Luo Coalesce Nce Model

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Population Balance Model Theory

where particles of volume − ′ aggregate with particles of volume  ′ to form particles of volume  .
The factor is included to avoid accounting for each collision event twice.

The death rate of particles of volume  due to aggregation is given by

= ∫    ′     ′  ′ (2.31)


The breakage and aggregation kernels depend on the nature of the physical application. For
example, in gas-liquid dispersion, the kernels are functions of the local liquid-phase turbulent

The following is a list of aggregation functions available in ANSYS Fluent:

• Constant

• Luo model

• Free molecular model

• Turbulent model

• User-defined model

The Luo, free molecular, and turbulent aggregation functions are described in detail in the sections that
follow. Luo Aggregation Kernel

For the Luo model [17] (p. 63), the general aggregation kernel is defined as the rate of particle volume
formation as a result of binary collisions of particles with volumes and  :

    =        ⎡⎣    ⎤⎦ (2.32)

where #$ % & ⎡⎣  ' !" ⎤⎦ is the frequency of collision and (*+ ), ) - is the probability that the
collision results in coalescence. The frequency is defined as follows:
0 8
.45 /6 /7 = 1 6 + 1 7 2 62 7 3 67 (2.33)

where 9 :; is the characteristic velocity of collision of two particles with diameters < = and > ? and
number densities @ A and B C.
D EF = D GE + D GF (2.34)

J M= KL M NOP (2.35)

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The Population Balance Equation (PBE)

The expression for the probability of aggregation is

⎧  ⎫
⎪⎪ ⎡ + 

⎤ ⎪
⎣ ⎦   ⎪
 =  ⎨ −   
⎬ (2.36)
⎪   + + 

⎪⎩ ⎪ ⎭
where  is a constant of order unity,   =    ,  and   are the densities of the primary and sec-
ondary phases, respectively, and the Weber number is defined as

  "# = $ " "# (2.37)
! Free Molecular Aggregation Kernel
Real particles aggregate and break with frequencies (or kernels) characterized by complex dependencies
over particle internal coordinates [28] (p. 64). In particular, very small particles (say up to &') aggregate
because of collisions due to Brownian motions. In this case, the frequency of collision is size-dependent
and usually the following kernel is implemented:
* + )- +) .
( )- ) . = / (2.38)
, ) -) .
where 1 2 is the Boltzmann constant, 3 is the absolute temperature, 4 is the viscosity of the suspending
fluid. This kernel is also known as the Brownian kernel or the perikinetic kernel. Turbulent Aggregation Kernel

During mixing processes, mechanical energy is supplied to the fluid. This energy creates turbulence
within the fluid. The turbulence creates eddies, which in turn help dissipate the energy. The energy is
transferred from the largest eddies to the smallest eddies in which it is dissipated through viscous in-
teractions. The size of the smallest eddies is the Kolmogorov microscale, 5, which is expressed as a
function of the kinematic viscosity and the turbulent energy dissipation rate:
⎛ 6 <⎞
7 = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (2.39)
⎝ 8 ⎠
In the turbulent flow field, aggregation can occur by two mechanisms:

• viscous subrange mechanism: this is applied when particles are smaller than the Kolmogorov microscale,
• inertial subrange mechanism: this is applied when particles are bigger than the Kolmogorov microscale.
In this case, particles assume independent velocities.

For the viscous subrange, particle collisions are influenced by the local shear within the eddy. Based
on work by Saffman and Turner [27] (p. 64), the collision rate is expressed as,
A ?C +? D
> ? C ? D = @E B (2.40)

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