Week 3 - Procedures in Translation

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Remember these?
Which represent the
‘translation’ we practice
in class?
Translation categories
- Intralingual translation or rewording is an
interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs
of the same language.
– Interlingual translation or translation proper is an
interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of
some other language.
– Intersemiotic translation or transmutation is an
interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of
nonverbal sign systems
(Jakobson 1959: 233)
Translation procedure
(Vinay&Darbelnet, 1995)

Direct translation Oblique translation

Borrowing Transposition
Calque Modulation
Literal Translation Equivalence
This refers to a case where a word or an
expression is taken from the source language
and used in the target language. (borrowed
directly in its form and meaning.
Email bank
Google handphone
Laptop bed cover
Write more examples of borrowing
technique in translation
A calque is a special kind of borrowing whereby a
language borrows an expression from another, but
then translates literally each of its elements.

Secretary general : sekretaris jenderal
Antibody : antibodi
Computer : komputer
More examples of Calque technique in
Literal translation
Literal translation or word-for-word
translation is the direct transfer of a SL text
into a grammatically and idiomatically
appropriate target language text.

Mineral water : air mineral
Police office : kantor polisi
Empty room : kamar kosong
Kindergarten is originally a
German phrase which means
“Children’s Garden” which is
borrowed in English, and literally
translated into Indonesian as
“Taman Kanak-kanak”.
Transposition is a change of sequence of parts of speech
with another without changing the meaning of the
message. The change of sequence also can be followed
by the change of word class, the change from singular to
plural and others. This change can occur because the
source language and the target language have the
different grammatical structure.
A pair of scissors : sebuah gunting
Presidential election : pemilihan presiden
It is this agreement we referred to : Perjanjian inilah yang kami jadikan acuan
The heavy rain brought flash flood : Hujan lebat mengakibatkan banjir
Modulation is a change of meaning caused by a shift
of perspective/point of view in the target language.
Often translators need to use their knowledge of TL to
help them create meanings of the source message.

It isn’t expensive : harganya murah
You’re going to have a grandchild: Kamu akan menjadi kakek
We all suffered from the consequence of environmental
degradation : Penurunan kualitas lingkungan membuat
kita menderita
Ouch : aduh
This term ‘ equivalence’ is
used to refer to the cases Cock-a-doodle-do: kukuruyuk
where languages describe House of Representative :
the same situation by the Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat
different stylistic or Dear Sir: Dengan Hormat
structural means. A thorn in someone’s flesh:
Bagaikan duri dalam daging

Translate these
commonly found
words/phrases at
the airport. Which
would you use?
The apple never falls far
from the tree
Buah jatuh tidak jauh dari pohonnya.

family characteristics are usually

Tong kosong nyaring
Empty vessels make the most noise

Those with least wisdom or

knowledge are always the most
How would you translate the word
‘mean’ in these sentences?

What do you mean?

Why are you so mean?
We were meant to be together.
Train is a popular means of transport.
Translate the text into English
Apa yang disampaikan di dalam bahasa Inggris dengan kata
<mean>, apabila dialihkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia
terungkapkan melalui dua kata, yaitu <makna> dan <maksud>.
Kata <mean> pada “What does the word stylus mean?” bahasa
Indonesianya <makna>, sedangkan pada “What do you mean?”
bahasa Indonesianya <maksud>.

Perbedaan di antara dua kata ini dapat dijelaskan dengan

peristilahan di dalam linguistik, yang memilah telaah makna atas
dua: semantik dan pragmatik. Makna <mean> pada kalimat
pertama itu – makna semantik – adalah makna kata (juga
rangkaian kata) yang terekam pada kamus. Makna yang terdaftar
pada kamus adalah makna yang belum dipakai dalam konteks
The Criteria for Assessing the Translations

1. accuracy: the correct transfer of information

and evidence of complete comprehension;
2. the appropriate choice of vocabulary, idiom,
terminology and register;
3. cohesion, coherence and organization;
4. accuracy in technical aspects of punctuation,

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