UK Labor Market 2018
UK Labor Market 2018
UK Labor Market 2018
Table of contents
1. Main points for December 2017 to February 2018
4. Employment
10. Unemployment
13. Redundancies
14. Vacancies
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1 . Main points for December 2017 to February 2018
Estimates from the Labour Force Survey show that, between September to November 2017 and December
2017 to February 2018, the number of people in work increased, the number of unemployed people
decreased and the number of people aged from 16 to 64 years not working and not seeking or available to
work (economically inactive) was little changed.
There were 32.26 million people in work, 55,000 more than for September to November 2017 and 427,000
more than for a year earlier.
The employment rate (the proportion of people aged from 16 to 64 years who were in work) was 75.4%,
higher than for a year earlier (74.6%) and the highest since comparable records began in 1971.
There were 1.42 million unemployed people (people not in work but seeking and available to work), 16,000
fewer than for September to November 2017 and 136,000 fewer than for a year earlier.
The unemployment rate (the proportion of those in work plus those unemployed, that were unemployed)
was 4.2%, down from 4.7% for a year earlier and the lowest since 1975.
There were 8.73 million people aged from 16 to 64 years who were economically inactive (not working and
not seeking or available to work), little changed compared with September to November 2017 but 154,000
fewer than for a year earlier.
The inactivity rate (the proportion of people aged from 16 to 64 years who were economically inactive) was
21.2%, lower than for a year earlier (21.6%) and the joint lowest since comparable records began in 1971.
Latest estimates show that average weekly earnings for employees in Great Britain in nominal terms (that
is, not adjusted for price inflation) increased by 2.8%, both excluding and including bonuses, compared
with a year earlier.
Latest estimates show that average weekly earnings for employees in Great Britain in real terms (that is,
adjusted for price inflation) increased by 0.2% excluding bonuses, and by 0.1% including bonuses,
compared with a year earlier.
Table 1, Figure 1a and Figure 1b show the latest estimates, for December 2017 to February 2018, for
employment, unemployment and economic inactivity and show how these estimates compare with the previous
quarter (September to November 2017) and the previous year (December 2016 to February 2017). Comparing
the estimates for December 2017 to February 2018 with those for September to November 2017 provides the
most robust short-term comparison. See Section 3 of this statistical bulletin for more information.
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Table 1: Summary of labour market statistics for December 2017 to February 2018, seasonally adjusted
Number Change on Sep Change on Dec Headline Change on Sep Change on Dec
(thousands) to Nov 2017 to Feb 2017 Rate (%) to Nov 2017 to Feb 2017
Aged 65 1,196 16 21
and over
Aged 65 20 -3 7
and over
Inactive 19,258 37 21
1. Calculation of headline employment rate: Number of employed people aged from 16 to 64 years divided by
the population aged from 16 to 64 years. Population is the sum of employed plus unemployed plus inactive.
2. Calculation of headline unemployment rate: Number of unemployed people aged 16 years and over divided
by the sum of employed people aged 16 years and over plus unemployed people aged 16 years and over.
3. Calculation of headline economic inactivity rate: Number of economically inactive people aged from 16 to
64 years divided by the population aged from 16 to 64 years. Population is the sum of employed plus
unemployed plus inactive.
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Figure 1a: Summary of UK labour market statistics for December 2017 to February 2018, seasonally
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Figure 1b: Quarterly and annual changes in the number of people in the UK labour market, seasonally
There have been revisions to estimates of vacancies back to the start of the series in 2001 resulting from the
annual review of the seasonal adjustment process and from taking on board late and corrected information from
contributors to the Vacancy Survey.
Everybody aged 16 or over is either employed, unemployed or economically inactive. The employment estimates
include all people in paid work including those working part-time. People not working are classed as unemployed
if they have been looking for work within the last four weeks and are able to start work within the next two weeks.
A common misconception is that the unemployment statistics are a count of people on benefits; this is not the
case as they include unemployed people not claiming benefits.
Jobless people who have not been looking for work within the last four weeks or who are unable to start work
within the next two weeks are classed as economically inactive. Examples of economically inactive people
include people not looking for work because they are students, looking after the family or home, because of
illness or disability or because they have retired.
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Explaining the concepts of employment, unemployment and economic inactivity is available from the National
Archives website as a short video.
Making comparisons with earlier data derived from the Labour Force Survey
Estimates of employment, unemployment, economic inactivity, hours worked and redundancies are derived from
the Labour Force Survey (LFS), a survey of households. The most robust estimates of short-term movements in
these estimates are obtained by comparing the estimates for December 2017 to February 2018 with the
estimates for September to November 2017, which were first published on 24 January 2018. This provides a
more robust estimate than comparing with the estimates for November 2017 to January 2018. This is because
the December 2017 and January 2018 data are included within both estimates, so effectively observed
differences are those between the individual months of November 2017 and February 2018. The LFS is sampled
such that it is representative of the UK population over a three- month period, not for single month periods.
Most of the figures in this statistical bulletin come from surveys of households or businesses and are therefore
estimates rather than precise figures. Further information is available in the Quality and Methodology section of
this statistical bulletin.
4 . Employment
Employment measures the number of people in paid work and differs from the number of jobs because some
people have more than one job. Further information is available at Notes for Employment at the end of this
The proportion of people aged from 16 to 64 years in work is known as the employment rate. Figure 2 shows the
employment rates for people, men and women aged from 16 to 64 years since comparable records began in
1971. The lowest employment rate for people was 65.6% in 1983, during the economic downturn of the early
1980s. The employment rates for people, men and women have been generally increasing since early 2012. For
the latest time period, December 2017 to February 2018, the employment rate for people was 75.4%, up from
74.6% for a year earlier and the highest since comparable records began in 1971.
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Figure 2: UK employment rates (aged 16 to 64 years), seasonally adjusted
Figure 3 looks in more detail at the employment rate for people for the last five years.
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Figure 3: UK employment rate (people aged 16 to 64 years), seasonally adjusted
75.4% of people aged from 16 to 64 years were in work, up from 74.6% for a year earlier and the highest
since comparable records began in 1971
79.8% of men aged from 16 to 64 years were in work, up from 79.4% for a year earlier
71.0% of women aged from 16 to 64 years were in work, the highest employment rate for women since
comparable records began in 1971
The increase in the employment rate for women over the last few years has been partly due to ongoing changes
to the State Pension age for women, resulting in fewer women retiring between the ages of 60 and 65.
For December 2017 to February 2018, there were 32.26 million people in work, 55,000 more than for September
to November 2017 and 427,000 more than for a year earlier.
Figure 4 shows how the estimates for full-time and part-time employment by sex for December 2017 to February
2018 compare with those for a year earlier. The annual increase in the number of people in employment
(427,000) was mainly due to more people in full-time employment (280,000).
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Figure 4: Changes in people in employment in the UK between December to February 2017 and
December to February 2018, seasonally adjusted
Comparing the estimates for employees and self-employed people for December 2017 to February 2018 with
those for a year earlier:
self-employed people decreased by 30,000 to 4.76 million (14.7% of all people in work)
Employees and self-employed people do not account for all people in employment as there are two minor
additional categories; unpaid family workers and people on government-supported training and employment
Employment estimates are available at Tables 1 and 3 of the PDF version of this statistical bulletin and at
datasets A02 SA and EMP01 SA .
Estimates of employment, unemployment and economic inactivity for UK and non-UK workers are available at
Non-UK workers in the labour market and at datasets A12 and EMP06.
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International comparisons of employment rates are available at Table 17 of the PDF version of this statistical
bulletin and at dataset A10.
Historic estimates of employment (which do not have National Statistics status) have been published by the Bank
of England in the spreadsheet A millennium of macroeconomic data version 3.1 (at worksheets A49 and A50).
1. Employment consists of employees, self-employed people, unpaid family workers and people on
government-supported training and employment programmes.
2. Unpaid family workers are people who work in a family business who do not receive a formal wage or
salary but benefit from the profits of that business.
3. The government-supported training and employment programmes series does not include all people on
these programmes; it only includes people engaging in any form of work, work experience or work-related
training who are not included in the employees or self-employed series. People on these programmes not
engaging in any form of work, work experience or work-related training are not included in the employment
estimates; they are classified as unemployed or economically inactive.
Things you need to know about public and private sector employment
Public sector employment measures the number of people in paid work in the public sector. The public sector
comprises central government, local government and public corporations. Estimates of public sector employment
are obtained from information provided by public sector organisations.
Private sector employment is estimated as the difference between total employment, sourced from the Labour
Force Survey, and public sector employment.
Comparisons of public and private sector employment over time are impacted by changes to the composition of
these sectors. For example, if a publicly owned body is privatised, public sector employment will fall and private
sector employment will increase by an equivalent amount. This is known as a reclassification effect. At Table 4 of
the PDF version of this statistical bulletin and at dataset EMP02 we therefore publish estimates of public and
private sector employment excluding the effects of major, but not all, reclassifications alongside estimates of total
public and private sector employment.
The estimates of public and private sector employment for December 2017 have been impacted by the
reclassification of English housing associations, which are included in the private sector for December 2017 but
are included in the public sector between September 2008 and September 2017.
There were 5.35 million people employed in the public sector for December 2017. This was 132,000 fewer than
for September 2017. This large fall in public sector employment was entirely due to the reclassification of English
housing associations. Excluding the effects of this reclassification, public sector employment increased by 9,000
between September and December 2017.
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There were 26.90 million people employed in the private sector for December 2017, 300,000 more than for
September 2017. This large increase in private sector employment was partly due to the reclassification of
English housing associations. Excluding the effects of this reclassification, private sector employment increased
by 159,000 between September and December 2017.
Figure 5 shows a breakdown of the 5.35 million people employed in the public sector for December 2017.
Figure 5: Public sector employment in the UK, millions of people (seasonally adjusted)
December 2017
Source: Quarterly Public Sector Employment Survey, Office for National Statistics
For December 2017, 16.6% of all people in work were employed in the public sector and the remaining 83.4%
worked in the private sector.
Public and private sector employment estimates are available at Tables 4 and 4(1) of the PDF version of this
statistical bulletin and at datasets EMP02 and EMP03.
Further information on public sector employment is available in the Public sector employment release .
Historic estimates of public sector employment (which do not have National Statistics status) have been
published by the Bank of England in the spreadsheet A millennium of macroeconomic data version 3.1 (at
worksheet A51).
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6 . Actual hours worked
Actual hours worked measures the number of hours worked in the economy. Changes in actual hours worked
reflect changes in the number of people in employment and the average hours worked by those people.
Between September to November 2017 and December 2017 to February 2018, total hours worked per week
increased by 4.2 million to 1.03 billion. This increase in hours worked per week reflected an increase of 55,000 in
the number of people in employment (as explained in Section 4 of this statistical bulletin ) and a small increase in
the average hours worked by people in employment.
people worked, on average, 32.0 hours per week, slightly more than for September to November 2017 but
0.4 hours fewer than for a year earlier; this annual fall reflects more hours worked over the 2016 to 2017
Christmas and New Year period compared with previous years
people working full-time worked, on average, 37.2 hours per week in their main job, unchanged compared
with September to November 2017 but fewer than for a year earlier
people working part-time worked, on average, 16.2 hours per week in their main job, slightly more than for
September to November 2017 but slightly fewer than for a year earlier
Figure 6 shows total hours worked and the number of people in work, as indices, for the last five years.
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Figure 6: Total hours worked and number of people in work in the UK, seasonally adjusted
Hours worked estimates are available at Tables 7 and 7(1) of the PDF version of this statistical bulletin and at
datasets HOUR01 SA and HOUR02 SA .
Historic estimates of hours worked (which do not have National Statistics status) have been published by the
Bank of England in the spreadsheet A millennium of macroeconomic data version 3.1 (at worksheet A54).
Workforce jobs measures the number of filled jobs in the economy. The estimates are mainly sourced from
employer surveys. Workforce jobs is a different concept from employment, which is sourced from the Labour
Force Survey, as employment is an estimate of people in work and some people have more than one job.
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For December 2017, there were 35.11 million workforce jobs, 64,000 fewer than for September 2017 but 407,000
more than for a year earlier.
Figure 7 shows changes in the number of jobs by industrial sector between December 2016 and December 2017.
Figure 7: Changes in the number of jobs in the UK between December 2016 and December 2017,
seasonally adjusted
Looking at a longer-term comparison, between June 1978 (when comparable records began) and December
the proportion of jobs accounted for by the manufacturing and mining and quarrying sectors fell from 26.4%
to 7.8%
the proportion of jobs accounted for by the services sector increased from 63.2% to 83.3%
Jobs estimates are available at Tables 5 and 6 of the PDF version of this statistical bulletin and at datasets
JOBS01 and JOBS02.
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While comparable estimates for workforce jobs by industry begin in 1978, some historical information back to
1841, not comparable with the latest estimates, are available from 2011 Census Analysis, 170 years of industry .
Historic estimates of jobs by industry (which do not have National Statistics status) have been published by the
Bank of England in the spreadsheet A millennium of macroeconomic data version 3.1 (at worksheet A53).
Average weekly earnings measures money paid per week, per job to employees in Great Britain in return for work
done, before tax and other deductions from pay. The estimates are not just a measure of pay rises as they do
not, for example, adjust for changes in the proportion of the workforce who work full-time or part-time, or other
compositional changes within the workforce. The estimates do not include earnings of self-employed people.
Estimates are available for both total pay (which includes bonuses) and for regular pay (which excludes bonus
payments). Estimates are available in both nominal terms (not adjusted for consumer price inflation) and real
terms (adjusted for consumer price inflation). Further information is available at Notes for Average weekly
earnings at the end of this section.
For February 2018 in nominal terms (that is, not adjusted for price inflation):
average regular pay (excluding bonuses) for employees in Great Britain was £483 per week before tax and
other deductions from pay, up from £469 per week for a year earlier
average total pay (including bonuses) for employees in Great Britain was £513 per week before tax and
other deductions from pay, up from £501 per week for a year earlier
Between December 2016 to February 2017 and December 2017 to February 2018, in nominal terms, both regular
pay and total pay increased by 2.8%.
Figure 8 compares the annual growth rates for both regular and total pay, in nominal terms, for the last five years
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Figure 8: Great Britain nominal average earnings annual growth rates, seasonally adjusted
Source: Monthly Wages and Salaries Survey, Office for National Statistics
Looking at longer-term movements, average total pay for employees in Great Britain in nominal terms increased
from £376 per week in January 2005 to £513 per week in February 2018; an increase of 36.2%. Over the same
period, the Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing costs (CPIH) increased by 34.0%.
average regular pay (excluding bonuses) for employees in Great Britain was £459 per week before tax and
other deductions from pay, £14 lower than the pre-downturn peak of £473 per week recorded for March
average total pay (including bonuses) for employees in Great Britain was £486 per week before tax and
other deductions from pay, £36 lower than the pre-downturn peak of £522 per week recorded for February
Figure 9 shows average weekly earnings for total pay and regular pay in real terms (constant 2015 prices) since
comparable records began in 2005.
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Figure 9: Great Britain average weekly earnings at constant 2015 prices, seasonally adjusted
Source: Monthly Wages and Salaries Survey, Office for National Statistics
Between December 2016 to February 2017 and December 2017 to February 2018, in real terms (that is, adjusted
for consumer price inflation), regular pay for employees in Great Britain increased by 0.2% while total pay for
employees in Great Britain increased by 0.1%.
A more detailed analysis of earnings growth in real terms is available in Analysis of real earnings .
Estimates of average weekly earnings in nominal terms (that is, not adjusted for consumer price inflation) are
available at Tables 13, 14 and 15 of the PDF version of this statistical bulletin and at datasets EARN01, EARN02
and EARN03.
Estimates of average weekly earnings in real terms (that is, adjusted for consumer price inflation) are available at
Table 16 of the PDF version of this statistical bulletin and at dataset EARN01.
While comparable records for average weekly earnings start in 2000, modelled estimates of average weekly
earnings in nominal terms back to 1963 (which do not have National Statistics status) are available at dataset
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Historic estimates (which do not have National Statistics status) have been published by the Bank of England in
the spreadsheet A millennium of macroeconomic data version 3.1 (at worksheets A47 and A48).
An article looking at bonus payments is published annually. The most recent edition of this article was published
on 19 September 2017.
The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) , published on 26 October 2017, provides more detailed data
for 2017.
1. The estimates relate to Great Britain and include salaries but not unearned income, benefits in kind or
arrears of pay.
2. As well as pay settlements, the estimates reflect bonuses, changes in the number of paid hours worked
and the impact of employees paid at different rates joining and leaving individual businesses. The
estimates also reflect changes in the overall structure of the workforce; for example, more low paid jobs in
the economy would have a downward effect on the earnings growth rate.
Labour disputes estimates measures strikes connected with terms and conditions of employment.
Most of the working days lost in February 2018 were due to five days of strike action involving employees of
universities across the UK.
While the number of working days lost in February 2018 (75,000) was the highest figure since July 2016, these
are historically low figures when looking at the long-run monthly time series back to the 1930s. Since monthly
records began in December 1931:
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the highest cumulative 12-month estimate for working days lost was 32.2 million for the 12 months to April
the lowest cumulative 12-month estimate for working days lost was 143,000 for the 12 months to March
there were 323,000 working days lost from 79 stoppages and 45,000 people took strike action
there were 287,000 working days lost in the private sector, the highest figure since the 12 months to
October 1997
there were 36,000 working days lost in the public sector, the lowest figure since records for public and
private sector strikes began in 1996
Figure 10 shows cumulative 12-month totals for working days lost for the private and public sectors for the last
five years.
Figure 10: Working days lost in the UK, cumulative 12-month totals, not seasonally adjusted
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Where to find data about labour disputes
Labour disputes estimates are available at Table 18 of the PDF version of this statistical bulletin and at dataset
The labour disputes annual article provides more detailed information. The most recent edition of this article was
published on 30 May 2017.
10 . Unemployment
Unemployment measures people without a job who have been actively seeking work within the last four weeks
and are available to start work within the next two weeks.
The unemployment rate is not the proportion of the total population who are unemployed. It is the proportion of
the economically active population (those in work plus those seeking and available to work) who are unemployed.
This follows guidelines specified by the International Labour Organisation and it ensures that UK unemployment
statistics are broadly comparable with those published by other countries.
The proportion of economically active people aged 16 years and over who are out of work and seeking work is
known as the unemployment rate. As shown in Figure 11 (which shows unemployment rates for people, men and
women), the lowest unemployment rate for people recorded since comparable records began in 1971 was 3.4%
in late 1973 to early 1974 and the highest rate, 11.9%, was recorded in 1984 during the downturn of the early
1980s. The unemployment rate for people for the latest time period, December 2017 to February 2018, was
4.2%, the lowest since 1975.
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Figure 11: UK unemployment rates (aged 16 years and over), seasonally adjusted
Figure 12 looks in more detail at the unemployment rates for the last five years.
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Figure 12: UK unemployment rates (aged 16 years and over), seasonally adjusted
the unemployment rate for people was 4.2%; it was last lower in 1975
the unemployment rate for men was 4.2%; it was last lower in 1975
the unemployment rate for women was 4.2%, lower than for a year earlier (4.5%)
1.42 million unemployed people, 16,000 fewer than for September to November 2017, 136,000 fewer than
for a year earlier and the lowest since June to August 2005
751,000 unemployed men, 17,000 fewer than for September to November 2017, 104,000 fewer than for a
year earlier and the lowest since September to November 1975
672,000 unemployed women, little changed compared with September to November 2017 but 32,000
fewer than for a year earlier
Looking at unemployment by how long people have been out of work and seeking work, for December 2017 to
February 2018, there were:
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842,000 people who had been unemployed for up to six months, 77,000 fewer than for a year earlier
228,000 people who had been unemployed for between six months and one year, 22,000 fewer than for a
year earlier
353,000 people who had been unemployed for over one year, 37,000 fewer than for a year earlier
Unemployment estimates for the UK are available at Table 9 of the PDF version of this statistical bulletin and at
dataset UNEM01 SA .
Estimates of employment, unemployment and economic inactivity for UK and non-UK workers are available at
Non-UK workers in the labour market and at datasets A12 and EMP06.
Historic estimates of unemployment (which do not have National Statistics status) have been published by the
Bank of England in the spreadsheet A millennium of macroeconomic data version 3.1 (at worksheets A49 and
International comparisons of unemployment rates are available at Table 17 of the PDF version of this statistical
bulletin and at dataset A10.
11 . Economic inactivity
Economically inactive people are not in employment but do not meet the internationally accepted definition of
unemployment because they have not been seeking work within the last four weeks and/or they are unable to
start work within the next two weeks.
The proportion of people, aged from 16 to 64 years, not in work and neither seeking nor available to work is
known as the economic inactivity rate. Figure 13 shows that, since comparable records began in 1971, the
economic inactivity rate for people has been generally falling (although it increased during economic downturns)
due to a gradual fall in the economic inactivity rate for women. The economic inactivity rate for men has been
gradually rising.
the economic inactivity rate for people was 21.2%, lower than for a year earlier (21.6%) and the joint lowest
since comparable records began in 1971
the economic inactivity rate for men was 16.6%, higher than for September to November 2017 (16.4%) and
for a year earlier (16.5%)
the economic inactivity rate for women was 25.8%, lower than for September to November 2017 (26.0%)
and for a year earlier (26.7%)
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Figure 13: UK economic inactivity rates (aged 16 to 64 years), seasonally adjusted
Figure 14 looks in more detail at the economic inactivity rate for people since comparable records began in 1971.
The economic inactivity rate for people increased during the downturn of the early 1980s, reaching a record high
of 25.9% in 1983. As the economy improved in the late 1980s, it resumed its downward path, before the
economic downturn of the early 1990s drove it back up again.
Following an increase in the economic inactivity rate during the economic downturn of 2008 to 2009, it again
resumed a generally downward path.
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Figure 14: UK economic inactivity rate (people aged 16 to 64 years), seasonally adjusted
For December 2017 to February 2018, there were 8.73 million people aged from 16 to 64 years not in work and
neither seeking nor available to work (known as economically inactive). This was:
Looking in more detail at the 8.73 million people aged from 16 to 64 years who were economically inactive for
December 2017 to February 2018, the two largest categories were students (26.9% of the total) and people
looking after the family or home (23.6% of the total):
there were 2.35 million people who were not looking for work because they were studying, 17,000 more
than for September to November 2017 and 14,000 more than for a year earlier
there were 2.06 million people who were not looking for work because they were looking after the family or
home, 152,000 fewer than for a year earlier and the lowest since comparable records began in 1993
The third and fourth largest categories were long-term sick (22.7% of the total) and retired (13.2% of the total):
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there were 1.98 million people who were not looking for work due to long-term sickness, little changed
compared with September to November 2017 and with a year earlier
there were 1.15 million people who were not looking for work because they had retired, little changed
compared with September to November 2017 but 15,000 fewer than for a year earlier
Figure 15 shows the four largest categories of economic inactivity for the last five years. As shown in Figure 15,
the number of people younger than 65 years in the retired category has fallen by 232,000 over the five-year
period from December 2012 to February 2013 to December 2017 to February 2018. This reflects ongoing
changes to the State Pension age for women, resulting in fewer women retiring between the ages of 60 and 65
Figure 15: Economic inactivity by main category in the UK (aged 16 to 64 years), seasonally adjusted
Economic inactivity estimates are available at Tables 1 and 11 of the PDF version of this statistical bulletin and at
datasets A02 SA and INAC01 SA.
Estimates of employment, unemployment and economic inactivity for UK and non-UK workers are available at
Non-UK workers in the labour market and at datasets A12 and EMP06.
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12 . Young people in the labour market
Things you need to know about young people in the labour market
This section looks at people aged from 16 to 24 years. It is a common misconception that all people in full-time
education are classified as economically inactive. This is not the case as people in full-time education are
included in the employment estimates if they have a part-time job and are included in the unemployment
estimates if they are seeking part-time work.
For December 2017 to February 2018, for people aged from 16 to 24 years, there were:
3.83 million people in work (including 861,000 full-time students with part-time jobs)
525,000 unemployed people (including 173,000 full-time students looking for part-time work)
2.69 million economically inactive people, most of whom (2.04 million) were full-time students
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Figure 16: Young people (aged 16 to 24 years) in the UK labour market for December 2017 to February
2018, seasonally adjusted
1. The "Not in full-time education" series includes people in part-time education and/or some form of training.
Figure 17 shows how the latest estimates, for December 2017 to February 2018, for employment, unemployment
and economic inactivity for people aged from 16 to 24 years compare with the previous quarter (September to
November 2017) and the previous year (December 2016 to February 2017). The chart shows that, while the
overall UK household population is increasing, it is falling for the 16 to 24 years age group.
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Figure 17: Quarterly and annual changes in the number of young people (aged 16 to 24 years) in the UK
labour market, seasonally adjusted
For December 2017 to February 2018, the unemployment rate for 16- to 24-year-olds was 12.0%, lower than for
a year earlier (12.5%).
The unemployment rate for those aged from 16 to 24 years has been consistently higher than that for older age
groups. Since comparable records began in 1992:
the lowest youth unemployment rate was 11.6% for March to May 2001
the highest youth unemployment rate was 22.5% for late 2011
Between March to May 1992 (when comparable records began) and December 2017 to February 2018, the
proportion of people aged from 16 to 24 years who were in full-time education increased substantially from 26.2%
to 43.6%. This increase in the number of young people going into full-time education has reduced the size of the
economically active population (those in work plus those seeking and available to work) and therefore increased
the unemployment rate (because the unemployment rate is the proportion of the economically active population
who are unemployed).
Estimates for young people in the labour market are available at Table 12 of the PDF version of this statistical
bulletin and at dataset A06 SA .
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Where to find more information about young people in the labour market
Estimates for young people who were Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) for October to
December 2017 were published on 1 March 2018.
13 . Redundancies
The redundancies estimates measure the number of people who were made redundant or who took voluntary
redundancy in the three months before the Labour Force Survey interviews.
For December 2017 to February 2018, 97,000 people had become redundant in the three months before the
Labour Force Survey interviews, 12,000 fewer than for September to November 2017 and 9,000 fewer than for a
year earlier.
Figure 18 shows the number of redundancies since comparable records began in 1995.
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Figure 18: Number of redundancies in the UK, seasonally adjusted
Redundancies estimates are available at Tables 22 and 23 of the PDF version of this statistical bulletin and at
datasets RED01 SA and RED02.
14 . Vacancies
Vacancies are defined as positions for which employers are actively seeking to recruit outside their business or
There were 815,000 job vacancies for January to March 2018. This was:
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unchanged compared with October to December 2017
Figure 19 shows the number of job vacancies since comparable records began in 2001.
There were 723,000 job vacancies in the services sectors for January to March 2018, accounting for 88.7% of all
vacancies. Looking at services in more detail, the sectors with the largest number of job vacancies were
wholesaling, retailing and repair of motor vehicles (136,000) and human health and social work (129,000).
There were 2.7 job vacancies per 100 filled employee jobs for January to March 2018. The industrial sector
showing the largest vacancy rate was accommodation and food service activities (3.9 vacancies per 100 filled
employee jobs) and the sector showing the smallest vacancy rate was public administration and defence (1.4
vacancies per 100 filled employee jobs).
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Where to find data about vacancies
Vacancies estimates are available at Tables 19, 20 and 21 of the PDF version of this statistical bulletin and at
datasets VACS01 , VACS02 and VACS03.
On 13 February 2018 we announced changes to previously announced publication dates from April 2018. The
revised publication dates up to the end of 2018 are:
The Labour market economic commentary is published every month on the same day as this release.
The Regional Labour market statistics release is published every month on the same day as this release.
Regional and local area labour market statistics are also available on our NOMIS website.
The Public sector employment release is published four times a year (in March, June, September and December)
on the same day as this release.
The Young People not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) release is published four times a year (in
February, May, August and November).
The Working and workless households in the UK release is published four times a year.
The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) release is published annually. The most recent release was
published on 26 October 2017.
The Business Register and Employment Survey release is published annually. The most recent release was
published on 2 October 2017.
An article on Sickness absence in the labour market was published on 9 March 2017.
An article on International immigration and the labour market was published on 12 April 2017.
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17 . Quality and Methodology
Estimates for the most recent time periods are subject to revision due to the receipt of late and corrected
responses to business surveys and revisions to seasonal adjustment factors which are re-estimated every month.
Estimates are subject to longer run revisions, on an annual basis, resulting from reviews of the seasonal
adjustment process. Estimates derived from the Labour Force Survey (a survey of households) are usually only
revised once a year. Revisions to estimates derived from other sources are usually minor and are commented on
in the statistical bulletin if this is not the case. Further information is available in the labour market statistics
revisions policy .
One indication of the reliability of the main indicators in this statistical bulletin can be obtained by monitoring the
size of revisions. Datasets EMP05, UNEM04 and JOBS06 record the size and pattern of revisions over the last
five years. These indicators only report summary measures for revisions. The revised data itself may be subject
to sampling or other sources of error. Our standard presentation is to show five years worth of revisions (60
observations for a monthly series, 20 for a quarterly series).
Most of the figures in this statistical bulletin come from surveys of households or businesses. Surveys gather
information from a sample rather than from the whole population. The sample is designed to allow for this, and to
be as accurate as possible given practical limitations such as time and cost constraints, but results from sample
surveys are always estimates, not precise figures. This means that they are subject to some uncertainty. This can
have an impact on how changes in the estimates should be interpreted, especially for short-term comparisons.
There is a trade-off between sample size and sampling variability. As the number of people available in the
sample gets smaller, the variability of the estimates that we can make from that sample size gets larger. What
this means in practice is that estimates for small groups (for example, unemployed people aged from 16 to 17),
which are based on quite small subsets of the Labour Force Survey sample, are less reliable and tend to be more
volatile than estimates for larger aggregated groups (for example, the total number of unemployed people).
We can illustrate the level of uncertainty (also called “sampling variability”) around a survey estimate by defining a
range around the estimate (known as a “confidence interval”) within which we think the real value that the survey
is trying to measure lies. Confidence intervals are typically defined so that we can say we are 95% confident the
true value lies within the range – in which case we refer to a “95% confidence interval”.
The number of people unemployed for December 2017 to February 2018 was estimated at 1,423,000, with a
stated 95% confidence interval of plus or minus 70,000. This means that we are 95% confident that the true
number of unemployed people was between 1,353,000 and 1,493,000. Again, the best estimate from the survey
was that the number of unemployed people was 1,423,000.
As well as calculating precision measures around the numbers and rates obtained from the survey, we can also
calculate them for changes in the numbers. For example, for December 2017 to February 2018, the estimated
change in the number of unemployed people since September to November 2017 was a decrease of 16,000, with
a 95% confidence interval of plus or minus 75,000. This means that we are 95% confident the actual change in
unemployment was somewhere between an increase of 59,000 and a fall of 91,000, with the best estimate being
a decrease of 16,000. As the estimated decrease in unemployment of 16,000 is smaller than 75,000, the
estimated decrease in unemployment is said to be “not statistically significant”.
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In general, changes in the numbers (and especially the rates) reported in this statistical bulletin between three-
month periods are small, and are not usually greater than the level that is explainable by sampling variability. In
practice, this means that small, short-term movements in reported rates should be treated as indicative, and
considered alongside medium-and long-term patterns in the series and corresponding movements in
administrative sources, where available, to give a fuller picture.
Dataset A11 shows sampling variabilities for estimates derived from the Labour Force Survey.
The sampling variability of the three-month average vacancies level is around plus or minus 1.5% of that level.
Sampling variability information for average weekly earnings growth rates are available from the “Sampling
Variability” worksheets within datasets EARN01 and EARN03.
Like many economic indicators, the labour market is affected by factors that tend to occur at around the same
time every year; for example, school leavers entering the labour market in July and whether Easter falls in March
or April. In order to compare movements other than annual changes in labour market statistics, such as since the
previous quarter or since the previous month, the data are seasonally adjusted to remove the effects of seasonal
factors and the arrangement of the calendar. All estimates discussed in this statistical bulletin are seasonally
adjusted except where otherwise stated. While seasonal adjustment is essential to allow for robust comparisons
through time, it is not possible to estimate uncertainty measures for the seasonally adjusted series.
The Quality and Methodology Information reports contain important information on:
the strengths and limitations of the data and how it compares with related data
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Labour Disputes Quality and Methodology Information
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Summary of labour market statistics published on 17 April 2018
1 Labour Force Survey Summary Dataset A02 SA
8 Employment by country of birth and nationality Dataset EMP06
8(1) Unemployment and economic inactivity by country of birth and nationality Dataset A12
9 Unemployment by age and duration Dataset UNEM01 SA
13 Average Weekly Earnings (nominal) - Total pay Dataset EARN01
14 Average Weekly Earnings (nominal) - Bonus pay Dataset EARN01
15 Average Weekly Earnings (nominal) - Regular pay Dataset EARN01
16 Average Weekly Earnings real and nominal (summary table) Dataset EARN01
17 International comparisons of employment and unemployment Dataset A10
18 Labour disputes Dataset LABD01
19 Vacancies by size of business Dataset VACS03
22 Redundancies levels and rates Dataset RED01 SA
24 Regional labour market summary Dataset A07
(*) Tables 2 and 10 in the Statistical Bulletin pdf file have been amalgamated into one spreadsheet (Dataset A05 SA).
(**) Table JOBS02 provides more detail than Table 6 in the Statistical Bulletin pdf file.
(***) Table RED02 provides more detail than Table 23 in the Statistical Bulletin pdf file.
The following symbols are used in the tables: p provisional, r revised, .. Not available,* grossed up total less than 9,500.
The four-character identification codes appearing in the tables are the ONS references for the data series appearing in the
Labour Market Statistics dataset which is available on the website at:
United Kingdom (thousands)
1 Summary of headline LFS1 indicators seasonally adjusted
1 Headline indicators
LFS household population
Employment Unemployment Inactivity
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Rate Rate Rate
All aged All aged All aged All aged All aged All aged All aged All aged
16 & over 16 to 64 16 & over 16 to 64 16 & over 16 & over 16 to 64 16 to 64
Dec-Feb 2016 52,288 40,950 31,533 74.1 1,705 5.1 8,908 21.8
Dec-Feb 2017 52,631 41,092 31,835 74.6 1,559 4.7 8,886 21.6
Mar-May 2017 52,713 41,125 32,010 74.9 1,495 4.5 8,829 21.5
Jun-Aug 2017 52,792 41,154 32,105 75.1 1,443 4.3 8,812 21.4
Sep-Nov 2017 52,868 41,177 32,207 75.3 1,439 4.3 8,734 21.2
Dec-Feb 2018 52,943 41,201 32,262 75.4 1,423 4.2 8,731 21.2
Change on year 312 108 427 0.8 -136 -0.4 -154 -0.4
Change % 0.6 0.3 1.3 -8.7 -1.7
Dec-Feb 2016 25,531 20,334 16,841 79.2 936 5.3 3,310 16.3
Dec-Feb 2017 25,724 20,420 16,921 79.4 855 4.8 3,365 16.5
Mar-May 2017 25,770 20,439 16,989 79.5 831 4.7 3,358 16.4
Jun-Aug 2017 25,814 20,456 17,005 79.6 775 4.4 3,410 16.7
Sep-Nov 2017 25,856 20,471 17,089 79.9 768 4.3 3,357 16.4
Dec-Feb 2018 25,898 20,485 17,097 79.8 751 4.2 3,395 16.6
Change on quarter 42 14 8 -0.1 -17 -0.1 38 0.2
Change % 0.2 0.1 0.0 -2.2 1.1
1. The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a survey of the population of private households, student halls of residence and NHS accommodation.
2. The headline employment rate is the number of people aged 16 to 64 in employment divided by the population aged 16 to 64.
3. The headline unemployment rate is the number of unemployed people (aged 16+) divided by the economically active population (aged 16+). The
economically active population is defined as those in employment plus those who are unemployed.
4. The headline inactivity rate is the number of people aged 16 to 64 divided by the population aged 16-64.
Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate
Dec-Feb 2016 31,533 60.3 1,705 5.1 19,050 36.4 30,357 74.1 1,684 5.3 8,908 21.8
Dec-Feb 2017 31,835 60.5 1,559 4.7 19,237 36.6 30,661 74.6 1,546 4.8 8,886 21.6
Mar-May 2017 32,010 60.7 1,495 4.5 19,208 36.4 30,815 74.9 1,481 4.6 8,829 21.5
Jun-Aug 2017 32,105 60.8 1,443 4.3 19,245 36.5 30,923 75.1 1,418 4.4 8,812 21.4
Sep-Nov 2017 32,207 60.9 1,439 4.3 19,221 36.4 31,027 75.3 1,417 4.4 8,734 21.2
Dec-Feb 2018 32,262 60.9 1,423 4.2 19,258 36.4 31,066 75.4 1,403 4.3 8,731 21.2
Change on quarter 55 0.0 -16 -0.1 37 0.0 39 0.1 -14 0.0 -2 0.0
Change % 0.2 -1.1 0.2 0.1 -1.0 0.0
Change on year 427 0.4 -136 -0.4 21 -0.2 405 0.8 -143 -0.5 -154 -0.4
Change % 1.3 -8.7 0.1 1.3 -9.2 -1.7
Dec-Feb 2016 16,841 66.0 936 5.3 7,754 30.4 16,099 79.2 925 5.4 3,310 16.3
Dec-Feb 2017 16,921 65.8 855 4.8 7,949 30.9 16,208 79.4 847 5.0 3,365 16.5
Mar-May 2017 16,989 65.9 831 4.7 7,949 30.8 16,259 79.5 822 4.8 3,358 16.4
Jun-Aug 2017 17,005 65.9 775 4.4 8,033 31.1 16,288 79.6 758 4.4 3,410 16.7
Sep-Nov 2017 17,089 66.1 768 4.3 7,999 30.9 16,361 79.9 754 4.4 3,357 16.4
Dec-Feb 2018 17,097 66.0 751 4.2 8,050 31.1 16,355 79.8 736 4.3 3,395 16.6
Change on quarter 8 -0.1 -17 -0.1 51 0.1 -6 -0.1 -18 -0.1 38 0.2
Change % 0.0 -2.2 0.6 0.0 -2.4 1.1
Change on year 176 0.2 -104 -0.6 102 0.2 147 0.5 -111 -0.7 29 0.1
Change % 1.0 -12.2 1.3 0.9 -13.1 0.9
Dec-Feb 2016 14,692 54.9 769 5.0 11,296 42.2 14,258 69.2 760 5.1 5,599 27.2
Dec-Feb 2017 14,914 55.4 704 4.5 11,289 42.0 14,453 69.9 699 4.6 5,520 26.7
Mar-May 2017 15,021 55.8 664 4.2 11,259 41.8 14,555 70.4 660 4.3 5,471 26.4
Jun-Aug 2017 15,099 56.0 668 4.2 11,212 41.6 14,635 70.7 660 4.3 5,403 26.1
Sep-Nov 2017 15,118 56.0 671 4.3 11,222 41.5 14,666 70.8 663 4.3 5,377 26.0
Dec-Feb 2018 15,165 56.1 672 4.2 11,208 41.4 14,711 71.0 668 4.3 5,336 25.8
Change on quarter 47 0.1 1 0.0 -14 -0.1 45 0.2 5 0.0 -40 -0.2
Change % 0.3 0.1 -0.1 0.3 0.7 -0.8
Change on year 251 0.6 -32 -0.3 -81 -0.5 258 1.1 -31 -0.3 -184 -0.9
Change % 1.7 -4.5 -0.7 1.8 -4.5 -3.3
Aged 16-17 Aged 18-24
Employment Unemployment Inactivity Employment Unemployment Inactivity
Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate
Dec-Feb 2016 367 25.1 132 26.4 967 66.0 3,593 62.4 500 12.2 1,667 28.9
Dec-Feb 2017 371 25.9 127 25.6 935 65.2 3,552 62.2 430 10.8 1,730 30.3
Mar-May 2017 347 24.4 121 25.8 955 67.1 3,574 62.7 441 11.0 1,683 29.5
Jun-Aug 2017 344 24.3 99 22.3 972 68.7 3,524 62.0 425 10.8 1,734 30.5
Sep-Nov 2017 334 23.8 117 25.9 956 68.0 3,528 62.3 421 10.7 1,718 30.3
Dec-Feb 2018 341 24.4 125 26.9 933 66.7 3,492 61.8 399 10.3 1,761 31.1
Change on quarter 7 0.6 9 1.0 -23 -1.3 -36 -0.5 -22 -0.4 42 0.8
Change % 2.0 7.6 -2.4 -1.0 -5.2 2.5
Change on year -30 -1.5 -2 1.3 -2 1.4 -59 -0.4 -31 -0.6 30 0.9
Change % -8.1 -1.6 -0.2 -1.7 -7.3 1.8
Dec-Feb 2016 173 23.0 72 29.4 506 67.4 1,856 63.4 286 13.4 786 26.8
Dec-Feb 2017 175 23.9 63 26.5 495 67.5 1,831 62.9 271 12.9 810 27.8
Mar-May 2017 172 23.5 63 26.9 494 67.8 1,827 62.9 271 12.9 808 27.8
Jun-Aug 2017 165 22.8 55 24.8 504 69.6 1,808 62.3 244 11.9 849 29.3
Sep-Nov 2017 158 21.9 57 26.6 505 70.1 1,816 62.8 243 11.8 835 28.8
Dec-Feb 2018 162 22.7 60 27.1 493 68.9 1,796 62.2 232 11.4 859 29.7
Change on quarter 4 0.8 3 0.5 -12 -1.2 -20 -0.5 -11 -0.4 24 0.9
Change % 2.8 5.3 -2.3 -1.1 -4.5 2.9
Change on year -13 -1.2 -3 0.6 -2 1.4 -35 -0.7 -39 -1.4 49 1.9
Change % -7.4 -4.7 -0.4 -1.9 -14.3 6.0
Dec-Feb 2016 195 27.2 60 23.5 460 64.4 1,737 61.3 214 11.0 881 31.1
Dec-Feb 2017 196 28.0 64 24.7 440 62.9 1,720 61.4 160 8.5 920 32.9
Mar-May 2017 176 25.3 58 24.7 462 66.4 1,746 62.6 170 8.9 875 31.3
Jun-Aug 2017 179 25.9 44 19.8 468 67.7 1,716 61.7 181 9.5 885 31.8
Sep-Nov 2017 177 25.7 59 25.2 451 65.7 1,712 61.7 178 9.4 884 31.9
Dec-Feb 2018 179 26.1 65 26.7 440 64.3 1,696 61.3 167 9.0 902 32.6
Change on quarter 2 0.4 6 1.6 -12 -1.3 -16 -0.4 -11 -0.5 18 0.8
Change % 1.2 9.8 -2.6 -0.9 -6.1 2.1
Change on year -17 -1.8 1 2.0 0 1.5 -24 -0.1 7 0.5 -19 -0.2
Change % -8.6 1.5 0.1 -1.4 4.6 -2.0
Source: Labour Force Survey
Labour market statistics enquiries: [email protected]
2(2) Labour market status by age group
United Kingdom (thousands) seasonally adjusted
Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate
Dec-Feb 2016 7,182 81.6 369 4.9 1,248 14.2 10,768 83.6 370 3.3 1,737 13.5
Dec-Feb 2017 7,306 82.2 349 4.6 1,237 13.9 10,747 83.9 350 3.2 1,708 13.3
Mar-May 2017 7,391 82.9 313 4.1 1,210 13.6 10,765 84.2 332 3.0 1,691 13.2
Jun-Aug 2017 7,460 83.5 297 3.8 1,175 13.2 10,807 84.6 319 2.9 1,646 12.9
Sep-Nov 2017 7,470 83.5 300 3.9 1,177 13.2 10,825 84.8 305 2.7 1,630 12.8
Dec-Feb 2018 7,491 83.6 296 3.8 1,174 13.1 10,844 85.1 309 2.8 1,592 12.5
Change on quarter 21 0.1 -3 -0.1 -3 -0.1 19 0.2 4 0.0 -37 -0.3
Change % 0.3 -1.1 -0.3 0.2 1.4 -2.3
Change on year 185 1.4 -53 -0.8 -63 -0.8 97 1.1 -41 -0.4 -115 -0.8
Change % 2.5 -15.1 -5.1 0.9 -11.6 -6.8
Dec-Feb 2016 3,914 89.3 184 4.5 284 6.5 5,681 89.4 187 3.2 487 7.7
Dec-Feb 2017 3,932 88.5 183 4.4 328 7.4 5,702 90.2 160 2.7 456 7.2
Mar-May 2017 3,986 89.5 162 3.9 308 6.9 5,694 90.2 158 2.7 458 7.3
Jun-Aug 2017 4,012 89.8 153 3.7 304 6.8 5,716 90.7 144 2.5 441 7.0
Sep-Nov 2017 4,037 90.1 142 3.4 300 6.7 5,719 90.9 150 2.6 425 6.8
Dec-Feb 2018 4,046 90.1 143 3.4 302 6.7 5,710 90.8 145 2.5 432 6.9
Change on quarter 9 0.0 1 0.0 2 0.0 -9 0.0 -5 -0.1 7 0.1
Change % 0.2 0.5 0.6 -0.2 -3.3 1.6
Change on year 114 1.6 -40 -1.0 -26 -0.7 8 0.6 -15 -0.3 -24 -0.3
Change % 2.9 -22.0 -7.9 0.1 -9.5 -5.2
Dec-Feb 2016 3,268 74.0 185 5.3 964 21.8 5,088 78.0 183 3.5 1,251 19.2
Dec-Feb 2017 3,374 75.8 166 4.7 909 20.4 5,046 77.8 189 3.6 1,252 19.3
Mar-May 2017 3,405 76.4 151 4.2 902 20.2 5,071 78.3 174 3.3 1,233 19.0
Jun-Aug 2017 3,448 77.3 144 4.0 871 19.5 5,091 78.7 175 3.3 1,206 18.6
Sep-Nov 2017 3,432 76.8 158 4.4 877 19.6 5,106 79.0 155 2.9 1,204 18.6
Dec-Feb 2018 3,445 77.1 154 4.3 872 19.5 5,134 79.5 164 3.1 1,160 18.0
Change on quarter 13 0.2 -4 -0.1 -5 -0.1 28 0.5 9 0.2 -44 -0.7
Change % 0.4 -2.6 -0.6 0.5 6.1 -3.7
Change on year 71 1.2 -12 -0.4 -37 -0.9 88 1.7 -25 -0.5 -92 -1.3
Change % 2.1 -7.4 -4.1 1.7 -13.4 -7.3
Aged 50-64 Age 65+
Employment Unemployment Inactivity Employment Unemployment Inactivity
Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate
Dec-Feb 2016 8,446 70.1 313 3.6 3,289 27.3 1,176 10.4 21 1.7 10,142 89.4
Dec-Feb 2017 8,685 70.9 289 3.2 3,276 26.7 1,174 10.2 13 1.1 10,352 89.7
Mar-May 2017 8,738 71.0 275 3.0 3,290 26.7 1,196 10.3 13 1.1 10,379 89.6
Jun-Aug 2017 8,788 71.1 279 3.1 3,286 26.6 1,181 10.1 24 2.0 10,432 89.6
Sep-Nov 2017 8,870 71.5 275 3.0 3,252 26.2 1,180 10.1 22 1.9 10,488 89.7
Dec-Feb 2018 8,898 71.5 273 3.0 3,271 26.3 1,196 10.2 20 1.6 10,527 89.6
Change on year 213 0.6 -16 -0.2 -4 -0.4 21 0.0 7 0.5 175 -0.1
Change % 2.5 -5.5 -0.1 1.8 54.5 1.7
Dec-Feb 2016 4,476 75.6 195 4.2 1,247 21.1 742 14.3 11 1.4 4,444 85.5
Dec-Feb 2017 4,568 76.0 169 3.6 1,276 21.2 713 13.4 8 1.2 4,583 86.4
Mar-May 2017 4,581 75.9 168 3.5 1,291 21.4 730 13.7 10 1.3 4,591 86.1
Jun-Aug 2017 4,587 75.7 163 3.4 1,313 21.6 717 13.4 17 2.3 4,624 86.3
Sep-Nov 2017 4,630 76.1 161 3.4 1,292 21.2 728 13.5 15 2.0 4,642 86.2
Dec-Feb 2018 4,640 76.0 155 3.2 1,309 21.4 742 13.7 16 2.1 4,655 86.0
Dec-Feb 2016 3,970 64.8 118 2.9 2,042 33.3 434 7.1 10 2.2 5,697 92.8
Dec-Feb 2017 4,117 66.0 120 2.8 1,999 32.1 462 7.4 * * 5,769 92.5
Mar-May 2017 4,157 66.4 107 2.5 1,999 31.9 466 7.4 * * 5,788 92.5
Jun-Aug 2017 4,201 66.8 116 2.7 1,973 31.4 464 7.4 8 1.6 5,809 92.5
Sep-Nov 2017 4,240 67.2 113 2.6 1,960 31.0 452 7.2 8 1.7 5,845 92.7
Dec-Feb 2018 4,258 67.2 118 2.7 1,963 31.0 454 7.2 * * 5,871 92.8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dec-Feb 2016 31,533 26,656 4,675 103 99 23,063 8,470 19,684 6,972 3,311 1,364 1,127
Dec-Feb 2017 31,835 26,841 4,785 116 93 23,399 8,436 19,901 6,940 3,427 1,358 1,116
Mar-May 2017 32,010 27,030 4,798 110 72 23,532 8,478 20,043 6,987 3,421 1,378 1,119
Jun-Aug 2017 32,105 27,069 4,855 109 71 23,557 8,547 20,077 6,992 3,407 1,448 1,110
Sep-Nov 2017 32,207 27,235 4,773 120 78 23,654 8,553 20,250 6,985 3,327 1,446 1,130
Dec-Feb 2018 32,262 27,339 4,755 108 60 23,679 8,582 20,318 7,021 3,312 1,443 1,154
Change on quarter 55 103 -18 -12 -18 25 29 67 36 -15 -3 24
Change % 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -10.2 -23.5 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.5 -0.4 -0.2 2.2
Change on year 427 497 -30 -8 -33 280 146 417 81 -115 85 39
Change % 1.3 1.9 -0.6 -7.0 -35.4 1.2 1.7 2.1 1.2 -3.4 6.3 3.5
Dec-Feb 2016 16,841 13,546 3,188 52 56 14,584 2,258 11,923 1,623 2,621 566 484
Dec-Feb 2017 16,921 13,614 3,200 53 55 14,677 2,243 11,980 1,633 2,651 549 481
Mar-May 2017 16,989 13,681 3,228 40 40 14,731 2,258 12,036 1,645 2,661 567 479
Jun-Aug 2017 17,005 13,684 3,239 49 34 14,760 2,245 12,075 1,608 2,647 592 475
Sep-Nov 2017 17,089 13,806 3,185 59 38 14,826 2,262 12,179 1,628 2,610 575 500
Dec-Feb 2018 17,097 13,885 3,135 45 32 14,819 2,278 12,209 1,676 2,581 555 497
Change on quarter 8 79 -50 -15 -7 -8 16 31 48 -29 -21 -3
Change % 0.0 0.6 -1.6 -24.6 -17.3 -0.1 0.7 0.3 2.9 -1.1 -3.6 -0.6
Change on year 176 271 -64 -8 -23 142 34 229 42 -70 6 16
Change % 1.0 2.0 -2.0 -15.4 -42.0 1.0 1.5 1.9 2.6 -2.6 1.1 3.3
Dec-Feb 2016 14,692 13,110 1,487 52 43 8,479 6,213 7,761 5,349 690 797 643
Dec-Feb 2017 14,914 13,228 1,585 63 38 8,722 6,192 7,921 5,307 776 809 635
Mar-May 2017 15,021 13,349 1,570 70 32 8,801 6,220 8,007 5,342 760 810 641
Jun-Aug 2017 15,099 13,386 1,616 60 37 8,797 6,302 8,002 5,384 761 855 635
Sep-Nov 2017 15,118 13,429 1,588 61 40 8,828 6,291 8,072 5,357 717 871 630
Dec-Feb 2018 15,165 13,454 1,620 63 28 8,861 6,304 8,108 5,345 731 888 658
Change on quarter 47 24 32 2 -12 33 14 37 -12 14 18 27
Change % 0.3 0.2 2.0 3.7 -29.5 0.4 0.2 0.5 -0.2 2.0 2.0 4.3
Change on year 251 226 34 0 -10 139 112 187 39 -45 79 23
Change % 1.7 1.7 2.2 0.1 -25.9 1.6 1.8 2.4 0.7 -5.8 9.8 3.6
Temporary employees (reasons for temporary working) Part-time workers (reasons for working part-time)
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Dec-Feb 2016 1,649 6.2 544 33.0 413 123 569 8,336 1,192 14.3 5,753 246 1,088
Dec-Feb 2017 1,603 6.0 447 27.9 410 114 631 8,298 1,042 12.6 5,811 254 1,120
Mar-May 2017 1,584 5.9 430 27.2 403 120 631 8,364 1,015 12.1 5,936 249 1,102
Jun-Aug 2017 1,600 5.9 441 27.6 431 122 606 8,440 1,039 12.3 5,949 273 1,099
Sep-Nov 2017 1,570 5.8 442 28.2 434 139 555 8,431 1,012 12.0 5,976 265 1,102
Dec-Feb 2018 1,564 5.7 455 29.1 433 159 517 8,464 1,020 12.0 6,028 246 1,119
Change on quarter -6 0.0 14 1.0 -1 20 -39 33 8 0.0 52 -19 17
Change % -0.4 3.1 -0.1 14.4 -7.0 0.4 0.7 0.9 -7.3 1.5
Change on year -39 -0.3 9 1.3 23 44 -115 166 -23 -0.5 216 -9 -1
Change % -2.4 2.0 5.5 38.5 -18.2 2.0 -2.2 3.7 -3.4 -0.1
Dec-Feb 2016 771 5.7 284 36.9 181 56 250 2,190 534 24.4 1,065 102 469
Dec-Feb 2017 733 5.4 219 29.9 175 50 289 2,182 449 20.6 1,131 101 477
Mar-May 2017 735 5.4 216 29.4 188 54 277 2,212 442 20.0 1,199 90 463
Jun-Aug 2017 755 5.5 224 29.7 207 55 269 2,200 445 20.2 1,150 105 475
Sep-Nov 2017 743 5.4 227 30.6 190 73 253 2,203 449 20.4 1,167 94 463
Dec-Feb 2018 748 5.4 236 31.5 190 80 242 2,230 474 21.2 1,186 77 471
Change on quarter 5 0.0 9 0.9 -1 8 -10 28 25 0.9 19 -17 8
Change % 0.7 3.8 -0.4 10.5 -4.1 1.2 5.5 1.6 -18.0 1.7
Change on year 15 0.0 16 1.6 15 30 -47 48 25 0.7 55 -24 -6
Change % 2.0 7.5 8.5 59.6 -16.1 2.2 5.5 4.9 -23.7 -1.3
Dec-Feb 2016 878 6.7 259 29.6 232 67 319 6,146 658 10.7 4,688 144 620
Dec-Feb 2017 870 6.6 227 26.1 236 64 343 6,116 593 9.7 4,680 154 643
Mar-May 2017 850 6.4 214 25.2 215 66 354 6,152 573 9.3 4,737 159 640
Jun-Aug 2017 845 6.3 217 25.7 224 68 336 6,239 594 9.5 4,799 168 624
Sep-Nov 2017 827 6.2 215 26.0 243 66 303 6,228 563 9.0 4,809 172 639
Dec-Feb 2018 816 6.1 220 26.9 243 78 274 6,234 546 8.8 4,841 169 648
Change on quarter -11 -0.1 5 0.9 0 12 -28 5 -17 -0.3 33 -3 9
Change % -1.3 2.3 0.1 18.6 -9.3 0.1 -3.0 0.7 -1.5 1.4
Change on year -54 -0.5 -8 0.8 8 14 -68 118 -47 -0.9 161 15 5
Change % -6.2 -3.4 3.3 22.1 -19.9 1.9 -8.0 3.4 9.9 0.8
Relationship between columns: 1= 2+3+4+5; 1=6+7; 2=8+9; 3=10+11; 13=15+17+18+19; 20=9+11 ;14=13/2; 16=15/13; 22=21/20 Source: Labour Force Survey
1. The split between full-time and part-time employment is based on respondents' self-classification. Labour market statistics enquiries: [email protected]
2. This series does not include all people on these programmes; it only includes those engaging in any form of work, work experience or work-related training.
3. These series cover Employees and Self-employed only. These series include some temporary employees recorded in columns 13 to 19.
4. The total includes those who did not give a reason for working part-time and it therefore does not equal the sum of columns 21, 23, 24 and 25.
4 Public and private sector employment
(first published on 21 March 2018)
United Kingdom (thousands of people aged 16 and over), seasonally adjusted
Dec 15 5,480 17.4 26,057 82.6 31,537 5,209 16.5 26,328 83.5
Mar 16 5,481 17.4 26,102 82.6 31,583 5,207 16.5 26,376 83.5
Jun 16 5,464 17.2 26,293 82.8 31,757 5,202 16.4 26,555 83.6
Sep 16 5,471 17.2 26,284 82.8 31,755 5,200 16.4 26,555 83.6
Dec 16 5,453 17.1 26,393 82.9 31,846 5,190 16.3 26,656 83.7
Mar 17 5,467 17.1 26,487 82.9 31,954 5,201 16.3 26,753 83.7
Jun 17 5,473 17.0 26,663 83.0 32,136 5,219 16.2 26,917 83.8
Sep 17 5,485 17.1 26,595 82.9 32,080 5,225 16.3 26,855 83.7
Dec 17 5,353 16.6 26,895 83.4 32,248 5,234 16.2 27,014 83.8
Change on quarter -132 -0.5 300 0.5 168 9 -0.1 159 0.1
Change % -2.4 1.1 0.5 0.2 0.6
Change on year -100 -0.5 502 0.5 402 44 -0.1 358 0.1
Change % -1.8 1.9 1.3 0.8 1.3
Enquiries 01633 455400 Source: Labour Force Survey (LFS) and returns from public sector organisations
See footnotes under table 4(1)
Dec 15 35 159 250 1,015 417 1,516 1,571 294 639 5,480
Mar 16 36 158 248 1,011 419 1,517 1,579 290 642 5,481
Jun 16 36 158 246 1,003 416 1,516 1,588 289 633 5,464
Sep 16 35 158 245 1,002 416 1,519 1,596 280 632 5,471
Dec 16 36 157 243 1,003 416 1,514 1,602 275 624 5,453
Mar 17 37 157 245 1,005 419 1,517 1,612 273 618 5,467
Jun 17 36 156 248 1,013 423 1,518 1,621 270 616 5,473
Sep 17 35 155 250 1,017 423 1,512 1,629 268 615 5,485
Dec 17 35 155 254 1,018 427 1,512 1,639 226 514 5,353
Explanatory Note: The public and private sector employment series have been affected by a number of major reclassifications where bodies employing large
numbers of people have moved between the public and private sectors. These major reclassifications are as follows:
Further Education corporations and Sixth Form College corporations in England are included in the private sector from June 2012 but in the public sector for earlier time periods.
Royal Mail plc is included in the private sector from December 2013 but in the public sector for earlier time periods.
Lloyds Banking Group plc is included in the public sector from December 2008 to December 2013 but in the private sector for earlier and later time periods.
Royal Bank of Scotland plc is included in the public sector from December 2008 but in the private sector for earlier time periods.
Direct Line Group is included in the public sector from December 2008 to June 2013 but in the private sector for earlier and later time periods.
Network Rail is included in the private sector before December 2002. From December 2002 onwards it is included in the public sector (except for the period from June 2003 to
March 2004, when it is included in the private sector).
Northern Rock is included in the public sector from December 2007 until December 2011 but in the private sector for earlier and later time periods.
Bradford and Bingley is included in the public sector from September 2008 but in the private sector for earlier time periods.
Welsh Further Education colleges are included in the private sector from March 2015 but in the public sector for earlier time periods.
Housing Associations for England are included in the public sector between September 2008 and September 2017; they are in the private sector for earlier and later time periods.
Housing associations for Scotland are included in the public sector from September 2001; they are included in the private sector for earlier time periods.
Housing associations for Wales and Northern Ireland are included in the public sector back to the start of the time series in March 1999.
The series shown at Table 4 (in columns 6 to 9) for public and private sector employment excluding the effects of major reclassifications show all of the above
mentioned bodies included in the private sector for all time periods and excluded from the public sector for all time periods. When using figures from this
table, the latest estimate of the number of people employed in the public and private sectors should be taken from columns 1 and 3 respectively. However the
quarterly and annual changes in employment shown in these columns are affected by reclassifications. Figures from columns 6 and 8 should be used for
assessments of the recent underlying changes in public and private sector employment. The changes in employment shown in these columns are measured
on a consistent basis to remove the effect of major reclassifications.
1. Estimated as the difference between LFS total employment and the data from public sector organisations.
2. LFS employment data for March refer to February-April, June refers to May-July, September refers to August-October and December refers to November-January.
3. This series excludes locally engaged staff stationed outside the United Kingdom.
4. This series excludes the Northern Ireland Civil Service.
5. This series may not exactly equal the sum of the components because each component is independently seasonally adjusted.
More detailed estimates are available in the Public Sector Employment Statistical Bulletin at:
5 Workforce jobs
(first published on 21 March 2018)
United Kingdom (thousands), seasonally adjusted
Self- Government-
employment supported
Workforce jobs Employee jobs jobs1 HM Forces trainees1
1 2 3 4 5
Dec 15 34,147 423 66 2,626 139 194 2,183 5,018 1,653 2,280 1,368
Mar 16 34,421 411 65 2,644 145 201 2,230 5,022 1,690 2,288 1,398
Jun 16 34,617 394 63 2,663 141 199 2,239 5,041 1,716 2,343 1,436
Sep 16 34,653 420 64 2,636 138 208 2,209 5,001 1,736 2,377 1,424
Dec 16 34,703 443 63 2,634 143 211 2,238 4,980 1,742 2,372 1,419
Mar 17 34,988 450 61 2,648 141 211 2,307 4,998 1,785 2,397 1,457
Jun 17 35,068 440 63 2,676 144 210 2,291 5,015 1,808 2,425 1,497
Sep 17 35,174 459 62 2,682 142 211 2,304 4,959 1,804 2,426 1,457
Dec 17 (p) 35,110 453 64 2,689 138 214 2,302 4,963 1,785 2,378 1,445
Dec 15 1,111 566 2,967 2,911 1,478 2,970 4,229 982 918 64 28,515
Mar 16 1,121 555 3,006 2,944 1,486 2,956 4,294 966 927 71 28,725
Jun 16 1,122 578 3,017 2,970 1,478 2,959 4,297 966 921 77 28,919
Sep 16 1,141 557 3,047 2,952 1,474 2,963 4,284 1,011 922 92 28,979
Dec 16 1,127 549 3,052 2,982 1,467 2,969 4,288 1,021 931 71 28,969
Mar 17 1,124 580 3,051 3,000 1,468 2,934 4,359 1,008 942 67 29,170
Jun 17 1,135 546 3,018 3,015 1,489 2,922 4,390 977 943 65 29,245
Sep 17 1,127 563 3,058 3,092 1,491 2,925 4,355 1,028 956 74 29,316
Dec 17 (p) 1,134 571 3,065 3,061 1,491 2,917 4,408 1,016 957 60 29,249
1. Workforce Jobs figures are a measure of jobs rather than people. For this reason estimates of self-employment jobs and government supported trainee jobs differ from estimates of
people in self-employment and in government supported training and employment programmes shown at Table 3. The estimates for government supported trainees shown in this table
exclude trainees with contracts of employment as such people are included in the estimates of employee jobs.
2. This series is not exclusively a public sector series as it includes some private sector jobs. See table 4 for estimates of public and private sector employment.
7 Actual weekly hours worked
United Kingdom (hours worked by people aged 16 and over), seasonally adjusted
Average (mean) actual weekly hours worked
Total weekly hours Full-time Part-time
(millions)1 2 All workers1 workers3 workers3 Second Jobs
Total (thousands) 31,835 16,921 14,914 26,841 13,614 13,228 4,785 3,200 1,585
Sep-Nov 2017
Less than 6 Hours 1.4 0.9 1.9 0.9 0.6 1.2 3.6 2.0 6.8
6 up to 15 hours 6.4 3.5 9.7 5.9 3.1 8.8 8.7 4.4 17.3
16 up to 30 hours 20.2 10.1 31.5 19.7 8.7 31.0 23.1 16.1 37.0
31 up to 45 hours 53.2 59.1 46.5 56.0 62.6 49.1 37.8 44.1 25.0
Over 45 hours 18.8 26.4 10.3 17.5 24.9 9.9 26.8 33.3 13.8
Total (thousands) 32,207 17,089 15,118 27,235 13,806 13,429 4,773 3,185 1,588
Dec-Feb 2018
Less than 6 Hours 1.3 0.8 1.8 0.9 0.6 1.2 3.0 1.5 5.8
6 up to 15 hours 6.6 3.5 10.0 6.0 3.2 9.0 8.8 4.4 17.4
16 up to 30 hours 19.8 10.1 30.8 19.3 8.8 30.2 22.9 15.6 37.2
31 up to 45 hours 53.6 59.4 47.0 56.2 62.6 49.6 39.0 45.9 25.7
Over 45 hours 18.7 26.2 10.4 17.5 24.8 10.0 26.2 32.6 13.9
Total (thousands) 32,262 17,097 15,165 27,339 13,885 13,454 4,755 3,135 1,620
1. Total usual weekly hours worked by people aged 16 and over in main job including paid and unpaid overtime. Source: Labour Force Survey
Labour market statistics enquiries: [email protected]
8 Employment levels and rates by country of birth and nationality
(first published on 21 February 2018)
United Kingdom (thousands of people aged 16 and over) not seasonally adjusted
European Union (EU) Countries not in the European Union (non-EU)
Of which:
Africa Pakistan
Romania excluding Australia and
Total EU and Total South South and New Bangla- Rest of
1 2 3 4
Total UK Non UK (EU27) EU14 EUA8 Bulgaria non-EU Africa Africa Zealand India desh USA the world
Oct - Dec 2015 31,604 26,467 5,121 2,115 891 982 215 3,006 673 134 120 431 347 95 1,206
Oct - Dec 2016 31,902 26,328 5,570 2,309 932 1,033 305 3,261 731 163 142 466 357 95 1,306
Jan - Mar 2017 31,866 26,222 5,640 2,359 988 1,026 311 3,280 723 185 157 455 383 82 1,296
Apr - Jun 2017 31,996 26,312 5,681 2,373 972 1,007 362 3,308 772 213 138 441 381 81 1,282
Jul - Sep 2017 32,141 26,434 5,705 2,403 970 1,044 361 3,302 736 186 151 481 374 87 1,288
Oct - Dec 2017 32,231 26,629 5,599 2,389 999 995 360 3,210 699 171 146 469 353 99 1,273
Oct - Dec 2015 31,604 28,349 3,248 2,052 863 972 203 1,196 194 46 86 176 102 80 511
Oct - Dec 2016 31,902 28,409 3,490 2,248 935 1,015 285 1,242 243 51 91 173 109 85 490
Jan - Mar 2017 31,866 28,313 3,550 2,319 1,001 1,008 297 1,230 226 59 96 174 114 78 484
Apr - Jun 2017 31,996 28,427 3,564 2,365 1,020 997 337 1,199 240 77 82 163 95 75 469
Jul - Sep 2017 32,141 28,547 3,589 2,378 987 1,035 347 1,211 223 64 88 180 103 70 484
Oct - Dec 2017 32,231 28,703 3,523 2,349 1,014 961 364 1,174 203 63 90 179 87 91 461
Change on year 328 294 33 101 79 -53 79 -68 -40 13 -2 6 -22 6 -29
Change % 1.0 1.0 0.9 4.5 8.5 -5.2 27.8 -5.5 -16.4 24.9 -1.7 3.2 -20.4 6.9 -5.8
Oct - Dec 2015 74.3 74.9 71.5 79.9 76.2 83.5 79.9 66.5 65.8 78.1 87.2 70.8 57.0 72.4 65.6
Oct - Dec 2016 74.7 75.2 72.8 80.8 77.1 83.6 85.0 68.0 72.4 82.7 89.2 73.5 54.7 72.3 65.0
Jan - Mar 2017 74.6 75.3 71.9 79.5 77.0 82.2 80.7 67.2 68.2 83.6 88.2 74.4 56.0 74.5 64.2
Apr - Jun 2017 75.0 75.5 72.6 80.6 77.5 82.6 84.6 67.7 69.5 86.0 84.6 72.7 54.1 73.3 66.0
Jul - Sep 2017 75.2 75.5 73.9 81.8 78.2 84.1 86.1 69.0 69.1 83.2 85.1 73.9 55.5 74.7 68.6
Oct - Dec 2017 75.4 75.8 73.6 81.6 77.7 85.4 83.6 68.5 68.7 82.1 86.4 73.6 56.2 77.3 67.3
Change on year 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.6 1.9 -1.4 0.6 -3.8 -0.5 -2.8 0.2 1.6 5.0 2.3
By nationality LF9D LFN8 LFN9 EQ54 LFO2 LFO3 EQ55 EQ56 LFO5 LFO6 LFO7 LFO8 LFO9 LFO4 EQ57
Oct - Dec 2015 74.3 74.6 72.1 79.1 74.7 83.3 78.6 62.6 58.5 78.4 89.2 67.2 54.6 68.4 59.6
Oct - Dec 2016 74.7 75.0 73.0 80.6 76.6 83.8 84.0 62.3 66.3 87.3 90.7 62.8 54.0 75.4 55.9
Jan - Mar 2017 74.6 75.1 71.6 79.7 77.3 82.4 79.9 60.0 60.0 90.5 87.5 65.0 52.6 79.2 52.9
Apr - Jun 2017 75.0 75.3 72.8 80.8 78.0 83.1 84.3 60.9 62.4 86.4 87.2 65.3 48.6 70.8 55.2
Jul - Sep 2017 75.2 75.3 74.5 81.6 78.2 84.3 85.9 63.6 62.5 81.1 86.9 67.5 53.7 70.7 59.7
Oct - Dec 2017 75.4 75.6 74.2 81.2 77.4 85.3 84.1 63.2 60.9 84.8 85.0 67.4 52.6 79.5 57.9
Change on year 0.6 0.5 1.1 0.5 0.8 1.5 0.2 0.9 -5.4 -2.4 -5.7 4.6 -1.3 4.1 2.0
Source: Labour Force Survey
1. The total series includes people who do not state their country of birth or nationality. The total levels series MGTM does not therefore equal the sum of the "UK" and "Non-UK" series.
2. This series consists of all 27 EU member states excluding the UK. It does not equal the sum of the EU14, EUA8, and "Romania & Bulgaria" series as it also includes Cyprus, Malta and Croatia.
3. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.
4. Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia.
The estimates shown in this table relate to the number of people in employment and should not be used as a proxy for flows of foreign migrants into the UK.
8(1) Unemployment and Economic inactivity levels and rates by country of birth
and nationality (first published on 21 February 2018)
United Kingdom (thousands of people) not seasonally adjusted
Unemployment (all aged 16 and over) Economically inactive (all aged from 16 to 64)
Oct - Dec 2015 1,646 1,313 332 93 239 8,896 2,261 7,190 1,779 1,679 477 434 152 1,245 324
Oct - Dec 2016 1,547 1,241 305 95 211 8,844 2,282 7,081 1,789 1,741 493 449 135 1,292 358
Jan - Mar 2017 1,527 1,181 346 120 226 8,916 2,455 7,076 1,895 1,825 560 483 161 1,342 399
Apr - Jun 2017 1,457 1,140 317 98 219 8,861 2,429 7,060 1,878 1,789 551 470 167 1,320 383
Jul - Sep 2017 1,501 1,220 281 72 209 8,728 2,150 7,019 1,685 1,692 465 456 152 1,237 313
Oct - Dec 2017 1,427 1,142 285 79 206 8,738 2,317 7,036 1,803 1,691 513 452 175 1,239 338
Change on year -120 -99 -21 -16 -5 -106 35 -44 14 -50 21 3 40 -53 -20
Change % -7.8 -8.0 -6.7 -16.7 -2.3 -1.2 1.5 -0.6 0.8 -2.9 4.2 0.6 30.0 -4.1 -5.5
Oct - Dec 2015 1,646 1,442 203 99 103 8,896 2,261 7,837 1,903 1,041 354 439 159 602 195
Oct - Dec 2016 1,547 1,346 201 99 102 8,844 2,282 7,743 1,916 1,077 363 438 150 639 213
Jan - Mar 2017 1,527 1,284 243 126 117 8,916 2,455 7,746 2,037 1,153 417 460 171 693 246
Apr - Jun 2017 1,457 1,258 199 100 100 8,861 2,429 7,734 2,025 1,118 403 457 169 661 235
Jul - Sep 2017 1,501 1,325 175 79 95 8,728 2,150 7,669 1,812 1,042 337 452 155 590 182
Oct - Dec 2017 1,427 1,240 186 90 95 8,738 2,317 7,696 1,942 1,029 373 449 183 580 190
Change on year -120 -106 -15 -8 -7 -106 35 -48 26 -48 10 10 34 -59 -23
Change % -7.8 -7.9 -7.6 -8.5 -6.8 -1.2 1.5 -0.6 1.4 -4.5 2.8 2.4 22.5 -9.2 -11.0
Rates (%)
Oct - Dec 2015 4.9 4.7 6.1 4.2 7.4 21.7 21.2 23.9 16.6 28.2
Oct - Dec 2016 4.6 4.5 5.2 3.9 6.1 21.5 21.1 23.2 15.9 27.6
Jan - Mar 2017 4.6 4.3 5.8 4.8 6.5 21.7 21.2 23.7 16.5 28.1
Apr - Jun 2017 4.4 4.2 5.3 4.0 6.2 21.5 21.1 23.3 16.1 27.8
Jul - Sep 2017 4.5 4.4 4.7 2.9 5.9 21.2 20.9 22.4 15.7 26.6
Oct - Dec 2017 4.2 4.1 4.8 3.2 6.0 21.2 20.9 22.6 15.7 27.0
Change on year -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.7 0.0 -0.3 -0.2 -0.5 -0.2 -0.5
Oct - Dec 2015 4.9 4.8 5.9 4.6 8.0 21.7 21.5 23.4 17.1 31.9
Oct - Dec 2016 4.6 4.5 5.4 4.2 7.6 21.5 21.3 22.8 15.8 32.5
Jan - Mar 2017 4.6 4.3 6.4 5.2 8.7 21.7 21.4 23.5 15.9 34.3
Apr - Jun 2017 4.4 4.2 5.3 4.0 7.7 21.5 21.3 23.1 15.7 34.0
Jul - Sep 2017 4.5 4.4 4.6 3.2 7.3 21.2 21.1 21.9 15.7 31.4
Oct - Dec 2017 4.2 4.1 5.0 3.7 7.5 21.2 21.1 21.9 15.7 31.7
Change on year -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.5 -0.1 -0.3 -0.2 -0.8 -0.2 -0.8
Source: Labour Force Survey
Labour market statistics enquiries: [email protected]
1. The total series includes people who do not state their country of birth or nationality. The total levels series MGTM does not therefore equal the sum of the "UK" and "Non-UK" series.
2. This series consists of all 27 EU member states excluding the UK.
3. This series consists of those people whose main reason for being economically inactive was because they were students. It does not include all students as some students will be included in the
employment and unemployment estimates.
9(1) Unemployment by age and duration United Kingdom (thousands), seasonally adjusted
Up to 6 Over 6 and up All over % over 12 All over 24 Up to 6 Over 6 and up All over % over 12 All over 24
1 1
All Rate(%) months to 12 months 12 months months months All Rate(%) months to 12 months 12 months months months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Dec-Feb 2016 739 4.0 400 121 218 29.5 123 334 3.4 145 49 140 41.9 91
Dec-Feb 2017 699 3.7 389 113 197 28.2 106 302 3.0 145 46 112 37.0 71
Mar-May 2017 645 3.4 364 96 185 28.6 98 288 2.8 136 45 108 37.4 66
Jun-Aug 2017 616 3.3 356 79 181 29.3 105 303 2.9 136 51 116 38.1 74
Sep-Nov 2017 605 3.2 335 94 176 29.1 98 297 2.9 127 47 123 41.4 77
Dec-Feb 2018 606 3.2 332 97 177 29.2 91 293 2.8 138 51 104 35.6 69
Change on quarter 1 0.0 -4 3 1 0.2 -7 -4 -0.1 11 4 -19 -5.8 -8
Change % 0.2 -1.1 3.6 0.8 -6.8 -1.4 8.3 8.7 -15.2 -10.2
Change on year -93 -0.5 -57 -16 -20 1.0 -14 -9 -0.2 -7 6 -7 -1.4 -2
Change % -13.3 -14.7 -14.0 -10.1 -13.6 -3.0 -4.9 12.1 -6.7 -2.9
Dec-Feb 2016 372 3.7 189 60 123 33.2 86 206 3.8 84 32 90 43.7 62
Dec-Feb 2017 343 3.4 182 46 115 33.5 78 178 3.3 83 27 68 38.2 44
Mar-May 2017 320 3.2 171 48 101 31.6 63 177 3.2 82 27 69 38.8 43
Jun-Aug 2017 297 3.0 159 41 96 32.3 62 180 3.3 75 34 70 39.3 44
Sep-Nov 2017 292 2.9 148 49 96 32.7 60 176 3.2 70 31 74 42.3 46
Dec-Feb 2018 288 2.9 142 51 96 33.2 54 171 3.1 74 30 68 39.5 47
Change on quarter -4 0.0 -6 2 0 0.5 -6 -5 -0.1 3 -1 -7 -2.7 1
Change % -1.5 -4.2 3.7 0.1 -10.5 -2.8 4.7 -4.7 -9.1 2.4
Change on year -55 -0.6 -40 4 -19 -0.3 -25 -7 -0.2 -10 3 0 1.4 3
Change % -16.2 -22.2 9.4 -16.8 -31.4 -3.8 -11.4 11.2 -0.4 7.3
Dec-Feb 2016 367 4.2 212 61 94 25.7 38 128 2.8 61 17 50 39.1 29
Dec-Feb 2017 355 4.0 207 67 82 23.1 28 124 2.6 61 19 44 35.4 27
Mar-May 2017 325 3.7 193 48 83 25.7 35 111 2.3 54 18 39 35.0 24
Jun-Aug 2017 319 3.6 196 38 85 26.6 43 123 2.6 61 18 45 36.5 30
Sep-Nov 2017 312 3.5 187 45 80 25.7 38 121 2.5 57 16 49 40.2 31
Dec-Feb 2018 318 3.6 190 46 81 25.7 38 122 2.5 64 21 37 30.2 22
Change on quarter 5 0.0 2 2 1 0.0 0 1 0.0 7 6 -12 -10.1 -9
Change % 1.7 1.3 3.5 1.6 -1.0 0.6 12.8 35.1 -24.6 -29.0
Change on year -38 -0.5 -17 -20 -1 2.5 10 -2 -0.1 2 3 -7 -5.2 -5
Change % -10.6 -8.2 -30.3 -0.8 36.9 -1.7 4.1 13.4 -16.3 -19.5
Relationship between columns: 1=3+4+5; 8=10+11+12. Source: Labour Force Survey
1. Denominator = economically active for that age group. Labour market statistics enquiries: [email protected]
10 Economic activity by age United Kingdom (thousands), seasonally adjusted
All aged
16 & over 16 - 64 16 - 17 18 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 49 50 - 64 65+
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
People LF2M LF63 LF65 LF67 LF69 LFL8 LF6B LF6D LFL9 LFM2
Dec-Feb 2016 8,908 2,253 2,245 198 2,081 29 1,168 935 6,697 2,212
Dec-Feb 2017 8,886 2,333 2,215 162 1,983 39 1,167 987 6,732 2,154
Mar-May 2017 8,829 2,292 2,167 165 1,985 34 1,224 962 6,746 2,083
Jun-Aug 2017 8,812 2,345 2,070 181 2,018 33 1,190 976 6,803 2,010
Sep-Nov 2017 8,734 2,330 2,107 193 1,979 37 1,153 934 6,767 1,966
Dec-Feb 2018 8,731 2,347 2,063 203 1,982 38 1,152 945 6,666 2,065
Change on quarter -2 17 -44 11 4 1 -1 11 -101 98
Change % 0.0 0.7 -2.1 5.5 0.2 3.0 -0.1 1.2 -1.5 5.0
Change on year -154 14 -152 42 -1 -1 -15 -42 -65 -89
Change % -1.7 0.6 -6.9 26.0 0.0 -3.3 -1.2 -4.2 -1.0 -4.1
Dec-Feb 2016 3,310 1,149 242 96 991 16 435 380 2,400 909
Dec-Feb 2017 3,365 1,178 258 71 946 21 458 432 2,491 875
Mar-May 2017 3,358 1,150 252 80 953 17 488 419 2,527 831
Jun-Aug 2017 3,410 1,180 224 91 998 19 477 421 2,594 815
Sep-Nov 2017 3,357 1,175 240 90 960 21 468 403 2,532 825
Dec-Feb 2018 3,395 1,189 246 96 951 21 471 421 2,533 862
Change on quarter 38 15 6 6 -9 0 3 18 2 36
Change % 1.1 1.2 2.6 6.1 -0.9 -0.3 0.6 4.4 0.1 4.4
Change on year 29 11 -12 25 5 0 12 -12 43 -13
Change % 0.9 0.9 -4.7 35.8 0.5 -1.5 2.7 -2.7 1.7 -1.5
Dec-Feb 2016 5,599 1,104 2,003 102 1,089 13 733 555 4,296 1,302
Dec-Feb 2017 5,520 1,154 1,957 91 1,037 18 708 555 4,241 1,279
Mar-May 2017 5,471 1,142 1,916 85 1,033 17 736 543 4,220 1,251
Jun-Aug 2017 5,403 1,165 1,846 90 1,021 14 713 555 4,208 1,195
Sep-Nov 2017 5,377 1,155 1,867 102 1,019 16 686 531 4,236 1,141
Dec-Feb 2018 5,336 1,158 1,817 107 1,031 17 681 525 4,133 1,203
Change on quarter -40 2 -50 5 12 1 -4 -6 -102 62
Change % -0.8
-33 0.2
14 -2.7
-3 5.0
-3 1.2
-14 7.2
-4 -0.6
-9 -1.2
-14 -2.4
-22 5.4
Change on year -184 3 -140 17 -6 -1 -27 -30 -108 -76
Change % -3.3 0.3 -7.2 18.3 -0.5 -5.4 -3.8 -5.5 -2.5 -5.9
Dec-Feb 2016 100 25.3 25.2 2.2 23.4 0.3 13.1 10.5 75.2 24.8
Dec-Feb 2017 100 26.3 24.9 1.8 22.3 0.4 13.1 11.1 75.8 24.2
Mar-May 2017 100 26.0 24.5 1.9 22.5 0.4 13.9 10.9 76.4 23.6
Jun-Aug 2017 100 26.6 23.5 2.1 22.9 0.4 13.5 11.1 77.2 22.8
Sep-Nov 2017 100 26.7 24.1 2.2 22.7 0.4 13.2 10.7 77.5 22.5
Dec-Feb 2018 100 26.9 23.6 2.3 22.7 0.4 13.2 10.8 76.4 23.6
Dec-Feb 2016 100 34.7 7.3 2.9 30.0 0.5 13.1 11.5 72.5 27.5
Dec-Feb 2017 100 35.0 7.7 2.1 28.1 0.6 13.6 12.8 74.0 26.0
Mar-May 2017 100 34.3 7.5 2.4 28.4 0.5 14.5 12.5 75.2 24.8
Jun-Aug 2017 100 34.6 6.6 2.7 29.3 0.6 14.0 12.4 76.1 23.9
Sep-Nov 2017 100 35.0 7.1 2.7 28.6 0.6 13.9 12.0 75.4 24.6
Dec-Feb 2018 100 35.0 7.2 2.8 28.0 0.6 13.9 12.4 74.6 25.4
Women LF6W
100 LF6Y
#DIV/0! LF72
#DIV/0! LF74
#DIV/0! LF76
#DIV/0! LF78
#DIV/0! LF7A
#DIV/0! LF7C
#DIV/0! LF7E
77.2117565 LF7G
Dec-Feb 2016 100 19.7 35.8 1.8 19.5 0.2 13.1 9.9 76.7 23.3
Dec-Feb 2017 100 20.9 35.5 1.6 18.8 0.3 12.8 10.1 76.8 23.2
Mar-May 2017 100 20.9 35.0 1.6 18.9 0.3 13.4 9.9 77.1 22.9
Jun-Aug 2017 100 21.6 34.2 1.7 18.9 0.3 13.2 10.3 77.9 22.1
Sep-Nov 2017 100 21.5 34.7 1.9 19.0 0.3 12.8 9.9 78.8 21.2
Dec-Feb 2018 100 21.7 34.1 2.0 19.3 0.3 12.8 9.8 77.5 22.5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
16-17 1,399 341 125 933 1,210 256 91 864 189 85 35 68
18-24 5,652 3,492 399 1,761 1,864 605 83 1,176 3,789 2,887 316 585
16-24 7,051 3,833 525 2,693 3,074 861 173 2,040 3,977 2,973 351 653
16-17 715 162 60 493 611 117 41 453 105 45 20 40
18-24 2,887 1,796 232 859 906 264 45 597 1,981 1,533 187 262
16-24 3,603 1,959 292 1,352 1,517 381 86 1,050 2,086 1,578 206 302
16-17 684 179 65 440 600 138 50 411 84 40 15 28
18-24 2,765 1,696 167 902 958 342 37 579 1,807 1,355 130 323
16-24 3,449 1,875 232 1,341 1,557 480 88 990 1,891 1,395 145 352
16-17 -4 4 3 -12 -2 5 1 -7 -3 0 2 -4
18-24 -7 -20 -11 24 9 13 -9 5 -16 -33 -2 19
16-24 -11 -16 -8 12 7 17 -8 -2 -18 -33 0 15
16-17 -4 2 6 -12 2 1 10 -9 -6 1 -4 -3
18-24 -8 -16 -11 18 -21 -17 -11 7 12 1 0 11
16-24 -12 -14 -5 7 -19 -16 -1 -2 6 2 -4 8
16-17 24.4 26.9 66.7 21.1 26.2 71.4 45.2 29.0 36.3
18-24 61.8 10.3 31.1 32.5 12.0 63.1 76.2 9.9 15.4
16-24 54.4 12.0 38.2 28.0 16.8 66.4 74.7 10.6 16.4
16-17 22.7 27.1 68.9 19.2 25.7 74.2 42.9 30.5 38.2
18-24 62.2 11.4 29.7 29.1 14.7 65.9 77.4 10.9 13.2
16-24 54.4 13.0 37.5 25.1 18.4 69.2 75.6 11.6 14.5
16-17 26.1 26.7 64.3 23.1 26.6 68.6 48.1 27.3 33.9
18-24 61.3 9.0 32.6 35.7 9.9 60.4 74.9 8.7 17.9
16-24 54.4 11.0 38.9 30.8 15.4 63.6 73.8 9.4 18.6
16-17 0.8 0.5 -1.2 0.8 -0.2 -1.0 0.8 2.1 -3.0
18-24 -0.5 -0.4 0.9 1.1 -3.1 -0.1 -1.0 0.1 1.1
16-24 -0.3 -0.2 0.5 1.0 -2.0 -0.5 -0.9 0.2 0.8
16-17 0.4 1.6 -1.3 0.1 3.8 -1.7 4.1 -5.2 -1.0
18-24 -0.4 -0.5 0.8 -1.0 -2.0 2.0 -0.4 0.0 0.5
16-24 -0.2 -0.1 0.3 -0.6 0.2 0.6 -0.1 -0.2 0.4
Relationship between columns: 1=5+9; 2=6+10; 3=7+11. Source: Labour Force Survey
Labour market statistics enquiries: [email protected]
1. Not in full-time education includes people in part-time education and/or some form of training. Estimates of the number of young people who were not in employment, education or
training ("NEET") cannot therefore be derived from this table. Estimates of young people who were NEET are published separately at:
2. People in full-time education are employed if they have a part-time job or unemployed if they are looking for part-time employment.
3. Denominator = all persons in the relevant age group for economically active, total in employment and economically inactive; economically active for unemployment.
13 Average Weekly Earnings (nominal) - total pay1
Standard Industrial Classification (2007) Great Britain, seasonally adjusted
Whole Economy Private sector Public sector
(100%)2 (82%)2 (17%)2
Weekly % changes year on year Weekly % changes year on year Weekly % changes year on year
Earnings (£) Earnings (£) Earnings (£)
Single 3 month Single 3 month Single 3 month
month average3 month average3 month average3
Feb 16 486 1.5 2.1 483 1.7 2.4 502 1.4 1.3
Dec 16 (r) 497 1.7 2.5 495 1.9 2.8 507 1.7 1.5
Jan 17 (r) 499 1.8 2.2 497 2.0 2.4 507 1.2 1.4
Feb 17 (r) 501 3.0 2.2 500 3.5 2.5 508 1.1 1.3
Mar 17 502 2.4 2.4 (r) 501 2.6 2.7 (r) 508 1.3 1.2
Apr 17 504 1.4 2.2 (r) 502 1.5 2.5 (r) 509 0.9 1.1
May 17 504 2.0 1.9 502 2.0 2.0 513 2.0 1.4
Jun 17 506 2.8 2.1 506 3.2 2.2 510 1.0 1.3
Jul 17 506 1.7 2.2 504 1.7 2.3 513 1.8 1.6
Aug 17 508 2.4 2.3 506 2.6 2.5 515 1.6 1.4
Sep 17 510 2.8 2.3 509 3.1 2.5 513 1.6 1.7
Oct 17 510 2.4 2.5 509 2.5 2.7 517 2.2 1.8
Nov 17 512 2.4 2.5 511 2.5 2.7 517 1.9 1.9
Dec 17 (r) 513 3.1 2.6 512 3.4 2.8 518 2.0 2.0
Jan 18 (r) 513 2.8 2.8 512 2.9 2.9 519 2.4 2.1
Feb 18 (p) 513 2.3 2.8 511 2.3 2.9 521 2.5 2.3
Feb 16 461 2.4 2.3 453 2.7 2.6 500 1.5 1.4
Dec 16 469 (r) 2.3 2.5 461 2.5 2.8 505 1.5 1.5
Jan 17 (r) 469 2.0 2.3 461 2.2 2.6 505 1.3 1.4
Feb 17 469 1.7 2.0 461 1.9 2.2 506 1.2 1.3
Mar 17 470 1.7 1.8 462 1.9 2.0 507 1.2 1.2
Apr 17 472 1.8 1.8 465 2.1 2.0 507 0.8 1.1
May 17 473 2.3 2.0 466 2.4 2.2 510 2.1 1.4
Jun 17 474 2.1 2.1 467 2.3 2.3 509 1.2 1.4
Jul 17 475 2.1 2.2 467 2.2 2.3 510 1.7 1.7
Aug 17 477 2.3 2.2 469 2.5 2.3 512 1.7 1.5
Sep 17 478 2.3 2.2 471 2.5 2.4 511 1.7 1.7
Oct 17 479 2.4 2.3 471 2.5 2.5 515 2.3 1.9
Nov 17 480 2.3 2.3 473 2.5 2.5 514 1.8 1.9
Dec 17 481 2.7 2.5 474 2.9 2.6 515 2.0 2.0
Jan 18 (r) 482 2.7 2.6 474 2.8 2.7 517 2.4 2.1
Feb 18 (p) 483 2.9 2.8 475 3.0 2.9 519 2.5 2.3
Employment rates published by the OECD (seasonally adjusted) Unemployment rates as published by national statistical offices (seasonally adjusted)
Canada A48O Oct-Dec 17 73.9 1.0 Canada ZXDZ Mar 18 5.8 0.0 -0.8
Japan A48P Oct-Dec 17 75.7 0.9 Japan ZXDY Feb 18 2.5 0.1 -0.4
United States A48Q Oct-Dec 17 70.4 0.8 United States ZXDX Mar 18 4.1 0.0 -0.4
(*) Note: The UK rates shown in this table are as published by EUROSTAT (the EUs statistical office). See Table 1 for the latest rates for the UK as published by ONS.
1. All employment rates shown in this table are for those aged from 15 to 64 except for the rate for the United States published by OECD which are for those aged from 16 to 64.
2. The employment rates for the EU are published by EUROSTAT and are not seasonally adjusted. EUROSTAT do not publish seasonally adjusted (SA) employment rates but SA rates for some EU
countries are published by OECD. These OECD employment rates are available on our website at dataset A10.
3. Unemployment rates published by EUROSTAT for most EU countries (but not for the UK), are calculated by extrapolating from the most recent LFS data using monthly registered unemployment data.
A standard population basis (15-74) is used by EUROSTAT except for Spain, Italy and the UK (16-74). The unemployment rate for the US is based on those aged 16 and over, but the rates for Canada and
Japan are for those aged 15 and over. All unemployment rates shown in this table are seasonally adjusted.
4. The "Total EU" series consist of all 28 EU countries. The Eurozone figures consist of the following EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Spain.
5. The EU unemployment rates are as published on the EUROSTAT database. For Sweden the rates on the database differ from those shown in the EUROSTAT News Release published on 4 April 2018.
This is because the figures for Sweden on the database are seasonally adjusted estimates but the figures for Sweden shown in the News Release are the trend component.
2016 Feb 18 16 2 11 8 3 19
2017 Feb 20 1 19 14 6 8 3
Mar 18 5 14 17 8 9 5
Apr 20 5 15 14 4 10 12
May 50 16 34 11 6 5 10
Jun 2 1 1 11 7 4 2
Jul 50 1 49 12 3 9 3
Aug 62 1 61 10 4 6 4
Sep 10 1 9 11 4 7 3
Oct 8 0 8 11 1 10 3
Nov 8 0 8 11 1 10 3
Dec 10 4 6 16 3 13 5
2018 Jan 9 1 8 18 4 14 3
Feb (p) 75 0 74 15 4 11 20
Number of employees
Jan-Mar 2016 (r) 751 132 109 104 139 267
Number of
people per
1 2
All Vacancies Unemployment vacancy
Dec-Feb 2016 (r) 750 1,705 2.3
Dec-Feb 2017 (r) 762 1,559 2.0
Mar-May 2017 (r) 784 1,495 1.9
Jun-Aug 2017 (r) 789 1,443 1.8
Sep-Nov 2017 (r) 810 1,439 1.8
Dec-Feb 2018 (r) 816 1,423 1.7
2. Unemployment estimates are produced from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and are always one period behind the ONS Vacancy Survey
estimates. This table therefore shows estimates for the same periods as shown in table 1 (which shows LFS estimates).
21 Vacancies by industry
Standard Industrial Classification (2007) United Kingdom (thousands), seasonally adjusted
Levels (thousands)
Jan-Mar 2016 (r) 751 1 47 4 3 21 140 31 83 42
Jan-Mar 2017 (r) 771 1 50 4 5 28 135 30 91 40
Feb-Apr 2017 (r) 789 1 55 4 4 27 137 32 90 42
Mar-May 2017 (r) 784 1 53 4 4 26 138 30 90 42
Apr-Jun 2017 (r) 784 1 53 4 4 28 139 30 91 42
May-Jul 2017 (r) 779 1 50 4 3 28 137 32 94 41
Jun-Aug 2017 (r) 789 1 51 4 3 30 142 33 93 42
Jul-Sep 2017 (r) 797 1 51 4 3 30 143 34 91 42
Aug-Oct 2017 (r) 803 1 53 4 4 32 145 32 90 41
Sep-Nov 2017 (r) 810 1 55 4 4 29 142 34 91 40
Oct-Dec 2017 (r) 815 1 58 4 4 27 137 35 93 43
Nov-Jan 2018 (r) 823 1 57 4 4 25 134 43 93 44
Dec-Feb 2018 (r) 816 1 59 4 4 24 132 45 92 45
Jan-Mar 2018 (p) 815 1 58 4 4 24 136 43 89 45
Change on quarter * 0 0 0 0 1 -3 -1 9 -5 2
Change % * 0.0 12.5 0.7 -4.9 19.4 -9.4 -0.7 24.4 -4.9 3.5
Change on year 44 0 8 0 0 -4 1 14 -3 5
Change % 5.7 0.0 16.1 -7.1 -6.5 -12.6 0.9 45.2 -2.7 11.5
Vacancies per 100 employee jobs
Jan-Mar 2016 (r) 2.5 1.2 1.9 3.1 1.4 1.6 3.0 2.1 3.8 3.4
Jan-Mar 2017 (r) 2.6 1.6 2.0 3.1 2.3 2.0 2.9 2.0 4.1 3.1
Feb-Apr 2017 (r) 2.6 1.6 2.2 3.1 1.9 1.9 3.0 2.1 4.0 3.3
Mar-May 2017 (r) 2.6 1.6 2.2 3.2 1.8 1.8 3.0 2.0 4.0 3.3
Apr-Jun 2017 (r) 2.6 1.8 2.2 3.3 1.7 1.9 3.0 2.0 4.0 3.3
May-Jul 2017 (r) 2.6 1.8 2.0 3.3 1.6 2.0 3.0 2.1 4.2 3.2
Jun-Aug 2017 (r) 2.6 1.6 2.1 3.2 1.6 2.1 3.1 2.2 4.1 3.3
Jul-Sep 2017 (r) 2.6 1.8 2.0 3.2 1.7 2.1 3.1 2.2 4.1 3.3
Aug-Oct 2017 (r) 2.7 1.6 2.2 3.1 1.7 2.2 3.1 2.1 4.0 3.2
Sep-Nov 2017 (r) 2.7 1.6 2.2 3.1 1.7 2.0 3.1 2.2 4.1 3.1
Oct-Dec 2017 (r) 2.7 1.4 2.3 3.1 1.8 1.9 3.0 2.3 4.2 3.4
Nov-Jan 2018 (r) 2.7 1.6 2.3 3.2 1.8 1.8 2.9 2.8 4.2 3.5
Dec-Feb 2018 (r) 2.7 1.6 2.4 3.1 2.1 1.7 2.9 3.0 4.1 3.5
Jan-Mar 2018 (p) 2.7 1.6 2.4 2.9 2.1 1.7 3.0 2.9 3.9 3.5
Change on quarter * 0.0 0.2 0.0 -0.1 0.3 -0.2 0.0 0.6 -0.2 0.1
Change on year 0.1 0.0 0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.2 0.0 0.9 -0.1 0.4
Vacancies per 100 employee jobs
Jan-Mar 2016 (r) 2.9 1.9 2.6 1.8 0.9 1.9 3.1 2.5 3.3 2.7
Jan-Mar 2017 (r) 3.1 2.6 2.6 2.0 1.3 2.0 2.9 2.0 2.9 2.6
Feb-Apr 2017 (r) 3.2 2.7 2.7 2.0 1.3 2.0 3.0 2.2 3.0 2.7
Mar-May 2017 (r) 3.3 2.3 2.6 2.0 1.3 1.9 3.0 2.4 2.9 2.7
Apr-Jun 2017 (r) 3.3 2.2 2.7 2.0 1.3 1.8 3.0 2.4 2.9 2.7
May-Jul 2017 (r) 3.4 2.2 2.6 2.0 1.3 1.9 3.0 2.2 3.0 2.7
Jun-Aug 2017 (r) 3.5 2.1 2.7 2.1 1.3 1.9 2.9 1.8 3.1 2.7
Jul-Sep 2017 (r) 3.6 2.0 2.7 2.0 1.3 1.9 3.0 2.3 3.2 2.7
Aug-Oct 2017 (r) 3.6 1.9 2.8 1.9 1.4 2.0 3.1 2.4 3.2 2.7
Sep-Nov 2017 (r) 3.7 2.0 2.9 2.0 1.3 2.0 3.1 2.8 3.2 2.8
Oct-Dec 2017 (r) 3.6 1.9 3.0 2.0 1.3 1.9 3.2 2.6 3.3 2.8
Nov-Jan 2018 (r) 3.6 1.9 2.9 2.0 1.4 1.9 3.2 2.8 3.4 2.8
Dec-Feb 2018 (r) 3.6 1.9 2.8 2.0 1.4 1.8 3.2 2.7 3.4 2.8
Jan-Mar 2018 (p) 3.7 2.2 2.8 2.0 1.4 1.8 3.2 2.8 3.4 2.8
Change on quarter * 0.0 0.3 -0.3 0.0 0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0
Change on year 0.5 -0.5 0.2 0.0 0.1 -0.2 0.2 0.8 0.5 0.2
1. Excludes Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing. Source: ONS Vacancy Survey
2. Not seasonally adjusted. These series do not display seasonality. Therefore the unadjusted series is the best estimate of a 'seasonally adjusted' series.
* Change on previous non-overlapping three month rolling average time period. Vacancy Survey enquiries: [email protected], 01633 456777
22 Redundancies levels and rates1 United Kingdom, (seasonally adjusted)
People (aged 16 and over) Men (aged 16 and over) Women (aged 16 and over)
Level (000s)2 Rate 1 Level (000s)2 Rate 1 Level (000s)2 Rate 1
23 Redundancies by industry1 United Kingdom (thousands of people aged 16 and over), not seasonally adjusted
Oct-Dec 2015 98 15 8 16 16 9 8 22 73
Oct-Dec 2016 121 22 8 19 14 9 16 29 89
Jan-Mar 2017 95 18 5 16 17 7 10 13 66
Apr-Jun 2017 112 17 6 17 17 13 11 24 84
Jul-Sep 2017 102 14 7 15 15 7 11 23 77
Oct-Dec 2017 107 11 9 14 23 7 10 27 85
Change on year -15 -11 2 -4 9 -3 -6 -2 -4
Change % -12.0 -51.2 0 -22.7 60.7 0 -36.0 -8.5 -4.1
K02000001 United Kingdom 33,685 78.8 32,262 75.4 1,423 4.2 8,731 21.2
K03000001 Great Britain 32,810 79.0 31,417 75.6 1,393 4.2 8,405 21.0
E92000001 England 28,531 79.2 27,323 75.8 1,208 4.2 7,221 20.8
E12000001 North East 1,293 77.2 1,231 73.4 63 4.8 375 22.8
E12000002 North West 3,550 76.9 3,403 73.6 147 4.1 1,036 23.1
E12000003 Yorkshire and The Humber 2,710 77.9 2,568 73.8 141 5.2 745 22.1
E12000004 East Midlands 2,389 78.6 2,290 75.2 99 4.1 626 21.4
E12000005 West Midlands 2,866 77.0 2,723 73.0 143 5.0 822 23.0
E12000006 East 3,171 81.1 3,053 78.0 118 3.7 712 18.9
E12000007 London 4,959 79.0 4,720 75.1 239 4.8 1,282 21.0
E12000008 South East 4,720 81.5 4,559 78.6 161 3.4 1,029 18.5
E12000009 South West 2,874 82.1 2,776 79.2 97 3.4 593 17.9
W92000004 Wales 1,519 76.6 1,449 73.0 70 4.6 443 23.4
S92000003 Scotland 2,760 78.3 2,645 75.0 115 4.2 741 21.7
N92000002 Northern Ireland 875 72.1 845 69.5 30 3.5 327 27.9
K02000001 United Kingdom 291 0.4 427 0.8 -136 -0.4 -154 -0.4
K03000001 Great Britain 289 0.5 409 0.8 -120 -0.4 -161 -0.5
E92000001 England 245 0.4 354 0.8 -109 -0.4 -120 -0.4
E12000001 North East 7 1.6 27 2.8 -20 -1.6 -26 -1.6
E12000002 North West -19 -0.2 -5 0.2 -14 -0.4 6 0.2
E12000003 Yorkshire and The Humber 1 0.1 -2 0.0 3 0.1 -4 -0.1
E12000004 East Midlands 27 0.1 24 0.0 3 0.1 -3 -0.1
E12000005 West Midlands 53 0.9 69 1.3 -17 -0.7 -30 -0.9
E12000006 East 13 0.4 30 1.0 -17 -0.5 -13 -0.4
E12000007 London 108 1.0 156 1.8 -48 -1.1 -42 -1.0
E12000008 South East 28 0.1 26 0.0 2 0.0 0 -0.1
E12000009 South West 27 0.3 30 0.4 -3 -0.1 -7 -0.3
W92000004 Wales 2 -0.3 5 -0.1 -4 -0.3 5 0.3
S92000003 Scotland 42 1.3 50 1.6 -8 -0.3 -45 -1.3
N92000002 Northern Ireland 2 -0.5 18 0.8 -15 -1.8 7 0.5
The Labour Force Survey is tabulated by region of residence. Source: Labour Force Survey
1. Economically active = Employment plus Unemployment. Labour market statistics enquiries: [email protected]
2. Denominator = all persons aged 16 to 64.
3. Denominator = total economically active
24(2) Regional summary of Workforce Jobs seasonally adjusted
Change on September
Area Codes Area Names December 2017 2017
Workforce jobs are mainly sourced from employer surveys and are tabulated by region of workplace.
HM Forces stationed abroad are included in the UK workforce jobs estimates but not in the regional estimates. The
UK workforce jobs estimates therefore do not equal the sum of the regional estimates.