Reading 1
Reading 1
Reading 1
Subject : English
Class : 4 Anggun
Enrollment : /25 pupils
Level : Intermediate
Date/Day : 13th June 2019
Time : 7.40 - 8.40 am
Theme : World of knowledge
Topic : Unit 7: Blogging
Focus Skill : Reading
Integrated Skill : Writing
Previous Knowledge : Pupils already learnt the present continuous tense.
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
I. Underline 5 out of 10 past continuous tense verbs that can be found in the passage.
II. Fill in the blanks at least 5 out of 10 correctly based on a passage in the textbook.
Language Content:
1) Vocabulary (PCT): Chirping, weeding, screaming, running, pointing, moving,
holding and nestling.
Textbook: Development Phase
Practice Page 65 1. Pupils need to find the (Independent practice)
(20 similar short story in their
minutes) textbook. 1. To incorporate fun
2. Pupils are asked to elements in learning.
underline past continuous 2. To practice the input
tense in the text. they have learnt.
3. Some pupils are asked to 3. To prepare them for
read their answers. the next activity.
4. Pupils and the teacher
discuss the answers. Assessment of learning
objective 1
Teaching aids:
Example of 1. Pupils are given a Action Phase
Production questions (FIB) : worksheet based on the (Guided practice)
(20 passage that they have 1. To check pupils’
minutes) Two birds were read. understanding during the
________ loudly 2. Pupils need to fill in the lesson.
while we were blanks by looking for the 2. To promote critical and
________ under a answers in the textbook. creative thinking skills
tree. 3. Pupils need to paste the among pupils.
worksheet in their exercise 3. To instill moral value
Thinking skills: book. into the students.
-Critical thinking 4. Pupils submit their task to
-Creative thinking the teacher for marking. Assessment of learning
objective 2
Moral values:
Appreciate nature Teaching aids:
Confidence Worksheets
Moral values:
Appreciate nature