GSA Council Minutes - August 1st 2018

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GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario

Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

CALL TO ORDER – 6:09pm, Wednesday, August 1st, 2018

The GSA recognizes and acknowledges that the lands on which we live, work, and study belong
to the Algonquin nation.

The Algonquin nation, whose territories comprise the entire Kichi Sibi (Ottawa River) watershed
and include the city of Ottawa, never ceded or surrendered its territories to Canada. The
Canadian state laid claim to these territories through violent systems of colonization that
resulted and continue to result in the dispossession, marginalization, and impoverishment of
Algonquin people and the overexploitation of land and waters within their territory.

The GSA commits to fully supporting Algonquin struggles and Algonquin assertions of self-
determination and nationhood. We are not innocent in the ongoing colonization of these lands
and we resolve to challenge the presence of colonialism in our words, actions, and communities.
We extend our ongoing solidarity to the Algonquin nation with our words, actions, time, skills,
and resources.

Seung Hwan Lee (Proxy, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
Amin Ghaziaskan (Mech & Aero)
Dat Tran (Public Policy and Admin)
Kirsten Bussiere (English)
Jana Sarran (Guest, Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Sean Sarran (Guest, Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Miranda Leibel (VP-Operations)
Ashley Courchene (VP-Finance)
Helyeh Doutaghi (VP-External)
Trycia Bazinet (VP-Academic)
Phil Robinson (Executive Coordinator)
Mohammad Akbar (Office Communications Coordinator)
Melissa Conte (Outreach Coordinator)

a. Announcement of Proxies
 Helyeh Doutaghi appointed Amin Ghaziaskan

Moved: Miranda Leibel
Seconded: Dat Tran


a. E-minutes from June 21st, 2018
Moved: Amin Ghaziaskar

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

Seconded: Trycia Bazinet


b. Minutes from June 21st, 2018

Moved: Miranda Leibel
Seconded: Helyeh Doutaghi


 Trycia introduced Mohammad Akbar as a new member to the GSA as an Office

Communications Coordinator
 Miranda Leibel introduced Melissa Conte as an Outreach Coordinator

a. President (Jay Ramasubramanyam)

 Nothing to report

b. VP Finance (Ashley Courchene)

Grants, Grants, Grants

We have motions forthcoming to establish Health Leave Grant, and increase the value of the
Family Leave Grant, which we will see later. I’ll speak more to them when I motivate them.

We are also introducing our policy for the Indigenous Student Scholarship that was established
last month. It is in the same format of the International Student Scholarship. Speaking of which, I
am putting forward a motion to amend the International Student Scholarship so students do not
have to demonstrate financial need for the scholarship. Students who are in financial need can
apply through one of our needs based grants such as the Emergency Grant. This way we can still
help students who require it but leave the scholarships to be decided upon by merit.

BIG NEWS: We received a $21,000 contribution from Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral
Affairs to go towards our Family Leave, Health Leave, and Emergency Grants. This means we
can support more students in need.

Mike’s Place Revitalization

Found a POS System that our Mike’s Place manager likes, so we will be going forward in having
that installed this month and have all staff members trained by August

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

Phase 2 of revitalization will begin after that, which includes more art in the dining area and
possibly a larger TV on one of the walls. We will continue to consult with George and other FT
Staff before moving forward with that.

Canadian Federation of Students

As Helia can elaborate, we put forth a few motions to the Canadian Federation of Students for
the Ontario General Meeting. The motion I put forth is to address the lack of decolonial
workshops and knowledge that could be included in CFS events such as the OGM or Skills.
There have been a lot of great strides that the CFS has taken to bring in Indigenous perspectives
but the general membership still has lots to learn. So this motion is to get the CFS to commit to
increasing the number of workshops of colonialism and increase the depth of content in those

Lobby Efforts

Met with Mayor Jim Watson. We discussed 3 things:

1. The new rail system and the possibility of increasing the frequency of the 4 & 7 to and
from campus. We have to follow up with the Director of Transit Customer Systems &
Planning to discuss this matter further.

2. We also talked about the possibility of a 211 number that Ottawa citizens could call for
non-emergency, non-violent situations instead of calling the police. The Mayor indicated
that there were no talks on the issue and that we should talk to the current 211 services
referral guy. If students think this is a issue worth pursuing, we may push this to the
Political Action Committee.

3. Lastly, we talked about the Herongate evictions taking place in Ottawa south. It is a
disappointment that the Mayor did not want to take on more responsibilities to help the
residents of that community. We acknowledge that he cannot arbitrarily stop a private
corporation from evicting their tenants but we believe there is more that can be done to
support the residents of Herongate, who are low-income families and students whose
homes are in a state of disrepair. Thus we are moving a motion to donate $300 to
community organizers who are advocating on the behalf of Herongate residents.

We are also going to meet Joel Harden, this riding’s MPP later this month, and in the near future,
this riding’s MP Catherine McKenna. If there is any issue you want us to pass along, please let
me know via email at [email protected], or in person. We are open to your ideas.

CUAEL/GSA job positions

We are trying to have both our Outreach Coordinator and Sexual Assault Outreach Coordinator
job postings with the Carleton University Accessibility Experiential Learning (CUAEL) program

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

under the Paul Mention Centre (PMC). This allows students with disabilities the opportunity to
get work experience in a similar fashion as a work placement program. CUAEL reimburses the
wages of the workers we hire through this program, as mandated by the provincial government,
and once we hammer out an agreement between the PMC, the GSA, and CUPE, we hope to open
up some more employment opportunities as the GSA.

c. VP Operations (Miranda Leibel)

Welcome Weeks

Planning for the 2018 Welcome Weeks is underway and we have a number of confirmed events,
including a keynote address from Harsha Walia, a Sexy Trivia Night, a trip to Gatineau Park, a
Queer Community Care Night, a Racialized and Indigenous Student Dinner, as well as a lot of
our established programming such as the International Student Lunch and Panel, a Surviving
Grad School Workshop, and collaborations with other University departments such as the
Library and Equity Services.

Equity Orientation Weeks

Equity Services is hosting six weeks of orientation events in September and October. The
purpose of this orientation is to facilitate outreach and awareness about healthy sexuality and
consent culture. The first six weeks of the Fall Semester are when most incidents of sexual
violence are reported on University campuses.

We are collaborating with Equity and other organizations on campus to ensure that their events
reach a broad student audience. Some of the highlights include an #IBelieveYou day, as well as
self-care kits, Take Back the Night, and participation at Panda Game events. If you would be
interested in volunteering with Equity Services for any events, please send me an email at
[email protected]

Peer Support Programming

Throughout the summer, myself and the VP-Academic have been sitting on the University’s Peer
Support Working Group to develop a proposal for peer support programming at Carleton. We
submitted a comprehensive proposal on behalf of graduate students, which was distinct from the
overall proposal to specifically meet the needs of our members. The proposal for the
undergraduate peer support programming was approved. We are meeting with administration to
discuss our options further, as we are continuing to advocate for a graduate specific peer support
program run out of the GSA.

In the meantime, we have negotiated with Equity Services to run a pilot sexual violence peer
support drop-in time at the GSA. Equity has two graduate/mature students who have submitted
their applications and will be completing training in the fall. The drop-in hours should be
available by October 2018.

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

Sexual Assault Outreach Coordinator Hiring

We have hired Bridgette Desjardins as a Sexual Assault Outreach Coordinator for the coming

We will be re-posting the position again shortly in the hopes of hiring a second SAOC for the
2018-19 year.

Canadian Federation of Students Mental Health Campaign

I have been participating in the Canadian Federation of Students’ consultations regarding the
existing Mental Health Policy and Campaign. They are seeking to revitalize the campaign for the
coming academic year, and to take this opportunity to address concerns that members have had
regarding this specific campaign.

On behalf of the GSA, I have advocated for a deeper integration of intersectional thinking
throughout the campaign and policy, including an integration of gender, sexuality, and class,
which are not presently mentioned in the campaign materials, as well as an ongoing integration
of the specific needs and concerns of racialized and Indigenous students. Additionally, I have
advocated for increased attention to the distinct needs of those living with mental illnesses, rather
than a generic focus on mental health.

Carleton Sexual Violence Policy

Carleton will be opening up the Sexual Violence Policy for review in the 2018-19 year.
Consultations are scheduled to begin in the fall, and the consultation process will likely be
ongoing throughout the academic year. The reviewed policy is slated to be released in its
complete form in April 2019.

We have met with Equity Services for a pre-consultation meeting to provide our input on how
we would like to be consulted. Currently, the consultation timeline proposed by Equity will span
the entire academic year, resulting in the Policy being submitted to the Board of Governors for
the April 25th meeting.

In preparation for this consultation process, the GSA will be reconvening the Consent Culture
committee to engage with our membership regarding graduate student priorities with regard to
the Carleton Sexual Violence Policy. Those who are interested in participating in this committee
are welcome to email me at [email protected]. Please also share this call-out with your peers.
The committee will likely hold its first meeting in late September.

Solidarity with #DefendHerongate

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

I have been working closely with the Herongate Tenants Coalition in support of their resistance
to the forced evictions by TimberCreek. As will be discussed in our motions, they will be
holding a fundraising concert on August 25th and are seeking financial support so that all
donations received can go directly to the Tenants Coalition.

The GSA will continue to support these efforts, and we encourage those who are able to
purchase a ticket to the concert. Although the suggested donation is $15-$20, all donations are
appreciated, and no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. If you are interested in
purchasing a ticket to the concert, please contact me at [email protected]. Tickets are also
available for purchase at the front desk at the GSA.

d. VP Academic (Trycia Bazinet)

Upper Year Grad Students

We have not launched the survey yet because we are still looking for more feedback on the
survey from student senators. We will have an organizing meeting on the issue on August 13th.
If you would like to join, email me at [email protected] . We are thinking of developing this
issue into a longer term campaign on the neoliberalization of Carleton, which is in the research
phase at the moment.

Statement of Understanding between Supervisor and Students

The statement of understanding is progressing and I will receive another draft from the Faculty
of Post-Doctoral and Graduate Affairs (FGPA) that Jay and I can provide further input on.
Again, this statement of understanding is meant to be signed by both the supervisor and the
student so as to establish a mechanism that has more weight when issues arise. We hope that this
statement will highlight and emphasize students’ concerns, such as time window for feedback,
ensuring anonymity of students so that they are not impacted by talks that might be circulating in
the department and a strong emphasis on the need for a conflict mediation process. Any inputs or
stories are welcome in this case too.

Scanner at the Library for books on reserve

Jay and I met with the library admin and while we did not have time to clarify on a few changes
that have taken place, we brought in some concerns raised by students as well as talked about the
meet and greet event with subject librarians to take place on September 14th. They confirmed
that the library will get a scanner right next to the reserve counter; this scanner will be a quick
and efficient way to scan the sections that you need from books that are only on 2 or 4 hours
reserves. Please let me know if you have any suggestions to improve library services to grad
students as they seem open to listen to us: [email protected]

Safer-Space Policy

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

We are in the early process of developing a policy around the application and navigation of harm
reduction for the GSA events and spaces. We will be collaborating with Equity and Center for
Indigenous Initiative to develop this policy.

GFB assignments

Graduate students have 5 seats on the GFB. The GFB reports to Senate and oversees the
administration and content of graduate studies at Carleton. So the remaining Student
Representative of the Graduate Faculty Board have all been assigned at the last council. Congrats
to Kevin O’Meara, Hemant Gupta, and Chelsea Nash who will be joining Melissa Conte and
Bridgette Desjardins as student reps

Environmental Justice Speaker Series

I want to develop a speaker series about Environmental Justice in praxis to take place over the
academic year so if you have any suggestions of specific speakers who are engaged in land
protection, environmental justice or resurgence, feel free to suggest their names.

Welcome Weeks Volunteers

We are looking for volunteers to help us during Welcome Weeks. If you would like to participate
as a volunteer for the first two days on September 1st or 2nd, please email me at
[email protected]. If you would like to volunteer for other Welcome Weeks events as well,
feel free to contact me or the other execs and we will make sure to reach out to you. This
opportunity provides the chance to connect with several other grad students and is essential to
the ongoing process of building community on campus.

e. VP External (Helyeh Doutaghi)



We are currently researching and preparing materials for our Anti-war campaign. Our initial goal
is to find our information about Carleton university’ involvement, investment and collaborating
with any a weapons manufacturing and or military. If you are interested to get involved or know
someone who is interested to help out please contact me at [email protected]

Anti-Islamophobia (Anti-Muslim Racism)

We are collaborating with CFS and NCCM for improving and refreshing the Anti-Islamophobia
materials. NCCM has been invited to hold a workshop at welcome weeks on anti-islamophobia,
as part of our campaign. We further be having educational materials ready and distributed on

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

September. Please contact me if you are interested to get involved and help out with this

Canadian Federation of Students

On July 9th, we met with the CFS Ontario Chairperson and discussed our visions and plans for
the year and how the CFS can support our members and initiatives in the coming year. Some of
the highlights of the discussion for the services we provide were the promotion of our ISIC
machine and increasing the benefits, ethical purchasing of giveaways for Welcome Weeks, as
well as tax clinics, which I will have more information for you all of you as we approach the
second semester.

CFS-Ontario meeting will take place August 23-26. We submitted a motion for the coming CFS-
O meeting that commits the CFS to launch and support locals for their Anti-War initiatives. We
submitted a motion that commits CFS to financially our upcoming event in October. Ash can
update you on the third motion.

Anti-Oppression Policy

I am working with Munda our anti-o facilitator to develop an anti-o policy for the GSA. The
policy will be presented at the next council.

Outreach Coordinator Hiring

We are very excited to announce that we have hired Melissa Conte as our new Outreach
Coordinato. She will be working closely with Zidane, our Membership Coordinator, and myself
to plan the outreach for the year and prepping for campaigns.


The Board has approved the budget for website design. We have been in touch and received
quotes from few designers and will be finalizing our decision signing a contract this week. NEW


We now have signed a contract with a contractor and will be doing renovations (GSA floors,
cabinets and painting) at the office. We are aiming to have this done ideally before September.
We might have to close the office for few days in August to be able to get the job done safely. I
will have more information at our next meeting as the timeline will be finalized soon.

RISE Conference

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

The GSA is co-organizing a RISE conference in November with a number of local organizations
and student unions. RISE Ottawa is going to be modeled after the two previous National RISEs
organized by CFS .

f. Questions

 Nothing to report

a. Senate & Senate Committees

 Nothing to report

b. Graduate Residence Caucus (GRC)

 Nothing to report

c. Graduate Faculty Board (GFB)

 Nothing to report

d. Canadian Union of Public Employees 4600 (CUPE 4600)

 Nothing to report

e. Board of Governors (BOG)

 Nothing to report

f. Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA)

 David (CUSA president) announced that CUSA is working on accessibility

initiative by launching anew burse fee for students to apply and be funded.
CUSA is also working on Sexual Policy and hiring students with disabilities to
give them the opportunities they deserve.
CUSA is concerned about the new Marijuana policy that the university is working
on. CUSA wants the university to be careful with the language they use so the
students feel safe.
CUSA is making some changes in the business – opening Avin book and coffee –
working with the club societies to do the best for their students. CUSA is planning
to move some business to the university center space, to offer more grab and go
food option because the students are complaining about the lack of options.

g. Questions

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

 Nothing to report


 Nothing to report


a. Motion 01.08.2018—01: Implementation of a Sexual Violence Policy

Moved By: Miranda Leibel (VP Operations)
Seconded By: Ashley Courchene

Whereas the GSA is committed to anti-oppressive practice, which includes supporting survivors
of sexual and gender based violence, and;

Whereas the GSA advocates on behalf of graduate students for more intersectional sexual
violence policies from Carleton University, and;

Whereas the GSA currently does not have a sexual and gender based violence policy that applies
to our spaces, and;

Whereas the GSA operates a Sexual Violence Outreach program and hires Sexual Violence
Outreach Coordinators to facilitate outreach and programming regarding sexual health and
sexual violence, and;

Whereas College and University campuses in Canada have high rates of sexual violence;

Be it resolved that the GSA adopt and implement the Sexual and Gender Based Violence Policy
as outlined below.

Be it further resolved that the GSA commit to revisiting this policy regularly and make changes
as needed, with the consent of our Council.


Carleton Graduate Students’ Association Sexual and Gender Based Violence Policy


The Carleton Graduate Students’ Association is committed to ending sexual and gender based
violence in all its forms. This policy therefore reflects a two-pronged approach to ending sexual
and gender based violence on campus, with a focus both on addressing specific cases of sexual
violence as they arise, and on building a campus culture of consent. This policy makes clear this

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

commitment to addressing sexual violence and rape culture through survivor support, awareness,
education, training, and prevention programs, the appropriate handling of reports or complaints
of sexual and gender based violence incidents, and to fostering and promoting a culture of

The GSA recognizes the need for intersectional approaches to sexual and gender based violence,
as the individuals and communities most often impacted by these forms of violence are often
subject to structural marginalization based on gender, sexuality, race, Indigeneity, religion,
language, dis/ability, class, and nationality. Rape culture cannot be isolated from these other
interconnected forms of oppression.

II. Definitions

A. Intersectionality

Intersectionality can be understood as a theoretical and political framework, which helps to

understand the interlinking forms of oppression that people experience. It does not consider
experiences of oppression, like racism and misogyny, as two separate experiences, but rather as
structures that intersect and are mutually constituted, and we all experience these intersections
differently based on our positionality.

The inclusion of intersectionality in this policy, which names gender, sexuality, race,
Indigeneity, religion, language, dis/ability, class, and nationality is intended to acknowledge that
experiences of sexual and gender based violence, as well as the ways we experience healing, are
shaped by our positions at these intersections.

B. Sexual Violence

Sexual violence can be broadly defined as any experience of unwanted sexual attention,
communication, or touch. This means that sexual violence is not only a physical experience, but
also includes sexual harassment, stalking, cyber-stalking, and other forms of violence. Sexual
violence is fundamentally an expression of power, and functions through the attempted control
over someone else’s sexuality.

C. Gender Based Violence

Gender based violence refers generally to experiences of violence that are shaped by dominant
ideologies of gender. Although this has generally been used to refer to violence against women,
the GSA understands that gender based violence impacts people of many different genders, and
is an expression of power that is intended to limit and constrain gender expression to conform to
cis-normative and heterosexist ideologies of gender.

D. Consent

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

The GSA defines consent as ongoing, enthusiastic, and affirmative. While this document is
specifically referencing consent within the context of sexual and gender based violence, the GSA
also acknowledges that consent can and should be extended to other aspects of our life that are
non-sexual in nature, and doing so helps to deconstruct the pervasive rape culture in which we

E. Rape Culture

Broadly defined, rape culture refers to a social context in which common attitudes, beliefs, and
behaviours tolerate, normalize, and condone sexual violence. This includes various behaviours
that are included on the spectrum of sexual violence, including rape jokes, and the devaluation of
emotional labour, as well as entitlement to time, energy, and labour.

F. Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is defined as any non-consensual sexual touch. This means that sexual assault is a
very broad category, and while it does include rape, rape is only one of a set of experiences that
can be defined as sexual assault. For example, sexual assault also includes non-consensual
kissing or touching, and does not only include experiences of non-consensual penetration.

G. Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted sexual attention or communication that is

intimidating, humiliating, and/or offensive. This can include sexual comments directed
specifically at one person, but could also include general sexual jokes or comments that make
anyone in the room feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

H. Stalking

Stalking is a form of gendered and spatialized violence that is intended to make certain groups
feel as though they are never ever safe from being watched or attacked. This causes extensive
and permanent anxiety and fear in the everyday lives of survivors. Stalking is connected to
instances of sexual violence and their link should not be undermined.

I. Entitlement

The logics of rape culture operate on a large spectrum that encompasses forms of gendered
entitlement. Entitlement to time, energy, labour may not always have a sexual nature, but operate
as part of the founding logics of a culture in which sexual violence is prevalent, justified and

J. Intimate Partner Violence

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

Intimate partner violence includes any experiences of violence within an intimate relationship--
including, but not limited to romantic and sexual partners. Importantly, intimate partner violence
does not only include experiences of physical or sexual violence, but also emotional,
psychological, verbal, financial, and other forms of abuse.

K. Cyber-harassment

Sexual and gendered violence can and does take place in virtual spaces. This ranges from the
non-consensual circulation of photos, unsolicited pictures and name-calling and insulting on
dating and social apps. Cyber-harassment may not always have a sexual nature but it can have a
gendered nature, in which some genders do not feel safe sharing certain things or are targeted
because of their genders. Cyber-harassment can include forms of stalking, wherein past or
current abusers send messages, friend requests or more. The effects of cyber-harassment are as
real as physical harassment and should be treated as such.

L. Harm reduction

The understanding and application that people’s usage of substance does not explain or cause
violence that happens to them. Harm reduction is a set of approaches that seek to address the
stigma associated with usage, a stigma that is known to further exacerbate victim-blaming.

III. Background

This policy is put forward in the context of gendered and sexual violence that takes place on
College and University campuses across Canada, as well as outside of our institutions. The GSA
recognizes the existence of sexual and gender based violence as a spectrum, which can include
more visible instances of violence, such as sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, intimate
partner violence, and rape, as well as the more everyday experiences of misogynistic,
homophobic, and transphobic jokes, or the invisibility and devaluation of feminized and
emotional labour. The GSA recognizes that these behaviours and logics underpin a society in
which moments of sexual and gender based violence can occur.

Specifically in a campus setting, it is also important to acknowledge that alcohol and other drug
use is often implicated in moments of sexual and gender based violence. The GSA acknowledges
that a survivor is never to blame for their experience of violence, regardless of whether or not
alcohol or other drugs were consumed.

IV. Application and Scope

This policy applies to all members, staff, executive, and volunteers of the Carleton Graduate
Students’ Association, as well as individuals who make use of GSA spaces, including the GSA
Lounge, Boardroom, and Mike’s Place Pub, and the GSA’s online platforms (including the GSA
Website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages). This policy additionally applies at official
GSA events, whether they take place on- or off-campus.

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

V. Policy

a. The GSA commits to a zero-tolerance policy for sexual and gender based violence, including
assault, harassment, and stalking.
b. The GSA commits to maintaining the Sexual Assault Outreach program at least one (1)
Sexual Assault Outreach Coordinator per year to implement education, outreach, and
programming dedicated to building a healthy consent culture on campus.
c. The GSA commits to respecting the difference between a disclosure of sexual or gender
based violence, and a formal complaint.
d. The GSA commits to maintaining the confidentiality of the survivor, unless legally
prohibited from doing so, in which case the survivor will be made aware of the need to break
e. The GSA commits to working with survivors on a case-by-case basis to determine the kinds
of support the GSA is able to provide, including, but not limited to, the completion of a
safety plan; protection from face-to-face encounters with the perpetrator in GSA spaces and
at GSA events; support in navigating the University sexual violence policy and reporting
mechanisms; and informal and/or restorative justice alternatives.
f. The GSA commits to offering sexual and gender based violence training for staff and
executives at the GSA.
g. The GSA commits to a policy of harm reduction, which includes supporting survivors of
sexual and gender based violence regardless of their use of alcohol or other drugs.
h. The GSA commits to advocate that Carleton University create an intersectional,
comprehensive, survivor-centric institutional policy on sexual and gender based violence.
i. The GSA commits to advocate that Carleton University thoroughly consults students,
including the Carleton GSA and its membership, when any changes are being made
regarding University policy on sexual violence.
j. The GSA commits to advocate that Carleton University specifically consult with groups who
are disproportionately affected by sexual and gender based violence when making decisions
on sexual and gender based violence policies.
k. The GSA commits to advocate that Carleton University provides sufficient funding to
improve support services across campus.
l. The GSA commits to advocate that Carleton University respect the difference between a
disclosure of sexual violence and a formal complaint.
m. The GSA commits to advocate that Carleton University provide access to support services to
students, regardless of whether or not the survivor chooses to report.
n. The GSA commits to advocate that Carleton University provide academic and housing
accommodation to students regardless of whether or not the survivor chooses to report.
o. The GSA commits to review this policy on an ongoing basis, and to update it as necessary
with the consent of Council.


b. Motion 01.08.2018—02: Support for the Herongate Tenants Coalition

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

Moved: Trycia Bazinet (VP Academic)

Seconded: Miranda Leibel

Whereas over 408 people, including 202 children, are facing eviction by the Timbercreek
corporation that plans on destroying their townhouses in what they call a “revitalization” project,

Whereas this specific eviction is only phase 2 out of larger eviction campaign being launched by
Timbercreek, and;

Whereas the city of Ottawa is complicit in one of the largest eviction campaign ever seen
(although they did not grant demolitions permits to Timbercreek as of yet, as this requires the cut
of essential services), and;

Whereas people who are affected by these forced evictions are predominantly people of colour
(89%) and 44% Somali, and;

Whereas forced evictions and mass displacement is a human rights violations, and displacement
of communities of color has a racist and traumatizing precedent in Canada, and;

Whereas the homes of Herongate tenants have been willingly neglected by the landlords in an
effort to accelerate eviction processes;

Be it resolved that the GSA will offer $300 in financial support, as well as free printing for any
event communications, for an upcoming fundraiser organized to the benefits of the Herongate
Tenants Coalition that will take place on August 25th, from 7-10 pm at the Happy Goat Café on

Be it further resolved that the GSA is ready to offer support to its members who might be
affected by this issue.

 Amin: Are they evicting students already?

 Trycia: More than 400 people have been evicted so far and it keeps going.


c. Motion 01.08.2018—03: Adoption of the Indigenous Student Scholarship Policy

Moved: Ashley Courchene (VP Finance)
Seconded: Miranda Leibel
Whereas the legacy of colonialism, residential schools and systemic racism has made access to
post-secondary education full of social and economic barriers for Indigenous peoples, and;

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

Whereas despite the responsibility of government to ensure Indigenous students’ access to

education, vast inaction and prohibitive bureaucracy has created more barriers for Indigenous
students, and;

Whereas the GSA is committed to decolonialism and fighting for greater access to education for
Indigenous students, and;

Whereas the GSA has already passed a motion committing to creating this award;
Be it resolved GSA adopt the policy governing the Indigenous student awards outlined below:

The GSA Indigenous Student Award was created to help the financial burdens Indigenous
students incur over the course of their graduate studies to obtain a degree. The GSA recognizes
that Indigenous graduate students make a significant contribution to graduate student life on
campus while facing barriers that result from the historical and ongoing process of colonization,
exploitation and land theft.

Terms of Reference:

1. The Award

1.1. Two (2) awards will be given out each year in the Winter term.

1.2. The value of each award is $500.

2. Eligibility

2.1. Applicants must be members of the GSA.

2.2. Applicants must demonstrate financial need.

2.3. Applicants must have completed at least one term of graduate study at Carleton

2.4. Applicants must be in good academic standing, as defined by the Graduate calendar.

3. Selection Procedure

3.1. The committee charged with administering the award is the GSA Awards and
Scholarships Committee.

3.2. The anonymity of the applicants will be preserved during the selection process when
the Awards and Scholarships committee makes its decision.

3.3. Applications will be processed with strict confidentiality.

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

4. Application procedures
Applicants must submit:

4.1. A completed application form;

4.2. A personal statement from the candidate that outlines the candidate’s academic
achievements, goals, career aspirations, and any other relevant considerations. This
statement should not exceed three (3) single-sided pages.

4.3. Two references from professors or members of the Carleton Indigenous community.

4.4.An academic transcript from Carleton University (photocopies are acceptable).


d. Motion 01.08.2018—04: Motion to Increase the Value of the GSA Family Leave
Moved: Ashley Courchene (VP Finance)
Seconded: Sean Sarran (Guest, Civil and Environmental Engineering)

Whereas the GSA Family Leave Grant (FLG) was established to provide financial support for
full-time and part-time Masters and PhD students who require academic leave for parental leave
or other family related issues, and;

Whereas the current value of the FLG is a one-time amount of $1500.00, and;

Whereas the FLG policy has not been updated since 2009 and the cost of living for families has
significantly risen since then, and;

Whereas the GSA has received $21,000 from the Faculty of Graduate and Post-Doctoral Affairs
(FGPA) towards ‘needs-based’ grants for grad students, and;

Be it resolved that the value of GSA Family Leave Grant be raised to a one-time amount of

Be it further resolved that this raise be reflected in the GSA’s Family Leave Grant Policy.

e. Motion 01.08.2018—05: Adoption of a Health Leave Grant

Moved: Ashley Courchene (VP Finance)
Seconded: Amin Ghaziaskar
Whereas students carry far heavier debt loads, are facing unprecedented competition for jobs,
have greater academic pressures and far fewer educational resources, and;

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

Whereas these circumstances negatively affects student’s mental and physical health, and;

Whereas the GSA has received a $21,000 contribution from the Faculty of Graduate and Post-
Doctoral towards needs-based grants for grad students;

Be it resolved that the GSA establish a Health Leave grant for Masters and PhD students
requiring a leave of absence for physical and mental health reasons.

Be it further resolved that the GSA propose the Health Leave grant policy at the September 2018
council meeting.

f. Motion 01.08.2018—06: Motion to Amend the International Student Award Policy

Moved: Ashley Courchene (VP Finance)
Seconded: Sean Sarran (Guest, Civil and Environmental Engineering)

Whereas the GSA International Student Award was created to help the financial burdens of
international students that they incur over the course of their graduate studies, and;

Whereas the GSA International Student Award is a scholarship that is based on merit rather than
a need, and;

Whereas clause 4.4 of the GSA International Student Award policy states that an applicant must
submit “a one-page budget that clearly outlines the candidate’s income and expenses for the
academic year”, and;

Whereas clause 4.4 is irrelevant to personal merit,

Be it resolved that the GSA International Student Award policy remove section 4.4 to reflect the
following policy:

The GSA International Student Award was created to help the financial burdens international
students incur over the course of their graduate studies to obtain a degree. The GSA recognizes
that international graduate students make a significant contribution to graduate student life on
campus while facing additional financial barriers including much higher tuition fees and limited
rights to work off campus.

Terms of Reference:

1. The Award

1.1 . Two (2) awards will be given out each year in the Winter term.

1.2 . The value of each award is $500.

GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

2. Eligibility

2.1. Applicants must be members of the GSA.

2.2. Applicants must demonstrate financial need.

2.3. Applicants must have completed at least one term of graduate study at Carleton

2.4. Applicants must be in good academic standing, as defined by the Graduate calendar.

3. Selection Procedure

3.1. The committee charged with administering the award is the GSA Awards and
Scholarships Committee.

3.2. The anonymity of the applicants will be preserved during the selection process when
the Awards and Scholarships committee makes its decision.

3.3. Applications will be processed with strict confidentiality.

4. Application procedures

Applicants must submit:

4.1. A completed application form;

4.2. A personal statement from the candidate that outlines the candidate’s academic
achievements, goals, career aspirations, and any other relevant considerations. This
statement should not exceed three (3) single-sided pages.

4.3. Two references from professors or members of the Carleton Indigenous community.

4.4.An academic transcript from Carleton University (photocopies are acceptable).



 Sean Sarran (Guest, Civil and Environmental Engineering): is there anything for the local
students as such the new funding that the university is applying on Internationl tuition fee
 students in the future.
 Ashley: yes
 Mira


GSA COUNCIL – Meeting Minutes
Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Room 282 University Centre - 6:00 pm – August 1st, 2018

Moved by: Miranda Leibel

Seconded by: Trycia Bazinet

Meeting was adjourned at 7:03


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