Logix5000 Controllers - CPU Clock Speeds
Logix5000 Controllers - CPU Clock Speeds
Logix5000 Controllers - CPU Clock Speeds
What are 1785 and 1756 module CPU clock speeds?
How critical is the clock speed of the Processor?
Note Rockwell Automation does not disclose the CPU frequency specification.
Unlike a personal computer, it is important to understand that the CPU speed does not determine the overall
processing performance of the programmable controller or communication bridge module.
Below offers some explanation of how performance can be determined.
The scan time performance is the same within each controller family, it's the user memory capacity that varies
between models. For example the 1756-L75 has more user memory available than the 1756-L74, which as more
user memory than the 1756-L73.
The following manual can be used to estimate and compare execution times of instructions between controller
families Execution Time and Memory Use for Logix5000 Controller Instructions Reference Manual
(http://literature.rockwellautomation.com/idc/groups/literature/documents/rm/1756-rm087_-en-p.pdf), Publication
1768 CompactLogix, 1756-L6x ControlLogix, 1756-L7x ControlLogix controllers have two internal
1769 CompactLogix and DriveLogix controllers have a single CPU that performs all operations.
Isolated tasks perform I/O and communication and interact with networks. These tasks simulate the
backplane CPU.
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For more information on the details above, refer Logix5000 Controllers Design Considerations Reference
Manual, (http://literature.rockwellautomation.com/idc/groups/literature/documents/rm/1756-rm094_-en-p.pdf)
Publication 1756-RM094.
Some recent models with a 2 in the catalog number can provide double the perform over past models.
Ethernet bridge modules service Class 1 I/O data differently than Class 3 HMI/MSG communications. The table
below shows the performance differences for each:
Actual CPU utilization for Ethernet modules can be viewed within the embedded web page.
A ControlNet modules performance depends upon the topology, number of nodes, distances, connections and
network update time so we won't go into detail here.
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Some recent models with a 2 in the catalog number can provide double the perform over past models.
Note that the actual CPU utilization for a ControlNet bridge module can be viewed within RSLinx Classic
properties under module status.
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