BRE Digest348
BRE Digest348
BRE Digest348
CI/SfB (A3s)
Concise reviews of building technology
Fig 1
The site inspection involves walking across the whole site,
making full use of the information obtained during the desk study.
It is useful to have available maps and photographs that have
been obtained and it is necessary to prepare a special site map, at
a suitably large scale. On this should be marked by hand the
geology and other features of special interest that have been
noticed during the desk study. During the site inspection the
position of any further features (eg trees, hedges, pits, exploratory
holes) can be marked on the map, and the existence of previously
identified features can be confirmed. The site inspection should
not be confined to the site itself, but should include the
surrounding area and its building stock.
Enquiries involve talking to local people and visiting
sources of reference material. These include: libraries,
muniment rooms, county archives, local history societies,
natural history societies (because they often have
information on local geology), planning authorities,
universities and polytechnics.
The desk study must be carried out before the walk-over survey is
made. Once the walk-over survey is complete, further studies may
be necessary. This is particularly so when new information is
obtained and it is thought that more may be gained from existing
records, or if the facts obtained during the walk-over survey appear
to conflict with those of the desk study. At the end of this process a
written report, structured as shown here, is produced summarising
the sources used, the information obtained, and the relevance of the
findings to the proposed development.
Possible locations for structures Access for excavators and boring/drilling rigs during
Where possible, structures should be relocated at this ground investigation
stage to avoid problems and to minimise cut and fill. Required for planning of ground investigations.
The Institution of Civil Engineers,
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The Building Research Establishment gratefully acknowledges the assistance of
Dr C R I Clayton of the University of Surrey in the preparation of this Digest.
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