective of the
primary voltage. PTs work on the principle that
voltage per turn when primary side is equal to voltage
per turn when primary side is equal to voltage per
turn on the secondary side.
CVT I.e., V1/N1=V2/N2
In PTs, one end of the primary winding is connected to earth
via link. This link is to be kept opened while measuring insulation
resistance values of the PT. This link must always be earthed solidly.
Otherwise it leads to PT failure due to appearance of rated voltage
at the secondary end of the primary winding.
Potential Transformer

3.Wave Traps
A wave trap is also called a line trap. They are generally connected in
series only in the presence of CVT. It has very high impedance to High
frequency signals and a negligible impedance to power system frequencies i.e.,
they generally block the frequencies out of the range of power system

frequencies, i.e., carrier frequency signals. They
prevent the communication system’s energy
from flowing into the substation bus. This would
compromise the integrity of the protection
system, prevents an external ground faults
behind the protection relays from the short
circuiting the carrier signal on the healthy line.

4. Bus bars
In order to maintain system stability and minimize fault damage due to
high fault levels, instantaneous tripping for bus bar faults is necessary. Bus bar
protection scheme should be completely reliable, absolutely stable for heavy
through faults, selective, accurate and fast operation.
General bus bar arrangement are as follows :
1. Single bus bar arrangement
2. Single sectionalized bus bar scheme
3. Main and transfer bus bar scheme
4. Double bus bar arrangement
5. Double bus and transfer bus arrangement
6. Breaker and half arrangement

These are the disconnecting switches operate under no load condition.
They do not have any specified current breaking capacity or current making
capacity. The isolators in some cases are used for breaking charging current of
transmission line.
Isolators are employed in addition to Circuit Breakers, and are provided
on each side of every circuit breaker to provide isolation. While opening a
circuit, the circuit breaker is opened first, then isolator. If isolator is opened
carelessly, when carrying heavy current, the resulting arc would easily cause
flash-over to ground. This may shatter even cause a fatal accident to the
operator, particularly in HV circuits. While closing a circuit, the isolator is
closed first, then circuit breakers. Isolators are necessary on the supply side of
the circuit breakers in order to ensure isolation of circuit breaker from the live
parts for the purpose of maintenance. Automatic switching of isolators is

Single break isolator Double break isolator

Isolators are employed in power systems are usually 3-pole isolators,
each having three identical poles. The fixed and moving conducting parts are of
copper are aluminium rods. During the opening operation, the conducting rods
swing apart and isolation is obtained. Three simultaneous operations of three
poles is obtained by mechanical interlocking of the three poles.
To prevent mal-opertion, the isolator is provided with the following
interlocking of the three poles.
A) Interlocking between three poles for simultaneous operation.
B) Interlocking with circuit breakers.
Earthing switch:

It is connected in between the line conductor and earth. Normally it is

always opened. It is closed to discharge the voltage trapped on the isolator or
disconnected line. When the line disconnected from the supply end, there is
some voltage on the line to which the capacitance between the line and earth
is charged. The voltage is significant in HV systems. Before commencement of
maintenance work, it is necessary that these voltages are discharged to earth
by closing Earthing switch. Normally Earthing switches are mounted on the
frame of the isolator.

Earthing Rod

6.Current Transformer :

Low currents at high potentials are high currents either at high

potentials or at low potentials can't measure directly with an ammeter for this
purpose, current transformers are used to step down the currents to safe and
measurable levels. Generally, currents will be stepped down to either 1 Amp or
5Amp. 5Amp CT is cheaper than 1 Amp CT. if distance between the CT and
measuring instrument are relay is appreciable, 1 Amp CTs are economical. CTs
work on principle of primary ampere turns equal to secondary ampere turns
i.e., primary MMF equal to secondary MMF

N1 x I1 = N2 x I2

Unless in power transformers, CTs secondary current is proportionate to

the primary x current i.e., load connected in CT secondary circuit will not
dictate the current flow in the CT primary circuit. If the CT secondary circuit is
open circuited, there is no opposing MMF from the secondary circuit. Hence,
high MMF will be induced in the secondary winding which will damage the
secondary winding insulation. Hence, CT secondary terminals should always be
either shorted or load (metering or relaying) must be connected to the
secondary winding.

Types of current transformer

• Bar primary

• Wound primary

Generally they are connected in series with the

line and can be easily differentiated from a PT as CT
contain two terminals whereas PT has only one at the
Live tank CTs (CTs at 33KV level, CTs at 400kv
level), transformer bushing CTs. CTs in CTs operated
meters and CTs provided in the bus bars of generators
are the bar primary CTs. Dead CTs (generally CTs at
132kv and 220KV level) are the wounded primary CTs.

Number of secondary cores in current transformer is based on its usage.
CTs used for 400kv feeder will have 5 secondary cores. First 4 cores used for
special protection (PS class). PS class is used for differential protection,
restricted earth fault protection, distance protection and bus bar protection.
This can be used for O/L and E/L protection also. But it is costlier and fifth core
is for 400kv protection.

7.Circuit Breaker :
Circuit breakers are mechanical devices designed to close or open an
electrical circuit under normal and abnormal conditions. Automatic circuit
breakers, which are usually employed for the protection of electrical circuits,
are equipped with a trip coil connected to a relay or other means, designed to
open the breaker automatically under abnormal conditions, such as over
The automatic circuit breakers perform the following duties:
(i) It carries the full load current continuously without over heating or
(ii) It opens and closes the circuit on no load,
(iii) It makes and breaks the normal operating current
(iv) It makes and breaks the short circuit currents of magnitude up to
which it designed for,
The circuit breakers are rated in terms of maximum voltage, number of
poles, frequency, maximum continuous current carrying capacity, maximum
interrupting capacity and maximum momentary and 4-s current carrying
When current carrying contacts of circuit breakers are separated, an arc
is formed, which persists during the brief period after separation of contacts.
The arc should not extend and it should be extinguished in a short time. This is
done by quenching media i.e.,pressurized SF6 gas. If the gas pressure is not
sufficient to quench the arc, it causes damage to the contacts of the circuit
breaker. The circuit breaker should be capable of extinguish the arc without
causing damage to the equipment or danger to personnel.

For successful operation of the circuit breaker, two functions are to be
1) Operating mechanism
• Spring charge mechanism
• Pneumatic mechanism
• Hydrant mechanism
2) Arc quenching mediums
• Oil circuit breakers
• Air circuit breakers
• Air blast circuit breakers
• Vacuum circuit breakers
• SF6 gas circuit breakers
Ratings of circuit breaker:
Breaking capacity(MVA)= √3 x rated voltage (KV) x rated breaking Current (KA)
Making capacity = 2.55 x symmetrical breaking capacity

Circuit Breaker

8.Transformer :
A transformer is a static device which transfer the power from one
circuit to another circuit without change in the power and frequency. Transfer
is of three kinds depends on variable parameters. They are :
 Isolating Transformers : Transformer without change in voltage and current,
without electrical coupling.
 Power Transformers : Transformer with change in voltage and current,
without electrical coupling.
 Auto Transformers : Transformer with change in voltage and current, with
electrical coupling.
Power transformers are used to step up the voltage at generating
stations to reduce the current to minimize the transmission losses while
transmitting power from generating stations to load centers and to step down
the voltages to distribution levels to distribute the power.
Power transformers works on the following principle:
Voltage per turn on primary side = voltage per turn on secondary
i.e. Vl/N1 = V2/N2 OR V1/V2 = N1/N2
Primary ampere turns = secondary ampere turns
i.e., V1 x I1 = V2 x I2 OR V1/V2 =I2/I1
Therefore V1 /V2 = N 1 /N2 = I2/I1
There are two types of losses in power transformers
a) Iron or No load losses which are related with the voltage.
b) Copper losses or load losses which are related with the current.
Power factor have no role in deciding the power transformer rating.
Therefore, power transformer capacity is always expressed in terms of volt
amperes instead of in watts.



A) Primary and Secondary Winding of transformer
Winding consist of several copper coil turns bundled together, each
bundle connected to form a complete winding. Winding can be based either on
the input-output supply or on the voltage range. Winding that are based on
supply are classified into primary and secondary winding, meaning the winding
to which the input and output voltage is applied respectively. On the other
hand, winding based on voltage range can be classified into high voltage and
low voltage winding.
B) Magnetic Core of transformer
The core of the transformer is used to support the winding. It is made of
soft iron to reduce eddy current loss and Hysteresis loss, and provides low
reluctance path to the flow of magnetic flux. The diameter of a transformer’s
core is directly proportional to copper loss and inversely proportional to iron
C) Transformer Oil
Transformer oil or insulating oil is an oil that is stable at high
temperatures and has excellent electrical insulating properties. It is used in oil-
filled transformers, some types of high-voltage capacitors, fluorescent lamp
ballasts, and some types of high-voltage switches and circuit breakers.
Generally, mineral oil is being used as transformer oil in the substation.
D) Conservator Tank
This is a cylindrical tank mounted on supporting structure on the roof
the transformer main tank. The main function of conservator tank of
transformer is to provide adequate space for expansion of oil inside the
transformer. When transformer is loaded and when ambient temperature rises,
the volume of oil inside transformer increases. A conservator tank of
transformer provides adequate space to this expanded transformer oil. It also
acts as a reservoir for transformer insulating oil. When volume of transformer
insulating oil increases due to load and ambient temperature, the vacant space
above the oil level inside the conservator is partially occupied by the expanded
oil. Consequently, corresponding quantity of air of that space is pushed away
through breather. On other hand, when load of transformer decreases, the
transformer is switched off and when the ambient temperature decreases, the
oil inside the transformer contracts. This causes outside air to enter in the
conservator tank of transformer through silica gel breather.

Conservation tank



E) Silica Gel Breather

Silica gel is used for the absorption of
moisture in a transformer absence of which, the
dielectric strength of the transformer oil goes down.
The breather is used for the movement of Air out of
the conservator tank during oil expansion and into
the conservator tank during normal conditions. As,
atmospheric air has moisture in it, to absorb that
silica gel is used. This silica gel is blue in colour and
turns white/pink on absorbing moisture. Then these crystals are replaced with
new ones.
An oil insulated/cooled power or mostly distribution transformer with oil
filled upto about half of its conservator tank and the rest with air. The
conservator tank is fitted with a 'breather' through which air is expelled
(breathed out) when transformer is loaded with the losses causing the oil
temperature to increase and expand. During light load conditions oil cools
down and contacts in volume so air is breathed in from the atmosphere. This
air contains moisture and i the moisture is absorbed by 'silica gel' crystals kept
in the breather and then allowed to enter the conservator tank.

F) Cooling tubes
As the name suggests, cooling tubes are used to cool the transformer oil.
The circulation of oil within the transformer may be natural or forced. In the
case of natural circulation, when the oil temperature rises, the hot oil naturally
moves to the top and cold oil moves down, while in case of forced circulation,
an eternal pump is used.

G) Radiator
When an electrical transformer is loaded, the current starts flowing
through it's windings. Due to this flowing of electric current, heat is produced
in the windings, this heat ultimately rises the temperature of transformer oil.
We know that the rating of any electrical equipment depends upon its
allowable temperature rise limit. Hence, if the temperature rise of the
transformer insulating oil is controlled, the capacity or rating of transformer
can be extended up to significant range. The radiator of transformer
accelerates the cooling rate of transformer. Thus, it plays a vital role in
increasing loading capacity of an electrical transformer.This is basic function of
radiator of an electrical power transformer.
Also, fans are used for the same cooling purpose. The transformer are
called OFAF(Oil Force Air Force), OFAN(Oil Force Air Natural), ONAF,ONAN etc
based on the usage of these two systems.
H) Tap changer
To balance voltage variations within the transformer, tap changers are
used. There are two types of tap changers – on load and off load. In on load

tap changers, tapping can be changed without isolating transformer from the
supply, while in off load, the transformer needs to be disconnected from the

I) Buchholz Relay
Placed over the connecting pipe that runs from the
main tank to conservator tank, the Buchholz Relay senses
the faults occurring within the transformer. It operates by
the gases emitted due to decomposition of transformer oil
during internal faults. Thus, this device is used to sense and
in turn protect the transformer from internal faults.

J) PRV(Pressure Release Valve)

The pressure relief valve (PRV) is designed as a safety device to be used

on power transformers and similar oil filled electrical equipments. When
pressure in tank rises beyond predetermined safe limit , the PRV operates and
performs following functions :

1.Reduces the pressure in the tank by instantaneously opening the port of

about 150 mm Diameter in case of all T6 models and opening port of about 70
mm Diameter in case of all T3 models .
2.Secondly, along with above mentioned function T-3 and T-6 operates a
switch which can be used to initiate precautionary electrical system.

In Sattenapally 400kV Substation they are using 3 Nos. of Auto

Transformers of Rating 315 MVA, 400/220/33kv, OFAF Type Auto Transformers.

Autotransformer cooling system:

The ICTs are provided with OFAF cooling system. There are 4 pumps 5 HP
rating. Each radiators bank is provided with 2 No's of pumps, one is running
and other is standby. The pumps are set to operate in auto mode at following

Pump start: 70deg.
Pump stop: 65deg.
Similarly for air cooling system, for each ICT, there are 8No's of fans.
These fans are made into 2 groups with 4 fans in each group. Out of 4 fans in
each group, 3 are running and one is standby. All the fans are set to operate in
auto mode at following temperature.
Fans start : 60 deg.
Fans stop : 55 deg.
These cooling systems are made to automatically control by the system
called Cooler Control Cubicle (CCC), for each transformer, which monitors the
all Fans and Pumps.

Each ICT is provided with 1No. Hydrant for on-line monitoring of PPM
levels of transformer oil.

Inside a transformer- with Fans and Pumps control

9. Reactor (Not installed presently) :
A shunt reactor is an absorber of reactive power, thus increasing the
energy efficiency of the system. It is the most compact device commonly used
for reactive power compensation in long high-voltage transmission lines and in
cable systems. The shunt reactor can be directly connected to the power line
or to a tertiary winding of a three-winding transformer.

10.Bus Coupler :
Bus coupler is a device which is used to couple one bus to the other
without any interruption in the power supply and without creating hazardous
arcs. Bus coupler is a breaker used to couple two busbars in order to perform
maintenance on other circuit breakers associated with that bus bar.
11. Transfer Bus :
For maintenance of Circuit Breaker, the transfer bus is energized by
closing the isolator switches to transfer bus. Then the breaker to undergo
maintenance and the corresponding isolators are opened and isolated for
maintenance. The circuit is transferred to transfer bus. Later, after the
completion of maintenance, the breakers and isolators are again connected
and the transfer bus is disconnected from the supply. Hence, we can observe
that the isolators connected to transfer bus are always opened.


This system covers the fire protection, detection and alarm detection for
400/220KV substation with Substation Automation System.

The entire fire protection system is broadly divided into following

systems :

Hydrant system of fire protection essentially consists of a large network
of pipe, both underground and over ground which feeds the pressurized
waters to a number of hydrant valves, indoor as well as outdoor. These
hydrant values shall be located trough out the substation and also at strategic
location near control room building/ bay kiosk. Hose pipes of suitable length
and fitted with standard accessories like branch pipes, nozzles etc. shall be
kept in hose boxes. In case of emergency, these hoses are coupled to the
respective hydrant values trough instantaneous coupling and jet of water is
directed on the equipment on fire. Hydrant protection shall be provided for
the following in the substation.

a) Control room building/bay kiosk, offices, and maintenance
b) Firefighting pumps and DG set building.
c) 33kV substation
d) Stores auxiliary build up and platforms.


H.V.W. spray type protection essentially consists of a network of
projectors and an array of heat detectors around the transformers to be
protected. On operation of one or more of heat detectors, water under
pressure is directed to the projected network through a deluge value from the
pipe network laid for these systems. This shall be provided for transformers in
the substation. Wet detection initiation system shall be employed for
automatic operation. The system shall be designed in such a way that the
same can be extended to protect additional transformer to be installed in
future. However, for the purpose of design it shall be assumed that only one
transformer will be on fire. The system shall
be designed to have a pressure of
5.5kg/sq.cm at 350cubic meter per hour at
the farthest transformer. Three rings at top,
bottom, middle shall be provided to spray
water through nozzles if transformer tank is
at more than 300mm above ground level.
The electrical clearance between the
emulsifier system pipe work and live parts of
the protected equipment shall not be less
than the 3500mm for a 450kv bushing,
2150mm for a 245kv bushing, 320mm for
36kv bushing.

Deluge valve shall be water pressure operated manual reset type. It is
the heart of Fire Protection System. The deluge value shall be closed water
tight when water pressure in heat detector pipe work is healthy and the entire

pipe work shall be charged with water under pressure up to the inlet of deluge
valve. On fall of water pressure due to opening of one or more heat detector,
the value shall open and water shall rush to the spray water network through
the open deluge valve. The values shall he manually reset to initial position
after completion of operation. Each deluge valve shall be provided with a
water motor gong which shall sound an alarm when water after passing
through deluge valve, is tapped through water motor.
Each deluge valve shall be provided with a local panel from which will
enable manual electrical operation of the valve. In addition to this, each valve
shall be provided with local operation latch Test values shall simulate the
operation of deluge valves and shall be of quick opening type. The general
construction shall confirm to requirements.


High velocity spray system shall be designed and installed to discharge
water in the form of conical spray consisting of droplets of water travelling at
high velocity, which shall strike the burning surface with sufficient impact to
ensure the formation of an emulsion. At the same time the spray shall
efficiently cutoff oxygen supply and provide sufficient cooling Minimum set
point of the heat detectors in the H.V.W spray system shall be 79℃.The
optimum rating shall, however, be selected by the bidder, keeping in mind the
maximum and minimum temperature attained at site.


Suitable addressable fire detection system using smoke detectors and/
or heat detectors shall be provided for entire control room building/ bay kiosks,
including corridor and toilets. Fire detectors shall be located at strategic
locations in various rooms of the building. The operation of any of the fire
detector/ manual call points should reset in the following.
1. A visual signal exhibited in the monitors of substations automation system
indicating the area where the fire is detected.
2. An audible alarm sounded in the panel.
3. An external audible alarm sounded in the building location of which shall be
decided during detailed engineering.
4. If the zone comprises of more than one room a visual signal shall be
exhibited on the outer wall of each room
5. A signal shall be given to air-conditioning system for its shut down.
Type and combination of fire detectors for different purposes and to be
adopted as under
a) Multi criteria detectors ----- for control room/ bay kiosk offices, PLCC room
b) Heat detector type ----- for Battery and AC room


Adequate number of portable fire extinguisher of pressurized water, dry
chemical powder, and carbon dioxide type shall be provided in suitable
location in control room building or bay kiosks auto transformer area and DG
and FF building .these extinguisher will be used during the early phases of fire
to prevent its spread and costly damage. The design, construction and testing
of pressurized water type, dry chemical powder type, and carbon dioxide type,
portable fire extinguisher shall meet the requirements.

Water for hydrant and H.V.W system shall be supplied by one number
electrical motor driven pump with another pump. driven by engine shall be
used as stand by. Two number water storage tanks of total capacity 420 cubic
meters shall be provided. Pump shall work under positive suction
head .annunciations of hydrant and spray system shall be provided in fire
water pump house and repeated in 400kv control room the fire water pump
house and shall also made to repeat annunciation system to 220kv control
The whole system will be kept pressurized by providing combination of
air vessel and jack pumps. Minor leakage will be met by jack pump.one
additional jack pump shall be provided as stand by. The pumps and air vessel
with all auxiliary equipment will be located in fire water pump house.
Operation of all pumps shall be automatic and pumps shall be brought into
operation at present pressure. Pumps shall only be stopped manually. Manual
start or stop provisions shall be provided in local control panel.


Pump should start automatically under any of the following conditions
a) HVW spray or Hydrant system header pressure low
b) Operation of any deluge valve
Pump should be stopped manually only. Pump should also be started manually
only if required from local control panel.

The pump should automatically start under any of the following
a) Header pressure low
b) Electric motor operated firewater pump fails to start.
Pump should be started manually only. Pump should also be started manually
if required from local control panel. The battery set which is connected for
starting of diesel engine shall not be subjected to boost charge. Diesel engine is
designed by GREAVES COTTON LTD. The name plate rating HP/ kW is 230hp/

Jockey pump shall start automatically when water pressure
in header falls below the set value. Jockey pump shall stop
automatically when the pressure is restored to its normal
value. Manual staring/ stopping shall be possible from the
local control panel.

Power feeder for motors will be from switchgear board located in
control building but control supply for all local control panels, annunciation
panels, battery and charger units etc shall be fed from AC and DC distribution
boards located in pump house. These AC and DC distribution board will be fed
from the switchgears and DCDBs located in control building.
1. TPN switch (1 no)
2. Auto/manual switches (1 no)
3. Start/stop push buttons with indication lamp (1 set)
4. DOL started with thermal OIL relay (1 Set)
5. Indicating lamp showing power ON (1 Set)
6. Indication lamp with drive ON/OFF (1 Set )
7. Indication lamp showing Motor Trip (1 no)


1. Fuse-switch unit for Jockeys um pump (1 set for each)
2. Auto/manual switch for Jockey pumps (1 no each)
3. Selector switch for Jockey pumps (1 no each)
4. D.O.L. starter with over load relay Self-resetting type, for all the
drives (1 no each)
5. Start /stop push button for Jockeypump with Indication Jockey
pump lamp with pad-locking Arrangements In stop position (1 set
6. Indication lamp for trip indication all drives (1 no each)
The panel shall be provided with the following:
1. Auto/Manual switch for Diesel Engine driven pump (1 no)
2. Start/Stop push buttons with indication lamp. (1 set)
3. Indicating lamp showing drive ON/OFF (1 set)
4. D.C. Voltmeter/Ammeter in the battery charger circuit (1 set)
5. Battery charger will be as per specifications described
6. Selector switch for selecting either of battery chargers for the
battery sets
7. Selector switch for selecting either set of batteries of Diesel
engine Starting
8. Selector switch for boost charging/Trickle charging of battery set.
Individual local control panel shall be provided for each
transformer/Reactor deluge system wherever this equipment is
envisaged. This panel shall contain push buttons with indicating lamps
for spray ON/OFF operation in valve operation circuit. Push buttons
shall be concealed behind glass covers, which shall be broken to operate
the buttons.
Provision shall be made in the panel for the field signal for the
annunciations such as spray ON and firing the Transformer/Reactor. A
signal for spray or the annuncia also be tions such as ON shall also be
provided in the control room fire alarm panel.

a) Location : Fire Water Pump House
Indicating lamp showing power supply "ON" and status indication lamps
for each motor. Annunciation windows complete with buttons. Details are as
1. Electric motor driven fire water pump running (1 no)
2. Electric motor driven firewater pump fails to start (1 no)
3. Diesel engine driven fire water pump running (1 no)
4. Diesel engine driven water pump fails to start (1 no)
5. Jockey pump - 1 running (1 no)
6. Jockey pump -1 fails to start (1 no)
7. Jockey pump -2 running (1 no)
8. Jockey pump -2 fails to start (1 no)
9. Fire in Transformer (1 for each)
10. Deluge system operating for Transformer (1 for each)
11. Firefighting System in operation/ Header Pressure low (1 no)
12. Fire in smoke detection system zone (1 no)
13. Water storage tank water level low (2 nos)
14. High speed diesel tank level low (1 no)
15. Spare (10 nos)
b) Location 400kV control room
i. Indication lamp showing power supply 'ON'
ii) Provision shall be made in the panel for a signal for spray ON for each
transformer for purchasers use for event logger.
iii) Following annunciations shall be provided.
1. Fire in transformer equipment (1 for each)
2. Diesel engine driven fire water pump in operation (1 no)

3. Motor driven fire water pump operation ( 2 nos)
4. Firefighting water storage tank level low (2 nos)
5. Fire / fault (1+1 duplicate for each zone as applicable)
6. Spares (10 nos)
c) Each annunciation panel shall be provided with hooters (separate for AC fail
and Dc fail)
d) Indications for faults in respective areas shall also be provided. Each
annunciation window shall exhibit 'FIRE' and ‘FAULT' conditions separately.
e) Annunciation system shall have RS485 port provision or such arrangement
to replicate in SAS.
In addition to the yard fire protection system, fire alarm with smoke
detectors are placed at various maintenance rooms ,AC distribution board, DC
shift staff in case of any fire in above said locations.
Here is also signal system protection panel at locations such as kiosks,
control room, corridor, PLCC room to alert the distribution boards.
The control and interlock system for the fire protection system shall
meet the following requirements.



400kV Lines are protected with the fallowing protection schemes:
1.Main-I with P444 Scheme of Schneider make
2.Main —II with REL67O Scheme of ABB make with following inherent
protection :
• Distance protection (With 5 Zones).
• Directional E/F.
• Over voltage.
• Open jumper/ Broken Conductor.
• Power Swing Blocking/out of step tripping.
• Stub protection.
• VT Fuses failure protection
• Z.com
The feeders also provided with PU (Peripheral Unit, P743 of Schneider
Make) which has LBB protection scheme (50BF)and bus bar protection scheme
to initiate bus bar protection in the event of breaker failure for tripping under
fault condition. The 400KV lines are also protected with carrier tripping to trip
at both ends under manual tripping operations and also under fault trappings.
The above 400 KV lines are provided with Single phase Auto Re-closing
scheme which is inbuilt in the Bay Control Unit, C264 model, Schneider make.

400kV system is provided with 1&1/2 Breaker scheme with 3 Breakers
and two feeders per DIA (1 line feeder and 1 Transformer/ feeder). This 1&1/2
breaker scheme ensures operational flexibility under shutdown periods even
while availing L/Cs on both Buses.

400KV side System Architecture


220kV Lines are protected with the following protection schemes:
1. Main-I with P444 Scheme of Schneider make and
2. Main —II with REL 670 Scheme of ABB Make with following inherent
• Distance protection.
• Directional E/F.
• Open jumper/ Broken Conductor.

• Power Swing Blocking/out of step tripping.
• VT Fuses failure protection
• Z.com


• Bus bar protection
• LBB protection
The Bus bar protection scheme having 1 No.CU (Control unit) i.e., P741
and it is connected to Peripheral unit of the individual feeder i.e., P743 through
the fiber optic cable in star network, The bus bar protection scheme is
distributed architecture concept and it is low impedance differential bus bar

220KV side System Architecture


315MVA ICT l,II & III are having following protection features:

Transformer differential protection scheme-I (87T1, P643 model, Schneider
• Transformer differential protection scheme
• HV over fluxing protection.
Transformer differential protection scheme-II(87T2) in LV (P633, Schneider
• REF Protection
• LV Over fluxing protection
Directional O/C and E/F Protection on HV & LV side:
• HV directional over current protection and Earth fault protection
LV-Bus bar protection:
• Bus bar protection
• LBB Protection


1.Distance Protection:
Distance protection is used for the protection of transmission or sub-
transmission lines: usually 33kv. 66kv and 132kv lines. It includes a number of
distance relays of the same or different types. A distance relay measures the
distance between the relay location and the point of fault in terms of
impedance,. reactance. etc. The relax operates if the point of fault lies within
the protected section of line. There are various kinds of distance relays. The
important types are impedance, reactance and mho type. An impedance relay
measures the line impedance between the fault point and relay location; a
reactance relay measures reactance and a mho relay measures a component of
2.Over-voltage Protection:
Over voltage may be caused by a defective voltage regulator or it may
occur due to sudden loss of electrical load on generators. When a load is lost,
there is an increase in speed and hence the voltage also increases. An

overvoltage relay is one that operates when input voltage exceeds a
predetermined or pick-up value. These relay s may be instantaneous or time
delayed devices. In order to set time over voltage relay. pick up voltage and
time dial need to be specified and VT ratio needs to be documented. These
relays complete their function and close the output contact when the duration
of over voltage exceeds the time delay described by time voltage curve.
3. Out of Step Tripping Relay:
Two blinders (angle impedance relays) are employed for out of step
tripping. An auxiliary relay is used with each blinder. These blinders are
arranged to cause operation of one of the auxiliary relays if the impedance
crosses the operating characteristic of one of them before the other, in either
direction. The auxiliary relay can send out a signal to an alarm, trip a circuit
breaker or initiate some other form of control.
4. Directional Earth Fault Protection:
The operating principle and construction is similar to directional over
current relays. In the directional over current protection the current coil of
relay is activated from secondary current of line CT, whereas the current coil of
directional earth fault relay is activated by residual current. Similarly in
directional over-current relay, the voltage coil is actuated by secondary of line
VT, whereas in directional earth fault relay, the voltage coil is actuated by the
residual voltage. Directional earth fault relays sense the direction in which
earth fault occurs with respect to the relay location and it operates for fault in
a particular direction. The directional earth fault relay (single phase unit) has
two coils. The polarizing quantity is obtained either from
Residual current, IRs = Ia + lb + IC
(Or) residual voltage, VRS = V a + V b + V
Where Va, Vb and Vc are phase voltages.
Earth fault protection responds to single line to ground faults and double line
to ground faults. The current coil of earth fault relay is connected either in
neutral to ground circuit or in residually connected secondary CT circuit.
5.Switch-On-To-Fault (SOTF):
The main purpose of the SOTF switch-on-to fault function is to provide
high-speed tripping when energizing a power line on to a short-circuit fault on

the line.The SOTF function is a logical function built up from logical elements. It
is a complementary function to the distance protection function. lt is enabled
for operation either by the close command to the circuit breaker, by a normally
closed auxiliary contacts of the circuit breaker, or automatically by the dead
line detection. Pickup of any one of the selected protection functions during
the enabled condition will result in an immediate trip output from the SUIT
6.Broken Conductor:
The broken conductor protection detects unbalanced conditions caused
by broken conductors, mal operation of single phase of switchgear or by other
single phasing conditions. Series faults will not cause an increase in phase
current on the system and hence are not readily detectable by standard over
current relays. However, they will produce an unbalance and a resultant level
of negative phase sequence current, which can be detected. It is possible to
apply a negative phase sequence over current relay to detect the above
7.Stub Protection:
The stub protection operates for faults in the parts of 1 1/2 and ring bus
station configurations, which cannot be protected by the distance protection
function if the line isolators are opened.The use of the function can be
extended to various other purposes, when a three phase over current
protection can operate only under special external conditions.The function
operates as a three phase instantaneous over current protection. The function
is released when the line disconnector is open; a normally closed auxiliary
contact of the line disconnector has to be connected to the STUB-RELEASE
functional input by configuration.
8.VT Fuse Failure:
To detect VT fuse failures Voltage Transformer Supervision (VTS) is
employed.This prevents mal operation of voltage dependent protection on AC
voltage input failure.

1.Differential and over flux relays:
A differential relay is a primary protective relay of a transformer and
works on the principle of current comparison and indicates fault between
phases or between phase and round in the transformer winding. The relay is
designed to be stable for external faults and magnetizing inrush and takes care
of the effect of tap changing. When a transformer trips on differential replay
the transformer shall be thoroughly tested before it is taken back into service.
These relays also designed on V/F principle and respond to variations in
voltage and frequency.

It is necessary to bring back the voltage and frequency to normal levels if the
transformer trips on this indication before taking it back into service.
2.Over Current and Earth Fault protection:
The over current and earth Fault relays may he of Inverse Definite
Minimum Time (IDMT) or Definite time type relays. Generally IDMT relays are
connected to the in-feed side of the transformer. The over current relays
cannot distinguish between external short circuit, over load and internal faults
of the transformer. For any of the above fault, backup protection i.e. over
current and earth fault protection connected to in-feed side of the transformer
will operate.
3. Restricted Earth Fault Protection:
Restricted earth fault protection is provided in electrical power
transformer for sensing internal earth limit of the transformer. in this scheme,
the common terminals of phase CTs are connected to the secondary of Neutral
CT in such a manner that secondary unbalance current of phase CTs and the
secondary current of Neutral CT will Oppose each other. If these both currents
are equal in amplitude there will not be any resultant current circulate through
the said close path. The Restricted Earth Fault Relay is connected in this close
path. Hence the relay will not response even there is an unbalancing in phase
current of the power transformer.

4.Buchholz Relay:
This is a gas operated relay. The gas could be produced due to an
internal fault in the transformer or its tap changer etc. It has one alarm contact
and one trip contact. The trip contact is connected to trip the HV & LV Breakers
of the transformer and Isolates the transformer from supply. If the transformer
trips on this indication the transformer Buchholz Relay has to be checked for
Gas collection. The gas collected has to be tested as to the cause (Oil sampling
for Acidity, Dielectric Test, and Dissolved Gas Analysis has to he done) and
healthiness of the transformer has to be ensured before it is put back into
4. Winding Temperature Alarm and Trip:
The Transformer is provided with the Winding Temperature Relay. The
Temperature increases with the Load. Hence the Load and Ambient
Temperature has to be noted when the Transformer trips. Also a check has to
be conducted on the cooling system. To prove the proper working of the collar
Fans and oil Pumps, Oil Temperature Alarm and Trip Relays are also provided
to take care of excessive oil temperatures. The cause for the relay action has to
he investigated before the transformer is put back into service.


1.Bus bar Protection:
A Bus Bar fault, when there arc a number of in feeds, may result in
extensive damage to switch gear and other important plant. Also delayed
clearance may lead to tripping of feeders generators at the other ends and
cause wide spread black out etc., to prevent his a Bus Bar Relay on the
principle of comparing currents entering and leaving the Bus is made use of to
detect faults and clear the same in instantaneous time by tripping all the
feeders and equipment connected to the Bus. The relay is designed to be
immune to external faults. However due to various reasons the relay is likely
to mal-operate. To prevent mal-operation a check relay is connected in series.
The Bus Bar protection relay is provided with a CT Secondary Bus Supervision
relay to detect any open circuit in the CTs secondary and short the relay
currents to prevent mal operation and protect the relay itself against
excessive voltages.

2.Pole Discrepancy:
Some items one Pole of a Circuit Breaker may not obey the Close / Trip
command received from the relay etc., in such case the Pole Discrepancy
Replay detects the case and sends a trip signal to trip all the three poles. It is
necessary to check the cause for the Relay Operation and rectify the same
before the Breaker is put back into service.
2. Local Breaker Back Up:
Sometimes it is possible for a Circuit Breaker to fail to trip upon action of
a protective relay. This will result in tripping of all source end Breakers at
remote stations and result in wide spread blackouts. To prevent this the LBB
Relay after the preset time after the feeder relay action and the Circuit Breaker
failing to trip causes the tripping of all Breakers connected to the Bus thus
limiting the fault to local area. This relay acts in conjunction with the Bus Ba
protection Auxiliary Tripping Relays. When this Relay acts, it is necessary to
isolate the faulty Breaker before normality is restored.
4.DC Earth Leakage Relays:
The Relays indicate the earth leakage in the DC supply Circuits. A positive
to ground or a negative to ground fault in the DC Circuits or the 220 Volts / 110
Volts battery system is likely to result in mal operations. It is therefore
necessary to quickly locate the fault and rectify it.


416LB/431 LB/406LB/403LB
Main-1 (distance protection relay)21L1: Code : P444


416LB/413LB/404111/406LB/401 LB/403LB
Main-2 (Distance Protection Relay): Code : REL670

Bus bar and LBB protection relay: Code : P743
Bus bar
CB status
Iso status
Dead Zone

CT ckt fault
F.com error

418ATB TF1/415 ATB TF1

Differential and HV over flux protection: Code : P643
R-Ø LV winding trip
Y-Ø HV winding trip
B-Ø IV winding trip
O/F O/F alarm
418/415 ATA
Bus bar and LBB protection relay: Code : P743
Bus bar
CB status
Iso status
Dead zone
CT circuit fault
F.com error

4BB (Bus bar protection)

BusBar Protection central unit: Code : P741
F.com error R-Ø

Z1 Trip Y-Ø
Z2 Trip B-Ø
Z1/Z2 In Circuit fault R-Ø
CT circuit fault Circuit fault Y-Ø
Zone 1 out Circuit fault B-Ø
Zone 2 out LBB Trip in Z1
Z1/Z2 out LBB Trip in Z2

201 ATA (ICT-1)/202 ATA/206LB/207LB/204LA/205LA

Bus bar and LBB protection relay: Code : P743
89A Close/Open
89B Close/Open
89C Close/Open
CB Close/Open
ISO Error
87BB Trip
CBF Trip
Fiber Com Error

201 ATB (ICT-1)/202 ATB

Edit mode


201 ATB(ICT-1)/202 ATB

IV Directional Over current and earth fault protection: Code : 671V
Over current
Diff earth fault

Distance protection relay for main-1(21L1): Code : P444
R-Ø SOTF Earth fault
Y-Ø PSB Zcom
Z1 O/C Reset

Distance protection relay for main-2(21L2) Code: REL670


Fuse fault
Broken conductor

Bus-1 Busbar Protection relay (PU8A/PU8B) Code : P743

89A Close/Open
CB Close/Open
87BB Trip
CBF Trip
ISO Trip
Fiber Com Error

Bus bar protection relay PU9: Code : P743
89A Close/Open
89B Close/Open
89C Close/Open

CB Close/Open
ISO Error
87BB Trip
CF Trip
Fiber Com Error

B/B protection central unit (87CU): Code : P741
F.com error Fault in Phase-A
Circuitary fault Fault in Phase-B
Z1 Trip Fault in Phase-C
Z2 Trip Circuitary fault-A
Z3 Trip Circuitary fault-B
Z1 OUT Circuitary fault-C

DC Battery Banks
All the protective relays working in the substation works on DC power.
Generally we use DC for power because it is reliable than AC. Hence, this
energy is supplied from DC Battery Banks.
There are two DC Battery banks. Each consists of 110 cells with 2V DC
each. All these are connected in series so that the total voltage output from
each Battery bank is 220V, which is the voltage required for the operation of

DC battery banks
The AC current is being converted to DC by means of Automatic FLoat
cum boost charger, which converts AC input to DC output, also charges the DC
battery banks. Battery chargers are mainly used for charging the battery bank,
which is responsible for all control supply of control systems such as breaker
closing, trip coil indications, protection relays etc…

Float cum boost charger

The substation automation system shall be offered from a manufacturer
who must have designed, manufactured, tested, installed and commissioned
substation automation system which must be in satisfactory operation on
400/220 KV system. The substation automation system (SAS) shall be installed
to control and monitor all the sub-station equipment from remote control
center (RCC) as well as from Local Control Center (LCC).
The SAS shall contain the following main functional parts:
• Bay control Intelligence Electronic Devices (IED s) for control and monitoring.
• Station Human Machine Interface (HMI)
• Redundant managed switched Ethernet Local Area Network communication
infrastructure with hot standby.
• Gateway for remote control via industrial grade hardware (to RCC) through
IEC60870-5-101 protocol.
• Remote HMI.
• Peripheral equipment like printers, display units, key boards, Mouse etc.
It shall enable local station control via a PC by means of human machine
interface (HMI) and control software package, which shall contain an extensive
range of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) functions. It shall
include communication gateway, intelligent electronic devices (IED) for bay
control and inter IED communication infrastructure. An architecture drawing
for SAS is enclosed.
The communication gateway shall facilitate the information flow with
remote control centers. The bay level intelligent electronic devices (IED) for
protection and control shall provide the direct connection to the switch gear
without the need of interposing perform control, protection, and monitoring

The SAS system shall be comprehensively self-monitored such that faults
are immediately indicated to the operator, possibly before they develop into

serious situation. Such faults are recorded as a faulty status in a system
supervision display. This display the substation including all switchgears, IEDs,
Communication infrastructure and remote communication links, and printers
at the station level, etc.
Faults and errors occurring in the substation shall be listed in an alarm
list and shall be transmitted to the control center. The alarm list shall
substitute a conventional alarm tableau, and shall constitute an evaluation of
all station alarms. It shall contain unacknowledged alarms and persisting faults.
So the Substation Automation system shall have the capability to
support simultaneous communications with multiple independent remote
master stations.
To understand the main features of IEC 61850-based substation
automation systems and their impact on the specification, for such systems, it
is important to analyze the evolution and trends going on around the world.
The typical SAS architecture shall be structured in two levels, i.e. in a
station and a bay level. At bay level, the IEDs shall provide all bay level
functions regarding control, monitoring and protection, inputs for status
indication and outputs for commands. The IEDs should be directly connected
to the switch gear without any need for additional interposition or transducers.
Each bay control IED shall be independent from each other and its functioning
shall not be affected by any fault occurring in any of the other bay control units
of the station. The data exchange between the electronic devices on bay and
station level shall take place via the communication infrastructure.
The general principles of the substation operation have not changed,
since their developing days. Therefore the control and protection tasks remain
the same. The objective a developing (SA) is to solve these tasks in a more
efficient and economical way by using state of the art Information
Technologies (IT) and to provide more functionality to work plant and systems
The SAS shall be suitable for operation and monitoring of the compete
substation including future extensions. The system shall be of the state-of the
art suitable for operation under electrical environment present in extra high

voltage substations, follow the latest engineering practice, and ensure long-
term compatibility requirements and continuity of equipment supply and the
safety of the operating staff. The offered SAS shall support remote control and
monitoring from Remote Control centers via gateways. The system shall be
designed such that personnel without any background knowledge in
Microprocessor-based technology are able to operate the system.
The operator interface shall be intuitive such that operating personnel
shall be able to operate the system easily after having received some basic
training. The system shall incorporate the control, monitoring and protection
functions specified, self-monitoring, signaling and testing facilities. measuring
as well as memory functions, event recording and evaluation of disturbance
Maintenance, modification or extension of components may not cause a
shutdown of the whole substation automation system. Self-monitoring of
components, modules and communication shall be incorporated to increase
the availability and the reliability of the equipment and minimize maintenance.
Bidder shall offer the Bay level unit (a bay comprises of one circuit breaker and
associated disconnect or earth switches and instrument Transformer), bay
mimic along with relay and protection panels and PLCC panels (described in
other sections of technical specifications) housed in air-conditioned Switchyard
Panel Rooms suitably located in switchyard and Station HMI in Control Room
building for overall optimization in respect of cabling and control room building.

The SAS shall be based on a decentralized architecture and on a
concept of bay-oriented, distributed Intelligence. Functions shall be
decentralized, object-oriented and located as close as possible to the process.
The typical SAS architecture shall be structured in two levels, i.e. in a
station and a bay level. At the bay level, the IEDs shall provide all bay level
functions regarding control, monitoring and protection, inputs for status
indication and outputs for commands.
The IEDs should be directly connected to the switchgear without any
need of additional interposition or transducers. Each bay control IED shall be
independent from each other and its functioning shall not be affected by any

fault occurring in any of the other bay control units of the station. The data
exchange between the electronic devices on bay and station level shall take
place via the communication infrastructure. This shall be realized using fiber-
optics cables, thereby guaranteeing disturbance free communication. The fiber
optic cables shall be run in G. I conduit pipes. Data exchange is to be realized
using IEC 61850 protocol with a redundant managed switched Ethernet
communication infrastructure. The communication shall be made in fault
tolerant ring in redundant mode, excluding the links between individual bay
IEDs to switch wherein the redundant connections are not envisaged, such that
failure of one set of fiber shall not affect the normal operation of the SAS.
However failure of fiber shall be alarmed in SAS.
Each fiber optic cable shall have four (4) spare fibers at station level,
the entire station shall be controlled and supervised from the station HMI. It
shall also be possible to control and monitor the bay from the bay level
equipment at all times. Clear control priorities shall prevent operation of a
single switch at the same time from more than one of the various control
levels, i.e. RCC, station HMI, bay level or apparatus level.
The bay unit shall use industrial grade components. The bay level unit,
based on microprocessor technology, shall use numerical techniques for the
calculation and evaluation of externally input analogue signals. They shall
incorporate select-before-operate control principles as safety measures for
operation via the HMI. They shall perform all bay related functions, such as
control commands, bay interlocking, data acquisition, data storage, event
recording and shall provide inputs for status indication and outputs for
commands. They shall be directly connected to the switchgear. The bay unit
shall acquire and process all data from the bay (Equipment status, fault
indications, measured values, alarms etc.) and transmit these to the other
devices in sub-station automation system. In addition, this shall receive the
operation commands from station HMI and control center.
The bay unit shall have the capability to store all the data for at least 24
hours. One Bay level unit shall be provided for supervision and control of each
765, 400 and 220 KV bay (a bay comprises of one circuit breaker and
associated disconnected, earth switches and instrument transformer). The Bay
level unit shall be equipped with analogue and binary inputs/outputs for
handling the control, status monitoring and analogue measurement functions.
All bay level interlocks are to be incorporated in the Bay level unit so as
to permit control from the Bay level unit/ local bay mimic panel, with all bay
interlocks in place, during maintenance and commissioning or in case of
contingencies when the Station HMI is out of service. The bay control unit to
be provided for the bays shall be preferably installed in the CB relay
panel/feeder protection panel for respective bay. Further in case of 1&1/2
breaker schemes, the BCU for Tie CB shall be provided in Tie CB relay panel.
The tie CB relay panel shall also house the Ethernet switch (ES) to be
provided for the diameter. The bay control unit for future bay (if required as
per section project)shall be installed in a separate panel. The Bay level unit
shall meet the requirements for withstanding electromagnetic interference
according to relevant parts of IEC 61850. Failure of any single component
within the equipment shall neither cause unwanted operation nor lead to a
complete system breakdown.
Very Wide Cabling i.e. from equipment to BMB/CTMB/CVT MB and from
them to Control Room Dedicated Device, Control Panels for the Bay Circuit
Breaker Control & Indication, Isolator Control & Indication, Earth Switch
Indication, DC & AC Healthy Indication and Testing, Annunciation facial for
Troubles, Panel Meters & Energy Meter.
Every DIA consists of a Kiosk which consists of different relays connected
to bays associated to the DIA. They transfer the information to the Control
Room through Optical Fiber Cables (OFC), where the information is stored in
Bay Control Unit and Networking Panels.
IT based solution for protection and control offer cost effective
measures to counteract large area system disturbances. Effective fault location
is mandatory for faster finding and fixing of problems. Integrated numerical
protection & control allows automated power restoration and load shedding.
On-line condition monitoring reduces maintenance costs and enables a cost
effective infrastructure for implementing on-line condition monitoring of
System automated substation architecture
This is also called process level intelligent substation automation. This is
Distributed IEDs for each Switch Yard Equipment for Operation and

Maintenance. This is Called Process Bus Automation. Non-Conventional
Instrument Transformers for Voltage and Current Measurement. In this
distributed control rooms / Bay Kiosks / Portable relay rooms are not required.
No physical wiring from switchyard to Bay to Control. Total Fiber Optic
Ethernet connection and IEC61850 Communication.
IEC 61850
The general scope of the standard is designed to support the
communication of all functions being performed in the substation. Its' main
goal is interoperability; this is the ability for IEDs from one or different
manufacturers to exchange information and use the information for their own
functions. Moreover, the standard allows a free allocation of these functions
and accepts any system philosophy, from a distributed architecture (e.g.
decentralized substation automation) to a centralized configuration (e.g. RTU
The standard separates the functionality represented by the data model
and the related communication services from the communication
implementation (stack). This makes the standard future-oriented, taking into
consideration that the development in the communication technology is
moving quicker than the development of the functionality in the field of
substation automation including protection. The data model of the standard is
an object—oriented one, grouping the data into the smallest possible sets
referring to the smallest possible functions to be implemented independently.
These smallest possible data groups or functions are named Logical
Nodes. The Logical Nodes and all Data and Attributes contained are named
according to a standardized semantic, which is mandatory. Each IEC 61850
compliant IED may be configured using its dedicated tool. However, all these
IED-tools have to be compliant with IEC 61850. This means that the reading,
handling, and writing of configuration files has to be according to the
Substation Configuration description Language (SCL) of IEC 61850 as regards
the standardized data model, the data access (services) and all communication
connections. This allows the system integrator to use understandable data
from all devices (independently of the supplier) to build the complete system
and to assure data consistency.

The Sattenapally substation is installed with one and half circuit breaker
configuration at 400kV side, which helps in improving the Dia reliability during
the line clearance and other operational maintenance. The double bus and
transfer bus scheme is present in 220kV side of the substation. Transfer bus
improves the system reliability during the maintenance of the circuit breaker
present in the particular line. The Bus Bar is constructed with quad moose
ACSR conductors.
The protection of entire 400/220kv substation includes protection
schemes for 400kv feeder, 220kv feeder and ICT1, ICT2, ICT 3. 400kv and 220kv
feeders have two protective schemes. One is Main-1 protective scheme with
P444 Scheme of Schneider make, other one is Main —II with REL67O Scheme
of ABB make. Transformer protection scheme covers differential protection,
directional over current and earth fault protection on HV and LV sides.
The fire protection system in the substation is provided for the safety of
transformers and other equipment in the substation. The fire protection works
under principal of pressure difference exist between the detection pipe and
supply pipe, the pressure difference is experienced and make deluge valve
operated. The pressure is maintained at 8 kg per sq.cm.
IEC 61850 standard has world-wide acceptance from various utilities
and manufacturers. Unique communication features of IEC 61850 have been
discussed in brief. IEC 61850 standard offers interoperability, free
configuration, overall cost saving, and simple architecture. However, 1111 in
order to realize these benefits, thoughtful SAS design engineering is required
which can address the challenges for practical implementation. The major
implementation issues from many different aspects have been analyzed in this
paper. For communication network implementation, it has been discussed that
Ethernet topology and network performance requirements should be selected
according to the size of the substation, time critical requirements, and
importance of the substation functions.
In this conceptualized model, there is better control and monitoring of
substation automation, as data context is retained while sending the data
packet from one location to other. This enables easy access of power system
data through the Human Machine Interface or by any other IEDs. Consequently,

interoperability is ensured among various components (IEDs) supplied by
different vendors. This benefits both the vendors and utilities.
Future scope of the work
In the future trend the current transformers and potential transformer
can be replaced by optical current transformers and optical CVT's. Optical
Current Transformers defined as sensors that directly or indirectly use optical
sensing method to measure electric currents. It has low burden, immune to
electromagnetic interference, subject of creating noise is ruled out, lack of
magnetic saturation and the measurement of error is than 0.3%.
The fire protection system used in the substation can be replaced by
foam blanket (Compressed Air Foam System) fire extinguish system for better
protection. The foam protection scheme requires significantly reduced water
in remote areas or areas with substandard water supply, this fire suppression
system would seldom be installed.


➢ Technical documentation — ABB, Areva, 2007.

➢ Technical documentation — Siemens, 2007.
➢ Perspective Plan of Power Grid in 2006-2010 periods and 2016 orientated.
➢ The Technical Cods of Power Grid.
➢ The technical design documents for both lernut and Sibiu Sub substations.
➢ IEC 61850-3: "Communications networks and systems in substations — Part
3:General Requirements" (Section 5.7 EMI Immunity)
➢ IEC 61000-6-5 "Generic Standards — Immunity for power station and
substation environments"
➢ IEEE P1613 "Draft Standard Environmental and Testing Requirements for
Communications Networking Devices in Electric Power Substations''
➢ IEEE PSRC H6 PAPER - “Application Considerations of UCA 2 for Substation
Ethernet Local Area Network Communication for Protection and Control”


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