Breeding Hynobius Dunni PDF
Breeding Hynobius Dunni PDF
Breeding Hynobius Dunni PDF
5. Feeding
Year 1998
Year 1999
Year 2000
Due to the variable setups there were various Due to high larval densities there seemed to be an
larval densities, which reflected itself in various absence of oxygen in the parental tank. This didn’t
larval lengths. Tanks with a high larval densities affect the larvae negatively : they came up gulping
(50 larvae in a 60X40X20 cm) measured 4,6 - 4,8 for air quite frequently and I did not notice any
cm. At the same time we found animals of 7 to 7,5 deaths or cannibalis (even in 2001).
cm in the outdoor pool. These looked more like
gilled juveniles : they had already lost their fins and Raising Hynobius dunni larvae
larval coloration, but still retained their gills. Food
was offered every 2 or 3 days The first animals
metamorphosed from 04/07/01, they were still In the first stages the larvae were fed with
metamorphosing while writing this report (mid Daphnia’s, later on they received musketoolarvae
august). and enchytrids. In the last year another very handy
food resource was tested for all my Hynobius
Larvae larvae : Tubifex worms. The preference for this
foodtype was quite surprising and is already
apparent in the first period after hatching.