Prayer Diary July 2019
Prayer Diary July 2019
Prayer Diary July 2019
Wedesday 10th As we are praying for “the harvest to be gathered in” from the “fields” of the South side of Friday 19th There are several fund-raising initiatives in the pipeline. Pray for these events to be successful
Peebles, pray that the spiritual seed-sewing, weeding, fertilisation and watering will be effective. What not just in terms of the money raised (though that is important) but also for the blessing to our fellowship
might that be in practice? Ask God to direct your thoughts and prayers on this, and to help you see what of spending time together in “alternative” activities, as well as the opportunities they give to invite family
your role will be. Pray that the Holy Spirit will be abundantly active in preparing the hearts and minds of all and friends to join in. Pray for more creative ideas and opportunities to inspire us, and for enthusiasm in
living in the area to hear and respond positively to the Gospel message. bringing these to reality.
Thursday 11th Today is the UN World Population Day. The focus for this year is the unfinished business of Saturday 20th Today will see us hosting our very own “Open Gardens” afternoon with tea provided too. Pray
the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in the prioritising of women’s that whatever the weather, all the planning and preparations will result in a lovely afternoon together in
reproductive health and rights. Praise God for Christian individuals and agencies involved in these areas beautiful and relaxed surroundings, and a healthy boost for the building fund. Give thanks to God for the
and ask that many would come to faith through contact with them. blessing of living in such a beautiful and safe part of the world and ask Him never to let us take this for granted.
Friday 12th The BMS Prayer Guide reports that people are coming to faith in parts of India where Christians Sunday 21st Pray for Beatrice Anderson, the Finance Administrator for BUS. This is as important a role as
are persecuted, threatened and killed by fundamentalist groups. BMS-supported church planters are at those seen as more “frontline” and it is good to have the opportunity to pay for Beatrice as well as those
work today in these communities, guided by the Holy Spirit and encouraged by your prayers. There is a working alongside her as they seek to honour God in looking after the finances of the organisation. Pray
special mention for Ann Bothamley serving for over 50 years in Vellore. Pray that God would bless and too for all who worship at Harestanes, Hawick and Helensburgh Baptist Churches. After our service we will
sustain her as she remains faithful to her calling to live and work in India even though she is well into her have the opportunity to continue in fellowship over lunch followed by a time of sharing and praying
eighties. Watch this short video if you can to hear her share a special incident: together. Pray that our commitment to praying would grow, both on our own and with others; that we
would be characterised as a “praying people”, seeking, hearing and obeying God’s will.
Saturday 13th We long to see growth in our fellowship, and for that growth to include young people. Pray
for the word to get around that Peebles Baptist Church is a fun place for children and teenagers to belong Monday 22nd Soul Survivor has been leading camps, day events and other types of ministry for young
to. Ask God to bless the JAM team who really do make coming to church fun for our youngsters, as well as people since 1993, to help them deepen their relationship with Jesus and grow in the ministry and power
helping them to establish a good grounding in faith. Pray for direction, including provision of personnel and of the Holy Spirit. This year will be the organisation’s last camp in Scotland as its leaders believe that God