Rubrics in Fd2

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Lemery Colleges

Excellent Very Good Good Fair 2 Poor 1
5 pts Demonstrate all necessary 4 pts Demonstrate all necessary 3 pts Demonstrate all necessary pts Demonstrate all necessary pt Unacceptable performance/
skills accurately without assistance skills accurately with minimal skills with minimal error; needs skills with some errors; needs lacks skills; needs improvement
from instructor assistance from instructor assistance of instructor assistance of instructor

Welcome the guest

Check details of reservation
Escort the guest
Seat the guest
Unfold the Napkin
Offer pre-dinner drinks
Serve drinks/water
Serve bread
Present the menu
Take order accurately
Suggestive Selling
Repeat the order
Complete table set up according to
guest's order
Serve food orders in sequence and
cleared with minimal disturbance to
the other guests and in accordance
to hygienic requirements*

Mention the name of the dish *

Clear and crumb the table ready for
Set up cruet set
Offer/Serve coffee or tea
Present the bill
Bid goodbye
Lemery Colleges
Excellent Very Good Good Fair 2 Poor 1
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts pts pt

Techniques 
napkin folds are accurate

Neatness of the fold

Napkin stands or lays properly on the


Showmanship and creativity in

presenting the napkins

finished all 7 basic folds within 2

Lemery Colleges
Excellent Very Good Good Fair 2 Poor 1
5 pts Demonstrate all necessary 4 pts Demonstrate all necessary 3 pts Demonstrate all necessary pts Demonstrate all necessary pt Unacceptable performance/
skills accurately without assistance skills accurately with minimal skills with minimal error; needs skills with some errors; needs lacks skills; needs improvement
from instructor assistance from instructor assistance of instructor assistance of instructor

Take room service orders 

with suggestive selling 
clarify details of orders 
advise guest approximate time of
delivery  ask
mode of payment  recap &
reconfirm order  close the call

Set up trays/trolley 
prepare room service equipment and
supplies  observe OSHA
 cover food items with
food cover

Prepare RS Control Sheet

Present & serve F&B to guest 

verify guest's name on the bill before
announcing your presence outside
the door  greet guest politely
 ask the guest where
they want to place the orders
 service is fast and discreet

Present the bill

Inform the guest about tray pick
Bid goodbye

Lemery Colleges
Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Fair 2 Poor 1
pts Demonstrate all necessary skills pts Demonstrate all necessary skills pts Demonstrate all necessary skills pts Demonstrate all necessary skills pt Unacceptable performance/
accurately without assistance from accurately with minimal assistance with minimal error; needs with some errors; needs assistance lacks skills; needs improvement
instructor from instructor assistance of instructor of instructor

Present the wine list

introduce yourself and present the wine
list on the left side of guest

Take order with suggestive selling

mention the 4 description of wine you are

Set up table with proper glassess and

appropriate accessories
Present the Bottle label
facing the host, mention the name of the
wine, vineyard, vintage, alcohol content

Cutting the foil Cut the

foil and remove the top of the foil capsule

Wipe bottle wipe

bottle before inserting corkscrew

Insert corkscrew without breaking the

Present cork to the hosst
Wipe bottle
Pouring wine correctly without spills,
bottle not touching the rim of the glass
and label facing guest
Finish pouring 2nd pour
Place wine bottle on the table(red) or
wine bucket (white)
Present the bill

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