Natcom GMDSS Oral Qs

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Q1. How many Freq bands nemally used în Terrestriai Marine Communications ?

ns Generally Three. MF, HF & VHF

Q2. What are the Freq bands of MF, HF & VHF ?

Ans MF (300 -

3000Khz ), HF ( 3000 30,000 Khz or 3-30 Mhz ), VHE

23. What are the Marine Bands of MF, HF & VHF ?

ns MF (415- 535 Khz, 1606.5-4000Khz ), HF ( 4000 27,500Kiz ), VHF (156174 Mhz)|


24. How many marine channels are there in VHF?

ns 1-28, 60-88, 87B & 88B for Als.

5. What do you mean by Bands ?

rs Group of frequencies are called Band

h a t do you mean by channelin VHF

S Pre-set frequencies usedfn HF are called channels

What is
sensitivityafin Recever?
It is the
ability of the rceiver to reçeive the weakest signal.
What is Sefe h e Receiver ?

The ability of eto select the wanted frequency while rejecting all other freqs.
what is Fidelity a Receiver ?

itity of the raceiver to receive the entire information sent by the Transmitter.

Bility of the Receiver7

T ility of the receiver to romain stable on the seleçted frequency.

How many types of receivers a e found on board ?

Two. 1) Tuned Radio Frequency ( TRE ). 2) Superheterodyne

in TRF type, only fixed dedicated freqs can be tuned.

Example : Navtex

In Superheterodyne, any freqs within the allotted range can be tue
E ,

What Travel ingof

i s

Example: MF/HF SSB

telephony Q19.
What is the output of Mixer 7 Ans

Ans Incoming Modulated RF Signal Plus Local Oscillator signal and Incoming signal m i s

Local Oscillator signal. Incoming signai plus LO signal is unwanted and

is rejectea.
Incoming signai minus LO signal is
wanted and is passed to the nexts his sigral s

known as Intermediate freq signal.

a. What is the value if IF ?

Ans 455 Khz

What is the function of Demodulator ?

Ans It removes thee

AudioDatalnformation from the
carrie fnto AF amplifier
o What is Fading ?
Ars Variation in Signal strength at the
receyer due tolgna received through differen

paths caused by ionospherigropagation

o What is AGC ?

Ans AGC automatic gain

controk It is a control circuit that automatically
changes/adjusts the gain of a receiver so that the desired output signa> remains conskan

despite varitionsj nput signal strength. AGC is used to counter Fading.

014. What is the purpose or sQUELCH ?


Ans. ToSliminate receyer noise generated within the receiver.

hiehpad of the receliver squelch círcuit is employed ?

Ans therein the Audio Frequency circuit.
aG Which equipment or freq are susceptible to maximum fading ?
HF DSCIRTINBDP. Any equipment which uses lonosphere are subjected to fading.

017. What is the Maximum Power Output of VHF, MF & HF Transmitter ?

Ans VHF 25 Watt, MF 400 Watt, HF- 1500 Watt

a18. How maay layers In the lonosphere are used for Radio Communication ?
& F2
D, E, F1

What is Propagation? o
a19 place to
another. More specifically, travellina
from o n e

Travelling of Radio waves

antenna in space.
antenna to Receiving
Bands ?
used VHF, MF, HF & UHF
a.20 What kind propagation, VHF/UH ne of sight or
wave or

MF Ground wave, HF- Sky

(DirectWaye ).
space its lengths
Equipment and
isuaed in VHF
a21. Whatkind of
it is about
1 -1.5 mtrs in
HalfWave Dipple Antenna.
for VHF Coverage
Q:22 What are the
Transmitting & Receiving
a) Height of

b) Power Output

increase the height without

a2 Can w e
ture of the earth. After certain height,
Ans Yes, there is a
limitation or constraint due
coverage due to
increasing the height oftenna
will have
no effect o n the

the earth.

MFIHF Equipment and the length ?

a24. What kind of antenna is used by
Quarter Wave antenna. It is approximately 8- 12 mtrs long.

Unit ?
What is the functtonof Aritenna Tuning
Theunction of A s to convert the required physical length of the antenna to electrical

given carrier frequency so that the antenna impedance will match the Tx

mpedanc for transfer of full power from Tx to antenna.

a26. Wh fis Dummy Load ?

Ans Dummy load is an artificial load is used to tune a transmitter without causing unwanted

radiation. It dissipates the RF Energy in the form of heat and prevent radiation by the

transmitter during tuning operation.

a27. What is Antenna tenuator ?

Q35 Why


d to protect the receiver from nearby high power radiation of the Coast a36


cRa What is
Modulation ?
Oation Is a
process where
AudioVoicelData/inteligence is superimposed ori tne

carrier to effect a
!ong range wireless
How many
types of
modulatlons are used In Radio
Ans communication
4 Amplitude
Modulation (AM); 2) Frequcno
ucncy Modulation (FM}),
Q.30 Wat is 3)aseModaatos ptn
Amplitude Modulation?
Ans :
in Amplitude Modulation,
amplitade of the carier is varicdaccording to
signal ( Voiceldata y thie modulatung
keeping the frequency
Use: 1) MFHF SSB
constatt unate
Telephony 2) CommerialBrpad
031. What is
Frequency Modulation ?
Ans "in freq
modulation, frequency of the cier is
vaned according to the modulating signai
kéeping the amplitude urn
d or constan
use: 1) VHF DSC 2) Telephony 3) NBDP
032. What is Phase
Modulation ?
Ans In Phase
modulation, phase of the tarier is varied iccording to the
modulating signal
keeping theampliude unaltered or constant.

Use: 1) VHF phony 2) VHF DSsc

Q33What TSimplex mode of communication ?

AnsnSimplexoperation, Transmitting and Recelving freqs are same. Same frequency is
usedfor Transmission and Reception. Hence at any given time, either transmission or

reception is possible. Simplex operation is known as One way communication.

034 Where Simplex mode of communication is used ?

Ans 1) Ship to ship Communication 2) Between Ship Stations and Private Coast Stâtions

3) On scene communications 4) Distress, Urgency, Safety & SAR Communications.

35 why Distress, urgency,
safety and SAR
Ans simplex mode is used so communications use Slmplex Mode
a36 What is
everybody can hear the entire
Dupiex Operation ? chmmunications
Ans In
Duplex Operation,
Transmitting and Receiving
trahsmit and another
freas are different. One frequency
frequency to receive. Hence at
any given time,
transmission receptionis
or Si
possible. Duplex operation is known
communication. as Do
Q37 Where Duplex
operation is used?
Ans 1) Ship to CRS

2) Landiine Tetephone 3) MöbilePhone
Giv,examples of VHF
Duplex.charnnels.used for ship to GRS COmnunications.
Ch 20/22/24I 26128
Q39 You have sent a Distress Call and
messagesof ch 16.Ch 16 is simplex or
dupiex channel
Substantiate your answer.
Ans Ch 16 is a simplex channel.
AlLbroadcasts ffka Distress, urgency, safety
always use
simplex chañnelsso that
everybody can hear the entire
o40) What communications.
Double Side Band (D`E Single Side Band
(SSB) ?
Ans When we
superimpose audio over acarrier, the resultant is a
double side band. By
applying a tecmiguee suppress the carrier and a side band and
radiate one side
called as
Single Side Band. band
Whe we use botliside bands it is
called Double side band
operation and when we use
nly one side band it is called Single side

Q41. Whatis the advantage of SSB

over DSB ?
Ans 1. More stations can be
2. Only 1/3rd of the Tx
output power is required
Q.42 Where SSB & DSB are
compared to DSB.
used ?
Ans In MF/HF Telephony SSB is used.
DSB. This is also calted s t a n d a r d AM Signal.
Broadcasts use

Polarisation 7
W h a t is
waves with respect to ground is
called Polarisation
O r i e r i a t i o n of
Where they used?
P o l a r i s a t i o n s a r e there ?

Q.44 Hew m a n y Types of

Horizontal Use: Old Analog TV Broadeast
Ans 1)
2) Verticat
Use: VHF Equipment

Use MF/HF Equipment,

Satellite Gommuniaátions
3) Circütar
of emission youhavased g
what class
Q44 You have sentia:DSC distress 'alert-on VHF,
or G2B
Ans ¥F2B
What s s
callandsmes ge byadio telephony.
.Q.45 After epding the alèrtyou hatisentthe

of emission'you had used ?

F3E or G3E
ctass of emission you had uset
You had coiiciçated SAR aircrafton 21.5 MHZwhat

F3E or G3E
class of emission you'hatasei®
You-had sent a DSC gency eton 21875 KHz, what

Ans J2B
class of emission you
had used?
afety alert on 8414.5 Khz, what
Q48 Youhad serit

Ans J2B
indicated your subsequen
2187.5 Khz, you had
DSGDistress alert

Q49 Atersending a

and class of emisskm

What will be the frequency
will be NBDP.

the manufacturer.
F18 or J2B depending on
Ans 21745 Khz.

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