17 November 2019
17 November 2019
17 November 2019
helpful if you could let us have your contact details. Please fill
in the form below and give it to Ian (the pastor) or one of the
Deacons, or if you’d prefer you can email your
details to [email protected]. We won’t pass on
your information to anyone else.
If you’d like more information about what’s going on, or if
you’d like to discuss something, or if you’d like someone to
visit or pray with you, please let us know.
Address: .........................................................................
......................................................................... Whether you’re a regular part of our church or just visiting, it’s great to
have you with us today. Please stay after the service for a drink and a
......................................................................... chat so that we can get to know you better.
Telephone: ..................................................................... We’re in the mood for celebrations today!
It’s our birthday as a church - 130 years of
Mobile: .......................................................................... Baptist witness in Peebles (as well as 150
years of the Baptist Union of Scotland).
Email: ............................................................................
Everyone is invited to the prayer event this
Anything else you want to say: ........................................ afternoon, but this morning we’re thinking
about a different invitation, to something
....................................................................................... even better!
During our service today we will share communion. Everyone who wants
....................................................................................... to be a follower of Jesus is welcome to participate (but if you would prefer,
The Church’s Charity Trustees (Pastor and Deacons) are the Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection
Act and personal data relating to church members and regular attenders may be processed for general church purposes. please feel free just to pass on the bread and wine when they’re brought
round). The bread is gluten-free, and the “wine” is non-alcoholic.
We have not yet got an induction loop system available in
the Drill Hall. We’re working on possible solutions to Please bring your Bibles with you to follow the passages
that—sorry for the inconvenience! read. If you’d like to borrow one, please ask a welcomer.
Our main reading today is Matthew 11:28-30
If you have difficulty seeing the screen, please
don’t be embarrassed to move to an aisle seat
or to nearer the front if you’re behind someone
tall! Alternatively, there are now a number of larger print Web: peeblesbaptistchurch.org Email: [email protected]
songbooks available - please just ask one of the stewards. Peebles Baptist Church SCIO is Scottish Registered Charity SC049084
What’s on this week: Ian and Lindsey are on holiday this week. If you have urgent
Today: pastoral concerns, please contact any of the deacons.
Setup: Ian & Lindsey Lead/Keyboard: Ian, Mary
Welcomers: Helen Cl, Alan Prayers: Janet S
Coming up this Advent/Christmas:
Serve communion: Gordon, Iain Lay communion: Vi Christmas Market and Coffee Morning (we have a
Flowers: Mo Teas: Kenny stall) - Saturday 23rd Nov, 10-1, in the Burgh Hall
Children’s Talk: Mo JAM: Lindsey, Mo Church Members’ Meeting - Wednesday 27th Nov
This afternoon: Lunch ‘n’ Chat - Monday 2nd December
Borders prayer event: a double celebration as we mark 150 years of the Christmas Shoppers Canteen - Saturday 7th December, 10-2pm in the
Baptist Union of Scotland and 130 year of Peebles Baptist Church. There Leckie Church Hall. Speak to Linda to offer your help.
will be prayer, worship, stories of what God is doing, and a birthday tea!
Guests include Martin Hodson, new BUS General Director, and Mark Lunch and Prayer - Sunday 15th December, after the morning service
Craig, Communications Director of BMS World Mission, plus friends Community Carol Singing - Saturday 21st December, 4.30 - 5.30pm
near and far, old and new. 4 - 6pm. Nativity Play - Sunday 22nd December
Christmas Day Family Celebration - 10am, with bacon rolls beforehand
Christmas Community Meal - Saturday 28th December. Time and place
to be confirmed.
Neither of the Tuesday homegroups are meeting this week, but will Prayer
resume as normal on Tuesday 26th. Are you on the PBC WhatsApp Prayer Group?
If you’re not in a home group and would like to find out more, please speak to Ian If not, speak to Ian or any of the deacons.
or one of the deacons.
Wednesday: Monthly finance update
Wednesday Welcome - 3pm at Frank and Christine’s (12 Drovers Way), Apart from the building project, or any special offerings like Kibera:
for tea, coffee, cake and a very warm welcome. • Our income in October 2019 was £2813.87
Saturday: • On average, we receive £3,304 per month
Coffee and Prayer in the caravan at 8.30am. • On average, we need £3,962 per month
If you would like to find out more
PYT Christmas Hampers about ways to give to PBC, please
As in previous years, Peeblesshire Youth Trust is speak to Lyn.
organising Christmas hampers for families in the area
who face particular challenges at this time of year. As
a church it’s our privilege to be part of that, and this
Next Sunday:
year we’ve been asked to provide 100 non-alcoholic Setup: Iain & Rosalie Lead/Keyboard: Lyn, Mary
Christmas Puddings. We need them by Sunday Welcomers: Gordon, Frank Prayers: Gordon
December 1st, so please bring your contribution along Flowers: Margaret C Teas: Rosalie
to the Drill Hall on any of the Sundays in November. Children’s Talk: Linda JAM: Christine, Rosalie