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HOME Health and Fitness Diseases Scleroderma - Autoimmune Disease By Peter Rosario
Scleroderma is said to be an autoimmune disease in which an individual's immune system goes berser and responds dramatically against its own cells or t issues. In other words, the body's own cells are attac ed, with the immune syste m thin ing there is an intruder present. Localized inds of Scleroderma are limited to the s in and do not progress to th e internal parts of the body. These s in conditions can improve and will disappe ar eventually, but the affected s in damage that occurred during the disease's a ctivity can be permanent. For some people, then, localized Scleroderma can be qu ite serious and have disabling results. A far more serious aspect of this autoimmune disease is called Systematic Sclero derma. This condition not only involves the s in but the tissues underneath, the blood vessels and the major organs. Patients with this condition may have to fa
ce a dismal outloo if they develop problems with the idneys, lungs, heart or t he digestive system. The causes of Scleroderma are un nown, but scientists are convinced that you can not catch it or pass it on to others. Research on twins also suggests that it is not an inherited disease. Scleroderma is more common in women, but the condition can occur also in men and children. People of all races and ethnic groups can be affected. Some interesti ng patterns by disease type have been observed: Localized inds of Scleroderma are more common in European descendents than in A frican Americans. Systematic Scleroderma has been found to typically occur in people between the a ges of 30 to 50 years old, affecting mainly women of African American descent. As Scleroderma can affect numerous body organs, several doctors may be involved in your health care. There is no nown medical treatment available to treat the underlying cause of Scleroderma - the surplus production of collagen. Thus, trea tment and control of the disease merely focuses on relieving the symptoms and in trying to limit the damage the disease can cause. As with many medical prescriptions given to alleviate diseases, the side effects of drugs ta en to alleviate the Scleroderma condition can be quite devastating. The hair falling out is one nown side effect, for example. Thus, it is underst andable that some sufferers opt to find a natural solution for their condition. Many of the natural solutions available tend to be nutritionally balanced with t he aim of raising the overall health of the sufferer. They contain enzymes and o ther natural nutrients that optimize the immune system. A preference, though, wo uld be to find a solution that would permanently eradicate the disease from the body. One Scleroderma sufferer put up with the disease for 4 years, enduring painful, stiff joints and severe gastro intestinal problems. With the natural system she has discovered she has managed to control her condition and rid herself of nearl y all of her daily symptoms. There is, then, a natural solution to the Scleroderma autoimmune disease and one that doesn't include the side effects commonly associated with drugs. For more information on a natural solution to Scleroderma, visit: Scleroderma Re medy Article Source: Ads by Google Novel Autism Treatment Systems Integration Approach to Autism Has Helped Many Children raphael Dr. David H. Kingsley The Hair Loss Specialist. Finds and treats the causes of your hair loss Dermatology Office Dermatologist Offers Cosmetic and Medical S in Treatments. NYC. Get Rid Of Vitiligo Today Voted # 1,Tested & Proven Vitiligo Treatment By Organic Care Australia Joint Pain? Arthritis? Top Ran ed Care For Osteoarthritis, Orthopedic & Rheumatology Patients Rate This Article: Close MLA Style Citation:
Rosario, Peter "Scleroderma - Autoimmune Disease." Scleroderma - Autoimmune Dise ase. 13 Mar. 2011 30 Mar. 2011 < eroderma---Autoimmune-Disease&id=6069329>. APA Style Citation: Rosario, P. (2011, March 13). Scleroderma - Autoimmune Disease. Retrieved March 30, 2011, from 9329 Chicago Style Citation: Rosario, Peter "Scleroderma - Autoimmune Disease." Scleroderma - Autoimmune Dise ase e&id=6069329 From: To: Message:
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This article has been viewed 15 time(s). Article Submitted On: March 13, 2011 Ads By Google Scleroderma Celiac Disease Boost Immune System Autoimmune D isease Ads by Google