Xue Pei - Innovation Meets Localism
Xue Pei - Innovation Meets Localism
Xue Pei - Innovation Meets Localism
3, March 2016
others around our lives and us, and it makes things better [6]. Manzini states in the online platform SEP (sustainable
Design is mainly located in “communication”, where everyday project) that by the expression „local‟ what is meant
designers are dealing with not only the objects, service, now is something very removed from what was understood in
experiences themselves, but also the all that around these the past (i.e. the valley, the village, the small provincial town,
main elements, taking actions to express or to facilitate others all isolated and relatively closed within their own culture and
to express their attitudes, opinions and finally reach desirable economy). Compared with the “traditional” meanings of
results. Thus, designers and people with certain design these two words, new situations and contexts reflect new
knowledge are able to contribute the elaboration of relationship between the two words, meaning both antithetic
innovative and better solutions and frameworks [2] to solve and coherent. A distributed production and consumption
problems, or it can be said that they are more sensitive to system where the global is a “network of locals” [8], the new
detect the needs to change, and they have a better perspective understanding of “local” includes all the specific
to look into the possible trends. Finally, they are more characteristics of a territory and the communities and
capable to communicate and realize these solutions into individuals with the new phenomena based on connected
reality in accordance with modern social and culture contexts, “global” and interconnected culture. The new form of “local”
or even more to promote a new culture for living and acting, is not completely independent; oppositely, new interpretation
which is considered to be more sustainable. of localization should focus on defining the combined
With the objectives and capabilities, design, especially network of different but related “local”s.
strategic design, is able to take actions from two approaches The dynamic and delicate relationship between global and
to face and cater the cultural sustainability requires: on one local is name by certain scholars as a kind of cosmopolitan
hand, strategic design has advantages in catalyzing and localism [9], [10], being an outcome of a particular condition
fostering the innovative processes on cultural sustainability featured by the delicate balance between being locailized and
from a global perspective, which provides a shared vision open to innovate and connect to global flows of ideas,
between different regions, communities and individuals, and information, people, things and money [11] as well. The
provides possibilities to communicate and exchange; design characteristics of cosmopolitan localism are seen as a
strategies, on the other hand, is an effective way to detect the creative balance between being rooted in a given place and
related elements of local identities, afterwards to analyze, community and being open to global flows of ideas,
synthesize and make sense of them based on the perception information, people, things and money [12]. Nevertheless,
and traditions of local communities and individuals, as well this creative balance can be promoted in some ways, and be
as the territory-contexts. These two aspects should be carried destroyed as well. If the innovative process of globalization
on simultaneously and concordantly, thus, this is what is takes more important role, which probably leads to be totally
highlighted as one characteristic of design strategy for open, it will result in losing the locally specific features and
promoting the ways and processes of cultural sustainability identities. Being as the same as what happens in anywhere in
through a delicate and mutual restraint balance. the world is not the real purpose of innovation process. On
the other hand, if the limitation and persistence of local
traditions are over highlighted making the innovative process
III. NEW RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CULTURAL more closed and independent will result in losing the
GLOBALIZATION AND LOCALIZATION innovative opportunities and disruptive possibilities in
According to the third innovative wave, which challenged exploring better solutions for local development. Thus, if this
the mainstream of globalized production and consumption delicate balance is well balanced, executed and achieved, it‟s
system. Globally distributed system provides trends and able to create a network, within which there are no isolate
possibilities to be open and, where design strategy can entities but interrelated. The cosmopolitan localism
conduce to promote the interactions between different regenerate new identity for specific places, where all the
territories, open to the interaction with wider flows of people, solutions are combing both typical local identities and shared
who bring together with their ides, that characterize vision.
contemporary global society [7]. And this interactive A new definition and interpretation about the relationship
scenario is always where innovation appears by learning and about globalization and localism from the perspective of
reflecting on certain problems based on open relationships. In cultural innovation are needed, where design knowledge and
this dynamic process, culture goes through one to another; strategies are especially able to contribute.
different cultural elements are affecting and growing at the
same time. On one hand, when dealing with similar problems,
like food, transportation, housing, aging, through looking IV. STRATEGIC DESIGN DRIVEN COSMOPOLITAN LOCALISM
into other culture contexts and how others‟ solution for Replying to the development of awareness and
solving similar problems and sharing opinions among responsibility in better defining the concept of cosmopolitan
different cultures are always beneficial to come up with the localism and making it understandable in a large scale by
best solutions, not only because we know how to get the best more individuals, design is capable to transform it into a
solution, but also because we obtain sufficient and different visual language for communication. Design has increasingly
experiences during the process for solving these problems been recognized as a strategic resource (design has
together with others. On the other hand, when facing the transformed from product styling to service experience and
totally different problems, there are useful inspirations and till the strategic consulting) for a large number of companies,
suggestions, which worth learning, sharing and discussion, as recently, its strategic ability is increasingly considered as an
well. important approach for realizing culture sustainability in
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 2016
social issues and impacts, being more specific in this paper, examples, which are chosen for better understanding the
for cosmopolitan localism. How design is able to drive, lead capability of design strategy in contributing to cosmopolitan
and facilitate the process of coming up with solutions based localism, the new expression of cultural sustainability. Two
on cosmopolitan localism can be synthesis with two aspects. typical cases, which are closely related to offer useful
In the academic theory, there are mainly three ways to outcomes and insights for study, were chosen in this research:
promote the process of innovation: technology-driven, (1) SHOKAY--- a social enterprise, focusing on providing
market-driven and design-driven. When considering the high quality hand knitting products based on the yak from
innovation in the cultural sustainability, focusing on the new Tibet and improving local living conditions at the same time,
trend of cosmopolitan localism, the design driven approach, as well as, including collaboration, design and research
compared with the other two, will be a better choice, because programs. (2) Chinese Country Fair --- local community
of its essential capability of brokering and visualizing the supported agriculture activities, which tries to build new food
culture value deep from the contexts, local communities and bridges and network for local farmers and citizens based on
individuals. Design-driven innovation approach expands and the context of cities, like Beijing and Shanghai. These two
elaborates the concept of form and communication through examples are coming from different areas, and focusing on
the language and meaning it conveys [13]. This definition is totally different topics: sustainable fashion social enterprise
able to broaden more as: design-driven approach express the and local farmer market, including a huge scale of design
hidden meaning reflected by culture, especially the modern domains: product design, service design, business model
trend-cosmopolitan localism, not only by the physical forms design, branding, experience design. When detected from the
of products, but also intangible service experience, business point of view of cosmopolitan localism, however, essentially,
model and so on and how to communicate and visualize these they have a lot in common.
cultural reflections as well. In general, the outcome, which
strategic design can bring, is mostly a sustainable solution
that aims to facilitate users to achieve a result consistent with
the criteria of culture sustainability [8]. The design driven
approach have more advantages on synthesizing complex
influences and communicating them by different forms.
Alternately, different design strategies can also efficiently
involve people into participatory design processes, during
which designers act as an activator to facilitate the local
communities and active citizens, who actually own and Fig. 1. Communicating SHOKAY‟s sustainable solutions, Source:
SHOKAY homepage (2013).
deeply influenced by the local culture, to do something
innovatively from a global perspective. SHOKAY, means Yak in Tibetan, is an international
The fairly delicate balance within cosmopolitan localism scaled social enterprise and the first dedicated luxury yak
(formed by global innovation and local reflection) needs to be brand. It aims at creating luxury fashion brand with social and
considered paralleling about the two sides. The capability of cultural responsibilities. The concept of SHOKAY comes
strategic design in balancing the tension between exploration from the consideration and research of “trying to understand
and exploitation [14] within a number of corporations is issues of poverty, and how [they] could apply sustainable
treated as useful approach for managing innovation process. solutions to the Chinese context” [15]. SHOKAY derives its
Comparing the delicate relationship of global innovation and origins from the mountainous Himalayan regions of western
local reflection with that of exploration and exploitation, it‟s China, and directly gets the resource, which is of
possible to strength strategic design in realizing and hand-combed by the local Yak herders, from Tibet
communicating the good effects and social influence of communities in Qinghai province to make sure the quality.
cosmopolitan localism, where the dynamic balance is The outstanding points of SHOKAY [16] is to revolute and
essential. Thus the strategic design explores more optimize the yak industry, they maintain the high quality of
possibilities to find more innovative solutions from the combing, cleaning and sorting the fiber through respecting
globally open and connected network, and at the same time to the traditional and local skills of local communities (Yak
exploit the deeply local-based cultural contexts to better herders), and they spread the fantastic sources and skills by
serve local communities and individuals, and further, to providing high quality and well designed products and
reflects to the global network as well. These are all the services to global market, in this way, the living condition of
contributions design strategies are able to provide. local communities is highly improved, compared with before,
and at meantime, SHOKAY ensure the potential
opportunities of cultural sustainability in Tibet in the future.
V. RESEARCH EXAMPLES SHOKAY‟s strategy of involving design in the whole
Strategic design, with the capability of mediating and industrial innovation process is typical design-driven
balancing theories from multidiscipline, can help to generate approach for implementing culture sustainability in reality. In
solutions, which are not only innovative, but also SHOKAY „s whole system (solution), they are firstly
reassembling all the elements into a better way with the focusing on providing the yak down products, which spread
consideration of global and local identities and contexts. the hidden cultural meaning and quality through designing
There are many innovative solutions and successful cases all the semiotic outlook. Design language is considered as the
over the world. Based on the collected literature research data driven factor for presenting the meaning which, in some ways,
above, future analysis will move to study the specific is easy to be forgotten or ignored because the markets and
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 2016
consumers often have little knowledge, which should be and exchange and food purchase process, which is fairly related
can be exaggerated by design and design strategies. As a to cultural sustainability. These is one way for promoting the
result, while the products spreading in global market, the community supported agriculture, which aims at reduce the
local cultural identity will be surely recognized all over the distance between farmers and consumers, meaning reduce the
world, meanwhile, the global markets are also able to time, money and effort waste within the whole process and
generate some feedback. In SHOKAY, they provide an open meanwhile take the advantages of distributed system. The
platform where local and traditional skills meets the farmers‟ market is challenging the traditional food
innovative designers and strategies, where design can help distribution system from producing to consuming, forming a
local communities, who are the culture owners but without new system to be open, connected and local.
design knowledge, to tell their story and their perspective of In this new system and relationship between farmers and
what the products should be like. Besides, SHOKAY also has citizens, a design strategy driven approach can be useful for
worldwide-connected design platform. In these the communication about its products, services, experiences
multi-approaches design and strategies are properly combing and brands based on the local cultural contexts. Firstly,
global innovation and local knowledge through performing designers have advantages to better understand the
both products and services to realize cosmopolitan localism. characteristics of the potential customers and are able to
Simultaneously, the balancing capability of design strategy provide certain strategies to visualize the communication
is helping SHOKAY to develop towards cultural style. And since in this case, most important part of the
sustainability. The On-going training program is another outcome of the country fair service are intangible experience,
design-driven strategy for cosmopolitan localism, which is design strategic also moving the traditional products semiotic
promoted increasingly nowadays. For example, the collected language to express the meaning hidden in the process and
innovative concepts from global cooperative programs come touchpoints of services, like the poster, website, customer
up with new needs and skills for combing yak fibers, or even journeys. When are visualized, these elements are needed to
knitting, in order to form complicated patterns and get high be considered both innovatively and locally, using the
quality and unique products, which also bring back higher innovative language to highlight the innovative part and trend
return to local communities [17]. The delicate balance influenced by the global culture and also utilizing the local
between maintaining local traditions and innovatively features to attract and cater local customers. Besides, because
adapting to global markets and consumers‟ needs is the sensitive ability to catch the emerging trend in local
significant for SHOKAY‟s future development in the trend of contexts, they choose the most promising social media
cosmopolitan localism. The corporation‟s strategy now (Weibo) in China at that time, later, this is proven to be one of
explores more possible model to operate and realize the the best approaches to reach the right customers and the best
original mission and objective in different and changing platform for information communication between different
markets, societies and cultures. For example, SHOKAY is stakeholders. Design, strategy design, in this way,
also play the role of providers of SHOKAY yarns for some strengthens the capability to form the new image of country
companies and cooperate with them, through collaborating fair towards cultural sustainability.
process, SHOKAY can spread its own brand identity and
traditional and high quality of Tibet resources and skills
(going from local to global), on the other hand, SHOKAY
also guide the cooperators by telling the inspiration stories,
and by combining the stories with their international
backgrounds as the concept for designing, SHOKAY comes
up with outstanding products, which definitely win in the Fig. 2. Farmer market in Beijing and Milan, Source:
context of cosmopolitan localism, because of the capability http://www.mercatidellaterra.it/,http://www.weibo.com/farmersmarketbj
of keeping the dynamic balance.
B. Chinese “Country” Fair Comparing the Chinese farmers market with similar cases
The food security accidents are appearing on the in the world, differences and similarities exist as a reply to the
newspapers almost everyday in China, where citizens are trend of cosmopolitan localism. As part of the global
increasingly paying more attention, time and money on the sustainable solutions for promoting local food production and
food quality issue. Like some developed countries in North consumption, Chinese country fair has the same mission and
America and Europe, many active citizens and traditional objective to promote the sustainable cultural and social
farmers are taking actions to get contact with each other to behaviors no matter where this phenomena happens. On the
form the new small scale and flexible exchange systems, other hand, there are specific differences in Chinese culture
which later becomes the country fair, or farmer market, contexts even though it is dealing with the same problems
farmers come to the appointed place in the urban area with form the same start point. And design strategies help to keep
fixed frequency (like once a week, always in the weekend), the balance between open and unique by properly connecting
and this phenomena is an emerging social activities in many them together. In Chinese farmer market, the relationship is
cities, especially in big cities in China, like Beijing and more interpersonal, most of consumers come because of the
Shanghai, where citizens are much further away from the introduction form friends, even though they have already
traditional and high quality food. In the market, good know about the fair some time ago. Strategic Designers know
relationship is easy to be set up between farmer and citizens, about this “special” relationship before they start to intervene.
which contributes to build the trust bridges during knowledge That‟s why they choose Weibo as the main and primary
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 2016
social media to communicate before every week‟s activities. [6] G. Julier, “From visual culture to design culture,” Design Issues, vol.
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people, whose words will affect their activities as well. From [8] E. Manzini, “SLOC, The emerging scenario of small, local, open and
connected,” Grow Small Think Beautiful, Floris Books: Edinburgh,
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lead to succeed in realizing sustainable solutions in specific Local Development and the Possible Role of Design. [Online].
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[18] Shokay Homepage. (2013). [Online]. Available:
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culture, is not only a collection of tools for solving social [19] C. H. Zhuang and R. Q. Li, “Exploitation and optimization of „Yak
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approach to re-thinking how to integrate and balance local
resources and design-led innovations in order to generate
initial solutions with consideration of local contexts, where
Xue Pei was born in 1989 in the city of Taiyuan,
people have new needs and intentions together with their China. She is now studying in Politecnico di Milano,
traditional way of thinking and acting. The contributions of Italy, as a PhD candidate in the Apartment of Design.
strategic design process to better achieve cultural She has gained her bachelor in product design in 2010
in Jiangnan University in China. Afterwards, she
sustainability are quit clear both in near future and long-term continued her study in the same university in the field
plans. By making the problems much easier to understand, of product service system design for three years.
explore and solve, strategic design will definitely influence During her postgraduate, she had involved in a large
number of researches and projects related to topics
the local-based sustainable solutions from much more ways like social innovation and design for sustainability.
and processes. The significant role of design strategy in Finally in June of 2013, she got her master degree as industrial engineering
forming new interpretation of cultural sustainability with in Jiangnan University.
Author‟s formal
During her past experiences, Xue has been taken part in different kinds of
regard to innovation and localism, and it also contributes to photoand conferences in her research field. She has been the assistant
transformation and management for future related researches of DESIS (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability) conferences and
and applications. symposiums in China for building deeper understanding of existing contexts
in China and for building a better platform to discuss and share the opinions
of the future scenario of social innovation in China. What‟s more, Xue has
REFERENCES also actively participated in many activities among DESIS network in Asia,
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