Antepartum Haemorrhage: Review
Antepartum Haemorrhage: Review
Antepartum Haemorrhage: Review
Antepartum haemorrhage APH and post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) together, are the
leading cause of maternal death worldwide. In the UK, maternal
deaths have remained stable and the recent MBRRACE-UK report
Nektaria Varouxaki published in December 2017 showed that maternal mortality in
Sai Gnanasambanthan the UK was 8.7 per 100,000 in 2013e2015, compared with 8.5 per
100,000 between 2012 and 2014. This suggests that further
Shree Datta measures are required to continue to reduce maternal mortality
Nadia Amokrane rates in the UK. The report also highlighted a non-significant rise
in maternal deaths from haemorrhage of 99%, and this was due
to a small increase in deaths from abnormal placentation, one of
Abstract the causes of APH.
Antepartum haemorrhage (APH) is defined as bleeding from or into the The MBRRACE report reminds us that APH and PPH are not
genital tract occurring between 24þ0 weeks’ gestation until birth and only are an ongoing cause of maternal mortality but also of
seen in 3e5% of pregnancies. Moreover, up to 20% of preterm deliv- maternal and perinatal morbidity. Therefore the early recogni-
eries are associated with APH. In the UK, the 2013e1015 report of the tion and management of women presenting with any blood loss
UK Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths showed that whilst is essential in preparing for potential sequelae and thorough
maternal mortality remained stable, there was a non-significant rise antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum planning is required.
in deaths due to haemorrhage. APH can be caused by a range of pa- The aim of this review is to define causes of APH and discuss
thologies and due its high prevalence and strong association with management as advised by recent guidelines and published
maternal mortality, maternal and perinatal morbidity, a thorough un- evidence.
derstanding of APH is essential for the practising obstetrician. The
objective of this review is to define the most common causes of
APH (placenta praevia, placental abruption and local causes), together Causes of APH
with its management.
Causes of APH include placenta praevia, placental abruption and
Keywords antepartum haemorrhage; obstetric haemorrhage; bleeding from the vulva, vagina or cervix. Whilst it is important
placenta accreta; placenta praevia; placental abruption to diagnose these pathologies, it is not uncommon to fail to
identify a cause for APH, which is then described as ‘unexplained
APH’. Clinicians should also be aware that domestic violence in
Introduction pregnancy can present this way and repeated presentations
Bleeding in pregnancy is a common reason for presentation to should prompt exploring the mother’s social history.
labour wards, maternity triage units, GP surgeries and early
pregnancy centres in the UK. Cervical and vaginal causes
The management of bleeding in pregnancy varies according to A common cause of APH is bleeding from the cervix. A cervical
gestation. In this review we specifically address antepartum ectropion or ’erosion’ is where the columnar epithelium that
haemorrhage (APH) which occurs in 3e4% of all pregnancies lines the cervical canal protrudes further onto vaginal surface of
and is defined as bleeding from the genital tract from 24 weeks’ the cervix. This is more common in pregnancy, thought to be
gestation onwards, after the arbitrary cut-off for viability of fetus related to the high oestrogen levels in the body at this time. The
has passed. Bleeding in early pregnancy is usually seen by tissue of the ectropion is very friable and contact or provoked
General Practitioners, accident & emergency departments and bleeding can occur, usually at sexual intercourse or even on
our gynaecology colleagues. Obstetricians may see women with passing hard stools. The ectropion can be easily diagnosed on
APH from 16 to 23 weeks’ gestation however, due to the fact that speculum examination of the cervix.
the pregnancy is not yet viable, management of this group of Cervicitis (inflammation or infection of the cervix) may be an
women may differ. under-diagnosed cause of vaginal bleeding in pregnancy, and
may be caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as
chlamydia and gonorrhoea, which can present in this way. A
simple swab test and screening for STIs should be undertaken at
every examination, as treatment is essential. STIs are associated
Nektaria Varouxaki Ptychion Iatrikes MRCOG Registrar in Obstetrics and with preterm labour and neonatal morbidity.
Gynaecology, Princess Royal University Hospital, King’s College,
An additional cause of APH is cervical polyps which are
London, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared.
benign growths. If the bleeding is not compromising the mother
Sai Gnanasambanthan MBBS BSc (Hons) MRCOG, Specialist Registrar or foetus and the polyp appears non-suspicious then usually
in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust, these do not have to be removed in pregnancy.
London, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared.
Cervical carcinoma presenting in pregnancy is uncommon
Shree Datta MBBS LLM BSc (Hons) MRCOG, Consultant Obstetrician and and a detailed history at booking appointment should assess a
Gynaecologist, King’s College Hospital, London, UK. Conflicts of woman’s smear history and history of previous cervical treat-
interest: none declared. ments. If a cervical carcinoma is suspected on assessment of the
Nadia Amokrane MBChB Specialist Registrar, King’s College cervix then urgent referral to colposcopy is indicated. Smear tests
Hospital, London, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. are not indicated in pregnancy.
of miscarriage and myomectiomies may affect how the placenta section the risk if 0.2e0.5% and after two the risk increases to
attaches in these cases. 1.36%. Uterine rupture is more likely to present with CTG ab-
The risk factors for placenta praevia include previous termi- normalities or pain first instead of APH but quick stabilisation of
nation of pregnancy, multiparity, multiple pregnancy, increasing the mother and baby is required as mortality and morbidity is
maternal age (>40 years), smoking, previous praevia, assisted high.
conception and causes of deficient endometrium (Table 1) The
number of previous caesarean sections also increases the risk Vasa praevia
ratio of a praevia and accreta (Table 2) Vasa praevia is another rare event where fetal vessels travel
In well-resourced settings such as in the UK, the majority of through the membranes between the fetal presentive part and the
placenta praevias may be picked up on ultrasound scan at 20 internal os. As the incidence is rare (between 1 in 2000 and 1 in
weeks. Currently the UK National Screening Committee does not 6000 pregnancies) it is not routinely screened for by ultrasound.
recommend screening for placenta praevia however, alongside The risk of APH mainly comes with rupture of the membranes or
the RCOG, they support most local practice of identifying women labour when the tearing of the vessels may occur. The fetus can
by ultrasound whose placenta lies near the internal os at the be compromised quickly and management if diagnosed or sus-
routine 20 week scan. Evidence shows that at the second pected is usually by immediate category 1 Caesarean section. The
trimester scan about 26e60% of women with a low lying mortality rate is 60%, however if diagnosed antenatally the
placenta on abdominal ultrasound would be reclassified with a survival rate is 97%. The risk factors for Vasa praevia (Table 1)
more accurate transvaginal scan. There have been no reports that include IVF where the incidence has been reported of up to 1 in
transvaginal scanning suspected placenta praevia cases is unsafe. 300.
Women with a low lying placenta at 20 weeks should be
followed up in the third trimester, usually at 36 weeks. However, Unexplained APH
if women have had a previous Caesarean section and have a low Some women will present with bleeding that cannot be attributed
lying placenta, then a placenta accreta should be suspected. If to any of the above causes. The RCOG Greentop Guideline has
major placenta praevia is suspected at this scan then this also reviewed a number of studies over the last four decades that
significantly raises the risk of morbidity and preterm delivery, demonstrate that pregnancies with unexplained APH are at
therefore, these women would benefit from earlier follow up at higher risk of preterm birth and stillbirth. A recent retrospective,
32 weeks. If identified at 32 weeks, 73% will remain low at term. observational study noted that they were at a higher risk of
If major placenta praevia is identified at 32 weeks, 90% will preterm birth, lower birthweight, induction of labour and their
persist. However, even with early ultrasound diagnosis, placenta babies were at a higher risk of admission to neonatal units.
praevia should be suspected in any patient who presents with Repeated presentations with unexplained APH in pregnancy
painless, fresh bleeding or bleeding after intercourse. should raise suspicion and the pregnancy should be monitored as
The most likely symptom from a placenta praevia is painless high risk.
bleeding in contrast to abruption where pain is likely to also co- Healthcare providers should be aware that trauma including
present. The bleeding is usually fresh, red and the amount of domestic violence can result in APH, possibly from placental
APH can vary. The patient may also present with fresh bleeding abruption. A third of domestic violence is known to start or
in early labour with the onset of labour and cervical dilatation escalate in pregnancy. A retrospective study of 2070 women
triggering the bleed or vice versa. 40% will deliver preterm and subjected to physical violence in pregnancy found an increased
the risk of massive haemorrhage at caesarean section is 12 times odds ratio of APH in this cohort, compared with controls, of 3.79
more likely. (95% CI 1.38e10.40). Women who present with APH and other
signs suggestive of domestic violence or, who disclose violence,
Uterine rupture should be identified and managed appropriately by a multidis-
Uterine rupture is a rare event that is defined as loss of the full ciplinary team who have been specially trained in domestic
thickness of the uterine wall integrity. It usually occurs during violence to safeguard these pregnant women.
labour in a woman with a previous caesarean section or myo-
mectomy but even within this group the risk is still small in the Diagnosis and management of APH
order of 7 per 10,000 planned VBACs. A previous uterine rupture Women who present with major or massive haemorrhage and
has a more than 5% risk of recurrence. After one caesarean signs of shock should be seen in a maternity unit with
Risk associated with the number of caesarean sections and placenta praevia, and placenta accreta
Number of caesarean sections Placenta praevia Placental accreta Chance of placenta accreta if placenta praevia
0 0.24% 3%
1 1% 0.31% 11%
2 1.7% 0.57% 40%
3 1.8% 2.13% 61%
>4 2.33% 67%
Table 2