MAPEH 6 Course Outline 2017-2018

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Solfeggio and Applied Piano

Second Semester S.Y. 2017-2018

Course Objective:
To develop musical and technical skills, analytical skills, musical memory, ease and enjoyment at
the keyboard, good practice habits, mental discipline, public performance skills (stage presence
and deportment), and knowledge of the piano repertoire.

Course Outline:

I. Prelim
Introduction to Music
What is Music?
Why do we study Music
Brief History Of Music
Significance of Music Education
Objectives Of music Education
Beatitudes of Music Teachers

II. Midterm
Rudiments of Music
Musical Terms (Part 1)
2.The Scale
3.The Notes and Rests
4.Thee Measure signature
Rudiments of Music
Musical Symbols and their meanings (Part 2)
1.Simple musical symbols
2.Kinds of Measure
3.The key Signature
4.Musical Terms of Expression

III. Finals
Note Reading
Principle of applied piano
Principles Involved in Teaching a song
The Principle of Imitation
The Principle of Recognition
The Interpretation
Recital (Presentation of Song)
1.Teaching the Fundamentals of Music by: Higino A. Sorrneo
2.Fundamentals of Music by: Rositaa F. Rivadelo
3. file:///C:/Users/admin/Desktop/MAPEH%206/music-fundamentals-1-pitch-and-major-scales-

Prepared by:

Bridget Dawn I. Balsamo


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