Pension Rules

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="r55 drO-t =")



Jo{ou5 $-enSiil5 -54)6,

@erollo & J.3., (Ad5dg'oe)

Sl.No. Subject
Page No.
1. Question & Answers
09- 76
2. A.P. R.pensionRules, 19g0, Contents
/RuleNo. 77-79
3. Revised pension Forms
80- 93
4. Memo for Transfer of payment of pension from
94- 96
one district to another.
5. Annual Verifi cation Certifi cate
97 -99
6. Pensioners Identity Card
7. Commutation value - Table
8. Important points under
RpS_20 I 5

=r{5 fodJ ? Fd)*-afale})

1. J.b. 0E€ =.tqS 6153 1980 J5;6Soo6 er5oeDst3 SeSo>?
arr 29-10-1979 5co& essoe.r:et8 Sur1or.
c{re) -1

2. J503 SQQor?
arr 1-9-20043 5ro6o Ccb0cobae5 Fqbd5 d-d"gfuerdu J.Bo. Opf -o{S
dre53 SQQcr:.
erod, 1-9-2004 66u6 cc6eoe')o5 ooB beor5g. boS gg A{S f)66S})
(wo1c3a:.rgcc6 -.:{5 $69tu) Seeoo.
(Cu"eD 2 g(i) - G.O.Ms.No. 653, Fin. (pen-I) Dept., dt. 22-9-2004).

3. a,5 S$55 *6r5n, a,5 S6gfo / a,d $e a,€ *e$)d$ $65*odt Eodo
=o{Q $o5561e?
arr $o6d6o - cl:.el 7

4. =oS,5 5ooar6r{u eEf6S SAlOf

arr eJsirE6c s1635{5 ese-6orpi -r{5o Sooai-cb dqo. (Subjecr to future
good conduct) 65g5 arn"dg+d, -r{5 Sooar-do el6y0, =o{SSo
d5; dc6: 5 t5;3, 6fl o # 5 r;$3.

cirel - 8
$50 8go t565el, DuSeo - =o5;Sd $6ep
5. Sbgsoef 6$1iy6o ad5n cs$s, v6eoon ds o.E6 ero's 66ry6
6-Jo{$ool &SSS1 *erod CH.{So e6eoorp, Fdle5CS 5ilo a00o6
esp dOd 6dlO5S =o5j3ri$ Celg6e/6{ do5r5c;r
arr dc6:5u$;. (Crre:> 9 (t)
6' eper soe5e / 66p do$ec3 ero16pdF, Beorro rQs 165ro sbarDsD
al 6536 5o@6otrO, s-C ?r{56 6byd}60 baa ,egc$$So C$orl!
eso@@d6, @erorrea bAS b65$o S5ci5o5o $o$sod erb$6o d6:.
(dreDs (i)

7. [5dr@Sp3 EQoo'O;$ acqlesD =o{565r EQod 56r0dle (Dearness

Relief) 5po6 0556 doSr5a;f
an 6o$5ib3 - (GO.Ms.No .227,Fn.@en-I) Dept., dt.29-5-2O0l6.eD -9 Executive
Instructions (vi)

8. =o5o56/ 6d50=g AF35 fgelr 66J esoD5 $o66;od er6CS BQoa.Ops

=o$o50 EPhstJ=p S{ aqoSsoy
arr S&1&a:o65e-:50 dfa& AOo#Su$;.
G.O.Rr.No. 1034, Fin & Plg. (F.WPen-I) Dept. Dr. 9-6-2000. cfuel -9. Execurive
Instructions (v) (b)

9. 6d5n 555 pgsea $oeS p63 5pJ 6}*E>odp @r0o6orber =oo6o6d

$o6, 5pu 0556eD dOrOSS-g o556 5oo6 SSXFo>o5a6S 603$5
80b0l3 Be5o6t
arr 1) ftg$co 8eh5 6o5 ( pnr)
2 ) J."d./A.cSJ-d.d.o. J5. (APGIS)(TSC$)

3) d.b.c$F (cPF)
4 ) J."d./i3.c6>5. e. Je5. o (APGLDGSGLD
Crrer: 9 Executive Instructions (vii) 2 (a)
6d5n 555 96leea So6e63 'St)q5'cf OS)S er6CC 565
10. A5XDeo

$o50rCB er5o5o3ot55tr;?
arr cp5obc@or,,55t51$o, we -o{5 (lojra.ueu, er €{r:el al{o {f9
erofu go65d$ $6.:5er dc6:edc.
eJreD -9 Executive Instructions (vii) 2

11.6}6rBro0l d*pelr =oo6o6d $516d5n 56,5 365Deo So65 66J6,

eedCt eQod, J516 05 (Earned Leave) 5tt6rn 516195o $6$d$5DfD
Cerr$5er dofiSesr
665 Sdsoeo $oE5
arr EarnedLeaveSo Sooa-c$ d+o cpQs-O, es €Soeldf
6.6"gfl5oo& bp.y arqo 0556 SodcSe)b SQodC $d5?oo.t5,S', -o
$6$c6r01dr€o e&/ J$5orr eC Cer$5er do5c5i5r3.
C$eD -9 Executive Instructions (vii) 2 (b)
GO.Ms.No. 1 1, Fin. & plg (FW FR-I) Dept., dt.I5_I_199j .

12. 565 $o6$ 6dr50=g 5pc .lr5cb$oao{Eo5 BSoweS,

6)Q$oco 6 pn,oao6p 9c =o o 6o6d $od " commuted value of pension"
Ipoa*c$ do3r5*3f
arr Sooar-d: dc6rec5:.

drel -9. Executive Instructions (vii) 2 (e)

13. 565 $o65 6d50'g gs1 dioc, ercldu sr6.r epoarss er€
s0Q6e,d =;{5 srue5diS, b6gd Jqardas (vr""u-ination) dSpoo
Jo6 56$ erioSo8Qdrr
arr 3i!s') 5:"$ cpo>Se *6 etqp$ booar-cJc 6q6S d6 Soo& l
$ o 5 6p6o ef g er 5o So8e{u.

c5leD 9 Executive Insrructions (vii) 2 (e)

555 96xpea $o6s 6d50=g €rper =oo6o6 gslbydo ro66{9 er6c}

$51 dfoer Jer 50i40ouO?

arr€K>.,: 668er$eor: se $a$e5e3 a0flF s$osc, ers6e5b6*,su Je1&S
atr9o erel0 =o{56 d0'o6p Soo& 0656 dc6:Sr$g.
cbeD -9. Executive Insrructions (vii) 2 (e) (4)

GO.Ms.No. 85, Fin& Plg. (FW-pen-I) Dept., dt. t2-j -tgg9.

15. 6s$6SiD5$ E5ys6{ s*srl r6e5i;68, 6d50 c{55sr ds
6o$15!5 (Mis conduct) 5u soaoeor!$ d$,)s) ep65s i6b t6xpea $o6y
attSS $Eo$5r;$;5o.
Cl:"el -9 Executive Instructions (viii)

cir.MemoNo.3026/18/M!Pension-I,1999Fin&plg.(FW.pen-I)Depr., dt:t-6-1999.
16. naEE ca$s6rP bsd$ 569 sd5Deo $o65 6d|5n lpe r5}d
SoaoSpS 6d5tt5r 6drO5 erfplp8 6S$eerr
arr 565 sdSoea $o65 e!6:o6, Bo6o $os63o-er efbe cst^Dbou3
65'gt{5r dc5:aCg 6ebgS es5o5oe3 6$36 &$o$oO.
d:.eD -10 (1)

17. 555 36504 $o65 6d50 Cdeerd od56$o doOocg 6d>6S esfDb8

arr5$;C$0rr eP5o5o8 #oo"O.
Cu.eD 12 (1) (J) 2 (J)

EtS$ o$fder 505$r

arr 3lQdl603 CoSPSodo a0flS 6*ar$oo& 3p5el6ro6'
elS eo5r5o6o

6o566 ceqDtr $d6Fo5eraril!, $a5{5035 epoDp / esh"o)dJDc3o6


Crvq: -13.
19. 18 5o563ee 5o$Ko3 3o655ro6 d'r5 $6SfD =o5.'5 834o5@pg

6eeD 13 (0)
20. erF6 @6 565*on SS5Q eroo5 05Eo eo6odo0f 6d56er' 5S5Q
Sod 5oo61 6'os 565fo -o5.So d34o5dpg Sod6ee?
dreD 14 Executive Instructions (i) (d)
GO.Ms.No. 38, F&P G.W. PRC- iv) Dept', dt' 1-2- 1 980'
GO;Ms.No.9, F&P (F W. PRC - iv) Dept', dt' 8- 1- 198 1'
GO.Ms.No. 156, F&P (F.W.Pen-I) Dept', dt '294-1983 '

2r. 6ia:odg 6d5tfron 5105 564 tr$6 od5fuer $ebd5d5t$eDtr

ir655noc$ d'oS S65S =o{5 E36o5dpg 50tt6*e?
6rer: 14 Executive Instructions (ii) (c)
GO.Ms.No. 1 30, I&P (Ser.V) Dept., dt. 1 8-3- 198 1'
Govt. Memo.No. 1464lSer.V 12/8'7'l,I&P Dept',23-II-1982'
GO.Ms.No. 1 69, Inigation (Ser.V) Dept', dt' 3 -4-1984'
22. GO.t\'Is.No.212, Fin &Plg. (Fw-PC m) DepL, dL?'241994' 6te65o) ot$5erpd
565Ko (6t$5er9E
EO36 6d56:er/ J5,J$,er6er !!odrg&
eroors Suoc$

eS $oro66) 'o5.50 BS;orSoCS 50tt6}e?

anil0t{e$o$6,Bi'ugod€erol5 d65oo& db$ $65$od -o{So OB6or5a"SB
cfueD -14.
Executive Instructions (iv)
Govt. Memo N o. 57 3 /225 | A3 lPC nA 97, dt.I -9 - t997 of F&p Dept.,
23. 564*$6 od5tt>er (Ad,rgerp5 y$bo6) 6clOg 6drg6lern $dS
Snoc5r db5 565fo =o{io 934o66.Sg b0d6oeerod Sao6i SOOr
d65gflrr 5r665poc$ d"o5 S65SoSu Soa:oOoflS 6d'gn dr:S6

e."d.JF 3r4o FElrdS 5€d a5odc$Soc 3rE erF s &JSBcocSSo

$o-O. cper a5od!3 er $65$o ?:{So €t5ou5a"&B 60ds3q6.
ep o d eSu o a- a 5o S"o 5 O' a, 5o o O 5l" 16$ $ 65 So a /u g e;Ad {S il 6 er g eb o 6.

Executive Instructions (V)

Govt. Cir.MemoNo. 1941-Al31/A2lPen.Il97,dt.3-t}-Igg1- of F&p(FW-pen-I) Dept.,

2a. 3o@ p6l655ud 6dgd5r SqI, e6 Fd>O5 6d5rt5rls$ 5033o0in

a60 ero>S eoS dog$655 565fo 'o{5 BS4o6eCB Serg6oo?
arr 5er$u$o6, eC a60 @18c6ef JC.l5oC3 er0co65r: 6o6o.d:. eperd

e$diset (Deputation)Se dQSJ e03 .6e =o{5 6rer; Seor,5g.

dreD -15

25. erfoo65n d'r5 yeSDSD =o{50 B34o66"pg fOfidile?

arr 50fie3o$d:, s& d$6"go1r:er6u fu1d51 c0 erfood35 yer5r:$o
-o{5o5u OB6otrer& 6gi{u5er e556o a0flo6.
CfueD -16
GO.Ms.No. 2, Edn. (SWE SPP Itr) Dept., dt. 5 - | -2N4.
Memo No. 8663/SerA20IOdt.l-7-2010 of S.E. dept.,

26.3D€ 3D50ltr a,5 SggB eoer* o5e JobS/ 5$dorroib$C J&DSo6

s6oee)) d$oe 666S 6dgrtb6{ ccbSoSoad, er eogr{ S65fo
a =o{5 ES4o56.Pg 50tt6ild?
aa an SC; ir6u5:eg! efar6 $0t{stQ6.
dl.eD 17 (1) (J) (a) 2,3.
27. 5EJ 6d5tt5r dd4, soS5dir5 d5 aSvOE
(compensation) =o5*5

(rnvalid) =o5r5 d5 5o53;i5 F ears6 dS e5vO6 Eeu56n oEp Oon

Erb5e6 6d5nCS Jo'o6 esoDd el)d 565*o =o5.50 836o56'S3 5066ilo?
arr SC; {d6e;5.: efa& S06etQ6:.
tJre.r: 18 (r) (z) (s) (+) (s).
28. bad 6d5rlsrdc3 e55))oc$ dbs $Ob6 S65Ku' =t$is,O34o6c"sg

arr SCg ir66ce-rdrl do& 5Oddqdr.
cu"q: le (1) (2) (3) (4) (5).
29. bid 6d565rdc3 e55ro6 d3r5'-!6 5655' 6War Service inMilitary)
=o5.fl50 EStroScCB 5066ile?
arr $&; irdebs$ efa& b0t1e6Qd:.

Crrw 20 (1) (2).

=oer$ur - =o{5? Fal"s5D
30. 5 5 =oer$ur =o5.50 O34o5d0g 506e6il6.?
a r ef $ 51 e o- e t $ a" d 6 5r: E O o.l 5 €.: o)) d, el &1 ds" e: -"1 $ e'r $o
r -o e.r $ e-r

5ooc6) AJ&5e5Sg"d3is? Sooa-6 d"o S ep+odea -oo$(E.o'L)So -o{5o

O32ro.5c"CB 506sBqdr.

dre) z1 (1).
31. $6Sct Sg"rBOt? st9uo6! a66 gilosrer: / e6eee! Xooaf6 eso))b

eslcP6ea =oer$50 ="rS.5 836o56'pg 506EAee?

arrdrgio S655cef 36; Sdg! 50d83qdr.
dre)) 21 (2)

32. ? t56o$e $5o lttigtrer Scientific & Technical Studies) $So Ssoa-6)
d"oS erlO"6a'oe$So =o5.50 E36or5oCS 50lt6ile?
arri:06etQd:. s!& Sooa'c{: epos'o / AppointingAuthority Sooar-tJ: 'a{Cu5ef
6a -oo$ vosr: -o{5o5u O35Q5oC BeDb5elc$)So'

6reD 21 (i) tii)

33. ldaed 6d5dio dofiopg iDoaf6 erql5 eplq6eo =oerd; @.O.L)
eer$) =o{50 iooa*6 dd$6"p9 b066ilo?
arr dlSo s65$oef 5 $ob6peo bdg! so6ded: s"e es s-erst -.r{5o
s-op3ar:"9{5 at:$o ForeignEmployer il"C d6 Ad.gns-C
66eSCg EOo*O
BOo56#d Sode8oboddo.
d:"eD 21 (2)
Executive Instruction (i)
GO.Ms.No. 2 14, F&P (FW FR-I) Dept., dt. 3 -g - tgg6.
U. O.Note No . t3 127 - N I 13 FR-y98 of F&p (FW FR_I) Dept.,

G O.Ms.No. 756, Fin. (F.R. J) Dept. dt. j -8-2002.

34. 8$eo seSD (Training period) =oS.So BS6oS@pg b0rte6ile?

arr $06e3$6: s'&,
6d"grrcs paSn" Jo""rs s-a:& ccdrsodo 6od
5,o60 a$sasu 5o"":, es s'e-rslso @drrso$ o35oa-o. epod s-sooa-
tF+b-55fu 65 a{cu5 o"5o" s{so-" s-.,s, -":{so6o bOdegorro elc
del55e:fu '6odloB.
6:"eD 22.

$50 Egea 655e1 - =rS.5

35. S?r)q5 (Suspension) *eir =oS,S ES4otl6.Cg i06e6ile?
arr Jo$56 SDn'ds
e56oei es6,c-d er"".Js epodrn ., Jc^lboc3& ,cq6eo
s-5#56o, eDqCJ dQ dc6:6o er$ $o66;oef$ S?:J{S s-e.r5r$o -.r{So
d35o6o"$3 s06e3q6. dsi,d 50rfe6or,56. s"c competentAuthority 6s
a${u5ef Kr:1{5 sr}e,?r{$o$ ot6o#Ioe @dg6orr @O:l5by6 O%qO.
c!"w - 23
36. 66r5ttfuSoo6 8eflob a6S (Remove or Dismissat) 59$ dr:S} $6
6 565io =o{5u 6ir+6{ =o{Io Iooa*O do$erf

=r dc5:5r6dr:. Ar:{o }6 $6550 6d; ergetuo8.

5o"eD -24

3 7' 6d5 6fu 5po6 8erOo5ads 6d5 0 @ismissed, Removed or compursory

retired from seryice) el5Jel dg.' SC, O$,5 O5e yp, OOn 66{56SldCS
SSsod / co$tr{g, }6 565*o5o =o{Fo BB4odosB 5odg6ilo?

E[ Sor{€6qd: wC, eyerfloSal&S, SoooJD Aon Cc5r5o6o d?os 5o55

serCl-o{5o Ot5oria"&3 5or{e3oridD. cae;r"i 5bJ{5 Yer5l 6ro" =o{5o
Ot2rotia'CB 50r{e3o$6 eral6, Competant authority 65 6{615 6-Se ee
eerC; duty rC/ leaverl" vS Sooas-t$ d! erS36: 50i{e8q6'
(u.e)) 25 (1) (2)
3B.6d5nC3 edu5p drg ero6$r 5no6 6'.15 SOSiDSD =o$jb 834o56"39

arril0r5e8o6dl. sC ee56 66'56oef sda"&gtTD$o ersoso& &Koso o-dJlsr
d! erfy6o o-do5r 6od 5ro6o d'o6 5653o 3ua- -o{5o dt6oria"&3
r'- A
or9l lbqrtSw.

d:"qr 26 (1)
S65fod cao6crd$o - =t{5 E34o$
39. 56g*o6r Interruption eso6eo$$) pod, =o$a5$ er$iotb $65Ko Jer
arrS65Soef csoe!o-c65D 5Ofl5 sler0;-;{So5rl5odeBo#cJ:, wC 6a 1to6
$o6operef 50i{€8qdJ.
(1) n%ae6 ver&B
=oer$ Sooa*6 d"o5536o
(2 ) SbJSS 6o-56 eon'656gt{5Det CcUJSJorf 5536o
(3) zwor:&ofi p5", S0drno05536:
(4) iPQe;, 66; eror5$36o dS seSerc$3: 6Q sar&5S36o
(5) =o{So Sooa*6 epQs-0 $Cd 6ver Intemrption cp}6"6eo =oer$m

506e$orf SSSCrl
drw 27 (J) 5oo& (JF) (2)
40.6o6 5655e io65 ero6edS:5u InterruptiondsSlbodo S65*u XeOdD
6561Eoodu 56gKo, 65513oo6o $65io, 466 565$o (SDpblO6, af6a
3D6etb) Jer 50tl6oeO?
arr J0l5oc3 5ooas*6 +${u5d63 'coNDoNED'er$6:o6. s"& 3/u5o6 s'c
STOCJ6 5656o SoOoiD ";lee5 Sd5Solntemrption Condoned v5o
6reD. 28
al. s5Oloro6 565*o$ ep65orr Jo6 b65io Borld€n Serge6r?
arrKu'5o-5ogd:a5p 0€c{: esolJb a-Ot 5 $ob6pcu: $co#duoc- io:od*
C{rq: 29
GO.Ms.No. 100, Fin. (pen-I) Depr., dt. 6-4-2070
(6rer-r9) yE b65fo (6rer-20)
42. $OcoO $6SKp
6sUSr dphot $o65
v03 Bo>dd Jo6 6erged:?
ar Bo::dd 5.p$6 s-c, drw 19, 20 d6 d:"e.r: 29 p3s-ds:r i:a eruysos
@o3:.a55r:rr $oi^1o6" o"C& &$o$Sr$_1.
6rel 29.
a3. 6d5fl JS.:;i 565ro d! J$4i Bolldd eeer
arr 5:"5o-5ogoi:fi5 o-5o- Op6: erqr:S ,66"g/ue-:$ oO S65bod
, 86ooo" ge5 =o{Sso }odi.:-&g sob6r $65$o$ &oo#$oa- epod
5o56peer: s.:o'55r:oo" aoldd seu$e"cu. esod 3s bobe5po-e;5r: e5$5s
5&d 5655o 5 (ro56po-odr: Scod6uoo" eqDdd 6er:Qyo"6.
Cfrer: 29 Executive Instruction (i)
Govt. Memo N o 51 233 -B / 8 l0lpen-vS l - I F&p F.w pen-I, Depr.,
dt. 2g - 4 - rg82.
44. J.b. Ed$6 a*&'aood s65to &oag$ ApR p.R 1980 JobS dssp
psd5rr s Sos6peer pdraso $o6F
Arricle 404-4 civil Service Regulation

J03 6re)) 29 l!5s6$) eon 5 SosdJeer tsord€ eler

arr eb5 al66:.
C3"er: 29
Executive Instruction (ii)
GO.Ms.No. 404 GA. (G.C.F) Dept., dt. 25_8_ I 983.
509 45. 25 so5dpeer 66:v6 ds op6:irrogt es6pg dsers>
b65*o esoDs
? 5 so5dpeer $0ogod, er 6dr50 565i0 cieeri$ Jer Eobdas
erbr5oc3 sod-d;oef A.G. officeSu 565so
=rr oqveJ bolo. A.G. a-ct es
;"C Sar 5d5r: eualifying Service -O-.r dfu er SpbB6 Os-6a do6r.O.

'=os 666& '65'gluer $[o6:oef Head of office verify dfu $$?:BeS os"e
CrreD 30 (t) (z)

? Bo"c€f)S, o^EpS e5d:ve5 -d5e5A0b€ir55.: efa& $ot^roE.

6"el 30 (3)
=r5",5 €34o$ - eeFoer)
46. =o5.5 Etlotic$S 5l erF6on 50d6il6?
(t) OpdAooear / $C#qr:S ui33 '65'gn Draw d*o pay$ eery6om -t{So

clre.u -31
(z) opdsoous / ,5c#qD$ 6'ar 65'gn =oe.r$efsc ep.5$t EOod -oo$
detsD / +o5o esc6om -"rq$ OB2rQ{u. dveD 31, .$05-'1
(g) tenure appointmentef Draw d*o pay So =o{5o A35o$a"&3 5Ot{E8oSCu.
c{:"eD - 31. .f,e.D -5.
(4) iloS 565$oef f)Cd5f oFS -666g8 iloS S655d (F- d*o pay 5o
-"r{5o O35o'5a'CB 50i{e6ot5Cu. tbel -31, .$t^D -7.

47. PRCet SooarCu dbs q6815 eo$Eooouer, =osj$ EStroSocB

drel 31 Executive Instructions (i) (a) Soo& (d) 5d5o
GO.Ms.No. 206, F&P (FW PC-I) Dept., dt .23 -lI -1992.
GO. (P)No.18, F&P (FW. PC-I) Dept., dt. I9-l-1994.
GO.Ms.No. 152, F&P (FW. PC-I) Dept., dt .4-tl-2000.
GO.(P) No. l42,Fn. (PC-D Dept., dt .6-06-20[,6.
GO.Ms.No. 52, Fin (PC-I) Dept., dt. 25-2-2OIO.
GO.Ms.No. 25, Fin (HRM .IV) Dept., dt. 18-3-2015 -TS
GO.Ms.No. 67, Fin (HRM V.P.L) Dept., dt . 12-6-2015 - AP

a8. {+bdJil5 d?o55y6o

{o5o $$o a6tf$oo 6'5o
tt6od Pay Protection

Personal Pay r 50tt6od Emoluments =oSjb E34o5oCS 5066ile?

C\re)J 31.
Executive Instructions (iv)
GO.Ms.No. 87, F&P (FW. Pen-I) Dept., dt. 25 - 5 -1998.
49. .${5e5rl d$s $€J15so Foaroooos '{o,Fo B3}orress
at b0fiE8lCu.
6reD 31.
Executive Instruction (V)
G O.Ms.No. 786, Fin. @C-I) Dept., dt. It -g -2002.

50. Average Emoruments F$o@ =odso gs4o6ec3 dpp egfdorr

ar Last Pay drawn

drel 32
G O.Ms.No. 87, F&P GV/.pen-I) Dept., dt. 25 -5 - 1gg8.
6d5n dfi5e6 ao$Blo&o boa$dd opd$odf epood er eossodoi$
6re 'od SerpSC =o$o O34eer
?sr c9er Sooa*d: d*o aoLSFooCl ",$irbe5aoltBooCr:',6CC i:ef 6ol$$C
="rq$ Ot6ed:. y& b qu56
$oira,eo6r: 6pC Sor{gSo,:O.
(u"sD 32.

Executive Instruction (iv)

G O.Ms.No. 235, F&P (FW.F.R-tr) Dept., dt. 2j - I0- tgg8.

52. 565 C6XpeaSo Eocb Fee Srodb pBrSSo i{g er $Qef 6$s
"o"o3J{Ss csFdon dssp =o{S BS}}e?
arr dt6Qcu s"s '?/ugod B3s"1"efd bd6sl@ srlo6& d3b66eo
ererfi er 6ar.i5 n,Qef JC;6{arer bed}65"1&aro65 dc$.
(u"e.r: 32
Executive Instruction (V)
o GO.Ms.No. 87, F&P (F'W.pen-I) Depr., dt. 25 -5 - lg9i.
Lr.No. 108 | A2 /Pen-r49g, dt.22-6-1999 addresed to addl. Secretary
Transco A.p.
Limited. vidyuth Sowdha, Hyderabad.

53. 5155o:15*5dr{5 dsg da6 iooas-6 Se6?

att d'reo 42 15*do Opdo ral65
"r0€ 45 cs6-dorr"
5r"f)6o5r"5J"gdofr5 -oE5o Sooa-6: SqO.
CbsD 33

5a. Opoo6 =o5.5 5 Crrel; eaFsort SDoa-6 de6?

arr 6reD 43, d;'el 44efe Ca:o6SeD e96-dorP Sooa-t$ Sq6'
clrel -34
55. 5eS eo@€ edeoon 666S F66S 6d5n fQn / $95on

FdrdS er6g65o6{ 56d eqd55/ 5o=obd obsorbeerqDd

*03, $d>65od
dos sbgss Sooardr dler
arr6rer: 45 &a:o65e6r: efar& Sooa*c! Sq6 Yb acr>5o6 $o6qoef
Su0loa: -"r{5o Sooar-e5c d*o e.r65u5 Sabe5e3 d6o.
c{:"eD -35

56. 6565651 5oo6 s8;d[5 / 5o=o5d obsorbe esoDs 6d5t$er5.l

=o$jb E3troti@pg 5.5. pao65e>c J6oeOt
arr 16-6-1967 eJd:;"e5 obsorbe esol5 c03 6a ltoE Caod5el SQQoo'
(J) AverageEmoluments for (10) months esrydorP dS2rorO'
(A) 10 5o5u53o-o Qualifying 565$o SR: $oa-O.
("o)-.r5$o Br:qer5o er6$o K>65Soe$ $o& $od, oedl erd:5 6"ard 60o110'

clre.l 36 (1) (2) (3)

t36 6ee =r{Q - $o5oXer

57. InvalidPension J5ydo BQil6?
arr e.6 65'gfl, ere5so dQ51 65'gr{5r: dc6)d6e ao&6e5 es6"oe3 &€6)

d! eto& Invalid pension Sooa:-c$ dq6.

ere50e 6:reD 45

epold 3r&5e5 eee'0€3 65"5s 4536 dQSl S&Sod 6$215 650 6qs
$e$c6:i{sdp erS qr"$! csd00 es i6(3ef Cc6&oo55ub;. es 6C dc6:a-Cg
cpdst a6o dS+6 er536o es6CS Invalidpension Sooa-Cu Sq6. 6o6 eeeJleJ ydeoom eseS&3 elil.6"i{go SoeJS} eld&E Invalid
pension Sooar-c$ ScOaaO.
cu'eD 37 (1) (2) (3)
58. *o$5{oi5 =;{5 Jby6o Soortl> dil6?
arr bao 5d6Foe5 JQ d* eror:S636 es6&t Jcr:5o03 e66 '65'5i{5r
151555360 el6sg 500a*6r d* -o{$50 vos5*irs -o{$o ere "aerQct.
e"63ddd ad"g6f> .ir?rt eooe5l*6ir: 5655o5o -"rqJS dB6or5a&t
#Q 6* dc6:"ood f6e$.f5Sr: 65$o 3 Bee> SDo6) a665nt ,StjSr
s'o55?lir5 ]{5o rbeD 45ejf& Sa:od5er5u es5oi$oorr gobo6.
Cu'eD -38

59. So$er36 opd$odl =o$ir I bodd;od 5poa*ct dq6?

crr 6669fl db* 6$y$ A{ dr$oef erey.C $65$o5:o& 6o$er"16rr 0€d:
dt us€ 5o5-d;oef 6o$e16 0-66ioocr> -r{So
booag-cb dq6.
cb'sD - 3g
60. $F6oorr So5e16 Opd3roOu Jo6 5ooardr de6?

ar 0€6 cpqrs 6'ar5u cp6cs bdl =o{soef 2/3 e5f6'oa-

soocdD Invarid
Pension Sod .lKl6S y6r:oa" Sooa*cb
6"eD 39 (1)
eBoerS0d elsu65* 500as-6r dooacs
slo6: Appsc/Tspsc 5506@
&So$oO. dreD gg (z)
p -o$5o cbeD 45 &alo65eg! etal& Sooas-6 dofr.O.
6:.sD 39 (3)
61. So5er36.pE =o{Io Xpoa-r6 ddrqf ,6 }q*e SIurydeS dc6'6)?
arr $c6:5c$;, eC Medical Examination
Report Sbo0;oo"O. EA 17_4_2001
5oo& ep5oerre5f CE btX";o6.
GO.Ms.No. 133, F&p (FWpSC) Dept., dt .17-4_2Cf/1.
62. 9o55{odl erer35o; J5y6o Xpoardr dil6?
aen &rydeoon Dismiss boOo$)
5$ orre( rD Kemove d"ob 666gEB
Remove d"o5 66"g8t -o{$/qrg_Ed
.,0o?56) sC S&l eplqrdeo Sodopoef d{o
Dismiss/Remove S+o esgs_'
65'5nB Invarid?:{Fo /6"uu"g8e5r 2/3 sood*:oo
booa*6: scosrt:r.
cbeD -40 u

e-o55*c5elerB$o"; dreD 45 efc cao6SoSD ee*)i$eoorr Sooar-c{: dosrCI.

6reD -41

63. pdl65 6d5fier oP6boou 5o$5 Jo6?

arr (1) 55218:5 SoOosD ae;S e56r{S 6565/uer - 60 5o563o-u:'
(2) a.5d:el - 58 $orrer:(6eromeo), 60 Sorre!(eeot66dF)'
6a. 5 dars 6515 oPE ero?
arr $$5 da es Seef a,6OJ5 dA v6':oa" 65yroB 58/60
elol5 Foef
,150 6'a"5 066 YaO.
6c: - OSS da 2-1-1954 epqr:d 58 $o5e3;o-s 0663oo05Sc$SD esqDd

OpES:o 05 31-1-2012 er$6:o E'

OQS da e"5cc5 d6 epood OQs 3e':5od Srodr: 3o r)50 6*ar5 066

6o":- $SS da t-t-tss+ eean)d 58 So563eer oE63:ocr: 5c$So erqrd
0663:oi.:r 31-12-2011 er$6co6'
Cu"eD -42

Executive Instruction (i)

GO.Ms.No. 289, Fin.&Plg. Dept., dt. 4-Il -I97 4'

ue5 666S 6d5iter J59u Op6boOl
65. eerSp 66ry6 5ro OdSttod
S5$nd ee eerP) Jer SotfSQ6?
6 Jo$3coC5 csqDd e 65"5nE 5d1 alqel
arr &".l3"d Scilq J5rr2'5

AOo$5 3t:4o &0f o-arCge6:' (Recovery dqOl

cbeD -42
Executive Instruction (ii)
GO.Ms.No. 175, F&P (FW-PRC-D Dept', dt'27-06-1988'

66. 20 5o5e53ee Qualifying Service dSS ddovet OE6 Frerod

)6o65e'o5 Cao6$el Be3o6?
arr (1) b o*av 066 s"cs$:$Qd o"&6od 3 3elo 5r:o6: 'f,ESo

er"g€fiS aa5O.
(2) drw 8,9,10 efar& Sooa-Cu dq6'
(g) zo (roselJo-sl d36oSa-SB E.O.L on any Purpose, Including M.c. except
E.O.L for Prosecuting higher studies S:S*f
(4) $oa:o65 cos"o .5'i3so Socoa 5Dno506
sr:od epeSc s'r$&r
es3:.Eo*boe dS edS&0oa5o0 @slO.
(5) 6s s6orp
0€5iooi5$ csB:.6o $o6s o.t 5 $os6pee.r(u &oos5r:oa-
$655o Bqr:dd 6u:ge"Cu.
(o) 5oS eon Rule 29 @wdo ed; Bo.r:dd Seor,56:.
6reD 43 (t) Sooa (7) bdg!.
67' 20 30563eer Qualifying service dgs oovg op6'$oo;o5t eg-r50
$o65 a03 Eordd Jcr Swge6?
arr (t) O€SicoCi on superannuarion dr: Sof O
OSf S6q$o
(z) s sobgJo'er
-o Bo&ocief ba *ss:6s
ero>d cp6 $.deaetsB ebsos"c 33 sob6po-o(u
Sco#5rroo- drSoS+O.
- 4g (5).
68' 6d: - a,5 65f50 **"ason" g1-12-20110p6
suo 9p er6.3
6reD 43
ps6$ 31-12-20o5ets opE'aloorss permission
eeJc{r. er6ss soro
Bo::d* Jod. el6$ Bl€o eualifying seryice 29 boi6;eer:.
arr Siraorr eos icflOdy$15655o = 31_j2_2011
(-) s1-12-2oos
0-0-6 Sob63o"o:.
d:"er: 43 1'5s"6o drgo For:dd 5 Sob6peer:.
v33 $o56po-er eualifying service S"6g! ejns yeSD S3_29 =4.
se5&t 6erg Bo.r:dd _ 4 6o56peu:.
rd 69. sdpo 5o6oEo0l Jo{orn rpdb
eers 6drJE 6d5rbe,n srOs
r0g 20 $o56;ecl e5oloro6 s655 83400 op6 So$o'c3
)l Jololn bpdbs S65fo5s fortdile?
5.:"eD 43.
Executive Instruction (ii) (b)
G O.Ms.No. 19642-E/ CC Ip ension_V9 1, dt. _7 _
23 tg92of Fin & plg. Dept.,

70. 20 5o563eer e5Oloo6 5655 fQ eror5 66t6 0p6 Eoo0r

dd$sop 6d5n eo;S SErD? Jo6seod c$o$o &rDSro?

arr 5O5oui 656n" S$osco &$oScO'
6rqr 43
Executive Instruction (iii)
Cir.Memo.No .2391514831Pc-V86, dt.2-5-1988 of Fin' &Plg'

71. $Q €foer cP, 6}63$obd $Po&o63 =oo6o6d 6$1 6d5n3

20 5o563ee e5O'goro6 5655 $Q ero5 65rv6 oEE do$5Dp

a{g iPoas-6 dQer

arr€Soo &66 SoocdD i,:a6 -.:o"Od 5ASiSl ere er0t el6e s51JC1

6:"q: 43.

Executive Instruction (iv) (a)

72. 93 5o563eer s5Oloo6 $6550 ero>$ 66td $5aon 58/60

5o563ee Sod Sr:od oE6 e56'pg eefDie8ile?

arr elSoSo&Q6: s& $tdJ Soer Sloeb 'SESo S5o0;orrO'

(:r 65ojra5o 61ft5 6d:.!5$ 5N"6J Sere SDodr 'f,ESo aal 0p6
cfre}) -44.
73. 10 5o563eer 6od 65.4S eSOlooro6 5655 dS op6 epold

aQoda 5ar
arr 565$o O"e"r"Ed aflqO.
drer 4s (1)
74. 10 5o563ee Sod J$15 e5o'goro6 s65ro d"o op6 eror:d er6p3
aQodo 5ar
arr 5655c -45,5 8flQ6.
drw -45 (2).
75. 565$ *er01 fQ eror$ 6 Fee 565$on ir6SeCB gS1 Cao{S
arr5116:3e,eD cao66od Jdrls s65$o eerclfe ercrs 6 F*,e $65$orr
ctr"eD 45 (S) rii)

76. 6d:- a,6 65rgn 25 $o56pee 4 Beelr F5Olorro6 S65fu S"gdt

er6C 565K> eer0f, Jpt Sg erql$ (O) Sere b65*un fod6il6?
ar 25 So5e5";eodt - 50
4 Bere)g! - 1

51 3r:$o 6 SesD 5655o

'6o":- 25 $oSe5";eel 2 Be.reD - 50
25 5o5e5"1o-e 3 3oe-D - 51

25 5o56";ee 5 3e>el: - 51

25 So56";o-s 6 Berql - 51

25 5o56po-s 8 Sser: - 51

25 $o5el"1o.e 9 FeleD - 52
25 5o56"1cre 11 SesD - 52
77. O34od0o5y6r ?!* S.g 5o ddrO?
arr 5{0 } 6"i"o$5! $SEouO.
6o: - 6r". 2570.20 E. - 2571 6yn
6r". 2585.50 -o. - 2586 6nl
6r.. 2601.01 -o. - 2602 Ct"rr

dl"eD 45 (4)
78. =o{*o OEa"E er El{o er dar S$ororl$ $plo$ =o{Fo 5od 6$45
god 5o dcrrO?
err $c&5o5r -o{5rr &g0ot;rO.

c{> 45 (5) (7).


79. 1!5fE65D $P5o5D =o{So Jo6?
arr d:". 3350/- SsSu ?:.es6.b 2010 $e6o., 6I.6500/- 3elg! "d.ee5.b 2015
(:s.65r. G O.Ms.No. 1 00, Fin. (Pen.I) Dept., dt. 6- 4-2010.

GO.Ms.No. 33, Fin. (HRM.V) Dept.,dt.7-4-2015-TS, GO.Ms.No. 51, Fin. (HRM.VI

Pen.) Dept., dt. 8-5-2015-AP.,

80. Eodo =oS3Q (a,66 56gKo =o{io, Bodo =rq5) F. dOS) oEE }g$0
6dgn3 Eo6 =o5jQ 5o1od0l doS,rSelr Eodo =o{Q $o6reo3 6.er6.
5 -p Jeo6?
arrBo6c =r{5o SqOdCS Sc65.;$1. Boc5.: =oS} &.es5 eCl. a,5 o-C=o
5:"163: 5Qo6. s'C ba Jdr:2r5 erqJ6-o5r6ar o"CC *o65ttr1.
cfueD 45.
Executive Instruction (ii)
Cir.Memo No .I8564-C/2M|PSC/95, d. 3l-10-1995 of F&P (Fw.Pen-I) departrnent.
81. gF Ozidt =o$.io erod 5alOf
arr PRCer: csSJeJeyB SrQ;SSy6o $65Soef 651 656g/uelg! e, PRCet&
&a:o65eg! er$od>eoom "+or" hSJ dq6. ererfi a{5U6u e0 =o{5o "o53

d c6: a"e1 SqOde5 -o

{So er o C.r6. c$ el 4 5. Executive Instruction (i)

82. =o5.S) 'o$o05 t0 lgpelr J546 35oot56o e00o6?

a tt Appendix -I of A.P.R.P.S 1 980 et S50o ri 6o a:Ofl o 6.
83. =oSp tsQo66o66 aSrt$ awSgo s6oon, $Q A$dlger eery6or =.r$o?
5$ aQoeOS 5Og55y6o er6 J50 fpo6 0556 dil6?
arr-o{$o Sooa:-6: elQs-O $oo6 0550 Sq6. 6rel-45, Executivehstruction
(iv), G.O.Ms.No.37989-4/4941A2/Pen-U98,dt.21-4-1999ofF&P@WPen-I)Dept.,
84. E5fE65D $plD5D Financial Assistance Jo6?
att 3350/- p.m. (RPS-2010), dr".6500 /- p.m. (RPS-2015)

85, FinancialAssistance ? D.R.Sooa*Ct dQef

arr Sooar-dr dc6>6. GO.Ms.No. 100Fin. (Pen-I)Dept., dt.6-4-2010.
GO.Ms.No.33,Fin.(IIRM.V)Dept.,dt.7-4-20I5-TS, GO.Ms.No.51,Fin.(HRM.VI
Pen.) Dept., dt. 8-5-2015-AP.,
86. $C5eo=o$p ES4odbsydo ssu'sol dbs Srgo $o 5o"o Bg6o?'er?
arr55ug65 db5 Argio Kra" SO"o d36oo"O. S:Cboo =.r{So AOodiJ$Jdo
55u965 dtuS allEel6flos EOo*O.
GO.Ms.No. 100 Fin. @en-I) Dept., dt.6-4-2010, GO.Ms.No. 33, Fin. (HRM.V) Dept.,
dt. 7 -4-2015-TS, GO.Ms.No. 5 1, Fin. (HRM.VI pen.) Dept., dt. 8-5-20 1 5_Ap.,

87. Eo6r =r{Q tF. d'o (b65io =rS.F, }5SO =rqS) y0 tilc5lod
lrOlpo 'o{So 36 dOn trorlgorer?
arrddr SOrr 506e3orO. s"C e"S -"{$} 5116$ D.R. SOQ6J.
6reD 45 Executive Instruction (v) (b)
88. ?rqo$d er"o!53 $ocb6r dc$q))s, JorB6 6S€,e5;6{ d>51
?16gul ad56pd o03 =9e0p6r6 erbloc'fs Xpoas-6 dler
arr Sooas-6c Sc$6.
dreD -45 Executive Instruction (vi)
GO.Ms.No.90, Fin (Pen-I) Depr., dt. t5-2-2003.
89. JSy 5o563eslr s5Ololro6 S65fo d"o 0.66 erood opd$ool EaorSd
arr 5 5o5e5po-o s5Olooo6 b65$o Stu Opd cpoa:d 0E6B:o05 O"UrrEd
drer a6 (1XJ)
90. 5 So56;ee s5O=go>o6'565Ko db Sp$orl5 6dgn3 opdarool
qdur5d Jer, Jo6 Eogo ts9il6?
arrdreD 47 (1)et @O"dS S6om eld& 5uC^roo $4bEergu EgqO.
ererd er65o 18 w5Olalo6 565bo S! Jo6 Br:€o cpold
5Qo5'coo6 3r:6o Eqq6.
Cu.e.r: -46 (1) (A)
el.opdSrodu ObrJ6 tsQo66od ereS5$d 6.p? S* EQoeerod
e;b5pE &S$*ert
arr S+b65 er$oSoa &$o$oo (Eo5.l &JeBcoF epsoboa $v.a epbs6o)
Cu"e 46 (1) - J. Go.Ms.No. 185, Fin& plg. (FW.pen-I) dept., dt. g_It_rg92.

e2. pQ6o opd$oor EdySd d34o6cc3 +6Je 5er6r

(i) Last Pay drawn X Completed (6) Months of QualifyingService + DA (1-2-2010)
(ii) Last Pay drawn X 16.5 + DA (I-2-2010) (or)
(iiD 1 -2-2010 Soo& clrrr7,00,000, es 6(Dd-et 1-4-2011Soo& cirrr8,00,000.,
2-6 -2014 $oo& Cu".12,00,000.

G.O.Ms.No. 99, Finance Dept., dt. 2l-1-2)|5-Telangana State.

Rs.12,00,000 w.e.f . 2-6-2014, G.O.Ms.No. 22 Fin (HRM-V Pension)Dept.,
dt.17-2-2016-AP.:)E e55065 eror:d es 3r{o E$qO. Cu"sr 46 -1 (b)
GO.Ms.No. 14 F&P (FW. Pen-I) Dept., dt.30-I-I999 .

93. 5 5o563ee *50=9o>o6 565*o db 'trp$or$ s5q Srrdloar0s Jo6

op6tsrodro E0orS6 eQ6?
att LastPaydrawn X I8Yearsofqualifying (18x2)+DA(1-2-2010)

:rS dObS &aod5e.r6o efa&. G.o.Ms.No. 74,F&P (FW-Pen-I) Depr.

dt. 3 0- 1 - 1 999., G O.Ms.No. 99, Finance D ept. dt.2l -7 -20 1 5 -Telangana State.

ea. opd$odr darsuad5n! 5pu d*ou:, 6$Qeroc.l @56o6p 6od

opd$ouf O.brSE Egilo?
arr EOotid:, es €$oe! SrrE"oS uSCua-6 E9qar.
95. tsD56 5o56;6o *5O=gero6 5655 d{a 6d5n 5o6619 er6C $droar
$$5e$ Jo6 op6bool Eou56 89il6?
an LastPay drawn@moluments) X 3 Years Oualifvjng Service (3 x2)+DA0-2-2010\

c{:"eD 46 (3) (J)

96. tsD56 5o5636o s5Oloro6 er$)S 66td 5 5o563oe e5Oloro6
565*oef5e 6d5n Sode6rg er60 9pOuoa 565er5o Op6tsroOl g'dlr5d
Jod tsQ{6?
ar. Last Pay Drawn@moluments)X 9 Years quali8ing Service (9 x2)+DA(,1-2-2010\

, 46 (3) (b)

97. 65'50 b85fo dS4 6pe€, ep6SS 5d3 opd$ool Eou5dc $od
Suboar 5dl5o ara@ Bcl$o6?
alt ql"dg / sJ-dEw -

5u$"6:el, $5e3 SlSIdJer:, 69[6 &SoS"SJ Srl5:"d:el, =.:eps"S Sub:"ew,

65e g!Sr.ger:, 66d &$oSSg Sr:SrBe.u, S6bpS St5ree.r:.
6O5o@rer, dq6 &bos5l 60 6o@ow.
er5165r:6er, 55@ erbg6sr:6e-l: , 696 &foSbl erbgdsr:6ur.
=oQps-& atsd?,pd5 Egeg - SSe ag.g
-o9p erolS 5uS:"eel

6&#o15 5!5:"6,C 6u5:"6er:

dl"eD -46 (5)
98.F66SbS5'tsQodJ,RrF aee,o, .pd3roOr Eeu56 ;$o6 0556
dc[:Sur; epC 5tr
arr0656 dc5:5;$1.
t) 6qb65 s"5$55r: (Govt. etrs) dOo#So"ob dr:qw.
(ii) H.B.A, M.C.A, any orherAdvance.
(iii) Over payment of pay & allowance or leave salary
(iv) Income Tax

(v) b eel6 6+0.:5 a)saa)sD

(vi) du"e.u 9 (7)e5" @ObS Siroj;"er>
6c-w 46 (6) (1) (z) (s)
99' .pdSroor Eou56 tsQotbbd ar550 a005sycc
5Q EQorro.cS rfer
caodScl lDoqb S& 6c.D Jogr
arr (1) Soaro6eS -dLSdOo6:eS Ble;ooeq *g6 a qp ca$o5o8ef booar6c
(z)€soe-' -"lo&of,df 'as1ry6: ers d6;
epoos d6 soo& 5:"q-5d: a")gc1
(3) eIESB s-dsoo S0$e,y $oooQorl$ _66"gn
F6o&, $oao$e5
er6>g6oec $o66;oef $'1-5$ 5ft Sooardr de6'
(a) esgo 3 Bere;K: J$2r5 1 So5u53do 6od 66u55 epqld Sft a'.5$r:
$o56"1eCB 4.5%.
(s) t $o5ufp6o 6od J5u55 epqrd 5o563o-c3 5%.

6eeD 46.
Executive Instruction O) (i1l) I,2,3.
Cir.Memo. I6Oi 7 | I35 | A2lPen-A2N4 (Pen-D dt. 20-2-2006. F &P Deparfinent.

ED66 qr65 eSS 6o5n, 666S erSoSoB d$oce Eo65

100. sr6S{D
=oq6d opdSoooo (Fbr56 Eo65 qr6SS Xooae-6 dler
arr Sooag-d> dc6r6.
cll.eD 46
Executive Instruction (d)
Cir. Memo. 1 1 027 -B126/Pen-U87, dt. 20-8-199I of F&P (FW.Pen-I) Dept',

S$65 6d5n3 *gbO 6od, 65 i5lrO 3roa63

101. eSrro@ a65re$
opdsoodf rirs.rs6 EQo6b$ f$345 e555o1r
a:rr a55e6c. ilgscO d6.:oa" 6od eu5Cuel5o u$.:3i15 e555it1. 6565n
e"506od J5.:2r5 SooE& v$oiXr5rr @el55r;$;. elqr:d J56503 Joej
+"rd: o$ciiSf @e)0.
(u"sD 49 (i) (ii) 2

102. p$iAS dpe)) 6sS gOvg, 6d50 sod srod

e$c Xp66oOe,
dd ad5n 65r*6 opd$oof Odrr5d $o663 xo66{E 5o doror
arr vscdir5et 6ObS o"c Ps6o ael6 5g$3 ar{o EOotrO.

dl'eD a9 (3) (i)

103. r$drrs 5 5 so6o)ed ag6rr
osc315 ed; So56;oef 6,5'gn3 ilgscO 6SSd J50B,e P3:5rr
=rQ,SJ $o66;oef u56:a6 cpe50t ilgscO bdled sqn- *E$JO Bcoa6
Sod er5y6o er.5c oso3fi5o 6* er$.bo6.
(z) -a.o'gn et5 Br)5e3 osciir5 65; So5rere ,f,ESo $o"od ,f,ESo sQv03
elo85 6'a:.Soo& AD6C3 usodirS 66; elor er6$o $$oo;oe$ ${ o$oiir5
elScepefB SeoE dS o-fo$ $e$d $a". o-S.:3{5 6e erge{:oE.
cber: 4e (4) (s) (7) (s)
104. 10 5o$6peer Sod
O*4S egO=po>o6 S6gfo db$ 66d5n3 b65*o
odrrsd agilo. es6 $odss 6d5n dc€€ er Br{o cg65o oEd$oc,l
O00ry4 $o6o;'s3 r$dit dbs s5gg BQo6S*3?
arr EOor,5e6c, er6& +6Soe;5u (legal heirs) EOo*O.
6:.e) 49 (9)
105. 6d503 e(uoe JSoe oE6$ool
Eou5d Egil6?
arr &6-deoon' 06dBcoi5 qri.uges +dgnS
Ef,edo. cp66c o_&&
e5$o$$oa- so6e3t esu5so ,TsJdrrse,f do"ds
c6o' c{:"sD 49 @edo
drer 47 (i) (J)
106' 6d50 e$Si"S $$O;ot5'uoo3 soea! er6c3
5s3 oFd$oor oe's6
Jsos Bgil6?
an 64/ CI-dg/ qJ-6gED
5og fSIS +acJc
c{:"boef BOor;rO.
ctu er 47 (1) (A)(1)
r$srrs dc ro6O;od
107'6d5flS =p5 €O',o' v6r J$6r d'e€ es6s op650or Eeu54 J5B5o3
Jer EQor;rOr
arr S65o-d$ Sre1>6 / 6v"e5cebJ
e5O, 6o@

18 So563o"eef0 g5l 65r:g6:,

-oQps0 Eg*, e65o-p$
-oQperar5 K"etr:q
50#qr:5 KISIc{rC 5.6rg\)
iOE SSr.5 1O *,troe:p EOoa"O.
5rer 47 (1) (a) (2)
108. 6d5n 0^86 erorS 66rv6, 0.6d$oou rg"clr5d &S$$oo So6etrg

opdSoool Eg)rSB BQoaer?

arrusodir5 $od, o&oiir5 esa"6orp oeo3irS dSJd, (106) (107) 6d1o6u

@O".JS aue.lo6o el5ci$eoor:' EQoa"O.

6reD -47 (2)

665n S65fod $oG io6e6oor dg 0p6r ero Sp6SoOp (earda5dp

$o56;od JSpu es6v6 sS, 65r360*C opdSrooo Ee.rl56 055 drDsH

dbe =o9p dtus5l dS te 5o56peur co6u, er ts*giSr &f0g6"pg J6)
65"g8 u50#qr:S e56a"6 O"UoEd Sod 6od 5r:o6r -o
arr $odqu:
Soqi$o&;r, 0€5J:oC5 fO"UN.Ed $o65,;$3.
dre)) - 47 (3)
110. ri0$o*S 65rgn 6156 856 3roa6r5p op6bool EOu56 Jer
arr 1) Bo56 o3r:66 $o6{5rre (Guardian) o"5o- d$il6.
2) Natural Guardian o"5e EOoo'O. Natural Guardian dSSd rPgc65 Sg'aBes
(:s6o EOorrO.
3) ui0#qr:S 'a5'gn o3166 p5d g!5l6>er:, -oQp*e p56 dr:SrQel
6od a"0 a"tr p8t$51 e5pl e5o@>o o"5o" d$*6. s-& 5:r"oo So?l"d
e5$ t-o8e $od esS63r: AOor5Cu. n"Qc6:5 59"€3df o-5o- EOQ6.
a) 13cs8 651 6O6o@>er JSdr d6$d dS 13"le8 $51 69 St?o sotu-d
eror:d n-9c5c5 Sg8)3es o"5c 8556o 0653cot5 p-o.:"gu3 s9qO.
5) i65o.o5 p56 6:5:.Qo5r: rrQc6>5 Sgh3c5 ese-dorr EOoo-O.
6) a:.6g PSd: esan)d rpgc5:S Sgb3es ese-6orp d$qAr.
7) p55 65r6c3 do- -oQps& pS5 soog o€6Eoo05 qrutrEd aOorrOSS!

13c@g$SJ 6O/e5o@>e-: (6flrr Srtuo So""r"dg! C:5*farorrO) o-5o- AP{O.

6O6o@:er dd#d rrposc5 Sg"cais ege-6orr Egq6.
8) -.:Ap eror:S Ec55 e.rO66u 0653:oc5 O"url"Ed EOoa"OpS! es$d d4
a-5o- a$*dc.
6re;r 47 (4 (1) (;Xa)(?cXe) (e).
111. 66rgn pBS go6n J&oJo6 J$3AS b5o0;or55uoo Io6eS! 5o
arr?l{5 Sooar-ct eleeO, es6& ASd @O".rS r)6,e$r5u ,6{6o pt-"o
od$oeg! 6S5 51ew $io.Joae:C @e.rlO. epod ydr:oa" oC3&
&olO Jo- $So0;ouO el& K:"a- dOc6cdo::"O.
cf"err 47 Executive Instructions (i)
GM.No. 046454-c/ 6s 6rpsc- 1/82lFin& plg. (Fw. pSC)
Dept., d t. 2- r2-rgl2.
112. a,€ *5cl0 SoaSSrr e5eb5 Opd$odo grelr56 (AA.5n y$i{S
5Io0;o551€) (ep6p ec.r) jdS *5$O $oar65r: aaO doOSC
eser a60 ds agossc;r
alr BOot5ec!. cil"o:;5r ep5or{:eoon, 5:"16i: BOorrO.
drer - 47 Executjvelnstruction(ii)
Govtlr.No.85082-8/1051 /pen-r/84-2,dt 9-2-1985 0fF&[email protected]_I)Dept.

113. opd$oO Eougd JSydo (r,upr") $100$6o6?

arr 66"9fl S65$oef go& bo6e6o$,y dS 0€d
ero> O€EiooCS fO"CrrEd
ebso$$oa- SoddoflS$yd:, ep6CE Jbc{:"
ilgecO Bcoarder: d6#ol,e,
Jb5oi3 ,y$odiS S5o05o155$3,6>, ,yCoJirS 6e elol.by6c, esCDSoC3
0-6 Eio o 05 gru-Ed
6 Ab 65 Sr: S Su (Lapse) SD o E #e6 o 6.
ct'q: - 48.
opd$ooo Eor56 ES;oSgIood
lSul S! lo dqSrO?
arr es =o 6"+c$g! -oorl EOorrO.

6d:- 5,25,702.20a.
5,25,703 Cu.$c6:q:
ct e.rr 46 (s)Cc (,fut).
115. Jsosos is$o BqsD ts9il6?
au (t) zg-t0-1979 da 6d:a"ei =r{so er$6i{o a6"gr15::ef dos yog.
(z) ze-ro-tg79 ef50
6*r:r:5 $65$oef go& pRC 1980 6-er3 SQod oot.
?: Bo6o $odqereJr 6d.g^ Fr&6eS 56{ do.r:ou$$&
66fgn"Ct er63ai:

sgbsis $oS 65'gi{5Dd dos oo }g$co 3:oar6gr: }gtuo

(Fit) er&
-.rq$ EPqo.
(S) +ffgn 085 esoD5 dCuv6 r5&#o.r, r,5SiFo.rS das'<! er65c dl"eD

33, 34, 37,40 @s-do bq$o$o &SoSC 6od o"0 500.r:oa sq1)EoS J8SJO
-":{5$o EPeo.
,5rel: 50 (1) (JXa)("d)
116. Jry6eoon J5$0 =o{550 Jo6 tsQ}6?
Lastpaydrawnd 30% a"65r: aDqCJFer3er il5tuO -o{Sn" EPqO.

J6S:O -o{5 Ot6od 165ooef 5! .56:a".5 dr"}c6J6o -oo3 BOoo'O.

6o":- 3015-06 ?.
3016/- d>". -ao$ EOoaO.
d:"eD - 50 (2), 2-J.
6d50 (z) 5o563eer5t 6$65 s5>oc s5O=goro6 565f0 d"o S66-9,

Jo6 )5S0 ="r{5 tsQ}6:?

dl Last Pay drawn x 50/100 a"65r: aDqCJ Fs 3er ilgtuO -o{Sn"
aPqO. 6a ar{o
'65'gn SC$or:S 6"a"Soo& 7 $o5e5"1o-e;r n"c (dS)
-656gn g:.33$od eg.55o (6s) So5d;eo$u Jby6: d6sot^:-a', ba 5r:o5o

5oa5D! cs6"a 56$ -o $6om ilg$cO =o{5rr EPBO. es e5(ua-6 Last

Pay drawn x 30/100 et{o EOo'rO.
6re.r: 50 (3) (J) (1)

118. 6d50 op6 ero>S 66J6 506e6{g erdc }5cl0S Jo6 }5$0 =oq5

x 50/'100 a"dSr: dr:q0lSer3er ilg$;O =o{5rr Bgq6.
arr LastPaydrawn

s-& 6e eDqSD er60 5655c -o{5o60 Soort $odec!.

6aAr:{o 56:5rr (z) So5e5"1o-er: FS, 65'gn 13ceB$od el65o Jby6: 65
So5d"ld5re.r: dOsoo.ra', ba 5lo6c $oa5i! es 6*ar 569! ? $6orr
APqO. es 6cl> o"5 Last Pay drawn x 30/100 al{o 60oo'0.
el:"er 5o (3) (J) (ii )
119. *S$0 =os.S, i5$O Broarf$ Jsosog Jo6 s6su Bgil6?
ail (1) dg'66'gn cpo::d an6g5u
)g$oO =o{S, erBo tj,ciFo3coe5 b6su d6
E0fl -o9p d$oS5;o6 56g! :)O 5r:o6: Soq,JSt epoejb6(u.
er65 '6665n cpqrd d{$}Eaco b{5 erS$o ScsQJsoeS 56g! @On
=o9pd$oS5;oel565u ba Sro5r SodSt esoejs6g!.

Joe5 5c6:Sop SSg,e So6orr Sol8o$de bOfre5:osf oOB d$ofl gb1o6

56$ *Eec0 -b,l55o dOoo"O.

cu"eD 50 (s) (il (ii ) (iii).

120. 5F5$g tserorf Suireel, $irctlegr> p"5AlO =oS"S
J&05o6 SpbBOler a656*O?
arr 1) p so6-d;oef n.goUJS 5g"c3e5 crc6orr p"gicg
=.:{S Eoecu.
2) 6355Oea $16fr: tuSes SgS o"5e
$o6 s5co;oa"O.
3) Je^r:Sog $o$65 dc6:6od6o/ bolEor5dCu
er*l 6;b*Oso f1u:o
o.peD dojlO.
4) 6S 5]r"6: So56";o"o(u e,S&O, fuSe5 SgS o_5o_ S$i:BeS elSoSS
$5o03oo-O. 50 (s) (iiiXivXv).
,,ltrii ii'i'


121. 5o66o05 6d5n3 ef6 ar65er $od (LegallvMarried) i5$0 =oq5

Jer BQfl6?
arr 1) ffgs;O -o{5 55rS a-0c-e-pn" a$io8 8Ooa"O'

z) a,63d a,6 +-dE t5&#or:o/ &08 =oQP $Sosq, g3: cc^r" er3: o-5e

a C6or) 5 "o e.r e;6r: EO o.r-O.

3) ?r?el> dg#d esBr atr 6€ dq6.

a) #Cdl'o.r:S '65'5nS afCu ardSerl $o&, erodoef e'SCu Sloa$md
5r6s8t, eB: a"5o- 6OhS "oeersu esB: g:eB $od ed; ilgDcO
sOc- EOoryO.
du"sr 50 (6) (J) (ixiixa)
}5O0 =":$p
122. 6CSor5 6d5n / =.r{5650 3u5rtiw, SuSrQer $od

Jer tsQQ{n?
arr 1) arQ 3:;50cn" 5!5rCue)6! 56cKrf ;!03 25 Sose5Jo-er 5cd:5c3
5d1 565t EOoa"O.
2) es eJCua"6 drr5rQerdr: SCpbrr c03 ="rQP erdoSo6 566u EOorl'O'

3) -of;rdo 25 So563o"er frg epol5 66Y6 rXSl cCB EOo'rO'

4)'oe:e.rl P56 eoor:d n"gc$S o'5o" SOorrO'
{u"e-r: 5o (z) (ii) e,g.
}5$0 =o5p Jer
12s. ry6st {gier ef6 ad56pd ee0p5o6 $o66;od
a-6g/ dgfel J56" a,6d: $65$od s-C / Op6 ero.l:s 66:a"el
arr 1)
er6c/esB.:, a-r1#5sc =o5,So pe3 $$;o6 566r: 5Oo*O'
2) t3cs3 $51 cdl 065 eror:d ao6o =a{Q, 1 $65$o =t{So 2 }5S':O
-"{5o Egq6.
3) a"dg/d{ (e5o/6o@) a6dr rSCn d c0 bosSu Bodo }5s00
afl{do s-& Eo6c }5ec0 -.:ffi sOb 3e-:6o 6559,55r: doson"
6;-.27 830 / - n' (l5Oorrd:.

dreD 50, 10 (J) (i) (ii) (a)

GO. (P) No.245 F (Pen.I) DepartmentDated4-9-2012'
124. (i4tr65 65r5nn651 Sgge af;dr er65er Fqb6S 6dr5r6gd e6r
6Cn€ JO dn54 Eodo i5$0 =o$je erd6g 5ooas-6 doSSay
al Sooa*r! do65;$1 s.C Bo6> ig$cO =rff(., 6Ob dr. 15,383/_ Ber6:
Soor,5o6o. 6Q65t, 6y.27 BBO / -n" Sboorrcb.
dreD 50, 10 (Rr).

125. 6d56oO. doS 6616 1 dard 5o66{9 ep6p }E$O 56ISES }g$O
arr doQct e& epe56r 3o&6e5rr hu5 epc sghscs $5o0;o3 ,66,56oef
(u.sD 50 (1) (J) (A)
126. 6d5dod dsS 6dry6 66r5n 65 i5$O $oaH t5eeD $Xoo;oeerr
arr 1) Form3ef +EA:O 3ooa6 SSee)J Headoftheofficet SSooSor;J-O.

2) eg 66o6 $'Cu;ul (=oQp dSo$b6o, icoel OQ6o) Kra. Form 3ef

3) es porm 3 5o 5655o Od66eJ" ep&Bot:rO.
dreD 50 (J) (i ) (ii) z) (JXa) (".)) (e).

127. isa)o ?r{5 / dg6o6ocs 5 I s6gss

arr6o566/ 5063o05rr (=o{S AOod JfiA-aiooc5ef) dAS $655o, eod:ef
$shJ{so boo*a eseri 1s $osdpco 6od sro6o dR:s s65so5o
So6*Fqporl d32ror:rO.
c{leD 5o (12) (J) (il (iil
tza. igl)o $odesg Sorf6od i5l)0 Broae JJ6?

att er"6E/ dq, $5r6er/ $SrQoc, #$ a$orr op6iooc5 6od

6q6 &$oSSJ "rg*.
6"sr so (12) (b)
129. (beD 50d BObS il5$0 =o{5 J5B5O3 5Qo6c$?
vo1$r* S6@et fieO.f5 6.d5grr0B Cc6>&oo$ar&F
arr 1)
2) 556trf6 J*airBooc5ef bs $eb;oru.
3) vEa:.5e5rr Jo3,:p,6o{i5E$pef det5D &SoSoe.rr


a) 656;bod5 5655o $oo& s!6'36ir5 / 6o=osoef obsorption epqDsJodr.

dreD 35 o"5o- -o{$o Sooa-d> elo>Soc$.

5) 29-10-1979 6od 5r:o6o oE6 epqr: 40fl 6-Jolorm Sab65 $65Soef
6) &osc.:6 565$o d".o 066-o{5 &SoS& 6-Jo}ql erar5 vc{r'
cu"eD 50 (13) (J) (a) (b) 161 1s) (JF).

130. $PsoS) =o5.5 t60oO Belr56e6?

arrt) nps-2010 srcso$ =o{5 Crr. 3350/-, RPS-2015dr.6500/-
2) BocS: -o{fo (5655o -t{5o, }5D00 -o{So) }o60'r0t er$'5 $od
$oC5oo -"{$'?o6r" 363611 6t2rot;rO.
3) D.R.5116o a,6 =o{5-o Sooa-c$ dq6. ba erqJo"cS:6o epqr:d c$=o

D.R. Oe2rQCu. 6:"e:> 50

Executive Instruction (1) (a) O)
GO.P (No) 1 56, F&P (FW. Penl) Dept. dt.l6-9 -1999'
G.O.Ms.No. 100, Fin. (Pen-I) Dept., dt. 6-4-2010., GO.Ms.No' 33, Fin' (HRM'V)

Dept., dt. 7-4-2015-TS, GO.Ms.No.51, Fin. (HRM.VIPen.)Dept., dt' 8-5-2015-AP'

131. GO.Ms.N o.268,Fin& Plg. (Fw.Pen-I) Dept', dt. 10-9-1983 65e65o 3 Fee))

erodsod J$45 565*oio, CItQ erowS a"5 6 3ee S65ion 5o66oeer*1dr.

€' 56+o$o 7 5o563eeD 89 d{g tsQod }5b0 =oS15 634o$d 6re
"(A :

(u"el 50.
Executive Instruction (ii)
Lr.No. 061-A496tPen-IJ87,dt 13-7-1988 of F&P (Fw.Pen-I) Dept'

132. d"rg6$bf (osad $60s51 arg6 6sE) 5p66oos 6d5n 60156

*g3>O Eooa$$r, *5$0 =o{io Jer BCil6?
arr t) 055*f fu&s duSE d$x 5o6€St epe5so 5o6e6o$5 6"ar5 er60 Last

pay drawn er6$o g:S36od 5r$6o5r$o5$rr5ef OE6 erdrS d6 5d5.)

ilg$cO =o{$orr Egq6. es uiCDo6 Last Pavef 30% a65r agq6'

2) 6r"S5o5t$ogd:{5rr 0€6 vso'&g g 1/2 (ro56"1do Sroc$ 052r'f
6n&5 6:"58 dbr 506e8t u,et60 nr"6505r"505d:rl5 0€53co056"ar Sd$u
er6c Last pay ilgs.:O =o{Sn" EgqO. es 66:oej
7 $ob6po_er: dd
erd5o p@8 $od OS $o5e5";eel bc6:So; S6Su Last payef 500_e55r>
ilgecO -o{5:rr dgqO. es etctoej Lastpaye:.
30% &0f -ae"1 S$osd
6*ai'd5 SCSoS:od 569rr EOQ6J.
drw 50
Executive Instruction (iii)
GO.Ms.No. 340, Fin. & plg. @w.pen_I) Dept., dr.

133.bge9u *5&>O =o{S 5 6rar SdSp Bge6?

a'1) gus,"d:eg! zs so56;ee: 5c650 565! ds cpeS$o so}65 dD6sD
-.:$ 8a:" 56gu bA fr:o6 $oa5S!
GO.Ms.No. 287, F &p dt. l2-8_19g9.

2) fr:$"Qer6r =.:gp eroicgoei b65r:/od: SoJdS dr:6e.:.: -oFo6 b65r:

bO SroO foqj$t eoet5dSu.
c{:.el 50.
Executive instruction (iv) (ii) (a) (b)
G O.Ms.No. 27 8, Fin& ptg. (Fw_pen_I) Dept., dt. t9 _ t0_ Igg: .

134. Srsbs / esort&serort)ps $rr6el / Susreer rio$od A.G./Director

of state audit J6 J&oJo6 665er df.{O. ererd ad.50 doSSegS
arr 1) b{56/ 6d6gn 65 -o{So =":b6*o bboO;odicSy,o y&,
es 6Cua"e5
s-e E C5e>"od Sr:f:.c{:el / 6u5reo SSeeD
2) +O e56OS n-go$S5o Cc6:ScouO.
S) ACI DSA +cb =":{S +"l3coe5 esf6: b:f
erO_u: SOnS S5elod "oe:e:
Osde do6J"O. o"&bo5 $655o =a{bCu ejd:o6
$uon- *EecO
=.:{S: ebso$5a-Ct 5 er ge5:o8.
d:"w 50
Executive instruction (v)
cir'Memo'No - r3924-Gr6gi rpen-r/dt.2i -r2-r990
Fin & plg. (Fw. pen-I) Dept.,

135. Eo65 ar65 *5$0 =o5j$5.: er63eer?

arrBr:5C3 sr"6E eSB 6o6n' J0.l5oc3 6SgS erSo5o& 8(uoo" 6rer: 25
of Civil Service (Conduct) Rules 1964 DCu$on" Bo65 -oQp S$o6tod er5:c5:
3o65 qJ-6E60 ilgtuO -"{5o Eoo#cP.
ct"el 50.
Executive Instruction (vi)
Cir.Memo.No .Il02l lBl26lPen-1187 ,dt. 20-8-1991 of Fin& Plg' Pen-I dept',
136. D6"$u: &sss1 al65 6156'oge$ i5l>0 =o$o aQler
arr $655c -.r{S{u $&#o.r:5 6d:4"6, ilgruO -"{Sod a"i.r aOQCu.
Xnprr -6O
Executive Instruction (vii)
G.O.Ms.No. 20 Fin & Plg. (FW. Pen-I) Dept., dt. 24-l-1991.

137. S6"g!e;r, Judiciat Separation tP 50686ile?

arr 50r{e6o#6r s-&, d:"sD 50 (12) (A)
65s6$r Judicial Separation }5ScO
$od Sode8oa"dc s'& "S6"6)e))" il5tuOn" Sode3o.5d6o'
c{:"e.rr 50
Executive Instruction (viii)
G.M.No. 12448 I 162I Admn IV90, dt. 3 -9- 1 990 of F&P / FW.Admn. -tr.
138. *5tu0 =o{50 $o6drpg 6550 ller 551450 659 56t$Sp e66 }5$0
3loaCp5u a555o$ $6561. ep0u5o6 $o66;od J56 pgo$o &ip$vOr
arr ep0r:So8 3$oeref 666S er$oSoe So"O. @ebe555r> €bo iyo"5bo"er>

$03OoA 55o6S @O3:d add ilgsoO B:oec65u ilgDcO -"{5o agq6.

c(:"sD -50
Executive Instruction (x)
Govt. Lr.No.85082-Bi 1051lPen-1184-2,dated.9-2-1985 of F&P(FW.Pen-I) Dept', to
139. A.P.Civil Service (Conduct) Rules 1964 epSo$dCS eSSlod 6o65
=oap d59$1$ erBr$ *5ll0 =o{50 EQ}er
dil ?ieJilo).
Conducr Rules 1964 ep$oeDet$B 5,115 6Cua-e5, ep$o$o@ d5.:oo" AD6e3
+'dg pSS $o6n'3o65 -aQp d6o$od es -oQpB 5Q a$6 d5:. s$5
es3:6r:ilg$:O -r{5o EOo$6r.
s&, igr65 es$oso@ef 6o65 =.:Qp d$osod, es -oQpB riQalfeS 6oc5: s-$5
aD6c3 ar6gef +t^D dg eD6e3 ardg "oereref +e,r ilgDco -"{$o -9q6.
dreD - 50
Executive Instruction (xi)

6C$orS 6d5nB SoaroOotl5 ef6 el65er *5$0 =o{50 $o60eSS


$Qd ed dssc 5515 ;rsp 6*p$o.p3 5xo3E{E 5o doSrO?

arr &Cu;ef @ObS S6on" S6g &So$+O.
tJ:"sD- 50
Executive Instruction (xi)

Cir.Memo.No.3684O-N329/A2lPen-U93,dt. 11-9-1996, of F&P (Fin Pen-I) Dept.,

1a1.6d5n ?53i6,6rer3 p*55r0 s6rea5 po5sSeg$r $oa *gbO =o5.So

Srro $ocirdrod, i5arO =osf'p D.R. Egild?

arr ilgsoO -"q5? D.R. dOo6Cu.
Cryel 50
Executive Instruction (xiii)
GO.MsNo. 125, Finance (FW. Pen-I) Dept., dt.1-9-2000.

142. Sr$bg esoftg5erorber Srge$ J5$0 =o{5 EQod $sooef pg$.ja

55od ee0c6e? J0o5o6 565er dS6edrr
arr?l{5o Sooar-ct doir: epQs'c{:o/ -":ftSo EOou$ elQs'd:er:, 5oao86
&ao65eD J03o$6 C6$gfun" Sg5fro! er S51165o $oa:oOd epQsc$eD/
mpcSc5 5oo& 0656 SqO,
drel -50
Executive Instruction (xiv)
Cir.Memo No . 42885 /8I I M/Pen-A99, dt. 26-5-2000.

1a3.)5410 =;53$ BQod $Xood *5a)0 c6565od t65e95 $srq,

toSsell &SSSI S"5rg XDoq5D erdC=p erry65€ 6Q 5o$oer*p 5va
ar 506ttq6.
cb"er: - 50.
Executive Instruction (xvi)
G O. (P)No. 523, Fin (pen-I) dept., dt. 22_6_2004.

144. q5po6b{oOr6 Jfydo, Jer, Jo6 ieoa-6 dil6?

61 1) c6b"oCai:+oCc6 :r{S Bodo 6s-errr $oCr:oE.
(J) c6rot,3"o+obd 5655o -.:{S.
(a) oSroeS"o+.ric6 )g&cO =o{S.
2) #Odeoorr b65fo ?:,[51]gCcO -.:qS dOod
l65ooef aw]g&t adoq:*
-o oc3& EPQO.
3) d:"e.r: get dObS €$oe.r: Disciplinary proceedings -oo&o6f $od
c6ro 6 ="r
C3R:ro Cc
{5 B O o r,5Cu.

+) 33 So'e5Jo-er *5Opan:o6 $655o d?o' +OB Last pay

drawn e, 4/10
Soe$ EOQ6.
er6&t 5d1=o{sef 90% d"e'$) Egqo. w.ef.1-2-2010. Go.Ms.No. 186, dt.
24-5-20rc, 6C-o a.l.Sr6 EOq6. G.O.Ms.No. 213, Fin.depr. dt. 2|_g_tgg3
and Govt.cir.Memo No. 1075 9/3n lpen/r dt. 16.6. 19g5
rg.5- 1, Fin.dept.,
s) sS $o5u5Jo-o Sod 65r:65 e5Olaro6 565$o d"o5 oog -o
Propotionate m BOeCu.

6) o$"oe3brooc6 =":{5 ?:tro ecnSA(u so}e do" ers; s{c6:o K:oaro6o

d5r:oo- EOor:rO.
7) -o{5 Sooa-d: er0s.0 o$"oC3i:+oCc6 +ECoO -o{5 Sooai-(u
6{du5el ar6d"o Audir officer 5r: bo}O.
8) eru56o 066 elan:5S3,6o J656 el6(c de55r: 1a- d*":od erd6d
o5:"oC3Rr+oCcd -o{5 g" dcfuO.
APTCFom4Tef 13o- dcfr"O.
9) E55-o{Sd c$"oCS?o?:Oc6 =.:{Srr p, dR:S ar:4o 06b6
ia_djust) dRr
AJflO56 EOor;rO.
10) 6dEn #&Jqr:S ejc{:u6 dai,soor) ere5e }EioO BcoecdK:, }5$c0
=o{5 EOotrO. eper dOor5doef awSgo a0fld o5rotjb+oCc6
-o{5 EOo*o. oOt 5d1 }gccO =o{sef 75% icorjsr:oo-
*gacO ?r{5 aOorrO.
11) e$.og33+oCc6 )E$00 -o{5} JCrboE eroi5oper: BOoria:6g.
ig$00 =o{S arlq0J }Se5 +EaoO -o{S
12) oSroCSR:+oCc6 Sooar-rl:
elqr:S 66:a6 o556 ladjust) db $Jds" argo dOoryO.
13) oboCSb+o0,r6 565$o =o{S/o5roC3bro0c6
}g$cO -o{S booar6 db$
e56:e6 .6669n $655o Od66et ow6g dRr Soa:oQe5 epQyO er6e
rlyep 51 (e) (s)
145. cJpo6b-oo6 Eorr56 Jsy6o 8eil6, Jo6 EQQ6?
arr 1) '66"En oEpS 66o6 eoelc =.:{s6 acire.Tp sooarc$ dcoa-cg
esobg5r: epqpd er5y6o er6s3 0E6Foo0i 6'ag' s66: gsl ose p5s6sr:
Joe! grtugU3 o"do6. A86o0 cso6)et 80% oJ:.oC3broCc6 qrUu.Ed
EpqO. APTCFom4Td 13o- dosr'O.
2) bpo €$osD -oo&o6ef god c6rot:"olcJ6
ro"t"rEd aoo$c!.
3) ?SeS 6"urg€ef o*.oe3ar?:o6 qi"c.ugo3 dr4o 06b6 (adjust) d?o
SonOS 3rr4o dOouO.
dreD s1 (C)
1a6. $65*o =o{50 / }5lr0 =oS.S /
EOrrSd 5ooa*tlr cpq>S 66J6,
=o{s6 / }S$0 =o{56 er6 BQortrb$ Jbio6 SgbEEt $IooSoeO?
atrJAISoCS o5:.ot3"oi:t^r6 $655o::{S }{S / ojr"o4j"oiO6
rr$/ |"geo$
ro'g]rE6 EOot5ac6d6p d6 aooas sSeeD Bel{6r Head of the office
6oe565r:SooosD 0?* Jfo 6t es&e5ee0sCDe SoCJ6$o655r:
-o{5 Sooae-Cu elesCu erSu $Io0;otrO.
Cu'sD 51 (B) (C)

147. q:rodb{oor6 =o$rs EOoees =o{sdr lpe

auqpr3 $roo)oeer?
arr ep5$do d6:. Heaa of the office o6 uyns s6orr b;o6ott
do5r.O sS, =o{$c{: o-5o- e,S Sg"c€e5 (bp,e JSu6S tu>do dgt 6-C$
0556 doJDcc5u Jc^r5o03 era5goel6o dCp) &$oSC c6roC3?:1cc6 ?:{5
cbel - 51.
Executive Instructions (i)
Cir.Memo.No.34108lHl802/Pen-V83-1, dt.3-11-1983. of F&P(F.W. Pen-I)Dept.,

148. Disciplinary Proceedings =oo6o6d Aod obo63:{ob6 =od5 lpoa-c{r

dre:l -51.
Executive Instruction (ii)
Cir.Memo.No.34708tW802/Pen-A83-I, dt. 3-11-1983, of Fin & Plg. (FW. Pen-I)

149. €tfesei =":{5 J5y6o Sooal-($ dil6?

arr 665gh 066 esa)S 6Cuo6 elelC bd b3,y Judicial/ Deparrment
Proceedings -o o & o 6et $ o d er C^r 5 o i3 $ o 5 6;o df 13}0 d 5 e5
-o a*
{5 5o o du

dl"sD -52 (1) (J)
150. €'3455 Eou56 Eeile?
c$e)) 52 (1) (tu)

s-&, €SoeD Sr>noig 5dg! dO €5e:o Soe5 -o{5o fuqe5$ e5flo65r$1. er

dsoo Sal5o qrc.r"gE-o d6uod 80% o-66iJoe5qrc.:rgu3 o0Adc5:5.;$3.

151. Sr0lpo €tAS$6 =o{5 Jod SooartJr dil6?

au e6&3 erOod ilO"6o -o{Sef 75% Soo$duoa" Sooar-d: dqO.

drsD -52
Executive Instruction (iii)
cir.Memo.No . 97 9-B | 5 | A2lP en-A94. Dt. 2-2-1994F &p (Fw-pSC) Depr.,

ElCsSd =oS;5 Sooas-do dqlleod Jb5o6 5{E (procedure)
arr t) Slgdr:5b -o{5 +.:$ct AG/DSASo bo}O. 5o*o: 6$6oef €Seo
caeJCS er$6 r{o -o{5 Ber}e:c $o-o. eoerf,
}5e5 erfS 5d10e5 56su
=r{5o O0ar dc6ro60 Be}O.
2) ad65 el6yc{:eg! f$eb.:5S 11}$d5es =o{S Sooar6 doj}O.

a(p ES'€$ er5;er dbo er5;eu -oo&o6ef 6q Sra" qlS*Se5=o{Sc

Sooar-c! dc$ed:.
(GO.Ms.No. 26,Fin,(pen_I) Dept., dt. 5_2_2013)
Cu"eD -52.
Executive Instruction (ii)
GM.No. 021383/961/PSC-V83-1, dt. 8-6_1983.
GM.No. 12137 - N nApSC/A/88, dt. 23 _j _ 1988.
Fin & Plg. (FW PSC) Dept.,

153. =o{5 {o5Q A.G. S 5Io0;oOS 66ro6 oEpS

6dgn =o{S Cerp6er
dctrrerp do go6 =o{S 6f,oeerC 6gdr5er tsep56d lo ddrO?
att Deputy Accountant General Name Cover ef es 6giCu5w $ot) fpdS6
Messenger o5o- ele5&
*ohef epoddcdlO.
2) eserd DTO/ppoer5u epi^l5o6 6{65eu eo6do$.O.
CIleD -52
Executive Instruction (iv)

Cir'MemoNo '337@-N55rpsc/93, dt. 15-10-93 of Fin prg.

& (Fw.pSC) Dept.,
154. Sb){Sd Os) 6d5ac e6c 5r56drso5dl&S d6g oE6 dcf>soy
er0p5o6 So6dJoO. =o5o56 EpbotJ Jer EQoeOr
arr es6s sr"56 osr5ogoi:rls 6*a:"3u $:1{sef ,6F1eo6bo ysa-c3
epSoSoE e*5O. sC =o{56 d0be5; Sr1e5o €$osD {fg epqr:S e5cto6
$1e5$ 60oo0.
GO.Ms.No. 64, Fin & plg. @W_pen_I) Dept., dt. 1_3_tg7g.
U.O.Nore No. 235/Ser-C/83_1, dt. 26_2_1.983.
of GAD communicatedwithEnd No.743l/215/Adm.-vg3,
dt .7-3-r9g3ofFin. & pls.
(Fw.Admn-tr) Depr.,
Soaooot! 5pv Sod:rcr $u1 dS
155. A.P.R.P.R. 1980 efC 6rer35r
es5eell doOerod 5pe ao;o6eD SJ) JSop Sop6ooO?
arr @a5:65oefe poSl eq: cOS (roSBo'rO. o0 C$c6:o @s"65r: ep5oer
d:"sD 53.
156. A.P.R.P.S. 1980 6rerJdC epoeerso J50EJ $5OoO 6$6:5er aw6

arr (:abu555r:55r: 550ot5a'C8 es0s'6o 5e:6: y& epClSoC3 6giCu5er:
6b15 po53 eqp oir:56 elSoSo& K:.o" $oo-O. (Concurrence)

dreD -54.
157. A.P.R.P.S. 1980 d 5 5 erofs) $v1or?
drerpef Part-II
arr t) t-+-tgz8 5oo& 28-10-1979 5o6g =o{5 }o6a"St *qp5 6569/ue.>
-.r{5o i{:0o0 cfu"q: 56 SooS 59 5d6u
2) Annexure-IAnnexure- II
3) Appendices i to x
158. oP6 epqpS 66:y6 5pu 630f 6565rt5r/ gfDoJd$d Jo{6r&oe5
(CommercialEmployment) $oc$b$ 5 +OS" dse 66+rQ dq:rOf

arr Annexure -IId @O"dS +65D o-5o" SoSSoo"O.

GO.Ms.No. 312,Fin. & Plg. (Fw.Pen-I) dept. dt.2-12-1985.

159. |!iiD6$ er5'red 651 =o5.5 *eeD 5 agO5 o5e er5oerdpg
att G.O.Ms.No.263, Fin & Plg. (FwPSC) Dept. dt.23-11-1998.

ftO. Sfd Xfcsd 50d{o 6d56e$ =o{5 Sooa*tJr d'o erQcCDelr J56?
a. 65"9&o:- -r{5 5ooa-6r esQec1:sD

1. ,ue;S 6dd8 5o0c6D cS neEE -656g/uo5r: -":-5 esF A essq)So ee55o

JS.d.€" esqDd a6C 6od =": *fo"ef $51ne65 er0y0.
2)nd65 cpOs-e$e:$ - f55/ 6e5e5 ep0s-0.
3) f5es/ 6*5e5 ee6c5oef0 nd65 erQs-c$o$ SoOcSlr eer epQyd:e.r5t /
f5e5 cpQyd:eD - -"rE erF A &J4lB:oCS.
a) ="rE erF 6 &$QB:oiS boocd) ?r16doc66e$ ircdro ss6 adEE
erQs-t$erfr: SoaroQ6 a-pey $&d+o -o16C.r6.
G O.Ms.No. 262, F &p W.psc) Dept., dt. 23 _ tt _ Igg8.
GO.Ms.No. 208, Fin. (pSC) Dept., dt. 4-6_20N

161' 585ioef $51 ad5n ersue'p 665sby6o (where abouts are not known)
erd0! egO.656S J6 *Sl>0 =oS.S / F.duS6 Sooeod lo dc*Of
arr 1) 5oaro86 sO$o *gise$ 6o=oi5 dtu a-0 6f6
soo& Je1@c6:qe:r
d"oo" 65"gfl csdr8 er&o.5dd& FIR Copy $oo-O.
2) 65'En ,yJcb s-C / esO-6b&S Safgel Sf Soo& e,6 Indemnity
6S6on $oo-O.
e"63d +6'gn &on b! er6ss EOoo-ops at:so soo& 06b6 dcn:i{
3) 65'EnE caa-6$&5 n"og }{SD/ qr"e^r:.ge3l ee56 dr:o.q:
Sab65fu56r: aryor,: $$ alqoso 0556 d,"r SJEOS d:.qobc
a) 65'En?: caad5&S sucroa $abE* 6d6gn s&i,:o.,5(uoa-
#.r:s 6*ar
5oo& a,5 $o56p6o 6d,:o6 ilg$.:O?:{,So/ o€5i:oi5grd_Ed
66qr"Q dcuJ"o.
S) 6dry-Q csoE5 Sx"dr ie:er Bles5o EOouO dSJd a-$5ct
es ir:qer-o Sft aOo,:Serfu goCr:o6. e$gSB $oaro8d erQs"Cus-.:5*
O) *EJc0 -r{,5o FIRlodge $R:S da. 5oo6
e;fleo8 s-& e}rq$., b:.1e5511
FIR lodge d"o5 e5Cuo"6 1 boSe5So-$S dOq6.

7) e"53d cpd& esd:.8 @Oo6>,C darsoo& FIR o-qrer: dcOa"CS e_b5o

aoEd, es#r8 df.:oo- #or:b 6*a"K: boOcSD FIRo-qper: dRrS 6*a.,S fc6"qd
s-s"&S Jcr>boc3 ilgfcO -":{S aOor,5Cu.
8) Indemnity bond ir5s0o3, Head of the office
6f;6 $ou$sbsoofuso.
-\./DSAg! SoA es5b6o dA: yC IndemnityBondR:5SOo.i6o
a0flo6. es&
\ciDSA t @ e-r S 5 e-r cdl So.
{PRPR 1980 Parr-II, Appendix _I
GO.Ms.No. 24I,Fn&Plg. (Fw.Pen-I) Dept, dr. l0-9-1987.
GO.Ms.No.41, Fin. & Plg. (Fw.Pen-I) Dept., dt. 8-2-1994.
162. =o{50 &fp$odul, el6r3 d$oe $or)S (where abouts are not known)
el6c! ceo'5565 rdr )5$0 =o{5 $ocreod 5o dq:ro?
arr '1) =o{5
roFoo0i es$5ef
@o"d$ }gruO =o{55 cscc Soaroee! #0So
*gir$oef FIR crqpel
So5]O. es 6c$oei Jcg tpo6:qeD dby epu5c esd]8
5"6gd6e $gh3ut so$o o0 5oo& &So$+O.
2) eg 6d:od -o{5 Sooar-d> esQs-Ot, SoatoQe5 $1eel So0cfu Indemnity
bond $5o0;o8 ilE$cO =o{5 Sooa*6 dc6:"e.rp 66qrq do:r"O.
3) =o{5 Sooa;-ct caQso =o{5 Sooa:-6 +giCu5 eO;S 66u6 o-C
ese-dorp -o5""5 +o3:oC5 ep6sO ilg$cO -.:{5 Sooa-6 do6r"O. .6e
5od6;oef, AG/DSAoO Soo& Jb5o6 es6Od{S ep5S6o d6o.
+) igeoO =o{5 FIR lodge StuS 6'a:'S:o& dgqo. ec dr:{o ir1-5ir
FIRlodge d"o5 a,5 So5e!;do .5Cuo6 AgeO.
5) Enhanced Family pension dOor5a-Ct cpdso 65at6(uoa- #an:S 6*as'So

@5re36orr &SoSoO.rO.
6) $Qer: @dgSom 6ero 6"ar $C#o$"6C eqO! es 6*ar$o @ire$6om
7) =o{5 &So$oCu" ee!5}8 d6.:oa"
$alS =o{56 Sv.a- =a{S +o3cot5
elf6 5o6 Jcrsoc3 ilg$00 =o{5 o$cb *d6 dg#d,-r{S booa:-c$
esQvO -r{5 }o"*r$o AG/DSAS! $5o03oS, o0 Authorisation 5r}5 6Cuu6
ilg$co =o{5}S @O"dS $6orr EOor;rO.
8) LifetimeAnears (s6s> a56et-o{5 &sossg 6*ar 5o0cur: 6s3cor5(uoo
#qrrS 6"as'g! SodE yoo) ep60 otu5 sC/ Legalheir3 mS agqO.
9) '65'gn 60icot55uoa" #56o, =oft56 60"oor5$uoa- #56o da Boai>
Sodqer: J5lSgPSe eror goa-O. erbyd ? S6ee56 )g$cO -o{So
E9qO. eoSe-6o $o6qer.
6o-:- 3:.$o db +0S56o,36 a66€5:e.r s"6eoorr SCbor5S #al $od
es d$oe .bA &Cu; EeDado6 5d$ ="r f68et )gecO -r{So 6Oor,5d:.
APRPS I 980, Part-II, Appendix -I
GO.Ms.No. 241,F&P (Fw.Pen-I) dept., dt. 10-9-1987.
GO.Ms.No. 41, Fin & Plg. (Fw.pen-I) dept., dt. 8-2-1994.

p$roe,, 566e:r Brderllr y6 bueon 6dr5n 6154 b65fo

163. er01
0*6eD dgld epdlio6 5o66;od *5$0 :rS"S Jer Egil6?
arr ep6c=o eJa"63&5 Sucr:oa-l s$E* oo {dqtresf pension paymenr
orderNumberS5o0;! o-& ese"6orp ilg$c$ =":{S age{u. erod s-6roa-
Ji.l5o03 PPoNumber@q:bd/ cl6c 6)63cocl a-c$ Jcr:soc3 iso-er
S5c03or,56#d a-0 6dq:-Q5o e3d$6oed:.
A.P.R.P.R. 1980, Pafi -II, -Appendix-I
Cir. Memo No . 02663-N37 /Pen-1194, dt. 22-3-Igg4.

of F&P (F.W.Pen-I) Dept., w.e.f . 22-3-1994.

164. =o5.5 Spoa-c! dooop3 Go.Ms.No.263, Fin & ptg. (F.w. psc) Dept., dt.
23-tt-1998 |.iScd$) 66er5g dSo$yo. 6pS es6Son! eoe 16.y
au 1) 4 s-3:e.: -o{56o #0fe.r: o"&-.: o"0 *re tp"., o-C& Soaogej eses-O
esES dc6:.O.

2) 1 iluf eo6fi d"o application =": erSBo*O.

3) 3 s-""re:r, eEoO Sf)* a656urO.
cir. Memo No. t3910/90/At/psc/c4, dr. 2t_6_2004.
165. eol6arr5eJ6 =dq5 3r6ir t$Oo& Bwbo6?
ar 1) 1-9-2004 d6 es 6ctrr-d 6eJo-f5 ,6d*grloef dOS a-doddo
s-op3a.:.gccd -o{S 56tu bogefet Sq6.
2) 6S-6565E dtuS1 + 66:6 a5650 (Basicpay+DA)ef 10% e55D d6$)ef
0556 db 6ag aSSc6:"o.
3) 65'En 6S5 ooc-6r: er5odreoon", o"$ 6 $6fuS.r
@d:65o ujbo o0:-
4) 6e 3s d65r: a?ef 0656 dc6lo.
s) 6pS boa:oeo8 OS5er: DTA/NSDL. od: e65"":"e{u.
o) +6'En o"$.:3ir5 $5ooJotrO.
7) PRANnumberer NSDLallott dil6.
s) 6a i:5sr:ef d6crs! / pRAN number allott dc6lb6: G.o.Ms.No. 655. Fin.
(Pen-I) Dept., dr. 22-9-2004$ @O"dS S6orr Annexure_Ief SSo03o.rO.

9) 6eae., 0556 -adrgel - 64b6s 6d"g/uer5u Annexure-IlJcr:d6 so"g

$of,e-: 65"g/ue;6u Annexure-Illet 6oir"6 d"o Beru0 d6$ Aqgef gnan:o6
esuoSS addojrO.

t0. @+be55-66"g/uer: aSo dc6:5el"r5 f)€

8011, M.H.106.- s.H.(o4) -001-002. Go.Ms.No. 15r, Fin. (pen-I) Dept., dt.2-7-2ooi,

$s-6o 8342 -117-04-OO1 -OO2I a5o dojJ.O.

11) Jora6 So"g $of,er 66"gfuo.: abo do6cbe.r?o5 be 8011-106-
12) i)a,e a,6 3", JSpS 6d6gn $irc6coef 0656 dc66Sd, a-&E rle)
s-6ere5o DDO 0556 -adrgo.:ef @e:JO.
13 ) 6 6'En 5r0o$J
6et.:5 s-o1d3au"girs p.F. RDA - pension fund Regulation
and Development authority B ar60 dqO.
t+) Sa5:e555r: a5odt s"og3e.ugir5 6a f*g! a5odeCu.
2071-01-M.H. 800- S.H.(05) _320
15) Sq 6.5"gn do$ a,5 Bee56$e) H.O.D /Head of rhe office n"& pRAN
numberallott dc6>Soe 6dqrQ do5l.O.
16) s-o(93a:.:'gi5 0656 dobe s-erc3 osso doile.:od Regular month
recovery ef Jt^D J6 e"5 Bo ars-qr: o6so dnr, as-o)ef,) osb6 souJ"o.

17) NSDL od: allott dbs PRAN number 6d6gn $65so gQ6oef 3')6e3
oydA dosr"O.
18) 6' ?ozr5r:e5a 05J oOt GpF (AP/TS) Scheme beo66.
A.P.R.PR 1980,Pafi-tr

GO.Ms.No. 655, Fin. (Pen-I) dept., dt. 22-9-2004.
G O.Ms.No. 654, Fin. (Pen-I) dept., dt. 22 -9 -2004.
166. =o$$ ESlorIc'SS 0€S d6 forr dsflcb Jer BS4ocO?
arr 1) €5*,SD $o56p65:: $q63: @O1 - er SoSe5";6S:: a3-p 1 S d6rr
2) €5s51 Be) 5o0c6, SoSe536Sl S:"q6i: @Ot _ ca Bo,
165 d6C
3) dA Bo 5o5e536o Kra- SOc5r6#d _ BJ&SeS SgbBeS cso"6on"
d6c bor{E8oo"o.
Aticle 358A.P. Pension Code.
167. eSeOE =o5.5 SDOqb $5cr0 =.:{5 BSloda-SS $655o tso>d*
6rc)) 29 t!5s65)) Sereeet
168. t!5Q6b ceys6 rJoir 5o$@ Jo6?
arr dr. 7,00,000 w.e.f . 1-2-2010.

dI. 8, 00, 000 w.e.f . 1- 4 -2011. and Rs. 12,00,000/_ RpS_2015, 2.6.2014T5/ Ap.
169' E5Q65', 5s/60 sosdpee 66v6 0p6 erors vOs a,s 6rld$g.)
SIor5EE Jeu5 Jo6?
ar i) For next 58 years Birthday - 8.371x 12=199.45
ii) For nexr 60 years Birth day - 8. 194 x 12 = 98.32
170. SXor5EirS rur5 BQor5a.CB doil 5o$E Jo6?
arr 60$ 50SrS ddJ.
171. 55u986 db5 Br€o =oS.S5u 6s)tr J5ydo tsgil6?
arr 55u.g65 o".D"E Ar:go erod:Sb16*ar Soo& (Receive)
15 $ob6po"er
e5d:o"d =o{Soef SOb EOq6.
c$qr -1g.
Appendix -iv eJ&

172. ero8So 5o$46$55.r boooOoO5 Br{o JiOg,

Jo6 BQ}6:?
(obsequies Charges)

arr565so =o{5$5rr }5e00 =o{5$6:, 565ro::{s6o:166 de6 q}d}SsDe)

u5CSol5S3,6:, o0 SrrCroa: $e;l:E.rS dl 20,000/_(fS) A dI.15,000/_
(AP) dg e.5 Fel b{5 bE J6.:5b epor:d er8 EO{Cu.

&6gd Jrgarias ps65r SSqrSdaS &Sss166:e6 FCrdS 6$65cr


o5e dAS ro 5r053y6 oc! =o5.5 Xpoart5r db55y6o =oo0$ =oSjb?

son 55or5da5 dooo'ps eo95 +o $6Sd JryerdXS dssp 5gb30t
arr EOf 3r&65 Jqecdfi5 es556o d6.
GO.Ms.No. 189, F&P (FWPen-I) Dept., dt. 18-7-1995.

Appendix-IV, tJ:"e-p -3, (e) A.P.R.P.R.1980.

184. 55 soAoXerd 55rr5d15 do$a'cS, b65d JqardAS er556o

arr (1)65ugd{5 dc6ca-Ct, (r5oo;ort$ 66qrQ 65'5n 065 eror5
6'a,Soo& 1 5o56pd5r: efse Headof theoffice6r: do$od.
GO.Ms.No. 6l,Fin. & Plg. (FW.Pen) dt.28-2-7978.

2) opoof, -.:{5 &$osi 5o66;od

o\ *^<<+-<<
O, 5'\JqJd NQ{N -.<(

4) 20 So56Jo'*, J*oo ceo0J6 0853:o05 &5o5.:51536: +od =o5o5'

Appendix-IVelreD -4. of APRPR1980

185. 5 5 soaoXod =o$o5 65u5dtr5 do5rc'cg carplpEot56?
arr gl$a5e5=":{5, }gDoO ?:{5 &So6oi ao3 55r:"5dir5 e5o5o8or5Cu.
Appendix -IV c{re:: -4 of APRPR 1980
186. oE6 ero>S dar5oo6 1 5o5636o 634od 155ood 5 d6p Sodeadcg
ar cp65o OEd epol5 Se:ef& S50 6'ar $oo& 1 5o563do d36oo"O.
GO.Ms.No. 332,Fin &Plg. (F.W. Pen-I) Dept., dt. 19-12-1979.
Appendix IV 4 (c) ofAPRPR 1980.

187. 5 5o56;od =o$j 55u5d&5 do$opg E)655 Jryar315 er5565D?

arr OEd esGDS 6*a' Soo& a,5 $o56p6o 6&a-6 6dqrQ dsoSuod el$36r
3J &Se5 Jq$c3fi5 6$;Cb 0.
Appendix-IVCu"sl 5 (1)
188. 3)6gd Jqa:iSS Jiod doroeO?
arrcp60t 5d1 ar{o dr". 15,000 6od JSu6b
elqr:d _o&6e5 e5*e o"5e
doroiS;S& $gb3 iS SSoOloa"O.
GO.Ms.No. 35, i'in. &plg.
6#.pen_I) Dept., dt. 16_2_1982.
Appendix -tV a (1)
189. S5or5dr]5 dSS gOeg =9$6 =o{S
foo6 SIu5d{S ernc1J516
5po6 60o0 Egil6r?
arr ?:55d: SSugd{S i',{o ir5*oor)S
d6 dS, SSugdiS eb$os.boe
-":{SCuE @O"dS 6Cuo-ei
3 Be;e;So e5florl -r{So EOe6?
Appendix -IV Cp"er 11 (J)
G O.Ms.No. 324, F &p dt. 20_9_197
i and
Cir.Memo.No . 2066-C/ 123/7g _ 1, dr.
2_ It _ 1 97 gof Finance depr.,

190. $85iu =oS3$ Opar epql$ 5od6;od SSu5dAS 516 opd

erby6 df,ort5 =o{S Jb;6 Foo6 EQ}6rr
arr 08565u5d65 3t:40 EOot)*
d6 500& d5 0B6- 65u5drl5 arr40
eb$o$Soe -":{Sd:Sr: @ObS 3 Beerg!
e5flor)b -r{So EgqO.
Appendix -IV {u.q: 11 (fl)
GO.Ms.No.303, F&p
GW.pen_I) Dept., dt. 1 6_ I 0_ I 980
191. 55u5dr]5 Csr$ S3rgo &foSSl 6616,
er ts>go eon Egrg eg
=o{So EQ}er
dr eer" EOE EOotXo", {1"q b{$ EOorj,ju.
Appendix -lV,$"eD 16.
192. =o5.!> s5st5655 ces
dc$IDp 66qre dgs oos6 es aD6_o
&S$Soo S65fo =oS.Sc$ XD6E6! er tsr:q01
Jcr J50S EQorrO?
ar 1) $6S5o b{S6 @O".rS o-iobsK: BOoo.O.
2) o'eodirS d6#d 6re:o 47 (a)e.p.n.p.n.r
rnrory @Obb $6orr EOo*O.
3) ? aoa: sQ-e)) EOoSo-cE ber:da
$o6o_;oeJf ele5& Legal heirs Kr
-\ppendix -IV Crrel -.17.
GO.Ms.No. 253, F&p (FW. pen_I) Dept.,
dt. 12_g _ 1986.

193. 550a5655 tsr$o 8On J5y6r =o{iod so"o 8eil6. d5 commuted

portion J5ydo Restore de6?
arr 1) 65r:"5d65 ar:{o EOot)s d6 $oo& 15 So56"1o"er 66:46 Commuted

Portion Restore d"") 6"q -o{5 aS*6.

Appendix -lV clrel -18.

19a. S5or5d{S Br{o Restore eror:5 665td 800 Eo65}O 55or50l

doSlo'PB erSo5o@fler
arr el5o5o8o'5e5:. Appendix -IV (u"e) -18.

G.O.Ms.No.44, Fin. & Plg. (F.W. Pen-I) Dept., dt. 19-2-1991'

195. ep65on Jo6 3r$o =o{5 J503 Jfy6o ts9il6?

^-.. --<<,4
isll <^<./...
oJXNv dwwJ es55$ -"q$
1) 75 f)o5e5Jee Soo& 80 (:oSd"1o"e-r 5650 d'o5 -":q5a tsf
6o": 75 5o56365ro i)"g do5JSOSo

2) 80 SoSeSJo'e Soo& 85 So56;o"s 566r: d"o5 -":{5} 20%

3) 85 SoseiJo-e Soo& 90 $obe5;o-s 56$u d'oS -":q5p ZsZ

4) 90 5o56Jo-e 5oo& 95 bo5e5;o-s 5660 d'o5 -o{5-": 30%
5) 95 So5e5Jo"er 5oo& 100 $o563o-e: 565u d"oS -":qS -d 35%

6) 100 $o56po"er -.:b d"o5 -o{5 =d 50%

196. ? SDqeD *5lr0 =o5.5f5rr 5t6" sgilolt?

err 5EQar.
197. el55P ="r5.5? Srro &.eg6 EQile?
a rr B O Q6. G.O.Ms.No. I 00, Fin. (Pen-I) Dept., dt. 6-4-2010'

198. .1ie6SD S5opS655 le,55,r E34oda-33 5 tante p S6rteoetpg

arr G.O.Ms.No. 100, Fin. (Pen-I) dept, dt. 6-4-2OI0et @O"dS TableC esQ-don"

d$oSe dB2roo'O.
199. E fD65D S65fo =o5.5Q 6pe€ Death Relief Jod tsr{o Ege6?
arr 6rrr. 20,000/-TS,15,000/-AP dg e"g Bo-.:{se.ref !:A ":S5S epqrd ep8

200. 5655 =o5o5(l> Sod 5po5r cpdC qr65/ dg SSi6 r0g g\r@ Death
Relief EOle?
arr o"0 6:c^loa $qbE*rS dr". 20,000/-(rs) a dr".15,000/-(Ap) d6 e.S Be)
-o{5 bE J5r:55 esar)d er8 dOQdu.
G O.Ms.No. 1 0 1, Fin. (HRM-V) Dep r., dt. 2t -7 -2Ot 5 -T S

GO.Ms 39, Fin. (HRM-V) Dept., dt. 8-3-2016-AP

201, OpB3oel Eou56 E34o5eCS op6 eror$ dar er60 'o d $op
d$=g D.A. SrrA SelQl9C E3;ofer?
arr D.A.C Sur$s0 O35oo.O. G.O.Ms.No. 101, Fin. (pen-I) Dept.,dt.6-4-20l0.
202. oEEt 60dlo5 adgo Fcd e$ 951 HpL p drd Srf6rp
al S&; irdefueS! efa:& Sr{cJ.:n 516;$5r$; etod E.L +HpL gO".r 300
6'as,s(u S.:or5eC5:. G.O.Ms.No. 154, Fin. (F.R-D Dept., dr. 4-5-2010.

203. $5$6 =o5.56:5661 ro J6fDe$ DeathRerief Jo6 EQQ6?

ail a-0 gr:c^roa s$EsS dI. 20,000/-(rs) a dJ- 15,000/-(Ap) dS a,6 Be)
dolo \q
=.<{ \l-- < ^^^-.4
oJo cJS\)&.a c9qDe, c9cJ !f,oilo).
G O.Ms.No. 1 0 1, Fin. (HRM-V) De pt, dt. 2l -7 -201 5 -T s

GO.Ms 39, Fin. (HRM-V) Dept., dt. 8-3-2016-Ap

20a. 6d5n 6Io p$o65 6d5dtu d{o glood'Se6E6t. Jo6 JSSSholl

ar'1,00,000 Cu")o6:q: EPQO.
GO.Ms.No. 248,Fin. (Admn.-I) dept. dt.I2-10-200j .

ZOS. Eeu5E *arogl erf;Cu {o&o6l e$oa" god JAl darerSrr A.c. JOg

300 SolO?
arr t:B.:oCI ydr:oa- 3 $oSdpo.u: o-6d er$3,6: A.G. JOg EOE bolO.

66oef eO 6 3e:ern" god6.

S.R. 92 (l ) T.R. 1 6, A.P.T.C. Val-I, c.O.Ms.No. 92, Fin. (T.F.R.) Dept., dt. t3-5-2011.
206. $16 6ee ad56e dr:54 O.Ad$oe,l 5o$S3 Berio6?
arr 1) o-5 6atr:5 o-e;5 e56r{e3 d66g/ue.r$ 60 $orrel

2) o-$ @qtrgS ae5d'65'gttle.rSu- 58 (rorrelr @oomeo, O0 $orreD b.:J.
3) ese5 ao&o$. 5655o ,66'g/uer5u- 60 $oleD
+) ae-g&3ro:oeS ecfuSgd! - 62 $orrel)
5) Sd€-aSSIg erSlouler - 65 Sorrel
6) "oo*f6oo 5o0o5D -.:gi dooc6roe5f $Cdro 5oe5 boaoOeS ba;o6
- 65 KrorreD.
207. g9{ =o5j$ 565o (C.P.S) SQod 6dgrber 565rc eoe epJoeD ssso@d
50661 5o dOrOr
arr v0 ilgtuO d:oar6$ A.p.R.p.S 1930 et Caro65e) @s"65r ilgeco
-o{5 6o5d6m Sooa*6: dqO. yC eg tu)q0J 1$gfrr erboer yeS.d:
=r{5o 565o soo& Adjust seo. Govt. Cir. Memo.No. 30857/4z2tAUpen-rl
2010,dt.8-3-2010,F&pDept., sC SrCroa b{5 cO. Ms.No.62Fin.dept.dt.1.3.20t4
pisdo CsD56e dc66p$S.
208. =o{So pe doSra"CS 5 aq }do tCdroorO?
ar J)Br:5C3 =r{5o, (A) pFp$ ererBsp ("d) AeF oOF
AP.T.C Form 75176.

Anticipatory Pension - APTC Form47

209. aa6 b.er6.bedN =o{5 Su3OdaS

"ler do:pd Ee5o6?
arr t) t-+-tgzg Sod 5r:o6o OEct cpql5 uOt -o{S S,uSOdfiS

1-4-1978 p€B d?os =o55

er6ir5 oOF soZ
655 arqo dI. 3o/-
d0$ ar{o dr. 150/-
J.-" dR Sa{5 ba toZ
655 ar{o d}. 15/-
60$ ar:gio dr..50/-
aDqtu Sqodi5 ?l{5 1-4-1e78.
z) nps-rgso 6qod{S =o{.s
1-7-1992,T69 dbs-o{5, +;do8, dr.640 56g! 90%
60$o11 6,.576/-
dod, 6I. 640 AS 72%
Se$orr dr.. 576/-
dr{o SqOdfrS -d{5 1-Z-1986
GO.Ms.No. 7 5, dt. 7 -3 -1990.

avD =- <<

Bod dr.. 1750 56$

60$orr dr.. 1453.
dod dr.. 1750 5oo& 6r. 3000 l: 62%
Se$orr dr.. 1453

60$om 6I. 1860

tl doe 6'. 30OO -oS 54%

6$$orr dr. 1860

dr{o SqOd{S -"J{5 1-7-1992 Foo&

sS 566: 1-1-1993 Soo$ Srq63:
GO.Ms.No. 239. dt. 4-6-1993.

1LRP!1-4-1se4 5qod6s d{p

1-7 -1992,yd3g dbg =o{5 :

?: doe dl". 17s0 sdg! 83%

60$o11 1453
dod 6}. 1750 5oo& Cu".3000/- =dS.S 62l-
60$om dr". 1453.

r{0$orr &.. 1860

t: doe dJ". 3000-dS 54l-

6&$o11 6r". 1860
?:OFooCS-o{5 -"r 10%

dO$orr 6;-.2sO/-
it:$o 6qOdi5 =o{5 r-Z-r092 o03B y& S6c$ 1_4_1994 Soo&

GO.Ms.No. 303, dt. 2-9 -1994

!.nrg1eee 6qod65 -o{5

1-4-1994 c03B d?o5 -o{5
do€ d:". 3190 565! 66%
60$om dr. 2106
6od dr.. 3190 5oo& 6". 4910 569! - 55.80%

6C$orr dr. 2106

60So11 6v.2740
6o€ 6l". 4910 -dS - 50.70%

S0$orr 6r". 2740

?:u5tsoogi a"65r:. dr".

1) 1993 d?oS =o{5-o 25% es655D

2) 1-1-19745Doc$ 0€5 cpqr:s a03 - 6%
3) 1-1-1974 5oo& 31-3-1978 5o65 0€6 cpor$ y08 - 3%
4) 1-4-1978 5oo& 30-6-1930 5o6g 0-66 esqr)F r"03 - 2%
Sqod{s -d{S 1-7-1998 oc3t vs 56c5.r 1-4-1999 Soo&
GO.Ms.No. 156, dt. 16-9-1999

9[fg2oo5 Sr"Jod{S -"r{.F d:".

d"oS =o{5 1-4-2oog oo33 :

D.R. 30.266% dtus -r{5 } :

histsooes 16% dtuS -o{5 } :

5o1Od{5 -"r{5 1-7-2003

s-c 5t16 1-4-2005 5oo&
GO.(P) 248, Fin. (Pen-I) Dept., dt.4-10-2005.

7. RPS- 2010 SorOd[S dr".

das -oqs r7-2oos :

D.R 42.39% d"o5 -oq5 e :

he$5ooes 39% d"")5 =r{5 ? :

6qod{5 -d{5 1-7-2008.

s"& 566 1-2-2010 5oo&
GO.Ms.No. I 00, dt.6-4-2010

9'nrs-?919 sq94$ j'.

dbs:J{5 1-7-201s :

D.R 63.344% d"os -":{5 -o :

i:e$ico05 43% d'd5 -r{S } :

SqOdfrS =d{5 1-7-2013.

s"& 5115: 2-6-2014 $oo&
5660 qleedr: March, 2015 TS.State Koo&
566: qreo6rl April,2015 Ap.State Soo&
GO.Ms.No. 33, Fin. (HRM.V) Dep t., dt. 7 -4_2Ot 5_TS, GO.Ms.No. 5 l, Fin. (HRM.V
Pen.) Dept., dt. 8-5-2015-AP.,

210.$Co$5 epSr?rodfn 5cdQ51 aa{5n oQs d6 r-S-rgs3, er65o

23-4-1980d 565sosf do.e6o. ereS$o 3o-9-20o9ef d,r. 25,600
(rogoo-sr,s5o) F" drl srr6o5r5r5d);r56r op6
e56o a0flo6. ep6c
$65i0 CSew go6 t6on 6eoo.
1) cs6s ;:-0.'6 aol83co05d6 : 1-12-2008.
2) ep60 o-0"r5 ao13-ooe5 dr:{o : cll. 700.
3) eg66o e55 $65soef 250 6{are:o e.Jes 240 6*are-r ss'ogdrls og
So0oiD 200 6{are.: -.r5.b.Je5 SSdrEot$$S6o aOflo6.
a) er66: 65 s65sod 48 Bee,, e.a..Je5Rieser}d.l} Dcoirflodi:ss6o
5) cp6do 65 s65$oef 50 Bse.r: a.a,.Je5 Br&6e5 (Fo6 b6 J&o3rflottrr
$56o a0flo6.
6) 1-7-1990 5oo& go-o-t991 s6g! $-o)bpsef
6eo. s:1{s eero c6rge3n"
7) eru5So 17-7-20i1ef r,5&#56o a0flS8.
8) a-dg er6& Sod Kr:od rj&Sql56.

9) el6$8 23 5oSe5peer -":gps-C g"Srq 19 bo5e5";o.e g!fr"CD6>

10) cpe56o op5 erdrg da:"Su erei&t sOeSJ &;. 2g%.
s€.- a--.-i- :;-:*(: €{rS5uoa- tso65 SoSo $SoSo1O.
=-= t-'--- -J-'-<'A
=.J5: 40% Oj AqS S5r:"gc5 dc6:do a0flo6.
-; iSeoef ere5&3 5r$3 565$o -"r{5, qrc;rge3, SSx"gdir5, erd& ei6:*6
ilgsco =.:{5 Jo6 SQoE, Jbot Seod Bsbo&.?
draD... RlCcSoO erRrhods OSS dA 1-5-1953
c{re)J 33, 42 J.3:.es6.3:.ca5 1980

@s"65:o ep65o Sa 5o5e5;ee.:$ 085 ya"O. : 58

65"9n e"6dc5 dA a0go,),l-d.: s-g5 cBd5o s6C $Sb aer Sod $ro6>
3e> 050 6*ai, 5rb5cfu,$ogo$;15 lto8 0-A6 s-a"O.
drq: 42 (1) J.3r.es5.b.es6.1980.
er6& 0E5icoC5 d6 : 30-4-2011.
S65$oef &cd:S.:o$a&$ dB : 23-4-'1980
3r:6^o er65o dtuS 565So 7-0- 3'1

=.:{55u dE6oba:6& 565So

1) E.O.L. on Private affairs over and above 3 years - D.M.Y
0-0- I
2) ShJ{S s-e.r5r: 6:"gc3n" S0r1g3obar608 0-0-1

3) -o{550 d35od 565$o 7-0-31
3r{o 5655o 5oo& -"r{5o5o OS5oSar6S b65So &""rioi}O. 0-0- 2
ct"eD 21 A.P.R.P.R 1980 ri:s-do 7-O-29
d:"q: 29 @s-do Bqr:dd 60$on" 5 Sob6;o.u: d5 ar:qo ?rS$ i:O6ego$
S65$o 33 5oSe53ee-r5u S:o156ooo" Se-rlO. 23-11-3

30-9-2009 ,yC33 es6& d'oS ro dJ'. 25,600 (t0,9oo - 31,550)
elod ese5So 1-12-2008 aoltiooC5eb$o3q6o er$;5ri.: s-,C ep65o g1-4-201j
5650 $65$oef 6o16o s"g5 ere5&g 1-12-2009, 1_i2-2010 d6S uo",d
ao1tB.:oCr: er: Sooar-ct do6r"O. JF.es6-ZO.
1-12-2009 eo1$d:oi.l Sooa*dr dr". 700
1-12-2010 Ao[B}oot^D Sooar-C{r dr.. 700

csod cau550 go-4-2011,v03t cse5,c 065300c50-t3t es6c dfus6r. 27ooo.
esdC8 56c1 5655o -o{S = SbO d"oS+o x 33i66
c{r.eD 45 Se6o
1-5-2011 5oo& = ,tj::;rr.:.i_
cp6&B $ut>; qr"c;rgd3 = &S0 dbsl + &.J. x 66/4
cl>"q: 46 65sd5r>
27000 + 7830 x66/4
= 34830 x 66/4 = 574695 illgo a"SSO
55ugd{5 ar:{o = }{S x 40/1OO x 65r:"gdiiS +org x12.
= 13500x40 / 100x8.31 1x12
= 5,42,440=90 d6 s.42,441dr:{o e,S}o.
Enhanced J6S;O -.:{5 =t)b6 d"o5 *o x 50/100

=27000 x50/100
= 13,500/- BerSr:

So-6ea ilg$.:O -r{5o = &S0 der5 x 30/100

dreD 50 (2) = 27,000x 30/100 = 8100/_ BeSo.
6669n 30-4-2011 OEb 6c{:o6 17-7-2011e5r 6escur.6: s"gs er6ct
1-5-2011 $o& 17-7-2011 569! 56550 -"{$ dJ". 8100/- (rssoo _ 5400) +
&.eg6. erd0t BOoo.O.
eoe5c -.:gi
5o5l6cg 18-7-2011$oo& e6so 25 sobe5po-eD ds epeido
So$6od O*ai, ba Slod: epold es 6*ar, 56g! 13,500/_ F.:g! EOoa_O.
,f,ui; 1) 5655o -o{S $oo& S5r:"gdfr5 &bd"oo, &.es6 Srlel5l
-t{So} O56i{$ EOor;rO.
z) 6EbdS epsoSoe dsooa- Bo6b =oep d$oS,o16o. s"g5
es3cSu ilg$cO
:r{5 BOor5Cu.

3)$SIQ?:FAu =oQp s$qer$ar6oJ $5r.6CB ilge:0 =o{5 dOQ6.

*6$PS 6uir6sD ar:{o epar5 6dcv63 g!5:"960 EOo*O.
4) "o.es6.b 2010 dO6 3qr:6d 3 $otree 5oo& 5 $o563o-er$ =oo156o
5) "o.es6."o 2010d O"c"r"EE d36o#a"C8 085 6"ai'S $51 &.J.So 6ro"
S0r{eoet&B &So$aO.
o) 65:rgd{5 dru5ef 59 So5e5p6o $eD5$o &$osc 8t5otrO. Jo66od
ael$o SS So56"1eer$ 0€6 epor:a6o s$5
7) O€S d6 t s65, OSS ao 6od 5ro6c Be $50 dar5 o-od er$eCu.
8) E.O.L on Medical Grounds Jou5 velo $51 -o{5 635o$a"CB $0i1e6q6.
9) E.O.L on Private affairs erqld 3 $o56po-er werC; -o{5 O36oda'&t
f)06€Sq6. ue ?5 $Sl ee.l0; tur{o 5655o Soo& &"o3o5:"O. 6€ 60et
-a6'gn 48 FeeD So1A F65 (4s-36=12 EeleD epod t So5u5";6o

10) E.L. sC, H.P.L v& Commuttedleave s& =o{5 OS5otia"CB f)0de8q6.
11)$bJ{S sero 6rg8rr bor{sS} es ee:"C1-o{5 d36o6o"C3 f)0de8q6.
Crrg8rr S06e3o,5C 5{oef 3r4o 5655o $oo& &"odcdrO.
12) -o{5, o-cllEd, d5u"gdir5 SDqeD } dr}c6g! S50o$ EOorrO.

13) 6$:rgdir5 &SoSS16"a:,Soo& 15 So5e5;o-er e56ad er 3r$o =o{Soef

SO"d AOq6.
211. *5l)0 =o5*5 e5eO6 =o$15 B34ot6eSS deer 29 6ie6o tsord8
astraD. a55dl.
212. PRC a*35o s6eootr S1i:65o EQod I.R. (Interim Relief) =o$;5
E34o5ec3 50d6ile?
aErsD. 506e3ooX6.
GO.Ms.No. 303, Fin. @C-I) Dept. dt. 1 5- 1 0-2008.
213. =o5.56 ASbgtJ BS}od q5lood i0rt6od idr3ererso Be5o6?
arDJ. 1) 565so -o{5 = flbo 6r d"",s d"ds ro x e5o}qrro6 $65F/ 66.
2) qr"e^uguS = a5orF- dtus d"ds {o + sc5cg a56go x drrgo esf$ose5pd
e5Olorofi-$655/ a
3) JosJF (Enhanced) *gsoO b{s = $so gr dbs d"ds +o x 50/100
($655o b{59! $oo r,5$uoa-)

4) &o"dso *gsoo =o{5 = 1156 p dRrS d"ds +o x 30/100

s) 55x"Edi5 = $6sso =o{5 xa0l100 x 0€d eeqDs 6d:oe5 sob6"16o
65u.gEE rerloE bSS (rw6o x 12.
6) o5roc3b+ooc6 565$o ="{$ = er60t Si$J -o{So x 90/100
G.O.Ms.No.186, dE. 24-5-2010. $661 1_2_2010 500&.
Z) cdroi3Rl+obd g"€.ugd3 = ep6CB Sr$1 gi"C^u"gE x 80/100.
e) otuoe3"o+.rb6 ilgrcO =o{s = eBdct su$J }g$co -o{s x 7s/1oo
9) (gsd5e5 =o{5 = cpei0t 5r;$; -o{S x 75/100
.seS: $65$o -o{5, J5*r{$J6 (Bnr,unced) }5Jc0 =o{5 }6-6s
-o{Ser} 6+$.S5Srl SSCSortS 6.esd Sooa}-6 dq6.
s-S, cdroC3R:roCc6 *g$o0 b{5} &.esd Sooa}-6 dc5,6.
214. =o{5oSu $oaroOoOi qEa6 6}eBlo0l dr5} Bfrg0l {ocir

215. E56rp 0o0:r tr"gd$S o5o -o{S $o616r gS1 }gllO =o5o5d),
dra6 epopd )5$0 =oS*5 pB{n 5ooa-ct doOS*;r
arr 3:a5 elqr:o6o s-$5 rrpcb5 o"5o- s-Kroa- pA*o ilg$oO =":{S
Sooa*dr do6:5ric;.
Govt. Memo. No . 36161/ N I38/ MIpen-It2OI}, dt.2}_12-2010.

216. Sr5bg / d86g CSerotberSp *5$0 =o{S Jer Bgil6?

att 1) 5r"5?o5 / e6d5 S6eroi$el, pS6 epqld eOB *g&cO -.:qS
n.gc6:5 o5o- 5:.16$ EgqO.
2) a,6dS n"gcUJS rjCJorS bo66;oe$ )geo$ -o{S5aos" Bcbderord,
$g[ rrpo6:5$o &o5;icou$S5;6d:o"6S mpc65 o"5o- EOeCu.

drer: 50 s (iii)A.P.R.P.R. 1980.

GO.Ms.No. 315, Fin. (Pen-I) Dept., dt.7-10-2010.
A.GLr.No. P4lR -36/SP 295/69-7 O.
dt.20-5-2017 of A.GA.P. Hvd.

217. GO.Ms.No.83, Finance (Pen-I) dept., dt.5-3-1983 6tse So1o"fo e$od

$oa op6 egol5 rog / 565fod go6 50$or5 yo3 1-10-19s3
5Do6 *5a)03 Jo6 )5f:0 =o{5 tsQouO? eperd 5655 ?:s.fl Jo6
arr t) 3rt^rdrdc3 dJ'. 100 ilg3:0 -":{5 aOodcd,:.
2) e5d:*e5 SS6 P.R.C ef SrCu; Eo6:5r Cc&Soo ?:{Sef 55r5orr
dr". 6500/- Sergr: ilg$00 -oqs agQqO.
3) 5OS ScCSoo ="{5} JAr:5o03 D.R. dOode6c.
GO.Ms.No. 100, Finance (Pen-I) Dept., dt.6-4-2070.
Govt. Memo.No. 76841/ 47 / 42/ M/Pen-l/2011.
Finance (Pen-I) Dept., 10-8-2011., GO.Ms.No. 33, Fin. (HRM.V) Dept.,dt.7-4-2015-

TS, GO.Ms.No. 51, Fin. (HRM.VI Pen.) Dept, dt. 8-5-2015-AP.,

218. #56oq6 &fD$ody 5Si€ uo i5s:08 i5er0
5lp66r6rer =oSJS

=o{5 EQoSa-cB A.c. Jo ee6pda5 sJer?

arr A.G.rO eedBdf5 awd da5 e5d:se53 &5e5o16g S5odd>.c$o ilgf:O
Scoard6u ilgruO -o{5 Sooa*6 dosr"O.
Govt. Memo No. 44933/F.F.A A2/2004-I, dt. 23-6-20}4Revenue @F-I) Dept.,

219. JodE ydde.rd, Safd SpdSI 6c$orb 8s6l B51d6g ro

qr55eg! ed; =guC;o$d er"o!53 JO sr65e 656511o d5I Oq. / Jo"opu
Ipoa-61 dOrerf
arr 65"5i1Qpd luSp el"o}Sp (FinanceAssistance) Sooar-dc dc6ca:66:.
G.O.Ms.No.90, Finance (Pen-I) dept., dt. 15-2-2003.

220. ero$Sd6' ao@SEE &65ct 6o5roa6;3rool drel3 1972 1!5s6$)

=o{${5.: $&Sd 6cboa63boe5 56}d$o 6eo. CSOo6o&.
arr A.P.I.M.A R 1972 p5s-do 5655o -":{5$50 esd&=d caA-65&5 }g$cO
Bo o ar 63r
Ar & 6e5 6 c6 o al 6r3c o d5 $ c5: )c5,: o 6 e.r 6c.
5655o -.:{sCu $C#qrS dctoeJ ="{so }od }g$o0 -o{Sct$ -o&Ses
6o5loa6";Foo gS $c5: Jo6ro 5e6o.
*S, ilEgrO -.r{SQ eeod5&S }gscO Bcoardsrr Br&6ei6c6:oa6"1B:oc5
$drlc6:o ddr:.
GO.Ms.No. 87, H.M & F.W. (Kl ) Dept., dt. 28_3_2Cf,4.

221. PRC aw55o sdeaonps65o iooa*r$ d{o I.R. a,s6 sod Jsor-J
=o{Q $od u08 er0l =r5.f=p I.R. OS4rf{ isoyeb do$ert
dra:J. er&"1=offp O566S I.R. EOotrO.
GO.Ms.No.314, Fin. (Pen) Dept., dt. 18-10-200g.
D.T.A., Memo.No. D2l6555 /2N7, dt. Z_4_2W9.

222. =o{5Q 6rp rncomeThxreturn opu: d-o $iood HRA $s*foroeel

arrird6:eg! efa;&, dI. 5000/- Be,g! soo$gloa" &obxfqlog sodsr$;so.
223. GO.Ms.No.228, Fin. (pen-I) Dept ., dt. 24-g-20t2 f!0 o & @erbo & ?
att Onlinea5o. =o{5o SoOofu e." d6ql-eq:
}$e5 C51o,c6e5 A.G.
o0B bo$$5c5c; eo0 @sb6o a0flo8.
224. 5 5 pSe5o gS1 Srge5.: JC$o>S 6d5n d>S4 i5srO =":S.S
*lE"o65r BQod6:?
aEo"aD. Rheumatoid Arthdtis, Schizophrenia, Joint pains, Dumbness,
partially blind, partially crippled 6a B6ogo 5q)oO3
ilgaco -o{S dSe"o6o
sflo56:. cir.Memo.No.t682/N94/A2tpen-U20o6,Fin.pen-IDept.,dt.3-2-2006.
225. )5tu0 =":5.Q aQoSocB Soaoeorts 5165 cao6se)) (bsooes)
ailalJ. ilg$00 ::{5 }o6a-CS er63OS }gAcO Booa:6$o Bo6: €ccfl6sDn-
3S5€0!560 aOfloE.
€ocno - r
J) 1) #s#o.',S 6d'gn oir:65 ry6E/ 66 ilgecO =o{S, ocu 6s#o$oej
56$ dg uCu @oE ::Ap d$osd Sdgu b6 5>o6l Soa5S! eso6b66o

2) r,5ci6qr:5 -a5'gn dr:52, ardg (365o-e:l) besD dC fgoef ee3r &0R

-oQpSbcStod Kra" ilgs:O -o{5o EPqo. vc esaJ6o ee56 Srge:
a5o" eso"cdco, (ra$65o (:6c3o$ S:&5oo -":{5o5.: S.:ou5o-c5o'
eBodvsooa- esal 65 cro"o6.: sSo'er egBAS Se3 esdc 3soS5J"0
a) 5o5l6s &irc6:oef er65o 25 $o563o"o1 5o5:5o3 {fq dsosi ds

d6 SoJdS eD595 da ba Sroa$ $oqJS! epo65d5o il5ecO -aSS

2) 5!5:"9 sirc6:od cr3r 25 5o563o"er: 5c5c$o3 {,"q SSoSS6o d6
Soi'55 3r:5O56o (d6)-oQp dtroSSAo !:A sr:otrc SoeJS! ero6 565':
il5s:0 ?){so Egq6.
3) $ gr:srQe-r: JSpS (a"6d6 5J"5"dg &6ero/pdd) a!6 &o6orr
(>ol8o$d0 a"3d a"Ot dso'o65r: il5tuO -t{So 13oE &ao65er5':
efa& EOf,Cu.
4) ?5 @O"dS oo3 ilgtuO =.:{5 Sooa-6 d=o 165ooef erl*er:503
eld-d r1e.:+6odct drqr (50 (ii ) Sd Cu's,: 7) cad-d $efJar:s e5Cpa-e5

a"666 / 5:"5"rg! -o{5 5ooar6 dosrO.

(a) e.6o 6od J5u65oo8 a"666 / 5r"5"dg$ "oe;o: $od c0
bSS d6er eso"don' -":f co Soor) S6c$rr sS1 co8 il5$cO -"r{5
"o) 55s "oe;er: $od 6"0g 55'"5 6"co- EOotrO' 55e-r'oe.:eet J535 e'50t
ilg$co -o{5 el6-e5 $d;d er6c ;"c^r" Kra" 36"66 elor:s 65er "":e:5':
A) 5J.5"")g CSs-o/pOS "oe:er:3r56reD caord u08 rrQc6:5 o-5o- fu153:
e) 5r5"ar5 / e666 sdetofueg! il5e00 =o{5 So60,:-&3 o0 f)Ofie

eos io6rt55dc$. aos erd p6e-r5$l>-t 6Q6 ere "oSe5$fS o"5o" 69b3c5
.)h^A r'\<\A\^-:5
d-gw vNvJvw v.
€e;no -z
J) €0rn0 -1ef @el5$ / 5eot50 =ogps-C I / Sa-$ueD &SoSuSl
Su6rQerfu, odr -a9p d$oS$oe5 565! dg t5&$d:o6 SdS.: ilg$c0
=o{5 EOQ6.
A) SeJan)S 4d"6fl, al6gs0, "r?* yC dS b{oef epejs-o 6fgm
ero-65&S e5O6og.:o$u +Cu p8€ 65;o6 566: ilg$cO -.:{S EgqO.
,$c5 :1) €ocng 1es. @o"d5 o6odCu il5scO -o{So5rr er$e5 sefsoo$
6c{:o63, €ono -2 yot ageO.
2) "oere)g! SC,cSrr oO gSS d6e) ese"dom *g$o0 b{S EOouO.
3) SoCSoo escc6)o cood (AcCSoo -o{5 + &.erOt $S:"So erO er$o.
+) ilgDc0 erod, ql4-6d'$d ar6g erc er{Sr: ar65 +trgd a5{ er0 gfo.
5)SDSrd:eD/ Srr5rQer eood, o-Fdy65lod: SCcbdorr 6$6 &$o$b6o,
$65$oef $S15y6> a06ot35a6 0E6cpo;5 dd:u6 a06ort5uCu Sr.SbS
a"665 g6eroi$e 6IG".
GO.Ms.No. 315, Finance (Pen-I) Dept., dt.'l-10-20t0.
226.J5- d561$o0l aeo>e) 6dg0 =o$.i6 dp"*gt iooO 0636 doSrSalf
$63 &{r;er o5i6 dd$sod 5a: dq5ro?
ar SQ &Cu;er sC, 5g$r{6om yS ;rS-il5dlBcod5aryorel A{56 g0he5l
Soort 0556 dc65o0 @O"oo" ="159 Sooa;-r$ esQyd:gl) u€3S it6i{eo5et$E
-o{5, qrcrrgc3, S5rl.gOE oeu"g, JF.A.JS, e.o.JF SooojD d."d.JF
Soo& ,e5-i{5d18,:o05 alsaqDeD 0556 Sc6o-6o.
Govt. Memo. No.I469/6?JAllPen-Il2}t0,dt. 3-8-2010, of Finance (pen-I) Dept.,

227. er55Q; =o5.5 EQoSa"SB Sd$fD SS6ea Jer dqlrOf isOqiD e66
lSoel Ber5o6?
1)O€5 d6 5 aee5" 6od es Ferd aD6ci 6*a:,Soor) er65g ?:{S SOorrO.
'6d: - 12-8-2010 elo.ld 1-8-2010 5oo6
1-8-2010 epqr:d 1-8-2010 5oo&
2) 2010-201s opF 6.qOdEE -.:{S 5:6 eodsg ?:{S ot6o*o.

3) d"d5 -dq5 5o0c6r> ca55$ =d{5 36 SOrr dr"ooa"O.

+) 6ab65tu 656i3od D.R. d""rs -.r{5 5ooo5r er55Q -.:{5 } $a'

dt5oS Sooar-ct dcdr"O.

5) er656 -o{5 }g$cO -"r{5650 su.c" SQQoE.
6) t-7-2008 dA 6od S::od 75180 5o563eer fQ SSo6.:od vot,
1-7-2OOg $oo& er6$O -o{5 Sooa:*d: 6c6r"O s'C, 5i1c5: 5:'1651 1-2-2010

5oo& $.q6io EOoa-O.

7)-":{Sdr / }gsoO -":{SCu Q)€S d6 P.P.od dd#d 6e lto8 bao- 51u;o
(a s-5qrq:)ndEE elQs-O o"5o- s-5 M.L.A o"5e sS er6fi do::oS -":{5
Sooa*6: dcSr: erQs-Ot SSoOroa'O.
1)O€S d6rls 3:1c35.:gdir5 Sg"cacs

z) +5 sdg
3) +5 #*
4) O€S d6r1er @eof, P-o53
5) JeJSe I.D. s'd;/ eo"5 s-6;
6) AJ&65 es5*:$5/ BJ&95 zS'd; 16 d"o5 Ao&6e5 $9h3d5.
7) BJS6.:EdAS +-"rS -o{56 e5536 ac1u36:gda5 Sgh305 $5o03orrO'
8) aJ&gd csbSO €5e-:o -":{Sdc 5c6cKro"1 6Obd erdc $SS d6

aer 506Eto,rO. 3:&6e5 es6€66 2010f -o{SCu Scbc$o; 76 5o5e5;o'el

ep& dO".:d erd& $+15 dA t0-z-tgs4rr 5Oi{eto*O.
Govt. Memo.N o. 11 9 79 / 82/ A2IPSC/20I0, dt. 17 -7 -2010, Fin. (PSC) Dept.'

228. =.:{5 J5u45o" EQ{g =o5.Sdrr 5po& Jer 0g56 dq5tO?

arr J6:2r5n'BOoflS -o{5(12) vor:o-e;60 $co$6rloa- 0556 Sc6rO. esod
s-Sooo" elQ6orr EOottS a"o=o a.:-6ge5 3:""o t5dgw dbe{O.
Govt. Cir. Memo.No. 3 1999 I 2IZIPSC 12005, dt. l4-9 -2005, Fin. & Plg' Dept.,

229. pdr6gsDig! AQo5Se"oS arsoleso =o5o5650 tsQod D.R. tpo&

os56 dd$srJ?
arr -o{5Cu6o Show cause,f,C3$o art; erd0 $oo& S56eo &S:S51 6Cua"6
D.R. Soo& 0556 dc65d5:;. GO.Ms.No.227,Fin. (pen_I)
Dept., dt. 29_5_2001.
230. S665 Adr5n, Dupticate Service Register 6ojp6 dS$J,rrf
a rr ei oirct S$o $5 t$";. G O.Ms.No. 21 6, F
in.(FR) Dept., 22_6_ 19 64
s$, *SOO =o{S63u eC BQod
231. 56g3o =oboic$S.:
D.C.R.G eedo$
5So1 Soo& $Slror:oe Sed?
aEr under section r0 (10) of India income Tax Act 1961
1bs6o sos$6alo$

232. *gsO =oS.5? rncomeTax os56

arr do6re6o. -of5 17 (il (ii) eso-cdr r5o"1 riQo
@sd5rr igsoO -o{S
d65D S65#SSrefCB e6o.

epo6>5er$ -o$5 192 epo"c6: #Qo -r{S}

15wdo ilgScO eso-o6:g $So"1
cir. No. 103, No. AT/Te cw22gNor.ry. D/ 7 -7 -2D4,offrce of the pDCA Alhabad.
233. 563Bo0l rD0qb so6srSo$s ds ecoe6 =o{io dsoe 60o0 lqeo,
dc[ra6oO. 6C 16oo.l Ee5o6t
arr (t) 06e5 5655 t5$o 19g7 permanent
G5s-6o and continues lok adalath for
pension cases be;Cl do6:6o a0flo8.
2) EA soC3 Fo. 4-5-958-959, a&ff8, SoqS ,,ad, j:-6o-e*8._500095
eY 6e)d).

3) eE 10-O-2001 5:o& ?r{5 $oaroflo,t5 €iue, $bo$ger$o f)Or+OeSJ6.

a) e"6 6., s-f 6o-., -o{sct 6s $bobgso @er:ee!:" p66s permanent
continues lok adalath for pension cases K> $So0;or5bt$1.

5) 6eB s5o.Joria"&B =o{sdr J.,,soc3 =o{bru ep*Fi:d:iisef

6) {ogd*Ed yC, $d: fuas. yC aOod5b$do d6.
z)€S SSeeD 6sS $1eur $Soo;orrO.
8) €so $SesD, 6fl5 b1eel, Member secretary,A.p.S.
Legar service authority
Nyaya Seva Sadan, purani Haveli, Hyderabad..-2 $obd bdl t$o5o =os5
epo"edg! 6o$e'c0.

9)€so ero65 66;td, es6-e)5 $oaooeS erQslCie.rgu ,f,E$o d!6 dKgoa.

10)bA-" eer-d€boeD J5.:65 6e* er0 eO! A.P.S.Legalserviceauthority
derereJ =o{5 elo-erd e65?ro$5o& du$ebo6.
11) €SJ s-6a a,503 -"r{Sd: eRrtud){S6! So3rd JCl t$oo 6o1or er51

Ciro5rel-d doir5 3r;r0 Qo 6'


12) .f,ESD 5a;5 6Cua-6, -":{56: 63 $5cd:orr s-S add:er o-5o- / er65€c'::

o-5o" 65 a"65$o $C"oo$5r5c3.

13) s'€d -oo&o6efc €$oe5o SoaroQ6 J$o $5o6e$ -a{5 es6'el6J6o

araO dc$S.:c;.
234. =o5.5Crr 5va'a,5 Sp6t66"6du l50o5o&t
*gd5 55a-g5o6 e5{"5UI O@53e5 6$Jfi5 The Rajsthan state
arr o-afrS
consumers Disputes Redressal commission 65 &{u1 O'5O'
-o{56: 6la' e"5
Consumer (i0ojri{6-66o) eC &dc; ESl6o 40flo6. 6SC National

$Q &d:;er o-5o- 6;55ooa-d:'

CommissionSoocfu 5o$:o
*'6S ="qSO 65 $Sobger? d% Consumer Courts oef approach sSt$;'
235. pS65 6d56er$ 59od A.P.R.P.R1980A.P.v.v.P/T.s.v.v.p. d 5pd'o
6d5tber$ $a- Sglo5rr
arr 5QQar.
GO.Ms.No. 184, H.M &F.W. (C1) Dept., dt. 18-5-2006.

236. 5Dd 5oao6 sof{

5cd-o 6d5rf:er =o5.5io Jsr o84}6r?
arr 50 0683:o5 5c5c5o3 65 $o5e53o-.::, 50 066 erdlS dar'
(erod os
r.: Jod $oi.r:5" o.SC esQ-6on-
So56go-er: &o&5 6C':4"6) gs" d"d5
&$oSC -":{5 O35oo"O.
ee $65$o 5rq65r 58 SoSdSo"e-: Sdd O62rt1S Sodeod03 ebSo$rO'
Gort. Memo. N o. 26226 I End. IV (2) / 2Cf5 - l, dt. 7 -'7 -200 5 .

Lr.No. 00778 /41 tW 12004, dt.4-3-2008 of D'S.A. A.P. Hyderabad'

237. )5a)O =o5.! Aphho$8 (Beneficiarv) (Fbr56 ve'r $oa-6 esQ)S

bg$/ t6roer (Legal heir) esSr3 dgpoa" e€ a:nOS y6r 5o dOrOf
arr (i) 6cbo.55ooa- #qr:S 5g$ e5d:od il5s;0
-o{So dci.:hc6:6/ p'"c^ugu3

dch"ao5c6 / +6$oe.p SoaoOe5 #OSD =g{Soef F.I.R. o"qpo 6o510, es

e56vd Js1te5c6)qe.r S"ov es6& es',5r8 tr66d6c sg"caes *roso u0

5oo& &SoSvO.
(ii) es u!6:cd =t{So 51ew 5o0c6rr Indemnity
Sooar-e$ erQe03, Kroaro06

bond $5o0;o$ ilg$o0 -"r{5o Sooa*e$ do::"sC 56qrQ dosr"O.

(iii) -a{So Sooa-ci el6v0 -ofr5o Sooa-c{: 6q6S eS;$ 6{u+6 o"&
*o3coc5 esQs"O, A.G./ DSA o0 Soo& er@d;15 $o65
esry6orr, -oq$
e!6:46, 1p" dc6lC =o{So/ q"e"tE8 $oa:o8or15 o03 EOo*O.
(iv)tp" dcSJS -t{So / grcrrg8 F.I.R.o'per d"o5 o*al,Soo& AOQCU. eoS
Sooa*c$ 6q6J a,5 So56"1do e56oei =oft5o Sooae-c$ epQv0 e6 dQd:.
(v)$Qer (:dg6orr 6ero 6"as'$CJo5tdC Cqo! eg 6"ar$o 6|5re$5orr

GO.Ms.No. 343 Finance (Pen-I) Dept., dt.22-12-2012.
23S. 8
qrdor "Not duty" n" d".l5 gerp) 6d5n $OSE
50 E$eo 565ersf
=oer$rr 5Od6{g (EOL) 6"Pp 55 lSqSted s5O}oro6 (Qualifying)
565ion 30d6il6?
arr 6a q€o8 &a:o{Se.:So e5"o& .f,f)Se5 aol83co5el 5o0o5l -o5o5
dB2rou5a"SB 50fietq6.

(i) 66"g,n qr@ef '65; erC; 6so -oer$er: $"Q ercl$oa-O'

(ii) er $ S o 5d;o ef @OL) o"5o- 6 i$ op€ er qr: 5 ser&; s5Olcr o 6 S 65Ko m

50fietq6. G.O.Ms.No. 307 Finance (FR-II) Dept., dt.3-12-2012.

239. 565fod ef5d5S (Deputation) d 5cdQSl 6d56e$ Leave

Salary Contribution 5DOo5D Pension Contribution 0556 dd$6'CB 651
Cao6$e 610o$ 15td$o6?
arr (i)6&3 $oaoQo05 S6o5rqr F.R-116 d, soOcSD
G.O.Ms.No. 10 Finance (FR-tr) Dept., dt.22-l-I993
G.O.Ms.No. 1 60 Finance (FR-tr) Dept. dt.l - 5 -2010
GO.Ms.No. 302Finance (FR-II) Dept., dt. 28-11-2012 e.ret
@e)$6o a0flo6.
(ii)pS @O"dS 6{65er (re6o, Deputation-o '66"5n$ $o+": el0s-0 65
6$65ef,:r{$ eoqd3argir5 5o0o5D =oerg *e5S sop3a;"girS dcSSSSOo
dc$ el0 pr3-16om
@ellO. eper @s56$d +OS Jolc5r6 =o BoC35

6abe5AS EOorrO.
(iii) 5oS o-$ 6665o fQn 55{uo: $5oSu.O15 5of er: Leave Salary 5o0o5})
Pension Contribution 5Q555do d6.
ep ety5o o 6- world B ank d5e Central Government cl5o. 5o 0 c6l e6 6 $o
f e>

4"5o" 5 5 6 el er od eo &; 5 of, er: e35;6 Leave / Pension Contribution B Oo rrO.

cdu"&50pC3el, ef6es er&el, 6535 Leave / Pension Contriburion Eeoo"O.
(iv) ft05 S65$oef po- dQO daS*.: 7 11% ae55l Leave Salary Contribution

(v) {,"9 SRrS $655o cae-don- F.R.-110 e55 6ObS 6C^r 65s6o pension

Contribution EOoryO.
(vi) ? d9oQ*r lpOofl S5o-qr -d5'gn $65fo g{Soef OF€ d"o K>oaroQe5
erQs-O 5o65o do$"O.
240. New Pension System 115s.5o 55 Soaoled
0556 d$S 3lqer$o
6dgn 59$66$outgr: a60 d*6? S6c$ 6riod Jby6o Bgil6?
ar (i) G.O.Ms.No. 178 Finance @en-I) Deparrrnent dt. 17 -5 -2010 d5cr New pension
Scheme 5oo& R.P.S 19801BodK: bOt{g3orlS 6d"glue.: SiroS:oe5f

(ii)1-9-2004 5od Srod o"$ rpa$O5 S65Koef SSdKISJ 6d'5/rer 1-s-2004

e56:ad dAS o"5 6Et OS 65'g1108 tu055y6.: 65ym N.p.S. qto6
dr:qo5o *u5o Soo& 0556 d"d5 6d"gt$o Siro6:oef.
(iii)-o 3oc6l $odqoe5f N.P.S. o"5o. 0656 esqD5 BlqoSo .6d55n G.p.F.

Account B6Sb 6d>ye5, es 3r:gio cpoe N.P.S. Soo& G.p.FAccounrB aSO

(iv) -.rS @O"d5 $o6qeref @O"dS d6'g/uel r5&So::$od oO 0656
dr:{o Si15,:rr o6$oeg! EPqO.
G O.Ms.No. 3 36 (Pension-I) Depr. dt. 20 - t2-2012
241. 1-s-2004Sod Sroc$ 6SsS sfufod $o&, 3sS lsgi 65r5nc3
Jo'":p5 Jop APRPR 1980 $o5 SOtfSle dS ContributoryPension $o5
arr3o6: '65'grroef e"3 65ES Cc$so &alo65ql epsoeleJ 651Qo.r:d
er$ r03 APRPR 1980 SQQcr:.
Govt. Memo N o. 21994/379/ MtPen-U2005,Fin. (Pen-I) Dept. dt. 26-9-2005
242. =o5.5$o503 Laminated tbQoQ s€s. eJset?
arr =o{5 Sooag-cb esOvcteD =o{56o6o8 Laminated fugo$ sd;eu 16
dc6:"er0 6e;b655r agi65el> e6 d"oo6.
GO.Ms.No. 206, Finance (PSC) Dept., dr.4-6-2010
243. e6ea5 pq5tiog$) 6'Se Jo"dE$ ?165/ dgf $65fod doS gOvg
=o9p diugod toP 6d5r{o SooB 8eo}e?
arr 8e.rflor5d:. Govt. Memo 872lSer-N 85-1 GA. (Ser-A) Dept.,dl27-I-1986.

Govt. Memo No. 40 1 30/ Ser- G I 2CnD -1 GA (Ser.G) Dept., dt. I 8-6-20 1 0.

2aa. 65r5fl S85fod 6o& 6c$op5 66rv6 es6c Slb)oa $S5ed J56r
s6rea5 poltSospg ee* elr 95$qn, Jog JOr:So€ 466 €ecrd$ 55619:
d5i€ erQ 5o65;oet vo3 Ex-Gratia Jo6 efl6r?
arr og5 e566S 6565fl - 40,000 6:'rr.
JS.d.€".e)g! - 60,000 (u"rr. id66 elOyCueg! - 80,000 6rtt.
GO.Ms.No. 166 GA.D (Ser-C) Dept., dt. 3 1 -3-2005.
GovtofAP. GO.Ms.No.i14 GA.D. dr.2l.8.2Ol7 forAPState:- (i) class fV employees
Rs.5,00,000/- (ii) N.GOs' - Rs.8,00,000/- (iii) G..Os' - Rs' 10,00,000/-
245. OriginalPPO/GPO/CPO $ffg33uod, Duplicate aw8 dlef
arr aw6 dq6. =o{56t 5o3r5 vb Sogco -"{$ EOod cpQso Soo&

J cr 5 o c3 E O o {9 er a di{d d: er 51 $ph3 c5 5 5o 0;o rrO'

GO.Ms.No 266 F&P GWTFR) Dept. dt. 16-5- 1990
246. Annual Yerifrcation Certificate tb 0 o O Ber5o6 ?

arr (i) -o{Sd: 6cc 6o 5o55";do SSoarCu Bel 5oo& 5$; (>o563do
5ro;efbo =r{So EOod e0s"6:e)g! 5g$ tl6om *faB $5o0;orrO.
(ii) dSJd b6rO Soa =o{5 BOot56.
(iiil SCg Carod$eg! efo& (75) 5o563o-e;rr &o&5 -.r{S* 5o0cdD Invalid
-"{5* 5g$6e5om *fa6r v55$6o d6o.
(iv) Govt. Memo No. 2840i lN239nSCrc7 dt. 4- I -2008 of Finance (PSC) Dept., ef
@O"d$ Proforma ef $So0;otrO.
GO.Ms.No 205, Fin (PSC) Dept.,dt.4-6-2010.
2a7. $65*o =o{50 $o6a'CB Jc1 So56pee $OIDSD 56gto do3ro?
arr (i) 5S5o 10 $o5e5";o-el $65So dcS:"O.
(ii) erod 5 $o56"3eo S65Sc + 5 SoSe5So-e Bo)dd er51Srec.
(iiDdg#d s65$o O"crrEd aflqo.
248. oEE eaoDs 6d5n t!Fc.u56 $ooEod 55$o Jo6 56SfD dq5to?
ar 5 5o5e5"1eer:,
249. =.:{So JSydo 6{ er$6o6?
aer (i) a"5 So5e536o 565u =o{5o &SoS6r:od a-CC Un drawn Pension lF
a,rio$, SC1&aro65e$ eta& 49ilO.
(ill Sr:.a: $o5e53o-o 56$ =o{So g" do5:6#d er$ -o{$o dd; er$6o8.
SR87 (a)-T.R. 16
250. New Pension Scheme aS1 6d56e l{o$od p$655r pS er6;
BserSp =ood 56$665o Stlc6ln EQooer?
arr 6Cu$ a5.5go aso>celd toZ eu55l PRAN Account B a5od"o Ooi{e
90% a'65r 65'gnB Sd6on' EOourO.
GO.Ms.No. 297 Finance (PCI) Dept., dt.I4-ll-20I2.

* * *
se65om ..

F.1. al6t,{$sD qf6, o"$ $atr5 s65soet' 6o e6 F+O6J eri$ao$ 5o$erd

SsBb "c65 t65:ea )o65 =o{5 oc$el efots =o{S.$ i.cD &c$5FS o0$(1.n.)
efo3 aglor
$.: 5.3./e3.J5. oEfBEF drel;-1980 5Qo5o ddaSruo$ 365 3650€? eit$ve5
a$.f )e^r: egoC 3&3&ri" edr535 6$$(D.R.) B$o,5550;$.
q56 a6a5Xo Sq4 z"sO $6eEo.C5'$ er6$/erBo =o{5 b65foe$
F.2. e.l65, d!e$
45J lo6r $o45,$ er S)gDoa =o{SE &.e5. q555r5:;o?
b.: G.O. Ms No.33 Fin.(HRM.V) Dept. Dated.7.4.2015, para-261.5s6o f65foef
Dearness Allowance )o85;r3c3$ S:dloar EEIE Dearness Relief q5J5i5)$.

* * *


1. Shorttitleandcommencement
2. Application
3. Option
4. Govt. sefvants transferred from services and posts to which these
rules do notapply
5. Regulationo-fclaimstopensionorfamilypension
6. Full pension subject to approved service
'7 Limitationonnumberofpensions
8. Pension subject to future good conduct
9. RightofGovemmenttowithholdorwithdrawpension
10. Commercial employmentafterretirement
11. Restriction on practice in Commercial Tax and other cases after
12. Employment under a Government outside India after retirement
1.3. Commencementof qualiffing service
14. Conditions subjectto which service qualifies
15 .
Counting of service iendered under Central Government
16. Counting of service as apperentice
17 . Counting of service on conffact
18. Counting of pre-retirement civil service in the case of re-employed
Govt. servants
-a 19. Counting of military service renderedbefore civil employment
{.) 20 . Counting of war service rendered before civil employment
21. Counting of periods spentonleave
)di 22. Counting of periods spentontraining
23 . Counting of periods of suspension
24. Forfeiture of service on dismissal or removal
25. Counting of past service on reinstatement
26. Forfeiture of service onresignation
27 .Effectof intemrptionin service
28. Condonation in intemrption of service
29. Additionto qualifying service
3 0 . Verifrcation of qualifying servic e aftpt 25 years of service
31. Emoluments
32. Averageemoluments
33. Superannuationpension
34. Retiringpension
35. Pension on absorption in or under a Corporation, company or body
36. Conditions governing grant of pension to persons on absorption in
or under a Corporation, Company or Body
37. InvalidPension
38. Compensationpension
39. Compulsory retirement pension
40. Compassionateallowance
4I. Minimum Compassionate allowance
42. Retirement on attaining the age of superannuation
43 . Retirement on completion of 20 years of qualiffing service
44. Retirement on completion of 33 years of qualiffing service
45. Amountofpension
46. RetirementGratuity
47 . Persons to whom Gratuity is payable
48. l,apse of retirement Gratuity
49. Nominations
50. Familypension
51. SanctionofAnticipatorypension
52. Provisional pension where deparftnental orjudicial proceeding may
53. Interpretation
54. Powertorelax
55. RepealandSaving
Special provisions applicable to Govemment Employees retiring
between I-4-7 8 and 28-10-7 9
56. Option
57. Amountofpension
58. RetirementGratuiw
59. FamilyPension
I. Form for exercising option undertheAndhraPradesh Revised
PensionRules of 1980
tr. Form of application for seekingpermission to acceptcommercial

I. Procedure for Processing of Pension cases including forms
tr Important Provisions in civil Service Regulations and important orders
issued by Government in regard to regulation of pay and allowances
during ttre period of re-employment
Itr. Provisions in Civil Service Regulations regarding Medical
Examination/ Invalidation
[V. ImprotantProvisionsinAndhraBadeshcivilPensions (commutation)
Rules 1944 andimportant orders issued by Government in regard to
commutation of Pension and Restoration of commuted portion of
pension including forms
V. Important hovisions relating to Extraordinary pension
vI. verif,rcation and authorisation of Pension in respect of class rV and
other low paid employees
VII. Nomination for the payment of anears of Pension
vltr.Important Governments orders relating to monetary concessions/
monetary benefits to certain categories of Govemment servants dying
D(. Scheme of Payment of Pensions through Banks
X. ThePensionAct 1871


[GO.Ms.No.263 Fin & Plg. (FW.PSC) Dept., dt.23.11.98]
(To be furnished in duPlicate)
Part I
(Information to be furnished by the Government Servant/Applicant)
(The Pension Sanctioning Authority shall forward the application duly

1. (a) Nameof theGovemmentservant

O) Postheld
Nameof theApplicant
(incaseof deathof servant)
4. Addressafterretirement
5. CommutationofPension
(a) Whether willing to commute
* 407o of monthly pension, subject to

A. P. Civil Pensions (Commutation)

Rules, 1944 YESA{o
(b) If the answer is'NO' sPecifY the
fraction less than x40Vo
6. (a)NameofthePensionDisbursing Authority
(b) Name of thePayingBankfrom
where pension payment is desired Name of the S.B.Acct
by the pensioner/family pensioner Bank and No.
gratuitant Branch

*Note :- Consequent on the issue of orders in G.O.Ms.No.158 Fin & Plg (FW.Pen.I)
Dept., dt. 16.9.99 enhancing the maximum pension that can be commuted upto
40Vo w.e.f. L4.99, this 1/3rd was to be changed as 40Vo at both the places.
7. Listof familymembers
Vfar[aUbmployment status of the children
(a) (b) (c) (d) of the applicant/deceased Govt. servant
sl. Date Relationship Whether
No of withGover- employedor
Bitttt ment servant notGive
details of

1. TheGovemmentservantisinsfuctedtofilluptheproforma
very carefully as the datafurnishedis vital for sanction of
family pension. He/She may note that alternations of the
data furnished at a later date is not permissible.
2. The "family" for the purpose mean "wife" or "husband"
as the case may be, "sons" and "unmarried daughters,'as
laid down in Rule 50 (12) (for Family Pension) and Rule
46(5) (for graruity) of A.P.Revised pension Rules 1 980.
3. In case of death while in service of Government servant,
the answer 'Married' in case of daughters will be un-
derstood that the daughter is already married as on the
date of death of the Government servant.
1. I undertake to refund the amount of Pension, Gratuity and Com-
mutation, if itis found subsequently tobein excess ofthe amountto which
I was entitled under the Rules.
2. I solemnly affirms that the particulars given by me in part-I at item
J are conect and true to the best of my knowledge. If found that farse in
future, I am liable for suitable action as may be taken by the Govemment.
3. The particulars given above are correct and true to the best of my
knowledge. If found false in future I may be liable for any action that may
be taken by the Government.

Date: Signature of the
Govemment Servant / Applicant

To be frlled in by the Head of the Office

Applicant for pension / grattity etc. in Part-I is received on

(Date to be recorded).

Certified that the person/persons mentioned by the Government

servant/Applicant in item 7 of Part I are legally entitled to receive
the pension/share in gratuity.

Guardianship cefficate : (to be filled in wherever necessary)

This is to certify that the following minors of the deceased Gov-

ernment Servantlate SrilSmt. is/
are underthe guardianship of Sri/Smt.

Name Date of Birth






Signature of the
Head of Off,rce

Office Seal :
Information to beflrlled up by the Pension SanctioningAuthority
L Name of the Government Servant andpostheld
2. Father's name/Flusband's name
3. NameoftheApplicant
(in case of death of Government servant)
4. DateofBir*rofGovemmentservant
5. Date of entering into service
6. Date of retirement/death
7. Designation and ofhce from which the
Government servant retires/retired/died

8. The rules applicable :

Rule 33 Superannuation pension (Rule 42)
Rule 34 Retiring Pension (RuIe 43/ M)
(a) The relevant Rule Rule 35 Pension absorption under a
under the AP Revised corporation
PensionRules, 1980 Rule3Tlnvalidpension
applicable (tick the Rule 38 Compensation pension
rulenumber(s) Rule3gCompulsoryRetirementpension
applicable and strike Rule4O CompassionateAllowance
outtherest) Rule43Retirementoncompletionof
20 yrs of qualifing service
Rule 44 Retirement on completion of
33 years of qualifying service
Rule 46 Retirement Gratuity
is being sanctioned in terms of Rule 51
is being sanctioned in terms of Rule 9 (4)
read with ruIe 52
9. Total service (6 - 5)

10. Periods of non-qualifying service

(a) E.O.L.
(b) Suspensionperiod
(c) Dies - non
(d) Boy service

(e) Any other service not qualifying

for pension
Total non-qualifying service (a to e)
11. Netqualifying service (9-10)
12.Weightageif any

I 3. Total qualiffing service for calculation

ofpension (1I+I2)
14. Lastpay drawn (Rule 37,46(4),50(12Xc)
APRPRs, 1980 Para 4 of G.O.Ms.No.87,
Fin & Plg.(FW:Pen.I) Dept.,dt. 25.5.98)
15. Calculation of service pension/Service
Gratuiry (Rule45 ofAPRPRs 1980)*
I 6. Calculation of Retirement gratuity
(Rule 46 of APRPRs, 1980)
I 7. Calculation of Family Pension
(a) Enhanced family pension
(b) Normal family pension

18. Period of Payment of Pension As applicable to the case

under consideration
(a) ServicePension From till death
(b) Enhanced Family Pension From To
(c) Normal Family Pension From To

*Note :- In view of the orders issued in GO.Ms.No.235 Fin & Plg (FWFR.-II)
Dept., dt. 27.10.98, the benefit of increment falling due on the day following the
date of retirement has to be taken as last pay drawnfor pensionary benefits.
19. Government dues to be recovered Principal lnterest Total
in respect of
(a) House Building Advance
(b) Motor CarlCycle Advance
(c) MarriageAdvance
(d) Advance Leave Salary
(e) Advance Salary on Transfer
(f) Dues onAccountof Government
(g) Telephone/Trunk Call Charses
(h) FestivalAdvance
(i) EducationAdvance
O ComputerAdvance
(k) Other Government Dues
Note :- Information with conditions will not be accepted by pension
ing Authority. Amounts for recovery should be
specified and should be in
wholerupees. Absence of information will be understood
as no dues for
20.LPC is enclosed/LpC will be senr
Part - II
Sanction of Pension
a. certificate of competency to accord sanction (applicable in
case of
sanction of pension to non-gazetted officers inctuamg
(i) I am declared by the Head of the Department to be
the Head of
an office to accord sanction in this case under the powers
egared modified orders issued by G.O.Ms.No.l32,
(FW.PSC) Department dated 1g-9-2000 and read
GO.Ms.No.262F&p (FW.PSC) Dept, dt 23_tt_g8.
(ii) I am the nextGazettedAuthority in the
hierarchy to the Head of
the office in this case who is anon-gazetted officer
and hence, I
am competent to accord sanction under the powers

modified orders issued by G.O.Ms.No.132, F&P (FW.PSC)

Department dated 18-9-2000 and read with G.O.Ms.No.262
F&P (FW.PSC) Dept, dt23-lI-98.
(Strike offwhichever is not applicable)
b. Sanction Order :
Pensionary benefits including commutation found admissible under
the rules may be authorised. It is verif,red from the records in my
custody and certify that no disciplinary or judicial proceedings
are pending / contemplated againstretiring /retired govemment servant
to whom I am the authority for sanction of pension.
(i) Servicepension
(iii) Commutation
(a) Enhanced Family Pension
(b) Normal Family Pension
Signature and Designation of
P ens i on S anc ti onin g Autho rity

Office Seal: Date :

Note 1 :- This is to be prepared in duplicate by the Pension Sanctioning
Authority, one for the record of Pension SanctioningAuthority and the
other one to be sent to Account General/Local Fund Audit Officer.
Note 2 :- The Pension Sanctioning Authority should satisfy about the
correcfixess of the particulars of family furnishedby the government ser-
vant /Applicant in Part-I.
Note 3 :- If the Pensionary benefits are not to be released, Part-II-B
shallbe struckoff.
Note 4 :- If there is any likelihood of delay, Anticipatory Pension /
Anticipatary Gratuity as per Rule 5 1 of A.P. Revised Pension Rules 1980
shall be drawn and paid by the Head of Office to the beneficiary without
Note 5 :- Heads of Departments are those listed inAppendix-Imen-
tioned in Article 6 of A.P. Financial Code Volume-I / Subsidiarv Rule 32
(ii) of FR.9.



SingtePhoto JointPhoto
Service Pensioner/FamilyPensioner/ JointPhoto ofServrce
Gratuity/Guardian of Minor or Pensioner with Family Pension
HandicappedChild beneficiary/Guardian with
Minor or HandicaPPed Child.
(Attestation has to be done across the Photos by a Gazetted Officer
of A.P. Government in Service)
0 Service Pensioner :
Specimen signature of SrilSmt/Kum.
Son/Wife/Daughter of

(ii) Uu-Or t*sioner/GratuitanVGuardian of Minor or

Handicapped Child:
Specimen Signature of SrilSmt/Kum
WifelHusband/S on/Daughter/Guardian of


(1) Service Pensioner : Sri/Smt/Kum

(ii) Family Pensioner/Gratuitant/Guardian of Minor of Handicapped



Details .trOre vlrocue Krrg LflIIE
finger finger finger finger



Place: Attestedby



(Attestation has to be done by aGazettedOfficer ofA.P.State


Note 3 :- 3 copies will be forwarded to Accountant GeneraU

Local Fund Audit Officer by Pension Sanctioning Auttrority and one will
be retained by the Pension Sanctioning Authority.
(The Government servant may use separate forms, if he wishes to
make different nominations for each type of payment mentioned below)
I hereby nominate the person/persons mentioned below and confer
on him/her/them the right to receive Life Time Arrears of pension. Retire-
ment Gratuity that may be sanctioned by Govemment, in the event of my
death while in service and right to receive on my death Life TimeArrears
of pension, Retirement Grahrity, commuted value of pension. Death Rerief
which having become admissible to me on retirement which may remain
unpaid at my death.
Name Age Amount Contingencies Name Amo-
address share on the happen- and unt or
of payable ingofwhich address share
Nomi- to each thenomina- relation- paya-
nee (s) inCol.l tionshall ship and bleto
become age of the each
invalid altemative il
(Death nominee(s) Col.6
need towhom
notbe theright
mentioned) conferred

2 J + 5 6
This nomination supersedes the nomination made by me earlier
N.B :- The Government Servant shall draw lines across the blank space
below the last entry to prevent the insertions of any name after he/she has
Datedthis of 200-at-
1. Signature, Name -
andAddress :

2. Signature, Name andAddress :

Signature of the Govemment Servant

Signature of Head of office/Departrnent :

Name andDesignation:
Office Seal:
Note (1) :- The Government servant who has a family may nominate
one memberormore than one memberof the family as definedinRule
46(5) of A.P. Revised Pension Rules, 1980.
Note (2) :- The Government servant who has no family may nominate a
person or persons, or a body of individuals whether incorporated or
Note (3) :- The Government servant may note that the nomination
with signature of two witnesses shall only have the legal validity of a
Note (4) :- This nomination form is to be submitted by the employee in
ffiplicate, one for use of the pension sanctioning authority and two copies
to be forwarded to theAccountant General/Local FundAudit Offrces.
Note (5) :- For the purpose of Rules 46,47,48 and 49 of Revised
Pension Rules 1980, family in relation to a Govemment servant means :-
(t WileorwivesinthecaseofamaleGovemmentservant.
(ii) Husband, in the case of a female Government servant.
€rD Sons including steps sons;posthumous son, and adopted sons
(whose personal law permits such adoptionl
(rD Unmarried daughters including step daughters, posthumous
daughters and adopted daughters. (Whose personal law
permits suchadoption)
(v) Widowed daughters including step daughters and adopted

arents in the case of

sonal law permits adoption)
(viii) Brothers below the age of 18 years including step brothers.
(x) Unmarried sisters and widowed sisters including step

(x) Marrieddaughters,and
(xr) Children of apre-deceased son.

@ension sanctioning Authority)

@isciplinary Authority /
Head of the Department)
Sub : Pension-Sanction of Pension and Other Retiring Benefits in
respectofStt-,. Designation-Regarding.
I am to inform you that the PensionlFamily Pension application
from SrilSmt. retired/retiring on was
forwarded to AGAP/LFA on As per the records held by me
no disciplinary /judicial proceedings are pending /contemplated against
the above retiring/retired Government employee. I request you to verify
whether any such case is pending against the above employee which en-
tails withholding or withdrawing pension or part of pension permanently
or for specified period as laid down under Rule 9 of RPRs. 1980. If so the
AG (A&E) / Dy. Accountant General (Pension), o/o A.G.(A & E) AP,
Hyd i Local Fund Officer may be intimated accordingly by name either
by Registered post or through a special messenger within one month from
the date of issue of this letter for witlrholding pensionary benefits as con-
templated in Govt. Memo.No. 3 3 7 64-415 5iPS Cl 93, Finance & Plan-
ning (FW-PS C) Department, dt. 1 5- 1 0 -1993 and reiterated in Govern-
ment memo no. 37254/36I/ M/Pen-V9S, Finance & Planning (FW.Pen.t)
Department, dated 4-7-1998. Copies of such orders shall also be
sent to the concerned Treasury Officers/PPO for withholding the pen-
sionary benefrts. In this connection the instructions issuedrnPara2,Pan-
II (B) of G.O.Ms.No.263, Finance & Planning (FW-PSC) Depart-
ment, dt 23-ll -1998 may be scrupulously followed.
Yours Sincerely
*AnnexureAand C

sion proposals in
ment., dt.23-ll-19

a) Fourcopiesofthephotographofpensionerdulyattested
by the competent DeparftnentAuftrority with their names
written on the photograph

b) To paste one duly attested copy of photograph on the

application form itself.

c) (3) copies of the marks of identihoation.

[Cir.Memo.No. 1 39 I 0/90/A l/pSC/0 4, dt.2t-06-2}04]

1. NameofthePensioner
2. Pension Payment Order No
3. ClassofPension
1. Monthlv amount of Pension
). Head of Debit (Full Classification
as adopted in the accounts)
o. Name of Treasury to which
7. Date on which andperiodfor
which Last Payment was made
8. Date with effectfromwhich
pension is payable from the
). Amount of Pension commuted
if anv
10. Are there any special
conditions onwhichthe
continuance of the pension
or any part ofit depends
11. DateofApplication
12. Date Station


The Pension Payment Office
The District Treasury Office
ForwardedwithbothhalvesofP.P.O.No.. ....togetherwith

Copy forwarded to the ' . . .(Pension

Issuing Authority) for information and necessary action.

Copy forwarded to Sri

No Dated:


TheTieasury Officer,


Sub:- Pensions -Tranasferofp.p.O.No . . . . . from

Sub/DistrictTreasuryto . .. .. ... Sub/
Disfrict Treasury _ Regarding.


The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.


No. .. Dated:




I am to state that the Pension Payment Order No. . . dated

in favour of Sri/Smt
a Government pensioner, has been registered

in this offrce and to request that you will please arrange for payment of the
Pensionof Rs. ... permensemfromthe
. . Treasury with effect from.

The Pension is debitable to

Please acknowledgereceip of this intimation.



Copy forwarded for information to the Government Pensioner with refer-

ence to his application dated the . .

Memo.No.28407-N239tpSCl07 Dated : 04_01-200g
Sub:- Disbursement ofpension through banks _Arurual
verifrcation Certificate - certain Modifications and
revisedAnnual Verification Certificate _ Reg.
Ref:- Lr.No.82l3 }'I/JD, ppo/2007, dt.26.10.07. From the
J.D., p.p.O., A.p. Hyderabad.

onpaymentOfhce, Hyderabad,
i formatis enclosedherewithfor
Further he is informed that there is no need
of Identity card as every-
one has a voters Identity Card.

This has approval of Secretary (Fp).

Secretary to Government
Encl:- RevisedFormat


1. Type of Pension : Service pension/ photo
Familypension Individual(To
be attested by
Gazetted Offrcer/
2 Nameoflndividual
S/o, D/o, Wo, FIlo :
3. Date of Birttr/Age :

4. P.P.O. No.
5. Name of Bank
6. BankAccountNo. , OfO
7. EmploymentParticulars (Applicable of Re-EmploYed
af ter retirement / APPointed
on Compassionate Grounds)
a) NameofOffice
b) DateofEmploymenV
c) WhatistheDAbeing
drawn on EmPloYment
d) DatefromwhichDA
is drawn
8. Re-marriageParticularsifanY :
a) Date of Re-marriage
b) Name of the spouse
9. PresentResidential address with :

PhoneNo. :

10. PANNo. if any

I hereby declare that :

i) I am not drawing any other pension :

ii) Iamdrawing otherpensionthroughPPONo. :
iii) I am not drawing any D.R. on that pension :
iv) The particulars mentioned above are true to the best of my
knowledge andbelief
v) If the above particulars proved wrong at any time, I am liable for
disciplinary / criminal action as per rules
Date: LefthadThumb (Signature of
Place: Impressionof thePensioner the Pensioner)

Received the Annual Varification Certificate dated
of Sri/Smt. Holder of

Receiver Signature, Date & StamP

(To be issued by the Drawing & Disbursing
Certified rhatSmt/Sri .. W/O of FVO of
late ... was appointed as
.....on compassionate grounds in this
office with effect from ............ .. She / He is be_
ing paid the Dearness Allowance eligible to her at the
rates sanctioned by
the government from time to time.
As per the declaration filed by the individuar, she
/ he is not draw-
ing any D.R. on the family pension being drawn vide ppO
from the Sub Treasury / pension payment Offrce.

Date: Signature & Office Seal.

Certified that I have seen the pensioner as on
and he/she is alive on this date
Signature of the Gazetted Officer/
BankManager/ (Withname and seal)

Signature of the Tieasury Offrcer

i.e., STO /ATO /AppO
@ithname and seal)
Note :
I' The Pension Disbuning Officer can sign the Cerfficate
if the pensioner
appears pensonally before the pension Disbursing
tr. If pensionerdoes
appear personaily before the Fension Disbursing
offrcer, the certificate shalbe signedby any Gazettedoffrcer/Bank
Itr' The Annual Verification certificates are obtained
from lst November
on wards.
IV' The Non-receipt of the Annual Verification Certificate
the pension
shall be stopped from rstApril onwards (i.e.,)
March payabL on lst

:i- l
Name Space for
Res. Address Photograph
Signatureof Signature of Card holder
Dateof retirement
Nameof theDepartment
Postheld atthe time of Retirement.
P.P.O.No. and Date
(Pension)/I'{ame of the Bank & Brach

Name Space for
Res.Address Photograph
Signatureof SignanmdThumb
IssuingAuthority Impressionof
WithSeal Cardholder

Name of the Service Pensioner
Nameof theDepartrnent
Dateof Death
Dateof Commencementof
Date of Birth/Age of the
P.P.O.No. and Date
(Pension)/1.{ame of the Bank & Brach
Commutation Value for a pension of Re.L per annum
Ageon Commutation Ageon Commutation
next value expressed next value expressed
birhday as numberof birthday asnumberof
years purchase years purchase
20 9.188 51 8.808
2I 9.r87 52 8.768
22 9.186 53 8.724
23 9.185 54 8.678
24 9.184 55 8.627
25 9.183 56 8.572
26 9.r82 57 8.5r2
27 9.180 58 8.446
28 9.r78 59 8.371
29 9.176 60 8.287
30 9.r73 6l 8.194
3I 9.169 62 8.093
32 9.164 63 7.982
JJ 9.r59 64 7.862
34 9.r52 65 7.73r
35 9.r45 66 7.591
36 9.136 67 7.43r
37 9.126 68 7.262
38 9.116 69 7.083
39 9.103 70 6.897
40 9.090 7l 6.703
4I 9.075 72 6.502
42 9.059 73 6.296
43 9.040 74 6.085
44 9.019 75 5.872
45 8.996 76 5.657
46 8.97r 77 5.443
47 8.943 78 5.229
48 8.913 79 5.018
49 8.881 80 4.8r2
50 8.846 81 4.611
[Basis: LIC(94-96Ultimate Table and 8.00Vo interest]

TS/AP. R.P.R.1980-Service Pension(At a glance) Important

points. with Reference to R.P.S.-2015
l.Minimum service required for getting 10 years on attaining the age of 58 yrs/
Pensionery benefits. 60 yrs (Including weightage i.e. 5+5=10
from 1-7-2008)ulra5Q)
2. Minimum service required for getting 5 Years tlr 46(I)
3. Maximum service counts for 33Yearcu/r 45(2)
pensionery benefits.
4. Maximum gratuity payable. Rs.12,00,0001

5. Maximum Commutation. 4OVo of pension GOMS No.158

6. Commutation value per 1 Rupee for 58 Rs.8.37 1x12=100.45(next birlhday 59 yrs)
7. Commutation value per I Rupee for 60 Rs.8. I 94x12=98.32(next birthday 61 yrs
years. Vide GOMs.No.100 Fin(Pen.I) dept.
8. Restoration of commuted amount. After 15 years from date of receipt of
commuted value amount. u/rl8 of
9. Afraction of year. 3 Months or more be treated as I half
year u/r 45(3)(ii)
10. Weightage means. Service weightage only.
I 1.Maximum Weightage for 5 yearsfrom 1.7.2008 vide GOMs.No.100
superannuation pension. Fin(Pension I)Dept. Dt.6.4.20 1 0
12. Maximum Weightage for Voluntary 5 years tlr 43(5)
retirement pension.
13. Minimum Pension in T.S./A.P. Rs.6500/- + DA.

14. Financial Assistance. T.S./A.P. Rs.6500/-

15. Death Relief (Obsequies charges) for Minimum Rs .20,0001 - TS, or One month
Service Pensioners only and also to pension which ever is Higher. In AP
the spouse of the pensioner pre- Rs.15000/-
deceases service pensioner and also
to Family Pensioners.
16. Maximum Stagnation Increments are 5 Increments (counts for all purposes)
17. Rate of Stagnation increments are Higher Rate(i.e. Next stage of the Basic
pavble. Pay Govt.Memo No.27445 /367 | AI lPc-l /
18. TheNotionalAnnual Grade increment : Counts for the pensionary
due after next month of retirement/ benefits only. (Except Encashment
death. ofEarned Leave)
19. Maximum amount of commuted value : ......NoLimit......
20. Medical Allowance for all Pensioners : TS Rs.350/- & Ap Rs.300/-

2I. The Pension, Gratuity, Family Pension and Commutation Value amount
rounded to next higher Rupees even below 50 Paisa under rule 45,46,50 and
Commutation of Pension Rules 1944 respectively.
22. No weightage allowed for Invalid Pensioners & Family Pensioners.
23. No Commutation allowed from Minimum Service pension.
24. No Commutation allowed for Familv Pensioners.


PENSION :- Last Drawn Basic Pay X Total Qualifying Service (including half years)/66
GRATUITY :- Last Drawn Basic Pay + DA X No.of half years of qualifying Service/4

ENIIANCE FAMILY PENSION : - Last Drawn Basic pay x 50/1 00
(i.e. Restricted to Service Pension)

NORMAL FAMILYPENSION : Last Drawn Basic Pay x 30/100

COMMUTATION : Pension X 40 = Rs_ X 8.371 x 12 = Rs_for (58 Years Age)


COMMUTATION : Pension X 40 = Rs._ X 8.194 X 12 = Rs._ for (60 Years Age)


Steps For


Date of Birth

Date of Retirement

(-) Date of Appointment

Gross Qualifying Service

C)Non Qualifying Service

Total Service

(+) Weightage
Net Qualifying Service

Last Drawn Basic Pay

Service Pension

Gratuity (DCRG)

Enhance Family Pension

Normal Family Pension

Commutation of Pension

GO MsNo.315 Fin. Dept. Dt.7-10-2010 & GO Ms. No.353 Fin.Dept. Dt.4-t2-20I0

$sdorr .. J6eror{ $5}66:/ Sl5rq }ge.:O -o{5 }odrCcSu 6 ltod
ro6fr059. $655 :r{56; O-665ooC5
caqD5 s-egercdroef b5oO;or55d5o.
1. Family pension proposals as per G.O. Ms no. 263 Fin & plg(FW.pSC)
department dated23.rl.l998 i.e. Part I duly signed by the guardian on behalf of the
disabled person and the Pension Sanctioning Authority. part IIA duly filled and
signed by Pension Sanctioning Authority.
2. Copy of proceedings of specific sanction issued by the pension
sanctioning Authority sectioning family pension for life incorporating the details
of the disability of the family pension beneficiary as certified by the Medical Board
and the certificate issued by the civil Surgeon regarding the earning capacity. An
amount of family pension and the dale from which it is payable.
3. 3 Sets of Descriptive Rolls along with single photo of disabled child and
joint photo with guardian, specimen signature of guardian, personal identification
marks etc. should be furnished. Attestation should be done across the photos and
also at the end by State Govt. Gazetted Officer. Designation stamp of the officer
should be affixed at both the photos.
4. Original Metrical Certificate issued by the Medical Board as per G.O. Ms
No. 3 1 W & CW(Senior Citzen) Dept. Dated 01.12.2009.
5. Original Certificate issued by the Medical Officer not below the rank of a
Civil Surgeon as to the earning capacity of the disabled child.
6. As per rule 50(5)(iii) of RPRs Family pension is to be paid through a
guardian /Parents may appoint some other person as guardian of the disabled
child or as certified by the Competent Authority.
l. Attested copy of Death Certificate and family member certificate of the
Govt. Servanl,/Pen si oner.
8 IjIA
issued by Treasury Authorities mentioning the date upto which
pension was paid and PPO issued previously in favor of Govt.Servant/Pensioner.

$4"$er:/S65/ pirgr:r0es 6!5>"q/ 60, e5o@ ilg$cO=o{S }o6o0.:$ 6s

o A t otr C 5 $ 5 655 b
*5 6 0P Eio o 05 ep o:p 5 s o- g o c6: o ef $ $o o3o S 5 6 $o.
1. Family Pension Proposals with reference to GO Ms no.263 Fin & Fig (FW-
PSC) Departmentdt.23.ll.1998 along with Descriptive rolls with single photo of
family pension beneficiary only along with her identification marks duly attesting
across the photos.
2. Part IIB Specific Sanction Order from Pension SanctionAuthority.
3. Death Certificate of Service pensioner/ family pensioner beneficiary.
4.Attested legal Heir/Family members certificate fromRevenueAuthority of mother.
5. Self Declaration from the claimant that she is totally dependent on the deceased
Government Servant/ Pensioner while he/ she was alive, Counter Signed by Pension
Sanctioning Authority.
6. Certificate from Revenue Authority Thahasildar the income from all sources is
less than the minimum family pension.
'7. Death Certificate of her husband together with Counter Signed by Pension
Sanctioning Authority from the concerned Revenue Authority to the effect that
the person specified in the Death Certificate was her husband has to be enclosed./
Legal Heir Certificate/ Family Members Certificate in respect of Husband.
8. Divorced Decree issued be Legal Authority, Non-Employment,
Non-Re-marriage certificate from the Revenue Authority. Counter Signed by PSA.
9. Life Time Arrears Certificate from treasury duly indicating the date upto which
pension was paid last.
10. All the above pension proposal duly counter signed by the pension sanctioning
Authority may be forwarded for taking necessary action.

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