Lexey'em June 2010 Issue

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June 2010 ISSUE

in this issue... Sun Run

Tk’emlups Cup
Thriving Students
Council Reports
Earth Day
E-Spirit Award Winners

1 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Chief Shane Gottfriedson
In what has clearly been the most challenging global economic environment we have
ever faced, the Tk’emlúps Indian Band (TIB) continues to advance in all facets and
deliver solid results. We remain focused on the needs of membership.

Grand Chiefs, Chiefs, Respected Elders, done and I wanted to bring back an old Company Lawyers are searching for “Oral
brothers and sisters, tradition of giving thanks back to the History Information from Tk’emlups In-
people for the honour to be your Chief. dian Band Members”. Members who may
We have some exciting projects that The ceremony was one that we prayed have useful knowledge of oral histories,
are happening through strategic plan- for our land, our people, our families, our by which we mean stories of Tk’emlups
ning. As many of you know my portfolio unborn and also the homeless, the sick, legends, past practices, events, customs
consists of social development and I am the incarcerated, our elders and giving or traditions that have been transmitted
amazed at the wide range of services and thanks for the many things that the cre- to them by other Tk’emlups members.
programs that we provide through this ator is giving all of us, the gift of laughter, “Oral histories” may relate to information
department. love, happiness, life and forgiveness. or events from the distant past, includ-
ing pre-contact, or the recent past prior
I am also very encouraged to see the I would like to personally welcome Vicki to the teller’s lifetime (and likely prior
great turnout for the Sun Run training Manuel back to the TIB team as our to the lifetime of any current Tk’emlups
and would like to offer my congratula- newly appointed Chief Operating Officer. members). It is important that these
tions to all of our team members that I have no doubts that she will prove to be individuals be able to provide informa-
participated and completed their fitness an excellent leader in this position and tion supporting the reliability of their
goals by dedicating themselves to a surpass our expectations. oral histories.
healthier life style. Hopefully next year
we will see more people involved in the Douglas Reserve Claim Shuswap Gathering
Sun Run, but let’s not wait until then
to take a personal fitness challenge for The TIB Cultural Resource Management As we look at welcoming 17 other tribes
a healthier lifestyle as we have spring (CRM) department is continuing their from our Secwépemc Nation we now
upon us and perfect weather for outdoor work with Ratcliff & Company Lawyers have a dedicated team hired to bring this
activities, whether it’s hiking, biking, and we have been waiting anxiously for event and our ideas to reality. Our logo
walking, family time or gym time. Be Canada to file a statement of defence is complete but we are still in great need
committed to changing old patterns and with respect to our DRI claim. Keith Phil- for volunteers to help out and organize
building new healthier lifestyles with lips, lawyer with the Attorney General’s a successful 100th year gathering of
fitness. So for any of your recreation and Department for British Columbia, has our declaration that was signed in 1910,
fitness needs please feel free to contact advised that they have completed work known to the non-first nations as the
Anne Keith and Denise Thomas. on their Statement of Defence, but it 1910 Sir Wilfred Laurier Memorial. As your
must go through channels of approval in chief and devoted committee member,
Just a friendly reminder that summer the Attorney General’s Department. He specific involvement is very in depth and
camp will be opening and to make sure estimates it should be ready for delivery therefore we are seeking to call upon our
that you get your children pre-registered. in mid-May. Melody Robens-Paradise, people to help our gathering be success-
The summer camp offers our young lawyer with the Department of Justice for ful. The event is scheduled to occur from
people truly and educational experience Canada, has also advised that they have July 23 – 25, 2010. Please make sure to
out on our land strengthening friend- completed their final draft of the State- attend the Opening Ceremonies & Feast
ships not only with their friends and ment of Defence, but it must go through from 5:00 – 7:00pm on July 23, 2010 and
relatives but by building a relationship Department of Justice’s channels of register by July 5. 2010.
with the land. approval. She estimates this should be
completed by the end of May. Please contact:
I want to thank all of the community Christine Thompson/Tronson for further
members that attended my Traditional Our law firm is continuing to assemble information or to volunteer.
Feast and Give Away on April 24, 2010. It research documents as part of the legal Phone# 250-828-9700
has been many years since this has been process for our land claim. Ratcliff &

2 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Membership We are shooting for one monthly be- systems thinking approach about expec-
cause of the seriousness and importance tations in our community in relationship
I have been chairing the membership of having a Will. to health service that is accessible for
committee and I want to thank all of the our people, changing our dynamics and
membership who have been providing Waste Water Treatment Project turning the conditions around. We need
us the guidance with their input towards (WWTP) to work hard to change how are people
Tk’emlúps membership code. We are cur- are cared for. We are looking at building
rently in draft #22 of the policy. We are I am happily reporting that the day has new relationships with the federal and
looking forward to the May 25th, 2010 finally come where the deadlines and provincial governments in partnering
GBM where Sharon McIvor is our guest start of the WWTP project is moving with our health authority for shared deci-
speaker on Bill C-31 and the impacts that forward and glad to say that by March sion making, management and capital
our community will face with the new 2011 we will project to have phase one of to build a health care institution and
legislation that will face our community. our project completed. We have a com- provide services for our people that are
In Feb, 2009, Bill C-8, An Act respecting mitment from the federal government facing issues in access to services.
family homes situated on First Nation re- in the amount of 8.8 million dollars in One of our biggest challenges is our
serves in regards to matrimonial interests, order to proceed with phase one of our uniqueness amongst the 7 Nations of the
rights to structures and land situated on project. The TIB is committing roughly 2.1 interior. With non-treaty independent
those reserves re-introduced into the million towards our share of the proj- and treaty bands we are one of the larg-
House of Commons again. ect. This is an extremely exciting project est regions in British Columbia.
There is a previous AFN resolution reject- that I believe will create increased land
ing Bill-C8 which was formerly Bill C-47. & economic opportunities not only for So after many meetings discussing the
Bill C-8 is detrimental to First Nations TIB developments but of course for our first nations health plan going back from
government because it does not respect membership. I would like to extend my 2006 to 2010 there have been a lot of
traditional and cultural property rights appreciation to all of the engineers and small steps that have been made. The
guaranteed under section 35 of the Con- of course our council for supporting biggest step that has been established
stitution Act. It is my recommendation this project as truly our requirements in health governance was the motion to
that we pass the former resolution again have been challenging working with the dismantle and re-build a new structure
in its entirety that denounces Bill C-8. government on such a huge project. I am that is driven by nations and regions
We look forward to developing the TIB extremely excited about the potential of giving the power back to the grass roots
membership code that is owned by our our future. Infrastructure is the founda- level towards a structure of acknowledg-
people. If you have any feedback please tion towards building sustainability ment, respect and recognition for an
feel free to share your concerns with Barb towards community development. individual nation approach towards a
Morin or myself. health care system in governance and
Health partnership. The interior nations are
Wills & Estates committed to working with each other
Since 2003 I have been actively involved and with other BC first nations to de-
INAC has passed a new departmental in health discussions from the leadership velop a collective approach to address-
policy on Section 50 of the Indian Act. level and I want to say that it has been a ing our health service needs.
Specifically I am referring to Part 4 of very challenging and educational process
Chapter 11 of INAC’s Descendent Estates to be involved in. When we look at the I would like to take a moment to recog-
Procedures which states and defines current status of the health care needs nize a great achievement by some youth
jurisdiction and has parameters as who for our people we are clearly underfund- of the TIB membership. On May 14, 2010
is considered an “ordinarily resident on ed which creates so many challenges BDC announced the winners of the 2010
reserve”. There was a lack of consultation towards health determinates as you my E-Spirit National Aboriginal Youth Busi-
with the Tk’emlúps Indian Band on the people know. The biggest challenge ness Plan Competition. E-Spirit is aimed
administration of the Wills and Estates within the interior is building the trust at Aboriginal students in grades 10 to
Policy. We don’t believe that appropriate within our nation’s leadership to advance 12, E-Spirit is an Internet-based business
constitutional jurisdiction was in place the needs and our position for a better plan competition that features 16 weeks
with the creation of these guidelines. health care system for our people. of interactive business planning resourc-
As we all know the non-insured health es, including online mentorship.
As a government our rights are para- benefits are an issue for all of us. Only The Gold Award was presented to South
mount where we have never seated or people that can afford these services by Kamloops Secondary School in Kam-
surrendered any of our title or rights paying get these benefits. We are shoot- loops, British Columbia. The students are
within our territory and we feel these ing to change that so that everyone’s Jordann Hazelwood and Hillary McLean,
decisions can create serious problems for needs are taken care of. coached by Mary Jean Paluck, for a full
our people. We have procedures in place story see page ....
to look after our own band member’s The four key challenges are human
rights and best interests and will con- resources, capital, infrastructure and Clarence Jules 3rd also took home a
tinue to follow these procedures. partnerships. When we look at our prestigious award for his Environmental
We will be hosting a series of workshops. community needs we have to get into a Awareness project. I am so extremely

3 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

proud of these achievements and can’t our objectives so that we can continue Kukwstemc,
wait to see what these driven aspiring to generate value for our membership
youth accomplish next. Keep up the while ensuring that we are well-posi-
great work! tioned to take advantage of new growth
As we move further into fiscal 2010, the I look forward to seeing many of your CHIEF Shane Gottfriedson
economy is starting to show early signs faces out enjoying the early signs of sum-
of recovery in certain industries and mer with your families!
markets, and we will remain focused on
Chief’s Schedule - March, April, May


Q'wemtsin Health Society Board Retreat @

Venture Kamloops Board Meeting
Harrison Hot Springs
Indigenous Child at the Center Forum -
2 North Vancouver, BC
Indigenous Child at the Center Forum -
3 North Vancouver, BC
Grand Opening of the Chief Louis Center
4 Community Kitchen
2015 Canada Winter Games Board Meeting
KEG Conference @ Kamloops Convention
6 Center
KEG Conference @ Kamloops Convention
7 Center & SNTC Chiefs Meeting
New Gold Tour, KIBDC Strategic Planning &
2011 Western Canadain Games Board
Chiefs Working Group Meeting
CIM Mining Conference, Vancouver, BC
CIM Mining Conference & FNIHGC,
Youth Merrit Hockey Tournament
11 Vancouver, BC
Sewer Meeting with INAC, Adams Lake
Division Strategic Planning, 2015 Canada
Youth Merrit Hockey Tournament Q'wemtsin Health Society Board Meeting
Winter Games Meeting & Kamloops
12 Homelessness Action Plan Forum
First Nation Health Council Interior Region
Youth Merrit Hockey Tournament Meeting with Trimac Transport Governance Session, Kamloops Convention
13 Center
SDC Board of Directors Meeting in Chehalis,
Youth Merrit Hockey Tournament
14 BC
SDC Board of Directors Meeting in Chehalis,
15 BC

UBCIC Chiefs Council - Vancouver, BC Sustainability Forum 2015 Canada Winter Games Board Meeting
UBCIC Chiefs Council - Vancouver, BC
A Mock Car Crash (Driver Impairments) &
2015 Canada Winter Games Board Meeting
SSN Dinner Meeting
Mines Meeting/Presentation & Sweat in
All Chiefs Assembly, North Vancouver
20 Williams Lake, BC
Ch'nook Graduation Ceremonies,
21 Vancouver, BC
22 TIB Strategic Planning

TIB Strategic Planning Western Protection Alliance & New Gold

23 Meeting
Chiefs Traditional Giveaway @ Sk'elep
24 School
City of Kamloops Meeting & SEDCO
Secwépemc Museum - Tour for International
27 Students

Q'wemtsin Health Society Board Retreat @
Harrison Hot Springs
Q'wemtsin Health Society Board Retreat @
30 Harrison Hot Springs


4 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Tk’emlups 1st Annual Little NHL tournament a big success
The first annual Tk’emlups Cup All-Native Little NHL Hockey Results:
Tournament hosted by the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc (TteS) and
its Recreation department was a huge success. The tournament Initiation: 1st place – Merritt (6) 2nd place – Williams Lake (3)
played host to teams from all over B.C. and Alberta and as far Atom: 1st place – Whitehorse (4) 2nd place – Tk’emlups (2)
Peewee: 1st place – Tk’emlups (5) nd place – Williams Lake (0)
north as the Yukon.
Bantam: 1st place – Tk’emlups (9) 2nd place—Prince George (3
Midget: 1st place – Merritt (8) 2nd place – Tk’emlups (6)
“It was a great tournament, this is the first of many tournaments
we will be hosting, we want to make this an annual event,” said
Overall the weekend saw a lot of talented athletes take the ice
Chief Shane Gottfriedson, who along with a strong group of
and was a great showcase for local hockey players of all-ages.
volunteers organized the entire event.
We would like to thank all of our sponsors and volunteers – TteS
“Hockey provides good work ethic, sportsmanship, and team
Chief and Council, Recreation Dept, the City of Kamloops, Fron-
play which are all good values to instill at a young age; TIB feels
tier First Aid, Judy Van Horlick for scheduling, Chris Hartley chief
that by supporting our youth through sports and recreation we
of officials, the Suns soccer team and Hank Royals women’s
create action and pride among the First Nations community,” he
basketball team and most of all the parents for all their support..
“The tournament saw friendships, memories and relationships
The tournament saw five different divisions battle it out in a
made that will last a lifetime,” he said.
round robin style of play, from the youngest initiation division
all the way up to a midget division.

Tk’emlups teams were extremely successful with four out of five

teams reaching the championship games.

5 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

NEW at TteS~
Welcome back Vicki Manuel as the new TteS Chief Operating Officer (C.O.O).
Everyone is very excited to have Vicki back with the organization.

Vicki is a former Councillor who served two terms with the Band Council. She will
be a very valuable asset to helping the organization run more smoothly and
continually improve.

Important to Note:
Carrie Leonard is now the new Administration Office Manager
Carrie can now be reached at [email protected]

Maureen Frank is currently replacing Carrie Leonard as the backfill for the C&C
Executive Secretary position - please send Council submissions and other
related requests to Maureen Frank at [email protected] from now on.

Other additions to TteS Staff:

Linda Thomas - Cultural Resource Management Dept. Head
Jim Nastrom - Planning and Engineering Dept. Head
Christine Thompson-Tronson - Shuswap Gathering Coordinator
Cary Morin - Housing Coordinator
Pat Lentowicz - Business Development Office Assistant
Joanne Mosterd- CRM Data and Inventory Analyst
Robin Gottfriedson and James Casimir - Tk’emlups Petroleum
Ashlene Ranahan and Dwayne Paradise - Forestry Tech
Brian Tronson - Sage Brush Downs Maintenance

Councillor Fred Seymour

Spring is upon us and with the river leveling as low as they were it took a couple of
weeks before they get where they should have been to get both the North ARDA &
East Irrigation up and running.

Hope you have a productive hay season and have all planted big gardens, so in the end you can reap your rewards and the
produce that help you next winter.

If you don’t have your garden areas rototilled already, give the Maintenance Department a call at (250) 851-6748 and put your
name on the schedule.

The following Projects currently coming up are:

• The Heffley Camp
• Powwow Arbor makeover
• Church Interior and Exterior Renovations

That is just to name a few and if you are interested in any of them, give me a call at (250) 828-9820. As they will be posted for all to
have a fair shot at any one of them.

The Sewer Project is still moving forward, it is going to Tender as we speak. The ground breaking will start around June 15, 2010.
At this time I would like to congratulate all involved in this huge undertaking, as it is just the start and we will have until March 31,
2011 to have this part of the Project completed. After that Phase 2 should come right after the completion of Phase 1.

I will end it at that. Yours in friendship,

Fred Seymour

6 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Councillor George Casimir
I have been working on numerous projects for the Band in the area of Economic
Development, my primary portfolio as well as my secondary which is Planning and
Engineering and as Councilors have a number of shared duties and responsibilities for
committees and Boards as well.

I have taken one trip to Toronto for an in a fair and quick manner so I hope to ity. It’s my responsibility to present suc-
Aboriginal Business Forum and Trade have discussions with our band members cessful business proposals very seriously
show and to Vancouver to meet with effected by this issue. just as the case with the gas station, our
McCarthy Tetrualt and MaCalhany first owned and operated retail business.
Engineers in regards to the wastewater Mt Paul Center – Again we have to Just as a thought we may have to con-
project. I try to balance my time and look at an overall plan to be developed sider another one similar developed on
focus on just a few projects at a time as a to make this work for our community the north side of our community in the
person can become overwhelmed very without financial losses. We have es- near future. Like anything we also need
quickly. I have also taken two sick days tablished long term agreements with to develop an expenditure of revenues
in the past few months but otherwise Northern Trailer which will provide the for our businesses to have them applied
have been available for meetings, phone revenue and time necessary to do this to areas such as education, elders, job
calls, membership and to my colleagues planning. We need to determine if the training and our youth.
on Council. I will try my best to keep my current corporate structure works for
report short as possible so I will focus on the specific use or if we need to change Politically we need to address issues such
my priority list only. it to be a more of a development land as membership code, business, tobacco
management company instead of a taxation, governance policies, finance
Ranch – Since the election last Novem- leasing structure. We need to proceed if policies, land rights and what concerns
ber and deciding on the portfolios this approved by membership on the gam- me the most is the human resources
has been a very challenging project with ing opportunities, relocate RV park and policy, to name a few.
numerous dynamics that strained the re-zone for more high end retail, protect
business issues and the human resource and capitalize on the green spaces such The previous GBM discussion reflects the
issues. I first started with what I could as rugby field, how to take into consider- need to listen and do what the
work with immediately which was the ation of the surrounding areas, needs of membership want in this area. We have a
business as that is my responsibility to all our band members and our upcoming ways to go to have a process in place for
our people to ensure that our assets are wastewater line. our people and to not only hire but train
taken care of. I worked with the ec dev and promote within our own
department and Andevco to develop a Gas Station/Car Wash/Coffee Shop organization and community. With the
business plan that focuses on increasing With gross sales of half a million a month education and skill level of our people
hay production and sales, reduce cattle and a number of Band Members there is no excuse not to provide
numbers because of the fact that even employed it has been very successful. opportunities when interest is shown, so
on the best run ranches the average loss We doubled the initial projections in our I look forward to assisting as a
per head is at least $100. We currently first year operations, TIB payed the loan Council member in the development and
have a non use permit where we will off three years ahead of schedule and implementation of the motions passed
award fencing contracts and work on made 1.7 million in the first six years of at the previous GBM. We have numerous
our range use plan for when we move operation. Despite the success we need opportunities to explore but like a band
towards full ranching and a cattle herd by to look at safety issues, expansion needs member told me, “we need to fix what
2014-15. We need to put time and money and other capital improvements to con- we have now before we move too far
towards equipment, water resources tinue our success. There was a decision ahead.” I look forward to the upcoming
such as dams, pipes and pivots. We will to spend 1.6 million out of gas station challenges and the debate and discus-
be doing all this at no cost to the Band revenue to build the car wash and that sion to find the solutions to our
as we passed a breakeven budget which is why no debt was accrued to develop communities needs and requests.
is the first one since we have taken over. this business. Revenues are increasing Personally I have been helping to
We hope to take the opportunity to focus with the traffic flows but we are still not fundraise, participating in the
on tendering contracts. However, a ranch making money and it will take years to community men’s group and being
cannot operate on a personnel policy put the investment back into our general active in various sports. If anyone has
developed for an office, that just makes revenue. We are looking at developing a questions or concerns please call me at
no sense. I am hoping that the HR issues coffee shop to help increase business for your convenience.
will be settled with all previous employ- the area but are faced with a number of
ees so that we can move forward. I will issues including cost, traffic flows close to Respectfully - George Casimir
be looking for ideas on how to do this our community school, risk and feasibil-

7 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Councillor Rosanne Casimir

Spring is finally here and wishing everyone green thumb gardening and many
happy family get togethers throughout the spring and summer.

Weykt-kp everyone., during the third week of May to do an John Jules –participated in the tour
on-site visit of Mt Lolo to ensure that all group at the heritage site led by John
These past few months have been hectic issues have been accomplished. Jules to regard the customary practice
and full of meetings. I am pleased with reconstruction within contemporary
the first six months and am looking for- Skelep School- Community Luncheon context. Presentation on the need for
ward to working hard for our Cultural Heritage in Forestry Sensitivity.
community for the duration of my tenure. Sewer Project - Exciting times as the final
I am enthusiastic and will always be approvals and acceptance of the design New Gold Tour – I would have to say
respectful to all of our Tkemlups Band submitted by McElhanney Consulting this was an adrenalin intense experience
Members. We are working towards an Services LTD and the BCR for the for myself, as I had my elf completely
environment that works together to Wastewater Project officially signed off. psyched up for the fact we were
create action and pride. travelling to the very depth of the mine. I
Housing meeting - Regarding the social overcame my fears and was thankful for
Meetings attended in last three development aspect of uncollectable the question and answer period before
months: arrears and housing policy amendments going down under. It was not all scary,
Chief and Council – Every Tueday it was just a new experience and very
Meeting with the Kamloops Fire memorable.
Strategic Planning – C&C, CEO, CFO, we Department - Covering items such as the
are awaiting to review and refine, and mapping of addresses for accuracy and One final note I would like to add with
determine what will be accomplished information for fire, medical emergen- the HST coming into affect July of 2010:
within the strategic plan of the cies and to include new developments as Lands Department will be sending out
organization they occur. Taxation mapping for BCAA correspondence on how the new HST
delivery of the 2009 tax roll to match city will affect CP holders with Lessees and
KIBDC Meetings – Actively involved with our lands database for client links reminding them of their GST/HST obliga-
in the SWOT Analysis and next steps to tally service agreement. Discussions tions in the very near future.
upcoming of the building code and the importance
of improvements to meet for safety Please drop by my office or call me
Finance Meetings- Reviewing and ap- purposes and the importance of by-laws anytime you require additional
proving the budgets for the organization to be enforced. Discussions with the information, I would love the
agreement for allocation and transfers opportunity to assist you and thank you
Portfolio Meetings - Determining where of Raleigh and related lands with city of for your support, I have completed
we are at with a variety of activities Kamloops and TIB in Principle. Linguistics 231 for the basics of
Ministry of Transportation- Meetings Planned and Training Initiatives for
covering Section 35 update, Freda, MoT, the upcoming Year within my primary Kukstetsėmc,
and myself have been working together portfolio include:
to action and complete specific tasks to Councillor Rosanne Casimir
work towards resolving the outstanding Board of Director’s Training – Chamber
Section 35 issues, North Thompson pass- of Commerce – completed, this was iden-
ing lane project, Waste water crossing tified in our SWOT Analysis in KIBDC. Part
Yellowhead Highway, and Traffic study of four (4) workshops with FNA4LM, and
impacts with TIB and Sun Rivers. Planned will be attending the FN Tax Administra-
joint working groups to deal with out- tors Association Conference in Septem-
standing transactions and to work with ber of 2010, and I attended the Quarterly
INAC –an INAC representative is here meeting with Lands Department.

8 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Adventures at New Gold - Afton Mine

For information on careers at New Gold check out http://www.newgold.com/Careers/NewAfton

9 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Councillor Jeanette Jules

These past few months of being on council has been exciting and very rewarding for
me getting into the nuts and bolts of our whole organization.

Primary Portfolio – Cultural Resource referring to this very issue when we in Twicweltn. The Sundance society also has
Management/Douglas Reserve the process of litigation for Kemtsin et- been given the blessing from our elders.
Initiative/Justice kwé – formally known as Schiedam Flats. The dates for this year are Tree day July
First of all I would like to send my con- Nancy Turner was contracted by Mandell, 8th, dance July 9, 10, 11, and 12th.
dolences out to the families within our Pender to do research.
community that have lost loved ones. A The Ministry of Forests is also at this time DRI –
great big congratulations to all of the putting a clause into all of the contracts We are waiting for a response called a
new parents on the birth of their babies. and they are trying to force all of the “Statement of Defense” from the At-
Both of these are the beginning and the Southern Secwepemc Bands to sign off torney Generals Department - B.C. and
end of life; the continuation of the circle on that we give up all of our rights to our the Department of Justice – Canada.
that never ends. I always pray that the “Intellectual Property Rights” and “Copy Our lawyers John Rich and Matt Kirch-
Tqeltkukupi7 watch over each and every Rights” to all information gathered on ner – Ratcliff & Co. have been keeping us
one of us that we will always receive the Archeological Overview Assessments updated on this.
guidance and direction for all of the and Cultural Heritage Assessments. John We have also been having regularly
decisions we need to make, that they will Jules from SSN has organized a meeting scheduled monthly meetings with the
benefit all the membership, we need to at the Chief Louis Centre for May 28th. other departments. One note on this is I
ensure that this is always balanced each We need to stand together and ensure know everyone has a busy schedule but
and every day. that we improve upon our own pro- this is a very important court case we are
Secondly I would like to give congratula- cess, policies, permits, monitoring, and going through and everyone needs to
tions to all of the staff for their hard work regulatory framework. That we work with make a greater effort in their attendance.
and dedication that they give each and “Cultural Resource Management” depart- On May 11 and 12th I attended along
every day for the betterment of our com- mental employee representatives from with Linda Thomas the Western Canada
munity, whether it starts at the daycare ALL of our bands. Otherwise the govern- Aboriginal Law Forum in Vancouver.
all the way to administration, everyone ment will once again use their divide and Again there was so much information
gives a contribution to us. Once again conquer techniques’ holding a carrot in given in 2 days it was hard to process but
Kukswtsetsemc. front of our faces for a few trinkets and I am going to be reading over the binder
steal what we have. and we did meet and make some good
CRM – At the March Shuswap Nation Tribal contacts. Some of the topics discussed
There have been a number of changes Council Kuk7pi meetings I was asked and were:
within the department over the last it was agreed by the Kuk7pi’s that I would 1. Gender Discrimination and Indian
couple of months, hopefully everything share the “Cultural Portfolio” with Kuk7pi Status: Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right
will be worked out and the jobs positions Judy Wilson. Kuk7pi Wilson and I met – A Review of the McIvor decision and Bill
will be filled and we can carry on with the with George k communications on April C-3
all of our future endeavors. 14th to develop the strategic plan for our 2. Consultation Updates; Mining – The
portfolio. I also attended the Miners Bluff New Revenue Sharing Agreement, Treaty
We all need to ensure that we do every- ceremony (just past the Montie Lake turn Rights, Energy Consultation, Administra-
thing within our power to protect the off ) for our ancestors. tive Tribunals, Building Our Own Source
cultural, historical and sacred sites and As everyone is aware of, Tk’emlúps is Revenue Through Property Tax, First Na-
promote our Secwepemc customs, be- hosting the Shuswap Gathering this year tions and Environmental Process
liefs, language and traditions. on July 23, 24, & 25, 2010 the Sir Wilfred 3. Canada’s New Specific Claims Policy
In saying this “the federal, provincial, and Laurier 100th anniversary will also be 4. Aboriginal Consultation and Accom-
territorial governments are consider- celebrated at the gathering on Saturday modation in a Multi Project Setting
ing developing policy to access genetic July 24th starting tentatively at 11:00 5. A Duty to Conserve: Articulating the
resources and sharing the benefits, this a.m. You can contact Christine (Tronson) Crown’s Obligation to Protect Species of
will be referred to as access to benefit Thompson if you wish to volunteer for Significance to Aboriginal Peoples
and sharing (ABS) sharing of traditional the gathering. 6. Current issues Respecting Métis
knowledge associated with genetic Council also passed a motion on March Rights
resources” (they do have a section on 2 to have the Secwépemc Sundance 7. Climate Change and First Nations
DNA) taken from emailed statement here in Tk’emlúps for the years 2010 to Carbon Credit Projects Protection of
dated April , 2010. I did make a motion 2014 which will be behind Mt. Peter near Indigenous Peoples Rights

10 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Justice – bench and probations so that they can On April 8 the majority of Chief and
be informed, educated and have under- Council went on a New Gold under-
I knew when I took the Justice Portfolio standing of Gladue. ground tour. I thoroughly enjoyed this;
that we have so many issues facing our I have always been interested in geol-
people and that we have a huge over Linda Thomas has contacted the appro- ogy and it was great travelling into our
representation of first nations people priate people within the justice system “mother earth” instead of climbing to the
within the criminal justice system. That is and one of the recommendations was tops of some of our highest mountains.
why I am committed along with council a letter of invitation needed to be sent. Potential contracts/partners we are con-
to our “Community Wellness Plan”. On May 5th at a Shuswap Nation Tribal tinually working on getting new partners
Tk’emlúps is waiting for a meeting with Council meeting of the Secwépemc Kuk- and have had meeting with one truck-
the other Kukwpi7and Tkwenem7íple7 wpi7’s endorsed the letter of invitation to ing company and will be having another
from Skeetchestn and Whispering Pines Chief Justice Thomas J. Crabtree – Office meeting with another company soon.
before we revisit our tripartite agree- of the Chief Judge for First Nations Court The executive and technical staff will be
ment with the RCMP, because of each of to sit in Kamloops. This will provide the taking a trip to Regina Saskatchewan
our busy schedules we should be able to opportunity for our Secwépemc laws and then to Calgary Alberta sometime
coordinate a meeting soon. and traditions to be incorporated into in June.
the court system and also the use and
I attended the 2nd National Confer- benefit of Gladue reports in the sentenc- Secondary Portfolio – Shared Services
ence on Aboriginal Criminal Justice Post ing of Aboriginal offenders. We also have
Gladue in Toronto Ontario along with individual bands getting letters of I will give a overview on my secondary
Sandra Seymour – Social Development, support sent. portfolio as I know Councillor Leonard
Linda Thomas – DRI/CRM, Councillor will give a more detailed report.
Evelyn Camille this past April. On Friday On the evening of May 11th Linda and Finance - I have attended the regu-
23 we met with Jonathan Rudin – Ab- I had a dinner meeting with Pamela larly scheduled monthly meetings with
original Legal Services Toronto (who has Shields – Aboriginal Program Service Councillor Connie Leonard going over
said he will assist us if we choose to start Manager – Legal Services Society on get- the budgets ensuring that the proper
the process for Gladue) and then we ting First Nations court in Kamloops she measures, internal controls, risk manage-
had the opportunity to attend Gladue has said she will assist us. ment and best practice’s come into place.
Court. I was impressed and surprised at We are in the development stage for the
how it was run, but the successes that Stk’emlúpsemc te Secwépemc Nation Terms of Reference for the Finance Com-
are achieved through this system are (SSN) – mittee and the development of Financial
remarkable. Saturday 24th we were at TFL-35 – We have had ongoing meet- Policy Manuel. The end result will be a
the conference they had so many good ings and updated from our lawyer Sarah terms of reference and policy manual
speakers, panelists and information. I Hansen – Miller Thompson law office. On that will be accessible by all employ-
know that all of the Gladue Principals can April 30 the executives and technical staff ees and Kukwpi7 ell Tkwenem7íple7 of
be done here but it is going to take time had a video conference call with Melanie Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc to ensure we
and hard work. Here is the agenda: Boyce - Deputy Chief Forester and Kam- have a consistent process which we can
loops District Forestry staff regarding our then follow and an ongoing process for
1. Possibilities and Opportunities Along concerns. We still have a ways to go in updating terms of reference and policies
the Justice Continuum these talks or we go to court. as they required. This will also ensure that
2. Gladue Before the Courts Secwépemc Enterprises Inc. (SEI) – we proper financial governance comes into
3. Making Gladue Work in Practice; Two now have 3 individuals who bring a place, there have been hiccups along
Case Studies wealth of knowledge committed to the way but the departmental staff is
4. The Unique Circumstances of the Ab- being on the board. We are waiting for ensuring we are complying with and are
original Offender: Adoption and Foster confirmation of attendance at the first reporting what needs to be done.
Care board meeting and meet and greet with
5. Aboriginal Community Justice Pro- the Kukwpi7and Tkwenem7íple7 from Administration - Carrie Leonard has
gram: Realizing Gladue Outside the both communities. been hired as the Office Administrator
Courts BC AMTA – we had interviews and hired and Vicki Manuel as the Chief Operat-
6. Gladue Courts: Changing The Way We Leonard Jackson for the Kamloops office ing Officer - COO (Lorraine Moses has
Work, Changing The Way We Think which just had its grand opening on been hired as the mentor to ensure suc-
The Justice Plan we are working on Thursday May 13 which was very well cess for this position), congratulations
and planning to implement are; attended. If you are interested in a min- to both of these band members. Both
1. Meet to discuss further plans ing career please go see Leonard in the of these positions are going to make the
2. Access funding from Corrections old “AA/Boys & Girls Club” office. I’m sure overall administration run a lot more
Canada, and Department of Justice he will be happy to answer any of your smoothly.
3. Start Gladue Reports, but before we questions. Human Resources – There are many
can do this we need to identify someone Western Alliance Protection signing At issues that are being dealt with in this
with the appropriate credentials, provide Skeetchestn February 22, 2010, this is for department and council is committed to
training, and engage the criminal bar, the security contract with New Gold. the development of a community strat-

11 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

egy of employment for our band mem- code. We need to take jurisdiction back input/consultation from First Nations
bership. We are also committed to the from INAC and allow those who are truly across Canada, especially the Tk’emlúps
continued development of all the staff. the descendants of Tk’emlúps te Sec- te Secwépemc and/or the Shuswap
Back-Up Portfolio– Lands, Leasing and wépemc to either be reinstated or gain Nation Tribal Council.
Property Taxation their membership back into our band.
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada are Closure of the Simon Fraser University
I will give an overview on my back-up making changes to the Indian Act with- Campus in Kamloops-
portfolio as I know Councillor Rosanne out proper consultation from our leader-
Casimir will give a more detailed report. ship and communities. These changes SFU opened its doors in 1992 and since
are going to directly impact each and then there have been over 400 First Na-
As a council member I needed to make every one of us. tions students graduate from their pro-
sure that I regularly update myself on the Bill S- 4 is the new legislation on Matri- grams. Councillor Dolan Paul is heading
issues of dealing with section 53 and 60 monial Property Law is an” Act respecting the negotiations with SFU for the closure
that council has control of. Through this family homes situated on First Nation re- this fall. We need to secure the Language
department we have the boards/entities serves and matrimonial interests or rights Program, have returned all of our archeo-
we are responsible for. Some of them in or to structures and lands situated on logical findings kept in the Library and
don’t fall directly under lands but at the those reserves”. research facilities.
end of the day it all goes back to our land.
The other is “INAC Decedent Estate Jeanette Jules
Everyone in our community needs to procedures Manuel: Section 50 of the
make sure they make their vote count Indian Act”.
and give feedback on the membership Once again, in both cases there was no

Councillor Evelyn Camille

I would like to congratulate all the graduates who stuck it out and YOU did it. Special
mention to S.C.E.S. adult class whos grad I attended.

Weytk ren qweselktn; strong advocate of Secwepemctsin, even but it has to be done and I thank many of
towards his last year he and his wife Lucy you for offering your support, especially
It has been another very busy few were working together for the promotion the housing committee,
months; I don’t even have time to and sustainability of our language. Speaking of the housing committee,
get sick, although, I did end up in the Prayers and condolences to the Leonard we are in the process of reviewing the
hospital once, but guess what… they family for the loss of their Aunt Heather housing policy, so if you have your copy,
could not find anything wrong with me, Leonard. please review it so that we can breeze
so I think that is good. I hope. As for my I regret to mention the tragic loss of my through it at our next meeting and go on
sister Irene, as many of you know, she nephew Craig Saul, son of my nephew with business. By the time you get this
has stomach cancer. The Drs. quit giving Ronnie Tomma, who at a very young age Lexyem, we probably would have had
her chemo and she had started taking lost his life while crossing the highway our meeting, and for those of you that
radiation treatments. As of this date she on his way home don’t have a family rep, please keep this
seems to be doing O.K. in mind, notices do go out.
She tires very easily, but isn’t that part Housing portfolio; Housing had a very productive meet-
of getting old. I want to thank all of you I have found that there are many chal- ing with Planning and Engineering. On
that continue to ask about my sister and lenges in the housing dept. Many of the the agenda was a new map of T.I.B. and
especially for the prayers. Kukwstemc. problems have been going on for years, an updated civic addresses and house
My prayers and most sincere condolenc- so please don’t expect me to do every- numbers. Better lighting for the 6 plex,
es to the families of Anne Gottfriedson, thing at once. As I promised I will do my all ongoing issues. Concerns of handicap
especially to her children, it is so hard to best and with your help WE will get it accessibly for many of the homes of the
lose a Mother, I could say time will heal done. elders, which are being addressed as
but to me losing a mother is so hard. If One of the challenges is the EVICTION they come in. I would like to have more
you stick together as a family, it always NOTICES. I find that very difficult, but we meetings with P&E and finance as many
helps. STAY STONG MY FRIENDS. have our policies and procedures that we of the concerns involve many of the
Condolences and prayers to the families adhere to and as part of my responsibil- other departments. As the saying goe,--
of Leslie Williams of Salmon Arm. Leslie ity to look after the best interest of-- you With Teamwork, We Create Action and
will be dearly missed as he was a very the Tkemlupsemc. Some may not agree, Pride.

12 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

A lot of ongoing administrative issues Aboriginal housing forum workshop, at work guys and gals.
within the housing department Calgary. April 26 and 27th. Summer student programs are now in
--Concerns from members over alcohol Some of the discussions were Gover- progress for anyone that is interested,
and drug abuse and loud partying, so nance and accountability to ensure good please get in touch with the education
please if you are one of these people housing programs. department.
PLEASE KEEP THE NOISE DOWN AND Economic development and governance; C/C meetings are now getting high
RESPECT THE NEIGHBOURS PRIVACY. Working with Aboriginal clients- partners tech, we now have to use LAPTOPS at
And if this continues, don’t forget that to achieve sustainable housing. Rental the C/C meetings, whenever they can
we have “0” tolerance and you will be arrears, causes and some solutions. What get perfected, I guess it‘s O.K. I still like
notified. works and doesn’t work. Other topics in- to scribble my notes, but I am trying. A
clude Housing authorities- how to make lot of good things happening, as we just
---There seems to be a lot of sewage back it work for First Nations. Water treatment; took the first step for the water treatment
up this spring. The staff has been doing the little things that make a difference. plant. Thanks to all the staff that made
the best they can to deal with all the calls. This was the first housing workshop that this possible.
If any of you have this problem, please I have gone to, which to me was very
get in touch with the department ASAP educational. I hope to go to more so that As with public relations, I still do a lot of
---I have visited a few homes as promised I can learn more about housing. openings and welcomings at
and have forwarded the report to the Cyndy Hansen, who is the collections Of- graduations, this I love doing. The Ab-
housing department; I will try to do a few ficer is working tediously at updating her original Operational Practice Standards
more visits. files. So if you are one of those that did and Indicators. (AOPSOI) The purpose of
---Working with P&E for site development not bring in your VERIFCATION OF this meeting is redesigning the practice
and infra for a new sub division. INCOME, please make her job a little standards of the delegated authorities,
--- Dan and I will be looking at different better by coming in to see her call her. to implement the First Nations view. And
house designs, and will be presented of course this being my interest for a
as soon as we find the best affordable, Education; long time, I as well as many other bands
sustainable and economic design. This is expressed their views on what is working
still in progress. First of all I would like to congratulate and most of all what is NOT working, as
---Elders Reno still ongoing the Education staff for the completion of I am NOT in favor of CHILD APPREHEN-
Housing department is still working the amendments of the Post Secondary TIONS, I WOULD PREFER ALTERNATIVE
under staffed so bear with us, with this I Policy. It took a lot of time and dedica- SOLUTIONS. If you are interested in
would like to welcome Cary Morin as our tion, thanks Dessa. this please call me or come in and see
new housing coordinator. Welcome Cary, It is time for graduations once again and me anytime, as many of the parents of
I hope that all is well that ends well. Cary I would like to congratulate all the gradu- children who have been apprehended
seems to be catching on to procedures as ates who stuck it out and YOU did it. need all the support. Kukwstemc. Most
quickly as we can throw it at him, and de- Special mention to S.C.E.S. adult class, as I of all I love going to the elders luncheons
veloping some of his own for a smoother did attend your ceremony, you all looked on the first Fridays of the month! To the
running Dept’ Thanks Cary. so proud and beautiful and another Elders, don’t forget, S.N. T.C. will be
--- We are hoping to have workshops on special to Aboriginal youth program hosting the Elders Gathering this year,
basic maintenance of your homes; this completion, this program had students which will be held in Salmon Arm.
will prevent many issues that are arising from Tk’emlups and other bands doing
from many individuals. We will keep you on the job training and many of them did Once again I would like to congratulate
informed. get jobs where they were training. Good all the graduates of 2010.

Front: Leah Fortier, Candice Harvey, Wacey Gottfriedson, Colby Boffa, Brandon Casimir, Councillor Evelyn Camille performs a speach at the grnad opening of
the EQ House at Sun Rivers.
Jackie Bandura and Doug Laidlaw. Back: Jessica Dick, Seraphine Boomer, Christopher
Mitchell, Andrew Ned, and Cody Greyeys.
13 Lexey’em ~ June 2010
Councillor Dolan Paul
On the home front I would like to send out our congratulations to the
upcoming grads. We like to invite everyone to attend the grad celebration on June 29th
at the Skelep School

Weykt, voted to opt out of this process. I First Nations students. Currently at Ske-
attended this because these negations lep School we have thirty Tkemlups
Here goes my second report which is could affect other communities as well as members now attending and could
hopefully a little more informative than our own and I feel it is important to stay possibly see room for 30 more seats
then the first. informed. coming this September. With the school
closures and a number of members look-
I have attended my first board I also attended the BC Water and ing for security for their children we hope
meetings for a few of my committees. Wastewater Association conference in we can assist in making the transition as
The first involving First Nations Education Whistler to network and to obtain rele- comfortable as possible.
Steering Committee (F.N.E.S.C) which vant training information for the upcom-
is a society made up of First Nations ing wastewater system. I attended the As I have reported in the last issue, SFU
representatives from the province of BC. tours of the Wastewater and Compost has chosen to close the satellite campus
FNESC works as a collective organization facilities. I was wishing for nose plugs here in Kamloops but there is discussion
to facilitate First Nations support for one after the first ten seconds but it was a to keep the language portion available.
another in the area of education, and very informative tour. The athlete village We will be revising the working
to communicate with both the federal heating system was very interesting. committee and will have an update
and provincial governments to ensure soon. There were also some allowances
that First Nations concerns are being On the home front I would like to send for summer classes so that students may
addressed. It was a very informative out our congratulations to the attempt to finish their programs.
meeting and was a good opportunity to upcoming grads. We like to invite
network and discuss issues concerning everyone to attend the celebration on Training for the wastewater system is
other First Nation communities. First June 29th at the Skelep School. The coming up and applicants will be chosen
Nations language, summer opportunities Education staff is ramping up for TIB to attend TRU in September. Only one
as well rural community media summer student employment and is member has approached the band to be
information opportunities were a few of accepting applications. The deadline is a part of this project so we encourage
the topics discussed. June 4th. those interested to apply.

I have also attended a fairly new The First Nations Education Council has I would like to thank everyone for the
committee which is the Early Childhood also been working on the upcoming LEA hard work and wish all the best in the
Development Committee (E.C.D.C). The with the School District. I am happy to upcoming summer.
latest meeting I attended was the announce that with the hard work of a
Education Jurisdiction Committee number of people TIB has adjusted the Take care
meeting held in Vancouver. This is the funding to the post secondary students
committee negotiating with the to somewhat accommodate the higher Dolan Paul
government to have full control over cost of living. On the negative side I am
education on their land. At the last disappointed in the decision to close a
General Band Meeting the community couple of schools with a large number of

Mens Group members: Dolan Paul, Dan McLean, Ed Kasper- George Casimir, Barry Hazelwood, Dan McLean and Dolan Barry Hazelwood and Dolan Paul -- Feelin a little sea sick???
ski, Barry Hazelwood, Ed Jensen and George Casimir Paul shoowing of their big catches on their fishing trip.

14 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Government Relations Updates
We (Barb Morin and Nicole Fraser) have been busy completing draft amendments and new By-laws and Policies including:

A. Housing Policy Amendments – Approved Jan. 12, 2009;
B. Assisting with TteS Post Sec. Education Policy Amendments- Approved April 22, 2010;
C. Assisting with TteS Recreation Policy Amendments (Draft);
D. New - TteS Tax Receipts Policy;
E. New - TteS Advertising and Promotion Policy (Kelley O’s Draft);
F. New - TteS C & C Terms of Reference (on hold to advance Memb. Code);

G. New - TteS Custom Membership Code ( to be enacted through Indian Act authority s. 10) – 3rd draft by Membership Commit-
H. TteS Business License By-law Amendments (enacted 2001 through Indian Act authority s. 82(1)(a.1) and (g);
I. New - TteS Appeal Board By-law (2007 Draft to be possibly enacted through s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 - our inherent
right to self-government);
J. New - TteS Traffic By-law (2002 Draft) (permissible under s. 81 of the Indian Act);
K. New - TteS Disorderly Conduct and Nuisance By-law (1993 Draft) (permissible under s. 81 of the Indian Act); and,
L. New - TteS Environment By-Law (to be possibly enacted through s. 35 of the Constitution, 1982 - our inherent right to self-

We sent out copies of the new TteS Graffiti By-law to the businesses located on-reserve. We completed several action items and
researched several items as directed by the Committee.

We attended a workshop on Law and Policy Development facilitated by the National Centre for First Nations Governance. They
are in the beginning stages of developing their workshops for the first time to bring across Canada to other First Nations.

Their pamphlet recommendations included:

1. First Nations should focus on their inherent rights in the law making area; and,
2. First Nations need to expand our jurisdiction in several areas by developing appropriate laws and policies;

We were somewhat disappointed because the workshop emphasis was solely on developing Indian Act By-laws and not on By-
laws developed through our inherent rights or policy development.

TIB Mens Group Tofino Fishing Trip Continued --

Dan McLean catches a big one Ed Kasperski and Dan Gottfriedson waiting for a bite out on the stormy

15 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Councillor Connie Leonard

The following report is an update of my collective Chief and Council responsibilities as

well as my Shared Services Portfolio responsibilities since the last report went out to

Weytk-tp: We need to ensure that we have enough talk about issues create polices and
critical information in order to make reporting expectations and resolve them
Band Strategic Planning and thoughtful decisions that impact our for the betterment of all. We need to quit
Corporate Work: finances – especially as we consider just being critical and lean towards being
the Sewer Project and other beneficial more constructive and get on with the
The following is an update of some of our projects. We have also collected informa- real work. We are still fine-tuning these
collective Chief and Council responsi- tion from membership as well and are relationships and making improvements
bilities. Chief and Council and staff have incorporating more positive changes to the organization for the band as a
been working to finalize the compre- for membership in terms of the Band whole is indeed a process and not an
hensive strategic plan. Research and Member Human Resource Strategy into event.
planning is critical prior to moving into our strategic plan. I have facilitated and
effective implementation. Some may ask produced the work on behalf of our team All in all though, there are far more posi-
‘Why is planning so important?’ to get it to the strategic planning ap- tive benefits than not, and we need to
proval stage. Once the plan is adopted keep things in perspective so that the
Purpose of strategic planning is to: it will serve as our focus template so we transition does not become the issue
can channel all of our energies towards instead of the goalposts!!! The challenge
1. Help to pull together the entire team to achieving our goals for the term and the is to remain a team focused on our broad
make positive change. years ahead. Special thanks to all of our goals and objectives so we achieve great
2. Helps to optimize performance. staff membership, CEO George Aulin, things. Working effectively together to
3. Provides leaders with focus and a CFO Andrina Benazic, and Chief and create and implement plans means it is
framework for improved efforts. Council for their leadership efforts with critical that we individually and collec-
4. Provides guidance for day-to- day this work. tively get all the facts and information
decisions. and make informed decisions and not
5. Provides a means to assess progress Effective planning is also having a good emotionally or politically charged deci-
toward a desired future. trickledown effect with our corporate sions.
entities as we are seeing good results
Top 10 Keys to strategic Planning from the Kamloops Indian Band Develop-
Success: ment Corporation (KIBDC) and the Ranch Governance Updates:
Board as well. Other entities such as the
1. Strategic planning is a process and not Mt. Paul Corp; Forestry; and KIBUC; and Now that we have more staff to help
an event. will require more planning in the future. out in the upper levels of the organiza-
2. Be prepared to involve individuals These are exciting times for TIB and we tion, Chief and Council have been able
beyond the planning team members. look forward to more progress in the to commit more time to get important
3. Plan the strategy so it is in sync with future! governance work done. We have some
the budgeting process. serious government attempts to mini-
4. Gather and share the information nec- Hiring of the Chief Operations Officer: mize our land and property rights and
essary to do the strategic thinking. A big welcome or welcome back to our we need to focus on the meeting time-
5. Hold team meetings away from any very own Vicki Manuel! We are looking lines to oppose these attempts. We need
place where participants are subject to forward to this critical area being filled memberships help to do this by allowing
interruptions. to support the oversight of the strategic us time to focus on these urgent issues
6. Allow sufficient time. plan implementation and continuing to that affect everyone’s collective rights.
7. Allocate sufficient budget dollars. improve operational efficiencies and to We are steadily improving our gover-
8. Gain agreement on the roadmap for follow up on some of the needs nance capacity by creating more draft
the strategic planning process. identified in the Functional Analysis processes, policies, by-laws, and chal-
9. Conduct a preparation workshop for report and more! lenging government on funding issues,
planning team members. jurisdiction; rights and title; wills and
10. Limit the scope of the plan. As we grow and develop capacity to estates; matrimonial real property rights,
(Referenced from the Aboriginal Strategic handle our gaps and needs we are un- our land claim initiative, the membership
Planning Guidebook; Banff Centre for doubtedly going to have some growing code, and the SSN activities just to name
Aboriginal Leadership and Management) pains and will need to simply and calmly a few.

16 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

In the Law and Policy Development train- financial information. We have a great • I-Compass implementation; going pa-
ing session facilitated by the National group of individuals and we have made perless and going more environmentally
Centre for First Nations Governance, some improvements but we still have responsible and managing our informa-
NCFNG recommend that “First Nations room for more improvements to be sure. tion more effectively is in the stages of
should focus on their inherent rights This year’s focus is on working as a team meeting with technical committee with
in the law making area; and First Na- for membership and;Strengthening over- regards to the agenda development and
tions need to expand our jurisdiction in all financial systems management; technical difficulties; action tracking, and
several areas by developing appropriate Collaborating with internal and external agenda note taking coming next.
laws and policies”. Governance Relations departments to better manage funding • Space: floor plan to cluster admin and
Advisor, Barb Morin and her assistant opportunities; Refining process improve- Chief and Council support more effec-
Nicole Fraser have been busy creating ments to support overall growth initia- tively and to utilize existing office space
and amending policies and by-laws to tives; and policy and governance work. more effectively.
meet our needs; including the following: • Communications; efficiency analysis in
Policies We will continue to refine efficiencies and progress. Telephone upgrades will be
• Housing Policy Amendments control processes by ensuring the team next to assist with the volume of incom-
• Assisting with TteS Post Sec. Education works on advancing our interests. More ing calls; review/streamlining/securing
Policy Amendments information was not available at this time mail and faxes processes underway.
• Assisting with TteS Recreation Policy as the regular year end audits have the • Calendar of events; Chief and Council
Amendments (Draft); staff focus at this time. Thanks to all the calendar has been produced and is ap-
• New - TteS Tax Receipts Policy; staff for their hard work and focus at this plied to all work stations for easy access
• New - TteS Advertising and Promotion time. and bookings.
Policy (Kelly O’s Draft); Technical upgrades; as part of the icom-
• New - TteS C & C Terms of Reference (on Information Technology: pass and financial analysis upgrades we
hold to advance Membership Code) are in the process of finalizing the lease
By Laws The organization has undertaken to agreements to standardize photocopiers
• New - TteS Custom Membership Code complete a defined Information Technol- and printers are being removed and new
• TteS Business License By-law Amend- ogy (“IT”) Plan to ensure the needs of the technical upgrades for cost savings of ap-
ments TIB and its membership continue to be proximately $200, 000. 2007 software up-
• New - TteS Appeal Board By-law met now and into the future. A third- grades in process to standardize and to
• New - TteS Traffic By-law party assessment of our existing systems be compatible for I-compass; telephone
• New - TteS Disorderly Conduct and was completed in March, 2010 and will system review will be next to determine
Nuisance By-law form the basis for a long-term IT plan. needs. Review of faxing systems may
• New - TteS Environment By-Law Additionally, a review, assessment and save thousands more as well.
• TteS Graffiti By-law Request for quote to analyze our copying, • Policies and procedures; database
• Matrimonial Real-Property Rights – ur- printing and faxing needs has resulted management improvements are under-
gent issue in rewarding a contract to a First Nations way .Policies are a critical area needing
• Wills and Estates-urgent issue organization, Kamloops Office Systems, more attention and as o our administra-
to provide quality equipment, manage- tive structure improves we will see great
Other Portfolio responsibilities: ment software and maintenance services results in this area.
to the Band at an expected overall sav-
As portfolio Councillor it is my job to sup- ings of approximately $200,000 per year. Human Resources:
port and report on the progress of the By continuing to review our IT service
identified strategic planning initiatives delivery processes, we can build a solid, Thanks to the HR staff for focusing on
within my areas of responsibility. The secure and protected environment that their strategic plan as well. We have a lot
following is an update of that progress will also be cost effective. of work to do in this area.
to date.

Secondary and back-up Portfolios: Administration: Mentoring

Lands, Leasing and Property Taxation as
well as Housing updates can be obtained We are finally seeing some movement in • I have done a significant amount of
from the Primary Portfolio Councilors’. I terms of advancing administrative strate- work and research in order to assist with
continue to be available as requested. gic plans, action items, and higher level developing a mentoring program for
management and supervision within membership and the CEO and HR have
Finance: the Administration department and been making good progress in this area
wish a warm welcome to the new Office as well. I am looking forward to the long-
We have a new team forming and go- Manager, Carrie Leonard, and additional term impacts of this worthwhile program.
ing through some growing pains. Our thanks to the staff for their work. Some This program will allow Band Members
organizational success depends on how of the progress initiatives being currently with appropriate skills and education to
effective we are at working as a team to managed are: be mentored to ensure successful place-
produce efficient, timely, and reliable ment and assist in members becoming

17 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

gainfully employed within Band. the band, and with the safety committee. Commitment to Community Wellness:
Any assistance or input I can provide is at
Managing Employee Performance your disposal.” Chief and Council vowed as a group to
support Community Wellness. The fol-
• Research into Attendance Management Training and Development: lowing groups and projects are ones I am
systems taking place for organization as committed to at present:
requested. • Survey sent out to Management for in-
• Design of new staff performance put on training and development needs. The Food Sovereignty and Healing
evaluation underway and should be • Job descriptions currently being updat- Garden Group:
complete October 2010 ed throughout organization and should
be completed July 2010. At Quemstin Health there is a beautiful
Operational Improvements • TRU Management for Supervisors Cer- project under construction in the back
tificate:3 modules offered for staff in Feb- yard. Special thanks to Ellen Duncan at
• TIB Personnel Policy under review by ruary and March, with some staff taking Quemstin Health, Connie Jules and Barb
Personnel Policy committee then will go individual modules with an opportunity Eaton( many apologies for forgetting
for legal reading before being presented to complete at a later date at TRU and to add Barb’s name is the last newslet-
to C&C for reading and approval. We 6 staff ( Dan Rodgers, Ron Tronson, Ed ter - Barb does a lot of great work too)
need to improve on some area in terms Jensen, David Noonan, Bernice Tronson Danielle Seymour and Fabian Plotnikoff,
of reporting and policy development. and Kai Pyper) completing all modules – Arlene Solomon, Richard Jules and all of
• Human Resource Information System well done! the others donating time and resources
(HRIS) being implemented to manage • WOW Leadership - How to Hire for to make this project a success!!! Look
various administrative duties (applica- Success: Fundamentals and legal re- forward to more updates and exciting
tions, personnel files, performance evalu- quirements of hosting a hiring process events that you may be interested in
ations, certificates, training, etc.) and to ;review effective screening techniques; and see the attached information on the
streamline skills inventory of staff -Data discuss power questions and strategies project.
entry will occur this summer and possibly for interviewing ;and provide templates
ready by September 2010. and tools for use in screening and evalu- Shuswap Language lessons for Chief
ating candidates. and Council and staff were attended and
Occupational Health & Safety • Certified Human Resource Professional completed by myself and Barb Morin,
(CHRP) designations for staff underway Delyla Daniels, Mark Diffin, Roseanne
• Monthly safety committee meetings to keep current. Casimir, Dolan Paul, and Ron Tronson.
held with various staff and departments. Workplace Wellness: I want to thank the Congratulations for completing the
Commendations received from WorkSafe Social Committee for the great job they course and special thanks to Mona Jules
BC to Ron Tronson and the Safety Com- did organizing the Family bowling night. and SFU for providing the great classes.
mittees for the progress over the past 10 It was nice to see our staff get together More opportunities for language devel-
months! Please see the excerpt from an and meet each other’s respective family. opment are available via Louella Jules in
external review letter from WorkSafe BC the Ed. Dept.
in regarding this program – Well Done Communications and Events Updates:
Ron Tronson!! “From my perspective as Congrats and Thank-you’s to the men
an OSO with WorkSafeBC, I would like to • Welcome to ChristineThompsonTronson and women’s group and for the
commend Ron and all the people who Shuswap Gathering Coordinator Sun-Runners, joggers, and walkers
have participated in implementing this • Promotional materials are being for building on community spirit and
safety program. I have seen a remarkable developed for public relations. wellness too. Thanks again to all of the
level of progress in the program over the • Website upgrades are ongoing staff and membership and to Chief and
past 10 months, far beyond my expec- • Weekly production of the TIB weekly – Council for working hard to make posi-
tations for such an ambitious project. upgrades to that as well tive change where it is needed too. We
The commitment to the vision and goal • Shuswap Gathering committee work are a growing organization - we are not
identified in April 2009 is clearly strong including the Sir Wilfred Memorial perfect – but we are getting better and
and ongoing. I hope that the tremendous celebration. we should always be motivated to con-
positive momentum will continue – from • Ongoing news stories and photographs. tinually improve.
a safety professional’s perspective, this Thank Kelley O’Grady for all of your
is the kind of success story we all hope efforts in these areas! Well that’s the highlights for the last two
to be a part of. I believe that the founda- months and I look forward to seeing you
tion that has been laid will continue to Upcoming events all out for the next Band meeting! It was
be a great benefit to all the members of really encouraging to see the good
the T’kemlups Band. Safety is a value that • June 17 -Sunrivers Deam Home Tour/ turn-out; to see people working together
goes beyond the workplace – I can see Event. Tours, snacks and prizes for the common good and understand-
this value being promoted through the • June 21 - Aboriginal Day; Fireworks ing the importance of balancing individ-
committee and workers. I look forward •Shuswap Gathering; Jul7 23, 24, 25 ual and collective rights for our band!
to continuing positive interaction with •Powwow; July 30-Aug.1

18 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Healing Garden Update
When a group of people come together
with a shared vision, things just seem to What is a Natural Path?
fall into place. Not of course, without a
little sweat and extra dedication. Naturppathic Medecine is a comprehensive appraoch to preventative healthcare.
Q’wemstin Health Society will be offering Natural Path to our three communities
The spirit of this garden project is catch- starting:
ing on. Yesterday, the group was pre-
sented a special gift, sent by friends at
Golden Ear Farms - Beautiful ornamental May 17th, 2010 (Every other Monday)
corn seeds, and Calendula flowers [a
beautiful healing plant]. Next, the gift
of alpine strawberries, and an Echinacea
Time: 9:30-3:30pm
plant. More herbs and tomatoes are on Place: Qw’emstin Health Society
their way.

Soon, you will notice a new sign at

Qwemtsin Health, designed by members
of the garden committee. This sign will
serve as a welcome to anyone interested If you would like to book an appointement with doctor Melissa
in being part of this legacy project. Bradwell, please call QHS at (250)314-6732.

Connie Leonard

What will be in the Community Garden?

Various Vegetables Fruit Trees
Vine plants Sage
Tobacco Flowers
Herbs Teas

If you would like more information on the Community Garden,

please contact Ellen Duncan at Q’wemstin Health Society

Shaun & Vergil Lampreau, Barb Eaton, Favian & Danielle Plotnikoff

19 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Tk’emlups Run Club 2010
The Tk’emlups run club had another suc- Sara Sampson 1:05:12, Arianna Vallee
cessful year with 75 people signing up to 1:44:37, Victoria Casimir 59:01.
complete the Honor Your Health Chal-
lenge and Sun Run In-Training program Congratulations to the top three times:
through SportMed B.C. Gerad Hales at 47:11 followed closely
behind by Boyd Gottfriedson at 49:43
The team committed to one group train- and Hillary McLean at 54:23.
ing session per week and two training
sessions per week individually. By the The entire process would not have been Daniel McLean and Colleen Mosterd-McLean
end of the 13 weeks, 48 people were possible without Colleen Mosterd-
still committed to the program and 36 McLean who organized everything. The
people travelled to Vancouver and club would also not have been possible
completed the 10km Sun Run. without group leaders: Jo Mosterd, Ed
Jensen, Kevin Jules, Boyd Gottfriedson,
Barry Hazelwood and Dan McLean who
Participants who crossed the finish lead the participants through the
line: program.

Larissa Blank 1:10:05, WinterSwan Casimir Two participants, Kevin Jules and Laura
2:10:19, Bernadette Charlie 1:27:51, Stacie Saul also completed the Boogie the
Coutlee 1:16:42, Boyd Gottfriedson 49:43, Bridge in Kamloops with very good times.
Gerad Hales 47:11, Shyla Hazelwood Boyd Gottfriedson and Hillary McLean, two of
1:14:58, Connie Hazelwood 1:05:02, Barry On behalf of the team, many thanks to the three top finishers on team TIB.
Hazelwood 57:16, Greg Jaffray 2:00:22, our sponsors BC Ministry of Healthy
Ed Jensen 1:00:12, Francyne Joe 2:00:13, Living and Sport, SportMedBC,
Jerrica Joe 1:49:22, Christine Johnson Tk’emlups Indian Band Social
1:42:41, Kevin Jules 1:08:26, Brenda Jules Development Department and
2:21:34, Kelsey Jules 3:19:30, Alicia Leon- Qwemtsin Health Society.
ard 2:03:25, Colleen Leonard 2:03:25, Kar-
ly Lindgren 1:02:02, Dan McLean 2:03:10, A huge thank you to the Honour Your
Daniel McLean 1:09:09, Hillary McLean Health Challenge organizers Denise
54:23, Colleen Mosterd-McLean 2:03:28, Lecoy, Susan Nyugen, Shannon
Jo Mosterd 1:09:09, Stephanie Ostrander McBurney and our SportMedBC
1:28:16, MJ Paluck 1:53:06, Jerry Paluck InTraining guru Lynn Kanuka!
1:53:05, Sharla Paul1:21:13, Roy Proctor
58:08, Tani Proctor 58:08, Dan
Rodgers 2:32:41, Geri Rodgers 2:32:42, Bernadette Charlie and Arianna Vallee looking

Above: The group of runners in Vancouver at the Sun Run

Left: The Run Club training group ready for their run

20 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Tk’emlups Celebrates Earth Day by Cleaning Up

The ladies of Social Development: Misty Casimir, Tilly Hlatky, Wendy Hand, Anne Keith and Colleen Verna Jules and Dale Manuel with their hands full of
Mosterd-McLean garbage...way to go!

Delyla Daniels cleaning up down by the Pow-

Dianne Morgan doing her part to help clean the
wow Arbor

Joanne Mosterd and James Manuel cleaning up George

Campbell Park

Denise Thomas showing us what’s in her bag Ed Jensen doing some heavy lifting on the rez.
Karen Green helping out despite being freezing!

21 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Tk’emlups Indian Band Members
receive top student honours
from TRU
Band members and employees of the TIB Water Treat-
ment Plant Todd Coles and Mel Paul recently received
top honors in the Water Treatment Technology pro-
gram at Thompson Rivers University.

Both men are currently enrolled in the First Nations

Water Treatment Technology program at TRU where
they’ve been working hard to hone their skills and
become experts in the industry. Councillor Connie Leonard, Chief Shane Gottfriedson and Councillor Fred Sey-
mour seen here congratulating students Todd Coles and Mel Paul at TRU.
Photo by Councillor Dolan Paul
“These people are the best in the field at what they do,
they’re real experts,” said Satwinder Paul, TRU Water
Treatment Program Coordinator. “Todd and Mel are
great students and are highly sought-after; the Band
is really lucky to have these guys working at its very
own water treatment plant.”

The program is only offered to those who are cur-

rently working in the water treatment area and at this
time there are 14 plus First Nations students from all
over B.C. enrolled in the program.

The program is broken down into four terms, Todd

was the top student in the province in term two and
Mel was given the top honors in term three. The top
student selection is based on academic performance
Welcome New TIB Band Members ~
such as grades, attendance, and work done through-
Both men have boasted top marks and have been at
the top of the class throughout the program. FEB 25, 2010 JYRO JONATHAN SPAHAN PETERS
“I think I have been successful because I really love
what I am doing,” said Coles.
The terms are spread over a two year time period and PARENTS JENNY THOMAS/CORY JOHNNY
the training includes flexible hands on delivery of face
to face training sessions. APRIL 2010 *** KAYLEB ALEXANDER WIEBE-JULES
Operators in this program such as Coles and Paul will
not only enhance their skills necessary to operate APRIL 14,2010 JEBRIL KHALID LAHAMAD
and manage treatment facilities, but it allows them to JESSICA V. JULES/KHALID LAHAMAD
participate in a laddered institutional credential
system through the University.
Coles said that they hope to use the knowledge they PARENTS JESSE AND TERESA SEYMOUR
have gained in the program at TRU and use it to take
part in and inform the community about things like
the Water Act Modernization.

Tk’emlups Indian Band members are very excited

about the work these two men have been doing and
are proud of the success the men had in this program List provided by TIB membership Dept.
thus far.

22 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

Tk’emlups students win GOLD in Ottawa
South Kamloops Secondary students and Tk’emlups te Secwepemc Band Members Hillary McLean and Jordann Hazelwood
brought home the gold medal in the 2010 E-Spirit National Aboriginal Business Plan Competition.The big award was presented to
the girls at the awards gala in Ottawa on May 13, 2010. They also received the award for best logo.

Organized by the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), the event attracted nearly 200
Aboriginal students from across the country and was hosted by the University of Ottawa.

The E-Spirit is a web based competition where students in grades 10-12 submit their internet-based
business plan followed by in-person presentations of their business idea in Ottawa.

"On behalf of the Government of Canada, I would like to congratulate all of the participants and
winners in this year's E-Spirit competition," said the Honorable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians. "Our government is proud to sup-
port events such as E-Spirit, which honour and promote the accomplishments, hard-work and business savvy Aboriginal youth in
Canada. You are an inspiration to us all,” according to the E-Spirit Awards and Government of Canada press release.

With over 200 students and 69 teams competing, this is a huge accomplishment for the girls.

Their business was called "Dusty Road Cafe," an eco-friendly place of serenity where individuals can get in touch with their personal
lives, schooling and the seven sacred teachings of their Aboriginal ancestors. “Dusty Road Cafe" will offer an assortment of spe-
cialty coffees, teas, cold drinks, desserts and foods, all while looking to preserve a small eco-footprint.”

Chief and Council of the Tk’emlups Indian Band extend their congratulations to the girls for their extraordinary effort, this is an
accomplishment the entire community should be proud of.

Left: Hillary McLean and

Jordann Hazelwood
accepting their $2500 cheque at
the Awards in Ottawa from BDC
Vice President Edmee Metivier

23 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

24 Lexey’em ~ June 2010

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