Prayer Diary July 2019

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has made it clear that Soul Survivor has reached the end of its mandate.

The four day event is taking place

now near Kinross, with the Baptist Churches of Scotland hosting one of the camping villages. Pray for all
involved, that the end result will be young lives fired up for putting Jesus first for the rest of their days. Pray
Prayer Diary
for other organisations to step in to take on the vital role that Soul Survivor has sought to fulfil over the
past quarter century. July 2019
Tuesday 23rd Jesus predicted that during the lifetime of his disciples there would be “war and rumours of
wars” – see Matthew 24:4ff. His instruction to them was to not be alarmed (v6) and to stand firm (v13). His
advice is the same to all Christians in these days of actual war and daily rumours of war that may directly
Pray every day for our church, for God to bless, minister to and through the:
involve them. Pray for peace where there is war, for peaceful aversion of war where it is threatened and 1. Leadership – pray for Ian and Lindsey and the Deacons: Linda, Liz, John, Bill and Lyn
for peace of God to rule in the hearts of all Christians, including ourselves. 2. Family – pray using the address list as a guide to cover everyone during the month
Wednesday 24th There is a Diaconate meeting this evening. The term deacon comes from the Greek work 3. Worship – pray for those involved in the music ministry, and all other aspects of
diákonos, meaning servant or minister. Our deacons support Ian in his role as pastor and in overseeing all worship as per the rota
aspects of the life and work of the church. Pray for each of them, and for Ian as they prepare to meet later 4. Witness – of individuals living and working in this community; as a body
today, that their time together would be focused, productive and a blessing for them and for the church. representing Jesus; of our mission partners in Guinea and Kenya
During the afternoon, a service will be held at Dovecot Court. Pray for those leading to hear clearly from
God what words he would have them speak. Pray that those who come to the Singing Together might also 5. Growth – pray:
be drawn to come to a communal time where Jesus is the focus. - for the children in the church family and those who teach them in JAM
Thursday 25th Education is a major area of activity for those working or partnering with BMS World
- for the Building Project: the practicalities of fund-raising and building, the
Mission in Bangladesh through supporting training in pastoral care, English lessons for pastors, IT activities and outreach now and the opportunities to come as The King’s Barn
development and pre-school projects. Pray for Louise and Phil Proctor, Peter and Louise Lynch and all the takes shape.
local partners involved in working for Christ amongst a largely Muslim population. N.B. Saturday prayer time in the caravan at 8.30am. All welcome!
Friday 26th “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ
Jesus.” (1 Thess 5:16-18.) Meditate on these exhortations of Paul from, probably, the earliest of his surviving Monday 1st On Saturday we prayed for Martin Hodson, the Ministry Development Coordinator for the
letters to the young church in Thessalonica. When we are truly “in” Jesus, motivated moment by moment by His Baptist Union of Scotland. It has just been announced that he will be the new General Director of BUS! This
Holy Spirit, then perpetual rejoicing, prayer and thankfulness are the result, whatever our circumstances. is how he addressed the BUS Council: “I’m convinced God has called me to serve. A few years ago God
called me to become a servant of ministers across the country and now I receive God’s call to serve our
Saturday 27th Vision Ministries provides Water Guard in the Kibera slum. Over 1 million people live in this whole family of churches as General Director. Jesus said, ‘From everyone who has been given much, much
slum and 75% of the population are under 35 years of age. There is much corruption with gangs and will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.’ I know
Cartels. Please pray for the pastors who work in Kibera, talking to people about Jesus. Keep collecting your that God has entrusted me with this role and in his strength, building on the outstanding work of Alan
pennies and loose change for our monthly collection for ‘clean water in Kibera’ but don’t forget to pray for Donaldson, I will give myself to leading our Union in the next phase of our life together.” Pray for him today
the people living there, that they would encounter Jesus in a real way. and often in the coming days as he prepares to take up this important commission.
Sunday 28th Pray for Lynn Scott, Administrator for BUS and, if you have time, take a look at this article Tuesday 2nd The school year finishes today for all the schools in the Scottish Borders. Pray that the holiday
about God-centred administrators: period ahead would bring refreshment and recharging of batteries for all involved in teaching and teaching
Pray for all who belong to High Blantyre and Hillhead Baptist Churches and Hillview Community Church. support. Have in mind all those known to you who work in education and hold them up before God asking
Pray for our gathering too, hopefully at the King’s Meadow garden, that we will be able to see progress in Him to especially bless them, restoring their spirits as well as physical and emotional energy.
the erection of the The King’s Barn and be encouraged.
Wednesday 3rd “Singing Together” will be taking place this afternoon. Pray for all involved, especially asking
Monday 29th Children of school age are in the middle of summer holidays. Pray for those known to us to that the Holy Spirit would minister to those attending who do not yet have a saving relationship with God.
be content and enjoying their holidays with no anxiety about the return to school a year ahead of when May the conversations and the chosen hymn be the vehicles that He uses to encourage a spiritual awakening.
they left a few weeks ago. Pray for any little ones we know who are starting school. In all of their school life
may they know how special they are in God’s eyes and that they need have no worries or fears at this Thursday 4th The BMS Prayer Guide focus for this week is on speakers: workers on home assignment,
exciting but vulnerable time of their lives. volunteer speakers promoting BMS ministry, BMS staff, BMS Action Team members – all play a vital role in
sharing updates of the life-changing work of BMS around the world. Caroline and Victor are on home leave
Tuesday 30th Today is the UN World Day against Trafficking of Persons. Keeping our focus on children, pray from Guinea in the middle of a round of speaking engagements visiting ten UK churches to talk about their
about the awful statistic that children make up almost a third of trafficked victims worldwide. Even our part work in Guinea. There is a new update on the notice board, or you can read it here:
of the world is touched by this heinous activity. Pray for God’s power to break in and totally destroy the They had an eventful journey to the airport with
cartels and power bases that keep perpetuating the supply and demand for trafficking. Pray for the work of police checks and a minor accident on the way. Pray for them as they spend many more hours travelling to
the International Justice Mission which seeks to end slavery of all kinds in our lifetime. their various assignments in the UK, sharing about God at work in lives in Guinea. Pray for safety on the
roads and in the air for all involved in mission work who often spend many hours and days travelling to
Wednesday 31st Thank God for our church family. Pray through the new address list and bring before God
fulfil the ministries God has called them to.
any issues you are aware of that affect our brothers and sisters. Pray for God to bless each person and
draw them closer to Himself. Friday 5th Barbara and Lindsey met recently resulting in us having good up to date information to guide our
praying for Vision Ministries. Here is the first of three “specials” for this month’s Prayer Diary: Vision
Ministries have been going into prisons around the Mombasa area with local pastors to talk to and minister resources as ways are explored regarding how to reach out effectively to the youth in our community.
to people who are in prison. Last month 6 people were saved in a High Security Prison, and several women
were also saved in a medium security prison. Please pray for Pastor Stanley as he works with these new Sunday 14th Pray for Rev Dr Jim Purves, Mission and Ministry Advisor for the Baptist Union of Scotland (see
believers. Give thanks for changed lives and for chains broken. the online Connect magazine for a leading article written by him:
Pray too for the congregations and leaders of Grantown-on-Spey, Greenock and Hamilton Baptist Churches.
Saturday 6th There will be a Prayer Breakfast at the Drill Hall this morning. Pray in person with the Vicky’s Tearoom takes place this afternoon. This is a much looked forward to time for people who may be
gathered group or join in from home if you are not able to come. Keep all aspects of the building frail and who don’t get many opportunities to be out and about. Pray that all will be well enough to come.
project in mind, praying that the necessary finance will come in on time and that there will be no more
unscheduled delays in the main structure of The King’s Barn being erected. There are several grant Monday 15th Vision Ministries works with rural church in the Defitzi area of Nairobi. There is the VM
applications in process at present. Let’s pray that they find favour with the decision makers. Pray for orphanage and school there too. This area has experienced severe drought recently, so children and
Ian, Gordon, Ranald and the building group members for on-going wisdom in managing the project. families are struggling with a 40 minute walk to a water supply. Please pray that this drought will end.
Water butts have been installed, so the rain is needed. Many of the orphans and children in the VM school
Sunday 7th The Baptist Union prayer calendar focuses on Ali Laing, the Next Generation Development have had lives transformed by education. There is an ongoing need for sponsorship for children, so please
Coordinator whose work focuses on youth development in the church. ( pray about this and consider whether the Lord could be directing you to support VM in a new way.
appointment-ali-laing-next-generation-development-coordinator/). Glenrothes, Gourock and Granton
Baptist Churches are also listed for prayer. If you have time, take a look at any websites or Facebook pages Tuesday 16th BMS Workers and Partners are involved in development work in many of the poorest
in use by the churches to help with praying for them. As part of the celebrations for 150 years of the countries of the world. The “One Million Lives Transformed by 2020” initiative focuses on seven ministries
Baptist Union in Scotland, the next Regional Prayer Gathering for the Borders Baptist Churches takes place of which development is one, being defined as: “Helping poor people to thrive, helping communities to
in Kelso today. Pray that it will be a joyful and powerful time of prayer and fellowship. help themselves, training, supporting and coming alongside them to enable an experience of economic,
social and sustainable wellbeing.” Pray using this definition as a guide, asking that every motivation for the
Monday 8th As our new Church home takes shape, it is good to spend regular time in prayer asking God to work would come from the God’s love within and flowing out of the workers, drawing many into
get us into shape too, for the work we will be involved with once our Church family move in. Praise Him for relationship with Him.
the certainty of His calling us collectively to be situated on the southside of Peebles. Ask Him to prepare us
individually and as a body to be ready to reach out and boldly spread the Good News through word and Wednesday 17th As important as development work is, there is also an immense need for the
action, always saturated in prayer backing. Pray that we will be eager labourers sent out by the Lord into disseminating of good Palliative Care knowledge and implementation worldwide. Our BMS partners
His harvest (Matthew 9:38). Caroline (a nurse) and Victor spent a day with Mercy Ships on a Palliative Care training day, which lead to a
positive contact with a lady who was terminally ill in a nearby village. Pray for more and more Christians to
Tuesday 9th “Nations are slipping in hopeless despair… touched by the madness and lies” we recently sang. be involved in care during the end of life, that many will receive excellent, loving care and assurance of on-
This seems to describe the national and, in many cases, international situation we hear and read about. going life after death when they know Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
Let’s take time to pray about the political scene we find ourselves witnessing daily, and for its leaders. “I
urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for Thursday 18th Do you still regularly pray for the five people God brought to mind to prioritise for prayer,
kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 during the Thy Kingdom Come prayer movement in June? Keep on praying, be persistent, expect God to
Timothy 2:1-2.) Here is a link to an article that informs our praying for leaders: act and spend some concentrated time interceding for each of them today. Praise God for any signs to date
views/praying-for-our-leaders of spiritual awakening in their lives.

Wedesday 10th As we are praying for “the harvest to be gathered in” from the “fields” of the South side of Friday 19th There are several fund-raising initiatives in the pipeline. Pray for these events to be successful
Peebles, pray that the spiritual seed-sewing, weeding, fertilisation and watering will be effective. What not just in terms of the money raised (though that is important) but also for the blessing to our fellowship
might that be in practice? Ask God to direct your thoughts and prayers on this, and to help you see what of spending time together in “alternative” activities, as well as the opportunities they give to invite family
your role will be. Pray that the Holy Spirit will be abundantly active in preparing the hearts and minds of all and friends to join in. Pray for more creative ideas and opportunities to inspire us, and for enthusiasm in
living in the area to hear and respond positively to the Gospel message. bringing these to reality.

Thursday 11th Today is the UN World Population Day. The focus for this year is the unfinished business of Saturday 20th Today will see us hosting our very own “Open Gardens” afternoon with tea provided too. Pray
the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in the prioritising of women’s that whatever the weather, all the planning and preparations will result in a lovely afternoon together in
reproductive health and rights. Praise God for Christian individuals and agencies involved in these areas beautiful and relaxed surroundings, and a healthy boost for the building fund. Give thanks to God for the
and ask that many would come to faith through contact with them. blessing of living in such a beautiful and safe part of the world and ask Him never to let us take this for granted.

Friday 12th The BMS Prayer Guide reports that people are coming to faith in parts of India where Christians Sunday 21st Pray for Beatrice Anderson, the Finance Administrator for BUS. This is as important a role as
are persecuted, threatened and killed by fundamentalist groups. BMS-supported church planters are at those seen as more “frontline” and it is good to have the opportunity to pay for Beatrice as well as those
work today in these communities, guided by the Holy Spirit and encouraged by your prayers. There is a working alongside her as they seek to honour God in looking after the finances of the organisation. Pray
special mention for Ann Bothamley serving for over 50 years in Vellore. Pray that God would bless and too for all who worship at Harestanes, Hawick and Helensburgh Baptist Churches. After our service we will
sustain her as she remains faithful to her calling to live and work in India even though she is well into her have the opportunity to continue in fellowship over lunch followed by a time of sharing and praying
eighties. Watch this short video if you can to hear her share a special incident: together. Pray that our commitment to praying would grow, both on our own and with others; that we
would be characterised as a “praying people”, seeking, hearing and obeying God’s will.
Saturday 13th We long to see growth in our fellowship, and for that growth to include young people. Pray
for the word to get around that Peebles Baptist Church is a fun place for children and teenagers to belong Monday 22nd Soul Survivor has been leading camps, day events and other types of ministry for young
to. Ask God to bless the JAM team who really do make coming to church fun for our youngsters, as well as people since 1993, to help them deepen their relationship with Jesus and grow in the ministry and power
helping them to establish a good grounding in faith. Pray for direction, including provision of personnel and of the Holy Spirit. This year will be the organisation’s last camp in Scotland as its leaders believe that God

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